A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- Acne, reducing, 92
- Addictions
- quitting smoking, 53
- marijuana withdrawal, 62
- Aging
- of brain, lessening, 84
- reducing age-related agitation, 58
- reducing skin aging, 93
- supporting longer life span, 82
- ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), reducing progression of, 72
- Altitude sickness, alleviating, 85
- Alzheimer’s disease, 54, 58, 84
- Amyloid plaques, reducing, 54
- Anger, calming, 64
- Antibiotics. See Immune health
- Antioxidant power, 11, 12, 38, 66, 77, 84
- Anxiety and stress
- calming anger, 64
- easing anxiety, 28
- enhancing stress relief from yoga, 79
- quieting overactive thoughts, 88
- relaxing mocktails for, 57
- Appetite, suppressing, 49
- Arthritis pain, relieving, 45
- Asthma, easing breathing, 70
- Athlete’s foot relief, 106
- Attention span, lengthening, 43
- Back pain, 18
- Bad breath, 105
- Bath bomb, 103
- Beauty. See also Hair and nails
- Beauty, CBD and, 91. See also Oral and dental care; Skin health
- Blood pressure, high, 55
- Blood sugar, managing, 30
- Body scrub, soothing, 116
- Bone growth, stimulating, 81
- Brain and head, CBD oil for
- Alzheimer’s disease and, 54, 58, 84
- brain cell growth, 22
- increasing blood flow to brain, 75
- lessening aging of brain, 84
- protecting against brain damage, 35
- reducing amyloid plaques in brain, 54
- reducing seizure frequency, 46
- Brands of CBD oil, 120–21
- Breath, bad, 105
- Breathing, easing, 70
- Bruising, reducing, 99
- Burns, soothing, 96
- Cancer
- chemotherapy efficacy improved, 56
- lowering risk of, 66
- nausea reduction, 40
- targeting tumor growth, 24
- Cannabinoids, about, 9–10
- Cardiovascular health
- high blood pressure, 55
- reducing heart attack risk, 71
- Carrier oils, 11–12
- Cavities (tooth), fighting decay, 118
- CBD oil
- about: this book and, 5, 15
- benefits overview, 5, 17. See also specific benefits
- chemical properties, 9–12
- dosing, 13–14
- history of, 8
- how it works in the body, 8
- other names for, 5
- quality care and help, 121
- safety precautions, 15
- selecting, 12–13
- sourcing quality brands, 120–21
- storing, 14
- variations (full-/broad-spectrum, and isolate), 12–13
- what it is, 7
- Chemotherapy, CBD oil and, 24, 56, 63
- Cold sores, healing, 98
- Crohn’s disease, 31
- Dandruff, alleviating, 100
- Dental care. See Oral and dental care
- Diabetes, managing blood sugar, 30
- Digestive health, CBD oil for
- IBS, 21
- liver function and, 77
- mental focus and, 36
- motion sickness relief, 76
- nausea reduction, 40
- Dosing, 13–14
- Eczema relief, 95
- Emotional health, CBD oil for
- balancing moods, 86
- calming anger, 64
- easing anxiety, 28
- improved sense of well-being, 41
- improving focus ability, 36
- lengthening attention span, 43
- quieting overactive thoughts, 88
- reducing age-related agitation, 58
- reducing fears/phobias, 80
- reducing nightmares, 48
- relaxing mocktails, 57
- releasing painful memories, 69
- Endocannabinoid system, about, 8, 9, 11, 17
- Endorphins, boosting, 19
- Exercise
- athlete’s foot relief and, 106
- boosting recovery time, 47
- enhancing stress relief from yoga, 79
- runner’s high and, 37
- Fat, burning, 42
- Fatigue. See Sleep
- Fears and phobias, reducing, 80
- Feet, aching, 32
- Fertility, boosting, 89. See also Sexual health and reproductive system
- Fibromyalgia, 52
- Flavonoids, 10–11
- Flavoring, 10, 11
- Focus, improving, 36, 43
- Fragrance, 10
- Free radicals, neutralizing, 38
- Gum disease, fighting, 97
- Hair and nails
- balancing oily hair, 110
- combatting hair loss, 108
- dandruff relief, 100
- fighting nail infections, 113
- promoting hair health, 117
- Head. See Brain and head
- Headaches, relieving, 23
- Heels, hydrating cracked, 114
- Hepatitis virus, fighting, 29
- Hypertension, 55
- Immune health
- balancing immune system, 67
- enhancing antibiotic activity, 33
- fighting hepatitis virus, 29
- fighting nail infections, 113
- increasing antibacterial activity, 68
- Inflammation. See also Pain, CBD oil for; Skin health
- blood flow to brain and, 75
- brain cell growth and, 22
- brain damage and, 35
- chemical properties of CBD to fight, 9, 10, 11, 12
- combatting Crohn’s disease, 31
- Crohn’s disease and, 31
- fertility and, 89
- fighting, 74
- IBS and, 21
- kidney health and, 51
- liver function and, 77
- muscle soreness/spasms and, 26, 39
- NSAIDs reducing, 27
- toothpaste to fight, 111
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 21
- Itchy skin, relieving, 104
- Joint mobility, improving, 87
- Libido, healthy, 61
- Lips, moisturizing, 102
- Liver function, 77
- Marijuana withdrawal, reducing, 62
- Mask, calming, 107
- Massages, maximizing, 65
- Memories, releasing, 69
- Menopause, easing symptoms, 44
- Menstrual cramps, relieving, 60
- Migraines, relieving, 23
- Moisturizing skin, 94
- Moods, balancing, 86
- Morning sickness, lessening, 59
- Motion sickness, soothing, 76
- Muscles
- boosting recovery time, 47
- maximizing massages, 65
- soreness, easing, 26
- spasms, easing, 39
- Nail infections, fighting, 113
- Nausea, fighting, 40
- Nightmares, reducing, 48
- Nipples (sore), soothing, 109
- Nursing, soothing sore nipples, 109
- Oils, carrier, 11–12
- Oily hair, balancing, 110
- Oral and dental care
- anti-inflammatory toothpaste, 111
- bad breath and, 105
- cold sores and, 98
- fighting gum disease, 97
- fighting tooth decay, 118
- moisturizing cracked lips, 102
- Orgasms, boosting, 25
- Pain, CBD oil for. See also Inflammation
- arthritis pain, 45
- back pain, 18
- bath bomb for, 103
- bolstering pain relievers, 27
- boosting endorphins, 19
- endometriosis pain, 73
- fibromyalgia malaise relief, 52
- headache relief, 23
- joint mobility improvement, 87
- muscle soreness, 26
- relieving menstrual cramps, 60
- runner’s high and, 37
- soothing aching feet, 32
- Parkinson’s disease, 78
- Psoriasis, combatting, 115
- Quality CBD oil, sourcing, 120–21
- Runner’s high, powering, 37
- Safety precautions, 15
- Scarring, combatting, 101
- Scrub, body, 116
- Seizures, reducing, 46
- Sexual health and reproductive system
- boosting fertility, 89
- boosting orgasms, 25
- easing endometriosis pain, 73
- easing menopause symptoms, 44
- lessening morning sickness, 59
- promoting healthy sex drive, 61
- relieving menstrual cramps, 60
- soothing sore nipples, 109
- vaginal lubrication, 83
- Skin health. See also Hair and nails; Oral and dental care
- about: overview of CBD benefits, 91
- acne reduction, 92
- athlete’s foot relief, 106
- calming face mask for, 107
- combatting scarring, 101
- eczema relief, 95
- fighting psoriasis, 115
- hydrating cracked heels, 114
- itch relief, 104
- moisturizing skin, 94
- pain-relieving bath bomb, 103
- reducing bruising, 99
- reducing skin aging, 93
- soothing body scrub, 116
- soothing burns, 96
- soothing sore nipples, 109
- soothing sunburns, 119
- tattoo healing and, 112
- Sleep
- fighting fatigue, 50
- pleasant, and reducing nightmares, 48
- promoting, 20
- Smoking, quitting, 53
- Sobriety, nurturing, 34
- Sourcing CBD oil, 120–21
- Storing CBD oil, 14
- Sunburns, soothing, 119