Chapter 1. Introduction: Earth and Life as Natural Systems
The Power and Limitations of Scientific Reductionism
Characteristics of “Natural Systems”
Natural Systems Are Out of Equilibrium
Natural Systems Are Maintained by External Energy Sources
“Steady-State Disequilibrium” Is Maintained by Feedbacks and Cycles
Chapter 2. The Setting: The Big Bang and Galaxy Formation
The Red Shift: Measuring Velocity
The Velocity-Distance Relationship: Dating the Beginning
Added Support for the Big Bang Hypothesis
An Expanding Universe and Dark Energy
Chapter 3. The Raw Material: Synthesis of Elements in Stars
The Chemical Composition of the Sun
Hydrogen, Helium, Galaxies, Stars
Element Production during the Big Bang
Element Synthesis by Neutron Capture
Evidence Supporting the Stellar Hypothesis
Chapter 4. Preliminary Fabrication: Formation of Organic and Inorganic Molecules
The Two Great Classes of Molecules: Inorganic and Organic
Environments of Molecular Construction
Chapter 5. The Heavy Construction: The Formation of Planets and Moons from a Solar Nebula
Scenario for Solar System Creation
Understanding the Chemical Compositions of the Terrestrial Planets
Chapter 6. The Schedule: Quantifying the Timescale with Radionuclides
Measuring Time with Radioactive Decay
The Isochron Technique of Radioactive Dating
Age of the Chondrites and Earth
Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Short-lived Processes with Extinct Radionuclides
26Al and the Presence of Supernovas in the Vicinity of the Solar Nebula
Chapter 7. Interior Modifications: Segregation into Core, Mantle, Crust, Ocean, and Atmosphere
Chemical Composition of Earth’s Layers
Chemical Affinities of the Elements
Separation of Core from Mantle
Origin of the Atmosphere and Ocean
Chapter 8. Contending with the Neighbors: Moons, Asteroids, Comets, and Impacts
The Diversity of Objects in the Solar System
Using Impacts to Date Planetary Surfaces
History of Impacts in the Solar System
Chapter 9. Making It Comfortable: Running Water, Temperature Control, and Sun Protection
Evidence for Liquid Water before 4.0 Ga
Controls on Volatiles at the Surface
Cycling of Volatiles between the Surface and Earth’s Interior
Chapter 10. Establishing the Circulation: Plate Tectonics
Global Distribution of Seismicity
Chapter 11. Internal Circulation: Mantle Convection and Its Relationship to the Surface
Earth’s Topography and Mantle Flow
Does Plate Geometry Correspond to Mantle Convection Cells?
Active Mantle Upwelling: Plume Heads and Tails
Formation of the Ocean Crust at Spreading Centers
Chapter 12. Linking the Layers: Solid Earth, Liquid Ocean, and Gaseous Atmosphere
The Global System of Ocean Ridges
Hydrothermal Circulation at Spreading Centers
The Puzzle of Seawater Composition
Element Transport to the Subduction Zone
Geochemical Processing at Convergent Margins
Cause of Melting and Volcanism at Convergent Margins
Element Transport to the Continental Crust
Final Consequences of Plate Recirculation
Chapter 13. Colonizing the Surface: The Origin of Life as a Planetary Process
All Life Uses the Same Groups of Molecules
All Life Uses the Same Chemical Machinery
Elemental and Simple Molecular Building Blocks
Making the Essential Biochemical Ingredients
Some General Considerations on the Origin of Life
History of Life and Earth Revealed through the Rock Record
Relating Fossils to Present-Day Life: The Theory of Evolution
The Extinction Half of Evolution
Chapter 15. Energizing the Surface: Coevolution of Life and Planet to Create a Planetary Fuel Cell
The First Three Energy Revolutions
Chapter 16. Exterior Modifications: The Record of Oxidation of the Planetary Surface
Carbon: The Record of Oxygen Production
Carbon: Evidence from the Rock Record
Iron and Sulfur: The Record of Oxygen Consumption
Iron: Evidence from the Rock Record
Sulfur: Evidence from the Rock Record
Evidence for High O2 in the Phanerozoic
Chapter 17. Planetary Evolution: The Importance of Catastrophes and the Question of Directionality
Planetary Evolution during the Phanerozoic
The Cretaceous/Tertiary Extinction
Principles of Planetary Evolution?
Increased Relationship and Complexity
Change in Energy Utilization with Time
Speculations on the Possibility of Directionality to Evolution
Chapter 18. Coping with the Weather: Causes and Consequences of Naturally Induced Climate Change
Intermediate Term Climate Variations: Ice Ages
Chapter 19. The Rise of Homo Sapiens: Access to Earth’s Treasure Chest Permits a Planetary Takeover
Resources with Short Recycling Times: Air and Water
Vast Resources with Recycling Potential: Metals
Finite Resources with No Recycling
Chapter 20. Mankind at the Helm: Human Civilization in a Planetary Context
Historical Perspectives on the Future
Solving Greenhouse Gas Accumulation
Energy from the Sun, Wind, and Atom
Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Chapter 21. Are We Alone? The Question of Habitability in the Universe
Comparative Planetology—Lessons from Venus and Mars
The Number of Other Inhabited Planets in the Galaxy: A Probabilistic Approach
Human Civilization in the Context of Planetary Evolution and Life in the Universe