A ⃒B ⃒C ⃒D ⃒F
G ⃒H ⃒I ⃒J ⃒K
L ⃒M ⃒N ⃒O ⃒P
R ⃒S ⃒T ⃒U ⃒V
W ⃒Z


A-B InBev, 430, 499. See also Anheuser-Busch; InBev

Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint Rémy, 306

Abbaye Notre-Dame d’Orval, 100, 270, 299, 300, 307, 308, 309, 312, 314–317, 553

Abbey ales, 297–313

beers to know, 311–313

brewing notes for, 308–310

characteristics of, 300–302

description of, 297–298, 596

Duvel and, 253

evolution of, 310

if you like, 309

origins of, 298–300

Abbey of St. Benedict, 307


Turbodog, 136, 139

ABV (alcohol by volume), 7, 596

acetaldehyde, 71

acetic acid, 492, 506

Achel, 307–308, 309–310 8°, 308, 310

Extra, 302, 308

acids, in lambics, 505–506

Adalhard, 20

adambier, 231, 391

added flavors, 558

adjuncts, 169, 339–340, 383, 467–468, 481, 596

Adnams, 164, 198

Bitter, 91

Old Ale, 197

Adnams, Jonathan, 164

Affligem, 250, 301, 310

aftertaste, 68

agave beer, 358

aging, 143–144, 193, 201, 551–553

Ahtanum hops, 606

Aktien, 581

Alaskan Brewing, 236

Smoked Porter, 477, 486

Albany Ale, 167


Heady Topper, 212

alcohol, appeal of, 542

alcoholism, 575


Porter, 158–159

ales, 75–352

abbey and Trappist ales, 297–313

ales of the Rhine, 229–239

altbier, 229–239

American ales, 166–190

American strong ales, 205–212

barley wines, 191–204

beers vs., 144

Belgian ales, 243–262

bitters, 78–95

brown ales, 131–139

description of, 6–7

double IPAs, 205–212

French ales, 281–293

fresh-hop ales, 332–337

imperial IPAs, 205–212

India pale ales, 105–117

Italian beers, 318–329

kolsch, 229–239

mild ales, 122–130

old ales, 191–204

overview of, 76–77

pale ales, 96–104

porters, 140–162

regional ales, 353–360

saisons and rustinc Belgian ales, 263

Scottish ales, 213–225

stouts, 140–162


Old Numbskull, 201

Wee Heavy, 220, 225

ale yeast, 601

Alken-Maes, 250, 299, 312

alkoholfrei, 484

Allagash, 384, 529, 530, 533, 538–539, 587

Confluence, 539

Coolship Red, 531

Coolship Resurgam, 536

Gargamel, 539

Interlude, 539

White Beer, 383, 387, 539

Allen, Fal, 357

all-malt beer, 468

Allsopp, 80

alpha acids (humulones), 40–41, 208


beers to know, 237–238

brewing notes for, 234–235

characteristics of, 233–234

description of, 229–230, 596

evolution of, 236–237

if you like, 235

smoked ales and, 342

Amarillo hops, 99, 335, 606

amber ales

beers to know, 184–185, 258–260

brewing notes for, 180–181

characteristics of, 178, 251–253

description of, 166

evolution of, 182–183

if you like, 181, 445

amber lagers, 438–448

beers to know, 447

brewing notes for, 444–445

characteristics of, 441–442, 444

description of, 438–439

evolution of, 446

origins of, 439–441

AmBev, 249

Ambition Brew (Ogle), 175

Ambrausianum, 453, 581

American ales, 166–187

beers to know, 184–187

brewing notes for, 180–182

characteristics of, 175–180

description of, 166–167, 596

evolution of, 182–183

if you like, 181, 183

origins of, 167–175

American bocks, 455–456

American brown ales, 134

American Handy-book of Brewing, Malting and Auxiliary Trades (Wahl and Henius), 480

American Homebrewers Association, 4, 133, 220

American hops, 315

American pale ales, 99

American Scotch ales, 212, 218, 220, 222, 225

American Society of Brewing Chemists, 8

American strong ales, 205–212

beers to know, 211–212

brewing notes for, 208–210

characteristics of, 207–208

description of, 205–206, 596

evolution of, 210

origins of, 206–207

American weissbier, 481

American wheat ales, 180, 181

Anchor Brewing, 98, 172, 479–480

Christmas Ale, 350

Liberty Ale, 98–99, 101

Old Foghorn, 206

Old Foghorn Barleywine Style Ale, 196

Porter, 157–158

Steam, 135, 171, 487

Andechs, 581

Anderson Valley, 181, 357

Boont Amber, 181, 184

Winter Solstice, 341

Andre the Giant, 574

Anheuser Brewery, 169, 431

Anheuser-Busch, 249, 382, 430, 465, 469–471

Animator, 452

Antwerp barley beer, 248


clear glass and, 80, 546, 550

experiencing beer and, 5 See also color

Arioli, Agostino, 319–321, 322–323

Arnold, Saint, 257

aroma, 64–65

Arthur, Tomme, 530, 533

Arzner, Nick, 273

Asahi, 466, 473

astringency, 71

Athenaeus, 244


Brother Adams Bragget Honey Ale, 351–352

attemperation, 23, 596

attenuation, 52, 216, 596

audit ales, 12, 13

Augustiner, 443, 581, 592

Dunkel, 411

Lagerbier Hell, 434

Auld Alliance, The, 290

Austin, David, 176

autolysis, 72

Avery, Adam, 530

Avery Brewing, 136, 530, 587

Ellie’s Brown Ale, 137

Maharaha, 210, 211

The Reverend, 310

Avondale Brewing, 272

Ayinger, 369–370, 461–463

Altbairisch, 409

Celebrator, 454

Celebrator Doppelbock, 459–460, 463

Ur-Weisse, 374

Weizen-Bock, 374


bacteria, 51, 492–493, 506

bad beers, 70–74

Bahnhof. See Gosebrauerei Bayerischer Bahnhof

Baladin, 319, 320–321, 530

Isaac, 324

Mama Kriek, 324

Nazionale, 324, 327

Nora, 324

Super, 324

Wayan, 324


description of, 9

Ballantine, 465

Ballantine, Peter, 111

Baltic porters, 140, 152, 158–159, 407

Banks’s, 125

Bard’s Tale, 348

barley, 36

attributes from, 347

in Britain, 86

gluten-free beer and, 348

history of, 362–363

in Irish stouts, 155

in Scotland, 217

two-row vs. six-row, 34

barley beer, 380

barley wines, 191–204

beers to know, 204

brewing notes for, 199–201

characteristics of, 195–197

description of, 191–192, 596

evolution of, 201

origins of, 192–195

barrel, 596

barrel inoculation, 534

barrel-aging, 155–156, 201, 220, 321, 331, 371, 531. See also wine casks

Barrett, Steve, 85, 94, 95

base malt, 35

Bass, 80, 249

Number 1, 193–194

Pale Ale, 100

Bastide Brewery, 290

Batemans, 126

Baudelot, 95, 240, 596

Bavaisienne, 286

Bavaria Brewery, 306

Bavarian weizen, 365

Bavarian wheat ale, 364


Oud Bruin, 519

Petrus Aged Pale, 519

Bayerischer Bahnhof. See Gosebrauerei Bayerischer Bahnhof

Bayern Brewery, 456

Doppelbock, 456, 460

bead, 64, 596

Beamish, 147, 152

Irish Stout, 159

Bear Republic, 174, 393, 394

Racer 5, 115

Tartare, 396, 398

Becher Bräu, 581

Beck’s, 249, 432, 466, 472

Sapphire, 430

Bedoret, Eric, 269


ales vs., 144

beer cocktails, 483

beer festivals, 590–593

Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Unger), 18

beer pong, 572–573, 574

beer tourism

beer festivals, 590–593

in Belgium, 577–579

in Britain, 584–586

in Czech Republic, 582–583

in Germany, 579–581

overview of, 576–577

in United States, 586–590

Beervana Festival, 591

Belgian ales, 243–262

amber ales, 251–253, 258–260

beers to know, 258–262

bières de Noël, 254–255, 262

blond ales, 251–253, 258–260

brewing notes for, 256

brown ales, 253–254, 260

characteristics of, 250–256

description of, 243–244, 596

evolution of, 257

hoppy ales, 255–256, 261

origins of, 244–246, 248–250

spiced ales, 254–255, 262

See also rustic Belgian ales

Belgian Beer Weekend, 591, 592

Belgian witbier, 378–388

beers to know, 387–388

brewing notes for, 384–385

characteristics of, 382–384

description of, 378–379, 596

evolution of, 385–386

French ales and, 290

if you like, 385

origins of, 379–382

revival of, 363

Belhaven, 176, 216–217, 226–228, 586

80 Shilling, 227

Best, 215, 227

Robert Burns Ale, 227

Scottish Ale, 227

Scottish Stout, 227

St. Andrews Ale, 222, 227

Twisted Thistle, 115, 227–228

Wee Heavy, 220, 227

Belle-Vue, 249, 498–499

Bell’s, 210, 479

Hopslam, 209

Oberon, 172, 181, 186, 385

Two Hearted Ale, 109, 114, 174

Belzebuth, 284

Benskin’s Colne Spring Ale, 195

Bentzeradt, Charles de, 314


Tripel Karmeliet, 270

bere, 217

Berkshire, 430

Berliner weisse, 389–398

American weissbier and, 481

beers to know, 397–398

brewing notes for, 395–396

characteristics of, 393–394

description of, 389, 596

evolution of, 396–397

if you like, 395

Lichtenhainer and, 345

origins of, 390–392

smoked ales and, 342, 343–344

survival of, 363

beta acids, 41

Beverly, Robert, 342

Bexon, John, 127, 164, 197–198

Bicklein, Jim, 469–470

bières blanche, 366, 378, 379, 384. See also witbier

bières blanche de Louvain (wheat beer of Leuven), 246, 247

bières blanche de Paris, 282

bières blanches, 344

Bières Brasme, 294

bières de diest, 247

bières de garde, 265, 281, 284, 285–287, 295, 400

bières de Mars, 247

bières de Noël, 254–255, 262, 287, 295

bières de printemps, 287, 295

bières d’hiver, 287

Bilger, Burkhard, 207

Billa, Keith, 386

Birra del Borgo, 320, 530

L’Equilibrista, 325

Birrificio di Como Birolla, 324, 328–329

Birrificio Italiano, 319, 320–321, 322–323

Tipopils, 323, 328

Birrificio Montegioco, 532

Quarta Runa, 329

Tibir, 325

Birrificio Troll

Shangrila, 325

bitterbier, 231

bitterness, 559

bitters, 78–92

beers to know, 90–92

brewing notes for, 85–87

cask-conditioned ale, 84–85

characteristics of, 82–85

description of, 78–79, 82–85, 596

evolution of, 88–89

hops and, 79, 86–87

if you like, 87

ordinary, 83

origins of, 79–80, 82

pale ales versus, 82, 88

strong, 83–84

Black Crown, 471

black malts, 36, 145, 146–147, 154–155

Black Sheep Brewery, 586

Blake, Noel, 313

blanche de Louvain, 248

Blaugies, 267

La Moneuse, 277

blenders, 502

Blind Pig, 206

Inaugural Ale, 208

Block 15

Ferme de la Ville Provision, 273, 276

blond ales, 251–253, 258–260

Blue Moon, 382, 384, 471

Belgian White, 386

Bellyslide Belgian White, 386

Blue Point, 385

boat races, 572

bocks, 449–460

beers to know, 458–460

brewing notes for, 456–457

characteristics of, 453–456

description of, 449–450, 596

evolution of, 457–458

if you like, 456

origins of, 450–453

bockbieranstiche, 454

body, 34, 596

Bogaert, Stéphane, 287, 294–295, 296

Bogaert, Vincent, 294–295


Belgian ales and, 246

brewing process and, 54, 56

gruit beers and, 21

hops and, 41, 42, 43

Boon, Frank, 248, 498, 499, 502, 511–513

boots of beer, 574–575


Tripel Karmeliet, 300

Boston Beer Company, 173, 175, 479

Boston Lager, 135, 174–175, 175

Triple Bock, 207

Utopias, 207

Verloren, 394

bottle-conditioned beer

Belgian ales and, 256

description of, 9, 544

at Schneider, 376

bottle-conditioning, 596

bottle-fermenting, 596, 280

bottle-fermenting yeast, 596

bottles, 545

Bouckaert, Peter, 10, 522, 531, 533

Boulder Beer, 98, 171, 587

Hazed and Confused, 104

Boulevard Brewing, 172, 174, 385, 520

Tank 7, 273, 275–276

Two Jokers, 385–386

Unfiltered Wheat, 172, 173, 181

Bow Brewery, 107, 108

Bowler, Gordon, 168–169

braggot, 339, 346–347, 351–352

Brahma, 466


Dark, 126

Brasserie au Baron

Cuvée des Jonquilles, 290, 292

Brasserie Cantillon, 496, 499, 501, 504, 507, 509, 510–513, 532, 576, 577–578

Blåbær Lambik, 504

Fou’ Foune, 504

Grand Cru Broucsella, 500

Iris, 504

St Lamvinus, 504

Vigneronne, 504

Brasserie Caracole, 270

Caracole, 252

Nostradamus, 253, 260

Troublette, 384, 388

Brasserie de Silly, 268

Brasserie des Abers, 290

Brasserie Dieu du Ciel

Rosée d’Hibiscus, 349

Solstice d’Été, 396–397

Brasserie du Chadron, 290

Brasserie Dupont, 267, 278–280

Avril, 274

Moinette, 252, 268

Saison Dupont, 268, 270, 274, 279

Brasserie Silenrieux, 269

Joseph, 269

Sara, 269

Brasserie St. Feuillien, 248, 254–255, 301, 578

Cuvée de Noël, 254, 262

Tripel, 313

Brasserie St. Germain, 284, 287, 294–296

Page 24, 291, 295–296

Réserve Hildegarde Blonde, 291

Brasserie Thiriez, 286

Extra, 286, 290, 292

La Rouge Flamande, 290

Brasseries d’Achouffe, 113

Houblon Chouffe, 117

La Chouffe, 259

Brasseries de la Senne, 113

Taras Boulba, 255, 259

Zinnebir, 255

Brauerei Erharting, 485

Brauerei Hartmann, 452, 581

Brauerei im Füchschen, 234, 567

Alt, 238

Weihnachtsbier, 234

Brauerei Rittmayer, 581

Brauerei Schiff, 456–457

Brauerei Talschänke

Wöllnitz Weissbier, 345

Brauhaus Früh, 231, 233, 236

Kölsch, 238

Bravi, Andrea, 324

Bravo hops, 606

Breakside, 397

Bremen beer, 230

Brettanomyces, 596

at Allagash, 538

aroma and, 65

on beer label, 7

Berliner weisse and, 393, 396

in Britain, 25

discovery of, 46

English ales and, 76

flavor from, 66, 67

German weizen and, 372

hops and, 192

lambics and, 500, 501, 506

old ales and, 198

Orval and, 316, 317

pale ales and, 100, 106

rustic Belgian ales and, 270, 271

saisons and, 273

at Schneider, 377

schwarzbier and, 404

storing beer and, 553

tart ales and, 9, 51, 72, 520

wild ales and, 492, 493, 530, 531

brew kettle, 596

Brew Like a Monk (Hieronymus), 300

BrewDog, 102, 156, 207, 219, 220

Abstrakt, 219

Brewers Association, 587, 591

Brewer’s Gold hops, 255, 606

brewing process

basics of, 32–33

ingredients for, 33–52

steps in, 52–57


Armageddon, 459

Snake Venom, 207

BridgePort, 135, 174, 337

Briem, Fritz, 396

bright, 596

bright beer tank (conditioning tank), 596

Bristol, The, 587

British and Irish ales, style origin map, 605

British pale ales, 99–100

Brocca, Alessandra, 326

Brocca, Fabio, 326

Brooklyn Brewery, 556

Brown, 134, 136

Brown Ale, 138

East India Pale Ale, 174


Old Jock, 220

Brouwerij Bockor, 505, 517, 518

Bellegems Bruin, 517, 519

Brouwerij Boon, 499, 501, 509, 510–513, 532, 577

Brouwerij Kerkom, 269–270

Adelardus, 270

Bink Bloesem, 270

Bink Blond, 270, 275

Bink Bruin, 253–254, 260

Brouwerij Rodenbach, 12, 253, 256, 471, 515, 516, 517–518, 519, 525–527, 579

Grand Cru, 518, 523

Brouwerij Verhaeghe, 253, 517, 518, 519

Duchesse de Bourgogne, 245, 518, 523

Echte Kriek, 524

Vichtenaar, 518

Brown, Pete, 584

brown ales, 131–139

beers to know, 137–139, 260

brewing notes for, 136

characteristics of, 133–134, 253–254

description of, 131–132, 597

evolution of, 136–137

if you like, 136

origins of, 132–133

types of, 133–134

brown sugar, 37

Broz, Adam, 409, 423, 428–429, 435–437

Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder, 495

Bruery, The, 393, 396

Hottenroth, 393, 397

Saison de Lente, 273

Saison Rue, 271, 273

Brunehaut, 348

Ambrée, 352

Bryson, Lew, 124

Buchanan, Alex, 120

Bud Light, 468

Budějovický Budvar, 421

Budějovický Budvar (Czechvar), 409, 422, 428–429, 431, 432, 435–437, 583

Budvar (Czechvar). See Budějovický Budvar (Czechvar)

Budweiser, 169, 431, 465, 466, 469–470, 472

Black Crown, 430

Budweiser Budvar. See Budějovický Budvar (Czechvar)

Buffalo Bill’s Brewery, 342

Alimony Ale, 208

Pumpkin Ale, 342

bullshit, 573

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, 196

Burton ales

Baltic trade and, 147, 192–193

brewing notes for, 87

history of, 22, 107

origins of, 79–80

Burton Bridge Old Expensive, 198

Burton snatch, 109

Burton Union, 80, 89, 586, 597

Busch, Adolphus, 431, 467, 469

Busch Ice, 455

butts, 143


Calagione, Sam, 111–112, 530

Caledonian, 586

Deuchars IPA, 92, 221

Cambridge, 190

Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), 82, 102, 121, 123, 133, 591, 597

Campari, Giovanni, 329

“candi” sugar, 37

cans, 179, 545

Capital Brewery, 171

Autumnal Fire, 455, 460

Dark, 411

Caracole. See Brasserie Caracole

caramel malts, 35, 36, 180–181

caramel sugar, 37

carbonation, 63–64

Carey, Dan, 445, 446, 529, 532

Carilli, Bruno, 320, 326

Carlsberg, 466, 472–473

Carter, Jimmy, 29

Cascade Brewing, 530, 531

Apricot Ale, 536

Bourbonic Plague, 531, 536

Noyeaux, 536

Summer Gose, 397

The Vine, 536

Cascade hops, 67, 89, 97–99, 102, 110, 112, 176, 181, 326, 335, 336, 377, 385, 606

cask-conditioning (cask ale), 57, 84–85, 118, 120, 544, 597

Castelain, 284, 285, 287–288

Ch’ti Ambrée, 291

Maltesse, 290

Catherine the Great, 147

Cazeau, 267

Celebrator, 452

Celis, Pierre, 363, 381–382, 383, 384, 385, 386

cellared beer, 485, 551–553

Centennial hops, 67, 99, 110, 112, 335, 336, 607

Central Waters

Bourbon Barrel Barleywine, 201

cereal cookers, 256

černé. See Czech tmavé and černé

Challenger hops, 87, 136, 190, 228, 296, 607

chemesthesis, 62

cherry beer, 339, 340

chestnut beer, 324, 340, 597

chestnuts, 319, 348

Chevalerie du Fourquet des Brasseurs, 257

Chicago Brewing, 172

chicha, 16, 357–358

chill haze, 348, 597

Chimay, 299, 304–306, 307, 308, 309

Blue, 305

Cinq Cents (White), 305–306

Dorée, 300

Grande Réserve (Blue), 305–306

Première (Red), 305–306

Red, 305

White, 305

Chinook hops, 67, 110, 112, 117, 607

chit, 53, 597


Dubbel, 312

Gratzer, 351

chocolate malts, 36, 154–155

Ch’ti, 284, 295

Chuckanut, 236, 430

Pilsner, 434

Chumley’s, 563

Cicerone, 556

Cigar City

Jai Alai IPA, 185

Tocobaga Red Ale, 181, 185

Cilurzo, Vinnie, 208, 209, 530, 533, 534

Ciney, 250

Citra hops, 99, 110, 183, 607

City Tavern, 563

Civic Brewery, 431

clarity, 8, 63

Clark, Matt, 120–121

Claussen, N. Hjelte, 25

Clawson, Jeff, 531–532

Clerck, Jean de, 305, 307, 480

Cluster hops, 305, 481, 482, 607

coal, 94

Coast, 236

cold break, 428, 457, 597

cold fermentation, 400, 403

cold sterilization, 545

Cologne, 229–230, 232, 233, 236

color, 8, 34, 62, 63. See also appearance

Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus hops, 607

commercial brewing, 19–22

Como. See Birrificio di Como

Complete Joy of Home Brewing, The (Papazian), 4

conditioning, 55, 400, 597


Bluebird Bitter, 85, 91

consolidation, 168, 217

continental ales, style origin map, 603

contract brewing, 175, 597

Cook, Charles Henry, 346

cool ships (koelschip), 246, 379, 456–457, 496, 597

cooling/chilling, 55, 56

Coors Brewing Company, 97, 382, 386, 465, 466, 468, 470, 472

Coors Light, 468

copper, 56, 95, 597

coriander, 383, 384, 385

corn, 16, 36, 169, 347, 357, 466, 467–468

corn beers, 480–482, 486–487

Cornell, Martyn, 142

Coronation Ale, 12–13


Christmas Ale, 262

Country House Brewing in England, 1500–1900 (Sambrook), 194

Craft Beer Company, 584

craft brewing, 29–31, 321, 386, 597

craft revival, 168–170, 173–174

cream ale, 480–482, 486–487

Crooked Stave, 530

Crystal hops, 335, 608

crystal malts, 35, 36, 180–181, 209

curaçao, 384

Cürten, Wilhelm, 240–241

Czech lagers, 414–415

Czech National Movement, 421, 431

Czech tmavé and černé, 402–413

brewing notes for, 409–410

characteristics of, 407

description of, 402–403, 414, 597

evolution of, 410

origins of, 405

See also dark lagers

Czechvar. See Budëjovicky Budvar (Czechvar)


DAB, 425

dark bocks, 455–456

dark candy sugar, 37

dark lagers, 402–413

beers to know, 411–413

brewing notes for, 407–410

characteristics of, 406–407

description of, 402–403

evolution of, 410

if you like, 407

origins of, 403–405

dark malts, 35–36, 154

Dark Star, 102, 113, 183, 336

Best Bitter, 89

Hophead, 89

darts, 571

Daura, 348

de la Senne. See Brasseries de la Senne

De Cam, 502, 509, 577

De Clerck, Jean, 248, 252

De Dolle Brouwers, 517, 518, 521, 579

Oerbier, 519, 521, 524

Oerbier Reserva, 521

Stille Nacht, 254, 262

De Halve Maan

Brugse Zot, 252, 259

De Kluis, 381, 382

De Koninck Amber, 252

De Molen

Hemel & Aarde, 156

De Proef, 113, 530

De Ranke, 309

Cuvée De Ranke, 505

Kriek De Ranke, 505

XX Bitter, 255, 261

De Struise Brouwers, 517, 521–522, 530

Aardmonnik, 522, 524

Pannepot, 521–522

De Troch, 509

“Chapeau” line, 509

DeBakker, Tom, 98

Debelder, Armand, 499, 509

decoct (decoction), 407–409, 426, 462–463, 597

Decoction! (Pattinson), 343

Dedeycker, Olivier, 268, 278–280

Degen, Sebastian, 242

degree system, 302

Descamps, Hervé, 294–295

Deschutes, 174, 210, 337, 385

The Abyss, 156

Black Butte Porter, 151, 157

Hop Henge, 209, 212

Hop Trip, 44

Jubelale, 341

Mirror Pond, 101, 103

Destihl, 539

St. Dekkera Ales, 537

Deuhs, Greg, 111

Devereux, Charles, 189

Devils Backbone

Morana Tmavé, 410, 413

Dhaussy, Alain, 288

diacetyl, 48, 71

diesel, 483

Diest, 248

Dieu du Ciel. See Brasserie Dieu du Ciel

dimethyl sulfide (DMS), 71

Diodorus Siculus, 244

Dits, Jean-Louis, 320

Dixie, 410

Dixon, J. M., 346

dobbel gerst, 247

Dock Street, 587

Dogfish Head, 359, 393, 394, 396–397, 471, 530

60 Minute, 111–112

60 Minute IPA, 114

90 Minute, 111–112

120 Minute, 111–112

120 Minute IPA, 207

Festina Peche, 398

Midas Touch, 349

Sah’tea, 359

Döllnitzer Ritterguts, 394

Gose, 398

doppelbocks, 371, 449–450, 450–452, 453–454

Dortmund export, 416–434

characteristics of, 424

description of, 416–417, 597

origins of, 420

Dortmunder Union, 420

Dos Equis, 472

Amber, 442, 445

double IPAs

Abbey ales and, 310

aging and, 553

hops and, 9

See also American strong ales

Double Mountain, 188–190

Devil’s Kriek, 531

Hop Lava, 190

Kölsch, 239

Vaporizer, 190

draft filtering, 545

Dreher, Anton, 401, 439–441, 444

Drexler, Hans-Peter, 370–372, 375–377, 484

Drie Fonteinen, 499, 501, 509, 532, 577, 578

drinking games, 572–573

dry hop (dry-hopping), 597

aging and, 553

amber lagers and, 444

American ales and, 177

American strong ales and, 209, 211

aroma and, 65

bitters and, 84

fresh-hop ale and, 336

hop oils and, 42

India pale ales (IPA) and, 110

Italian beers and, 323

Orval and, 300, 315–316

pale ales and, 100, 101

pale lagers and, 430

at Uerige, 242

dry stouts, 140, 152

Du Bocq Brewery, 313

Gauloise Brune, 253

dubbels, 253, 297, 301–302, 310, 311–312

Dubrunfaut, Auguste, 246

Dubuisson, 270

Ambrée, 252

Bush de Noël, 254

Scaldis (Bush de Noël), 254, 262

Scaldis Amber, 252

Ducato, 530

La Luna Rossa, 329

Duck-Rabbit, The

Milk Stout, 161


Colossus, 207

dunkel, 402–413

beers to know, 411

brewing notes for, 408–410

characteristics of, 406

description of, 402–403 597

evolution of, 410

origins of, 404

pale lagers and, 419

See also dark lagers

dunkel bocks, 449

dunkelweizen, 368

Dupont. See Brasserie Dupont

Dupont, Louis, 278

Düsseldorf, 229–230, 232, 236

Duvel. See Moortgat


Jenlain Bière de Garde, 284


Earth Bread + Brewery, 587

East Kent Golding hops, 40, 41, 81

EBU (European bittering units), 8

Ecaussinnes, 267

Edinburgh Ale, 215

Edmunds, Ben, 397

Edwinton, 272

Efes, 466

8 Wired, 112–113

80 shilling beer, 216

Einbeck, 450, 451


Mai-ur-Bock, 458–459

eisbocks, 371, 449–450, 452, 455

El Dorado hops, 110

Ellezelloise, 267

Elysian Brewing, 342

The Wise Extra Special Bitter (ESB), 92

emerging styles

braggot, 346–347, 351–352

flavored ales, 339–340, 349

gluten-free beer, 347–349, 352

seasonal ales, 341–342, 350–351

smoked ales, 342–345, 351

Emmerson, James, 178, 407, 409, 412

Engelszell, 299

Engert, Greg, 559

English brown ales, 133–134

enkel gerst, 247

Enterobacter, 506

Epic Brewing, 112–113, 210, 555

Epic of Gilgamesh, 14

Equinox hops, 110

esters, 48, 65, 66, 71–72, 505–506, 597

ethyl acetate, 72, 506

ethyl lactate, 506

European Brewery Convention, 8

Evans, R. E., 283

experiencing beer, 4–6

extreme beer, 207


Falstaff, 111

Fantôme, 267, 271

Saison, 277

farmhouse ales, 265–266

faro, 495, 497, 504–505

Fassla, 453

Fat Head’s

Head Hunter IPA, 114

Feinberg, Don, 268

Feltham, John, 142

Fennell, John Greville, 346


bottle-fermenting, 280, 596

brewing process and, 55, 56–57

cold, 400, 403

mixed, 519, 599

process of, 47, 597

secondary, 600

spontaneous, 496, 519, 533–534

temperature of, 216, 221, 235, 250

top-fermenting, 231, 233, 234, 288, 343, 400, 404, 405, 601

fermentation flavors, 558

Fertile Crescent, 13, 15

ferulic acid, 370

Festival, The, 592–593

Figuier, Louis, 215, 283

filtering, 8, 55, 57

draft, 545

sterile filtration, 545

See also unfiltered beer

Firestone Walker

DBA, 210

Double Barrel Ale, 91

Parabola, 156, 162

Wookey Jack, 554–555

First Gold hops, 87, 608

first runnings, 142, 165, 192, 360, 484, 598

Fish, Gary, 151

flash pasteurization, 545


categories of, 557–559

elements of, 68

faults with, 70–74

glossary of, 66–67

nature of, 60–62

wheel for, 69

flavored ales, 349

Flemish brown beer, 247

flip cup, 572

flood, porter, 145

floor malting, 57, 85–86, 598

Flying Dog, 156, 397

Flying Fish, 587

foam, 72

foeders, 516, 520, 526–527, 533, 579, 598

food pairing, 554–562

force-carbonated beer, 9

Forster, John, 369–370

Foster’s, 466, 473


Curmudgeon, 198

Dirty Bastard, 220, 225

Four Peaks

Arizona Peach, 187


12 Guinea Ale, 216

framboise, 494, 495, 502, 503

Franklin, Benjamin, 170

Franks, Norman, 179

Free State

Oktoberfest, 448

freeze-distillation, 455, 458, 459, 598

French ales, 281–293

beers to know, 291–293

brewing notes for, 287–288

characteristics of, 285–287

description of, 281–282, 598

evolution of, 288, 290

if you like, 287

origins of, 282–285

fresh hops, 43–44, 598

fresh-hop ales, 332–337

beers to know, 337

brewing notes for, 335–336

characteristics of, 334–335

description of, 332–333, 598

evolution of, 336–337

origins of, 333–334

Fresh-Hop Festival, 592

frosted glasses, 550

Früh. See Brauhaus Früh fruit ales, 339–340

fruit beers, 166

fruit lambic, 494, 502–504, 598

fruit-flavored wheats, 181 182, 186–187

Füchschen Brewery. See Brauerei im Füchschen

Fuggle hops, 40, 81, 86–87, 92, 97, 102, 130, 136, 176, 608

Full Sail, 171, 178, 181, 407, 410

Amber, 178, 184

Session Black, 409, 412

Fuller, Anthony, 165

Fuller’s, 163–165, 197, 576, 584

1845, 107, 198

Bengal Lancer, 109

Chiswick Bitter, 165

Extra Special Bitter (ESB), 90–91, 165

Golden Pride, 165, 198

London Porter, 158, 165

London Pride, 90, 165

Vintage Ale, 165, 198, 576

Wild River, 165

Fullsteam Brewery, 190

Funky Buddha, 397

Doc Brown Ale, 137

fusel alcohols, 48, 65, 66


G. Schneider and Sohn, 370–372, 375–377, 484

Aventinus, 374, 377

Hopfen-Weisse, 377

Mein Cuvée Barrique, 371, 377

Weisse, 370–371, 373, 376

Wiesen Edel-Weisse, 377

Gablinger’s Diet Beer, 468

Gaffel, 233

Kölsch, 238

Galaxy hops, 608

Galena hops, 305, 608

Gale’s, 203

Prize Old Ale, 195, 197

Gambrinus, 135, 257

Gansberg, Ron, 397, 530, 536

Ganum, Billy, 203

gastropubs, 564

Gavroche, 284

Gayant, 284

St. Landelin, 290

Geary, David, 87, 103, 151, 158, 171, 175, 176

Geary’s, 100, 587

London Porter, 151, 158

Pale Ale, 103

Genessee, 455

Gent, David, 42

George, Lisa M., 471

German purity law (Reinheitsgebot), 31

German weizen, 364–374

beers to know, 372–374

brewing notes for, 369–371

characteristics of, 367–369

description of, 364–365, 597

evolution of, 371–372

if you like, 369

origins of, 365–367

revival of, 363

Ghequire, Rudi, 518, 519, 525–527

Girardin, 509, 532, 577

Glacier hops, 608

glassware, 65, 80, 546–550

gluten, 362–363

gluten-free beer, 347–349, 352

golden ales, 166, 178

Goldhahn, Lothar, 392

Golding hops, 81, 228

Goose Island, 236, 273, 471, 587

312 Urban Wheat, 172, 181, 385

King Henry, 204

Sofie, 277

gose, 389–398

beers to know, 397–398

brewing notes for, 395–396

characteristics of, 393–394

description of, 342, 389, 598

evolution of, 396–397

if you like, 395

origins of, 390–392

revival of, 343–344

survival of, 363

Gosebrauerei Bayerischer Bahnhof, 344, 394, 397

Leipziger Gose, 394, 396, 398

Gouden Carolus, 301

Hopsinjoor, 256


brewing process and, 33–35

grain bill, 35–36

Grain d’Orge, 284

Grant, Bert, 173, 175, 334

grants, 22, 598

Graser, Andreas, 488

gravity, 8–9, 50, 52, 302

original, 8–9

specific, 8–9, 50, 600

terminal (final), 601

Great American Beer Festival (GABF), 112, 174, 206, 222, 444, 587, 590, 592

Great British Beer Festival, 128, 586, 591–592

Great Divide, 337, 587

Claymore, 220

Old Ruffian, 196

Yeti, 162

Great Japan Beer Fest, 591

Great Lakes, 442, 444

Dortmunder Gold, 425, 434

Eliot Ness, 444, 448

Great Taste of the Midwest, 590, 591

Green Bullet hops, 210

Green Dragon, 563

Greene King, 12–13, 127, 163–164, 228, 584

IPA, 113

Strong Suffolk (Olde Suffolk), 197–198, 202

Green’s, 348

Griffin Brewery, 576

Grimbergen, 250, 257, 301, 310, 312

grist, 53, 54, 598

Gritty McDuff’s, 176, 587

Grodziskie, 283, 342, 343–345, 351, 363, 391

Groll, 583

Groll, Josef, 25, 401, 405, 418, 429, 431, 440

Grootaert, Carlo, 521–522

Grossman, Ken, 98–99, 135, 170, 173, 175

Ground Breaker, 348

IPA, 352

growlers, 545

gruel-beer, 11, 13–14

gruit, 19, 21, 31, 230, 598

gueuze, 494, 495, 497, 499, 499–501, 513, 598

guineas, 216

Guinness, 147, 148–150, 152, 545

Extra Stout, 160

Foreign Extra Stout (FES), 152–153, 159–160

Guinness World Records, 207, 573–574


Hacker-Pschorr, 443, 581, 592

Hair of the Dog

Adam, 202

Fred, 206

Hale’s, 171

Hall, Linus, 486–487

Hallertauer hops, 44, 241, 255, 305, 307, 315, 371, 423, 444, 462

Hallertauer Mittelfrüh hops, 448, 460

handiya, 356

Hanssens, 502, 509, 577

Oudbeitje, 504

Hapkin, 250

Harenne, François de, 315, 316–317

Harpoon, 156, 236, 410

IPA, 174

Harrison, Jim and Emma, 118

Hart Brewing, 172

Hartmannsdorf, 394

Harvey’s, 198

Old Ale, 197

Harviestoun Brewery, 219–220

Ola Dubh, 156, 220, 223–224

Harwood, Ralph, 142

Hasenkrug, Frank, 235

hausbrauereien (brewpubs), 236

haze, 372

head, 63–64, 72

heather ales, 218, 219

hefeweizen, 364, 368

Heineken, 250, 257, 299, 465, 473

helles, 416–434

characteristics of, 423–424

description of, 416–417, 598

origins of, 418–419

Helles bocks, 449, 453

hemp ale, 290

Henderson, Leslie, 138

HenHouse, 156

Henius, Max, 193, 480, 481

Herkules hops, 235, 609

Hersbrucker hops, 326, 423, 609

Herteleer, Kris, 521

Het Anker

Gouden Carolus, 253

Gouden Carolus Classic, 260

Hickenlooper, John, 587

Hieronymus, Stan, 300

Higgins, Rich, 340

High Watermelon, 182

high-gravity beer, 598

high-gravity brewing, 470


Cold Mountain Winter Ale, 350

Hildegard of Bingen, 20

Hill Farmstead, 273

history of beer

in America, 27–30

ancient, 13–17

commercialization and, 19–22

craft brewing and, 29–31

early, 11

impact of, 12–13

industrialization and, 22–25

during Middle Ages, 17–19

World Wars and, 26–27

Hitachino Nest White, 383, 383–384

Hitler, Adolf, 424

Hlavsa, Bohuslav, 426, 428


Mild, 125, 128

Hodgson, George, 107, 108

Hoegaarden, 247, 249, 363, 378, 379, 380, 381, 385

Hoegaerde, 248

Hofbräuhaus, 424, 443, 450, 567, 581, 592

hogshead, 598

Holmes, Trevor, 333

homebrewing, 53

honey, 37

honeyed beer. See braggot

Hook, Alastair, 82, 89, 430

Hook Norton, 133, 584

hop back, 598

hop flavors, 558

Hopleaf, 587

hoppy ales, 255–256, 261


addition of, 19–22

Ahtanum, 606

Amarillo, 99, 335, 606

American, 315

American ales and, 177

American strong ales and, 208–210

anatomy of, 39

aroma and, 65

bitters and, 79, 86–87

Bravo, 606

Brewer’s Gold, 255, 606

brewing process and, 33

in Britain, 81

Cascade, 67, 89, 97–99, 102, 110, 112, 176, 181, 326, 335, 336, 377, 385, 606

Centennial, 67, 99, 110, 112, 335, 336, 607

Challenger, 87, 136, 190, 228, 296, 607

Chinook, 67, 110, 112, 117, 607

Citra, 99, 110, 183, 607

Cluster, 305, 481, 482, 607

Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus (“CTZ”), 607

Crystal, 335, 608

description of, 9, 38–44, 598

East Kent Golding, 40, 41, 81

El Dorado, 110

elements of, 40–42

Equinox, 110

First Gold, 87, 608

fresh, 43–44

Fuggle, 40, 81, 86–87, 92, 97, 102, 130, 136, 176, 608

Galaxy, 608

Galena, 305, 608

Glacier, 608

Golding, 81, 228

Green Bullet, 210

Hallertauer, 44, 241, 255, 305, 307, 315, 371, 423, 444, 462

Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, 448, 460, 608

Hensbruck, 423

Herkules, 235, 609

Hersbrucker, 326, 609

hop varieties at a glance, 606–613

India pale ales (IPA) and, 106–107

Kent Golding, 40, 41, 81, 609

Liberty, 181, 609

Lublin, 351, 609

Magnum, 609

Meridian, 110

Mittelfrüh, 326

Motueka, 112, 210, 610

Mount Hood, 610

Nelson Sauvin, 89, 210, 371, 610

New Zealand, 210

“noble,” 40

Northdown, 87

Northern Brewer, 480, 610

Nugget, 305, 335, 610

overview of, 38–39

Pacific Gem, 112

Pacific Jade, 210

pale ales and, 97

Perle, 190, 241, 610

pilsner and, 428

preservation and, 20

Pride of Ringwood, 610

Progress, 87, 611

Riwaka, 112, 210, 611

Saaz, 40, 41, 308, 422, 426, 435, 611

Santiam, 611

Saphir, 611

Simcoe, 67, 99, 185, 186, 336, 611

Sorachi Ace, 612

Spalt, 234, 241

Spalt Select, 612

Spalt Spalter, 40, 612

Sterling, 612

Strisselspalt, 315, 612

Styrian Golding, 81, 307, 315, 612

Summit, 612

Target, 86, 336, 613

Tettnanger, 40, 444, 613

uses of, 43

Warrior, 613

wet, 42–43

Willamette, 87, 97, 102, 136, 138, 335, 613

Žatec, 611

hot break, 598

Houghton, John, 38

Howell, George, 216–217, 219, 226–227, 228

huangjiu, 355

Huber, 456

Hudepohl-Schoenling Brewery, 175

Hull Brewery, 176

humulones (alpha acids), 40–41

Hürlimann Brauerei Samichlaus, 455


Delirium Noël, 254

hydrometer, 23

Hymn to Ninkasi, 14


IBU (international bittering units), 7–8, 598

Icehouse, 455, 468

imperial IPAs. See American strong ales

imperial stouts, 140, 147, 154, 162

In de Vrede, 579

InBev, 249–250, 257, 299, 381, 382, 431. See also A–B InBev

India pale ales (IPA), 105–117

American, 108, 112–113, 114–115

beers to know, 113–117

brewing notes for, 110–112

British, 109, 113, 115–116

characteristics of, 108–109

description of, 105–106, 598

evolution of, 112–113

hops and, 106–107

if you like, 109

international, 113, 117

origins of, 106–107

Indianapolis Brewing, 172

industrialization, 80

infection, 70–73

Inselkammer, Franz, Jr., 365, 463

Institute of Brewing, 283

Interbrew, 249

International Trappist Association, 299, 306, 308

invert sugar, 37, 126, 127

Irish stouts, 140, 152–153, 159–160

isomerization, 41

isovaleric acid, 71

Italian beers, 318–329

beers to know, 327–329

brewing notes for, 322–327

description of, 318–319

evolution of, 327

origins of, 319–321


J. W. Lees

Harvest Ale, 196, 201, 204

Jackson, Michael, 10, 29, 133, 153, 268, 381, 392, 516

Jandrain–Jandrenouille, 267

IV, 275

Jeanne d’Arc, 284

Jefferson State, 172

Jeffries, Ron, 529–530, 537

Jenlain, 295

amber ale, 286

Jester King

Buddha’s Brew, 531

Commercial Suicide, 130

Jever, 465

Pilsener, 433

John Smith Brewery, 93

John Taylor and Sons, 167

Johnstone, John, 226

Joint Stock Brewery, 431

Jolly Pumpkin, 273, 529–530

Calabaza Blanca, 385–386, 388

La Roja, 537

Jopen Koyt, 44

jopenbier, 343

Julius Caesar, 244

Jupiler, 249


Kasteel, 505

Kasten, Paul, 554–555, 558, 559

Keeling, John, 164, 165, 197

kegs, 545, 598

kellerbier, 475

Kemper, Will, 434

Kent Golding hops, 40, 41, 81, 609

Kentucky common, 481

Kerkom. See Brouwerij Kerkom

Kernel Brewery, The, 102, 113, 167, 183, 584

Red Rye Ale, 167

kilning, 35, 79, 598

Kindl, 395

King, Tyler, 271, 396

King, William, 290

Kingfisher, 466

Kirin, 473

Kiuchi, 383–384

Hitachino Nest White Ale, 383–384, 387

Red Rice Ale, 356

Klein-Schwechat Brewery, 439

Kloeckera apiculata, 506

Knaust, Heinrich, 390

Knöller, Jürgen, 408, 445, 456–457

Koch, Jim, 175, 442, 444, 446

Koch, Louis, 444

koelschip. See cool ships

kölsch, 239–249

beers to know, 238–239

brewing notes for, 234–235

characteristics of, 232–233

description of, 229–230, 598

evolution of, 236–237

if you like, 235

origins of, 230–232

popularity of, 367

Kölsch-Konvention, 233

Kona Brewing, 340

Koko Brown, 187

Wailuna Wheat, 187

Koningshoeven, 306


Schwarzbier, 412

Kout na Šumavě, 426

kräusening, 480, 599

kriek, 494, 495, 499, 502, 502–503

kristallweizen, 368, 376

Kugler, Franz Xaver, 483

Kulmbacher, 452–453

Eisbock, 455

Kuplent, Florian, 485

kvass, 360


La Bavaisienne, 284

La Brasserie à Vapeur, 320

La Choulette, 284, 286, 288

Ambrée, 292

Bière des Sans Culottes, 292

La Franche

XXXYZ Bitter, 288

La Rulles

Tripel, 312

La Trappe, 302, 306

Dubbel, 306

Quadrupel, 306

Tripel, 306

Labatt, 249, 466


for Belgian beers, 251

in French, 289

reading, 6–9

Lacambre, Georges, 245–246, 247, 282–283, 379, 380, 498, 515, 521, 533

lactic acid, 395–396, 492, 501, 506

Lactobacillus, 51, 391, 393, 395–396, 428, 492, 506, 524, 599

lagerbier, 231

lagering, 24–25, 599

lagers, 399–487

amber lagers, 438–448

bocks, 449–463

Czech lagers, 414–415

dark lagers, 402–413

definitions of, 400

description of, 6–7

history of, 27–28, 401

lesser-known lagers, 474–487

mass-market lagers, 464–473

pale lagers, 416–437

style origin map, 604

Lagunitas, 174, 479

Hop Stoopid, 212

IPA, 175

Lake, Coby, 272


Pumpkin Lager, 342

“L’Allegro” (Milton), 132

lambics, 494–509

bacteria and, 51

beers to know, 509

Belgian witbier and, 379

blending of, 493

brewing notes for, 507–508

characteristics of, 499–505

cool ships and, 246

description of, 494–495, 599

evolution of, 508

if you like, 507

nineteenth-century beers and, 247

origins of, 495–499

science behind, 505–507

survival of, 363, 381

yeast and, 266, 331, 380

Lambrate, 320, 323

Gaina, 326–327, 328

Montestella, 323, 327

Ortiga, 327


Milk Stout, 160

Lancelot Bonnet Rouge, 44

Larson, Geoff, 486

lassi, 394

lauter tun, 56, 315, 359, 407, 436, 599

lautering, 54, 56

Lawson’s Finest Liquids, 358

Laybourn, Michael, 179

Lazy Magnolia

Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale, 138

Lean, Eric, 573

lees, 599

Lefebvre, 267

Leffe, 249, 257, 301, 310

Left Hand

Milk Stout, 160

legislation, 29, 31. See also Reinheitsgebot

Leinenkugel, Bill, 480

Leinhart, Phil, 385

lesser-known ales

braggot, 346–347, 351–352

flavored ales, 339–340, 349

gluten-free beer, 347–349, 352

seasonal ales, 341–342, 350–351

smoked ales, 342–345, 351

lesser-known lagers, 474–487

beers to know, 485–487

cellared beer, 475–476, 485

corn beers, 480–482, 486–487

cream ale, 480–482, 486–487

nonalcoholic beers, 483–484

overview of, 474–475

radler, 483

rauchbier, 476–477, 485–486, 488–490

russ, 483

shandy, 483

steam beer, 479–480, 486–487

steinbeer, 482–483

unbunged beer, 475–476, 485

unfiltered beer, 475–476, 485

zoigl beer, 478

Leuven wheat ales, 267, 379–380

Leuven wheat beers (bière blanche de Louvain), 246, 247

Liberty hops, 181, 609

Lichtenhainer, 342, 343–344, 345, 363, 391

Liefmans, 253, 516–517, 518, 519

Goudenband, 518, 520, 524

Kriek, 313

Oud Bruin, 518

Liège saison, 247, 248

light beer, 468

Lightfoot, John, 218

lightstruck beer, 38, 599

Lindemans, 504, 509, 529, 577

Cuvée René, 509

liquor, 53, 56, 599

Live Oak, 365

Hefeweizen, 373

Logsdon, Dave, 273

London Craft Beer Festival, 592

London Lager, 430

Longman and Eagle, 587

Lost Abbey, 530, 531, 533

Cuvee de Tomme, 537

Lovatt, Rob, 120

LoverBeer, 325, 330–331, 530, 532, 533–534

BeerBera, 328, 331

BeerBrugna, 331

Dama Brun-a, 331

D’uvaBeer, 331

Loverier, Valter, 325, 328, 330–331, 534

Löwenbrau, 443, 592

Lublin hops, 351, 609

lupulin, 40–42

lupulin nouveau, 333


Maclagan, R. C., 218

MacNeil, Karen, 334

Maes Pils, 250

Magic Hat, 176

Magnolia Gastropub and Brewery, 128, 156

Magnolia Sara’s

Ruby Mild, 130

Magnum hops, 609

Mahr’s, 453, 581

Ungespundet Lager, 475, 476, 485

maibocks, 449–450, 453

Maillard reaction, 521, 552, 599

Maine Brewing, 587

Maisel, 581

malt bill, 599

malt flavors, 557

malting, 52–53, 54, 599


aroma and, 64–65

barley wines and, 196

bitters and, 85

brewing process and, 34

brown ales and, 144

character of, 36

color and, 63

description of, 9, 599

grain bill and, 35–36

in porters and stouts, 154–155

in Scottish ales, 219

Mann, Crossman & Paulin

Manns Brown Ale, 132

maple sap beer, 358

maple syrup, 37

Maran, Paolo, 326

Marble, 102, 113

Red Ale, 185

Mareš, David, 427

Maris Otter, 85, 86, 331

Markowski, Phil, 293

Marmite, 48

Marples, George, 120

Marston’s Brewery, 89, 586

märzen, 438–448

beers to know, 447–448

characteristics of, 441–442

description of, 438–439, 599

evolution of, 446

if you like, 445

origins of, 439–441

märzenbier, 441

mash cooker, 407

mash tuns, 246, 599

mashing, 53, 54, 56, 599

mass-market lagers, 464–473

beers to know, 472–473

brewing notes for, 469–471

characteristics of, 466–468

description of, 464–465

evolution of, 471–472

origins of, 465–466

Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA), 556

Maximator, 452

Mayflower, 182

Maytag, Fritz, 98–99, 135, 171, 196, 479, 480

Mbege, 348

McAuliffe, Jack, 29, 98

McElroy, Chip, 373

McLean, Dave, 128

Meantime Brewing, 82, 89, 584

IPA, 116

London Lager, 89

meat stout, 148

Mechelen brown beer, 247, 260

Mendocino Brewing

Red Tail Ale, 179

Mercer’s, 148

Merchien, 290

Meridian hops, 110

Meux’s, 145

microbreweries, 321, 599

Mighty Oak

Oscar Wilde, 128

Mikkeller, 112, 210

Single Hop, 178

mild ales, 122–130

beers to know, 129–130

brewing notes for, 126–127

characteristics of, 125–126

description of, 122–123, 599

evolution of, 128

if you like, 127

origins of, 123–125

milk stouts, 148, 153–154

Miller, 465, 470

Genuine Draft, 472

Miller Lite, 468

MillerCoors, 386, 468, 471

millet, 16, 355

mill/milling, 53, 54, 599

Milton, John, 132

Mittelfrüh hops, 326

mixed fermentation, 519, 599

Modelo Especial, 472

Moeder Lambic, 578

molasses, 37

Molecular Gastronomy (This), 555


Ice, 468

monasteries, 17–19


Schwarzbier, 412

Monk’s Cafe, 587

Montegioco. See Birrificio Montegioco

Moonlight, 430


Black Cat, 125, 126, 128, 129

Moortgat, 273

Duvel, 252, 253, 258

moreish, 84, 599

Moretti, 319

Morris, Cody, 555

Mort Subite, 509, 577

Blanche, 504

Mother Earth

Dark Cloud, 411

Motueka hops, 112, 210, 610

Mount Hood hops, 610

mouthfeel, 34, 68, 599

Mozzone, Fabio, 320

Munich malt, 36

Munich Oktoberfest, 439, 440, 443, 446, 581, 592

Murphy’s, 147, 152, 159

Murray, Fergal, 153

Musso, Teo, 319, 320–321, 323–324, 327, 330

Mutine, 290


nanobrewing, 18, 599

National Brewery Centre museum, 586

Natural Ice, 455

Natural Light, 429

Nelson, Kirby, 455

Nelson, Paul, 272

Nelson Sauvin hops, 89, 210, 371

New Albion, 29

New Belgium Brewing, 359, 385, 472, 520, 531, 533, 534, 539

Abbey, 311

La Folie, 522, 531, 534, 535

Ranger, 109

Tart Lychee, 340

New Glarus Brewing, 190, 339, 445, 446, 529, 586

Moon Man, 103

Staghorn, 445

Staghorn Octoberfest, 447

Wisconsin Belgian Red, 529, 536

New Grist, 348

New Planet, 348

New Zealand hops, 210

Newcastle Breweries, 134

Newcastle Brown, 132


IPA, 288

Total Domination, 114

nitrogen carbonation, 149

nitrogenated beer (nitro), 545, 599

noble hops, 40, 60

Nøgne Ø, 112

IPA, 117

nonalcoholic beers, 483–484

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, 294–295

North Coast

Old Rasputin, 162

Old Stock Ale, 198, 203

Northdown hops, 87

Northern Brewer hops, 480, 610

Notre-Dame de Scourmont Abbey, 304, 305

Nugget hops, 305, 335, 610

nut brown ales, 134


oak casks, 108, 494

oat malt, 36

oatmeal stouts, 140, 148, 153–154

oats, 36, 384

obergärige beers, 234

obergärige lagerbier, 234

O’Brien, 348

Ockert, Karl, 172

October beer, 194, 333


90 Shilling, 220, 223

St. Lupulin, 104

Ogle, Maureen, 175


Porter, 159

Oktoberfest, 442, 446, 447–448. See also märzen; Munich Oktoberfest

Oktoberfestbier, 443

old ales, 191–204

beers to know, 202–203

brewing notes for, 199–201

characteristics of, 195, 197–198

description of, 191–192, 600

evolution of, 201

origins of, 192–195

Olde English 800, 429

Oliver, Garrett, 377, 556

Omission, 348

Gluten-Free Lager, 352

Ommegang, 385

BPA (Belgian-style Pale Ale), 252, 258–259

Hennepin, 273, 276

Three Philosophers, 313

Witte, 388

open fermenters, 370, 371, 376

Optimator, 452

orange, 383, 384

Order of the Strict Observance, 314

Oregon Brewers Festival, 590, 591, 592

original gravity, 8–9, 600

Orkney, 220

Dark Island, 223

Skull Splitter, 220, 225

Orval. See Abbaye Notre- Dame d’Orval

Oskar Blues

Old Chub, 220

Oud Beersel, 499, 502, 509, 577, 578

oud bruins, 515

Oud Hoegaards Bier, 381

oude,” 503

Owades, Joseph, 468

Owens, Bill, 208, 342

oxidation, 72

oxygen, 73

oyster stouts, 148, 156


Pabst, 111, 465

Pacific Gem hops, 112

Pacific Jade hops, 210

Pacifico, 465, 472

packaging, 55, 57, 544–546

Page 24, 284

Réserve Hildegarde, 286

pairing with food, 554–562

pale ales, 96–104

American, 99

beers to know, 102–104

bitters and, 82, 88

brewing notes for, 101

British, 99–100

characteristics of, 99–100

description of, 96, 99–100, 600

evolution of, 101–102

hops and, 97

if you like, 101

origins of, 97–99

pale bocks, 449, 453

pale lagers, 416–434

beers to know, 432–434

brewing notes for, 425–426, 427–429

characteristics of, 422–425

description of, 416–417

evolution of, 429–430

origins of, 417–422

pale malt, 36

palm beer, 356–357

Palm Brewery, 256, 518, 526

Panama, 466

Panil, 530

Papazian, Charlie, 4

Pappenheimer, Martin, 315–316

Paris World Exposition, 440

parti-gyle brewing, 142–143, 165, 600

Pasteur, Louis, 23, 25, 46, 50, 401, 419, 492–493, 496

pasteurization, 57, 545, 600

flash, 545

tunnel, 545

Pattinson, Ron, 216, 343, 391

Paulaner, 443, 452, 455, 462, 581, 592

Oktoberfest, 447

Salvator, 452

Pauwels, Steven, 174, 275

peach, 394, 397

Pediococcus, 51

Peeterman, 247, 248, 267, 363, 379, 380

Pelican Brewery

Stormwatcher’s Winterfest, 200, 204

Pennsylvania, 171, 410

Dark, 408

St. Nikolaus Bock, 459

Pennsylvania swankey, 481, 482

Perkins, Jason, 538–539

Perle hops, 190, 241, 610

Peroni, 319, 473

Pete’s Brewing, 173

Wicked Ale, 133, 135

Petrosino, Steven, 573

Pfaffen, 233

phenols, 48, 65, 67, 600

Philadelphia Brewing, 587

Piccolo Birrificio, 325

Chiostro, 325

Pichler, Elias, 450

Piedboeuf, 249


Kilt Lifter, 220, 225

pils (pilsner), 600

pilsner, 416–434

brewing notes for, 425–429

characteristics of, 422–423

description of, 416–417

evolution of, 429

history of, 24–25

hops and, 428

mass-market lagers and, 466

origins of, 417–419

pilsner malt, 36

Pilsner Urquell, 414, 418, 421, 422, 423, 426, 428–429, 432, 436, 466, 576, 583

pints, measurement of, 551

pitch, 23, 56, 600

pitched wild yeasts, 534

Pittsburg Brewing Co., 175

Pivovar Ferdinand, 427

Pivovarsky Dum, 583

Plato scale, 50, 302

pool, 571–572

Port Brewing, 530


Plain Porter, 159

porters, 140–162

1814 flood of, 145

beers to know, 157–159

brewing notes for, 154–155

characteristics of, 150–152

Czech, 407

description of, 140–141, 600

evolution of, 155–156

history of, 22, 24, 193

if you like, 155

origins of, 141–146

Scottish, 216

types of, 140

Portsmouth, 190

Portsmouth Brewery, 397

Kate the Great, 156

pouring beer, 543, 550–551

Prentice, Derek, 165


hops and, 20

Pride of Ringwood hops, 610

Prignon, Dany, 271

Progress hops, 87, 611

Prohibition, 27–28, 112

Project 12, 430

Protected Geographical Indication, 233

protein, 35, 72

Publican, 587


foreign, 564–568

games at, 571–575

history of, 563–564

toasting, 568–570

Pugsley, Alan, 176

pulque, 358

pumpkin ale, 342


IPA, 113

Purkmistr, 583

Pyramid, 135, 172

Apricot Ale, 182

Snow Cap, 341, 350–351


quadrupels, 297, 302, 310, 313

quarters, 573


Radeberger, 465

radler, 483

Rail, Evan, 415

Rake, The, 584

Rancé, Armand Jean de, 299

Rarecourtoise, 290

raspberry, 393, 394, 397

rationalization, 88

rauchbier, 344–345, 345, 476–477, 485–486, 488–490, 581

Rauchenfels Brewery, 482–483

rauchweizen, 369

red ales, 166, 179–180, 180–181, 183, 185–186

Redbridge, 348

Redhook, 168–169

refrigeration, 23

regular porters, 140

Reichelbräu, 452–453

Reinheitsgebot, 242, 337, 363, 366, 377, 390, 395, 428, 457, 468, 600

Reissdorf, 233, 235

Kölsch, 238–239

retronasal smell, 61

Rheingold Breweries, 468

rice, 36, 169, 347, 466, 467–468, 600

rice beer, 355–356

richness, 559

Richter, Matthias, 396

Ringwood, 176

Riwaka hops, 112, 210, 611

roasted barley malt, 36

roastiness, 559

roasting, 35

Rochefort, 301, 306–307, 308, 309

6, 307

8, 307

10, 302, 307

Grand Cru, 527

Rockies Brewing, 171

Rodenbach. See Brouwerij Rodenbach

Rodenbach, Eugène, 516

Rogue, 206

Brown Nectar, 134

Old Crustacean, 196, 209

Shakespeare Stout, 161

Wet Hop Ale, 44

Rosich, Nick, 408


Ruby Mild, 125, 128

Rule of Saint Benedict, 17–18

Ruschmann, Paul, 591

russ, 483

Russian River Brewing

Company, 210, 530, 531, 533, 539, 586

Beatification, 536

Pliny the Elder, 20, 38, 208, 209, 211

Pliny the Younger, 208, 209

rustic ales, 290

rustic Belgian ales, 263–277

beers to know, 274–277

brewing notes for, 270–271

characteristics of, 267–270

description of, 263–264

evolution of, 272–273

if you like, 271

origins of, 264–267

rye, 16, 36, 347

rye malt, 36


Saaz hops, 40, 41, 308, 422, 426, 435, 611

saccharmeter, 144

Saccharomyces, 76, 100, 501

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 500, 506

sahti, 359–360

Saint Arnold

Fancy Lawnmower, 239

Sainte Marie du Mont des Cats, 306

saisons, 263–277

beers to know, 274–277

bière de garde and, 290

brewing notes for, 270–271

characteristics of, 267–270

description of, 263–264, 600

evolution of, 272–273

if you like, 271

origins of, 264–267

sake, 355, 356

Salazar, Lauren, 534

Salvator, 451

Sambrook, Pamela, 194

Samuel Adams, 175

Boston Lager, 442, 444, 446, 448

Scotch Ale, 220

Utopias, 455, 458

Samuel Smith, 85, 93–95, 133, 134, 176

Nut Brown Ale, 138

Oatmeal Stout, 154, 161

Winter Welcome, 198

Yorkshire Stingo, 196–197

Sandlot Brewery, 386

Sangiorgi, Davide, 326

Sangiorgi, Giampaolo, 326

Sankt Vater Bier, 451

Santiam hops, 611

sap beer, 356–357

Saphir hops, 611

Sapporo, 465, 473

Saranac, 236, 385, 410

Saunders, Lucy, 556

Savor, 591

Schinner, 581

Schlafly, 236

Pumpkin Ale, 342

Quadrupel, 310

Schlenkerla Brewery, 49, 453, 471, 476–477, 488–490, 581

Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier, 485–486

Helles, 477

Schlitz, 465

Schloss Eggenberg

Samichlaus, 460

Urbock 23, 455

Schlüssel, 234, 236

Schneider. See G. Schneider and Sohn

Schneider, Georg, 366, 375

Schnitzler, Christa and Josef, 241

Schnitzler, Michael, 236, 239, 241, 242

Schorschbräu, 459

Schorschobock, 207


Latzenbier, 234

schwarzbier, 402–413

beers to know, 411–413

brewing notes for, 410

characteristics of, 406–407

description of, 402–403, 600

evolution of, 410

origins of, 404–405

See also dark lagers

Schwechat Brewery, 440

Scotch ale, 200, 225, 601

Scottish ales, 213–225

beers to know, 222–225

brewing notes for, 221

characteristics of, 218–220

description of, 213–214, 600

evolution of, 221–222

if you like, 221

origins of, 214–217

types of, 212

Scottish session ales, 212, 218–219, 222–223

Sea Dog, 176

seasonal ales, 341–342, 350

Sedlmayr, Gabriel, 401, 404, 439–441

senses, importance of, 4–6

serving beer, 543–551

session ales, Scottish, 212, 218–219, 222–223

Session Beer Project, 124

session beers, 124, 179, 600

Shakespeare’s Local (Brown), 584

shandy, 483, 600

Shelton, Dan, 593

Sheperd, Gordon, 61

Shepherd Neame, 584

shillings, 216

Shiner, 135, 455–456

Shipyard, 176, 190, 586, 587

Shock Top Belgian White, 382


Bellaire Brown, 137

shuffleboard, 572

Sidor, Larry, 174

Sierra Nevada, 170, 171, 173, 183, 334, 337, 365, 472, 479

Bigfoot, 196

Celebration, 110, 206

Kellerweis, 373

Pale Ale, 98–99, 101, 102, 174–175

Torpedo, 109, 110–111, 175

Tumbler, 136, 137–138

Silly, 267

Silver City

Fat Scotch Ale, 220

Simcoe hops, 67, 99, 185, 186, 336, 611

Simpsons, 220


Porter, 162

Singha, 466

Sint Sixtus, Abbey of, 297–298, 304, 579

Sixpoint, 430

Sweet Action, 482, 487

60 shilling beer, 216

skittles, 571

skunky beer, 38, 72, 466

Slosberg, Pete, 135

Sly Fox, 587

Oktoberfest, 447–448

Pikeland Pils, 433

smell, 5, 61

smoked ales, 342–345, 351

smoked imperial stout, 327

smoked lagers, 476–477, 485–486, 488–490


Maibock, 453

Old Brown Dog, 136, 139

snooker, 572

Social Kitchen, 340

solera, 531, 534

Sorachi ace, 612

sorghum, 16, 347–349, 354–355, 600

sour ale, 9, 493

soured beer, 51

Southampton, 396

Biere de Mars, 293

Southern Tier

Pumpking, 342, 350

Spalt hops, 234, 241

Spalt Select hops, 612

Spalt Spalter hops, 40, 612

sparging, 23, 56, 214, 600

sparklers, 565

Spaten Brewery, 404, 418–419, 439, 440–441, 443, 446, 462, 472, 581, 592

specific gravity, 8, 50, 600

speed drinking, 573–575

speise, 369, 371, 376

Spezial Brewery, 453, 476–477, 567, 581

Rauchbier, 486

spiced ales, 254–255, 262

spices, 9–10, 19, 33, 37–38, 251, 254, 339–340, 383, 386

spontaneous fermentation, 496, 519, 533–534

Sprecher, 171, 410

Mai Bock, 453, 458

Sprints, Alan, 202

St. Amand, 284

St. Bernardus, 301, 304, 305, 308

8, 302

Abt 12, 302, 305, 313

Pater 6, 305, 311

Prior 8, 305

Wit, 384, 388

St. Feuillien. See Brasserie St. Feuillien

St. Germain. See Brasserie St. Germain

St. Landeline, 284

St. Pauli Girl, 432

St. Peter’s, 348

Winter Ale, 351

St. Sylvestre, 284, 286

3 Monts, 293

staling, 73

Star, 172

steam beer, 135, 400, 479–480, 486–487

steam power, 23

Stecken, Jens, 367

steinbeer, 482–483

Stella Artois, 249, 299, 306, 381, 382, 466, 473

Stelzer, Martin, 417

sterile filtration, 545

Sterling hops, 612

Stewart brewing

80/- (80 Shilling), 219, 222–223

sticke beers, 236

stiff, 600

Stift Engelszell, 308

Benno, 308

Gregorius, 308

stock ale, 100

Stone Brewing, 174, 210

Arrogant Bastard, 206

IPA, 175

Levitation Ale, 184–185

stones, brewing with, 482–483

storing beer, 551–553

Stoudts, 173

Gold Lager, 434

stouts, 140–162

beers to know, 157, 159–162

brewing notes for, 154–155

characteristics of, 150–151, 152–154

description of, 140–141, 600

evolution of, 155–156

if you like, 155

origins of, 146–150

Scottish, 216

types of, 140

Strisselspalt hops, 315, 612

strong brown ales, 134

Strubbe, 518

style origin maps, 602–605


Belgian, 254

description of, 7

early, 15

types versus, 10

Styrian Golding hops, 81, 307, 315, 612

sucrose, 126

sugar syrup, 37


bitters and, 86

brewing process and, 33–35

color and, 63

fermentable, 34

in milds, 126–127

types of, 37

uses of, 9–10

sulfur, 73, 109

Summit, 173, 479

Extra Pale Ale, 104

Summit hops, 612

Surly, 210

Abrasive Ale, 209, 212

Bender, 136

Mild, 130

světý ležáks. See pilsner

sweet stouts, 140, 153–154, 160–161

Sweetwater, 479

IPA, 115

Swihart, Matt, 188–189, 190, 531


tadi, 357

tannins, 71

Target hops, 86, 336, 613

tart and wild ales, 491–537

Lambic family, 494–509

tart ales of Flanders, 514–424

wild ales, 528–537

tart Flemish ales, 514–424

beers to know, 522–523

brewing notes for, 519–520

characteristics of, 517–519 601

evolution of, 521–522

origins of, 515–517

tart German wheat ales, 389–398


blind, 69–70

experience of, 5

experts on, 58–59

flavor vs., 60–62

senses and, 61–65

taxation, 19, 31, 246, 383, 497

Taylor, Alan, 425

technical flaws, 70–73


flavor and, 65

for serving, 546

Tennents, 217

terminal (final) gravity, 601

terminology, 6–9, 144


Big Hoppy Monster, 185–186

terroir, 41, 601

Tettnanger hops, 40, 444, 613

Tetzlaff, Marie, 242

Texas brown ales, 134

Textbook of Brewing, A (De Clerck), 248, 480


Old Peculier, 198, 199, 203, 586

Theakston, Paul, 586

Theillier, 284, 286

La Bavaisienne, 293

thermometer, 23

Thiriez. See Brasserie Thiriez

Thiriez, Daniel, 269, 286, 290, 292

This, Hervé, 555

Thomas Hardy’s Ale, 197

Thomasbräu, 419

Thornbridge, 102, 118–121, 183, 210

Jaipur IPA, 113, 116, 118

Kipling, 89, 120

Lord Marples, 89, 120

Wild Swan, 120

Thrale’s, 144

Three Floyds

Alpha King, 104, 174

Dark Lord, 156

Gumballhead, 172, 181, 186–187

3 Monts, 284, 286

three threads, 142

Tilquin, 499, 502, 509

Timmermans, 509

Timothy Taylor

Landlord, 92

tmavé. See Czech tmavé and černé

toasting, 568–570

Toccalmatto, 320, 326

Oceana, 326

Re Hop, 326, 329

Uber Pils, 323

Tod, Rob, 383, 529, 530, 538–539

Tommyknocker, 134

Imperial Nut Brown, 137

top-fermenting, 231, 233, 234, 288, 343, 400, 404, 405, 601

torrified wheat, 601

traditional regional ales

African, 354–355

American, 357–358

Asian, 355–357

description of, 353–354

European, 359–360

Trainer Thompson, Jennifer, 183

Traité Complet de la Fabrication des Bières (Lacambre), 245–246

Tramway, 583

Tranter, Mark, 336

Trappist ales, 297–313

beers to know, 311–313

brewing notes for, 308–310

characteristics of, 300–308

description of, 297–298, 601

evolution of, 310

if you like, 309

origins of, 298–300

Trappists, 299, 314

Traquair House, 197

Ale, 220, 224

Trembling Madness, 586

Trinity Brewing

Emma’s Pumpkin Saison, 342

tripels, 253, 290, 297, 301–302, 310, 312–313

triple IPAs. See American strong ales

Tröegs, 520

Nugget Nectar, 181, 185

trub, 519, 521, 601

Trum, Matthias, 49, 440, 476, 477, 488–490

Truman, 146

Trumer, 135

Tscheuschner, Georg, 459

Tsingtao, 466

tuak, 357

tuba, 357

tun, 601

tunnel pasteurization, 545

turbid mash, 497, 601

Turner, Michael, 165

Tusker, 466

21st Amendment

Hell, 182, 187

High Watermelon, 187


U Fleků, 583

tmavý ležák, 408

U Sadu, 583

Uerige, 234, 236, 239, 240 242, 579

Alt, 237

Doppelsticke, 242

Sticke, 234, 237, 242


Oak Jacked Imperial Pumpkin, 350

umqombothi, 354

unbunged beer, 485

Únetickâ 12°, 476

Únëticky Pivovar, 420, 426, 430, 583

unfiltered beer, 8, 485

Unger, Richard, 18

ungespundet, 475–476, 581


La Fin du Monde, 312

Union of Belgian Brewers, 299

United States Brewing Association, 170

Upland Brewing, 508


Billy the Mountain, 198, 203

Urban Chestnut Zwickel, 485

Urquell. See Pilsner Urquell

Urthel, 113

utwala, 16

uytzet (uitzet), 247, 248, 267, 283, 380



Black Swan Dark Mild, 126


Island Bere, 217

Van Eecke Brewery

Poperings Hommelbier, 255, 261

Van Honsebrouck, 505, 517

Bacchus, 518–519

Kasteel Blond, 260

Van Roy, Jean, 501, 504, 507, 510–511, 576

Van Roy, Jean-Pierre, 499, 504, 511

Vanberg & Dewulf, 268

Vanderhaegen, Bart, 551–552

Vanhuele, John, 315–316

Vapeur, 267

Vaughan, Caolan, 120, 121

Vaux, 133, 148

Verhaeghe. See Brouwerij Verhaeghe

Verhelst, Gregory, 312

versoemer, 498

Victoria, 442

Victory, 430, 587

HopDevil, 174

Prima Plus, 433

St. Boisterous, 459

V-12, 310

Vienna lager, 438–448

beers to know, 448

characteristics of, 442

description of, 438–439, 601

evolution of, 446

if you like, 445

in Mexico, 445

origins of, 439–440

Vienna malt, 36

vinous, 601

viscosity, 68

Vizetelly, Henry, 392, 393–394


Black Magic, 207

Vrancken, J. B., 245–246


Wadworth Brewery, 333, 337, 584

Wahl, Robert, 193, 480, 481

Warrior hops, 613

Warsteiner, 432, 472

Washington, George, 28

wassail, 341, 569


altbier and, 235

bitters and, 80, 87

differences in, 45–46

Dupont and, 270–271

gypsum and, 109

kölsch and, 235

Samuel Smith and, 94

in Scotland, 215

Wauters, Regina, 516

Webb, Tim, 267

wee heavies, 212, 216, 218, 220, 224–225

Weihenstephan, 455, 581

Hefeweissbier Dunkel, 374

Kristallweissbier, 373–374

weissbier, 364, 366, 368–369, 481

weisse beers, 344. See also Berliner weisse

Weisses Brauhaus, 375

weizenbock, 364, 368–369

Welch, Darron, 200, 204

Wenker, Georg, 452

Westmalle, 300, 303, 307, 309–310

Dubbel, 301, 303

Extra, 300

Tripel, 209, 301, 303

Westvleteren, 252, 297–298, 299, 300, 304, 305, 308, 310

8, 310

12, 304

12 Guinea Ale, 302

Blond, 300, 304

wet hops, 42–43

Weyermann Malting, 345, 351, 427, 454

wheat, 36, 362–363, 365, 366

wheat ales, 166, 172, 180, 181, 182–183, 186–187

tart German, 389–398

wheat beers, 361–398

wheat malt, 36

Wheeler, Daniel, 145

whirlpool, 601

whisky barrels, 156

Whitbread, 107, 144, 146, 249

White Birch, 396

white IPA, 385

White Labs, 534

Widmer, Kurt, 175

Widmer Brothers, 135, 171, 183, 397

Altbier, 172

Hefeweizen, 174–175, 181, 186

Marionberry Hibiscus Gose, 394

wild ales, 528–537

beers to know, 535–537

brewing notes for, 532–534

characteristics of, 530–532

description of, 9, 528–529, 601

evolution of, 535

origins of, 529–530

See also tart and wild ales

wild yeast, 51, 492–493

Willamette hops, 87, 97, 102, 136, 138, 335, 613

Williams, Scott and Bruce, 219

Williams Brothers Brewing, 219

Fraoch Heather Ale, 44, 218, 219, 224

“wind-malted” barley, 379

Wine Bible, The (MacNeil), 334

wine casks, 321, 322, 325, 331, 371, 377, 520, 531. See also barrel-aging

winter warmers, 341

witbier. See Belgian witbier

woodruff, 393, 394

World Guide to Beer (Jackson), 29

World Health Organization, 575

wort, 601

brewing process and, 33


White Shield, 106, 109

Wurzler, 392

Wyeast Labs, 270, 309, 534, 538

Wynkoop, 587


Xingu, 410

Black Beer, 413


Yakobson, Chad, 530

Yards, 587

Brawler, 129

yards of ale, 574

Yazoo Brewing Sue, 486–487


ale and lager, 49–50, 52

ales and, 76–77

brewing process and, 33

description of, 9, 46–52, 601

Dupont and, 279–280

as glue, 391

lagers and, 400–401

overview of, 46–47

Pasteur’s treatise on, 23

temperature and, 49

wild, 51, 492–493

Yeastie Boys, 113

Yorkshire squares, 94, 601

Yorston, Brian, 333


Double Chocolate Stout, 161


Žatec hops, 611

Zlý Časy, 583

zoigl beer, 478

Zum Schlüssel, 566–567


Porter, 158