
Foreword by David Christopher Lewis

Preface by Saint Germain

Instruction in Advanced Alchemy
by Saint Germain
with Commentary by David Christopher Lewis

  1. Establish the Platform for Your Advanced Alchemical Works
  2. Wield Engrams of Light and Fohatic Fire in Your Creative Process
  3. Activate the Siddhis through Resonance
  4. The Science of Acceptance
  5. Accelerate Your Vision into Full Realization
  6. Become the Instrument of the Divine Alchemist
  7. Be Forewarned and Forearmed
  8. Accelerate into Cosmic Consciousness with the Crystal Rays
  9. Call Forth Energies of Cosmic Light Substance into Your World
  10. On Purity of Heart and the Inner Sciences
  11. Intuit the Divine and Know the Limits of Sharing Alchemical Gifts
  12. The Sacred Exchange of Energies between the Heaven World and the World of Matter
  13. The Purpose of Divine Ritual
  14. A New Matrix for Quicker Precipitation

Affirmations, Prayers, Fiats, and Chants

Crystal-Diamond Tube of Light

Opening Invocation for Prayer Services

Solar-Sphere Invocation

Wash the Earth in Violet Fire!

Fiats to Ignite Your Alchemy

Chants to Experience Your Chakras as Cosmic Resonators

Ritual of Surrender

Release of the Sacred Fire Breath

Divine Director, Lead the Way!

I AM My Victorious Abundance Here and Now!

Answers to 33 Questions from Disciples
by Saint Germain
with Commentary by David Christopher Lewis

  1. What is the path of alchemy?
  2. How do I determine which alchemy to work on?
  3. How can I make the most progress on my spiritual path?
  4. How can I make my life meaningful amid those who do not understand my spiritual path?
  5. Why and how does the violet flame work?
  6. Can DNA be changed through alchemy and the violet flame?
  7. Can drug-induced damage be reversed? Is there a difference between prescription drugs, recreational drugs, and other addictive substances?
  8. Is it possible to reduce or eliminate violence and gangs through alchemy?
  9. Why do I experience flashbacks when praying or meditating?
  10. How can I accelerate reunion with my twin flame in spirit and in the flesh?
  11. What is the role of the Divine Feminine in alchemy?
  12. What is the significance of the Holy Grail?
  13. The Buddha has been called the supreme alchemist. Do Buddhists use alchemy, and if so, how?
  14. What role does the secret chamber of the heart play in alchemy?
  15. Does humor play a role in greater alchemical manifestation?
  16. What is the perfect diet for spiritual development?
  17. What is the origin of death? Is physical death necessary?
  18. Is there a true Fountain of Youth? If so, how can I obtain it?
  19. Can certain elixirs help to maintain youthfulness? How can I prepare and use them?
  20. How does sacred geometry enter into alchemy?
  21. What are engrams, memes, and mass thoughtforms, and how can they affect us?
  22. Can certain sacred formulas and syllables bring instantaneous results into manifestation?
  23. What is Stonehenge? Why was it built and what does it represent?
  24. What types of music promote greater spirituality?
  25. How can I keep up with all the thoughtforms and teachings that have been given?
  26. How has Saint Germain, in a past life, utilized a God-quality that is essential in alchemy?
  27. What would Saint Germain share of the history behind his founding of the Order of the Rose Cross, Rosicrucianism, and Freemasonry?
  28. How is it possible to see clearly into the future and the past? Which visionaries or writings can I study to learn of coming world events?
  29. Buddhist tradition speaks of the Coming Buddha and Christians speak of Christ’s Second Coming. How can I best prepare?
  30. In what way do the crystal rays relate to the development and use of the siddhis , and how can I develop these spiritual powers?
  31. How can I open my inner vision to see auras and to see into other planes of consciousness and being?
  32. What role in world alchemy is played by the highly developed children that are being born?
  33. Are we entering a higher vibration, the so-called human resonance that some talk about?

Living in the Light:
Alchemical Art for Self-Transformation

by Mario Duguay

A New Day
Divine Strength
Drawing in Happiness
Learning from Life
Light for the World
Listening to the Messenger
Master of My Life
My Path
Strength of Faith
Water of Life

Alchemical Elixirs
33 Spirals of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness
by Saint Germain and Portia
with Commentary by David Christopher Lewis

  1. A New Refreshment of the Spirit: “Let There Be Light!” by Saint Germain
  2. Fulfill Your Assignments and Prepare for All That Is Coming, by Portia
  3. Let Solar Beingness Flow through You, by Saint Germain
  4. Understand the Presence of God-Love Within, by Portia
  5. I Come to Initiate You through the Science of Radical Forgiveness, by Saint Germain
  6. Take Part in Greater Scientific Experimentation, by Portia
  7. Move into Solar Beingness by Applying the Science of the Spirit, by Saint Germain
  8. Be the Light of Freedom to a World, by Portia
  9. Make Your Magic Presence Real Today, by Saint Germain
  10. See the Violet Ray as a Ray of Blessing, by Portia
  11. Being in God Here and Now, by Saint Germain
  12. Embrace Your Real Self Ever More, by Portia
  13. Grasp the Import of Your Personal Ascent, by Saint Germain
  14. The Ancient Dream of God: Heaven upon Earth, by Portia
  15. All Are Tested in the Alchemical Fires of Ruby Love, by Saint Germain
  16. I Bring a New Spiral of Divine Justice, by Portia
  17. Be About the Father-Mother God’s Business Now, by Saint Germain
  18. Experience the Presence of God Directly, Here and Now, by Portia
  19. The Alchemy of Picture-Perfect Presence, by Saint Germain
  20. Each New Day Is an Opportunity to Be God in Manifestation, by Portia
  21. Study the Heart: Know the Science of Love and the Alchemy of Beingness, by Saint Germain
  22. Defend the Light! Secure the Bastions of Freedom, by Portia
  23. The Internet as a Metaphor for Understanding Our Connectivity with Source and the Web of Life, by Saint Germain
  24. Know a New Sense of Divine Justice and Opportunity, by Portia
  25. Identify with Your Solar Source: The Universe Is God’s Divine Alchemy, by Saint Germain
  26. The Bonding of Our Hearts in the Sacred Alchemy of Community, by Portia and David Christopher Lewis
  27. You Are God’s Great Alchemical Experiment, by Saint Germain
  28. Embrace the Fullness of Your Solar Essence, by Portia
  29. Would You Actually Be Self-Actualized Today? by Saint Germain
  30. Merge into the Cosmic Stream of God’s Solar Beingness, by Portia
  31. Your Divinity Is All You Have to Bank On, by Saint Germain
  32. Daily Drink In the Divine Communion of Solar Beingness from Helios and Vesta, by Portia
  33. Attune and Identify with Your Solar Essence, by Saint Germain

Benediction by Saint Germain


