

Part One—The 1930s and 1940s

1. Coney Island’s Conscience—Lady Deborah and George Tilyou

2. Here Come the Jews

3. Crushing the Jewish Troublemakers—The Persecution of Emma Goldman

4. Growing Up Jewish—Ira Glasser

5. A “One Hundred Percent Jewish” Childhood—Sy Dresner

6. The Lincoln Brigade—Abe Smorodin

7. Victims of Rapp-Coudert—Henry Foner

8. On the Side of Labor—Marvin Miller

9. The Roots of Racism—Dorothy Challenor Burnham

10. Sports Editor of the Daily Worker—Lester Rodney

11. The Negro Soldier Returns from the War—Monte Irvin

12. The Jews Love Jackie—Joseph Boskin and Joel Oppenheimer

13. Jackie Robinson’s Place in History—Ira Glasser

14. The Accidental Rabbi—Sy Dresner

Part Two—The 1940s and 1950s

15. Victims of the Smith Act—Stan Kanter

16. Victims of McCarthy—Terry (Ted) Rosenbaum

17. The Absurdity of McCarthyism—Joseph Boskin

18. Fearing the Unknown—Peter Meinke

19. The Protestants Blend In—Justus Doenecke

20. Muslim Immigrants—Dave Radens

21. Growing Up Greek in Red Hook—Peter Spanakos

22. Here Come the Italians—Curtis Sliwa

23. Here Come the Irish—Pete Hamill

24. Windsor Terrace Memories—Joe Flaherty, Bobby McCarthy, and Bill Reddy

25. A Wild Child—John Ford

26. Son of Holocaust Survivors—Harry Schweitzer

Part Three—The 1950s and 1960s

27. For the Love of Billy Cox—John Mackie

28. The Musical Genius of Lincoln High—Neil Sedaka

29. The End of Race Music—Bruce Morrow

30. The Whites Discriminate—John Hope Franklin

31. The Move to the Burbs—Ian Grad

32. The Dodgers Flee West—Bill Reddy, Irving Rudd, Stan Kanter, and Pete Hamill

Part Four—The 1960s and 1970s

33. Growing Up Black in the Hood—Robert Crosson

34. Cop on the Beat—John Mackie

35. The Black Panther—Charles Barron

36. Here Come the Puerto Ricans—Victor Robles

37. Ocean Hill–Brownsville—Clarence Taylor

38. Going to School with the Moolies—Curtis Sliwa

39. Nothing Stays the Same—Peter Spanakos

40. The Guardian Angels—Curtis Sliwa

41. King of the Tra-la-las—Neil Sedaka

42. The Night the Lights Went Out. Again.—Abram Hall

Part Five—The 1980s and 1990s

43. Whites Move Back—Harry Schweitzer

44. A Marine Guards the Peace—Richard Green

45. Shirley Chisholm’s Boy—Victor Robles

46. Brighton Beach’s Russian Jews—Alec Brook-Krasny

47. The Battle for Sexual Freedom—Renee Cafiero

Part Six—The Twenty-first Century

48. The Echoes of 9/11—Richard Portello

49. The Mural Painter—Janet Braun-Reinitz

50. The Councilman for Change—Charles Barron

51. The Real Estate Boom—Abram Hall

52. Brooklyn’s Cheerleader—Marty Markowitz

53. The Atlantic Yards—Jim Stuckey

54. Remaking Coney Island—Joseph Sitt




About the Author

Other Books by Peter Golenbock



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