Intro to Understanding Men

Section 1: Understanding Men

#1: The Conveyer Belt to Manhood

#2: We Love in Different Ways

#3: How Men Determine a Keeper

#4: What Men Require

#5: Why Did He Leave Me? The Five Mistakes

Section 2: Your New Game Plan

#6: Emotion Control: Act Like a Guy

#7: Man Mode

#8: Make Yourself an Interesting Person

#9: Baggage Handling

#10: My Formula for Attraction

#11: Physical Improvement

#12: Shock Some Confidence into Yourself!

#13: Maybe He is Just an Asshole: Dump his Ass!

#14: Single? Power Date

#15: Is He the One?

Section 3: You Caught Him Now Keep Him!

#16: Keep Putting Shiny Pennies in the Jar

#17: Be His Prize

#18: Change One Thing a Week

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man Summary

Author Bio

Final Thoughts