I developed these recipes through years of tweaking, testing, and tasting before settling on the perfect combinations for myself and my family. They’re the perfect recipes for us, but you might like things sweeter, or more savory, or packing a spicier punch. That’s fine; as I said earlier, the kitchen is a place for you to unleash your own creativity. So consider these recipes a very solid starting point for your own edible experiments.
All that matters in the end is that you’re eating real food, not something cooked up in a laboratory by food scientists. Almost all these recipes depend on just a handful of ingredients—food that comes from the earth or from the animals that feed from it. Just remember a few simple rules:
Eat More: Meats, fish, all vegetables including root vegetables and all squashes, fruit, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, avocado oil, nut milks, coconut milk, sweet potatoes, and eggs
Avoid: Dairy (including milk, cheese, and yogurt), wheat flour–based foods (including whole-grain and white bread, pasta, and pastries), soy, sugar, and artificial sweeteners
Cut Down On: Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, peanuts), grains (corn, oats, rice, quinoa)
Always Eat: Breakfast, and then every three hours, especially after a workout