
Note: Page numbers in bold type refer to figures

Page numbers in italic type refer to tables

Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes


Abondance 502

Aboriginal peoples 36, 39

Aboriginal rights 4041, 434436

Aboriginal Title and Rights 36, 37, 3839

Canadian Constitution 3940

accelerated inertia 500

access roads 395

accessibility 5455, 57, 239, 240, 261, 296, 349

disabled 54, 55

glaciers 297, 347

high-Alpine areas 347

ski resorts 327

Accident & Emergency services 327

accidents 301, 461462

collision 468, 469, 470, 471

skiing 465470

accommodation 3, 20, 57, 329

affordable 118, 282

carbon dioxide emissions 69

and climate change 18, 87

eco-friendly 86

energy efficient 88, 89

accountability 129

achievement 241242

action research 372, 384

activities, winter 9

adaptation 3, 47

strategy 4

SWOT analysis 9597, 101

added value 330, 333, 340

adventure camps 141, 141

adventure tourism 463

adventure-based lifestyle 281


ski resorts 495

word-of-mouth 132, 149

aerial tramways 340

affluent tourists 189

agriculture 3, 392, 504

air travel 316

and climate change 87

energy consumption 82, 83

greenhouse gas emissions 83, 88

airports 57, 216, 277, 363, 450, 457

all-season destinations 19

all-season tourism 12, 298

Alpenplan see Alpine Plan

alpine communities, lower-level 299

Alpine Convention 92, 100, 161

Alpine Plan (Alpenplan) 15, 2628, 31, 32

alpine ski resorts

gross income 117

pricing strategies 20, 116137

alpine skiing 20, 103, 189, 461

alpine (winter) tourism 64, 496500

supply and demand 124

value chain 259, 259

Alps 9, 493

alternative outdoor activities 236245

artificial snowmaking 65, 70

Australian 16, 36

Austrian 25, 346

Carpathian 10

climate change 17, 6472

Convention on the Protection of the Alps (2013) 161

French 302303, 493508

German 92, 345, 345

glaciers 64

hotel prices 113n1

land use changes 378

product development 266271

snow coverage 64

Swiss 308

temperatures 64

transport 70

Tyrolian 9, 31, 118

water resources 64 see also Bavarian Alps; European Alps

alternative mobility 331, 332, 334, 335

alternative outdoor activities 179180

Alps 236245, 239

alternative winter sports activities 237, 238, 242

Tyrol 236245

amenity migration 277, 278279, 282, 501, 502

Banff 282

Canmore 278279, 282

Sweden 295, 309

American Dream 278

American Skiing Company 354357, 355

Amsterdam, ecological footprint 83

Anthropocene 494

anthropogenic climate change 85

après ski 105

Bansko 375

Dolomites 333, 335

archaeology 499

Argentina, Bariloche 36

art on the mountain 374

artificial ski areas, Sweden 319

artificial snowmaking 2, 11, 12, 49, 57, 93, 96, 98, 99, 383, 400, 403404, 404, 494496, 503

Alps 65, 70

cost-revenue analysis 129130

costs 34, 116, 120, 505n1

Aspen effect 309

Aspen Skiing Company 359, 360, 362

auditing 3, 373, 375376, 385

Australia, ski resort managers 77

Australian Alps 16, 36

Australians 276


Alpbach-Seenland 8389

Alpbach-Tal-Seenland 18

biodiversity 65

cable cars 104

carbon dioxide emissions 69

destination selection 407408, 408, 409, 416417

expenditure behaviour 104

Hohe Tauern National Park 30, 31

Ischgl 349

Kaprun 348

Kitzbühel 348

Kitzsteinhorn 348

Lech am Arlberg 12, 403404, 404

Malfontal 9, 10

mountaineering villages 30

nature experience programmes 6768, 68

overnight stays 64, 65, 344345, 344

renewable energy 403421, 405, 406

Salzburg 5556, 64

Schladming 403404, 404

Silvretta Montafon 403404, 404

ski lifts 104

snowmaking facilities 6566

stay duration 69

summer activities 404

Thomatal 350

transportation 6869

Zell am See 403404, 404 see also Tyrol

Austrian Alps 25, 346

Austrian Ecolabel 370

Austrian Tourism Bank 66

authentic products 54

authenticity 58, 357

auto-mobility 89

autumn tourism 56

Avalanche Canada 150

avalanches 21, 153, 252, 464

skills training courses 149150, 152

aviation 82


ethics 152

huts 230

skiing 229, 232, 237, 243, 309

tours 149

backpacking 75, 105

backyard effect 319

Banff (Canada) 279, 434

Bansko 298, 374375, 376

accommodation 118

après ski 375

cable cars 376

carbon dioxide emissions 383384

climate change 383384

environmental improvement 378390

guest structure 376

internal management 383

marketing 381382

recultivation 380, 381, 382

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 375

Bariloche 36

Bavaria 15

Alpine Plan 2628, 31, 32

SnowBavaria 58

spatial planning 2728, 27

Bavarian Alps 9, 31, 32, 92

cable cars 27, 28

climate change adaptation 19, 92102

development 2728

global warming 13

infrastructure 26, 100

landscape protection areas 30

multifarious product 9293

overnight stays 28

ski lifts 27, 28

transport infrastructure 26

winter sport resorts 92

zoning 26


consumers 158, 161, 167, 169

environment 158

leisure 388

risk 301

sustainable 157 see also expenditure behaviour

behavioural change 18, 87, 471

behavioural research 1

best practices 5

bikes, rental 87

biking 1213, 13, 16, 77, 87, 96, 376377

mountain 75, 80, 318

biodiversity 65, 432

biogas plants 407, 411, 420

biomechanics 236

biotopes 13, 96, 99

Birds Directive 385

Black Forest 20

Black Forest National Park, expenditure behaviour 110112, 111

blue ice hiking 450

bob sledding 333

bookings 128

Internet 55, 260


destinations 12

identity 485, 489

regional 58

Brazil 273

British Columbia 10, 1516

Adventure Tourism – Land use Operational Policy 150

Central Purcells 433

Commercial Alpine Ski Policy (CASP) 427, 429

commercial snowmobile offers 14

Commission on Resources and Environment (CORE) 429, 430

Crown Land 437n1

Environmental Assessment Act (2019) 438n7

First Nations planning 3546

government policy 427

Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy (1995) 431432

indigenous rights 3546

Jumbo Valley 36, 42, 426, 436

Melvin Creek Valley 3536, 42

Ministry of Environment, Ecological Restoration Guidelines (2001) 437n3

Park Act (2006) 43

protected areas 4243

Purcell Mountains 36, 299300, 426, 427

Purcell Wilderness Conservancy 426

resource exploitation 427

snowmaking 292

snowmobiling 2122

Sun Peaks Municipality 294

Sun Peaks Ski Resort 15, 35

sustainable development policy 427

Tod Mountain 35

Valemount Glacier Destination Resort 44, 438n6 see also Jumbo Glacier Resort; Whistler; Whistler Blackcomb

British Columbia Commercial Snowmobile Operators Association (BCCSOA) 152

British Columbia Rockies 300

British Columbia Snowmobile Federation (BCSF) 148

British North America Act (1867) 39

Brundtland Commission 427

Buckelwiesen 95

Buddhism 266

budgeting 228

buffer zones 15, 26, 253

building codes 418


Pirin Mountains 298

Pirin National Park 375, 381

ski resorts 57 see also Bansko

Bürger Pass 130

buses 221

ski 88, 333, 334

business 10, 44, 50

carbon footprint 80

green 380

sustainability 18

business model 3, 4, 20, 77, 118121

business-led tourism promotion, subsidies 66

cabin tours 146, 149

cable cars 3, 25, 57, 58, 128

Åre 308

Austria 104

Bavarian Alps 27, 28

capacity utilization 54

carbon footprint 66

economic relevance 348349

enterprises 20, 119, 131, 340

digital future 127128

as innovation 341346, 341

investment 113

role 296297, 339353

Tatra Mountains 248, 249

cable cars and surface lifts (CCSLs) 339353, 341, 342, 343, 350n1

Austrian overnight stays 344345, 344

multiplier effect 349

cableways 324, 339

camping 75

camps, adventure 141, 141


Banff 279, 434

Bow Valley 279, 282

Canmore 278279, 282

Constitution 38, 3940

federal and provincial governments 37

Guide on Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment 432

Jasper National Park 44

ski resorts 36, 158

Canada (continued)Vancouver International Airport 277, 363 see also British Columbia

Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations 148

capacity 54, 155, 156, 293


footprint 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 86

offsetting 83

carbon dioxide emissions 11, 17, 56, 82, 88, 334, 383384, 421

accommodation 69

Austria 69

stakeholders 7778

transportation 69

caribou closures 151152

Carpathian Alps 10

Carpathian Mountains 32, 246, 250, 254

cars 88, 89, 207

electric 18

greenhouse gas emissions 89

private 13

rental 221, 445, 446

self-owned 197, 308

Caucasus 32

caving, Tatra National Park 249, 250

Central Purcell Mountains 433

certification 369370

environmental 298

chairlifts 340, 343, 347, 348

Hoher Kranzberg 98

Mittenwald 95

challenges 923, 5356, 53

common 23, 2

economic 1314

spatial and socio-cultural 911

Chambers of Commerce 77

change 187188

chapels 396

child care 11

children 97, 120, 142, 200

health 142143

skiing 94, 461

winter sports 14


culture 263, 265

landscape loss 267

market 4, 181, 265, 266, 272, 273

National Level Scenic and Historic Interest Areas 267

nature 266268, 272

population growth 267

skiing 268

urbanization 267

wilderness 267

World Heritage Sites 267

China Inbound Service 258266, 268

value chain 264266, 264

Chinese guests 3

activities 263264, 263

cultural values 268

customer experiences 261263, 262

expectations 260, 266

food 262, 263, 264, 265

management consequences 264266

satisfaction 260261, 261

Switzerland 176, 181, 257275

travel motivations 259

typical 260

Chinese speaking staff 265

Chinese students, nature and landscape perception 266271

Christmas tourism 47, 56, 443444

citizens 389

cleanliness 261

climate 125, 319

mitigation targets 400

climate change 1, 11, 49, 76, 80, 298, 503

and accommodation 18, 87

adaptation 2, 1113, 17, 47, 4950, 59, 6769, 7677

Bavarian Alps 19, 92102

bottom-up 99

cultural differences 207208

mountain areas 9

stakeholders 99

top-down 99

trains 207208

and air travel 87

Alps 17, 6472

anthropogenic 85

and communication strategies 6667

contradictions 494496

current strategies 6567

Dolomites 324

and downhill ski tourism 316319

European Alps 12

impact assessments 316

local impacts 76

mitigation 59, 7778

perceptions 12, 1718, 7381, 197

Western Maine 12, 7381

policy 51

public planning 50, 53

resident perceptions and behaviours 7879

and ski resorts 4,388

skiing 184, 309

and snow reliability 331, 332,333

and summer tourism 503

survey 8489, 85

and sustainability factors 5556

technical solutions 11, 12, 17, 65

tourist perceptions 13

and transportation 85, 87

and travel mobility 18, 8291

Climate and Energy Model 89

climbing, Tatra National Park 248, 249

coaches 13, 88, 89

cog railways 343

collaboration 3, 77, 301302

Finland 476492

collision accidents 468, 469, 470, 471

colonization 37

Colorado, ski industry 278

Commercial Alpine Ski Policy 362

common development plans 119

common good 436

communication 11, 125, 373, 383, 504

climate change 6667

environmental 370

target groups 205

community 10, 156, 298, 300, 324, 363, 501

involvement, Whistler 167, 168

compensation 10

competition 54, 56, 100101, 248, 366, 392, 495

conference tourism 16


interpersonal 228, 233, 234

publics 228229

recreation 229

resolution 25

social values 1, 229, 233, 234

Confucianism 266, 268

conservancies 43


energy 331, 332, 334

landscape 331

nature 15, 19, 9596, 99, 253254, 267

conservationists 24, 32

construction 65, 376


behaviour 158, 161, 167, 169

interest 158, 167, 168169

convenience 241242

Convention on the Protection of the Alps (2013) 161

cooperation 20, 53, 152, 383

nature conservation 253254

corporate model 310

corporate–community relations, Whistler 354, 361366

corporations 297, 310, 357

North American mountain resorts 354357

corporatization, place 361


artificial snowmaking 34, 116, 120, 505n1

efficiency 2

energy 116, 129, 188, 496

living 276, 282

operating 105

snowmobiling 153 see also price; pricing

counter-culture lifestyle 281282

counter-urban movement 278

cross-continental differences 193

cross-country skiing 11, 94, 237, 239, 308, 476

changes in participation 186, 186, 187

cultural differences 196, 197

Sweden 177, 186187, 186, 309

cross-cultural differences 193

crowdfunding 20, 124

Crown Land 38, 437n1

cruise ship industry 19, 20, 94, 130

culinary tourism 16

cultural differences 3

climate change adaptation 207208

cross- 193

destination choice 193

online surveys 194, 195

overcrowding 223

skiing 178, 192211

cultural events 11, 93

cultural experiences 193, 199

cultural features 267

cultural heritage 388, 396, 503

cultural identity, landscape 272

cultural landscapes 27

cultural practices 35

cultural products 17

cultural programmes 67

cultural resource management 296, 331332, 335

cultural responsibility 498499

cultural sites 418

cultural tourism 299, 502

cultural values 268, 448

culture 16, 58, 286, 365, 495

China 263, 265

definition 192193

destination choice 178

hospitality 58

Indigenous 436

marketization 58

preservation 161

snow sports 314

sports 193

customer-centric products 55


added value 340

current and future 14

loyalty 20, 131133

needs 175

research 55

value 58

customized products 14, 258

customized services 258

cycling see biking

Dalarna 55, 308, 312, 316

Davos 342, 343

day trippers 20, 58, 92, 94, 147, 284

expenditure behaviour 105, 106, 107, 110

decision making 66, 192, 298, 335, 373

Jumbo Glacier Resort 428430

organizations 302, 362

public interest 437

risk 463

deforestation 100

demand 2, 4, 16, 49, 117, 324

changing 53, 5455, 57

diversity 3

international 4

and supply 55, 58

destination 1

all-season 2, 19

branding 12

choice 175176, 207

Austria 407408, 408, 409, 416417

cultural differences 178, 193

community 324

coordinators 478

development 299, 302, 477

management 13, 302

new 392

policy and planning 13, 291

success 476492

collaboration 477479, 489

determinants 478

leadership 477479, 489

sustainability 155172

Europe 158, 160161

Destination Competitiveness Model 158, 159

destination management organizations (DMOs) 49, 95, 324, 477478, 485487, 489490

directors 326, 331

semi-public 51

developers 24

development 1, 2, 4, 158, 291304

Bavarian Alps 2728

concepts 34

destination 299, 302, 477

economic 2526

environmental aspects 2425

environmental goals 176

EU funds 57

Europe 5356

European Alps 9, 15

Hornafjödur 449451

incremental 4

investors 57

limits 15, 2426

pseudo-cultural 502

public actors 395

regional 48, 51

resort towns 296

rural 3

ski resorts 30, 302

urban 4

villages 296, 297

zones 15 see also economic development; products, development; sustainable development


expenditure behaviour 106110, 106, 107, 109

nature-based tourism 106110

differences see cultural differences

digitalization (digital technology) 127, 134n6, 324

disabled 54, 55, 97

discrete choice experiment 194196, 196, 205207

Disneyfication 364

disposable income 188, 308

disputes 501

diversification 2, 1617, 67, 189, 500, 505

French ski resorts 298299, 388399

products 59, 77

ski resorts 177

Sweden 318

dog sledding 243

Dolomites 296, 328330, 333

après ski 333, 335

climate change 324

environmental destruction 328

environmental sustainability 336, 336

landscape 325

mass ski model 326327

new approach 330335, 332

new demand trends 331, 332,333

public transport 333, 335

ski consortium 325

sustainability 324338

temperature 328329

downhill skiing 55, 314319

changes in participation 186

climate change impact 316319

costs 312

expansion 308

Finland 476

indicators 310, 311, 312

socio-economic changes 314316

Sweden 177, 185, 186,295, 305323, 312, 313, 314

dynamic pricing, SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun 126127, 126, 127, 134n5

e-cars 87, 89

e-mobility 13, 89

Eastern Europe, ski resorts 118

eco-friendly mobility 18

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) 369, 370, 373, 375, 376, 382, 384, 385

basic principles 370372, 371, 372

ecological footprint 83

ecological responsibility 385

ecology 374

economic benefits 11

economic challenges 1, 9, 1314

economic change 187188

economic development 3, 73

mass ski model 329330

mountain areas 3

pro-growth model 285

regional 103

Sweden 295

tourism development 2526

economic factors 54

economic growth 56, 59, 327, 427

economic migration 277

economic sustainability 167, 330

economical guests 129

economy 95, 395

global 16, 53

local 104, 328, 330

mountain 505

regional 53

sharing 87, 89

tourism 504

winter 498

ecosystems 432

educational trips 17, 253

efficiency 375376

elderly 54, 59, 64, 97, 120

electric cars 18

electric energy 340

elevations 2

emergency facilities 471


noise 29

renewable energy 408, 409, 410, 413

wind turbines 415 see also carbon dioxide emissions; greenhouse gas emissions

employees 384

motivation 373, 382383

employment 54, 68, 116, 176177, 184, 285, 349

local 388

endogenous development model 329330

energy 66, 82, 296, 494

conservation 331, 332, 334

consumption 66, 69, 69, 383

air travel 82, 83

New Zealand 82

reduction 84, 86, 86, 88

transport 17

costs 116, 129, 188, 496

efficiency 56, 128

electric 340

geothermal 407, 409, 413

photovoltaic 407

solar 77, 299, 407, 409, 411, 413, 419

wind 299, 409, 411, 417, 419, 421 see also renewable energy


investors 4

stakeholders 362363

vertical 130131

entrepreneurs 54, 488, 489

environment 331

awareness 180

behaviour 158

certification 370

change 187188

communication 370

consciousness 54, 59

construction 376

destruction 328

goals 176, 428

monitoring 298

NGOs 100, 375, 376, 381382

protection 164, 335, 427, 433

renewable energy 408, 409, 410, 413

responsibility 497

ski resorts 297298

standards 370

Environmental Assessment Act (BC, 1996)426, 430

environmental assessment (EA) 430434, 436

environmental certification 298

environmental change 187188

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) 418

environmental impacts 3, 2425, 222, 222

environmental improvement 373, 376390

Environmental Liability Directive (2004) 385

environmental management practices (EMPs) 331, 332, 334

environmental management systems (EMSs) 370, 384

environmental sustainability 330

Dolomites 336

innovative ski offers 330335

environmentalists 25, 103

environmentally friendly management, ski resorts 369387

environmentally friendly tourism 421

equipment, technology 251

erosion 222, 376, 378, 380, 383


destination sustainability 158, 160161

development trends 5356

Eastern 118

European Alps 19

climate change 12

development 9, 15

German tourists 21

renewable energy 299

sustainability 157, 167, 168

European regional tourism strategies, comparison 1617

European tourism Research Institute 184

European Union (EU) 54, 57, 385


seasonal 103, 104, 113

snowmobiling 147, 148

studies 104106

expenditure behaviour 14

Austria 104

average 104

Black Forest National Park 110112, 111

day trippers 105, 106, 107, 110

nature-based tourism 107, 108, 109, 109

overnight stays 105, 107, 110

Switzerland 104

winter season 105106

winter sport activities 1920, 103115

experience-led tourism 19, 20, 133

experiences, regional 205

extreme conditions 64

Facebook 162

family-friendliness 239

farm visits 392

farmers 25, 378

Fellhorn 69, 69

financial crisis

global (2007–2010) 213

Iceland (2008) 447

Sweden (1990s) 310, 319

financial tools 49


collaboration 476492

cross-country skiing 476

downhill skiing 476

gondolas 479

leadership 476492

ski resorts 301302, 476492

skiing tunnels 11

Finnish Lapland 55, 57, 476

First Nations 10, 37, 363, 427, 428, 430, 431, 435

historical context 3839

Land Management Act (1999) 4142

planning 1516, 4143

British Columbia 3546

territorial and rights 4344

fishing 39, 243

fitness 232233, 233, 243

flexibility 121

flexibilization 67, 68

flights 56, 94, 446

focal enterprises 349

food 58, 181

Chinese guests 262, 263, 264, 265


carbon 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 86

ecological 83

Fordism 329

foreign independent tourist (FIT) 259, 260, 266, 273

foreign tourism

Iceland 444445, 445 455

fossil fuel 56


Abondance 502

Auverge-Rhône-Alpes 49, 499

Chamrousse 501

Guillestrois-Queyras VA 390, 396397

Haute-Maurienne-Vanoise inter-municipality 394, 394, 395, 396

Hauteville-Valromey 502

La Bresse 392

La Plagne 116, 348

massifs 389, 390, 397n3

Massif Central 392

Modane 394

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 54, 499

Queyras National Park 396397

ski lifts 391

territorial reform 393395, 396

Vanoise National Park 30, 398n8

Villard-de-Lans 499 see also French ski resorts; Mountain Law

Frau Holle Guarantee 67

free skiing space 464

free-riders 237

Freestyle Ski World Cup 480

French Alps 302303, 493508

French ski resorts 398n9, 493508

Chamonix/Les Houches 116

diversification 298299, 388399

Les Arcs 348

private–public 298

Ratti Pass 501

stakeholders 391

Val Thorens 116

frost days, Germany 93

funding 20, 124

public 502

funiculars 343, 347

Garibaldi Lifts Limited 358, 359, 360

Garibaldi Olympic Development Association (GODA) 357, 358

Gastings West Group 360

gastronomy 333


and injuries 472

and risk 463

generally suitable zones 26

Generation X 315

geothermal energy 407, 409, 413

German Alps 92, 345, 345

German Cable Car Association 104

German Sport University Cologne 21, 117

Germans 21, 197

Germany 139

Black Forest 20, 110112, 111

Fellhorn 69, 69

frost days 93

ice days 93, 93

Munich 92

North Rhine-Westphalia 21

schools 21, 139

snow sports 138 see also Bavaria

Geysir 220, 221, 223

Gibson’s principles 156

glaciers 49, 212, 431, 448, 449450, 453, 455, 456

accessibility 297, 347

activities 455456, 455

Alps 64

Iceland 300

Lake of the Hanging Glaciers 425

melting 64

Valemount Glacier Destination Resort 44, 438n6 see also Jumbo Glacier Resort

global financial crisis (2007–2010) 213

global tourism market 2, 326

global travel 189

global warming 2, 13, 47, 49, 56, 324, 500

globalization 1, 324

goats 430

gondolas 248, 340, 350, 364, 479


local 391, 392

regional destination 291

tourism 298, 389392

GPS-based equipment 188

green business 380

green concerns 369

green image 375

green labels 164

green marketing 78

green movement 158

green tourism 421

greener products 157

greenhouse gas emissions 73, 316

air travel 83, 88

cars 89

reduction 49, 88

slope management 66

Whistler 82

Grizzly Bear Spirit 36, 426, 428, 434436

grizzly bears 428, 430, 431433, 438n5

groomed pistes 250, 251


community 363

economic 56, 59, 327, 427

guests 1, 129 see also Chinese guests

guided tours 21

guides 146, 272

availability 152

licensing 14

training 14, 2122

wages 153 see also snowmobile guiding; snowmobiling

Gulf States 181, 258, 273

gymnastics, ski 140

habitats 9, 13, 433

Habitats Directive (1992) 385

hay production 378, 379

hazards 464, 470

management 21, 153, 471

health 54, 59, 130, 237, 240

children 142143

helmets 461

heritage 495, 502

cultural 388, 396, 503

natural 388, 396

high altitudes, construction projects 65

high-Alpine areas, accessibility 347

hiking 16, 27, 32, 75, 9495, 374, 376377

blue ice 450

buses 88

cultural differences 196, 197

Sweden 309

Tatra National Park 248, 250

trails 67, 396

Hohe Tauern National Park 30, 31

Holiday Act (UK, 1938)308

horse sledges 11, 251

hospitality 54, 58, 279, 283

hotels 119, 485486

Iceland 216217, 218, 221

prices, Alps 113n1

renewable energy supply (RES) 403

Trentino 331

housing 57, 276, 363, 366

hybrid visitors 112, 179, 228235

hydroelectric power 407, 409, 420

hypermobility 319

ice 47

caps 212

caves 301, 450, 451452, 453, 456, 456

tours 453454, 455, 457458


Germany 93, 93

rinks 67 see also glaciers


all-season tourism 178

buses 221

climate 212213

Iceland (continued)currency 447

daylight 212213

financial crisis (2008) 447

flights 446

foreign tourism 444445, 445

Geysir 220, 221, 223

glaciers 300

Höfn 451

hotels 216217, 218, 221

infrastructure 220

international arrivals 214, 214, 215, 215

international visitors 217, 218, 219, 221

Jökulsárlón 221, 449, 450, 450, 451, 457

Keflavík Airport 216, 450, 457

landscapes 226

map 446

marketing areas 447448, 447

nature destinations 178179, 212227, 219

overcrowding 179, 213, 222224, 223, 224, 225, 225, 301

overnight stays 216

parking 222

rental cars 221, 445, 446

Reykjavík 216, 217, 224, 445

seasonality 213, 300301, 442460, 445

on regional level 447448, 447

Skaftafell National Park 449, 451

stay duration 448

transportation 445446

travel 221

Vatnajökull 213

Vatnajökull National Park 448, 449, 453454, 458


motivations 217

nationality by season 216, 217

whole-year tourism 458 see also Hornafjörður

Icelandic Tourist Board 217, 219226, 220, 453

identity 278, 281, 283

branding 485, 489

corporate 357

cultural 272

local 502

ideology 500

ignorance 500

image, green 375

impact benefit agreements 10, 44

income 117, 188, 308

incremental development 4

incremental model 3

India 181, 258, 273

Indian reserves 38

indicative planning 49

Indigenous Community and Conserved Areas, definition 42

Indigenous culture 436

Indigenous lands 427

Indigenous peoples 40, 437

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas, definition 42

indigenous rights 1516, 434436

British Columbia 3546

indoor ski slopes 140

industrial snow 500

industrialization 394

industry 392

ski 278, 302303, 309, 493508

textile 392

inertia 494, 498500

information 181, 263, 327

infrastructure 3, 5658, 9798, 272, 360, 364

all-season 225

Bavarian Alps 26, 100

constructed 249250, 336

costs 116

Iceland 220

investment 324, 328, 329

marketing 16

public–private partnerships 316

renewable energy 401

ski tourism 25

Valais 57

villages 300

infrastructure-based tourism 20, 25, 31

injuries 236

and gender 472

localization 467468, 467

reduction 301

skiing 457, 461, 465470, 466, 469

innovation 327, 383, 498, 503

Dolomites 328330

environmental sustainability 330335

insight travelling 258

institutionalized seasonality 443

institutions, power 393

insurance 49, 249

inter-municipalities 299, 389, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396

inter-municipality tourist office 393, 394, 397

international market 2

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 369

International Ski Federation (FIS) 376, 382, 465

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 30, 42, 246, 448

Internet 55

bookings 55, 260

interpersonal conflict 228, 233, 234

Intrawest Corporation 354357, 355,360, 361, 362, 363, 366

inventiveness 501


cable cars 113

infrastructure 324, 328, 329

mass ski model 329

ski lifts 312

snowmaking 113, 309, 312, 318

Swedish ski tourism 316

investors, engagement 4

Ischgl 349

ISO 14001 Certification, basic principles 370372, 372, 384

Italians, winter sports activities 197


Aosta Valley 56, 57, 58

Piedmont 58

Stelvio National Park 30

Trentino 330335 see also Dolomites; Sexten

iterative planning 19

jobs 3, 4, 10, 44

hospitality 283

snowmobiling 148

training 10, 44

Jumbo Glacier Resort 36, 44, 299300, 425441

climate change 431

decision making 428430

environmental assessment (EA) 425, 426

sustainability 427428

Jumbo Valley 36, 42, 426, 436, 438

keystone species 437n3

Kinbasket-Shuswap first nation 428

Kitzbühel 348

Kitzsteinhorn 348


behavioural change 87

local 21, 265

KSL Capital Partners 356, 361

Ktunaxa First Nation 36, 42, 426, 428, 429430, 435, 436, 437

Ktunaxa Nation v. British Columbia

(2014) 428

(2017) 426, 435, 436

Laax 369, 385n2

labels, green 164


cohorts 276

migration, Sweden 309

lakes 11, 9495

land 42, 100, 161, 297, 430, 498

Indigenous 427

public 355

regulation 37

rights 38, 40

sacred 37

tenure 150

snowmobiling 21, 22

transfers 44

land tour operator (LTO)265

land use 30, 51

agricultural 3

balanced 2526

changes 378

planning 16, 41, 42, 429, 430

Levi 485

ski resorts 388

lands for lifts agreements 360, 362

landscape 197, 198, 205, 208, 400

beauty 1, 299, 408

conservation 331

cultural identity 272

Iceland 226

loss 267

natural 299

perception 181

Shanghai tourism students 268, 269, 270, 271

protection areas 29, 30

renewable energy 408, 409, 410, 410, 411, 411

seasonal 225

snowy 503

solar systems 411, 412

territorial and landscape management 331332, 332, 335

wind turbines 411, 411, 412, 414

Lapland 318

Finnish 55, 57, 476, 480481

summer tourism 58

Lapland Tourism Marketing Organization 481

leadership 301302

destination success 477479, 489

ski resorts, Finland 476492

leisure 278, 308, 388

time 133

Leisure Constraint Theory 279

liability 465

lifestyle migration 181182, 276287, 309

definition 277

landed negotiation dynamic 279

motivations 281282

participant description 280, 280

push and pull framework 278

Sweden 309

lifestyle tourism 20, 133

lifestyle travellers 278

lifts see chairlifts; ski lifts

Likert scale 194, 221, 238

Lil’wat Nation 42

linguistic barriers 265266

living costs 276, 282

local communities 156

local economy 330

mass ski model 328

local employment 388

local governance, evolution 391, 392

local identity 502

local knowledge 21, 265

local mobilization 501502

local needs 22, 156

local planning 53

long-distance markets 258

long-haul flights 94

long-term planning 155

Maine see Western Maine

maldevelopment 500

Malfontal 9, 10

Māori people 36

Mapuche people 36

market 83, 155

Chinese 4, 181, 265, 266, 272, 273

global 2, 326

long-distance 258

mountain tourism 32

realism 206

ski 183

marketing 3, 20, 58, 119, 178, 193, 380382, 504

direct 125

green 78

Iceland 447448, 447

infrastructure 16

Internet 55

joint 130

myopia 336

organizations 302

value added 370

marketization 58

mass ski model 324, 326327, 336

Dolomites 326327

economic development 329330

investment 328

local economy 328

Massif Central 392

Master Development Agreements 363

meadows 95, 378, 379

meaningful leisure time 133

media 380, 495

social 272, 458

meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) 58

mega-events 315

mega-trends 19, 184, 187

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 44

microclimates 328

microenterprises 453


amenity 277, 278279, 309, 501, 502

economic 277

labour 309 see also lifestyle migration

Millennials 14, 22, 315

sustainability 155, 157158, 162, 164167, 166

sustainable mountain practices 164165

mitigation 49, 388

mobility 13, 89, 278, 402

alternative 331, 332, 334, 335

eco-friendly 18

sustainable 18

mobilization, local 501502

Modane, industrialization 394

mono-cable gondolas (MGDs) 347

monopoly 362

motivation theory 228

motivations 240242, 241, 243

motorized visitors 179, 228235

Mountain Law, France

(1985) 391

NOTRe Law (2015) 393395

mountain rescue 252, 471

Mountain Resort Municipality 425, 426

mountain resorts 362, 366

alpine 20, 116137 see also North American mountain resorts; ski resorts

mountain tourism 32, 293, 296, 504

summer 350

Sweden 295

transformation 302303, 497

Mountain Wilderness 501

mountaineering 16, 30


access 501

anthropization 328

areas 3, 9, 14, 16

biking 1213, 75, 80, 318

communities 501

economy 505

huts 95, 240, 250

industry 504

public policy 395397

railways 341342

recreation lifestyle 279, 281

regions 503

peripheral valleys 113

sustainability 161

transportation 339

multi-seasonal tourism 400

multi-stage planning 19

multiplier effect 116

National Association of Ski Resort Mayors 499

National Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) 381

national parks 30, 44, 176

conservation plans 247

goals 248

ticket prices 249

national planning 53

National Union of Ski Instructors 499

nationality, and renewable energy 410413, 411, 416, 418419

natural heritage 388, 396

natural landscape, summer tourism 400

natural resources 155, 331332, 335

exploitation 16, 36, 336

natural seasonality 443

Natural Step, The 363

natural tourism 299

nature 54, 59, 197, 198

Chinese 266268, 272

conservation 19, 9596, 99, 180, 267

cooperation 253254

Tatra National Park 246

Tyrol 15


Iceland 178179, 212227, 219

satisfaction 221222, 222

experiences 12, 17, 199, 237, 240

Austria 6768, 68

preservation 161

protection 24, 32, 249, 267

Tatra National Park 253254

reserves 68, 176, 199

stakeholders 389

Styria 56

nature-based activities 104195

nature-based tourism 20, 30, 308

affluent tourists 189

climate change risk perceptions 1718, 7381

drivers 187

expenditure behaviour 107, 108, 109, 109

recreation users 73, 75

stakeholders 73, 75, 76, 77


customers 175

guests 1

local 22, 156

regional community 300

Neskonlith peoples 35

networking 20, 130131, 373


rail 308

redefined 392

road 327

social 279, 281, 282

stakeholder 397

New Zealand 16, 82, 276

night-time activities 239, 240

NIMBYism 434

Nippon Cable 361


emissions 29

pollution 229, 234

nomadic skiing 497

non-governmental organizations (NGOs), environmental 100, 375, 376, 381382

non-motorized visitors 179, 228235

non-skiers 58, 97

Nordic skiing 140, 497

North American mountain resorts

Alterra 297, 354, 357, 357

Aspen 309, 359, 360, 362

corporate ownership 354357 see also Vail entries

North Rhine-Westphalia

schools 21, 139

snow sport school trips 138145, 141

Northern Lights tours 221, 221, 446, 454, 455, 458

Norway 54, 319

Telemark 307, 319

Vestlandet 51, 58

NOTRe Law (2015) 389, 393, 395, 398n11

novelty 327

objective risks 462

offshore wind parks 401, 402

Olympic Games 277, 357 see also Winter Olympics

on-site mobility, eco-friendly 88

on-site surveys 230231, 406

online bookings 55, 260

online surveys 185, 189, 194, 195, 230231, 238

operating costs 105

operators, tourism 392

outdoor activities

motivations 236237

social aspects 237 see also alternative outdoor activities

Outdoor Association 308

outdoor recreation 462463


cultural differences 223

Iceland 179, 213, 222224, 223, 224, 225, 225, 301

perception 222224, 223, 223, 224, 225, 225, 364

Tatra National Park 251

overdevelopment 496

overnight stays 28, 106, 147, 216

Austria 25, 64, 65, 344345, 344, 350n46

Tyrol 30, 64, 84

expenditure behaviour 105, 107, 110

oversized tourism projects 496

overtourism 258

ownership, diversity 34

Para-Olympics 277

parking 98, 222, 239, 240

parks 75,247, 381

national 176, 396397, 448, 449, 451, 453454, 458

partnerships 48, 316

passes see ski passes

pastures 27

peace and quiet 241242

photovoltaic systems 407, 409, 411, 412, 413, 415, 420

physical security 261

physiological health 142143

picknickers 237

Pirin Mountains 298

Pirin National Park 375, 381

pistes 66, 250, 251

place 425, 428

corporatization 361

planning 4950, 158

community involvement 157, 161, 164

definition 48

First Nations 3546

indicative 49

iterative 19

land use 16

local 53

long-term 155

multi-stage 19

national 53

OECD countries 48

raison d’être 4849

regional 1, 16, 17, 4764

resorts 14

spatial 9, 15, 2434

statutory 49

strategic 16, 49, 50

territorial 15 see also destination planning; tourism planning

pleasure seekers 243


Białka Valley 250

Kuźnice 250, 251, 252

Morskie Oko 250, 251 see also Tatra Mountains; Tatra National Park

police service 327

policy 11, 16, 228

climate change 51

destination development 299

public 48, 395397

regional 17

sustainability 51

tourism 161

Polish Nature Conservation Act (2004) 248

Polish Olympic Committee 253


environmental assessment (EA) 436

stakeholders 389

pollution 267, 328

noise 229, 234

post-tourism 502

postal surveys 184, 185

power, institutions 393

preferences 11, 175, 192

cultural differences 178

guests 1

ski resorts 199203


alpine hotels 113n1

dumping 131133

sensitivity 14, 121

winter tourists 117118

price performance ratio 408, 417

pricing 1, 3, 14, 118121

alpine ski resorts 20, 116137

business model 20

critical evaluation 128129

flexible 131 see also cost

primary production, decline 54

private–public ski resorts 298


adaptation need 9394

authentic 54

cultural 17

customer-centric 55

customized 258

lifestyle-oriented 14

development 16, 19, 58, 68, 70, 264, 265, 266–271

diversification 59, 77

greener 157

new 11, 12, 128, 392

preferences 181

regional 59

programmed snow 326, 328329, 332

Project Approval Certificates 36

property 4, 498, 499

protected areas 9, 15, 2434, 68, 100, 176, 247, 253, 267, 448

British Columbia 4243

management 254

rules 249

social functions 249

Sweden 183

protected zones 2627

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 54, 499

pseudo-cultural development 502

public funding, winter sports 502

public interest, decision making 437

public land, exploitation 355

public participation, Hoher Kranzberg 99100

public planning, climate change 50, 53

public policy

definition 48

mountain territories 395397

ski resorts 395396

valley areas 396397

public transport 18, 56, 87, 8889, 199, 207, 239, 240, 261

Dolomites 333, 335

publics, conflict 228229

public–private partnerships 48, 316

Pyrenees 493

Qat’muk 426, 428

Qat’Muk Declaration (2010) 36, 42, 435

quality of life 330

Queyras National Park 396397

quiet areas 15, 28, 2930, 32

railways 308, 341342

cog 343

recreation 228, 229

off the beaten track 250251

Recreation Experience Preference (REP) scales 228

recreationist motivations 179, 228235

recultivation, Bansko 380, 381, 382

recycling 78

redundancies 364

referral notices 43

regional brands 58

regional community needs 300

regional destination governance 291

regional development 48, 51

regional economy 53, 103

regional experiences 205

regional planning and policy documents 1, 16, 17, 4764

regional products 59

regional stakeholders 16, 53

regional strategy and policy documents 52

regions 11, 51

religion, freedom of 435436

relocation 318

Renaissance Plan 363, 364

renewable energy 18, 67, 77, 80, 164, 400424

age 413, 414, 416, 418419

Austria 403421, 405

emissions 408, 409, 410, 413

environment 408, 409, 410, 413

European Alps 299

holiday seasons 419420, 421

infrastructure 401

installations 401, 417418, 420

landscape 408, 409, 410, 410, 411, 411

local population 401, 414, 416417, 416, 421

nationality 410413, 411, 416, 418419

and perception 408414

tourist attitudes 401403

tourist perceptions 417419

valorization 403

renewable energy supply (RES) 403, 406, 421

rental bikes 87

rental cars 221, 445, 446

rescue services 225


action 373, 384

behavioural 1

customer 55

ski resorts 389

reservoirs 66, 334, 388, 407, 409

residents 79, 120

Resort Municipality Act (1975) 362

Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) 156157, 158, 359, 360, 362, 363

resortification 308


community 362

development 296

planning 14

village model 355 see also mountain resorts; ski resorts


exploitation 427

management, cultural 296, 331332, 335

regulation 37

responsibility, cultural 498499

restaurants 119, 160, 199, 208

restrooms 222, 225

rights 10

Aboriginal 36, 37, 3841, 434436

First Nations 4344

fishing 39

indigenous 1516, 3546, 434436

land 38, 40

risk 146, 236, 301, 461462

awareness 462, 463

decision making 463

definition 462

gender 463

management 385, 462

objective 462

outdoor recreation 462463

perceptions 75, 463

skiing 461

snowboarding 461

subjective 462

Tatra National Park 252253

roads 29, 225, 296, 327, 395

roller skiing 497498

ropeways 339, 347, 349

Ruhegebiete (quiet areas) 15, 2930

rural development 3

rush 146, 461462, 471

Saas Valley 125

sacred land 37

safety 1, 54, 188, 251, 261, 268, 272, 296, 301, 461462, 471

concepts 464465

outdoor recreation 462463

regulations 327

ski resort management 470471

skiing 327, 464465, 464, 471472

slopes 3

snowmobiling 148, 152

Tatra National Park 252253

Salzburg 5556, 64

Sami people 16, 36

satisfaction, alternative outdoor activities 239242, 240

Scandinavia 12

Scandinavian Mountains Airport project 316

Schladming 403404, 404

schools 117

alternative disciplines 142, 142

Germany 139

North Rhine-Westphalia 21

scientific studies 144

ski 3, 119, 139, 160

snow sports 21, 138145, 141

instructors 142, 143

trip barriers 141

sports 94

season passes 118, 120, 121, 131, 132, 357

seasonal workers 176, 286

seasonality 67, 296, 442444

Iceland 213, 300301, 442460, 445

institutionalized 443

natural 443

seasons, tourism 327

second homeowners 16, 57, 286, 309

security 4, 261

Secwepemc Nation 35

Seilbahn-und Skigebietsprogramm 15, 26, 28

self-completion surveys 220

self-drive 216


adaptation 264

customized 258

delivery 228

diverse 296

expansion 11

providers 259, 265

rescue 225

Shanghai tourism students, landscape perception 268, 269, 270, 271

sharing economy 87, 89

shopping 264

Shuswap First nation 435

Silvretta Montafon 403404, 404

Simpkw First Nation 44, 438n6

Sinixt First Nation 428, 437n2

sites, cultural or environmental importance 10

Skaftafell National Park 449, 451

ski areas 346347, 348, 349

ski bashing 498

ski boom 343344, 346

ski buses 88, 333, 334

ski carousels 326

ski chauffeur services 334

ski competitions 248

ski consortiums, Dolomites 325

ski gymnastics 140

ski huts 199

ski industry 309

Colorado 278

French Alps 493508

inertia 498500

transformation 302303

ski lifts 25, 134, 471, 496

Austria 104

Tyrol 29

Bavarian Alps 27, 28

certification 161

companies 326, 331, 362

economic relevance 348349

expansion 296

France 391

as innovation 341346, 341

innovation 347348

investment 312

operators 297, 389

passes 105, 112, 348

quality 326

role 296, 339353

and ski tourism 341348

Sweden 308

Tatra National Park 248

ticket revenues 310, 310, 312, 314

tickets 118, 120

Trentino 331 see also chairlifts

ski market 183

ski operators 50

ski passes 118, 124, 207, 502

ski racing events 376

ski resorts 1, 195, 302, 476

accessibility 327

advertising 495

alpine 20, 116137

Alps, location within 200, 202

Australia 77

Bavaria 57

brand identity 489

Canada 158

and climate change 4, 388

collaboration 476492

competition 495

costs 195

development 30, 302

diversification 177

Eastern Europe 118

Finland 301302, 476492

and global warming 500

governance 389392

community model 391

corporate model 391

public actors 390391

Italian target group 204

land use planning 388

leadership 476492

management 373

environmental 297298, 369387

safety measures 470471

management sustainability 296

as mega attractions 310

merging 354368

mid-elevation 395

ownership 297, 354368

preferences 199203

private–public 298

public policy 395396

research 389

selection criteria 198199, 199, 203, 205, 477

size 50, 206207

stakeholders 395

sustainability 324338, 369

Swedish 315

Swiss 121, 122

tickets 120

daily 131132, 207

train access 200, 201

turnover 116

websites 50

year-round 427 see also French ski resorts

ski schools 3, 119, 139, 160

ski touring 32, 240, 243

Kasprowy Wierch 251, 252

Kuznice 251, 252

motivations 237

off trail 251

Tatra National Park 246–247, 248, 249, 250

ski tourism 328

climate change 184

development 25

employment 184

environmental impacts 2425

industrialization period 307309

infrastructure 25

prehistoric and ancient times 306307

present 309314

and ski lifts 341348

spatial planning 27

ski-boom 26


behavioural change 471

as members 14

snowmobile-assisted 229, 232

technical ability 350n3


accidents 465470

for all utopia 495

alpine 20, 103, 189, 461

areas 324326

organized 464

backcountry 237, 243, 309

cat 151

children 94, 461

China 268

and climate change 309

code of conduct 471

competitions 307

costs 329, 495

cultural differences 178, 192211

day trippers 92

decline 188189

expenditure 117

free 464

and global warming 324

heli 151

history 305

injuries 457, 461, 465470, 466, 469

mass 324, 326327

mechanized 151

nature of 344

nomadic 497

Nordic 497

pistes 66, 250, 251

risk 461

roller 497498

safety 327, 464465, 464, 471472

schools 139

social aspects 198, 203

teaching 182, 283

ticket prices 118, 123

tunnels 11 see also cross-country skiing; downhill skiing

Skinow 127

Skwelkwek’welt Protection Centre 35

sledges, horse 11, 251

slopes 57, 67, 195, 327

greenhouse gas emissions 66

indoor 140

preparation 326327

quality 20

safety 3

slopes (continued)security 4

solar systems 409

stability 380, 380

small business tourism, economic role 50

small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 54

smartphones 188

snow 47, 49, 67, 75, 225, 298, 318, 496, 500

commuters 327

coverage 64, 175176

days 316, 317

depth 316, 317

grooming 326327, 328, 334

guarantee 134

guns 494

industrial 500

insecurity 55, 57

insurances 49

Norway 319

powder 251

untouched 147, 147, 149, 149

programmed 326, 328329, 332

reliability 84, 103

and climate change 331, 332,333

security 20, 93, 96, 130

Sweden 317318, 317 see also snowmaking

Snow Plan 308

snow sports

culture 314

Germany 138

lessons 264

schools 21, 138145, 141

snowboarding 140, 198, 327, 461, 500

snowmaking 6667, 77, 184, 296

Austria 6566

British Columbia 292

capacity 189

equipment 25, 388

investment 113, 309, 312, 318 see also artificial snowmaking

snowmobile guiding 2122

caribou closures 151152

certification 152154

conflict with other user groups 151

guides’ availability 152

and land tenure 150

and local communities 146154

snowmobile-assisted skiers 229, 232

snowmobiling 14, 75, 78, 147, 153, 179, 189, 229, 232

British Columbia 14, 2122, 150

changes in participation 187, 187

costs 153

day trippers 147

growth 147148

guides 148150

jobs 148

land tenure 21, 22

overnight stays 147

push and pull motivations 146147

safety 148, 152

spending 147, 148

Sweden 177

snowshoeing 78, 103, 140, 227, 239, 500

sociability 241242

social change 187188

social conflicts 1

social goals 428

social interaction 232233, 233

social media 272, 458

social networks 279, 281, 282

social responsibility 497, 498

social sustainability 167, 330

social values conflict 229, 233, 234

socio-cultural conditions 1, 14

socio-psychological health 142143

socioeconomic stakeholders 389

soft-tourism 30

soil conditions 379

solar energy 77, 299, 407, 409, 411, 413, 415

landscape 411, 412

slopes 409

solar power 419

solitude 232233, 233

Sound of Snow 67

South Tyrol 178, 192211

spaces, distribution 425

spas 11, 93

spatial management 128

spatial planning 9, 15, 418

Bavaria 27

ski tourism 27

Tyrol 27, 28

winter sport destinations 2434

winter sport tourism 2630

spatial and socio-cultural challenges 911

Special Management Area 429


keystone 437n3

umbrella 437n3

spending see expenditure

sports 67, 93, 176, 314

culture 193 see also winter sports

sports space theory 314

stakeholders 25, 50, 101, 297, 298, 303, 392

and carbon dioxide emissions 7778

and climate change

adaptation 99

mitigation 7778

perceptions 1718, 73, 7678, 7980

collaboration 489490

demobilization 397

engagement 362363

French ski resorts 391

nature 389

nature-based tourism 73, 75, 76, 77

networks 397

political 389

regional 16, 53

Sexten 205

ski resorts 395

socioeconomic 389

standards 370

standby tourists 121

Startclim 67

St’át’imc Nation 3536

Statistic Sweden 312

statutory planning 49

stay duration 69, 83, 448

staycations 319

Stelvio National Park 30

Stockholm 316

strategic planning 16, 49, 50

students 120

Styria 56

subjective risks 462

subsidies 66, 80, 502

summer tourism 12, 56, 339

Austria 404

climate change 503

Lapland 58

natural landscape 400

winter sports destinations 1112

supply 49

and demand 55, 58

surface lifts 342343, 345, 347, 348


choice experiments 205

on-site 230231, 406

online 185, 189, 194, 230231, 238

postal 184, 185

response rates 189

self-completion 220

sustainability 28, 101, 125, 155172, 291304, 370

at home 163, 163

business 18

and climate change 5556

destinations 155172

Dolomites 324338

economic 167, 330

environmental 330335, 336

European Alps 157

on holiday 163, 163

Jumbo Glacier Resort 427428

Millennials 155, 157158, 162, 164167, 166

mobility 18

mountain 161

policy 51

ski resorts 324338

social 167, 330

valuing 164, 165

sustainability-profitability-gap 112

sustainable development 3, 5, 11, 14, 22, 155, 161, 419

goals 1, 4

ski resorts 369

Sustainable Mountain Tourism Experience Model (SMTE) 293, 294

sustainable practices

affordability 164166, 164

European Alps 167, 168

Millennials 164165

Sweden 183, 188, 295, 318

amenity migration 295, 309

Åre 308, 316

artificial ski areas 319

backcountry skiing 309

cross-country skiing 186187, 186, 309

Dalarna 55, 308, 312, 316

downhill skiing 185, 186,295, 305323, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314

economic development 295

expanding resorts 316

financial crisis (1990s) 310, 319

foreign tourist consumption 189

hiking 309

Idre 36

Jämtland 308309, 312

Jämtland Härjedalen 56

Jokkmokk 307, 316

Kebnekaise 318

labour migration 309

lifestyle migration 309

mountain bike trails 318

mountain tourism development 295

Norbotten 309

Olympic Committee 316

population projections 315, 315

protected areas 183

Sami people 16

Sarek 318

second homeowners 309

ski lift ticket revenues 310, 310, 312, 314

ski resorts 315

snow 316, 317318, 317

snowmaking investment 318

survey methodologies 184185, 185

temperature 188

Västerbotten 308, 309

winter recreation trends 177178, 183191

Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth 189

Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 184

Swedish Ski Areas Industry Association 310, 312

Swedish Tourist Federation 308

swimming 75, 95, 264

Swiss Alps 308

Swiss ski resorts, decline in visits 121, 122

Switzerland 58

Canton of Grisons 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 257258

Canton of Valais 16, 57, 104

Chinese guests 176, 181, 257275

crowdfunding model 20

Davos 342, 343

economic difficulties 54

expenditure behaviour 104

Laax 369, 385n2

landscape perception 181

Myclimate’Cause We Care’ 134n4

product preferences 181

Saas Valley 125

Saas-Fee 129134, 134

SkiArena Andermatt – Sedrun 126127, 126, 127, 134n5

SWOT analysis 19

adaptation strategy 9597, 101

t-test 407

Taoism 266

Tatra Mountain Rescue Service 251

Tatra Mountains 246, 248, 249, 250

Kasprowy Wierch 248, 250, 251, 252, 252

Kościeliska Valley 251

Tatra National Park

caving 249, 250

climbing 248, 249

constructed infrastructure 249250

designated areas 246, 247

educational trips 253

hiking 248, 250

management 180181, 246256

nature conservation 246, 253254

outdoor recreation activities 248

overcrowding 251

risk 252253

safety 252253

ski lifts 248

ski touring 246–247, 248, 249, 250

user conflicts 251252

visitor monitoring 249251, 254

technological change 187188

technology 49, 187188, 251, 296

digital 127, 134n6, 324

Telemark 307, 319

temperature 49, 56, 64, 75, 79, 188, 328329

territorial and landscape management 331332, 332, 335

territorial reform, France 393395, 396

territories 10, 1516

textile industry 392

thematic analysis 51

Thomatal 350n2

thrill 462, 471

Ticketcorner 126, 127


online 126

prices 129

skiing 118, 123


lifts 118, 120, 310, 310, 312, 314

resorts 120, 131132, 207

Tla-oh-qui-aht Nation 42

tobogganing 99, 140, 243

Tod Mountain 35

touring see ski touring


annual growth rate 257

associations 119

expansion 32

multiplier effect 104

Tourism Monitor Switzerland 104

Tourism Naturally Conference (2018) 1

touristic value chain 258259


backcountry 149

cabin 146, 149

guided 21

Northern Lights 221, 221, 446, 454, 455, 458

traffic 328, 363

trails, widening 376, 378

trains 13, 88, 89, 197, 200, 296

climate change adaptation 207208

tramways, aerial 340

transformation 497498

French Alps 302303

transition 494, 504, 505

transparency 129

transport 57, 163, 197

Alps 70

Austria 6869

Bavarian Alps 26

buses 88, 221, 333, 334

capacity 346, 347

carbon dioxide emissions 69

climate change 85, 87

eco-friendly 84, 86, 87, 87

energy consumption 17

Iceland 445446

low energy 83

mountain 339

networks 16

quality 349

urban 350 see also public transport; trains

transportation, uphill 296, 308, 339, 340, 344, 350n1

travel 1, 86, 88

agencies 140

and climate change 18, 8291

climate friendly 83

eco-friendly 89

global 189

Iceland 221

long-distance 67

packages 207

travellers, lifestyle 278

Trentino 330335

tribal parks 42

tricable gondola detachable (TGD) 348

TripAdvisor 260

tropical nights 64

Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia (2014) 40

Tsilhqot’in Nations 42

two-year tourists 276287

Tyrol 15, 58

alternative winter activities 180, 236245

cable car and ski resort programme 2829

climate strategy 55

hospitality culture 58

Landscape Plan 29

nature conservation law 15

overnight stays 30, 64

quiet areas 2930, 32

Seilbahn-und Skigebietsprogramm 15, 26, 28

ski lifts 29

South see Sexten

spatial planning 27, 28

Tyrolean Nature Conservation Act (1975) 29

Tyrolian Alps 9, 31, 118

umbrella species 437n3

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs 37

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) 4041, 44

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 375

United Nations (UN)

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 292

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 292293, 293

United States of America (USA)

Colorado 278

National Forests 105 see also North American mountain resorts; Western Maine

United States Forest Service 355

universities, role 143

uphill transportation 296, 308, 339, 340, 344, 350n1 see also cable cars and surface lifts (CCSLs)

Urals 32

urban development 4

urban transportation 350

urbanization 267, 284, 309

Vail Pass Winter Recreation Area (VPWRA) 179, 229234, 231

motivations 232233, 232, 233

Vail Resorts Inc. 4, 22, 118, 167, 277, 284, 285, 297, 354, 361

acquisitions 356

Epic Pass 122123, 131, 132, 357, 365

pricing 128

redundancies 364

revenues 118, 119

Whistler Blackcomb 363366

valleys 14, 113, 388, 396397

value added 17, 258

marketing 370

value chains 258259

alpine tourism 259, 259

China Inbound Service 264266, 264

values, cultural 268, 448

Vancouver International Airport 277, 363

Vanoise Express 348

Vanoise National Park 30, 398n8

Vatnajökull National Park 448, 449, 453454, 458

vegetation 379, 380

vertical engagement 130131

villages 296, 297, 300, 388


expectations 251

monitoring, Tatra National Park 249251, 254

Visitor Monitoring Systems 177, 180

Vosges Mountains 392

wages 276, 282, 283, 285

walkers 20

warm winter destinations 94

waste management 334

water 11, 64, 494, 496

claims 333334

management 57, 296, 331, 332,333334, 379, 380

weather conditions 2

wellbeing 130, 330, 495

wellness 11, 16, 58, 67, 93, 333

Western Maine 1718

climate change 12

risk perceptions 7381

outdoor activities 75, 80

frequencies 78, 78

recreation behaviour 79

resident profile and recreational behaviour 78

visitors 74

Whistler 277, 354368

community 156, 156, 360

involvement 167, 168

corporate–community relations 354, 361366

culture 286, 365

development 158, 160, 161

Whistler (continued)energy consumption 82

greenhouse gas emissions 82

housing 363

lifestyle migration 181182, 276287

mountain operations ownership 357361

pricing 128

residency challenges 282283

resort development 357

Resort Municipality of (RMOW) 156157, 158, 359, 360, 362, 363

restaurants 160

ski resort 118119

ski schools 160

snowmobiling 150

social sustainability 167

structural elements 282283, 285

sustainability 155172

sustainable development 22

traffic 363

2020 Plan 156, 157, 158, 167, 168, 363

urbanization 284

Village 359, 359

Whistler Blackcomb 156, 157, 168,276277, 284, 354, 355, 359, 361

day trippers 284

gondolas 364

housing 366

infrastructure 364

overcrowding 364

ownership 297

Snow School 281

Vail Resorts Inc. 363366

Whistler Mountain 277, 357359, 358,360

White River National Forest (WRNF) 229, 230

whole-year tourism, Iceland 458

WiFi 198, 203

wilderness 21, 151, 267, 300

wildlife 12, 251, 300, 328


energy 299, 411, 421

farms 417

power 419

turbines 401402, 403, 406, 409, 411, 413, 414, 419

emissions 415

landscape 411, 411, 412, 414

Winter Olympics 359

(2006) 58

(2010) 277, 360361, 363

(2022) 253, 268, 272

(2026) 316

winter sports 58, 175, 331, 443, 498499

access 495

Austrians 197

Bavarian Alps 92

children 14

cultural factors 495

destinations 1112, 15, 2434

ecological footprint 112

economic relevance 103115

expenditure behaviour 1920, 103115

Germans 197

Italians 197

media 495

motivations 197198, 198

public funding 502

schools 94

spatial planning 2630 see also biking; hiking; ski entries; skiing; snow sports; snowmobiling;

winter tourism

experiences 175182

reflections 442444

reinvention 502505

timeframe 444

winter tourists, price sensitivity 117118

WinterCard (Saas-Fee) 123125, 129, 130132, 133, 134n3

Gold 125, 125, 132, 133

word-of-mouth advertising 132, 149

workers, seasonal 176, 286

World Heritage Sites (WHS) 267, 375

year-round ski resorts 427

year-round tourism 19, 49, 54, 59, 67, 426

zoning 9, 10, 14, 176, 229, 234

Bavarian Alps 26

recreation 247–249

VPWRA 230, 231, 233