
Tables, figures, and boxes are indicated by an italic t, f, and b following the page number.


abacavir (ABC) hypersensitivity reaction 640

acalculous cholecystitis 506

access to clinics 6

accessory proteins 459t

aciclovir resistance and anogenital herpes 285

Actinomyces israelii 79, 171

actinomyces-like organisms (ALOs) 179

adenovirus 9394

adoption 654

adrenal function 574575

advance decisions/statements 36

Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991: 21

agglutination and syphilis 127

aggressive patients 48

aims of GUM services 4

amiodarone and epididymo-orchitis 195

amoebiasis: Entamoeba histolytica 253, 265266

Amsel’s criteria 220, 221t

anaemia 604605

anal canal and anogenital warts 301302

anal carcinoma 618

anal diseases 501502

anal problems and sexual problems 435

anaphylactic shock 133

angiokeratomas 346

angular cheilitis 489490

animals, sex with 51

anogenital blisters or ulcers in children 112t

anogenital dermatoses 345356

common benign lesions/anomalies 346

degenerative condition 347

genital allergic contact hypersensitivity 348b

infective conditions 347

inflammatory conditions 348351

malignant conditions 356

premalignant conditions 354355

topical treatments 356, 356t

ulcerative conditions 352353

anogenital herpes 277289

aetiology 278

clinical features 280281

diagnosis 282

epidemiology and transmission 279

and HIV 289b

and male condoms 406b

management 283285

pregnancy and neonatal infection 286288

terminology 278

ulceration, causes of 281b

anogenital infections and gonorrhoea 139, 147

anogenital squamous cell carcinoma 292t

anogenital ulceration 87f, 87b

anogenital warts 291304

aetiology 292

in children 112t, 115

clinical features 294

diagnosis 295, 295t

epidemiology and natural history 293

HIV 304b

human papilloma virus types in lesions 292t, 302303b, 304b

management 297303

frequently asked questions 297299b, 302303b

general principles 297299

sexual partners 301

special situations 301302

specific treatments 299301

treatment algorithm 298f, 299f

vaccine 302303

pregnancy and infection in neonates and children 101, 296

relative frequency of location of 294t

transmission 293

anorectal stimulation 50

anorectal syndrome 249

anterior uveitis 517


and genital candidiasis 236

and oral contraceptives 414b

sexual assault management 108b

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 210

antibodies and anogenital herpes 282

antifungals 490

antiretroviral drugs

for HIV during pregnancy and labour 655

and hormonal contraception 414b

antiviral management and anogenital herpes 284, 285

aortitis 121122

aphthous ulcers 352, 491

arousal with body fluids 50

arthralgia 597

arthritis 148, 205, 210211

gonococcal 143

HIV-associated 597

psoriatic 598

reactive 598

septic 599 see also sexually acquired reactive arthritis

assisted conception 654

Atopobium vaginae 215

attendance confirmation 7

atypia 358

availability of services 6

azoles and genital candidiasis 242b


B19 parvovirus 604605

bacillary angiomatosis 554555

bacillary dysentery 264

bacteria 264

aerobic 215

anaerobic 215

bacterial infection and HIV 489, 524b, 554555, 565, 567b

bacterial pneumonia 527

bacterial vaginosis (BV) 65, 94, 213224

aetiology 215216

altered vaginal discharge 85f

anaerobic and G. vaginalis -associated balanitis/balanoposthitis 224

-associated organisms in pelvic inflammatory disease 171

associations 217

children 115

clinical features 217

complications 218

diagnosis 220, 221t

HIV 224b

management 222223

microscopy accuracy 75t

pregnancy 98

bacteriuria, asymptomatic 270

balanitis and balanoposthitis 83f, 224, 241

Bancroftian filariasis 253

Bartholinitis and Bartholin’s cyst and abscess 142, 153, 380

Behçet’s disease 195, 352

biliary tract disease 505

biological false-positive reactions and syphilis 125b

bone marrow infiltration 604605

bone mineral dysfunction 579

boric acid 243

breastfeeding 147, 158, 222, 338

HIV 658

Brucella spp. 194

Brugia malayi 194

bullous impetigo 554


Caesarean section and anogenital herpes 288

calcium 578579

Campylobacter infection 264

Candida spp. 66

candidal endophthalmitis 520

candidal oesophagitis 493

candidiasis 94

accuracy of microscopy 75t

altered vaginal discharge 85f

cutaneous 555556

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

erythematous 489490

hyperplastic 489490

oral 489490

pharyngeal 489490

pregnancy 98

pseudomembranous 489490 see also genital candidiasis

candour, professional duty of 31

capacity 19

cardiovascular disease 593

cardiovascular disorders see HIV: cardiovascular disorders

catheterized patients and urinary tract infection 270

CD4 count 462, 633, 633b

cellular response and HIV primary infection 481

cerebral disorders 542543

cerebral toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) 543

cerebrospinal fluid examination and syphilis 127128, 128t

cerebrovascular disease 549

cervical cytology technique and guidance 360b

cervical neoplasia 357364

chlamydia 153

classification 361t

clinical features 359

diagnosis 362

glandular intra-epithelial (CGIN) 358, 362, 363

HIV and cervical carcinoma 364

intra-epithelial (CIN) 358, 361t, 362, 363

invasive cervical carcinoma 358, 362

management 363

pregnancy 364

primary prevention 363

risk factors 359

screening 46, 360

cervical polyp 380

cervical warts 301302

cervicitis 203, 217

cervix, histology of the normal 358

chancroid 87f, 91t, 94, 246247

chaperones and intimate examinations 32, 32b

‘chemsex’ 504505

children 48

anogenital warts 112t, 115

assessment for risk 23b

bacterial vaginosis 115

chlamydia 114

competence 2021

consent 2022, 111

gonorrhoea 114

herpes 114

HIV 114

protection issues 21

sexual assault 110115, 110115b

sexual exploitation 2425, 25b, 26b

sexually transmitted infections 111

syphilis 114115

trichomoniasis 115 see also infant; neonates/neonatal; prepubertal infection

Chlamydia trachomatis 64, 86f, 94, 149159

aetiology 150

bacterial vaginosis 216, 217

children 114

clinical features 152153

complications 153

diagnosis 156157

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epidemiology and transmission 151

epididymo-orchitis 194, 197

lymphogranuloma venereum 248

and male condoms 406b

management 158159

nucleic acid amplification test 64, 107108t, 156

pelvic inflammatory disease 171

point of care tests 76

pregnancy and the neonate 98, 154155

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 203

cholangiopathy, HIV-associated 505

circumcision and anogenital herpes 285

cirrhosis 504505

cisgender 42

clinic-based tests 7172

Clinical Commissioning Groups 60

clinical psychology and vulval pain syndromes 371

clitoridectomy 29b

coagulation disorders 606

coliform enteric bacteria and epididymitis 194

colposcopy 362

coming out 44

commensals 7980

competence (of children) 2021

computed tomography angiography and syphilis 128

condoms and anogenital herpes 285

confidentiality 17, 38

confounders 7980

congenital infection and syphilis 119, 123124, 124b, 129, 132

conjunctival infection/conjunctivitis

chlamydia 153, 154, 158

gonococcal 147

gonorrhoea 139, 141

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 205

conjunctival microvasculopathy 515

conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma 516

connective tissue/autoimmune diseases 567b

consent 1819, 31

children 2022, 111

forensic assessment for sexual assault 109

contact dermatitis 348

contact slips 911

contraception 381416

cautions and contraindications 417427t, 416

coitus interruptus (‘withdrawal’) 408

combined hormonal contraceptives including combined pill, vaginal ring, and patch 417427t, 384386, 385b, 386t, 415

copper intra-uterine device 417427t, 400401, 401t, 410

depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 417427t, 415

diaphragms and caps 402

efficacy 383t

emergency 409410

female condom 403

female sterilization 411, 412b, 414

fertility awareness methods 407

and genital candidiasis 236

HIV-positive women 414415

IMP 417427t

implants 394395, 395t, 415

injectable 391393, 393t

intra-uterine devices 415

lactational amenorrhoea method 408

levonorgestrel intra-uterine system 417427t, 397398, 399t, 409

male condom 405, 406b, 414

male sterilization: vasectomy 413, 413b, 414

progestogen-only pill 417427t, 388389, 389t, 390b, 409, 415

spermicides 404

transgender/non-binary people 46

UK Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use guidelines 417427t

ulipristal acetate emergency contraception 409410

contract referral 911

core (HIV structure) 458

co-receptors 462

court appearances 37

cowperitis and abscess 141

Coxsackie virus B 194

cranberry juice 275276

Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995: 2728

criminalization of HIV transmission 35

cryotherapy 298f, 299f, 300301, 613

cryptococcosis 556

cryptosporidiosis: Cryptosporidium spp. 265, 495496

cystitis 271

Cystoisospora belli (formerly Isospora belli ) 497

cystoisosporiasis 497

cytomegalovirus (CMV) 94, 194, 264, 326

and HIV 488, 518519

oesophagitis 494

pneumonitis 537

retinitis 518519


Data Protection Act 1998: 34

death 36

death certificates 36

deinfibulation 29b

demographic risk factors 4849

dermatological disorders see HIV: dermatological disorders

dermatological infection and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 206, 211

dermatophytosis 556

desensitization and genital candidiasis 243

diabetes mellitus and genital candidiasis 236

diarrhoea and travellers with HIV 662

diathermy 300301

diffuse idiopathic lymphocytic syndrome (DILS) 597

dilated cardiomyopathy 591

disability 6

disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) 142, 147

distal symmetric polyneuropathy 548

distressed patient 48

doctors 4

donovanosis see granuloma inguinale


-associated cardiovascular disorders 593

-facilitated sexual assault 102

reactions and dermatological disorders in HIV 562

and renal disease 586, 587t

resistance and genital candidiasis 241

resistance and HIV 645649

resistance testing 648

side effects in HIV management 640641

toxicity and anaemia 604605

toxicity and neuropathy 547

use of during sex 51

dyskaryosis 358

dyslipidaemia 576577, 640

dyspareunia 434, 440

dysphagia investigations 493

dysuria 272


Ebola 327

ecthyma 554

ectopic pregnancy 174

ectopic sebaceous glands (Fordyce spots) 346

eczema 558


1–2 hours before coitus 438439

retarded 439440

ejaculatory pain 440

elderly patients and urinary tract infection 271

electrocautery 300301

electrolytes 578579

electronic technology 34

electrosurgery 300301

emotional implications of Kaposi’s sarcoma 612

Encephalitazoon intestinalis 496

endemic treponematoses 255258

endemic syphilis (bejel, dichuchwa) 258

management 258

pinta 257

yaws (framboesia, pian, buba) 257

endocarditis 148, 591

endocrine disturbances in HIV 572, 573575

endometritis 153

enteric diseases 94, 495500

causes of diarrhoea 500b

chronic diarrhoea evaluation in HIV 499f

cryptosporidiosis 495496

cystoisosporiasis 497

HIV enteropathy 498500

microsporidiosis 496

salmonellosis 497498

shigellosis 498

enteritis 261, 262

Enterocytozoon bieneusi 496

enthesitis 205, 210211

entry inhibitors 630t

envelope (HIV structure) 458

enzyme immunoassay (EIA)

chlamydia 64, 156

syphilis 126t, 127

eosinophilic pustular foliculitis 559

epidemiological studies 31

epidermal naevi 346

epidermoid cysts 346

epididymal cysts 379

epididymo-orchitis 193200

aetiology 194195

clinical features 196

complications 196

diagnosis 198, 198b, 199t

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

investigations 197

management 200

episcleritis 205

epispadias 378

Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) 94, 324, 324b, 610

Equality Act 2010: 610642

erectile dysfunction 436438, 437t

erythema 348

multiforme 353, 562

nodosum 206

erythrasma 347

erythroderma 562

Escherichia coli 194

ethical, medico-legal, and sociocultural issues 1539

confidentiality 17

consent 1819, 31

death 36

electronic technology 34

female genital mutilation 2930

HIV-infected healthcare workers 36

intimate examinations and chaperones 32

legislation 3839

partner notification issues 35

sexual offences 2728

statements and court appearances 37

evidence and sexual assault 109

excoriation 348

expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) 186b

extra-genital infection 5758

extra-mammary Paget’s disease 354

eye disorders see HIV: eye disorders

eyelashes and pediculosis 344


factitious illness 431

Fanconi’s syndrome 641

female genital mutilation 2930, 29b

female to male (FtM) 43

females see women

fertility treatment 654

fibrates 577578

filarial organisms 194

Fitz–Hugh–Curtis syndrome see perihepatitis

fixed drug eruption 349

5-fluorouracil 5% cream 300301

focal neurological signs and symptoms 541b

folliculitis 554

food and water for travellers with HIV 662

foreign bodies 274b

forensic assessment/testing and sexual assault 104, 109

Fraser Ruling (Gillick competence) 20, 21

free treatment 59

fungal infection 194, 489490, 524b, 535536, 555556, 565, 567b


gabapentin 370t

Gardnerella vaginalis 215

gastrointestinal disorders see HIV: gastrointestinal disorders

gastrointestinal disturbance 640

gender diversity 4146

sexual health 46

terminology 4345

gender dysphoria 43

gender expression 43

gender non-conforming 43

Gender Recognition Act 2004: 45

gender role 43

genderqueer 4344

general examination 55

genetic susceptibility and HIV disease progression 463

genital allergic contact hypersensitivity 348b

genital anomalies 377380

genital candidiasis 233244

aetiology 234

chronic mucocutaneous 238b

clinical features 237238

diagnosis 239

epidemiology and transmission 235

and HIV 244b

management 241243

predisposing factors 236

standard antimycotics 242b see also vulvo-vaginal candidiasis, recurrent

genital infections

chlamydia 158

epididymo-orchitis 194

and gonorrhoea 147 see also mucopurulent cervicitis; non-gonococcal urethritis; tropical genital and sexually acquired infections

genital lesions and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 206

genital lumps and bumps 89f

genital reassignment/reconstructive surgery 4445

genital stimulation using mouth 50

genotyping 648

giant condyloma of Buschke and Lowenstein 294

giardiasis: Giardia duodenalis 265

glans penis material 74

gonadal function 573574

gonococcal dermatitis 142

gonorrhoea 86f, 95, 137148

accuracy of microscopy 75t

aetiology 138

children 114

clinical features 140142, 140t

complications 141142

diagnosis 145146

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epidemiology and transmission 139

and HIV infection 148

infectivity and clearance rates 139b

and male condoms 406b

management 147148

point of care tests 76

pregnancy and the neonate 98, 143144 see also Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Gram-negative diplococci (GNDC) 73, 74

Gram-stained smear 71

cervical 73

urethral 74

from urine 74

vaginal 73f

granuloma inguinale 95, 251252

anogenital ulceration 87f

and epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

granulomatous diseases 567b

granulomatous orchitis 195

group B β-haemolytic streptococci 79

Guinea worm infestation 253


haemangioma 346

haematological disorders 604606

haematospermia 183b

haematuria 270271

haemoglobin 273

Haemophilus ducreyi 246

Haemophilus influenzae 97

Haemophilus parainfluenzae 194

hair follicles, prominent 346

head and neck carcinoma 292t

headaches and HIV 541b

health advisers (HAs) 5, 5b, 911

healthcare workers, HIV-infected 36

Helicobacter pylori infection 264

hepatic disease 504505, 504b

hepatic steatosis 504505

hepatitis A virus (HAV) 95

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

vaccination 478

hepatitis B virus (HBV) 95

co-infection with HIV 509510, 510b, 610, 623, 655

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

immunization and sexual assault management 107t

and male condoms 406b

pregnancy 9899

vaccination 478

hepatitis C virus (HCV) 95

co-infection with HIV 511512, 511b, 512b, 610, 623, 655

immunization and sexual assault management 107t

pregnancy 99

hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) 619

hepatotoxicity 640

herbal treatment and anogenital herpes 285

herpes simplex virus (HSV) 6566, 95

anal 501

anogenital ulceration 87f, 87b

children 114

and HIV 487, 553

pregnancy 99 see also anogenital herpes

herpes zoster (shingles) 547

herpes zoster ophthalmicus 515

hidradenitis-like plaques 554

hidradenitis suppurativa 351

high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the genital tract 354355

histoplasmosis 556

HIV 96

anogenital herpes 289b

anogenital warts 304b

assessment 477478

-associated wasting syndrome 580

bacterial vaginosis 224b

cervical carcinoma 364

children 114

chlamydia 159

clinical indicator conditions 471b

clinical staging 466467, 466t, 467t

desensitization schedule for trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole 650t

diagnosis and assessment 469478

endocrine disturbances 572

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epididymo-orchitis 200b

genital candidiasis 244b

gonorrhoea 148

hepatitis virus co-infection 507512

-infected healthcare workers 36

and male condoms 406b

metabolic disorders 572, 576579

Molluscum contagiosum 308

natural history of untreated infection 468, 468f

pelvic inflammatory disease 179

point of care tests 77

-positive women and contraception 414415

post-test counselling 476, 476b

pregnancy 99

prophylaxis and sexual assault management 107t, 108b

prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome 191b

psychological aspects 430, 441b

-related anaemia 604605

scabies 335

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 212b

and syphilis co-infection 135


infants 657

and risk assessment 471475, 471b, 472474b, 473t, 474t

transgender/non-binary people 46

transmission, criminalization of 35

and trichomoniasis 232b

HIV: cardiovascular disorders 589593

cardiac neoplasia 592

cardiovascular disease 593

dilated cardiomyopathy 591

drug-associated disorders 593

endocarditis 591

myocarditis 590

pericardial effusion 590

pulmonary hypertension 592

venous thrombosis 592

HIV: dermatological disorders 471b, 551562

bacterial infections 554555

drug reactions 562

fungal infections 555556

inflammatory conditions 558

neoplasia 560561

pruritic follicular and papular eruptions 559

scabies 557

viral infections 553554

HIV: epidemiology 449454

biological implications of types and subtypes 452

history 450

origin 451

prevalence 453, 453t

risk factors and transmission routes 454, 454t

HIV: eye disorders 513521

anterior segment of eye 517

neuro-ophthalmic manifestations 521

ocular surface and adnexa 515516

posterior segment of eye 518520

HIV: gastrointestinal disorders 485506

anal diseases 501502

biliary tract disease 505

hepatic disease 504505, 504b

pancreatic diseases 503 see also enteric diseases; oral diseases

HIV: malignancies 609619, 624

anal carcinoma 618

hepatocellular carcinoma 619

Hodgkin’s disease 617

invasive cervical carcinoma 617

Kaposi’s sarcoma 611613

leiomyosarcoma 618

lung cancer 618

multicentric Castleman’s disease 617

non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 614616

HIV: management 621651

adherence 626

antiretroviral drug–drug interactions 643, 644t

antiretroviral side effects 640641

characteristics of commonly used antiretrovirals 630t

chronic infection 623

combination therapy 627, 629t

drug resistance 645649

entry inhibitors 630t

HIV life cycle and points of drug action 628f

immune reconstitution 642

initial treatment 625

integrase inhibitors 630t

monitoring and follow-up 633637, 634t

non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor 630t

nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor 630t

opportunistic infections 623

pharmacokinetic boosters 630t

primary infection 623

prognosis according to CD4 cell count and viral load 624f

prophylaxis against infections 650651, 650t

protease inhibitor 630t

recommended first-line antiretroviral regimens 629t

stopping antiretroviral therapy 639

switching antiretroviral therapy 639

vaccinations 638, 638t

virological failure 649

HIV: musculoskeletal disorders 595601

immunity pathogenesis 596

infections 599

inflammatory arthropathies 597598

muscle disease 601

neoplasia 600

osteopenia and osteoporosis 600

rheumatic disease 601

HIV: neurological disorders 539549

autonomic neuropathy 545

cerebral disorders 542543

cerebrovascular disease 549

meningitis 544

neoplastic disease 549

neurosyphilis 549

peripheral nerve disease 547548

spinal cord disease 546

symptom complexes 541b

HIV: pathogenesis 457463

factors influencing disease progression 463

genetic organization 459, 459t

receptors 462

replicative cycle 460461

binding/attachment 460

fusion 460

integration 460

maturation 461

proviral transcription and translation 461

reverse transcription 460

budding 461

structure 458, 458f

HIV: pregnancy 653658

antenatal management 656

antiretroviral treatment 655

infant feeding 658

labour and delivery 656

monitoring 655

neonates 657

pre-conception 654

screening 655 see also contraception

HIV: prevention 443447

post-exposure prophylaxis 445446, 445b, 446b

pre-exposure prophylaxis 446, 447, 447b

treatment as 623

HIV: primary infection 479484

clinical features of acute seroconversion illness 482, 483t

diagnosis 484, 484b

immune responses 481

management 484

prevalence of acute seroconversion illness 482

HIV: pyrexia of unknown origin 563570

aetiology 565

diagnosis 566567

management 568

Mycobacterium avium complex 569

visceral leishmaniasis 570

HIV: renal disorders 581588

acute renal failure and HIV seroconversion 585

assessment 582

drugs and renal disease 586, 587t

end-stage renal disease 588

HIV-associated nephropathy 583

immune-mediated renal disease 584

interstitial nephritis 585

thrombotic microangiopathy 585

HIV: respiratory disorders 524525

bacterial pneumonia 527

chest X–ray appearances 526t

cytomegalovirus pneumonitis 537

mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy 537

pneumocystis pneumonia 528530

pulmonary aspergillosis 535536

pulmonary cryptococcosis 535

pulmonary vascular disease 537538

spectrum of illnesses 524b

tuberculosis 531533

HIV: reticulo-endothelial disorders 471b, 603607

haematological disorders 604606

persistent generalized lymphadenopathy 607, 607b

HIV: travel 659662

diarrhoea 662

food and water 662

planning 660

vaccination 661, 661t

Hodgkin’s disease 617

hormonal factors and genital candidiasis 236

human herpes virus-8 (HHV8) 95, 329, 610

human papilloma virus (HPV) 96

and anal disease 501502

anogenital and male condoms 406b

and anogenital warts 292t, 304b

DNA triage 360

and HIV 488489, 554, 610

human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) 328

-associated myelopathy 546

humoral response and HIV primary infection 481

hyfrecation 300301

hyperglycaemia 577578

hypernatraemia 578

hypersensitivity and condoms 405

hypersensitivity and dermatoses 348

hypersensitivity and drug reactions 527, 560, 628629, 631, 638, 640

hypersensitivity and genital candidiasis 237238, 241

hypersensitivity and scabies 335, 343

hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 597598

hyphae 239

hypochondriasis 431

hyponatraemia 578

hypophosphataemia 578579

hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism 578

hypospadias 378


idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum with multiple nodules 346

imiquimod 5% cream 298f, 299f, 299300

immature patients 21

immune-mediated renal disease 584

immune reconstitution syndrome 534, 642

immune recovery inflammatory response (IRIS) 601, 642

immune-recovery uveitis 517

immunity, impaired and genital candidiasis 236

immunity pathogenesis in HIV 596

incest 2728

indecent exposure 27

indecent/sexual assault 27


feeding and HIV in pregnancy 658

pneumonia 159

serology 129

infectious mononucleosis-like illness 482

infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease 174

infibulation 29b

inflammatory arthropathies 597598

inflammatory conditions and HIV-related dermatological disorders 558

inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy (Guillain–Barré syndrome) 548


prophylaxis 651

vaccination 478

inguinal syndrome 248249

inherited diseases 567b

integrase inhibitors (INIs) 630t, 646t

integrated sexual health services 23

interferon 300301, 613

interpreters 6

interstitial nephritis 585

intestinal problems and sexual problems 435

intimate examinations and chaperones 32, 32b

intra-epithelial neoplasia 292t, 354355, 502

invasive cervical carcinoma (ICC) 358, 617

investigations and microscopy 6380

accuracy of microscopy 75t

chancroid 247

chlamydia 156157

clinic-based tests 7172

commensals and confounders 7980

genital candidiasis 239

gonorrhoea 145146

HIV 477478

laboratory testing 6467, 67b

microscope 69

rapid point of care tests 7678, 76b

routine female microscopy 73

routine male microscopy 74

sexual assault investigation 107t

slide preparation 70b

syphilis 125129

trichomoniasis 229

iridocyclitis 517

iritis (acute anterior uveitis) 205

irritant dermatitis 348

ivermectin 338


Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction 131132, 133


Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) 490491, 600, 611613

and cardiac neoplasia 592

and HIV-related dermatological disorders 560

and HIV-related eye disorders 515516 see also human herpes virus-8 (HHV8)

keratitis, infectious 517

keratoderma blennorrhagica (KB) 206

Klebsiella (Calymmatobacterium ) granulomatosis 251

Klebsiella spp. 194


larva migrans, cutaneous 253

laryngeal papilloma 292t

laser therapy 300301

Lassa virus 327

lasting power of attorney 36

leg weakness 541b

legislation 3839

leiomyosarcoma 618

Leishmania spp. 570

leishmaniasis 253

leptothrix 79

leucocyte esterase 273

leukaemia/lymphoma, adult T-cell 328

lichen planus 349350

lichen sclerosus (LS) 350

linear gingival erythema 489

lipid profiles 633

lipoatrophy 576, 640

lipodystrophy 576578, 640

lipohypertrophy 576, 640

liposomal chemotherapy 613

Lipschutz ulcers 352

liquid-based cytology 360, 360b

living wills 36

Local Authorities commission 60

low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the genital tract 354355

lung cancer 618

lymphadenopathy, mediastinal and hilar 537

lymphocele 378

lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) 87f, 91t, 96, 248250

lymphomas 491, 560561, 614616


macular rash 121b

malaria prophylaxis 651

malassezia furfur folliculitis 559

malathion 0.5% aqueous lotion 338

male to female (MtF) 43

males see men

malignancies see HIV: malignancies

malignant conditions and anogenital dermatoses 356

management 59

Marburg haemorrhagic fever virus 327

matrix (HIV structure) 458

measles prophylaxis 651

mechanical aids (sexual problems) 437438

medical transition 44

melanocytic naevi (moles) 346


anogenital warts treatment 299f

complications and gonorrhoea 141

general examination 5657, 57f

genital anomalies 378379

genital candidiasis 238

genital infection and chlamydia 152

genital infection and gonorrhoea 140

microscopy, routine 74

non-gonococcal urethritis 162, 163, 164, 165167

sexual problems 436440

trichomoniasis, clinical features of 228

urinary tract infection 272

urogenital infection and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 205

meningitis 148, 544

aseptic 544

cryptococcal 544

gonococcal 148

Mental Capacity Act 2005: 1819

metabolic disorders in HIV 572, 576579

metoidioplasty 4445

microscopy see investigations and microscopy

microsporidiosis 496

mitochondrial toxicity 640

Molluscum contagiosum 96, 305308, 516

aetiology and epidemiology 306

clinical features 306

diagnosis 307

HIV 308, 554

management 307

mononeuritis multiplex 547

Moraxella catarrhalis 97

morbilliform (erythematous maculopapular) drug eruption 562

mucopurulent cervicitis 91t, 161167

clinical features 163

diagnosis 164

management 167

mucosal melanosis (genital lentiginosis) 346

mucous membrane lesions and secondary syphilis 120

Mullerian duct anomalies 380

multicentric Castleman’s disease 617

mumps 194

Munchausen’s syndrome 431

muscle disease 601

musculoskeletal disorders see HIV: musculoskeletal disorders

musculoskeletal infection and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 205

mutations 645648, 646t

mycobacterial infection 555, 565

Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) 534

and HIV 567, 478

prophylaxis 651

Mycobacterium leprae 194

Mycobacterium tuberculosis 171, 191, 194

Mycoplasma genitalium 66, 165b

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epididymo-orchitis 194, 197

pelvic inflammatory disease 171

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 203

mycoses 191

myelopathy (tropical spastic paraparesis) 328, 546

myiasis 253

myocarditis 590


Nabothian follicles 346

nail pigmentation 562

nails 206

National Health Service Act 1977: 38

necrotizing periodontal diseases 489

necrotizing stomatitis 489

necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis 489

Neisseria gonorrhoeae 65, 138

bacterial vaginosis 216, 217

epididymo-orchitis 194, 197

laboratory detection 146

pelvic inflammatory disease 171

sexual assault investigation 107t, 108

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 203

Neisseria meningitidis 79, 97, 194

nematodes 266


anogenital herpes 286288

anogenital warts 296

chlamydia 154155, 158159

gonorrhoea 139, 143144, 148

group B β-haemolytic streptococci 374375

HIV 148, 657

sepsis 148

syphilis 132

vulvovaginitis 227

neoplasia 490491, 524b, 549, 560561, 565, 567b, 592, 600 see also intra-epithelial neoplasia

nephropathy, HIV-associated (HIVAN) 583

neuritis 547

neuro-cognitive disorder, HIV-associated 542

neurological disorders see HIV: neurological disorders

neurological manifestations 482

neuropathy 545, 547548, 640

neuro-psychiatric side effects 641

neuroses associated with sexual health 431

neurosyphilis 122, 127128, 128t, 131, 549

neutropenia 605

NHS England 60

NHS Trusts and Primary Care Trusts (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Directions 2000: 38

nitrate reductase 273

no referral 911

Nocardia spp. 194

nodular regenerative hyperplasia 504505

non-binary people 42, 4344

sexual health 46

non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) 96, 161167

aetiology 162, 162t

clinical features 163, 163t

diagnosis 164

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

management 165167

and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 203

non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) 592, 600, 614616

non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) 630t, 646t

nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) 156

nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) 630t, 646t

nurse specialists/practitioners 5


occupational exposure to infection 31

oesophageal diseases 493494, 493b

oesophagitis, candidal 493

Offences against the Person Act 35

onchocerciasis 253

onychomycosis 556

ophthalmia neonatorum 143, 148, 154, 159

ophthalmic infection and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 205, 210

opportunist mycobacterial infections 534

oral diseases 487492, 487b

bacterial diseases 489

differential diagnosis of oral–pharyngeal ulcers 492b

differential diagnosis of white lesions in oral cavity 487b

fungal diseases 489490

neoplasia 490491

parotid gland enlargement 492

salivary gland disease 491492

viral infections 487489

oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) and HIV 488

oral lesions

and Kaposi’s sarcoma 611

and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 206

oral–pharyngeal ulcers 492b

oral pigmentation 562

oral sex 9397, 9397b

oral ulcers and cytomegalovirus 488

oral warts and human papilloma virus (HPV) types in lesions 292t

orchitis see epididymo-orchitis

orgasmic dysfunction 434

osteomyelitis 599

osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis) 598

osteopenia 600

osteoporosis 600

ovarian function 574


paclitaxel and Kaposi’s sarcoma 613

pancreatic diseases 503

pancreatic function 575

pancreatitis 503

papular lesions 121b

paralysis 122

paraphilia 51

paraphimosis 378

parasitic infection 191, 524b, 565, 567b

parotid gland enlargement 492

particle agglutination 7778

partner notification 911, 10t, 35

bacterial vaginosis 222

chancroid 247

chlamydia 159

epididymo-orchitis 200

gonorrhoea 148

granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis) 252

lymphogranuloma venereum 250

mucopurulent cervicitis 167

non-gonococcal urethritis 167

pediculosis 344

pelvic inflammatory disease 179

scabies 338

syphilis 134

patient 4849

referral 911

pearly penile papules 346

pediculosis 97, 339344

aetiology 341

clinical features 343

diagnosis 344

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epidemiology 343

management 344

transmission 343

pelvic floor exercises 437438

pelvic inflammatory disease 169179

aetiology 171

chlamydia 153

clinical features 173

complications and sequelae 174

diagnosis 176177, 176t, 177b

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epidemiology 172, 172b

gonorrhoea 142

investigations 175

management 178179

pelvic pain syndrome, chronic see prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome

pelvic problems and sexual problems 435

pemphigus vulgaris 353

penicillin allergy 133

penicilliosis 556

prophylaxis 651

penile ulceration 562

peri-appendicitis 174

pericardial effusion 590

perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome) 142, 153, 174

periodontal disease 489

peripheral nerve disease 547548

peripheral sensation, altered 541b

peri-urethral cellulitis and abscess 141

permethrin 5% cream 338

persistent generalized lymphadenopathy 607, 607b

Peyronie’s disease 378

phalloplasty 4445

pharmacokinetic boosters 630t

pharmacy arrangements 59

pharyngeal infection 139, 141, 147, 153, 158, 489490

pharynx 58

phenotyping 648

phimosis 378

phobias 431

phosphate 578579

phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors 436437

physiotherapy and vulval pain syndromes 371

piercings 51

pigmentary changes 346

pinta 257

pituitary function 573

plasma cell balanitis (of Zoon) 350

pneumococcal vaccination 478

pneumocystis pneumonia 478, 528530, 565

prophylaxis 650, 657

podophyllin 15–25% 300301

podophyllotoxin 298f, 299f, 299300

point of care tests (POCTs), rapid 7678, 76b

polio prophylaxis 651

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

chancroid 247

trichomoniasis 229

polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNLs) 73, 74

post-exposure prophylaxis 651

neonates 657

post-mortem testing for sexually transmitted blood-borne infections 31

potassium 578

pregabalin 371t

pregnancy 98101

anogenital herpes 286288

anogenital warts 296, 301302

bacterial vaginosis 222

cervical neoplasia 364

chlamydia 154155, 158

gonorrhoea 143144, 147

granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis) 252

hepatitis A virus 311

pelvic inflammatory disease 179

scabies 338

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 211

streptococcal infections 374375

syphilis 124b, 131132, 139

test 72b

trichomoniasis 228

urinary tract infection 270 see also HIV: pregnancy

premalignant conditions and anogenital dermatoses 354355

premature ejaculation 438439

prepubertal infection 141, 148, 153, 158159

priapism 379

procaine benzylpenicillin 131b, 133

process of appointment 711

proctitis 90f, 261, 262

proctocolitis and enteric sexually acquired infections 259266

infections not usually sexually transmitted 264266

infections usually sexually transmitted 263

no infection demonstrable 263

sexually transmitted causes and clinical features 261262

progressive lumbosacral polyradiculopathy 548

progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) 543

progressive outer retinal necrosis (PORN) 519520

prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome 141, 153, 174, 181191

acute bacterial prostatitis 183

asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis 191

chronic bacterial prostatitis 185

Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index 188b

expressed prostatic secretions 186b

and HIV 191b

prostatic massage 186b

sexually transmitted infections 191

symptoms 182t

protease inhibitors (PIs) 630t, 646t

protein 273

Proteus spp. 194

protozoa 265266

provider referral 911

provision of services 45

transgender/non-binary people 46

pruritic follicular and papular eruptions 559

pruritus 348, 559

pseudohyphae and/or spores 239

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 194

psoriasis 349, 558

psychological factors 430

HIV 441b

psychosexual therapy

chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome 190

erectile dysfunction 436437

vulval pain syndromes 371

Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984: 39

Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988: 39

public interest 17

Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998: 36

pulmonary aspergillosis 535536

pulmonary cryptococcosis 535

pulmonary hypertension 592

pulmonary vascular disease 537538

pyelonephritis 270

pyoderma gangrenosum 353

pyrexia of unknown origin see HIV: pyrexia of unknown origin

pyuria with no or low bacterial counts 274b


rape 27, 48

rash 641

recall 9

recording consultations 34

rectal infection 141, 152153, 158

rectum 5758

referrals 6

registration 7, 7t

regulatory proteins 459t

renal disorders see HIV: renal disorders

renal impairment 641

respiratory disorders see HIV: respiratory disorders

respiratory secretions/lung tissue and pneumocystis pneumonia 528

respiratory tract infection and chlamydia 154

respiratory tract organisms 97

reticulo-endothelial disorders see HIV: reticulo-endothelial disorders

retinal microvasculopathy 518

retinal necrosis, acute 519

review 59

rheumatic disease 601

risk factors 4849

routine examination 54


sadomasochism 51

‘safer sex’ 50

saline suspension 71, 74

salivary gland disease 491492

Salmonella spp. 171, 194

salmonellosis 497498

sarcoidosis 195

scabies 331338, 557

aetiology 332

clinical features 335

diagnosis 337

distribution 336f

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epidemiology 334

HIV 335

incognito 335

management 338

Norwegian (crusted) 335, 338

transmission 334

scalded skin syndrome 554

scalp abscess 148

Schistosoma haematobium 194

schistosomiasis 253

scrotal mass/pain 198b

seborrhoeic dermatitis 348349, 558

seborrhoeic keratosis 346

seizures 541b

seminal vesiculitis 141, 153

sensate focus 434

sensation reduction (premature ejaculation) 438439

seroconversion, acute (retroviral syndrome) 553

service development 23

service provision 45

levels of 6061, 61b

transgender/non-binary people 46

sex and genital candidiasis 237

sex toys 51

sexual activity and abuse (children) 22

sexual activity, causing person to engage in without consent 27

sexual assault 48

forensic assessment 109

general principles 102104

management 105108, 105b, 106b, 107t, 108b

by penetration 27

sexual contacts, management of 91t, 92t see also partner notification

sexual desire/arousal, low 434

sexual health commissioning 6061

sexual health in primary care 6061

sexual health promotion 1213

sexual history 52, 53f

sexual offences 2728

Sexual Offences Act 1967: 2838

Sexual Offences Act 2003: 22, 2728, 3839

Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order 2008: 2728

sexual practice, types of 5051

sexual problems 432

classification 433

women 434435

sexuality and relationship 50

sexually acquired reactive arthritis 201212

aetiology 203

associations 204

causes of acute painful swollen joints 209b

chlamydia 153

clinical features 205206

diagnosis 208

management 210

natural history 207

pregnancy 99

sexually acquired viral hepatitis 309322

hepatitis A virus 311312, 316b, 322t

hepatitis B virus 313317, 315t, 316t, 316b, 322t

hepatitis C virus 318321, 319t, 320t, 322t

shigellosis 498

sicca syndrome 515

sinecatechins 10–15% extract of green tea leaf 299300


lesions and Kaposi’s sarcoma 611

lesions and syphilis 120, 123

rash, drug-related 641

samples 71

tags (achrocordon) 346

warts 292t

social implications of Kaposi’s sarcoma 612

social risk factors 4849

social transition 44

sodium and water 578

Soundex codes 7, 8t

special situations 48

specialized roles of GUM 4

specific antitreponemal immunoglobulin M (IgM) detection 126t, 127

specific genitourinary situations 81115

anogenital ulceration 87f, 87b

balanitis and balanoposthitis 83f

child sexual assault 110115, 110115b

genital lumps and bumps 89f

oral sex 9397, 9397b

pregnancy 98101

proctitis 90f

sexual contacts, management of 91t, 92t

urethritis, symptoms suggesting 82

vaginal discharge, altered 8586, 85f, 86f

vulval irritation/discomfort/pain 84f see also sexual assault

spectinomycin 148b

spermatic granuloma 195

spermatoceles 379

spinal cord disease 546

squeeze technique (premature ejaculation) 438439

standard clinic process 4761

examination of men 5657, 57f

examination of women 55f, 5556

extra-genital infection 5758

general examination 55

management and review 59

patient 4849

routine examination 54

sexual health commissioning and sexual health in primary care 6061

sexual history 52, 53f

sexual practice, types of 5051

staphylococcal skin infection 554

Staphylococcus aureus 376, 554

statements and court appearances 37

statins 577578

Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) 353, 562

stop/start (premature ejaculation) 438439

streptococcal infections 97, 374375

Streptococcus agalactiae 79, 374375

Streptococcus pneumonia 194

Streptococcus pyogenes 374

Strongyloides stercoralis 266

structural proteins, major 459t

sub-preputial material 74

symmetrical polyarthritis, acute 597

synthetic prostaglandin E1 agent 437438

syphilis 97, 117135

accuracy of microscopy 75t

acquired 118, 120122

aetiology 118

anogenital ulceration 87f

biopsy 128

cardiovascular 121122, 130

children 114115

co-infection with HIV 135

congenital infection 119, 123124, 124b, 129, 132

diagnosis and investigations 125129

early 118, 123, 134

clinical features 120121

management 130

endemic (bejel, dichuchwa) 258

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epidemiology and transmission 118

follow-up 134

gummatous 121, 130

late 118, 123124, 134

clinical features 121122

management 130

latent 118, 121, 130

and male condoms 406b

natural history 118

pregnancy 100, 123124, 124b, 131132

primary 120

secondary 120, 121b

sexual assault investigation 107t see also neurosyphilis


T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma, adult 328

tabes dorsalis 122

tenosynovitis 142, 205

termination of pregnancy and bacterial vaginosis 223

test results 8

testicular cancer 199t

testicular function 573574

testicular torsion 199t

testing in error 31

testosterone (IM or transdermal) 434, 437438

threadworms 266, 271

thrombocytopenia 605

thrombotic microangiopathy 585

thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 605

thyroid disease 573

tinea infections 347, 556

toxic epidermal necrolysis 562

toxoplasma retinochoroiditis 520

toxoplasmosis 478

prophylaxis 650

transgender people 42, 43

sexual health 46

transman 43, 46

transsexual 43

transwoman 43, 46


expenses, reimbursement of 8 see also HIV: travel

treatment 59

Treponema pallidum 70b, 118, 127, 194

triage 6

trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 298f, 299f, 300301

Trichomonas vaginalis 66, 76

trichomoniasis 225232

accuracy of microscopy 75t

aetiology 226

altered vaginal discharge 85f

bacterial vaginosis 217

children 115

clinical features 228

diagnosis 229

epidemiological treatment for contacts 91t

epidemiology and transmission 227

and HIV 232b

and male condoms 406b

management 230231

pregnancy 100

trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole desensitization schedule 650t

tropical genital and sexually acquired infections 245253

anogenital ulceration 87f

chancroid 246247

granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis) 251252

lymphogranuloma venereum 248250

tuberculosis 478, 489, 531533, 624

tubo-ovarian and pelvic abscess 174

tubular necrosis, acute 582

tumours and possible HIV infection 471b

typhoid 171, 264


ulcerative conditions and anogenital dermatoses 352353

Ureaplasma urealyticum 194, 203

urethral caruncle 380

urethral channels (accessory) 379

urethral material 74

urethral meatus 301302

urethral strictures and fistulae 141

urethral syndrome 271

urethritis, symptoms suggesting 82

urinalysis 72

urinary problems and sexual problems 435

urinary tract infection (UTI) 82, 267276

aetiology 268

diagnosis 273

epididymo-orchitis 194

management 275276

men 272

pregnancy 100

pyuria with no or low bacterial counts 274b

women 269271


inspection 71

pregnancy test 72b

urogenital infection and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 205

urology referral 276

uterine problems and sexual problems 435


anterior 517

immune-recovery 517


vaccination and HIV 478, 638, 638t, 661, 661t

neonates 657

vacuolar myelopathy 546

vaginal bleeding

cervical neoplasia 359

chlamydia 152, 153

contraception 417427t, 392

transgender/non-binary people 46

vaginal discharge 71, 85f, 86f

vaginal stenosis, transgender/non-binary people 46

vaginismus 435

vaginitis 7980

atrophic 434, 435

bacillary dysentery 264

candidiasis 234, 244

contraception 417427t, 384385

leptothrix 79

neonate 143

non-specific see bacterial vaginosis

Staphylococcus aureus 376

streptococcal infections 374

transgender/non-binary people 46

trichomoniasis 228, 229

urinary tract infections, recurrent 269

vaginoplasty 4445

varicella zoster virus (VZV) 478, 488, 553554

prophylaxis 651

varicocele 379

vasculitis 567b

Venereal Diseases Act 1917: 38

Venereal Diseases Regulations 1916: 38

venous thrombosis 592

viral encephalitis 542543

viral infections

and HIV 553554, 565, 567b

and oral disease 487489

viral load and HIV 633


and proctocolitis and enteric sexually acquired infections 264

and prostatitis 191

and respiratory illnesses in HIV 524b

visceral leishmaniasis 570

vitiligo 346

vulval irritation/discomfort/pain 84f

vulval pain syndromes 365372

aetiology 367

clinical features 367

management 368371, 370t, 371t

prognosis 372

vulval papillae 346

vulvoplasty 4445

vulvo-vaginal candidiasis, recurrent 237, 239, 242

vulvo-vaginal problems and sexual problems 434

vulvo-vaginitis, acute 237, 241


warts see anogenital warts

wasting syndrome, HIV-associated 580


anogenital warts treatment 298f

general examination 55f, 5556

genital anomalies 380

genital candidiasis 237

genital infection and chlamydia 152

genital infection and gonorrhoea 140

gonorrhoea 142

microscopy, routine 73

mucopurulent cervicitis 162, 163, 164, 167

sexual problems 434435

trichomoniasis 228

urinary tract infection 269271

urogenital infection and sexually acquired reactive arthritis 205

Wuchereria bancrofti 194

Wuchereria pacifica 194


yaws 257

yeast infections 194


Zika 327