
injuries, and first aid for, 572–573

pain, and colic, 188

pain, and food allergy, 330

pain, and too much formula, 172

pain, in sick baby, 534–535

thrusts, for choking child, 591–592

Abrasions, first aid for, 586–587

Abscess, breast, 88


falls, 463–464

parental reaction to, 456, 464

prevention of, 402–415

Acellular pertussis, see Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Acetaminophen, 570; see also Medication

and breast milk, 96

dosage for baby, 757

Aches, postpartum, 679–680

Acne, baby, 201–202

Active baby, 238

Acute otitis media, 553–556; see also Ear infection

Additives in food, 341–342

and breastfeeding, 97–98

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), 501


and baby blues, 656

and bonding, 655

and breastfeeding, 11, 156, 656–658

and crying baby, 655–656

and FMLA, 661

and grandparents’ attitude, 658–659

and not feeling like a parent, 654–655

and unknown health problems, 659

and vaccines, 660

announcing, 659–660

finalizing the, 655

foreign, and special medical concerns, 654

preparing for, 652–654

telling baby about, 660–661


conflicting, 119

gratuitous, 325–326

Advil, see Ibuprofen

Aggressive behavior, 443

in older sibling, 740–741


and circumcision, 20

maternal, and breastfeeding, 10

perinatal, 638


baby swallowing, 194; see also Gas, Burping baby

polluted indoor, and minimizing risk to baby, 339–341

travel, 528–529

Air bags, and car seats, 139, 140

Air conditioning and baby, 509

Airplanes, and car seats, 139

traveling by, 528–529


check, when baby is choking, 591, 592

clearing of, in CPR, 594

suctioning of, at birth, 100


and breastfeeding, 96

and dangers of giving to baby, 343

and teething pain, 332

for umbilical cord care, 151, 197

Allergic colitis, 177–178

Allergy (ies), 540–544

and breastfeeding, 3, 543

and colic, 187

and extended breastfeeding, 268, 330–331

and introducing solids, 315–316, 543

bee venom, 542

dust, 541–542

food, 316, 330–331, 543

milk, 176–177, 543

milk, in breastfed babies, 177–178

mold, 542

peanut, 47, 491

pets, 541

pollen, 541

reaction to immunization, 232

soy, 543

test for, food, 331

Altitudes, high, 530

Analgesia, and circumcision, 21


in premature baby, 623

screening for, 364–365

Anencephaly, 638–639

Anger, parental, 455, 458

because of crying baby, 189–191

because of premature baby, 608

because of special needs child, 626–627

Animals, see Pets, Zoo

bites, and first aid for, 573

Ankle deformity, 641–642

Antiobiotic ointment

and newborn eyes, 100, 116, 117–118

and umbilical cord, 100

for first aid, 587


for baby’s ear infection, 554

maternal, and breastfeeding, 10

Antibodies, and breast milk, 4

and colostrum, 77–78


and breastfeeding, 9, 294

parental, about baby’s development, 225–226

parental, and colic, 188, 189–191

separation, see Separation anxiety

social, and shyness, 486

stranger, see Stranger anxiety

Apgar test, 100, 103–104

Apnea, 261–263

of prematurity, 263, 622

Apparent life-threatening event, 261–263


of newborn, 102

of premature baby, 608


drop in, 489–490

erratic, 422–424

in sick baby, 534

increase in, 492

lack of, in newborn, 121

loss of, 423–424

loss of, and teething, 320

Apple juice, 300

and diarrhea, 554


in baby food, 348

in formula, 107


and breastfeeding, 73, 83

and expressing breast milk by hand, 160

Arm pain, postpartum, 679–680

Artificial sweeteners

and breastfeeding, 97

not feeding to baby, 342

Aspartame, and breastfeeding, 97

Aspirator, nasal, see Nasal aspirator

Aspirin, 570, 777

Asthma, 540

and breastfeeding to prevent, 3

Atopic dermatitis, 270; see also Eczema

Attachment parenting, 257, 353

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 501

Auditory brainstem response (ABR) hearing screening, 101

Autism, 639

and vaccines, 229, 230

Auto, see Car

Axillary, taking temperature, 566


Babbling, 219

Babinski’s reflex, in newborns, 104

Baby (ies)

acting up, 375–376

and pets, 26–27, 541

appearance at birth, 102, 116–117

-bottle mouth, 361–362

carrier, 60–62, 236–237

challenging, 237–241

clothes, see Clothing

comparing, with other babies, 224–226

development, see Development

feeding needs, 48

food, see Solids

fussing in infant seat, 296

gifted, 377–378

going out with, 147–148, 200–201

grooming needs, 46–47

keeping comfortably warm/cool, 199–200

keeping germs away from, 201

keeping safe, 204–205

length, at birth, 100; see also Length

linens, 45–46

low-birthweight, see Low-birthweight baby

medicine cabinet needs, 47–48

monitor, 53–54

name for, 24–26

next, thinking about, 690–692

not sitting, in seventh month, 378–379

not thriving, 165–168

nursery needs, 49–54

powder, 46

premature, see Low-birthweight baby

-proofing the house, 401–415

propping, 295

reflexes, see Reflexes

rocker, 52–53

shampoo, 46

shoes, 365

sick, 532–571

signs, 389–391

sling, see Slings

spoiling, 191–194

standing, 295–296

states of consciousness, 120

swing, see Swing

talk, 222

temperament of, 238–239

tooth, injury to, 465

tub, 52

unhappy, 239

unhappy in car seat, 296–298

weight, at birth, 100; see also Weight

see also Newborn

Baby care, 133–151

bathing, 133–137

burping, 140–141

diapering, 141–143

dressing, 143–144, 200, 201

ear care, 144

feeling incompetent at, 676–678

handling, 162

lifting and carrying, 144–146

nail trimming, 146–147

nose care, 147

penis care, 148–150, 198

shampooing, 137–140

special concerns for adoptive parents, 659

swaddling baby, 150–151, 199

umbilical stump, 151, 196–197

Baby nurse, 16–18


and separation anxiety, 480–482

finding a, 277–283

instructions for, 276

leaving baby with, 274–275, 710

see also Child care


blows, when baby is choking, 590

injury, and first aid for, 575

pain, postpartum, 679–680

Back, putting baby to sleep on, 179–180, 260, 261

and not sleeping well, 241–242

and slower development, 210

in child care setting, 287

Backpack carrier, 62, 325

Backyard safety, 412

Bacteria, see Germs

Bandages, 588

butterfly, 587

Barbecue, safety near, 514–515

Barrier method of birth control, 697–700

Basal body temperature, 700

Bassinet, 50–51


as part of bedtime routine, 426

fear of, 355–358

for treating fever, 571

how to give a, 133–137

in big tub, 355–358

safety in, 204, 357

seat, 64, 357

tub, baby, 52

Bathing, see Bath

Bathroom, safety precautions in, 411

Bathtub, see Bath

Battery-operated pump, 157–158


putting baby to, 256–257, 425–427

putting weaned baby to, 483–484

safety of, if co-sleeping, 265

sharing with baby, 264–266, 353

switching from crib to, 496–497

see also Sleeping, Crib

Bedside sleeper, 51

Bedtime, 256–257

difficulties, 425–426

routines, 426–427, 483, 484

separation anxiety, 484–485

Bee stings

allergy to, 542, 573–574

first aid for, 573–574

protecting baby from, 513

severe reaction to, 573–574


challenging, 237–241

change in, sick baby, 533–534

unpredictable, 493

see also Habits, Discipline

Belly button, see Umbilical cord

Belly, see Tummy

Benzopyrenes, and minimizing risk to baby, 339

Bib, for feedings, 314

Bicycle-horn pump, 158

Bililights, 129–130

Bilirubin, 129–131

and colostrum, 78

Biotinidase deficiency, 647

testing for, in baby, 100

Birth certificate, 105, 149

Birth control, 692–701

and breastfeeding, 89

and formula feeding, 8

Birth defect(s), baby with

and fetal alcohol syndrome, 627

causes of, 637

different, with next baby, 638

explaining to others, 628–629

getting information on, 630–632

getting the right diagnosis for, 630–632

inheritance of, 650

most common, 638–651

repeat of, with next baby, 637

see also Special needs baby, individual defects

Birthday party, baby’s first, 478–479

Birthmarks, 126–127

Birthweight, 113; see also Low-birthweight baby, Weight

Bites, first aid for

animal, 573

human, 573

insect, 573–574

snake, 574

Biting, 443

and teething, 320

nipples, while nursing, 379

Black stool, 131, 303–304

Black-and-blue mark, see Bruise


and SIDS risk, 261

as comfort object, 430–432

baby, 45, 46

while sleeping, 497

Bleeding, and first aid for, 587–588

from mouth, and first aid for, 583

from nose, and first aid for, 583

internal, and first aid for, 572

Blinking, 446


nursing, 168–169

on gums, 128


in spit-up, 176

in stool, 131, 177–178

Blood pressure, low, in premature baby, 624

Blood tests, see Screening tests

Blueness of skin,

temporary, 202

in breathing emergency, 592, 593

Bonding, 114–116

and breastfeeding, 6

and premature baby, 610–612

and special needs baby, 627–628

Bones, broken, first aid for, 575


as part of bedtime routine, 426

reading to baby, 368, 398–400, 470

Booster seat

for feeding, see High chair

for older child, in car, see Car seats

Boredom with staying home, 703–706

Bottle feeding

combining with breastfeeding, 90–91

feelings about, 8

getting started, 106–109, 112–113

interfering with breastfeeding, 67

monitoring intake, 7, 108

safety precautions, 109–110

supplemental, 166, 215–218

tips for winning baby over, 217

twins, 170–171

weaning from, 460–462

with love, 110–111

see also Feeding, Formula

Bottle liners, 112


and tooth decay, 361–362

as comfort object, 430–432

baby rejecting, 358–359

baby’s attachment to, at twelve months, 482–483

choosing, 48

eliminating, 362

introducing, in a breastfed baby, 215–218

not introducing, 215

propping, 111

sterilizing, 109

weaning from, 460–462

Bouncer seat, 52–53

Bouncing, risk of for infant, 237

Bowed legs, see Bowlegged

Bowel movements, 131–132; see also Stool

as sign of baby thriving, 164

changes in, 359

changes in, as symptom, in sick baby, 534

decreasing number of, 269

explosive, 178

number of, in normal newborn, 178

Bowlegged, 233–234, 295–296, 428–429, 462–463

Boys, and gender differences, 494–496

Bra, see Nursing bra

Brachial pulse, 533, 534


and breastfeeding, 4, 268

and enriched formula, 107

and enriched baby food, 348

early development, 224–225

inflammation of, 764–765

injury, from shaking, 272


alcohol while, 96

all the time, 84, 164

and adoption, 11, 156, 656

and being tied down, 273–274

and chemicals, 97–98

and exercising, 89–90

and father, 6, 721

and herbs, 97

and jaundice, 130–131

and mom’s rights, 87

and peanuts, 97

and relactating, 91–93

and rooming-in, 67

and SIDS, 4, 261

and sweeteners, 97

and taking medications, 95–96

and thrush, 129

and working, 250–254

anxiety about, 9

baby falling asleep while, 427; see also Feeding

baby refusing, 293–294

baby’s loss of interest in, at eight months, 420–422

benefits of, 3–7

benefits of extended, 268

breaking suction while, 75

caffeine while, 96–97

changing mind about, 172

combining with bottle feeding, 90–91

continued, 268, 437

contraindications to, 10–11

drinking while, 95

during maternal illness, 88–89

early, 66–67

eating fish while, 98

feelings about, 8

getting started, 66–69

help with, 68–69

hormonal changes while, 9, 70

how often to, 77, 165

in front of older sibling, 737–738

in hospital, 67

in public, 86–87

inability to, 168

latching on, 73–75

legislation about, 87

mother’s diet while, 93–95

older sibling wanting to, 738

positions for, 71–73

premature baby, 614–615

preparing breasts for, 28–29

smoking while, 96

style, of baby, 76

substances to avoid while, 96–98

supplementer, 92

time spent, 84–85

twins, 16

what to wear when, 85–86

see also Feeding, Breast milk, Weaning

Breast milk

and baby’s stools, 4, 131, 132

baby getting enough, 164–168

color of, 78, 94, 157

composition of, 3, 70

convenience of, 4

cost of, 5

eating to make, 94

expressing, prenatally, 28

expressing, see Expressing breast milk

filling a bottle with, 216

for premature baby, 603–604

foremilk, 70, 75, 166, 300

fortified, for premature baby, 604

freezing expressed, 162

having enough, 163–168

hindmilk, 4, 70, 75, 165–166, 300

insufficient, and colic, 188

jaundice, 130–131

keeping it safe and healthy, 93–98

leaking of, 80, 81–82

let-down of, see Let-down

overabundant, 80; see also leaking

production of, 69–70

storage bags for, 161

storing of, 162

thawing frozen, 162

transitional milk, 78

see also Colostrum

Breast pump, see Pump

Breasts, swollen, in newborn, 102

Breast(s), maternal

abscess, 88

baby’s favoring one, 235–236

baby’s rejection of, 293–294

cancer, and breastfeeding, 10

empty feeling, 121

engorged, 78–80

infection, 84, 88

lump in, 87–88

preparing for breastfeeding, 28–29

small, and breastfeeding, 6

surgery, and breastfeeding, 10, 168

weaning from the, 474–477

Breast shells, 28, 161, 166

Breath holding, 446–447


baby’s, while sleeping, 183–185

grunting sound when, 762–763

lapses, 261–263

monitor, 260, 262–263

periodic, 183

reporting emergencies to doctor, 262

Broken bones, first aid for, 575

Bronchiolitis, 560–561, 760–761

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), 621–622

Bruises, first aid for, 586

finger or toe, 579–580

head or scalp, 581

Brushing teeth, 359–361

Bug bites, see Insect bites

Bulb pump, 158

Bumpers, crib, 50, 401


first aid for, 575–577

preventing, 408–410

Burping baby, 140–141, 167, 194

Buying, for baby, 41–65

Butterfly bandage, 587


Cabbage leaves, for engorged breasts, 79

Café au lait spots, 127


and breastfeeding, 96–97

and GER, 559


and vegan diet, 363–364

in infant diet, 317

in postpartum diet, 668


in infant diet, 317

in postpartum diet, 667


flash, safety of, 206

to watch baby-sitter, 282


breast, and breastfeeding, 10

and rejection of breast, 236

penile, and circumcision, 20

risk, and breastfeeding, 5

Candida, and thrush, 128

Candidal dermatitis, 270


not leaving baby alone in, 205, 509

safety, 414; see also Car seats

Car seats

and air bags, 139, 140

baby unhappy in, 269–298

for low-birthweight baby, 618–619

in airplanes, 139, 524, 525

installing, 138–139

types of, 57–60

using safely, 138–139, 204

Carbohydrates, see Complex carbohydrates

Carbon monoxide, and minimizing risk to baby, 339

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, see CPR

Care providers, see Baby-sitter

Carriage, baby, 55–56

Carrier, 60–62

backpack, 325

Carrying baby, 144–146, 372–374

Cats, 27

Cavernous hemangioma, 126

Cavities, and breast milk, 4

CD-ROMS, for babies, 499–500

Celiac disease, 330, 640

and extended breastfeeding, 268

Cereal, 312, 315, 423

rejection of, 363

storing, 328

Cerebral palsy, 640–641

Cervical cap, 698

Chafing dermatitis, 269–270

Chair, feeding, see High chair

Challenging baby, 237–241

Changing table, 51–52


dental, 361

first month, 154–155

fourth month, 291

making the most of well-baby, 214

ninth month, 417–418

second month, 213–215

sixth month, 346–347

twelfth month, 473–474

Cheek rubbing, and teething, 321

Chemical burns, and first aid for, 576–577

Chemical pesticides, see Pesticides

Chemicals, and breastfeeding, 97–98

Chest compressions, in CPR, 597–599

Chest thrusts, for choking baby, 590–591

Chicken pox, 230, 760–761

Child care

corporate day care, 287–288

group day care, 283–286

home day care, 287

in-home care, 275–283

see also Baby-sitter

Childproofing, 401–415

Chills, as symptom, in sick baby, 535

as symptom of breast infection, 88

Chin rash, and teething, 319–320

Chin, quivering, 125

Chlamydial infection, and newborn’s eyes, 116, 117–118


and propping the bottle, 111

first aid for, 589–592

foods that can cause, 388


and breast milk, 4

in baby’s diet, 465–467

Chubby baby, see Overweight

Circulation, checking for in CPR, 596

immature, in newborn, 202


and AIDS, 20

and cancer, 20, 21

and care of penis, 150, 198

and pain relief, 21

and making the decision about, 20–22

and urinary tract infection, 20

Classes for baby, 306, 447–448, 515

Cleft lip, 641

and breastfeeding, 11

Cleft palate, 641

and breastfeeding, 11, 166

Clinging, 493

see also Separation anxiety

Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale (CLAMS), 153

Clogged milk duct, 87–88

Clogged tear duct, 207

Clothing, baby

detergent for, 208

features, 42–43

sizes, 42

what to buy, 44–45

Clubfoot, 641–642

Cluster feedings, 82–83

Clutch hold, and breastfeeding, 72

Colds, common, 544–549

baby’s, and refusing to breastfeed, 293

frequent, 549

mom’s, 89–90, 702

Cold compresses, 756

Cold soaks, 756

Cold sores, 766–767

Cold weather concerns, 517–520

Colic, 186–191; see also Crying

carrying position for, 193, 304

coping with, 192–193

helping siblings cope with, 738–739

medication for, 190

Color changes in infant, 202

Colostrum, 77–78

Combination vaccines, 155, 227

Comfort objects, 430–432, 485

Common childhood infections, 759–781

Comparing babies, 224–226

Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 38, 550

Complex carbohydrates

in infant diet, 317

in postpartum diet, 668

Complexion problems, 127

Computer games, for babies, 499–500

Condoms, 699

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 647

testing for, in baby, 100

Congenital heart defect, 642

Congenital hypothyroidism, 647

Congenital pigmented nevi, 127

Conjunctivitis, 762–763

Consciousness, loss of, 579

Constipation, 179, 549–551

and breast milk, 4

and milk allergy, 179

as symptom, in sick baby, 534

stools, 131

Contraception, see Birth control


giving baby some, 458

lack of, as new mother, 676

Convulsions, see Seizures

Cooing, 219–220

lack of, 220–222

Cool compresses, 756

Cooling inserts, for engorged breasts, 79


with crying, 189–195

with motherhood, 670–672, 674–679

with premature baby, 610–625

with special needs baby, 629–630

Cornstarch, and diapering baby, 271

Corrected age, in premature baby, 617–618

Co-sleeping, 265–266, 353


and teething, 320

barking, 762–763

chronic, 322

fake, 322

medicine, 545

sudden, 549

treatment for, 546

Cow’s milk, see Milk

Coxsackie virus, 767

CPR, 593–599

Cradle, 50–51

Cradle cap, 233

Cradle hold, and breastfeeding, 72, 73

Cramping, uterine, and breastfeeding, 5

Crawling, baby’s not, 210, 391–393


for diaper area, 271

for eczema, 325

Creativity, stimulating, 369

Creeping, 391–392


bedding, and SIDS, 261

bumper, 50

choosing, 49–50

graduating from, 496–497, 729

linen for, 45

mattress, 50

moving a sleeping baby to, 185–186

portable, 54

safety, in eighth month, 401

Crooked feet, 233–234

Crossed eyes, 206

Crossover hold, and breastfeeding, 71–72

Croup, 762–763

treatment for, 546

Cruising, 428

Crust, in baby’s eyes, 207

Cry it out, letting baby, to sleep, 350

Crying, 186, see also Colic

a lot, after immunization, 232

anger at baby’s, 189

as symptom, in sick baby, 534

comforting a baby who is, 192–193

coping with, 192–193

decoding, 123

in adopted baby, 655–656


sippy, 326–328

starting the, 326–330

Cuts, first aid for, 587

Cyclessa, 694

Cystic fibrosis (CF), 642–643

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

and baby’s hearing loss, 101

and day care, 286


Daily Dozen

for baby, 317–319

for mother, postpartum, 666–670

Dandruff, 233

Day and night, confusing, 181–182

Day care

corporate, 287–288

group, 283–286

home, 287

Deafness, see Hearing, loss

Decongestants, 545, 554

Deer ticks, protecting baby from, 513

DEET, in insect repellent, 513

Deformities, 643–644

of foot or ankle, 641–642

Dehydration, 553

and breastfed baby, 164

Demand feeding, 67–68, 164

Demand parenting, 255–256


checkup, 361

emergencies, 583

health, 359–362

Dentist, 361, 465

Denver Developmental Screening Tests, 153

Depo-Provera, 695

Depression, postpartum, 672–674

father’s, 719–720

in adoptive mother, 656

Detergent, for baby’s clothes, 208

Development, baby’s, 153, 208–211, 224–226, 244–248

and being gifted, 377–378

and father, 723

comparisons of infant, 224–226

eighth month, 385–386

eleventh month, 459–460

falling behind, 472

fifth month, 310–311

first month, 152–154

fourth month, 289–290

going backwards, 489

intellectual, 224–225, 248, 367

language, 209, 219–222, 368

motor, 209–210, 247–248, 366–367

ninth month, 416–417

parents’ intuition about, 472

premature baby’s, 616–618

second month, 212–213

seventh month, 370–371

sixth month, 345–346

slow, 429

social, 209, 247, 367, 486–487

speech, and sippy cups, 327

tenth month, 435–436

third month, 249–250

twelfth month, 471–473

Diaper area, washing, 135

Diaper bag

choosing, 62

packing a, 147–148

packing, for travel, 525–528

Diapering baby, 141–143

and wriggling at changing time, 295

Diaper ointment, 142

Diaper pail, 52

Diaper pins, 143

Diaper rash, 269–271

and breast milk, 4

ointment for, 142

Diaper wipes, and diaper rash, 271

Diapers, 46

and diaper rash, 270–271

cloth, 22–23, 52, 143

disposable, 22

ointment (or cream) for, 271

Diaphragm, as birth control, 697–698

Diarrhea, 551–553

and best juice for, 554

and breast milk, 4

and E. coli bacteria, 340

and milk allergy, 176–177

and teething, 320

and too much juice, 300

as sign of allergy, when introducing solids, 316

as symptom, in sick baby, 534

stools, 131

treatment for, 552

when to call the doctor, 552–553

Diet, baby’s

and overweight, 299–301

First Year Diet for Beginners, 316–319

for special needs baby, 626

keeping it varied, 343, 419

Diet, maternal, postpartum, 665–670

and breastfeeding, 93–95

and breastmilk allergy, 177–178

and formula feeding, 8, 670

and nursing strike, 293

Digestive upset

and breast milk, 4

and colic, 188

and exended breastfeeding, 268

and milk allergy, 176–178

as symptom, in sick baby, 534

see also Diarrhea, Vomiting, GER

Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), 229, 231


baby eating, 396

baby playing in the, 396–397


and breast milk, 4

in formula, 107

in baby food, 348

Discipline, beginning of, 451–458

Dislocation, shoulder or elbow, first aid for, 577

Doctor, see Physician


and baby, 26–27

bites, see Bites

see also Pets

Dorsal penile nerve block, and circumcision, 21

Doula, 16–18, 19

Down syndrome, 644–645

Dressing baby, 143–144, 200, 201

and premies, 620

for bed, and SIDS, 261

in changing weather, 518

in cold weather, 517

in hot weather, 508–509

in the sun, 512

Driving, with baby, 529–530; see also Car, Car seat

Drooling, and teething, 319

Drowning, first aid for, 578

Drug abuse, and breastfeeding, 10

Drugs, see Medication

Dry skin, 519

DTaP, see Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Dust, allergy to, 541–542


E. coli bacteria, and petting zoos, 340


bent, in newborn, 117

care, 144

discharge from, as symptom, in sick baby, 534

foreign object in, and first aid for, 578

injury to, and first aid for, 578

pressure in, in flight, 528

pulling, and teething, 321, 322–323

thermometer, 565–566

see also Ear infection, Ear pain, Hearing

Ear infections, 553–556

and continued pacifier use, 196

and extended breastfeeding, 268

and propping the bottle, 111

Ear pain

and infection, 553

and refusing to breastfeed, 294

treatment for, 546

Early rising, 354–355


dirt, 396

independent, 424

messy, 439–441

off the floor, baby’s, 395

out, with baby, 380–381

refusing to, self feed, 492–493

see also Food, Solids, Diet

Eating habits

picky, 422–424, 490–492

establishing good, 418–420

messy, 439–441

irregular, 489–490

Eczema, 324–325

and breastfeeding, 3

and milk allergy, 176


avoiding raw, 329

introducing, 316

Elbow, dislocated, 480

Electric pump, 157, 161

Electric shock, first aid for, 578

Electrical burns, and first aid for, 577

Electrical hazards, 411, 413

Emergencies, medical

being prepared for, 576

breathing, CPR for, 593–599

choking, first aid for, 589–592

first aid for, 572–599

Emergency contraception, 700

EMLA cream, and circumcision, 21


about premature baby, 607–609, 610–612, 619

about special needs baby, 626–628

and adoption, 654–656

father’s, see Father

Employment, see Work

Encephalitis, 764–765

Engorgement, 78–79

as sign that baby is getting enough to eat, 165

lack of, 80

Engrossment, and father, 115

Environment, creating a good, for baby 243–244

Environmental hazards, and baby, 335–344

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 338, 339, 343

Epiglottitis, 764–765

Epstein’s pearls, 128

Erection, in baby, while diapering, 142, 397

Erythema toxicum, 127

Essure, 701

Estrogen, and breastfeeding, 70

ExerSaucer, see Stationary entertainers


and breastfeeding, 89–90

for baby, 305–307, 502

postpartum, 683–685

stroller, 685

Exhaustion, postpartum, 670–672

Expressing breast milk, 155–162

for premature baby, 603

prenatally, 28


and photo flashes, 206

and protection from the sun, 512

blinking of, 446

bloodshot, 117, 762

changes in appearance of, as symptom, in sick baby, 534

determining color, 117

crossed, 206

crust in, 207, 534, 762

dilated pupils in, 582

discharge from, 207, 534, 762

drops, giving baby, 539

exposure to light, and premature baby, 611

foreign object in, and first aid for, 578–579

injury, from shaking, 272

injury to, and first aid for, 578–579

mucus in, 207, 534, 762

ointment for, in newborn, 100, 116, 117–118

soaks for, 756

swelling of newborn’s, 116

teary, 206–207

watery, as sign of allergy, when introducing solids, 316

see also Vision


Fainting, first aid for, 579

Falls, 463–464

Family and Medical Leave Act, see FMLA

Family bed, 264–266

Family practitioner, 31; see also Physician

Farm, see Petting zoo


baby, see Overweight baby

in baby’s diet, 318, 343, 466–467

in postpartum diet, 669

in soy milk, 483

in vegan diet, 364

Father, 715–725

and bottle feeding, 7

and breastfeeding, 6, 9, 720, 721

and child’s development, 723

and depression, 719–720

and engrossment, 115

and helping postpartum, 18, 723–724

and paternity leave, 715–716

and sex, postpartum, 720

and smoking, 724

and spouse’s postpartum

depression, 718–719

attention to baby, mother’s jealousy of, 708–709

bonding with baby, 115

feeling inadequate, 722–723

jealousy of mother’s attention to baby, 721–722

lack of time to spend with baby, 724–725

parenting skills, mother’s jealousy of, 707–708

stay-at-home, 717–718

Fears, 450–451

of baths, 355–358

of strangers, 429–430

Febrile convulsions, 563, 568


at the table, 420

chair, see High chair

cluster, 82–83

cue, 68

establishing good habits, 418–420

length of, and breastfeeding, 75–76

low-birthweight baby, 601–605, 614–615

making sessions easier, 124

nighttime, and bottle feeding, 7, 113

nighttime, and breastfeeding, 5

nonstop, 123–125

on demand, 67–68

reducing nighttime feedings, 258–259

refusing to self-feed, 492–493

refusing, because of teething, 320

safely, 328–329

schedule, 169

self, 424

sick baby, 535–536

solids, 313–319; see also Solids

see also Breastfeeding, Bottle feeding, Solids

Feeding seat, 63–64; see also High chair


crooked, 233–234

flat, 428

FemCap, 698

Fencing reflex, in newborns, 105

Fenugreek, 92, 97

Ferberizing, 350–351

Fertility awareness, 701

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 645

Fever, 562–571

after immunization, 232

and heatstroke, 509–510

and teething, 320–321

convulsion during, 563

evaluating a, 567–568

treatment for, 546, 568–571

when to call the doctor, when baby has a, 567–568

Fiber-optic blankets, for jaundice, 130

Fifth disease, 764–765

Finger foods, 387–388

Finger, injuries to, and first aid for, 579–581

Fire extinguishers, 409

Fire safety precautions, 408–410

Fireplace fires, safety, 519–520

First aid, 572–599

supplies for, 47–48, 576

First birthday party, 478–479

First words, 388–389

First Year Diet for Beginners, 316–319


and breastfeeding, 98

and serving to baby, 342

Five-point harness, in car seat, 58

Flash, camera, 206

Flat feet, 428

FlavorX, 538

Flipping over, during night, 355

Flossing, baby’s teeth, 360

Flu, 545, 768–769

nasal spray, 233

vaccine, 231, 232–233, 545


in warm weather, 514

for sick baby, 535, 758

in infant’s diet, 318–319

in postpartum diet, 669

rehydration, 535

when baby has a cold, 548

when baby has a fever, 569

when baby has diarrhea, 552

when baby is constipated, 551

Flu Mist, 233

Fluoride, 175

in toothpaste, 360

Flying, with baby, 524–525, 528–529

FMLA, 14, 715–716

and adoption, 661

Folic acid

maternal deficiency, and birth defect, 639, 641, 649

supplement, in babies of breastfeeding vegans, 173

Follow-up formula, 108

Fontanels, 162–163

in sick baby, 534


allergies, 330–331, 543; see also Allergies

changes in, when baby has diarrhea, 552

changes in, when baby has reflux, 558

changes in, when baby is constipated, 551

contaminants in, and minimizing risk to baby, 341–344

finger, 387–388

introducing new, 315–316

poisoning, preventing, 516

processed, 341–342

safety, 328–329, 342–343, 388

to keep away from baby, 315

to offer baby, 312, 314–315

see also Feeding, Solids

Foot deformity, 641–642

Football hold, and breastfeeding, 72

Foreign language, teaching a, 222–224

Foremilk, see Breast milk


retraction of, 234–235

see also Circumcision

Forgetting a skill, 489

Formaldehyde, and minimizing risk to baby, 340


allergy to, 176–177

and baby’s stools, 131, 132

and DHA, 107

benefits of, 7–8

for premature baby, 604–605

preparing, 109

selecting a, 106

storing, 110, 147

supplementing with, while breastfeeding, 216–217

too much, 172–173

types of, 106–109

warming, 109–110

see also Follow-up formula, Hypo- allergenic formula, Hydrolysate formula, Soy formula, Lactose- free formula

Fractured bones, first aid for, 575

Freezing breast milk, 162

Friendships, changes in, after becoming a parent, 706–707


first aid for, 581

preventing, 518


dietary recommendations for, 318

in postpartum diet, 668

peeling, before serving to baby, 342–343

to offer baby, 312, 315


and minimizing risk to baby, 340

exposure to noxious, and first aid for, 585

Functional heart murmur, 303

Fungus infection

in diaper area, see Diaper rash

in mouth, 128–129

Furniture for baby, choosing safe, 49–54


and “challenging” baby, 237–241

and milk allergy, 177

and teething, 320

in car seat, 296–298

in infant seat, 296

see also Colic, Crying



in newborn, 121

on medication, 538

Galactosemia, 647

testing for, in baby, 100

Games babies play, 432–434


and breast milk, 3

and colic, 187

and crying, 194

as sign of allergy, when introducing solids, 316

baby passing, 178

medication for, 190

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), 556–559

and spitting up, 176

Gastrointestinal upset, see Diarrhea, Vomit

Gate, safety

choosing, 64

using, 406, 413

Gavage, 601–602

Gender differences, 494–496

Genetics, and birth defects, 637, 650

Genitals, baby

baby playing with, 397

explaining differences in, to older sibling, 737

swollen, in newborn, 102

washing, 135

see also Vagina, Penis, Scrotum, Testicles

German measles, see Rubella


and sippy cups, 327

keeping baby away from, 201, 395, 396, 702

Gifted baby, 377–378

Gifts, safety of, 521

Girls, and gender differences, 494–496

Glider, 53

Gonococcol infection, and newborn’s eyes, 116, 117–118

Grains, whole

as a habit, 418–419

dietary recommendations for, 317

in postpartum diet, 668

Grandparents, 14–15, 18–19

and adoption, 658–659

and baby with birth defects, 629

lack of, 16

spoiling baby, 374–375

Grape juice, 300

and diarrhea, 554

Gray teeth, 383

Grazing, 382

Green leafy vegetables, see Vegetables

Group day care, see Day care


charts, 302

spurt, 82, 164

swings, 467


about birth defect, 627

about leaving baby with sitter, 710

about premature baby, 619


bumps on, 128

hematomas, and teething, 321

swollen, 465, 534



blinking, 446

breath holding, 446–447

comfort objects, 430–431

fussy eating, 422–424

hair pulling, 442–443

head banging, 441–442

messy eating, 439–441

pacifier use, see Pacifier

teeth grinding, 443

thumb sucking, 298–299


care of, 449–450

lack of, in eighth month, 432

newborn, 102

pulling or rolling, 442–443

Handedness, 400–401

Hand-foot-mouth disease, 766–767

Hand-me-downs, 41


bluish color of, 202

temperature of, 199–200

Harness, in car seat, 58


appearance of, at birth, 102

banging, 441–442

circumference, at birth, 100

flattening, due to sleeping position, 180

in newborn, 116

injuries to, and first aid for, 581–582

keeping steady, at four months, 290

tilt/chin lift, for CPR, 591, 594

Health insurance, 30, 128, 129


and loud music, 203

concern about, 202–203

damage to, 203

loss, 101

screening test, 101

stimulating in early months, 245–246

stimulating in older baby, 367


defect, 642

murmur, 303

rate, 533

Heartburn, 556

and colic, 188

Heat, for breast engorgement, 79

Heating pad, 756–757


first aid for, 582–583

preventing, in baby, 509–510

signs of, 509

Heel stick, in newborn, 100, 103

Height, 302; see also Length

charts, 782–783


for adopting families, 660–661

for at-home dads, 718

for parents of special needs babies, 632

for newly delivered mother, 18–19

for single parents, 678

with breastfeeding, 68–69

Hemophilus Influenzae b vaccine (Hib), 230–232

Hepatitis A

maternal, and breastfeeding, 10

vaccine (hep A), 232

Hepatitis B

maternal, and breastfeeding, 10

vaccine (hep B), 155, 231, 232

Herbal tea

and breastfeeding, 97

and giving to baby, 343


and breastfeeding, 92, 97

and giving to baby, 550


inguinal, 198, 235

scrotal, 235

umbilical, 197–198

Herpangina, 766–767

Herpes simplex, 766–767

Hib, see Hemophilus Influenzae b vaccine

Hiccups, 208

High altitudes, traveling to, 530

High chair

and feeding solids, 313

choosing, 63

in restaurant, 380

safety tips, 332

when to put baby in, 331

High-intensity baby, 239

Hind milk, see Breast milk

Hitting, other children, 488–489


Hives, and milk allergy, 176

HMOs, 37

Holiday hazards, 520–521

Home births, and hospital procedures, 105

Home day care, see Day care

Home, see House

Homecoming with baby, and older sibling, 734–735

Home-prepared baby food, 349

Homocystinuria, 647

testing for, in baby, 100

Honey, 318

Hook-on seats, safety, 332

Hormonal injections, as birth control, 695

Hormones, mother’s

and baby refusing to breastfeed, 294

and breastfeeding, 70, 89

and postpartum depression, 672–674


checkups for baby, 100–103

early discharge from, 132

procedures for babies born at home, 105


of premature baby, 612–613, 624


compresses, 757

soaks, 757

-water bottle, 757–758

Hot weather concerns, 508–517

Hotels, traveling to, with baby, 530–531


baby’s messing up, 393–395

childproofing your, 401–415

getting everything done in the, 674–676

Household pest control, and baby, 336–337

Human milk fortifier (HMF), 604

Humidifier, 47, 758

Hunger, see Appetite

Husband, see Spouse

Hydrocele, 198

Hydrocephalus, 645–646

Hydrocortisone cream, and diaper rash, 271

Hydrolysate formula, 177, 543

Hydrophobia, see Rabies

Hyperactivity, 501

Hypoallergenic formula, 107

Hypoglycemia, 624

Hypospadias, 198–199

Hypothermia, first aid for, 581

Hypothyroidism, testing for, in baby, 100

and PPD, 673


Ibuprofen, 570, 757; see also Medication


and engorgement, 79

pack, 758

ID bands, in hospital, 101, 130

Illness, baby, see Sick baby

Illness, maternal

and breastfeeding, 88–89

and spreading germs to baby, 702

serious, and breastfeeding, 10


allergy, 540–544

at birth, 638–651 common cold, 544–549

communicable, 759–781

diarrhea, 551–553

ear inflammation, 553–556

in premature baby, 621–624

most common, 540–562

preventing spread of, 548

treatment of, 546–547

Immunizations, 226–233

and adoption, 660

and asthma, 227

and breast milk, 4

and multiple shots, 227

and premature baby, 619

and SIDS, 263

combination, 155, 227

myths about, 227

pain of, 227

reporting reactions to, 228

schedule, 231

skipping, 227

when to call the doctor after, 232

see also individual vaccines

Impetigo, 270

Implanon, 696–697

Implant, hormonal, as birth control, 696–697

Inadequacy, feelings of

as a mother, 676–678

as an adoptive parent, 655

as a father, 722–723

Inborn errors of metabolism, 100, 154, 647

In-home child care, see Baby-sitter

Incubator, 606

Independence, ambivalence about, 493

Infant seat, 52–53

baby fussing in, 296

Infant, see Baby

Infection, breast, 84, 88

common childhood, 759–781

cord stump, 197

ear, see Ear infection

eye, see Eye

gastrointestinal, and extended breastfeeding, 268

in premature baby, 623–624

serious maternal, and breastfeeding, 10

Influenza vaccine, 231, 232–233

Influenza, 768–769 see also Flu

Inguinal hernia, 198, 235

Innocent murmur, 303

Insect bites, 512–513

first aid for, 573–574

protecting baby from, 513

Insect repellent, 513

Insurance, disability, 63

health, see Health insurance

life, 63

Intellectual development, see Development, intellectual

Intelligence, see IQ

Intercourse, postpartum, 685–689

and father’s feelings about, 720

and breastfeeding, 8, 687

making it enjoyable, 686

spotting after, 687

Internal bleeding, and first aid for, 572

Intertrigo, 270

Intrauterine device, see IUD

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), 613

Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), 623

Inverted nipple

in baby, 235

in mother, see Nipples

IPV, see Polio vaccine


and breast milk, 4

and extended breastfeeding, 268

and reduction of, because of lead, 337


and black stool, 131, 132, 303–304

and cereal snubbing, 363

deficiency, 365

dietary recommendations for, 318

fortified formula, 108

in postpartum diet, 668–669

supplement, 174–175, 363, 365

Irregular baby, 238–239

Irritability, see Fussiness

Isolette, in NICU, 606

Itching, treatment for, 546–547

IUD, 696, 697

IV feeding, and low-birthweight baby, 601, 607


Jaundice, 129–131

and colostrum, 78

in premature baby, 624

Jaw thrust, in CPR, 594


sibling’s, 736–737, 741

father’s, 721–722

mother’s, 707–709

Jogger stroller, 56

Juice, 300, 423, 491

best, when baby has diarrhea, 554

Jumpers, 334–335

Junk food, 419–420; see also Sweets


Kangaroo care, and

premature baby, 611

Keeping baby cool, in warm

weather, 508–509

Keeping baby warm, in cold

weather, 517–518, 519

Kegels, 681, 682, 686

Kernicterus, 130

Kitchen, safety precautions in, 410–411


La Leche League, 18, 29, 69

Lact-Aid Nursing Trainer

System, 92

Lactase deficiency, 177

Lactation consultant, 84

Lactation, see Breastfeeding

Lactic acid, in breast milk, 90

Lactose intolerance, baby, 177, 330, 542

Lactose intolerance, maternal, and breastfeeding, 10–11

Lactose-free formula, 107


development, 209, 219–224, 368, 389

helping baby to talk, 467–470

nonverbal, 493–494; see

also Signing with baby

teaching a second, 222–224

Lanolin, for sore nipples, 83

Lansinoh, 83

Lanugo, in newborn, 102

Lapware, software for babies, 499–500


Latching on, and breastfeeding, 73–75

Laxatives, 179, 551


in soil, and minimizing

risk to baby, 338

in water, and minimizing

risk to baby, 337–338, 343

paint, and minimizing risk

to baby, 337

poisoning, 338

screening test for, 338

Leaking, of breast milk, 80, 81–82

Learning, early, 383–384

Left-handedness, 400–401


and early standing, 295–296

and early walking, 428–429

bowed, see Bowlegged

shape of, 233–234

Length, baby’s, at birth, 100

see also Growth, Height

Let-down reflex, and

breastfeeding, 70, 81, 82

as sign that baby is getting

enough to eat, 164

lack of, 80, 166

slow, and baby refusing to

breastfeed, 294

stimulating, when

pumping, 160

Libido, lack of, 685–688, 720

Lifestyle, changing, 12–13

Lifting baby, 144–145

Limits, setting, 453

Linen, baby, 44–45


and breastfeeding, 74

injury to, and first aid for, 583

Lochia, and breastfeeding, 5

Lockjaw, see Tetanus

Loose bowel movements, see Diarrhea

Loss of consciousness, first

aid for, 579

Love, parental

for adopted baby, 654–656

for new baby, 115–116

for special needs baby, 627–628


and breastfeeding, 8

and formula feeding, 8

and sharing room with baby, 264

see also Intercourse

Low-birthweight baby, 600–624

and coping with emotions, 607–609

and telling siblings about, 613–614

and vaccines, 619

appearance of, 608

bonding with, 610–612

breastfeeding, 614–615

car seats for, 618–619

catching up to peers, 617–618

expressing breast milk for, 603

getting optimum care for, 609–610

guilt about, 619

handling, 615–616

health problems, 621–624

home care, 605, 620

nutrition for, 601–605

permanent problems of, 616–617

taking home, 616

weight loss, 602

Low blood pressure, 624

Low-sensory-threshold baby, 239

Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children, see LATCH

Lump in breast, 87–88

Lyme disease, 768–769

protecting from, 513


Maple syrup urine disease, 647

testing for, in baby, 100

Making love, see Lovemaking, Intercourse

Malformation in newborn, 646

Manners, table, 439–441

Manny, 280

Manual pump, 158–159, 161

Marine animal sting, first aid for, 574

Marriage, see Relationship


baby, 304–305, 722

of baby, to calm while crying, 193

of blocked tear duct, 207

of breasts, 79, 87

of premature baby, 610–611

Mastitis, 88

Mattress, crib 50

safety of adult, if co-sleeping, 265

Measles, 770–771; see also Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (MMR), 230, 231

Meconium, 131

and colostrum, 78

Medical care

for premature baby, 609–610

for special needs baby, 633

see also Checkups, Pediatrician, Physician

Medication, baby, 536–540

and sensitivity to sunlight, 512

flavoring for, 538

for colic, 190

for fever, 569, 570

for teething pain, 322

for travel, 522–523

getting down, 538–540

giving correctly, 536–538

questions about, 536

Medication, maternal

and breastfeeding, 10, 95–96, 119, 156

for engorgement, 79

Medicine cabinet, how to stock, 47–48

Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, 647

testing for, in baby, 100

Meningitis, 770–771

Meningoencephalitis, 770


and breastfeeding, 5, 89, 165

return of, postpartum, 680–681

Messy house, and baby, 393–395

Metabolic disorders in baby, 647

testing for, 100

Metabolic disorder in mother, and breastfeeding, 10–11

Microwave, and warming bottles, 110

and warming food, 329

Middle ear inflammation, 553–556; see also Ear infection

Milia, 127

Milk allergy, 176–177

and stool, 131, 176

in breastfed babies, 177–178

Milk duct, clogged, 87–88

Milk, cow’s

not giving to baby, 267–268, 362, 421

one-year-old getting enough, 476

whole, 419, 421, 476

Milk cup, 161

Milk, soy, 483

Minipill, 693

Mirena IUD, 697

Mixing up days and nights, 181–182

MMR, see Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

Mold, household

allergy to, 542

and minimizing risk to baby, 340

Mongolian spots, 127

Monitor, baby 53–54

Monitoring baby’s breathing, 259–263

Moro reflex, in newborns, 104, 125

Mosquitoes, protecting baby from bites, 513

Motels, see Hotels


adjusting to, 674–676 coping with, 11–12; see also Postpartum

Mothering boredom with, 703–706

different styles of, 707

exhaustion from, 670–672

feeling inadequate at, 676–678

preparing for, 12–13

Motor skills development, 209–210

stimulating large, 248, 305–306, 366, 502–503

stimulating small, 247–248, 366–367, 503–504

Motrin, see Ibuprofen

Mottling of skin, 202


cysts (or spots), 128

development, and breast milk, 4

development, and sippy cup, 327

in sick baby, 534

injuries to, and first aid for, 583

thrush in, 128–129

white patches in, 128

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, 596–597

Movements, spastic, 272


in eyes, 207

in nose, see Nose

in stools, 131, 176, 316

Multiples, 170–171

Mumps, 772–773; see also Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

Murmur, heart, 303


and baby’s hearing, 203

stimulating baby with, 246, 368

Mylicon, 190

Myringotomy, 555



clipper, 147

injuries to, and first aid

for, 580–581

scissor, 147

trimming baby’s, 146–147

Nakedness, parental, 463

Name, for baby, 24–26

Nanny cam, 282

Nanny tax, 281

Nanny, see Baby–sitter


and nighttime sleep, 184

changing patterns in, 425

giving up, 425

number and length of, 323–324

Nasal aspirator, 147, 544, 548, 758

Nasal stuffiness, see Nose

treatment for, 547

National Highway Trans-

portation Safety

Administration, 139

Natural family planning, 701

Navel, see Umbilical Cord

Neck injury, and first aid for, 575

Neck pain, postpartum, 679–680

Necrotizing enterocolitis

(NEC), 604, 623

Negative baby, 239

Negativism, 501–502

Neonatal intensive care unit,

see NICU

Neonatal screening tests, 100, 154

Nerve injury, tooth, 465

Neutral plus position, in CPR, 595

Nevus flammeus, 127

Nevus simplex, 126–127

Newborn, 99–151

appearance, 102

see also Baby

Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act, The, 132

Newborn screening, 100, 647

hearing, 101

Nicotine, see Smoking

NICU, 606–610, 633

Night and day, confusing, 181–182

Night wakings

and feeding, 258–259

and sleep training, 350–354

and teething, 321, 427

at six months, 350

at three months, 258–259

at twelve months, 484–485

in baby who used to sleep

through, 484–485

in first month, 180–181

see also Sleeping

Night-light, 54

Nipple confusion, 91

Nipples, baby

inverted, 235

Nipples, bottle

choosing, 48

sizes of, 113

Nipples, maternal

and latching on, in breastfeeding, 73–74

baby biting, 379

cracked, 83–84

flat, and breastfeeding, 6, 166

inverted, and breastfeeding, 6, 28, 166

painful, during breastfeeding, 73, 82

sore, 83–84, 166

Nipple shield, 166


and premature babies, 606

fear of, 450–451

when baby is sleeping, 182–183

Norplant, 696–697


bleeding from, 583–584

drops, 545

injuries to, and first aid for, 583–584

runny, 533, 544

stuffed, and milk allergy, 176

stuffed, as sign of allergy, when introducing solids, 316

stuffed, as sign of illness, 533

see also Sneezing

Nose care, 147

Nosebleeds, treatment for, 583–584

Nudity, parental, 463

Nurse, baby, 16–18

Nursery, buying for, 49–54

Nursing blisters, 168–169

Nursing bra, 85

and engorgement, 79

and clogged duct, 87

Nursing fashions, 85–86

Nursing pads, 81, 86

and sore nipples, 83

Nursing strike, 293–294

Nursing style, of baby, 76

Nursing, see Breastfeeding


ensuring adequate, 490–492

see also Diet, Feeding, Solids

Nuts, 315, 316, 491, 543

Nuturing, 224–225

intellectual development, 248

motor development, 247–248

sense of hearing, 245–246

sense of sight, 244–245

sense of touch, 246–247

social development, 247

NuvaRing, 696


Obesity, 299–301

and breast milk, 4

see also Overweight

Occupational Safety and

Health Administration,

see OSHA


eye, see Antibiotic


for diaper area, 271

for eczema, 325

Older child, see Siblings

Omega-3 fatty acids

in formula, 107

see also DHA, ARA

Open spine, see Spina bifida


contraception, 693–695

development, and breast

milk, 4

Orange stool, 359

Organic foods and breastfeeding, 97–98

foods, for baby, 342, 344, 349

formula, 107–108

Ortho-Evra, 695–696

OSHA, 10

Osteoporosis, and

breastfeeding, 5

Otitis media, 553–556; see

also Ear infection

Otoacoustic Emissions

(OAE) hearing

screening test, 101

Outdoor safety, 412, 513–515; see also


Outing equipment, 54–62

what to bring, 147–148

Outsiders, exposure to, 201

Overdressing baby, 200

Overheating and hot weather, 509

in baby carrier, 236

and fever, 564

and risk of SIDS, 261

Overweight baby, 299–301

and breast milk, 4

and extended

breastfeeding, 268

and formula, 172–173


and breastfeeding, 5

and natural family

planning, 700, 701

Oxytocin, and breastfeeding, 70



and breastfeeding, 67, 167, 195

and crying, 194, 194–196

and nipple confusion, 132–133

and SIDS, 261

as comfort object, 430–432

being dependent on, 266–267

choosing, 48

considering using, 132–133, 194–196

continued use, and ear infection, 196


a diaper bag, 147–148

for travel, 525–528


abdominal, see Abdominal, pain

back, postpartum, 679–680

ear, 294, 553, 546

from teething, 320, 322

immunization, 227

nipple, 73, 82

treatment for, 547

Pain reliever, see Medication

Palmer grasping reflex, in newborns, 104

ParaGard IUD, 697

Parent’s intuition

and sick baby, 533

and baby’s development, 472

Parents, see Motherhood, Mothering, Father

Parenteral hyperalimentation, 601

Parent-guided parenting, 257

Parenting philosophies, 257

Paroxysmal crying, 187

Particulate matter, and minimizing risk to baby, 339–340

Passport, for baby, 522

Patch, the, as birth control, 695–696

Patent ductus arteriosus, 622

Paternity leave, 715–716

PCV7, see Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine


and allergies, 491

and breastfeeding, 97

and keeping away from baby, 315

oil in baby lotions, 47

Pear juice, and diarrhea, 554

Pedialyte, see Rehydration fluid

Pediarix vaccine, 155, 227, 232

Pediatrician, 30–31; see also Physician

and checkups, 154–155

Pediatric nurse practitioner, 32

Penile adhesion, 234–235


adhesion, 234–235

baby playing with, 397

care of circumcised, 150

care of uncircumcised, 148–149

defect in (hypospadias), 198–199

erections of, while being diapered, see Erections

sore, 272

see also Circumcision

Perianal dermatitis, 270

Period, see Menstruation

Periodic breathing, 183

Pertussis, 774–775

vaccine, see Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Pest control, 336–337


and breastfeeding, 98

and minimizing risk to baby, 337


and allergy, 541

preparing, 26–27

safety of baby near, 204

Petting zoo, and minimizing risk to baby, 340

Pharyngitis, see Sore throat

Phazyme, 190

Phenylketonuria, see PKU

Physical activity, see Exercise

Physical exam, 154–155; see also Checkups

Physician; see also Pediatrician

before calling, when baby is sick, 532–535

in NICU, 607

selecting, 29–40

Physician’s assistant, 32

Pigeon-toes, 233–234

Pill, the, 693–695

Pillow, using a, 261, 497

Pimples, 127, 201–202

Pink urine, 94, 164, 534, 559

Pinkeye, 762–763

PKU, 647

and breastfeeding, 10–11

testing for, in baby, 100

Plan B, 700

Plantar reflex, in newborns, 104

Plants, poisonous, 412, 415, first aid when ingested, 585

Playpens, see Play yards

Play groups, 444–445

and hitting, 488–489

and sharing, 487–488


baby crawling in, 396–397

safety in, 412, 414–415

Playing games, 432–434

Playthings, see Toys

Play yards, 63, 398

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7), 231, 232

Pneumonia, 774–775

Poison control, 408

Poison ivy, 514, 585

Poisoning, first aid for, 584–585

Poisonous substances, keeping away from baby, 404–405, 414, 415

Polio vaccine (IPV), 229–230, 231

Pollen, allergy to, 541

Polluted indoor air, and minimizing risk to baby, 339–341

Pool safety, 412, 515–517

Poor adaptability baby, 239

Port-wine stain, 127

Postpartum aches and pains, 679–680

depression, 672–674, 718–719

doing things right, 678–679

exercise, 683–685

exhaustion, 670–672

finding outside interests, 703–706

finding time for yourself, 702–703

getting everything done, 674–676

going back to work, 710–714

not being in control, 676

not feeling competent, 676–678

psychosis, 674

recovery, and breastfeeding, 5

regaining figure, 682–383

Powder, baby, 46, 271

Preconception, steps, 692

Preemie, see Low-birthweight baby


and breastfeeding, 5, 702

diagnosing a new, 701–702

preventing, see Birth control

Premature baby, see Low- birthweight baby

Preparing for baby, 2–65

Preparing older sibling, 726–730

Preterm infant, see Low- birthweight baby

Preven, 700

Prickly heat, 509

Progesterone, and breastfeeding, 70


and breastfeeding, 70

and pumping, 157

deficiency, and breastfeeding, 168


baby, 295

the bottle, drawbacks of, 111


dietary recommendations for, 317

getting adequate, 490

in postpartum diet, 667

Prozac, 673

Pulling up, 427–428

not yet, in eleventh month, 464–465

Pulse, taking, 533, 534


choosing a, 156–157

types of, 157–159

using a, 159–161


and engorgement, 79

see also Expressing breast milk

Puncture wound, and first aid for, 587–588

Pupils, in head injury, 582

Pyloric stenosis, 176, 646


Quality time, 709–710


Rabies, 776–777

Radon, and minimizing risk

to baby, 340–341

Rapid eye movement, see



as sign of food allergy, 316

diaper, see Diaper rash

eczema, 324–325

face, see Skin, Acne

heat, 509

in common childhood

infections, 760–781

on chin and mouth, from

teething, 319–320

Reading, to baby, 398–400

as part of bedtime routine, 426

Recipes, Baby’s First, 748–755

Rectal fissures, and stool

appearance, 131

Rectal, taking temperature, 566

Reflexes, in newborn, 104–105


and colic, 188

see also Gastroesophageal reflux

Registering for baby gifts, 43

Reglan, 92

Regressive behavior in older

child, 739–740

Rehydration fluids, 535, 552, 758

Reinforcing sleep rhythms,

and getting baby to

sleep through the

night, 352–353

Relactation, 91–93, 156

Relationship, with spouse

and special needs baby, 636–636

postpartum, 689–690, 720

REM sleep, 181, 183

Rescue breathing, 596–597

Respiration, rate of, 533

Respiratory distress

syndrome (RDS), 621

Respiratory symptoms, and

sick baby, 533

Respiratory syncytial virus, see RSV

Respiratory tract infection, lower, and breast milk, 4

Respiratory tract infection, upper, see Common cold

Rest, for sick baby, 535

Restaurant, eating at, with baby, 380–381

Resuscitation techniques, 589–599

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), 622–623

Reye’s syndrome, 776–777

Rh disease, 646–648

Rickets, and vitamin D

supplement, 174, 463

Right handedness, 400–401

Ring, hormonal, as birth

control, 696

Rocking baby

most effective direction, 51

while crying, 193

Rocking chair, 53

Rocking or rolling, (baby’s habit), 441–442

Romance, finding time for, 689

Room, sharing with baby, 263–264

Rooming-in, 118–119

and breastfeeding, 67

Root canal, baby, 465

Rooting reflex, 104

and breastfeeding, 73

Roseola infantum, 778–779

Roughhousing, 272–273


and schedules, 254–255

bedtime, 426–427

RSV, 560–562

Rubella, 766–767

see also Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine

and hearing loss, 101

Rubeola, 770–771

Runny nose, see Nose; Respiratory Symptoms



around fireplaces, 519–520

around water, 515–517

at holiday time, 520–521

equipment, 409

fire, 409–410

from poisonings, 404–405

gate, 64, 406, 413

in car, 138–139, 414

in food preparation, 328–329

in gift giving, 521

in the playground, 414–415

in the summer, 513–517

of baby, 204–205

of baby paraphernalia, 49–65

of crib, 401; see also Crib

of house, 401–415

of toys, 308

outside, 514–515

teaching baby about, 412–415

when baby gets older, 504

when baby pulls up, 427–428

when traveling, 530–531

Saline nose drops, 544, 548, 758


and teething, 319–320

change in, as symptom, in

sick baby, 534

Salmon patch, 126–127

Salt and salty foods

in infant’s diet, 318, 362–363, 419

in postpartum diet, 669

Saltwater irrigation, 758

Sand, in sandboxes, and minimizing risk to baby, 338

Sandy stools, 424

Scalds, and first aid for, 575–577

Scarlet fever, 778–779

Schedule, establishing a regular, 254–256

feeding, 169

Scooting, 393

Scrapes, first aid for, 586–587

Screening tests

for anemia, 364–365

for hearing, 101

for lead, 338

newborn, 100, 154

Scrotal hernia, 235

Scrotum, lump in, 235

swollen, 198

Seasonale, 694

Seborrheic dermatitis, 270

see also Cradle cap

Sebulex, 233

Second language, 222–224

Security objects, 430–432, 485


after immunization, 232

as symptom, in sick baby, 535

febrile, 535, 563, 568

first aid for, 568, 577

Sensitivity, to stimuli, 240–241

Sensory overload, and colic, 188

Sensory threshold, low, 237–241

Separation anxiety, 480–482

and shyness, 486

at bedtime, 484–485

Separation, difficulty with, 493

Serous otitis media, 553–556; see also Ear infection

Serving sizes, for baby’s diet, 314, 317

Severed limb or digit, first aid for, 586

Sex, see Intercourse

Shaking baby, 272–273

Shampoo visor, 137

Shampooing baby, 137–140

long hair, 450

Sharing bed, with baby, 264–266

room, with baby, 263–264

with other children, 487–488

Shock, first aid for, 586

Shoes, for baby, 365, 448–449

Shopping carts, and infant car

seat, 139

Shots, see Immunizations

Shoulder harness, in car seat, proper positioning of, 139

Shoulder pain, postpartum, 679–680

Shoulder, dislocated, 480

Shyness, 485–486

Siblings, 726–745

and baby’s homecoming, 734–735

and bottle feeding, 7

and sharing room, 264

at baby’s birth, 730–732

attachment, 744

breastfeeding in front of

older, 737–738

dividing time fairly

among, 741–744

explaining genital

differences to, 737

hurting the baby, 740–741

lack of resentment toward

baby, 736–737

of colicky baby, 738–739

of premature baby, 613–614

of special needs baby, 633–636

preparing, for baby’s

arrival, 726–730

regressive behavior, 739–740

resentment toward baby, 735–736, 741, 744–745

rivalry, 735–736, 741, 744–745

visiting mother in

hospital, 732–734

wanting to breastfeed, 738

widely spaced, 742–743

Sick baby, 532–571

Sickle-cell anemia, 648

testing for, in baby, 100

Side air bags, and car seats, 140

Side-lying position, and breastfeeding, 73

SIDS, 259–263

and breastfeeding, 4, 261, 268

and co-sleeping, 265

and sleeping position, 180

and smoking, 24, 96, 260

and vaccines, 229, 263

preventing, 261

see also Back, putting baby

on, to sleep

Sign language, 389–391

Signing with baby, 389–391, 494

Silver nitrate, for newborn’s

eyes, 118

Single parent, 678

Sippy cup, 326–328

Sitting up

late, 378–379

position, propping baby

to, 204

pulling to, 290


acne, 201–202

birthmarks on, 126–127

changes in, as symptom, in

sick baby, 534

color changes, 202

dry, in winter, 519

problems, 127

wounds, first aid for, 586–588

yellowing of, 130–131

Skinny baby, 163, 301–303

Sleep aids, weaning off, 353

Sleep sharing, see Co-sleeping

Sleep training, 350–354

Sleepiness, of newborn, 119–121


and sharing bed with

baby, 264–266

and sharing room with

baby, 263–264

and teething, 427

baby’s breathing while, 183–185

getting baby to, 425–426

moving baby while, 185–186

noise while baby is, 182–183

patterns, 180–182

patterns, changes in, 425–427

position, 150, 179–180, 241–242

putting baby to bed, 256–257

putting weaned baby to bed, 483–484

restless sleep, 181

schedule, 181–182

through meals, 121–123, 167

through the night and supplementing with formula, 216

through the night, getting baby to, 258–259, 350–354

tips for improving baby’s, 184

trouble with, as symptom in sick baby, 534

turning over while, 355

waking baby, 122–123, 182

see also Naps

Slings, 60–62, 236–237

Smell, sense of, 244

Smile, 207–208, 218–219

baby who doesn’t often, 239

Smoke detectors, 409


and breastfeeding, 96

and colic, 188

and SIDS, 260, 261

quitting, 23–24, 724

Snacking, 379–382, 423


for baby, on outings, 148

for breastfeeding mother, 148

Snakebite, first aid for, 574

Sneezing, 207

Snow burn, preventing, 518–519

Social development, 209, 486–487

see also Play groups

Social life, change in, after becoming a parent, 706–707

Social Security number, applying for, 149

Sodium, see Salt and salty foods

Soft spot, see Fontanels

Software, for babies, 499–500


commercial baby food, 347–349

deciding when baby is

ready for, 292

delaying, and food

allergies, 331

feeding safely, 328–329

home prepared baby

food, 349

introducing gradually, 331

introducing new, 315–316

moving from mashed to

finger foods, 387–388, 422

moving from strained to

mashed, 371–372

organic, 349

starting, 312–315

types of, to offer baby, 312, 347–349

warming up, 329

Sore nipples, see Nipples

Sore throat, 778–779

treatment for, 547

Soy formula, 107, 177

allergy to, 543

Soy milk, 3, 483, 543

Spacing children, 690–692

Spanking, 457

Spastic movements, 272

Speaking to baby, see Talking

Special needs baby, 625–651

accepting life support

treatment for, 632–633

diet and, 326

effects of, on parents’

relationship, 636–637

effects of, on siblings, 633–636

feeling angry about,

626–627, 628

feeling responsible for

defect of, 626

getting the best treatment

for, 633

getting the right diagnosis

for, 630–632

handling the

responsibility of, 629–630

not loving the, 627–628

repeat with next baby, 637–638

telling others about, 628–629

Speech, see Language

Spermicide, 699–700

SPF, see Sunscreen

Spina bifida, 648–649

Spitting up, 174–176

and breast milk, 3

excessive, and GER, 556


blood in, 176

cleaning up, 176

Splenda, and breastfeeding, 97

Splinter, first aid for, 588

Spoiled food, 328–329, 516

Spoiling baby, 191–194, 372–374

by grandparents, 374–375

Sponge bath, 133–135

Sponging, as treatment for fever, 569–571

Spoon, type of, to feed baby, 313–314


relationship with, 689–690

feeling unappreciated by, 708–709

sharing baby care with, 18, 723–724

Stairs, safety on, 64, 406, 413

Standing, 295–296

pulling up to, 427–428

Startle reflex, in newborns, 104

Startling, 125

States of consciousness, in newborn, 120

Stationary entertainers, 64–65, 333–334

Steam, 758; see also Humidifier

Stepping reflex, in newborns, 104

Steps, see Stairs

Sterilization, 700–701


bottles, for bottle feeding, 109

water, for formula feeding, 109

Steroid cream, for eczema, 325

Stimulating your baby, 224–225, 383–384

early months, 242–248

older baby, 366–369

one-year-old, 502–505

Stimulation, sensitivity to, 240–241

Stings, insect, see Insect bites

marine animal, first aid for, 574

Stool, 131–132

as sign that baby is getting enough to eat, 164

black, 303–304

blood in, 177–178

mucus in, 131, 176, 316

orange, 359

sandy, 424

strange looking, 424–425

see also Bowel movement, Constipation, Diarrhea


of expressed breast milk, 162

of food, 328–329

of formula, 110

Storage bags, for breast milk, 161

Stork bites, 126–127

Stranger anxiety, 429–430, 485–486

Strawberry hemangioma, 126

Strep throat, 780–781

Stroller exercise, 685

Strollers, 55–57

Stuffed animals

as comfort object, 430–432

safety of, 308

see also Toys


and crying, 194

nonnutritive, 4

reflex, in newborns, 104

versus suckling, 75

Suckling, 75

ineffective, 166

Subcutaneous ring block, and circumcision, 21

Sucralose, and breastfeeding, 97

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, see SIDS


rash, 509

weather, baby care during, 508–517


and damage to the eyes, 512

and vitamin D, 510

keeping baby out of the, 510–512

safety in the, 510–512


first aid for, 577

preventing, 510–512

signs of, in baby, 512

Sunscreen, 148, 511–512

Superbaby, raising a, 383–384

Supplement, vitamin, see Vitamins

Supplemental nutrition system (SNS), 92, 166, 167, 168, 657–658


when baby isn’t thriving, 218

with bottles, 215–218

Swaddling baby, 150, 151, 199

and crying, 193

to keep on back while sleeping, 241–242


difficulty with, as symptom, in sick baby, 534

foreign object, and first aid for, 589

Sweeteners, and breastfeeding, 97

Sweets, holding off on introducing, 419

Swim, teaching baby to, 515–517


class, 515

pool, 515–517

Swing, 54, 335

Swinging baby, by the arms, 480

Symptoms, of sick baby, 532–535

Synagis, 562

Syphilis, and hearing loss, 101

Syringe pump, 158

Systematic awakening, and getting baby to sleep through the night, 351–352



feeding baby at, 420

manners, 439–441

Talk, helping baby to, 467–470


first words, 388–389

second language, 222–224

to baby, 220–221, 222, 368

see also Language development

Taste, sense of, stimulating, 244

Tay-Sachs disease, 649–650

Td immunization, for older children, recommended schedule, 231

Tea bags, for sore nipples, 84

Tear duct, blocked, 207


and breast milk, 4

and fluoride, 175

broken, 583

brushing, 359–361

chipped, 465

coming in crooked, 383

early, 128

flossing, 360

grinding, 443

injury, 465, 583

knocked out, 583

lack of, at nine months, 432

stains on, because of excess iron intake, 175, 383

see also Tooth decay, Teething

Teething, 319–321

and refusing to breastfeed, 293

and sleeping, 321, 427

early, 128

late, 432

order of, 321

treatment for pain of, 321–322, 547

Television, watching, 497–499

Temperament, of baby, 237–241


abnormally high body, 563

abnormally low body, 581

as symptom, in sick baby, 533

normal body, 564, 567

taking axillary (underarm), 566

taking baby’s, 564–567

taking rectal, 566

Temporal artery thermometer, 48, 566

Tempra, see Acetaminophen

Tension, parental, see Anxiety


undescended, 234

see also Scrotum

Tetanus vaccine, see Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Tetanus, 780–781; see also Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Thalassemia, 650–651

Thawing frozen breast milk, 162


choosing a, 565–566

digital, 47, 565

glass mercury, 565

mercury, 47–48

pacifier, 565

temporal artery, 48, 566

tympanic, 48, 565, 566

Thin baby, see Skinny baby

Throat, sore, treatment for, 547


and baby’s refusing to breastfeed, 294

and breast pain during breastfeeding, 82

in baby, 128–129

on mother’s nipples, 129

Thumb sucking, 298–299

Thyroid problems

and PPD, 673

testing for in infant, 647


protecting baby from, 513

removing, 573

Tidemark dermatitis, 270

Tied tongue, and breastfeeding, 166


dividing, among siblings, 741–744

father’s lack of, 724–725

finding, for yourself, 702–703

quality, 709–710

Tobacco, see Smoking

Toddler years, 496

Toes, injuries to, and first aid for, 579–581

Toilet, childproofing, 411

Toiletries, for baby, see Medicine cabinet

Tongue thrust reflex, and starting solids, 292–293

Tonic neck reflex, in newborns, 105

Tonsillitis, 778–779

Tooth, see Teeth

Tooth decay

and propping the bottle, 111

and co-sleeping, 266, 353, 362

and baby-bottle mouth, 361–362

and sippy cups, 327

preventing, 359–362

and discoloration, 383

Toothbrush, for baby, 360

Toothpaste, 360

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 601

Touch, sense of, stimulating, 246–247

Toxoplasmosis, and hearing loss, 101

Toys, 307–309, 366–367, 503–504

for young baby, 245

safety of, 308

TPN, 601

Tracheoesophageal fistula, 651

Train, traveling by, 529


milk, 78

object, 430–432, 485

stool, 131


and using formula, 110

with baby, 522–531

by train, 530–531

by air, 528–529

by car, 529–530

Trigger-operated pump, 158


baby, 52; see also Bath

seat, 64

Tubal ligation, 701

Tuberculosis, maternal, and breastfeeding, 10

Tubes, for ears, 555


baby sleeping on, 241, 355

baby playing on, 210

Turning over, during night, 355

TV, see Television

Twins, 170–171

Tylenol, see Acetaminophen

Tympanic thermometer, 48, 565–566


Umbilical cord

care of stump, 151, 197

clamping after birth, 100

healing of, 196–197

infection of, 197


granuloma, 197

hernia, 197–198

Underarm, taking temperature, 566

Understanding your baby, 223

Underweight baby, see Skinny baby

Undescended testicles, 234

Unhappy baby, 239

Upper respiratory infection (URI), see Cold

Urinary incontinence, postpartum, 681–682

Urinary tract infection (UTI), 559–560

and circumcision, 20


and dehydration, 553

bright pink, 94

cloudy, and UTI, 559

color of, in baby not getting enough to eat, 164

frequency of, in healthy baby, 164

frequency of, in sick baby, 534, 553

more frequent, and UTI, 559

pink, 164, 534, 559

smelly, and UTI, 559

Usher’s syndrome, and hearing loss, 101


placental fragments in, and lack of breast milk, 168

shrinking, and breastfeeding, 5


Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system (VAERS), 228, 232

Vaccines, see Immunizations


baby playing with, 397

defect in (hypospadias), 199

discharge from, in newborn, 102

stretched, postpartum, 688

Vaginal dryness, postpartum, 686

Vaginal lubrication, postpartum, 686

Vaginal sponge, as birth control, 698–699

Var, see Varicella vaccine

Varicella vaccine (Var), 230, 231

Varicella, see Chicken pox

Vasectomy, 701

Vegan diet, 363–364

breastfeeding, and supplemental vitamins for baby, 173, 363–364


and dietary recommendations for, 318

getting enough, 490–491

in postpartum diet, 668

peeling, before serving to baby, 342–343

to offer baby, 312, 315

Vegetarian diet, 363–364

Venous hemangioma, 126

Vernix caseosa, in newborn, 102

Violent feelings, toward baby, 191

Viral infection, nonspecific, 772–773

Virus, and stool appearance, 131

Vision, 203–206

stimulating, 244–245

Vitamin A, foods, dietary recommendations for, 318

Vitamin B12, 173, 363, 364

Vitamin C, 174–175

foods, dietary recommendations for, 318

foods, in postpartum diet, 667–668

Vitamin D, 174

Vitamin K, for newborn, 103


for baby, 173–175, 319, 343

in postpartum diet, 669–670

prenatal supplements, 8, 173


and GER, 556

as sign of allergy, when introducing solids, 316

as symptom, in sick baby, 534, 553

in milk allergy, 177

projectile, 176

treatment for, 547, 552


Waardenburg’s syndrome, and hearing loss, 101


and teething, 321

baby, at mealtime, 122–123

early, 354–355

patterns, in early infancy, 180–181

see also Night waking

Walkers, 331–334


early, 428–429

not yet, at twelfth month, 479–480

shoes for, 448–449

Walking reflex, in newborns, 104

Wardrobe, baby’s, see Clothing

Warm compresses, 758

Warming, bottle, 109–110

solids, 329


baby, see Bath, Sponge bath, Baby care

baby’s clothes, 208

diaper area, 135

hands, to prevent spread of infection, 548


contaminated, and minimizing risk to baby, 337–339, 343

giving baby, 173, 301, 514

intoxication, 515, 516

purifier, 339

safety of baby near, 412, 413–414, 515–517

temperature, in the house, 411


baby’s readiness for, 294

deciding when to, 437–439

early, 267

from the bottle, 460–462

from the breast, 474–477

sudden, 475

Wearable pumps, 158

Wearing baby, and crying, 192–193

see also Slings


changing, 518

summer, and caring for baby, 508–517

winter, and caring for baby, 517–522

Wedges, to maintain sleep position, 261

Weight, baby’s, 101–102, 163, 302

at birth, 100, 113

charts, 782–783

Weight gain

lack of, in milk allergy, 177

poor, 302–303

Weight loss

in newborn period, 116

early, in low-birthweight baby, 602

postpartum, 682

Well-baby checkups, see Checkups

Wheat, introducing, 315


and inhaled object, 592

and milk allergy, 176

as sign of allergy, when introducing solids, 316, 330–331

White grape juice, 300

Whole grains, dietary recommendations for, 317

Whole wheat, 418–419

Whooping cough, 774–775; see also Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine

Will, writing a, 63

Window, safety, 404, 513

Winter weather, and caring for baby, 517–522

Words, baby’s first, 388–389


and breastfeeding, 250–254

and diminishing breast milk, 167

flexibility in types of, 712–713

when to return to, 714

whether to go back to, 13–14, 710–714

Workplace, bringing baby to, 288


X ray, dental, 465


Yasmin, 694

Yeast infection

in diaper area, 270

in mouth, see Thrush

Yellow fruits, see Fruits

vegetables, see Vegetables

Yellowing, of skin, 130–131


Zoloft, 673

Zoo, petting, and minimizing risk to baby, 340