- abstract data types, 387
- Ackermann, Wilhelm, 51, 179
- Adleman, Len, xxii, 463
- Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 201, 225, 252, 373
- Aiken, Howard Hathaway, xviii, 61, 99, 107, 147, 169, 192, 307, 399
- al-Kwarizmi, xvi
- Albert (Prince Consort), xvii
- ALGOL, xiv, xx, 209, 213, 222, 231, 281, 282, 292, 297, 305, 306, 447
- analog computer, 107
- analytical engine, 9, 150, 157
- Apple Computer, 357
- Aristotle, xvi, 1, 5, 7, 27, 450
- ARPA, see Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
- ARPANET, 201, 373, 407
- Art of Computer Programming, The, 441
- artificial intelligence, 147, 183, 203, 213, 268, 271
- As We May Think, xxi, 107, 225
- Atanasoff, John Vincent, xviii
- Austin, University of Texas at, 267
- Automatic Calculating Engine, xviii, 89, 147
- Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, 61
- Babbage, Charles, xvi, 9, 27, 61, 63, 109, 150, 157, 170
- Backus, John, xiv, 237
- Baran, Paul, 373
- BBN, 201, 373
- Begriffsschrift, 45
- Belfast, Queen’s University in, 298
- Bell Helicopter Company, 252
- Bell Labs, 112, 121, 135, 180, 212, 238, 357
- Berkeley, University of California at, 308, 333, 349, 422
- binary, xviii, 5, 71, 89, 98, 121
- bit, xviii, 121, 122, 188
- Bletchley Park, 147, 307
- Boggs, David R., 407
- Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), 201, 373
- Boole, George, xvi, xviii, xix, 27, 71, 135
- boolean logic, 27, 72, 349
- Borůvka, Otakar, 179
- Boston University, 334
- Bronx High School of Science, 183
- Brooks, Frederick C., xxii, 321, 399
- Brooks’s Law, 406
- bug, 169
- Burks, Arthur, 89, 165
- Bush, Vannevar, xxi, 6, 107, 191, 225, 307
- Butler, Samuel, xix, 193
- Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron), 9
- California Institute of Technology, 213, 441
- Cambridge, University of, 9, 53, 147, 150, 165, 339
- Cantor, Georg, xvii, 51
- Cerf, Vinton, xxii, 373
- channel, 424
- Cheatham, Thomas E., Jr., vi, 399
- Chicago, University of, 80
- Chomsky, Noam, xiv
- chosen plaintext attack, 427
- chromatic number, 354
- Church, Alonzo, xiv, xvii, xx, 51, 53, 87, 153, 213, 217, 307
- ciphertext, 425
- ciphertext only attack, 427
- circuits, integrated, 261
- circuits, series-parallel, 72
- Clarke, Edmund, 447
- clique, 353
- clock, 79, 91, 96, 102, 241, 242, 283, 285, 291
- Cobham, Alan, 179, 333
- COBOL, xiv, xx, 170, 231, 305, 460
- Codd, Edgar F., xxii, 307
- Compatible Time-Sharing System, 238, 357
- compiler, 169, 441
- computable number, 53
- concurrency, xxi, 267
- Cook, Stephen A., xxi, 333, 349
- Cook–Levin Theorem, 334
- Corbató, Fernando, xxii, 237
- Cork, Queen’s College in, 28
- Cornell University, 183
- critical section, 267, 287
- cryptography, xxii, 421, 463
- CTSS, 238
- cybernetics, 191
- Daggett, Marjorie Merwin, 237
- Daley, Robert C., 237
- Dartmouth College, 213
- database, 307
- Davies, Donald, 373
- Davis, Martin, 46
- Davis–Putnam procedure, 337, 338
- De Morgan, Augustus, 27
- De Morgan’s laws, 27, 75, 77, 336
- deadly embrace, 288
- debugging, 165, 169, 239, 281, 297, 304, 402
- DEC, 201, 358, 373
- DeMillo, Richard, xxii, 447
- difference engine, 9
- differential analyzer, 107, 158
- Diffie, Whitfield, xxii, 421, 463
- Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 201, 358, 373
- digital signatures, 421
- Dijkstra, Edsger, xxi, xxii, 180, 267, 279, 289, 321, 387
- diophantine equation, xvi, 46, 50
- discrete logarithm, 422
- documentation, 305, 325
- dynamic programming, 180
- Eckert, Presper, xvii, 89
- Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation, 90, 169, 170
- Edmonds, Jack, xxi, 179, 333, 351
- EDSAC, 165
- EDVAC, xvii, 89, 121, 136, 147, 165, 251
- Eindhoven, Technological University in, 267, 279
- ELIZA, xx, 147, 271
- Elizabeth II (Queen), 53
- Emerson, E. Allen, 447
- Engelbart, Douglas C., xxi, 225
- ENIAC, xvii, 89
- entropy, 121
- Entscheidungsproblem, xvii, xx, 46, 51, 60, 213, 421
- error correcting code, xviii, 138
- error detecting code, xviii, 138
- Ethernet, xxii, 407
- exact cover, 354
- exponential backoff, 416
- exponential growth, 261
- exponential time, 333
- factoring, 463
- feedback arc set, 354
- feedback node set, 353
- Fermat, Pierre de, 47, 449, 469
- Ferranti Mark 1, 165
- Floyd, Robert, xiv, 180, 297
- FORTRAN, xiv, xx, 209, 222, 237, 242, 305
- Frege, Gottlob, 45
- gateway, 376
- Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 463
- Gaussian elimination, 293
- GCHQ, xxii, 422
- Georgia Institute of Technology, 448
- GNU, 357
- go to statement, 289, 387
- Gödel, Kurt, xvii, 46, 51, 60, 153
- Goldstine, Herman, 89, 165
- Göttingen, University of, 45
- graph isomorphism, 356
- graphics, computer, 201, 251, 399
- Gray, Jim, xiv
- greedy algorithm, 180
- Hamiltonian circuit, 180, 350, 354
- Hamming, Richard W., xviii, 135
- Hamming code, 135
- Hardy, G. H., 422, 443–446, 449, 452, 457
- Harvard architecture, 62
- Harvard University, xviii, 61, 107, 169, 191, 201, 333, 349, 357, 399, 407
- hashing, 441
- Hawking, Stephen, 9
- Hellman, Martin, xxii, 421, 463
- Hilbert, David, xvii, 45, 51, 90, 213, 421, 448
- hitting set, 354
- Hoare, C. A. R., xxi, 292, 297
- Hobbes, Thomas, xix
- Homer, xix
- Hopper, Grace Murray, xx, 169, 237, 307
- Huffman code, 121
- IBM, see International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
- imitation game, 148
- IMS, 307
- indexing, xxii, 107, 116, 117, 309, 339
- information theory, 121, 424
- Ingres, 308
- integer programming, 353
- integrated circuit, 262
- Intel Corporation, 261
- International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), xviii, 61, 68–70, 99, 165, 183, 201, 203, 213, 214, 218, 237, 238, 241, 249, 272, 307, 349, 373, 387, 399, 408, 466, 472
- internet, xxii, 201, 373
- inverse document frequency, 339
- IP, 373
- Jarník, Vojtěch, 180
- Jevons, William, 27, 463
- job sequencing, 355
- Kahn, Robert, xxii, 373
- Karp, Richard, xxi, 180, 349, 439
- key (cryptography), 421
- key (database), 314
- Kleene, Stephen Cole, xiv, 80, 87, 153
- knapsack, 354, 422, 439, 440
- known plaintext attack, 427
- Knuth, Donald E., xxi, 179, 289, 441
- Kruskal, Clyde, 180
- Kruskal, Joseph B., Jr., xxi, 179, 333
- Kruskal, Martin David, 180
- Kruskal, William, 180
- al-Kwarizmi, xvi
- lambda-calculus, xx, 51, 87, 213
- Lamport, Leslie, xiv
- Lampson, Butler, xiv
- Lawler, Eugene, 351
- Laws of Thought, The, xviii, 27, 135
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, xvi, xix, 5, 45, 62, 109, 170, 442
- Levin, Leonid, 334
- Licklider, J. C. R., xxi, 201, 225, 237, 252, 373
- light pen, 251
- linear equations, 293
- linear inequalities, 350, 356
- Linux, 357
- Lipton, Richard, xxii, 447
- Liskov, Barbara, xxii, 387
- LISP, xx, 51, 213
- logic, xv, xxi, 5, 27, 50, 60, 72, 183, 297, 333
- logic piano, 27, 463
- Lovelace, Ada Augusta, xvii, xix, 9, 61, 157
- Ludolph of Cologne, 7
- machine learning, 161, 183, 195
- man-month, 402
- Manchester, University of, 147, 150, 159, 165
- Manchester “Baby”, xviii
- Manhattan Project, 90, 107, 135
- Mark 1 (Manchester), 147, 150, 159, 165
- Mark I (Harvard), xviii, 61, 91, 107, 147, 169, 307
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, xxi, 71, 80, 107, 121, 183, 191, 201, 213, 237, 251, 271, 357, 387, 407, 463
- matching, 354
- Matiyasevich, Yuri, 46
- matrix multiplication, 293
- Mauchly, John W., xvii, 89, 170
- max cut, 355
- McCarthy, John, xx, 213, 237, 238, 387
- McCarthy, Joseph (Senator), 192
- McCulloch, Warren, xix, 6, 79, 90, 97, 191, 213
- memex, 117
- Menabrea, Luigi, 9
- Merkle, Ralph, xxii, 421
- Metcalfe, Robert, xxii, 407
- microcode, xx, 165
- microfilm, 107
- Millennium Prize problems, 45
- minimum cut, 351
- Minsky, Marvin, 183, 213
- MIT, see Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- model-checking, 447
- Moore, Gordon, xx, 261
- Moore School, 89, 147, 165, 169
- Moore’s Law, xx, 261
- Morgenstern, Oskar, 194
- Morland, Samuel, 62
- mother of all demos, 225
- MULTICS, 238, 357
- multiprogramming, 280
- mutual exclusion, 267, 287
- My Fair Lady, 271
- Mythical Man-Month, The, 399
- Napier, John, 62
- National Science Foundation, 107
- network, 373, 407
- neuron, 79, 185
- Newell, Allen, xiv, 203, 214
- Newton, Isaac, xvi, 9
- node cover, 353
- nondeterministic Turing machine, 334, 352
- normal form, 313
- Noyce, Robert, 261
- 𝒩𝒫, xxi, 333, 349, 442
- 𝒩𝒫-complete, 180, 338, 353, 440
- O-notation, 442
- object-oriented programming, 387
- one time pad, 424
- one-way authentication, 432
- one-way function, 433
- operating system, 237, 279, 357
- oracle, 335
- Oracle Corporation, 308
- Oxford, University of, 298
- 𝒫, xxi, 334, 349, 442
- packet, 374, 407
- Papert, Seymour, 183
- parity code, 136
- partititon, 355
- Pascal (programming language), 289
- Pascal, Blaise, xvi, 5, 10, 62, 170
- Paterson, Michael, 443
- Peacock, George, 27
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, 71
- Pennsylvania, University of, xviii, 89, 147, 165, 169
- perceptron, xix, 183
- Perlis, Alan, xxii, 222, 447
- Péter, Rósza, xx
- Pitts, Walter, xix, 6, 79, 90, 97, 191, 213
- plaintext, 425
- polynomial time, 333, 350
- Post, Emil, 52
- predicate, 1, 214
- predicate calculus, 51, 308, 317
- Prim, Robert Clay, 180
- prime number, 48, 49, 51, 335, 356, 443, 451, 464, 469, 471, 477
- Princeton University, xxi, 53, 90, 180
- Principia Mathematica, xix, 45, 51, 60, 80, 448, 450
- Prior Analytics, 1, 27
- projection, 319
- proof, 60, 297, 333, 447
- propositional logic, 28, 74
- protocol, xxii, 374
- public key, 421, 463
- Putnam, Hilary, 46
- Pygmalion, 271
- Rabin, Michael, xiv, xxi, 451
- reducible, 335, 349
- relational model, xxii, 307
- Relational Technology Inc., 308
- Remington Rand, 169
- Ritchie, Dennis, xxii, 357
- Rivest, Ronald, xxii, 463
- Roberts, Lawrence “Larry”, 373
- Robinson, Julia, 46
- Rochester, Nathaniel, 213
- Rosenblatt, Frank, xix, 183
- Royce, Winston, xxii, 321
- RSA, xxii, 463
- Russell, Bertrand, 45, 80, 195, 448
- satisfiability, 333, 351
- Science, the Endless Frontier, 107
- Scott, Dana, xiv, xxi
- semaphore, 286
- set cover, 353
- set packing, 353
- Shamir, Adi, xxii, 422, 463, 475
- Shannon, Claude, xvii, xviii, 71, 107, 121, 135, 213, 251, 421
- Shaw, George Bernard, 271
- Shaw, John, 203
- Shor, Peter, xxii
- shortest paths, 267, 351
- Sifakis, Joseph, 447
- Simon, Herbert, xv, 203
- Sketchpad, 251
- software crisis, 387
- software engineering, xxii, 321, 399
- Southern California, University of, 464
- spanning tree, 179, 333, 351
- Spärck Jones, Karen, xxii, 339
- Sputnik, 373
- SQL, 308
- SRI, 225
- Stallman, Richard, 357
- Stanford University, 183, 213, 387, 441
- Steiner tree, 354
- Stonebraker, Michael, 308
- Strassen, Volker, xxi, 293
- structured programming, 289, 387
- subgraph, 335
- subroutine, 172
- Sutherland, Ivan E., vi, xxi, 251
- syllogism, 2
- System R, 308
- System/360, 165, 399
- Tandem Computers, 308
- Tarjan, Robert, xiv, 179, 351, 443
- tautology, 334
- Taylor, Robert, 373
- TCP, 373
- testing, 304, 321, 404
- TE X, 442
- Thompson, Ken, xxii, 238, 357
- time-sharing, 237, 271, 357
- Toronto, University of, 333
- Torvalds, Linus, 357
- transistor, xx, 232, 251, 257, 258, 261, 262, 264
- trap door, 437, 465
- traveling salesman problem, 179
- Truman, Harry S., 107
- Tufts University, 191
- Tukey, John, 121
- tuple, 308
- Turing, Alan Mathison, xvii, xix, xxi, 46, 51, 89, 147, 307, 421
- Turing machine, 52, 334, 350
- Turing test, 147
- TX-2 computer, 251, 261
- vacuum tube, xvii, 64, 91, 96–102, 109, 115, 191, 261
- Venn, John, 27
- verification, xxi, 297, 447
- Victoria (Queen), xvii, 28
- Vocoder, 112, 123
- von Neumann, John, xvii, 89, 135, 165, 194
- von Neumann architecture, xviii, 89
- Wang, Hao, 333
- Warshall, Stephen, 180
- waterfall model, 321
- Watson, Thomas, Jr., 399
- Weizenbaum, Joseph, xx, 147, 271
- Weizmann Institute, 464
- Wells, H. G., 107
- Whitehead, Albert North, 45, 80
- Wiener, Norbert, xx, 80, 191, 454
- Wilder, Thornton, vii
- Wilkes, Maurice V., xx, 165, 170, 175
- Wirth, Niklaus, 289
- World War II, xv, xxi, 46, 53, 61, 90, 107, 169, 206, 225, 428
- Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 407