AAA. See Agricultural Adjustment Act

AB. See Aid to the Blind

Abnormal Importation Act (1931), 311

Abramovitz, Moses, 298

AC. See alternating current technology

Acheson, Dean, 251, 253254, 256

Acheson-Warburg group, 253

ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union

Adams, Edward Dean, 26

ADC. See Aid to Dependent Children

AFL. See American Federation of Labor

African Americans. See blacks

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), 264, 276

Thomas Amendment to, 248249, 250

Agricultural Marketing Act, 142


cultural loss, 105

economics of, 105

farm price index drop, 247

global crisis, 308310, 309 (fig.)

Great Depression and, 103

Hoover, H., relief policy, 142144, 306

industrial, 246247

New Deal bill, 262

parity ratio, 247

Roosevelt, F., monetary policy for, 246

US crop and meat prices, 104105, 104 (fig.)

See also farms

Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), 270

Aid to the Blind (AB), 270

Alabama Sharecroppers’ Union, 69

Alcoa. See Aluminum Company of America

Allen, Frederick Lewis, 62

Alternating current (AC) technology, 77, 8081, 294, 295

manufacturing productivity and, 98

of Westinghouse, 2526

Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) monopoly, 100101

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 58

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 289

American Municipal Association, 108109

American Psychological Association, 63

American Rolling Mill Company (ARMCO), 102

American Sociological Association, 63

Amos ‘n Andy (radio), 4041

Anari, Ali, 314

ANB. See Austrian National Bank

Anderson, Sherwood, 42

Angell, Norman, 56

Anthei, Georges, 20

anti-monopoly, electrical utility company backlash of, 2829

Arden, Elizabeth, 5354

ARMCO. See American Rolling Mill Company

Armstrong, Louis, 46

Army Corps of Engineers, 269

asset risk, 153

AT&T telephone market, 40

Austria, 7, 8, 303

banking crisis in, 149

customs union, 317, 319

Ferdinand assassination response, 4

Kreditanstalt bank of, 234235

stand-still agreements, 235

Versailles Peace Conference and, 14, 304

Austrian National Bank (ANB), 234

credit line from Bank of England, BIS, and Federal Reserve, 235

automobile industries, 34, 77, 8491, 97

Ford domination of, 38

Great Depression and, 294295

1923 sales year, 93

1929 increase in, 135

See also specific automobile industries

automobiles, 7071

market crash of 1920, 90

as mobile houses of prostitution, 5657

Muncie, Indiana affordable, 55

technology, 31, 3536


Bagehot, Walter, 183

Baker, Josephine, 47

Balderston, Theo, 228, 320

Baldwin, Stanley, 157, 210

bank crises, of Great Depression, 154

bank holidays, 149, 152153, 264

currency hoarding, 151152

fundamental failures, 150

risk management, 153

rural banks, 150151, 248

sale of banks, 151 (photo)

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

ANB credit line from, 235

as Young Plan reparations agent, 228

bank holidays, 149, 152153, 264

Bank of England, 184185, 214, 232

ANB credit line from, 235

post WWI progress, 209

Bank of France, 308

pegging franc to dollar, 219

price stability maintained by, 232

Bank of the United States (BUS), 149, 151

bankers’ pool, 119121

banking, cooperation end, 224

conference agenda, 221222

currency management, 222223


of CSC, IUI, and MWU, 161163

of Ivar Kreuger companies, 167177

of farms, 310


deplorable conditions of German, 317

failures in rural areas, 150151, 248

margin lending reductions, 226

RFC loans to, 152, 244, 273

See also specific banks

Barton, Bruce, 82

Baruch, Bernard, 73, 115

Battle of the Marne, 1112

The Beautiful and the Damned (Fitzgerald, S.), 19, 20

BEF. See British Expeditionary Force

beggar-my-neighbor policies, 239, 255, 256

Belgium, 1

Germany war declaration against, 4

Ruhr region invasion by, 191, 193, 197

WWI losses, 14

Benchley, Robert, 41

Benny, Jack, 41

Benz, Karl, 31

Bergdorf Goodman, 49

Berlin, Germany, 13, 95, 191, 222, 226, 317

post WWI condition, 304

stock market drop, 235

Berlin, Irving, 107

Bernanke, Ben, 153, 314, 321, 322

Bethlehem Steel, 160

Biblical literalism, 62

bill of exchange, in British World System, 182183

binders, in real estate, 106107

BIS. See Bank for International Settlements

von Bismarck, Otto, 5

Black Monday, 120

Black Thursday, 174

Black Tuesday, 120


anti-black movement, 46

in Harlem, New York, 46

mass population movement North, 4546, 76

Bloc National, 218

blue-collar workers, 52, 293, 295

unemployment of, 137


capital tax exemption for foreign purchasers, 226

Federal Reserve System issuance of, 7374

Germany issuance of, in 1927, 226227

for Germany war reparations, 190

Kreuger forged, 177

war, 7374, 74 (fig.)

The Book of the Month Club, 42

book publishing, 42

Booms and Depressions (Fisher, I.), 130131, 134

Bow, Clara, 21, 44

Boyle, Mike, 79

Bresnahan, Timothy, 295

Brewster, Walter, 155

Briand, Aristide, 217, 219, 223, 317, 319

Bridges, Harry, 257

British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 910, 11

The British Gazette, 216

British World System, 182183

broker loans, Federal Reserve system on, 112

Brooks, Louise, 44

Brown, Christopher, 313

Brüning, Heinrich, 236, 308, 317

Bryan, William Jennings, 58, 6062, 107

Budenz, Louis, 267

Buick, David, 8491

Buick Motor Company

Durant, W., financing of, 8485

Model B, 84

racing entry, 86

sales, 85 (fig.), 8687

building boom, in Miami, Florida, 106, 107

von Bülow, Karl, 1011

Bureau of Standards, 128

BUS. See Bank of the United States

Byrd, Richard, 42


Cadillac Motor company, 32, 86, 87

Caldwell Corporation, 150

Calloway, Cab, 46

Calomiris, Charles, 150, 153, 314, 319320

capital account, in Great Britain, 208

capital risk, 153

capital tax exemption, for foreign bond purchasers, 226

Carnegie, Andrew, 101

Cartel des Gauches, 218

Casablanca (movie), 44

Cassel, Gustav, 188, 210

Cather, Willa, 42

Catholics, American, 62

CBS. See Columbia Broadcasting System

CCC. See Civilian Conservation Corps

Cerf, Bennett, 42

Chamberlain, Austen, 223, 231

Champion, Albert, 86

Chandler, Lester, 133

Chevrolet, Louis, 86, 87

Chevrolet Company

Model T competition from, 92

sales, 8788, 93


franchises and politics in, 79

Great Depression impact on, 140141

Chrysler, Walter, 87, 88, 91

Churchill, Winston, 2, 238, 318

on Great Britain return to gold standard, 210213

on Hoover, H., 126

on Roosevelt Statement, 252

Civil War, American, 2

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 262, 266267

Civilian Works Administration (CWA), 262, 267268

Clarke, Stephen V. O., 238239

Clémenceau, Georges, 14, 15 (photo)

coal companies, 7980

Cocteau, Jean, 20

Code, in movies, 44, 5556

Colt, Samuel, 97

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 41

Columbia Graphophone, 112

commensurate taxation, of Germany, 201

Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 264

Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB), 125126

commodity prices, 252253

elevation of, 246

common people

rising incomes, 23

shift post WWI, 22

Commonwealth Edison company, of Chicago, 78, 155, 161

communication hub, New York City as, 41

complete markets, 321


employment collapse, 137

Great Depression influence on, 109

consumer credit, 5455, 260, 314

consumer society, post WWI, 23

Continental Securities, 171

Continental Shares, 158, 165166

contraception, 57

Cooley, Charles Horton, 271

Coolidge, Calvin “Silent Cal,” 128, 187, 196197, 227

Cooper, Lady Diana, 21

corporate capital flotations, 1926–1938, 163 (fig.)

Corporation Securities Company (CSC), of Chicago, 159160

bankruptcy, 161163

Coughlin, Charles, 257, 259 (photo), 260

couture industry, 4849

Couzens, James, 33, 141

five dollar per day wage, 3738, 296

Cox, James M., 249

Crane, Hart, 42

Crawford, Joan, 44

CRB. See Commission for Relief in Belgium


ANB line of, 235

consumer, 5455, 260, 314

France deflation, 233

in Germany, 316

CSC. See Corporation Securities Company

Cullen, Countee, 46

cultural changes, post WWI, 2223

agriculture loss, 105

cultural transgression, in couture industry, 4849


bank crises hoarding of, 151152

banking management of, 222223

depreciation, 255256

Germany Reischsmark plunge, 192, 193 (photo), 195

inflation local devaluation of, 184

Rentenmark, in Germany, 195

Stresemann-Schacht 1924 reform of, 316

World Monetary and Economic Conference stabilization agreement, 249250

current account, in Great Britain, 207 (fig.), 208

Curtius, Julius, 225

customs union, in Austria, 317, 319

CWA. See Civilian Works Administration


Daily News, 41

Daimler, Gottlieb, 31

Daimler-Benz Co., 31

Darrow, Clarence, 5860

Darwin, Charles, 60, 63

Darwin, John, 182

Darwinism, 58, 61

Dawes, Charles G., 195205

Dawes Plan, 195205, 223, 225, 315

DC. See direct current technology

de Rothschild, Edouard, 220

de Wendel, François, 220

Dearborn Engineering Laboratory, 94

death toll, during WWI, 8, 10, 12, 13

deflation, 104, 105, 109, 133, 134, 233

Fisher, I., on, 130131, 234

Fisherian debt, 310, 318

French position of, 250, 251

global, in 1930, 308

Mellon on, 197

1937, 282283

Roosevelt, F., and, 264

tariffs impacted by, 144145

Dempsey, Jack, 40

deposit risk, 153


France and, 239

of Germany, 240

global agricultural glut, 306

gold-based currencies, 306

international catastrophe, 306

world trade collapse, 306

WWI and, 303

See also Great Depression

The Descent of Man (Darwin), 60


Great Depression impact on, 141

relief program, 138139

Detroit Edison generating plant, 3031


of dollar, 246256, 307

of franc, 217220, 231, 239, 308

of local currency, inflation and, 184

Dewey, John, 63, 271

Dickens, Charles, 107

Dietrich, Marlene, 44

DIJA. See Dow Jones Industrial Average

Dillon, Clarence, 112

Dillon, Read and Company, 112, 197

direct current (DC) technology

of Edison, 2526

manufacturing productivity and, 98

disarmament, of Germany, 203, 223


bulging, of Fisher, I., 131

devaluation of, 246256, 307

franc pegged to, 231

Dos Passos, John, 20

Double Indemnity (movie), 44

double-decime, 218

Douglas, Lewis, 251

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DIJA), 120, 122

monthly close, 122 (fig.)

Dow Jones Industrial Index, 110111, 113, 158

Dreadnought battleship building, Germany, 7

Dreiser, Theodore, 42

Drift and Mastery (Lippmann), 271

DSGE. See dynamic stochastic general equilibrium

Du Pont, Pierre, 8890

Dulles, John Foster, 124

DuPont company, 88, 115116

Durant, Ariel, 42

Durant, Donald, 170175

Durant, William Crapo “Billy,” 8586, 9091, 120, 121

Buick Model B financing by, 84

holding company creation, 8788

United Motors Company consolidation by, 88

Duryea, Frank, 31

Duryea, Charles, 31

Dust Bowl, 142

dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model, 265


Eaton, Cyrus S., 158164

Eaton, William, 86

Ebert, Friederich, 13

Eccles, Marriner, 284

econometric analyses, 274279

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill (Keynes), 213215, 228, 237

The Economic Consequences of the Peace (Keynes), 15, 197198, 316

The Economist, 183

on internal French prices, 232

Edison, Thomas, 2729

DC technology of, 2526

electric lighting system of, 2425

Ford and, 3132

Edison power companies, 2527

Commonwealth Edison, of Chicago, 78, 155, 161

efficiency wage, 3738

efficient market theorists, 110

Eggertsson, Gauti, 265, 284

Eichengreen, Barry, 255, 256, 312

Eisenhower, Dwight, 147

Electric Bond and Share Company, 156

electric lighting system, of Edison, 2425

electric power industry, TFP growth and, 300

electrical utility companies, 78

anti-monopoly and, 2829

Ellington, Duke, 46

Elmer Gantry (Lewis), 56


of Insull, S., 164165

Whitney, R., conviction for, 121


construction collapse, 137

manufacturing decrease, 137

See also unemployment

Ericsson, L. M., 172, 176177

Ernst & Ernst accounting, 172

Erzberger, Matthias, 13, 316


Germany economic and military power, 8

gold standard return, 203

military spending, 7, 7 (fig.)

proportional representation in, 192


Darwinism and, 58, 61

scientific evidence for, 60

teaching of, 58


Factor, Max, 5354

Fair Labor Standards Acts, 289, 296

Farley, Jim, 259260

Farm Board, Federal, 142143

Farm Credit Administration, of Roosevelt, F., 248

farm price index, 255 (fig.)


bankruptcies, 310

in Muncie, Indiana, 50, 53, 103

parity ratio of, 247

price collapse, 309, 309 (fig.)

productivity, 299

Faulkner, William, 42, 44


liabilities increase during New Deal, 263, 263 (fig.)

New Deal debt, 278

RFC borrowings, 263, 278, 284

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), 262, 267

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), on short blocks, 108

Federal Reserve System, 113, 187, 212, 308

ANB credit line from, 235

bond agency, 7374

on broker loans, 112

Friedman and Schwartz on deflation arrest by, 133

reserve rules, 132133

Wicker on, 253

WWI and, 72

Federal Trade Commission, 144, 272

Federico, Giovanni, 103, 310

Feis, Herbert, 249

FERA. See Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Ferdinand, Franz, 34

Ferguson, Thomas, 319

FHA. See Federal Housing Administration

Field, Alexander, 108, 109, 298, 300, 314, 319

Field, Marshall, 78

fiscal consequences, of WWI

borrowing, 7374

GNP, 7475, 75 (fig.), 77, 130

inflation, 7375

productivity shocks, 77

recession, 7677

tight labor market, 76

war expenditures, 73

Fishback, Price, 272, 275

Fisher, Carl, 106

Fisher, Irving, 134, 188, 210

on deflation, 130131, 234

on dollar bulging, 131

Fisher Body company, 8889, 106

Fisherian debt, 310

Fitzgerald, Scott, 1922, 41, 42, 44, 48

Fitzgerald, Zelda, 1922, 41, 48

Flagler, Henry, 106

Flaming Youth (movie), 5556, 56 (fig.)

Foch, Ferdinand, 10, 11

food relief programs, of Hoover, H., 126

Ford, Edsel, 92

Ford, Henry, 3336, 39, 101, 141

automobile industry domination, 38

at Detroit Edison generating plant, 3031

Edison and, 3132

five dollar per day wage, 3738, 296

Malcomson Model A (1903 original) financing, 32

Quadricycle, 31, 32

Ford Motors, 92, 96

assembly line, 36 (photo)

line turnover, 37, 38

Model A (1903 model), 32, 33

Model A (1927 model), 71, 9395

Model N, 3334

Model T, 3435, 3839, 55, 69, 77, 9294, 247

productivity, 97

sales, 33, 34, 39, 87, 93, 96 (fig.)

worker recruitment and retention, 3638

Fordism, 97, 294

Fordney-McCumber tariff, 311

Ford-style plants, in Muncie, Indiana, 5152

Fourteen Points, of Wilson, W., 14


devaluation of, 217220, 231, 239, 308

French Monetary Law and new gold, 231232

pegged to dollar, 231


credit deflation, 233

deflation position, 250, 251

double-decime, 218

foreign exchange, 232

franc devaluation, 217220, 231, 239, 308

German war declaration against, 4

National Union Government, 219

post WWI condition, 304305

price movements, 232233

primitive monetary system, 217

reconstruction debt, 217

Ruhr region invasion by, 191, 193, 197

Ruhr withdrawal by, 202, 218, 292

on war debts and reparations moratorium, 236

WWI losses, 1314

WWI Paris defense, 912

WWI war strategy, 9

franchises, 79, 80

Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), 2, 9, 204205, 225

French Monetary Law (1928), new gold franc, 231232

French Radical Party, 249

Friedman, Milton, 132, 149, 283, 285, 314, 318

fundamental failures, in banks, 150

fundamentalism, 5859, 62

The Fundamentals, 59


Galbraith, John Kenneth, 110, 116

Garanta company, 171

Garbo, Greta. See Gustafsson, Greta

Garfield, John, 45

Gary, Elbert H., 101102

GDP. See gross domestic product

General Electric (GE)

Marconi’s Wireless purchase by, 40

power management group approach, 98

radio market, 40

General Motors (GM), 32, 38, 77, 115116, 121

Pontiac division, 86

sales, 86, 89, 91, 93, 96 (fig.), 102

George, David Lloyd, 14, 15 (photo)

George V (king), 243

Germany, 240, 304

banks deplorable conditions, 317

bond issuance, of 1927, 226227

credit, 316

disarmament, 203, 223

Dreadnought battleship building, 7

foreign money and inflation, 225226

France and Belgium war declaration by, 4

Great Britain war declaration against, 4

international accounts frozen, 237

Kennedy on economic and military power of, 8

Kreuger match monopoly, 173174

military opposition, 7

politics conditions, 317

post WWI, 315318

prewar industrial output, 206

unraveling of, 225230

weapon technologies, 8

WWI Belgium attack by, 9

WWI war reparations, 1516, 181, 187, 189195, 190 (fig.), 224

See also Berlin

Germany, 1919–1925, 189190, 190 (fig.)

commensurate taxation of, 201

disarmament mandates ignored by, 203

hyperinflation, 194, 194 (fig.), 201

monetary chaos, 191192

national railroad system privatization, 201

November Revolution in, 191

postwar poverty, 225

rearmament drive, 203204

Reischsmark currency plunge, 192, 193 (photo), 195

Rentenmark currency in, 195

Ruhr region invasion by France and Belgium, 191, 193, 197

war trials, 203

Weimar Republic in, 191192, 228, 307, 316

GI Bill of Rights, 260261

Gilbert, S. Parker, 203, 226227

Girdler, Tom, 161

Gish, Lillian, 20

Glassford, Pelham, 146, 147

global agricultural glut, of Depression, 306

global agriculture crisis, 308310, 309 (fig.)

global deflation, in 1930, 308

global monetary gains, in New York City, 40

global trading relations, Great Britain and, 182

GM. See General Motors

GNP. See Gross National Product


foreign exchange loss and, 235, 237

price, 253254, 260

reserve, Reichsmark creation of, 201

US holdings of, 232

Gold Bloc, 250251

gold standard, 7576, 136, 182187, 238

Austrian standstill agreements, 234, 237

Europe return to, 203

gold-exchange standard from, 188

Great Britain departure from, 149, 152, 239, 311

Great Britain return to, 208213, 306, 307

Kreditanstalt, of Austria, standstill agreement, 234

Strong on, 209213, 307

US off of, 249

gold-based currencies, at prewar parities, 306308

golden age, of Weimar Republic, 228

gold-exchange standard, from gold standard, 188

Goldman Sachs, 110

Goodman, Edwin, 4950

The Grammar of Science (Pearson, K.), 63

Great Britain, 7, 202, 238

Germany war declaration by, 4

global trading relations, 182

gold and foreign exchange reserves loss, 237

gold standard departure, 149, 152, 239, 311

industrial production, 206, 237

Industrial Revolution and, 182, 206

merchandise trade deficit, 184

post WWI, 315

reflation position, 250251

return to gold standard, 208213, 306, 307

stock market drop, 120

unemployment doubling, 237

US alliance with, 231

war loans, 189

WWI BEF, 910

Great Britain, 1919–1925

Bank of England financials progress, 209

capital account, 208

current account balances, 207 (fig.), 208

invisibles account, 184, 207208, 207 (fig.), 237

merchandise account, 208

mining, 215216, 216 (photo)

Moggridge on, 207208

prewar steel leadership, 207

recession, 212

return to gold standard, 208213

sheltered goods, 215

US industrial output compared to, 206

wartime inflation, 209

The Great Crash, 1929 (Galbraith), 110

Great Depression, 139 (photo), 307312

automobile industry and, 294295

bank crises of, 149154, 264, 268

Chicago impacted by, 140141

construction hit during, 109

deflationary momentum, 306

details, 312319

Detroit impacted by, 141

Detroit relief program, 138139

Muncie, Indiana and, 50

national morale and, 138

New York City relief efforts, 140

rural collapse and, 103, 139142, 144

Smoot-Hawley tariff negative impact on, 144, 311

unemployment among industries, 296297

The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald, S.), 21

The Great Illusion (Angell), 56

Great Moderation, 321322

Great Recession, of 2007, 263, 322

Greenspan, Alan, 111, 321322

Grigg, P. J., 210213

gross domestic product (GDP), 72, 77, 113, 287, 289

WWI war effort and, 73

gross national product (GNP)

US real and nominal, 1929–1937, 131 (fig.)

WWI fiscal consequences in, 7475, 75 (fig.), 77, 130

Gustafsson, Greta (Greta Garbo), 44, 172


Hadden, Brit, 41

Haig, Douglas, 8

Halsey, Stewart and Company, 82, 162163

Hamlin, Charles, 308

Harding, Warren, 76, 127128, 196

Harlem, black people in, 46

“Harlem Renaissance,” 46

Harrison, George, 222, 238

Hart, Liddel, 3

The Harvard Classics, 42

Harvey, Ernest, 239, 318

Hatry, Clarence, 120

Hawtrey, Ralph, 187188

Haynes, Elwood, 31

Hemingway, Ernest, 20, 42

Henderson, Arthur, 237

Herriot, Édouard, 202, 204, 218, 249

high-end service industries, 49

History of Crises Under the National Banking System (Sprague), 133134

Hitler, Adolf, 203, 240

Hofstadter, Richard, 62

HOLC. See Home Owners’ Loan Corporation

holding companies

Durant, W., creation of, 8788

of Insull, S., 155157

Holiday, Billie, 46

home mortgage finance industry, 314

Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), 273, 274275, 278, 314

Hoover, Herbert, 122124, 127, 187, 197

agriculture relief policy, 142144, 306

aid to poor opposition, 145

Bureau of Standards, 128

Churchill and Leuchtenburg on, 126

CRB of, 125126

farm programs, 306

humanitarian work, 125

PECE, 138

recession and, 135136

RFC of, 136, 145, 152, 244, 253254, 263, 264, 273, 278, 284

social spending, 272273, 273 (fig.)

tariff increase policy, 144145, 311

US food relief programs, 126

veteran bonus marchers and, 145148, 146 (photo)

voluntary agencies, 137138

war debts and reparations moratorium, 236

Hoover, J. Edgar, 76

Hoover, Lou Henry, 124

Hope, Bob, 41

Hopkins, Harry, 267269, 277, 284

hourly pay, of workers

1919–1941, 261 (fig.). 260

changes in, 291292, 291 (fig.)

House, Edward, 14

House of Baring collapse, 184185

“hucksterism” of stock brokers, 112

Hughes, Charles Evans, 197

Hughes, Langston, 42, 46, 47

Hull, Cordell, 249, 250251

humanism, Lippman on, 64

Hume, David, 184

Hundred Days legislative program, of Roosevelt, F., 267

Hurston, Zora Neale, 46

hyperinflation, in Germany, 194, 194 (fig.), 201


Icahn, Carl, 161

Ickes, Harold, 169, 284

Import Duties Act (1932), 311

industrial agriculture, 246247

industrial production

Great Britain, 206, 237

NBER on, 115116

1920–1929, 113114, 114 (fig.)

1933–1940, 280 (fig.)

See also manufacturing productivity; total factor productivity

Industrial Revolution, 182, 206

industrial unions, 5051, 79, 282, 289


Great Depression-era unemployment among, 296297

in post WWI recession, 77

See also specific industries


automobile market crash of 1920, 90

farmers and, 134

German foreign money and, 225226

Great Britain wartime, 209

local currency devalued in, 184

1914 rate of, 72

of 1970s, 320321

Rathenau on German, 193

US, 214

wartime, 7375, 209

Weimar Republic and, 192, 307

Inherit the Wind (movie), 61, 62

Insull, Martin, 144, 156, 159

Insull, Samuel, 2429, 154, 164166

Commonwealth Edison of, 78, 155, 161

CSC of, 159163

Eaton, C., holdings purchase from, 158164

financing strategy, 8283

franchises, 79, 80

holding companies of, 155157

IUI of, 159163

MWU of, 155158, 161163

Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company of, 155

Public Service of Northern Illinois of, 155

sales strategies, 81

union dealings, 79

Insull Securities Company (IUI), of Chicago, 159163

interbank payments clearing, 228

international catastrophe, of Depression, 306

international finance, 181, 187, 237

International Harvester, 104, 142

International Match, 170, 172, 173

International Telephone and Telegraph (IT&T), 176177

Interstate Commerce Commission, 262

invisibles account, in Great Britain, 184, 207208, 207 (fig.), 237

Irwin, Douglas, 312

IT&T. See International Telephone and Telegraph

IUI. See Insull Securities Company

James, William, 64, 303

Jazz Age, 1923

The Jazz Singer (movie), 44


Jeffers, Robinson, 42

Jenkins, Roy, 213

Jensen, Richard, 295296

Joffre, Joseph, 910

Johnson, Hiram, 127, 272

Johnson, James Weldon, 46, 47

Jolson, Al, 44

Jones, Jesse, 254

Josephson, Matthew, 194


Kaiser Aluminum, 101

Keegan, John, 3

Kennedy, Paul, 8

Kerr, Robert, 21

Keynes, John Maynard, 45, 15, 132, 188, 197198, 210, 316

on deflation, 234

on Great Britain sheltered goods, 215

on Hoover, H., 127

on Roosevelt Statement, 252

on sticky wages, 288

Kindleberger, Charles, 253, 264, 309, 315

von Kluck, Alexander, 1011

Knopf, Alfred A., 42

Kreditanstalt bank, of Austria, 234235

Kreuger, Ivar, 154

forged Italian bonds, 177

fraud of, 168

French bond business theft, 173

holdings, 168 (fig.)

IT&T controlling position sale, 176177

match monopoly, 169174

Ponzi game, 176

suicide of, 167, 177

Kreuger & Toll, 169170

Krutch, Joseph Wood, 64

Kuhn, Loeb and Company, 197

Kuznets, Simon, 283, 289


labor market, post WWI, 76

Lamont, Thomas, 13, 119, 187, 197, 199, 202, 236

Land O’Lakes butter cooperative, 142

Lange, Jessica, 45

Lardner, Ring, 41

Laval, Pierre, 317, 319

League of Nations, 16, 196, 203

Lebergott, Stanley, 288

Lee, Higgison investment company, 170, 172, 174175

Leffingwell, Russell, 188, 307

Legion of Decency, 44

Leland, Henry, 32, 86

Leuchtenburg, William, 126

Lewis, John L., 80

Lewis, Sinclair, 22, 56

Liberty airplane engine, 72

Liberty Bonds, 73

Lincoln Motor Company, 32

Lindbergh, Charles, 42

Lippman, Walter, 41, 64, 244, 271

Liveright, Horace, 42

Lloyd, Harold, 55

Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 271

Locarno Treaties (1925), 223224, 228, 231

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 126

Lombard Street (Bagehot), 183

Long, Huey, 258260, 259 (photo)

Long, Lois, 48

Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), 321

Lorre, Peter, 44

LTCM. See Long-Term Capital Management

Luce, Henry, 41

Luther, Hans, 235236, 317318

Lynd, Helen M., 50, 99

Lynd, Robert S., 50, 99


MacArthur, Douglas, 147

MacDonald, Ramsay, 204, 237, 238, 243244, 249

Macfadden, Bernarr, 41

MacLeish, Archibald, 20

Macmillan Report, 237

Madsen, Jakob, 308309, 310, 311, 312

Maginot Line, 224

majoritarianism, 63

Malcomson, Alexander, 32

Malkiel, Burton, 113

The Maltese Falcon (movie), 4445

Manufacturing general

changes in hours, real and nominal wages, 291292, 291 (fig.)

employment collapse, 137

payrolls and gross revenues, 289290, 290 (fig.)

US durable/nondurable production and pricing strategies, 293, 293 (fig.)

US prices and gross revenues, 292 (fig.)

worker hourly pay, 1919–1941, 261 (fig.). 260

Manufacturing productivity, 9799

Marconi’s Wireless

General Electric purchase of, 40

Sarnoff as wireless operator at, 40

Marsh & McLennan insurance, 160

Marshall, George, 266

Mason, Joseph, 150, 153

mass manufacturing technologies, 23, 34

mass population movement, of blacks North, 4546, 76

McCarthy, Joe, 257

McDonald, Forest, 160, 163

McKenna, Reginald, 211

McLennan, Donald, 160, 161

media use, by Roosevelt, F., 257258

Mellon, Andrew, 101, 121, 122, 197, 223, 227, 236

Meltzer, Allan H., 113

Mencken, H. L., 42, 59, 60

merchandise account, in Great Britain, 208

Miami, Florida

building boom, 106, 107

real estate collapse, 108

Middle West Utilities (MWU), 155158, 161163

Mildred Pierce (movie), 44

military spending, European, 7, 7 (fig.)

Miller, G. William, 320

Mills, Frederick C., 289, 309

Mills, Ogden, 221

mining, in Great Britain, 215

strike, 216, 216 (photo)

Minsky, Hyman, 176

Mishkin, Frederic S., 313

Mitchell, Charles E., 120121

Modern Library, 42

The Modern Temper (Krutch), 64

Moggridge, D. E., 207208

Moley, Raymond, 248249, 250251

von Moltke, Helmuth “the Elder,” 12

von Moltke, Helmuth “the Younger,” 12, 1011

Mondrian, Piet, 20

monetary gold, 228

holdings, 186187, 186 (fig.)

maldistribution of, 186

Roosevelt, F., on, 249

US control of, 196

Monetary History of the United States (Friedman and Schwartz), 132, 149, 150, 283


of Alcoa, 100101

anti-, electrical utility companies and, 2829

Kreuger match, 169174

“Moon Shines in Coral Gables” (song), 107

Moore, George Gordon, 21

Moreau, Émile, 220, 232, 308

1927 Long Island conference, 221224

franc pegged to dollar by, 231

Moret, Clément, 238

Morgan, John Pierpont (“J. P.”), 24, 26, 101, 119, 197

caricature of, 111 (fig.)

Morgan, John Pierpont, Jr. (“Jack”), 175, 177, 198

Roosevelt, F., policies support by, 265

Morgenthau, Henry, 248, 251, 252, 253, 283

Mott, Charles Stewart, 85

movies, 4344, 5556

Mumford, Lewis, 49

Muncie, Indiana

affordable automobile in, 55

consumer credit in, 5455

contraception, 57

cosmetics and clothing standards, 54

factory workers bleakness, 5253

farming, 50, 53, 103

financial pressures, 5354

Fordism, 5152, 294

Great Depression and, 50

industrial accidents, 51

Lynd, R. and Lynd, H., study of, 50, 99

pre-Code movies, 5556

prostitution in, 5657

as union town, 5051

Murphy, Frank, 141

Murphy, Gerald, 2021

Murphy, Sara, 2021

Murphy, Thomas, 32

MWU. See Middle West Utilities

My Years with General Motors (Sloan), 9091

The Naked City (movie), 44

The Nation and Athenaeum (Keynes), 200


National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 40

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 115116, 290, 309

National Industrial Conference Board (NICB), 289

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 44, 262, 271272, 296

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), 272, 282, 289, 296

National Union Government, in France, 219

nationalization, of companies, 73

NBC. See National Broadcasting Company

NBER. See National Bureau of Economic Research

Nevins, Allan, 33, 37, 95

New Deal, 73, 144, 165, 240, 272274

creation of, 257261

detail of, 266271

federal debt, 278

federal liabilities increase, 263, 263 (fig.)

overview, 262266

New York City

BUS failure, 149

as communication hub, 40

couture industry in, 4849

global monetary gains in, 40

Great Depression relief efforts, 140

Harlem black people, 46

high-end service industries, 49

mass population movements, 45

movies, 4344

national print media concentration in, 41

Prohibition in, 4748

relief efforts, 140

skyscrapers in, 49

New York Evening Graphic, 41

New York Stock Exchange, 113, 119123

The New Yorker, 41, 48

Niagara electrical project, 2429, 27 (fig.), 80

NICB. See National Industrial Conference Board

Nicholas (Tsar), 4

Nicholson, Jack, 45

Niemeyer, Otto, 211213

1929 stock market crash, 313

Black Monday, 120

Black Thursday, 174

Black Tuesday, 120

eve of, 110115

Great Britain market drop, 120

“hucksterism” of stock brokers, 112

industrial production, 1920–1929, 113114, 114 (fig.)

margin regulation, 112

overpricing, 112113

rapid growth in, 110

NIRA. See National Industrial Recovery Act

Nixon, Richard, 320321

Norman, Montagu, 197, 235, 238, 307, 318

1927 Long Island conference, 221224

on Great Britain return to gold standard, 210213

North, mass black population movement into, 4546, 76

November Revolution, in Germany, 191

Noyes, Alexander Dana, 122, 281


OASI. See Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance

Ohanian, Lee, 286

Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (OASI), 270

Olds, Ransom, 31

Olds Motor Vehicle Company, 86

Olney, Martha, 313

On the Waterfront (movie), 44

O’Neill, Eugene, 42

Only Yesterday (Allen), 62

Orlando, Vittorio, 15 (photo)

Otis and Company, 158

Otto, Nikolaus, 31


Painlevé, Paul, 219

Paley, William, 41

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 76

Paris, WWI defense of, 912

parity ratio, of farms, 247

Parker, Dorothy, 20, 41

Partnoy, Frank, 176

Payne, John Barton, 140

payrolls and gross revenues, in manufacturing, 289290, 290 (fig.)

Peabody, Endicott, 254

Peabody, Francis, 7980

Peace Conference, 34

Pearson, Frank A., 252253, 256

Pearson, Karl, 63

PECE. See President’s Emergency Committee on Employment

Pegler, Westbrook, 41

Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company, 155

Perkins, Maxwell, 42

Pickford, Mary, 21

Pinchot, Gifford, 140

Poincaré, Raymond, 173, 176, 197, 218, 219220, 231


in Chicago, 79

in Germany, 317

Pontiac division, of GM, 86

Ponzi, Charles, 176

Ponzi game, 176

The Postman Always Rings Twice (movie), 44

postwar prosperity, 298300

poverty, postwar, 225

A Preface to Morals (Krutch), 64

President’s Council of Economic Advisors, 322

President’s Emergency Committee on Employment (PECE), 138

price-specie flow mechanism, 184

Principles of Mining (Hoover, H.), 125

print media, 41

private nonfarm economy, 299


farms, 299

Ford Motors, 97

growth, 1920–1941, 298299, 299 (fig.)

shocks, 77

See also industrial production; manufacturing productivity; total factor productivity

Progressive Era, 28

Prohibition, 57

proportional representation, in Europe, 192

Prosser, Seward, 140

protectionism, 311312

Protestantism, 59

Public Service of Northern Illinois, 155

Public Works Administration (PWA), 267, 268 (photo), 269, 284


Quadricycle, of Ford, 31, 32

Quesnay, Pierre, 220, 308


Race to the Sea, 11

radio, 4041

Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 40

Raff, Daniel, 295


Germany national system privatization, 201

TFP and, 300

Rappleyea, George, 58

Raskob, John, 88, 89, 115116

rate of interest, 183

Rathenau, Walter, 193, 316

RCA. See Radio Corporation of America

real estate, 109

binders, 106107

Miami building boom, 106, 107

Miami collapse, 108

rearmament drive, in Germany, 203204

recession, of 1937, 279285, 294295

See also Great Recession, of 2007

recession, post WWI, 76

of 1920–1921, 90, 103, 313

Hoover, H., and, 135136

industries in, 77

reconstruction debt, of France, 217

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 136, 145, 264

bank loans, 152, 244, 273

federal borrowings, 263, 278, 284

gold price raised through, 253254

Red Scare, by Hoover, J., and Palmer, 76

reflation, 134, 252256

commodity price elevation, 246

farm bloc and, 246

Roosevelt, F., support of, 264

US and Great Britain position of, 250251

Reichsbank, Germany, 225, 235, 236, 317318

Reichsmark currency plunge, in Germany, 192, 193 (photo), 201

Reinhold, Peter, 226

Rentenmark currency, in Germany, 195

reparations, Germany, 1516, 181, 187, 189195, 190 (fig.), 315, 316

bonds for, 190

Lamont on moratorium for, 236

from new foreign loans, 225

possible loan defaults, 225

revised schedule for, 227228

Reparations Commission, 189190

commensurate taxation of Germany, 201

Dawes Plan, 195205, 223, 225, 315

France withdrawal from Ruhr, 292

on Germany hyperinflation, 201

on Germany national railroad system privatization, 201

Germany phase in of payments, 201

Germany temporary transport tax, 201

Gilbert as agent of, 203

Great Britain support of, 202

Young Plan, 195205, 227228, 236, 317

The Report of the First Committee of Experts to the Reparation Commission, 200

Republic Steel, 121, 160, 161

residual, in TFP growth factors, 298

return to normalcy campaign, of Harding, 76

Reuther, Walter, 289

Review of Economics and Statistics, for 1937, 279

Reynolds Aluminum, 101

RFC. See Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Rhineland, withdrawal from, 204, 224

risk management, in bank crises, 153

Rist, Charles, 220, 233, 308

1927 Long Island conference, 221

Rizzo, Fiore, 266

Robeson, Paul, 47

Rockefeller, John D., 106, 115, 121, 158, 169170

Rockefeller, Percy, 115, 172173

Romer, Christina D., 265, 313

Roose, Kenneth, 294295

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 127, 129

Roosevelt, Franklin, 48, 127, 148, 240, 278 (fig.)

1937 recession and, 279284

background of, 244

on deflation and reflation, 264

dollar devaluation, 247

Farm Credit Administration of, 248

Hundred Days legislative program of, 267

mass media use, 257258

on monetary gold, 249

monetary policy, 246, 248249

Morgan, J. P., Jr., policies support, 265

recovery factor, 263264

social spending, 272273, 273 (fig.)

Stimson on, 244245

tax on net undistributed earnings, 285

World Monetary and Economic Conference delegation of, 249251

WWII declaration of war, 300

Roosevelt Statement, to World Monetary and Economic Conference, 251252, 264

Rope of Sand (movie), 44

Ross, Harold, 41

Rubenstein, Helena, 5354

Ruhr, Germany invasion by France and Belgium, 191, 193, 197

France withdrawal from, 202, 218, 292

Runyon, Damon, 41


bank failures, 150151, 248

collapse, in Great Depression, 103, 139142, 144

poverty, 141142

unemployment, 296

Russell, Bertrand, 64

Russia, 12, 4, 78


Sachs, Jeffrey, 255, 256

SAE. See Society of Automobile Engineers

Sarnoff, David, 40

Save Me the Waltz (Fitzgerald, Z.), 2122

Schacht, Hjalmar, 194195, 197, 204, 225, 232

bank margin lending reductions, 226

1927 Long Island conference, 221224

capital tax exemption for foreign bond purchasers, 226

discount rates dropped by, 226

stock market and, 226

Schecter Poultry v. United States, 272

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 250

von Schlieffen, Alfred, 12

Schlieffen Plan, 13

Schuker, Stephen, 218

Schwartz, Anna Jacobson, 132, 149, 283, 285, 314, 318

scientific progressivism, 6365

Scopes, John, 58, 5960

Scopes Monkey Trial, 5862

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), 157, 262

Von Seeckt, Hans, 203204

Seldes, Gilbert, 20

Sellers, Coleman, Jr., 26

service industries, high-end, 49

Share Our Wealth program, of Long, H., 259260

sharecropping, 69

Shaw, Hannah, 69

Shaw, Nate, 6971

sheltered goods, of Great Britain, 215

short blocks, of FHA, 108

Sion, John, 238

Skidelsky, Robert, 214

skyscrapers, 49, 101, 109, 110, 115, 169

Slater, Samuel, 293

Sloan, Alfred, 8491, 90, 9596

Smith, Al, 128

Smoot-Hawley tariff, 144, 311

Snowden, Philip, 228, 237, 238

revised reparation schedule, 227

Social Security, 262

social spending, of Hoover, H., 272273, 273 (fig.)

Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE), 102

Solow, Robert, 298

Spanish flu pandemic, 303304

Sprague, Oliver M. W., 133134, 244, 250, 308

St. Vincent Millay, Edna, 41

Stamp, Josiah, 198199

Standard Oil, 100, 106, 121, 258

stand-still agreements, Austria and, 235

steam power, 80

steel industry, 91, 101, 102, 115, 119, 160, 207

Stein, Gertrude, 20

Stevens, Wallace, 42

sticky prices, 292

sticky wages, 288

Stimson, Henry, 236, 244245

Stinnes, Hugo, 199

stock market, 226

Great Britain drop in, 120

See also 1929 stock market crash

Stravinsky, Igor, 20

Stresemann, Gustav, 194, 195, 204, 223, 225

death of, 228

on revised reparation schedule, 227

Stresemann-Schacht 1924 currency reform, 316

Strong, Benjamin, 133, 187, 197, 200, 231

1927 Long Island conference, 221224

death of, 222

on Great Britain return to gold standard, 209213, 307

Stuart, Harold, 83, 155, 157

Sunday, Billy, 59

Survey of Current Business, 135

on agriculture, of 1929, 104

Hoover, H., creation of, 128

on industrial production, in 1929, 114115

Swedish Bank Inspection Board, 171

Swedish Match, 169170


deflation impact on, 144145

Fordney-McCumber, 311

Hoover increase policy, 144145, 311

Smoot-Hawley, 144, 311


telephone, AT&T market of, 40

television industry, 4041

Temin, Peter, 150, 152153, 264, 319

Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald, S.), 2021

Tesla, Nikola, 2429

Texaco, 100

TFP. See total factor productivity

This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald, S.), 19

Thomas, Elmer, 248

Thomas Amendment, to AAA, 248249, 250

Thomson-Houston, 25

Time, 41

Tin Pan Alley, 49

Titanic, 40

Toll, Paul, 169

Toscanini, Arturo, 40, 41

total factor productivity (TFP)

electric power industry, 300

private nonfarm economy and, 299300

railroads and, 300

residual in growth factors, 298

wholesale and retail distribution, 300

Townsend, Francis, 259 (photo), 260

Trades Union Congress (TUC), 215216

Treatise on Money (Keynes), 134

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918), 12

Treaty of Versailles, 187, 189

Germany disarmament mandates ignored, 203

Hitler repudiation of, 240

US Senate failure to ratify, 196

trickle-down economics, 6971

TUC. See Trades Union Congress

Turner, Lana, 45


UAW. See United Auto Workers

UI. See Unemployment Insurance

unemployment, 287295, 306

of blue-collar workers, 137

Great Britain doubling of, 237

Great Depression-era among industries, 296297

1926–1941 rates of, 138 (fig.)

rural, 296

US, 1929–1940, 287 (fig.), 288

Unemployment Insurance (UI), 270

Union Oil, 100

Union Party, 260

United Auto Workers (UAW), 289

United Motors Company, 88, 90

United States (US), 2, 313

crop and meat prices, 104105, 104 (fig.)

farming price collapse, 309

gold holdings, 232

Great Britain alliance with, 231

Great Britain industrial output compared to, 206

Great Recession, of 2007, 263, 322

inflation, 214

monetary gold control by, 196

prewar steel production, 207

productivity growth, 1920–1941, 298299, 299 (fig.)

real and nominal GNP, 1929–1937, 131 (fig.)

reflation position, 250251

Treaty of Versailles ratification failure, 196

unemployment, 1929–1940, 287 (fig.), 288

US Steel, 91, 101, 102, 119

Van Vechten, Carl, 4647

Versailles Peace Conference

Austria and, 14, 304

Germany exclusion from, 1415

war settlements, 1516

See also Treaty of Versailles


veteran bonus marchers, 145148, 146 (photo)

Victor phonograph company, 40

Victory Bonds, 73, 76

Volcker, Paul, 321

Volstead Act, 47

von Hindenburg, Paul, 317


wage cuts, 290292, 291 (fig.)

Wagner, Robert, 145

Wagner Act. See National Labor Relations Act

Wallis, John, 272


Angell on mainstream acceptance of, 56

bonds, 7374, 74 (fig.)

debt settlements, 1516, 223, 236

expenditures, 73

loans, of Great Britain, 189

production, 7273

costs, 13

trials, of Germany, 203

virtues of, 303

War Industries Board, 73

war reparations, of Germany. See reparations, Germany

Warburg, James, 249250

Warburg, Max, 6

Warburg, Paul, 133

The Warmth of Other Suns (Wilkerson), 45

Warren, George F., 252253, 256

gold price target, 260

Warren-Pearson Indices, 252

wartime inflation, 7375, 209

Waters, Ethel, 47

weapon technologies, of Germany, 8

Weimar Republic, 191, 316

golden age of, 228

inflationary mechanism, 192, 307

West, Mae, 44

Westinghouse, George, 24, 2729

AC technology, 2526

Westinghouse Electric, 25

Whiteman, Paul, 41

Whitney, Richard, 119120, 174

embezzlement conviction, 121

Wicker, Elmus, 150, 152153, 253

Wiggin, Albert, 121

Wigmore, Barrie, 110111, 150, 152153, 264

Wilhelm II, 1, 6

Wilkerson, Isabel, 45

Wilson, Berry, 150, 153

Wilson, Woodrow, 13, 14, 15 (photo), 72, 73, 181, 196

Winchell, Walter, 41

Winthrop, John, 119

Wolfe, Thomas, 42

Wooley, Monty, 20


blue-collar, 52, 137, 293, 295

Ford Motors recruitment and retention, 3638

hourly pay of, 261 (fig.). 260, 291292, 291 (fig.)

Muncie, Indiana bleakness of factory, 5253

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 270, 276277, 284, 297

World in Depression (Kindleberger), 309

World Monetary and Economic Conference, 245

Acheson-Warburg group, 253

currency stabilization agreement, 249250

French deflation position, 250, 251

MacDonald organization of, 243244

on nationalism in economics, 243

Roosevelt, F., delegation to, 249251

Roosevelt Statement to, 251252, 264

US and Great Britain reflation position, 250251

world trade collapse, 306, 311312

World War I (WWI), 67, 11 (photo)

Battle of the Marne, 1112

BEF, 910

Belgium losses in, 14

common people shift, 22

death toll during, 8, 10, 12, 13

Depression and, 303

Federal Reserve system and, 72

fiscal consequences of, 7377, 75 (fig.), 130

France losses in, 1314

France war strategy, 9

GDP and war effort, 73

Germany war reparations, 1516, 181, 189195, 190 (fig.), 224

international debt from, 187

Keynes on, 45

legacy of, 303305

military increase, 72

Paris defense, by France, 912

peace cost, 1316

Race to the Sea, 11

reasons for, 14

Russia mobilization during, 12

Schlieffen Plan during, 13

war spending costs, 13

World War I (WWI), post

Bank of England progress, 209

Berlin conditions, 304

common people shift, 22

consumer society, 23

cultural changes, 2223, 105

France condition, 304305

Germany and, 315318

Great Britain, 315

industries in recession, 77

labor market, 76

recession, 7677, 90, 103, 135136, 313

World War II (WWII), 300

WPA. See Works Progress Administration

Wright, Gavin, 277

WWI. See World War I

WWII. See World War II


Young, Arthur, 165

Young, Owen D., 195205, 227228, 236, 317

Young Plan, 317

BIS reparations agent, 228

Brüning complaint about, 236

revised reparation plan, 227228

Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, 160