Page numbers in boldface refer to the main discussion on the subject. Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations and tables.


à la mode, 1
Abba-Zaba, 728
Abbott, Eleanor, 108
Abdal, Kaygusuz, 46
abeilles, 273
Abolition of the Slave Trade Act (Britain, 1807), 546
abolitionism, 54647
Abraham, Karl, 56061
aburi mochi (toasted cakes), 388
Accomplisht Cook, The (May)
Bride Pye, 780
on pippin and pear tarts, 729
on serving pieces, 604
acesulfame K, 672
acetic acid fermentation, 25354
aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena, 308
Achard, Franz Karl, 298, 675
ada pradaman, 358
Adam, Brother, 435
Adams, Thomas, 129
Adams, Thomas, Gum Company, 316
Adams Brands, 88
addiction, 2–4, 624
Adrià, Albert, 511, 680, 744
Adrià, Ferran, 309, 744, 773
adulteration, 4
in Baghdad, 43
laws prohibiting, 400
of sweets in nineteenth-century Britain, 753
of vanilla extract, 764
Aduriz, Andoni, 680, 744
Adventures in Good Eating (Hines), 332
Adventures of Harry Franco, The (Briggs), 500
Adventures of Paddington Bear, The, 136
Bird’s Custard Powder, 201
of children’s stories as sweets, 135
Chocolat Guerin-Boutron collectors’ card, 168
for chocolate trade in Boston Newsletter, 4
for cocoa by F. Korff, 165
for confetti, 179
for dairy products in Sweden, 194
for Gala Peter milk chocolate, 524
Haribo, 327
linking sweets and gender, 297
by Oetker, 491
of Scottish shortbread, 611
Thurbers’ Fruit Preserves and Jellies, 283
advertising, American, 4–8
post–Civil War to 1920s, 46
1920 to World War II, 67
1950 to 1990, 78
aimed at mothers, 134
for Aunt Jemima, 33
by Baker’s, 45
breakfast cereals, 75, 76
Campfire Co., 430
for Cool Whip, 188
Cracker Jack, 193
by Ghirardelli, 301
Halloween advertising by Curtiss Candy, 322
Hostess, 342
ice cream, 347
Jell-O, 294
national campaigns, 56
Sara Lee slogan, 593
Twinkies, 751
by Whitman, 156
æbleskiver, 598
Afghanistan, 261, 277
Africa. See also North Africa; sub-Saharan Africa; individual countries
cassava in, 117
influence on
Brazilian culinary traditions, 72
Latin American sweets, 394
Aftel, Mandy, 24
agave, Native American use, 46970
agave nectar, 4, 8–9
agua de horchata, 341
aguamiel (honey water), 8, 443
ah-boh, 636
Aida, 771
Ain’t Jokin (Weems), 572, 572
akide, 36364, 745
akutuq, 9
alajú, 639
Åland pancake, 599
Albala, Ken, 177
Albertus Magnus, 671
Albius, Edmund, 764
alcohol. See also cocktails; liqueurs; rum (rhum)
angelica root extracts in beverages, 15
fermentation, 253
fruit preserved in, 285
gummies soaked in, 318
lead metal in fermentation of, 397
in lemonade, 4012
in midmeal sorbet, 609
public health cost, 3
sex and, 21
aletria, 553
Alexander, Christopher, 214
Alexis of Piedmont, 172
alfajores, 393, 639
alfeizerão, 552
Alhäuser, Sonja, 28
Ali, Roblé, 23
Alice B. Toklas Cookbook, The, 527
Alkermes, confection of, 9
Alkermes liqueur, 8
All Butter Peach Coffee Cake, 593
All Butter Pound Cake, 593
All Souls’ Day, 160, 322
allumettes, 509
Almanach des gourmands, L’ (Grimod de la Reynière), 102, 143
almendrados, 641
almojábanas, 639
Almond Roca, 143
almonds. See also marzipan
bitter versus sweet, 489
cake in Greece, 310
extract or essence, 24546
in France, 273
lauzinaj, 395
in macarons, 416
in medieval Baghdad sweets, 42
in nougat, 486
paste, 62, 43233
in Portuguese desserts, 552
production, 489
at birth ritual, 60, 61
as favors, 779
in Islamic world, 361
in Turkey, 746
amaretti, 62, 366
Amari, Michele, 117
amazura, 777
ambergris, 10
ambrosia, 10, 479
Amedei, 153
America Revisited (Sala), 44
American Baking Competition, The (television program), 170
American Bee Journal, 338
American Cake Decorating, 562
American Century Cookbook: The Most Popular Recipes of the 20th Century (Anderson), 759
American colonies, 75657
great cakes, 11920
importation of cacao beans, 145
punch, 565
rosewater, 261
rum, 582
American Cookery (Simmons), 756, 757
on egg whites, 785
pancake recipe, 499500
pumpkin pie recipes, 53435
American Crystal Sugar Company, 681
American Culinary Federation, 512
American Danish, dough for, 392
American Dictionary of the English Language, An, 729
American Domestic Cookery, The (Rundell), 785
American Machine Co., 351
American Molasses Company, 459
American Pastry, The (Whitehead), 14
American Sorbet, 609
American Sugar Cane League, 681
American Sugar Holdings, 732
American Sugar Refining Company, 10–12, 685. See also Domino; Sugar Trust
Havemeyer and, 328
Imperial Sugar Company and, 355
reorganization of Sugar Refineries Company as, 699
amlou, 485
Amstar Corporation, 11, 699
amygdalopita, 310
amygdalota, 311
amylopectins, 653
amyloses, 653
an, 3940, 420, 777
ancient world, 12–14
cakes, 91, 124
culinary history and cookbooks, 32
Egypt, honey in, 337
flatbread with cheese and honey, 310
food preservation, 463
fruits in sweet syrups, 101
guilds, 313
honey, 337
influence on ancient Germany, 298
mead, 435
Paris under Roman Empire, 503
reference to sweets in literature, 408
Spanish sweets, 639
street food, 658
sweet breads, 72
symbolism of bees, 338
ice in, 345
Middle Eastern sweets, 446
opium poppy, 550
preservation of fruit in honey, 278, 282
rosewater, 261
sugar and health in, 671
sweets in India, 356
use of honey for healing, 339
Anderson, Alexander P., 75
Anderson, Jean, 759, 765
Andoh, Elizabeth, 742
Angel Cake, 396
angel food cake, 14–15, 92, 121, 646
pans, 503
angelica, 15, 102
Angelus Marshmallows, 431
angkoo, 656
anijshagel, 649
animal crackers, 15–16
animals and sweetness, 16–17, 33, 716
anis de Flavigny, 170
anmitsu, 52
anpan, 52, 374
Ansel, Dominique, 227
ansom chaek, 636
Ant Candy, 359
anthropomorphic and zoomorphic sweets, 17–20, 209
Antigua, 674
Antiphanes, 12, 539
Antiquitates Culinarie (Warner), 743
Anti-Slavery Society, 546
Antonellis, Domenic M., 472
Antoni, Janine, 2829
ants, chocolate-covered, 359
anuş abur, 645, 746, 784
Apeas, 521
Apfelkraut, 281
aphrodisiacs, 20–22
chocolate as, 157
sugared vegetables as, 765
sweetmeat offered to the Buddha, 8182
vanilla, 763
on dried fruit, 228
on fried dough, 275
honey in recipes of, 337
recipes for fruits in sweet syrups, 101, 282
apiculture, 37
apithery, 339
as first confectioners, 172
and honey, 339
lozenges, 414
makers of hard candy, 107, 327
social status, 314
and spices, 768
and sugar in Vienna, 769
sugar work, 216
sugarcoated nuts and seeds, 179
Appalachian stack cake, 22–23, 396
Appel, Charles, 112
Appenzeller Biberli, 723
Appert, Nicolas, 283, 285
Appetit-Lexikon (Habs and Rosner)
definition of dumplings, 230
on Sachertorte, 588
butter, 281
cake in Denmark, 597
desserts during Rosh Hashanah, 378
dried, 229, 748
as filling for strudel, 659
at Halloween, 322
in Rosh Hashanah meal, 579
apple pie, 476, 477, 534
mock, 743
official Vermont pie, 654
apple roly-poly pudding, 477
applestroop, 281
apprenticeships, 314, 512, 770
apricots, dried, 228
apupa, 355
aqrāṣ līmūn, 104, 448
aqrāṣ mukallala, 448
aqua vitae, 581
Arab world
candied fruit, 101
candy, 104
influence on Spanish sweets, 639
sweetmeats and sweet pastries in Istanbul, 362
use of flowers in confectionery, 100101
Arabian Nights, The, 42
arak, 497
aravana payasam, 517
Arbuckle Brothers, 328
Archestratos, 12, 337
Archives of Modern Medicine, 339
arequipe, 230
Argentina honey production, 340
Aristophanes, 12, 408, 658
Arnott’s Biscuits, 35
aroma, 23–24
Aroma (Patterson and Aftel), 24
arropes, 639
arrowroot, 653
arroz con leche (rice pudding), 639
arroz doce (rice pudding), 553
art, 24–29. See also sugar painting
depiction of Cockaigne, 251
on fruit as pleasure-giver, 278
sugar-lift etching technique, 670
use of chewing gum in, 129
Art de bien faire les glaces d’office, L’ (Emy), 178, 23839, 346, 504, 604
Art de bien traiter, L’ (L. S. R.), 710
Art de fabriquer le sucre de betteraves (Dubrunfaut), 675
Art de la cuisine française au 19ème siècle, L’ (Carême), 114
Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy, The (Glasse), 353, 741, 755, 756
Art of Cooking (Heracleides), 32
Art of Cooking, The (Pépin), 543
Art of Distillation, The (French), 403
Arte de repostería (de la Mata), 178
Artic roll, 221
artificial sweeteners, 29–32, 720
in diet sodas, 624
Tate & Lyle and, 731
used in pills, 526
AR-TIK Systems, Inc., 206
Artistic Cake Decorating from A to Z, 561
Artusi, Pellegrino
on budino alla ricotta, 125
mostarda recipe, 463
aṣābiʿ Zainab (Zainab’s fingers), 448
asabiʾ il-ʿarous (bride’s fingers), 395
Asadi, Mosen, 679
Asaf Khan, 67
Aşçıbaşı (Nedim), 363
Ashmole, Elias, 345
ʿasị̄da, 446
Asia. See also East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia; individual countries
candied fruit, 103
palm sugar, 497
sweet soups, 630
tapioca, 728
use of coconut milk and cream, 166
aspartame, 3031, 672
Association of the German Beet Sugar Industry, 675
aşure, 364, 645, 745, 746, 784
atextli, 21
Atkins, Robert, 672
Atlantic City, 6768
atole, 638
Atomic Fireballs, 24647, 291
Attie, Shimon, 29
Aubrey, John, 21
Audiger, Nicolas, 346
“Aunt Babette’s” Cookbook: Foreign and Domestic Receipts for the Household (Bloch), 325
Aunt Jemima, 5, 32–33, 33
Aurora Foods, 332
Australia and New Zealand, 33–35
Dolly Varden cake, 224, 225
fortified wines, 266
honeybees, 338
tea, 733
toffee, 737
World War II sugar rationing, 683
Austria. See also Austria-Hungary; Vienna
afternoon snack of coffee and cake, 711
poppy seed in sweets, 550
sweet wine, 713
Austria-Hungary, 35–39. See also Austria; Hungary
Carnival sweets, 115
fritters, 277
Gugelhupf in, 312
Avayu, David, 796
avlette, 187
avral breads, 161
A.W. Allen, 34
awwamaat, 275, 795
Axel, David, 23
Axene, Harry, 206
Ayres, Ralph, 353
honey in, 339
on properties of sugar, 35657
on silver and gold, 398
sugarcane juice in, 439
azo dyes (coal tar dyes), 263
chocolate, 143, 148, 151, 165
feasts of the dead, 209
fruit, 443
azuki beans, 39–40. See also bean paste sweets
in Chinese food traditions, 139
as filling of mooncakes, 461
in Korean sweets, 385
in sticky rice sweets, 656
in traditional Japanese confectionery, 371
azzime dolci (sweet matzah), 76768


ba bao fan, 656
ba bao zou, 746, 784
baath, 358
baba au rhum, 41–42, 55, 91, 273, 583, 657
babbelaars/torverballen (bull’s eyes), 474
babka, 74
Baby Ruth bar, 648
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 8990
Baci, 368, 472, 489, 524
baci di dama, 366
Backen macht Freude (Oetker), 65
Backin, 491
bagasse, 5859, 540, 677, 701
Baghdad, 42–44
Baghdagi, al-, 42
Bahlsen, Hermann, 400
baicoli, 767
Baierische Köchin in Böhmen, Die (The Bavarian Cook in Bohemia) (Neudecker), 441
Baillie, E. C. C., 412
Bake Mete, 533
Baked Alaska, 44–45, 221, 441
Baker, Harry, 131
Baker, James, 45
Baker, Kenneth, 28
Baker, W. C., 95, 562
Baker’s, 45, 145, 287
baker’s dozen, 45–46
Bakers’ Helper (journal), 561, 562
baker’s special sugar, 664
Bakery and Confectioner’s Journal, The, 562
baking equipment. See also pans
for cakes, 9293
milk and, 454
baking powder, 126, 491, 500
baking soda, 126, 127
Baking with Julia (television series, Child), 170
baklava, 46–47, 310
early Persian recipes, 523
in New York City, 481
during Ramadan, 574
at Rosh Hashanah, 579
in Turkey, 746
Baklava Procession, 574
Baldanzi, Amadio, 62
Ballard, Martha, 477
Balling, Karl, 77
“balls of joy” (“buns of bliss”), 82
balushahi, 223
balushai, 275
Bamberger Kochbuch (Klietsch and Siebell), 213
bamiyeh, 185, 335
Banana Split, 219
bananas, 229, 635, 636
Bananas Foster, 220, 479
Banbury Cakes, 456
Bangladesh, 634
Banglar Khabar (Ray), 580
Bangor Brownies, 78
banh troi nuoc, 636
banketstaven, 473
Banks, April, 27
Banoffi (banoffee) pie, 656, 755
banquet as special course devoted to sweets, 211, 604, 62021, 742, 754
banqueting houses, 47–49, 48
banqueting tables, 620
Banyuls, 266
baozi (do sha bao), 52
bar cookies, 49, 502
Bara brith, 286
barad, 43
Barani, Ziauddin, 581
Barbados, 673, 696, 701
barfi, 49, 223, 358
cashew nuts in, 489
as mithai, 457
silver leaf on, 398
barley malt extract, 420
barley sugar, 50, 327, 754
barmbrack, 73, 322
Barmore, M. A., 14
Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty (Dickens), 224
Barricini chocolate company, 411
barrigas de fraile (friar’s bellies), 18
barrigas de freira (nun’s belly), 297, 552, 553
Barrios, Jarrett, 42930
Barthes, Roland, 693
Barton’s, 296
Bartram, John, 470
basandūd, 573
baseball cards, 193, 342
Baskin, Burton “Burt,” 50, 51
Baskin-Robbins, 50–51
Basler Leckerli, 723
bassbussa, 483, 574
Bassett’s, 317
Bastian-Blessing Company, 626
batasha, 331
Batchelar’s Banquet, 61
Bâtiment des recettes (Building of Recipes) (Nostradamus), 485
Battenberg Cake, 353, 396
batter cakes, 633
Baudry, Paul, 657
Bauer, Fred, 561
Baughin, Lubin, 775, 776
Baumé hydrometer, 437
Baumkuchen, 51, 782
Bavarian Cream. See bavarois
bavarois, 55, 271
as cold chilled dessert, 218
gelatin in, 29495
Bayer, Karl, 39
Bazooka Candy Brands, 728
bean paste sweets, 52, 139. See also azuki beans
bean-to-bar chocolate companies, 146
Beard, James, 170
Beauchamp, Gary, 16
Beavan, Arthur, 243
bebinca, 555
Becker, Marion Rombauer, 579
Beckford, Peter, 674
Beckford, William, 545, 67475
Beecher, Catherine, 12021, 748
Beeman, Edward, 130
beer making, 253, 459
Beert, Osias, 24, 780
beet sugar
competition for sugarcane, 539, 541
economic policies and, 399
Havemeyer and refining of, 328
in the Netherlands, 473
processing, 676
in Russia, 585
Beet Sugar Handbook, The (Asadi), 679
Beeton, Isabella, 52–53. See also Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management (Beeton)
on use of silver or gold leaf, 398
beghrir, 499
Béguin, Max-Henri, 661
beignets, 275
for Carnival, 116, 336
Louisiana state dessert, 654
beignets soufflés, 272
beijus, 72
Bekir, Hacı, 363, 413
Belgium, 53–55, 69, 306, 776
Belle de Nuit, 242
“bellyguts,” 519
Beltrame, Alfredo, 737
Bemelmans, Ludwig, 409
Ben & Jerry’s, 55–56
bench scrapers, 515
Benedetti, Rocco, 691
Bengal, 359
benne seed wafers, 56, 632, 756
benne seeds, 632
Beowulf, 435
Bergman, Torbern, 625
Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 207
Berline Pfannkuchen, 115
Berling, E. M., 561, 562
berlingots, 565
berlingozzo, 116
Bernarchon, 153
Bernardi, Roberto, 26
Bernier, François, 359
berries. See also blueberries; strawberries
in Finland, 599
Native American use, 470, 496
in the Pacific Northwest, 49596
in Scandinavia, 597
in sweets in Canada, 97
Berthillon, 504
Bertoni, Moisés Santiago, 655
Berwick Baking Company, 786
besan laddu, 391
bêtises, 273
Bettelheim, Bruno, 136
betty (brown betty), 279
Betty Crocker, 6, 57, 57–58
Betty Crocker’s Hostess Cookbook, 200
Betty Crocker’s Picture Cook Book, 131
Beuys, Joseph, 338
beverages. See also alcohol; chocolate: as beverage; tea
corn as basis of Southwestern, 638
flavorings, 14, 246
sherbet as, 6089
sweetened in sub-Saharan Africa, 66061
Beyoncé, 606
bhapa doi, 793
Bhattacharya, Nandalal, 399
Bhimnag, 39899
Bhut Pepper Company, 247
Biardot, Alphonse, 5
Biberli, 305
bibinca (bebinca), 358
bibingka, 530
on honey, 377
Old Testament
honey in, 338
Song of Solomon on love and sweetness, 605, 616
sacharotopia in, 250
biblia, 236
big confectionery. See insects
“Big Rock Candy Mountain” (song), 25051
Big Sugar, 681
Bimbo, 445
bint al-ṣaḥn, 449
biocouture, 670
biofuel, 58–60
Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 587
birch beer, 246
birch syrup, 593
Bird, Alfred, 201, 203
Bird, Wright and Co., 123
bird’s milk, 60, 585
Birkett, Elizabeth, 740
Birnbrot, 723
birnenhonig, 281
birth, 60–61
cakes and, 12021
celebrated on New Year’s Day in China, 142
for children in Greece, 309
Dolly Varden cake at, 225
birz, 659
biscotti, 61–63
biscotto di Prato, 62
biscuit de Savoie. See sponge cake
biscuit tins, 184
biscuits, British, 34, 63–64, 755
biscuits, funeral, 289
biscuits, twice baked, 658
biscuits à la cuillère, 270
Bishop and Babcock, 626
bisket, 646
Bisquick, 6, 658
Bistro Cooking (Wells), 197
Bit-O-Honey, 728
Bitter Almonds (Grammatico), 645
bizcochito (biscochito), 638, 655
bizcochos, 639, 640
Black, Jane, 737
black and white cookies, 64–65, 481
black bun, 74, 163, 286, 456
black cakes. See plum cakes
Black Codes, 620. See also Code Noir (New Orleans)
Black Forest cake, 65, 300, 396, 739
Black Man Holding Watermelon (Weems), 572, 572
Black Man’s Lament or How to Make Sugar, The (Opie), 137
black treacle, 666, 731
blackstrap molasses, 459, 666
blancmange, 65–67, 66, 479
Blange, Paul, 479
Blechkuchen, 550
Blegny, Nicolas de, 710
Blencowe, Ann, 286
blenders, 513
blinchatyi pirog, 498
bliny, 584
Blondies, 78, 477
Bloody Mouth Candy, 291
Blot, Pierre, 512, 786
blueberries, 495, 654
Blumenthal, Heston, 24, 564, 577, 773
bo lo bao, 7374
Boakes, Robert, 492
boardwalks, 67–68
bobo samdaik ankoy, 636
Bock, Hieronymus, 671
Bocuse, Paul, 402, 542
Boileau, Étienne, 313
boiled icing, 354
boiled sweets, 326
boiling points of sugar defined by Carême, 114
bollo Maimón, 782
bolo de mel, 552
bolo fiado, 555
bolo rei, 552, 749
bolo/bory, 555
bolos de arroz, 552
bolsjer, 599
bombe (bomba), 221, 460
bomboloni, 366
bombones, 640
Bompas & Parr, 217, 461
Bon Bon, 69
Bonbonetti, 39
bonbonnières (drageoirs), 69, 156
bonbons, 69. See also chocolates, boxed
in Brazil, 72
by Kugler in Budapest, 81
Boni, Ada, 796
Bonne cuisine, La (Saint-Ange), 587
Bonne cuisine française, La (Dumont), 587
Bonomo Turkish Taffy, 728
Book of Cakes (Maclaren), 56162
Book of Ceremonies, The (Işın), 705
Book of Ices, The (Marshall), 428
Book of Traditional Puddings (National Trust), 564
Booke of Cookery (Washington), 173
Booke of Sweetmeats (Washington), 173, 261, 262
boortsog, 275
Borden, Gail, Jr., 714
Borden’s malted milk, 455
Bore, Etienne de, 478, 677
Born, Samuel, 649
bōro, 467
Boston Cooking School, standardization and, 436
Boston Cooking School Cook Book, The (Farmer), 45, 252
angel food cake recipe, 14
cup cake recipe, 199
distribution in Canada, 98
on measurements, 436
molasses-based recipe for brownies, 78, 477, 621
recipes using Baker’s chocolate, 146
on small cakes, 621
use of sour cream, 631
Boston Cooking School Magazine, The, 287, 62122
Boston Cream Pie, 69–70, 196, 396
as Massachusetts official dessert, 654
sponge cake in, 646
Boston Molasses Disaster, 70, 70–71
Boston Newsletter, 4
boterbabbelaars, 85
Botticelli, Sandro, 160
Boucher, Bruce, 692
Boulud, Daniel, 542
boží milosti, 275
Brach’s Confections, 323
Bradley, Alice, 353
Bradley, Henry E., 613
brand names, advertising and, 45
Bras, Michel, 680
Brausepulver, 299
Brazil, 71–72
sugar production, 71, 698, 702
sugarcane cultivation, 58, 59, 701
plantations, 54041, 552, 696
use of sugarcane ethanol fuel, 59
brazo de gitano/reina/venus, 18, 646
bread. See also breads, sweet; quick breads
French in New Orleans, 479
in Japan, 374
regulation in the Middle Ages, 313
salt in, 591
bread puddings, 563, 755
Beecher on, 12021
for holidays, 336
in India, 359
in New Orleans, 479
reqaq in Egypt, 484
in the Southwest, 638
Breadmaking (Chrysippus of Tuana), 32
breads, sweet, 72–75
difficult rising, 792
at Easter, 235
in Finland, 599
in Mexico, 445
in the Southwest, 638
for weddings, 782
Breaker Confections, 291
cereal, 75–77, 75758
presweetened, 76, 75758
sugar content, 76, 758
soups, 630
sweet, 711, 756
Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea (Harland), 786
Bremer Klaben, 657
Brennan, Owen, 479
Brenner, Joël, 105
Breton sablés, 273
Brewer, J. S., 691
Bride Cake, 780
Bride Pye, 780
Bridgeman, Jane, 779
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 451
brioche, 73
Brioche, La (Chardin), 25
Brioche, La (Manet), 25
Brisse, Léon, 44
Britain. See United Kingdom
British Baker, The (journal), 562
British Food series (Parr), 28
British Sugar Corporation, 731
brittle, 77, 140, 326, 555
Brix, 77–78, 652
Brix, Adolf, 77
Brix hydrometer, 437
Brock Candy Company, 317
broeder, 635
Broekel, Ray, 105
Brookes prints, 546
Brown, Helen Evans, 783
Brown Brothers, 145
brown sugar, 139, 299, 66465, 685
brownies, 78
first recipes, 252
invention, 450
in New England, 477
pans, 502
Brunei, 637
brunkager, 597
Brunsli/bruns de Bâle, 722
bsisa, 160
bsissa, 485
bstila au lai, 484
bubble gum, 12930, 529
bubble tea, 78–79, 636
buccellatum, 658
bucellato, 367
Buch von guter speise, Das, 225
bûche de Noël, 79, 162, 271, 646, 743
buchty, 38, 79–80
Buck, Linda, 23
Buckeye Cookery (Wilcox), 10, 167
buckle, 279
Budapest, 80–81
Buddhism, 81–83, 82
influence on Korean food, 385
introduction of tenshin in monastic diet in Japan, 37172
reference to sweets in early literature, 408
budino, 563
bugne, 225
bugnes, 273
Buitoni, Francesco, 524
Bulgaria, names for gingerbread in, 305
Bulletin of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 748
Bundt pans, 503
Bunte Bros., 107
buñuelo. See fried dough
buñuelos, 116, 638, 641
buñuelos de viento, 275, 325, 508, 640, 641
burfi. See barfi
Burghardt, Gordon, 17
Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, 48
Burgstaller, Ernst, 312
Burma (Myanmar), 636
burnt sugar. See caramels
Bursche, Stefan, 240
Burt, Harry, 307
Burton, Richard, 21
Bush Tucker Party Ltd., 360
butter, 83–84
cake, 395
cookies in Scandinavia, 598
key ingredient in sablé, 587
making, 454
in pie dough, 536
in puff pastry, 392
Butter Tarts, 98
buttercream. See icing
Butterkuchen, 782
buttermilk, 84–85, 454, 499
butterscotch, 85, 112, 174, 326
as flavor for icing, 354
invention, 104
toffee related to, 737
Byram, Jennifer, 492


C. D. Kenny Company, 594
caakiri, 660
cabbage cream, 754
cabello de angel, 18
cabinet. See milkshakes
cacao. See cocoa
cacao farming
art and, 27
child labor, 132
chocolate making in countries of, 146, 147
colonialism and, 168
spread of, 145
Cacao Livelihoods Program, 316
cachaça, 582
Cadbury, 87–88, 156
boxed chocolates, 156, 157, 761
chocolate packaging, 143
Cocoa Essence, 87, 165
Dairy Milk bar shape, 607, 773
Cadbury, George, 87, 165
Cadbury, John, 87
Cadbury, Richard, 156, 157, 761
Cadbury Gorilla, 8
café(s), 88–91
in Budapest, 80
in Germany, 299
in Mexico, 44445
in New York City gardens, 480
in Paris, 504, 710
in Scandinavia, 596
Cafer Erol, 413
caggiunitte (calzonetti), 368
Cailler, François, 472
cajeta, 230, 638
cake(s), 91, 91–93. See also angel food cake; cake decorating; cake mix(es); celebration cakes; cheesecake; chiffon cake; fruitcake(s); layer cake; pound cake; sponge cake; specific cakes by name
in the ancient world, 1213
at funerals, 289
in Italy, 367
marzipan in, 433
Pennsylvania Dutch, 52021
in Portugal, 55253
punch-flavored, 566
in slang, 617
in the South, 633
terminology, 92
in the United States, 757
“Cake, The” (Maupassant), 409
cake and confectionery stands, 93
Cake Central (website), 562
Cake Craft & Decoration, 562
cake decorating, 93, 93–95, 121, 515, 693
cake hoop, 92
cake mix(es), 95, 95–96
Betty Crocker, 58
Duncan Hines, 332
Oetke, 491
cake table in Scandinavia, 596, 597
Cakes (Thiebaud), 26
Cakes, Cake Decorations and Desserts: A Manual for Housewives, Simple and Up-to-Date (King), 191
Cakes & Sugarcraft, 562
calas, 478
California Culinary Academy, 512
calissons, 273
Callahan, Genevieve, 783
Callis, Jo Ann, 2627
Calloud, M., 525
calories, sweet tastes associated with, 492
Calumet Baking Company, 561
camas, Native American use of, 470
Camba, Julio, 640
Cambodia, 636
Cambridge Pudding, 563, 755
Campbell Soup Company, 306
Campfire, 430, 431
Campos-Pons, María Magdalena, 27
Canada, 96–99. See also Quebec
ice wine, 714
maple syrup production, 423, 424
Canada Mints, 471
Canadian Cookbook (Pattinson), 98
Canary Islands sugar production, 695
candied flowers, 99–100, 172, 327
candied fruit, 101, 101–3, 172
in contemporary sweet shops, 721
in France, 271
ginger, 643
during Middle Ages, 705, 706
in New Orleans, 479
in plated desserts, 543
in Russia, 584
stalks of angelica, 15
vegetables in, 765
in Vienna, 769
Candiflor, 100
candy (candies), 103–5. See also confectionery
in Baghdad, 44
in China, 141
consumption in Sweden, 772
for Halloween, 32223
as ideological tool in Soviet Union, 585
made of licorice, 403
meanings in slang, 616
milk in, 454
necklaces, 595
oldest in original form, 123
packaging, 109–10
in Pennsylvania, 51920
in Scandinavia, 599
in sub-Saharan Africa, 660
candy bars, 6, 105–6, 146
Candy Buttons, 471
candy canes, 106, 106–7, 565
candy cigarettes, 291
candy coal, 520
candy corn, 323, 529
Candy Crate, 728
candy dishes, 107–8
Candy Hits (Pitts), 538
Candy Land, 108–9, 109
candy makers guilds, 31314
candy packaging, 109–10
candy pills, 292, 292
CandyFab, 670
machines, 123, 529
in Philadelphia, 529
cane syrup, 110–11, 111, 459, 665
canjica, 72
Cannameliste français, Le (Gilliers), 173, 178, 301
guide to sugar work, 268
on stages of sugar syrup, 652
on surtout, 240
cannelés, 111, 273
Canning, Franklin V., 130
cannoli, 112, 116, 366
Canon of Medicine (Avicenna), 43940
capillaire, 262
capirotada (sopa) (bread pudding), 336, 638, 707
Capitalism and Slavery (Williams), 541
carac, 723
caramel, 666
in flan, 257
sauces, 595
as stage of sugar syrup, 112, 326, 652
Caramelle de Cristallo (Bernardi), 26
caramels, 112–13, 174
in Scandinavia, 597
taffy distinguished from, 727
toffee related to, 737
carbonatation, 686
cardamom, 597, 599, 643
CARE parcels and sweet foods, 299
Carême, Marie-Antoine (Antonin), 36, 113, 113–14, 174, 5045
compared to Jarrin, 376
critical of service à la russe, 213
on croquembouche, 199
dessert landscapes, 216
and evolution of confectionery, 192
first celebrity pastry chef, 216, 511
on petit fours, 451
pièces montées, 216
piped meringue, 44
bavarois, 218
charlotte ruse, 122
madeleine, 418
Nesselrode Pudding, 221
vacherin, 761
Caribbean. See also individual countries
American Sugar Refining Company and plantations in, 699
end of slavery, 697
sugar plantations, 539, 541, 696, 7012
Carnation, 455
Carnival, 114–16
doughnuts, 225
foods in Portugal, 554
fried dough, 335, 336
sweets, 38
German, 300
Italian, 366
Venice, 767
carob molasses, 310
carquinyolis, 62
cake in Switzerland, 723
as sweetener, 38, 765
Carruthers, Mary, 409
Carter, Susanna. See Frugal Housewife (Carter)
Carwardine, Thomas, 588
casadielles, 639
Cascadian Farms, 76
cashew nuts, 489
Casola, Pietro, 767
cassata, 116–17
chilling, 218
decoration with candied fruits, 103, 367
in the Midwest, 450
cassata Siciliana, 367
cassava (mandioca, manioc, aipim, yuca), 117–18, 118, 728, 765
Cassel’s New Universal Cookery Book, 708
castagnaccio, 128
castagnole, 116
casters, 603
castoreum, 118
catalogs, 562
cakes and sweets in Asia, 555
fast days, 35
piñata tradition, 53738
saint festivals, 254
Cato the Elder
on cakes, 13, 91
recipe for mustaceus, 61
recipe for placenta, 12, 539
caudle, 236
Cavallieri, Niccolo, 768
cavallucci, 259, 366
Cavendish, Henry, 625
cavities. See dental caries
cedol, 637
Çelebi, Evliya, 324
celebration breads, 7374
celebration cakes, 119–21
yuletide cake, 119
sweets, 432, 725
wheat berry dishes for, 784
Celnart, Elisabeth, 566
cenci, 366
Center for Science in the Public Interest, 626, 661, 681
100 Ricette de Cucina Veneziana, 767
Central Europe
crescents, 198
sweet soups, 630
çevirme, 363, 64647, 747
chalboribbang, 52
Chaliou, David, 156
challah, 378
cham cham, 359
Chamber, Ephraim, 21213
Chamberlain, Samuel and Narcissa, 197
Chamberlaine, John, 144
Champagne fairs, 249
champurrado, 638
Chandelier (Chou), 29
Chanukah (Chanukkah). See Hanukkah
Charaka Samhita, 20, 439
chardequince, 426
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 26
Charlemagne’s Tablecloth: A Piquant History of Feasting (Fletcher), 742
Charleston Receipts, 343
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Dahl), 136
charlotte, 121–22, 218, 646
charlotte aux pommes, 122
charlotte russe (charlotte à la parisienne), 122, 29495, 481
charmagaz, 35758
Charms, 413
Charpentier, Henri, 499
Chartreuse, 407
Chase, Daniel, 471
Chase, Oliver, 123, 471, 521
Chase, Silas Edwin, 123, 471
Chase and Co., 471
Chattanooga Baking Company, 462
chaussons, 509
che dau trang, 636
Che hot sen that tranh, 636
chebbak el-janna, 277
Checkerboard Cake, 396
cream cheese, 124
in flan, 258
Philadelphia, 125
fresh, 123–24
creole cream cheese in New Orleans, 479
as filling for baklava, 46
in Greek Easter sweets, 310
in Italian cakes, 367
myzithra, 310
used for cheesecake, 125
cheesecake, 124, 124–26
in Finland, 599
at Hannukah, 325
in New York City, 481
Sara Lee, 593
chemical leaveners, 126–27
in the United States, 757
Cherikoff, Vic, 360
Cherries Jubilee, 220
Cherry Leaf Cake, 458
Chess Pie, 196, 535
chestnuts, 127–28, 489
in France, 273
in Korean sweets, 386
as stuffing for manjū, 420
chewing gum, 128–31
bubble gum, 12930, 529
in Japan, 373
xylitol in, 789
Chewing Gum (Redclift), 130
Chewing Tzu, The Rumination Book (Lorenz), 129
chhana, 359, 382
in ledikeni, 398
in rosogolla, 580
in sandesh, 592
chiacchiere, 335
chickpeas, 383, 391
chicle, 129
chicolle, 272
chiffon cake, 131, 531, 646
chiffon pie, 131–32
Child, Julia, 93, 170, 757
on dacquoise, 205
tarte Tatin, 730
and wire whisk, 786
Child, Lydia Maria, 757. See also Frugal Housewife (Child)
child labor, 132–33, 540, 762
gummies, 318
marshmallows, 431
PEZ and, 525
sugar addiction, 3
sugar consumption, 135
sweet first taste, 61
as target market, 7
Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CAU), 7
children’s candy, 133–35, 193, 754
children’s literature, 135, 135–38
chilled chiffon pies, 535
chimaki, 388
chimney cake. See also Baumkuchen
kürtőskalács, 80
China, 138–41
aphrodisiacs, 2021
in Asia Pacific confectionery market, 234
azuki desserts, 52
condensed milk, 715
honey production, 340
Stevia production, 655
street vendor sugar sculpture, 693
arrival in, 439, 694
production, 233, 694, 702
sugar beets in, 698
sugarcane in, 699
at border with Laos and Burma, 636
at funerals, 289
reference in early literature, 408
regional, 14041
sticky rice, 656
use of malt syrup and maltose in confections, 419
walnut producer, 489
wheat berries, 784
Chinese New Year, 141–42, 724
Chio mastic, 434
ch’o, 386
Choc Ice. See Eskimo Pie
Choco Pie, 386
Chocolat (Harris), 410
Chocolat Guerin-Boutron, 168
Chocolate (Tarasov-Rodionov), 585
chocolate, luxury, 142–44
chocolate, post-Columbian, 144–47, 174
alkalization process/dutching, 165, 763
as aphrodisiac, 21
artisanal chocolate makers, 153
in Asian Pacific confectionery market, 233, 234
as beverage, 36, 143, 144, 16465
by Baker’s, 45
instant Nesquik, 472
in Paris, 504
powdered, 145
van Houten and, 762
child labor in industry, 132
in Japan, 371, 372
in Switzerland, 723
fashions inspired by, 595
as filling to rolled wafers, 775
Halloween sales, 323
for home baking, 45
in Italy, 36869
as medium in art, 29
in the Netherlands, 474
in the American West, 782
in Budapest, 8081
sauces, 595
in Soviet Union, 585
in Spain, 640
in the United Kingdom, 754
use in the South, 633
chocolate, pre-Columbian, 147–52, 148, 763
chocolate, single origin, 152–54, 316, 762
chocolate bars, 157, 299, 373, 452
chocolate chip cookie, 229
first appearance in New England, 477
official Massachusetts cookie, 655
chocolate mousse, 271
chocolate pots and cups, 145, 154, 154–56
Chocolate Room (Ruscha), 28
Chocolate War, The (Cormier), 137
chocolates, boxed, 156–57, 754
Valentine’s Day gift, 20, 761
chocolates, filled, 157–58
Chocolates El Rey, 153
Chōgorō Mochihonbo, 389
chong yang gao, 140
Chorley cakes, 456
Chou, YaYa, 29
chremslach (krimsel), 378, 506
christening cake, 60
Christianity, 158–62. See also Bible; Catholicism; Christmas; Easter; Epiphany; Lent; Orthodox Christianity
Dead of the Dead, 209–10
link of Carnival to Christian calendar, 114
Protestantism and sweets, 160
reference to in sixteenth century still life painting, 24
sweet offerings in everyday life, 15960
Christmas, 162–64
ambrosia, 479
Antler Cookies, 521
confections as decoration for trees, 163
fried dough, 335
fruitcakes, 120
gag candies, 291
in Germany, 300
gingerbread, 302, 304, 305
in Greece, 74, 311
in Iceland, 771
Italian sweets for, 366, 367, 796
Linzer Torte as cake for, 405
mince pies, 456
in the Netherlands, 473
nougat as, 487
Pennsylvania Dutch food, 520
poppy seeds in, 551
in Portugal, 554
puto bumbong in the Philippines, 530
in Russia, 584
in Scandinavia, 597, 598
in Spain, 641
springerle, 648
traditional food for Christmas Eve, 254
treize desserts de Noël, 254
wheat berry sweets, 784
Christmas breads, 334. See also julekake (julekage); panettone; stollen
Christmas cake. See also bûche de Noël
in Portugal, 552
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 409
Christmas pudding, 409
Christoforo di Messisbugo, 211
christopsomo, 74
chrusciki, 335
Chrysippus of Tyana, 32, 293
chuoi nuong, 636
Chupa Chup, 414
churros, 275, 508, 640
chʾbakkiyya, 484
cicerchiata, 335
cider molasses, 477
çifte kavrulmuş, 412
cinder toffee (honeycomb toffee), 73738
cinnamon, 643
in Brazilian sweets, 72
buns, 74, 597
rum-cinnamon sauce, 583
in Scandinavia, 597
Ciro’s, 321
citrus, 245
candied, 102
marmalade, 42526
in New Orleans, 479
Clad, Valentine, 529
clafoutis, 164
Limousin, 273
Clare College Mush, 243
Clarkson, Thomas, 546
Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened, The (Digby), 435
clotted cream, 195
Cloud, C. Carey, 193
cloves, 72, 642
Cluizel, Michel, 153
cobblers, 279, 535
in Pacific Northwest, 496
peach cobbler as Texas official cobbler, 654
in the Southwest, 638
coca de San Juan, 640, 641
cocada, 72
cocas, 639, 641
Cocinero mexicano, El, 444
cocktails, 236, 479, 679
cocoa, 164–66
certification of fair trade cacao beans, 316
of Maillard, 418
production, 165
cocoa butter, 165
coconut, 166
in Brazil, 72
candied in Vietnam, 636
production, 489
in the South, 632
in Southeast Asia, 635
coconut milk and cream, 166
cocoons (cookies), 479
Code Noir (New Orleans), 478
Codex Alimentarius, 400
Codrington, Christopher, 674
Coe, Michael, 150
Coe, Sophie, 150
in Austria-Hungary, 36
instant, 472
in Scandinavia, 596
in the United States, 758
coffee cake, 167, 387, 599
Coffee Cantata (Bach), 8990
coffee shops, 90
Coffee Soufflé Pie, 132
coffeehouses, 80, 770
Cohen, Ben, 55
colación, 538
colation, 710
colle, la, 478
Collection of English Words not Generally Used, A (Ray), 748
Collier’s, 9596
Colmenero, Antonio, 22, 144
colomba, 367
Colomba di Pasqua, 74
colonialism, 168–69, 359540
colors. See also food colorings
association with flavor, 77273
of dry cocoa, 166
in layer cakes, 396
of poppy seeds, 550
Columbus, Christopher, 69596, 701, 702
Comercializadora Santos Imperial, 355
comfits, 169–70, 173, 179, 327
and birth rituals, 6061
in the Netherlands, 474
in still life painting, 24, 25
thrown at weddings during Renaissance, 779
Community Bake Shops, 593
competitions, 94, 170–71, 396
Complete Confectioner, The, 179
Complete Confectioner, The (Nutt), 785
compotas, 639
compote, 284
conching invention by Lindt, 105, 146, 404
concours culinaire, 170
condensed milk. See sweetened condensed milk
Conditorei des Orients (Unger), 363
conditum, 333
condoignac, 426
cone sugar, 602
Confectioner and Baker (journal), 562
guilds of, 314
Kyoto association, 388
in Vienna, 769
Confectioner’s Handbook, The (Skuse), 113, 414, 738
Confectioners’ Journal, 562
on commercial ice cream, 348
on creator of angel food cake, 14
edited by Parkinson, 529
confectioners’ shops, 770
confectioner’s sugar, 44243, 664
dessicated coconut in, 166
equipment, 175–77, 178, 519
festivals, 255
golden syrup in, 307
manuals, 177–79
in the Netherlands, 474
Pennsylvania Dutch, 518
symbolic shapes, 725
in the United Kingdom, 75354
Confectionery & Baking Trade, 562
Confectionery Critiques, 561
confections, 171–75, 433
Confederate Receipt Book, 743
confetti, 60, 179, 179–80, 779
Confiserie Florian, 100
Confiseur moderne, Le, 102
confiture de vieux garçon (fruits de vieux garçon), 273, 285
confiture du lait, 230, 714
Confiturier de la Cour (de Lune), 177
Confiturier françois, Le (La Varenne), 102
Consommations de Paris, Les, 589
Constantinus Africanus, 671
consumption taxes on sweets, 400
Conticini, Philippe, 768
Continental Baking, 6, 341
Contoit, John, 481
convent sweets, 160, 172, 180–82, 297, 645
in colonial Mexico, 444
egg yolk sweets originating in, 236
influence in
Latin America, 39293
the Philippines, 531
influence in Asia, 554
macarons and, 417
in Portugal, 552
in Spain, 64041
sucre d’orge and, 50
conversation lozenge, 414, 471
Conway, Sir Edward Viscount, 10
Cook and Housewife’s Manual, The (Dods), 61011
Cook Not Mad, The, 97
in the ancient world, 32
by Carême, 113
community, 78, 98, 520
created by manufacturers of new products, 98
Persian, 523
use by American corporations, 757
cookie cutters, 182–83, 304, 51415
cookie jars, 183–84
cookie makers guild, 313, 314
cookie molds and stamps, 182, 185, 185–86, 642, 648
cookie sheets, 5023
cookies. See also bar cookies; drop cookies; pressed cookies; rolled cookies
in Baghdad, 43
in Greece, 31011
highly spiced Christmas, 336
in the Netherlands, 473
Pennsylvania Dutch, 521
in Portugal, 55253
cooking irons, 186–87, 276
Cooking with the Master Chefs (television series, Child), 170
Cooks and Confectioners Dictionary (Nott), 196, 240
Cook’s Oracle, The (Kitchiner), 287
Cool Whip, 187–88
Cooper, Jos, 741
Cooper, Robert, 407
coquito, 236, 715
cordials. See liqueurs
Cordon Bleu, Le (Paris), 512
Cordon Bleu Cookbook (Lucas), 197
Core, Sharon, 26
cordials. See liqueurs
Corliss, Hazel B., 96
as addition to chocolate drinks, 150, 152
basis of Southwestern sweets and beverages, 638
Native American use as a source of sugar, 46869
Corn Products Refining Corporation (CPRC), 188
corn syrup, 188–89. See also high-fructose corn syrup
glucose as, 305
in hard candy, 326
in the United States, 756
Cornelius, Mrs., 196
Cornetto, 350
cornstarch. See starch
“Cornucopiae” (Fennor), 340
Corrado, Vincenzo, 365
Correa, Isaac, 585
Cortese, Sam, 479
coscurão (sheets), 555
cosmetics, sugar in, 189–90
Côte d’Or, 54
cotignac, 282, 426
cottage cheese, 124
Cottolene, 613
Cotton, Will, 28
cotton candy, 68, 190, 190–91, 474, 754
coulis, 595
Coulson, Francis, 657
Country Housewife and Lady’s Director, The (Bradley), 102, 125
Country Housewife’s Family Companion, The (Ellis), 226
Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie, 170
Court and Country Cook, The. See Cuisinier royal et bourgeois (Massialot)
court confectioners, 191–92
couscous as a sweet, 483
Cracker Jack, 192–94, 450
investigation of child labor at, 132
packaging, 5, 192
Crane, Clarence, 404
cream, 194–95, 454, 499
cream cake, 598
cream cheese. See cheese
cream of tartar, 127, 443
cream pie, 195–96
cream puff pastry. See pastry, choux
Cream Sticks, 156, 157
Creamsicle, 551
Credenziere di buon gusto, Il (Corrado), 365
crema caramella. See flan (pudím)
crema catalana, 197
crème à la Moscovite, 221
crème anglaise, 272, 543, 595
crème Bavaroise. See bavarois
crème brûlée, 196–97, 202, 271
crème caramel, 202, 257, 271
crème catalane, 273
crème fraîche, 195, 63132
crème patissière, 202
crème renversée. See flan (pudím)
cremini, 36869
crêpes, 272, 273, 498. See also pancakes
Suzette, 220, 272, 499
crescent, 197–98
Cricket Lick-It Suckers, 359
criollo cacao, 151
Cripps, William, 241
Crisco, 6, 536, 612, 61314
crisps, 279, 280, 477, 496
Carnival sweets, 115
gingerbread names, 305
rolled poppy seed cake, 550
Croft, Wilbur & Company, 528
croissant, 198, 391, 392. See also crescent
Zang and, 505
croquembouche, 198–99, 271, 781
crostata. See galette
crostata di frutta, 781
crostata di visciole e ricotta, 367
croustillons, 275, 297, 508
Crown, Patricia, 150
cruller, 480, 756
crumble, 279, 280
Crunchie, 738
Crunky, 373
Cryan, Jason, 16
cuajada, 380
Dance of the Millions, 11
sugar industry, 697, 698
American interests in, 548, 641
exports to Britain, 547
nationalization, 548
Spanish-American War and, 641
cuccia, 160, 254, 33435
Cuccia di Santa Lucia, 784
Cucina Veneziana, La (Santin), 737
Cuisine of Hungary, The (Lang), 80
Cuisiner moderne (La Chapelle), 628
Cuisinier françois, Le (La Varenne), 173
on entremets, 239
on frangipane, 274
national identity of, 212
Cuisinier impérial (Viard), 122
Cuisinier méridional, Le, 102
Cuisinier parisien, Le (Carême), 114
Cuisinier royal, Le (Fouret), 729
Cuisinier royal et bourgeois, Le (Massialot)
crème brûlée recipe, 196, 271
on entremets, 212, 239
meringue recipe, 442
on surtout, 240
Cuisinière bourgeoise, La (Menon), 274, 652
Cuisinière canadienne, La, 97
Culinary Institute of America (CIA), 512
Culinary Olympics, 170
Cullen, William, 576
cultural practices
maintenance of foods for commemorative events, 334
sweet meals and, 709
culture, popular
Kool-Aid in, 38485
Pop Tarts and, 549
references to animal crackers, 1516
sugary sitophilia and, 614
and sweets in Japan, 373
Cummings, Nathan, 594
Cunningham, Ed, 354
cup cakes, 199
Fannie Farmer recipe, 621
invention, 621
Cupcake Wars (television program), 171
cupcakes, 199–201, 342, 502, 622
cupedia, 486
curau, 72
Curious Treatise of the Nature of Chocolate, A (Colmenero), 22
Curtis, John, 129
Curtiss Candy Company, 322, 648
custard, 201–3
advertisement for Bird’s Custard Powder, 201
in flan, 25758
in Italy, 36768
pies, 202
in Portugal, 553
powder, 201, 203
sauces based on, 595
Cyclamat, 299
cyclamate, 672
Cyclopaedia (Chamber), 21213
Cynar, 407
Cyprus, 309–11, 767
Czech Republic, 115, 305


dacquoise, 205, 269
dagashi, 777
dairy. See also butter; buttermilk; cheese; cream; evaporated milk; milk; sour cream; sweetened condensed milk; yogurt
in British sweets, 754
in Chinese food traditions, 139
in sub-Saharan Africa, 660
in Switzerland, 723
Dairy Queen, 205–7, 206
Orange Julius and, 493
Dampfnudeln, 231, 300
Dance of the Millions, 11
dango, 207, 371, 458, 776
DareDevils, 247
dariole, 203, 207
Das, Krishna Chandra, 482, 580
Das, Nobin Chandra. See Nobin Chandra Das
Das, Sharadacharan, 580
date sugar, 665
date syrup, 208
dates, 208–9
in Islamic world, 361, 446
in medieval Baghdad sweets, 42
in Persia, 522
during Ramadan, 573
Datsch, 520
David, Elizabeth, 196, 365, 380, 724
Davidis, Henriette, 167, 728
Davidson, Alan, 563, 708
Davis Milling Company, 5
Dawson, Thomas, 662, 741
Day of the Dead, 209–10, 28889
in Mexico and Central America, 323
in Spain, 641
D-Bar, 45253
De Agricultura (Cato). See On Farming (Cato the Elder)
de la Mata, Juan, 17, 178
De Lancey, Dayle, 410
De magnibus urbis Mediolani (Bonvesin da la Riva), 313
De re rustica (Cato), 61
De re rustica (Columella), 463
de Sahagún, Bernardino, 763
De’ secreti del reuerendo donno Alessio Piemontese (Ruscelli), 689
Decker, Joseph, 25
Decretum (Buchard, Bishop of Worms), 21
defructum, 397, 518
Dehne, Ludwig, 770
Deipnosophists (Learned Banqueters) (Athenaeus), 32
on cheese-enriched cakes, 124
recipe for gastris, 293
reference to doughnut-like pastry, 225
Deitscher Kuche, 520
Delighted, 173
Delightes for Ladies (Plat), 17778
on candying and preserving, 542, 753
on comfit making, 169
dry suckets, 662
on fruit cheese, 281
on fruit leather, 282
Prince-bisket recipe, 646
on use of real flowers, 100
Della Porta, Giambattista, 34546
Delmonico’s, 44
Delpech, Seraphin, 303
Demel, Christoph, 770
demerara, 665, 706
demir tatlisi, 185, 277, 746
Democritus, 339
Denmark, 596, 597
dental caries, 210–11, 671
sour candies and, 247
Vipeholm experiment, 772
xylitol and, 789
Dentyne, 130
Desfontaines, Pierre, 416
Dessance, 505
dessert(s), 211–14
after lunch in Spain, 640
artificial sweeteners and, 30
chocolate as flavoring in, 145, 146
created in Venice, 767
deconstructed, 544
first dessert-only restaurant, 505
in France, 271
French origin of term, 268
halal, 36162
inspired by perfumes, 23
in the Netherlands, 474
pastries in Portugal, 552
presentation, 542, 54344
Western in Japan, 374
Dessert de Gaufrettes, Le (Baughin), 775, 776
dessert design, 214–17, 215
dessert tables, 212, 692
desserts, chilled, 217–19, 36768
desserts, flambéed, 219–20
desserts, frozen, 220–22, 221
détrempe, 391, 509
Devil Dog, 786
devil’s dozen as baker’s dozen, 46
Dewar, James A., 342, 577, 751
dextrose. See glucose
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 21, 151
Dicher, Ernest, 96
Dictionary (Johnson), 755
Dictionary of International Food and Cooking Terms (Waldo), 236
Dictionnaire de la langue françoise ancienne et moderne (Richelet), 710
Dictionnaire de l’ameublement et de la décoration (Havard), 240
Dictionnaire domestique portatif (Roux), 504
Dictionnaire universel, 212
Dictionnaire universel de cuisine pratique (Favre), 293, 628
Diemer, Walter, 12930
Diersch, Catharina, 770
Diersch, Georg, 770
Diet of Diseases, The (Hart), 672
diet sodas, 624
Digby, Fred, 677
Digby, Kenelm, 435
Digestives, 420
Ding Dong, 342
Dinner (Philoxenos), 13
Diodato, Johannes, 88
Dioscorides, Pedanius
chewing gum and, 130
naming of licorice, 403
on sugar, 439, 671
diples, 310
dipyros, 658
Disney’s Adventures of the Gummi Bears (television program), 318
distillation, 253
of rosewater, 261
Diwali, 222–23, 254
barfi at, 49
fritters, 277
sweets, 725
Dīwān luʾāt at-turk (Maḥmūd of Kashgar), 256
Dobash cake, 224
Doberge cake, 224, 479
Dobos, József, 36, 81, 223
Dobos and 19th Century Confectionery in Hungary (Éliás), 22324
Dobos torte, 37, 81, 223–24, 354, 739, 771
dodol, 555
dok jok, 277
dolce de leite, 230
dolce del principe, 737
Dolly Varden cake, 224–25, 396
dolma kadayıf, 569
Domaine de Canton, 407
Domestic Receipt Book (Beecher), 748
Dominican Republic sugar politics, 548
Domori, 143, 153
Domostroi, 583
dondurma, 434
DONQ  , 374
“Don’t Mess with Our Chocolate” campaign, 316
Donut (Goings), 26
dorayaki (Gong Cake), 375
DOTS, 317
double boilers, 513
double Ka meetha, 359
Double-Decker. See MoonPies
dough. See also filo; fried dough; laminated doughs; pie dough
for pressed cookies, 558
for rolled cookies, 578
of rugelach, 581
doughnut chains, 227, 275
Doughnut Corporation of America, 227
doughnuts, 225–27, 756
in art, 26
in Austria-Hungary, 38
at Carnival, 115
molasses-sweetened, 477
in sub-Saharan Africa, 660
in Turkey, 745
Doumakes, Alex, 431
Doumar, Abe, 796
Dover Stamping Company, 78586
dövme dondurma (beaten ice cream), 746
Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico (Magoffin), 638
Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution (Atkins), 672
Dracco, 292
dragées, 271
Dragon’s Beard toffee, 141, 746
Drake’s Cakes, 342, 411, 786
Draps, Joseph, 306
Drax, James, 67374
Dreikönigskuchen, 749
Dresdner Stollen, 579
dried fruit, 227–29
in Middle East, 448
Native Americans and, 470, 495
in nougat, 486
in Russia, 584
soaked in alcohol, 285
sugarplums, 705
as sweets in ancient world, 12
Driver, Liz, 98
Dronke, Ernst, 90
drop cookies, 229, 757
drugs, recreational, sweets and, 527, 679
du Plessis-Praslin, César comte, 556
Duff and Sons, 95
Duff’s Ginger Bread Mix, 95
Dufour, Antoine, 744
Dufour, Sylvestre, 144
Dufresne, Wylie, 744
Dugsicle, 551
dulce de calabaza, 448, 638
dulce de cielo, 393
dulce de fruta, 281
dulce de leche, 230, 394, 454, 714
Dum Dum, 41314
Dumont, Émile, 587
dumplings, 230–31
apple, 273, 476, 477
fruit, 38
with poppy seeds, 550
in Renaissance, 441
Dunbar, William, 606
Duncan Hines, 95
Dundee cake, 286
Dunkin’ Brands, 51, 231
Dunkin’ Donuts, 227, 231–32, 585
Durán, Diego, 15152
D’Urfrey, Thomas, 606
Durkee, H. Allen, 429
Durkee-Mower, 428
Dutch West India Company, 763
Dwek, Raymond, 527
azo dyes (coal tar dyes), 263
in children’s candies, 133
for coated medicine, 526


Each Peach Pear Plum (Ahlberg), 136
Eagle, Arnold, 480
Eales, Mary, 178, 346, 706
ear flower as flavoring for chocolate, 150
Early California Hospitality (Packman), 638
East Asia, 233, 233–34, 296. See also China; Japan; Korea
Easter, 234–35
in Austria-Hungary, 38
cheesecakes, 125
chocolate Easter eggs, 479
in Cyprus, 490
gag candies, 291
in Germany, 300
in Greece, 74, 310
in Italy, 796
nougat, 487
piñata at, 538
in Russia, 584
in Spain, 641
zoomorphic sweets for, 18, 235
Eating Right in the Renaissance (Albala), 177
“Eating Up and Down the Coast” (Calahan and Richardson), 783
eau-de-vie, 496
Eccles cakes, 456
Eckhout, Albert, 118
Eckstein, Henry, 192
éclairs, 270
École du Grand Chocolat, 762
edible souvenirs from fairs, 24950
Edinburgh rock, 565
Edith Adam’s Fourteenth Prize Cookbook (Vancouver Sun), 467
Edmiston, John Ross, 727
education, 512, 528
pastry schools, 511–13
Educational Foundation Accrediting Commission, 512
Efendi, Turabi, 324
Egan, Pierce, 647
Egawa Tarōzaemon, 374
egg cream, 236, 481
egg drinks, 235–36
egg yolk sweets, 191, 236–37
in the Philippines, 530
in Portugal, 552, 55354
in the Southwest, 638
in Spain, 640
in Thailand, 735
eggbeaters. See whisks and beaters
egg-cheese, 235
eggnog, 236
eggs, 237–38
added to pie dough, 537
in cake mixes, 96
in Easter tradition, 235
egg whites, 785
Egypt, 483, 694
Eid al-Fitr
named Şeker Bayram (Sugar Feast) in Turkey, 745
sweets at, 523, 634
Eierlikör (advocaat), 236
Eierwein, 236
ekmek kadayıf, 363, 364, 748
Elder, John, 423
Eldridge, William T., 354
Election Cake, 476, 477
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 384
Electric Refrigerator Menus and Recipes (Bradley), 353
Elegante Theetisch, Der (Le Goullon), 710
Éliás, Tibor, 22324
Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book, 754
Elisen Lebkuchen, 304
Ellis, William, 226, 748
Ellison, Pauline, 138
Elmer’s Candy Company, 479
Embury, David A., 406, 407
Emily of New Moon, 137
empanadas, 638
empanaditas, 638
Emperors of Chocolate, The (Brenner), 105
en pyramide, 216, 604
Encyclopedia of Jewish Food, The (Marks), 326, 581
Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery, The, 346
Encyclopédie (Diderot and d’Alembert), 514, 785
encytus/encytum, 13, 658
Endriss, George, 529
Engadiner Nusstorte, 723
England. See United Kingdom
English Food (Grigson), 564
English Housewife, The (Markham), 47, 48, 534, 729
Enjalbert, Henri, 88
enkrides, 225, 658
enkris, 13
entremets, 212, 239–40, 690
epergnes, 240–42, 241, 604
Epicurian, The (Ranhofer), 4445
epidorpion, 309
Epiphany. See also gâteau des rois/galette des rois; Twelfth Night Cake
pan de tres Reyes, 445
Epperson, Frank, 6, 551
Erasmus collection of proverbs, 559
Escoffier, Georges Auguste, 242, 242. See also Guide culinaire, Le (Escoffier)
cherries Jubilee, 220
peach Melba and poire Belle Hélène, 219
protégé of Carême, 505
simplification of stages of sugar syrup, 652
Eskimo Pie, 6, 22122, 242–43, 348
étagères, 93
ethanol fuel from sugarcane, 58, 59
Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home (Post), 108
Eton Mess, 243, 755
Europe. See also Central Europe; individual countries
doughnuts, 22526
honey production, 340
influence on Turkish confectionery, 74748
influenced by
Middle Eastern sweets, 448
Ottomans, 747
sherbet in, 6089
tapioca in, 728
Evans, Meryle, 200201, 689
evaporated milk, 243–45, 394, 454, 740
Evaporated Milk Association, 244
Eveleth, Emily, 26
Evelyn, John, 125, 345
Everton toffee, 738
Every Body’s Cook and Receipt Book (Hardin), 450
Everyday French Cooking for the American Home (Pellaprat), 197
evolution, sweets in human, 716, 718–21
Excellent et moult utile opuscule (Excellent and Very Useful Little Work) (Nostradamus), 485
Exhibition Basics (Alhäuser), 28
Exhibition Goods, 561
Experienced English Housekeeper, The (Raffald)
Bride Cake with icing, 781
Burnt Cream, 196
confections recipes, 173
icing of fruitcake, 286
spun sugar recipes, 191
Experimental Cuisine Collective, 680
Experiments and Observations (Slare), 672
extracts and flavorings, 245–46, 500. See also flavorings
angelica root extracts in beverages, 15
barley malt, 419, 420
vanilla extract, 764
extra-fine sugar (fruit sugar), 664
extreme candy, 246–47
Eysengrein, Hanns, 770
Ezaki Glico, 373


F. Korff & Co., 165
Fabrico Próprio, 551
Fahlberg, Constantin, 672
fairings, 250
fairs, 249–50
cotton candy, 191
food in the Netherlands, 474
fried dough, 275
lemonade, 402
Fall of Troy, The (Smyrnaeus), 605
faludhaj, 42, 43, 361, 447, 522
Family Dictionary, The: or, Houshold Companion (Salmon), 53334
fan palm, Native American use of, 470
Fancy Ices (Marshall), 348, 428, 609
recipes for ice cream cones, 350
fanid (pulled taffy), 327, 447, 573
Fanjul, Alfonso “Alfy,” 11, 681
Fanjul, José Pepe, Sr., 11
Fanjul Corporation, 681
Fanshawe, Anne, 10
fantasy, 250–52
far Breton, 228, 273
farinha de mandioca, 71
Farmer, Fannie, 45, 252, 252–53, 757. See also Boston Cooking School Cook Book, The (Farmer)
birthday cake for child, 121
standardized tools, 436
farófias, 553
farsangi fánk, 115
Fartes (pillows), 555
farturas, 275
fasnachts, 116
fastelavnsbolle, 115
Fasti (Ovid), 13
evolution of stollen and, 657
Mehlspeise and, 440
Fasting, Feasting (Desai), 410
fastnachts, 226
fatias douradas (fried bread), 554
fatūt, 449
Fauchon, 329
Faugier, Clément, 128
fave di morti, 62
favette, 767
Favre, Joseph, 293, 628
Fedele, Luigi, 191
Female Emigrant’s Guide, The (Trail), 9798
Fennor, William, 340
fermentation, 253–54
lead metal in fermentation of alcohol, 397
milk and, 454
process of, 79192
Fernet-Branca, 407
ferni, 523
Ferrara Candy Company, 246
Ferrara Pan Candy Company, 291
Ferrero, 369, 445. See also Nutella
Ferrero, Michele, 488
Ferrero, Pietro, 488
Ferrigno, Ursula, 235
fertility rituals, sweets evoking, 17
festivals, 254–55. See also Diwali; saint festivals
in China, 140
in early modern England, 119
fried dough as, 274
Harvest Moon Festival, 385
mooncakes, 461
payasam, 517
sweets associated with religious festivals, 64445
Festive Food of China, The (Deh-Ta Hsiung), 645
Fettiplace, Elinor, 442
Feuerzangenbowle (fire-tong punch), 566
feuilleté Gascon, 274
Fieldstone Bakery, 411
50 Cent, 606
Fig Newtons, 255, 255–56
figs, dried, 228
filhós, 554
Filippini, Alessandro, 221
filloas, 639
films and sweets
American Pie, 606, 615
Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, The (film), 190
Curly Top (film), 15
E.T. (film), 575
Ghostbusters (film), 431
Kings of Pastry (film), 170
Nine 1/2 Weeks (film), 61415
Twinkies in, 342
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (film), 291
filo, 256–57, 310, 484
Fine Art of Mixing Drinks, The (Embury), 406, 407
Finland, 403, 599
Finley, Karen, 28
fiorentine, 259
fios de ovos (egg threads), 237, 553, 735
firni, 358
Fisher, M. F. K., 409
fistikli ezmesi, 490
Five Roses Cookbook, The, 98
Flack, Audrey, 26
Flagg, James Montgomery, 579
flaming punch, 566
flan (pudím), 202, 257–58
in Portugal, 553, 736
in the Southwest, 638
in the United States, 454
flan (tart), 258
flan magico, 445
Flandrin, Jean-Louis, 21111, 213
flaó, 639
flaounes, 490
flatware, 605
Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association, 764
Flavor of France (Chamberlain), 197
flavorings. See also extracts and flavorings
for chocolate among Aztecs, 151
for doughnuts in sub-Saharan Africa, 660
in flan, 258
for fudge, 288
of liqueurs with flowers, 407
of pound cakes, 556
for sauces, 595
for spoon sweet, 647
tea as, 733
tutti frutti, 749
vanilla, 763
Fleers Chewing Gum Company, 129, 529
Flegel, Georg, 24
Fletcher, Nicola, 742
Fleur de sel de Guérande, 591
Flexner, Stuart Berg, 167
Flick, Caspar, 474
flikjes, 474
floating island. See île flottante
flødeboller, 599
Floor Cake (Oldenburg), 26
Florentines, 258–59
flour, 259–61
special cake flour, 58
starch major component of, 653
types of wheat flour, 260
wheat flour in pie dough, 536
flour dredges, 516
flower waters, 173, 245, 261–62. See also orange flower water
Fluffernutter, 428
foam cakes, 131. See also angel food cake; sponge cake
Fobes, Daniel, 123
fondant, 262–63, 354
Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent (Farmer), 252
Food and Drug Administration, 400
food colorings, 263–64
achiote (Annatto), 150
cochineal, 360
dangerous synthetic pigments, 327
and perception of sweetness, 475, 773
food fights in culinary festivals, 255
Food of Portugal, The (Anderson), 765
food processors, 513
food purity legislation, 400
Foods Men Hurry Home For!, 58
fools, 202, 264, 741
Forbes, John Malcolm, 45
Forbidden Pleasures (Callis), 2627
Ford, Henry, 59, 330
Ford Gum and Machine Company, 316
Foreign Candy Company, 247
Forme of Cury, The
cream pie, 19596
early English cheesecake recipes, 124, 125
fig compote, 284
fig pastries, 228
pattern of dining, 754
use of wafers in stewed hare, 775
Forster, Thomas, 48
fortified wine, 264–66
fortune cake, 322
fortune cookies, 266–67, 267
Fourier, Charles, 267–68
Fowler, Debra McKee, 411
Fox, Charles, 546
Frackville Pretzels, 521
fraisage, 536
Fralinger, Joseph, 727
Francatelli, Charles Elmé, 542
France, 268–74. See also Paris
baking pans, 502
bonbons, 69
cafés, 89
cake terminology, 92
Carnival sweets, 116
choux pastry, 508
court confectioners, 192
cultural importance of chestnuts, 128
flaming punch, 566
fruitcake, 286
galettes, 293
influence on
Austria-Hungary, 36
New York sweets, 480
Philadelphia confectionery, 528
laws on food adulteration, 400
marshmallows, 431
master pastry chefs in (See Carême, Marie-Antoine (Antonin); Hermé, Pierre; Lenôtre, Gaston)
meaning of à la mode in, 1
Pastry Shop (etching, Bosse), 269
quince paste, 282
strawberry festival, 255
sugar beets, 675, 697
sugar riots during French Revolution, 688–89
sweet wine, 712
tarts, 729
wedding cakes, 781
Dunkin’ Donuts, 231
Krispy Kreme, 386
Orange Julius, 493
Franco-American Food Company, 5
frangipane, 274, 433
in France, 273
in galette, 292
in Twelfth Night cake, 749
Frank, Robert, 492
Frank Cooper, 426
frappe. See milkshakes
Free Chocolate (Banks), 27
free trade, 399
freeze-drying, 57677
Audiger’s instructions, 346
bakery products by Sara Lee, 593
eggs, 238
with liquid nitrogen, 577
French, John, 403
French Farmhouse Cookbook (Loomis), 164
French Pastry School (Chicago), 512
Freud, Sigmund, 560
friandise. See mignardise
Friandises et leurs secrets, Les (Roberts), 50
Fried, Julius, 493
fried dough, 274–75. See also doughnuts; zalabiya
in the ancient world, 13, 658
in Canada, 97
during Carnival, 11516, 366
in Greece and Cyprus, 310
as holiday dish, 335
in Latin America, 394
in Spain, 639
in Venice, 767
fried pastries
in Scandinavia, 598
in Spain, 639
fried pies, 633
fried sweets in Portugal, 554
Frisbie, William Russell, 276
Frisbie Pie Company, 276
Frisbie pie tins, 276, 276
fritelle di carnevale, 225
fritole, 767
fritters, 276–77. See also zalabiya
as ancient street food, 658
apple for Dutch New Year, 473
in Baghdad, 43
at Carnival, 115
fried dough distinguished from, 274
made with choux pastry, 508
fromage glacé (molded ice cream), 528
frosted. See milkshakes
frosting. See icing
frozen yogurt, 793
fructose, 277, 663, 667
conversion of glucose into, 305
in honey, 336
in sap, 592
used in pills, 526
Frugal Housewife (Carter)
in American colonies, 756
chemical leavener in doughnut recipe, 226
on covered apple tart, 729
recipe for doughnut, 226
Frugoli, Antonio, 125
fruit(s), 277–79. See also candied fruit; dried fruit; fruit pastes; fruit preserves
Austria-Hungary, 37, 38
in California, 783
in China, 139
in convent sweets, 191
cooked in sugar syrup, 394
dried (See dried fruit)
essences, 245
festivals, 255
fillings for tarts, 729
freezing, 495
in fritters, 276
goodness associated with preserved, 705
imported to Latin America by Spain, 392
in Indonesia, 637
as main sweet in Southeast Asia, 635
Native American use, 470
as offering to Hindu deities, 331
in the Pacific Northwest, 495, 496
in the Philippines, 529
preserving whole, 285
processing, 662
puddings, 755
sauces made of, 595
serving pieces for, 603
soups, 272, 278, 300, 630
in Spain, 639
stewed, 300
in sub-Saharan Africa, 660
in Swiss pastry, 722
syrups in early Christianity, 158
fruit butters, 38, 281
fruit cheese, 281
fruit coulis, 543
fruit curd, 284
fruit desserts
baked, 279–80, 496
in Brazil, 71
in France, 272
fruit juice adulteration, 4
fruit leather, 282, 584
fruit liqueurs, 407
fruit pastes, 173, 280–82
made in pre-Hispanic Mexico, 443
Pennsylvania Dutch, 51920
fruit preserves, 282–86, 283. See also marmalade
brought to Asia by Portuguese, 555
early European interest in, 706
in Istanbul, 364
jellies, 271, 281, 284
made with pekmez, 310, 518
Nostradamus on, 485
at Passover, 378, 506
in Persia, 522
in Russia, 584, 585
in Scandinavia, 597
spoon sweets in Greece, 309
vegetables in, 765
fruit sugar. See fructose
fruitcake(s), 286–87. See also plum cakes
Brazil nuts as decoration, 489
in celebration of births, 60
at Christmas, 163
at Easter, 235
in Japan, 374
fruits du vieux garçon, 273
frutas de Aragón, 640
frutas de sarten, 639
frutta Martorana, 366
Fry, Joseph, 105, 145
frybread, 638
Fry’s, 87, 156, 174
absorbed by Cadbury, 88
boxed chocolates, 156
Chocolate Creams, 157
first solid chocolate bar, 157
Turkish Delight, 412
fudge, 287–88, 288
Fūgetsudō, 374
fuguetes, 555
Fujii Rin’emon, 374
Fujiya, 374
Funabashiya Orie, 372
funerals, 288–90, 334, 361, 784
funnel cakes, 250, 274, 277
Fürst, Paul, 39
Fussell, Jacob, 348


Gág, Wanda, 138
gag candy, 291–92, 292
galanga, 644
galatoboureko, 310
Gale, Samuel, 57
Galen, 13, 159, 439
galette, 187, 273, 292–93
shortbread as, 610
galette des rois. See gâteau des rois/galette des rois
galletas de nata, 641
Gambino’s Bakery, 479
Ganguram, 383
Ganong, Gilbert and James, 413
Gansito, 445
Gare, Fran, 789
Gass, William, 409
gastris, 293, 487, 658
Gastronomical Me, The (Fisher), 409
Gastronomie pratique, La (Ali-Bab), 205, 274
gâteau, 92, 268
gâteau au fromage blanc, 124
gâteau Breton, 273
gâteau de sirop, 11011
gâteau des rois/galette des rois, 271, 292, 504, 749. See also Twelfth Night Cake
gâteau mille crêpes, 498
Gâteau Opéra, 270, 396, 646, 739
Gâteau Paris-Brest, 270
gâteau roulé, 269
Gâteau St. Honoré, 270, 508
Gatti, Carlo, 576
Gautam, Shree, 492
Gaya, Louis de, 779
gaz, 523
gelatin, 293–94
gelatin desserts, 294, 294–95, 398
gelato, 349
Gele, Claudius, 508
gelt, 295–96, 379
gelu di miluni, 36768
Gem Ice Cream Freezer, 351
gemelli, 780
gender, 296–98
salon de thé and, 589
sugar consumption and, 684
and sweets in Japan, 373
types of pudding and, 563
General Mills, 451. See also Betty Crocker
advertising, 6, 75
Betty Crocker and, 58
cake mixes, 95
cereals, 76
owner of Häagen-Dazs, 321
recipe pamphlet for chiffon cake, 131
Genesee Pure Food Company, 294, 295
genetic research on cacao bean, 146, 14748
genetics and preference for sweet tastes, 717
genitalia, breads and pastries shaped like, 21, 297
geranium water, 483, 485
Gérardin, Martine, 329
Gerbeaud (Budapest), 90
Gerbeaud, Emil, 81
Gerbeaud, The (Niszács), 81
German Chocolate Cake, 396
German National Cookery for American Kitchens (Davidis), 167
Germany, 298–300. See also Nuremberg
cafés in, 90
cake terminology in, 92
Carnival sweets, 115
Christmas sweets, 164
flaming punch, 566
fritters, 277
gingerbread houses, 304
influence on sweets included in joy of Cooking, 579
poppy seed use in sweets, 550
quince paste, 282
sweet soups, 630
sweet wine, 71314
wedding cake, 782
World War II sugar rationing, 683
Germknödel, 550
Gerstner, Anton, 771
getuk lindrii, 637
ghari, 358
Ghirardelli, 300–301, 783
Ghirardelli, Domingo, 300
Ghost Pepper Super Hot Candy Balls, 247
ghotāb, 523
ghrayba, 483
ghurayba, 449
gianduiotto, 368
Gieret, John, 1
Giles Gingerbread, 135, 138
Gilliers, Joseph, 173, 178, 301–2. See also Cannameliste français, Le (Gilliers)
reputation of, 192
gimblette, 780
ginger, 643, 660
ginger wine, 333
gingerbread, 302–5
fairings, 250
in France, 271
honey in, 338
imported by Pennsylvania Dutch, 519
molded, 185
in the Netherlands, 473
in New England, 476, 477
as rolled cookies, 578
in Russia, 584
in Scandinavia, 597
gingerbread houses, 163, 305
in Germany, 304
NECCO wafers used on, 471
gingerbread men, 163
anthropomorphic cookies, 17
sex magic and, 21
Gingerbread Seller, The (Delpech), 303
gingersnaps. See gingerbreads
Ginza Cozy-Corner, 373
Giornale dei pasticcieri et confettieri (Journal of Pastry and Confectionery), 562
Gipfeli, 197
Girardey, George, 519
Girish Chandra Dey & Nakur Chandra Nandy, 382, 382, 592
gıbíce, 551
glacé icing, 35354
glacéed fruit. See candied fruit
Glacier Royal, Le, 710
Glasse, Hannah. See also Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy, The (Glasse)
recipes for haggis, 563
glasses for syllabub, 724
glassy sugar, 66970
glaze. See icing
Glee Gum, 129
globi, 13, 658
Globo, El (Mexico), 445
glögg, 466
glossiness and flavor, 773
gluay bua chi, 635
glucose, 305–6, 667
in pills, 526
in sap, 592
Glucose Sugar Refining Corporation, 188
glucose syrup. See corn syrup
Glühwein, 466
glyka tapsiou, 310
glyko koutaliou (spoon sweet), 309, 647
Gnaw (Antoni), 29
gobs. See whoopie pie
Gobstopper (jawbreaker), 327, 754
God of Small Things, The (Roy), 410
Godiva, 8, 306
gofio, 639
goiabada, 71
Goings, Ralph, 26
Gold Medal Products Co., 191
Goldber’s Peanut Chews, 529
golden cake, 621
Golden Syrup, 306, 306–7, 307, 666, 685, 730
Goldfarb, Will, 680
golifa, 784
Gommez, R., 94
Gonzales-Torres, Felix, 29
Good and Plenty, 403, 529
Good Food Guide Dinner Party Book (Martin), 657
Good Humor, 6, 243, 348
Good Humor Man, 307–8, 308
Good Humor-Breyers, 308
Good Huswife’s Handmaide for the Kitchin, 49899, 611
Good Huswife’s Jewell, The (Dawson), 662, 741
Goodfellow, Elizabeth, 512, 528
Gordon, Arthur, 593
gorgot (korkoti), 784
goro, 185, 187
Gorrie, John, 576
Götterspeise, 300
Gouffé, Alphonse, 268
Gourmet, 564
Gourmet’s Menu Cookbook, 197
Graham, Sarah, 26
Graham, Sylvester, 75, 622
Graham crackers, 481, 622
grain malting, 419
graining, 326
grains of paradise, 64344
Grammatico, Maria, 645
Granada, Diego, 17
Grand dictionnaire de cuisine (Dumas)
in frangipane, 274
on types of appetites, 214
Grand Marnier, 407
grand pères au sirop d’érable, 97
granita, 368. See also Italian ice
in Spain, 640
Granite Iron Ware Cookbook, 70
granizado de café, 640
granizado de limón, 640
grape molasses (petimezi). See pekmez
grape must, 308–9, 310
grape syrup in ancient world, 12
Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 40910
grasshopper pie, 535
Gravity’s Rainbow (Pynchon), 410
great cakes, 119
Great Depression, 105, 349
Great Grains, 76
Greece, 309–11
dishes associated with Orthodox Church, 334
filo dough, 256
halvah, 324
holiday breads, 74
influence on sweets in Canada, 99
mastic as flavoring, 434
wedding bread, 782
Green, Nancy, 5, 33
Greenfield, Albert M., 411
Greenfield, Jerry, 55
Gregory, Hanson, 226
griesmeelpudding (semolina pudding), 474
Grigorov, Stamen, 793
Grigson, Jane, 564, 724
grilled sweets, 375
Grimod de La Reynière, Alexandre-Balthazar-Laurent, 41, 143, 417, 504. See also Almanach des gourmands, L’ (Grimod de la Reynière)
groaning cake, 60
“gross-out” candies, 292
gruels in Renaissance, 44041
guava, 71
Gugelhupf, 91, 311–13
baba au rhum as synonym for, 41
in human and animal shapes, 1718
Joy of Cooking and, 579
Guide culinaire, Le (Escoffier), 66, 242, 499
guilds, 313–15
in colonial Mexico, 444
in Istanbul, 363
in Vienna, 770
guilt, sweetness and, 410
Guimard, Marie, 555, 73536
guinataan, 530
Guironnet, Albéric, 762
Guittard, 146, 153, 315–16, 783
Guittard, Etienne, 146, 153, 315
Guittard, Gary, 316
gulab jamun, 275. See also zalabiya
güllaç, 36364, 74546, 748
gumball machines, 316, 316–17
gumdrops, 317
Gummi Bears, 317, 327
Gummibär, 318
gummies, 317–18
Gummy Earthworms, 292
Gupta, Mahendranath, 650
gur, 707
Guralnik, Vladimir, 60
Guriev, Alexandrovich, 318
Guriev kasha, 318–19
gusht-e fil (elephant’s ear), 523
Guth, Charles, 411


Haacke, Hans, 27
Häagen-Dazs, 8, 321
Haas, Eduard, III, 525
hagelslag, 474, 649
hais, 446
halawa. See halvah
ḥalāwat jibn, 449
Haldiram, 383
Hale Aerating eggbeater, 785
Hales, Stephen, 724
Halloween, 291, 322, 322–24
halo halo, 530, 608
halvah, 171, 223, 324
cashew nuts in, 489
in India, 357
in Istanbul, 363
as mithai, 457
in New York City, 481
in Oman, 449
in Pakistan, 634
rosewater in, 261
in Turkey, 745, 746, 747
halwa. See halvah
halwason, 358
hamantaschen, 17, 325, 550
Hamen y León, Juan van der, 25
Hamlin, Willard, 493
Hamwy, Ernest, 796
hanabira mochi, 388
hand pies, 535. See also turnovers
Handbook of Domestic Cookery, 730
Handbook of Practical Cookery (Blot), 786
han’gwa, 385
Hansel and Gretel (Grimm brothers), 135, 136, 13738
Hansen, Ernest, 479
Hanukkah, 325–26
fried dough, 335
gelt, 295, 296
jelly doughnuts, 226
rugelach, 581
sweets, 379
Happiness Candy Stores, 411
hard boilings, 326
hard candy, 104, 326–27, 574, 599
hard panning, 501
hard sauce, 595
Hardin, Maria Antoinette, 450
Hardly More Than Ever (Letinsky), 27
Hardwick Hall, 48
hareesa, 574
Haribo, 175, 299, 327–28
Dancing Bears, 317
gummi bears, 317
licorice, 403
Harkin-Engel Protocol (2001), 132
Harland, Marion, 786
Harlequin Cake, 396
ḥaroset, 378, 506, 645
Harry Potter, candies associated with, 292
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 138
Hart, James, 672
Hart, Joseph, 131
hartshorn, 126
harvest festival, 119
Harvest Moon Festival, 385
Harvest of the Cold Months (David), 365
Harvey Wallbanger cake, 407
Hasbro, 108
hasty pudding, 563
Have with You to Saffron-Walden (Nashe), 45
Havemeyer, Frederick Christian, Jr., 328
Havemeyer, Henry Osborne, 10, 328, 698
Havemeyers & Elder, 11
havermoutpap (oatmeal porridge), 474
Haviland Mints, 471
Hawaii, 547, 607
Hawaii Sugar Planters Association, 541
Hawaiian League, 547
Hayward and Co., 123
Hazan, Marcella, 365
hazelnuts, 433, 487, 489, 496
Heartland, 411
Heatter, Maida, 581
Heem, Jan Davidsz. de, 25, 27
Hefeklösse, 231
Heide Candy Company, 317
Heiner, Ludwig, 771
Heirloom Cacao Preservation Initiative, 147, 316
helva. See halvah
Helvetia Milk Condensing Company, 244
Hemings, James, 582
Hemstrought’s Bakery (Utica), 6465
Henrion & Chauveau, 528
Hentzner, Paul, 753
Heracleides of Syracuse, 32
herbal liqueurs, 406, 407
Herman Goelitz Candy Company. See also Jelly Belly Candy Company
gummi bears, 317
partnership with Klein, 377
Hermé, Pierre, 268, 328–29, 505
rose macaron, 270
Hernández, Francisco, 21
Herrell, Steve, 55
Hersey, Charles H., 679
Hershey, Milton S., 329–30, 330, 519
caramels, 174
Kiss, 146
mass production of milk chocolate bars, 105, 330
Hershey, Pennsylvania, 330
Hershey Bars, 123, 330
Hershey-ets, 575
Hershey’s, 330–31
acquisition of Scharffen Berger, 154
child labor and, 133
Halloween candy, 323
Kiss, 381
malted confections, 420
in Mexico, 445
packaging and brand identity, 10910
Tropical Bar, 453
Hesiod on making sweet wine, 712
Hi Chew, 373
Hibben, Sheila, 715
hibiscus syrup, 245
hickory, Native American use of, 470
higashi, 777, 778
high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 18889, 277, 720
Mexico and, 400
in regular sodas, 623
research on, 672
Tate & Lyle and, 731
Hill, John, 339
Hilltop Housewife Cookbook (Corlis, comp.), 96
Hinduism, 331–32
honey, 338
laddu as offering to deities, 391
temple sweets, 734
Hine, Lewis, 132
Hines, Duncan, 332–33
Hines-Park Foods, Inc., 332
hippocras (hypocras), 333, 644
Hippocrates, 339, 345
Hipponax, 13
Hirschfeld, Leo, 738
Hirtzler, Victor, 783
Histoire de la vie privée des Français (Le Grand d’Aussy), 292
Historia de las Indias (Durán), 151
Historia general de las cosas de la Nueva España (Bernardino de Sahagùn), 151
Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (Margrave), 582
Historical Dictionary of Indian Food, A (Achaya), 650
History of the Nature and Quality of Chocolate, A (Wadsworth), 22
Ho Ho, 342, 646
H.O. Wilbur and Sons, 381
Höfelmeyer, Konrad, 770
hojuelas de aceite y vino, 639
hokey-pokeys, 348
holiday sweets, 333–36. See also Christmas; Easter
in Austria-Hungary, 38
Dutch, 473
in France, 271
rolled cookies as, 578
in Russia, 584
Holly Sugar Company, 355
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 741
Hölzlhuber, Franz, 405
Home Cook Book, 98
Home Cookbook, The (Chicago Ladies), 786
home cooking, smells of, 24
home economics, 512, 520
Home Messenger Book of Tested Receipts, The (Stewart), 14, 646
Homemade Ice Cream Company, 205
honey, 336–40. See also mead
adulteration, 4
in ancient world, 12, 658
in Austria-Hungary, 3738
in Baghdad, 43
in brittle, 77
in Budapest, 80
in China, 139
and fruit preservation, 278, 281, 282, 310
in Germany, 298
healing properties, 159, 361
human evolution and, 719
importance in Russia, 583
in Islamic world, 361
Native American use, 469
prehistoric hunters, 720
as primary sweetener in premodern Korea, 385
production, 33840
religion and
Buddhism, 81
Christianity, 158, 160
Hebrew Bible on, 377
Judaism, 377
in Rosh Hashanah meal, 579
replaced by molasses in Brazil, 71
in Scandinavia, 596
in sub-Saharan Africa, 659
symbolic meanings, 724
as term of endearment, 606
in Turkish pastries, 746
use in pre-Hispanic Mexico, 8, 443
honey beers, 435
Honey Pump at the Work Place (Beuys), 338
honeybees, 338
beehives, 337
role in understanding of human sweet perception and metabolic disorders, 16
honeydews, 360
honeymoon, 340–41
honeypot ants, 360
Hong Kong, 244
Honigkuchen, 304
HooAh Bar, 453
Hoosier Sugar Cream Pie, 196, 450, 654
hopjies, 113, 737
Hopkins, Claude, 75
Hopkinson, Simon, 657
Hoppelpoppel, 236
horchata, 246, 341
horchata de chufa (tiger nut milk), 640
Horlick, William and James, 420, 455
Hörnchen, 198
Horton, James M., 348
hospitality, 364, 382, 725
Hostess Brands, 6, 200, 341–42, 451. See also Twinkies
Hostess Cupcake, 341
hot cakes, different meanings of, 500
hot cross buns, 74
Hot Fudge Ice Cream Cake (Big Boy chain), 543
Hot Tamales, 291
“Hotel Life in New York” (London Times), 500
Hotten, John, 45
Hounihan, J. D., 15
House of Lucullus or the Art of Eating, The (Camba), 640
House Servant’s Directory, The (Robert), 213
Housekeeping in Old Virginia, 633
How America Eats (Paddleford), 42223, 535
How to Mix Drinks, or The Bon Vivant’s Companion (Thomas), 406
How We Cook in Los Angeles (Whiting), 743
Howard, Edward Charles, 676
Howard Johnson, 50
Howdy Doody Show, The, 200, 751
Howell, Peg Leg, 606
Hruschka, Franz von, 340
htamanei, 636
huckleberries, 496
Hueg, Herman, 562
huesos de San Expedito, 640
huesos de santo, 640, 641
huevos espirituales, 393
huevos hilados, 191
huevos reales, 191
Hughes Brothers Candy Factory, 132
Hugs, 381
Huguenot torte, 343
humbugs, 565
Hungary. See also Austria-Hungary; Budapest
Carnival sweets, 115
names for gingerbread, 305
poppy seeds in sweets, 550
sweet wine, 713
Huntley, Joseph, 64
Huntley & Palmers, 64, 710
Hurley, Doris Mattus, 321
Hurst, W. Jeffrey, 149
Hutzelbrod, 520
hydrometer as Brix-measuring tool, 77
Hydrox, 494


I Love to Eat (television program, Beard), 170
Iannaccone, Carminantonio, 737
Iatrocles, 32
Ibn al-Rumi, 43
Ibn Māsawaih, Yūhannā, 8
Ibn Sīda, 446
Ibn Sūdūn, 409
ice, storing of, 345, 57576
ice artistry, 346
ice cream, 345–49, 454. See also ice cream cones; sundae
in Britain, 755
cassata, 116
dulce de leche in, 230
fruit topper in Pacific Northwest, 495
in Germany, 300
in Mexico, 445
mochi, 458
in Pacific Northwest, 496
in Persia, 523
in Philadelphia, 528
pistachio, 489
in Russia, 585
in Spain, 640
in the United States, 757
in Vienna, 770, 771
wafers and, 775
zabaglione flavor, 795
ice cream cake, 221
ice cream cones, 348, 350, 428, 775
invention, 796
machine to make, 187, 348
Missouri state dessert, 655
for sale on boardwalks, 68
ice cream makers, 350–52, 351, 428
ice cream parlors, 481
ice cream pies, 221
ice cream sandwich, 222, 348
ice cream socials, 347, 352
Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings (Rorer), 352, 609
ice houses in Persia, 523
ice industry, 347, 352
ice trade, commercial, 576
icebox cake, 353
iceboxes, 347, 576
Ice-cream and Cakes, 396
Iceland, 771, 782
icing, 353–54. See also fondant
almond, 432
of bride cake, 780
on cupcakes, 200
in layer cakes, 396
piped, 94
royal icing, 781
muhallabiyya at end of, 574
in Pakistan, 634
île flottante, 202, 271
imarti, 357, 457
Imperial Candy Company, 431
Imperial Sugar Company, 354–55
Improved Housewife, The (Webster), 196
In Another Place, Not Here (Brand), 410
incir tatlisi, 228
indentured labor, 169, 541
India, 355–59, 565. See also Kolkata (Calcutta)
afternoon tea of British women in, 733
aphrodisiacs, 20
in Asia Pacific confectionery market, 234
blancmange in Moghul cuisine, 67
decoration of sweets with silver, 398
early appearance to sugar trade, 69394
festivals (See Diwali)
honey, 33738, 340
origin of candy, 1034
palm sugar, 497
Portuguese sweets in Goa, 555
production of kewra water, 262
reference to sweets in classic literature, 408
sticky rice sweets, 656
sugar, 699, 702
production, 233, 698, 702
unrefined, 707
sweets and gender, 296
Indian Cookery (Balbir Singh), 49
Indian meal pound cake, 476
Indian Nectar, or a Discourse Concerning Chocolate, The (Stubbes), 22
Indian pudding, 476, 478, 756
with rum hard sauce, 582
Indianerkrapfen, 622
Indonesia, 63637
Portuguese influence in, 555
sticky rice sweets, 656
Ingalls, David, 424
ingefærkager, 597
InsectNside Scorpion Brittle, 360
insects, 359–60
Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, The (Ashmole), 345
International Cocoa Initiative (2002), 13233
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 591
Internationale Kochkunst Ausstellung, 170
Interstate Bakeries Corporation, 751
Interstate Sugar Cane Growers Association, 111
Introduzione allo studio del dialetto siciliano (Avolio), 116
invert sugar syrup, 66566, 685
Iran. See also Persia
funeral foods, 289
sweets in, 449
tragacanth from, 740
Iraq, 449
Ireland, 89, 322
irmik helvasi, 745
Iron Chef (television program), 170
Irving, Washington, 480
Isaphon, 329
isfunj, 225
Ishāq-e Hallāj (Bushaq), Abū, 523
Işın, Mary, 61, 171, 645, 705, 765
Islam, 361–62. See also Qurʾān; Ramadan
funeral foods, 289
isomalt, 362, 680, 693
Israel, 506
Israel, Mark, 227
Istanbul, 362–64, 412
Italian Confectioner, The (Jarrin), 37576
Italian ices, 350, 365
in New Orleans, 47879
in New York City, 480, 481
street vendors, 365
Italy, 366–69. See also Sicily; Venice
biscotti in, 6162
cafés in, 89
cake terminology, 92
cannoli, 111
Carnival sweets, 11516
Christmas sweets, 164
court confectioners, 192
crescent forms, 198
cultural importance of chestnuts, 128
Day of the Dead sweets, 20910
influence on
Austro-Hungarian cuisine, 36
Californian desserts, 783
sweets in Canada, 99
licorice, 403
medieval and Renaissance cheesecake, 125
strawberry festivals, 255
trade publications, 562
use of pekmez, 518
wedding cakes, 78182
itria, 658
itrion, 658
Ives, Burl, 250


J. Jacquotot, 111, 122
J. S. Fry & Sons. See Fry’s
Jack Benny Comedy-Variety Hour, 6
Jacquette, Julia, 28
Jaffas, 34
Jaffrey, Madhur, 61
jaggery, 497, 663, 665, 707
in India, 356
in sandesh, 592
use in brittle, 77
Jalajoga, 383
Jalbhara talsansh sandesh, 592
jalebi, 254, 277, 335, 357. See also zalabiya
as mithai, 457
in Pakistan, 634
jalousies, 270
jam. See also fruit preserves
adulteration, 4
technique for making, 284
Jamaica, 674, 696
jamāliyya, 569
James, Allison, 33
James, Enoch, 727
Jamison, Brendan, 679, 680, 693
jamoncillo, 230
Japan, 371–74. See also Kyoto; nanbangashi; wagashi; wasanbon
in Asia Pacific confectionery market, 234
azuki desserts, 52
chestnuts, 128
confectioners in Edo, 372
edible trompe l’oeil, 742
influenced by
convent sweets, 182
Portugal, 552, 553, 555
introduction of sugar to, 233
miracle berries in, 457
modaka in, 82
origin of fortune cookie, 266
as origin of shave ice, 607
rice cakes, 372
sticky rice sweets, 656
sugar cubes, 680
unrefined sugar, 707
Japanese baked goods, 374–75
Jarrin, William Alexis (Guglielmo), 174, 268, 375, 375–76, 740, 753
on bonbons, 69
coining of term bomba, 346
spongata recipe, 456
Jause, 37
Jeffers, Susan, 138
Jefferson, Thomas
on benne seed, 56
ice cream and, 347, 351
vanilla and, 764
Jell-O, 294, 295
advertising, 56
layered molds, 461
radio advertising, 6
Utah state snack, 655
jelly. See also fruit preserves
as cold chilled dessert, 218
molds for, 461
Jelly Babies, 317
jelly beans, 376–77
Jelly Belly, 377
Jelly Belly Candy Company, 292, 317. See also Herman Goelitz Candy Company
jelly cakes, 396
Jelly Doughnuts (Price), 28
jelly glaze, 491
jellyroll pans, 502, 503
Jenkinson, Eleanor L., 197
Jennie June’s American Cookery Book, 325, 715
Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Crème, 429
Jews. See also Judaism
and halvah, 324
honey in tradition of, 338
influence on baking in Canada, 99
jian dui, 275
jiaozi, 142
Jijona turrón, 487
jimmies. See sprinkles
Joe Lowe Company, 551
jōgashi, 388
Johnson, Howard, 349
Johnson, Nancy, 347, 351
Johnson, Theodore, 572
Johnson & Wales University, 512
Jones, Catherine Cheremeteff, 235
Jordaens, Jacques, 54
Jordan almonds. See confetti
Jordan & Timaeus, 472
Joy of Cooking, The (Rombauer). See also Rombauer, Irma Starkloff
on popular cakes, 121
skillet upside-down cake, 758
use of evaporated milk, 244
Juchheim, Karl, 51
Judaism, 377–79. See also Hanukkah; Passover; Purim; Rosh Hashanah; Shavuot
sponge cake and, 646
symbolism of honey, 724
judhaba, 43, 447
Juicy Drop Taffy, 728
juju dhau, 634
jujube. See gummies
Jujubes, 31718
Jujyfruits, 31718
julekake (julekage), 74
jumbals, 780
juniper, Native Americans and, 469
junket, 379–80, 779
Just Born Candy Company, 291, 649
Peeps, 517
juwarishnat, 573


K. C. Das, 38283, 482
kaʾb el-ghzal (gazelle’s horn), 483, 485
Kabbaz, Nick, 796
kachoris, 223
kadaifi, 310, 448
kadayıf, 363, 448, 747
Kaffeeklatsch, 299
kagami mochi, 458
kağıt helva (paper helva), 746
kahi, 44
Kahn, Adelle, 325
kaimaki, 434
kakanin, 52930
Kalām ʿala al-aghdhiya, al- (Arbūlī), 117
kalamay, 530
kalitsounia, 310
Kalte Schale (Kaltschale), 630
Kalter Hund, 401
kalu dodol, 635
kalyana, 391
Kama Sutra aphrodisiac recipes, 20
Kamesuehiro, 389
Kameya Kiyonaga, 82
Kameyamutsu, 389
kanelbullar, 74, 597
kanelsnegle, 597
kanom beuang, 635
kanom farang kuti jin, 555
Kansas Home Cook, The, 70
kanya, 660
kar helvası, 746
karanji, 458
kardemomanbullar, 597
Karmelkorn Shoppes, 206
karnemelkspap (buttermilk mush), 474
Karo Syrup, 188
karumeira, 468
karydopita, 310
kashata na nazi, 660
Kashiwa Funabashi (Funabashiya), 372
kasutera, 467, 552, 555
as khanom foo in Thailand, 736
kataif, 36263. See also qatạ̄’if
Katjes Katzenpfötchen (little cat’s paws), 403
Kawabata Dōki (Kyoto), 388
kaya, 555
kaymak, 195
Kayser, Eric, 531
kazandibi, 67, 363, 364, 746, 748
kaʿk, 447
Keiller’s Dundee marmalades, 4, 426
keiran sōmen, 233, 555
ke’k-e yazdi, 523
Keller, Josef, 65
Keller, Thomas, 227
Kellogg, John Harvey, 75, 672
Kellogg Company
advertising, 75
Pop-Tarts, 549
Rice Krispies Treats, 7
started in the Midwest, 451
Kempner, Isaac H., 354
Kennedy Biscuit Works, 256
Kennedy’s Fig Bar Cookies, 49
Kentucky Housewife, 646
Kerr, John, 307
kerstkransjes, 473
kerststollen, 334, 473
kesme (köfter), 412
keten helva (pişmaniye), 746
kewra water (kewda), 262
key lime pie, 535, 654
khabīs, 447
khaja, 734
khajuri, 634
khand, 356, 700, 707
khanom, 166, 735
khanom bueng, 735
khanom krok, 2023
khanom moh kang, 736
khao lam, 656
khao nieo daeng, 735
khao nio mamuang, 635, 656
khao tom phat, 735
kheer, 358, 382, 574
khirret, 44
khoa (khoya), 357, 454
khorma (khurma), 356
khoshāf, 448, 574
khubani ka meetha, 359
khushkanānaj, 522, 573
Khusraw, Nasir, 573, 689
Khuṭaṭ (al-Maqrizi), 573
Kidder, Edward, 512
kiflice, 197
kiflik, 197
kiflin, 197
Kimura Yasube’e, 374
Kimuraya, 374
kindli, 550
King, Charles Henry, 191
King Cake, 749. See also Twelfth Night cake
King Drinks, The (Jordaens), 54
King Khosrau and his Page, 42
Kipfel, 197, 581
Kipferl, 36, 37, 197, 198
kiri pani, 635
Kiss, 146
Kisses, 330, 381
Kit Kat, 330, 372, 776
Kitāb alaghdhiya (Book of Diet) (Marwān ibn Zuhr), 117
Kitāb al-Ṭabīkh (The Book of Dishes), 277, 447, 523
first mention of halvah, 324
zalabiya recipe, 795
Kitāb al-Wuslaila al-Habib, 46, 448
Kitāb Waṣf al-Aṭʿima al-Muʿtāda (The Description of Famous Foods), 44748
Kitabu’t-Tabīh (Shirvani), 43
KitchenAid mixer, 786
Kitchiner, William. See Cook’s Oracle, The (Kitchiner)
KitKat, 472
Klein, David, 377
klejner (fattigman), 598
klepon (onde-onde), 636, 656
Klietsch, Heinrich, 213
Klondike Bar, 243, 451
knieppertjies, 775
Knight, United States v., 699
Knopf, Mildred O., 581
koblihy, 115
Kochbuch (Welserin), 739
koeksister, 275
Koetjesreep, 474
kofyas, 746, 784
Kohler, Charles Amédée, 472
kokis, 185
Kokon meibutsu gozen gashi hidenshō (Secret Writings on Famous Japanese Confectionery New and Old), 388
Kokon meibutsu gozen gashi zushiki (Schema of Famous Japanese Confectionery New and Old), 388
kola (cola), 246
kolek/kolak, 574
koliva, 160, 645, 746, 784
Kolkata (Calcutta), 381–83
kolokotes, 310
kolokythopita, 310
kolyva, 289, 334
kombucha, 383–84
konfeito, 555
konpeitō, 468
Kooi, Earl, 188
Kool-Aid, 384–85
Koons, Jeff, 26
kooto payasam, 517
Korea, 385–86
azuki desserts, 52
South Korea in Asia Pacific confectionery market, 234
kosher salt, 591
Kottemann, Ronald, 479
kougelhopf. See Gugelhupf
kouign-aman, 273
koulourakia, 310
kourabiethes, 610
kourambiedes, 311, 449
kovrizhka, 584
koz helvası (nougat), 746, 747
kozuli, 18
Kracher, Alois, 713
Krackel, 330
Kraft Foods
acquisition of
Cadbury, 88
Life Savers, 404
cheesecake recipe, 124
marshmallow cream, 429
in Mexico, 445
owner of
Kool-Aid, 384
Nabisco, 494
started in the Midwest, 451
kralan, 636
Krampampuli, 566
kransekage, 598
Kransekake, 782
Krapfen, 225, 275, 326
kringle as Wisconsin state dessert, 655
Krispy Kreme, 227, 373, 386–87
kruidkoek, 473
krumkake, 185, 187, 450, 598
kserotigana, 310
ksira, 356
Kuchen, 92, 167, 299, 300, 387
kuchen as South Dakota’s state dessert, 654
kūčios, 551
kue lapis, 574
kue semprong, 185
kueh keria, 275
Kugelhupf. See Gugelhupf
Kugler, Henrik, 81
kuih, 574, 656
kuin bangkit, 185
kulaijā, 523
kulcha-e-panjerei, 277
kulfi, 244, 357
kulich, 17, 74, 235, 584
kunāfa, 447, 448, 569, 574
künefe, 569
kurabiye, 449
Kuri Kinton, 128
kuro zatō (kokutō), 707
Kushajim, 42
kutya (kutia), 334, 551, 584, 746, 784
Kwanzaa, sweet potato pie for, 765
Kwatta, 474
Kyoto, 387–89


L. A. Becker, 626
LA Brewing Co., 419
La Brocquière, Bertrandon de, 256
La Chapelle, Vincent, 628
laakha-mari, 634
laba porridge, 141
laba zhou, 784
labne yogurt, 794
Laboratory for Sugar Chemistry and Technology (Berlin), 675
Lacam, Pierre, 743
lactic acid fermentation, 253
lactose, 663
Laczko, Máté Sepsy, 713
laddu (laddoo), 223, 254, 358, 391
as mithai, 457
as temple sweet, 734
Ladies’ Anti-Slavery associations, 546
Ladies Directory (Woolley), 178
Ladurée, 268, 505
Hermé and, 329
invention of filled macarons, 416
Lady Baltimore Cake, 396, 633
lady cake, 121
ladyfingers, 353, 366
Laffy Taffy, 728
lagana, 658
laggites, 310
laggopies, 310
“Lake Isle of Innisfree, The” (Yeats), 338
Lamb, Patrick, 145
Lambeth, Joseph, 94, 561
laminated doughs, 391–92
lamingtons, 34, 733
lammetjespap/zoetepap (meal pap), 474
lampropsomo, 74
Lancaster Caramel Company, 329
Lancelot de Casteau
on moutarde de Cremone, 463
on pastry, 534
Lancing Mess, 243
Lancret, Nicolas, 145
Land of Cockaigne, 251, 251
Lane Cake, 396
Lang, George, 80
Langen, Eugen, 678
lángos, 275
Langstroth, Lorenzo, 340
langues de boeuf, 270
Laos, 63536, 656
Laperche, Jeanne Philomène (Pierre de Coulevain), 590
Large Food Display (Flegel), 24
Larousse gastronomique
on clafoutis, 164
on dariole molds, 207
definition of croquembouche, 199
on entremets, 240
on pastry cream, 274
lasagne al forno, 368
Lascaux, Joseph, 191
lassi, 454, 793
Last Cake Standing (television program), 171
Latin America, 392–94. See also individual countries
alfajores, 393
condensed milk, 715
influence on sweets in Canada, 99
tapioca in, 728
tres leches cake in, 741
Latini, Antonio, 394–95. See also Scalco alla moderna, Lo (Latini)
chocolate desserts, 368
recipes for ices, 346
on zabaglione, 795
Latvia names for gingerbread, 305
Latzer, Louis, 244
lauzinaj (lawzinaj, lawzinaq, luzina), 395, 447, 448, 522
term lozenge derived from, 414
lauzinaj mugharraq, 395
lauzinaj yabis, 395
Lawrence, William, 125
Lawson, Nigella, 564
layer cake, 395–97
seasonality in Scandinavia, 597
layered ice cream, 222
Le Goullon, François, 710
Le Grand d’Aussy, Pierre Jean-Baptiste, 292, 690
Le Sage, Hugh, 604
lead, sugar of, 397
leaf, gold and silver, 398
Leary, Timothy, 527
of pancakes, 499
in pound cake, 556
salt and, 591
yeast as agent for, 791
leaves used for flavoring, 246
Lebanon Rusks, 521
Lebkuchen, 38, 163, 304, 336. See also gingerbread
anthropomorphic cookies, 17
heart-shaped, 304
honey in, 37, 338
Joy of Cooking and, 579
Pennsylvania Dutch, 521
at Weihnachtsmarket, 300
Leckerli, 305, 338, 723
Lecomte, Pretextat, 412
ledentsy, 584
ledikeni, 359, 382, 398–99
Ledner, Beulah, 479
Lefèvre, Jean Romain, 400
Legendary Cuisine of Persia, The (Shaida), 765
legislation, historical, 399–400
Lehmann, Louis, 771
Leibniz Keks, 400–401, 401
Leigh, Mitch, 593
leite-creme, 553
lekakh, 579
lekvar, 325
Leland, John, 47, 691
Lemery, Louis, 440
curd, 202
as dessert flavoring in the American West, 782
lemonade, 401–2
Lemonheads, 247
Lenôtre, Gaston, 402
emergence of la pâtisserie moderne, 92
Hermé and, 329
Lenôtre family, 268
cassata and, 117
dumplings during, 230
Greek versions of sweets for, 310
Italian sweets for, 366
piñata tradition and, 537
in Spain, 641
Lenzi, Philip, 347
Leo Burnett Company, 7
Leopard, The (Tomasi di Lampedusa), 410
Leslie, Eliza, 757. See also Seventy-five receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats (Leslie)
on beating, 785
on lady cake, 121
on plum cake, 120
pupil of Goodfellow, 512
recipes for confections, 174
on small cakes, 621
use of rosewater, 261
Leszczyński, Stanisław, 41, 301
Letinsky, Laura, 27
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 278
Levitt, Adolf, 227
levulose. See fructose
Lewis, Tillie, 30
Liber de coquina, 463
Libre de totes maneres de confits, 102
libum, 13
licorice, 246, 402–4
aphrodisiac, 20
Dutch, 474
in Haribo candies, 327
root, 643
in Scandinavia, 599
in the United Kingdom, 754
Life Savers, 110, 404
Ligon, Richard, 673, 701
Like Water for Chocolate (Esquivel), 410
Limpert Brothers Inc., 429
Lin Hsui Hui, 77
Lincoln, Mary J., 436
Lindt, Rodolphe, 404–5
invention of conching, 105, 146
Lindt and Sprüngli, 301
Lindt truffles, 744
Lindy’s (New York City), 481
linecké těsto, 37
Linguanotto, Roberto, 737
linse, 598
Linzer Augen, 405
Linzer Bäckerei, 405
Linzer Kipferl, 405
Linzer Krapferl, 405
Linzer Schnitten, 406
Linzer Stangerl, 405
Linzer Torte, 2, 405–6, 739
Joy of Cooking and, 579
Linzer Weichseltorte, 406
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (Lewis), 13637
Lippincott, John, 626
liqueurs, 406–8
zabaglione, 795
Liquid Carbonic Company, 626
liquid sugar, 66566, 685
liquorice. See licorice
Lisini, Alessandro, 796
Listening to America (Flexner), 167
literature, 408–11. See also children’s literature
Bengali on sweets, 382
symbolism of honey, 338
Lithuania Carnival sweets, 115
Little Debbie, 411
Golden Cremes, 751
Marshmallow Pie, 462
Swiss Rolls, 342
Little House on the Prairie (Wilder), 136
Little Orphan Annie, 7
Liu Han Chieh, 77
Livre de conserves, Le (Gouffé), 178
Livre de métiers, Le (Boileau), 313
Livre de pâtisserie, Le (Gouffé), 17879
on darioles, 207
flan tart recipe, 258
illustration of dessert mold, 122
Lloyd’s Coffee House, 89
loaf sugar, 602, 663
lobbying, art of, as sugar legacy, 548
Loft, George W., 411
Loft, William, 411
Loft Candy Company, 296, 411–12
Lohnis, Felix, 793
lohoch, 339
lohuk, 646
lokma, 363, 745
lokum, 363, 412–13, 745
flavored with mastic, 434
as origin of jelly beans, 37677
pekmez lokum, 518
lollies, 3334
lollipops, 413–14, 754
London Labour and the London Poor (Mayhew), 578, 753
longaniza de Pascua, 641
Longhi, Pietro, 145
Loomis, Susan Herrmann, 164
Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company, 649
Lopez de Santa Anna, Antonio, 129
Lorna Doone, 493
Lotte, 23334, 373
Louis, Diana Farr, 278
Louisiana. See also New Orleans
Cajuns’ use of cane syrup, 11011
French influence, 756
post-bellum politics of sugar, 547
sugarcane in, 702
Louisiana Sugar Planters’ Association, 547
Louisiana Sugar Refining, 355
loukoumades, 225, 275, 310, 335, 518. See also zalabiya
loukoumi (cookies), 311
louz, 523
love and sex
association with sweetness, 20, 297
magic, 21
mead linked to, 435
Love Hearts, 414
Lovejoy, Asa, 495
Low Countries Carnival sweets, 115
lozenge(s), 414
by Chase, 123, 471
derived from lauzinaj, 395
Lubin, Charles, 593
Lucas, Dione, 197
Ludwig, Peter, 27
Luelling, Henderson, 495
Luelling, Seth, 495
luk chob, 736
Lune, Pierre de, 177, 239
luqam al-qāḍī, 448, 449, 796
luqmat al-qadi, 225
lussekatter, 74, 161, 254
Lustig, Robert, 672
Lyle, Abram, 307, 307, 730
Lyle’s Gold Syrup. See Golden Syrup
Lyons, I. L., 479


ma la gao, 245
Ma Lai Go, 646
maʾamoul, 185, 208, 255
M&M’s, 415–16, 427
Mac Ma, 445
macademias, 490
macaron paste, 432
macarons, 217, 416–17
flavoring of, 246
in France, 270
Hermé and, 329
in the Philippines, 531
maccheroni Natalizi con le noci, 368
Maccioni, Sirio, 197
mace, 642
Macinnis, Peter, 701
MacNeil Nutritionals, 731
MacRobertson’s Chocolates, 34
macun, 363, 746
Madagascar vanilla production, 764
Maddet ol-Hayât, 523
Madeira, 26465, 552, 695
madeleine, 185, 270, 273, 417–18
flavored with orange flower water, 262
Proust on, 409, 418, 646
madhuparka, 338
Madhur Jaffrey’s Indian Cookery (Jaffrey), 61
magdalenas, 639
Maghreb, 48385
Magnolia Bakery, 200
Magoffin, Susan Shelby, 638
Magolskee, Robert, 16
mahlab, 490
Maid of Honor tarts, 125
Maida Heatter’s Book of Great Cookies, 581
Mailänderli/milanais, 723
Maillard, Henri, 418–19
Maillard, Henry, Jr., 418
Maine, 477, 786
mais con hielo, 530
Maison réglée, La (Audiger), 346
Maître d’hôtel français, Le (Carême), 114
majoon, 21
mákos guba mézzel, 551
mákos metélt, 550
mákos palacsinta, 551
Malaco, 317
malasadas, 116, 554
Malaysia, 555, 637, 656
Mallomars, 431, 622
malpoa, 382
malpuwa, 634
malt extract, 419
malt sugar, 139
malt syrup, 419–20
malted milk, 420, 455
malteds, 455
Maltesers, 420
maltose, 419, 420, 663
ma’mûniyya, 746
Mandelslo, Johan Albrecht de, 555
Mandelslo’s Travels in Western India, 565
Mandelstam, Osip, 409
mandorlato, 487
Manet, Édouard, 26
mangos, dried, 229
manjar, 72, 230
manjar blanc, 639
manjū, 37172, 420–21, 776
mann il-sima, 44
manna, 377, 421–22
Manner, Joseph, 39
mantecadas, 641
Manuel Comenus, 671
Manuel complet de la maîtresse de maison et de la parfaite ménagère (Celnart), 566
manufacturing confectioners, 529
maple butter, 425
maple sugar, 665, 756
candy, 425
desserts, 477
maple sugaring, 422, 422–23
maple syrup, 423–25, 450, 593
adulteration, 4
in Canada, 97
Native American use, 468
Pennsylvania Dutch and, 520
Maqrizi, al-, 573
Marat, Jean-Paul, 688
marc, 308
margarine, 613
Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund, 298, 675
Margrave, George, 582
Marillenknödel, 231, 441
Marinela, 445
agave nectar, 8
candy bars, 105
chewing gum, 130
to children, 134
Cracker Jack, 192
Ghirardelli, 301
Hershey’s, 33031
Kool-Aid, 385
PEZ, 525
yogurt, 793
Markham, Gervase. See English Housewife, The (Markham)
Marks, Gil, 326, 581
marmalade, 425–26, 479
marmelada, 426
marrons glacés, 128, 271, 489
marrons Mont Blanc, 128
Marryat, Frederick, 757
Mars, Forrest, 105, 426
M&M brand, 415, 575
Mars, Frank, 415, 426
Mars, Inc., 426–27
in China, 141
in Chinese confectionery market, 233
malted confections, 420
in Mexico, 445
Mars bar, 427
Marshal, Earl, 188
Marshall, Agnes Bertha, 427–28, 428. See also Fancy Ices (Marshall)
as lecturer, 512
mention of freezing with liquid nitrogen, 577
on midmeal sorbet, 609
on Vienna icing, 354
Marshmallow Brownie Pudding, 757
Marshmallow Fluff, 428–30, 429
marshmallows, 430–31, 622
advertising by The Camp Fire Co., 430
in candy bars, 105
Maršner, František, 39
Martha Stewart Living, 93
Martial, 558
Marvel Company, 105
Marwān ibn Zuhr, Abū, 117
Marx, Groucho, 359
Mary Chocolate, 373
Mary Jane, 471, 728
marzipan, 172, 432–33
on All Souls Day, 645
as almond icing, 353
brought to Asia by Portuguese, 555
in cake decorating, 95
at Easter, 235
given for St. Nicholas in Holland, 473
how to make, 432
imported by Pennsylvania Dutch, 519
in Latin America, 394
during Middle Ages, 177
produced by Niederegger, 482
sculptures by da Vinci, 214
in Spain, 639, 640
in speculaas, 642
trompe l’oeil, 742
use in Sicily, 366
zoomorphic figures, 18, 19, 482
Mason, Laura, 33
Massachusetts, 69, 71
Massialot, François, 177, 178. See also Cuisinier royal et bourgeois, Le (Massialot); Nouvelle instruction pour les confitures (Massialot)
on candied fruit, 102
on serving pieces, 604
Cadbury and, 87, 88
of candy canes, 107
Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Child)
on dacquoise, 205
on fats in dough, 536
Masters, Thomas, 351
mastic, 246, 433–34, 644
in spoon sweet, 646
mastichato, 434
Materia Medica (Hernández), 21
Matsuya kaiki (Matsuya Record of Gatherings), 388
Matsuya Tokiwa, 389
Mattei, Antonio, 62
Matthews, John, 625
Mattus, Lea, 321
Mattus, Reuben and Rose, 321
mawa kachori, 223
May, Robert
Bride Pye, 780
on custard, 203
fruitcake recipe, 286
mince pie recipes, 456
on pippin and pear tarts, 729
on serving pieces, 604
sugar glaze, 353
chocolate, 148, 14850
fruit, 443
Mayhew, Henry, 578, 753
mazanec, 74
mazapán de pili, 433
mazapanes (marzipan), 639
mazarin, 598
mazoon, 634
mazpon, 433
maʾmūniyya, 362
McBubble Beverage. See bubble tea
McCullough, Alex, 205
McCullough, John Fremont “Grandpa,” 205, 206
McGee, Harold
on color of poppy seeds, 550
on malt syrup, 419
on sugar, 652
McKee, O. D. and Ruth, 411
McKee Foods Corporation, 411
mead, 434–35, 583, 596
measurement, 435–38
standardized tools, 436
med khanun, 735
Médici, Catherine de, 438–39, 504
medicinal syrups. See alkermes
medicinal uses of chocolate, 144, 145, 154
medicinal uses of sugar, 172, 439–40, 671, 753, 768
chewing gum and, 130
licorice in, 403
tragacanth in, 740
dates in medieval, 208
doctrine of humors, 177
doctrine of signatures, 22
herbal liqueurs, 4067
honey and, 361
licorice as, 403
lozenges, 414
marsh mallow, 430
preserved fruits and, 283
use of angelica in herbal medicine, 15
vanilla as, 763
međimurska gibanica, 550
Mediterranean countries. See also individual countries
contemporary candied fruit production, 102
pekmez as sweetener in, 518
sugar plantations, 540
sugar trades, 695
medovik, 584
Meerschaum, 519
Megasthenes, 356
Mège-Mouriès, Hippolyte, 613
Mehlspeise, 36, 440–41, 711
Meiji, 234
Meiji Seika, 373
Meilleurs Ouvriers de France, 170, 505
Meissonier, Juste-Aurèle, 301
mekitsa, 275
mel y mató, 639
Mello-Roll, 460
Mellowcreme Pumpkins, 323
melomakarona, 309, 311
melomel, 43435
melopita, 310
membrillo (dulce de membrillo), 282
Mémorial historique et géographique de la pâtisserie, Le (Lacam), 743
Ménagier de Paris, Le
on cultivating herbs and fruit, 503
on darioles, 207
on desserts, 211
on pies and tarts, 534
for entremets, 239
for Orengat, 662
for tarts and cakes with fresh cheese, 124
sample menus ending with wafers and hippocras, 775
on spices for hippocras, 333
mendiants, 254
Menon, François, 178, 197, 274, 652
on culinary display, 192
mousse recipes, 464
Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, 688
Meres, Frances, 409
meringue, 441–43, 535. See also pavlova
in France, 269
soft versus hard, 443
in vacherin, 761
meringues à la crème de Gruyère, 723
merveilles, 273, 275
Mesnagier de Paris, Le. See Ménagier de Paris, Le
mesquite, Native American use of, 469
metabolic syndrome, 672
metabolism of sugar, 668
Metchnikoff, Elie, 792
metheglin, 434, 435
Mexico, 443–45
honey production, 340
influence on Western desserts, 783
sugar production, 702
in New Spain, 540
sweets for the Day of the Dead, 209
Meÿenberg, John B., 244
mézeskalács (honey cakes), 80
Microplane grater, 515
Middle Ages
almond-based foodstuffs, 417
Arab cuisine and origin of blancmange, 6566, 447
sweets, 446
Arabic literature
on sweets, 4089
Arabic recipes of lauzinaj, 395
candied fruit, 101
cheese tarts, 125
culinary trompe l’oeil in Europe, 742
dried fruit, 228
entremets, 239
sugar, 440
European literature
on sweetness, 409
fairs, 249
food-related trades and guilds, 313
gingerbread, 3023
Gugelhupf in, 312
Italian cookies and sweets from, 366
medieval England, 563
Paris during, 5034
pie in, 533
proverbs, 559
refined sugar in Germany, 298
Scandinavia, 596
spiced fruit cakes, 780
sugar in the Netherlands, 473
sugar trade, 694
sweets and gender, 296
sweets in Baghdad, 4243
legacy of, 4344
wafer, 775
Middle East, 446, 446–49
mastic as flavoring, 434
origin of candied fruit techniques, 100
origin of sugar sculpture, 689
sugar refineries in, 68485
sugarcane cultivation, 694
midmeal sorbets, 60910
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 60
Midwest (U.S.), 449–51
mignardise, 451, 622
military sweets, 451–53, 452
candy bars in survival rations, 7
NECCO wafers, 471
Tootsie Roll, 739
milk, 453–55. See also evaporated milk; sweetened condensed milk
addition to cacao drinks, 14445
in pancakes, 499
in sweets in India, 357
milk chocolate bar
by Cadbury, 87
created by Daniel Peter, 524
by Hershey’s, 330
milk pudding
in Britain, 754, 755
pudim de leite, 553, 563
in Turkey, 746
milkshakes, 455–56
malt and, 420
Milky Way, 427
mille-feuille, 270, 392, 509
millefoglie, 781
Miller, Steve, 606
millet in traditional Japanese confectionery, 371
Milne, A. A., 787
Milton Bradley Company, 108
mince pies, 162, 456–57
mincemeat pies, 476
miniature desserts, 544
MiniMoonPie, 462
Mintz, Sidney, 541
miracle berry, 457, 661
Miraglia, Loretta, 190
mirliton, 26768
Mirror Stores, 411
Mischel, Walter, 431
mishti doi, 793
Miss Leslie’s New Receipts for Cooking (Leslie), 785
Miss Parloa’s Kitchen Companion, 70
Mississippi Mud Pie. See mud pie
Mistanna Pak (Mukhopadhyay), 580
Mister Donut, 231, 373
misthi dol (lal doi), 359
Mistikatha (newsletter), 580
Mitarashi Dango, 388
Mitchell, Earl, Sr., 462
Mitchell, James Henry, 256
Mitchell, William A., 187, 549
mithai, 35556, 457–58
mixers, mechanical stand, 513
mixing bowls, 513
mochi, 371, 458, 656
compared to dango, 207
in Indonesia, 636
part of wagashi, 776
mock foods, 743
Modak, Lalit Mohan, 592
modaka, 82, 231, 254, 458
in literature, 408
as temple sweet, 734
Modern Cook, The (Francatelli), 542
Modern Cookery for Private Families (Acton)
Punch sauce recipe, 566
recipe for Everton toffee, 738
Modern Husbandman, The (Ellis), 748
modoki, 742
mohanthal, 358
Mohnkuchen, 550
Mohnpalatschinken, 551
Mohnpielen, 551
Mohnstollen, 550
Mohntaschen, 325, 550
Mohntorte, 550
Molan, Peter, 339
molasses, 459–60, 666
added to white sugar to make brown sugar, 664
in Atlantic Canada, 97
in Baghdad, 42
in brittle, 77
byproduct of sugar production, 701
as distinguished from sorghum syrup, 627
in homemade Pennsylvania Dutch confectionery, 519
in New England
cakes, 477
Indian pudding, 477
rum made from, 582
in sugar plantations, 540
Molasses Acts (1733), 459, 756
molasses sugar, 665
molds, 176. See also cookie molds and stamps; molds, jelly and ice cream
for blancmange, 66
of Central European bakers for Pennsylvania Dutch, 519
for charlotte, 122
for darioles, 207
for Gugelhupf, 312
for Lebkuchen, 304
for marzipan, 433
used for warners and soteltes, 691
used to make palm sugar, 497
molds, jelly and ice cream, 460, 460–61
for frozen desserts, 221
for gelatin desserts, 295
for ice creams, 346, 347, 428
Molecule-R, 549
Mollison, James, 27
Molmenti, Pompeo, 710
molochnaya stroganina, 585
Moltke, Helmuth von, 747
Mon Cheri, 369
monaka, 777
monas de Pascua, 18, 641
Mondelēz International, 45, 88, 106, 174
Monell Chemical Senses Center, 16, 24
mongo con hielo, 530
Monod, Eric, 418
Mont Blanc, 273
Montagné, Prosper, 505
Montaigne, Michel de, 299
Montgomerie, John, 420
Montiño, Martinez, 17
mooncake ( yuebing), 140, 461, 461–62
at festivals, 254
molded, 185
MoonPies, 431, 462, 622
Mootz Candies, 520
morality and sweets in the United States, 758
Moravian Sugar Cake, 521
More Classic Italian Cooking (Hazan), 365
Morey, Samuel, 59
Morgan, Sydney, 438, 710
Morier, James, 609
Morinaga, 234, 373
Morinaga Taichirō, 373
Moriondo, Francesco, 366
Morita Kagaku Kogyo, 655
Moritz, C. F. See 20th Century Cookbook, The (Mortiz and Kahn)
Morning Star, The (newspaper), 64
Moro, Ernst, 793
Morocco. See North Africa
Morpurgo, Michael, 138
Morrison, Toni, 410
Morrison, Walter Frederick, 276
Morrison, William, 191
Mortillaro, Vincenzo, 116
Morvite, 661
Moschi, 519
mostaccioli, 6162, 336, 518
mostarda, 462–63
mostarda di Cremona, 463, 709
mostarda di frutta, 285, 308
mostocotto, 308
Motamayor, Juan Carlos, 14748
motichoor laddu, 223, 391
moule à manqué, 268
moun yon lei bo, 636
mousse, 271, 464
moustalevria, 310
moustokouloura, 518
moustoloukoum, 518
moût, 308
Mower, Fred L., 429
Mozartkugeln, 39
‘mpanatigghie, 368
Mr. Goodbar, 330
Mr Gumpy’s Outing (Burningham), 136
Mrs A. B. Marshall’s Book of Cookery, 428
Mrs A. B. Marshall’s Larger Cookery Book of Extra Recipes, 428
Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management (Beeton), 52, 53
fruitcake recipes, 286
blancmange mold, 66
decorated cakes, 94
dessert tables, 605
on simple epergnes called tazzas, 241
use of term tart, 72930
Victoria Sandwich, 396
Mrs Eales’s Receipts (Eales)
first English confectionery book, 178
ice cream recipe, 346
on preserving fruit, 706
Mrs McLintock’s Receipts for Cookery and Pastry Work, 610
Mrs. Seely’s Cook Book, 460
mud pie, 464–65
muffins, 465, 502
mughlī, 449
muhallabiyya, 447, 449
at end of Ramadan iftar meal, 574
in North Africa, 483
origin of blancmange, 6566
muhallebi, 66, 363, 746
muhallebici, 364
Mukhopadhyay, Ashoke Kumar, 398
Mukhopadhyay, Bipradas, 517, 580
mukimono, 742
mulled wine, 465–66
in Germany, 300
in Scandinavia, 598
mulsum, 435
munchies, 466
Muniz, Vik, 27
Murrie, Bruce, 575
partnership with Forrest Mars, 415
Murrie, William, 575
Murrie, William R., 415
muscovado, 665, 706
mushabbak. See zalabiya
musjies, 60
musk in Istanbul’s cuisine, 363
mustaceus, 61
Mustafa Ali of Gallipoli, 362
mustazzoli, 366
mustikkapiirakka, 599
mut, 636
mut dua, 636
My Favorite Receipt, 646
Mysore pak, 49
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (Dickens), 413
My-T-Fine, 564
mʾhanncha, 484


Nabhan, Gary Paul, 469
advertising, 5
Barnum’s Animal Crackers, 15
maker of Newtons, 256
Oreos, 323, 49394
started in the Midwest, 451
Nag, Bhim Chandra, 382, 398
Nag, Paran Chandra, 382
naing kuk, 630
Nakagawa Kahe’e, 374
namagashi, 777
nammora, 574
nammura, 483
Nanaimo bars, 78, 467
nanbangashi, 374, 467–68, 555, 776
in Kyoto, 388
Nancy Silverton’s Pastries from the La Brea Bakery (Silverton), 280
Nanshoku ōkagami (The Great Mirror of Male Love) (Toraya), 388
Naples biskets (biscuits), 621, 646
Napoleon, 509, 596
Napoleon’s hat, 598
naranhas de caña, 278
naru, 331, 382
Nashe, Thomas, 45, 606
natef, 324
natif (nougat), 447, 486, 573
in Latin America, 394
in the Southwest, 638
in Spain, 639
National Biscuit Company. See Nabisco
National Confectioners Association, 7, 761
National Dunking Association, 227
National Sweet Sorghum Producers and Processors Association (NSSPPA), 62728
Native American sweets, 468–71, 756, 782
Native Americans
maple sugaring, 424
in the Pacific Northwest, 495, 496
Natural Sweet Ventures, 355
Nebraska Consolidated Milling, 332
NECCO, 123, 471–72
gummies shaped like feet, 292
in Pennsylvania, 520
Sweethearts, 761
NECCO Wafers, 123
for soldiers during World War II, 471
Nectar Soda, 479
Nedim, Mahmud, 363
Needham, Joseph, 576
Negri, Domenico, 604
nei payasam, 517
Nelson, Christian K., 6, 243
Néo-physiologie du gout par ordre alphabétique, ou dictionnaire général de la cuisine française (Grimod de la Reynière), 417
Nepal, 634
Nesin, Aziz, 47
Nesselrode Pie, 128, 481
Nesselrode Pudding, 128, 221
Nestlé, 472–73
advertising of Quik to children, 7
child labor and, 133
Halloween candy, 323
in Mexico, 445
origin of tres leches cake recipe, 740
owner of
Eskimo Pie brand, 243
Perugina, 524
Nestlé, Henri, 174, 525
Farine Lactée, 472
first bar of milk chocolate, 105
invention of powdered milk, 146, 525
Netherlands, 473–74
influence on New York City baked goods, 480
licorice in, 403, 474
Neudecker, Maria A., 441
Neues saltzburgisches Koch-Buch (Hagger)
cake recipes, 739
recipe for Linzer Torte, 405
Neufchatel, 124
Neuhaus, Jean, II, 556
neuroscience, 474–76
research on olfaction and taste, 49293
nevruz macunu, 745
Nevʾîzâde Atāī, 363
New Art of Cookery, The, 347
New Cookbook and Marketing Guide (Parloa), 353
New England (U.S.), 476–78. See also Maine; Massachusetts; Vermont
colonial period, 756
pies, 53435
rum made in, 582
New England Confectionery Company (NECCO). See NECCO
New Kochbuch, Ein (Rumpolt)
on strudel origin, 659, 747
on sugar confections, 298
Turte, 739
New Orleans, 478–80
cane syrup, 111
King Cake, 74950
praline, 557
vendor, 378, 557
sweets in, 632
use of orange flower water, 262
New System of Domestic Cookery, A (Rundell)
apple charlotte recipe, 122
on second course, 213
on snow pancakes, 500
New World
convent sweets in, 191
sugarcane in, 701
New Year’s. See also Chinese New Year
black bun, 456
Dutch Cake, 520
Dutch sweets, 473
poppy seed sweets, 551
in Spain, 640
wheat berry sweets, 784
zuppa inglese, 796
New York Cheesecake, 126
New York City, 480–82
black and white cookies, 64
candy store in 1935, 480
New York Cooking Academy, 512
New York Glucose Corporation, 188
New York Times
on chewing gum, 131
on spread of term “à la mode,” 1
New Zealand. See Australia and New Zealand
Newbery, John, 135
New-York Farmer and American Gardener’s Magazine, 61112
Next Great Baker (television program), 171
ngalakh, 660
niangao (New Year cakes), 142
Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down (website and book), 63
Nidetch, Jean, 30
Niederegger, 482
Nilla Wafers, 776
1910 Hotel St. Francis Cook Book, The (Hirtzler), 783
Nirvana (Ernest Arthur Cardnell), 94
Niszács, Miklós, 81
Nobin Chandra Das, 382, 482–83
inventor of rosogolla, 580
Noble, Robert and Edward, 404
Noble, Sherb, 205
Nockerl, 37, 231
nonnevotte, 115
nonpareilles. See sprinkles
noodles, sweet, 38
Nooth, John Mervin, 625
noql, 60
Norris Manufacturing Company, 316
North Africa, 483–85, 484. See also Egypt; Tunisia
mastic as flavoring, 434
Rosh Hashanah in, 579
sugar production, 694
North America. See also Canada; United States
introduction of honeybees, 338
Norway, 277
Norworth, Jack, 193
Noshe Djan: Afghan Food and Cookery (Saberi), 61
on khasta-e-shireen, 77
Nostradamus, 485–86, 765
book of preserves, 101
on candied fruit, 102
on sugar work, 172
Notes on Cuisine (Leonardo da Vinci), 214
Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Alexander), 214
Nott, John, 196, 240
Notter, Ewald, 693
nougat, 486–87. See also natif (nougat); turrón; turrone (nougat)
black, 487
brown, 487
in candy bars, 105
honey in, 338
in Latin America, 394
natif, 573
in the Netherlands, 474
as one of 13 desserts of Christmas, 254
in Persia, 523
during Ramadan, 573
in Spain, 639
in Turkey, 746
white, 48687
nougat de Montélimar, 486
nougatine, 487, 680
Nouveau cuisinier (de Lune), 239
Nouveau grand dictionnaire françois, latin et polonois et sa place dans la lexicographie polonaise, 41
Nouveau manuel complet du pâtissier (Le Blanc), 451
nouvelle cuisine
decoration of plated desserts, 542
Lenôtre and, 402
Nouvelle instruction pour les confitures (Massialot), 177, 178
crème à l’Angloise, 196
on serving dish for wet sweetmeats, 604
Nouvelle Instruction pour les confitures, les liqueurs, et les fruits, 417
Novikov, Arkady, 586
noyau, 246
num treap, 636
nūni panjara, 449
gingerbread, 3034
honey production, 338
Nutella, 487–88
as filling of hamantaschen, 324
soup in the Philippines, 531
nutmeg, 488–89, 642
graters, 488
use in punch, 565
in zabaglione, 795
NutraSweet, 29, 30
nuts, 489–90. See also specific nuts
in China, 140
in convent sweets, 191
extracts from, 24546
as flavoring of liqueurs, 407
in France, 273
in fudge, 288
in Linzer Torte dough, 405
in the Pacific Northwest, 495
in Persia, 522
sugarcoated (See comfits)
use of flour in Switzerland, 722
Nutt, Frederick, 785
nzuddi, 62


Oblaten Lebkuchen, 304
oblea, 776
O’Bryan, Ronald Clark, 323
Obsttorte, 491
Ocklye Cookery Book (Jenkinson), 197
Oekonomische Encyclopädie (Economic Encyclopedia) (Krünitz), 440
Oetker, 491
Oetker, August, 491
ofam, 660
offerings to the gods. See also temple sweets
cakes, 13
honey, 338
in India, 355, 391
modaka, 458
payasam, 33031, 516
plakous, 539
sweets as, 725
office. See pantry
OK Manufacturing, 317
“Old Aunt Jemima,” 32
“Old Vicarage, Grantchester, The” (Brooke), 338
Oldenburg, Claes, 26
Olds Baking Company, 276
Olearius, Adam, 584
Oleo-Margarine Manufacturing Company, 613
olfaction, 23, 491–93
smells described as sweet, 47576, 492, 718
oliebollen, 275, 473
Oliver, Jamie, 564
Oltz, Harry M., 206
oly-koeck, 480
om ʿAli (mother of Ali), 449, 483
Oman, 449
omelette norvégienne, 44
omelette soufflée, 272
On Cakes (Iatrocles), 32
On Farming (Cato the Elder)
cake recipes, 12, 13, 91
placenta recipe, 539
On Lemon, Its Drinking and Use (Ibn Jumayʾ), 401
onde-onde (klepon), 636, 656
One Hundred & One Layer Cakes (Southworth), 396
1001 Nights, 408
O’Neill, Molly, 65
Opera (Scappi)
in Catherine de Medici’s library, 438
illustration of whisk, 785
biscotti, 6162
candied citrus peel, 102
zabagione, 795
use of choux pastry, 508
Opera Fudge, 520
oplatky, 185, 77576
orange flower water, 245, 26162
as ice cream flavor, 346
in macarons, 417
in North Africa, 483, 485
orange flowers, 100
Orange Julius, 2067, 493
oreilletes, 273
orejas de fraile, 18
Oreos, 323, 493–94
orgeat, 246, 262
origliettas, 275
Orion Confectionery Company, 386
Ornamental Confectionery and The Art of Baking in All Its Branches (Hueg), 562
Orthodox Christianity
foods for All Saint’s and All Souls’ Days, 160
funeral sweets, 289
Greek dishes associated with, 334
Osius, Frederick, 45556
osmanthus flowers, 140
Otto, Nikaulos, 59
Ottoman Empire
Abbasid desserts in, 43
baklava in, 46
influence on Austria-Hungary, 36, 80
Istanbul under, 363
Rosh Hashanah in, 579
spoon sweet in, 647
sweet courses during grand meals, 747
sweets during Ramadan, 574
oublies, 187, 775
Ouverture de cuisine par maistre Lancelot de Casteau
on moutarde de Cremone, 463
on pastry, 534
Ovaltine, 420
radio advertising, 7
calibration, 513
temperatures, 437
overflødighedshorn (cornucopia), 598
ovos moles (yemas) (soft eggs), 191, 237, 238, 531, 55354
Oxford Companion to Food, The, 563
Oxford English Dictionary
definition of coffee cake, 167
definition of liqueur, 406
definition of ratafia, 406
etymology of Cockaigne, 251
oznei Haman. See hamantschen
ozōni, 458


pääsiäisleipä, 74
Pacari Chocolate, 154
Pacific Northwest (U.S.), 495–97
Aunt Jemima, 5
candy, 109–10
of chocolate, 143
Cracker Jack, 5, 192, 192
of Little Debbie, 411
Marshmallow Fluff, 429
M&M’s, 415
wax paper and, 192
Wright’s Biscuits, 63
Packman, Ana Bégué, 638
Pact (Eveleth), 26
pączki, 115, 116, 326, 450
Paddleford, Clementine. See also How America Eats (Paddleford)
on Lindy’s cheese cake, 481
Padovani, Clara Vada, 368
pain d’épices, 271
pain perdu, 479
Pakistan, 634
sugar production, 702
pal payasam, 358
palacsinta, 539
Palatinit, 362
Palatinose, 362
palm sugar, 356, 497, 665, 707
from sap, 593
in Southeast Asia, 635
sticky rice sweets and, 656
use in Bengal, 383
Palmer House Hotel (Chicago), 78, 450
palmieres, 552
palmiers, 270, 392, 509
Palmo, Ferdinand, 481
pālūdag, 522, 523
pan de Alá, 639
pan de muerto, 74, 289, 323, 445
pan de tres Reyes, 445
pan di spagna, 781
pan dulce, 74
pan quemado, 639
Panaderia de Molo, 531
pancakes, 497–500. See also Aunt Jemima
at Carnival, 115, 116
main course in Austria-Hungary, 38
pandan, 646
pandanus, 500–501. See also screwpine essence
sticky rice sweets and, 656
in Thai sweets, 635
pandolce, 334
pandoro, 367
pandowdy, 279, 280, 477
panecillos de San Antón, 640
panela, 665, 707
panesapa, 62
panettone, 163, 334, 367
panforte, 163, 366
panna cotta, 67, 366
panning, 327, 501–2
almonds, 489
first revolving steam cookers, 521
panocha, 530, 63738, 707
panpepato, 366
pans, 502, 502–3, 51314
baking pan of Sara Lee products, 593
cake strips, 515
coffins (pastry shells) as, 533, 534
reusable liners, 515
for tarts, 729
dessert dishes coming from, 212, 215
Le Cannameliste français on functions of, 301
pantua, 359
ledikeni compared to, 399
panzarotti con ceci, 366
pão de ló (sponge cake), 552
papillons, 270
papo de anjo (angel’s double chin), 554
parchment, 515
parfait, French, 218
Paris, 503–6
café/coffeehouses in, 89
Park, Roy, 332
Parker House (Boston), 69
Parkinson, George and Eleanor, 528
Parkinson, James Wood, 52829
Parloa, Maria, 70, 287
Baker’s cookbooks, 45
Charlotte Russe No. 2 recipe, 353
Parmentier, Antoine, 127
Parr, Martin, 28
Parrish, Maxfield, 6
parsnip as sweetener, 765
paryonki, 583
paskalya çorek, 490
paskha, 125, 235, 584
pasmak, 523
Pasqualino, Michele, 116
Passover, 506
cassata and, 117
fruit preserves, 378, 506
symbolism of food, 378
pasta desserts, 368
pasta sfogliata. See pastry, puff
pastas caseras, 641
pastas de té, 641
pasteís de Belém, 244, 507
pastel borracho, 583
pastel de nata (pastéis de nata), 202, 506–7, 552, 553
in Macao, 555
Pasteleria Ideal (Mexico), 445
pasteles, 640
pasteli, 324
pastelitos, 638
pastelli, 310
pastiera, 334, 335
pastila, 507, 584
pastillage, 172, 173, 507–8
Italian Confectioner on, 376
lozenges made from, 414
sugar sculpture and, 68990
tragacanth and, 740
pastizotti tal-qastan, 128
Paston-Williams, Sara, 243
pastries, 534
custard as filling for, 202
as dessert in Portugal, 552
fried, 598, 639
Pennsylvania Dutch, 52021
Turkish, 746
pastry, choux, 508
in France, 270
pastry, puff, 508–9. See also pâte feuilletée
in France, 270
as laminated dough, 391
risolles aux poires, 508
used in pastel de nata, 507
pastry chef, 509–11
“Costume for a Pastry Cook” (Valck), 510
sugar worker distinguished from, 171
pastry schools, 511–13
Pastry Shop (etching, Bosse), 269
pastry shops
in Budapest, 80, 81
pastry chefs at, 511
pastry tools, 513–16
in Encyclopédie (Diderot and d’Alembert), 514
pastry tubes, 515
pâte brisée, 536
pâte de coing, 282
pâte feuilletée
of croissant, 198
by Hermé, 329
as laminated dough, 391
renversée (inversée), 509
pâte sablée, 587
pâtes de fruit, 281
patishapta, 359
Pâtisserie d’aujourd’hui (Urban-Dubois), 122
Pâtisserie Stohrer, 657
Pâtissier françois, Le (La Varenne)
on dariole, 207
first European cookbook devoted to pastry, 268
first recognizable cakes, 286
macaron in, 417
recipe for pâte feuilletée, 508
on types of dough, 534
Pâtissier pittoresque, Le (Carême), 114, 178, 268
Pâtissier royal parisien, Le (Carême), 114, 122, 505
patoka, 583
patron saints
biscotti and, 62
votive sweets devoted to, in Spain, 640
Patterson, Daniel, 24
Pattinson, Nellie Lyle, 98
pavlova, 441, 516, 761
pay de queso, 715
payasam, 358, 516–17
as offering to the gods, 33031
payesa. See payasam
payesh, 358, 382, 516
as offering to the gods, 33031
Payton, Walter, 647
Peach Blossoms, 471
peach Melba, 219, 242
peach pie, 633, 654
Peale, Raphaelle, 25
brittle in China, 140, 555
introduced by Portuguese in China, 555
in M&M’s, 416
production, 489, 490
in southern desserts, 633
in sub-Saharan sweets, 660
pearl tea. See bubble tea
pebernødder, 597
pecan pie, 479, 535
in southern desserts, 632, 633
sugared, 478
pecorelle Pasquali, 366
pedha (peda), 358, 734
Peeps, 517–18
marshmallows, 431
Peeters, Clara, 24
paintings of wedding banquets, 780
Still Life with Candle, Sweets, and Wine, 25
Peking Dust, 128
pekmez, 308, 518
in fruit preservation, 310
Pellaprat, Henri-Paul
on clafoutis, 164
recipe for crème brûlée, 197
pelte, 363, 412
penhon, 634
pennets, 327, 565
Pennsylvania Dutch, 518–21
doughnuts, 226
funeral traditions, 289
Gugelhupf among, 311
Pennsylvania whoopie pies, 786
penny candy, 133, 521–22. See also jelly beans
in Scandinavia, 599
penny licks, 348, 350
penuche, 288
pepatelli, 366
peperkoek, 473
Pépin, Jacques, 543
pepparkakor, 305
pepper, 64243
pepperkaker, 305, 597
peppermint, 246
advertising, 8
Guth and, 411
perception of sweetness
olfaction and, 49193
senses and, 47476
Pereda, Antonio de, 25, 27
Perfect Hostess, The (Knopf), 581
Perfumed Garden, The, 21
perfumes based on dessert aromas, 23
Perini, Tom, 638
Perkins, Edwin, 384
Permanent Rose (McKay), 137
Persia, 522–24. See also Iran
boiled sugar lumps, 327
diffusion of sugarcane to, 694
honey, 338
influence on
Arabian sweets, 447
North African cuisine, 483
Turkish sweets, 746
nougat description, 486
origin of punch, 565
sugar and physicians, 439
persipan, 433
Perugina, 368, 524
Baci, 368, 472, 489, 524
Pesach, 506
Easter and, 234
pesche dolce, 366
pestiños, 116, 275, 639, 641
Peter, Daniel, 174, 524–25
merger with Nestlé, 472
milk chocolate
advertising, 524
invention, 146, 722, 723
Petit Beurre LU, 400
Petit dictionnaire de cuisine (Dumas), 199
petits fours, 27071, 451, 622
petits gâteaux, 270
petits pâtés de Pénézas, 273
Petits Propos Culinaires, 196
Peto, John, 25
Petruccelli, N., 744
pets de nonnes. See croustillons
peynir lokması, 363
peynir şekeri, 565, 746
peynirli helva, 746
PEZ, 39, 525
Pfefferkuchen, 304
Pfeifer & Langen, 678
Pfeiffer, Jacquy, 693
phanita, 356
pharmacology, 525–28
Philadelphia, 528–29
Philadelphia National Candy Gift and Gourmet Show, 529
Philippines, 529–31, 637
sticky rice sweets, 656
unrefined sugar in, 707
phoi thong, 735
phosphatation, 686
photography, sweets in, 25, 26
Photorealism, sweets in, 26
Physiologie du goût, La (Brillat-Savarin), 451
pica, 531–32
Picasso, Pablo, 670
pie(s), 532–35. See also specific pies
at automat in New York, 533
in New England, 477
in New York City, 481
as official state sweets, 654
pans, 503
Pennsylvania Dutch, 521
in the Philippines, 531
in the South, 633
in the United States, 757
pie dough, 536–37
pièces montées, 216, 239, 504. See also sugar sculpture
designs by Carême, 692
of Escoffier, 242
pastillage used for, 507
in Philadelphia, 528
tragacanth and, 740
Pierce, Henry, 45
Pietro Romanengo fu Stefano, 100
pignolata, 335
advertising, 7
Ben & Jerry’s and, 5556
cake mixes, 95
Pillsbury Bake-Off, 170
piloncillo, 707
piñatas, 537–38
pine nuts, 490
in the South, 632
upside-down cake, 75859
pink lemonade, 402
Pinnacle Foods, 332
piñonate, 335
pinyon, Native American use, 470
pinza, 367
piperkakut, 305
piping, 94
Piroulines, 775
pisang goring, 276, 636
pisia, 310
pistachio, 490
pistachio couscous, 368
pistachio marzipan, 433
pitha, 382, 634
pithes, 359
pithivier, 392
Pitts, ZaSu, 538, 538–39
pizzele, 185, 187
placenta, 12, 539
plakous, 12, 539
planks (ginger cakes), 478
plantations, sugar, 539–42
Antigua, 674
Barbados, 673
colonial Mexico, 444
Dutch, 473, 701
and electricity surplus production, 59
Jamaica, 674
owned by Havemeyer, 328
slavery and, 617, 618, 61819
Taiwan, 372
tariff protection and, 399
plants, sugars from, 71920. See also agave nectar; palm sugar; sugar beet(s); sugarcane
Plat, Sir Hugh, 100, 173, 17778, 542. See also Delightes for Ladies (Plat)
on comfit making, 169
platchynta, 539
plated desserts, 542–44, 543
in restaurants, 511
use of Valrhona chocolate, 762
Pleau, Cliff, 544
Pliny the Elder
on long-lasting baked goods, 61
recipe for mead, 435
on sugar of lead, 397, 439
plum cakes, 120. See also fruitcake(s)
plum puddings, 16263, 336
Pocky, 373
Poire Belle Hélène, 219, 505
bird milk candies, 60
Carnival sweets, 115
names for gingerbread, 305
wedding bread, 782
polariscope, 587
politics of sugar, 544–49
polkagrisar, 565
Pomfret Cake (Pontefract Cake), 403
ponche navideño, 566
Pop art, sweets in, 26
Pop Rocks, 134, 292, 54950
Pop-Tarts, 549
popping sugar, 549–50
poppy seed, 550–51, 784
Popsicle, 6, 348, 551
port, 26566
Portale, Alfred, 544
Porter, Mrs., 121
Porto Flip, 236
Portugal, 551–54
cakes, 62021
convents in, 191
sugar plantations, 540, 552
convent sweets in, 18081
egg sweets in, 23637
influence in Asia, 554–56
egg threads, 233
Japanese confectionery, 372, 374, 467
Sri Lanka, 635
in Thailand, 735
influence on
Brazil, 71
Canada, 99
sweet bread, 7475
posset, 203, 236
Country Squares, 549
Sugar Crisp, 76
Post, Charles Williams, 75
Post, Emily, 108, 130
pot de crème, 464
potatoes, sugared, 765
potica, 550
pouding au chômeur (poor man’s pudding), 97, 425
pouding de riz, 272
pouding diplomate, 272
pouding soufflé, 272
Poulain, 88
pound cake, 556, 621
in France, 269
in layer cakes, 395
in Scandinavia, 598
powdered milk, 455
powdered sugar, 44243, 664
powidło, 281
Practical Confectioner, The (journal), 562
Practical Confectionery Art (Weber), 778
Praktisches Kochbuch (Davidis), 167
recipe for tapioca, 728
pralin, 556
praliné, 556
praline(s), 556–57
in Belgium, 69
in New Orleans, 478
Pralinenmeister, Der (Haacke), 27
Pratica e Scalcaria (Frugoli), 125
Prato, Katharina, 36, 37, 441
honey in, 337
nuts in, 488
premorska, 550
Presbyterian Cook Book, 396
Prescott, John, 492
preservation of foods
early confectionery books on, 177
by freezing, 576
sugar and, 172, 672
preserves. See fruit preserves
pressed cookies, 557–58
Priapus, 558
Price, Earl, 456
Price, Lee, 28
Price, Rebecca, 604
prickly pear, Native American use of, 470
Priestly, Joseph, 625
prince bisket, 620, 646
Prinsesstårta (princess cake), 596, 646
Printen, 304
Problemate (Zimara), 576
processed foods
levels of sugar in, 12
sugary ingredients in, 756
Twinkies and demand for, 751
Procope, Le (Paris), 89, 504
Procopio dei Coltelli, Francesco, 89
Procter & Gamble
acquisition of Duncan Hines cake mixes, 332
Crisco, 6
profiteroles, 270
Prokhorov, Amvrosy, 507
Pronatec AG, 661
propane torches, 515
Propre New Booke of Cokery, A, 534
protein in flour, 25960
Prousek, Josef, 771
Proust, Marcel
on the madeleine, 409, 418, 646
on sense of smell, 23
proverbs, 558–60
pruneau d’Agen, 228
prunes, 228
pryaniki, 584
psychoanalysis, 560–61
ptajuk, 52
pua gaeng buad, 635
public health
sugar addiction and, 3
sugar policy and, 681
publications, trade, 561–62
pudding(s), 562–65. See blancmange; bread puddings; milk pudding
in Baghdad, 43
in Britain, 755
history, 56364
in Middle East, 449
mixes, 564
in New England, 477
plum puddings, 16263, 336
in Portugal, 553
in the South, 633
in sub-Saharan Africa, 660
in Turkey, 746
pudding cloth, 563, 755
Pudding Club, 564
pudding pie, 563
Pudding Shop (Istanbul), 364
pudding tin, 563
pudim de leite (milk pudding), 553, 563
pudim veludo (velvet pudding), 553
puits d’amour, 270, 657
pulla, 599
pulled sugar, 565. See also rock
in Turkey, 746
pulled taffy. See taffy
pulque, 8
pumpkin pie, 476, 534, 756, 765
punch, 565–67, 583
Punch-Bowl Cake, 566
Punschrullar, 566
Punschtorte, 566
pupalika, 338
puran poli, 223, 358
“pure food” movement, 133
purée de marrons, 128
PureVia, 655
candy in Baghdad, 44
cookies baked for, 17
hamantaschen served at, 325, 379
sweets, 379
Purim Fritters (French Toast), 325
Purim Puffs, 325
puto, 530
putugal, 555
Pyler, E. J., 14
Pyrex, 502


qāhiriyya, 448
qalb el-louz, 574
qamar al-din, 449
qarni yārūq (split belly), 448
Qarqīʿān/Majīna, 574
qatạ̄’if, 447, 448, 569, 574
in Turkey, 36263
qāwūt, 448
qheijadinha, 72
Qímín Yàoshù (Essential Techniques for the Welfare of the People), 419
Quaker City Confectionery Company, 529
Quaker Oats Company, 75
started in the Midwest, 451
Quakers as confectioners, 174, 528
quaresimali, 366
Quark, 125
maple syrup desserts in, 97
maple syrup production, 424
quebra-queixo, 72
Queen-like Closet, The (Woolley), 173, 180, 604
wedding cake recipe, 780
queijadas da nata. See pastel de nata (pastéis de nata)
queques, 552
Query, Archibald, 429
quesillo. See flan (pudím)
quick breads, 75
chemical leaveners in, 126
pans, 502
quiddony, 426
quince marmalade, 426
quince pastes, 28182
Pennsylvania Dutch, 519
weddings and, 780
quince preserves as symbol of happiness, 278
quindim, 72
Quinzio, Jeri, 564
quitanda, 72
Quittenkäse (Quittenpästli) (quince paste), 282
Quitteschpeck (quince paste), 519
on date palm, 361
on honey, 339, 361
qutāb, 523


rabri, 358
race, 571–73
and Aunt Jemima’s advertising, 3233
racialism, 620
Rad, Jakub Kryštof, 678
advertising, 6
program sponsors, 411
Radutsky, Nathan, 324
Raffald, Elizabeth. See also Experienced English Housekeeper, The (Raffald)
on dessert serving dishes, 604
Ragvaglio della solenne comparsa (Wright), 692
Rainforest Alliance, 316
rajbhog, 359
rakott palacsinta, 498
rakugan, 777
Ramadan, 573–74
baklava and, 47
fritters, 277
güllaç made during, 364
khorma at end of, 356
sweets during, 361, 485
Ramayana, 408
Ramazan. See Ramadan
Randolph, Mary, 262, 347
rangīna, 449
Ranhofer, Charles, 44
rapadura, 665, 706
Rapi, Andriotta, 116
rårörd lingonsylt, 285
rasgulla. See rosogolla
Rashmoni, Rani, 650
raspberries, 495
ratafia, 246
ravioli dolci (cauciuni), 368
raw sugars. See sugars, unrefined
Ray, John, 748
Ray, Pranab, 580
Raymond, Fred, 37
Razzles, 134
Read, George, 179
Reaven, Gerald, 672
Reber, Pat, 14
Red Hots, 246, 291
Red Rice (sekihan), 39
red velvet cake, 121
Red Vines, 403
Redclift, Michael, 130
Redhouse, James, 413
Redzepi, René, 744
Reese, 330, 359
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, 330
Reese’s Pieces, 330, 574–75
refiner’s syrup. See golden syrup
refining. See sugar refining
refractometer, 652
as Brix-measuring tool, 78
refrigeration, 575–77
ice cream and, 34849
impact on ice cream makers, 351
mechanical, 576
soda fountains and, 626
refrigerator cake, 218
refrigerator pies, 535
Reindling, 38
Reinstein, Kathi-Anne, 430
religieuse, 657
religion. See also Buddhism; Christianity; Hinduism; Islam; Judaism
sweets associated with religious festivals, 64445
wheat berries and, 784
religious celebrations/holidays. See also specific holidays by name
lokum and, 413
and sweets in India, 356
Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 23
rempah udang, 656
alkermes, 9
ambergris as flavoring, 10
candy in Europe, 1045
glass containers for sweets, 108
serving pieces in Italy, 603
sweetness in literature, 409
use of choux pastry, 508
wedding feasts, 779
Renaissance Wedding, A (Bridgeman), 779
Renninger, George, 323
Republic (Plato), 408
reqaq, 483
pastry chefs, 510
serving wares, 605
Retail Confectioners’ Association (Philadelphia), 529
rétes, 80
Revised American Candy Maker, 744
rhum. See rum (rhum)
ricciarelli, 62, 367
in early Thai sweets, 735
flour in wangashi, 777
in mochi, 458
in traditional Japanese confectionery, 371
use in southern desserts, 632
rice cakes. See also mochi
in Korea, 385
rice pudding, 747
in France, 272
in India, 358
in Iran, 523
in Italy, 367
in the Middle East, 449
in the Netherlands, 474
in North Africa, 483
in Pakistan, 634
in Portugal, 553
riz au lait in New Orleans, 478
in Spain, 639
“rich cakes,” 621
Richard, Michel, 743
Richardson, Lou, 783
ricotta in cheesecake, 125
Riegel, Hans, Jr., 327
Riegel, Hans, Sr., 317, 327
Riegel, Paul, 327
Rigó Jancsi, 37, 577–78
Rigveda, 435
Rikyū Manjū, 420
Rillieux, Norbert, 676, 702
Rime Sparse (Petrarch)
on power of sweetness, 409
linked to sugaring, 423
sugar use in religious, 682
sweets and, 17, 385
Ritz, César, 242
Ritz crackers, 743
Riyād an-nufūs, 117
riz à l’impératrice, 103
rizz bi-ḥalīb (rice pudding), 449
Robbins, Irvine “Irv,” 50, 51
Robert, Robert, 213
Roberts, Annie Perrier, 50
Robertson, Macpherson, 34
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 647, 647
Roca, Jordi, 23
Rocher, 369
rock, 578, 754
rock candy (rock sugar), 104, 663, 700
rock sugar sticks, 474
Rockwell, Norman, 6
rococo, 62
Rodda Candy Company, 517
Rodinson, Maxime, 414
rogale, 198
rogaliki, 198
rohlíky, 198
Rohr, Julius Bernhard von, 240
rolled cakes
in France, 269
poppy seed cakes, 550
rolled cookies, 578–79
rolling pins, 515
for imprinting springerle cookies, 648
Rolling Stones, 606
Rolo, 330
Roman de la Rose, 644
Roman Punch, 609
romance and sweets, 297
Romance of Chocolate, The (William Nielson Ltd.), 137
Rombauer, Irma Starkloff, 579, 757. See also Joy of Cooking, The (Rombauer)
on lady cake as standard wedding cake, 121
romkrukke, 749
rompope, 236
Room of One’s Own, A (Woolf), 410
root beer, 246
root vegetables in Chinese sweets, 139
roots used for flavoring, 246
Rorer, Sarah Tyson, 352, 609
roscón de reyes, 74, 749
rose acid, 327
rose geranium plant leaves, 246
Rosée, Pasqua, 88
Rosenberg, William, 227, 231
Roser, Charles, 256
rosette iron, 185, 187, 277
rosettes, 185, 277, 598
in Turkey, 746
rosewater, 245, 261
in baklava, 46
in Istanbul sweets, 363
Rosh Hashanah, 579–80
honey, 378
Roshen Confectionary Corporation, 39
rosogolla, 359, 382, 580–81
in Bangladesh, 634
created by Nobin Das, 482
rosomalai, 383
rosquillas, 639
rosquillas de anis, 225, 639
rosquillas de Santa Clara, 640
Rossi, Antonio de, 350
Rote Grütze, 300
Roth, Dieter, 28, 29
Rothschild, Betty, 114
Roux, Augustin, 504
boxed chocolates, 156
license of brands to Hershey’s, 330
Royal Cookery (Lamb), 145
royal icing (sugar icing), 353, 781
Royer, Joseph H., 329
rožky, 198
Ruckheim, Frederick, 5
Ruckheim, Louis, 5
Rudolph, Vernon, 386
Rueckheim, Frederick, 192
Rueckheim, Louis, 192
rugelach, 198, 581
at Hannukah, 326
rum (rhum), 581–83
baba au rhum, 41–42
byproduct of sugar production, 701
Ligon on, 701
made from molasses, 459
naval rum ration, 583
West India Interest lobby and, 545
rum balls, 583
Rumi, Mevlana Jalaladdin, 745
Rumpolt, Marx. See also New Kochbuch, Ein (Rumpolt)
oldest Gugelhupf recipe, 312
Rumtopf, 749
Runeberg’s Torte, 566
Ruscelli, Girolamo, 689
Ruscha, Ed, 28
Russell, Richard, 68
Russell Stover Candies, 528
Russia, 583–86
anthropomorphic and zoomorphic sweets, 18
bird’s milk torte, 60
influence on Finland sweets, 599
mead, 435
names for gingerbread, 305
sweet soups, 630
World War II sugar rationing, 683
Ruszwurm sweetshop (Budapest), 80
Ruth, George Herman “Babe,” 648
Rutherford, Rose, 516
Rutt, Christopher, 32
rye flour in early gingerbread, 393
rysteribs, 285


sabayon sauce, 272, 595. See also zabaglione (zabaione, sabayon)
Saberi, Helen, 61
on khasta-e-shireen, 77
Sabin, Albert, 527
sablé, 587
in France, 270
sabuniyya, 412
saccharimeter, 587–88, 666
Carwardine saccharometer, 588
saccharin, 29, 299, 672
Sacchi, Bartolomeo (Platina), 440
sacharotopias. See fantasy
Sacher, Franz, 36, 58889
Sachertorte, 37, 92, 588–89, 739
Sachse, Bert, 516
Sacred Heart (Red/Gold) (Koons), 26
sacristains, 509
Safarnama (Khusraw), 573, 689
safron, 644
Sagramosa, Anna Margarita, 405
saguaro, Native American use of, 469
saint festivals. See also patron saints
in Catholicism, 254
in Greece, 309
Saint Andrews, 335
Saint Lucy’s Day, 335
Saint-Domingue, 696, 697
Saison in Salzburg (Raymond), 37
sakubei, 371
Sala, Charles Augustus, 44
salan pak, 35657
salep, 246, 434
saleratus, 126
salmiakki, 599
Salmon, William, 53334
salon de thé, 589–90, 590, 710, 733
Salons du Chocolat, 595
salt, 591
in caramels, 591
in chocolate, 591
in Dutch licorice candies, 403
ice cream and, 591
in pie dough, 537
Venice and trade in, 767
saltwater taffy, 68, 72728
ṣalūq, 449
San Francisco, 783
san martino a cavallo cookies, 17
Sanborns, 445
sandbakelse, 185, 450
sandesh, 223, 359, 382, 382, 580, 592
in Bangladesh, 634
Bhimnag’s naming of, 399
Sri Ramakrishna and, 650
sanding sugar, 66364
sandkage, 598
Sandys, George, 609
sangom kher. See payasam
sangria, 566
sanguinaccio, 563, 592
sankaya, 635
sankya lapoh, 636
Sansovino, Jacopo, 215, 768
Santin, Gino, 737
São Tomé sugar production, 695, 696
sap, 592–93
use in pre-Hispanic Mexico, 8, 443
sapa. See also mostocotto
lead content, 397
Sara Lee, 7, 593–94
refrigeration and, 576
started in the Midwest, 451
Sarah Bernhard, 596
saray etmeği, 363
saray lokması, 363
sarde in saor, 767
sarsaparilla, 246
sartorial sweets, 594–95
sata andagi, 275
Saturday candy, 772
Satyricon (Petronius)
on Priapus, 558
on second tables, 13
sauces, 595–96
on French desserts, 272
cooked with rum, 582
in France, 272
on plated desserts, 54344
sabayon, 272, 595
savarin, 55
savoiardi, 366
savôr, 518
Savoring the Past (Wheaton), 286
Savoy biscuit, 172, 173, 646, 755
Scalco alla moderna, Lo (Latini), 394
chocolate desserts, 368
recipes of ices, 346
scales, 513
Scandinavia, 596–99. See also Denmark; Finland; Norway; Sweden
Carnival sweets, 115
names for gingerbread, 305
sweet soups, 630
wedding cakes, 782
Scappi, Bartolomeo. See Opera (Scappi)
Scharffen Berger Chocolate, 153
Scharffenberger, John, 146, 153
Scharffenberger Chocolate, 146
Schaumtorte, 378, 506
Scheebälle, 275
Scheibler, Carl, 675
Schellhammer, Maria, 178
Scherben, 335
schiacciata alla fiorentina, 116
Schmidt, Shelley, 652
Schmidt, Ulrich, 770
Schnecken, 74
Schnering, Otto, 648
Schokoladenpudding, 300
School for Professional Cookery (Washburne School) (Chicago), 512
Schorner, Dieter, 197
Schulbe, Ernest, 94, 561
Schulkochbuch (Oetker), 491
Schwartz, Arthur, 796
Schwenkfelder Wedding Cake, 521
Science and Civilisation in China (Needham), 576
Science du Maître d’hôtel confiseur, La (Menon), 178, 192
Scienza i cucina e l’arte di mangiare bene, La (Artusi), 463
Sclalco alla moderna, Lo (Latini), 795
Scooter Pies. See MoonPies
Scotch bun. See black bun
black bun, 74, 163, 286, 456
shortbread, 61011
screwpine essence, 500. See also pandanus
in kakanin, 530
in Thailand, 635
Searle Pharmaceutical, 30
Sears, Roebuck Catalogue, The, 78
seaside. See also boardwalks
pulled sugar linked to, 578
taffy making and, 727
of layer cake in Scandinavia, 597
of wagashi, 777
Sechaud, Jules, 157
second tables, 13, 32
Secret of the Bakers and Confectioners’ Trade (Hounihan), 15
Secrets gourmands (Hermé and Gérardin), 329
Secrets of Master Alexis of Piedmont, 177
seeds used for flavoring, 246
seijō kankidan, 82
Seinfeld on black and white cookies, 65, 481
self-rising flour, 260
Sell, Christopher, 342
sellou, 485
sel-roti, 634
semifreddo, 368
semifreddo (perfetti), 21819
semla, 115, 598
semolina in Ramadan sweets, 574
Sen no Rikyū, 420
senbei, 266, 372, 777
Sengupta, Rimli, 382, 398
Senisio, Angelo, 116
Sen-Sen, 403
senses. See also olfaction; vision/visual cues
hierarchy of, 23
multisensory perception of sweetness, 47576
şerbet şekeri, 363
seri muka, 656
sernik, 125
Serres, Olivier de, 675
servers, ice cream, 600–601, 604
ice cream hatchet, 601
servers, sugar, 601–3
sugar casters, 602
service à la française, 21213, 216, 239
service à la russe, 213, 217
serving pieces, 603–5
Servitije, Lorenzo, 445
halvah, 324
lemon cookies, 366
in benne seed wafers, 56
in kakanin, 530
in laddus, 391
Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats (Leslie), 174, 396
Sévin, Pierre Paul, 692
Sewall, Samuel, 120
sewian, 634
sex. See love and sex
Sex and the City (cable-television series), 200
sexual innuendo, 410, 605–6, 617
Seyahatname (Book of Travels) (Çelebi), 324
sfenj, 225
sfinci, 338
sfingi, 335
sfinj, 335
sfogliatelle, 508
shabbakiyya, 574
Shahi Jilapi, 382, 634
shahi tukra, 398
Shaida, Margaret, 765
Shakespeare, William, 409
Shane Confectionery, 529
shape, 607
of children’s candies, 13334
symbolism and, 725
taste and, 773
sharbat as love potion, 21
Sharffen Berger, 783
Sharington, William, 48
Sharkey, Kevin, 93
Sharp, Walter, 156
shave ice, 607–8
in Indonesia, 637
in New Orleans, 479
cheesecakes at, 125
rugelach at, 581
Shaw, Timothy, 242
sheer khurma, 634
sheet-cake pans, 502
Shepard, Ernest H., 787
sherbet, 608–10
as aphrodisiac, 21
brought by Ottomans to Europe, 747
definition, 349, 609
Sherbet and Spice (Işın), 61
eggplant preserve, 765
sherbet powder, 299, 608, 610
Sherman, Cindy, 28
Sherman Antitrust Act, 11
sherry, 266
Sherry, Louis, 143
Shields, John, 544
Shilling Cookery for the People, A (Soyer), 781
Shin Kyuk-ho, 373
Shioyoshiken, 389
Shipley Do-Nuts, 227
shir berenj, 523
shiruko, 39
Shirvani, Muhammed, 43
sholeh zard, 523
Shoofly Cake, 521
shoo-fly pie, 535, 659
shortbread, 610–11
in Iran, 523
molded, 185
sablé in family of, 587
shortcake, 611–12
shortening, 611–14, 612
shrikhand, 223, 358, 793
Shrove Tuesday pancakes, 499
Shrovetide in Scandinavia, 598
Shtefano, Valentyn, 59495
shwe gyi mont, 636
spread of sugarcane to Continental Europe, 695
sugar plantations, 540
sweets for feast Day of St. Lucia of Syracuse, 160
Siebell, Johann Hermann, 213
Siesbrod, 520
Siguier, Pierre, 438
brushes, 515
mats, 515
pans, 502, 514
Silliman, Benjamin, 625
Silpat, 515
sima, 599
Simeti, Mary Taylor, 709
Simmons, Amelia. See also American Cookery (Simmons)
Election Cake, 120
Simnel cakes, 286
marzipan in, 353, 433
Singapore, 637
Singeron, Auguste Louis de, 481
Sir Henry Tate’s Mausoleum (Jamison), 679
sirop de Liège, 281
sitophilia, 614–15
siwāya, 449
Skillful Housewife’s Book (Abell), 226
Skoglund, Sandy, 29
Skuse’s Complete Confectioner, 191
Sky Bars, 471
skyr, 380
slang, 615–17
Slang Dictionary, 616
Slang Dictionary (Hotten), 45
Slare, Frederick, 672
Slater, Nigel, 259
Slave Codes, 620
Slave Registration Bill, 546
slavery, 617–20
in Barbados, 673
colonialism and, 169
cooks on plantations, 632
end in British and French colonies, 697
in Jamaica, 674
plantations in colonial Venice, 767
slave-sugar lobby, 546
sugar and, 545, 571
sugar production and, 540, 541, 696
art recalling, 27
in Brazil, 71
Slavery Abolition Act (Britain, 1833), 546
slave-sugar industrial complex, 545
slikbutikker, 599
Bisquick, 6
Cracker Jack, 5
Good Humor, 6
Sara Lee, 7
Slovakia names for gingerbread, 305
rolled poppy seed cake, 550
wedding bread, 782
Slow Mediterranean Kitchen, The (Wolfert), 111
Sluka, Joseph, 771
slump (grunt), 280, 535
slush. See Italian ice
småkager, 598
Small, Dana, 492
small cakes, 620–22
Small Change (Pherecrates), 658
Smarties, 415, 472
smell, sense of. See olfaction
smells described as sweet, 47576, 492, 718
Smith, Bessie, 606
Smith Island Cake, 396, 654
s’mores, 431, 622–23
in the Philippines, 531
smoutebollen (croustillons), 336
Smyrnaeus, Quintus, 605
snickerdoodles, 521
snow cones, 607
Snow for Sugar deal, 545
Snowball, 342
Snyder, Richard, 94
sobadillos, 641
sochivo, 784
social class
chocolate as marker of in Aztec society, 151
cuisine during Persian Sassanid Empire, 522
Linzer Torte as status symbol, 405
salon de thé and, 589
soda consumption and, 624
Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 546
soda, 623–24
artificial sweeteners and, 30
high-fructose corn syrup in, 189
soda fountain, 625–26, 721
at Cranbrook, 625
and ice cream, 348
in Mexico, 44445
milkshakes originating at, 455
sundaes at, 708
soda water, 625
sodium cyclamate, 29, 30
Soft Fur Good Humors (Oldenburg), 26
soft serve ice cream, 205
sohān, 523
sohan asali, 77
sohan halwa, 45758
sohan papdi (patisa), 35758
sohān-e asali, 523
Soleil, Jean-Baptiste François, 587
soma, 337
songpyŏn, 385
songs and risqué use of sweet foods, 606
sonhos, 554, 555
sonker, 280
sopaipillas, 638, 654
sorbet. See sherbet
sorbetières, 351, 609
Sorbetta di Latte, 395
sorbetto, 368, 608. See also Italian ice
Latini on, 394
sorbitol, 626–27
in sap, 592
sorghum syrup, 627–28, 707
sospiri, 622
sotelte, 69091
Sotsuppe, 630
soufflés, 628
as French desserts, 27172
gelatin in cold, 29495
soul cakes, 322
sound, 628–29
Soupers de la cour (Menon), 197
soups, 629–31
fruit, 272, 278, 630
in Germany, 300
Nutella, 531
sweet, 630, 636
sour cream, 195, 631–32
South (U.S.), 632–34
African influence, 756
benne seed wafers, 56
cane syrup, 11011
MoonPies, 462
South Africa
fortified wines, 266
sweet wine, 712
South Asia, 634–35. See also India; Pakistan; Sri Lanka
influence on sweets in Canada, 99
use of silver of gold leaf as confectionery decoration, 398
Southeast Asia, 635–37. See also Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam
Southern Barbarian Cookbook, The, 182
Southern Barbarian Sweets. See nanbangashi
Southwest (U.S.), 637–39, 756
Southworth, May Elizabeth, 396
soutzouki, 310
Soviet Union. See Russia
Soyer, Alexis, 781
Space Dust, 292
spaghetti latte fi mandorle, 368
Spain, 639–41
anthropomorphic and zoomorphic sweets, 17, 18, 19
arrival of sugarcane after Muslim conquest, 69495
biscotti in, 62
Carnival sweets, 116
convents in colonies, 191
Day of the Dead sweets, 209, 210
influence on
Mexican sweets, 444
sweets in the Philippines, 530
Western desserts, 783
junket in, 380
quince paste, 282
still life painting in, 25
sugar plantations in colonies, 540
wedding cakes, 782
Spanish-American War, 641–42
unsweetened preserved milk during, 244
spatulas, 515
spearmint, 246
specialty sugars, 685
speculaas (speculoos), 163, 185, 305, 336, 642
anthropomorphic cookies, 17
spekjes (marshmallow), 474
Spekkock (lapis legit), 396
Spekulatius, 304, 642
Spica, 350
spice cakes, 305
spice drops, 317
spices, 642–44
in medicine, 768
during Middle Ages, 249, 366
in Scandinavia, 59697
in Swiss pastry, 722
Spier, Hortense, 481
spirituality, 644–45
spit cakes, 51
Splenda, 30, 31, 731
split, 219
Spoerri, Daniel, 235
spongade, 768
spongata, 367, 45657
sponge cake, 646
in France, 26869
in layer cakes, 395
in petits fours, 622
Torten and, 739
sponges, 294
spoon sweet(s), 285, 646–47
zuppa ingele as, 796
spoon-pie, 535
sports nicknames, 647–48
Sugar Ray Robinson, 647
Spreckels, Claus, 328, 699
Spreckels Sugar Company, 355
springerle, 163, 648–49
anthropomorphic cookies, 17
Joy of Cooking and, 579
molded, 185
spring-form pans, 503
sprinkles, 649
spritz cookies. See pressed cookies
Sprüngli, Rudolf, 404
spumone, 368
spumoni, 221
spun sugar. See sugar sculpture
squash, sugaring of, 765
Squirrel Nut Zippers, 471
Sri Lanka, 635
Portuguese influence in, 555
Sri Ramkrishna, 649–50
Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita (Gupta), 650
St. Agatha’s Breasts, 16061, 297
St. Lucia’s Eyes, 160, 161
St. Nicholas feast
Appenzell, 723
gelt, 296
in Germany, 300
in the Netherlands, 473
speculaas, 642
Staebler, Edna, 645
stages of sugar syrup, 177, 326, 650–51t, 650–53
standardization, 43637
starch, 653–54
in clothing, 594
culinary use, 413
StarChefs International Pastry, 170
state desserts, 654–55
Statius, 13
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, 431
Stedman, James, 34
Steinberg, Robert, 146, 153
Steiner, Jacob, 716
Steingarten, Jeffrey, 328
stems used for flavoring, 246
stereotypes, racial, 57172
Stern & Saalberg, 738
Stesichorus, 13
Stevens, Wallace, 409
Stevenson, Dick, 475
Stevenson, Richard, 492
stevia, 31, 655, 720
in diet sodas, 624
in Germany, 299
marketed by Imperial Holly, 355
Native American medicinal use, 469
Stewart, Isabella, 14, 646
Stewart, Martha, 471
St-Germain, 407
sticky bunes, 74
sticky rice sweets, 655–56. See also mochi
in Burma, 636
at Chinese New Year, 142
in the Philippines, 530
in Southeast Asia, 635
in Thailand, 635
sticky toffee pudding, 656–57, 755
still life painting, 2425, 169, 173
Still Life with an Ebony Chest (Pereda), 25
Still Life with Cake (Peale), 25
Still Life with Candle, Sweets, and Wine (Peeters), 25
Still life with Manioc (Eckhout), 118
Still Life with Sweets and Pottery (van der Hamen), 25
Stohrer, Nicolas, 657
Chef d’Office for Leszczyński, 302
inventor of baba au rhum, 41, 5043
in Paris, 504
stollen, 163, 300, 657–58
marzipan in, 433
in St. Louis, 451
storage of hard candies, 32627
Storia dei musulmani di sicilia (History of the Muslims in Sicily) (Amari), 117
Stover, Russell, 6, 243
Stow, John, 49
strainers, 515
Strauben, 277
Strauss, Johann, II, 69
festivals, 255
in the Pacific Northwest, 495
in southern desserts, 632
strawberry shortcake, 61112
Strawberry Tart Supreme (Flack), 26
street food
ancient, 658
during Carnival, 115
sweets in Istanbul, 363
in Turkey, 744, 746
streusel, 658–59
on crisp and crumble, 280
Streuselkuchen, 659
stroopwafel, 187, 776
strudel, 654, 659
Joy of Cooking and, 579
struffoli, 335, 366
strull, 187
struvor, 277, 598
Strzyso, Hans, 93
Stuart, David, 149
Stubbes, Henry, 22
Stückchen, 300
Stühmer, Frigyes, 80
su bing, 245
su muhallebisi, 67
sub-Saharan Africa, 659–61
sweets and gender, 296
Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby, A (Walker), 27, 572
Sucanat, 661
Suchard, 88, 722
sucker, 413
sucker nakkarsali, 689
sucket fork, 661, 661–62, 662
suckets, 662
sucralose, 29, 30, 31, 731
sucre d’orge. See barley sugar
Sucre d’Orge des Religieuses de Moret, 50
sucrose, 277, 667
dissolved in water, 326
in drug manufacturing, 526
in sap, 59293
sucuk, 363
Süddeutsche Küche, Die (South German Cookery) (Prato), 36, 37, 441
Südzuker AG, 362
Suetomi, 389
sufganiyah, 379
sufganiyot, 326
sugar, 662–67
ancient role of, 172
blowing, 141
casting, 689
from chestnuts, 127
compressibility, 526
in Belgium, 54
by children, 135
imperialism and, 168
in Istanbul, 362
in Japan, 371
in the United States, 672
influence of demand on imperial power, 168
meanings in slang, 61516
as medium in art, 29 (See also sugar painting)
price of
crash after World War I, 6
drop between 1870 and 1900, 4
refined, 7067
in regular sodas, 623
uses, 66667
unusual, 66970
Sugar (journal), 677
sugar, biochemistry of, 667–69
sugar, unusual uses of, 669, 669–70
Sugar Act (1764), 459, 756
sugar and health, 670–73, 671, 725
honey and, 339
lemonade and, 401
malt syrup and, 420
molasses and, 459
sweets as health-giving in North Africa, 485
in the United States, 758
Sugar and Spice (Işın), 171
sugar barons, 673–75
sugar beets, 675–77. See also beet sugar
in Austria-Hungary, 39
cultivation, 67677
emergence, 69697
forced labor and, 54748
in Germany, 298
in Poland, 676
Sugar Bowl, the, 677–78, 678
sugar bowls, 602
sugar boxes, 602
sugar caddies, 602
Sugar Cane & Co, 594
Sugar Children, The (Muniz), 27, 540
sugar cones, 678
sugar cookies, 578
sugar craft movement, 693
sugar cream pie, 450
sugar cubes, 663, 678–80
polio vaccine on, 526, 527
by Tate, 730
Tate’s introduction in London, 603
sugar in experimental cuisine, 511, 680
Sugar Lab, 669, 670
Sugar Land, Texas, 354
sugar lobbies, 548, 681–82
sugar mills, 540
sugar nips, nippers, or snips, 602
sugar painting, 682
sugar paste, 263
sugar plum bread, 74
sugar production, 663
Brazil, 71, 698, 702
Canary Islands, 695
India, 356
Mexico, 540, 702
North Africa, 694
Pakistan, 702
São Tomé, 695, 696
in sixteenth century, 24
slavery and, 540, 541, 696
Thailand, 233, 702
United States, 702
during World War I, 354, 683
sugar rationing, 682–84
during World War I, 683
in Germany, 298
in Paris, 505
sugar refineries, 684–85
first ad for American sugar factory, 4
modernization, 541
in Russia, 58485
Sugar Refineries Company, 698
sugar refining, 663, 685–88
in Amsterdam, 473
in early mills, 540
energy costs, 687
golden syrup as byproduct of, 306
labor costs, 687
management of sugar losses, 68788
process, 68587, 686
in Sassanid Persia, 522
Venice and, 767
Sugar Revolution, 7012
sugar riots, 688–89
sugar sculpture, 35, 21415, 689–93. See also pièces montées
at banquets, 690, 74243
in Britain, 754
Carême and, 692
by court confectioners, 191
during Fatimid Ramadan, 574
in France, 268, 504
in Istanbul, 364
Jarrin on, 376
made with isomalt, 362
in Philadelphia, 528
in Renaissance, 779
sold at shops in Vienna, 770
tragacanth and, 740
in Venice, 768
sugar sifter spoons, 603
sugar syrup. See also stages of sugar syrup
flavored, 747
making, 666
in Turkish pastries, 746
sugar tongs and scissors, 6023
sugar trade, 693–98. See also Triangle Trade
American colonies in, 756
colonialism and, 16869
Denmark in, 596
modern, 69798
Sugar/Bittersweet (Campos-Pons), 27
sugarcane, 699–702, 700
breeding and varieties, 7023
Columbus and, 69596, 701, 702
expansion of, 700701
to Africa, 169, 65960
to Latin America, 392
point of origin, 642
propagation, 703
sorghum cane compared to, 627
source of fuel, 58
sugarcane agriculture, 702–5. See also plantations, sugar
in Brazil, 71
in China, 233
colonialism and, 168
in Cyprus, 309
early, 694
by Flemings in Canary Islands, 53
harvest, 703, 7045
in India, 331, 356, 439
in Iraq and Persia, 42
in Japan, 372
in Louisiana, 478
in plantations, 61920
by Portuguese, 555
in Texas, 354
U.S. expansionism and, 697
sugarcane juice, 139
Sugarcane Research Institute (India), 356
sugarcoating, 327
pills, 525
sugar-on-snow, 423, 425
sugarplums, 705–6
Sugar-Plums and Sherbet (Mason), 33
sugars, unrefined, 665, 706–7. See also jaggery (unrefined sugar)
suji halwa, 574
sujuq, 449
sukhan feni, 358
sukkar Sulaymāni, 42, 573
suksilgwa, 38586
suman, 530, 656
sümenek (semeni, samani, samanak), 785
summer pudding, 707–8, 755
“Summons of the Soul, The,” 408
sumptuary laws and sweets, 160
Sunbelt, 411
sundae, 219, 708, 708–9
Sunkist Growers, 402
Sunset (magazine), 783
Sunshine Biscuit Company, 494
superfine sugar (bar sugar), 664
surtout, 240, 301
Survey of London (Stow), 49
susamelle, 62
susiyam, 223
suspiritos de Maria Santísima, 393
suspiros, 552
suspiros com ovos moles, 552
suspiros de monja, 393
süzme saray aşuresi, 363
suzme yogurt, 794
Swallows and Amazons (Ransome), 136
Christmas sweets, 164
export of gummies to North America, 317
fritters, 277
Swedish Fish, 317
Sweeney, Jerry, 728
meanings in slang, 615
terms of endearments based on, 606, 616
Sweet and Dangerous (Yudkin), 30
sweet and sour, 709
sweet corning, 46869
Sweet Genius (television program), 171
sweet meals, 709–11
teatime, 216
Sweet Miracle of Xylitol, The (Gare), 789
sweet potato
Native American use, 470
pies, 535, 765
sweet rich breads. See breads, sweet
sweet root, Native American use of, 470
sweet wine, 711–14
ice wine, 714
noble rot, 71214
straw wine, 712
sweeten, meanings in slang, 615
sweetened condensed milk, 244, 454, 714–15
in flan, 258
key lime pie and, 535
in Latin American sweets, 394
Brazil, 72
Mexico, 445
in tres leches cake, 740
Sweetening Lives for 75 Years (K. C. Das), 580
Sweethearts, 471
connotations in Chinese culture, 139
correlation to shape, 607, 773
difficulty of directly tasting, 475
perception of, 474
Sweetness and Power (Mintz), 541
sweetness preference, 715–18, 724
experiment by Steiner, 716
eaten during moments of spiritual importance, 644
in human evolution, 716, 718–21
in India, 357t
ingredients, 357
as offering to Hindu deities, 331, 355
meaning dessert in Australia and New Zealand, 34
Sweets: A History of Temptation (Richardson), 172
on sherbet powder, 610
on stickjaw and tom trot, 738
Sweets Company of America, The, 738
sweetshop, 721–22, 755
Swingle, Walter, 208
switchel, 566
Switzerland, 722–23
gingerbreads in, 305
quince paste, 282
Sykes, Roosevelt, 606
syllabub, 723–24, 755
distinguished from punch, 56566
symbolic meanings, 724–25
of foods at funerals, 288
of honey, 33839
in Hebrew Bible, 377
of manna, 421
of poppy-seed-based sweets, 551
of preserved fruit, 705
of shapes of sweets, 446
of sugar in Islamic culture, 745
of sugarplums, 706
of sweet foods, 724
of sweetness in modern literature, 409
of sweets in Turkey, 745
of Thai sweets, 736
syrup. See also cane syrup; corn syrup; fruit syrups; maple syrup
by Aunt Jemima, 33
date, 208
drugs and, 172
fruit preserved in, 285
hibiscus, 245
malt, 419–20
used in baklava, 46
szilvásgombóc, 37


Table, The (Filippini), 221
Table, The (periodical), 428, 428, 577
Table of Desserts, A (de Heem), 25
Table Talk Pies, 276
Tacca, Pietro, 692
taffy, 104, 727–28
as earlier version of word toffee, 738
fanid, 327, 447, 573
in medieval Baghdad, 447
during Ramadan, 573
saltwater, 68, 72728
tagenites, 49798
Taggart Baking Company
acquired by Continental Baking Company, 341
cupcakes, 200
tahin-pekmez, 518
tahiri, 634
Taiwan, introduction of sugar to, 233
taiyaki, 742
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (song), 193
tall food, 544
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice, 113
talvina, 639
tang yuan, 52, 140, 231, 656
Tangy Taffy, 728
tapioca, 118, 728
in Brazilian sweets, 72
in Southeast Asia, 635
tapioca tea. See bubble tea
target markets, 78
tariff on sugar, 399
taro, 635
tart(s), 729–30
in Italy, 367
meanings in slang, 616
tarta Capuchina, 640
tarta de manzana, 640
tarta de Santiago, 640
tarta helada, 640
tarte au sirop d’érable (maple syrup pie), 97, 425
tarte au sucre
in Canada, 97
in France, 273
tarte aux pommes, 273
tarte Tatin, 274, 730, 759
tartes aux fruits, 27273
tartouillats, 274
tasik, 385
at birth, 71516
effect of miracle berry on, 457
importance of sense of smell, 23
of palm sugar, 497
qualities of the sense of, 474
Tastee Freeze Company, 206
Tasty Baking Company, 6
Tastykake, 6
Tatar, Maria, 136
Tate, Henry, 730, 731
sugar cubes, 603, 678
Tate & Lyle, 730–32
acquisition of Amstar’s American Sugar Division, 11
advertisement, 731
golden syrup, 685
Tate & Lyle Sugars, 732
Taussig, Noah, 459
tavukgöğüsü, 746, 748
Tawaraya Yoshitomi, 389, 777
Taylor’s (New York City), 481
TCHO, 783
tea, 732–34, 733
culture in Korea, 385
masters in Kyoto, 388
sweet meals and, 710
in the United States, 758
tea parties, 733
tea rooms, 710, 733
Tea Shop, The (Bedford), 590
teaberry candies, 520
Teilchen, 300
tej, 435, 659
tel kadayıf, 747
cooking shows, 170
marketing to children, 7
temperance movement
ice cream socials and, 352
lemonade and, 402
tempering of chocolate, 146
temple sweets, 734
in Hinduism, 331
Templeton, Edith, 463
Ten Views in the Island of Antigua (Clark), 618
10X sugar. See confectioner’s sugar
Tenkei candies, 431
tequila, 8
terminology of pie, tart and flan, 534
Terry, Edward, 67
Terry’s, 174
of candies, 400
Carême on temperature, 114
tetas de novicia, 18
Texas Cowboy Cooking (Perini), 638
Texas Sugar Refining Company, 355
texture, affected by sugar, 666
Thailand, 63536, 734–36
flower waters, 262
fritters, 277
Portuguese influence, 553, 555
sticky rice sweets, 656
sugar production, 233, 702
Thanksgiving celebrations
in New England, 477
pies, 535
The Guess Who, 606
Theo Chocolate, 783
Theophrastus, 430
for candy making, 652
modern, 513
specialized, 437
thick shake. See milkshakes
thickening agent, starch as, 653
Thickness, Ralph, 403
Thiebaud, Wayne, 2526
Thiebauds series (Core), 26
ThinGeek, 247
Thomas, Jerry, 406
Thomas Mills Manufacturing Company, 529
Thompson’s New York City, 481
thong yip, 735
thong yod, 735
3D printers and printed sweet foods, 217
Thurner, Georg, 770
Tienen Sugar Refinery, 678
tiganites, 310
Tiger Cake, 599
Tim Horton, 99, 277
Tinbergen, Niko, 17
tippalëivät, 599
tipsy puddings, 646
tiramisù, 736–37
sponge cake in, 646
Tirggel, 305
Tobler, 88
tocino de cielo, 639
toffee, 112, 174, 737–38
in sub-Saharan Africa, 660
taffy distinguished from, 727
in Turkey, 746
tōgashi, 371
Toll House Cook Book (Wakefield), 200
Toll House Cookies, 229, 478
sent to military during World War II, 453
tombi, 660
Tommy (rock opera, Russell), 614
tools, standardized, 43637
Tootsie Pop, 414, 739
Tootsie Roll, 123, 738–39
packaging, 110
Top Chef Just Desserts (television program), 171
topai, 289
Topps Company, 728
Toraya, 388, 777
törökmez, 747
torrijas, 641
torrone, 486
torrone di Cremona/di Benevento, 486
Torry, Alyssa, 200
torta degli Addobbi, 367
torta della Nonna, 367
torta paradiso, 367
torta ricciolina, 368
tortada de almendras, 640
tortas de aceite, 639
Torte, 92, 300, 387, 739–40. See also Linzer Torte
torte pans, 503
torting, 515
tortoni, 221
Tortosa, Guillermo, 393
toucinho do céu, 297, 55253, 765
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 179, 180
tourlouche, 97
tourte, 273, 729
tourte de franchipanne, 274
Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne, 705
on sugared vegetables, 765
Towle, P. J., 5
Townsend, Charles Watson, 1
Toxic Waste Candy, 247
tracta, 658
trade. See also sugar trade; Triangle Trade
ice, 576
in nuts, 489
spice routes, 643
Traditional Medicine of the Prophet (Ṭibb al-Nabī), 361
tragacanth, 740
sugar sculpture and, 68990
Trail, Catharine Parr, 9798
Traité des fardemens et des confitures (Treaty on Make-up and Jams) (Nostradamus), 485
Traité des jeûnes de l’Eglise (Thomassin), 657
Trallianus, Alexander, 434
Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts, 622
Travels during the years 1787, 1788, and 1789 (Young), 212
tray bakes, 78
“Treacle Pie” (Graves), 410
Treatise on Foreign Vegetables (Thickness), 403
Trebor and Bassett, 88
treize desserts de Noël, 254
tres leches cake, 230, 646, 740–41
with coconut rum sauce, 583
Triangle Trade, 582, 696
trick or treat, 323
trifle, 380, 741, 755
custard in, 202
sponge cake in, 646
trionfi, 173
Latini on, 394
trionfi di tavola, 93, 691, 768
trionfi di zucchero, 768
Troisgros, Jean and Pierre, 402, 542
Trolli, 317
trompe l’oeil, 741–44
ices, 346
pesche dolce as, 366
Plat and, 542
True and Exact History of The Island of Barbados (Ligon), 701
truffles, 158, 721, 744
Truvia, 655
Tschirky, Oscar, 499
Tselementes, Nicholas, 311
tsipopita, 310
tsoureki (choureki), 74
Tsuruya Yoshinobu, 389
ttŏk, 385, 386
Tu Tsong-He, 77
Tuaca, 407
Tudor, Frederick, 347, 576
Tufts, James, 455
tulbanden, 473
tulumba, 275
tumtum, 474
flower waters, 262
fritters, 277
turban molds, 503
turbinado, 665, 706
Turkey, 744–48. See also Istanbul
dried fruit exports, 228
filo dough, 256
fritters, 277
influence on Arab cuisine, 448, 449
poppy-paste rolls, 550
street vendor, 745
Türkischer honig, 747
Turkish Cookery Book (Efendi), 324
Turkish Delight. See lokum
Turkish paste, 295
turnovers, 473, 748
turrón (nougat), 486
honey in, 338
orange flower water in, 262
in Spain, 63940
turrón de Jijona, 639
turrón di Agramut, 487
turrón di Alicante, 48687, 639
turrone (nougat), 639
honey in, 338
turtles, 479
tutti frutti, 285, 749
tvorog, 123, 124, 125
Twelfth Day Gift, The (Newbery), 135
Twelfth Night Cake, 163, 287, 749–50
eaten on Mardi Gras in New Orleans, 479
in France, 271, 292
in Mexico, 445
in Portugal, 552
sugar paste figures on, 94
tokens in, 750
Twentieth Century Candy Teacher (Appel), 112
20th Century Cookbook, The (Mortiz and Kahn), 325
Twining, Alexander, 576
Twinkies, 341, 342, 646, 750–52
originating from Chicago, 450
Twizzlers, 403


Überraschungseier, 299
Uemura Yoshitsugu, 389
honey production, 340
names for gingerbread, 305
Ülker Group, 306
Ultimate Cake Off (television program), 171
Underwood, Charles, 32
Uneeda Biscuit, 5
Unger, Friedrich
on Oriental confectionery, 363
spoon sweet recipes, 647
Ben & Jerry’s, 56
Good Humor, 307, 551
United Fruit Company, 51
United Kingdom, 753–56
baking pans in, 502
cake terminology, 92
Carnival sweets, 115
coffeehouses, 8889
gingerbread, 304
golden syrup use, 307
junket, 37980
licorice, 403
malt syrup, 419
mead, 435
meanings of pudding in, 56263
punch, 565, 566
pure food laws, 400
rock as seaside souvenir, 578
sugar politics, 545
sweet tarts distinguished from pies, 729
taffy, 727
toffee, 737
trade publications, 562
wedding cakes, 78081
World War II sugar rationing, 683
United States, 756–58. See also American colonies; Midwest; New England; New York City; Pacific Northwest; Philadelphia; South; West; specific states
almond production, 489
army rations, 45152
baking pans, 502
biscotti in, 63
cafés, 90
cake terminology in, 92
Carnival sweets, 116
condensed milk during Civil War, 714
dates grown in, 208
dessert in, 21314
Dutch immigrants, 473
early doughnuts, 22627
fairs, 250
Halloween, 323
halvah, 324
hard candy, 326
honey production, 340
influence on sweets in the Philippines, 531
junket in, 379
kinds of cheesecakes, 126
kombucha in, 38384
licorice as generic candy type, 403
malt syrup, 419
maple syrup production, 423, 424
marshmallows, 431
molasses in, 459
Nutella in, 487
pancakes, 499500
Passover, 506
pastry schools, 51113
penny candy, 521
per capita ice cream consumption, 352
pies, 53435
pure food laws, 400
soda water in, 625
sodas in, 623
states’ official desserts, 396
still life painting, 25
strict division between main course food and dessert food, 711
lobbying, 681
politics, 547
production, 702
taffy, 727
trade publications, 562
trifle in, 741
World War I promotion use of cane syrup or molasses, 111
World War II sugar rationing, 683
United States Confectioners’ Tool Works, Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of Goods, 178
United States Industrial Alcohol Company, 71
United Yeast Company, 562
Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) (Gonzales-Torres), 29
Untitled #175 (Sherman), 28
upside-down cake, 758–59
Utagawa Shunsho, 372
Utile, Pauline Isabelle, 400


Vacarro, Tom, 544
vacherin, 269, 441, 761
Vachon, 99
Valdez, Francisco, 149
Valentine’s Day, 761–62
boxed chocolates, 20, 157
in Japan, 373, 761
Valrhona, 146, 762
single origin chocolate, 143, 153
Valvona, Antonio, 348
van Houten, Casparus, Sr., 474, 762
van Houten, Coenraad Johannes, 762–63
cocoa powder, 165
cocoa press, 165
improvement of cocoa production, 87, 145
vanilla, 644, 763–64
castoreum as substitute for, 118
in Scandinavia, 597
vanilla sugar, 664
vánočka, 74
varenyky, 231
vasilopita, 74, 749
vavee, 636
Vedas, 408
Vegetable Sandwich, 105
vegetable shortenings, 61314
vegetables and herbs, 764–66
velvet. See milkshakes
Venezuela production of cacao, 153
Venice, 766–68
refinery, 766
in sugar and spice trade, 695, 766
Verhagen, Justus, 492
verjuice (verjus), 3089
Ben & Jerry’s, 55
maple sugaring, 422, 424, 425
verrine, 511, 768–69
Vertigo Pepper Candy, 247
Verve, Inc., 129
Viandier, Le (Taillevent), 207
Viard, André, 122
“Victim of the Window-Soaping Brigade, A?” (American Home), 323
Victoria Sandwich, 396
Vienna, 37, 769–71
cafés, 90
influence on Scandinavian pastry, 596
seventeenth-century coffee craze, 88
Vienna Guild of Confectioners, 770
Vietnam, 636
condensed milk, 715
honey production, 340
sticky rice sweets, 656
View of Society and Manners in Italy, A (Moore), 346
vinarterta, 771
vine fruits, 228
Violet Crumble, 34, 738
violets, candied or crystallized, 100
violettes de Toulouse, 100
Vipeholm experiment, 772
Virginia House-Wife, The (Randolph), 347
“Virtues of Honey in Preventing Many of the Worse Disorders, The” (Hill), 339
Viscotti da monaca, 62
vision/visual cues, 772–74
vispipuuro, 599
Vita di lo Beato Corrado, La (Rapi), 116
in gummi form, 318
lemonade and vitamin C, 401
vodka in pie dough, 537
Vogt, C. W., 460
Von Trapp family, 405
Vongerichten, Jean-Georges, 542
Voss, Matthias de, 36, 769
votive sweets in Spain, 640
Vries, Gerard de, 649
vruchtenhagel, 649


Wadsworth, James, 22
wafer iron, 775
wafers, 172, 775–76
in convent sweets, 191
cooking irons, 187
in Renaissance, 779
waffles, 776
in Belgium, 54
at Carnival, 116
cooking irons, 18687
wagashi, 8283, 372, 555, 732, 742, 776–77
in Kyoto, 387
Waits, Tom, 606
wajik, 656
Wakefield, Ruth, 200, 655
chocolate chip cookies, 229, 478
Waldo, Myra, 236
Walker, Kara, 27, 572
cake, 310
in France, 273
in medieval Baghdad sweets, 42
production, 489
tart, 723
Wang, Ying, 16
Want Want Holdings, 233
Ward, Clara, 577
Ward, Ned, 89
Warheads, 247
Warhol, Andy, 28
cookie jar collection, 184
warner, 69091
Warner, Richard
on indecent table ornaments, 691, 743
on mass-produced sugar ornaments, 692
warqa, 484
Warrāq, Ibn Sayyār al-
cookbook by, 42
on making halvah, 324
muhallabiyya recipe, 66
wasanbon, 665, 777–78
Washburn, Dorothy K., 150
Washburn Crosby Company
beginning of Betty Crocker, 57
Washington, Martha, 173
Washington pie, 6970
water ice, defined, 609
watergruel (gruel), 474
watermelon, racial stereotypes and, 572
watermelon cake, 121
Watson, Elkanah, 170
Watson, K. J., 692
wax paper and packaging, 192
Wazoo, 728
Wealthy Shopkeeper (Ward), 89
Weaverland Wedding Bread, 521
Weber, Erich, 561
Weber, Johannes Martin Erich, 778
Weber’s Illustrated Textbook in Advanced Modern Confectionery (Weber), 778
Webster, Mrs. A. L., 196
Webster, Noah, 226
Webster’s American Dictionary, 377
Wechserg, Joseph, 404
wedding(s), 778–79
Icelandic vinarterta at, 771
and sweets, 645
sweets in Austria Hungary, 38
wedding cake(s), 725, 779–82
British, 78081
fruit cake as, 120, 287
sugar paste figures on, 94
Wedel, 60, 88
Weems, Carrie Mae, 572
weight loss, artificial sweeteners and, 30
weight measurement, 437
Wells, Patricia, 197
Welser, Sabine, 298
Welserin, Sabina, 277, 739
Wendler, Peter, 36
Wertz Candies, 520
West Coast Cook Book (Brown), 783
West India Dock Company, 54546
West India Interest (sugar lobby in Britain), 545, 547, 674
wet sweetmeats
dish for serving, 604
syllabub, 723
Wharton, John C., 191
wheat berries, 259, 784–85
for All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days, 160
in Middle Eastern dishes, 448
in pastiera, 335
in Russia, 584
served at funerals, 334
spiritual significance, 645
wheat in traditional Japanese confectionery, 371
Wheaton, Barbara, 286
Whipped Cream & Other Delights (album), 594, 614
Whippet, 99
whipping cream, 19495
whips, 294
whisks and beaters, 513, 785, 785–86
White, William, 129
white butter cake, 121
White Lady cake, 621
White Mountain cake, 121, 396
White Nights, Sugar Dreams (Attie), 29
White Rabbit creamy candies, 141
White Sponge cake, 646
Whitehead, Jessup, 14
Whites, 89
Whitman, Horace, 156
Whitman, Stephen F.
boxed chocolates, 45, 156
chocolate company, 528
Whitman’s Sampler, 157, 528
Whole Duty of a Woman, The, 604
on sugar molded favors, 780
turnover recipe, 748
whole grains, religious significance of, 334
Wholesome Sweetners, 355
whoopie pie, 786–87
as Maine’s state treat, 654
Pennsylvania Dutch, 521
Whoppers, 420
Wide Sargasso Sea (Rhys), 410
Wiener Bonbons (Johann Strauss II), 69
wienerbrød, 596, 597
Wiesen, Kenneth, 728
Wilberforce, William, 546
Wilbur, H. O., 110
Wilbur Buds, 110, 381
Wilbur Chocolate Company, 528
Wilcox, Estelle Woods
ambrosia recipe, 10
coffee cake recipe, 167
Wild Raspberries (Warhol), 28
Wiley, Harvey, 67576
Williams, Eric, 541
Williams, Samuel M., 354
Williamson, Mary, 98
WillPowder, 549
Willy Wonka Brands, 247
Wilson, C. Anne
on candied fruit and peel, 102
on origin of Easter Simnel, 235
on pudding cloth, 563
Wilton, 94
Wilton, Dewey McKinley, 562
Winchell’s, 227
windmill cookies. See speculaas (speculoos)
Winleitung zur Ceremoniel Wissenschaft der Privat-Person (van Rohr), 240
Winnie-the-Pooh, 136, 787
Winokur, Harry, 231
Wohl-unterwiesenen Kochin zufallige Confect-Tafel (Schellhammer), 178
Wolfe, Tom, 384
Wolfert, Paula, 111
Woman’s Home Companion, The, 252
in Maya chocolate making, 14849
as target market, 7
Wondrich, David, 581
Wonka Bars, 291, 472
Woolley, Hannah, 173, 178, 180, 604
mention of pudding cloth, 563
World Cocoa Foundation, 316
World Dessert Championships, 170
World Health Organization and sugar lobbies, 682
World Pastry Championship, 170
World War I
chocolate bars for military, 453
doughnuts during, 226
ice cream during, 348
Paris during, 505
promoting use of cane syrup or molasses, 111
sugar production in the U.S., 354, 683
sugar rationing, 683, 683
in Germany, 298
World War II
doughnuts during, 22627
effect on sugar industry, 11
ice cream during, 349
impact on penny candy trade, 134
Life Savers, 404
military rations
candy bars in survival rations, 7
sweets in, 45253, 471
M&M’s during, 415, 416
sugar rationing, 683
in Germany, 29899
Toll House Cookies during, 229
Worlde of Words, A (Florio), 741
World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 192
World’s Fair (St. Louis, 1904)
ice cream cones, 348, 350
machine-spun sugar, 191
Wright, John Michael, 692
Wright and Moody, 123
Wright’s of Lymm, 398
Wrigley, 5
acquired by Mars, 426
acquisition of Life Savers, 404
Wrigley, William, Jr., 130
Wunderle Candy Company, 323, 529
Wyeth, Nathaniel, 347
Wyeth, N.C., 33


xoi, 656
xylitol, 789


yakkwa, 385
yakpap, 385, 386
Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS), 23
yassı kadayıf, 746
yeast, 791–92
yemas de San Leandro, 640
yemas de Santa Teresa, 640
Yemen, 449
Yersin, Albert, 661
yōgashi, 374, 776
yogurt, 792–94
lactic acid fermentation, 253
in the Netherlands, 474
yōkan, 40, 372, 388, 776, 777
yomari, 634
Yorkshire pudding, 563
Yosicle, 551
Young, Arthur, 212
Young, James Webb, 33
Young Housekeeper’s Friend, The (Cornelius), 196
ypovrichio, 434
yuan xiao, 140
Yudkin, John, 30
yufka, 256
yumilgwa, 385
Yummy Book, The (Durkee-Mower Company), 786
yuppies as target market, 8


zabaglione (zabaione, sabayon), 795. See also sabayon sauce
zaeti, 768
zalabiat, 225
zalabiya, 277, 447, 448, 574, 795–96. See also jalebi
in North Africa, 483
zalabiya mashabbak, 43
Zamān al-Hamādhāni, Badiʾ al-, 412
Zang, August, 198, 505
zarda, 358, 634
Zarillo, Sonia, 149
zayedki, 584
zchappam, 277
for Hanukkah, 325
for Rosh Hashanah, 579
Zenker, F. G., 37
Zenker, John, 561, 562
zenzai, 39
zeppole, 366. See also fried dough
zeppole di San Giuseppe, 275
zerde, 361, 574, 745, 746
zhavoronki, 18
zi ba, 656
Ziegelman, Jane, 167
Zimara, Marco Antonio, 576
Zimmermann’s Coffee House (Leipzig), 89
zırva, 746
zong-zi, 52
Zotz, 134, 292
zrir, 485
zuccata, 103
Zuckerbäcker für Frauen mittlerer Stände, Der (Zenker), 37
Zuckerkuchen, 782
Zuckerturm (Sugar Tower) (Roth), 29
zulābiyā, 523. See also zalabiya
zulbia, 335, 574
zuppa inglese, 796
zuurballen/zuurtjes (acid drops), 474
Zwack Unicum, 407
Zwetschgenknödel, 231
Zwetschgenkuchen, 580