Chapter 1: What is a Coherent Flow Structure in Geophysical Flow?
1.2 From random turbulence to coherent flow structures
1.3 Coherent flow structures in low Reynolds-number flows over smooth boundaries
1.4 Large-scale, high Reynolds-number coherent flow structures
1.6 What is the difference between the mean flow and CFS?
1.7 Coherent flow structures within geophysical flows: future research needs
Chapter 2: Structure of Turbulent Boundary Layers
2.3 Interactions of eddies on different scales
2.4 Extracting coherent structure from geophysical flows
Chapter 3: Structural Attributes of Turbulent Flow over a Complex Topography
4.2 Flow across a permeable boundary layer: background
4.3 Boundary layer structure in the freeflow region over permeable beds
4.4 Flow within the transition layer of permeable beds
4.6 Summary and challenges for future work
Chapter 5: Instabilities in Stratified Shear Flow
5.1 Introduction to Kelvin–Helmholtz and Holmboe instabilities
5.3 Application of the Taylor–Goldstein equation to asymmetric profiles
Chapter 6: Scalar Turbulence within the Canopy Sublayer
6.2 A brief review of scalar turbulence inside canopies
6.4 Scalar turbulence within the CSL
Chapter 7: On the Structure of Wall Turbulence in the Thermally Neutral Atmospheric Surface Layer
7.2 Field scale: atmospheric surface layer
7.3 Laboratory scale: turbulent boundary layer
7.5 Discussion and conclusions
Chapter 8: Critical Reflections on the Coherent Flow Structures Paradigm in Aeolian Geomorphology
8.2 Coherent flow structure end-member reference states
8.3 Flow structures over flat sandy surfaces
8.4 Flow structures over dunes
Chapter 9: Coherent Flow Structures in Vegetated Channels
9.2 Coherent structures in vegetated channels
Chapter 10: Coherent Eddy Structures over Plant Canopies
10.2 Evidence for organized motion
Chapter 11: SPIV Analysis of Coherent Structures in a Vegetation Canopy Model Flow
11.4 Discussion and conclusion
13.2 Previous approaches to study CFS over gravel surfaces
Chapter 14: COHSTREX: Coherent Structures in Rivers and Estuaries Experiment
14.2 Stratified flow experiment
14.3 Unstratified flow experiment: thermal imaging
Chapter 15: Intermittent Suspension and Transport of Fine Sediment over Natural Tidal Bedforms
15.2 Field site and data acquisition
Chapter 16: Large-Scale Coherent Flow Structures in Alluvial Pools
16.5 Discussion and conclusion
Chapter 17: From Macroturbulent Flow Structures to Large-Scale Flow Pulsations in Gravel-Bed Rivers
17.1 Introduction and research context
17.5 Implications and conclusions
Chapter 18: Coherent Secondary Flows over a Water-Worked Rough Bed in a Straight Channel
19.2 Grain-flow interaction: recent developments
19.4 Particle dislodgement paradox
19.5 Resolution of the particle dislodgement paradox
19.8 Thoughts on coherent structures and grain entrainment
19.9 Some additional thoughts on the impulse concept and particle entrainment
Chapter 20: Turbulence Modulation by Suspended Sediment in a Zero Mean-Shear Geophysical Flow
21.2 Characterization of bed topography
21.3 Flow velocities above migrating bed forms
21.4 Turbulence patterns modulated by bed forms
21.5 Sediment transport modelling
21.6 Summary and concluding remarks
Chapter 22: Turbulence Structure and Sand Transport over a Gravel Bed in a Laboratory Flume
Chapter 23: Coherent Structures and Mixing at a River Plume Front
23.3 Field campaign and measurements