FIGURE P.1— European Defense Spending

FIGURE 2.1— Real ($1929) and Nominal US GNP, 1900–1929

FIGURE 2.2— Buick Sales, 1905–1910

FIGURE 2.3— Relative Sales Performance of Ford and GM, 1919–1929

FIGURE 2.4— Manufacturing Productivity in the United States, 1899–1937

FIGURE 2.5— US Crop and Meat Prices plus Output per Farm Worker, 1910–1930

FIGURE 2.6— US Monthly Industrial Production: 1920–1929

FIGURE 3.1— Dow Jones Industrial Average Monthly Close

FIGURE 3.2— US Real and Nominal GDP, 1929–1937

FIGURE 3.3— Percent Unemployed in United States: Civilian Labor Force, Civilian Private Nonfarm Labor Force, 1926–1941

FIGURE 3.4— Annual US Corporate Capital Flotations, 1926–1936

FIGURE 3.5— Ivar Kreuger : Closing Financial Position, at Book Value, 1932

FIGURE 4.1— Monetary Gold Holdings, Selected Countries

FIGURE 4.2— Newspaper Posting of Apartment Rental Rates, German Hyperinflation, 1923

FIGURE 4.3— Great Britain’s Current Account Woes

FIGURE 4.4— German Fiscal Follies, 1924–1929

FIGURE 5.1— US All-Farm Price Index

FIGURE 5.2— Ratio Hourly Manufacturing Pay per Unit of Output in the United States, 1919–1941

FIGURE 5.3— Changes in Federal Liabilities (Percent GDP), 1930–1939

FIGURE 5.4— Apples-to-Apples Comparison, Roosevelt and Hoover Social Spending (Per Year, Per Capita, 1930 dollars)

FIGURE 5.5— US Industrial Production, March 1933–January 1940

FIGURE 5.6— US Unemployment and Wages, 1929–1940

FIGURE 5.7— Combined US Manufacturing Payrolls and Gross Revenues, 1929–1934

FIGURE 5.8— Changes in Hours, Real and Nominal Wages, and Employment in Manufacturing, 1929–1933

FIGURE 5.9— US Durable Manufacturers’ Production, Prices, and Gross Revenues, 1929–1934

FIGURE 5.10— Comparison of US Durable/Nondurable Depression Production and Pricing Strategies

FIGURE 5.11— US Productivity Growth, 1929–1941

FIGURE 6.1— Collapse of Farm Prices

FIGURE A.1— AZ Power with Standard Rates

FIGURE A.2— A Five-Tier Holding Company Pyramid atop a Standard Utility Operating Capital Structure

FIGURE A.3— Same Pyramid with 5 Percent on Equity

FIGURE A.4— How Accountants Manufacture Earnings