Title Page
Note to the Reader
Lao-tzu’s Taoteching
The way that becomes a way
All the world knows beauty
Bestowing no honors
The Tao is so empty
Heaven and Earth are heartless
The valley spirit that doesn’t die
Heaven is eternal and Earth is immortal
The best are like water
Instead of pouring in more
Can you keep your crescent soul from wandering
Thirty spokes converge on a hub
The five colors make our eyes blind
Favor and disgrace come with a warning
We look but don’t see it
The great masters of ancient times
Keeping emptiness as their limit
During the High Ages people knew they were there
When the Great Way disappears
Get rid of wisdom and reason
Get rid of learning and problems will vanish
The appearance of Empty Virtue
The incomplete become whole
Whispered words are natural
Those who tiptoe don’t stand
Imagine a nebulous thing
Heavy is the root of light
Good walking leaves no tracks
Recognize the male
Trying to govern the world with force
Use the Tao to assist your lord
Weapons are not auspicious tools
The Tao remains unnamed
Those who know others are perceptive
The Tao drifts
Hold up the Great Image
What you would shorten
The Tao makes no effort at all
Higher Virtue isn’t virtuous
Of those that became one in the past
The Tao moves the other way
When superior people hear of the Way
The Tao gives birth to one
The weakest thing in the world
Which is more vital
Perfectly complete it seems deficient
When the Tao is present in the world
Without going out your door
Those who seek learning gain every day
Sages have no mind of their own
Appearing means life
The Way begets them
There’s a maiden in the world
Were I sufficiently wise
What you plant well can’t be uprooted
He who possesses virtue in abundance
Those who know don’t talk
Use directness to govern a country
Where the government stands aloof
In governing people and caring for Heaven
Ruling a great state
A great state is a watershed
The Tao is creation’s sanctuary
Act without acting
It’s easy to rule while it’s peaceful
The ancient masters of the Way
The reason the sea can govern a hundred rivers
The world calls me great
In ancient times
In warfare there is a saying
My words are easy to understand
To understand yet not understand
When people no longer fear authority
Daring to act means death
If people no longer fear death
The reason people are hungry
When people are born
The Way of Heaven
Nothing in the world is weaker than water
In resolving a great dispute
Imagine a small state with a small population
True words aren’t beautiful
About the Translator
Books by Red Pine
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