Note: Page numbers in italic type indicate illustrations.

Aaliyah, 12

Abbott, Lyman, 218, 219–20

abolitionism, 35, 79, 216

Abraham and Straus, 373

Abrams, Charles, 378

Absolut Vodka, 299

Abyssinian (airplane), 289

Adams, Charles Francis, 64–65

Adams, John, 82

Adams, Thomas, 343, 346, 408

Adams Street, 355–56, 361

Addams, Jane, 253

Adelphi College, 361

Aerial Globe, 172–74, 176. See also Globe Tower

aerial taxi service, 282–83

Aero Club of America, 152

Aetna Brick Company, 208

African Americans: attitudes toward, 235–36, 373–74, 432–33, 448–56; as aviators, 288–89, 288, 290; and the Baptist Church, 107; in Brownsville and East New York, 413–20; and Coney Island, 447–56, 449, 455; education of, 414–20; enslaved, 28, 30–32, 33, 34–38, 216; formerly enslaved, 35–36, 473n21; and horse racing, 107, 114–17; housing for, 302, 358, 373–75; influx of, 430; as jockeys, 115–17; social problems facing, 430–33; as speedway construction workers, 156; unemployment among, 431. See also segregation

Agee, James, 3–4, 10, 324–25

Agnew, George Bliss, 121

Agnew-Hart Law (1908), 121–22

Agnew-Perkins Act (1910), 123

agriculture, 28, 243, 314

ailanthus trees, 86, 474n14

airports, 144, 145, 147, 264–86, 289–95, 326–28

air rights, 266, 409, 410, 424

air shows, competitions, and exploits, 147–52, 155, 159–60, 270–72, 278–80, 279, 286–95

Aitken, Johnny, 157, 159

AKRF Associates, 73

Albanese, Frank, 167

Albany, 25

Albany Avenue, 321

Alfred E. Norton Company, 181

Algiers, Algeria, 423

Algonquin Indians, 43

Allen, James E., Jr., 414–16

Allen, Woody, 12

All Long Island Planning Movement, 97, 99

Allport, Gordon W., 433

Almirall, Raymond F., 233

Alphand, Jean-Charles Adolphe, 95

Alvord, Dean, 5

Alward Lake Resort, Lansing, Michigan, 451

Ambrose Channel, 195

America First Committee, 294

American-African Colonization Association of New York, 302

American Airlines, 281

American Automobile Association, 154

American Institute of Architects, 233

American Jockey Club, 111

American Legion, 376

American Museum of Natural History, 6

American Public Health Association, 335

American Red Cross headquarters, 355

American Revolution, 58–74

American Safety Razor, 332, 334–35

American Society for the Suppression of the Jews, 109

American Society of Landscape Architects, 248

American South, 3, 30–32, 38, 114, 220–21, 305, 414–15, 430

American Youth for Democracy, 374

Ammann, Othmar, 258

Amsterdam News (newspaper), 433, 447, 449, 450, 452

amusement parks, 170–93, 447–57

Anabaptists, 4, 40–42, 51

anarchism, 301

Andersen, Gil, 157

Anderson, Samuel, 36

Andrea Doria (ship), 194

Andrew Cone General Advertising Company, 310

Andrews and Clark, 393

Andros, Edmund, 209

Anglo-Dutch New York, 9, 21

Anglo-Dutch War, 56

Anglo-Saxon charter culture, 305–6

Anheuser-Busch, 333

animal carcasses, processing of, 124–27, 131, 133–36, 139–40

Annese, Domenico, 393

Anti–Barren Island League, 139

anticommunist sentiment, 272–73, 301, 374

Anti-Coolie League of California, 163

anti-German sentiment, 160, 162–63

antimiscegenation laws, 236, 451

Antinomianism, 41

Anti–Pool Room Law (1877), 117

archaeology, 20, 37–38, 68–69, 73–74

Archigram, 410

The Architects Collaborative (TAC), 420

Architectural League, 348

architectural styles, 171, 272, 297, 299, 304–9

Ardsley School of Modern Art, 398

Arizona (ship), 329, 329

Armour, J. Ogden, 149–50

Arnold Process, 137–38

Aronofsky, Darren, 12

Asahi Shimbum (newspaper), 286

Ascot Heath, 108

Ashe, R. Porter, 124

Asian Exclusion Act (1924), 306

Asimov, Isaac, 12, 413

Astor, Brooke, 496n14

Astor, Vincent, 157, 275

Astor Challenge Cup, 157

Astor Cup, 159

Atlanta, Georgia, 451

Atlanta Compromise, 220

Atlantic Avenue, 405, 414, 441, 443, 445, 459

Atlantic Dock Company, 87

Atlantis Under the Sea (ride), 179

Atlee, Samuel, 61

Atwood, Harry, 152

Atwood, Martha, 339

Auden, W. H., 366

Austin, Daniel Berry, 20; display of skeletal remains, 21; “Ryder’s Pond and Old Cedar,” 19

authenticity, 461–62, 464–65

Automobile (magazine), 153

automobile racing, 153–60

automobiles, private, 319–21, 400

Avebury stone circle, 39–40, 41

Avenger torpedo bomber, 327

Avenue D, 308

Avenue M, 307

Avenue N, 307

Avenue P, 239

Avenue R, 308–9

Avenue T, 308, 319

Avenue U, 229, 308

Avenue Y, 318

Avenue Z, 318

Babbage, Charles, 127

Bachmann, John, Bird’s Eye View of Greenwood Cemetery, 78

Backhouse farm, 311

Bacon’s Castle, Virginia, 305

Baes Jurians Hooke, 21

Baffin Island, 5

Bailey, James A., 131

Bailey, Vernon Howe, 195

Baisley Pond, 207

Bakal, Fannie Weinstein, 375

Balbo, Italo, 291–93, 292

Balchen, Bernt, 275–76

Baldwin, Elias “Lucky,” 124

Balfour, Lord, 233

Ballard, William F. R., 406

Baltard, Victor, Halles de Paris, 191

Baltimore, Lord, 44

Baltimore, Maryland, 422, 451

Balzac, Honoré de, 75

Bam Boula, 448

Bang, Charles, 246

baptism, 34, 41, 42, 48, 50

Baptist Church, 107

Barnes, Frank, 68

Barnes, Henry A., 408

Barnes, Shelby “Pike,” 116

Barnett, Jonathan, 409, 411

Barnum, P. T., 131

Barren Island, 25, 124–46, 126, 135, 140, 142, 146, 195, 242, 264, 268, 270, 272, 276

Barren Island Menhaden Company, 133

Barrett, John, 203

Bassett, Edward Murray, 12, 222, 338, 341, 346

Batchelder, Amos G., 154, 479n11

Battle Hill, 76

Battle of Brooklyn, 58–74, 87, 94

Battle of White Plains, 71

Baxter, George, 39, 44, 55, 56

Bay Ridge, 4, 87, 96, 101, 307, 311, 462

Bay Ridge Branch, Long Island Rail Road, 408

Bay Ridge Parkway, 100–101, 102–3

Beard, William, 199

beavers, 25–27, 26

Bedford, 61

Bedford-Stuyvesant, 431, 432, 433, 460, 463

Beecher, Henry Ward, 35, 84, 216–19, 339, 450

Beecher, Lyman, 218

beer, 332–33

Beers, F. W., Atlas of Long Island, New York, 244

Bel Geddes, Norman, 438–40, 439

Bell, Daniel, 200

Bell, E. Y., 181

Bell, Mifflin E., Brooklyn General Post Office, 344, 354

Belleville, New Jersey, quarries, 297

Bellmore Creek, 35

Belmont, August, Jr., 112, 121, 153

Belt Parkway, 100, 194, 229, 258, 314, 383–85, 408, 409, 484n1

Benatar, Pat, 12

Bennett, Cora, 271, 284, 284

Bennett, Edward H., 227, 232, 239, 341–42; Proposed Sites for Courthouse and Municipal Building, 342

Bennett, Floyd, 274–75, 274

Bennett, Gertrude Ryder, 52

Bennett, Richard, 234

Bennett, Thomas, 317

Bennington (aircraft carrier), 329

Bensonhurst, 229

Bentham, Jeremy, 399

Bergen, Fenwick, 136

Bergen Beach, 25, 139, 339

Berle, Adolf A., 122

Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 346

Berman, Marshall, 381

Bernstein, Samuel, 307

Bertaud, Lloyd W., 271

Bethlehem Steel, 341

Beverley Road, 318

Beverwijck, 25

B.F.W. Realty Company, 301

Bianco, Jerry, 194

bicycle lanes, 103–4, 104

“Big Apple,” 114

Bigelow, Jacob, 75

Billboard (magazine), 192, 447

Biloxi, Mississippi, 450

Bingham, Theodore A., 122

Black, Frank S., 139

Blair, Gwenda, 320

Blanke, Cyrus F., 173, 176

Blanke’s Faust Blend Coffee, 173, 173

Blauvelt Engineering, 408

blight, 335

Block, Adrian, 22

Bloom, Sol, 243, 245–47, 246, 304, 306

Bloom, Vera, 246

Blum, Edward C., 348

BMT Fourth Avenue subway, 311

Board of Aldermen, 242, 302

Board of Commissioners, 75–76, 80–81

Board of Commissioners of Central Park, 95

Board of Commissioners of Prospect Park, 88

Board of Education, 246, 313, 415–17, 427

Board of Estimate, 202, 241–42, 248, 266, 268, 270, 282, 302, 339, 346, 425

Board of Rapid Transit Commissioners, 222

boardwalks, 316–17, 449, 452

Bode, Albert, 188

Bode Wagon Works, 188

Boerum Hill, 443, 459

Bois de Boulogne, Paris, 95, 95

Bolshevism, 301, 305

Bonavita, Jack, 188

Bone Gang, 134

Boorum and Pease factory, 364

bootleggers, 313, 360–61, 365. See also moonshine

Borden, Albert, 172

Borgeson, Melvin B., 381

Borglum, Gutzon, Henry Ward Beecher monument, 217, 217

Borland, William, 317

Borough Hall, 221, 222, 317, 335, 339, 341–43, 353–55

Borough Park, 311

Bossert, Louis H., 307

Boston, Massachusetts, 403

Boston 1915 movement, 225, 226

Boullée, Étienne-Louis, cenotaph for Isaac Newton, 174

Bowery and Kensington Walk, 316

Bowlby, Henry Lee, 381

Bowles, Paul and Jane, 366

Boyle, J. A., 318

Boyton, Paul, 170–71

BQE. See Brooklyn-Queens Expressway

Bracale, Adolfo, 164

Brady brothers, 134

Bragg Street, 491n26

Brandeis, Louis, 226

Brando, Marlon, 200

Brearley, Harry Chase, 195, 197

Breezy Point, 210

Brennan & Carr restaurant, 167

breweries, 332–33

Bridgehampton, Long Island, 86

Bridge Plaza, 222

Brieux, Eugène, Les Avariés, 234

Brighton Beach, 6, 322

Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, 109–13, 122

Brighton Beach Hotel, 108, 108, 110, 111, 123, 123, 170

Brighton Beach Racing Association, 110

Brighton Beach subway, 304

Brill, Jeanette Goodman, 323

Brill Engineering Corporation, 408–9, 418

British Printer (magazine), 174

Britten, Benjamin, 366

Broadway, 405

Broadway Junction, 4

Brockett, John, 48

Bronx, 11

Bronx River Parkway, 380

Bronx Zoo, 6

Brooklyn, Bath and Coney Island Railroad, 168

Brooklyn, Flatbush and Coney Island Railway Company, 242

Brooklyn Allied Boards of Trade and Taxpayers’ Associations, 197

Brooklyn Army Terminal, 265, 326, 408

Brooklyn Avenue, 318

Brooklyn Basin, 199

Brooklyn-Battery Bridge, 261, 390

Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, 221, 261, 395

Brooklyn Beautiful movement, 231, 239, 336, 338

Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 90, 196

Brooklyn Bridge, 3, 8, 104, 221, 222, 231, 297, 336, 338–39, 338, 342–43, 356, 363, 398, 399

Brooklyn Bridge Park, 201, 392

Brooklyn Bureau of Buildings, 188, 189, 190

Brooklyn Bureau of Highways, 189

Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, 270

Brooklyn Chinese Christian Church, 106

Brooklyn City Plan, 239, 240, 342

Brooklyn Civic Center, 343–57, 353, 354, 381, 442

Brooklyn College, 304, 306, 418, 464

Brooklyn Committee on City Plan, 97, 241, 336

Brooklyn Consolidation League, 8

Brooklyn Council of the National Negro Congress, 452

Brooklyn Daily Eagle (newspaper). See Brooklyn Eagle

Brooklyn Dodgers, 10, 12, 13, 330, 334, 429, 436–46

Brooklyn Eagle (newspaper), 6, 7, 8, 13, 26, 67, 71, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100–101, 109, 112, 120, 124, 129, 134, 138, 139, 143, 153, 155, 163, 163, 181, 184, 186, 189–91, 193, 215, 216, 221, 222, 230, 230, 232, 236, 239, 240, 242, 245, 247, 248, 254, 270, 298, 301, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 316, 317, 319, 319, 323, 333–34, 340, 342, 343, 346, 347, 357, 357, 361, 365, 367, 370, 372–74, 373, 376, 389, 398, 429, 440

Brooklyn General Post Office, 344, 354

Brooklyn Heights, 4, 75, 199, 225, 296, 342, 389–91, 395, 398, 458–59

Brooklyn Heights Association, 225, 390, 391

Brooklyn Heights Press (newspaper), 389, 389

Brooklyn Heights Promenade, 229, 230, 391, 393–95, 393, 394, 396, 397

Brooklyn Improvement Company, 199

Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 222

Brooklyn Jockey Club, 109

Brooklyn League, 225

Brooklyn Municipal Building, 354

Brooklyn Museum, 90, 233

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 9, 11, 13, 199, 328–29, 328, 334, 360–68, 362, 374, 399, 407, 429, 449

Brooklyn Park Commission, 103

Brooklyn Police Department, 103

Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 334–35

Brooklyn Public Library, 90, 233

Brooklyn-Queens Connecting Highway. See Brooklyn-Queens Expressway

Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE), 11, 225, 229, 336, 364, 380, 385, 387–402, 388, 393, 394, 396, 401, 406, 409

Brooklyn Sports Center Authority, 442

Brooklyn Standard Union (newspaper), 195, 202, 206

Brooklyn Supreme Court, 26, 136, 183, 355, 355

Brooklyn Tenants Protective Union, 301

Brooklyn Terminal Market, 407, 407

Brooklyn Terminal of Brooklyn Bridge, 338, 341, 345

Brooklyn Tuberculosis Committee, 243

Brooklyn War Memorial, 347–48, 348–52, 352–53, 492n26

Brooks, Mel, 12

Brown, Fanny, 115

Brown, Lancelot “Capability,” 74

Brown, Lawson H., 246

Browne, James J., 247–48, 250, 252, 255

Browne, Matilda, 20

Brownstone Exploration and Discovery Park, 298, 299

brownstoners, 459–60

brownstone townhouses, 199, 297–99, 430

Brownsville, 4, 301–2, 322, 412–20, 425, 436, 462

Brownsville Landlords’ Protective Association, 302

Brown v. Board of Education, 414–15

Bruckner Expressway, 401

The Brush, 35–36

builders, 307–24

Bunche, Ralph, 454

Bundy, McGeorge, 415, 416

bungalow row houses, 321, 322

Bunshaft, Gordon, 417

Burdette, William J., 189

Bureau of Buildings, 304

Bureau of Public Roads, 424–25

Burgevin, Julius V., 247, 485n11

Burmese Masoeyein Sāsanajotika Buddhist Temple, 106–7

Burnham, Daniel H., 97, 99, 227–28, 231–32, 239, 243, 299, 336, 341; Plan of Chicago, 228, 228

Burnham, David, 434

Bush, Irving T., 200

Bush Terminal, 200, 202, 311

Bushwick, 3, 9, 10, 11, 460

Bushwick Avenue, 405

Bushwick Expressway, 405–6, 406, 408, 424

busing, 415

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 246

Buzzio, Frank, 243

Byrd, Richard E., 264, 274–76, 488n11

Caccavajo, Joseph, 197–98

Cadman, S. Parkes, 339

Cadman Plaza, 339–40, 343, 347–48, 349, 350, 352, 353–54

Calder, Katherine Harloe, 319

Calder, William M., 12, 241, 257, 316–19, 318, 490n22, 491n26

Calhoun, John C., 109

Callas, Maria, 75

Calvert Vaux Park, 194

Calvinism, 218

Campanella, Roy, 330, 439, 446

Campanella, Thomas J., 215

Canal Avenue, Coney Island, 206

Canarsee Indians, 16, 20, 22, 25, 26, 124–25

Canarsie, 413, 418, 433

Candela, Rosario, 369

Candler Park, Atlanta, Georgia, 451

Cannato, Vincent J., 431, 433

Caparn, Harold, 196, 213

Capone, Al, 12

Capote, Truman, 1, 10–11

Cappa, Carlo, 108

Captain French’s Wild West Rough Riders, 188

Carditz, Antonio, 138

Carmody, John M., 260

Carnadella, Louis, 307

Carnegie, Andrew, 220

Caro, Robert, 256, 385, 446

Carroll, Jack, 418

Carroll, John T., 408–9

Carroll Gardens, 387, 459

Carsledge, Louise B., 180

Carson, Rachel, 459

Caruso, Enrico, 164

Cashmore, John, 334, 346, 348, 367–68, 389, 390, 395, 442, 444

Cassatt, Alexander, 112

Castellión, Sébastien, 48

Castiglioni, Luigi, 83

Catholic Church, 9, 41, 142

Cavalcade of Variety, 452

Cavallo, Dominick, 253

Cave of the Winds (ride), 186

Ceci, Lynn, 25

cemetery design, 74–75

Cemetery of the Evergreens, 96, 99

Centennial Exposition (Philadelphia, 1876), 169

Central Library, 233

Central Park, Manhattan, 74, 80–82, 87, 91, 94, 96, 137, 253

Central Park Commission, 81, 87

Central Park Menagerie, 165

Central Railroad of New Jersey, 192

Centre Street Loop Subway, 222

Century of Progress Exposition (Chicago, 1933), 246

Chain of Rocks park, St. Louis, 450

Chambellan, Rene Paul, Seal of New Nether-lands, 26

Chamberlin, Clarence D., 245, 270–72, 270, 283, 288–89, 291

Chamberlin, Jessie A., 273

Chambless, Edgar, 421–23; Roadtown, 422, 422

Chance-Vought F4U Corsair, 327

Chandler, E. Gordon, 492n26

Chandler, William “Billy,” 158

Chanin, Irwin S., 309

chapter 949, Acts of 1920, 302–3

Charleston Exposition (1901), 343, 346

Chekhov, Anton, vii, 2

Chelsea Piers, Manhattan, 202

Chicago, Illinois, 226–28, 228

Chicago Defender (newspaper), 447

Chicago Tribune (newspaper), 292

Childe, Cromwell, 336

Chiljean, Victor, plan for Brooklyn Supreme Court plaza, 355, 356

China, 214, 463

Chinese Americans, 364

Chinese Association, 364

Chisholm, Shirley, 12

Chodorow, Eugene, 272, 273

Chopin, Frédéric, 75

Churchill, Winston, 12, 112, 233

Church of the Social Revolution, 273

Chute-the-Chutes (ride), 170

Citizens’ Anti–Race Track Gambling League, 121

Citizens’ Committee, 231–32

City Beautiful movement, 226, 227, 231–33, 338, 354

City Club, 343

City of Churches, 8, 216, 342

City of Homes, 296, 304, 342

City of New York (ship), 276

City of Olympia, 362

city planning. See town planning; urbanism and urban planning

City Planning Commission. See New York City Planning Commission

City Point, 461

La Ciudad Lineal (journal), 421

Civil Aeronautics Authority, 328

Civil Rights Act (1964), 451

Civil War, 36, 89, 136, 164, 332

Civil Works Administration, 256

Clarendon Avenue, 322

Clark, Ernest J., 389

Clarke, George, 278–79

Clarke, Gilmore D., 248, 257–59, 348–49, 351–53, 381, 383, 393, 395, 442–45, 492n26; plan for Brooklyn Civic Center, 353; site for new Dodger ball field, 443–45, 443

Clark Street IRT stop, 225, 483n15

Clearview Expressway, 401

Cleaveland, Nehemiah, 65, 78

Cleveland, Grover, 220, 242

Cleverdon & Putzel, 180

Clinton, Henry, 58, 60–61

The Close of a Career in New York, 130

Coast and Lake Company, 164

Cobbett, Thomas, 42

Cobble Hill, 387, 459

cocaine, 365

Cody, Buffalo Bill, 110

Coler, Bird S., 181, 189, 190

Collier’s (magazine), 439

Colonial Sand and Stone, 308, 310

Colonial Williamsburg, 304

Colored Elks of the World, 449

Columbia Heights, 226, 229, 348, 390–91, 393, 398

Columbia University, 409–10

Columbus, Christopher, 174, 292

Columbus Day, 308

Combs, Clarence C., 259

Commercial Club of Chicago, 227

Committee of Ten, 341

Committee on Airport Development, 286

Committee on General Welfare, 302

Committee on Rent Profiteering, 301–2

Committee on the Limitation on the Height and Bulk of Buildings, 346

communism. See anticommunist sentiment

Communist Party, 374

Community Research and Development, 417

compact fluorescent (CFL) lamps, 462, 465

Comstock, Anthony, 120

Concord Baptist Church, 115

Conduit Boulevard, 405

Coney Island, 6, 42–43, 96, 101–2, 109–10, 168–93, 169, 206, 206, 208, 254, 265, 316, 323, 330, 331, 429, 447–57

Coney Island Board Walk Association, 316

Coney Island Canal, 197, 204, 205, 206, 208, 210

Coney Island Creek, 110, 168, 194–95, 195

Coney Island Hippodrome Circus, 186, 188

Coney Island House, 168

Coney Island Jockey Club, 109, 112–13, 120, 122–24, 153

Congestion of Population exhibit, 222

Congress of Racial Equality, 451

consolidation, municipal, 6, 7, 8

Constable, Stuart, 492n26

containerized shipping, 212, 331

Continental Ironworks, 332

Conyngton, Mary, 302

Coolidge, Calvin, 245

Coombs, Clarence C., 381, 393

Cooper, Peter, 80

Cooper Union, 411

Copeland, Royal S., 317

Copland, Aaron, 12

Corbin, Austin, 109, 110, 135–36

Corbin Place, 109, 322

Corby, Jane, 374

cord-marked pottery shard, 27

Cormier, Frances, 259

Cornell, Lefferts R., 127

Cornell Creek, 207

Cornwallis, Lord, 59–61

Corps of Engineers, 262

Corrigan, Daniel, 451

Corrigan, Douglas “Wrong Way,” 286, 294–95

Cortelyou Road, 318

Council of Twelve Men, 43

Court of the Star Chamber, 40

Cowenhoven, Nicholas, 66

Coyle Street, 491n26

Crane, Caroline Bartlett, 235

Crane, David A., 411

Crane, Hart, 365, 398–99

Cranz, Galen, 253, 486n18

Creighton, John B., 210, 213

crime, 365, 375–77, 413–14, 414, 430–31, 433–34, 456

Crispus Attucks Community Council, 449

Croker, Richard, 219

Cromwell, Oliver, 39, 56

Cronau, Rudolph, View from Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, 76

Cropsey Avenue, 229

Cross, Whitney, 85

Cross Bronx Expressway, 11, 380, 401, 405

Cross-Brooklyn Expressway, 406–9, 409, 410, 414, 417–18, 419, 420, 424–28

Cross Island Parkway, 383

Crown Heights, 4, 311, 319, 460, 462, 463

Cruise, Philip J., 377

Crystal Palace, 191

Culver rail line, 169, 304

Currier and Ives, 116; The futurity race at Sheepshead Bay, 118–19

Curtiss, Glenn H., 147–48

Curtiss NC flying boats, 264–65

Curtiss O2C-1 Helldivers, 280

Custer, George Armstrong, 20

Dahl Court, 307

Dahl Development Corporation, 307

Damaged Goods (film), 234

Damaged Goods (play), 234

dance halls, segregation of, 452

Danckaerts, Jasper, 14, 19, 27, 262

Darwin, Leonard, 233

Davenport, Charles B., 235, 484n34

Davenport, Henry J., 340

Davenport, John, 45, 48, 50–51

Davidson, Joan K., 411

Davis, George, 366

Davis, Wyatt, 272

Day, Joseph P., 166–67

Daylight Saving Time, 317, 318

Dead Horse Bay, 130, 276

de Blois, Natalie, 417

Deep Sea Techniques, 194

de Heister, Philip, 59–61

De Jong, Gerald, 34

de Kooning, Willem, 461

DeKrafft, Stewart Ives, 149–51

Democratic National Convention (1924), 305

Dempsey, Jack, 289

Denton, Daniel, 19–20, 27, 209

Denyse’s Ferry, 58

DePalma, Ralph, 157

Department of Health, 143

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 427

Department of Housing and Urban Development, 427

Department of Sanitation, 257

Department of Sanitation Band, 411

Department of Street-Cleaning, 136–37, 199

Department of Street-Cleaning Band, 214

Department of Transportation, 426–27

Depression. See Great Depression

Design-In, Central Park, Manhattan (1967), 411

Detroit Journal (newspaper), 111

development, of Brooklyn, 5, 8, 13, 16, 221–33, 296–325. See also urbanism and urban planning

Devery, William “Big Bill,” 120

Devillos automobile act, 188

de Vries, David, 43

Dewey, Melvil, 235

Dewey, Orville, 83

Dickens, Charles, 85, 216

Dickinson, John Tilghman, 246

Diegel, Eymund, 72–74, 73

Diggs, Sally Maria “Pinky.” See Hunt, Rose Ward

Dillon, Mary E., 348

disease, 358, 361

Ditmas Park, 303, 462, 463

Divis, Catherine Lott, 37

Dixon, George O., 115

Dock Department, 201–2, 268, 271

Dodgers Yearbook, 12

dogs, 127–28, 128, 131

Dongan, Thomas, 209, 213

Dongan Patent, 27

Dooley, Nicholas, 125

Doolittle, Jimmy, 286

Dorje Ling Buddhist Center, 107

Dorman, Frank, 372

Dos Passos, John, 399

Doty, Alvah H., 140

Doughty, George W., 139–40

Douglas, David B., 76–77

Douglass, Frederick, 217, 449

Dowling, E. J., 278

Dowling Elevated Loop Bill, 222

Downing, Andrew Jackson, 77–78, 81–83, 86, 99, 248

Downtown Brooklyn Association, 340

Draft Riots, 5, 35, 449

Dreamland, 171, 179, 265

Dreiser, Theodore, An American Tragedy, 121

drugs, 365

Dual Contracts, 338

Dubois, Anson, 125

Dumbo (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass), 221, 334, 459

Dunch, Walter, 39

Dundy, Elmer “Skip,” 171

Dunmore, Lord, 71

Duquesne spy ring, 327

Durocher, Leo, 437, 445

Dutch Reformed Church, 34, 36, 52, 59

Dutch West India Company, 5, 22, 25, 30, 42, 44, 55

Dwight, Timothy, 18, 28, 80, 469n28

Dyer, Mary, 52

Dyker Beach Park and Golf Course, 87

Dyker Heights, 229, 408

Earhart, Amelia, 286, 294

Earth and Air Carnival, 159–60, 162

Eastern Park, 436

Eastern Parkway, 96–100, 97, 98, 99, 231

East Fifty-Second Street, 307

East Flatbush, 321, 322, 408, 417–18, 463

East Forty-Eighth Street, 307–8

East Forty-Fifth Street, 307

East Hampton, Long Island, 86

East Island, 266, 268

East New York, 4, 408, 412–20, 414, 425, 462

East New York Avenue, 322

East Nineteenth Street, 318

East 105th Street subway station, 407

East River, 3, 4, 6, 8, 25, 296–97

East River Bridge Company, 361

East Thirty-Fifth Street, 318

East Thirty-Fourth Street, 318

East Thirty-Ninth Street, 322

East Thirty-Sixth Street, 308

East Thirty-Third Street, 308–9, 309, 321, 325

East Tremont, 11

East Twenty-First Street, 307

East Twenty-Ninth Street, 318

Eaton, Anne Lloyd, 48, 50

Eaton, Theophilus, 48, 50

Ebbets, Charles, 436–37, 439

Ebbets Field, 13, 113, 429, 436–41, 438, 445–46, 446

Eclipse racetrack, Queens, 108

École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 109, 154, 171, 222, 232, 299, 342

Edison, Thomas, 299, 421

Edison lightbulbs, 462–65

education, 143–45, 146, 414–20, 425

Educational Facilities Laboratories, 416

education parks, 415–20, 425

E. Frank Coe Company, 133

Eggers, Otto: American Red Cross headquarters, 355, 356; Brooklyn War Memorial, 352, 353

Eiffel, Gustave, 174

Eighteenth Amendment, 117

Eighth Avenue Armory, 164

Eighty-Sixth Street, 408

Eisenhower Interstate Highway program, 401–2

Elderwear, 23

elevators, 184, 189, 377

Eleventh Ward, 358

Eliot, Charles W., 235, 253, 484n34

Ellenstein, Meyer C., 285

Elliott, Donald H., 411–12, 424

Elm Tree Association, 83

elm trees, 80, 83–86, 84, 85, 98, 105, 137

Elmwood Farm, Conway, New Hampshire, 84

Ely, Eugene B., 147–48

Embarcadero Freeway, 403

Embury, Aymar, II, 28, 353, 492n26

Embury, Aymar, III, 351, 469n27

Emergency Operations Center of the New York City Office of Emergency Management, 356

Emergency Work Bureau, 255, 422

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 80, 216–17

Empire Bond and Securities, 183

Empire State Building, 280, 280

Endale Arch, Prospect Park, 91

Endicott, John, 43, 52

Endocardium Company, 307

Energy Independence and Security Act (2007), 462

Engeman, William A., 109–12

Engeman, William A., Jr., 122

Engeman family, 115

Engineering News (magazine), 138

English landscape aesthetic, 74–78

Equendito, 25

Erickson, Frank A., 328

Ericson, Leif, 101

Erie Basin, 199, 204

Erie Canal, 83, 197, 199, 203–4, 209, 210

Erskine, Carl, 330

Este, Ippolito II d,’ 394

Ethiopia I (airplane), 289

eugenics, 226, 233–38, 305–6

Evenson, Norma, 370

E. V. Haughwout Building, Manhattan, 404

E. W. Bliss Company, 332

Exposición Histórico-Americana (Madrid, 1892), 174

Exposition Universelle (Paris, 1889), 192

expressways. See highways

Ezekiel, book of, 48, 51

Fact-Finding Committee on Suitable Airport Facilities for the New York Metropolitan District, 266

Faden, William, A plan of New York Island, part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, 62

Fahey, John H., 226

Fairbanks house, Massachusetts, 305

Fairchild, Sherman, 15, 468n1

Fairchild Aerial Survey Company, 15, 16

Farley, James A., 285, 286

Farragut Houses, 336, 359, 399, 399

Farrington, Robert M., 479n11

fascism, 291–94

Fashion racetrack, Queens, 108

February House, 11, 366, 397, 398, 458

Federal-Aid Highway Act (1956), 401

Federal Art Project, 272–73

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 294

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 321–22, 435

Federal Writers’ Project, 358, 366

Fellheimer, Alfred T., 399

Felman, Jacob B., 302

Feltman, Charles, 169

Ferguson, Missouri, 450

ferries, 94, 111, 142, 199, 216, 296

Ferris, George, 170

fertilizer, 127, 129, 131–33, 138

Fiat Lingotto, 155

Fickel, Jacob E., 148

Field, Hamilton Easter, 398

Field, Thomas Warren, 66–67, 69, 71

Fifteenth Amendment, 220

Fifth Ward, 134, 224, 358–61, 359, 360, 362, 370, 399, 459

Filene, Edward A., 226

Filipino Americans, 364

Fillmore Avenue, 309, 321, 322

Filloramo Brothers, 307

Fine Arts Commission, Washington, DC, 231

First Air Division, US Army Air Corps, 278

First Baptist Church of Sheepshead Bay, 106–7, 107, 115

First International Eugenics Congress, 233

First Maryland Regiment, 61–74, 68

First National Conference on City Planning, 222

First National Conference on Race Betterment, 235–36, 236, 484n34

Fischer, David Hackett, 58

Fisher, Carl G., 153, 155

Fisher, Irving, 235

Fisher, Maria J., 115, 115

fish processing plants, 131–33, 137

Fitzgerald, Ella, 10

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, The Great Gatsby, 3, 207, 247

Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz,” 233

FitzGerald, John J., 114

Flamm, Michael W., 433

Flanagan, Thomas P., 304

Flatbush, 3, 28, 32, 59–62, 270, 317, 323, 433, 436

Flatbush Avenue, 15, 88, 90, 144, 145, 242, 258, 268, 282, 303, 336, 441, 443, 462–64

Flatbush Chamber of Commerce, 265

Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church, 36

Flatbush Relief Sewer, 303, 303

Flatlands, 3, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 32, 35, 36, 108, 126, 155, 244, 270, 303, 307, 309, 314, 322, 323, 324, 425, 464

Flatlands Avenue, 307, 408

Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church, 34

Flatlands Industrial Park, 406–7, 409, 415–16, 496n7

Fleary, George, 431

Flint, Anthony, 426

Floyd Bennett (airplane), 276

Floyd Bennett Field, 2, 144, 145, 269, 271, 272–74, 276, 276, 278–86, 284, 285, 286, 288, 289–90, 293–94, 296, 308, 326–28, 327

Flushing, 247

Flushing ash dump, 438

Flushing Bay, 204, 207

Flushing Canal, 204–8, 210

Flushing Meadows Park, 207

Flushing Remonstrance, 44, 52

Flushing River, 207

flying boats, 264–65, 274, 281, 291–92, 293, 326

Flynn, Leroy, 448

Foelker, Otto G., 122

Fogelson, Robert, 299, 301–2, 335

Fokker, Anthony G., 275

Folk, “Holy Joe,” 120

Fontaine, Jean de la, 75

Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, 451

Ford, Edsel, 275

Ford, Henry, 275, 312, 322

Ford, Josephine, 275

Ford Foundation, 416, 427

Forest Hills Gardens, Queens, 208

Forest Park, Queens, 207

Forever Ink Bar, 464

Forever Wild nature preserves, 262

Fort Greene, 459

Fort Greene Houses, 336, 368–80, 369, 371, 372, 376, 379

Fort Greene Park, 358

Fort Greene Place, 441–42

Fort Hamilton, 58, 96

Fort Hamilton Parkway, 100–101, 229

Fort Ponkiesberg, 62

Fort Tilden, 311

Fortune (magazine), 324

Foster Avenue, 307, 322

Fouilhoux, J. André, 368–69

Fourteenth Regiment of the New York State Militia, 163–64

Fourth Avenue, 229, 239

Fourth National Conference on City Planning, 233

Fox, George, 52–53

Franklin, Benjamin, 317

Franklin, Roswell E., 283

Franklin D. Roosevelt (aircraft carrier), 329

Fraser, James Earle, monumental sculpture of George Washington, 247, 247

Freedomland, 416

Freeman, Joshua B., 332, 334, 335

Frémont, John C., 136

French, Edwin, “Down at Sheepshead Bay,” 166

Fresh Creek, 60

Freshmen, Philip, 309–10; English Tudor Home, 325

Fried, Miles E., 176

Friedan, Betty, 459

Friede, Isaac, 171

Friede, Joel, 171

Friede, Meyer, 171

Friede, Samuel Meyer, 171–74, 176, 179–81, 183–86, 184, 188–93, 441, 453; illustration for an “Amusement Apparatus,” 177; illustration for a “Revolving Air Ship Tower,” 178

Friede-Blanke Aerial Globe, 172–74, 176. See also Globe Tower

Friede Globe Tower Company, 179–80, 180, 183–86, 185, 189

Friedman, Milton, 12

Fries, Sylvia D., 54

Fritchman, E. H., 308

Fruit Street Sitting Area, 395

Fugutive Slave Act (1850), 35

Fuller, R. Buckminster, 440–41, 442

Fulton, Robert, 296

Fulton Street, 340, 373–74, 431, 462

Fulton Street elevated train, 339–41, 340, 344, 345

Furillo, Carl, 330

Furman, Gabriel, 297

Furman, Robert, 72–73

Furman Street, 389–91, 392, 393, 395

Futurama exhibit, 1939 New York World’s Fair, 401, 439–40

Futurity Stakes, 113–14, 116, 117, 118–19, 123

Gaines, Elizabeth Venable, 361

Gairville, 459

Galamison, Milton A., 416, 424

Galerie des machines, Exposition Universelle (Paris, 1889), 192

Gallo, Fortune, 164

gambling, 117, 120–22

garages, 319

Garden City concept, 369, 372, 421

garden design, 74

Gardner, Frank S., 209

Garner, Louis M., 451

Garrison, Lloyd K., 416

Garrison, William Lloyd, 416

Garvey, Marcus, 289

Gatty, Harold, 287, 291

Gavett, Jack, 366

Geddes, Patrick, 369

General Electric, 281

General Motors, 401, 439

Genovese, Kitty, 413, 433, 456

gentrification, 430, 459–65

George Ehret Brewery, 333

George III, king of England, 64

George VI, king of England, 328

German-American Alliance, 163, 163

German Americans, 160, 162–63

Germany, 160, 162–63. See also Nazi Germany

Gerritsen, Samuel, 28

Gerritsen, Wolphert, 22, 23, 24–26

Gerritsen Avenue, 256, 259

Gerritsen Beach, 312–14, 314, 322

Gerritsen Creek, 19, 20, 24, 35, 39, 153, 241, 242–43, 251, 256, 261, 327, 469n27

Gerritsen Estates, 312–13, 312, 313

Gerritsen family, 241

Gerritsen tide mill, 27–28, 29, 35, 241, 242, 257

Gershwin, George, 12, 413

Gershwin, Ira, 12

Getnick, Hyman, 413

Get-Together Club, 220

Gibbons, Richard, 265–66, 282; illustration for an “Airplane Receiving Apparatus,” 267

GI Bill, 435

Gienanth, Ulrich von, 294

Gilbert, Arthur W., 484n34

Gilbert, Cass, 173

Gillette, Chester, 121

Gilmore, Patrick, 108

Gilpin, William, 77, 80

Gini, Corrado, 233

Gist, Mordecai, 61, 63

Gittens, Essie Marie, 290

Giuliani, Rudolph W. “Rudy,” 12, 424

glaciers. See Laurentide ice sheet; outwash plain; terminal moraine

Glidden Tour, 149

Globe Tower, 179–81, 182, 183–86, 187, 188–89, 189, 192, 193, 441, 452. See also Aerial Globe

Globe Tower Band, 190

Golden Age of Aviation, 286

Goldin, Louis R., 307

Gold Rush, 297

Goldwater, Barry, 432

Good Roads Association, 103

Good Roads Movement, 154

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 12

Gordon, Elisabeth, 492n26

Gorky, Arshile, 272

Govarale, Filipo, 181, 190

Governors Island, 22, 265

Gowanus, 16, 60–61, 63, 66–67, 72

Gowanus Bay, 199, 265

Gowanus Canal, 204, 297, 436, 459

Gowanus Creek, 199

Gowanus Expressway, 387, 399

Gowanus Improvement (brochure), 386, 390

Gowanus Parkway, 385, 387, 390

Grace, Thomas, 322

Gradual Manumission Act (1799), 34

Graff, M. M., 89

grain trade, 204

Grand Army Plaza, 91, 233, 239, 336

Grand Central Parkway, 99, 385, 387

Grange, 121

Grant, Harry F., 157

Grant, James, 58, 60–61, 66

Grant, Madison, The Passing of the Great Race, 305–6

Graves, Mabel, 151, 152

Gravesend, 2, 3, 25, 32, 40, 43–57, 46–47, 49, 56, 59, 114, 130, 135, 167–70, 169, 447

Gravesend Bay, 55

Gravesend–Jamaica Bay Waterways Board, 206

Gravesend Neck Road, 44, 229, 307

Gravesend racetrack, 109

Gravesend town plan, 45, 49, 471n9, 471n10

Great Depression, 9, 246, 272, 296, 308, 310–11, 313, 318, 320, 416, 422, 437

Great Epizootic (1872), 129

Greater New York World’s Fair Committee, 246

Great Hurricane (1938), 299

Great Migration, 447

Great Port of Jamaica Bay. See World Harbor

Great Society programs, 431

Greeley, Horace, 136

Green, Andrew Haswell, 6, 8, 87, 96, 197–98

Greenbelt, Maryland, 422

Greene, Bertha, 115

Greenlight Bookstore, 464

Greenpoint, 9, 199, 388, 400, 460

Greenwich Village, Manhattan, 22, 86, 365

Green-Wood Cemetery, 2, 3, 6, 74–78, 76, 78

Greva Compagnia, 311

Greve, William M., 311–15, 322, 435

Greyhound (ship), 59

Grief, Mark, 460

Griffin, Frank D., 452

Griffis, John H., 420

Gropius, Walter, 420

Grout, Edward Marshall, 198–200, 202, 316

Gruen, Victor, 407

Grumman, 327

Guenzel, Louis, 163

Guerin, Jules, View, looking west, of the proposed Civic Center plaza and buildings. From Plan of Chicago, 228

Guggenheim, Harry F., 266

Guggenheim School of Aeronautics, 266

Guillan, H. B., 28

Gulick, Luther Halsey, 253

Guthrie, Arlo, 12

G. W. Bromley and Company, Atlas of the Borough of Brooklyn, 187

Gwynn Oak Park, Baltimore, 451

Hackensack, New Jersey, 16

Haile Selassie, 289

Half Moon (ship), 21–22, 197, 209

Hall, Peter, 408

Hallet’s Cove, 204

Hamill, Pete, 2, 11, 429, 430, 458

Hamilton, Alexander, 362

Hamilton, Tony, 116

Hammond, A. G., 71

Hammond Avenue, 71

Hanks, Nancy, 156

Hanna, John, 77

Hanson Place, 441

Harbor Protective and Development Association, 204

Haring Street, 308

Harkness, Harry S., 153, 164, 166, 479n9

Harkness Handicap, 159

Harlem River Drive, 387

Harlem Ship Canal, 88

Harper’s Weekly (magazine), 219

Harriman, Averell, 442

Harrington, Michael, 378

Harrison, Wallace K., 368–69

Hart, Merwin K., 121

Hartley, Marsden, 398

Harvey, George U., 260, 383

Harwood Building, Scarsdale, 307

Hassett, Patty, 496n15

Hastings, Milo, 422

Hattie (elephant), 165

Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 95, 191, 226, 336, 384

Haviland, James Cromwell, 398

Hawkins Brothers Fish Oil and Guano Company, 133

Hawthorne, Julian, 422

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Scarlet Letter, 41

Hayes, Rutherford B., 117

Hayward and Lepine, Battle Pass, Valley Grove, 60

Hazlet, John, 61

Hearst, William Randolph, 120, 149

Hearst Prize, 149–51

Heights of Guana, 76

helicopters, 327, 328

Hellcat fighter, 327

Hell Gate Bridge, 210

Helmle, Frank J., 342

Hempstead, 257

Hempstead Plain, 18

Hempstead Plains Aerodrome, 147

Henderson, Charles R., 311

Hendrick I. Lott house, 14, 15, 28, 35–38, 36, 37, 314

Hendricksen, Cornelius, 22

Henkel, August, 272–73, 273

Henry Hudson Bridge, 438

Henry Hudson Parkway, 381, 383, 384–85, 385

Herkimer Street, 414

Herndon, Hugh, Jr., 286–87

Herriman, Stephen H., 242

Hewitt, Abram S. See Brooklyn Eagle

Heyman Glass Company, 459

Hicks, John and Jacob Middagh, 297

Hicks Street, 388–91, 388

Higgins, Charles, 318

Higgins, Daniel: American Red Cross headquarters, 355, 356; Brooklyn War Memorial, 352, 353

Highland Park, 87, 231

Highland Park pool, Pittsburgh, 451

High Street, 359

highways, 380, 400–428, 434–35

Hill, David B., 136

Hill, Leavitt, 84

Hillis, Newell Dwight, 216, 218–39, 223, 305, 338, 341, 383, 390–91, 393; The Blot on the Kaiser’s ’Scutcheon, 237–38

Hinsdale, Reynold H., 191–92, 481n27

hipsters, 460

Hirshfield, David, 241

Hirst, Herb, 280

Historic House Trust, 314

Hitler, Adolf, 236, 294, 446, 452

H. J. Linder and Company, 186

Hobsbawm, Eric, 71

Hodges, Willis Augustus, 35

Hodgson, Robert, 52

Holiday Hill amusement park, Ferguson, Missouri, 450

Holland, Clifford Milburn, 483n15

Holland Tunnel, 268, 282, 303, 404, 483n15

Holme, Thomas, 53–54; A Map of the Improved Part of the Province of Pennsilvania in America, 55; A Portraiture of the City of Philadelphia, 54

Holocaust, 238

Home Apartments, Brooklyn Heights, 241

Hong Kong, 214

Hoover, Herbert, 266, 268

Hoover, J. Edgar, 294

Horn and Hardart Automats, 373

Hornbostel, Henry, 154–55

Horne, Lena, 12

horsecars, 129

horse racing, 107–23, 242–43

horses, 128–31, 130

Horton, Harry M., 148

Horwitz brothers (Three Stooges), 12

Hotaling, Ed, 116

Hotel Bossert, 342, 395

Hotel St. George, 225

House of Lehrenkrauss, 320–21

housing, 295–325, 334–36, 411, 435. See also public housing

Housing Act (1949), 335

Houston Ship Channel, 203

Hoving, Thomas, 411

Howard, Ebenezer, 369, 421

Howard Beach Building Company, 208

Howe, Arthur M., 343

Howe, George Augustus, 64

Howe, Richard, 58, 64

Howe, William, 58–61, 63–65

Howland Hook Marine Terminal, Staten Island, 213

Hubbard, Henry Vincent, 248

Hubbard, James, 45, 51, 55, 56

Hudde, Andries, 18, 22, 23, 24–26

Hudson, Henry, 21–22, 209

Hudson Avenue, 359, 359, 361, 364

Hudson Avenue Generating Station, 361–62, 362, 363

Hudson-Fulton Celebration, 265

Huggins, Ernest, 450

Huggins, Josephine, 450

Hughes, Charles Evans, 120–21, 121

Hughes, Evan, 365

Hughes, Howard, 286, 294

Hughes, Langston, 452

Hulbert, George Murray, 215, 242

Hunt, Rose Ward (formerly Sally Maria “Pinky” Diggs), 216, 217, 450

Hurricane Sandy (2012), 210, 263, 313

Hutchinson, Anne, 41–42, 43, 48

Hutchinson River Parkway, 380

Huxtable, Ada Louise, 401, 425

hydrophobia, 127

Hylan, John F., 101, 214, 241–42, 301, 302

ice cream, 490n13

Idlewild Airport, 295, 408. See also John F. Kennedy International Airport

Illustration of the “sham battle over New York,” 279

La Ilustración Española y Americana (magazine), 174

immigrants, 8–10, 141–43, 222, 224, 235, 253, 305–6, 311, 364

Important Exhibition of Modern Art (exhibition), 398

Industrial Canal, New Orleans, 203

industry, decline of, 330–34

Indy Racing League IndyCar series, 159

infant mortality, 41, 142, 358, 361

Ingalls, Laura, 286, 294

Ingersoll, Raymond V., 145, 260, 339, 379

Insurance Building, 309

Interboro Parkway, 99, 385

Interborough Rapid Transit Company, 112, 225

intergroup contact hypothesis, 433

International Aviation Meet, 149

International Exhibition (London, 1862), 127

International Exposition Company, 246

International Longshoremen’s Association, 200

invented traditions, 71–72

Iowa (ship), 329

Irish Americans, 359–61

Irishtown, 359

Irving, Washington, 21, 22, 43, 75, 80

Island Buffet, 464

Italian Americans, 292–93, 361

Italian futurism, 291

Italy, 291–93

Ives Act (1887), 117, 120

Jackie Robinson Parkway, 99, 385

Jackson, Kenneth T., 63

Jacob Riis Park, 258, 264

Jacobs, Jane, 53, 403–4, 403, 410, 414, 426, 444, 459

Jamaica, 60

Jamaica Bay, 2, 35, 125, 135, 138, 139, 142, 195–215, 196, 198, 257, 265, 266, 268, 272, 281, 328, 406

Jamaica Bay Improvement Commission, 202

James, Darwin, III, 391

James, Gladys Underwood, 390–91

James, Henry, Washington Square, 86

Japanese Americans, 365

Jay Z, 12

Jefferson, Thomas, 436

Jenkins, Philip, 431, 433

Jennings, Allyn, 259, 383

Jerome, Jennie, 12

Jerome, Lawrence, 112

Jerome, Leonard W., 112

Jerome Park racetrack, Bronx, 108, 111, 112, 117

Jerusalem River, 35

Jewell, Edward Alden, 239, 250

Jews, 9, 30, 52, 109, 171, 413, 454

Jockey Club, 116

jockeys, 115–17

Johannes Lott barn, 38

John F. Kennedy High School, 416

John F. Kennedy International Airport, 207, 266, 295, 401, 405, 408, 409

John M. Coleman Intermediate School, 271, 414

Johnson, Lyndon B., 431, 451

Johnson, Philip, 496n14

Johnson, Samuel, 224

Joint Legislative Committee on Housing, 301

Jones, James Earl, 289

Jones, J. Herbert, 487n3

Jones, Robert, 289

Jones Beach, 257, 259

Jones Beach State Park, 381, 447

Jordan, Michael, 12

Josephine Ford (airplane), 275

Judge Corwin house, Massachusetts, 305

Juet, Robert, 21

Julian, Hubert, 286, 288–89, 288, 290

Jumbo (elephant), 131

“Jungle,” 358, 372, 374, 378

Kacha-washke, 124

Kahn, Albert, 272

Kahn, Ely Jacques, 369

Kakapetteyno (chief), 22

Kallman, Chester, 366

Karst, Emile, 173–74

Kasson, John, 171

Kauffman, Reginald Wright, 193

Kaufman, Herbert, 285

Kavanaugh, Frederick W., 208

Kazin, Alfred, 12, 413

Kearsarge (aircraft carrier), 329

Keck, Charles, 353

Keely, Patrick C., 359

Keene, James R., 112, 121

Keitel, Harvey, 12

Keiter’s Hook, 60

Kellogg, John Harvey, 235, 237

Kellor, Frances A., 142–43

Kelly, Edna F., 427

Kelly, James A., 68–69

Kennedy, Elijah R., 100–101

Kennedy, Michael J., 231

Kensington, 462

Kent, Rockwell, 273

Kern, Jerome, “Nesting Time in Flatbush,” 9, 296

Kerrick, Harrison S., 147

Kerrigan, Charles F., 268

Keskachauge, 16, 18–19, 22, 25, 27

Khrushchev, Nikita, 383

Kieft, Willem, 42–44, 52, 167, 470n6

Kieft’s War, 27, 43, 55

Kilborn, Eloise S., 156

Kilenyi, Julio, 247

Killmer, Nelson B., 204

Kimball Landing, 35

King, Carole, 12

King Kong (film), 280, 280

Kingsborough Community College, 265

Kingsbury, Frederick, 79

Kings County, 3, 28, 30–32, 35, 57, 59, 65, 91, 107, 108, 120, 297, 380, 430

Kings County Land Commission, 206

Kings County Penitentiary, 140

Kings County Sunday Observance League, 160

Kings County Supreme Court, 233

King’s Head tavern, 108

Kings Highway, 15, 44, 94, 101, 229, 239, 321, 408

Kings Plaza Mall, 215

Kinney, Ova, 268

Kitagawa, Daisuke, 451

Kleinsasser, Theodore W., 441–43, 442

Knapp, H. K., 479n9

Koch, Ed, 78, 411

Koehler, V. Hugo, 154

Kohn, Samuel, 139

Kokuryūkai (Black Dragon Society), 287

Koolhaas, Rem, 6

Koop, C. Everett, 12

Korean War Veterans Park, 342, 343

Kosciuszko Bridge, 388

Koselleck, Reinhart, 2

Kracke, Frederick J. H., 338, 339, 343

Kratter, Marvin, 445–46

Krogius, Henrik, 390

Krohn, Charles, 268

Ku Klux Klan, 9–10, 305

labor: Barren Island processing plants, 133–34, 141, 143; Coney Island, 447–48; horse racing, 114, 121, 123; housing industry, 303; midcentury problems, 431; port facilities, 200; postwar problems, 331–34; World War II, 326–29

labor strikes, 331–34, 333, 448

La Guardia, Fiorello, 68, 86, 145, 214, 256, 284–86, 284, 285, 296, 339, 346, 349, 367–68, 370, 383, 412

La Guardia Airport, 286

Lake Fithian (ship), 254–55, 255, 486n20

Lakeland Park, Memphis, 451

Lamb, Charles, 224

Lamb, Martha, 56

land deed, 23

Landmarks Preservation Commission, 23, 404, 430

landscape architecture, 79, 80, 248, 474n26

Landscape Architecture (magazine), 249, 254, 257

Langan, Edward A., 184–85, 188–90

Lansing, Michigan, 451

Latham, Roy, 20

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 132

Lauder family, 459

Laughlin, Harry Hamilton, 236–37

Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, 78

Laurelton Parkway, 383

Laurentide ice sheet, 3–4, 5, 197. See also outwash plain; terminal moraine

Laurye Homes Corporation, 309–10, 311, 321

Law, Charles B., 210, 211

Law, Ruth, 160

Lawrence Realization Stakes, 123, 147

Lay, Charles Downing, 248–57, 261–62, 351; aerial perspective of Canoe Harbor at Avenue U, Marine Park, 252; The Freedom of the City, 248, 250; Long Canal in Marine Park, 263; Preliminary Plan for Marine Park, Brooklyn, 251; view of Boathouse, Marine Park, 254

League of Loyal Citizens, 8

Lechford, Thomas, 41

Le Corbusier, 369, 370, 423–24

LED light, 462–63

Lee, Charles, 65

Lee, Gypsy Rose, 366

Lee, Richard, 417

Lee, Spike, 12

Lee, Tunney F., 411

Lefkowitz, Lewis J., 427

Lehman, Herbert H., 367–68, 370

Leif Ericson Park, 101

Lenape. See Leni Lenape Nation

Lend-Lease Program, 326

L’Enfant, Pierre Charles, 227

Leni Lenape Nation, 3, 16, 197, 262

Leonard, Bill, 454

Lethem, Jonathan, 12

Let There Be Commitment (report), 411

Levine, Charles A., 271

Levitt, Alfred, 435

Levitt, William, 12, 435

Levittown, 435–36, 435, 458

Lewis, Alonzo, 41

Lexington (ship), 328–29

Lezbern Building Company, 307

Life Savers Candy Company, 330, 456

light, 462–65

Light Detecting and Ranging (LIDAR), 72–74, 73

Ligorio, Pirro, 394

Lincoln, Abraham, 217

Lindbergh, Charles, 148, 246, 264–65, 270, 275, 278, 294, 295

Linden Boulevard, 413

Lindenthal, Gustav, 154

Lindsay, John Vliet, 405–6, 408, 409, 411–12, 412, 415–17, 420, 424–28, 496n14

linear cities, 418–27

Linear City for New York, 418, 419, 420–21, 420, 424–27, 450

Lipsik, Charlotte, 433

Liszt, Franz, 395

Litchfield, Edwin Clark, 199, 297, 391

Litchfield, Electus Darwin, 391, 392, 393, 495n13

Little Mothers’ League, 143

Little Rock, Arkansas, 451

Lloyd, Clinton F., 352, 383, 384

Locke, William W., 138

Lockwood, Charles C., 301, 347

Logue, Edward J., 411, 417, 420, 496n14

Lombardi, Vince, 12

LOMEX. See Lower Manhattan Expressway

London plane trees, 321, 352, 353, 474n14

Long, Huey, 353

Longacre Engineering and Construction Company of New York, 272

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Evangeline, 145

longhouses, 18–19

Long Island: elm trees on, 86; horse racing on, 107–8; Moody’s settlement on, 42, 44; Native Americans in, 16; as port, 56; topography of, 2, 4, 16, 18, 20, 107, 197; transportation on, 97, 99, 99; Underground Railroad and, 35

Long Island Daily Press (newspaper), 214

Long Island Expressway, 99, 405

Long Island Kennel Club, 153

Long Island Lighting Company, 435

Long Island Motor Parkway, 99

Long Island Rail Road, 109, 155, 210, 268, 408, 418, 441, 443–44

Long Island State Park Commission, 381

Long Meadow, Prospect Park, 91

loop agitation, 221–23

Loorya, Alyssa, 29, 37–38

Loosley, Charles, 108

Lord, Hewlett & Tallant, 233

Lorillard, Pierre, IV, 112

Lorimer, A. Gordon, plan for Brooklyn Supreme Court plaza, 355, 356

Lorraine, Claude, 74

Los Angeles Herald (newspaper), 114

Los Angeles Motordrome, 155

Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 162

Lott, Hendrick I., 28, 32, 34–38

Lott, Jeromus, 31

Lott, Johannes, 14, 31, 33, 314

Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, 1904), 172–73

Louisville, Kentucky, 451

Low, Seth, 199, 219, 220

Lowell, James Russell, 80

Lower Manhattan Expressway (LOMEX), 387, 404–6, 405, 406, 408, 425–28, 426

Lowrie, Charles N., 483n18

Luna Park, 171, 172, 179, 447, 452

Lusitania (ship), 162

Lustig, Elias, 283

Lustig Sky Train, 283, 284, 284

Lutherans, 52

Lying Lips (film), 289

MacArthur, Douglas, 279, 296

Macdonald, Elizabeth, 95, 96, 102, 103

MacDonald, Eugene, 274

MacDonald, Thomas H., 402

MacFarlane, Peter, 218

MacGilchrist, J., perspective rendering of Marine Park, 260

MacKaye, Benton, 369

MacManus, Edgar, 30

MacMillan Polar Expedition, 274

MacMonnies, Frederick William: James S. T. Stranahan monument, 87; Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch, Grand Army Plaza, 226, 483n17

MacNeice, Louis, 366

MacPhail, Leland Stanford, 437

Madison, Dolly, 490n13

Madison Square Garden, Manhattan, 117, 131, 188, 220, 293

Magoon, Herbert, Marine Park Fieldhouse, 261

Mailer, Norman, 12

mail transport, 282–86, 285

Maine (ship), 329, 353

Major Deegan Expressway, 401

Manatus Map, 18, 24

Manhattan: Brooklyn’s relationship to, 4–6, 9, 10, 88, 196, 270, 334; Moses’s highway project for, 404–6; port facilities of, 200–202, 213

Manhattan Beach, 4, 265

Manhattan Beach Hotel, 108–9, 110, 114, 123, 148, 170

Manhattan Beach Improvement Company, 136

Manhattan Bridge, 221–22, 231, 268, 336, 343, 361, 399, 459

Manhattan Project, 326

Manhattan Sand Company, 308

Mann, Klaus, 366

Mann, Thomas, 366

Manufacturer and Builder (magazine), 174

manumission, 32, 34

manure, 110, 127, 129

Maple Street, 311, 490n17

Marble Hill, 416

Marin, John, 398

Marine Park, 2, 14, 20, 21, 239–62, 249, 251, 252, 254, 256, 258–59, 260, 261, 263, 265, 266, 308–10, 318, 321, 322, 462, 464, 484n1, 491n26

Marine Park Civic Association, 265

Marine Parkway Authority, 258

Marine Parkway Bridge, 258, 438

Mariposa Mining Company, 89

Marlo, Michael, 452

Maroney, Jimmy, 361

Marquat, E. J., 370

marriage, 234–36

Mars, James Cairn “Bud,” 147–49, 478n2

Marsh, Benjamin C., 222

Marsh, Reginald, 454, 457

Marshall, William L., 210

Martin, Dave, 137

Martin, Joseph Plumb, 71

Martin, Malcolm G., 452

Martins, 373

Maryland Commission on Interracial Problems and Relations, 451

Marylanders. See First Maryland Regiment

Massabarkem, 25

Massachusetts, 40–43, 48

Massachusetts Horticulture Society, 75

mass production, 312, 322, 435

Mather, Cotton, 45

Mayer, Albert, 369

Mayor’s Committee on Aviation invitation, 277

McCarren, Patrick H., 137

McClellan, George B., Jr., 202, 222

McCormack, John, 164

McCormick Theological Seminary, 218

McCrary, Reagan “Tex,” 383

McCue, Andy, 437, 446

McCullers, Carson, 366–67, 398, 458

McCurdy, J.A.D., 147–48

McCurtin, Daniel, 58

McDonald Avenue, 39, 44, 51, 194

McGrath, John P., 442–43

McKane, John Y., 115, 120, 169–70, 198

McKenzie, Voorhees & Gmelin, 233

McKim, Charles Follen, 227

McKim, Mead & White, 154, 233

McKnight, Fanny, 134

McLaughlin, George V., 437

McLean, Malcom Purcell, 212

McMillan, Robert S., 420

McMillan Commission, 227

McMillan Griffis Mileto, 420; Linear City, Brooklyn, New York, 419, 420

McNamara, Robert S., 429

McVey, Edison, 288–89

Meade, Elizabeth D., 74

Mechawanienk trail, 44

Meeker Avenue, 388

Melville, Herman, 372

Memphis, Tennessee, 451

menhaden, 131–33, 133, 137

Mergenthaler Linotype, 332

Mermaid Avenue, 452

Merrimack (ship), 332

metabolists, 410

Metropolitan Board of Health, 130

Metropolitan Park Conference, 381

Michael A. Rawley, Jr. American Legion Post, 72

Michael’s Tonsorial Parlor, xi, xiv

Michaux, François André, 83

Mickey Mouse, 280, 281

Mid-Manhattan Expressway, 406

Midwood, 4, 418, 463, 464

Midwood Street, 311, 490n17

Midwout, 28

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, Concord Village scheme, 353, 355

Mileto, William P., 420

Militant (newspaper), 278

Military Air Transport Service, 327

Military and Naval Tournament for Adequate National Defense, 160

Mill Basin, 214, 214, 272, 413

Miller, Arthur, 12

Miller, Blaine Heston, 155–57

Miller, Henry, 11, 12

Minuit, Pieter, 22

miscegenation, fears of, 236, 451

Missouri (ship), 329

Miss Veedol (airplane), 286–87

Mitchel, John Purroy, 189, 241, 338

Mitchill, Samuel L., 132

modernism, 354–56, 370–73, 381, 410, 443

Modern Venus bathing-beauty competition, 454

Mohawk ironworkers, 459

Molière, 75

Monitor (ship), 332

Montclair Civil Rights Commission, 450

Montero, Maria, 294

Monthly Labor Review (magazine), 303

Montreal, Canada, 204

Moody, Catherine, 40

Moody, Deborah, 4, 39–57, 167

Moody, Henry, 39–40

Moody, Henry, Jr., 40, 44, 56, 107

Moon, Vernon S., 346

moonshine, 134. See also bootleggers

moraine. See terminal moraine

Moran, Thomas, 20

Moreland Act, 120

Moritz, Herman O., 316

Morning Telegraph (newspaper), 114

Morrison, Jim, 75

Morris Park, Bronx, 208

Morse, George L., Brooklyn Eagle Building, 357

Morton, Thomas, 131

Moseley, Winston, 433

Moses, Robert, 2, 11, 26, 61, 97, 99, 144–45, 221, 229, 247, 256–59, 260, 261, 304, 323, 326, 335–36, 339, 346–57, 347, 380–406, 397, 408, 424, 428, 434, 438, 441–46, 459, 469n27; Joint Study of Arterial Facilities, 405, 408

mossbunkers, 132

Mostel, Zero, 12

Motherwell, Robert, 461

Motor (magazine), 157, 159

Motor Vehicle Dealers Association, 319

Mount Auburn Cemetery, Boston, 75, 77–78

Mount Vernon replica, 304–5, 305

Mount Washington, 76

Mumford, Lewis, 297, 324, 348, 356, 369, 370–72, 395, 400, 403

Mummert, Harvey C., 265–66

Municipal Arts Society, 391

Münsterberg, Hugo, 162

Murphy, Eddie, 12

Murphy, Henry C., 100

Murphy, Ike, 116

Murphy, Thomas, 134

Museum of Modern Art, 409

Museum of the City of New York, 304

Muskyttehool, 25

Mussolini, Benito, 291, 293

Myrtle Avenue, 11

Myrtle Avenue elevated train, 340, 379

NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Napoleon III, 358

Narriock, 25

Narrows, 21, 55, 58, 60, 265, 408

Natanson, Max M., 166–67

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 431, 433, 450–51

National Daylight Saving Association, 317

National Housing Act (1934), 321

nationalism, 82

National Negro Congress, 374

National Open Air Festival Society, 164

National Origins Act (1924), 306

National Park Service, 66

National War Labor Board, 331

Native Americans, 15–16, 18–20, 22, 24–27, 43, 44, 131. See also individual tribes

nativism, 224, 305

Naval Air Ferry Command, 327

Naval Air Station–New York, 327

Naval Air Station Rockaway, 264

Naval Reserve Air Squadron Curtiss O2C-1 aircraft, 280, 281

Navy Yard. See Brooklyn Navy Yard

Nazi Germany, 236–38, 293, 294, 326–27

Nelson, Aaron, 448–49

Nelson, James L., 61, 64

Nelson family of aerialists, 188

Neptune Avenue, 322

“Nesting Time in Flatbush” (song), 9, 296

Neuberger, Samuel A., 452

New Amsterdam, 4, 24, 34, 42–45, 52, 56

Newark, New Jersey, quarries, 297, 299

Newark Airport, 266, 272, 281–82, 285

The New City: Architecture and Urban Renewal (exhibition), 409–10, 411

Newcombe, Don, 330

Newcourt, Richard, 54

New Deal, 256, 346

New England Journal of Medicine, 237

New England Thruway, 387

New Haven, Connecticut, 45, 48, 50–51, 50, 53, 84–85, 85, 417, 420, 450

New Jersey, 213

New Lots, 3, 60

Newmarket racetrack, Salisbury, 108

New Netherland, 3, 18, 22, 25, 30, 34, 42, 44–45, 50–52, 57, 107

New Orleans, Louisiana, 403, 428, 450

Newspaper Guild of New York, 333–34

Newton, Jennie, 449–50

Newton, Norman T., 74

Newtown, Pennsylvania, 54–55

Newtown Creek, 204

Newtown Creek Canal, 199

New Utrecht, 3, 28, 32, 59, 100, 311

New York and New Jersey Port Authority, 200

New York Central Railroad, 200

New York City: formation of, 6, 7, 8; nickname of, 114

New York City Housing Authority, 374–79

New York City Improvement Commission, 222

New York City Planning Commission, 346–48, 388, 391, 393, 406, 408, 411

New York City School Construction Authority, 73

New York Connecting Railroad, 210–12, 268, 408–9

New York Daily Mirror (newspaper), 383

New York Daily News (newspaper), 278

New York Dock Railway, 200

New York Evening Telegram (newspaper), 221

New York Evening World (newspaper), 209

New York Harbor, 199

New York Herald (newspaper), 67, 184, 221, 444

New York Herald Tribune (newspaper), 333

New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, 356

New York National Guard, 160

New York Philharmonic Orchestra, 164

New York Port of Embarkation, 326

New York Public Library, 6

New-York Sanitary Utilization Company, 137, 140–41, 140, 143–45, 276, 286

New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, 120

New York State Barge Canal, 197, 203–4, 203, 206, 208–9

New York State Barge Canal Grain Elevator, 204, 205

New York State Council of Parks, 381

New York State Militia, 165

New York Sun (newspaper), 179, 183, 422

New York Times (newspaper), 72, 104, 111–12, 114, 116, 117, 120, 122, 125, 127–28, 130, 131, 134, 137, 141, 144, 147, 148, 153, 159, 163, 166, 183, 184, 195, 204, 208, 219, 221, 234, 245, 250, 272, 273, 278, 282, 289, 298, 311, 332, 334, 336, 342, 360, 375, 377, 387, 390, 407–8, 412, 417, 422, 432, 433, 441, 444, 454, 456

New York Title and Mortgage Company, 311

New-York Tribune (newspaper), 6, 100–101, 113, 186, 188, 232, 391, 448

New York University, 266, 276, 411

New York University Center for Urban Science and Progress, 356

New York World (newspaper), 110

New York World-Telegram (newspaper), 390

New York Yacht Club, 149

New York Yankees, 10, 120, 330, 334, 429, 444

New York Zoological Park (Bronx Zoo), 6

Niagara (ship), 329

Nichols, James C., 153

Nicolls, Richard, 56

Nieuw Amersfoort, 24, 43

Nin, Anaïs, 366

Nitro-Phosphate Company, 127

Nixon, Richard, 383

Norberg-Schulz, Christian, 3

Norden Company, 327

North American Civic League for Immigrants, 142–43

North Beach Airport, Queens, 286, 294

North Carolina (ship), 329

Northeast Bronx Education Park at Co-op City, 416

Northern State Parkway, 99, 257

North Heights, 398

Nostrand Avenue, 239, 318, 319, 431, 432

Notorious B.I.G., 12

Nova Educational Experiment, 416

Nowicki, Matthew, 369

Noyes, Charles F., 166–67

Obama, Barack, 73

Ocean Hill, 4

Ocean Hotel, 110

Ocean Parkway, 2, 101–4, 104, 109, 111, 241

Ocean Pavilion, 169

odors. See smells

Ohio Clock, 318

O’Keefe, Arthur J., 338

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 450

Old Chicago mega-mall and indoor amusement complex, Bolingbrook, 192

Old Stone House Museum, 61, 64, 73

Olmstead, Charles Hart, 89

Olmsted, Benjamin, 80

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 3, 6, 74, 79–82, 86–96, 100–101, 104–5, 137, 218, 229, 231, 239, 241, 253, 381, 383, 384, 474n26; Design for Prospect Park in the City of Brooklyn, 92–93; A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, 79; plan view of a portion of Eastern Parkway, 97

Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr., 80, 222, 227, 248

Olmsted, John Charles, 100, 196

Olmsted, Olmsted and Elliot, Plan of Bay Ridge Parkway, 102–3

Olympic (ship), 201

Olympic games, 261, 262

O’Malley, Walter, 437–46, 442

O’Meara, J. K., 283, 284

O’Neil-Dunne, Jarlath, 72–73

Onorato, James J. “Jimmy,” xii, xiv, 454, 456–57

Onorato, Michael, xi, 456

Onrust (ship), 22

On the Waterfront (film), 200

Oppenheim Collins, 373

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 309, 441

Oriental Hotel, 108, 110, 123, 136

Oriskany (aircraft carrier), 329

Orteig Prize, 270, 275

Orton, Lawrence M., 346

Orwell, George, Coming Up for Air, 324

O’Ryan, John F., 160

Osman, Suleiman, 334

Outlook (newspaper), 219

outwash plain, 3–4, 9, 19, 35, 65, 107, 112, 197, 209, 296–325

Owens, Jesse, 261

Owl’s Head Park, 4

Pacific Coast Lumber Company, 204

Paerdegat Basin, 25

Paerdegat Park, 322

Paine, Albert Bigelow, 171

Palace of Wonders, 448

Palacio y Elissague, Alberto de, 174, 176; monument to Christopher Columbus, 174, 175

Paley, William S., 411, 496n14

Panama Canal, 196, 202–4, 209

Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo, 1901), 171

Pan-American Union, 202–3

Pangborn, Clyde, 286–87

Panic of 1893, 116

parachute drop (ride), 330, 456

parachute jumps, 288–89

Parfitt, Albert E., 336

Paris, France, 226–27

Park Association of New York City, 248, 250, 257

Parks Department, 28, 103, 248, 256, 262, 297, 314, 351, 411, 438

Park Slope, 4, 10, 164, 300, 316, 436, 443, 458–59, 463–64

parkways, 94–105, 257, 380–85, 387, 434–35

Parmer, Charles B., 117

Parry, William J., 70, 71

Parsons, Schuyler Livingston, 153, 479n9

Pasanella, Giovanni, 409, 411

Passaic, New Jersey, 16

passenger pigeons, 132

Pathé Frères, 236

Pathé News, 275, 454

Paul E. Cabaret and Company, bronze plaque of Charles B. Law, 211

Pavilion of Fun, 186, 191–92, 191, 429–30, 453, 457, 458

Payne, Flora, 242

Payne, Oliver Hazard, 242

Peabody, Charles S., 342

Peabody, George Foster, 342

peace demonstration, 278–79

Pei, I. M., 411, 496n14

Pelham Bay, 43

Pelham–Port Chester Express Highway, 387

Pelican Beach, 125

Pelli, César, US District Courthouse, 355

Penhawitz (chief), 16, 22

Penn, William, 53–54

Pennington, James W. C., 35

Pennsylvania Railroad, 112, 424

Pennsylvania Station, Manhattan, 457, 458

Pentecostal Mission Rey de los Reyes, 106

Percy, Lord, 60

Percy-Gray Law (1895), 121

Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, 74–75

Perez, Rosie, 12

Perkins, Emily Baldwin, 218

Perry, Matthew C., 149, 328

Perry, Oliver Hazard, 149

Peters, G. W., “The New Terminal in Brooklyn of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge,” 339

Phenix Iron Works, 297

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 53, 54

Phillips, Thomas, 54

Phoenix (ship), 59, 59

Piaf, Edith, 75

Picasso, Pablo, 398; Nude Woman, 398; Pipe Rack and Still Life on a Table, 398, 398

Picture Magazine, 174

picturesque, 74–78, 80

Pierrepont, Henry E., 75–76

Pierrepont, Hezekiah Beers, 75, 296, 391

Pieter Claesen Wyckoff House, 23–24, 24

Pigtown, 436

Pilkington, Deborah, 39

Pilot (elephant), 131

Pinchot, Gifford, 235, 242, 484n34

Pinkerton agency, 113, 120, 184

Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 395

Pitkin Avenue, 413

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 451

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (newspaper), 451

Playground Association of America, 253

playground movement, 252–54, 486n18

Plum Beach, 242, 259

Plum Island, 313

Plunkett, Horace, 235

Plymouth Church, 35, 84, 216–18, 217, 224, 226, 234, 237, 450

pneumatic tubes, for mail transport, 283

Podair, Jerald E., 413–14

Podell, Bertram L., 424

Podhoretz, Norman, 12, 413

Podres, Johnny, 330

Polacca, Giorgio, 165

Polak, Edward, 303

police, 183, 360, 373–77, 431, 432, 433, 456

Police Games, 289

Pollock, Jackson, 461

Polo Grounds, 164

Pond, Bremer W., 248

Pope, Generoso, 308–9

Pope, John Russell, 353

population, 222, 225, 297, 299, 324, 413, 430–31

population, of Brooklyn, 13

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 213–14

port facilities, 195–215, 331

Portland, Connecticut, quarries, 297, 298, 299

Port Newark–Elizabeth Marine Terminal, 213–14

Post, Augustus, 148

Post, Wiley, 286, 287, 289, 291, 294

Potter, Fannie, 450

Pounds, Lewis H., 160

Poussin, Nicholas, 74

poverty, 224, 431

Powell, James, 456

Praeger, Emil H., 438, 441, 442, 443

Prager, Robert Paul, 162

Pratt, Charles, 127

Pratt, Frederic B., 231, 232, 241, 243, 257, 338, 341

Pratt Institute, 127, 231, 241, 320, 340

predestination, 218

Prendergast, William A., 341

Presbyterian Church, 218

Price, Arthur B., 451

Price, Uvedale, 77, 80

Prime, Nathaniel S., 45, 50, 51

The Prince of Pilsen (musical), 149

Prison Ship Martyrs’ Monument, 358

Professor Bristol’s Troupe of Performing Ponies, 188

Progressive Mission, 447

Il Progresso (newspaper), 308

Prohibition, 117, 144, 162, 305, 313, 333, 365

Prospect Expressway, 401

Prospect-Lefferts Gardens, 311, 463, 464

Prospect Park, 3, 4, 8, 74, 79, 87–96, 90, 92–93, 197, 253, 297, 304, 305

Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad, 194

Prospect Park Boathouse, 342

Prospect Park Fair Grounds, 101

Prospect Park Improvement Company, 140

Prospect Place, 443

prostitution, 365

Protestantism, 8, 41, 305–6

Proust, Marcel, 75

Public Driveway and Parkway Commission of Kings County, 100

public health, 129, 130, 136, 139, 358

public housing, 167, 336, 367–79, 399

Public Lab, 72, 73

Public School 120, Barren Island, 143, 145, 146

Puerto Ricans, 375, 413, 431

Puritans, 40–42, 45, 48, 79

Putnam, Israel, 61

Putnam, J. Pickering, 108–9

Putnam’s Monthly (magazine), 105

P. White and Sons, 131. See also White family

Quaker Row townhouses, 398

Quakers, 4, 35, 41, 51–53, 57

Queens Boulevard, 388

Queens Midtown Tunnel, 405

Quester I (submarine), 194–95, 195

Quinn, Edwin J., 190

Rabi, Isidor I., 12

rabies, 127

race: on Barren Island, 143; Coney Island and, 447–56; and education, 414–20; housing discrimination based on, 435; in housing projects, 373–75; mid-twentieth-century race relations, 430–33, 447–56; racist theories of, 235–36, 305–6; turn-of-century race relations, 219–21

Race Betterment Foundation, 235

radio, 148, 274, 276, 279–80

Raemore Realty Company, 321

railroads, 212

Ralph, Julian, 297, 299

Ralph Avenue, 322

Rama VI, king of Siam, 149

Randalls Island, 22

rape, 375

Rapkin, Chester A., 496n14

Rappold, Marie, 165

Rapuano, Michael, 257–59, 348, 351–53, 381, 383, 393–95, 442–45; Development Plan for Marine Park Brooklyn, 258–59; plan for Brooklyn Civic Center, 353; site for new Dodger ball field, 443–45, 443; watercolor rendering of Henry Hudson Parkway and Riverside Park, 384–85; watercolor section-elevation through the Villa d’Este, Tivoli, 394–95, 394

Raritan Bay, 21

rats, 124, 129, 361, 367–68

Ray, Man, 398

Read, Albert Cushing, 265

Realty Associates, 311–15, 315, 321, 490n17

Reber, Samuel, 148

Red Cross, 144, 355

Red Hook, 9, 10, 11, 22, 87, 199, 204, 213, 266, 395, 462

Red Lion Inn, 61

Reed, Lou, 12

reform. See social reform

Regional Plan Association, 265, 343, 383, 391, 404, 405, 408

Regional Planning Association of America, 369

Regional Plan of New York and Its Environs, 343

Reichelt, Franz, 272

Reiniers, Grietje, 44–45

religious freedom, 39–40, 44–45, 51–52

Remsen, Henry, 297

Remsen, Jacob D., 140

Remsen Avenue, 322

rendering plants, 124–27, 131, 133–36, 139–40

rent strikes, 301

Repton, Humphry, 74

Republican Club of Brooklyn, 316

Resettlement Administration, 422

Resta, Dario, 156–57, 160, 162

Revelation, book of, 216, 223

Revolving Airship Tower (ride), 176, 178, 186, 188, 453

Reynolds, Malvina, 436

Reynolds, William B., 127

Rheingold brewery, 333

Ricciardi, Christopher, 37–38

Rich, Buddy, 12

Richardson, Roy M. D., 391

Richmond Hill, Queens, 139, 208

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 157, 164

Rickey, Branch, 437

Rieder, Jonathan, 433

Riegelmann, Edward J., 214, 242

Riess, Steven, 110

Riis, Jacob A., 235, 253, 358

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, 321–22

Ringling Brothers, 188

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 424

riots, 431–32

Rising Sun roadhouse, 60

Ritor, Andrew, Treatise of the Vanity of Childish-Baptisme, 48, 50, 50

River Front Gang, 361

Rivers, Joan, 12

Riverside Apartments, Brooklyn Heights, 241

Riverside Park, Manhattan, 383, 384–85, 394

Rizzo, Paul, 144, 268, 269, 487n6

Roadtown, 421–23, 422, 423

Robbins, Jerome, 367

Robert Gair Company, 459

Roberts, L. B., 255

Robertson, Jaquelin T., 409, 411, 496n15

Robinson, Jackie, 330, 376, 437, 439

Robinson, John G., 188

Robinson’s Atlas of Kings County, 56

Rocco, Adele, 377

Rock, Chris, 12

Rockaway Inlet, 21, 135, 197, 198, 210, 252, 254, 258, 271, 313, 314

Rockaway Peninsula, 125, 197

Rockaway Point, 311

Rockaways, 16, 135, 139, 141

Rockefeller, John D., 127, 275

Rockefeller, Nelson, 408, 426

Rockne, Knute, 252

Rodgers, Calbraith Perry, 149–52, 150, 242, 265

Rodgers, Christopher R. P., 149

Rodgers, Cleveland, 343, 346–48, 347, 357; New York Plans for the Future, 346

Rodgers, George Washington, 149

Rodgers, John, 149

Roebling, John A., 3

Roebling, Washington A., 398

Rogers, W. A., At the Dog Pound—The Rescue of a Pet, 128

Rogers and Hart, “Manhattan,” 10, 194

Rohde, Harold, 144

romanticism, 74, 76, 83

Rooney, Tom, 157

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 390

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 285, 321, 346

Roosevelt, Theodore, 139–40, 162, 218, 237

Roosevelt Field, 147

Roosevelt Island, 22

Rosa, Salvatore, 74

Rose (ship), 59, 59, 472n2

Roseland, Harry H., Pinky, 450

Rosenzweig, Bob, 462

Rosmarin, Joseph, 273

Ross, Peter, 55, 65–66

RTKL, 427

Rudolph, Paul, linear city proposal for Lower Manhattan Expressway, 426

Ruf, Frank A., 176

Rukeyser, Lawrence “Lorry,” 308–11

Rukeyser, Muriel, 308–9, 321

rural cemeteries, 74–78, 99

Ruskin, John, 80

Russian Revolution, 305

Russo-Japanese War, 365

Ruston, John E., 196

Ruth, Babe, 437

Saarinen, Eero, 440

Sagan, Carl, 12

Sag Harbor, Long Island, 86

Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 227, 353

Salazar, Manuel “Melico,” 165

Salisbury, Harrison E., 375, 378

Salmon, Edwin A., 346

Salt Marsh Nature Center, 262, 263

saltwater canals, 206

San Carlo Opera Company, 164

Sanders, Bernie, 12

Sand Hole House, 24

Sands, Comfort and Joshua, 362

Sands Street, 362–67, 399

Sands Street community, 336

Sands Street Methodist Episcopal Church, 362–63

Sands Street terminal, 336, 338–40, 341, 345, 363

Sandy Hook, 58

San Francisco, California, 403

Sanger, Margaret, 236, 413

Sargent, Charles Sprague, 84

Sargent, Cyril G., 416–18, 420, 450

Saterson, Nicholas, 313

Saw Mill Parkway, 380, 381

Scania, Frank, 367

Scharf, J. Thomas, 27

Schenectady Avenue, 321

Schiff, Jacob H., 220

Schroth, Frank D., 333–34, 347

Schultz, Jackson S., 130

Schumer, Chuck, 12

Schwartz, Joel, 335

Scientific American (magazine), 174, 175

Sea Beach Palace, 169

Sea Beach Railway, 169, 304

Seabury Commission, 251

Sea-Land shipping line, 212, 214

Sea Lion Park, 170–71

Seal of New Netherlands, 26

Search, Preston, 416

Sears, Edward S., 179

Sears Roebuck, 304

Second Great Awakening, 218

Second System, 251

Seebohm, Caroline, 366

Seeger, Peter, 436

Segré, Claudio, 291

segregation, 235, 414–15, 431, 450–56

Segurola, Andrés de, 164

Seinfeld, Jerry, 12

Selkin, Hyman, 307

Selyns, Henricus, 34

Senate Finance Committee, 311

Senate Park Commission, 227

Serle, Ambrose, 70

service economy, 334

Servicemen’s Adjustment Act (1944), 435

Sesquicentennial Exposition (Philadelphia, 1926), 246

sewer system, 303, 303

sexuality, 234–35, 365, 451

Shakespeare, William, 58

Shanscomacoke, 20, 25, 44

Shatz, Adam, 433

Shaw, Jane F., 144–46

Sheepshead Bay, 25, 318, 447

Sheepshead Bay Motor Speedway, 153–60, 154, 156–57, 158, 159, 162, 163–67, 166, 167, 265

Sheepshead Bay Racetrack, 2, 109, 112–15, 113, 118–19, 122–24, 147–53

Sheepshead Bay Speedway Corporation, 153

Sheepshead-Nostrand public housing, 167

Shellbank Creek, 313, 314

Shelley, Charles H., 136

Shell Road, 194

Shepard, Edward Morse, 219

Sheridan, Arthur V., 346

Sheridan Expressway, 346

Shore Parkway, 383

Shore Road, 100, 229, 239, 265

Shore Road Drive, 101

Shorto, Russell, 42

Shreve, Lamb & Harmon, Brooklyn Supreme Court, 355–56

Siems, Warner, 424

Sikorsky HNS-1, 327

Sills, Beverly, 12

silver medal, 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, 261, 262

Simmons, Philip P., 136

Sinclair, Upton, Damaged Goods, 234

Sindell, Fred, 452

Sinking Fund, 199

Sioux Indians, 188

Sip Unwine, 500n7

Siwanoy Algonquins, 42

Sixth Engineers, US Army Third Division, 351

Sixty-Fifth Street, 239

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 417

slavery, 3, 5, 28, 30–32, 33, 34–38, 107

Slee and Bryson, 347

slums, 335, 348, 358–61, 367, 371–72, 379, 400, 411, 441, 443, 445

Sluyter, Peter, 14, 19, 27, 262

smallpox, 361

Smallwood, William, 61, 63–64, 70

Smedley, William, Mount Vernon replica, Prospect Park, 304–5, 305

smells, 86, 102, 124, 133–36, 138–39, 141

Smith, Alfred E. “Al,” 9, 204, 285, 289, 302, 347, 353, 381

Smith, Hattie Clarke, 217

Smith, J. R., Guann’s near Fort Swift, 63

Smith, Oliver, 11, 366, 367

Snedigar, Louis, 246

Snider, Duke, 330

Snodgrass, S. L., Marine Park Fieldhouse, 261

Snook, John B., 436

social reform, 142–43, 218–19, 253–54, 362, 365

Solow, Robert, 12

Somervell, Brehon B., 273

Soria y Mata, Arturo, 421

Sousa, John Philip, 108

South. See American South

South Brooklyn, 387, 388–89, 388, 459

South Brooklyn Board of Trade, 316

Southern Baptist Convention, 107

Southern Pacific Railroad, 311

Southern Parkway, 383

Southern State Parkway, 99

South Flatlands, 144

Southold Indian Museum, 20

Soviet Union, 272, 283, 378

Spanish-American War (1898), 329

Speer, Albert, 391

Spelta, Arturo, 164

Spencer, Herbert, 484n32

Sperry Gyroscope Company, 281, 327, 332

Spicer, Samuel, 124

Spirit of the Times (magazine), 113

Sports Illustrated (magazine), 444

Spring Creek Towers, 212

Sprout, M. Betty, 352

Spuyten Duyvil, 210

Spyr, Lawrence N., 479n11

Squibb, 332

Squibb, Edward Robinson, 332

Squier, Frank, 103

Staats farm, 66–67, 69

Stalin, Josef, 272, 446

standardization, 312

Standard Time Act (1918), 317

Stangarone, Joseph, Portrait photograph of Columbus and Balbo, 292

St. Ann’s Church, 359

Stanwyck, Barbara, 12

Starr, Roger, 431, 434

Starrett City, 212

State Board of Health, 136, 139

State Historic Preservation Office, 73

Staten Island, 58

St. Augustine, Florida, 451

Stead, William, 190

Steeplechase Horses (ride), 170, 188, 448

Steeplechase Park, 13, 109, 170–71, 179, 183–84, 186, 187, 188–89, 191–92, 330, 331, 429, 447–58, 448, 449, 453

Steers, Alfred E., 231

Stein, Clarence S., 369

Stengel, Casey, 437

sterilization, 236–38

Stern, Michael, 434

Stern, Robert A. M., 411

Stevenson, Frederick Boyd, 97

Stevenson, James W., 221

Stewart, Patrick, 73

Stiles, Henry, 5, 59–61, 65, 71; History of the City of Brooklyn, 67

Stiles, Henry R., 199–200

Stillwell, Nicholas, 55

Stillwell, William H., 169

Stilwell, G. W., 297

Stilwell Basin, 265

Stinson, Katherine “Kay,” 159–60, 161, 162, 162, 164, 265

Stirling, Lord, 61–65

St. John’s College School of Law, 309

St. Lawrence Seaway, 209

St. Louis, Missouri, 450

St. Louis Sunday Republic (newspaper), 176

Stockwell, Austin P., 40, 51

Storrow, James J., 226

Storrs, Richard S., 8

Stover, Charles Bunstein, 221, 248, 253, 485n12

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 35

Stranahan, James S. T., 8, 87–89, 87, 91, 94, 100

Straus, Nathan, Jr., 250

Streisand, Barbra, 12

strikes. See labor strikes; rent strikes

Strome Kill, 19–22, 25, 27, 44, 241

Strong, James H., 330

Strong, William L., 137

Study Group on New York Housing and Neighbor-hood Improvement, 411, 417

Stutz Bearcats, 157

Stuyvesant, Peter, 25, 52, 56, 107–8

Suburban Handicap, 113, 123

subway, 219, 225, 283–84, 304, 338, 488n20

Suggs, Robert C., 68

Sullivan, John, 61

Sullivan Place, 311, 490n17

Sundeen, Belle, 374

Sunset Park, 9, 213, 311, 385, 387, 462

superblocks, 355, 357, 372, 376, 399, 407, 410

Superfund sites, 199

Surf Avenue, 317

Surf House restaurant and bathing pavilion, 170

Sutter Avenue, 413

Suydam, Ella, 14, 314

Suydam, Jennie M., 314

Swanstrom, J. Edward, 316

Swift, Frank, 134

Swift, Gustavus, 129

Swift-McNutt wrecking company, 166

swimming pools, segregation of, 451–52, 454–55

Tacitus, 238

Taft, William Howard, 152

Talbot, Allan R., 417–18, 420

talismans, 37, 38

Tambasco, Giovanni, 203

Tammany Hall, 120, 219, 227, 245, 248, 304

Tange, Kenzo, 410

Tappan Indians, 43

Task Force on Urban Design, 411

tattoo parlor, 366

Team 10, 410

Technical Color and Chemical Works, 68

Temko, Allan, 412

Temple Street, New Haven, 84–85, 85

Terhune, John, map of Gravesend, 46–47

terminal moraine, 3–5, 32, 59–60, 87, 197, 207, 296, 299, 303, 307

Thabit, Walter, 375, 417

Third Avenue, 67, 387, 443

Third Avenue elevated train, 385

Thirty-Ninth New York Volunteers, 136

Thompson, DeLloyd, 159

Thompson, Everard “Tommy,” 147, 153–55, 164

Thompson, Frederic, 171

Thompson, Olivette, 375

Thorshov & Cerny, 440

The Threatened City (report), 411

Three Stooges. See Horwitz brothers

Thunder (ship), 59

tidal marshes, 249, 257

Tilden, Samuel J., 117

Tilton, John, 52, 124

Tilyou, Edward, 330

Tilyou, Frank S., 455–56

Tilyou, George C., 12, 109, 170–71, 176, 179, 181, 183–84, 186, 188–93, 316, 449, 457

Tilyou, George C., Jr., 450

Tilyou, Marie, 456

Tilyou family, 452, 454–56

Tishman Realty, 407

Titanic (ship), 201, 276

Title I, Housing Act (1949), 335

Toleration Act (1649), 44

Topographical Bureau of Queens, 99

topography, 3–4, 16, 35, 229, 250

Toscanini, Arturo, 165

Tower Apartments, Brooklyn Heights, 241

tower-in-the-park model, 370, 372

town planning, 45, 48, 50–51, 53–55, 261; images, 46–47, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56. See also urbanism and urban planning

Townsend, Gavin, 306

Tree Planting and Fountain Society of Brooklyn, 86, 336

Trinity Church, Manhattan, 78

Trinity Freight Terminal, 212

A Trip to the Moon (ride), 171

Tri-State Transportation Commission, 424

Trittoni, Romolo, 164

trolleyburbs, 307, 324, 434

trolleys, 444, 445

Trump, Elizabeth, 320

Trump, Fred, 59, 320–24, 429–30, 435, 453, 457, 458

Trump Homes, 323

Truth, Sojourner, 217, 235

Tryon, William, 209

tryworks. See rendering plants

tuberculosis, 358

Tudor Homes Corporation, 308

Tudor revival, 305–7, 307, 308–9, 311, 315, 319–20, 324, 325

Tuemmler, Fred W., 393

Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 346, 388, 422

tungsten-filament lamps, 462–65

Turner, Roscoe, 286, 288

Turturro, John, 12

Tuskegee Institute, 220

Tuttle, Arthur C., 15

Tuttle, Arthur S., 266

Twain, Mark, 217, 219

Twentieth Ward, 358

Twenty-Third Regiment Armory, 319

typhus, 361

Tyson, Mike, 12

Udemans, Godefridus, 34

Underground Railroad, 5, 34–38, 216

Union League, 108

Union racetrack, Queens, 108

unions, 331, 448

Unisphere, 207

United Electrical Workers, 332

United States Colored Troops, 36

United States Exhibition (Moscow, 1959), 383

United States World’s Fair Commission, 247

Universal Negro Improvement Association, 289

University Club of New York, 108

UONA Home Corporation, 308

Urban Design Council, 496n14

Urban Design Group, 411–12

urbanism and urban planning, 82–83, 96–97, 221–33, 239, 321, 336, 338–57, 370, 393, 395, 409–12, 418–28, 430, 442–43; images, 92–93, 97, 102–3, 337, 342, 344, 345, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 393, 394. See also development, of Brooklyn; town planning

urban renewal, 334–36, 410, 417, 431, 434, 442

US Army, 148, 330

US Bill of Rights, 52

US Bureau of Internal Revenue, 134

US Commerce Department, 272, 282

US Commission of Fine Arts, 348

US Justice Department, 450

US Post Office Department, 282, 285

US War Department, 148, 201, 279, 311

Utica Avenue, 251, 307, 322

Utica Avenue subway, 268

Van Alen, William, 313

Van Brunt, Adrian, 66

Van Brunt, James Ryder, Van Brunt Homestead, 31

Van Brunt, John, 67, 69

Van Brunt family, 76, 78

Van Brunt Homestead, 31

Van Buskirk, Clarence Randall, 436

van Corlaer, Jacobus, 22

vandalism, 377–78, 414, 434

Vanderbilt, Gertrude Lefferts, 30, 31

Vanderbilt, William K., 99, 112

Vanderveer, John C., 35

van Gordon, Cyrena, 165

van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 25

van Salee, Anthony Jansen, 44, 52, 471n8

van Twiller, Wouter, 22, 25

Van Wyck, Frederick, 20–22, 25, 35, 86; Keska-chauge, 21

Van Wyck, Robert A., 20, 120, 139, 140, 219

Van Wyck Expressway, 401

Vaux, Calvert, 3, 74, 79, 81, 87, 89–94, 137, 253; Design for Prospect Park in the City of Brooklyn, 92–93; plan view of a portion of Eastern Parkway, 97

Veazey, Edward, 63

Vecht-Cortelyou house, 61, 64, 67

Verdi, Giuseppe: Aida, 164–65, 165; Requiem, 164

Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 3

Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, 406, 408

Versailles, France, 239, 250, 254

Veugny, Gabriel, Marché de la Madeleine, Paris, 192

Victrola phonograph, 245

Viele, Egbert Ludovicus, 80–81, 88–90, 137; Sanitary and topographical map of the City and Island of New York, 88–89, 89

Vieux Carré Riverfront Expressway, 403, 428

Villa d’Este, Tivoli, 394–95, 394

Villalpandus, Juan Bautista, 48

Vincennes (ship), 328

Vinegar Hill, 134, 359–60, 459

Vin Fiz, 150–51

Vin Fiz Flyer, 150–52

Vin-Fiz semiofficial stamp, 152

Vingboons, Johannes, 18

Vista Place, 311, 490n17

Vitolo, Carmine, 165

Volpe, John A., 428

von Donop, Carl, 59

von Knyphausen, Wilhelm, 59

voting rights, 220

Wade, Henry Clay Russell, 183–84, 188–90

Wadsworth, Alexander, 75

Wadsworth, James, A Plan of the Town of New Haven, 50

Wagner, Joseph, 139

Wagner, Richard F., Jr., 406, 432, 442

Walentas, David, 459, 460

Walker, Jimmy “Beau James,” 242, 243, 246, 248, 251–52, 255, 266, 268, 303, 339

Walker, Warren R., “At the Steeplechase,” 109

Wallabout Bay, 199, 328, 358–59

Wallabout Market, 231, 407

Wallace, James, The Phoenix and the Rose engaged by the Enemy’s Fire ships and Galleys on the 16 August, 1776, 59

Walsh, George Ethelbert, 201, 202

Walsh, Kevin, 101

Walt Whitman Park, 355

wampum, 24–27, 26

Wanamaker, Rodman, 275

Wang, Jessica, 127

Wantagh, 35

Ward, John Henry, 210, 212, 331

Wards Island, 22

Waring, George E., 136–37, 139

War on Poverty, 431

Warren, Whitney, Piazza del Popolo, 222, 336, 337

Washburne, Hempstead, 120

Washington, Booker T., 220–21, 235, 353

Washington, George, 28, 59–65, 64, 149, 245, 247, 247, 490n13

Washington Bicentennial Commission, 245, 304, 306, 490n13

Washington Bicentennial Exposition, 245–46

Washington, DC, 422

Washington Park, 61, 73

Washington Parks (ball fields), 436

Washington Square Park, Manhattan, 86

Washington Street, 343

Wasserstein, Wendy, 12

waste processing, 137–44

watermelon race, 407

Wawamatt Tappa, 124

Weaver, Caity, 73

Weckquaesgeek Indians, 43

Wedgewood Village amusement park, Oklahoma City, 450

Wedlock, Robert, 138

Weehawken, New Jersey, 16

Weeksville, 36

Weinrich, John, perspective rendering of Brooklyn College campus, 306

Weinstein, Richard, 409, 411

Weintraub, Myles, 409, 411

Weismann, Henry, 163

Wellman, Judith, 36

Wengenroth Company, 308

Westchester County Park Commission, 351, 381

Westchester County Park System, 382

West End subway, 304

West India Company. See Dutch West India Company

West Indies, 30

Westminster Confession of Faith, 218

West Riding of Yorkshire, 3, 57

West Side Improvement, 383

West Side Story (musical), 367

West Side Tennis Club, Forest Hills, Queens, 454

West Temple, 107

West Thirtieth Street, 452

Whalen, Grover, 246, 286

whales, 132

Wheelwright, Robert, 248

Whiskey Wars (1870s), 134

White, Alfred Tredway, 231, 232, 241, 243, 257, 341

White, Bouck, 273

White, Norval, 410, 411

White, Shane, 28, 34

White, Stanford, 343; pedestal for Stranahan monument, 87

White City, World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 171, 227, 299

White family, 137. See also P. White and Sons

Whitehead, Colson, 168

Whitehead, Russell, 324

White Star Line, 201

Whitestone Bridge, 401

Whitford, Noble E., 204

Whitman, Walt, 4, 12, 333, 355, 379

Whitney, Edith Randolph, 243

Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 243

Whitney, Harry Payne, 243

Whitney, William C., 121, 242–43, 255, 485n5

Whitney Museum of American Art, 243

Wibecan, George E., Jr., 449–50

Wibecan, George E., Sr., 449

Wiggins, David, 116

Wilcox, William R., 200, 201

Wilde, Oscar, 75

Wilder, Craig Steven, 30–31

Wildhack, Henry, 67–68, 72

Wildhack, Henry, Jr., 68, 68, 71; sketch map of father’s coal and coke yard, 70

Wildhack coal and coke yard, 69, 70

Willcox, Walter F., 484n34

Willensky, Elliot, 412

William C. Whitney Wilderness Area, 242

Williams, Frank M., 204

Williams, Roger, 41, 44

Williamsburg, 3, 9, 11, 199, 316, 400, 460

Williamsburg Bridge, 221, 231, 404, 405, 413

Williamsburg Savings Bank, 141, 323

Wilson, James Q., 431

Wilson, Woodrow, 160, 237, 317

Wiltse, Jeff, 451–52

Windsor Terrace, 317–18

Winkfield, Jimmy “Wink,” 117

Winnie Mae (airplane), 287, 291

Winnipague, 25

Winthrop, John, 41–42, 43, 48

Wodehouse, P. G., “Nesting Time in Flatbush,” 9, 296

Wolfe, Thomas, 399

Wolff, Max, 415

Women’s National Committee to Keep the United States Out of War, 294

Wood, Fernando, 81

Woodbury, Richard B., 68

Woods, Maurice, 450

Woodsworth, Michael, 433

Wooster Square renewal project, New Haven, 417, 420, 450

Workingman’s Cottages, Warren Place, Cobble Hill, 241

working waterfront, 201

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 272–73, 286, 339

World Harbor, 195–215, 196, 214, 265, 331, 406

World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 170, 171, 174, 227, 243–45, 299

World Series, 10, 330, 429, 441, 444

World’s Fair (New York, 1939), 2, 246–47, 322, 330, 352, 369, 401, 423, 439–40, 456

World’s Fair (New York, 1964), 207

World’s Fair Corporation, 247, 422–23

World War I, 160, 162–64, 208, 237, 301, 351

World War II, 13, 294, 326–30, 374, 388

Wortely, Emmeline, 85

WPA. See Works Progress Administration

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 163

Wright, Wilbur, 265

Wright brothers, 273

Wright Flying School, 149

Wrightstown, Pennsylvania, 54–55

Yale, Elihu, 48

Yale, Thomas, 48

Yale Bowl, 154

Yankee Stadium, Bronx, 308

Yauch, Adam, 12

Yorktown (aircraft carrier), 329

Young, Whitney M., Jr., 496n14

Young Men’s Democratic Club, 316

Zipp, Sandy, 335

Zola, Emile, Le Ventre de Paris, 192

zoning, 346, 359, 429–30

Zukin, Sharon, 461