
Cover    1

Presentation Page    2

Title Page    5

Copyright Page    6

Letter to Dads    10

How It All Began    12

The Bite That Changed the World    18

Water Works    24

What Did You Say?    30

Good News . . . Bad News    36

Mom’s Good Plan    42

A True Sign    48

“Let My People Go!”    54

Follow That Cloud!    60

Hard Water    66

The Promised Land    72

Complainers    78

The Donkey and the Angel    84

Million Man March    90

The Longest Day    96

Battle Plan    102

The Strongest Man in the World    108

A Voice in the Darkness    114

Bigger Isn’t Always Better    120

Raining Fire    126

One “Hot” Rod    132

Fish Food    138

A Very Important Baby    144

Starlight    150

Dream Warning    156

Bug and Honey Sandwiches    162

Miracle Lunch    168

The Short Storm    174

Real Kindness    180

Out for a Stroll    186

Courageous Investments    192

Party Time    198

A Tale of Two Men    204

Bird’s Eye View    210

Nursing Duty    216

Dirty Coats, Palm Branches, and Noisy Rocks    222

My Father’s House    228

Broken Hearts, Broken Dreams    234

Good News Morning    240

Seeing Is Believing    246

Chariot Race    252

Hate Turns to Love    258

Dreaming a Lesson    264

Prison Break    270

Prison Unescape    276

Sailing to Disaster    282

Back Ad    288

Back Cover    289