History in the Mathematics Classroom
The History of Mathematics in a Large Nutshell
Calculus and Applied Mathematics
Abstraction, Computers, and New Applications
1.Keeping Count: Writing Whole Numbers
2.Reading and Writing Arithmetic: The Basic Symbols
3.Nothing Becomes a Number: The Story of Zero
4.Broken Numbers: Writing Fractions
5.Less Than Nothing?: Negative Numbers
6.By Tens and Tenths: Metric Measurement
7.Measuring the Circle: The Story of π
8.The Cossic Art: Writing Algebra with Symbols
9.Linear Thinking: Solving First Degree Equations
10.A Square and Things: Quadratic Equations
11.Intrigue in Renaissance Italy: Solving Cubic Equations
12.A Cheerful Fact: The Pythagorean Theorem
13.A Marvelous Proof: Fermat's Last Theorem
14.On Beauty Bare: Euclid's Plane Geometry
15.In Perfect Shape: The Platonic Solids
16.Shapes by the Numbers: Coordinate Geometry
17.Impossible, Imaginary, Useful: Complex Numbers
18.Half Is Better: Sine and Cosine
19.Strange New Worlds: The Non-Euclidean Geometries
20.In the Eye of the Beholder: Projective Geometry
21.What's in a Game?: The Start of Probability Theory
22.Making Sense of Data: Statistics Becomes a Science
23.Machines that Think?: Electronic Computers
24.The Arithmetic of Reasoning: Boolean Algebra
25.Beyond Counting: Infinity and the Theory of Sets
26.Out of the Shadows: The Tangent Function
27.Counting Ratios: Logarithms
28.Any Way You Slice It: Conic Sections
29.Beyond the Pale: Irrational Numbers
30.Barely Touching: From Tangents to Derivatives