
apology for, 2629

efforts to avoid, 209210

adults, talking and listening to, 4649

age, and introductions, 19

airplane travel, 147151

airport security, 148

allergies, 6568, 172

answering machine, leaving message on, 102

answering phone, 9798


accepting, 3033

“excuse me” as, 9

making, 2629

attention, “excuse me” to get, 1011

audience, being part of, 138142


bathrooms, 215

sharing space, 166

use as houseguest, 206, 207

bedrooms, sharing space, 214

belching, 9

birthdays, 79

blame for loss, 137

blessing before meal, 55

body lotion, 161

borrowing clothes, 4245

borrowing item, asking permission, 35

boundaries, 212215


dating, 199203

invitation to dance from, 195

buffet, serving yourself from, 52

“but,” avoiding in apology, 27

butter knife, 61


car, entering and exiting, 180183

cell phones, 103108, 142, 146

chair, help being seated, 185

chewing gum, 141, 146

closed doors, 213

clothes, 152155

for air travel, 150

spills on, 170

for worship, 144, 146

coat, help with, 185

coat checkroom, 185186

cologne, 163

communion, 145


accepting, 2325

paying, 2022

“thank you” for, 56

computer, 109113

contests, losing, 134137

conversation with adults, 4649

cosmetics, 156160

cotillion, 193194

courtesies, accepting, 184187

crossing legs when sitting, 174175

curfew, 37


dance, invitations to, 193198

dating, 199203

dining in restaurant, 6973

dinner guest behavior, 5155

place setting, 6064

dinner table, cell phone and, 107

disappointment, acknowledging, 9394

door, holding for others, 77


eau de cologne, 162

eau de toilette, 162

elevator, 77

e-mail address, 111

e-mails, 111113

emergencies, personal, 168172

entering car, 180183

escalator, 75

exaggeration, 22

excuse, for mistakes, vs. apology, 28

“excuse me,” 811, 76, 139

when leaving dinner table, 54

exiting car, 180183

eye contact, 50

in introductions, 13, 15

with “thank you,” 7


Facebook, 114120, 202

photos on, 118119

face-to-face conversation, and cell phone use, 107

family members

saying “thank you” to, 5

treatment of, 2

family style meal, 52

favors, asking for, 3841

feminine hygiene products, 171

fingers, licking, 5758

first impressions, 12

food allergies and dislikes, 6568

forgiveness, 32

forks, 61

Fortnightly, 193194

fragrance, 161164

friend requests, 116


games, losing, 134137


accepting, 8285

choosing and giving, 7881

as houseguest, 205

gossip, 126129

grooming, personal, 165168

grudges, 33

guests, being good hostess for, 208211


hair coloring, 166167

hairbrushes, 44

hallways, public, 7477

heels, practice wearing, 177178


offer for clearing table, 5455

offer when exiting car, 181182

receiving, 184187

helping others, 216219

hostess, 208211

houseguest, 204207


identification, 172

“I’m sorry,” 2629

Internet, 110111

social networks, 114120

interruption, 48

“excuse me” for, 10

introductions, 1215

by hostess, 209

making, 1619


from boy, 200

to dance, 193198

responding to, 188192


knives, 61


licking fingers, 5758

lies, 201

lipstick, 59

listening, 95

to adults, 4649

losing graciously, 134137


makeup, 44, 156160

messages from phone calls, 97102

mistakes, apology for, 2629

movie theaters, 138139


nail polish, 168

napkin, 5659

“no” as answer when asking permission, 36


odors, 150

overflattering, 53


parents, introducing friends to, 17

passing food around table, 52

performance, being part of audience, 138142

perfume, 150, 162164

period, planning for, 171

permission, asking, 3437

personal emergencies, 168172

personal grooming, 165168

personal information, in introductions, 18

personal space, 212215

pet, death of, 94

photos, 121125

on Facebook, 118119

of religious ceremonies, 124

physical challenges, offering help to people with, 218

piercings, 166167

place setting, 6064

“please,” 13


when sitting, 173175

when walking, 176183

prayer before meal, 55

price, and meal selection from menu, 7071

privacy, 212215

photos and, 122123

on social networks, 115

public staircases and halls, 7477

purse, 187


radio station, permission to change, 37

“regrets only” invitation, 189190

religious ceremonies, 143146

photos of, 124

requests, “please” when making, 13

respect, for older people, 13

responding to invitations, 188192


cell phone and, 107

dining in, 6973

restroom, 141

ringer of cell phone, turning off, 105

ringtone, 108

RSVP, 190191

rumors, 127


safety pins, 170171

school assignments, favors and, 38

secrets, 126129

shaking hands, 13

shoes, 177

siblings, asking favor of, 39

sincerity, in compliments, 21

sitting, 173175

skin care, 157

slumber party, 130133, 162

social networks, 114120

spoons, 61

staircases, public, 7477

stepping on toes, 196

sunscreen, 160

sympathy expression, 9296


taking advantage, vs. favor, 39

talking to adults, 4649

telephones, 97102

cell phones, 103108

texting, 48, 103108, 199

“thank you,” 47, 187

at end of date, 203

for favors, 41

for gift, 83

for offer of help, 184185

as reply to compliment, 24

after slumber party, 131132

thank-you note

after being houseguest, 207

examples, 9091

writing, 8691


for coat checkroom, 186

for restaurant staff, 73

travel on plane, 147151

tweets, 119

Twitter wars, 120


underwear, 44

uppercase letters, in e-mail, 112

utensils, 61, 64


vegetarian, 68

volunteering, 216219

clothes for, 153


walking, 176183

water glass, 62

wrapping gifts, 80