‘A4’: the German rocket bomb, 1, 2
A5 (Belgian fishing vessel): at Dunkirk, 1
A-54: an Allied agent inside Germany, 1, 2
Aachen (Germany): encircled, 1; falls, 2, 3; Allies push eastward from, 4
Aarhus (Denmark): air attack on Gestapo headquarters at, 1, 2
Aaron Ward (US destroyer): sunk, 1
Aba (a British hospital ship): attacked, 1
Abadan (Iran): threat to oil at, 1
Abbeville (France): Germans reach, 1; British hold line near, 2
Abbottabad (India): a listening post, 1
Abdullah, Emir of Transjordan: and ‘the end is sure’, 1
Abemana Atoll (Gilbert Islands): attacked, 1
‘Aberdeen’ (Burma): landing at, 1
Abetz, Otto: in Paris, 1; at Rastenburg, 2
Abraham: God’s promise to, 1
Abramescu, General: refused permission to withdraw, 1
Abusch, Walter: executed, 1
Acasta (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Achilles (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Adak (Aleutian Islands): American bombers attack from, 1
Adana (Turkey): Churchill’s mission to, 1
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia): British advance to, 1; evacuated, 2; the Emperor returns to, 3
Addu Atoll (Maldive Islands): 1
Aden: bombed, 1
Adenauer, Dr Konrad: and reparations for Jews, 1; and the return of German prisoners-of-war in Russia, 2
Adlon Hotel (Berlin): and a British air raid, 1
Admiral Graf Spee (German pocket battleship): sinks a British merchant ship, 1; scuttled, 2
Admiral Hipper (German heavy cruiser): beaten off, 1
Admiral von Scheer (German pocket battleship): attacks a convoy, 1; in the Arctic, 2
Admiralty (Leningrad): spires of, 1
Admiralty Islands (Pacific): captured, 1
Adony (Hungary): Red Army occupies, 1
Adriatic Sea: and help for Yugoslav partisans, 1
Adventure (British destroyer): damaged, 1
Aegean Islands: Jews deported from, 1; and an escape line, 2; Germans trapped on, 3
Africa: ‘will be defended’ (Hitler), 1
Afridi (British destroyer): hit, 1
Aftermath, the: the ‘ugly creatures’ of, 1
Agordat (Eritrea): occupied, 1
Aha (Okinawa): Americas enter, 1
Aid to Russia Appeal: launched, 1
Air Medal (with Oak Leaf Clusters): awarded, 1
Air power: and ‘poetic justice’, 1; and ‘a strange, stern justice’, 2
Airedale (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Aisne River (France): battle on, 1, 2
Aitape (New Guinea): landings on, 1
Ajax (British destroyer): in action, 1, 2
Akagi (Japanese aircraft carrier): sunk, 1
Akulovo (near Moscow): Germans driven from, 1
Akyab (Burma): reconquest of, fails, 1
Alam Halfa (Western Desert): Rommel forced to withdraw from, 1
Alamogordo (New Mexico): an atomic bomb tested at, 1, 2
Albania: invasion of Greece from, 1; Greek troops advance into, 2, 3; an Italian counter-attack in, fails, 4; Italians advance from once more, 5; declares war on Russia, 6; resistance activity in, 7, 8; and an Allied deception plan, 9; partisans in, harass Germans, 10; Germans fall back from, 11; in the Soviet bloc, 12
Albert Canal (Belgium): attacked, 1
Albert H. Boe (US Liberty Ship): ready for sea, 1
Albert, Lucien: killed, 1
Alderney (Channel Islands): forced labourers on way from, drowned, 1
Aldershot (England): bombed, 1
Alekseyevka (Ukraine): a Jewish unit in action at, 1
Alençon (France): Free French troops reach, 1
Ålesund (Norway): plan to land at, 1; Norwegians arrested at, shot, 2
Aleutian Islands: landings on, 1; Japanese reinforcements to, intercepted, 2
Alexander Nevsky: an Order named after, 1
Alexander, General Sir Harold: at Dunkirk, 1, 2; at Rangoon, 3; falls back to India, 4; and El Alamein, 5; and Tunisia, 6; in Italy, 7, 8, 9, 10
Alexander, John: taken prisoner, 1
Alexander of Yugoslavia, King: and the Četniks, 1
Alexandria (Egypt): French warships at, 1; British re-inforcements reach, 2, 3; Hitler’s thoughts on, 4; a threat to, 5; an Italian manned-torpedo raid on, 6; British fall back towards, 7, 8; Rommel denied capture of, 9
Alexandrovka (Leningrad): captured, 1
Algeria: Allied landing on, in prospect, 1, 2, 3, 4; Rommel fails to regain border of, 5; used for British ‘shuttle bombing’ raids, 6
Algiers (Algeria): a secret landing at, 1; Allied forces disembark at, 2, 3; a French warship reaches, 4; manned-torpedo attack on, 5; a war crimes trial at, 6
Aliakhmon Line (Greece): Germans advance on, 1; Germans overrun, 2
Alimnia Island (Aegean Sea): commandos captured near, 1
Allen, Captain: shot, 1
Allenstein (East Prussia): acquired by Poland, 1
Allied Declaration (of 17 December 1942): and the fate of the Jews, 1
Altman, Mania: murdered, 1
Alsace (France): Allies advance towards, 1
Altafjord (northern Norway): a German warship at, 1
Altenwalde (West Germany): a German rocket tested at, by the British, 1
‘Altona’: the code word to postpone ‘Barbarossa’, 1
Altmark (German auxiliary ship): boarded, 1
Aluminium: the search for, to make aircraft, 1
Alytus (Lithuania): battle at, 1
Amagi (Japanese aircraft carrier): sunk, 1
Amaquiri (Japanese destroyer): in action, 1
Ambérieu (France): sabotage at, 1
Amboina (Dutch East Indies): fate of prisoners-of-war on, 1
American-British-Conversations (ABC): held in Washington, 1; agreement reached during, 2
American Civil War: the first execution for desertion since, 1
American Rangers: participate in Dieppe raid, 1
American Red Cross: Roosevelt’s appeal for, 1
Amerika (Hitler’s train): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; damaged, 7
Amery, Julian: active behind German lines in Albania, 1
Amery, John: his trial and execution, 1
Amiens (France): Germans reach, 1; executions in, 2
Amsterdam (Holland): children flee, 1; strikes, and reprisals in, 2; an execution in, 3; Jews expelled into, 4; a bombing mission against, 5; a ‘horrifying’ scene in, reported to Hitler, 6; Anne Frank in, 7; Anne Frank deported from, 8; ‘Death Candidates’ in, 9
Anami, General: against surrender, 1; commits suicide, 2
Ancona (Italy): Jews of, warned in time, 1
Åndalsnes (Norway): landing at, 1; withdrawal from, 2
Andaman Islands (Bay of Bengal): Japanese occupy, 1; a clandestine landing on, 2; Japanese on, surrender, 3
Anders, General Wladyslaw: describes a battlefield, 1
Anderson, Staff Sergeant Beaufort T.: his courage, 1
Andrew of Greece, Prince: 1, 2, 3
Andrew of Greece, Princess: hides Jews, 1
‘Angel of Death’: at Auschwitz, 1
Angelita (an Italian girl): at Anzio, 1
Angers (France): a clandestine landing near, 1; arrests near, 2
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: Italians withdraw from, 1
Anglo-French Purchasing Board: set up in Washington, 1
‘Anglo-French Union’: proposal for, 1
Anglo-Soviet Treaty: signed, 1
Anguar Island (Palaus): fighting on, 1
Anin (Poland): hostages from, killed, 1
Annecy (France): an anti-Resistance attack near, 1
Anoya (Crete): and a reprisal action, 1
Anti-Comintern Pact: celebrated, in Berlin, 1
Antonescu, Marshal Ion: comes to power in Roumania, 1; warns Germany of Soviet preparations, 2; meets Hitler, 3; and Hitler’s cook-housekeeper, 4; refuses a request to withdraw, 5; arrested, 6
Antonov, General: requests Anglo-American bombing support, 1; and the American-Soviet demarcation line, 2
Antwerp (Belgium): demolitions at, 1; falls to Germans, 2; a punishment camp near, 3; bombing raid on, 4; liberated, 5; to be cut off, 6; ‘Flying Bomb’ attacks on, 7, 8, 9, 10; help for, 11; Hitler’s plan to recapture, 12; a rocket bomb attack on, 13; rocket equipment despatched to America through, 14
Anzio (Italy): a planned landing at, 1; landing at, 2, 3; Allies pinned down at, 4; and Angelita, 5; and a German offensive, 6; the bridgehead at, trapped, 7; continuing battle at, 8, 9; a break-out from, 10
Aosta, Duke of: evacuates Addis Ababa, 1
Aparri (Philippines): Japanese land at, 1
Apeldoorn (Holland): Jewish mental patients sent to Auschwitz from 1; a hijack attempt near, followed by reprisals, 2
Arab Legion, the: ‘will fight anybody’, 1
‘Arabel’: a double agent, 1, 2, 3, 4
Arakan Coast (Burma): advance along, 1
Arandora Star (luxury liner): sunk, 1
Arawe Peninsula (New Britain): an American landing on, 1
Arc de Triomphe (Paris): swastika on, 1; prisoners-of-war machine gunned at, 2; Churchill and de Gaulle at, 3
Archambault, Jean-Paul: his sabotage mission, in France, 1; his mission behind Japanese lines in Burma, 2
Arctic Circle: British troops north of, 1
Archangel (Soviet Union): planned German advance to, 1, 2; British aid to Russia through, 3, 4; British convoys to, 5, 6, 7, 8
Archer (British aircraft carrier): in action, 1
Arctic Convoys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; a welcome relief for, 9; continuation of, discussed, 10
Ardeatine Caves (Rome): executions in, 1; a trial concerning, 2
Ardennes (Belgium, Luxemburg): Germans reach (1940), 1, 2, 3; Germans recapture (1944), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; and a German air attack on Allied airfields, 10; Germans pushed back in, 11, 12, 13; Allied forces stalled at, 14
Ardent (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Arendal (Norway): German plans to land at, 1
Argentina: declares war on Germany and Japan, 1; releases a wanted man, 2
Argus (British aircraft carrier): helps Malta, 1; goes to North Russia, 2
Arhanes (Crete): a kidnapping near, 1
Arizona (US battleship): 1,177 men killed on, 2
Ark Royal (British aircraft carrier): torpedoed, 1
Arlington Cemetery (Virginia): a burial at, 1; a memorial unveiled at, 2
Armavir (Caucasus): Germans approach, 1; Germans driven from, 2; battles west of, 3
Armenia: German plans for, 1
Armstrong, Brigadier General Clare H.: at Antwerp, 1
Armstrong, George: hanged, 1
‘Arnaud’ (Alec Rabinovitch): his sabotage mission, 1
Arndt, Professor Walther: executed, 1
Arnhem (Holland): a parachute landing at, 1; air supplies to, 2; Canadian forces reach, 3
Arnim, General von: in Tunisia, his losing battle, 1
Arras (France): a British counter-attack at, 1
Arezzo (Italy): partisans near, in action, 1; partisans near, captured, 2
Arno River (Italy): American troops cross, 1
‘Aromatic’ (Edward Rizzo): a British agent, 1
Arrow Cross, the: in Budapest, 1; executions by, 2
Artois (France): British troops in, 1
‘Aryan’ superiority: 1, 2, 3, 4
Ascension Island (South Atlantic): and the sinking of the Laconia, 1
Asché (a French secret agent): and Enigma, 1
Aschersleben (Germany): bombed, 1, 2
Ascot (British merchant ship): torpedoed, 1
Ascq (France): a reprisal in, 1
Asia: Stalin’s possible withdrawal into, 1; and terror, 2
Asia (Goering’s train): at Calais, 1
‘Asia for the Asiatics’: and the Indian National Army, 1
Asiatic Russia: a barrier to be erected against, 1
‘Asiatics’: Stalin’s comment (on the Russians and Japanese), 1
Askaris: war dead of, 1
Assam (India): and the siege of Kohima, 1
Astoria (US heavy cruiser): sunk, 1
Astrakhan (Russia): Soviet reinforcements at, 1; Soviet partisans parachuted from, 2
Atamasov, Konstantin: executed, 1
Atabrine (a prophylactic): dropped in the Far East, 1
Athena (a German refugee ship): 1
Athenia (British passenger liner): sunk, 1
Athens (Greece): British aid to, 1; German troops enter, 2; German troops seize docks in, from Italians, 3; fate of Jews in, 4; Germans pull back from, 5; British troops enter, 6; Churchill flies to, 7; ‘free to decide its future’, 8; war crimes trials in, 9
Atlanta (US light cruiser): sunk, 1
Atlantic Charter, the: issued, 1
‘Atlantic Wall’: to be built, 1, 2; labourers deported to work on, 3; labourers sent from, to repair Ruhr dams, 4
Atlantis (a German commerce raider): 1; ready to sail, 2; in action, 3; sunk, 4
Atomic Bomb: and uranium (1941), 1, 2; secrets of, passed on, 3, 4; to be produced, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; and attacks on German supplies of heavy-water, 12, 13, 14; Anglo-American exchange of information on, 15; a scale model of, dropped, 16; and Anglo-American sharing of work on, 17; Stalin not told of (November 1943), 18; Stalin’s spy, privy to, 19; Germany’s hopes for, sunk, 20; activated (September 1944), 21; ‘almost certainly’ ready (by August 1945), 22; Japanese unable to complete, 23; and Allied strength, 24; ready in 1945 (‘July, August or September’), 25; and German installations, to be overrun, 26; the ‘probability’ of, 27; the decision to drop, 28; successfully tested, 29, 30, 31; ‘a professor’s dream’, 32; and Hiroshima, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37; and Nagasaki, 38
Atomic Energy: German plans for (1939), 1; American plans for (1939), 2; German progress in (1945), 3; a German plant for, bombed, 4
Atsugi (Japan): an American officer lands at, 1
Attlee, Clement: at Potsdam, 1
Attu Island (Aleutians): Japanese land on, 1; Americans regain, 2, 3
Auchinleck, General Sir Claude: attacks, 1; defends, 2
Augsburg (Germany): Jews deported to their deaths from, 1; bombing raids on, 2, 3
Augustow (Poland): troop movements near, 1; Red Army reaches, 2
Aulock, Colonel von: determined not to surrender, 1
Aulick (US destroyer): hit by a kamikaze pilot, 1
Aung San: offers his services to the British, 1
Aurich (northern Germany): a war crimes trial in, 1
Aurora (British cruiser): attacked, 1
Aurora (Russian cruiser): in action, 1
Auschwitz (Poland): a punishment camp for Poles at, 1, 2; Poles and Jews deported to, 3; Poles deported to, 4, 5, 6; an escape from, and reprisals, 7; gassing experiments at, 8, 9, 10; and the gas chambers at Birkenau, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; and the nearby Monowitz synthetic oil plant, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; Czech women and children (from Lidice) killed at, 31; deportations of Jews to, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83; medical experiments at, 84, 85, 86, 87; and euthanasia, 88; Himmler visits, 89, 90; and forced labour, 91, 92, 93, 94; a refusal to deport Jews to, 95; use of clothes collected at, 96; a ‘green belt’ camouflage to be created at, 97; Jews taken from, for medical experiments elsewhere, 98; acts of defiance at, 99, 100; and the Gypsies, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; air reconnaisance flights over, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110; the appeal to bomb railway lines leading to, 111; and the Jews of Hungary, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116; Jews sent away from, to forced labour elsewhere, 117, 118; the truth about, reaches the West, 119; a deportee from, killed in the Warsaw uprising, 120; a bombing raid near, 121; a revolt at, 122; evidence of mass murder being destroyed at, 123; last murders at, 124; Jews deported from, 125; Jews still held at, after gassing ceases, 126; bombs fall on, 127; mass evacuation of, 128; Soviet forces approach, 129; final executions at, 130; Red Army reaches, 131; survivors of, at Gardelegen, 132; survivors of, at Belsen, 133; a former officer at, brought to trial, 134; a survivor of, murdered after the war, 135; the former commandant at, executed, 136; a survivor of, speaks of the ‘unfinished business’ of the war, 137; and the renewal (in 1953) of a crematorium patent, 138; evidence concerning, discovered hidden in the ground, 139; guards from, brought to trial, 140; said to have been ‘too small’, 141
Australia: troops from, in France, 1; a naval action, in the Pacific, 2; and a German commerce raider, 3; troops from, reach Britain, 4; troops from, in North Africa, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; troops from in Greece, 14, 15; troops from, reach the safety of Crete, 16; troops from, in action on Crete, 17, 18; troops from, in action in Syria and Lebanon, 19; the Sydney sunk, off the coast of, 20; declares war on Finland, Hungary and Roumania, 21; Hitler envisages Japanese conquest of, 22; troops from, in action in Malaya and the Far East, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; Japanese threat to, 28; fate of nurses from, 29; MacArthur transfers headquarters to, 30; part of, ‘may fall’, 31; fate of prisoners-of-war from, 32, 33, 34, 35; a town in, bombed, 36; MacArthur reaches, 37; MacArthur’s orders sent from, 38; Japanese draw closer to, 39, 40; and a submarine attack on Sydney, 41; in action, in New Guinea, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53; a Japanese sea plane raid on, 54; a Mission in, bombed, 55; war dead of, 56; a Japanese prisoner-of-war breakout in, 57; forces from, land on Labuan, 58; forces from, liberate Brunei, 59; forces from, land at Miri, 60; prisoners-of-war, liberated, 61, 62; and Nazi war criminals, 63, 64; and the ‘walking wounded’ who returned to, 65
Australia (Australian heavy cruiser): hit in suicide attacks, 1
Austria: and possible peace talks (1940), 1; first Allied bombing raid on (1943), 2; aircraft factories and airfields in, bombed (1944), 3; battle for, 4; German soldiers in Yugoslavia retreat to, 5; Americans advance through, 6; Churchill fears part of will be ‘police-governed’, 7; continued fighting in, 8; its future, discussed at Potsdam, 9
Authie (Normandy): prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Automedon (British steamer): attacked, 1
Auvergne, the (France): hangings in, 1
‘Avenge Malmédy’: a battle cry, 1
Avignon (France): American troops enter, 1
Avord (France): airfield at, bombed, 1
Avondale Park (British merchant ship): sunk, 1
Avranches (Normandy): a counter-attack to, ordered, 1
Axis, the (the Rome-Berlin Axis): extended to Japan, 1; Franco refuses to join, 2; and the British Empire, 3; its first setback (in Albania), 4; Bulgaria declines to join, 5; Yugoslavia refuses to join, 6; Bulgaria joins, 7; Yugoslavia joins, 8; Japan urged to withdraw from, 9; the ‘United Nations’ to combat, 10; and America’s new arms programme (January 1942), 11; Allies capture a capital of, 12; Finland defects from, 13; Roumania turns against, 14, 15; Bulgaria turns against, 16; Hungary turns against, 17
Ayle, Robert: betrayed, and shot, 1
Axmann, Arthur: ‘unshakeable faithfulness’ to Hitler, 1
Azerbaidjan: German plans for, 1; and a celebration, 2
Azov (southern Russia): Red Army enters, 1
Azov, Sea of (southern Russia): German forces reach, 1; Soviet forces return to, 2
B 2969: a Jew, murdered after war, 1
Babington Smith, Constance: and the German ‘Flying Bomb’. 1
Babi Yar (Kiev): Jews murdered at, 1
Backa Province (Yugoslavia): offered to Hungary, 1, 2; Hungarians enter, 3
Bacena (Italy): partisans occupy, 1
Backe, Herbert: uneasy at a Hitler declaration, 1
Backebo (Sweden): a V2 rocket falls on, 1
Baden (Germany): Jews deported from, 1
Badayev Warehouse (Leningrad): bombed, 1
Baden Baden (Germany): a former Gestapo chief sent home to, 1
Bad Nauheim (Germany): Hitler at, 1; Hitler returns to Berlin from, 2
Bad Tölz (Bavaria): suicide in, 1
Bader, Douglas: and the fall of France, 1; and the Battle of Britain, 2
Badoglio, Marshal Pietro: replaces Mussolini, 1, 2
‘Baedeker Raids’: over Britain, 1
Bagac (Philippines): a Japanese landing south of, 1; a Japanese setback near, 2
Baghdad (Iraq): and Rashid Ali, 1, 2, 3; killing of Jews in, 4
Bagnères-de-Bigorre (France): sabotage at, 1
Bahrein (Persian Gulf): threat to oil fields at, 1
Baikal Lake (Siberia): and Japan, 1
Baja (Hungary): Jews deported from, 1
Baker Island (Pacific Ocean): Americans land on, 1
Bakopoulos, General: ordered to surrender by his superiors, 1
Baku (Soviet Union): Anglo-French proposal to bomb oil fields at, 1; German plans against, 2, 3, 4; Hitler’s plan to bomb, revealed to the Allies, 5
Balakin, Vyacheslav: a partisan diary by, 1
Balanga (Philippines): a death march from, 1
Balaton, Lake (Hungary): Red Army reaches, 1; German resistance at, 2
Balbo, Marshal Italo: killed, 1
Baldham (near Munich): German forces sign an unconditional surrender at, 1
Balham (London): sixty-four people killed at, 1
Balikpapan (Borneo): Japanese about to land at, 1; battle at, 2; occupied, 3; Australians land at, 4
Balkans, the: Germany’s hopes for, 1; severity urged in, 2, 3; Allies to help partisans in, 4; the ‘grim partisan situation’ in, 5; a German anti-partisan sweep in, 6; Hitler reinforces, 7; and the Normandy Landings deception plan, 8; German traffic through, to be disrupted, 9; Red Army reaches, 10; Germans harassed in, 11
Ballale (Bougainville Island): Yamamoto’s journey to, 1
Ballestrem, Countess: her trial, and lucky escape, 1
Baltic Military District: ‘state of readiness’ in, 1
Baltic Sea: mining of (June 1941), 1
Baltic States: 1, 2; and the ‘Final Solution’, 3
Baltimore (Maryland): a ‘Liberty’ ship launched in, 1
Baltiski (Estonia): Soviet Union to occupy, 1
Bamberg (Germany): Jews deported to Auschwitz from (1943), 1; a congress in, hears a denunciation of Nazism (1988), 2
Bampong (Thailand): and the Burma railway, 1
Banak (northern Norway): German aircraft diverted from, 1
Bande (Ardennes): reprisals in, 1
Bandarjarmasin (Borneo): Japanese land at, 1
Bandung (Dutch East Indies): fate of prisoners-of-war at, 1; rumours circulate among prisoners-of-war in, 2
Bangkok (Thailand): Japanese land at, 1
Bank Underground Station (London): more than a hundred killed at, 1
Banska Bystrica (Slovakia): partisans take control of, 1; an escape line near, by air, 2; Germans capture, 3
‘Banzai’: a death charge cry, 1; called, on the eve of execution, 2
Bar (France): sabotage at, 1
Baranga Island (Burma): and the bombing of Rangoon, 1
Baranowicze (eastern Poland): a Soviet signals centre, 1; overrun, 2; partisan activity near, 3; Jews murdered at, 4
Barbados: the U-156 sunk near, 1
Barbarossa, Emperor: his twelfth century conquests, 1; the anniversary of his death, 2
Barclay, Cecil: in Moscow, 1, 2
Bardejov (Slovakia): Red Army enters, 1
Bardia (Libya): attacked, 1; an attack on, driven off, 2; Rommel takes, 3
Bardufoss (Norway): and the defection of a German bomber, 1
Barents Sea (Arctic): a convoy attacked in, 1
Barham (British battleship): crosses Mediterranean, 1; sunk, 2
Bari (southern Italy): an escape line from, to Slovakia, by air, 1
Barlas, Chaim: overhears that Hitler has ‘lost the war’, 1
Bartolomeo Colleoni (Italian cruiser): sunk, 1
Barrow-in-Furness (England): German submarine experts work at, 1
Barry, Lieutenant Charles: an aerial reconnaissance by, 1
Barton, Pilot Officer Cyril: his courage, 1
Barycz (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Barzylai, Elias, Chief Rabbi of Athens: joins Greek partisans, 1
Basch, Victor: shot, together with his wife, 1
Bastille Day (1940): 1
Basutos: war dead of, 1
Basra (Iraq): British troops land at, 1; aid to Egypt diverted from, 2
Bastogne (Ardennes): beseiged, 1, 2, 3, 4
Bataan Peninsula (Philippines): Japanese advance down, 1, 2, 3; Americans withdraw down, 4; the ‘battling bastards’ of, 5; an American-Filipino success on, 6; last battles on, 7, 8; survivors of death march on, liberated, 9; the General responsible for the death march on, executed, 10
Bataisk (southern Russia): Germans reach, 1
Batavia (Dutch East Indies): tea from, dropped on Holland, 1; the cruel fate of evacuees from, 2; final evacuation of, 3
Bateson, Wing-Commander RN: and a precision bombing raid, 1
Bath (England): bombed, 1
Battersea (London): a ‘Flying Bomb’ at, 1, 2
Battle of Britain, the: 1
‘Battle Commandant’ (of Berlin): appointed, 1
Batum (Black Sea): to be occupied, 1, 2, 3
Baudouin, Paul: and the French Fleet, 1
Baum, Herbert: shot, 1
Baum, Marianne: shot, 1
Bavaria (Germany): the Gauleiter of, executed for defeatism, 1
Bayeux (Normandy): and an Allied deception, 1
Bayreuth (Germany): a Gauleiter executed in, 1
Bear Island (Arctic Ocean): and the Arctic convoys, 1; and the sinking of the Scharnhorst, 2
Beaugency (France): a German surrender at, 1, 2
Beauvais (France): an unarmed airman shot near, 1; German bombers destroyed at, 2
Beaverbrook, Lord: in Moscow, 1, 2
Becher, Kurt: visits Mauthausen, 1
Beck, Adolf: killed by Soviet partisans, 1
Beck, General Ludwig: 1, 2; commits suicide, 3
Beda Fomm (Libya): Italians pushed back at, 1
Bedouin (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Bedzin (Poland): Jews murdered at, 1
Beekman, Yvonne: shot, 1
Begué, Georges: parachuted into France (1941), 1
Beg-an-Fry (France): a clandestine mission to, 1
Beirut (Lebanon): to be conquered, 1
Bela Crkva (Yugoslavia): an armed clash in, 1
Belfort (France): German troops at, 1; a sweep to, behind German lines, 2
Belgium: and Hitler’s war plans, 1, 2, 3, 4; Anglo-French plans concerning, 5, 6; invasion of, 7; battles in, 8, 9, 10; surrender of, 11; fishing vessels from, at Dunkirk, 12; troops of, in Britain, 13; under German rule, 14; art taken from 15; and an escape line, 16; deportation of Jews from, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; volunteers from, on the Eastern Front, 25; German bombers move from 26; an ill-fated bombing raid on, 27; forced labourers from, 28, 29; and a betrayal, 30; forced labourers from, killed in an Allied air raid, 31; an Allied helper, killed in an air raid, in, 32; air supplies to resistance in, 33; sabotage near, 34; a resistance mission to, 35; and Allied deception plans, 36, 37; leniency in, and an arrest, 38; British troops reach, 39; Allied help to Resistance in, 40; ‘very hard fighting’ in, 41; civilians murdered in, 42, 43; rocket bomb deaths in, 44; torturers from, executed, 45
Belgorod (Russia): Germans enter, 1; Germans driven from, 2; Germans capture, 3; Russians retake, 4
Belgrade (Yugoslavia): vulnerable, 1; to be destroyed, 2; bombed, 3; German troops advance towards, 4, 5; Germans occupy, 6; surrender of Yugoslavia signed in, 7; resistance and reprisals in, 8; Jews killed by gas vans in, 9; mines dropped in Danube near, 10, 11; battle for, 12; Germans driven from, 13; and Soviet control, 14, 15
Belle Croix (Ardennes): Germans parachute landing at, 1
Bello, Heinz: executed in Berlin, 1
Belomorsk (Russia): 1
Belov, Sergeant Alexander: reaches German border, 1
Belsen (Bergen-Belsen, Germany): deaths in, 1; a new commandant at, 2; mass evacuations to, 3; daily deaths in, 4; British troops enter, 5; deaths in, after liberation, 6; the barracks at, burnt, 7; the Commandant of, brought to trial, 8
Beltrami, Filippo: a partisan, killed in action, 1
Belzec (Poland): forced labour camp at, 1; a death camp at, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; a Jew born in, deported to Auschwitz, 13; the evidence of mass murder at, to be destroyed, 14; a survivor of, gives testimony, 15
Ben Gardane (Tunisia): Rommel driven back to, 1; British forces enter, 2
Ben Ya’acov, Zvi: killed, 1
Benedicta, Sister: see index entry for Stein, Edith
Benedics, Michael: a descendant of, protects Jews, 1
Bengal (India): a forecast of revolt in, 1
Bengal, Bay of: merchant ships sunk in, 1
Benghazi (Libya): bombed, 1; captured, 2; evacuated, 3; fuel ships sunk on way to, 4; Rommel occupies, 5; Rommel loses, 6; American bombers use, as a base to bomb Ploesti, 7
Benoist, Robert: captured, and executed, 1
Bénouville (Normandy): British glider landing at, 1
Berbera (British Somaliland): occupied, 1
Berchtesgaden (Bavaria): Hitler issues a ‘Hold on!’ order from, 1; Hitler at, orders troops to France, 2; a possible German redoubt in, 3; bombed, 4; American forces enter, 5
Berdichev (Russia): Jews killed in, 1, 2; Hitler at, 3
Berdyansk (Russia): Germans enter, 1
Beresina River (Russia): battle on, 1
Bereski (Russia): an ambush in, 1
Bereza Kartuska (eastern Poland): Jews killed at, 1
Berezovka (Russia): a macabre scene at, 1
Berg, Mary: in the Warsaw ghetto, 1, 2
Bergamini, Admiral Carlo: sails for Allied ports, 1
Bergé, Georges: returns to Britain, 1
Bergen (Norway): Allied action at, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Berger, SS General Gotlob: crushes Slovak uprising, 1
Bergerac (France): sabotage at, 1; sabotage near, 2
Berggrav, Bishop: imprisoned, 1
Berghof (Berchtesgaden): bombed, 1
Bergman, Serge: killed, 1
Bergonzoli, General: retreats, 1; captured, 2
Bergsland, Sergeant: escapes, 1
Bergson, Henri: registers, 1
Beria, Lavrenti: and Destruction Battalions, 1
Bering Strait: and a German commerce raider, 1
Berlin: a broadcast from, 1; and the war at sea, 2; and nuclear power, 3; leaflets dropped on, 4; Hitler’s appeal from, 5; future of Poles, as seen from, 6; and Enigma, 7; leaflets dropped on, 8; and the fate of Denmark, 9; and lack of enthusiasm for the war, 10; bombed (1940), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; Hitler’s building plans for, 22, 23, 24, 25; Hitler’s triumphant return to (July 1940), 26; Hitler’s ‘peace offer’ from (July 1940), 27; British bombing raid north of, 28; and British bombing policy, 29; news of Gurs camp reaches, 30; an anti-Semitic film shown in, 31; and the ‘crucial year’ (1941), 32; Hitler’s post-war plans for, 33, 34, 35, 36; and the Jews of, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44; a protest in, and its consequences, 45; two further protests to, 46; Hitler speaks of Moscow battle in, 47; a conference at, on the ‘future’ of the Jews, 48; anti-Nazi posters in, 49; Flak Towers to be built in, 50; renewed bombing of (1943), 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63; (in 1944), 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71; two days mourning declared in, for Stalingrad, 72; and a leaflet detailing ‘German atrocities’ to be dropped on, 73; Jews deported from, 74, 75; Roosevelt wants Western Allies to reach, 76; a critic of Nazism executed in, 77; and the Bomb Plot, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82; Western Allies nearer to, than Soviet forces, 83; fate of Jews deported from, 84; ‘most practical as our headquarters’, 85; Hindenburg’s remains brought to, 86; Red Army 150 miles from, 87; Red Army less than fifty miles from, 88; proposed ‘heavy’ bombing of, 89; declared a Fortress City, 90; ‘allotted’ to the Allied air forces, 91; Hitler leaves, for the last time, 92; Hitler moves to a bunker beneath, 93; a possible Anglo-American advance to, 94; battle for, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101; falls to the Red Army, 102; surrender of, 103, 104; and Churchill’s fear of Soviet control in, 105; a final award in, 106; a final surrender ceremony in, 107; Churchill in, 108, 109; in the ‘Soviet sphere’, 110
‘Berlin-Tiflis Axis’: to be established, 1; map showing, 2
Berling, General: crosses Vistula, 1, 2
Bermuda: a supply ship sunk off, 1
Bernadotte, Count Folke: Himmler approaches, 1, 2
Bernardino, Don: warns Jews, 1
Bernatowicz, Pelagia: sentenced to death, 1
Bernau (near Berlin): Red Army at, 1
Bernay (Normandy): Rommel in hospital at, 1
Bernburg (Germany): Jews gassed at, 1, 2
Bernhard of the Netherlands, Prince: and the surrender of the German forces in Holland, 1
Bernovits, Vilma: executed, 1
Bertram, Cardinal Archbishop of Breslau: a protest to, 1; a protest by, 2
Beser, Lieutenant Jacob: and the atomic bomb, 1; ‘What a relief it worked’, 2
Bessarabia (Roumania): ceded by the Soviet Union, 1, 2, 3; Roumanian desire for return of, and Germany, 4, 5
Best, Dr Karl Rudolf Werner: and Danish resistance, 1
Best, Captain: kidnapped, 1; his kidnapper’s promotion, 2
Bethnal Green (London): a tunnel near, for shelter, 1; a disaster at, 2; ‘Flying Bomb’ deaths at, 3
Béthouart, General: lands in Norway, 1
Béthune (France): a small German withdrawal near, 1
Betio Island (Tarawa Atoll): savage fighting on, 1
Bevan, Colonel John: and deception, 1
Bevin, Ernest: and Jewish refugees, not to be allowed into Palestine, 1
Bexley (southern England): rocket bomb deaths at, 1
Biak Island (New Guinea): battle for, 1
Biala Podlaska (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Bialka (Poland): Poles in, shot for helping Jews, 1
Bialowola (Poland): Poles murdered at, 1
Bialowieza (Poland): Poles murdered in, 1
Bialystok (Poland): Soviet troops in, put on alert, 1; Poles shot near, 2; Jews from region of, murdered, 3, 4; children from, reach Auschwitz, 5; partisans in action near, 6; Red Army enters, 7; Home Army members in, arrested by the Russians, 8
Biarritz (British steamship): troops evacuated on, 1
Bielefeld (Germany): viaduct at, bombed, 1
Bieler, Captain Gustave: arrested, 1; executed, 2
Biella (northern Italy): Japanese-American troops in, 1
Bielsk Podlaski (Poland): a Jew from, liberated at Ebensee, 1
‘Big Week’: against German armament factories, 1
Biggin Hill (England): airfield at, attacked, 1, 2
‘Bigot’: a code for secret knowledge, 1, 2
Bihac (Yugoslavia): partisans driven to, 1
Billancourt (Paris): bombed, 1
Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands): a postwar atomic test at, 1
Billotte, Colonel Pierre: enters Paris, 1
Bingen (Germany): bombed, 1
Bingel, Lieutenant Erwin: an eye-witness to mass murder, 1
Bir Hakeim (Libya): siege of, 1; renewed battle at, 2
Birch, Captain John: shot, in China, 1
Birkenau (Auschwitz): see index entry for Auschwitz
Birmingham (England): bombed, 1
Birmingham (US cruiser): sunk, 1
Birzai (Lithuania): Soviet parachutists land at, 1
Biscari (Sicily): battle for airfield at, 1
Biscay, Bay of: and ‘Fortress Europe’, 1; and an offensive against German submarines, 2; German submarines sunk in, 3; and a possible Allied landing, 4; mined, 5
Bishan Singh: drowned, 1
Bismarck (German battleship): its blueprints, 1; in preparation, 2; in action, 3; damaged and then scuttled, 4
Bismarck Archipelago (Pacific): Japanese bomb, 1
Bismarck Sea: naval battle in, 1
Bismarck Sea (US escort carrier): deaths on, 1; sunk by a suicide aircraft, 2
Bison (French destroyer): hit, 1
Bitner, Czeslaw: lands in France (1941), 1
Bizerta (Algiers): Hitler hurries troops to, 1; captured by the Allies, 2
Bjerkvik (Norway): landing at, 1
Black, Captain G. D.: his mission, and fate, 1
Black Sea: and Hitler, 1
Blaney, Captain M. F.: killed, 1
Blankenberge (Belgium): attack on, 1
Blaskowitz, General Johannes von: his protests, 1, 2, 3, 4; surrenders the German forces in Holland, 5; commits suicide, 6
Blechhammer (Silesia): an oil target in, 1; slave labour at, 2; oil installations at, bombed, 3, 4
Bleichrode (Germany): scientists spirited away from, 1
Bleichrode, Heinrich: attacks Atlantic convoys, 1
Bletchley Park: and Enigma, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; and Purple, 7, 8; and Rashid Ali’s revolt in Iraq, 9; and the German advance into Russia, 10; and the war at sea, 11; and a promise by Hitler to Japan, 12; and the German orders for the attack on Moscow, 13, 14; and German air weakness on the Eastern Front, 15; five Enigma keys broken at (1–2 January 1942), 16; a failure and a success at, 17; further successes at, 18, 19, 20; and the Battle of Médenine, 21; an outstanding success at, 22; and the ‘Ultra’ system, 23; and the Normandy Landings deception plans, 24; and German assessments of the cross-Channel timing, 25, 26; and the continuing Normandy deception, 27, 28; and the battle in Normandy, 29; and Hitler’s order to withdraw from southern France, 30; and ‘the decisive factor’ of German fuel shortages, 31, 32; and the pressure on German railways, 33; and Hitler’s final questions, 34
‘Blitz’, the: the German bombing of London, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; German losses during, 6; British losses during, 7; and British morale, 8, 9; to continue, 10; renewed, over London, 11; civilian deaths in, 12; renewal, over Bristol, 13; over Plymouth, 14; over Clydeside and Liverpool, 15; and a comparison with the Hamburg firestorm (of 28 July 1943), 16; its terrors revived (by the ‘Flying Bomb’), 17, 18
‘Blitz’ (German jet aircraft): in action, 1, 2
‘Blitzkrieg’: the method of ‘lightning war’, 1
Blizyn (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1; and the German ‘Flying Bomb’, 2
Blobel, SS Colonel Paul: and the destruction of the evidence of mass murder, 1
‘Blobel Commando’: destroys evidence of mass murder, 1, 2, 3
Bloch, Denise (‘Ambroise’): captured, and executed, 1
Bloch, Marc: shot, 1
Bloch-Dassault, Marcel: deported, 1
Block, Captain Harlon: and an Iwo Jima photograph, 1
Blomberg, Major Axel von: killed, 1
‘Bloody Gorge’ (Iwo Jima): fighting at, 1
Bloom, Marcus: shot, 1
Blum, Léon: his brother’s fate, 1; liberated, 2, 3
Blum, René: gassed at Auschwitz, 1, 2
Blyes (France): supplies parachuted to, 1, 2
Bobrek (East Upper Silesia): slave labour at, 1
Bobruisk (Russia): captured, 1; Jews murdered in, 2; Soviet partisans near, 3; an anti-partisan sweep near, 4; Germans driven back to, 5; Red Army enters, 6
Bochum (The Ruhr): bombed, 1
Bock, Field Marshal Fedor von: 1, 2, 3, 4; killed by an Allied bomb, 5
‘Bock’s Car’ (US bomber): flies to Kokura and then on to Nagasaki, 1
Bodö (Norway): British troops at, 1; troops on their way to, attacked, 2; evacuation from, 3
Bogen (Norway): landing at, 1
Boger, Wilhelm: and ‘only one mode of conduct’, 1
Bogorodisk (near Moscow): ‘panic’ reaches, 1
Bogue (US aircraft carrier): in action, 1
Bohemia-Moravia: 1; Hitler determined to hold, 2; battles in, 3
Böhlen (Germany): bombed, 1
Bohr, Niels: escapes from Denmark, 1
Boise (US light cruiser): hit, 1
Bologna (Italy): fate of Jews of, 1; Germans hold, 2; Polish forces enter, 3
Bomb Plot (against Hitler): planned, 1, 2, 3, 4; carried out, 5, 6; repercussions of, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Bombing policy: (of Britain), in 1940, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; in 1941, 7, 8; in 1942, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; in 1943, 15, 16, 17, 18; (of the Allies), in 1942, 19; in 1943, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; in 1945, 26, 27, 28; and ‘Operation Pointblank’, 29; ‘Are we beasts?’, 30 see also index entries for, Leaflets, ‘Blitz’, ‘Flying Bomb’, Vr, V2 and Atomic Bomb
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: flies to Sweden, 1; imprisoned, 2; hanged, 3; his brother-in-law shot, 4
Bonhoeffer, Klaus: executed, 1
‘Boniface’: the code name for Enigma Signals Intelligence, 1
Bolzano (Italy): Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 1
Bombay (India): violence in, 1
Bône (Algeria): British forces land at, 1
Bonn (Germany): American troops reach (1945), 1; questions concerning Jews asked in (1988), 2
Bonsergent, Jacques: executed, 1
Bor-Komorowski, Lieutenant General Tadeusz: and the Warsaw uprising, 1, 2
Bordeaux (France): French Government moves to, 1, 2; heavy water evacuated from, 3; assurances to Britain from, 4; French delegates reach Compiègne from, 5; a British commando raid on, 6; and an Allied deception plan, 7
Boris, King of Bulgaria: declines to join the Axis, 1; joins the Axis, 2, 3; opposes the deportation of Bulgarian Jews, 4
Borisienko, Vassily: executed, 1
Borisov (Russia): Germans temporarily halted near, 1; Hitler at, 2; Jews ‘liquidated’ at, 3; Soviet partisans near, 4; an anti-partisan sweep near, 5, 6, 7
Borken (Ruhr): bombed, 1
Borki Woods (near Chelm, Poland): corpses in, dug up, 1
Bormann, Martin: 1, 2; and the Slavs, 3; and Hitler’s suicide, 4; wants to fight on, 5
Borneo: fate of Allied prisoners-of-war on, 1; Allied landings on, 2, 3; a Japanese surrender on, 4; becomes independent, 5; war’s debris recovered in, 6
Bornholm (Baltic Sea): bombed in error, 1; a German rocket falls on, in error, 2; German troops on, surrender, 3
Borodino (Russia): battle at, 1; Soviet troops from the Far East in action, 2
Borodino (Soviet naval vessel): sunk, 1
Borrel, Andrée: a British agent, killed, 1
Borzykowski, Tuvia: and Jewish resistance, 1
Bose, Subhas Chandra: in Germany, 1; goes to Japan, 2; soldiers loyal to, in action, 3; followers of, rescued, 4; killed in an air crash, 5; followers of, brought to trial, 6
Bosnia (Yugoslavia): anti-partisan sweep in, 1; a Muslim revolt in, 2
Bosphorus (Turkey): 1
Boston (Massachusetts): a spy arrested in, 1; Roosevelt’s pledge in, 2; ‘Reich technicians’ arrive in, 3
Bouler, Dr Philipp: and euthanasia, 1, 2, 3
Bougainville Island (Solomons): Americans begin advance into, 1; Japanese counter-attack at, 2
Boulogne (France): embarkation from, 1; a raid on, 2; an attack on the docks at, 3; Hitler at, 4; and a deception plan, 5; and further deception plans, 6, 7; to be held, 8; surrenders, 9
Bourges (France): sabotage near, 1
Boves (Italy): burned down as a reprisal, 1
Bowers, Faubion: and a ‘Sir’ to Hirohito, 1
Bouhler, Dr Joseph: and the ‘Final Solution’, 1
Bourrasque (French destroyer): sunk, 1
Brack, Dr Victor: and euthanasia, 1, 2, 3; and the killing of human beings by poison gas, 4; hanged, 5
Bradley, General Omar N.: and the killing of German prisoners-of-war, 1; in the Ardennes, 2
Brandenburg (Germany): Jews gassed at (1940), 1; three Germans imprisoned in (1941), 2; fire engines rushed to Berlin from (1943), 3; medical experiments at, 4; an execution in, 5
Brandenburg Division, the: and ‘cleansing’ measures, 1; and a ‘Jewish action’, 2
Brandschied (Siegfried Line): Americans reach, 1
Brandt, Dr Karl: and euthanasia, 1; warns Hitler of Germany’s shortage of medicines, 2; dismissed, 3; hanged, 4
Brandt, General: saves Hitler, 1
Bratislava (Slovakia): and the Jews, 1; falls to the Red Army, 2
Brauchitsch, General Walther von: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; and the Commissar Decree, 8; overruled, 9
Braunschweig (Germany): bombed, 1
Brauer, Bruno: executed, 1
Braun, Eva: joins Hitler in Berlin, 1; marries Hitler, 2; swallows poison, 3
Braun, Dr Wernher von: and German rocket research, 1, 2; surrenders to the Americans, 3; reaches Boston, 4
Braune, Pastor Paul-Gerhard: protests to Hitler, 1
Braune, Wernher: executed for war crimes, 1
Brauns, Dr Moses: an eye-witness to murder, 1
Brazil: 1; troops of, in action in Italy, 2
Brazzaville Declaration, the: 1
Breavington, Corporal Rodney: executed, 1
Breda (Holland): war criminals released from, 1
Breendonk, Fort (Belgium): prisoners at, 1; a prisoner dies at, 2; executions at, 3; and a war crimes trial, 4; torturers at, executed, 5
Bretagne (French battleship): sunk, 1
Brenner Pass: Hitler and Mussolini meet at, 1
Bremen (Germany): leaflets dropped on, 1; bombed, 2, 3; Jews deported from, 4; renewed bombing of, 5, 6
Bremerhaven (Germany): a Nazi escapes through, 1
Breskens (Holland): to be held, 1; Allied advance to, 2
Breslau (Germany): and an anti-Semitic film, 1; Jews deported from, 2; a German defence line at, 3; Red Army approaches, 4; German reinforcements sent to, 5; besieged, 6, 7, 8; fighting near, 9; surrender of, 10; acquired by Poland, 11
Brest (France): Germans advance to, 1; Allied troops embarked from, 2; Germans enter, 3; a German radio station at, 4; German warships attacked in, 5; Churchill’s aircraft approaches, in error, 6; a naval dash from, 7; German submarine pens at, 8; captured, 9
Brest-Litovsk (Poland): Germans capture, 1; Hitler and Mussolini at, 2; the Red Army approaches, 3; a partisan success near, 4
Bretons: at Bir Hakeim, 1
Brezno (Slovakia): partisans seize areas near, 1
Briare (France): French Government at, 1; Churchill at, 2; Churchill’s words at, echoed, 3; occupied by the Germans, 4
Bridge, Jill: killed, 1
Bridge, Doris: killed, 1
Brieg (Oder): Soviet troops reach, 1
Brien, Colin F.: witnesses a war crime, 1
Brighton Belle (British holiday resort paddle steamer): sunk, 1
Brindisi (Italy): Italian Government in, declares war on Germany, 1
Brisbane (Australia): an ‘Ultra’ listening post, 1
Bristol (England): bombed, 1, 2
Britain: declares war on Germany, 1; action by, 2; and German spies, 3; and Hitler’s Directive No. 4, 5; and Hitler’s war planes, 5, 6; and Canadian volunteers, 7, 8; and the Russo-Finnish War, 9, 10; and ‘Enigma’ (in 1940), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; and air weakness, 26; a peace mission to, 27; and Norway, 28, 29, 30; supports Belgium, 31, 32; and the battles for France, Belgium and Holland, 33; and the battle of Britain, 34; and the ‘Blitz’, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47; and Anglo-American strategy, 48, 49, 50; Hitler’s ‘main enemy’ (June 1941), 51; and the atomic bomb, 52; and Japan, 53; and Iran, 54, 55; and aid to Russia, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60; and Intelligence from, sent to Russia, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69; and the cross-Channel landing, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89; to have a post-war veto, 90, 91; and the German rocket bomb (V2): 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; and the ‘Flying Bomb’ (V1): 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129; and the political future of Poland, 130, 131, 132, 133; and Victory in Europe Day (VE Day), 134; and French Indo-China, 135; and the Treaty of Dunkirk (1947), 136; wartime death toll of, 137; see also index entries for Churchill, ‘Enigma’, ‘Ultra’, London, Blitz, Bombing Policy
British Army Aid Group (Hong Kong): a member of executed, 1
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): and the bombing of the Ruhr, 1; and the bombing of Munich, 2; and German losses in Russia, 3; and the fate of the Jews of Poland, 4; and the fall of Italy, 5; and the Normandy Landings, 6
British Chivalry (merchant ship): torpedoed, 1
British East Africa: 1
British Empire: not to be demolished (Hitler), 1
British Free Corps: a member of, in the battle for Berlin, 1; a recruiter for, hanged, 2
British Loyalty (merchant ship): sunk, 1
British Merchant Navy Code Book: captured, 1
British Union of Fascists: leaders, of, arrested, 1
Britannic (British merchant ship): brings supplies to Britain, 1
Brittany (France): a possible stand in, 1, 2; ‘too late’ to hold, 3; and Hitler’s view of Allied strategy, 4; and the Normandy Landings deception, 5
Brive (France): ambushes near, 1
Brize Norton (Britain): an air attack on, 1
Brno (Czechoslovakia): Red Army enters, 1
Broadley, Flight Lieutenant Alan: killed, 1
‘Broadway’ (Burma): a landing at, 1
Broch, Theodor: and the future of Norway, 1
Brod (Yugoslavia): railway at, bombed, 1
Brody (Poland): Jews from, murdered, 1; Red Army approaches, 2
Broke (British destroyer): and an evacuation, 1
Bromley, Major William: and American rocket research, 1
Brooke, General Sir Alan: in France, 1; and the German advance into the Caucasus, 2
Brookings (Oregon): Japanese bombs fall near, 1
Broome (Australia): bombed, 1
Broompark (a British collier): evacuates heavy water, 1
Brown, Tommy: his courage, 1; dies, 2
Broz, Herta (Tito’s wife): and an exchange of prisoners, 1
Brückmann, Else: and Hitler, 1
Bruges (Belgium): the road to, open, 1
Brûly-de-Pesche (Belgium): Hitler at, 1, 2
Brunei (Borneo): Japanese land on, 1; Australians liberate, 2
Brunei Bay (Borneo): cruisers sent from, sunk, 1
Bruneval (France): a commando raid on, 1
Brünnlitz (Germany): slave labour at, 1
Bruskina, Maria: executed, 1
Brussels (Belgium): Germans enter, 1; Hitler at, 2; an act of resistance at, 3; an escape line in, broken, 4; Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 5; a pro-Nazi executed in, 6; bombing near, 7, 8; Allied advance towards, 9; British forces enter, 10; Belgian Government returns to, 11; Burgomaster of, in London, 12; a German night Jet attack near, 13; rejoicing in, 14; a war crimes trial in, 15
Bryansk (Russia): 1; Russians driven back to, 2; Russians forced to abandon, 3; partisans near, 4, 5, 6; anti-partisan sweep near, 7; renewed partisan activity near, 8, 9; further anti-partisan sweeps near, 10, 11; partisans still active near, 12; Soviet successes south of, 13; Germans evacuate, 14
Bucharest (Roumania): transfer of power in, 1; Jews killed in, 2; Hitler orders bombing of, 3; Red Army enters, 4; and Soviet control, 5, 6
Buchenwald (Germany): Jews executed in, 1; a prisoner dies in, 2, 3; Jews deported to, from Amsterdam, 4, 5; gassing experiments at, 6; Jews sent to their deaths from, 7, 8, 9; French Resistance leaders killed in, 10, 11; a deportation to, from Paris, 12; Allied bombing near, and a reprisal, 13; deliberate and accidental deaths in, 14; Jews sent to, from Auschwitz, 15; Englishmen and Frenchmen executed at, 16; medical experiments at, 17; Gypsy children sent to Auschwitz from, 18; a British agent executed at, 19; deaths at, 20; American troops reach, 21; Jews deported from, killed at Marienbad, 22; tormentors from, brought to trial, 23, 24
Buckie (Scotland): German agents land at, 1
Buckingham Palace (London): and an air raid, 1; and Hirohito’s visit to Britain (1971), 2
Buckner, Lieutenant-General Simon: killed, 1
Buczacz (Eastern Galicia): Jews in hiding in, killed, 1
Budapest (Hungary): German occupation of, 1; a demand in, to halt deportation of Jews, 2; bombed, 3; Horthy abducted from, 4; Jews driven westward from, 5; a parachutist executed in, 6; Red Army draws close to, 7; Red Army surrounds, 8; fighting in, 9, 10; murder of Jews in, 11; surviving German forces in, surrender, 12; Germans encircled near, 13; report of surrender of, reaches London, 14; Hitler confident of recapture of, 15; and Churchill’s fear of Soviet control in, 16; in the ‘Soviet sphere’, 17
Büderich (Germany): Churchill crosses Rhine at, 1
Budyenny, Marshal Semyon: and the battle for Kiev, 1, 2
Budyonnovsk (Caucasus): Soviet partisans in, 1
Buenos Aires (Argentina): Eichmann abducted from, 1
Buin (Bougainville Island): 1
Bug River (Poland): Soviet withdrawal to, 1; Jews expelled across, 2; Germans masters up to, 3; fortifications built on, 4; German troop movements along, 5; last-minute Soviet plans for, 6; last two trains cross, 7; Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered on the banks of, 8; and Poland’s post-war frontiers, 9; Red Army approaches, 10; Red Army crosses, 11
Buka Island (Solomons): occupied, 1
Bukovina (Roumania): ceded in part to the Soviet Union, 1
Bukowka (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Bulganin, Nikolai: and the battle for Moscow, 1; and the return of German prisoners-of-war (1955), 2
Bulgaria: and German design on Greece, 1, 2, 3; joins the Axis, 4, 5; offered Macedonia, 6; invades Greece, 7; declares war on the United States, 8; and German demands for the ‘evacuation’ of Jews, 9, 10; refuses to deport Jews, 11, 12; Red Army occupies, 13; troops from, in action against Germany, 14, 15; to be ‘police-governed’, 16; in the Soviet bloc, 17
‘Bulge’, the (in the Ardennes): attacked, 1
Bullenhuser Damm (near Neuengamme): executions at, 1; executioners from, themselves hanged, 2; an SS officer from, brought to trial, 3
Bullwinkel, Sister Vivien: eye witness to a massacre, 1
Bulow, Lieutenant Hans-Jürgen von: in action, 1
Buna (New Guinea): planned defence of, 1; Japanese land at, 2, 3; Japanese pushed back to, 4; Australians capture, 5
Buna Mission (New Guinea): Japanese hold, 1; Japanese give up, 2
Bunker Hill (Massachusetts): battle of (1775), 1
Bunker Hill (US aircraft carrier): deaths on, 1
Buraki (Soviet-German border): a reconnaissance mission at, 1
Burma: pressures on, 1, 2; in danger, 3; Japanese invasion of, 4, 5; ‘Railway of Death’ to, 6; a British attack on, repulsed, 7; sabotage columns cross into, 8; glider troops land in, 9; Allied advance in, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; nationalist forces in, join the British, 18; Japanese try to withdraw from, 19; end of the war in, 20; continued fighting in, 21; final surrenders in, 22; becomes independent, 23, 24
Burma Road (between Burma and China): closed, 1, 2; reopened, 3; in use, 4; Japanese reach, 5; Chinese and Americans recapture, 6
Burmese: their deaths, as forced labourers, 1
Buron (Normandy): prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Bursche, Dr Edmund: dies, 1
Bury St Edmunds (England): an act of sabotage-deception in, 1
Busemann, Adolf: brings his aviation expertise to the West, 1
Bush, George: shot down, 1
Bushido: the ‘true compassion’ of, 1
Bushell, Roger: escapes, but captured, 1
Bussche, Baron Axel von dem: hopes to kill Hitler, 1
Butrimonys (Lithuania): Jews killed at, 1
Bydgoszcz (Poland): Poles murdered at, 1, 2; and ‘the German cause’, 3
Byrnes, James: and the atomic bomb, 1; and the surrender of Japan, 2; ‘we must act as a great power’, 3
Bzura River (Poland): battle at, 1
Bzura (Polish destroyer): badly damaged, 1
C38m (Italian secret cypher): broken, 1, 2, 3, 4; and the Anglo-American exchange agreement (of May 1943), 5
‘CAJR’: an impressive, innocuous insignia, 1
Cabanatuan (Philippines): a dramatic rescue from, 1
Cabot (US carrier): hit by a kamikaze pilot, 1
Cadca (Slovakia): uprising in, 1
Cadzow, Lieutenant: and Operation XD, 1
Caen (Normandy): a telephone link to, cut, 1; an Allied objective, 2; battle for, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Cahn, Ernst: executed, 1
Caibobo Point (Philippines): Japanese land at, 1
Cairo (Egypt): Mussolini prepares for triumphal entry into, 1; Mussolini not to enter, 2; Rommel denied capture of, 3; Rommel’s renewed thrust toward, 4; Rommel tells Hitler why he failed to reach, 5
Cairo (British anti-aircraft ship): sunk, 1
Cajnice (Yugoslavia): hostages killed in, 1
Calais (France): besieged, 1; a raid on, 2; and a deception plan, 3; and two other deception plans, 4, 5, 6, 7; Allied advance towards, 8; to be held, 9; cross-Channel shelling from, 10
Calcutta (India): in danger, 1; alarm in, 2; violence in, 3
Calcutta (British anti-aircraft cruiser): sunk, 1
Calgary (Canada): General Kreipe sent to, 1
California (US battleship): hit in a suicide attack, 1
Callaway (US troop transport): suicide attack on, 1
Calo, Carolina: her fate, 1
Calo, Eugenio: a partisan, 1; killed, 2
Cam Ranh Bay (French Indo-China): 1
Cambodians: fight at Bir Hakeim, 1
Cambrai (France): Germans reach, 1, 2; Germans in action near, 3; Hitler at, 4
Cameron, Lieutenant: his act of bravery, 1
Cameronia (British merchant ship): brings aircraft to Britain, 1
Campobasso (Italian merchant ship): sunk, 1
Canada: German prisoners-of-war in, 1; soldiers from, in Britain, 2, 3, 4, 5; and American aircraft for Britain, 6; pilots from, in action, 7; paintings not to go to, from Britain, 8; soldiers from, to go to France, 9; soldiers from, in France, 10; German and Italian internees sent to, 11, 12; Klaus Fuchs reaches, 13; soldiers from, killed by German bombs, 14; pilots from, in the Battle of Britain, 15; evacuees to, torpedoed, 16; an officer from, wins the George Cross, 17; evacuees to, attacked from the air, 18; a German airman escapes from, 19; soldiers from, killed in London Blitz, 20; commandos from, in action, 21; pilots from, confront the German Jet aircraft, 22; and a war crimes trial, 23; and war criminals, 24; troops from, and Hong Kong, 25, 26, 27; declares war on Finland, Hungary and Roumania, 28; troops from, in Malaya, 29; troops from, in cross-Channel assaults, 30, 31; and the Atlantic convoys, 32; forces from, land in the Aleutian Islands, 33; troops of, in Italy, 34, 35, 36; parachutists from, in France, 37, 38; war dead of, 39; fictional troops from, and a deception plan, 40; troops from, in Northern Europe, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51; fate of prisoners-of-war from, 52, 53
Canal d’Aire (France): a battle at, 1; an atrocity at, 2
Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm: an eye-witness, 1; and his staff, 2, 3; and the German war against Russia, 4, 5, 6; and a secret meeting in Sweden, 7; dismissed, 8; and the Hitler Bomb Plot, 9; hanged, 10
Canary Islands (Spain): 1
Canas Point (Philippines): Japanese land at, 1
Canberra (Australian heavy cruiser): sunk, 1
Canisy (Normandy): a Panzer Division reaches, 1
Cannes (South of France): Allied landing near, 1
Canstein (Deputy President of the Berlin police): and German atrocities, 1
Cap Arcona: a German refugee ship, 1; sunk, 2
Cape Araxos (Greece): and an Allied deception, 1; British commandos land on, 2
Cape Bon Peninsula (Tunisia): Axis forces withdraw into, 1
Cape Esperance (Pacific Ocean): battle off, 1
Cape Gloucester (New Britain): an American landing on, 1
Cape of Good Hope (South Africa): aid to Egypt sent via, 1; remains an essential route, 2, 3
Cape Sable (Nova Scotia, Canada): 1
Cape Verde Islands (Portuguese): 1
Cape York (Australia): Japanese 800 miles from, 1
Capra, Frank: a film by, 1
Capri, Island (Italy): surrenders, 1
Cardiff (Wales): bombed, 1
Carentan (Normandy): and an Allied deception, 1; battle at, 2
Caribbean, the: and a destroyers-for-bases deal, 1; German submarines in, 2. 3
Carl, Dr: protests about murder of Jews and White Russians, 1
Carol of Roumania, King: abdicates 1
Caron, Staff Sergeant: and the fires at Hiroshima, 1
Carpathian Mountains: battle for, 1; German strength near, 2
Carter, Able Seaman: a survivor, 1
Carthage (Tunisia): a French submarine interned at, 1
Cartland, Ronald: and ‘a comparatively peaceful war’, 1; and the Belgians, 2; ‘horror and tribulation ahead’, 3; ‘a rum war’, 4; killed, 5
Caruso, Pietro: shot, 1
Casablanca (French Morocco): 1, 2, 3, 4; Allied forces disembark at, 5, 6; Churchill and Roosevelt meet at, 7, 8, 9, 10; bombing policy directive of, 11, 12, 13; Hitler envisages an assault on, 14
Caserta (Italy): a German unconditioned surrender at, 1
Casey, Richard: and British bombing policy, 1
Caspian Sea: and Hitler, 1, 2, 3; German forces approach, 4; German forces fail to reach, 5; Intelligence concerning, sent by Churchill to Stalin, 6
Cassel (France): Germans advance towards, 1
Cassino (Italy): battle for, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Castelforte (Italy): Germans retake, 1
Castlemartin (Wales): German tank crews train in (1960), 1
Catania (Sicily): Germans fall back to, 1; British troops enter, 2
Cathedral of the Dormition (Kiev): blown up, 1
Catherine the Great: 1
Catholic Church, the: a victim, 1, 2; protests by, 3; warned, 4; a protest to, 5; protests by, 6; Jews sheltered by, 7
Cattaro (Dalmatian Coast): Albanian partisan activity near, 1
Caucasus, the (Soviet Union): proposal to bomb oil fields in, 1, 2; German designs on, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; German forces approach, 8; Hitler’s plans after conquest of, 9, 10; German troops transfered from, 11; Germans battle for, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; turn of the tide in, 18; Soviet partisans in, 19; Germans driven from, 20
Cavallero, Marshal: in North Africa, 1
Cavalry Assault Badge: award of, 1
‘Cave of the Virgins’ (Okinawa): fate of Japanese student nurses in, 1
Cavell, Edith: her monument destroyed, 1
Cedile, Colonel: uses Japanese troops against Vietnamese, 1
Cegled (Hungary): Red Army reaches, 1
Cenotaph (London): wreaths laid at, 1
Cephalonia (Greece): Italian soldiers massacred on, 1
Centaur (US hospital ship): sunk, 1
Četniks: in Yugoslavia, 1, 2, 3, 4
Ceylon: in danger, 1; a raid on, 2
Cézembre (off St Malo): holds out, 1
Chacal (French destroyer): sunk, 1
Chad: troops from, at Bir Hakeim, 1
Chalautre-la-Petite (France): civilians murdered at, 1; German prisoners-of-war shot at, 2
Châlons-sur-Marne (France): Americans reach, 1
Chamberlain, Neville: 1, 2, 3, 4; urges ‘active measures’, 5; and Norway, 6; succeeded by Churchill, 7; recalled, 8
Chambly (Canadian corvette): in action, 1
Chambonnet, Albert: shot, 1
Champs Elysées (Paris): German troops march down, 1; a French parade down, recalled, 2; de Gaulle walks in triumph down, 3
Champsecret (France): a Panzer Division reaches, 1
Chancellery, the (Hitler’s Chancellery, Berlin): 1, 2, 3; and euthanasia, 4, 5, 6; and Hitler’s eastern plans, 7; and Hitler’s Berlin plans, 8, 9; a protest sent to, 10; Hitler’s return to, after the Ardennes, 11; Hitler moves to a bunker at, 12, 13; Eva Braun joins Hitler at, 14; von Greim and Hanna Reitsch reach, 15; an SS Lieutenant General shot in, 16; a final presentation of the Knight’s Cross in, 17; Churchill visits, 18
Chandler, Admiral Ted: his courage, 1
Changi Camp (Singapore): medical officers reach, 1; Indian soldiers reach, 2
Changsha (China): a Japanese attack towards, 1; Japanese capture, 2
‘Channel Dash’: and Enigma, 1
Channel Islands: evacuated, 1; occupied by Germans, 2; commando raids on, 3, 4; bodies washed up on, given full military honours, 5; Hitler refuses to transfer troops from, 6; civilians on, to be helped, 7; a German swoop from, 8; deportees from, die in Germany, 9; German forces on, surrender, 10
Chantilly (France): 1
‘Chariots’: manned torpedoes, in action, 1, 2, 3; on a mission to Norway, 4
Charlemagne: and harsh measures, 1
Charleroi (Belgium): a war crimes trial at, 1
Charleville (France): Hitler at, 1
‘Charlie’: a double agent, 1; his brother’s death, 2
Charlotte Schliemann (German supply ship): forced to leave safety, 1
Charlottenburg (Berlin): an unsuccessful flight to, 1
Charlton, Guardsman Edward Colquhoun: his courage, 1
Charybdis (British light cruiser): sunk, 1
Château Terlinden (Belgium): bombed, 1; out of action, 2
Château-Thierry (France): German troops at, 1; reached by the Germans in 1870, 2
Châteauroux (France): a British agent reaches, 1; a British agent returns from, 2
Châtellerault (France): sabotage near, 1
Châtillon-sur-Seine (France): a parachutist killed at, 1
Chechivichi (White Russia): an anti-partisan sweep in region of, 1
Chekiang Province (China): occupied by Japan, 1
Chelm (Poland): Jews deported from, 1; mental patients murdered at, 2; Jews from, killed near, 3; Red Army enters, 4
Chelmno (Poland): a death camp at, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; renewed deportations to, 9; murder of a forced-labour squad at, 10; Soviet forces approach, 11
Chelsea (London): a ‘Flying Bomb’ on, 1
Chelyabinsk (Siberia): evacuations to, 1, 2
Chemnitz (Germany): arrests in, 1; bombed, 2; proposed ‘heavy attacks’ on, 3; bombed, 4
Chengtu (China): American air raids from, 1
Chennault, Colonel Claire L.: goes to China, 1; in action, 2, 3
Chenogne (Belgium): German soldiers killed in, 1; Germans driven from, 2
Cherbourg (France): troops evacuated from, 1; troops land at, 2; Germans advance to, 3; evacuations from, 4; occupied by German troops, 5; a German radio station at, 6; a German naval patrol from, in action, 7; and the imminent Normandy Landings, 8; ‘to be held at all costs’, 9; Americans reach suburbs of, 10; dockyard at, surrenders, 11; final surrenders in, 12; a counter-attack towards, ordered, 13; railway wagons found at, for despatch of rocket equipment from Germany, 14
Cherche-Midi Prison (Paris): a suicide in (1948), 1
Chernigov (Russia): Red Army enters, 1
Cherven (Russia): partisan camps near, 1
Cheshire, Leonard: his leadership rewarded, 1; an observer above Nagasaki, 2
Chiang Kai-shek: US announces financial support of, 1; in Burma, 2
Chicago (US heavy cruiser): a failed attack on, 1; sunk, 2
Chicago Daily News: and Nazi war criminals, 1
Chicago University: and the atomic bomb, 1
Chichester, Bishop of (Bishop Bell): in Sweden, 1
Chichijima (Volcano Islands): air raid on, 1
China: and the Burma Road, 1, 2; and the United States, 3, 4; and medical help, 5; forced labourers from, in New Guinea, 6; Japanese advance in, 7, 8, 9, 10; to have a post-war veto, 11, 12; soldiers from, enter Nanning, 13; soldiers from, enter I-shan, 14; soldiers from, land by parachute near Kaiping, 15; and an offer of peace to Japan, 16; American post-war help for, 17; slave labourers of, 18; war time toll of, 19
Chindwin River (Burma): crossed, 1
Chinese: massacred, in Malaya, 1; wartime death toll of, 2
Chinon (France): Resistance fighters land near (1943), 1
Chiswick (London): a rocket bomb hits, 1
Chittagong (India): British advance from, 1
Chocz (Poland): a priest from, executed, 1
Choiseul Island (Solomons): battle on, 1
Cholawski, Shalom: and the fate of a prisoner-of-war, 1; and a ‘family camp’ in the forests, 2
Choltitz, General Dietrich von: surrenders Paris, 1
Chorostkow (Eastern Galicia): Jews killed in, 1
‘Chosen People’, the: their fate gives ‘pleasure’, 1; and a fifteen year prison sentence, 2
‘Chowringhee’ (Burma): a landing at, 1
Christen, SS Corporal Fritz: his bravery in action, 1
Christian X, King of Denmark: orders a cease-fire, 1
Christiansen, Lieutenant-Commander Hasager: photographs a rocket, 1
Christmas Island (Australian): Japanese conquer, then evacuate, 1
Chrobry (a Polish liner): attacked, 1
Chrzanowski, Professor Ignatius: dies at Sachsenhausen, 1
Chudovo (near Leningrad): bombed, 1; captured, 2
Chuikhov, Political Commissar: dismissed, 1
Chuikov, General: enters Lodz, 1
Church, Private: hanged, 1
Churchill, Clementine: and aid to Russia, 1; and an ‘agonizing moment’, 2; and ‘ripe plums fallen’ (Riga and Athens), 3
Churchill, Randolph: suggests a rescue operation, 1
Churchill, Winston S: and the war at sea, 1, 2; and plans for 1940, 3; and the magnetic mine, 4, 5; and Finland, 6; and Narvik, 7; and leaflet bombing, 8; and Enigma (his ‘golden eggs’), 9, 10, 11, 12; becomes Prime Minister, 13; and northern Norway, 14, 15; and Iceland, 16; offers ‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’, 17; and the battle in France, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23; and Operation XD, 24; and the surrender of Belgium, 25; and Dunkirk, 26, 27; and the fall of France, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37; ‘we shall not flag or fail’, 38; and the munitions programme for 1941, 39; and the sinking of the Lancastria, 40; and the defiance of Britain, 41, 42, 43; and the Arandora Star, 44; and Mers-el-Kebir, 45; and bombing policy, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59; and a commando raid on Guernsey, 60; and the ‘War of the Unknown Warrior’, 61; and the Battle of Britain, 62; and the Blitz, 63, 64, 65, 66; and Dakar, 67; and De Gaulle, 68; and Hitler’s eastern plans, 69, 70; and American military supplies, 71, 72; and Greece, 73, 74; and Turkey, 75; and the French Resistance, 76, 77, 78, 79; and the Western Desert war, 80, 81, 82; and Roosevelt’s emissary, 83, 84; and Anglo-American cooperation, 85, 86, 87; and Hitler’s designs on Britain, 88; and British aid to Russia, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98; and British Intelligence for Russia, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107: and Roosevelt, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127; and Japan, 128, 129, 130; and German atrocities in Russia, 131, 132; and Pearl Harbour, 133; and Hitler’s declaration of war on the United States, 134; and Hitler’s ‘outstanding blunder’, 135; and the Anglo-American alliance, 136, 137; and the United Nations, 138, 139, 140; approaches German-occupied France, in error, 141; and the fall of Singapore, 142, 143; and the bombing of Cologne, 144; and the fall of Tobruk, 145; and Stalin, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158: and El Alamein, 159, 160; and the Jews of Europe, 161; and the murder of Darlan, 162; at Casablanca, 163, 164, 165; and a leaflet detailing ‘German atrocities’, 166; congratulates Roosevelt, 167; and the Battle of Kursk, 168; and the Allied deception plan for Sicily, 169; and a discussion of Allied strategy (May 1943), 170; addresses the United States Congress, 171; and Tito, 172; and Italy, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178; eavesdropped telephone conversations of, 179, 180; and the U-boat war, 181; and Roosevelt’s desire to reach Berlin, 182; at Teheran, 183; and the bombing of Berlin, 184; and the sinking of the Scharnhorst, 185; and the political future of Poland (1944), 186, 187, 188, 189; and preparations for the Normandy Landings, 190, 191, 192, 193; and British war casualties, 194; and ‘an awful load of hatred’, 195; and the capture of Rome, 196; and the German shortage of fuel oil, 197; and the request to bomb the railways to Auschwitz, 198; and the Russian advance (from June 1944), 199; and the truth about Auschwitz, 200; and the Curzon Line, 201; and the Normandy Landings deception, 202; and the V2 rocket, 203; and gas ‘in retaliation’, 204; and the Warsaw uprising, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210; in Italy, 211; and the Jewish Brigade Group, 212; and the future of Germany, 213; in Moscow (October 1944), 214, 215; and a ‘brilliant’ American victory, 216; and the ‘last lap’, 217; in Paris (November 1944), 218; and the Ardennes, 219; and British and Commonwealth war dead (by the end of November 1944), 220; and the Allied balance of forces (by the end of November 1944), 221; and the Allied balance of forces (February 1945), 222; and German reparations, 223; and Dresden, 224; and Hitler’s possible move to southern Germany, 225; views the battle (on the Rhine), 226; crosses the Rhine, 227; unease of, at Soviet advance, 228; and the corpses of Ohrdruf, 229; and British war dead (by February 1945), 230; and a British drive to the Baltic, 231; and Himmler’s offer to surrender, 232; and the imminent Communist—non—Communist divide, 233, 234; and the American—Soviet military demarcation line, 235; and the German surrender, in Italy and southern Austria, 236; in Berlin, 237, 238; and the atomic bomb test, 239, 240; and a possible negotiated peace with Japan, 241, 242; and Austria, 243; and German prisoners-of-war, 244; the ‘iron curtain’ speech of, 245
Ciano, Count Galeazzo: and Hitler, 1, 2; executed, 3
Ciechocinek (Poland): Polish prisoners-of-war in, 1
City of Benares (British passenger liner): torpedoed, 1
Clan Fraser (British merchant ship): blows up, 1
Clapham Junction (London): a ‘Flying Bomb’ near, 1
Clark, General Mark W.: his secret landing, 1
Clauberg, Professor Karl: and medical experiments, 1, 2; dies on the eve of his trial, 3
Clermont-Ferrand (France): 1; an act of sabotage in, 2
Clement (British merchant ship): sunk, 1
Cluj (Hungary): beseiged, 1; overrun, 2
Clydeside (Scotland): bombed, 1
Coconada (India): bombed, 1
Codex Judaicum: issued in Slovakia, 1
Cohen, Major P. A.: reaches Crete, 1
Colditz Castle (Germany): escapes from, 1, 2; American forces reach, 3
Cole, Sergeant Harold: his treachery, 1, 2; shot dead, 3
Colepough, William: a German agent, arrested, 1
Colin, Paul: killed, 1
Colleville-sur-Mer (Normandy): American troops link up at, 1
Cologne (Germany): leaflets dropped on, 1; Jews deported from, 2; bombed, 3, 4, 5; still under German control, 6; American forces approach, 7; a rocket bomb falls near, in error, 8; an autobahn to, cut, 9; a war crimes trial in, 10
Colorado (US battleship): hit by accident, 1
Colombo (Ceylon): bombed, 1; merchant seamen, on their way from, machine-gunned after being torpedoed, 2
Colmar (France): Germans cross Rhine at, 1; occupied, 2; liberated, 3; battle near, 4
Colvenaer, Yvon: shot, 1
Columbia (US cruiser): hit by a suicide boat, 1
Combat: the psychological hazards of, 1
‘Combat’: a Resistance group, 1
Combined Chiefs of Staff: established, in Washington, 1
‘Comet’: an escape line, betrayed, 1; broken, 2
Commandant Teste (French aircraft carrier): escapes, 1
Commercy (France): American troops cross Meuse at, 1
‘Commissar Decree’: and the German invasion of Russia, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Compiègne (France): and peace negotiations, 1; and the armistice of June 1940, 2
Comps, André: and the ‘Flying Bomb’, 1
Compton, Captain John T.: court-martialled, 1
Conant, Professor James B.: and the atomic bomb, 1, 2, 3
Congressional Medal of Honour: see index entry for Medal of Honour
‘Conical Hill’ (Okinawa): captured, 1
Conte Rosso (Italian troopship): sunk, 1
Contes (southern France): a deportee from, executed, 1
Conti, Dr Leonardo: and euthanasia, 1; a protest to, 2; commits suicide, 3
Copenhagen (Denmark): occupied, 1; re-occupied, 2; Gestapo headquarters at, bombed, 3; a British ‘holding force’ to be sent to, 4; Germans lay down their arms in, 5
Cor Jésu (Belgian fishing vessel): at Dunkirk, 1
Coral Sea: battle of, 1
Corfu (Greece): and Italy, 1, 2; Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 3, 4
Cork, Lord: and northern Norway, 1
Cornford, Reginald Leslie: and the battle for Berlin, 1
Cornish, Mary: her courage, 1
Cornwall (British cruiser): in action, 1; sunk, 2
Corregidor (Philippines): MacArthur reaches, 1; Japanese bomb, 2; defence of, 3; surrenders, 4; Americans return to, 5; battle for, 6; last Japanese soldiers surrender on (January 1946), 7
‘Corridor of Death’: at Leningrad, 1
Corrientes (German supply ship): forced to leave safety, 1
Corsica (Mediterranean): Hitler orders evacuation of, 1
Cossack (British destroyer): the success of, 1
Cossacks: in action against the French Resistance, 1; in action against Italian partisans, 2
Cotentin Peninsula (France): defences of, 1, 2; an Allied landing expected on, 3; Allies about to overrun, 4
Cottbus (near Berlin): bombs dropped on, 1
Council for the Assistance of Jews: established, in Warsaw, 1
Courageous (British aircraft carrier): torpedoed, 1
Cousin, Abbé Maurice: killed, 1
Courtney, Major Henry A.: his courage, 1
Coventry (England): bombed, 1; repercussions of bombing of, 2; renewed bombing of, 3; a comparison with, 4
Coventry (British anti-aircraft destroyer): in action, 1; sunk, 2
Coward, Sergeant Charles: his courage, 1
Cowra (Australia): a mass breakout at, 1
Cox, Geoffrey: an eye-witness, 1, 2, 3, 4
Crabtree Neck (Maine): German agents land at, 1
Cracow (Poland): Germans enter, 1; slave labour camps near, 2; Poles seized in, 3; and the Jewish star, 4; a Pole shot in, 5; and German atrocities, 6; a deportation to Auschwitz through, 7; Poles from, executed at Dachau, 8; and German moves prior to ‘Barbarossa’, 9; a Jewish act of defiance in, 10; a German act of terror in, 11; Soviet forces enter, 12; ‘mass arrests’ near, 13
Creil (France): and the ‘Flying Bomb’, 1
Crerar, Brigadier H. D. G.: reaches Britain, 1
Creswell, Michael: helps escapees, 1
Crete: and Italy, 1; British troops reach, 2; British troops evacuated to, 3, 4; German preparations for invasion of, 5, 6; bombardment of, 7, 8; invaded, 9; evacuation of, 10; losses on, 11; and a deception plan, 12; German bombers move westward from, 13; Germany to ‘stay’ on, 14; and an Allied deception plan, 15; a kidnapping on, 16; reprisals on, 17; killing of hostages on, 18; a former Governor of, executed, 19
Crimea, the: German designs on, 1; German aspirations for, 2, 3; to be occupied, 4; and Hitler’s strategy, 5; a motor road to be built to, 6; German advance towards, 7, 8; Germans reach, 9; Hitler’s new name for, 10; German conquest of, 11; executions in, 12, 13, 14; Soviet troops land on, 15; German counter-offensive on, 16; German speakers from South Tyrol, to be settled in, 17; an attack into the Caucasus from, 18; to be evacuated, 19; Germans retain control of, 20; liberation of, 21; effect of liberation of, on Turkey, 22
Crinis, Professor Max de: commits suicide, 1
Croatia: declared an independent State, 1; persecutions in, 2, 3; to be a ‘tourist’ paradise’, 4; Jews not to be deported from, 5, 6; Jews sent to Auschwitz from, 7, 8; an anti-partisan action in, 9; troops from, fight Tito’s partisans, 10; Jews from, reach safety in Italy, 11; German forces retreat through, 12
Croats: political assurances to, 1
Croix de Guerre: awarded, 1, 2
Croix de Guerre with Gold Star: awarded, 1
Croix du Capitaine Michel: created, 1
‘Cromwell’: codeword for an imminent invasion, 1
Cross Island (Solomons): J. F. Kennedy reaches, 1
Cross of War Merit: awarded, 1
Cross-Channel landing: planning of, 1, 2, 3, 4; to be the ‘primary… effort’ of Britain and the United States, 5; Hitler warned about, 6; discussed at Teheran, 7; German concern with, 8, 9; planning for (January–May 1944), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19; deception plans for, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; and a map of German defences, 25; and General Guderian’s visit to France, 26, 27; and Ultra, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32; launched, 33; carried out, 34
Crown of King Zvonimir: awarded, 1
Croydon (England): fifty people killed at, 1
Cruewell, General: and the German rocket bomb, 1
Cuneo (Italy): Jews shot in, 1
Cunningham, Admiral Sir John: 1, 2
Cunnington, Captain D. W.: his courage, 1
Cumberland (British cruiser): hit, 1
Curda, Karel: an informer, 1; executed, 2
Currie, Major David: his courage, 1
Curzon Line: and Poland’s post-war borders, 1, 2, 3
Cvetković, Dragisa: refuses to join Axis, 1; join Axis, 2
Cyclops (British merchant ship): torpedoed, 1
Cyprus: German prisoners-of-war and Jews in camps on, 1
Cyrenaica (Libya): Australian troops advance in, 1; Rommel advances in, 2; Rommel completes reconquest of, 3; Rommel reconquers a second time, 4; Mussolini flies to, 5; Mussolini returns to Italy from, 6
Czechoslovak Republic: declared, 1
Czechoslovakia: an agent of, 1; forces of, in Britain, 2, 3; a clandestine mission to, 4; Jews from, deported to their deaths, 5, 6; troops of, in action at Kharkov, 7; forced labourers from, killed in an Allied air raid, 8; and war crimes, to be punished, 9; troops of, in action at Kiev, 10; troops from, reach the Carpathians, 11; Red Army approaches pre-war borders of, 12; Red Army enters, 13; Red Army advances through, 14; officers from, executed in Dachau, 15; battles in, 16, 17; to be ‘police-governed’, 18; continued fighting in, 19; final military operations in, 20; German troops surrender in, 21; troops from, and the surrender of Dunkirk, 22; German-speaking inhabitants expelled from, 23, 24; in the Soviet bloc, 25; rejects the Marshall Plan, 26
Czechs: imprisoned, 1; sent to Germany for forced labour, 2; ‘bludgeoned’, 3; their fate ‘a matter of utter indifference, 4; a monument to, unveiled, 5
Czertaski, Asher: and an act of resistance, 1
Czerniakow (Warsaw): holds out, 1; Polish troops enter, 2, 3
Czernowitz (Roumania): Red Army reaches, 1
Czestochowa: German orders in, 1; forced labourers taken from, 2; Jewish resistance in, 3; Jews killed in, 4
‘D-Day’ (the Normandy Landings): 1, 2; and an air ace, 3
Dabie (western Poland): Jews from, gassed, 1
Dabrowa (near Warsaw): a Polish pilot shot in, 1
Dabrowa Gornicza (Eastern Silesia): Poles executed in, 1; Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 2
Dachau (Germany): Czech prisoners at, 1; a would-be assassin imprisoned at, 2; a mass execution of Poles at, 3; prisoners from, used for medical experiments, 4; a courageous Pastor, dies on way to, 5; a Resistance heroine, shot at, 6; Soviet prisoners-of-war shot at, 7, 8; a parachutist sent to, 9; a German general sent to, 10; an Italian police officer sent to, 11; Red Army officers executed in, 12; British agents executed in, 13; a parachutist from Palestine executed in, 14; Hitler’s would-be assassin, murdered in, 15; further executions in, of Allied officers, 16; American forces enter, 17; a war crimes trial at, 18; forcible repatriation from, 19; war criminals cremated at, 20; Displaced Persons at, 21; a memorial inaugurated at (1956), 22
Dahl, Colonel Arne: lands in Karelia, 1
Dahlerus, Birger: his peace mission, 1
Dahlgren (Virginia): and a scale model atomic bomb, 1
Daily Express: ‘Shakespeare beats Hitler’, 1
Daily Herald: reports on a false announcement of victory, 1
Dakar (French West Africa): 1; plans for the seizure of, 2; and France’s ‘honour’, 3
Daladier, Edouard: and Finland, 1; falls from power, 2; Foreign Minister, 3
Dalmatian Coast (Adriatic Sea): islands off, being fortified, 1; islands off, bombed, 2; Germans begin evacuation of, 3
Dalton, Hugh, urged to ‘Set Europe ablaze’, 1
Damascus (Syria): battle for, 1; surrender of, 2
Danube River: mines dropped in, 1, 2, 3; Red Army reaches, 4; Red Army crosses, 5, 6; battles near, 7
Damaskinos, Archbishop of Athens: protests against deportation of Jews, 1; leads a government, 2
Dame of Sark, the: raises the Allied flags, 1
Damerment, Madeleine: shot, 1
Danielak, Alexander: drops supplies on Warsaw, 1
Dankowski, Stefanek: shot, 1
Dannecker, Theodor: and the Jews, 1, commits suicide, 2
Danzig: Hitler enters, 1; Germans deported to, 2; an escape through, 3; a new submarine being fabricated in, 4; a ‘death march’ on the road towards, 5; Germans in action near, 6; Hitler demands railway line to, to be held, 7; besieged, 8; fighting near, 9, 10
‘Danzig’: code word for an invasion, 1
Dardanelles (Turkey): 1
Darlan, Admiral Jean: and the French Fleet, 1, 2, 3; and the Allied landings in North Africa, 4; assassinated, 5
Darling, Donald: helps escapees, 1
Darmstadt (Germany): bombed, 1; jet airfields at, bombed, 2; a war crimes trial at, 3
Darnard, Joseph: collaborates, 1
Dartmouth (southern England): a mission from, 1; and an Allied escape line, 2; an invasion exercise attacked off, 3
Darwin (Australia): Japanese attack on, 1; MacArthur reaches, 2
Das Reich (magazine): and the Jews, 1
Daumeries, Fernand: sentenced to death, 1
Davao (Philippines): an American landing at, 1
Davis, Commander George F.: his bravery, 1
‘Day of the Eagle, The’: the air war against Britain, 1; launched, 2, 3; fails, 4; and the Blitz, 5; German air losses after, 6
Day of Judgement, the: and the responsibility for Pearl Harbour, 1
Dayan, Moshe: in action, 1
Dayton (Ohio): Roosevelt speaks in, 1
De Bono, Marshal Emilio: executed, 1
De Gaulle, Charles: in action, 1; becomes Under-Secretary of War, 2; supports a stand in Brittany, 3, 4; broadcsts from London, 5; pledges to fight on, 6; and the Dakar expedition, 7; sets up the Empire Defence Council, 8; takes Gabon from Vichy, 9; and Jean Moulin’s mission, 10, 11; denounces ‘war crimes’, 12; denounces ‘bestial policy’ of killing Jews, 13; his influence in France, to be combatted, 14; returns to France, 15; his representative in Paris, shot, 16; returns to Paris, 17, 18, 19
De Ruyter (Dutch light cruiser): sunk, 1
De Tassigny, General de Lattre: his escape, 1; and the battle for Colmar, 2; witnesses the final German instrument of surrender, 3
De Valera, Eamon: a protest from, 1; sends condolences on Hitler’s death, 2
‘Dead Horse Alley’: in Normandy, 1
Deakin, Captain William: in Yugoslavia, 1, 2
‘Death Candidates’: killed in a reprisal action, 1
‘Death Commando’: reports of, 1
‘Death marches’: westward from Auschwitz and its labour camps, 1, 2; westward from Stutthof, 3
Death’s Head Division (of the S.S.): in Poland, 1, 2; in action in France, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; moves to East Prussia, 9, 10; in action against Russia, 11, 12, 13, 14; and the first heavy snowfall (October 1941), 15; complaints of cowardice in, 16; and Soviet partisans, 17
Debica (Poland): fate of Polish children at, 1
Deblin (Poland): 1
Debrecen (Hungary): bombed, 1; beseiged, 2; falls, 3
Deception: and Hitler, 1; and Russia, 2, 3; and the Normandy landing, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Degrelle, Léon: awarded the Knight’s Cross, 1; awarded the Oak Leaves, 2
Delft University (Holland): a protest at, 1
Delhi (India): violence in, 1
Delp, Alfred: hanged, 1
Demyansk (Russia): Hitler refuses withdrawal from, 1; Hitler awards commanding General in, 2
Dendre River (Belgium): British fall back to, 1
Denéé (Belgium): battle at, 1
Denmark: plans for, 1, 2; invasion of, 3; overrun, 4; its future, 5; and a German demand for the evacuation of Jews, 6; forced labour from, 7, 8; resistance in, and a German ultimatum, 9; rescue of Jews from, 10; terror killings in, 11; and Hitler’s view of Allied strategy, 12; and the Normandy deception plan, 13; a strike in, and reprisals, 14; Allied raids, on Gestapo headquarters in, 15, 16; Russians to be prevented from entering, 17, 18
Dentz, General Henri: defends Beirut and Damascus, 1
Deprez, Robert: killed, 1
Deptford (London): a rocket bomb hits: 1
Der Stürmer: the editor of, hanged, 1
Derby (England): a bombing raid on, foiled, 1
Derna (Libya): evacuated, 1
Dekanozov, Vladimir: his place of honour, 1
Derrick, Sergeant Thomas: his courage in action, 1
Deschenes Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals: its report, 1
Desoubrie, Jacques: hanged, 1
Destruction Battalions: to be set up, in Russia, 1
‘Deutschland über Alles’: sung as the Tirpitz sank, 1
Deventer (Holland): a Dutchman from, hanged, 1
Devers, General Jacob L.: accepts an unconditional surrender, 1
Devil, the: in Lille, 1; and the Jews, 2
Devonshire (British cruiser): King Haakon embarks on, 1; sinks the Atlantis, 2
Diamonds (to the Knight’s Cross): awarded, 1
‘Dick’: and the Normandy deception, 1
Dieppe (France): Germans advance towards, 1; an Allied commando raid on, 2; fate of prisoners-of-war captured at, 3; and a possible Allied landing, 4; an Allied deception at, 5
Diego Suarez (Madagascar): attcked, 1; a submarine raid on, 2
Dielpi (Italian fuel ship): sunk, 1
Dietrich, Otto: Russia ‘vanquished’, 1
Dietrich, Sepp: in hiding, 1
Dijon (France): Germans enter, 1; SS in action near, 2; Germans withdraw from, 3
Dinant (Belgium): German troops reach, 1
Dimitrov (near Moscow): Germans reach, 1; Soviet reinforcements gather near, 2
Dirlewanger, General: his award, 1
Dirlewanger Brigade: in Warsaw, 1, 2; in Slovakia, 3
Diskin, Efim: his heroism, 1
Displaced Persons (D.P.s): throughout Europe, 1; remnants of (in 1952), 2
Distinguished Conduct Medal: awarded, 1
Distinguished Flying Cross: awarded, 1
Distinguished Service Cross: awarded, 1, 2
Distinguished Service Medal: awarded, 1
Distinguished Service Order: awarded, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Djakovo (Yugoslavia): Jews murdered at, 1
Djedeida (Tunisia): raid on, 1
Djilas, Milovan: a partisan, 1
Dmitriev (Russia): an anti-partisan sweep near, 1
Dnepropetrovsk (southern Russia): Germans capture, 1; Russians in action near, 2; executions in, 3; Red Army approaches, 4; Red Army enters, 5
Dneprodzherzinsk (southern Russia): Russians enter, 1
Dnieper River (Russia): 1, 2, 3; Soviet partisans east of, 4; Soviet partisans west of, 5; Red Army approaches, 6; Red Army crosses, 7, 8; Germans defeated at, 9
Dniester River (Russia): Germans forced back across, 1
Dno (Russia): partisans active near, 1; Germans driven from, 2
Dobromil (Eastern Galicia): Jews killed in, 1
Dodecanese Islands (Aegean Sea): 1; battle for, 2
Dohnanyi, Hans von: and the first Bomb Plot against Hitler (March 1943), 1; arrested, 2; implicated, 3; murdered, 4; his brother-in-law shot, 5
Dolfuss, Dr Engelbert: 1
‘Dolphin’: a German cypher key, recovered, 1
Domagala, Jan: saves evidence of executions, 1
Domodossola (Italy): partisans control region near, 1, 2
Domont (near Paris): five Frenchmen shot in, 1
Don Basin (Russia): Germans forced to give up, 1
Don River (Russia): German attack towards, 1; reached, 2; a defensive line to be held on, 3; Germans cross, 4; Italian cavalry in action on, 5; Germans not allowed to withdraw across, 6; Germans driven south of, 7
Donat, Alexander: ‘victory… certain’, 1
Donbaik (Burma): British advance to, 1; attack on, repulsed, 2
Donetz Basin (Ukraine): a German objective, 1
Donetz River (Ukraine): Germans reach, 1
Dongo (Italy): Mussolini killed in, 1
Dönitz, Admiral Karl: and the Courageous, 1; and German submarine losses, 2; and the Channel Coast, 3; and rescue work to stop, 4; and the Battle of the Atlantic, 5, 6; warns of a cross-Channel invasion, 7; doubts an imminent invasion, 8; and the Normandy deception, 9; and the failure of the Bomb Plot, 10; and the German surrender, 11, 12
‘Donny’: a double agent, and the Normandy deception, 1
Donovan, Colonel William J.: and the Balkans, 1; and national security, 2; and money for the Polish resistance, 3
Doolittle, Lieutenant-Colonel James H.: leads a bombing raid against Japan, 1
Doorman, Admiral Karel: killed in action, 1
Dora (Germany): concentration camp at, 1; Gypsies at, 2
‘Dorick’: a double agent, and the Normandy deception, 1
Dornberger, General Walter: surrenders to the Americans, 1
Dorogobuzh (Russia): Soviet partisans in region of, 1, 2, 3, 4; an anti-partisan sweep near, 5
Dorsch, Xavier: builds a rocket launching site, 1
Dorsetshire (British cruiser): rescues survivors, 1; sunk, 2
Dorsten (Ruhr): bombed, 1
Dortmund (Ruhr): Jews deported from, 1; bombed, 2, 3
‘Dortmund’: the codeword to start ‘Barbarossa’, 1
D’Ortoli, Paul: executed, 1
Dosen (near Leipzig): and euthanasia, 1
Doss, Desmond T.: his courage, 1
‘Double Cross’ system: established, 1
Dover (England): and the Dunkirk evacuation, 1, 2; cross-Channel shelling of, 3
Dover Strait: and Hitler’s view of Allied strategy, 1; and the Normandy Landings deception plan, 2
Dowding, Sir Hugh: and Britain’s weakness in the air, 1
‘Down with Hitler’: painted on a wall in Munich (1943), 1
Downing Street (London): awaits a parachute attack, 1
Drabik, Sergeant Alexander A.: crosses the Rhine, 1
Drancy (Paris): Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 1; a Jew dies at, 2
Dresden (Germany): proposed ‘heavy attacks’ on, 1; ‘allotted’ to the allied airforces, 2; bombing of, 3, 4; German troops still fighting near (on 8 May 1945), surrender, 5
Drina River (Yugoslavia): Germans fall back to, 1
Drissa (Russia): a Soviet defence line at, 1, 2; Germans driven from, 3
Drohobycz (Eastern Galicia): Soviet annexation of, 1; Jews killed in, 2, 3
Drugge, Karl: hanged, 1
Drvar (Yugoslavia): Tito moves to, 1; a German move against, 2
Drysdale River Mission (Australia): bombed, 1
Dublin (Eire): condolences on Hitler’s death expressed in, 1
Dubno (Poland): overrun, 1; Jews murdered in, 2, 3
Dubnov, Simon: his last words, 1
Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia): Tito’s partisans enter, 1
Duchess of York (British passenger liner): German prisoners-of-war on, 1
Duilio (Italian battleship): sunk, 1
Dudin (a partisan): in action, 1
Dulles, Allan: negotiates with an SS general, 1
Dülmen (Ruhr): bombed, 1; a planned German counter-attack at, 2
Dumbarton Oaks (Washington): and the United Nations Organization, 1
Duncan (US destroyer): caught in cross-fire, 1
Dunkerque (French battle cruiser): sunk, 1
Dunkirk (France): and the British Expeditionary Force, 1; 2; to be held, 3; Germans besieged in, 4; Germans in, surrender, 5; an Anglo-French treaty signed in (1947), 6
Dunlop, Colonel Edward: a prisoner-of-war of the Japanese, his daily record, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; and liberation, 8
Dunov, Anatoly: executed, 1
Duquenne-Créton, Madame: helps two survivors, 1
Düren (Germany): American forces enter, 1
Durmitor, Mount (Yugoslavia): Tito’s partisans driven to, 1; partisans driven from, 2
Durovo (Russia): Russians reach, 1
Düsseldorf (Germany): a Dutch officer dies in, 1; bombed, 2; Jews deported from, 3; bombed, using two-ton bombs, 4; bombed, using a new device, 5; anti-Nazi leaflets distributed in, 6; American troops reach Rhine opposite, 7; a war crimes trial in, 8
Dutch Council of Churches: a protest by, 1
Dutch East Indies: and Japan, 1, 2, 3; overrun, 4, 5, 6; fate of internees and prisoners of war on, 7; civil insurgency in, 8
Dutch Volunteer Legion: on the Leningrad front, 1
Dvina River (the Western Dvina): 1; Germans reach, 2
Dvinsk (Latvia): Germans enter, 1; Jews shot in, 2; ‘insane persons’ murdered at, 3; Red Army enters, 4
Dyle River (Belgium): Anglo-French plan for, 1; advance to, 2
Dzhankoi (Crimea): executions at, 1
Dziekanow (near Warsaw): an American airman beaten to death in, 1