‘S-1’: and the atomic bomb, 1
‘SB’ (‘Sonderbehandlung’—Special Treatment): and the fate of the Gypsies, 1
SC-104 (Atlantic convoy): attacked, 1
SL-125 (British merchant shipping convoy): attacked, 1
SS, the: ‘Spring of Life’ stud farms of, 1, 2; criticized, 3, 4; expanded, 5; repeated atrocities of, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; in action in France, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; and the future of Poland, 21; in Belgium, 22; and an anti-Jewish film, 23; and Operation Tooth, 24; in Amsterdam, 25; and Operation Barbarossa, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; and homosexuals, 32; and Soviet partisans, 33, 34; secret cyphers of, broken, 35, 36; Hitler’s exhortation to, 37; and Operation Heydrich, 38; ‘unshakeable’, 39; at Treblinka, 40, 41; and the property of ‘evacuated’ Jews, 42, 43, 44; and the ‘Ivans’, 45; at Sobibor, 46, 47; and the destruction of the evidence of mass murder, 48; and a Muslim revolt, 49; in Italy, 50; at Auschwitz, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58; in Warsaw, 59, 60; and escapee Allied airmen, 61; in Kovno, 62; a recreation centre for, built by slave labour, 63; reprisals by, in France, 64, 65; at Maly Trostenets, 66; troops of, in Normandy, 67, 68, 69, 70; at Buchenwald, 71; at Peira Cava, 72; in Budapest, 73; and the Malmédy massacre, 74; troops of, transfered from West to East, 75; at Chelmno, 76; at Blechhammer, 77; at Ravensbrück, 78, 79; and a grave food shortage in Germany, 80; in the Baltic, throw Jews overboard, 81; deaths of, at Webling (Bavaria), 82; at Lübeck, open fire on refugees, 83; at Ebensee, and a Jewish act of defiance, 84
Saar, the (Germany): Jews deported from, 1; industry in, to be ‘completely dismantled’, 2; American forces enter, 3; bombed, 4
Saarbrücken (Germany): action at, 1; arrests in, 2; an escapee captured at, 3
Saarlouis (Germany): action at, 1
Sabac (Yugoslavia): Jews and Serbs killed at, 1; fate of a child born in, 2
Sabang (Dutch East Indies): bombarded, 1, 2
Sabourin, Roger: his sabotage mission, 1
Saburov, Alexander: a partisan leader, 1
Sachs, Alexander: and atomic energy, 1
Sachsenhausen (north of Berlin): a concentration camp at, 1, 2; Poles die in, 3; ‘Hitler’s special prisoner’ in, 4; experiments at, 5; criminals from, sent to Auschwitz as barrack chiefs, 6; a German pastor sent to, 7; medical experiments at, 8; Russian prisoners-of-war murdered at, 9; Jews killed in, 10; Jews sent to Auschwitz from, 11; criminals from, murder villagers in Russia, 12; British commandos sent to, 13; medical experiments at, 14; Jews sent to, from Auschwitz, 15; a parachutist from Palestine dies in, 16; an opponent of Hitler executed at, 17; mass evacuations to, 18; executions at, 19, 20, 21; a ‘death march’ from, 22
Safi (French Morocco): Allies in control of, 1
Sagan (Germany): an escape from, 1
Sahara Desert: a crash in, 1; a concentration camp at, 2; Germany to be made ‘more desolate than’, 3; the remains of American crewmen found in, 4
Saidor (New Guinea): a landing at, 1
Saigon (French Indo-China): Japanese enter, 1; Vietnamese government in, overthrown, 2
St Davids (British hospital ship): sunk, 1
St Denis (France): bombed, 1
St Dié (France): German forces hold, 1; liberated, 2
St Dizier (France): bombed, 1
St Genis Laval (France): executions at, 1
St Germain (France): Germans to enter, 1
St John (New Brunswick): sanctuary found in, for thirty-three years, 1
St John Ambulance Brigade: three men of, shot, 1
St Lambert-sur-Dives (France): battle at, 1
St Leu (France): ‘Flying Bomb’ storage depot at, bombed, 1
St Lo (American aircraft carrier): sunk, by a kamikaze pilot, 1
St Malo (France): troops embarked from, 1; further evacuations from, 2; surrenders to the Americans, 3
St Martin de Varreville (France): fortications at, bombed, 1
St Maur (France): Germans to enter, 1
St Nazaire (France): evacuations from, 1; Germans approach, 2; a naval and commando raid on, 3; German submarine pens at, 4; bombed, 5; an American airman shot down over, evades captures, 6; German garrison on, surrenders, 7
St Paul’s Cathedral (London): bombs near, 1
St Pölten (Austria): Red Army approaches, 1; fighting near, 2
St Quentin (France): German forces near, 1
St Valery-en-Caux (France): troops cut off at, 1; troops evacuated from, 2; surrender at, 3
St Vincent, General de: refuses to assist in deportations, 1
Ste Marguerite-de-Viette (France): a pilot shot down near (1944), 1; a pilot’s remains found near (1985), 2
Ste Marie-aux-Mines (France): an execution at, 1
Saipan Island (Marianas): American landing on, 1, 2; the final battle on, 3; a fleet sails from, for Iwo Jima, 4
Saito, Lieutenant-General Yoshitsugu: commits suicide, 1, 2
Sajmiste (Yugoslavia): Jews murdered at, 1
Sakai, Lieutenant-General: no surrender to, 1
Sakamaki, Ensign Kazua: taken prisoner, 1
Sakhalin Island: Soviet Union to acquire southern section of, 1; Soviet naval forces bombard, 2; Soviet troops land on, 3; Soviet forces conquer, 4
Sakkis, Leon: a partisan, killed, 1
Sakowicz, W.: an eye witness to mass murder, 1, 2
Salamaua (New Guinea): occupied, 1; raided, 2; reinforcements to, sunk, 3; an execution at, 4; Japanese retreat from, 5
Salangen (Norway): landing at, 1
Salatiga (Java): bombed (1947), 1
Salboni (India): a bomber base, against Rangoon, 1
Salerno (Italy): landing at, planned, 1; carried out, 2; bridgehead at, attacked, 3; Allied success at, 4
Salkhazi, Sister Sara: executed, 1
Salomon, Alice: shares the fate of her charges, 1
Salon-la-Tour (France): a British agent captured in, 1
Salonica (Greece): 1; Germans occupy, 2; Jews of, deported to their deaths, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Germans pull back from, 8; a report from, about Greek partisan activity, 9
Salornay (France): a parachute mission to, 1
Salsk (southern Russia): Germans reach, 1; Russians recapture, 2
Salt Lake City (US heavy cruiser): badly damaged, 1
Salvation Army, the: its methods cited, 1
Salzburg (Austria): Hitler meets Mussolini at, 1; surrenders to the Americans, 2; von Greim commits suicide in, 3
Samat Mountain (Philippines): 1
Samos (Aegean Sea): struggle for, 1; and an escape line, 2
Samothrace (Greece): Germans occupy, 1; Jews deported from, 2
Sampson, Flight Lieutenant Sammy: killed, 1
Samuel Huntington (US cargo ship): sunk, 1
Sanananda (New Guinea): battle at, 1, 2
San Andrea (Italian fuel ship): sunk, 1
San Antonio (Italian merchant ship): sunk, 1
Sandakan (North Borneo): a ‘death march’ from, 1
Sandbaek, Pastor Harald: escapes, 1
Sandomierz (Poland): Red Army reaches, 1
San Francisco (California): Molotov at, 1; United Nations Charter signed in, 2; Japanese peace treaties signed in, 3
San Francisco Conference (of the United Nations): 1
San Jacinto (US light carrier): and a Pacific bombing raid, 1
San River (Poland): killing near, 1; fighting near, 2
San Pietro Infine (Italy): battle in, 1
Sansapor (New Guinea): captured, 1
San Stefano (Italy): a prisoner recaptured near, 1
Santa Cruz Islands (Pacific Ocean): naval battle off, 1
Santé Prison (Paris): a revolt in, 1
Santos, José Abad: executed, 1
Sapozhnikova, Olga: and the defence of Moscow, 1
Sarajevo (Yugoslavia): a British mission near, 1; a mutiny near, 2; and an Allied deception plan, 3; German forces evacuate, 4
Saratoga (US warship): deaths on, 1
Saratov (Volga): reinforcements at, 1
Sarawak: Japanese land on, 1
Sardinia: and the battle for Malta, 1; a naval action off, 2; a possible invasion of, 3
Sark (Channel Islands): a commando raid on, 1; raises the Allied flags, 2
Sarrebourg (Alsace-Lorraine): Germans driven from, 1
Sarvar (Hungary): Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 1
Sas, Colonel Jacobus: and German war plans, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sattelberg Summit (New Guinea): captured, 1
Satzkis, Lily: not allowed to leave Germany, 1
Sauckel, Fritz: and forced labour, 1
Saumur (France): Resistance fighters land near, 1
Savicheva, Tanya: her family’s fate, and hers, 1
Savoy Cavalry: in action on the Don, 1
Savy, Jean: and the ‘Flying Bomb’, 1
Sawicka, Hanka: her courage, and death, 1
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Major Heinrich Prinz zu: shot down, 1
Scapa Flow (Orkney Islands): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scaramella, Rosetta: deported, 1
Scharnhorst (German battle cruiser): sinks the Rawalpindi, 1; in the North Sea, 2; in action, 3, 4; an attack on, 5; its dash, and damage to, 6; sunk, 7
Scheldt River (Belgium, Holland): mined, 1; British retreat from, 2; mouth of, to be held, 3; Allied advance to, 4; Allies cross, 5; Allies control, 6
Schellenberg, Walter, and Jewish emigration, 1
Schepke, Captain Joachim: drowned, 1
Schijvenschuurer, Leen: shot, 1
Schillinger, SS Sergeant Josef: attacked at Auschwitz, 1
Schiphol Airport (Holland): an execution near, 1
Schirach, Henrietta von: protests to Hitler, 1
Schlabrendorff, Lieutenant Fabian von: 1; and the first German Army bomb plot to kill Hitler (March 1943), 2; and the second attempt, 3; on trial, 4
Schilling, Dr Klaus Karl: tried for war crimes, 1
Schleicher, Rüdiger: shot, 1
Schlieben (Germany): ‘We were in heaven’, 1
Schlieben, General Karl Wilhelm von: defends Cherbourg, 1
Schlüsselburg (Lake Ladoga): Germans capture, 1; recapture of, judged impossible, 2; Germans in control of, 3
Schmidt, Wulf: becomes a double agent, 1
Schmidt-Richberg, General: and reprisals in Greece, 1
Schmitt, Philip: receives his first prisoners, 1
Schmorell, Alexander: executed, 1
Schmundt, Colonel Rudolf: and Hitler’s triumphs, 1; and the Jews, 2; dies of his wounds, 3
Schnaufer, Lieutenant: a German air ace, 1
Schnee Eifel (Ardennes): Americans surrender at, 1
Schneidemühl (Germany): Jews deported from, 1; Germans troops embark at, 2
Schnell, Corporal: rescued, but dies, 1
Schniewind, Admiral: and the invasion of Britain, 1
Schnorchel (‘Shnorkel’): a secret weapon of quality, 1, 2
Scholl, Hans: courageous protest of, 1
Scholl, Sophie: courageous protest of, 1
Schomberg (southern Germany): a mass grave discovered at, 1
Schönhuber, Franz: a former SS officer, wins a parliamentary seat (1989), 1
Schónlanke (Pomerania): Red Army reaches, 1
Schórner, General: evacuates Sevastopol, 1
Schórzingen (southern Germany): a mass grave discovered at, 1
Schuhart, Lieutenant: and the Courageous, 1
Schulenburg, Friedrich Werner, Count von der: reports from Moscow, 1
Schumann, Dr Horst: and murder by gassing, 1
Schuschnigg, Kurt von: liberated, 1
Schutlze, Walther: and a ‘special diet’, 1
Schwarzheide (Germany): slave labour at, 1
Schweinfurt (Germany): bombed, 1, 2, 3
Schwerdt, Otto: terror killings by, 1
Schwerin (Germany): fighting near, 1
Schwerin-Schwanenfeld, Captain Count Ulrich von: hanged, 1
Schwiechlow Lake (near Berlin): an army ‘stuck fast’ south of, 1
Schwirndt (East Prussia): Red Army units reach, 1
Scotland: German bombers shot down over, 1, 2; gales off, 3; troops in, 4; an invasion force, leaves from, 5; a spy lands in, 6
Scott, Lieutenant-Commander Peter: helps an evacuation, 1; and the surrender of German motor torpedo boats (May 1945), 2
Scutari (Albania): Germans pull back to a defensive line at, 1; partisan activity near, 2; Germans abandon, 3
Scott-Ford, Duncan: captured and hanged, 1
‘Sea Lion’: the German plan to invade Britain, 1, 2; abandoned, 3
Sea Witch (British aircraft carrier): its abortive mission, 1
Seagrim, Hugh: organizes resistance, in Burma, 1
Seal, Eric: and British morale, 1
Seattle (Washington State): and Japanese agents, 1
Sebezh (White Russia): Germans driven from, 1
‘Second Front’: Stalin seeks, in Europe, 1; Allies open (in Italy), 2; Allies open (in northern France), 3
Sedan (France): Germans near, 1, 2; German breakthrough at, 3, 4
Seela, SS Captain Max: in action, 1
Seele, Gertrud: executed, 1
Seelow (east of Berlin): Red Army reaches, 1
Seijffards, Helmuth: shot, 1
Seine River (France): retreat across, 1; and Allied cross-Channel plans, 2; and the Normandy deception plans, 3, 4; German supply columns attacked near, 5; Allies reach, 6
Selective Training Act (USA): registration under, 1
Selizharovo (Russia): 1
Sell, Freiherr von: and the Hitler Bomb Plot, 1
Semarang (Java): bombed (1947), 1
Sens (France): a German withdrawal to, 1
Sephton, Petty Officer Alfred: in action, 1
Serai (Brunei): Japanese land at, 1
Serber, Robert: and the atomic bomb, 1
Serbs: persecuted, 1; executed, 2; murdered, 3; killed in reprisal actions, 4; massacres of, 5, 6; fifty Serbs for one German’, 7; revolt of, at Jasenovac, 8
Sered (Slovakia): Jews deported from, 1
Sereni, Enzo: his parachute mission, 1
Serokomla (Poland): murders near, 1
‘Set Europe ablaze!’: a motto and an aim, 1
Seuss, Lieutenant Richard: determined not to surrender, 1
Sevastopol (Russia): to be defended, 1; bombed, 2; an evacuation to, 3; Jews murdered at, 4; besieged, 5, 6, 7; overrun, 8; effect of resistance at, 9; Germans evacuate, 10
Seventh-Day Adventist, a: saves Jews, 1; wins Congressional Medal of Honour, 2
Sevez, General François: and the German surrender, 1
Sevsk (Russia): Red Army enters, 1
‘Sewer Pipe Bomb’: a scale model atomic bomb, tested, 1
Seyne, Maurice de: his heroism on the Eastern Front, 1
Seyss-Inquart, Dr Arthur: in Holland, 1
Sfax (Tunisia): Eighth Army occupies, 1
Shah Nawaz Khan: found guilty, 1
Shakespeare: ‘beats Hitler’, 1; performed on the ‘Railway of Death’, 2
Shanghai (China): Japanese action at, 1
Shaposhnikov, Marshal Boris Mikhailovich: and Soviet partisans, 1; and Intelligence from Britain, 2
‘Shark’: German U-boat communications key, broken, 1
Sharpless, Staff Sergeant Claude: shot down, reaches safety, 1
Shcherbakov, General: dismissed, 1
Shcherbatseyvich, Volodya: executed, 1
Sheffield (England): bombed, 1
Shelley, Staff Sergeant Guy E.: dies in the desert, 1
Shepetovka (Russia): a Soviet defence line at, 1; Jews killed in, 2
Sherbrooke, Captain Robert: in action, 1
Sherrod, Robert: and the American landing on Saipan Island, 1
Shertok, Moshe: appeals to Eden, 1
Shigemitsu, Mamoru: signs instrument of surrender, 1
Shilovo (Russia): reinforcements brought from, 1
Shinchiku Airfield (Formosa): bombed, 1
Shinyo Maru (Japanese freighter): sunk, 1
Shirer, William, in the Ruhr, 1; in Berlin, 2; reports on effect of British bombing, 3, 4; hears Hitler speak, 5; reports on the death of a Pole, 6; and Roosevelt’s re-election, 7
Shklarek, Moshe: a survivor of mass murder, 1
Shklov (Russia): Jews ‘liquidated’ in, 1
Sho, General: commits suicide, 1
Shoa (a film by Claude Lanzmann): a survivor’s recollections in, 1
Shoeburyness (Britain): and the magnetic mine, 1
Shoho (Japanese aircraft carrier): sunk, 1
Shokaku (Japanese aircraft carrier): sunk, 1
Short, General: and Pacific naval movements, 1
Shteinmetz, Captain Miklos: killed, 1
Shumyachi (Russia): mentally ill murdered in, 1
Shuri Line (Okinawa): attack on, 1
Siauliai (Lithuania): Jews in ghetto of, 1; the fate of a family from, 2
Siberia: Soviet troop movements from, 1; American use of air bases in, 2
‘Siberia’: code name for the India Ocean, 1
Sicily: German bombers at, 1; Germans bomb Malta from, 2; thought to be the real object of the ‘Torch’ landings, 3; proposed landing on, 4, 5; bombed, 6; Rommel’s supply links with attacked, 7; and an Allied deception, 8; German air force withdraws to, 9; Allied invasion of, in prospect, 10, 11; Allied landing on, 12; battles for, 13, 14; Germans begin evacuation of, 15; under Allied control, 16; Italian armistice signed in, 17
Sidi Barrani (Egypt): Italian forces at, 1, 2; German dive bombers in action off, 3; Rommel defends, 4
Siedlecki, Professor Michael: dies at Sachsenhausen, 1
‘Siege of England’: Hitler’s plan for, 1
Siegfried Line (Germany): Americans breach, 1
Siemens works (Berlin): hit by British bombs, 1
Siemiatycze (Poland): on the eve of war, 1
Siena (Italy): fate of Jews of, 1; Churchill visits Allied troops at, 2
Siena (Poland): troop movements near, 1
Sierra Leone: a convoy on way to, attacked, 1
Sieradz (Poland): Poles and Jews shot in, 1
Sierpc (Poland): Jews expelled from, 1; Jews from, murdered, 2
Siilasvuo, Colonel Hjalmar: and ‘the road of glory’, 1
Sikhs: forced to carry out an execution, 1
Sikh (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Simonds, A. C.: organizes an escape line, 1
Sikorski, General Wladyslaw: sets up Polish Government-in-Exile, 1; denounces ‘war crimes’, 2; describes the fate of Poles and Jews, 3
Sikory Tomkowieta (Poland): Poles executed in, 1
Silver Star: award of, 1
Simferopol (Crimea): murder of Jews in, 1
Simi (Aegean Sea): German troops on, surrender, 1
Simone, Sergio de: murdered, 1
Simović, General Dusan: denounces Tripartite Pact, 1
Sinclair, Michael (the ‘Red Fox’): an escapee, killed, 1
Singapore: vulnerable, 1; more vulnerable, 2; British warships reach, 3; bombed, 4, 5; battle for, 6; heavy loss of life in, 7; surrenders, 8; fate of four prisoners-of-war in, 9; a courageous exploit off, 10; captured American airmen executed in, 11; a former captive in, liberated in Japan, 12; and the destruction of evidence of an execution in, 13; and the surrender of Japanese forces in South-East Asia, 14; a war crimes trial in, 15; becomes independent, 16
Singh, Major Mohan: and ‘Asia for the Asiatics’, 1
Singhara Singh: found guilty, 1
Singora (Thailand): a landing at, 1
Sinkov, Major Abraham: and ‘Purple’, 1
‘Siren’: a call sign, near Stalingrad, 1
Sitia (Crete): Italian landing on, 1
Skagerrak, the: Russian interest in, 1; merchant ships escape through, 2, 3
Skala (Eastern Galicia): battles of, 1
Skalat (Eastern Galicia): Jews of, resist deportation, 1
‘Ski’ sites: and the V1 and V2 ‘secret weapons’, 1, 2, 3; bombed, 4; in operation, 5
Ski troops (Russian): in action on the Eastern Front, 1; gather in reserve, 2
Skoda Armaments Works (Pilsen, Czechoslovakia): bombed, 1
Skodzensky Lieutenant Heinrich: and the arrival of the Americans at Dachau, 1
Skoplje (Yugoslavia): and a deception plan, 1; German pull-back planned, 2; Yugoslav forces enter, 3
Skorzeny, Captain Otto: seizes Mussolini, 1; seizes Horthy, 2; infiltrates American lines, in the Ardennes, 3, 4, 5
Skrodow (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
‘Skunk’: an Enigma key, broken, 1
Slapton Sands (southern England): an invasion exercise attacked off, 1; a second invasion exercise held off, 2
Slavin (a Soviet partisan): and an anti-partisan sweep, 1
Slavs: Hitler’s contempt for, 1, 2; a grim future for, 3; their ‘age-long struggle’ ended, 4
Slim, General William: in Burma, 1; at Singapore for the Japanese surrender, 2
Slochy (Poland): inhabitants of, murdered, 1
Slonim (Poland): a counter-attack at, 1; anti-partisan actions at, 2, 3
Slovakia: Poles captured while trying to escape to, 1; forced labourers taken from, 2, 3; joins Tripartite Pact, 4; Jews of, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; news of Auschwitz reaches, 11; a Soviet partisan unit reaches, 12; uprising in, 13, 14, 15; an Allied escape line from, by air, 16, 17; a ‘Free Slovakia’ proclaimed in, 18; revolt in, crushed, 19; Red Army approaches, 20
Slovenia (Yugoslavia): traffic through, to be disrupted, 1
Slovenski Gradec (northern Yugoslavia): final German surrender in, 1
Slovik, Eddie E.: shot for desertion, 1
Slutsk (near Leningrad): liberation of, 1
Slutsk (western Russia): a signals centre, 1; executions in, 2; a protest about executions in, 3; Soviet partisans near, 4
Smith, General Bedell: and the German surrender, 1
Smith, General Holland M.: and a ‘piece of folly’, 1
Smith, Reg: his warning, 1
Smithfield Market (London): a rocket bomb falls on, 1
Smolensk (Russia): and Polish prisoners-of-war, 1; a signals centre, 2; on a defence line, 3; and Enigma, 4, 5; encircled, 6, 7; actions against partisans near, 8; partisan activity continuing near, 9; Soviet prisoners-of-war near, 10; rumours concerning, 11; supplies through, threatened by partisans, 12, 13; a German Army plan to kill Hitler at, 14; German orders reach, and are also read in Britain, 15; a German anti-partisan sweep near, 16; imminent German loss of, 17; Germans withdraw from, 18
Smukala (Poland): torture and death at, 1
Sneland I (Norwegian merchant ship): sunk, 1
Snow: in the mountains of Yugoslavia, 1; first flurries of, on Russian front, 2; first flurries of, at Rastenburg, 3; first fall of, in Leningrad, 4; and Germany’s wildest dreams’, 5; falls on the Moscow front (25 October 1941) 6; stays on the ground, at Rastenburg (1 November 1941), 7
‘Snow’: a double agent, 1
Soames, Captain Christopher: helps rescue prisoners-of-war, 1
Sobibor (Poland): a death camp at, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; a revolt in, 13
Sochaczew (Poland): a punishment publicized in, 1
Sochaux-Montbéliard (France): sabotage at, 1
Sochi (Black Sea): 1; a German objective, 2
Socotra (Indian Ocean): a listening post, 1
Soest (Germany): bombed, 1
Sofia (Bulgaria): railway yards at, bombed, 1; an anti-German government formed in, 2; and Churchill’s fear of Soviet control in, 3; in the ‘Soviet sphere’, 4
Soissons (France): Hitler at, 1
Sokal (Poland): on the eve of war, 1
Sokolka (Poland): villagers shot in, 1
Sokolovo (southern Russia): battle at, 1
Sokoly (Poland): Jews murdered in, by Poles, 1
Soldau (East Prussia): a concentration camp at, 1; German mental patients killed at, 2
Solec (Warsaw): holds out, 1
Sollum (Egypt): occupied by Italy, 1, 2; occupied by Rommel, 3; the Barham sunk off, 4
Solnechnogorsk (near Moscow): Germans reach, 1
Solomon Islands (Pacific Ocean): plans for liberation of, 1; the Kako sunk in, 2; American advances in, 3, 4, 5; continuing battles in, 6, 7, 8
Solta Island (Yugoslavia): raid on, 1
Soluch (Cyrenaica): an ill-fated flight from, 1
Somali (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Somaliland: British advance in, 1
Sommer, Margarete: her courageous protest, 1
Somme River (France): Germans reach, 1, 2; French hold, 3; Hitler’s anxiety concerning, 4, 5; battle on, 6; and the Normandy deception plan, 7, 8
Somogyi (a Hungarian Jew): dies at Auschwitz, 1
Sompolno (Poland): Jews of, murdered, 1
Sonnenstein (neat Dresden): medical experiements at, 1
‘Sonya’: receives, and passes on, atomic secrets, 1
Soputa-Sonananda Track (New Guinea): Japanese hold, 1
Sorge, Richard: his espionage work, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; arrested, 12; executed, 13
Soryu (Japanese aircraft carrier): sunk, 1
Sosnkowska, Jadwiga: and the bombing of Warsaw (1939), 1; and the fall of Warsaw (1939), 2
Sosnowiec (East Upper Silesia): labour camp at, 1
Sospel (France): executions in, 1
Souk el-Arba (Tunisia): American parachute landing at, 1
Sousley, Private Franklin R.: and an Iwo Jima photograph, 1
Sousse (Tunisia): overrun, 1
South Africa: declares war on Finland, Hungary and Roumania, 1; troops from, in the Western Desert, 2, 3, 4; pilots from, fly over Auschwitz, 5; a pilot from, wounds Rommel, 6; a pilot from, finds safety in Poland, 7; pilots from, aid Warsaw, 8; pilots from, bomb German-held railways, 9; war dead of, 10; a pilot from, wins the Victoria Cross, 11; troops of, in Italy, 12; Air Force deaths of, 13
South America: Hitler denies designs on, 1; and a cruel deception, 2, 3
Southgate (London): a rocket bomb hits, 1
Southampton (England): troops reach, from France, 1; Polish Government-in-Exile reaches, 2; bravery above, 3; bombed, 4, 5
Southampton (British cruiser): crippled, 1
Southern Rhodesia: volunteers from, 1; Askari war dead from, 2
South Tyrol (Italy): future of, 1
Southwark (London): eighteen people killed at, 1
Souvée, Henri: crosses into Germany, 1
Soviet Far East: troops brought from (May 1941), 1, 2; further troops brought from (October 1941), 3
Soviet—Japanese Neutrality Pact: signed (April 1941), 1
Soviet Union: and the German—Soviet Pact, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; and the Baltic, 7, 8, 9; and Finland, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; and Japan, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; and Lithuania, 27; and Roumania, 28, 29; and atomic secrets, 30, 31, 32; and the German commerce raider Komet, 33; German plans against, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49; German invasion of, 50, 51; British aid to, 52, 53, 54; and American aid to, 55, 56; British Intelligence help to, 57, 58, 59; signs a mutual assistance pact with Britain, 60; and Iran (Persia), 61, 62; decoy British air raids on behalf of, 63; continuing Allied aid to (1943), 64; receives statistics of British war dead, 65; and Hitler’s anti-Bolshevik Legion, 66; and Berlin, 67; and the Jet aircraft, 68; and the Normandy Landings deception plan, 69; receives aerial reconnaissance photographs, 70; and Poland’s post-war frontiers, 71, 72; and the Warsaw uprising, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79; and Bulgaria, 80; and Roumania, 81; and Yugoslavia, 82, 83, 84; and the future of post-war Europe, 85, 86; to have a post-war veto, 87, 88; signs a Treaty with Czechoslovakia, 89; acquires Ruthenia, 90; acquires part of East Prussia, 91; acquires Vilna and Lvov, 92; declares war on Japan, 93, 94, 95; forcible repatriation to, 96; and the ‘iron curtain’, 97; and the Warsaw Pact, 98; and the Marshall Plan, 99; German prisoners-of-war to be returned from, 100; to receive reparations, 101; wartime death toll of, 102; see also index entries for Stalin, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Moscow, Prisoners-of-war
Sowacoad (Amboina Island): fate of prisoners-of-war on, 1
Spaatz, General Carl: and German fuel oil targets, 1; witnesses the final German instrument of surrender, 2; and the choice of Hiroshima as an atomic bomb target, 3
Spain: 1, 2; Hitler’s pressure on, 3, 4, 5; Hitler’s plan for, 6; a British commando finds no refuge in, 7; and an Allied deception, 8; an airman finds safety in, 9; soldiers from, fight on the Eastern Front, 10; and an Allied deception plan, 11; war dead of, on the Eastern Front, 12
Spanish Morocco: German designs on, 1
Spartan (British destroyer): sunk, 1
‘Special Himmler Troops’: carry out reprisals, 1
Special Operations Executive (SOE): established, 1; operations by, in German-occupied Europe, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; a disaster for, in Holland, 22; agents of, hanged, 23, 24, 25; operations of, in the Far East, 26, 27, 28
Special Task Forces (of the SS): in preparation, 1; in action, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
‘Special Unit’: kills mental patients (in 1940), 1
Speer, Albert: and Hitler’s ‘dreams’, 1; and the new Berlin, 2, 3, 4, 5; and Hitler’s plans for Trondheim, 6; and Dr Todt, 7; succeeds Dr Todt, 8; and forced labour, 9; and the bombing of Cologne, 10; and the German rocket bomb, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; and German submarine pens, 16; and the ‘Atlantic Wall’, 17, 18; armaments, and Allied bombing policy, 19, 20; increased authority for, 21; and the Jet aircraft, 22
Spence (US destroyer): losses on, 1
Speyer (Germany): French cross Rhine at, 1
Sphakia (Crete): evacuation from, 1
Spicheren (France): Hitler in, 1
Spitzbergen (Arctic Ocean): a commando raid on, 1
Split (Yugoslavia): Germans seize, 1; and a deception plan, 2; German units at, attacked, 3
Spooner, Rear Admiral E. J.: dies, 1
Sports Palace (Berlin): Hitler speaks in, 1
Springfield (Illinois): and ‘a frenzy of suspicion’, 1
Square of the People: to be built in Berlin, 1
Srebnik, Shimon: survives his would-be execution, 1
Stadtilm (Germany): American forces enter, 1
Stalin, Joseph: and the German—Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty, 1; his sixtieth birthday, 2; and the German—Soviet commercial treaty, 3; receives Intelligence reports from his spy in Tokyo, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; and Japan, 15, 16, 17, 18; and the Baltic States, 19; to be deceived, 20, 21; and German preparations against Russia, 22, 23, 24; General Pavlov’s warning to, 25; caution of, 26, 27; and Yugoslavia, 28, 29, 30; and Russian military preparations (before June 1941), 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36; becomes Soviet Premier, 37; British help for, 38, 39 and the imminence of war, 40, 41, 42, 43; and the coming of war, 44, 45, 46, 47; receives Intelligence from Britain, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55; and American aid, 56; and Hitler’s ‘greatest weakness’, 57; Volga Germans deported by, 58; and the defence of Kiev, 59, 60; and the siege of Leningrad, 61; and the continuing aid from Britain and the United States, 62, 63, 64, 65 and the atomic bomb, 66, 67; and the battle for Moscow, 68, 69; and ‘a war of extermination’, 70; and ‘holy Russia’, 71; and the defence of Stalingrad, 72, 73, 74, 75; and the Second Front, 76; and Churchill, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89; his partisan order, 90; his hopes (March 1943), 91; at Teheran (November 1943), 92; and the political future of Poland (1944), 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98; and the bombing of Berlin, 99; and the liberation of Sevastopol, 100; not to be offended, 101; and ‘a source of joy’ to, 102; and the renewed Soviet offensive (summer 1944), 103, 104; and the Warsaw uprising, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 discusses post-war Europe with Churchill, 114; and Japan, 115, 116, 117 and Greece, 118; and the Allied balance of forces (in February 1945), 119; and German reparations, 120; and Berlin, 121; and Himmler’s offer to surrender to the Western Allies, 122; and the ‘age-long struggle of the Slav nations’, 123; at Potsdam, 124, 125; and Austria, 126; and Poland’s post-war frontiers, 127; and the atomic bomb test, 128; a rehabilitation, after the death of, 129
Stalingrad (Russia): a German objective, 1, 2, 3, 4; German assault on, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; final battles in, 18, 19, 20, 21; diversion of transport aircraft from, 22; gives hope to captive peoples, 23; Soviet counter-offensive near, 24, 25; Intelligence concerning, sent to Stalin, 26; Soviet successes at, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; Goebbels declares ‘victory’ at, 32; von Paulus surrenders at, 33; two days of mourning over, in Berlin, 34
‘Stalingrad Action’: in the Kovno ghetto, 1
Stalino (Russia): Germans reach, 1; Germans evacuate, 2
Stanislawow (Poland): and Soviet partisans, 1; Jews deported to the deaths from, 2; Red Army enters, 3
Star of David: to be ‘a message to go all over the world’, 1
Stara Gradiska (Yugoslavia): Jews murdered at, 1
Staraya Russa (Russia): Germans cut off near, 1; Germans finally driven from, 2
Staraya Sinyava (Russia): Jews murdered in, 1
Stark, Hans: ‘I believed in the Führer’, 1
Stark, Admiral Harold R.: and Japanese intentions, 1; and a ‘warning’, 2
Starokonstantinov (Russia): a Soviet defence line at, 1
Starr, George (‘Hilaire’): sabotage by, 1, 2
Stary Ciepielow (Poland): Poles killed in, 1
Stary Oksyol (south Russia): Germans driven from, 1
Stauffenberg, Ljeutenant Claus von: gravely wounded in Tunisia, 1; and the growing opposition to Hitler, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; and the Bomb Plot, 7; a cousin of, hanged, 8; the man who arrested him, hanged, 9
Stavanger (Norway): and the German invasion of Norway, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; an execution at, 6
Stavelot (Belgium): civilians murdered at, 1
Stavropol (Caucasus): Germans reach, 1
Stawiski (Poland): Germans shoot Jews in, 1
Steckelsdorf (near Berlin): Jews deported from, 1
Steel Seafarer (US merchant ship): sunk, 1
Steenbergen (Holland): airmen shot down over, 1
Stehla (Elbe): American and Soviet soldiers meet at, 1
Stein, Edith: her fate, 1; sanctified, 2
Stein am Rhein (Switzerland): bombed in error, 1
Steiner, SS General Felix: Hitler’s orders to, 1; Hitler disappointed by, 2
Stellbrink, Karl Friedrich: executed, 1
Stenda, Robert: a volunteer, 1; killed, 2
Stepinac, Archbishop: protests from, 1, 2, 3
Stepney (London): rocket bomb deaths in, 1
Sternbeck (Czechoslovakia): Red Army enters, 1
Stettin (Germany): Jews deported from, 1; German troops embark at, 2; an escape through, 3; Hitler demands the holding of the railway line to, 4; acquired by Poland, 5; and the ‘iron curtain’, 6
Stettinius, Edward R.: and Molotov, 1
Stevens, Major R. H.: kidnapped, 1; his kidnapper’s promotion, 2
Steyr (Austria): bombed, 1
Stieff, Major-General Helmuth: and the Hitler bomb plot, 1
Stilwell, General Joseph (‘Vinegar Joe’): withdraws from China to India, 1
Stimson, Henry L.: and the atomic bomb, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Stip (Greece): partisan activity near, 1
Stirling Island (Solomons): New Zealanders land on, 1
Stockholm (Sweden): 1; and a British deception, 2; a V2 rocket examined in, 3
Stojka, Stanislaw: shot, 1
Stok, Flight Lieutenant van der: escapes, 1
Stolbtsy (White Russia): Germans driven back to, 1
Straelen (Germany): Churchill flies from, to view the battle, 1
Stralsund (Germany): victims from, 1
Strank, Sergeant Michael: and an Iwo Jima photograph, 1
Strasbourg (France): Germans advance to, 1; medical experiments in, 2; skeleton collection at, to be destroyed, 3; Allies enter, 4; a war crimes trial at, 5
Strasbourg (French battle cruiser): escapes, 1
Strassburg (Volga): deportations from, 1
‘Stratford’: to land in Norway, 1; and Finland, 2
Straubing (Bavaria): a death, after liberation, in, 1
Strausberg (near Berlin): Red Army at, 1
Streicher, Julius: hanged, 1
Stresa (Italy): a clandestine mission to, 1
Strippel, SS Lieutenant Arnold: found guilty, and awarded compensation, 1
Strong, Brigadier-General George V: reaches London, 1
Stronghold (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Stroop, SS Brigadier Jürgen: and the Warsaw ghetto revolt, 1; executed, 2
Strumen River (Greece): reprisal actions near, 1
Stuart, Captain William F.: in Yugoslavia, 1; killed, 2
Stuckart, Wilhelm: and the ‘Final Solution’, 1
Student, General Kurt: in Holland, 1, 2; on Crete, 3; in the Ruhr, 4, 5
Studland Bay (southern England): a practice invasion at, 1
Stuelpnagel, General Kurt von: and the July Bomb Plot, 1; hanged, 2
Stuelpnagel, Otto von: orders reprisals, 1; commits suicide, 2
‘Suicide Group’: a German pilot proposes, 1
Stumme, General: dies of a heart attack, 1
Stümpff, General Hans-Jurgen: signs the instrument of surrender, 1
Sturdy (British submarine): sinks a Japanese cargo ship, with its passengers, 1
Stureholm (Swedish merchant ship): and an act of rescue, 1
Stuttgart (Germany): bombed, 1; French forces enter, 2
Stutthof (Danzig): a concentration camp at, 1; Poles murdered at, 2; Jews murdered at, 3; mass evacuation from, 4; evacuees from, killed by Allied bombs, 5; evacuees from, at Lübeck, 6
Subic Bay (Philippines): Japanese troops sent from, 1
Suchozebry (Poland): fate of Soviet prisoners-of-war in, 1
Suchumi (Black Sea): a German objective, 1
Suda Bay (Crete): Italian naval action in, 1
Sudan: a survivor reaches England through, 1
Sudetenland: and Hitler’s ‘mission’, 1; expulsions from, 2
Suez Canal (Egypt): 1, 2, 3; danger to, 4; Rommel’s plans for capture of, 5; urgent need for defence of, 6; British to be driven from, 7; Rommel’s final thrust towards, 8
Suffolk, 20th Earl of: in France, 2; killed, 3
‘Sugar Loaf’ (Okinawa): battle for, 1
Sukhiniki (Russia): Russians retake, 1
Sukosan (Yugoslavia): bombed, 1
Sulejow (Poland): bombed, 1
Suluks: revolt of, 1
Sumatra (Dutch East Indies): death of, 1; oil installations on, bombarded, 2; a Japanese surrender on, 3
Sumy (Ukraine): Russians recapture, 1
‘Sunday’: helps escapees, 1
Sunday Express (London): its headline, as Red Army advances, 1
Sunday Times (London): reports whereabouts of an SS officer, 1
Sundberg, Dolores: dies, 1
Sundowner (private yacht): at Dunkirk, 1
Suner, Serano: meets Hitler, 1
Suomussalmi (Finland): battle at, 1, 2
‘Super Fortress’: bombs Japan, 1
Surcouf (French submarine): a sailor killed on, 1
Surplus Property Act (of 1944): amended, 1
Susloparov, General Ivan: and the German surrender, 1
Süssman, Lieutenant-General: killed, 1
Sutlej (British merchant ship): torpedoed, 1
Suttill, Francis: hanged, 1
Sutton Coldfield (England): a secret disclosed at, 1
Suvorov, General: an Order named after, 1
Suwalki (Poland): Poles killed in, 1
Suzuki, Admiral Kantaro: rejects Potsdam Declaration, 1; votes for surrender, 2
Suzuki, General: commits suicide, 1
Sverdlovsk (Urals): evacuations to, 1, 2, 3
Svoboda, Colonel Ludwig: and the battle for Kiev, 1; and the battle for the Carpathians, 2
Swales, Captain E.: his courage, 1
Swansea (Wales): bombed, 1
Swastika: flies on Mount Elbruz (Caucasus), 1; flies in Stalingrad, 2
Sweden: negotiations through, 1; fate of a merchant ship from, 2; and German iron ore, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; and Finland, 9, 10, 11, 12; ‘playing at soldiers’, 13; granite from, Hitler’s plans for, 14; Hitler’s forecast for the Jews of, 15; and Germany’s euthanasia killings, 16; a secret meeting in, 17; a crash landing in, 18; a Norwegian parachutist finds safety in, 19; a Danish patriot smuggled into, 20; Danish Jews find safety in, 21; and an Allied deception plan, 22; Allied escapees reach safety in, 23; a V2 rocket examined in, 24; a diplomat from, protects Jews, 25; Danish resistance fighters escape to, 26; inmates from Ravensbrück evacuated to, 27; and the surrender of Japan, 28
Swedish Embassy (Berlin): bombed, 1
Swedish Stock Exchange (Stockholm): and a British deception plan, 1
Sweeney, Major Charles W.: flies to Kokura, then on to Nagasaki, 1
Swiecie (Poland): murders at, 1
Swiety Krzyz (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Swinemünde (Germany): to become Polish, 1
Switzerland: an escape to, 1; ‘playing at soldiers’, 2; Hitler’s forecast for the Jews in, 3; to allow Jews in, 4; a secret design smuggled through, 5; Jews smuggled to, 6; news of Auschwitz reaches, 7; negotiations through, and an execution, 8; bombs fall on, in error, 9, 10; an SS General negotiates with the Allies in, 11; and the surrender of Japan, 12
‘Sword’ Beach (Normandy): landing at, 1
Sword of Honour: awarded (to Stalingrad), 1
Swords (to Knight’s Cross): awarded, 1, 2
Sydney (Australia): Japanese submarine attack on, 1
Sydney (Nova Scotia): convoys from, 1, 2, 3
Sydney (Australian cruiser): in action, 1; sunk, 2
Sylt (Germany): bombed, 1
Sym, Igo: shot, 1
Syracuse (Sicily): British forces enter, 1
Syria: plans for, 1; arms from, 2; battle for, 3
Szabo, Violette: captured, 1; executed, 2
Szalasi, Major: sets up government in Budapest, 1
Szarkowszczyzna (eastern Poland): Jews killed at, 1
Szczgiel, and his son: shot, 1
Szczurowa (southern Poland): Gypsies murdered at, 1
Szeged (Hungary): Red Army reaches, 1
Szekesfehervar (Hungary): a German counter-attack at, 1; German defences at, broken, 2
Szenes, Hannah: her parachute mission, 1; executed, 2
Sztojay, Dome: comes to power in Hungary, 1
‘T.4’: and Germany’s euthanasia programme, 1, 2, 3, 4
T-34 (Russian tank): in action, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
TGD.: an unbroken German communications link, 1
TNT (trinitrotoluol): Britain acquires, 1
Tabarka (Tunisia): British forces occupy, 1
Tabau, Jerzy: an eye-witness at Auschwitz, 1
Tacloban (Philippines): a landing near, 1
Taelveg (Norway): resistance and reprisals in, 1
Taganrog (Russia): Germans reach, 1; Germans evacuate, 2; Russians re-enter, 3; an eye-witness to mass murder in, 4
Tahitians: at Bir Hakeim, 1
Taiho (Japanese aircraft carrier): sunk, 1
Taiwan: see index entry for Formosa
Takao (Formosa): a ship bombed in, 1
Takao (Japanese cruiser): disabled, 1
Takrouna (Tunisia): battle at, 1
‘Tallboy’ (12,000 pound bomb): used against the Tirpitz, 1
Tallinn (Estonia): evacuation of, 1; murders in, 2; Red Army enters, 3
Tamandu (Burma): Japanese driven from, 1
Tamils: ‘die like flies’, 1
Tamu (India-Burma border): a mission crosses, 1
Tanaka, Colonel: no prisoners to be taken by, 1
Tanambogo (Solomons): landing on, 1
Tangmere (southern England): missions to France from, 1, 2
Tank Annihilation Squads: on the Eastern Front, 1
Tankan Bay (Kurile Islands): and Pearl Harbour, 1
Tannenberg (East Prussia): German troops evacuate, 1
Tarakan Island (Dutch Borneo): Japanese land on, 1; Japanese complete conquest of, 2; Australian troops land on, 3
Tarana (British naval vessel): rescues prisoners-of-war, 1
Taranto (Italy): naval battle off, 1; Allies seize, 2
Tarauchi, Field Marshal: laid low, 1
Tarawa Artoll (Gilbert Islands): Japanese land at, 1; Americans land on, 2
Target for Tonight (film): 1
Tarnopol (Eastern Galicia): 1; a partisan group at, 2; Jews murdered in, 3; Jews deported to their deaths from, 4; Red Army captures, 5
Tarnow (Poland): Poles sent to Auschwitz from, 1
Tarsao Camp (Burma-Thailand): deaths in, 1
Tartu (Estonia): Germans reach, 1; Jews murdered in, 2; Soviet forces enter, 3
Tarusa (Russia): occupied, 1
Tass (Soviet News Agency): and Finland, 1
Tassafaronga (Solomon Islands): battle off, 1
‘Tate’: a double-agent, 1
Tébessa (Tunisia): Rommel halted at, 1.
Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur: and ‘an awful load of hatred’, 1; witnesses the final instrument of surrender, 2
Teheran (Persia): Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt meet at, 1
Teleki, Count Pal: commits suicide, 1
Temple, Captain Neville: killed, 1
Tempelhof airport (Berlin): British bombs fall near, 1; Russians seize, 2
Tench, Colonel Charles: lands on Japanese soil, 1
Tenedos (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Teniers: paintings by, looted, 1
Tenna River (Italy): a rescue mission to, 1
Tennant, Captain: at Dunkirk, 1
Tenneville (Ardennes): Germans driven from, 1
Terboven, Josef: in Norway, 1, 2, 3; and the Jews, 4; proclaims a state of emergency, 5; commits suicide, 6
Terek Region (Caucasus): counter-attack in, 1
Terioki (Finland): Finns enter, 1
Termoli (Italy): a rescue mission from, 1
Tessy (Normandy): a Panzer Division reaches, 1
Thadden, Elizabeth von: betrayed, and arrested, 1; hanged, 2
Thaelmann, Ernst: shot, 1
Thailand (Siam): Japanese invade, 1; and the ‘Railway of Death’, 2, 3, 4; end of the war in, 5; and a route of pilgrimage, 6
Thames Estuary (England): and convoys, 1; and the magnetic mine, 2
Thanbyuzayat (Burma): and the ‘Railway of Death’, 1
Thasos (Greece): Germans occupy, 1
Thaton (Burma): Japanese in, surrender, 1
The Eternal Jew (film): anti-Semitic, 1, 2
‘The Golden Gate in Forty-Eight’: An American soldiers’ slogan, 1
The Times (London): and a Jewish pledge, 1; and ‘Mass Butchery in Poland’, 2; and an act of sabotage-deception, 3; and a protest about Hirohito’s funeral, 4
Theresienstadt (north of Prague): a concentration camp ghetto established at, 1; Jews deported from, to their deaths, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Jews from, at Maly Trostenets, 13; Jews being deported to, as the war ends, 14
Thermopylae (Greece): Allied defence of, 1; Allied troops forced to withdraw from, 2
Thessaly (Greece): resistance in, 1, 2
Theune (Walcheren Island): a bombing disaster in, 1
Thiel, Dr: killed, 1
Thielbeck (German refugee ship): at Lübeck, 1; sunk, 2
Thielt (Belgium): a gap near, 1
Thierack, Otto: and the fate of ‘asocials’, 1; commits suicide, 2
Thijssen, Jan: shot, 1
Thionville (France): bombed, 1
Third World War, the: the ‘first casualty’ in, 1
Thirty Years’ War: cited as a precedent for mass murder, 1
Thomas, General Wilhelm Ritter von: and the German rocket bomb, 1
Thomas, Sergeant Ernest T.: raises the flag, 1
Tomas F. Nickel (US destroyer): sunk, 1
Thomsen, Hans: and ‘Magic’, 1
Thor (German commerce raider): its success, 1
Thousand Year Reich, the: at an end, 1; recalled, 2
Thrace (a province of Greece): to be annexed by Bulgaria, 1; deportation of Jews from, 2
Thümmel, Paul: a vital source, 1, 2
Thuringia (Germany): and Dr Karl Brandt’s dismissal, 1
Thursby, Flight Sergeant Reginald: shot down (1944), 1; his remains found, and buried (1985), 2
Thyssen, Fritz: his protest, 1
Tibbets, Colonel Paul: and the atomic bomb, 1
Tientsin (China): Japanese action at, 1
Tiergarten (Berlin): fighting in, 1
Tiesenhausen, Lieutenant von: sinks the Barham, 1
Tiger Tanks: in action at Kursk, 1
Tigris (British submarine): in North Russia, 1
Tikhvin (near Leningrad): Germans approach, 1; Germans occupy, 2; Russians attack, 3; Russians gain, 4, 5
Tilsit (Germany): Jews murdered near, 1
Time magazine (New York): a report in, from Saipan Island, 1
Time and Tide (London): a protest to, 1
Time Square (New York): dancing in, 1
Timor (Duch East Indies): struggle on, 1
Timoshenko, General Semyon Konstantinovich: and Finland, 1; and the German danger, 2, 3, 4; final preparations by, 5; and the eve of war, 6, 7; and the coming of war, 8; and the Soviet withdrawal from Kiev, 9; and the defence of Stalingrad, 10
Tinian Island (Marianas): battle on, 1, 2; mass suicide on, 3; American bombers from, attack Tokyo, 4; the atomic bomb brought to, 5; two atomic bombs flown from, 6, 7
Tinnsjo, Lake (Norway): heavy water goest to bottom of, 1
Tipperary (Eire): a hero from, 1
Tippoo Sultan: his descendant a Resistance heroine, 1
Tirpitz (German battleship): in preparation, 1; in the Arctic, 2; its dry dock, attacked, 3; in northern Norway, 4; a plan of attack against, 5; disabled, 6; bombed, 7; sunk, 8
Tisza River (Hungary): Soviet forces cross, 1, 2
Titian: paintings by, evacuated, 1
Tito (Josip Broz): leads Communist partisan forces in Yugoslavia, 1, 2, 3; a British emissary reaches, 4; attacked by Mihailovic, 5; an anti-partisan sweep against, 6, 7, 8; British air supplies for, 9; an Allied mission at, 10; continued efforts of, 11; forced to move his headquarters yet again, 12; an offensive by, 13; a German attempt to capture, 14; fights side by side with Red Army, 15; flies to Moscow, 16; signs a treaty with the Soviet Union, 17
Tiulenev, General: and the imminence of war, 1
Tjebia Island (off Sumatra): deaths on, 1
Tjilatjap (Java): an abortive mission to, 1
Tlumacz (Eastern Galicia): Jews deported to their deaths from, 1
Tobruk (Libya): 1, 2, 3, 4; the Italians driven from, 5; Australian troops besieged in, 6, 7, 8; to be ‘eliminated’, 9; a ship sunk off, 10; German siege of, broken, 11; Rommel withdraws west of, 12; Rommel advances towards, 13; Rommel attacks, 14; Rommel takes, 15; an unsuccessful attack on, 16; Rommel’s fuel ships sunk at, 17; Rommel forced to abandon, 18
Todt, Dr Fritz: and the labour camp system, 1, 2; and Hitler’s musings, 3; his warnings, 4, 5; killed, 6; his funeral, 7
Todt Organization: see index entry for Organization Todt
To Hell and Back (film): a soldier’s story, 1
Togo, Shigenori: and a Japanese message about a negotiated peace, 1; votes for surrender, 2
Tojo, General Hideki: comes to power in Tokyo, 1; executed, 2
Tokyo (Japan): a new Government in (July 1940), 1; Intelligence reports reach Stalin from, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; information required by, about Pearl Harbour, 11; a practice black out in, 12; and the order to attack Pearl Harbour, 13; reinforcements sent for, from, 14; bombed, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; and Guadalcanal, 21; and the death of Yamamoto, 22; a message to, about Hitler’s strategy, read in London and Washington, 23; a message to, about no imminent cross-Channel landing, read in London, 24 and the Normandy Landings deception, 25; and Resistance in Italy, 26; and the German oil shortage, 27, 28; a Soviet spy executed in, 29; and the atomic bomb, 30, 31; and the resolve to fight on ‘to the bitter end’, 32; and the sinking of the Indianapolis, 33; a final bombing raid on, 34; MacArthur moves to, 35; war crimes trials to be held in, 36
Tokyo Bay (Japan): and the surrender of Japan, 1
Tokyo War Crimes Trials: evidence at, 1, 2
Tolbukhin, Marshal Fedor Ivanovich: and the liberation of the Crimea, 1, 2
Tolmezzo (Italy): Italian partisans killed near, 1
Toner, Second Lieutenant Robert F.: dies in the desert, 1; his skeleton and his diary discovered, 2
Tonkiele (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Tonkin, J. E.: parachuted behind German lines, 1
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Paris): wreaths laid at (1940), 1
Tone (Japanese heavy cruiser): sunk, 1
Toombs, Private Alfred: eye-witness to a massacre, 1
Topf, J. A. and Son: renew a crematorium patent, 1
Topham, Corporal F. G.: his courage, 1
Topola (Yugoslavia): and a reprisal action, 1
Torgau (Elbe): American and Soviet forces meet at, 1
Torigni (Normandy): a German Division reaches, 1
Torun (Poland): a concentration camp at, 1; encircled, 2
Tosno (near Leningrad): fighting at, 1
Total War Mobilization: Goering made Reich Commissar for, 1
Touff, Rabbi Elio: warned in time, 1
Toul (France): two German spies executed at, 1
Toulon (France): French warships reach, 1; German plans to control, 2, 3; Allied landing near, 4, 5; Allies enter, 6
Toulouse (France): an airman shot down over, reaches safety, 1; a German Division moves from, 2
Tournai (France): Germans advance to, 1
Tours (France): French Government at, 1; a British agent lands at, 2; sabotage near, 3
Tovey, Admiral Sir John: and the destruction of the Bismarck, 1
Tractor Factory (Stalingrad): holds out, 1
Trajkovic, Sloboda: murdered, 1
Transcaucasia (Soviet Union): to be used as a German base, 1
Transjordan Frontier Force: enters Iraq, 1
Transition Agreement: establishes West Germany as a State, 1
‘Transportation’: a plan to destroy German railway yards, 1, 2
Trans-Siberian Railway: and Soviet goods for Germany, 1
Transylvania: Red Army enters, 1
Trappes (France): bombed, 1, 2
Treaty of Dunkirk: signed, 1
Treaty of Versailles: and Poland, 1; and ‘unconditional surrender’, 2
Treblinka (Poland): a death camp at, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; revolt at, 13; discovery of evidence concerning, 14
Trencin (Slovakia): uprising in, 1
Trent, Leonard Henry: his leadership, 1
Trentino (Italy): Germans take control in, 1
Trento (Italian heavy cruiser): sunk, 1
Trepper, Leopold: one of Stalin’s spies, 1, 2, 3
Treschkow, Major-General Henning von, 1; and the first and second German officers’ plans to kill Hitler (March 1943), 2, 3; commits suicide (July 1944), 4
Treuenbrietzen (south of Berlin): Red Army enters, 1
Tributs: Admiral Vladimir Filipovich: and German plans, 1, 2; and the evacuation of Tallinn, 3
Trident (British submarine): in North Russia, 1; torpedoes the Prinz Eugen 2
Tri Duby (Slovakia): and an escape line, 1
Trieste (Italy): German control in, 1; Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 2, 3, 4; a partisan from, shot, 5; and the ‘iron curtain’, 6
Trignano viaduct (Italy): attacked, 1
Trincomalee (Ceylon): naval losses at, 1
Trinidad: German submarines near, 1
Trinidad (British cruiser): crippled, 1; sunk, 2
Tripartite Pact (of Germany, Italy and Japan): 1; Roumania and Slovakia join, 2; Bulgaria refuses to join, 3; Bulgaria joins, 4; Yugoslavia joins, 5; denounced, 6
Tripoli (Libya): German reinforcements for, 1, 2; Hitler urges retention of, 3; petrol barges sunk near, 4; Germans and Italians driven from, 5
Tripolitania (Libya): ‘must be held’, 1
Triumphal Arch: to be built in Berlin, 1
Trobriand Islands (Pacific): Americans land on, 1
Tromsö (Norway): King Haakon embarks from, 1; Jews deported from, 2; submariners buried in, 3; Tirpitz sunk at, 4
Trondheim (Norway): Allied plans for, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; Hitler’s plans for, 9, 10; Jews deported from, 11; and a deception plan, 12; and a torpedo mission, 13; executions in, 14; and an Allied deception plan, 15; a German bomber seeks sanctuary in Britain from, 16
Troppe, Alfred: warns Hitler, 1
Trotobas, Michael: parachuted into France, 1; his sabotage mission, 2; caught and killed, 3
Trott zu Solz, Adam von: hanged, 1
‘Troy’ (escape line): an organizer of, executed, 1
Truk Island (Carolines): Americans attack, 1; Americans attack again, 2; Japanese troops on, surrender, 3
Truman, Harry S.: succeeds Roosevelt, 1; and the death of Ernie Pyle, 2; and the atomic bomb, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; and the American-Soviet demarcation line in Europe, 10; Churchill sets out his fears to, 11; at Potsdam, 12; and an offer of peace to Japan, 13, 14; and Japan’s willingness to surrender, 15
Trus, Kirill: executed, 1
Truskolasy (Poland): Poles executed at, 1
Tsakiropolous (a member of the Foreign Legion): decapitated, 1
Tschurkin, Ivan: killed, 1
Tsimlyansky (southern Russia): Germans reach, 1
Tsymbal: Sergeant Andrei: a partisan, in action, 1
Tuapse (Black Sea): a German objective, 1
‘Tube Alloys’: atomic bomb research, 1, 2, 3; and German installations, 4
Tuchola (Poland): Hitler visits, 1
Tuguegarao (Philippines): Japanese capture, 1
Tula (Russia): evacuations from, 1; battle near, 2; parachutists trained at, 3
Tulagi (Solomon Islands): Japanese attack on, 1; landing on, 2; battle near, 3
Tulasne, Major Jean-Louis: in action at Kursk, 1
Tulle (France): reprisals in, 1; ambushes near, 2
Tulloch, Major: behind the line in Burma, 1
Tunis (Tunisia): to be held, 1, 2, 3; the Jews in, and the Italians, 4; to be ‘the Verdun of the Mediterranean’ (Hitler), 5; battle for, 6, 7; captured, 8; Pantelleria Island attacked from, 9
Tunisia: the struggle for, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; final phase of the battle in, 13, 14, 15; Axis surrender in, 16
‘Tunisian Tip’: Axis forces withdraw into, 1
Turciansky St. Martin: seized, 1
Turek (Poland): ill-treatment of Jews in, 1
Turin (Italy): bombed, 1, 2; a pilot killed over, 3; a strike in, 4; Italian partisans active near, 5; Italian partisans seize control of, 6; American troops enter, 7
Turkey: proclaims ‘non-belligerency’, 1; and Hitler’s eastern plans, 2; maintains neutrality, 3; Jews find refuge in, 4; and an Allied deception plan, 5; and a British-organized escape line, 6; ends chrome shipments to Germany, 7; declares war on Germany, 8; Soviet pressure on, 9
Turku (Finland): attack on, repulsed, 1
Turnu Severin (Roumania, Danube): Red Army reaches, 1
Tuscany (Italy): and a parachute mission, 1
Tutcheva, Vera: her husband rehabilitated, 1
Tuttlingen (Upper Danube): a mass grave discovered at, 1
Twelfth British Army: and an Allied deception, 1
Two-Ocean Navy Expansion Act: signed, 1
Tyre (Lebanon): British troops enter, 1
Tyszelman, Szmul: executed, 1
U-29 (German submarine): and the Courageous, 1
U-30: and the Athenia, 1
U-32: forced to surface, 1
U-33: sunk, 1
U-47: sinks the Royal Oak, 1; sunk, 2
U-81: sinks the Ark Royal, 1
U-96: sunk, 1
U-110: captured, 1
U-156: sinks the Laconia, 1
U-176: destroyed, 1
U-192: sunk, 1
U-234: surrenders to the Americans (12 May 1945), 1
U-331: sinks the Barham, 1
U-559: sunk off the Nile Delta, 1
U-567: lost without trace, 1
U-630: sunk, 1
U-2336: sinks two Allied merchant ships (on 7 May 1945), 1
Ube (Japan): bombed, 1
Udet, Ernst: insulted, 1; commits suicide, 2
Uelzen (Germany): a German counter-attack near, 1
Ukraine, the: German designs on, 1; the evacuation of factories from, 2; Jews killed in, 3; battles in, 4; poor roads of, 5; Soviet partisans in, 6; discontent in, 7
Ulex, General: protests, 1
Uljan Island (Yugoslavia): Italians occupy, 1
Ullersdorf (Germany): slave labour at, 1
Ulm (Germany): Rommel’s State funeral in, 1
Ulster (Northern Island): American troops reach, 1
‘Ultra’: the combined ‘Enigma’, ‘Purple’ and ‘C38m’ decrypts, brought into a standard form, 1; and the German withdrawal across the Straits of Messina, 2; and the Normany Landings deception plans, 3; and General Guderian’s itinerary, 4; and German strength in north-western France, 5, 6, 7; and oil, 8; and a proposed German ruse, 9; and the German assessment of Allied cross-Channel timing, 10; and the effect of Allied deception plans in Normandy, 11, 12, 13; and the Normandy battle, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19; and the ‘Flying Bomb’, 20; and German fuel shortages, 21; and Hitler’s orders to hold the Scheldt, 22; and growing partisan activity in northern Italy, 23; and the pressure on German raiways, 24; and the arrest of German agents in America, 25; and the Allied bombing of the Saar road and rail network, 26; and ‘firestorms’, 27; and German atomic energy research, 28; and the Granville raid (March 1945), 29; and the crossing of the Rhine, 30; and a counter-offensive in the Ruhr, 31; and a counter-attack towards Eisenach, 32; and a grave German food shortage, 33; see also index entries for ‘Enigma’, ‘Magic’, ‘Purple’, ‘C38m’
Uman (Ukraine): Hitler and Mussolini visit, 1; mass murder of Jews at, 2
Umanskii, Constantine Alexandrovich: 1; receives warnings of German intentions, 2
Umezu, General Yoshijiro: signs instrument of surrender, 1
Uncle Sam: not on Bataan, 1
Union Factory (Auschwitz): 1, 2; and a revolt at Auschwitz, 3
Union Jack: flies again, in Singapore, 1
‘United Nations’: established, 1; committed to the ‘destruction’ of German and Japanese militarism, 2; and aid to Russia, 3; and the continuing war, 4; and the ‘grand pacification’ of Europe, 5
United Nations Charter: signed, 1; and the future of Europe, 2
United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF): established, 1
United Nations Organization: estalished, 1
United Nations War Crimes Commission: estalished, 1
United States the: and the Athenia, 1; and a peace mission, 2; ‘powerful aid’ from, 3, 4; and the fall of France, 5, 6, 7; and the sinking of the Lancastria, 8; industrial resources of, and France, 9; and the future of Britain, 10; its tenacious neutrality, 11; its continuing aid to Britain, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19; and Mers-el-Kebir, 20; and Japan (in 1940), 21, 22; volunteers from, reach Britain, 23; senior officers from, reach Britain, 24; Intelligence sharing of, with Britain, 25; and a German spy, 26; and China (in 1940), 27; the ‘arsenal of democracy’, 28; warns Russia of impending attack, 29; and the Jews, 30; 31; 32; and Iceland, 33, 34; German and Italian assets in, frozen, 35; Churchill’s broadcast to (June 1941), 36; and the atomic bomb, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54; aid to Russia from, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61; and Japan (in 1941), 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69; and Germany (in 1941), 70, 71, 72; Roumania and Bulgaria declare war on, 73; Combined Chiefs of Staff set up in, 74; German submarine successes off, 75, 76, 77; and the Philippines, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92; troops from, reach Britain, 93, 94; troops from, surrender in Rangoon, 95; Signals Intelligence successes of, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100; and an Enigma success, 101; a Japanese submarine off the Pacific Coast of, 102; aid to British forces in Egypt from, 103, 104, 105; and the Dieppe raid, 106; Japanese bombs fall on, 107; an airman from, betrayed, 108; ‘we cannot reach’, (Hitler), 109; protests against the deportation of Hungarian Jews, 110; and the Warsaw uprising, 111, 112, 113; to have a post-war veto, 114, 115; imposes a veto on news on kamikaze pilots, 116; war dead of (by January 1945), 117; and Hiroshima, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122; and Nagasaki, 123; and Japan’s suggestion for a negotiated peace, 124; a Signals Intelligence failure of, 125; German scientists reach, 126; and post-war atomic power, 127; war dead brought back to, 128; agreements of, with Japan, 129; and Nazi war criminals, 130, 131; Jews from, revisit Germany, 132; wartime death toll of, 133
see also index entries for
Roosevelt, Washington, ‘Ultra’, ‘Magic’, ‘Purple’
United States Army Air Force: and war supplies for Britain (1940), 1; and oil, 2
United States Congress: and Japan, 1; and Lend Lease, 2; and the arming of American merchant ships, 3; Churchill’s address to, 4
United States Eighth Air Force: an early target of, 1; strikes into Germany, 2, 3; launches ‘Blitz Week’, 4
United States Treasury: and money for resistance in Poland, 1
Unknown Soldier of the Second World War: a memorial to, unveiled (1958), 1
Unter den Linden (Berlin): and Dachau, 1
Upham, Second Lieutenant Charles: his courage, 1
Upper Silesia: repression in, 1; mass evacuations from, 2; acquired by Poland, 3
Ural mountains: 1, 2, 3, 4; to be Russia’s new frontier, 5; factories transferred to, 6, 7, 8
Ural Maru (Japanese transport ship): torpedoed, 1
Uranium: as a source of explosive power, 1, 2, 3, 4; and a German factory, to be bombed, 5; handed to a Soviet diplomat, 6
Uranus: and uranium, 1
Ursel (Belgium): a gap near, 1
Uruguay: and the Graf Spee, 1
Urville-Hague (Cherbourg Peninsula): an intercept station at, destroyed, 1
Ushachi (White Russia): Jews murdered at, 1
Ushijima, General: commits suicide, 1
Ushio (Japanese destroyer): put out of action, 1; survives the war, 2
Usmiani, Major Antonio: released, 1
‘Utah’ Beach (Normandy): an American landing on, 1; a German naval attack on, 2
Utrecht (Holland): ‘Death Candidates’ in, 1
Uzda (Russia): an anti-Partisan sweep near, 1
Uzice (Yugoslavia): Tito’s partisans capture, 1
‘V1’: the German pilotless plane (‘Flying Bomb’), in preparation, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; launched, 8, 9, 10; used against Antwerp, 11
‘V2’: the German rocket bomb, 1, 2, 3, 4; the assembly factory for, bombed, 5; misfired, is examined in Sweden and in Britain, 6; a warning concerning, 7; fails to explode, and smuggled into Britain, 8; launched against Britain, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; launched against Antwerp, 15, 16, 17; evacuated from Peenemünde, 18; launched from Holland, 19, 20; tested, by the British, 21
V.E. Day (Victory in Europe Day): 1
Vac (Hungary): Red Army crosses Danube at, 1
‘Valentin’ (Lieutenant Joly): killed, 1
Valetta Harbour (Malta): bombed, 1; a convoy enters, 2
Valiant (British battleship): reaches Egypt, 1; escorts troops to Crete, 2; in action off Matapan, 3; damaged off Crete, 4; badly damaged at Alexandria, 5
‘Valter’: Tito’s name in Moscow, 1
Vampire (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Van Dyk: paintings by, evacuated, 1
Vandegrift, Major-General Alexander A.: and Japanese soldiers in action, 1
Vanhove, Joseph Jan: a German spy, hanged, 1
Vannes (France): occupied, 1; a clandestine operation at, 2
Vatican, the: warned, 1; warnings sent out from, 2; shelters Jews, 3
Vaulot, Eugene: wins the Knight’s Cross, 1, 2
Vederso (Denmark): a funeral in, 1
Vedral, General: killed, 1
Veesenmayer, SS Brigadier-General Dr Edmund: and the deportation of Jews from Hungary, 1
Vegesack (Germany): bombed, 1
Velikiye Luki (Russia): battle at, 1; partisans near, 2; Germans driven from, 3
Velizh (Russia): partisans near, 1
Vella Lavella Island (Solomons): Americans land on, 1; Japanese hold out on, 2
Velletri (Italy): Americans enter, 1
Venev (near Moscow): Germans attacked at, 1; Germans drive Russians from, 2; battle near, 3
Venice (Italy): a report from, about Italian resistance, 1
Venlo (Holland): a kidnap at, 1
Ventotene Island (Bay of Naples): captured, 1
Vercors (France): an anti-Resistance sweep in, 1
Verdun (France): the ‘hero’ of, 1; captured by the Germans, 2, 3; Tunis to be ‘the Verdun of the Mediterranean’, 4; an attempted suicide (1944) on the battlefield of, 5
Verona (Italy): Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 1; Italian partisans in, betrayed, 2
Verkhne-Bakanskaya (Caucasus): reprisals at, 1
Vermork (Norway): to be attacked, 1; parachutists near, 2; a second parachute landing near, 3; a bombing raid on, 4
Vernon (France): British troops cross Seine at, 1; Allies advance beyond, 2
Verona (Italy): Italian troops leave for Russia from, 1; a trial, and executions in, 2; a parachutist, tortured in, 3; Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 4
Versailles (France): Germans to enter, 1
Vershovsky (Mayor of Kremenchug): shot, 1
Versis, Major: commits suicide, 1
Velasquez: paintings by, evacuated, 1
Velichko, Captain P. A.: parachuted into Slovakia, 1; seizes a Slovak town, 2
Vian, Captain Philip: rewarded, 1
Vianga (North Russia): British pilots in action near, 1
‘Vic’: an escape line, 1
Vichy France: Pétain’s Government at, 1; and French Indo-China, 2, 3, 4; Hitler’s demands on, 5, 6; possible British bombing of, 7; and Syria, 8, 9, 10, 11; loses Gabon, 12; Hitler’s planned occupation of, 13; police force of, hand over a refugee, 14; and Madagascar, 15; and the Allied landings in North Africa, 16, 17; and the Jews, 18; occupied by Germany, 19, 20
Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy: and the fall of Mussolini, 1, 2; soldiers loyal to, 3
Victoria Cross: awarded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; a winner of, killed five years later on a bombing mission, 26
Victoria Point (Burma): evacuated, 1
Victoria Station (London): a plane crashes on, 1; a ‘Flying Bomb’ hits, 2; a boat train leaves, for Paris, 3; Hirohito met at, 4
Victorious (British aircraft carrier): in action, 1
‘Victory or Siberia’: a slogan in Berlin, 1
Victory Day: in the Soviet Union (9 May 1945), 1; in Yugoslavia (15 May 1945), 2
Vienna (Austria): 1; and Hitler’s mission, 2; Jews deported from, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; and Napoleon’s son, 8; Hitler in, 9, 10; Flak Towers to be built in, 11; Jews from, at Maly Trostenets, 12; executions in, 13; Red Army approaches, 14, 15, 16; fighting in suburbs of, 17, 18; Red Army master of, 19; future of, discussed at Potsdam, 20; in the ‘Soviet sphere’, 21
Vietinghoff, General von: refused permission to withdraw, 1; agrees to unconditional surrender, 2
Vigan (Philippines): Japanese land at, 1
Viipuri (Finland): attacked, 1
Vila (Kolombangara Island): skirmish off, 1
Villaines (France): two commandos killed at, 1
Villefranche (France): fighting at, 1
Vilna (Poland): Jews murdered near, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Jews in ghetto of, 7; the fate of a Soviet prisoner-of-war and a Jewess in, 8; Jews mourn in, 9; Jews in, contemplate resistance, 10; sabotage and reprisals in, 11; a Jewish revolt near, 12; the Red Army enters, 13; acquired by Russia, 14
Vincennes (US heavy cruiser): sunk, 1
Vinnitsa (Ukraine): Germans advance towards, 1; Jews killed in, 2, 3; Hitler’s ‘Werewolf’ headquarters in, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Red Army enters, 11
Vinogradov, General: in Finland, 1, 2
Vire (Normandy): Americans enter, 1
Vis Island (Adriatic Sea): Tito flies to Moscow from, 1
Visegrad (Yugoslavia): a German defence line at, 1
Vishinsky, Andrei: and the Warsaw uprising, 1
Vistel, Alban: his protest, 1
Vistula River (Poland): and the German-Soviet partition of Poland, 1; and the Red Army’s advance, 2; and the Warsaw uprising, 3, 4, 5
Vistula Army Group: Himmler given command of, 1; in action, 2; Himmler’s successonat, dismissed, 3
Vitebsk (Russia): 1, 2; Soviet partisans near, 3, 4, 5; Jews murdered in, 6, 7; a defence line to be strengthened near, 8; Russians attack east of, 9; a tenacious German defence at, 10; an eye-witness to mass murder at, 11; battle for, 12; a partisan success at, 13; Red Army enters, 14; a German general captured near, paraded in Moscow, 15
Vittel (France): Jews sent to Auschwitz from, 1
Vivant, Louis: escapes, 1
Vizagapatam (India): bombed, 1
Vladivostok (Soviet Far East): and Japan, 1; an American bomber crashes near, 2
Vodice (Yugoslavia): bombed, 1
Vogelsang (East Prussia): fighting near, 1
Volga River (Russia): 1; Soviet troops move westward from, 2; children evacuated to, 3; deportations from, 4; factory evacuations to, 5, 6; Soviet Government evacuated to, 7; and Hitler’s proposed ‘East Wall’, 8; German forces reach, 9; 10; a counter-attack on, 11; Siberian troops cross, 12; Soviet soldiers ferried to safety across, 13; battle on banks of, at Stalingrad, 14
Volkenrode (Germany): aviation experts brought to Britain from, 1
Völkischer Beobachter (Berlin): and the Russian soldier’s ‘contempt for death’, 1; and the imminent arrival of the Allies on German soil, 2
Volkovysk (Poland): a signals centre, 1
Vologda (Russia): railway line to, cut, 1
Volokolamsk (Moscow region): Germans reach, 1; courage near, 2; Russians recapture, 3
Volos (Greece): ships sunk at, 1
Voltaire (British armed merchant cruiser): sunk, 1
Vomécourt, Pierre de: parachuted into France (1441), 1
Vonnegut, Kurt: and the aftermath of Dresden, 1
Vormann, General Nikolaus von: finds Hitler ‘a tired, broken man’, 1
Voronezh (Russia): a German objective, 1; captured, 2; a German defence line near, 3; Germans driven from, 4; battles west of, 5
Voroshilov, Marshal Klimenti: 1, 2, 3, 4
Voroshilovgrad (southern Russia): Germans lose, 1
‘Vulture’: a German cypher key, broken, 1, 2
Vyazma (Russia): Germans advance towards, 1; partisan activity to be carried out near, 2; a defence line near, 3; Russians driven back to, 4; Russians forced to abandon, 5; partisan activity near, 6, 7; Russian parachute troops reach, 8; Red Army liberates, 9; German retreat west of, 10
Vytegra (North Russia): reinforcements group at, 1
Wachtel, Colonel: and the ‘Flying Bomb’, 1
Waddell, Sub-Lieutenant Alexander: on a Japanese-held island, 1
Wadke Island (Pacific): battle on, 1
Waechtler, Fritz: executed, 1
Wageningen (Holland): German surrender signed in, 1
Wagner, General Eduard: and ‘guerrilla war’, 1; and Hitler’s ‘intention’, 2; and the death sentence, 3; and the battle for Moscow, 4, 5
Wagner, Dr Herbert: surrenders to the Americans, 1
Wagner, Robert: hanged, 1
Wainwright, Lieutenant General Jonathan M.: on Corregidor, 1; surrenders, 2; returns from captivity, 3
Wake (US gunboat): surrenders, 1
Wakefield (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Wake Island (Pacific): to be re-inforced, 1, 2; bombed, 3; defended, 4; overrun, 5; attacked in retaliation, 6; fate of American prisoners-of-war on, 7; Japanese soldiers on, lay down their arms, 8; Japanese officers on, taken for trial, 9; a 1941 mission to, recalled, 10
Walcheren Island (Holland): to be held, 1; bombed, 2; seized, 3, 4
Waldau, General Hoffman von: and German successes in Russia, 1; and the ‘real trial’ to come, 2; ‘our wildest dreams… washed out’, 3 Waldheim, Lieutenant Kurt: in Russia, 4; in Yugoslavia, 5; in Greece, 6, 7, 8; his medal, 9
Wales: German ‘agents’ in, 1
Walke (US destroyer): suicide attack on, 1
Walker, Able Seaman: and an Allied air raid on Germany, 1
Wallace, Henry: and Truman’s reluctance to drop a third atomic bomb, 1
Wallenberg, Raoul: protects Jews, 1, 2, 3; imprisoned, 4
Wallis, Dr Barnes: and the ‘bouncing bomb’. 1
Walloon Legion: in action on the Eastern Front, 1
Walmer Castle (British merchant ship): sunk, 1
Walter, Helmuth: agrees to help Western Allies, 1; reaches Britain, 2
Wandsworth Prison (London): a spy, shot in, 1
Wannsee (Berlin): a discussion at, on the ‘Final Solution’, 1
Wansen (Silesia): a German counter-attack near, 1
Warburton-Lee, Captain: killed, 1
‘War of the Rails’ (‘Rail War’): declared by the Soviet Supreme Command, 1; intensifies, 2, 3; succeeds, 4
‘War crimes’: to be punished, 1, 2, 3; trials for, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
War Crimes Amendment Act (1989): passed into law, 1
War Labour Cross: awarded for carrying out executions, 1
Ward (US destroyer transport): hit by a kamikaze pilot, 1
Warlimont, Colonel Walther: and the German plans against Russia, 1, 2, 3
War Merit Cross: awarded, 1
Warm Springs (Georgia): Roosevelt dies at, 1
Wartenburg, Count Peter Yorck von: opposes Nazism, 1; hanged, 2
‘War victim’: an executed war criminal acquires status of, 1
Warwick, Squadron Leader J. B.: shot down, 1
Warsaw (Poland): bombed, 1; battle for, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Hitler in, 7; labour camps near, 8; arrests in, 9, 10; beatings in, 11; executions in, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; the fate of the Jews in, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; British leaflets dropped on, 27; forced labourers taken from, 28; Poles from, reported to have died, 29; Poles in, help Jews, 30; a warehouse in, with the eye-glasses of victims, 31; resistance in, 32; a dancer from, kills an SS man, 33; Jews in hiding in, found and killed, 34; a killing, and reprisals in, 35, 36; uprising in, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50; last phase of uprising in, 51, 52; liberated, but in ruins, 53; in the ‘Soviet sphere’, 54; Jürgen Stroop executed in, 55
Warsaw Ghetto (Poland): established, 1; a Christian shot dead near, 2; Jews shot in, 3, 4, 5, 6, a deportation from, 7; starvation in, 8, 9, 10, 11; smiles in, 12; and Pearl Harbour, 13; optimistic rumours in, 14; a ‘good mood’ in, after the bombing of Cologne, 15; deportations from, to Treblinka, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; resistance in, 21, 22; resistance in, crushed, 23, 24; survivors of, killed at Majdanek, 25; Jews and non-Jews killed in ruins of, 26; rubble to be cleared in, 27
Warsaw Pact: established, 1
Warspite (British battleship): in action, 1
Warthegau: Poles expelled from, 1, 2; a protest from, 3; statistics of the murder of Jews in, 4; Germanification of, 5; the ruler of, hanged, 6
Washington DC: 1; successes for Britain in, 2, 3, 4; a broadcast from, 5; senior Anglo-American officers meet in, 6; and Lend-Lease, 7; and German espionage, 8; and intercepted Japanese messages, 9, 10, 11, 12; and the atomic bomb, 13; Churchill in, when Tobruk falls, 14; Churchill in, when the Sicily deception plan succeeds, 15; and a decision on Allied strategy (May 1943), 16; and Allied bombing policy, 17; and American aid to Russia, 18; a boost to morale announced in, 19; news of Auschwitz reaches, 20; Roosevelt’s last, undelivered, speech in, 21; and a magnanimous act, 22; those ‘in authority in’, condemned, 23
‘Wasp’: a German air corps key, broken, 1
Wasp (US aircraft carrier CV-7): takes planes towards Malta, 1; a second Mediterranean ‘dash’ by, 2; sunk, in the Pacific, 3
Wasp (US aircraft carrier CV-18): successor to CV-7, a suicide bomb attack on, 1
Waskiewicz, Pilot Officer Mieczyslaw: killed, 1
Waterhen (an Australian warship): sunk, 1
Waterman, Douglas: executed, 1
Waters, Private Harold: executed, 1
Watney, Lieutenant Cyril: his sabotage mission, 1
Watt, Harry: his film, 1
Watten (Channel Coast): ‘Flying Bomb’ launched from, 1, 2; bombed, 3
Wau (New Guinea): Japanese driven back from, 1
Wavell, General Sir Archibald: withdraws from Java, 1
Waverley (British converted paddle steamer): sunk, 1
Wawer (Poland): reprisals in, 1
Wealdstone (near London): bogus sabotage at, 1
‘Weasel’: a German cypher key, broken, 1
Weatherley, Major Robin: killed in Yugoslavia, 1
Webling (Bavaria): SS men killed at, 1
Webster, Sergeant: and a ‘death march’, 1
Weclas, Stanislaw: sentenced to death, 1
Wedemeyer, Major Alfred C.: and Russia’s future, 1
Weichs, Field Marshal von: and the ‘grim partisan situation’, 1
Weidinger, Otto: awarded the Swords to his Knight’s Cross, 1
Weidling, General Karl: and the last days of Berlin, 1, 2, 3, 4
Weidner, Gabrielle: killed, 1
Weidner, John: saves Jews, 1
Weilheim (Bavaria): Horthy imprisoned in, 1
Weimar (Germany): anti-Nazi leaflets distributed in, 1; Gestapo at, seek destruction of Buchenwald, 2
Weinryb, Menachem: and the murder of Jews at Gardelegen, 1
Weiss, Ernst: commits suicide, 1
Weissensee (Carinthia): an arrest, and suicide in, 1
Weizmann, Dr Chaim: offers services of the Jews, to the democracies, 1; appeals for Allied bombing of railway lines to Auschwitz, 2; seeks ‘restitution’ for the Jews, 3
Weizsäcker, Baron Ernst von: and Hitler’s mood, 1, 2
Weizsäcker, Richard von: and Germany ‘led by criminals’, 1
Wejherowo (Poland): Poles shot in, 1
Weliczker, Leon: an eye-witness, 1
Welles, Sumner: seeks a peace formula, 1; warns Russia of German intentions, 2, 3
Wellington Barracks (London): a ‘Flying Bomb’ at, 1
Wells, Lieutenant: and Operation XD, 1
Wells, Stan: ‘God punish Germany’, 1
Welshman (British minelayer): reaches Malta, 1
Wencel, Stanislaw: sentenced to death, 1
Wenck, General: in the Harz mountains, 1, 2; ordered to Berlin, 3; Hitler asks for, 4
Wende, Josef: executed, 1
Wendisch Even (northern Germany): the German surrender at, 1
Wenzel, Johann: a Soviet agent, captured, 1
‘Werewolf’: Hitler’s Vinnitsa headquarters, 1, 2
Werra, Franz von: escapes, 1; visits Hitler, 2
Werth, Alexander: in Moscow, 1
Wesel (Rhine): Allies cross Rhine at, 1
‘Weser-exercise’: against Scandinavia, 1
Wessex (British destroyer): sunk, 1
West, Sergeant Horace T.: court-martialled, 1
West Berlin: elections in (1989) and a former SS officer, 1
West Germany: new leaders and new values in, 1; agrees to pay reparations, 2, 3, 4, 5; becomes a separate State, 6; her reparations debts (of 1914) resolved, 7; becomes an independent sovereign State (as the Federal German Republic), 8; troops of, train in Britain, 9
Westerbork (Holland): Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 1, 2, 3, 4; British forces draw near to, 5
Western Front (1914): Hitler revisits (1940), 1
Western Prince (British merchant ship): brings arms to Britain, 1
West Ham (London): rocket bomb deaths at, 1
Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri): Churchill’s warning in, 1
Wetzel, Judge Alfred: and the use of gas vans to kill Jews, 1
Wetzel Eberhard: on Poles and Jews, 1
Weygand, General Maxime: his plan, 1, 2; his appeal, 3; wants to surrender, 4; and the fall of Paris, 5; calls for an armistice, 6
Weymouth (England): radar station at bombed, 1
Wheless, Captain Hewitt T.: his courage, 1
Whelp (British destroyer): in Tokyo Bay, 1
White, Wing Commander John: killed, 1
Whitechapel (London): an unexploded bomb at (1989), 1
Whitehall (London): to be defended, 1; Intelligence reaches, 2
White House (Washington): two rescuers welcomed to, 1
‘White Rose’: a dissenting voice, 1
White Russians: murdered, 1; a protest about the murder of, 2
White Sands (New Mexico): German rocket equipment sent to, 1
Whitmarsh, Pilot Officer Reginald: killed, 1
‘Why We Fight’: a film series, 1
Wiart, General Carton de: unable to disembark, 1
Wickström, Rolf: executed, 1
Wiegand, Karl von: Hitler’s interview with, 1
Wiener Neustadt (Austria): bombed, 1
Wieruszow (Poland): Jews murdered at, 1
Wierzbica (Poland): Poles killed in, 1
Wiesel, Elie: and the ‘Kingdom of Night’, 1
Wijsmuller, Geertruida: helps save children, 1
Wilhelm (the ex-Kaiser): in Holland, 1: his nephew dies of wounds received in action, 2; his war aim recalled, 3, 4; dies, 5; his former Private Secretary, and the Hitler Bomb Plot, 6
Wilhelm Gustloff (German transport ship): sunk, 1; alleged looting of, 2
‘Wilhelm Hansen’ (William Joyce): apprehended, 1
Wilhelm of Hohenzollern, Prince: dies of his wounds, 1
Wilhelmina, Queen: crosses the North Sea, 1
Wilhelmshaven (Germany): bombed, 1, 2, 3, 4
Williams, Brigadier Edgar: and the German aim to retake Antwerp, 1
Williams, Gwilym: a double agent, 1
Wilson, General Sir Maitland: and the Arab Legion, 1; and the Dalmatian Coast, 2
Winant, Gilbert: witnesses Blitz, 1
‘Window’ (a radar jamming device): and the bombing of Hamburg, 1
Wingate, Brigadier Orde: his sabotage columns, 1; his glider landings, 2
Wirmer, Joseph: hanged, 1
Wismar (Germany): battle near, 1
Wistedt (Germany): an act of courage in, 1
Witonska, Eleonora: murdered, 1
Witonska, Roman: murdered, 1
Wittenberge (Germany): American forces reach Elbe at, 1
Wittlich (Germany): and a possible armistice, 1
Wittman, SS Captain Michael: killed, 1
Witzleben, Field Marshal Erwin von: ‘The Führer is dead’, 1; hanged, 2
Wizernes (Channel Coast): a German rocket launching site at, 1
Wloclawek (Poland): a ‘Jewish action’ at, 1
Wlodawa (Poland): Jews sent to their deaths from, 1
Wola (Warsaw): bombed, 1; subjugated, 2
Wola Przybyslawska (Poland): Poles executed in, for helping Jews, 1
Woldenberg (Pomerania): Red Army reaches, 1
‘Wolf’s Lair’ (East Prussia): Hitler’s East Prussian headquarters, 1; Hitler leaves, for ‘Werewolf’, 2; Hitler returns to, 3; Hitler leaves for the last time, 4; overrun, 5; acquired by Poland, 6
Wolff, SS General Karl: and medical experiments, 1; an eye-witness to mass murder, 2; and the deportations of Jews from Warsaw to Treblinka, 3; negotiates a surrender, 4; brought to trial, 5
Wolomin (Poland): Soviet tanks at, 1
Wood, Master Sergeant John C.: hangs war criminals, 1, 2
Wood Green (London): rocket bomb deaths at, 1
Woodlark Island (Pacific Ocean): Americans land on, 1
World Aryan Order: a member of, a fictitious German agent, 1
World Organization: to be established, 1
Wormhout (France): massacre at, 1; and a former SS officer, living near Hamburg, 2
Worrall, Major Philip: parachuted into Greece, 1
Wotje (Marshall Islands): American air attacks on, 1
Woyrsch, SS General Udo von: 1, 2
Wroughton, Sergeant Walter: in Yugoslavia, 1
Wünsche, SS Major Max: captured, 1
Wuntho (Burma): and a sabotage mission, 1
Wuppertal (Germany): bombed, 1, 2
Wurm, Bishop: protests about murder of Jews, 1
Württemberg (Germany): French troops rech, 1; the right of Gypsies to compensation denied in, 2
Würzburg (Germany): a graduate of, and euthanasia, 1; Jews deported to their deaths from, 2, 3
Wüstegiersdorf (Germany): slave labour at, 1
Wykeham-Barnes, Group Captain: leads the Aarhus raid, 1
Xanten (Germany): Jews revisit (1988), 1
Yahagi (Japanese cruiser): sunk, 1
Yakhroma (near Moscow): Germans reach, 1; Germans driven from, 2
Yalta (Crimea): Germans enter, 1; Soviet forces enter, 2; the ‘Big Three’ meet at, 3; Soviet promises at, ‘broken’, 4, 5
Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku: and Pearl Harbour, 1; shot down, 2
Yamato (Japanese battleship): a suicide mission by, 1
Yamashita, General Tomoyuki: hanged, 1
Yanina (Greece): Jews sent to Auschwitz from, 1; Greek hostages shot near, 2; Germans attacked near, 3
Yaroslavl (Russia): children evacuated to, 1
Yarra (Australian sloop): sunk, 1
Yawata (Japan): bombed, 1
Yefremov, Colonel: his last words, 1
Yeisk (southern Russia): Soviet forces reaches, 1
Yelets (near Moscow): battle at, 1
Yelnya (Russia): German victory at, 1; Soviet capture of, 2; partisans in region of, 3, 4; Soviets recapture, 5
Yeremenko, Colonel: drives westward, 1
Yevell, Colonel: his trophy, 1
Yokohama (Japan): bombed, 1, 2; a possible atomic bomb target, 3; MacArthur enters, 4
Yokoi, Sergeant Shoichi: emerges on Guam (1972), 1
Yokosuka (Japan): bombed, 1; an American Division lands at, 2
Yontan Airfield (Okinawa): a suicide mission against, 1
York (England): bombed, 1
York (British cruiser): damaged, 1
Yorkshire (England): and a deception plan, 1
Yorktown (US aircraft carrier): sunk, 1
Young, Doreen: her fiancé shot down, 1; his remains buried, 2
Young, Sir Mark: rejects surrender, 1
Ypres (Belgium): battle near, 1
Yugoslavia: refuses to join Axis, 1; joins Axis, 2; turns against Axis, 3; to be attacked, 4; invaded, 5; German conquest of, 6; German rule in, 7; formal surrender of, 8; Hitler visits northern region of, 9; Tito’s partisans in, 10, 11; atrocities in, 12; resistance in, 13; anti-partisan sweeps in, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22; fate of the Jews in, 23, 24, 25; reprisals in, 26, 27; Allied help for partisans in, 28; and a planned Allied escape line, 29; a partisan offensive in, 30; partisans active in, 31, 32; Allies and partisans launch joint offensive in, 33; Jews in, rescued, 34; Red Army reaches, 35; reaches agreement with the Soviet Union, 36; its future, discussed in Moscow, 37; liberation of, 38; and the Dalmatian Coast towns and islands, 39; signs a treaty with the Soviet Union, 40, 41; German forces retreat through, 42, 43; slave labourers from, liberated, 44; to be ‘police-governed’, 45; breaks away from Soviet bloc, 46; receives reparations, 47; wartime death toll of, 48
Yurgin, Captain Pavel: reaches East Prussia, 1
Yuza Hill (Okinawa): attack on, 1
Yvoir (Belgium): Germans retreat through, 1; a parachute landing near, 2
Zabotin, Colonel: receives uranium, 1
Zagare (Lithuania): Jews killed at, 1
Zagorsk (Russia): reinforcements gather, 1
Zagreb (Yugoslavia): German troops enter, 1; Tito leaves, 2; synagogue demolished in, 3; protests in, 4, 5; the Chief Rabbi of, deported to Auschwitz, 6; further deportations to Auschwitz from, 7; German forces retreat through, 8, 9; Pavelic’s final appearance in, 10
Zakrzewski, Professor: shot, 1
Zambrow (Poland): Soviet prisoners-of-war murdered at, 1
Zamkowy, Samuel: killed, 1
Zamosc (Poland): Jews sent to their deaths from, 1; Jewish boys murdered in, 2
Zaporozhe (Ukraine): dam destroyed at, 1; Hitler flies to, 2
Zara (Italy): Italians to march from, 1; bombed, 2; Yugoslav partisans enter, 3
Zarfatti, Roberto: deported, 1
Zasavica (Yugoslavia): Jews and Gypsies murdered at, 1
Zay, Jean: shot, 1
Zborow (Eastern Galicia): Jews killed in, 1
Zdzieciol (White Russia): Jews murdered in, 1
Zeebrugge (Belgium): attack on, 1
Zeeland (Holland): Dutch resist in, 1
Zehbe, Robert: bales out, 1
Zeitzler, General Franz: and the war in Russia, 1; urges a withdrawal, 2
Zelewski, General Erich von dem Bach: and mass murder, 1; and the Jews of Estonia, 2; and the Warsaw uprising, 3, 4, 5; and the abduction of Horthy, 6
Zell-am-See (Austria): bombed, 1
Zelzate (Belgium): Allied airmen sheltered in, 1
Zemun (Yugoslavia): a death march to, 1
Zgierz (Poland): an execution in, 1
Zharchinski, Lieutenant: killed, 1
Zhdanov, Andre: leaves for his holiday (19 June 1941), 1
Zhitomir (Russia): Jews killed in, 1, 2; Himmler’s headquarters at, 3; Germans driven from, 4
Zhlobin (Russia): Germans driven from, 1
Zhukov, Marshal Georgi: victorious in the Far East, 1; and the German danger, 2, 3; and Soviet preparations (May 1941), 4; tries to warn Stalin (May 1941), 5; and the imminence of war, 6, 7; and the coming of war (June 1941), 8, 9; and the siege of Leningrad, 10; and the battle for Moscow, 11, 12; and the battle for Stalingrad, 13; and the Soviet offensive into central Poland (January 1945), 14; and the surender of Berlin, 15, 16; and the final German surrender, 17; receives British medals, 18
Ziffer, Adolf: deported to Auschwitz, 1
Zilina (Slovakia): uprising in, 1
Zinchenko, Colonel: in Berlin, 1
Zindels, Lieutenant Abram: his heroism, 1
Zirje Island (Yugoslavia): bombed, 1
Zlarin Island (Yugoslavia): bombed, 1
Zlatin, Miron: deported, and shot, 1
Zoliborz (Warsaw): holds out, 1; Soviet aircraft drop supplies to, 2; Polish resistance in, 3
Zolkiew (Eastern Galicia): murder of Jews at, 1
Zolochew (Eastern Galicia): Jews murdered in, 1
Zoppot (Danzig): Hitler in, 1
Zossen (Germany): plans laid at, 1; signals from, decrypted in Britain, 2; conspirators at, 3; overrun, 4; a counter-attack at, fails, 5
Zuckerman, Yitzhak: and Jewish resistance, 1
Zuider Zee (Holland): aircraft recovered from (1975), 1
Zulu (British destroyer): sunk, 1
Zurawski, Mordechai: survives his would-be execution, 1
Zurich (Switzerland): bombs fall on in error, 1; secret negotiations in, 2 Zvietkovo (near Moscow): battle at, 3
Zvolen (Slovakia): partisans seize areas near, 1; an escape line near, 2
Zwaluw (Belgian fishing vessel): at Dunkirk, 1
Zwarycz, Anna: sentenced to death, 1
Zweibrücken (Germany): action at, 1
Zychlin (Poland): Jews from, murdered, 1
‘Zyklon B’: and mass murder, 1
Zylberberg, Mordechai: leads resistance, 1