
The index entries appear in word-by-word alphabetical order.

Page references in italics indicate illustrations.

abbreviations 174–85
academic qualifications 109, 175, 179
apostrophes 177
bibliographic 145, 339
books of the Bible 146, 147–9
capitalization 133, 177–8, 179
in citations 145, 254–5
colloquial 176–7
defining 175
dosage 281
editorial style 34
in headings 175
indefinite article with 181
indexing 382
law texts 254–5, 256–7, 261, 262
and line breaks 68
list 2, 10, 11–12, 175, 339
in notes 178, 335, 337–9
in parentheses 182, 261
plurals 176, 181–2
possessives 181
proper names 109, 201
punctuation 81, 91, 176–9, 211, 254
of ‘saint’ 111
scientific 175, 176, 178, 275, 276, 280
solidus with 91
in tables 308
in text 175
titles and ranks 109–10
typography 176–9
units of measure 176, 178
US usage 183, 414
work titles 141, 143, 150–1, 155, 179 see also symbols and under individual languages
-able, words ending in 50–1
academic qualifications 109, 134, 175, 179
accents 130, 386see also under individual languages
author’s 2, 9, 331, 333
copyright 9, 16, 402–3
acronyms 133, 174, 178, 383–4
Acts of Parliament 201, 255, 260–2, 401
AD 199
addresses 125, 126
capitalization 98, 99
spelling 57
use of comma 76–7 see also modifiers
adverbs 29, 57–8
use of comma 75–6 see also modifiers
-ae- spellings 52, 166, 235
Afrikaans 210–11
afterword 17
ages 188
aircraft 106, 132
aliases see names, alternative
in indexes 384–90
letter-by-letter 384–6
of proper names 113–15, 120
of ‘saint’ 112
word-by-word 384–6
in word-processing packages 378 see also indexes and indexing
alphabets see under individual languages
alt tags 30
a.m. 178, 195
American English see US usage
ampersand (&) 141, 166, 177, 183, 342
angle brackets 88, 89, 267, 289, 293, 372
as cues 305
in online resource locators 372
animal names, plurals 56
annexes see appendices
anonymous works 343, 352–3
anthologies, permissions 403
Apocrypha 148–9
apostrophe 69–73, 177see also under individual languages
appendices 17–18, 332
numbering 18, 196, 314
approximations, rounded 186
Arabic 206–7
proper names 115–16
Arabic numerals
for biblical references 146
for chapter numbers 10, 14, 260
in citations 145, 336
for dates 358
for introduction 13, 14
in law texts 260
in lists 303
in modern Greek 229
in musical work titles 155
in note cues 332, 333
for page numbers 20
for Paris arrondissements 216
for part numbers 10, 14
in Russian 243
in scientific text 273, 280
for volume numbers 362
archaism, intentional 177
archival material, citation 366
arithmetical symbols, spacing 180
arrows, in chemical formulas 285
art. cit. 338
in alphabetization 348, 365, 386
capitalization 98, 140
in lists 299
in titles 140, 143
transposition 386see also under individual languages
with abbreviations 181
in alphabetization 348, 365, 386
in bibliography 348
in titles 140, 143
transposition 386
citing 337, 344, 347, 361–4, 373
online 373
scientific 226, 344
submitted for publication 344, 361
titles 92, 131, 138, 141, 362
of treaties 262
copyright 397
moral rights 328–9
author-prepared 316
colour 316, 324–6
copyright 313, 316, 318, 324, 328–9
cropping 316
digital 313, 322–7
hard copy 327–8
labelling (lettering) 316–17
layout 314–15
numbering 314, 318, 324
permissions and acknowledgements 328–9
for print or digital media 313
resolution 324, 325
submission 326–7, 328, 337–8
in tables 305
types 313 see also illustrations
ash (Æ, æ) 166, 237
asterisk 87, 93, 292, 333
in computing 289
as note cue 93
in scientific text 271
astronomy 198, 297–8
atlases 384, 389
audio and audiovisual materials 368–9
audio books 152
audio recordings 368–9
Australian English 414, 422
author–date (Harvard) system 270, 330, 339–44
author–number (Vancouver) system 306, 330, 344–5
Authorized Version (AV) of the Bible 146
authors’ names 145, 158–9, 342, 350
ayn (ʿ) 206
back matter see end matter
backslash 91, 288
bacteria 277
‘bang’ 85
bar charts 320–1
BC 68, 134, 176, 178, 184, 190, 199, 200, 203
Belarus 123
Belarusian 245
Berne Convention 400
bias 28
Apocrypha 148–9
chapter and verse references 146, 391
editions and versions 146
Hebrew 149
New Testament 146
Old Testament 146
roman type 132, 145
use of definite article 143
biblio page 4
bibliographic information and locations 144–5
bibliography 18–19, 34
abbreviations and contractions 145, 339
alphabetization 347–8
articles in periodicals 361–4
audio and audiovisual materials 368–9
authors’ names 145, 158–9, 342, 348–9, 350–3
capitalization 141
chapters or essays 356
citations 335–9, 347, 350
compilers’ names 353–4
corporate authors 354
date of publication 145, 155, 340, 342–3, 346, 349, 357, 358, 365, 370
digital media 370–6
editions 359–60
editors’ names 353–4
elements 349–50
em rule 88
enumerative 346
‘etc.’ 183
grey literature 367–8
list of abbreviations 339
manuscripts and documentary sources 365–8
page numbers 364
parentheses 358–60
personal names 347–54
place of publication 145, 346, 349, 350, 357–8, 360, 370
primary and secondary sources 347
publisher’s name 358
reprints and facsimiles 360–1
reviews 364
revisers’ names 353–4
series 357
small capitals 134
theses and dissertations 364
thin spaces 337
titles and subtitles 136, 354–6
translations 361
translators’ names 353–4, 361
unpublished work 361
volume numbers 362–4
volumes 356–7
billion 191
binding 26
binomial system 275
biography, frontispiece 3
biological nomenclature 274–80
bitmap graphics 322–3
bits/bytes 287
blasphemy 405–6
block quotations see quotations, displayed
blogs 138, 152, 374
blood groups 281
The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation 260
board games, titles 137
bold type 34, 132–3
in glossary 18
in index 380, 394
in mathematics 290, 292
boldface see bold type
bonds, in chemical formulas 285
book sizes 24
online 373
parts of 1–25
titles 131
Bosnian 246
braces 82, 89
in chemical formulas 285
in mathematics 293
nested 90
and punctuation 89–90
round see parentheses
brand names 137
Brazilian see Portuguese
breathings, in Greek 226–7
British Approved Name (BAN) 282, 283
British Standards
indexing 384, 389
proofreading marks 39
transliteration 240
broadcast works 136, 152, 369, 374
Bulgarian 246
bulleted lists 303
c. see circa
French Republican 203
Greek 203
Jewish 204, 230
Muslim 204
non-western 201
Old Style/New Style 201–3
calories 273
Canadian English 422
capitalization 34, 94, 105
abbreviations 177–8
adjectives 99
character names 104
compass directions 99
dates, periods, and events 99–100
in displayed text 133
geographic locations 98–9
honours and awards 101
of hyphenated compounds 61, 63
in law texts 255
legislation 100–1
minimal 96, 141
month names 203
nicknames 109
in official documents 100–1
organizations and institutions 97–8
people and languages 104
personal pronouns 103
personifications 103–4
poetry 168
proper names 95–7
with question marks 83
in quotations 165, 166
religious names and terms 102, 103
Roman numerals 196
scientific terms 279, 297
ships, aircraft, and vehicles 106
species names 274, 277
in tables 306
on title pages 140
in titles 154, 155, 156–7
titles and ranks 102–3
trade and proprietary names 105–6
work titles 81, 140–1 see also small capitals and under individual languages
captions 9, 314, 315, 317–19, 402
card games, titles 137
case citations 132, 253, 254–5, 257–60
case-bound books 2
catalogues, published 137
cataloguing in publication (CIP) data 5, 7
CD-ROMs 376
-ce, words ending in 52
Celtic languages see Gaelic; Welsh
centuries 134, 198–9, 215–16
cf. 335, 343
chapters 1, 14–15
headings 2, 10, 14–15
numbering 14, 196
opening page 15
in references 145
titles 10, 14–15, 138
character names 104, 134, 170
chemistry 283–6
drawing packages 285–6
elements and symbols 180–1, 284
formulas and equations 283–6
small capitals 134
superscripts and subscripts 286
Chinese 207–9
place names 123
proper names 116
chromosomes 280
CIP data 5, 7
circa (c.) 85, 184
citation databases 345
groups 333, 335
linking 345
of location within a work 145, 336–7, 344
classical names 71, 117–18
classical works, titles 137, 158
clauses, and use of comma 69
CMYK mode 324, 326
coding see tagging
collections 137
colloquialisms 132, 420
colon 80–1
after salutation 78
capitalization after 80, 81, 95
and direct speech 81, 162
in lists 80–1, 300, 301
in mathematics 292
in times of day 195
in titles 81, 142
US usage 407–8
vs dash 81
colophon 4, 358, 359
colour, for print and screen 324–6
columns 46
numbered 336
in tables 306–7
in addresses 125
with adverbs and adjectives 75–6
appositional use 74
in case citations 257
in direct speech 79, 162
in index 392
and introductory clauses 75–6
inverted see quotation marks
in letters 78
in lists 78, 300
in numbers 189
with numerals 78
paired 74–5
parenthetical use 74, 79
with punctuation marks 163
with relative clause 73–5
in salutations 78
serial (Oxford) 36, 71–2, 77–8, 300
in signatures 78
splice 75
in text references 341
US usage 407
in work titles 143
Command Papers 264
comparatives 57, 70
compass directions 63, 99, 177, 180
compound numbers 192
compound words
capitalization 105, 140
hyphenation 58–61, 413
and line breaks 68
plurals 55
possessives 70
US usage 413
computer monitors, colour rendering 324–6
computing 153, 286–9
symbols 85, 89, 91, 288–9
typography 287–8
Concise Oxford English Dictionary 28, 48
conclusion 14, 17
conference papers, titles 139
consent, for use of photographs 321, 329
content, repurposing 27
content management system 33
contents list, for electronic products 10
contents page 2, 3, 9–10
continuation note 312, 393
contractions 174, 176, 414
and apostrophe 72–3 see also abbreviations
list 2, 11–12
notes on 16
cookery, units of measure 408, 409
coordinates 180
copy preparation 25–41 see also markup
copy-editor/copy-editing 13, 26, 27–31, 420
editorial style 36
house style 36–7
on paper 33
style sheets 37–8
technical considerations 43–7 see also markup; word-processing software
copy-fitting 32
copyright 395–400
acknowledgements 9, 329
Crown copyright 401–2
database rights 399–400
disclaimer 403
displayed verse 168
European law 395
fair dealing 397–8, 401
illustrations 313, 316, 318, 328–9, 397
infringement 28, 396–7, 398, 403
international conventions 400
Internet material 405
joint 397
jurisdiction 397, 405
limitations on sales 5
moral rights 328, 398–9
notice 4, 5, 6
ownership 395, 396, 403
period 396
symbol (©) 400
tabular matter 308
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 6, 396, 397, 398
corporate bodies see organizations and institutions
to copy 26, 29–30
to proofs 26, 32–3, 38–43
correspondence see letters
corrigendum/corrigenda 20, 21
country names 123
county names, abbreviations 179
courts 255, 258–9
Croatian 246
to artwork 314
bold type 132
in ebooks 337
in index 380, 381, 382–4, 390
internal 337
italic type 131
notes 333
small capitals 134
to subheadings 15
Crown copyright 401–2
in digital products 180
illustrations 315
not in titles or headings 15
notes 15, 93, 167, 174, 180, 271, 312, 330, 332, 333, 344
in scientific text 270–1, 333
tables 305, 306, 311
cultivars 276–7
curly brackets see braces
currencies 179, 192, 193–4
cutline see captions
Cyrillic alphabet 240, 245
Czech 246
dagger (†) 180
Danish 243–4
dash 81, 86–8
US usage 408 see also em rule; en rule; hyphen; see also under individual languages
data storage 287
data visualization 322
citing 352, 353
online 352, 353, 373
rights 399–400
title 153
date of publication
in references 145, 155, 340, 342–3, 346, 349, 357, 358, 365, 370
on title page verso 4, 5
abbreviations 184–5
all-figure style 197
ambiguous 84–5, 197
astronomical 198, 297
BC 190, 199
capitalization 99–100
circa (c.) 85
editorial style 34
ISO style 198
and line breaks 68
of new year 202, 203
in parentheses 358–9, 363, 370
precise 198, 297
quoting verbatim 197
regnal years 200–1
solidus in 91, 190
spacing 184, 185
spans 184
uncertain 84–5, 184–5, 190
US usage 410
days of the week
abbreviations 179
capitalization 99
preceding a date 197 see also dates
de, d’, de la (proper name prefixes) 113–14
decades 198
decimal comma 192, 243
decimal fractions 192
decimal places, in tables 308
decimal point 192, 268
dedication 2, 8
defamation 28, 403–4
defining and non-defining clauses 73–5
definite article see article, definite
of inclination or angle 272
of latitude/longitude 272
subdivisions 272
symbol (°) 267, 272, 273
of temperature 272
deity, references to 103
Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) 123
demotic Greek 224
design 13, 26, 31 see also web design software
development editor 27
diacritics see accents
diacritics see also under individual languages
diagonal see solidus
and em rules 88
in French 214
and new paragraphs 15
and quotation marks 164–5
alphabetization 384
bold type 132
italic type in 131
digital photography 326
digital products
artwork 315
in bibliography 370–6
citations 372–6
contents list 10
display of text 1–2
errata/corrigenda 21
hyperlinks 314, 315, 345
indexing 377, 378
mathematics 294
multimedia 313
note cues 180
notes 332, 338
order of prelims 2
paragraph length 16
tabular matter 308
titles 136, 137, 152–3
workflow 27 see also web publishing; websites
direct speech
introducing 162
punctuation 79, 162
and quotation marks 92
use of colon 81 see also quotations
diseases 271, 272, 282
displayed material 13, 133
lists 300, 301
mathematics 294–5
quotations 92, 161, 168
dissertations 139, 364
DNA 280
dollar symbol 194
dosage, abbreviations 281
in chemical formulas 285
leader 10 see also ellipses
double entry, in index 383
double numbering, section headings 15, 16
double possessive 70
double punctuation, avoiding 79, 81, 83, 85, 177, 183
double-page spread 1
drop folio 14, 15
drug nomenclature 282–3
du (proper name prefix) 114
Dutch 209–11
proper names 113, 114
DVDs 376
ebooks 62, 136
citing 375–6
correcting errors 22
cross-references 337
EPUB files 27
indexing 378
layout 1–2, 315
notes 332
titles 152
eclipsis, in Gaelic 216–17
edh see eth
on imprint page 5, 6, 7
in references 350, 358, 359–60
editions of texts
notes 331, 332
published 137
in references 347, 348, 350, 353–4, 356, 359, 360, 361
on title page 4
editorial insertions 88, 144, 166–7
editorial style 34–8 see also copy-editor/copy-editing
-ei- spellings 50
electronic formats see digital products; ebooks; websites
of letters 72–3
in number ranges 189–90
for continuation of a sequence 82
for effect 82
to indicate omission 81–2, 143, 167, 258
in mathematics 82, 291
em rule (em dash) 87–8
em space 45
emails 93, 94
embedded indexing 378
embedded quotations see quotations, run-on
en rule (en dash) 86–7
in eponyms 271
in number ranges 189, 190, 191
US usage 408
en space 45
alphabetization 384
bold type 132
running heads 20
endnotes 18, 21, 330, 331–9 see also cues
endpapers 3
English, varieties 422
English titles, for foreign language works 158
enzymes 278
epigraphs 2, 12–13, 171
epilogue 17
eponyms 105, 271–2
EPS files 323
EPUB files, for ebooks 27
equation editor, word-processor 290
chemical 283–6
mathematical 293, 294
numbering 16–17, 285, 295
errata/erratum slips 21
essays 18, 138, 356
Eszett (ß) 173, 217, 218
et al. 183, 342
etc. 82, 183, 299
eth or edh (Ð, ð) 166, 237, 238
European Human Rights 260
European Union
database rights 399–400
law texts 259
legislation 261–2
Official Journal 259, 262
treaties 261–2
even workings 24–5
events, capitalization 100–1
exactitude, false 186–7
exclamation mark 75, 85, 221, 249
exclamation point see exclamation mark
expressions, mathematical 294
f./ff. 195, 337, 394
Facebook post 375
facsimiles 3
factorial sign 85
fair comment 404
Faroese 244
fascicles 13–14
festivals and holidays, capitalization 99
fictional works
numbers 188
quotation marks 95, 163, 164–5
series titles 139
style 85, 96
typography 14, 15, 16
figures see artwork; illustrations
figures (numbers) see Arabic numerals; numbers; Roman numerals
file extension 153
filenames 153
films 131, 136, 152, 369
final proofs 37
fixed space 45 see also hair space; thin space
Flemish 209 see also Dutch
floors of buildings, US usage 410
floruit ( fl.) 185
flush left/right 44
flyleaf 3
folios (page numbers) 2, 14, 15, 19–20
folios (sheets) 26
for mathematics 190
monospaced 287–8
for non-roman alphabets 205
Unicode-compliant 43, 180, 205 see also special sorts; typeface; Unicode
footers 19, 20
footnote symbols see reference marks
footnotes 330–5, 340
cues 93, 332
indexing 382 see also cues; notes
foreign language see non-English
foreword 2, 8
forms of address
nobility 110–11 see also under individual languages
chemical 283–6
mathematical 294
forward slash see solidus
fractions 192, 294
Fraktur 173, 223–4
free-text searching 377–8
French 211–16
addresses 126
capitalization 157
dates 199
in EU courts 259
names 109, 111, 113, 114, 116–17, 126
French Republican calendar 203
front matter see preliminary matter
frontispiece 2, 3–4
full capitals see capitalization
full out 15, 45–6
full point
in abbreviations 81, 176, 178, 254
in contractions 176
in lists 301–2
in quotations 81, 163–4
in times of day 195
US usage 408, 414 see also ellipses
full stop see full point
full title see title page
function words, US usage 419
further reading list 19, 340
Gaelic 216–17
proper names 112
galley proof 31–2
gazetteers 72, 384
gender 28, 29, 130
generic terms, capitalization 97, 282
genes 278–9
genus names 275, 276
geographical features
capitalization 98–9, 213
indexing 388–9
geographical names
alternatives 123
redundancy 123–4 see also place names
geology 100, 200
German 217–24
dates 199
names 111, 115, 117
typefaces 173, 223–4
Glagolitic alphabet 247
glossary 18, 175
glosses 88
got/gotten 418
government publications, Crown copyright 401
file formats 322–3
software 313, 322
suitability for print output 323, 324
graphs 320, 321
Greek 224–9
calendar 203
names 117–18
greengrocer’s apostrophe 72
Gregorian calendar 202
grey literature 368
group nouns, singular/plural verb 421
guillemets 214, 221, 233, 242, 250
Hadith 150
haemoglobin 281
hair space 45, 206
half-title 2, 3
half-title verso 2, 3
half-tones see tone artwork
hamza (image) 206
Hansard 263–4, 401
hard copy 290, 291, 297, 301, 309
scanning 313, 322, 326
scientific text 267 see also markup
Harvard (author–date) system see author–date (Harvard) system
he/she see gender
headings 16–17
bold type 133
capitalization 94
chapter 2, 10, 12, 14–15
hierarchy 13
house style 36
italic type 128
in mathematics 290
number ranges 190
numbering 15
punctuation 81
small capitals 134
styling or tagging 28
and subheadings 15–16
in tables 306, 312
in web material 16, 30, 37 see also subheadings
headline see running head(line)
Hebrew 229–31
names 118–19
Hellenic names see Greek, names
histocompatibility leukocyte antigens (HLA) 282
histograms 321
apostrophe 71
capitalization 94, 96, 99–100, 102
dates 184–5
frontispiece 3
indexing of names 387
honours and awards
abbreviations 175
capitalization 101
house names 92
house numbers 188
house style 36–7, 94, 266, 280, 300, 340–1, 380
however 76
hybrids 276–7
hyperlinks 135, 345, 378
hyphens/hyphenation 58–64
of compass directions 63
in compound numbers 189
in compound words 413
editorial style 34
in fractions 192
hanging 63
hard and soft 58, 64
line ends 45, 64
in mixed nationalities 86
of numbers 63
of prefixes 61–2, 86, 105
in proper names 64
of suffixes 62–3
symbols for 65
US usage 413 see also en rule; word division and under individual languages
i/j 141, 166, 235
ibid. 338
-ible, words ending in 50–1
Icelandic 244
names 120–1
id./idem. 338–9
identifiers, after names 109
idioms, US usage 418, 419
i.e. 79, 182–3
-ie- spellings 50
colour 324–6
copy-editor’s responsibilities 28
copyright 397
on endpapers 2
frontispiece 3
list 2, 9, 10, 11
online image 374–5
plates 3, 10
in scientific text 267–8 see also artwork; captions
illustrators 4
images see illustrations
immunology 282
imperial units 409
US usage 409
imposition 24
impression 6, 7
imprint page 4–7
inclination or angle, degrees 272
indefinite article see article, indefinite
of computer programs 287, 289
of dialogue 164, 170
of displayed mathematics 294
of index entries 392–3
of lists 303
of paragraphs 14, 15, 16, 45–6
of quotations 161
of turnover lines 18, 170, 308, 393
of verse 168, 170
word-processor styles 46
indexes and indexing 10, 16, 19, 25, 377–94
alphabetization 384–90
bold type 133, 380
chronological ordering 391
consistency with text 392
content 379, 380
cross-references 380, 381, 382–4, 390
digital aspects 377–9
electronic submission 377
em rules 88
embedded 378
end matter 380
explanatory note 394
hierarchical ordering 391
house style 380
hyperlinks 378
illustrations and tables 394
inverse forms 383
italic type 131
layout 392–3
length constraints 377–94
letter-by-letter 384–6
levels 379, 381, 382
main entries 379, 380–1
multi-author works 380
multi-volume works 394
multiple 379
names 386–9
non-alphabetical order 385, 390–1
non-English words 386, 389
notes 382
number references 393–4
professional 377
scientific terms 389
set-out vs run-on style 392–3
small capitals 134
specialist software 377, 385
strings of locators 380–1, 382
style 391–2
subentries 379, 380, 381–2, 390
symbols and numerals 389–90
tagging 379
unpaged content 377–9
word-by-word 384–6
inequality signs 267
and brackets 293 see also angle brackets
inflections 130
infographics 322
initialisms 174, 414
initials 107
capitalization 95–6, 133
and line breaks 68
inscriptions 133, 134
interactive elements 30
interferons 282
International and British Standard, for indexing 384, 389
International Legal Materials (ILM) citation 262
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 5, 7, 14
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 7
International Standards Organization (ISO)
date style 198
decimal comma 192
paper sizes 22–3
copyright of material 405 see also blogs; websites
interviews, online 373
introduction 14
introductory clause, and use of comma 75–6
inverted commas see quotation marks
iota 225
Irish Gaelic see Gaelic
Irish names 112
-ise/-ize spellings 38, 49–50
Islamic scriptures 149–50
‘isms’ 414
Italian 232–4
names 111, 113–14, 119
italic type 34, 128–9
biological terminology 132, 275, 277, 279
cross-references 131
in dictionaries 131
editorial notes 129
in index 394
in italicized text 128
in legal texts 132, 253
in lists 132
in mathematics 290, 292
names of ships, aircraft and vehicles 132
non-English words and phrases 129–31, 173, 253
in plays 131
in scientific text 132, 283
tagging (coding) 128
titles 131, 137, 144, 152, 154, 156
Japanese 234
date style 198
names 119
calendar 204
names 118–19
scriptures 149
journals 7, 36, 241, 256, 257, 266, 267, 332, 352, 361, 362–3
online 315, 370, 373 see also periodicals
JPEG 323
judges 264–5
judgment/judgement 265
Julian calendar 202
junior/senior 109
justification 44–5, 66
Koran 132, 149–50, 206
Korean names 119–20
labelling (lettering), of artwork 316–17
landscape format 20, 24, 306, 315, 319
languages see under individual languages
LaTeX see TeX/LaTeX
Latin 235–6
binomials 275
legal terms 253
medical terminology 280
in notes 338–9
work titles 144
Latin texts, Roman numerals 197
Latinization of Greek names 117–18
latitude/longitude 272
law texts 253–65
abbreviations 254–5, 261, 262
capitalization 255
case citations 132, 253, 254–5, 257–60
EU courts 259
international treaties and conventions 262–3
judges’ designations and judgments 264–5
legislation 100–1, 260–2
numerals 188, 193, 260
references 256–7
reports 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 263
typography 253
unreported cases 258, 259
US usage 255
le/la, in proper names 114
leader dots 10
leading 44
legal documents, numbers 188, 193
legend 317
letters, use of comma 78
lexical variation 414–20
libel 403
Library of Congress, CIP data 5, 6–7
limits, in mathematics 291
line breaks 45, 68, 91, 142, 214, 287, 294–5 see also hyphens/hyphenation; word division
line endings 46
line numbers 170
line spacing 44
linefeed 44
list of abbreviations 2, 10, 11–12, 175, 339
list of acknowledgements 403
list of contributors 2, 12
list of illustrations 2, 9, 10, 11
list of tables 2, 11
lists 34, 299–303
bulleted 303
displayed 300, 301
end punctuation 301–2
incomplete 183
italic type 132
numbered 302–3
punctuation 78, 79–80, 183
run-on 300
simple 303
loanwords 209, 210, 216, 218, 238, 243, 248, 252
loc. cit. 338
location codes, for indexing 379
-logue, words ending in 51
long s 142, 166, 224
lower case
abbreviations 178
in indexes 392
for SI units 268
Macedonian 247
magazines 7, 136
Mandarin see Chinese
manuscripts 26, 137–8, 140, 366–7
maps 2, 3, 11, 319
markers see cues; reference marks
marks of reference see reference marks
editorial 13, 28, 35
hard copy 33
proofreading 34–8
markup languages, for mathematics 289, 290
married names 107, 108
mathematics 289–96
angle brackets 89
bold type 133, 290, 292
brackets 293
displayed material 294–5
fonts 190
headings 290
layout 294–5
markup languages 289, 290
roman type 290, 291, 292
symbols 85, 291–2, 293, 295–6, 308
TeX/LaTeX 289
two-line format 294
underlining 135
measurement, units of see SI units; units of measure
medical images, high-resolution 321
medical terminology 280–3
eponyms 105, 271, 272
-ment, nouns ending in 51
metadata 30
metric conversions, false exactitude 187
microorganisms 277
Middle English see Old and Middle English
mobile apps 376
modifiers 70
compound 59–60
monarchs’ names, abbreviations 201
money 176 see also currencies
monographs 137, 139
abbreviations 179
capitalization 99
French Republican calendar 203 see also dates
moral rights 5, 6–7, 328–9, 398–9
multi-author works 9, 10, 11–12, 19–20
indexing 380
list of abbreviations 175
notes 18
running heads 20
multi-volume works 7, 10, 13
contents list 10
indexing 394
multimedia material 345
multiplication point 291
multiplication symbol, in dates 184–5, 190
music albums, titles 131, 137, 154
musical works 136, 153–6
Muslim calendar 204
mutation, in Celtic languages 216–17, 252
adopted 108
alternative 108–9
capitalization 106
including a number or letter 106
indexing 386–9
of monarchs 196
nationalities, capitalization 104
né(e) 108
negative index, with SI units 269
negative numbers 190
negligent misstatement 404
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 153
New Oxford American Dictionary 48
New Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors 279, 287
New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors 58, 72, 122, 123, 174, 287
New Oxford Spelling Dictionary 64, 65
New Testament 146
news reports, online 373
digital 370
items within 138
quotation marks 92, 162
references to 258, 363
titles 136, 362
nicknames 108–9
nobiliary particles 113–15
nobility, forms of address 110–11
non-breaking space 45, 269, 270
non-English material
date of translation 157–8
hyphenation 60–1
indexing 386, 389
italicization 129–31, 173, 253
names 71, 389
naturalized 130–1
plurals 56–7
quotations 171–3
work titles 154–5, 157–8see also under individual languages
non-keyboard characters 43–4
non-print formats 1–2, 27, 135
non-restrictive (non-defining) relative clause 73–4
non-roman alphabets
transliteration 158, 173
Unicode 205
non-text items, spacing around 47
none, takes singular verb 191
Norwegian 243–4
notation, non-standard 266–7
note to reader 2, 13, 394
notes 16, 18, 333–45
abbreviations 335, 337–9
cross-references 333
cues 15, 93, 167, 174, 180, 271, 312, 330, 332, 333, 344
in digital products 332, 338
editorial style 34
in the humanities 331–2
indexing 382, 394
Latin terms 338–9
layout 334–5
numbering 145, 333
parallel sequences 333
placement 332–4
in scientific text 270–1
to tables 311
use of ‘etc.’ 183
work titles 136
capitalization 104, 138
countable 191, 420–1
plurals 54–7
number ranges 86, 189–91, 306
numbered paragraphs 15, 16
numbers 34, 38
approximate 186
compound 189
consistent use 187
dates 197
indefinite quantities 191
indexing 389–90
line breaks 68
mixed styles 187, 193–4
negative 190
in official or legal documents 188
plural forms 191
punctuation 78, 189
in scientific text 268
SI guidelines 268
times of day 195
with units of measures 193–4
use of commas 78
words or figures 63, 186–8, 193 see also Arabic numerals; Roman numerals and under individual languages
numerical data, US usage 409–10
oblique see solidus
obscenity 406
octavo 22, 23, 24
oe, in quotations 166
œ (ligature) 235
offensive language 420
official documents
capitalization 100–1
numbers 188, 193
official secrets 406
Old Church Slavonic 247
Old and Middle English 166, 236–8
Old Style/New Style dates 201–3
Old Testament 146
Olympiads, in Greek calendar 203
indicated by asterisks 87, 88, 93
indicated by ellipses 81–2, 143, 258
indicated by em rule 88
indicated by en rule 87
in quotations 167, 169
on-screen editing 29 see also copy-editor/copy-editing
online editing 29, 33
online material, citing 372–6
op. cit. 338
opening 1, 26
operas, titles 131, 155
operational signs 291–2
operators, roman type 290
oratorios, titles 131
ordinal numbers 176, 188, 223, 243
Ordnance Survey publications 401
organizations and institutions
apostrophe in names 71, 72
as authors 343
capitalization 97–8
indexing 383–4
orphans 46
orthographic reform
French 211
German 217–18, 220, 222
orthographic signs 166
orthographic variation 411–14
outsourcing 27
Oxford comma see comma, serial
The Oxford Companion to the Year 201
Oxford Dictionaries Online 60
Oxford Dictionary of English 28, 48, 59–60, 122
Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors see New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors
Oxford Spelling Dictionary see New Oxford Spelling Dictionary
page breaks 46
page depth 46–7
page make-up 32, 304–5, 314–15
page numbers 2, 11, 14, 15, 19–20
citing 256, 336, 364, 370, 376
in digital media 370, 376
and illustrations 315
in index 378, 379
omission 20
spans 86
page proofs 10, 11, 31
pagination 19
end matter 16
frontispiece 3
introduction 13
numbering 13
part title pages 13–14
paintings, titles 131, 156–7
paper sizes 22–3
paperbacks, formats 24
in dialogue 15
in digital products 16
indentation 15, 16, 45–6
length 16
numbering 15, 16
paraphrase, of non-English quotations 172
parentheses 75, 85, 88–90, 145, 165, 351
in bibliographies 358–60
in biological nomenclature 275
in case citations 257, 259
in chemistry 285, 286
for comment or clarification 129, 131, 158, 172, 173, 175, 380
double (nested) 90
in index 380, 384, 387
in lists 302–3
in mathematics 292, 295
placing of note cues 333
references in 330, 340, 341, 344
Parliamentary select committees, reports 263
parties, in legal cases 132
parts 1, 13, 14
numbering 10, 14, 188
part titles 10, 13, 14
passim 339
passing off 405–6
patient identification, removing 321
patronymics 120–1
of intended layout 305
markup 39, 43
proof-editing 30–1
quality 323
showing symbols 180
peers, titles 110
Pentateuch 146
people, references to see personal names
per cent/percent 193, 413
performing rights 4, 7–8
period see full point
article titles 92
numbers 188
online 153
published 137
titles 131, 153
permissions 328–9, 401–3
personal communications 343–4
personal names 107–22
apostrophe in 71
in bibliography 347–54
comma in 74, 75
compound 99
indexing 386–9
Roman numerals 196 see also forms of address; names; titles and ranks; and under individual languages
personal pronouns 103
personification 103–4
photographer, moral rights 328–9
consent 321, 328–9
copyright 397
pica 44
pica em 39
picture libraries 329
picture research 379
Pinyin transliteration system 116, 123, 208–9
pipe see vertical rule
pixels 324
place names
anachronisms 125
anglicization 122, 357
apostrophe in 72
capitalization 95–7
changes 123, 124
chronology 124
identification 124–5
indexing 389
Indian cities 123
roman type 122
romanization 124
sensitive issues 122–3
spelling 122–4
place of publication
in bibliography 145, 346, 349, 350, 357–8, 360, 370
on imprint page 4, 5
plates 3, 11, 314
character names 104, 134, 170
italic type in 131
numbering of acts, scenes, and lines 145, 196
published 137
quotations from 169–70
Roman numerals 196
of Shakespeare 150–1
titles 131
typography 169–70 see also verse
plurals 54–7
of abbreviations 181–2
apostrophe in 72
capitalization 97
numbers 191
units of measure 193
plus and minus signs, in genetics 279, 280
p.m. 178, 195
published 137
titles 131, 138
poetic metres, capitalization 105
poetry see verse
point size 44
points of suspension 233, 250
Polish 247
popular music, work titles 153–4
portrait format 306, 312
Portuguese 238–9
Brazilian 238, 239
names 111, 120
positional references, avoiding 305–6, 314
of abbreviations 181
apostrophe in 69–72
and capitalization 97
scientific eponyms 271–2
postcodes 125, 126, 134
pre-editing 27, 28
preface 2, 8–9
in chemical names 389
hyphenation 61–2
in proper names 113–15
for units 269, 287
preliminary matter 2–13, 19, 20, 25, 34
not usually indexed 380
Roman numerals 196
prelims see preliminary matter
prepositions 55, 76
capitalization 140, 210
in index 390
and titles 159
US usage 419
presentation software 29, 321, 323
primes 292
printer, name and location 4, 5, 8
printing 26, 136
probability values, conventional 311
programming languages 287, 289
pronouns, capitalization 97
pronunciation, and word division 65, 66
proof-editing 30–1
proofs, underlining 135
proofs and proofreading
against copy 32
‘blind’ 32
correction 26, 34–43
final 37
instructions 39, 43
passed for press 33
PDFs 39, 43
proof-correction marks 36, 38–9
proofreader’s responsibilities 32, 46–7
style sheet 37–8
technical considerations 43–7
proper names
alphabetization 112–15, 120
alternative names 108–9
capitalization 95–7
commas in 74, 75
double-barrelled 64
indexing 379, 383
and line breaks 68
non-English 115–22, 131, 239
plurals 54, 55
possessives 71
prefixes 113–15
roman type 131 see also personal names and under individual languages
proper nouns, words derived from 105
proprietary or trade names, capitalization 105, 106
prosody, vertical rule 91
proteins 279
pseudonyms 107, 108, 382
public holidays, capitalization 99
publication details 4
publication right 396
published works 136, 137
in citations 358, 360, 368, 370
copyright 396
on imprint page 4–5
publishing history 4, 5
punctuation 34
of abbreviations 81, 91, 176–9, 211, 218, 254
with brackets 89–90
in computer programs 288
of direct speech 162
in indexes 392
in lists 78, 183, 300, 301–2
minimal 341
and note cues 333
in notes 335
of numbers 78, 189
of quotations 161, 163–4, 165
of reference lists 340–1
in scientific texts 269
in tables 306, 308
terminal 90, 164, 197
and text references 341
times of day 195
type style 127–8, 135
US usage 407–8
quad sheet 22, 24
quarto 22
question mark 76–8
in Greek 228
inverted 249
in parentheses 85
in uncertain dates 177
questions 83
quotation marks 34
in computer programs 288
in dialogue 164–5
double or single 92, 161, 162–4
for emphasis or explanation 92–3, 129, 132
in newspapers 162
for nicknames 108–9
for non-English terms 173
with other punctuation 163–4
for quotations within quotations 161, 162–3
for run-on quotations 160
for titles 92, 144, 153–4, 155
US usage 162–3
when not required 162
capitalization 95, 165
copyright restrictions 160
correction of errors 165, 166–7
displayed 92, 161
epigraphs 2, 12–13
from plays 169–70
from statutes 261
integration into text 165
interpolations 166–7
introducing 162
layout 160–5
nested 92, 161–3
non-English material 171–3
omissions 167, 169
punctuation 161, 165
regularization of style 165
roman type 161
run-on 160
source 165, 169, 334
spelling 165
translation vs paraphrase 172
typography 165–8
US usage 408
within quotations 161, 162–3
Qu’ran/Quran see Koran
racial hatred 406
racist language 28
ragged right (unjustified) 44–45
ranged left/right 44
ranges see number ranges
RAW files 323, 326
Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) 282
recte/rectius 166
recto 1, 3, 8, 12, 337
reference books, copyright 396
reference list 19, 340–1
reference management software 345
reference marks 93, 180, 271, 333
references 330–45
abbreviations 337–9
access to multimedia material 345
author and short title 335–6
author–date (Harvard) system 339–44
author–number (Vancouver) system 344–5
citation 335–9
combined with notes 340
digital citation linking 345
editing 345
in law texts 256–7
to location with a work 336–7
note-based systems 331–5
online 374
parenthetical 145
systems 330
in text 341–4 see also bibliography; notes
regnal years 200–1
rekeying 31, 32, 33, 39
relative clauses, restrictive and non-restrictive 73–5
religious denominations 95–6, 97
religious names and terms 102, 103
religious texts see sacred texts
online 373
of select committees 263, 401
titles 139
reprint editions 5, 6, 360–1, 372, 403
resolution, of digital artwork 324, 325
restrictive relative clause 73–4
reverse solidus see backslash
reviews, references to 256, 364, 370
revised proofs 26, 32–3
revision tracking 29, 30, 33
RGB mode 324, 326
road or highway numbers 188
Roman numerals 195–7
capitalization 196
in chemistry 286
in citations 336
in classical texts 197
in dates 198, 199
in law texts 260
in lists 303
in manuscript 196
as note cues 333
for part numbers 14
for part titles 10
in personal names 196
in plays 196
in preliminary matter 2, 20, 196
for sections of poems 196
small capitals 134, 236
use 196
for volume numbers 196, 394see also under individual languages
roman type
chemical symbols 283
in chemistry 286
for computer filenames 153
general use 127
in legal references 256, 257
in mathematics 290, 291, 292
for non-English words and phrases 130–1
for quotations 161
for taxonomic groups 275
and titles 152, 156, 260
of Chinese 208
of Japanese 234
of place names 124
round brackets see parentheses
rounding, in tables 308
row headings (stub), in tables 307
Royal Society 266
royalty 97
in tables 304, 306–7 see also em rule; en rule; vertical rule
running foot(line) 19, 20
running head(line) 19–20, 34
automatic generation 21
based on chapter title 14–15
content 20–1
in encyclopedias and dictionaries 20–1
end matter 20
for endnotes 20, 21
for index 391–2
length 20
in multi-author works 20
omission of 14, 20
over tables 306
in prelims 19, 20
running title see running head(line)
Russian 240–3
names 120 see also Slavonic languages
s., in medieval manuscripts 199
sacred texts
indexing 391
roman type 132
titles 137, 143
work titles 145–50
saints’ names 111–12, 388
salutations, punctuation 78
languages 243–4
names 120–1
scanning, of hard copy 313, 322, 326
Schwabacher 223
scientific journals, styles and templates 266, 267
scientific/technical text
abbreviations 175, 176, 178
brackets 89
capitalization 104
commas in 77, 78
common usage 266
hard copy 267
hyphenation 61
indexing 389
multiple authorship 342
notation 133, 134, 135
note cues 270–1, 333
punctuation 70, 269
references 339, 344
semicolon in 79
solidus in 91
scores, in games 188, 409
Scottish, proper names
Scottish Gaelic see Gaelic
screen-reading software 301
sculpture, titles of 156–7
-se, words ending in 52
sections and subsections 15–16
see/see also references 343, 382, 392
semibold type 132
semicolon 79–80
in archaic titles 135
in index 382, 392
in lists 79, 301
in text references 341
sentence capitals 94–5
September 11 (9/11) 197
Septuagint 146
Serbian 246
Serbo-Croat 246
serial comma see comma, serial
serial publications, ISSN 7
in prelims 3, 4, 7
titles 138–9, 157, 349, 357, 405
TV and radio 131, 152, 369
sexist language 28
shading, in artwork 316, 317
Shakespeare, references to 150–1
shelf mark 366, 367
shilling mark see solidus
ships 97, 106, 132
short forms 11 see also abbreviations; acronyms
short lines 46
short stories, titles 138
short title 338
in notes 335–6
short title catalogue (STC) numbers 145
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 123
SI units 268, 269, 273
sigma 224, 225
signatures, small capitals 134
signatures (in letters) 134
signatures (in printing) 25
signs see symbols
slash see solidus
slash, see also backslash
Slavonic languages 240, 245–7 see also Russian
Slovak 246
Slovene 247
small capitals 133–4
in abbreviations 178
in chapter openings 15
for character names 170
for Roman numerals 134, 236
suitable font 133–4 see also capitalization
sobriquet see nicknames
software tools
copy-editing 29
graphics 313, 322
indexing 377, 385
infographics 322
page make-up (layout) 304–5, 315
presentation software 29, 321, 323
reference management software 345
screen readers 301
spreadsheets 29, 38, 305, 321
web design 315
word-processing 29, 30, 31, 33, 290, 304–5, 321, 378
solidus 86, 90–1
in bibliography 363
in computing 288
in dates 190
and line breaks 168, 272
in mathematics 192, 292
in SI units 269, 270
US usage 407
in verse quotations 168
songs, titles 137, 153–4, 155
abbreviations 339
citing 335–9
crediting 402
editorial style 34
epigraphs 12–13, 171
grouping 333, 335
in the humanities 331
location within a work 336–7
notes 334
in parentheses 165, 169
of quotations 165, 169 see also acknowledgements; bibliography
horizontal 45–6
in indexes 392
interlinear 44, 47
in mathematics 291, 292
around non-text items 47
after sentence punctuation 45
in scientific texts 268, 269, 270
around symbols 180
with units of measure 129, 178
Spanish 248–50
names 112, 114, 121–2
spans see number ranges
special sorts 179, 180, 237, 267
species names 274, 275
speech, direct see direct speech
spelling 34, 48–52
ambiguities 412–13
computing terminology 286–7
in early modern works 141
place names 122–4
in quotations 165
US usage 48, 411–13
variant 48, 56–7, 382, 411, 413
in work titles 141–2
sports and games
capitalization 137
race distances 188
scores 188, 409
spread 1, 3, 19, 26
spreadsheets 29, 38, 305, 321
square brackets 88–9
in case citations 257, 258
in chemical formulas 285
for editorial interpolations 166
in references 344, 349, 353, 355, 357, 358, 370, 371
square roots 292
St, indexing 388
-st (suffix) 419
stage directions 131, 170
statistical matter 192, 310
statutory instruments 261
STC (short title catalogue) numbers 145
stellar nomenclature 298, 389
stroke see solidus
structural formulas 283–6
style sheets 36, 37–8, 94, 175
styles and templates 29, 31, 46, 267
in chapters 14–15
numbering 15
as running head 19 see also headings
subjunctive mood, US usage 422
submodifers, US usage 421
subscripts 225, 278, 281, 286, 290, 292–3, 389
subspecies 276
subtitles 4, 140
apostrophe 73
elided 73
hyphenation 62–3
spelling 50–2, 57
US usage 413, 419
and word division 65, 66see also under individual languages
sulfur/sulphur 412
superlatives 57, 70
in chemistry 286
in dates 297
in mathematics 290, 292–3
as note cues 271, 311, 333, 344
as note numbers 335, 344
in original spelling 141
in virus names 278
surnames 18, 111, 112, 115, 119, 120, 121, 243
eponyms 271–2
indexing 387
in references 340, 347
in taxonomic names 275 see also proper names
Swedish 243–4
Swiss German 218, 220
names 115, 117
symbols 174, 179–81
chemical 180–1, 284
in computing 85, 288–9
confusable 291
currency 194
for hyphens 65
indexing 389–90
inequality signs 89
list 267
mathematical 85, 295–6
musical 155
orthographic 141
proof-correction marks 33, 38–9
punctuation 180
range of meanings 180
reference marks 93, 180, 271, 333
in scientific text 179, 180–1, 267
spacing 180
trade marks 405
typographical 167, 173
vertical rule 91
synonyms, indexing 382
Système International (SI) see SI units
T cells 282
tables 304–12
acceptable breaks 304
alignment 310
of cases and legislation 2, 11
data not available 308
editing 28, 305, 308
headings 306–7
list 2, 11
notes 311
numbering 304, 305–6
portrait or landscape format 306, 312
presentation 305
readability 304
rekeying 305
rules 304, 306–7
as spreadsheets 305
totals 308
turn-lines 308, 309
tabular matter see tables
tagging (coding) 27, 28
of index terms 379
for italicization 128
XML 27, 28, 268, 339, 350, 368, 372
Talmud 143, 149
taxonomic groups 274–5
technical text see scientific/technical text
telephone numbers 409–10
degrees 272
scales 273
US usage 409
templates see styles and templates
TeX/LaTeX 45, 192, 286, 289–90, 291, 294, 378
bold type 132
chapter headings 10
paragraph numbering 16
subheadings 14
that or which 74
they (singular) 29
thin space 45, 180, 268
in bibliography 337
in compound units 270
in ratios 292
as thousands separator 189, 216, 223, 243, 268
thorn (Þ, þ) 166, 237, 238
thousands separator
comma 78
thin space 189, 216, 223, 243, 268
TIFF 323
times of day 34, 194–5
in French 215, 216
in German 223
punctuation 195
US usage 195, 408
tipping-in 3, 21
title page 2, 4, 110, 133, 140, 142, 350, 351, 354, 360
title page verso 2, 3, 4–8
titles and ranks 109–10
capitalization 102–3
courtesy titles 110–11
hereditary titles 107
use of forename 110, 111
titles of works see work titles
tone artwork, hard copy 327
toponymic designations 272
Torah 132
trade marks 406
trade names 105, 106
in brackets 88
citing 361
date 157–8
of quotations 88, 171, 172, 173, 331
titles 157–8
of work titles 155, 355–6
translator 4, 6, 157, 353–4, 359, 361
transliteration 158, 173, 231 see also Arabic; Chinese; Greek; Hebrew; Russian; Slavonic languages
treaties 261–3
trillion 191
triple-numbering, section headings 15, 16
in glossary 18
in index 393
in mathematics 295
in tables 307, 308, 309
in verse 168, 170
turned commas, in German 221
turned pages see landscape format
turnovers see turn-lines
TV and radio series 131, 152, 369
Twitter post (tweet) 375
typeface 7, 8, 31, 134, 135, 267, 287, 290 see also font; special sorts
typescript 26, 35 see also copy preparation; markup
instructions 33
style sheet 37–8
typesetting 7, 13, 26, 31
abbreviations 176–9
computer files 287–8
fictional works 14, 15, 16
index 391–3
law texts 253
mathematics 290
notes 334–5
plays 169–70
quotations 161, 165–8
work titles 137
u/v/vv 141, 142, 166, 235
Ukrainian 247
underlines see captions
underlining 128, 135, 267
Unicode 43–4, 192, 205, 269, 295–6
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 263
units of measure
abbreviations 176, 178
in astronomy 297–8
British usage 409
capitalization 105
conversion 409
in cookery 408, 409
false exactitude 187
imperial units 409
and line breaks 68
with numbers 190, 193–4
in parentheses 306, 320
powers 268
SI-compatible 269
singular/plural 193
spacing 129, 178
in tables 308
US usage 408–9 see also SI units
Universal Copyright Convention 6, 400
unpublished works 139
titles 139–40
upright rule see vertical rule
capitalization 153
as resource locators 371–2
solidus in 91, 288
US usage 407–22
abbreviations 183, 414
brackets 88
capitalization 80, 95
colon 407–8
comma 407
compounds 57, 413
dash 408
dates 197, 198, 410
en rule 408
floors of buildings 410
full point 408, 414
function words 419
hyphens 413
idiomatic 418, 419, 420–2
imperial units 409
indexes and indexing 384
initialisms 414
judgment 265
law texts 255
naturalized words 131
numerical data 409–10
percent 193
prepositions 419
proper names 109
punctuation 78, 79, 81, 86, 111, 407–8
quotation marks 92, 162–3
quotations 408
Roman numerals in personal names 196
scores in games 409
spelling 48, 49, 411–13
subjunctive mood 422
temperature 409
that and which 74
times of day 195, 408
titles and ranks 109
units of measure 408–9
zero 409
van, van den, van der (proper name prefixes) 114–15
Vancouver (author–number) system see author–number (Vancouver) system
variables, italic type 290
variant readings 331
variant spellings see spellings, variant
vectors and matrices, bold type 133, 290, 292
vehicles 106, 132
verbs 52–4, 104
with group nouns 191, 421
US usage 417–18, 421–2
capitalization 168
copyright conditions 168
displayed quotations 92, 168
quotations 161
run-on quotations 168
solidus in 91
translations 172–3
vertical rule in 91
vertical rule 91
in mathematics 293
in run-on verse quotations 168
video 30, 152, 369, 374
video games see digital products
vinculum (overbar) 292
virgule see solidus
viruses 277–8
vitamins 281
viz. 182
volume numbers
in references 256, 336, 357, 362–3
Roman numerals 196, 394
in index 394
multi-volume works 7, 10, 13, 356–7
in prelims 3, 4, 7
von, von dem, von der, vom (proper name prefixes) 114–15
Vulgate 146
Wade–Giles transliteration system 116, 123, 208–9
walking-stick rule 59
-ward/-wards (suffix) 419
web design software 315
web publishing 27, 37
webcast 374
asterisks 93
in bibliography 371–2
capitalization 94
copyright 405
creation and maintenance 30
notes 332
numerals 186
quotation marks 92
thumbnails 315
titles 138, 152–3
vertical rule 91 see also URLs
weights and measures see SI units; units of measure
Welsh 251–2
proper names 112
wen see wyn(n)
which or that 74
whiskey/whisky 412
widows 46
Wikipedia 374
word division 57–62, 64–8, 242–3
according to construction 66
according to pronunciation 65, 66
principles 65–6
special rules 66–8 see also line breaks and under individual languages
word spacing 45, 64, 66, 233
word-processing software
for editing 29, 30, 31, 33
embedded indexing 378
equation editor 290
graphical output 321
table editor 304–5
work titles
abbreviations 179
anglicized 158
archaic 142
articles 138
blog articles 138
bold type 133
broadcast works 152
capitalization 140–1, 154, 156–7, 221
chapters 138
contractions 179
databases 153
digital products 136, 137, 152–3
editorial insertions 144
essays 138
films 152
including other titles 144
indexing 386
integration into text 158–9
italicization 131, 144, 156, 158
item within a publication 138
newspaper columns 138
non-English, 146–7, 150–1, 157–8, 336, 337see also under individual languages
operas 155
periodicals 153
poems 138
popular music 153–4
provisional 139
punctuation 81, 127–8, |142–3, 158
quotation marks 92
as quotations 159
roman type 132
sacred texts 145–50
sections within websites 138
Shakespeare 150–1
short stories 138
small capitals 134
songs 153–4, 155
spelling 141–2
translated versions 155, 158
treated as singular 159
treatment 136–59
‘true’ vs generic 154–5
truncation 143
typography 137
unpublished works 139–40
works of art 156–7
written works 136–45
works of art, titles 136, 139, 156–7
world English 414, 422
written works, work titles 136–45
wyn(n) (Ƿ, ƿ) 237
XML, tagging 27, 28, 32, 268, 339, 350, 353, 368, 372
XML files 27, 32, 46, 287–8
yearbooks 7
years see dates
Yiddish 252
yogh (Ȝ and ȝ) 166, 237
YouTube video 374
Yugoslavia (former) 246
-yze spellings 50
in decimal fractions 192
leading 192, 308
US usage 409
zip code 126