Cover image
Title page
How to use
Author biographies
Newly approved medications
Drugs by disorder
1. Drug classification contents
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. H
7. I
8. L
9. N
10. O
11. P
12. S
13. V
Generic Drugs A
14. A
Generic Drugs B
15. B
Generic Drugs C
16. C
Generic Drugs D
17. D
Generic Drugs E
18. E
Generic Drugs F
19. F
Generic Drugs G
20. G
Generic Drugs H
21. H
Generic Drugs I
22. I
Generic Drugs K
23. K
Generic Drugs L
24. L
Generic Drugs M
25. M
Generic Drugs N
26. N
Generic Drugs O
27. O
Generic Drugs P
28. P
Generic Drugs Q
29. Q
Generic Drugs R
30. R
Generic Drugs S
31. S
Generic Drugs T
32. T
Generic Drugs U
33. U
Generic Drugs V
34. V
Generic Drugs W
35. W
Generic Drugs Z
36. Z
Calculation of doses
Controlled drugs (United States)
Wound care
Drugs of abuse
Equianalgesic dosing
Herbals: Common natural medicines
Lifespan cultural aspects and pharmacogenomics of drug therapy
Normal laboratory values
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes
Poison antidote chart
Preventing medication errors and improving medication safety
Parenteral fluid administration
Common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE)
Commonly used abbreviations
Dangerous abbreviations