ACES study (Adverse Childhood Events) 110–112

acid reflux, 45–47, 47 (fig.)

ADHD, 80

Adrenal Formula 239

air purifier, 107

ALA. See alpha-linolenic acid

alanine, 70 (fig.)

alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 50

alcohol, 163, 166

algae oil, 143

allergenic foods, 138

allergens, gallbladder-related, 139

alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), 26–27

ALT. See alanine aminotransferase

aluminum, xviii, 96

Alzheimer’s disease and, 97, 116

brain and, 97

cookware, 117

toxicity, 97

aluminum foil, 116–117

Alzheimer’s disease, xiii, xvi, 7

aluminum and, 97, 116

amalgam, 99

amino acids

BCAAs, 67–68

food sources and, 69–71 (fig.)

function of, 65–66

intake of, xviii

types of, 64–65, 66 (fig.)

antioxidants, 127

anxiety, 80

apigenin, 127

appliances, 120–122, 124 (fig.)

arginine, 69 (fig.)

arsenic, 94, 96

artichokes, 56

ASEA, 108

asparagine, 71 (fig.)

aspartate, 71 (fig.)

aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 50

Atkins, Robert, Dr., xiv–xv

ATP. See energy production

atrazine, 93

autism, 80

autoimmune conditions, xiv, 3, 9, 44, 48–49

avocado oil, 144

Bacteroidetes, 77

barium, 96

BCAAs. See branched-chain amino acids

beer, 139

beets, 55

Before the Change, xv


Val’s Horchata, 200

Beyond Pritikin, xiv

The Biggest Loser, outcomes of, 7–8

bile, 36–37

acids, 42

bitters and, 146

detox and, 92

flow, xviii

function of, 13, 126

gallbladder and, 39–40

nutrients for, 43

salts, 42

sluggish, 39–39

toxic, 44–50, 47 (fig.), 126

Bile Builder, 55–56

biotoxins, 88, 103, 105

bitters, 137 (fig.)

bile and, 146

digestive, 147

foods, 52–56, 53 (fig.), 147

metabolixirs, 147–148

for reboot, 146–148

Blank, Martin, 103

blender, 122, 127

bloating, xv

body mass index (BMI), 162

bone broth, 100–101, 129, 143, 165–166

Basic Bone Broth, 216–217

BPA, 93

brain fog, 3

branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), 67–68

brass containers, 118

breakfast, 194

Blueberry Lemon Almond Pancakes, 202–203

Citrus Blaster, 201

Melissa’s Turkey Sausage Patties, 203

Tempeh-Basil Breakfast Scramble, 202

Brogan, Kelly, Dr., 80

brothelixir, 217–218

cadmium, 96

caffeine, 140–141

cancer, 9

Candida albicans, overgrowth of, 83

Cani, Patrice D., 77

carbohydrates, 83

radical, 137 (fig.), 139, 152–154

Carbon 60 (C60) 239

carnitine, 140–141

carotenoids, 76

cast iron cookware, 118

cayenne, 158

CBC. See complete blood count

celiac disease, 81–82

cell membranes, 8

detox and, 91–92, 92 (fig.)

injury to, 10

science of, 18

wall damage in, 9

cellular inflammation, 10

Center for Restorative Medicine, 82

ceramic cookware, clay-based, 115

ceramic purification filter, 94

chia seed, 143

chicory root, 162

chlorophyll, 128

cholecystitis, 40

choline, 43, 55, 140–141

cinnamon, 159

CLA. See conjugated linoleic acid

CLA-1000 240

clary sage seed oil, 143

Clostridium difficile, 86

coconut oil, 144

coffee, 140–141, 164–165

coffee enemas, 57

collagen, 100–101

collinsonia root, 55

complete blood count (CBC), 50

computed tomography (CT), 51

conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), 28, 28 (table)

constipation, 15, 45

convenience foods, 140


aluminum, 117

cast iron, 118

ceramic clay-based, 115

copper, 118

enameled iron, 118

glass, 118

healthy options for, 117–118

nonstick, 118

Pyrex, 118

copper, 96

overload, 97–98

copper cookware, 118

Crohn’s disease, 76, 83

cryolite, 94

CT. See computed tomography

cumin, 159

cutting boards, Lucite, 119

Cypress, Aaron, Dr., 18

cysteine, 70 (fig.)

Daily Greens Formula, 239

dairy, 137 (fig.)

intolerance to, 83

leaky gut and, 83

meal plans and, 173

for reboot, 154–155

tin, 118

dandelion root, 56

dementia, 7

depression, 80


bile and, 92

cell membranes and, 91–92, 92 (fig.)

The Fast Track Detox Diet, xv

supplements for, 108–110

symptoms of, 126

See also kitchen detox

diarrhea, 15

dicamba, 102

digestive bitters, 147

digestive enzymes, 14

dioxin, 93

dip, Sunflower “Cheese,” 224

“Dirty Dozen Endocrine Disruptors,” 93–94, 96

diverticulitis, 83

DNA, 6

damage to, 9


Basic Vinaigrette, 221–222

Cilantro Lime Dressing, 222–223

Hempseed Vinaigrette, 222

Horseradish Vinaigrette, 223–224

Sixy Sesame Salad Dressing, 221

Umeboshi Plum Vinaigrette, 223

dried fruit, 139

Dufault, Renee, Dr., 99

DuPont, 118

dysbiosis, 15

EAAs. See essential amino acids

EDCs. See endocrine-disrupting chemicals

EFAs. See essential fatty acids

EFT. See Emotional Freedom Techniques

eggs, 138, 139

electromagnetic fields (EMFs), 102–104

electropollution, xv, 102–104

Emotional Freedom Techniques 110–112

EMFs. See electromagnetic fields

enameled iron cookware, 118

endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), 93–94

energy production (ATP), 10

enteric nervous system (ENS), 79


Cauliflower Pizza Crust, 213

Chicken Schnitzel with Cucumber Salad, 206–207

Gingered Steaks with Arugula and Cucumber Salad, 208

Gingery Asian Lettuce Wraps, 204

Grilled Lemon Dijon Turkey Cutlets, 210–211

Lemon Garlic Roasted Chicken, 211

Moroccan Chicken, 209

Pineapple Shrimp with Ginger, 205–206

Radical Turkey Bacon Burgers, 207

Roasted Sesame Pecan Chicken, 209–210

Savory Roasted Lemon Lamb Chops, 211–212

Teriyaki Tempeh, 212–213

Turkey Lettuce Wraps, 205

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), 93, 108


digestive, 14

pancreatic, 146–147

epigenetics, metabolism and, 11

essential amino acids (EAAs), 65. See also amino acids

essential fatty acids (EFAs), 22

estrogen, 10

estrogen dominance, 49–50, 97–98

EWG. See The Environmental Working Group

exercise, 72–73

false fat, 49–50

fast food, 140

The Fast Track Detox Diet, xv

The Fat Flush Plan, xv

Fat Flush Body Protein 68, 238

fatigue, 3, 15

chronic, xv, 76


dietary, 18

false, 49–50

healthy, 138–139

radical, 136 (fig.), 142–146

revamping, 12–13

toxic, 139

See also omega-3 fats; omega-6 fats

fatty acids, 9, 13

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

fecal microbiotic transplants (FMTs), 86

fermentation, 84

fiber, 85

fire retardants, 94

Firmicutes, 77

fish, 143

Five Radical Rules to Rescue Metabolism, 11, 12 (fig.)

radical rule #1: revamping your fats for, 12–13

radical rule #2: gallbladder restoration for, 13–14

radical rule #3: muscle rebuilding for, 14–15

radical rule #4: gut repair for, 15–16

radical rule #5: toxic load reduction for, 16

flavonoids, 127

flaxseed, 143

Flora-Key, 84

fluoride, 9

Teflon and, 118

thyroid and, 94–97

FMTs. See fecal microbiotic transplants

FODMAPS diet, 36

Fogarty, Mark, Dr., 128

food allergies, 15, 49

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 99

food sensitivities, 49

FOS. See fructooligosaccharides

4-Day Radical Intensive Cleanse, xviii, 125

basics of, 129

juicing and, 127

meal plan and recipes for, 130–132

polyphenols and, 126–127

watercress and, 128–129

free radicals, 126

fructooligosaccharides (FOS), 161–162

fruits, 137 (fig.)

dried, 139

monk, 162–163

for reboot, 151–152

gadolinium, 91, 96


allergens, 139

bile and, 39–40

flush, 57

health of, xviii

removal of, 57–58

restoration of, 13–14

testing for, 50–51

See also Radical Rule #2: Restore Your Gallbladder

gallstones, 13, 41–42

constipation and, 40

hypothyroidism and, 40

gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), 50

gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), 27–28

GAPS diet, 36

gastrin, 146

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 14, 44, 45, 54, 142

gallstones and, 40

leaky gut and, 83

GGT. See gamma-glutamyltransferase

ghee, 143

Giardia, 128

ginger, 159

GLA. See gamma-linolenic acid

GLA-90, 240

glass cookware, 118

glass food storage, 119–120

glucose, 19

glutamate, 71 (fig.)

glutamine, 71 (fig.), 85–86

glutathione, 103

gluten, 138, 139, 153

sensitivity, 81–82

glycine, 70 (fig.)

glycol ethers, 94

glyphosate, 101–102

GMOs, 139

grains, 140

high lectin, 139

green tea, 95

grilling safety, 122–123

Guess What Came to Dinner, xv

Gundry, Steven, Dr., 82


inflammation of, 15

microbiome and, 79–80

repairing the, 15–16

See also leaky gut

gut flora, 15, 78

role in body, 77 (fig.)

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 3

hazelnut oil, 144

HCAs. See heterocyclic amines

HCl. See hydrochloric acid

HCL+2 238

heart disease, 7, 9

heartburn, 45–47, 47 (fig.)

heavy metals, xvi, 96

hemp hearts, 142

hemp seeds, 142

hempseed oil, 142

herbal tea, 129

herbs, spices and, 129, 158–161

heterocyclic amines (HCAs), 128

HFCS. See high-fructose corn syrup

hibiscus, 130, 165

hibiscus tea, 165

high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 140

histidine, 69 (fig.)

homeostasis, 8

hormone dysregulation, 44

hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 49


dysregulation of, 44

fake, xvi

HRT and, 49

imbalance of, 15

metabolism and, 8

microbiome and, 78–79

signaling of, 10

thyroid, 10

horseradish, 158

HRT. See hormone replacement therapy

hydrochloric acid (HCl), 14, 45, 63–64, 146

hydrochloric acid equivalents, 56

hypothalamus, 8

hypothyroidism, xvii

IBD. See inflammatory bowel disease

IBS. See irritable bowel syndrome

illness, chronic

obesity and, xiv

immersion blender, 122

inflammation, xv

cellular, 10

chronic disease and, xvi

of gut, 15

leaky gut and, 80–81

weight-loss resistance and, 21–22

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 44, 83

inflammatory disease, 9

insulin, 10

insulin resistance, xvii, 19

insulin sensitivity, 93

intermittent fasting, 56–57

inulin, 161

irritable bowel, 15

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 42, 76

gluten and, 81–82

isoleucine, 70 (fig.)


AM Rise and Shine Juice, 198

PM High Five Juice, 198–199


for cleansing and weight loss, 127

juicer for, 122

lemon, 129

recipes for, 194, 198–200

Kane, Patricia, 18

Ketogenic diet, 36

Keys, Ancel, 18

kitchen detox

aluminum cookware and, 117

aluminum foil and, 116–117

cast iron and enameled iron for, 118

checklist for, 124 (fig.)

electric seed grinder and, 122

food storage for, 119–120

grilling and, 122–123

healthy cookware for, 117–118

immersion blender and, 122

juicers and blenders for, 122

microwave and, 120–121

nonstick cookware and, 118

other cookware and, 118

slow cooker and, 121–122

small appliances and, 120–122

toaster ovens and, 121

tools for, 118–119

water filtration and, 123

Klinghardt, Dietrich, Dr., 103

LA. See linoleic acid

Lactobacilli, 81

lactose intolerance, 98

L-Carnitine, 72

lead, 9, 94, 96

lower IQ and, 99–101

leaky gut, 15, 80 (fig.)

allergen removal for, 84

carbohydrates and, 83

dairy and, 83

fermentation for, 84

fiber use in, 85

GERD and, 83

glutamine and, 85–86

gluten and, 81–82

healing methods for, 83–87

immune problems and, 80–81

inflammation and, 80–81

licorice root and, 86

nickel and, 98

Quercetin and, 86

sugar and, 83

triggers for, 83

vitamin D and, 86

lecithin, 43

lectins, 82, 138, 153

lemon juice, 129

leptin, 10

levels of, 7

signaling, 93

LES. See lower esophageal sphincter

leucine, 69 (fig.)

licorice root, 86

life expectancy, xiii

linoleic acid (LA), 25–26

lipid peroxidation, 10

Lipton, Bruce, 20

Liver-Lovin Formula, 55

lower esophageal sphincter (LES), 45, 147

Lucite, 119

Lugol’s iodine, 95

lysine, 70 (fig.)

macadamia nut oil, 144

Mag-Key, 240

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 51

manganese, 128

master amino pattern (MAP), 68

meal plans, 173. See also menu plans

melatonin, 103

menopause, natural alternatives to, xv

menu plans

principles for, 172–173

week 1, 174–178

week 2, 179–183

week 3, 183–188

week 4: maintenance plan, 189–193

mercury, 9, 94, 96, 98–99

metabolic syndrome, xv, 15

metabolic thermostat, xviii

metabolism, 38 (fig.)

basics of, 5–7

epigenetics and, 11

hormones and, 8

radical, 11

sluggish, xiv, 37–39

stalled, xiv, 3–16

sugar-fueled, 19

toxic, 6

toxic stress on, xxi

See also Five Radical Rules to Rescue Metabolism

metabolism rescue

basics of, 5–7

The Biggest Loser examples and, 7–8

cell membrane medicine for, 8–9

diet for, 9–10

epigenetics and, 11

patient example of, 3–5

See also Five Radical Rules to Rescue Metabolism

metabolixirs, 147–148, 194, 196–197

Dandy-as-Candy Metabolixir, 197

Pick-Me-Up Metabolixir, 196–197

methionine, 70 (fig.)

microbes, xvi

microbiome, xvi

function of, 74–76

gut-brain connection to, 79–80

health and, 76

hormones and, 78–79

imbalanced, 15

unbalanced, 77–78

microwave, 120–121

A Mind of Your Own, 80

miso, 129

mitochondria, xvi–xvii, 9, 10, 91

mold-contaminated foods, 139–140

molds, 105–106, 139–140

monk fruit, 162–163

Monsanto, 101

MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging

multiple sclerosis, 80

muscles, rebuilding of, 14–15

mustard, 159

mycotoxins, 104–106

NAFLD. See nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

naringenin, 127

Neurolipid Research Foundation, 18

neutral oils, 145–146

The New Fat Flush Plan, xv

nickel, 96, 118

leaky gut and, 98

nightshades, 149

nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), 19, 37

nutritionist, xiv

nuts, 29–30

roasting, 144

seeds and, 143

soaking, 144

obesity, 15

in America, xiii

chronic illness and, xiv

obesogens, xv, 89, 93


algae, 143

avocado, 144

clary sage seed, 143

coconut, 144

cooking with, 143–144

hazelnut, 144

hempseed, 142

macadamia nut, 144

neutral, 145–146

PEOs, 18, 25

pine nut, 142–143

red palm, 144

sesame, 144

Siberian pine nut, 142–143

tigernut, 144

walnut, 144

omega-3 fats, xvi, 26–27, 138–139, 145

meal plans and, 173

omega-6 fats, xvi, xvii, xviii, 12, 22–23, 138–139, 145

meal plans and, 173

onions, 138, 139

oolong tea, 95, 129, 142, 165

OPA. See orthophosphoric acid

organophosphate pesticides, 94

ornithine, 71 (fig.)

orthophosphoric acid (OPA), 56

ox bile, 55

oxalates, 150

pain, chronic, 3

Paleo diet, xiv, 36

Paleo Plus diet, 36

pancreatic enzymes, 146–147

pancreatic lipase, 55

parasites, xv, 104–105

parchment paper, 116–117

parent essential oils (PEOs), 18, 25

Parkinson’s disease, 76

peanuts, 139, 153

PEITC, 128

PEOs. See parent essential oils

pepsin, 116, 146

perchlorate, 93

perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), 94

peroxynitrites, 158

Peskin, Brian, 18

pesticides, 89

petrochemicals, xvi

PFCs. See perfluorinated chemicals

PFOA, 118

Phase 1: 21-Day Radical Reboot, 135

Phase 2: Maintenance, 135

phenylalanine, 70 (fig.)

phospholipase A2, 9

phthalates, 93

phytic acid, 153

phytonutrients, 128

pine nut oil, 142–143

plastics, xvi

polyphenols, 126–127

polytetrafluoroethylene, 118

pork, 138, 139

prebiotics, xix, 85, 138 (fig.), 156–157

probiotic foods, xix

probiotics, 84, 138 (fig.), 156–157

processed foods, 140

progesterone, 10

proline, 71 (fig.)


amount in foods, 63 (fig.)

excess, 61

intake of, xviii

muscles and, 59–63, 63 (fig.)

proper amounts of, 61–62

radical, 137 (fig.), 148–149

toxic, 139

use of, 59–61

for weight loss, 62–63

Pyrex cookware, 118

quercetin, 86

radiation, xvi

radical carbohydrates, 137 (fig.), 139, 152–154

radical fats, 136 (fig.), 142–146

radical metabolism, 11. See also metabolism

Radical Metabolizer, 29, 240 (fig.), 249

Radical Metabolism plan, phases of, 136–138 (fig.)

radical proteins, 137 (fig.), 148–149

Radical Rule #1: Revamp Your Fats, 17–18, 20 (fig.)

fat choices for, 25–29

fatty acid ratio for, 23–25

foods to eat to, 29–34, 35 (table)

inflammation and, 21–22

membrane medicine and, 20–21

omega-6 fats and, 22–23

sugar-burning and, 19

Radical Rule #2: Restore Your Gallbladder

bile and, 39–40

bile nutrients and, 43

coffee enemas and flushing for, 57

diagnosis for, 50–51

gallstones and, 40–42

intermittent fasting and, 56–57

metabolism and, 37–39, 38 (fig.)

removal of, 57–58

symptoms to look for in, 51–52

toxic bile conditions and, 43–50, 47 (fig.)

using bitters for, 52–56, 53 (fig.)

Radical Rule #3: Rebuild Your Muscles

amino acids and, 64–69, 69–71 (fig.)

L-Carnitine and, 72

protein and, 59–63, 63 (fig.)

workouts and, 72–73

Radical Rule #4: Repair Your Gut

healing methods for, 83–87

inflammation and immune problems with, 80–83, 80 (fig.)

microbiome and, 76–80, 77 (fig.)

Radical Rule #5: Reduce Your Toxic Load

aluminum and, 97

biological hazards and, 104–106

causes for, 88–90

cell membranes and, 91–92, 92 (fig.)

copper overload and, 97–98

daily exposures and, 106–108

EDCs and, 93–94

electropollution and, 102–104

estrogen dominance and, 97–98

fluoride and, 94–97

glyphosate and, 101–102

lead and, 99–101

leaky gut and, 98

mercury and, 98–99

nickel and, 98

supplementation for, 108–110

thyroid and, 94–97, 96 (fig.)

toxin locations and, 90–91 (fig.)

toxin testing and, 106

Radical Rules, xviii


breakfast, 194, 201–203

dressings, dips, and sauces, 195, 221–225

entrées, 194–195, 204–215

juices and beverages, 194, 198–200

metabolixirs, 194, 196–197

snacks and treats, 196, 226–231

soups and broths, 195, 216–220

vegetables and sides, 195, 214–215

See also specific categories

red palm oil, 144

refined sugar, xiv, 140

reverse osmosis, 94

rheumatoid arthritis, 3

rooibos tea, 165

Roundup, 101

SAD. See standard American diet

sauce, Chimichurri, 224–225

Schenker, Sarah, 128

sea salt, 159–160

seed grinder, electric, 122

serine, 71 (fig.)

sesame oil, 144

shungite, 104

Siberian pine nut oil, 142–143

SIBO. See small intestine bacterial overgrowth

sleep disorders, 80

slow cooker, 121–122

small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), 15, 44, 81


Almond Flour Piecrust, 230–231

Coconut Buttermilk Pie, 230

Crazy Good Curried Cashews, 226

Crunchy Almond Fruit Bars, 229

Hemp Cacao Magic 6-Balls, 227

Radical Chocolate Chip Cookies, 227–228

Surprise Cake, 228–229

SOD. See superoxide dismutase


Creamy Dreamy Watercress Soup, 132–133, 218–219

Curried Cauliflower Soup, 219–220

Radical Lentil Soup, 220

spices, herbs and, 129, 158–161

standard American diet (SAD), 6

stevia, 161

sucralose, 83


burning of, 19

dietary removal of, 84

intolerance to, 83

leaky gut and, 83

refined, xiv, 140

sugar alcohols, 163

Super GI Cleanse 261

Super Nutrition for Women (Gittleman), xv

superoxide dismutase (SOD), 103, 128, 165


amino acid, 69–71 (fig.), 69–72

bile support, 136 (fig.)

for detox, 108–110

sweeteners, 161–163

tapping. See EFT

taurine, 55, 70 (fig.)

teas, 140

dandelion root, 142, 165

green, 95

herbal, 129

hibiscus, 165

oolong, 95, 129, 142, 165

rooibos, 165

Teflon, xviii, 94

fluoride and, 118

tempeh, 148

testosterone, 10

THMs. See trihalomethanes

threonine, 70 (fig.)

Thyro-Key, 48, 240, 249


crash, 47–48

disease, 44

fluoride and, 94–97

hormone, 10

hypothyroidism, xvii

thyroxine, 94

tigernut oil, 144

tin, 96

tissue mineral analysis (TMA), 106

titanium, 117

TMA. See tissue mineral analysis

toaster ovens, 121

toxic bile, 49–50, 126

toxic fats, 139

toxic load, reduction of, 16

toxic metabolism, 6

See also metabolism

toxic proteins, 139

toxic stress, xxi

toxins, 88

locations of, 90–91

reducing exposure to, 106–110

testing for, 106

trihalomethanes (THMs), 123

tryptophan, 70 (fig.)

turmeric, 160

21-Day Radical Reboot, xviii, 136–138 (fig.)

beverages for, 163–166

bitters and, 146–148

dairy for, 154–155

equivalents and swaps for, 167 (fig.)

FAQs for, 170–171

foods to avoid during, 139–140

fruits for, 151–152

metabolixirs for, 147–148

omega-3 fats and, 138–139

omega-6 fats and, 138–139

pantry supplies for, 158–161

prebiotics for, 156–157

preparation for, 134–136

probiotics for, 156–157

radical carbohydrates for, 152–154

radical fats and, 142–146

radical proteins and, 148–149

steps after, 133

success tips for, 166–170

sugar alcohols and, 163

sweeteners for, 161–163

vegetables for, 149–151

type 2 diabetes, xiii, 7, 15

fatty acids and, 9

tyrosine, 71 (fig.)

Unsafe at Any Meal: What the FDA Does Not Want You to Know About the Foods You Eat, 99

valine, 70 (fig.)

vegan, 173

vegetables, 137 (fig.), 149–151

Bacon-Wrapped Brussels Sprouts, 215

Grapefruit Slaw, 214

recipes for, 195, 214–215

Roasted Beets with Sour Cream and Dill, 214–215

Virchow, Rudolf, xvi

visceral fat, 19

vitamin C, 56, 98

vitamin D, 86

vitamins, 13

fat-soluble, 126

walnut oil, 144

water, 163

water filtration systems, whole house, 123

watercress, 128–129


effort towards, xiii

products for, xiii

resistance, xv, 15, 21–22

Weight Loss Formula, 141, 241, 263

Why Am I Always So Tired?, 98

wine, 139

xenoestrogens, xv, 93

Xtrema, 116, 118

Xylitol, 83

yacón, 161–162

Your Body Knows Best, xv

Zapped, xv, 104

zinc, 98