A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

Accident prompts, 184–85

Advice prompts, 202–3

Alphabet prompts, 60–61, 104–5

Alphabet writing samples, 106–7

Alternate uses prompts, 52–53, 231

Angel prompts, 159, 172–73

Animal prompts, 125, 168–69

Archaeological prompts, 20–21

Archaeological writing samples, 22–23

Argument prompts, 110–11, 194–95

Argument writing samples, 196–97

Atmospheric conditions prompts, 48–49

Atmospheric conditions writing samples, 50–51

Best feelings prompts, 208–9. See also Feelings prompts

Better place prompts, 78–79

Bird/flight prompts, 96–97

Body-check prompts, 18–19

Breathing in-and-out prompts, 24–25

Broken-item prompts, 28–29

Bug/insect prompts, 136, 168

Building blocks prompts, 126–27

Building blocks writing samples, 128–29

Building/construction prompts, 82–83, 99, 131

Calendars, 14

Captain prompts, 144–45

Childhood fears prompts, 152–53

Clothing prompts, 40–41, 166–67

Color prompts, 26–27

Construction prompts, 82–83, 99, 131

Countdown prompts, 140–41

Counting prompts, 62–63

Courtroom prompts, 132–33

Creativity, sparking, 7, 9–11

Current events prompts, 46–47

Daily writing tips, 13–14

Debate prompts, 47, 148–49

Decision-making prompts, 74–75

Desires prompts, 182–83

Devotion, 14

Dinner party prompts, 142–43

Discipline, 14

Earth prompts, 136–37

Edits/revisions, 14

Election prompts, 134–35, 186

Elements prompts, 200–201

Faith prompts, 122–23

Fake news prompts, 124–25

Fallen prompts, 158–59

Fandom prompts, 234–35

Favorite fiction prompts, 234–35

Feelings prompts, 44–45, 84–85, 152–53, 204–5, 208–11

Fiction writing, 9. See also specific prompts

Fight/disagreement prompts, 110–11, 194–97

Flying prompts, 96–97, 116–17

Food prompts, 114–15, 176–77, 214–15

Goals, 13–14

Hallelujah prompts, 122–23

Hand observation prompts, 30–31

Happiness prompts, 208–9

Heartbreak prompts, 180–81

Home description prompts, 98–99

Housekeeper prompts, 118–19

Hugging prompts, 204–5

Imagination Prompts, 89–161

alphabet prompts, 104–5

alphabet writing samples, 106–7

argument prompts, 110–11

bird/flight prompts, 96–97

building/architecture prompts, 99, 131

building blocks prompts, 126–27

building blocks writing samples, 128–29

captain prompts, 144–45

childhood fears prompts, 152–53

countdown prompts, 140–41

courtroom prompts, 132–33

debate prompts, 148–49

dinner party prompts, 142–43

earth prompts, 136–37

election prompts, 134–35

explanation of, 9, 89

faith prompts, 122–23

fake news prompts, 124–25

fallen prompts, 158–59

feelings prompts, 152–53

fight escalation prompts, 110–11

flying prompts, 96–97, 116–17

food prompts, 114–15

hallelujah prompts, 122–23

home description prompts, 98–99

housekeeper prompts, 118–19

invasion prompts, 160–61

journalism prompts, 124–25

journey prompts, 146–47

legal trial prompts, 132–33

letters prompts, 104–5

life story prompts, 120–21

Little Red Riding Hood prompts, 90–91

missing person prompts, 112–13

mystery shopper prompts, 138–39

neighbor prompts, 130–31

party prompts, 142–43

presidential prompts, 134–35

protest prompts, 148–49

protest writing samples, 150–51

recipe prompts, 102–3

same-sound words prompts, 92–93

saving others prompts, 94–95

shopping prompts, 138–39

sleep prompts, 100–101

song writing prompts, 98

sound imagination prompts, 108–9

spiritual prompts, 122–23

strange object prompts, 156–57

takeout food prompts, 114–15

time-sensitive prompts, 154–55

travel prompts, 146–47

virus attack prompts, 160

writing samples, 106–7, 128–29, 150–51

Invasion prompts, 160–61

Journalism prompts, 56–57, 124–25, 209, 215

Journey prompts, 146–47

Learning prompts, 224–25

Legal trial prompts, 132–33

Letters prompts, 60–61, 104–5

Life story prompts, 120–21

Little Red Riding Hood prompts, 90–91

Living proof prompts, 34–35

Love prompts, 38–39, 102, 158, 180–81

MacGyver-style prompts, 52–53

Medicinal effects prompts, 192–93

Memory loss prompts, 139, 216–17

Memory Prompts, 163–235

accident prompts, 184–85

advice prompts, 202–3

angel prompts, 172–73

animal prompts, 168–69

argument prompts, 194–95

argument writing samples, 196–97

best feelings prompts, 208–9

bug/insect prompts, 168

clothing prompts, 166–67

desires prompts, 182–83

election prompts, 186

elements prompts, 200–201

explanation of, 9, 163

fandom prompts, 234–35

favorite fiction prompts, 234–35

feelings prompts, 204–5, 208–11

fighting words prompts, 194–95

food prompts, 176–77, 214–15

happiness prompts, 208–9

heartbreak prompts, 180–81

hugging prompts, 204–5

journalism prompts, 209, 215

learning prompts, 224–25

medicinal effects prompts, 192–93

memory loss prompts, 216–17

milestone prompts, 222–23

musical prompts, 179, 228–29

national events prompts, 186–87

nightscape prompts, 206–7

panic prompts, 188–89

party prompts, 170–71

periodic table prompts, 200–201

persistence prompts, 190–91

pet prompts, 168–69

rain prompts, 164–65

re-envisioning events prompts, 195, 198–99, 235

rewriting prompts, 226–27, 235

rites of passage prompts, 222–23

seasons prompts, 218–19

seasons writing samples, 220–21

song writing prompts, 179, 183, 228–29

speech writing prompts, 198–99

spooked prompts, 212–13

stormy weather prompts, 164–65

strangers prompts, 172–73, 224

strangers writing samples, 174–75

surgery prompts, 178–79

teachers prompts, 224–25

tool usage prompts, 230–31

weather prompts, 164–65

worst feelings prompts, 210–11

writing samples, 174–75, 196–97, 220–21

zombie mode prompts, 232–33

Milestone prompts, 222–23

Missing person prompts, 112–13

Motivation, 14

Musical prompts, 44–45, 83, 179, 228–29

Mystery shopper prompts, 138–39

National events prompts, 186–87

Neighbor prompts, 130–31

News story prompts, 56–57, 209, 215

Nightscape prompts, 206–7

Nonfiction writing, 9. See also specific prompts

Observation Prompts, 15–87

alphabet prompts, 60–61

alternate uses prompts, 52–53

archaeological prompts, 20–21

archaeological writing samples, 22–23

atmospheric conditions prompts, 48–49

atmospheric conditions samples, 50–51

better place prompts, 78–79

body-check prompts, 18–19

breathing in-and-out prompts, 24–25

broken-item prompts, 28–29

building prompts, 82–83

clothing prompts, 40–41

color prompts, 26–27

construction prompts, 82–83

counting prompts, 62–63

current events prompts, 46–47

debate prompts, 47

decision-making prompts, 74–75

explanation of, 9, 15

feelings prompts, 44–45, 84–85

hand observation prompts, 30–31

journalism prompts, 56–57

letters prompts, 60–61

living proof prompts, 34–35

love prompts, 38–39

MacGyver-style prompts, 52–53

musical prompts, 44–45, 83

news story prompts, 56–57

personal effects prompts, 72–73

posture prompts, 54–55

powers of observation, 80–81

sense-ational prompts, 16–17

sign advertisement prompts, 32–33

skin observation prompts, 34–35, 64–65

song writing prompts, 25, 44–45, 83

sound observation prompts, 36–37, 68–69

sound observation samples, 70–71

speech writing prompts, 19, 27, 47, 83

spellbound prompts, 66–67

State of the Union prompts, 18–19

survival prompts, 42–43

touch-and-feel prompts, 76–77

upside-down prompts, 58–59

view from above prompts, 86–87

weather prompts, 42–43, 48–49

word observation prompts, 32–33

worry prompts, 84–85

writing samples, 22–23, 50–51, 70–71

yellow color prompts, 26–27

zoom out prompts, 86–87

Panic prompts, 188–89

Party prompts, 142–43, 170–71

Periodic table prompts, 200–201

Persistence prompts, 190–91

Personal effects prompts, 72–73

Pet prompts, 168–69

Posture prompts, 54–55

Powers of observation prompts, 80–81

Presidential prompts, 134–35

Progress, tracking, 13–14

Prompts. See also specific prompts

benefits of, 7, 9–11

Imagination Prompts, 9, 89–161

Memory Prompts, 9, 163–235

Observation Prompts, 9, 15–87

time for, 7, 9–11

tips for, 9–11, 13–14

writing practice, 7, 10, 13–14

Protest prompts, 148–49

Protest writing samples, 150–51

Rain prompts, 42, 164–65

Recipe prompts, 67, 102–3

Re-envisioning events prompts, 47, 195, 198–99, 235

Revisions/edits, 14

Rewriting prompts, 179, 181, 226–27, 235

Rites of passage prompts, 222–23

Same-sound words prompts, 92–93

Saving others prompts, 94–95

Seasons prompts, 218–19

Seasons writing samples, 220–21

Sense-ational prompts, 16–17

Shopping prompts, 138–39

Sign advertisement prompts, 32–33

Skin observation prompts, 34–35, 64–65

Sleep prompts, 100–101

Song writing prompts, 25, 44–45, 83, 98, 179, 183, 228–29

Sound imagination prompts, 108–9

Sound observation prompts, 36–37, 68–69

Sound observation samples, 70–71

Special foods prompts, 176–77, 214–15

Speech writing prompts, 19, 27, 47, 83, 198–99

Spellbound prompts, 66–67

Spiritual prompts, 122–23

Spooked prompts, 212–13

State of the Union prompts, 18–19

Stormy weather prompts, 42–43, 164–65

Strange object prompts, 156–57

Strangers prompts, 172–73, 224

Strangers writing samples, 174–75

Surgery prompts, 178–79

Survival prompts, 42–43

Takeout food prompts, 114–15

Teachers prompts, 224–25

Time for writing, 7, 9–11

Time-sensitive prompts, 154–55

Tool usage prompts, 52–53, 230–31

Touch-and-feel prompts, 76–77

Travel prompts, 146–47

Umbrella goals, 13–14

Upside-down prompts, 58–59

View from above prompts, 86–87

Virus attack prompts, 160

Weather prompts, 42–43, 48–49, 164–65

Word observation prompts, 32–33

Worry prompts, 84–85

Worst feelings prompts, 210–11. See also Feelings prompts

Writing goals, 13–14

Writing practice, 7, 10, 13–14

Writing progress, 13–14

Writing prompts. See Prompts

Writing samples

alphabet writing samples, 106–7

archaeological writing samples, 22–23

argument writing samples, 196–97

atmospheric conditions samples, 50–51

building blocks samples, 128–29

protest writing samples, 150–51

seasons writing samples, 220–21

sound observation samples, 70–71

strangers writing samples, 174–75

Writing tips, 9–11, 13–14

Yellow color prompts, 26–27

Zombie mode prompts, 232–33

Zoom out prompts, 86–87