- Accounting
- economic concept, 55
- economic reality, 52–56
- method, 52–56
- Accounts payable, 25–28
- increase, 26–27
- monthly pro forma accounts payable, calculation, 65t
- Accounts receivable
- pro forma monthly accounts receivables, computation, 62t
- Accounts receivable/sales, 22
- Accrual accounting, 53t
- Accruals
- constancy, 39
- monthly pro forma accruals, calculation, 67t
- Accrued liabilities, 65–66
- Ackman, William, 425
- Acquisition, valuation, 433
- Activist shareholders, impact, 470–472
- Activity ratios, 20
- Adjustable rate preferred securities, 179
- Adjusted present value (APV), 383–385
- approach, usage, 384–385
- calculation, 3
- After-tax profits, usage, 122–123
- Agency costs, 126, 269–272
- capital structure, 278–280
- example, 128t
- manager behavior, 278–280
- minimization process, 278–279
- reduction, leverage increase (impact), 279
- Agency problems, capital structure (relationship), 284
- Algebraic substitution, 312
- All-equity firm, valuation, 383, 385
- Alternative valuation techniques (AVTs), 363
- American Stock Exchange (AMEX) firms, sample, 109
- American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)
- background, 178
- balance sheets, 181t, 209t
- best-case/worst-case scenarios, 196–198
- cash dividend payment, 257
- cash flow statements, 190t
- corporate finance, practice (implications), 202–203
- corporate financial needs, financial policies (impact), 189
- cross-sectional questions, 188
- current status, 193–205
- debt
- equity policy, 184–185
- expected-case scenario, 200
- external questions, 187–188
- financial goals, setting (nonrandomness), 192
- financial objectives, 186–189
- financial policies, 200–201
- decisions, 177
- objectives, 186
- financial slack, 202
- financing
- history (pre-1984), 180–193
- income statements, 181t
- interest coverage ratios, 189
- internally generated funds, 189–192
- internal questions, 187
- market capitalization, decrease, 201–202
- net debt, 199
- net worth, growth, 191
- operating financials, 208t
- outside equity, obtaining, 193
- postdivestiture balance sheets, 206t
- postdivestiture income statements, 206t
- pre-divestiture, 480
- predivestiture product market strategy, 187
- product market changes, financial ratio (impact), 198–200
- pro forma Balance Sheets, 196t
- worst-case scenario, 199t
- pro forma cash flow statements, 196t
- expected/worst-case scenarios, 200t
- worst-case scenario, 199t
- pro forma Income Statements, 195t
- worst-case scenarios, 198t
- pro forma ratios, expected/worst-case scenarios, 200t
- pro formas, development, 208–210
- projections, quality, 203, 205
- ratios, 194t
- revenue, 208t
- sales growth, 190
- sustainable growth, 192–193
- Amortization (Family Dollar), 440–441
- Annual purchases, 27
- Annuities, 315
- Apple, Inc.
- balance sheets, 250t, 263t
- bank line of credit, 257
- cash
- disadvantages/advantages, 253
- retention, 258
- usage, 256
- cash flows, 256
- debt
- choices, 252
- justification, 259
- equity choices, 252
- financial policies, 252–255
- funds, borrowing, 460
- income statements, 250t, 262t
- line of credit, 258
- long-term debt, issuance, 257
- post-Jobs era, 249–251
- product market strategy/pricing, 251–252
- ratios, 256t
- R&D expenditures, 255
- ROE, 254
- sales/earnings, increase, 260–262
- shares
- price, level, 257
- repurchases, 480
- AppStore, launch, 249
- APT. See Arbitrage pricing theory
- APV. See Adjusted present value
- Arbitrage, 111, 112, 241
- Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), 363, 374–375
- Argus, 85
- Assets
- Asymmetric information, 269–272
- absence, 116
- allowance, 480–481
- concept, 173
- equity issue timing, relationship, 277–278
- firm financing, relationship, 272–278
- importance, 211
- AT&T. See American Telephone and Telegraph Company
- Avaya Holdings Ltd.
- Amended Disclosure Statement, 305
- bankrtupcy emergence, 305–307
- chapter 11 bankruptcy, filing, 298
- debt to total assets ratio, 298
- description, 294–298
- EBIT, 295
- financial distress, 293–298
- financial information, 293t
- interest-bearing debt, 295f
- operating income, 294f, 295
- purchase, 294
- reorganization plan, submission, 306
- restructuring/bankruptcy, 293
- revenue, 294f
- Average (method), 51–56, 54t
- AVTs. See Alternative valuation techniques
- Baby Bells, 214, 235
- Backdoor equity, 283
- Balance Sheets, 15, 329
- balancing, 39, 50, 85
- components, 20
- creation, 59
- debt, amount, 35
- examination, 19
- example, 12, 52t
- items, 33
- monthly pro forma balance sheets, 60–68
- monthly ratios, 61
- Banker (conversation), job interview (analogy), 11–12
- Bank of America, Merrill Lynch bonus payments, 280
- Bankruptcy, 293
- costs
- assumption, 125
- indirect costs, 125
- deal, impact, 303–304
- direct bankruptcy costs, impact, 301
- economic principle, 298–299
- filing, timing decision, 299–302
- firm value maintenance, 304–305
- prepackaged bankruptcy, 301
- Prudential, impact, 399
- reorganization plan, approval, 303
- rules, 302–304
- time, length, 304
- Banks
- coverage, improvement, 46
- debt, 38, 184
- line of credit, 68, 70
- loan, 44
- money lending, risks, 45
- prime rate, cost, 145–146
- repayment, 41
- restructuring agreement, 95
- Basic business risk (BBR), 83–84, 108, 131
- Congoleum, 400–401
- firm BBR, 187
- MCI BBR, 223–224
- Bath Industries (Bath Iron Works), 391, 397
- Before-tax cash flow, impact, 119
- Bell, Alexander Graham, 178
- Best-case scenarios (AT&T), 196–198
- Beta, 108, 349–350
- calculation, 350
- change, impact, 142t
- impact, 141
- levering, 371–375
- presence, 371–372
- risk measurement, 120
- unlevered beta, 351
- unlevering, 351, 371–375
- usage, 352–353
- value, 353
- Black, Fischer, 5
- Board of directors, selection, 471
- Bonds
- interest rates payment, 145
- value, 230
- Book value ratio, 109
- Break-even terminal value, 449
- Burn rates, 1
- Business
- model, usage, 428
- strategy, consistency, 477
- worth, 484
- Buyers, location, 427–429
- CAPEX. See Capital expenditures
- Capital
- intensity ratio, 85
- markets data, 357t
- Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 266
- market risk measure, usage, 349
- usage, 138
- Capital cost, 48, 131–132, 143–146
- CFO minimization, 143
- determination, factors, 146
- estimation, 443–447
- impact, 339–340
- nuances, 365–371, 483–484
- usage, 373
- Capital expenditures (CAPEX), 91–92, 112
- amount, provision, 337
- calculation, 337
- future growth, 223
- increase, 338
- necessity, 222–223
- Capital expenditures (Family Dollar), 440–441
- Capital gains, 121
- deferral, impact, 123–124
- realization, 123
- Capital markets, 2
- impact, 167–172
- imperfections, 2
- Capital structure, 266
- agency costs, 278–280
- agency problems, relationship, 284
- change, impact, 139–143
- concepts, 172
- costs, 143f, 145f
- decisions, 2, 89, 137
- determination, 107, 187
- impact, 146f
- importance, 115
- irrelevance, 114–115
- optimum, 108–110
- textbook perspective, 132f
- pecking order theory, 282–283
- personal taxes, impact, 266–267
- setting process, 146–147
- target capital structure, setting (checklist), 286
- textbook perspective, 129–131
- theory, 107, 265, 404
- static capital structure theory, 479
- usage, 347–349
- WACC, relationship, 439
- CAPS. See Convertible adjustable preferred stock
- CARDS. See Certificates for amortizing revolving debits
- CARS. See Certificates for automobile receivables
- Cash
- accounting, 54
- basis, 55t
- customer payment, 25
- cycle, 25–28
- dividends, payment decision, 149
- equivalents, requirements, 182
- impact, 53–54
- importance, 328–330
- increase, 17
- management, CFO task, 107
- obtaining, 1
- zero level, 335
- Cash flows, 111, 317, 327
- AT&T statements, 190t
- dividend policy, relationship, 247
- evaluation, 364–365
- fluctuation, 341
- formulas, understanding, 461–462
- hypothesis, 245
- impact, 365
- importance, 212
- inclusions/exclusions, 363–365
- increase, 140
- management
- financial tools, 478
- necessity, 3
- multiples, 328
- nuances, 363–365, 483
- origin, 478–479
- predictors, 54
- separation, 375–376
- Catastrophic risks, reduction/elimination, 46
- Center for Research into Security Prices (CRSP), stock returns time series, 355
- Century Capital Associates, 398, 406
- Certificates for amortizing revolving debits (CARDS), 284
- Certificates for automobile receivables (CARS), 284
- CFO. See Chief finance officer
- Chapter 11 bankruptcy, impact, 302
- Chief finance officer (CFO), tasks, 107
- Chirico, Jim, 305
- Circular relationships, 39–41
- Cisco, competition, 296
- COGS/sales ratio, 23
- Collateral
- Collateralized accrued treasury securities (CATS), 284
- Collateral/loan ratio, 71
- Common equity, 217–218
- Common size balance sheets, 22t
- Common size income statements, 21t
- Comparison firms, beta/unlevered beta, 351
- Compounding, 313–314
- Congoleum
- asset, 395–396
- Balance Sheets, 398, 404, 415t, 417t
- basic business risk (BBR), 400–401
- basic sheets, 394t
- business, 393
- buy rating, 392–393
- capital expenditures (CAPEX), 404
- common stock, 399
- condensed liabilities, 399t
- consortium, fairness opinion, 407
- deal, financing, 398t
- debt/bank debt payment, 399
- dismantling, 408
- equity returns, 406
- expected cash flows, 401
- Fibic, setup, 395–396
- history, 391–392
- income statements, 393t, 417t
- income tax rate, 418
- interest expense, 418
- leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 391, 403–404
- deal, details, 395–408
- result, 400
- risk, 400–401
- leverage, increase, 398
- management
- operations, 402
- owner equity, 399t
- players, 391–392
- post LBO pro formas, 417–418
- private equity financing, 391
- pro forma Balance Sheets, 418, 419t
- pro forma capital structure, 406t
- pro forma excess cash, 406t
- pro forma income statements, 404, 404t, 415t
- pro formas, 402, 412–418
- assumptions, 412–413
- LBOs, impact, 414
- projections, 405
- stockholders, price payment, 407–408
- strip investment, 406
- taxes, 403–404
- total purchase price, 396t
- value creation, 401–402
- Congoleum Narin, 391
- Conrad Black, 85, 90, 94
- Consistency, meaning, 14–15
- Contingent claims, 482
- Contributed capital
- shareholder equity, 67
- usage, 39
- Conversion price, 218
- Convertible adjustable preferred stock (CAPS), 284
- Convertible bonds, 218–221
- coupon level, 219
- trading price, 219
- Convertible debt
- absence, 159
- attractiveness, 220
- Convertible issues
- market reaction, 284
- negative signal, 221
- Convertible preferred securities, 179
- Convertible preferred stocks, 218–221
- Convertibles
- defining, 218
- exclusion, 148–149
- issuance, 220
- synthetic convertible, 230
- Corporate debt, types, 184
- Corporate dividend policy theory, M&M establishment, 179
- Corporate finance, 110–116
- basics, 3–4
- diagram, 4
- excess cash, negative debt (comparison), 120
- importance, 115
- policy, operating strategy (impact), 211
- practice, 178–180
- primary functions, 1
- schematic, 4f, 99f
- trade-offs, 212–213
- Corporate financial needs, financial policies (impact), 189
- Corporate financial policies, 147–149
- Corporate income tax, 119–120
- Corporate taxes
- absence, 119t
- single corporate tax rate, usage, 120–121
- Corporate tax law, change, 48–49
- Corporate tax rate, change, 49
- Correction, necessity, 39–40
- Cost of goods sold (COGS), 23
- calculation, 37
- change, 35
- constancy, 45
- estimates, 44
- forecast, 34
- liquidation value, 46
- sales percentage, 61
- sum, 59
- understanding, 37–38
- usage, 58
- Covenants
- Creditors, coordination problem, 308
- Cross-sectional analysis, 32
- Current ratio, 20
- Customers, range, 428
- Cyperus Paper, betas (unlevering), 352
- Days Inventory ratio, 20, 23, 24
- Days Payable ratio, 20
- Days receivable, 23
- Days Receivable ratio, 20, 24
- DCFs. See Discounted cash flows
- Debt
- addition, 143–144
- after-tax debt, ROE (comparison), 138
- assumption, 384
- AT&T choices, 186
- AT&T policy, 183–184
- beta, presence, 371–372
- domestic debt, issuance, 147–148
- excess, 146
- financial risk, trade-off, 281
- financing, 118
- inclusion, 460
- interest payments, tax deductibility, 138
- issuance, equity issuance (contrast), 108–109
- junior debt, 400
- level, 89
- obligations, restructuring, 129
- overhang, 96, 125
- payment, reduction, 394
- percentage
- calculation, 366
- increase, 139–140
- pretax cost assumption, 446
- rating, estimation process, 370–371
- relative advantage, 123t
- risk, 399
- senior debt, interest rate, 400
- straight debt, 231
- tax advantage, 123
- tax shield, 266–267, 269
- weights, 347
- Debt/asset ratio, 71
- Debt cost, 355–356
- estimation process, 370–371
- increase rate, 139
- reduction, tax rate (impact), 346
- Debt/equity level, maintenance, 213
- Debt/equity ratio, 20, 85
- firm change, 141
- range, 143–144
- Debt holders
- equity holders, leverage/agency conflicts, 280–285
- firm payment, absence, 124
- identification, 404
- unhappiness, 126
- value, transfer, 269
- Debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing, 304
- Debt ratios, 20, 110t, 228, 367
- calculation, 181–183
- comparison, 232
- equation, 182
- interest rates, relationship, 222–223
- Debt-to-equity ratio, 187
- Debt/total assets ratio, 20
- Delaware, firm incorporation, 470–471
- Dell, Michael, 248
- Depreciation (Family Dollar), 440–441
- Depreciation (Sungreen Corporation), 335
- Derivatives, 230
- Dilution, concept, 222
- DIP. See Debtor-in-possession
- Direct bankruptcy costs, 269
- Discounted cash flows (DCFs), 328, 435, 482
- Discounted cash flows (Family Dollar), 447
- Discounting, 311, 313–314
- Discount rates, 457–459
- Discount retailer, creation, 428
- Disney, Wilson (CFO role), 170
- Distressed liquidation, 45
- Distress, probability, 267–268
- Dividend payout ratio (DPR), 84
- Dividend policy, 266
- cash flow, relationship, 247
- concept, 173
- empirical evidence, 245–247
- theory, 241–245
- Dividend reinvestment plan (DRP), 185
- Dividends, 241
- Apple approach, 259–260
- AT&T policy, 185–186
- cutting, absence, 213
- increase, credibility, 243
- payment
- absence, 122–123
- increase, 394
- simplicity, 243
- tax rates, 242
- visibility, 243
- Dollar General, 465
- competition, 423
- Family Dollar acquisition, strategic rationale, 428
- hostile tender offer, 468
- IPO, 424
- KKR purchase, 424
- Dollar store retailers, comparisoni, 424t
- Dollar Stores, The
- acquisition, valuation, 433
- CAPEX, subtraction, 459
- cash flow formulas, understanding, 461–462
- competitors, 423–424
- depreciation, addition, 459
- free cash flows, 433
- equity, relationship, 459–462
- understanding, 455
- history, 424–427
- LBO valuation, 458
- mergers and acquisitions (M&As), 423
- strategic issues, 423
- WACC, 458
- Dollar Tree
- acquisition, strategic rationale, 428–429
- bid, 433–435
- preference, 469
- shareholder lawsuit, 472–473
- binding agreement, 467
- competition, 423
- Family Dollar, merger announcement, 467
- goodwill, 435
- offer, 466
- vote, usage, 474
- Domestic debt, issuance, 147–148
- Dot-coms, overvaluation, 6
- Dow Jones Industrial Average, increase, 427
- DPR. See Dividend payout ratio
- Drexel Burnham Lambert
- employee bonuses, 280
- market creation, 6
- MCI option, 229
- DRP. See Dividend reinvestment plan
- DuPont formula (DuPont Corporation usage), 86, 150, 479
- Earnings, 328, 482
- Earnings before interest after taxes (EBIAT), 336
- Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT), 3, 15, 118, 336
- analysis, 438–439
- assumption, 122
- computation, 337
- multiple, usage, 484
- Earnings before interest and tax interest rate coverage ratio (EBIT/I), 371
- Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), 3, 116, 117–118
- assumptions, 122
- impact, 369
- interest cap, 385
- Earnings per share (EPS), 139–140
- EBIAT. See Earnings before interest after taxes
- EBIT/I. See Earnings before interest and tax interest rate coverage ratio
- Economic downturn, 47
- Economic value, usage, 56
- Economies of scale, 82–83
- Efficient markets, 266
- ELKS. See Equity linked-securities
- Elliot Management, 465
- Equity, 231
- AT&T policy, 184–185
- backdoor equity1, 283
- beginning-of-the-year amount, 15
- beta, 108, 141
- concept, 173
- discount rate, 140
- free cash flows to equity, discounting, 462–463
- holder
- debt holders, leverage/agency conflicts, 280–285
- perspective, 127
- initial public offering, 47
- issuance, debt issuance (contrast), 108–109
- market costs, 138
- percentage, calculation, 366
- pre-emergence equity, 306
- returns, 406
- shares, issuance, 98
- undervaluation, 275–276
- weights, 347
- Equity cost, 353–355
- calculation, nuances, 371–375
- estimation techniques, 374–375
- formula, 366
- Equity issues
- announcements, stock price reaction, 271f
- placement, unevenness, 283
- timing, asymmetric information (relationship), 277–278
- Equity linked-securities (ELKS), 284
- Equivalent annual revenue, 323
- Equivalent cost, 323
- Excess capacity, usage, 364
- Excess cash
- Excess cash flow, sustainable growth (relationship), 149–150
- Excess debt capacity, maintenance, 151
- Execution financing, 349
- Expected-case scenario, 200
- External financing, firm/investor behavior, 271–272
- Fairness opinion (Lazard Frères & Co.), 420–421
- Fairness opinion, charges, 407
- Fallen angels, 6
- Fama, Eugene, 5
- Family Dollar
- acquisition, 467
- Balance Sheets, 425–427, 427t
- balance sheets, constant debt ratio (inclusion), 453t
- bidding, events, 474–475
- book equity, 434
- capital cost, estimation, 443–447
- capital expenditure (CAPEX), 440–441
- depreciation/amortization, 440–441
- discounted cash flows, 447
- Dollar General, purchase (strategic rationale), 428
- Dollar Tree
- bid, 433–435
- merger accouncement, 467
- purchase, strategic rationale, 428–429
- EBIT, 425
- EBITDA, 448
- equity, purchase price, 450
- free cash flows, 435–442, 454t
- income statements, 427t
- intangible assets, 435
- managerial discretion, 468–470
- market capitalization, 434
- merger risk, 469
- Morgan Stanley, interaction, 427
- postacquisition restated balance sheet, 435
- PP&E, 442
- pre-acquisition balance sheet, 434t
- pre-acquisition financial statements, 436t
- pro forma assumptions, 438t, 452t–453t
- pro forma cash flows, present value, 447t
- pro forma financial statements, constant debt ratio (inclusion), 451
- pro forma free cash flows, 442t
- pro forma free cash flows to equity, 461t
- constant debt ratio, inclusion, 464
- pro forma postacquisition financial statements, adjustment, 437t
- pro formas, execution, 433
- terminal values, 447–449
- time line, 465–468
- Trian acquisition, 425
- working capital, 440–441
- Farm equipment dealers, independence, 91
- FCFs. See Free cash flows
- Federal corporate tax returns, 65–66
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- creation, 472
- monopoly power scrutiny, 427
- Fibic
- Balance Sheet perspective, 397
- Fibic, setup, 395–396
- FIFO. See First in, first out
- Finance
- approach, 487–488
- art/science, 486
- Financial claims, validity, 303
- Financial distress, 98, 243
- expected costs, 130
- increase, 128
- occurrence, 299
- understanding, 299
- Financial health, determination, 11
- Financial objectives (AT&T), 186–189
- Financial performance, enhancement, 429
- Financial policies, 2, 478–482
- AT&T decisions/objectives, 177, 186
- concepts, 172
- decisions, 177
- function, 481
- information content, 281
- irrelevance, 114–115
- product market, impact, 165–167
- setting, 482
- strategic weapon, 98
- Financial ratio, impact, 198–200
- Financial risk, 108, 281
- Financial slack, 202, 212
- Financial statements
- disclosures, 54
- examples, 102–105
- pro formas, usage, 33
- Financial strategy, consistency, 477
- Financial tools, 478
- Financial transactions, usage, 114
- Financing
- CFO task, 107
- choices, alternatives, 229–234
- debt/principal repayments, inclusion, 460
- decisions, 1, 3, 477, 478–482
- external financing, firm/investor behavior, 271–272
- importance, 81
- projected sources, 194, 196
- requirement, 285–287
- source, 147, 159
- strategy, 97–98
- Firms
- all-equity firm, valuation, 383, 385
- bankruptcy, 139
- filing, timing decision, 299–302
- basic business risk (BBR), 187
- capital structure, personal taxes (impact), 266–267
- cash flows, 477
- chapter 11 bankruptcy, 302–303
- comparison, 32
- debt, 127
- level, 131
- ratio, 202–203
- restructuring, preventions, 299–300
- dividends payment, 246
- EPS, increase, 140
- examination, 67
- excess cash usage, 394
- FCF elements, calculation, 336–338
- financial distress, 125–126, 293–298
- financial health, determination, 11
- financial objectives, 212–213
- financing, asymmetric information (relationship), 272–277
- free cash flows, 279, 435–442
- funding, seasonality (impact), 57
- funds, sources/uses, 16
- internal funds, absence, 283
- long-term debt issuance, 148
- money, necessity, 41
- quarterly installments, 65–66
- restructuring, split, 129
- return on equity (ROE), 149
- shopping, 427–429
- stock issuance, 270
- twin-firm technique, 350–353
- WACC, calculation, 348
- Firm value, 130
- corporate taxes, relationship, 119t
- determination, 384
- equation, 117
- maintenance, bankruptcy occurrence, 304–305
- First Boston, 395, 398, 406
- First in, first out (FIFO) method, 52–56
- First-lien creditors, 306
- Forecasting
- ratios, reliance, 43
- usage, 41–42
- Free cash flows (FCFs), 328, 433
- net present value, 359t
- presence, 279
- present value, addition, 450
- understanding, 455
- Free cash flows to equity, discounting, 462–463
- Free-cash-flows-to-the-firm approach, 455
- Free-cash-flow-to-equity, 446
- Free cash flow to equity ratio, 370
- Fuji Film, impact, 268
- Funding
- level, requirement, 107
- sources/forms, 107
- Funds
- growth, 47–48
- primary sources, 19
- sources/uses, 16–19, 19t
- total sources/uses, 18
- Fuqua, J.P., 391–292
- Future cash flows, projection, 333
- Future outcomes, 42
- Future profits, predictors, 54
- Future value (FV), 312
- Gaddafi, Muammar, 87
- Garden, Edward, 424, 425
- General unsecured creditors, common stock receipt, 306
- General Utilities Act, 409
- Geographies, range, 428
- Gino's, purchase, 169
- Glass Lewis & Co. (GLC), 465, 471–472
- Goeken, John, 213
- Goldman Sachs, shares (investor purchase), 121
- Goodwill, 435
- Growth
- increase, 394
- prospects, improvement, 429
- GTE, business lines, 227
- Gulf Oil, exploration expenses, 279
- Hamada, Bob, 352
- Harpel, James, 391–392, 395
- High-yield bond (junk bond) market, 231
- High-yield debt (junk debt), issuance, 6
- Holdout problems, 301
- Host International, purchase, 169
- Howard Johnson's, purchase, 169
- Hubbard, Gardiner, 178
- Hybrid instruments, usage, 283–284
- Ibbotson and Associates estimates, 445
- IBM. See International Business Machines
- Icahn, Carl, 465, 466
- Income Statement
- calculations, 15
- changes, 40
- components, 20
- examination, 19
- example, 12t
- monthly pro forma income statements, 58–60
- Income tax rate, 418
- Industrial bonds, subsidized rate, 367
- Industrial revenue bonds, 145
- Inflation, impact, 365
- Information asymmetry, 244–245
- absence/presence, 273–274
- Information content, financial policy usage, 281
- Initial public offering (IPO), 47, 277f, 283
- Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), 465, 471–472
- Insurance, carrying, 47
- Intangible assets, 435
- Interest
- deductibility, EBITDA cap, 385
- expense, estimate (usage), 35
- tax shields, limitation, 369–370
- Interest-bearing debt, exclusion, 441
- Interest expense (Congoleum), 418
- Interest expense (Sungreen Corporation), 335
- Interest-free financing, negative working capital source, 164–165
- Interest rate, 35
- debt ratios, relationship, 222–223
- impact, 96
- payment, 145
- periodic interest rate, 314–315
- setting, 44
- Interest-rate swaps, 171
- Internal capital markets, concept, 173
- Internal funds
- firm absence, 283
- sufficiency, 276
- Internally generated funds, 189–192
- Internal rate of return (IRR), 5, 317–318, 382
- answers, 321–322
- computation, 323
- rules, 320–321
- usage, 318–322
- International Business Machines (IBM)
- divisions, 227
- markets, niches, 92
- International Harvester, 81
- bankruptcy, 95
- competition, comparison, 84t, 91t
- default, 90–91
- Massey competition, 83
- Inventory
- calculation, 64
- costing, 55
- financing, 44
- increase, 17
- pro forma monthly inventory calculation, 65t
- turnover, 23
- understanding, 37–38
- Inventory/COGS ratio, 3 1, 23
- Inventory/sales ratio, 23
- Inventory-to-sales ratio, 87
- Inventory to sales ratio, constancy, 62
- Inverse relationship, 84
- Investment analysis, 364
- Investment decisions, 327, 477
- capital structure, impact (absence), 116
- concept, 48
- making, 1, 3
- Investments, elements, 423
- IPO. See Initial public offering
- IRR. See Internal rate of return
- ISS. See Institutional Shareholder Services
- Issue spotter, 81
- Jobs and Tax Cuts Act (2018), 6
- Jobs, Steve, 248–252
- John Deere, 81
- competition, comparison, 84t, 91t
- equity, issuance, 271
- market share, increase, 92
- Massey competition, 83
- sales, increase, 91
- J.P. Morgan, 466
- Junior debt, 400
- Junk bond market, initiation, 6
- Junk debt. See High-yield debt
- Kaplan, Steve, 280
- Kennedy, Kevin, 305
- Kingsport
- capital structure, 347
- debt ratio, 371
- financial information, 352t
- income statements/balance sheets, 335t
- plant, free cash flows (net present value), 359t
- positive NPV, 358
- pro forma free cash flows, 340t, 346t
- pro forma new working capital CAPEX Kingsport, 338t
- pro forma new working capital Kingsport, 339t
- sales expectations, 341
- WACC, 346
- KKR, Dollar General acquisition, 424
- Kmart, local markety entry, 145
- Kodak, domination, 268
- Lahey, Pat, 331, 333
- Last In, First Out (LIFO) method, 53–56, 53t
- Lazard Frères & Co., 398, 407
- fairness opinion, 420–421
- LBOs. See Leveraged buyouts
- LDCs. See Less developed countries
- Lease financing, 223
- Leases, 223
- Lenders, banker perspective, 40–41, 71–71
- Less developed countries (LDCs), lending, 348
- Leverage
- addition, 141
- evaluations, 71t
- increase, impact, 279
- ratio, 150
- Leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 3, 280
- complications, 405
- Congoleum, 391
- development, 411
- explanation, 403–404
- introduction, 484
- occurrences, 408–409
- performance incentives, 4007
- target, valuation, 392–395
- valuation, consideration, 458
- Leverage ratios, 24
- Levered betas, 353, 374, 443
- Levine, Howard, 466, 468
- Liabilities, growth, 85
- LIFO. See Last In, First Out
- Line of credit (Apple), 258
- Lintner, John, 5
- Liquidation, delay, 126, 280
- Liquidity
- Loan
- covenants, 164–165
- evaluation, 44–48
- quality, 47
- Long-term debt, 35, 88, 89, 114, 329
- Apple issuance, 257
- calculation, 38
- increase, 416
- issuance, 148
- short-term debt, contrast, 266
- Long-term financing, obtaining, 306
- Long-term maturities, short-debt maturities (contrast), 99
- Majority vote, claimant constitution, 300
- Management
- focus, loss, 268
- interests, securing, 469
- Manager behavior, agency costs, 278–280
- Managerial market imperfections, 2
- Marginal tax rates, 119–120
- Markets
- capitalization, decrease, 201–202
- debt ratio, 109
- exploitation, 2
- institutional differences, 184
- risk measure, usage, 349
- share
- capture, 224
- increase, 92
- Markowitz, Harry, 5
- Mark-to-market accounting, 55–56
- Marriott Corporation, 480
- after-tax debt, 138
- assets, purchase, 169
- balance sheets, 153–154
- business acquisitions, 159
- capital market, impact, 167–172
- capital structure, 137–143
- cash dividends, payment decision, 149
- choices, 159
- current/pro forma earnings per share (EPS), 162t
- debt, reduction, 159
- earnings per share, 139, 167, 169
- equity, repurchase, 164
- excess cash, 256
- family decision, 163–164
- financial information, 138, 169t
- financial policies, product market (impact), 165–167
- future, 170–172
- history, 137
- income statements, 153–154
- investment decisions, 159
- long-term, fixed-rate debt issuance, 170–171
- net income, 169
- open-market repurchase, 161
- price, determination, 160
- product market operations, policy change, 165
- profitability, 152
- ratios, 138, 154
- repurchase decision, 166–167
- return on asset (ROA), 167–168
- return on equity (ROE), 149, 167–169
- shares, purchase, 160–164
- stock price, increase (justification), 162
- stocks, buyback, 159
- straight preferred stock, issuance (absence), 148–149
- tender offer, 166–167, 468
- working capital, 169
- Massey Ferguson, 81–82, 124–125, 146
- alternative strategy, 83
- balance sheets, 102–103
- bankruptcy, 93, 95
- business strategy, financing policy (matching), 97–98
- competition, comparison, 84t, 91t
- competitors, 90–93
- debt, 90t, 92–93
- level, 90
- renegotiation, 94
- diversification, 82
- dividend policy, 98
- equity
- book value, 93
- issuance, absence, 84–85
- financial distress, 98
- financial statements, 102–105
- financial troubles, 89
- financing (1971-1976), 83–85
- financing strategy, 99–100
- growth, deceleration, 84
- income statements, 104
- interest rates, impact, 97
- inventory-to-sales ratio, 87
- lender renegotiation, 94
- long-term debt, 88, 89
- long-term, fixed-rate debt, 96
- market capitalization, 89f
- negotiation process, 95
- operations, profitability, 293
- options, limitations, 89
- performance (1971-1982), 87f
- performance (post-1976), 86–90
- political risk, response, 87
- product market strategy, 99–100
- ratios, 105
- receivables, increase, 88
- refinancing, avoidance, 97
- repair, 93–94
- restructuring, 96–100
- bank agreement, 95
- completion, 96–100
- deal, 97
- return on equity, increase, 82–83
- sales/income, 83f
- short-term debt, 88, 89
- stock prices, 89f
- strategy, 82–83
- worldwide sales, decline, 86–87
- May, Peter, 424
- McCardell, Archie R., 90–91
- McGowan, William, 213
- MCI. See Microwave Communications, Inc.
- Mean, calculation process, 354
- Merchandise expertise, leverage, 429
- Mergers
- investment types, 423
- synergy, 427
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&As), 423
- Merrill Lynch, bonus payments, 280
- Merton, Robert, 5
- Microsoft
- cash availability, 255
- competition, 296
- project annual cost, writeoff, 336
- Microwave Communications, Inc. (MCI), 177, 185
- alternative financing choices, examination, 229–234
- balance sheets, 215t
- basic business risk (BBR), 226–229
- business plan, reliance, 213–214
- business situation, 226
- capital expenditures (CAPEX), 223–226
- capital structure
- alternative financing choices, 233t
- options, impact, 230–231
- common equity, 217–218
- competitive advantage, 226
- conversion price, 229
- convertible debt, attractiveness, 220
- convertibles
- cessation, 221
- issuance, reasons, 219–220
- corporate finance policy, operating strategy (impact), 211
- debt maturities, 228
- depreciation, estimates, 223
- dividend payment, 244
- dividend policy, 216
- expected scenario, 224
- external financings, 218t
- finances, 214–217
- financial needs, 215
- financing
- choices, 234–235
- needs, 215–216, 223–234
- options, 232
- strategy, maturity, 227–228
- future, 224–228
- history, 213–218
- income statements, 215t
- leases, 223
- marketing expenditures, increase, 228
- prefunding, decision, 229
- pro forma balance sheet, 239t
- pro forma CAPEX, 223
- pro forma cash flow, 224, 224t, 239t
- pro forma income statement, 238t
- pro formas, development, 238–240
- self-financing, 217
- technological risk, 227
- working capital, increase, 225
- worries, 227
- worst-case scenario, 225
- Milken, Michael, 6
- Miller, Merton, 5, 110, 113
- M&M. See Modigliani and Miller
- Modern finance, history, 5–6
- Modigliani and Miller (M&M)
- assumptions, 111, 115–116, 265
- corporate finance theory, 178–180
- financial policy idea, 115
- papers, 5
- study, 110–116
- theory, 247
- Modligiani, Franco, 5, 110
- Money
- Monopoly power
- FTC scrutiny, 427
- increase, 427
- Monthly pro forma accounts payable, calculation, 65t
- Monthly pro forma accruals, calculation, 67t
- Monthly pro forma balance sheets, 60–68
- Monthly pro forma income statements, 58–60
- Monthly purchases, calculation, 64
- Monthly sales, 58t
- Moody's, commercial paper rating, 147
- Morgan Stanley
- debt, pretax cost assumption, 446
- Family Dollar engagement, 425
- preference equity redemption cumulative stock issuance, 284
- U.S. Treasury rate usage, 443
- Mullins, Asquith, 281
- Myers, Stewart, 352
- Navistar, 100
- Negative debt, excess cash (comparison), 120, 222
- Negative working capital, 164–165
- Net debt, 199
- Net income/assets ratio, 150
- Net income/sales ratio, 150
- Net income/total assets ratio, 31
- Net present value (NPV), 5, 113–114, 311, 315–322
- answers, 321–322
- calculation, 316
- comparison, 323
- correction, 369
- formula, 316
- negative NPV investments, 126–127, 160
- positive NPV, result, 273
- rules, 320–321
- transactions, 114
- Net working capital, change, 441
- Net worth
- New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
- companies, interest expense, 370t
- dividends, payment, 246
- New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) corporations
- New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) firms
- debt ratios, 110t
- dividend payments, 247
- location, 349
- NeXT, purchase, 248
- Nicholson, Eddy G., 391, 392, 398
- Nominal cash flows, 335–336
- Nortel Networks Corporation, acquisition, 297
- No-tax assumption, relaxation, 5
- NPV. See Net present value
- OID. See Original issue discount
- One-factor model, 483
- Open-market purchases, value, 160
- Open-market repurchase, 161
- Operating expenses, estimates, 44
- Operating ratios, 24
- Option pricing theory, 266
- Option value, 386
- Original issue discount (OID) bonds, 222
- P-1 Moody's commercial paper, 147
- Paulson and Co., 425, 465, 472
- Paulson, John, 472
- Payback, 382
- P/E. See Price/earnings; Price-to-earnings ratio
- Pecking order theory, 281, 282–283
- Peltz, Nelson, 424
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), cash/common stock receipt, 306
- Percentage of sales, usage, 31
- Periodic interest rate, 314–315
- Perkins, 93–94
- Perpetuities, 324–325
- Perpetuity tax shield, present value, 119
- Pershing Square Capital Management, 425
- Personal taxes, 120–123
- Pickens, T. Boone, 279
- Poison pill, 470
- Political risk, 82–83, 87
- Predatory pricing (engagement), excess cash (usage), 254
- Pre-emergence equity, 306
- Preference equity redemption cumulative stock (PERCS), Morgan Stanley issuance, 285
- Preferred shares, issuance, 99
- Prepackaged bankruptcy, 301
- Prepaid expenses, decrease, 17
- Present value, equation, 117
- Price/earnings (P/E) ratio, impact, 141
- Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E), 3
- Principal-agent problem, 279–280
- Principal repayments, inclusion, 460
- Prisoners' dilemma, creation, 301
- Private corporate debt, 184
- Private equity
- financing (Congoleum), 391
- usage, 484
- Procter and Gamble (P&G), payback usage, 322
- Production
- economies of scale, 82–83
- political risk, 82–83
- Product markets, 2
- changes, financial ratio (impact), 196–198
- imperfections, 2
- position/strategy, 81–82
- strategy, usage, 13, 99–100
- Profit
- calculation, 53
- computation, 55
- Profitability
- Pro forma analysis, 478
- Pro forma Balance Sheet, 36–39, 36t, 43t
- AT&T example, 196t
- building, 36
- completion, 35
- revision, 41t
- Pro forma cash flow statements (AT&T), 196t
- expected/worst-case scenarios, 200t
- Pro forma forecasts, 31, 32–39
- Pro forma Income Statement, 33–35, 33t, 43t
- AT&T example, 195t
- building, 36
- revision, 40t
- usage, 64
- Pro forma monthly accounts receivables, computation, 62t
- Pro forma monthly income statements, 59t
- Pro forma monthly inventory calculation, 64t
- Pro forma ratios, expected/worst-case scenarios, 200t
- Pro formas
- extension, 70
- usage, 42–43
- Projected cash flows (Sungreen), 345
- Projections
- revision, 42
- usage, 42–44
- Projects
- beta, 372
- capital structure, usage, 347–349
- cash flows, evaluation, 364–365
- charges, 364
- debt cost, estimation process, 370–371
- debt rating, estimation process, 370–371
- NPV, change, 319–320
- scale, IRR (relationship), 318
- unequal lives, 322–324
- valuation process, 328–339
- value, financing dependence, 282
- Property, plant and equipment (PP&E), 337, 442
- Proxy advisory firms, 471–472
- Prudent business judgment, 473
- Prudential Insurance, 395
- Public corporate debt, 184
- Purchases
- calculation, 37
- understanding, 37–38
- Quarterly taxes, estimation, 66
- Quick ratio, 20
- Radaker, Byron C., 391, 392, 398
- Ratios
- analysis, 19–25, 31–32
- categories, 20
- comparison, 32
- examples, 23t
- interpretation process, 24
- reliance, 43
- usage, 32
- Ratios, calculation/math, 14–16
- Real cash flows, 336
- Real options (strategic choices), 386–389
- Receivables
- days, constancy, 61
- estimation, 62
- financing, 44
- increase, 88
- Receivables/(sales/365) ratio, 31
- Receivables to sales, monthly ratio, 60
- Receivable turnover, calculation, 22
- Reich, Victor A., 100
- Relevered beta, 353
- Reorganization costs, reduction, 301
- Restructuring, 293
- Retained earnings
- Return on assets (ROA)
- equation, 86, 163
- examination, 14–16
- Return on equity (ROE)
- debt after-tax cost, comparison, 138
- equation, 86, 150, 163, 191, 254, 479
- examination, 14–16
- increase, 82–83, 141
- meaning, 24
- Return on net assets (RONA), calculation, 16
- Risk
- excess, 126
- factors, identification, 374–375
- increase, 142
- involvement, 41
- management, 266
- profile, 349–350
- return spectrum, 349–350
- risk-free rate, 353, 383
- Riskless debt, CAPM formula (usage), 372
- Risky debt, impact, 276
- RJR Nabisco, merger, 93
- RONA. See Return on net assets
- Ross, Steve, 374
- Sales/accounts receivable, calculation, 22
- Sales/COGS ratio, 23
- Sales/receivables ratio, 31
- Samsung, damages payments, 251
- Sanders, Thomas, 178
- Scholes, Myron, 5
- Seasonality, impact, 57, 71
- Seasoned equity issues (SEOs), 277, 277f
- Second-lien creditors, 306
- Segmented markets, 231
- Self-financing, importance, 88–90
- Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) expenses, 58–60
- Senior debt, interest rate, 400
- SEOs. See Seasoned equity issues
- Service, meaning, 13
- SG&A. See Selling, General, and Administrative
- Shafford, Richard, 259
- Shareholders
- activist shareholders, 470–472
- equity, 67
- lawsuits, 472–473
- Share prices, 162–163
- Share repurchases
- Sharpe, William, 5
- Short-term debt, 88, 89, 114, 210
- increase, 89, 416
- long-term debt, contrast, 266
- Short-term financing, necessity, 44
- Short-term maturities, long-term maturities (contrast), 99
- Signaling, 243
- Signals, identification, 244
- Silver Lake Partners, 294, 297
- Sources and Uses of Funds
- example, 19t
- Statement, creation, 17
- Worksheet, 17t
- Standard Paper, betas (unlevering), 352
- Static capital structure theory, 479
- Step function, 38
- Stock buybacks, 241, 394
- Stockholders
- lawsuits, usage, 472–473
- value, maximization (absence), 472–473
- Stock market bubbles, 6, 278
- Stock price
- capital structure, impact, 144, 146f
- change, 221
- equity issue reaction, 271f
- Stock repurchases, 241
- Stock returns, time series, 355
- Straight debt, 231
- Straight preferred securities, issuance, 179
- Straight preferred stock
- exclusion, 148–149
- issuance, 159
- Strategic analysis, 358–359
- Strategic considerations, 386–387
- Strip investment, 406
- Subsidized interest rates, treatment, 367
- Summers, Hanna, 331, 333, 351
- Sungreen Corporation
- balance sheets, 331t
- capacity, building, 333–335
- CAPEX, 335
- capital structure, 347
- cash flows, 327
- depreciation, 335
- EBIT interest rate coverage ratio (EBIT/I), 371
- elements, assembly, 338–339
- financial information, 331t
- free cash flow forecast, data (usage), 333–334
- income statements, 331t
- income tax rate, 335
- interest expense, 335
- Kingsport balance sheets, 335t
- Kingsport income statements, 335t
- mill/plant construction, 387
- net working capital, 338
- nominal/real cash flows, 335–336
- pro forma free cash flows, 340t, 346t
- pro forma new working capital CAPEX Kingsport, 337
- pro forma new working capital Kingsport, 339t
- projected cash flows, 345
- terminal value estimation, 341
- valuation, 327, 345
- wrapping paper interest, 332–333
- Sunk costs, 363–364
- Suppliers, payments, 27
- Sustainable growth, 84, 85–86
- equation, 85
- excess cash flow, relationship, 149–150
- rate, 254
- Synergy, 427
- opportunities, generation, 429
- Synthetic convertible, 230
- Takeovers (prevention), poison pill (creation), 470
- Target capital structure, setting (checklist), 287
- Taxes, 116–124, 403–404
- advantages, trade-off, 281
- estimates, 44
- personal taxes, 120–123
- zero level, 115
- Tax Reform Act (1986), 410
- Tax shields, 120
- adjustment, 358
- advantages, 327
- Telex, 92
- Tender offers, 161
- Terminal value (Family Dollar), 448–450
- Terminal value (TV), 341–343
- break-even terminal value, 451
- calculation, 357
- equation, 341–342
- methods, nuances, 376–382
- Morgan Stanley calculation, 447
- separation, 375–376
- Term premium, 355
- Tesla, subsidized rates, 369
- Thaler, Richard, 5
- Thatcher, Margaret, 94
- Time horizons, forecasting, 41–42
- Times interest earned ratio, 20
- Time value of money, 311–315
- Total assets
- beginning-of-the-year amount, 15
- growth, 13
- Total assets/equity ratio, 20
- Total cash flow, capital structure (relationship), 113
- Total financing, percentage, 347
- Total interest-bearing debt, assumption, 39–40
- Total Sources of Funds, 18
- Total Uses of Funds, 18
- TPG Capital, 292, 295
- Trade credit, 18
- Trade-off theory, violation, 284
- Transaction costs, 269–272
- Treasury investor growth receipts (TIGRS), 285
- Trian Partners, 425, 465
- Trudeau, Pierre, 91, 95
- Truth (presentation), accounting (usage), 52
- Turner, J.L./Cal, 423
- TV. See Terminal value
- Twin firms, financial information, 352t
- Twin-firm technique, 350–353, 483
- Uncollected sales, 61
- Unequal lives, 323–324
- Unite deal debt, warrants (usage), 230
- Unlevered beta. See Assets
- U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 117, 254, 364, 411
- U.S. Treasury rates, usage, 444
- Valuation, 482–485
- capital cost, usage, 373
- CFO task, 107
- nuances, 363
- project rule, 328
- Sungreen A, 327
- techniques, 382–385
- Value, 111, 114
- calculation, 384
- creation, 2, 401–402
- Varity, 100
- VisiCalc, 248
- Votes, usage, 474
- Walmart, local markety entry, 146
- Warrants
- Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 131, 339–340, 346–350
- assumptions, 366–367
- calculation, 483
- capital structures, relationship, 439
- computation, 346
- equation, 340, 365
- estimation, 435
- usage, 363
- Weights, 347
- What if scenarios, 33
- Wilson, Gary, 137, 139, 147, 152
- future, 170
- interest-rate swaps, 171
- investment decisions, 159
- long-term, fixed-rate debt issuance, 148
- problems, 164
- Working capital, 168
- Working capital (Family Dollar), 440–441
- Worst-case scenarios (AT&T), 197–200, 198t, 199t
- Worst-case scenarios (MCI), 228
- Wrapper paper
- market, 332–333
- Sungreen interest, 333–334
- Wriston, Walter, 82
- Zero-based risk swaps (ZEBRAS), 285