1 The past, present, and future for intellectual capital research: an overview
John Dumay, James Guthrie, Federica Ricceri, and Christian Nielsen
2 The critical path of intellectual capital
John Dumay, James Guthrie, and Jim Rooney
Robin Roslender and Lissa Monk
Stage 4: IC ecosystems
4 Seven dimensions to address for intellectual capital and intangible assets navigation
Leif Edvinsson
Giovanni Schiuma and Antonio Lerro
6 Past, present, and future: intellectual capital and the New Zealand public sector
Grant Samkin and Annika Schneider
7 Intellectual capital in the context of healthcare organizations: does it matter?
Emidia Vagnoni
Stage 3: IC in practice
John Holland
9 Mobilizing intellectual capital in practice: a story of an Australian financial institution
Vijaya Murthy and James Guthrie
10 Intellectual capital management in public universities
Jan Michalak, Joanna Krasodomska, Gunnar Rimmel, Jesper Sort, and Dariusz Trzmielak
11 Intellectual capital: a (re)turn to practice
Hannu Ritvanen and Karl-Erik Sveiby
12 Intellectual capital and innovation
Jim Rooney and John Dumay
13 Intellectual capital disclosure in digital communication
Maurizio Massaro and John Dumay
Suresh Cuganesan
Jun Yao and Chitoshi Koga
16 Towards an integrated intellectual capital management framework
Ulf Johanson
17 Enabling intellectual capital measurement through business model mapping: the Nexus case
Marco Montemari and Maria Serena Chiucchi
18 Intellectual capital disclosure: what benefits, what costs, is it voluntary?
Sarah Jane Smith
19 Wissensbilanz Made in Germany: twelve years of experience confirm a powerful instrument
Manfred Bornemann
Paola Demartini and Cristiana Bernardi
21 Levers and barriers to the implementation of intellectual capital reports: a field study
Maria Serena Chiucchi, Marco Giuliani, and Stefano Marasca
22 Revival of the fittest? Intellectual capital in Swedish companies
Gunnar Rimmel, Diogenis Baboukardos, and Kristina Jonäll
23 Emerging integrated reporting practices in the United States
Mary Adams
24 Capital reporting in Sweden: insights about inclusiveness and integrativeness
Peter Beusch and Axel Nilsson
Stage 2: IC guidelines
25 Key contributions to the intellectual capital field of study
Göran Roos
Henrik Dane-Nielsen and Christian Nielsen
27 Making intellectual capital matter to the investment community
Morten Lund and Christian Nielsen
28 Intellectual capital profiles and financial performance of the firm
Henri Hussinksi, Paavo Ritala, Mika Vanhala, and Aino Kianto
Aino Kianto, Tatiana Garanina, and Tatiana Andreeva
30 Integrated reporting and the connections between integrated reporting and intellectual capital
Charl de Villiers and Pei-Chi Kelly Hsiao
31 The relevance of IC indicators
Bino Catasús