Cover 1
Title Page 2
Copyright Page 3
A Abandoned to Ax 5
B Baal to Busybodies 27
C Calendar to Cyrus cylinder 41
D Dairy products to Dysentery 65
E Eagerness to Eyes 84
F Faction(s) to Future 96
G Gain to Guilt offerings 111
H Habit(s) to Hyssop 123
I “I AM” to Ivory 134
J Jail breaks to Justification 150
K Key(s) to Kosher 153
L Labor to Lyre 155
M Magi to Myth(s) 169
N Nagging to Nutrition 188
O Oath(s) to Ownership 196
P Pacifism to Pursuit 205
Q Quail to Quota 235
R Rabbi(s) to Ruthless 238
S Sabbath to Syrophoenicians 265
T Tabernacle to Tyrant(s) 303
U UFOs to Usurp 325
V Vacillation to Vulnerability 334
W Wages to Wrong/Wrongdoing 340
Y Yahweh to Youth 362
Z Zeal to Zion 363
Back Cover 365