Charts Index

Front Matter

Old Testament Chronology


Chronology of Noah’s Time in the Ark

Major Covenants in the Old Testament

Integrated Chronology of the Patriarchs


Dates in Exodus

Moses’ Life

Hardened Heart

The Contribution of Exodus 6:3 to the Revelation of God’s Name

Structural Features of the “Signs and Wonders” Narrative


Holiness and Purity (diagram)

Tabernacle Floor Plan (diagram)

Major Old Testament Offerings and Sacrifices

The Lord’s Appointed Festivals


The Israelites’ Location: Where and How Long

The Census Results

The Camp of the Tribes of Israel

Levite Numbers and Responsibilities (Num 3–4)

Dishes Presented

Animals Offered

Grain and Drink Offerings That Accompany Animal Sacrifices

The Priests’ Share in the Offerings

Stages in Israel’s Journey



The Order of the Ten Commandments


Distances in Miles Between Old Testament Cities

1 Kings

Rulers of the Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah

1 Chronicles

The Persian Empire and Postexilic Judah


The Achaemenid Dynasty


Character Traits in Proverbs

Introduction to the Prophetic Books

Timeline of Prophets


Kings of Judah, Israel, and Assyria

Kings of Assyria, Judah, Israel, and Aramea

Quotations From and References to Isaiah 53 in the New Testament


Assyrian, Babylonian, and Judahite Kings


Dates in Ezekiel


Dates in Haggai


The Eight Visions of Zechariah

Quotations of Zechariah in the Gospels

The Person and Work of Zechariah’s Shepherd-King Compared With Isaiah’s Servant


From Malachi to Christ

The Time Between the Testaments

Foreign Domination of Israel (722 BCAD 135)

The Maccabean-Hasmonean Period

New Testament Chronology

Introduction to the New Testament

The Books of the New Testament

A Chronology of Key New Testament Events


The Twelve Apostles

Jewish Sects


Jesus’ Trials


Parables of Jesus

Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances


The Eight Signs of John’s Gospel

Miracles of Jesus

Believers and Unbelievers

Jesus’ Seven “I Am” Sayings in John

Accusations Leveled Against Jesus by His Opponents in John’s Gospel

Before Acts

Harmony of the Gospels


Roman Emperors

Paul’s Life

Four Jameses in the Early Church

Introduction to the Letters and Revelation

Summary of the New Testament Letters


The Two Israels in Romans 9:6

The Pattern of God’s Saving Plan for All People: Jews and Gentiles in Romans 11

2 Thessalonians

Who Is the Restrainer?


Contrasts of Levitical Priesthood and Jesus’ Priesthood in Hebrews


Sevens in Revelation

Self-Interpreted Symbols in Revelation

Links Between Revelation’s Introduction and Conclusion

Seven Blessings in Revelation

Structure of Messages to the Churches in Revelation 2–3

Christ’s Self-Description and Evaluation of the Seven Churches

Old Testament Background for the Living Creatures

Multiples of Twelve in Revelation

Vice Lists in Revelation

Old Testament Background for the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11

Parallels Between Bowls, Trumpets, and Exodus Plagues

A Tale of Two Cities in Revelation

Old Testament Allusions in Revelation 18

The Use of Ezekiel 38–39 in Revelation 19–20

The New Jerusalem and Ezekiel’s Temple

Promised Inheritance for Victorious Believers

Paradise Restored