Note: Page number followed by (f), (m), and (t) indicates figure, map, and table respectively.
Ambystoma californiense, 38, 42, 368
Ambystoma macrodactylum sigillatum, 136–41, 136(f)
breeding activity and egg laying, 138
breeding season, 139
courtship, pattern of, 138
diet of, 139
disease and environmental contaminants, 140
distribution of, 137(m), 139–40
effects of climate change on, 140
habitat requirements for, 139
hibernation, 138
identification of, 136–38
in Klamath–Siskiyou bioregion, 139
life history of, 138–39
management of, 141
metapopulation dynamics, 141
migration to breeding habitat, 138
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 141
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 136
ranavirus infections, 140
recolonization of, 140
reproduction, 138
risk factors, 136(t)
in spring-fed water bodies, 139
susceptibility to local extirpations, 139
taxonomy of, 138
threats faced by, 140
trends in abundance, 140
upland habitat, 139
amphibians and reptiles, management of, 39–43
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Inventory and Monitoring guide, 43
in California, 355(t)–366(t)
mitigating effects of roads, 41–42
protection of
aquatic habitats, 39–40
terrestrial habitat patches, 40–41
translocation of animals, 42–43
Aneides flavipunctatus niger, 142–46, 142(f)
allozyme studies of, 144
breeding activity and egg laying, 144
distribution of, 143(m), 144–45
effects of climate change on, 145
habitat requirements, 144
identification of, 142–44
life history of, 144
management of, 145
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 144
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 145–46
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 142
risk factors, 142(t)
streamside microhabitats, 144
taxonomy of, 144
threats faced by, 145
trends in abundance, 145
Anniella pulchra, 186–91, 186(f)
breeding season, 188
climate change, impact of, 190
feeding ecology of, 188
genetic markers, 191
gestation period, 188
habitat requirements, 188–89
habitat suitability for, 189
human-disturbed habitats, 190
identification of, 186–88
life history of, 188
management of, 190
mating activity, 188
microhabitat suitability, 189
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 188
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 190–91
movement ecology, 188
nuclear DNA analysis, 188
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 186
risk factors, 186(t)
sexual maturity, 188
surface activity, 188
taxonomy of, 188
threats faced by, 189–90
trends in abundance, 189
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, 248–49
aquatic habitats, in California, 31
acidification of, 73
aquatic invasive predators, 31
aquatic invertebrates, 307
Argentine ant. See Linepithema humile
Arizona elegans candida, 257
Arizona elegans eburnata, 257
Arizona elegans occidentalis, 255–59, 255(f), 368
breeding activity and egg laying, 257
coloration of, 255
distinctiveness of, 257
ecological specialization and endemism, 258
habitat requirements, 257–58
identification of, 255
life history of, 257
management of, 259
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 259
pitfall trapping of, 258
population sizes, 259
prey of, 257
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 255
reproductive activity, 257
risk factors, 255(t)
taxonomy of, 257
threats faced by, 258
trends in abundance, 258
Arroyo toad. See Bufo californicus
breeding behavior, 53
climate change, impact of, 55
clutch size, 53
habitat requirements, 53–55
identification, 51–53
life history, 53
management recommendations, 57
marijuana cultivation and, 57
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 57–58
population decline, 55
risk factors, 51(t)
road construction, impact of, 56
sensitivity to warm temperatures, 54
sexual maturity of, 53
status determination, 57
status summary, 51
in streams, 54
taxonomic relationships, 53
thermal tolerances of, 54
threats faced by, 55–57
timber harvesting, impact of, 56
time to metamorphosis, 53
trends in abundance, 53
Aspidoscelis hyperythra, 368–69, 371
habitat destruction, impact of, 371
Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri, 192–96, 192(f)
habitat loss and fragmentation, 195
habitat requirements for, 194–95
identification of, 192–94
life history of, 194
management of, 196
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 196
population size, 196
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 192
reproductive activity, 194
risk factors, 192(t)
taxonomy of, 194
threats faced by, 195
trends in abundance, 195
assisted migration, importance of, 231
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 44
Baja California coachwhip. See Masticophis fuliginosus
Baja California night lizard. See Xantusia wigginsi
Baja California Peninsula, 300
Baja California rat snake. See Bogertophis rosaliae
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), 45, 68, 73, 82, 91, 96–99, 104, 116–17, 122, 140–41, 184, 375
Batrachoseps campi, 147–50, 147(f)
elevational range of, 149
habitat requirements for, 149
identification of, 147–49
life history of, 149
management of, 150
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 150
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 147
risk factors, 147(t)
surface activity of, 149
taxonomy of, 149
threats faced by, 149–50
trends in abundance, 149
Batrachoseps gabrieli, 371
Batrachoseps minor, 151–55, 151(f)
DNA sequences, 154
effect of invasion of exotic plants on, 154
habitat modification, 154
habitat requirements for, 153
identification of, 151–53
life history of, 153
management of, 154
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 153
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 154–55
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 151
risk factors, 151(t)
sensitivity to habitat, 154
taxonomy of, 153
threats faced by, 153–54
trends in abundance, 153
Batrachoseps relictus, 156–60, 156(f)
aquatic microhabitats of, 159
distinctiveness of, 158
effects of climate change on, 159–60
habitat degradation from road construction, 159
habitat requirements for, 159
identification of, 156–58
life history of, 158–59
management of, 160
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 158
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 160
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 156
risk factors, 156(t)
surface activity of, 159
taxonomy of, 158
threats faced by, 159–60
trends in abundance, 159
Bogertophis rosaliae
decline in population of, 368
habitat of, 368
destruction of, 371
Breckenridge Mountain, 158–60
Breeding Bird Surveys, 47
effect of
landscape modification, 62
pesticide applications, 62
habitat requirements, 61
identification, 59–61
life history, 61
management recommendations, 62–63
metapopulation dynamics, 63
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 63
osteological and genetic data, 61
poison of, 61
toxicity of, 61
population decline, 62
causes of, 62
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 59
risk factors, 59(t)
status determination, 62
taxonomy of, 61
threats faced by, 62
trends in abundance, 62
Bufo californicus, 64–68, 64(f)
Anaxyrus genus, 66
breeding behavior, 66
drought and El Niño cycles, effects of, 68
feeding habits, 66
in human-made habitats, 67
identification of, 64–66
larvae of, 66–67
life history of, 66–68
management recommendations, 68
monitoring, research, and survey, 68
mortality rate of, 67
nocturnal activity, patterns of, 66–67
nonnatural disturbances, 66
population size and connectivity, 68
predation pressure, 67
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 64
radio tracking of, 67
reproductive season, 66
risk factors, 64(t)
seasonal activity period for, 66
sexual maturity, 66
stream and riparian habitat, 67
survivorship of, 66–68
taxonomy of, 66
threats faced by, 68
trends in abundance, 67–68
USFWS recovery plan for, 68
breeding activity and egg-laying, 71–72
breeding choruses, 71
human disturbance of, 73–75
breeding season, 75
drought, effects of, 74
embryos and hatchlings, 73
genetic differentiation, 71
genetic distance between populations, 71
habitat modification, impact of, 74
habitat requirements, 72
hibernation and breeding biology, 75
identification of, 69–71
insect food supply for, 74
larvae of, 72
life history of, 71–72
livestock grazing, influence of, 74
management program, 75
metamorphosis of, 71
metapopulation dynamics, 74
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 75–76
mortality rate, 73
palatability of, 74
population decline, 72–73
predators of, 74
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 75
protection from predation, 72
risk factors, 69(t)
seasonal activity period, 72
sexual maturity of, 75
in snowmelt pools, 73
stress and immunosuppression, 75
taxonomy of, 71
threats faced by, 73–75
trends in abundance, 73
Bureau of Land Management, 5
California Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan, 40
California Climate Action Team, 44
assessments of, 11
California Coastal Act (1976), 83
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), 4, 6, 19
Biogeographic Information and Observation System, 16
Geographic Information System, 16
California Endangered Species Act, 4–6, 8, 14, 19, 33, 231, 368
California Environmental Quality Act, 5, 36
California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project, 41
California Floristic Province, 4
California giant salamander. See Dicamptodon ensatus
California glossy snake. See Arizona elegans occidentalis
California kangaroo rat. See Dipodomys californicus
California legless lizard. See Anniella pulchra
California Natural Community Conservation Planning, 41
California Natural Diversity Database, 5, 13, 15, 33, 216
California red-legged frog. See Rana draytonii
California tiger salamander. See Ambystoma californiense
California Wildlife Habitat Relationships, 16–17
cannibalism, 86, 133, 163, 183
Carson River, 300
Cascades frog. See Rana cascadae
Christmas Bird Counts, 47
chytrid fungus. See Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
citizen science, 47
climate change
conservation risk due to, 39
Coachella Valley, 229
Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, 232
coastal tailed frog. See Ascaphus truei
coastal whiptail. See Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri
coast horned lizard. See Phrynosoma blainvillii
coast patch-nosed snake. See Salvadora hexalepis virgultea
coast range newt. See Taricha torosa
Coleonyx variegatus abbotti, 197–201, 197(f)
distinctiveness of, 199
distribution of, 198(m), 199–200
habitat degradation, 200
habitat requirements, 199
identification of, 197–99
impact of
artificial night lighting, 200
climate change, 200
development and agriculture, 200
life history of, 199
management of, 200
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 200–201
nuclear DNA markers, 199
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 197
reproductive activity, 199
risk factors, 197(t)
surface activity, 199
taxonomy of, 199
threats faced by, 200
trends in abundance, 200
Colorado Desert, 35
Colorado Desert fringe-toed lizard. See Uma notata
common garter snake. See Thamnophis sirtalis
common musk turtle. See Sternotherus odoratus
Cope’s leopard lizard. See Gambelia copeii
Coronado skink. See Plestiodon skiltonianus interparietalis
Couch’s spadefoot. See Scaphiopus couchii
counties and islands, of California, 50(m)
Crotalus ruber, 260–65, 260(f), 368
climate change, impact of, 264
coloration and behavior, 260
courtship and mating, 262
denning behavior, 262
distribution of, 261(m), 263–64
gestation period, 262
habitat requirements, 263
identification of, 260
life history of, 262–63
management of, 264
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 264–65
neonates of, 260
pitfall trapping, 265
prey of, 263
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 260
radio tracking of, 262
reproductive activity, 262
risk factors, 260(t)
sexual maturity, 263
taxonomy of, 262
threats faced by, 264
trends in abundance, 264
Dale Dry Lake, San Bernardino County, 242
Daphnia magna, 45
DDT pesticide, 116
Death Valley, Inyo County, 269
Del Norte salamander. See Plethodon elongatus
desert glossy snake. See Arizona elegans eburnata
desert mule deer. See Odocoileus hemionus crooki
Diadophis punctatus regalis, 266–70, 266(f)
breeding activities and egg laying, 268
climate changes, impact of, 269
denning activities, 268
habitat requirements, 269
identification of, 266
life history of, 268–69
management of, 269–70
mitochondrial DNA, 268
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 270
prey of, 269
reproductive activity, 268
risk factors, 266(t)
risk of extirpation, 269
taxonomy of, 268
threats faced by, 269
trends in abundance, 269
Dicamptodon ensatus, 161–65, 161(f)
breeding activity and egg laying, 163
breeding and larval development, 163
breeding season, 163
cannibalism behavior, 163
distinctiveness of, 163
distribution of, 162(m), 163–64
effects of
climate change, 164
wildfire, 164
fragmentation of riparian habitat, 164
genetic markers, 163
habitat requirements for, 163
identification of, 161–63
larvae of, 163
habitat of, 163
in slow-moving water, 163
life history of, 163
management of, 165
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 165
mortality and habitat degradation, 164
paedomorphosis, prevalence of, 163
pitfall trapping, 165
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 161, 164
risk factors, 161(t)
taxonomy of, 163
threats faced by, 164
trends in abundance, 164
Dipodomys californicus, 221
DNA sequencing, 110, 154, 252, 277
East Bay Regional Park District, 103
Elgaria panamintina, 202–6, 202(f)
habitat requirements, 205
identification of, 202–4
life history of, 204–5
management of, 205–6
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 206
predators of, 205
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 202
reproductive activity, 204
risk factors, 202(t)
taxonomy of, 204
thermal tolerances, 204
threats faced by, 205
trends in abundance, 205
El Niño cycles, 68
Emys marmorata, 296–303, 296(f)
clutch sizes, 299
diet, 299
distribution of, 297(m), 300–301
growth rates of, 299
habitat loss of, 301
habitat requirements of, 299, 300, 303
hatchlings of, 299
human-modified habitats, impact of, 303
identification of, 298
introduced species, impact of, 308
life history of, 299
management recommendations, 302–3
mating season, 299
melanistic, 298
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 303
movement to overwintering sites, 299
population sizes, 301
reproductive maturity, 299–300
risk factors, 298(t)
taxonomy, 298–99
threats faced by, 301–2
trends in abundance, 301
endemic and near endemic species, 33(t)
Ensatina eschscholtzii croceater, 368–69, 372
environmental contamination, 73, 97–98, 110, 140
environmental impact assessment, 36
Fallen Leaf Lake, 109
Federal Endangered Species Act, 8, 244
fishbait industry, 109
flat-tailed horned lizard. See Phrynosoma mcallii
Flat-tailed Horned Lizard Interagency Coordinating Committee, 229, 231–32
foothill yellow-legged frog. See Rana boylii
forest ecosystems, 11
Gambelia copeii, 207–11, 207(f)
breeding season, 209
gene flow and hybridization, 209
habitat loss due to development, 210
habitat requirements, 209–10
hibernation, 209
identification of, 207–9
life history of, 209
management of, 210
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 211
risk factors, 207(t)
sexual size dimorphism, 209
as Species of Special Concern, 207
taxonomy of, 209
threats faced by, 210
trends in abundance, 210
gene flow, isolation-by-distance model of, 95
generalist predator, 44
Gila monster. See Heloderma suspectum
glyphosate, 110
granite night lizard. See Xantusia henshawi
Great Basin and Sonoran ecoregions, 35
Greenhorn Mountains, 158–59
Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP), 5, 31
habitat corridors, 41–42, 58, 185, 196, 201, 211, 231, 245, 253, 264
habitat fragmentation, 31, 35, 41, 195–96, 233, 243–44, 282–83, 368
habitat loss and degradation, 34, 81, 171, 184, 189, 253
habitat quality for species, determinants of, 231
habitat restoration, 68, 92, 98–99, 108, 110, 135, 150, 190, 196, 231, 244, 290, 294–95, 303
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge, 308
headstarting programs, 43, 303, 308
Heloderma horridum, 214
Heloderma suspectum, 212–17, 212(f)
daily activity pattern, 215
diet of, 215
distribution of, 213(m), 215–16
foraging behavior, 215
habitat requirements, 215
homing ability, 215
identification of, 214
life history of, 214–15
male–male combat, 215
management of, 216
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 216–17
nocturnal activity, 215
reproductive activity, 215
riparian or xeroriparian habitat, 215
risk factors, 214(t)
sexual maturity, 215
as Species of Special Concern, 214
subspecies of, 214
taxonomy of, 214
threats faced by, 216
trends in abundance, 216
venom, use of, 215
of Ambystoma macrodactylum sigillatum, 138
of Bufo canorus, 75
of Gambelia copeii, 209
of Kinosternon sonoriense, 306
of Phrynosoma mcallii, 227
of Rana pretiosa, 114
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 79
Humboldt County General Plan, 81, 171
Hydromantes platycephalus, 39, 369
Imperial Valley, 62
introduced species, impact of, 4, 83, 104, 133, 183–84, 190, 232, 301–2, 308
invasive species, 36, 40, 89, 134, 184–85, 303
Inyo Mountains salamander. See Batrachoseps campi
Kathleen, Hurricane, 122
Kaweah River, 182
Kern River Canyon, 158–59
Kinosternon sonoriense, 304–9, 304(f)
clutch sizes, 306
decline of, 308
diet of, 306
feeding habits of, 306
habitat loss of, 309
habitat requirements, 306–7
headstarting program, 308
hibernation of, 306
identification of, 304–6
life history of, 306
management recommendations, 308
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 308–9
population densities, 306
reproductive maturity, 306
risk factors, 304(t)
taxonomy of, 306
terrestrial movements, 306
threats faced by, 308
trends in abundance, 307–8
Klamath–Siskiyou bioregion, 139
Klauber, L.M., 68
Laguna Dam, 308
Lampropeltis multifasciata, 372
Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra, 369, 372
Lampropeltis zonata pulchra, 369, 372
land use, conversion to agriculture, 302
Lassen Volcanic National Park, 140
lesser slender salamander. See Batrachoseps minor
Linepithema humile, 221–23
livestock grazing, influence of, 74
Lower Colorado River, 121–23, 216
lowland leopard frog. See Rana yavapaiensis
Lucas Creek, 159
marijuana cultivation, 35, 55–58, 81, 83, 90–91, 170–72
Masticophis flagellum ruddocki, 271–74, 271(f)
climate change, impact of, 274
denning activity, 273
diet of, 273
habitat requirements for, 273
identification of, 271
life history of, 273
management of, 274
mating season, 273
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 273
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 274
mortality of, 274
prey of, 273
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 271
risk factors, 271(t)
surface activity, 273
taxonomy of, 273
threats faced by, 273–74
trends in abundance, 273
Masticophis fuliginosus, 275–78, 275(f)
climate change, impact of, 278
diet of, 277
distinctiveness of, 275
diurnal behavior, 277
foraging behavior, 277
habitat requirements for, 277
hatchlings of, 277
home range sizes, 277
identification of, 275–77
life history of, 277
management of, 278
mating activity, 277
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 277
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 278
prey of, 277
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 275
radiotelemetry of, 277
risk factors, 275(t)
taxonomy of, 277
threats faced by, 278
trends in abundance, 278
Mattole Watershed, 54–55, 88, 169–70, 177
McCloud River, 169
Mendocino National Forest, 80
Mesquite Mountains, 216
metapopulation dynamics, 31, 41, 63, 74–75, 98, 134, 141, 185, 238
Mexican beaded lizard. See Heloderma horridum
migration of species
assisted migration, 231
corridors for (See habitat corridors)
for ensuring gene flow, 231
migration tunnels, 42
Mojave Desert, 3, 34–35, 149, 189, 222, 236, 269, 273
Mojave fringe-toed lizard. See Uma scoparia
Mojave glossy snake. See Arizona elegans candida
Mojave River, 300
Monterey peninsula, 186
mortality, road-associated, 41–42
mountain yellow-legged frogs. See Rana muscosa; Rana sierrae
Mount Laguna, 372
Mount Lyell web-toed salamander. See Hydromantes platycephalus
Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP), 5, 31, 196, 232
nominee taxa, scoring of, 12
nonnative plant species, 233
northern leopard frog. See Rana pipiens
northern red-legged frog. See Rana aurora
northern western pond turtle. See Emys marmorata
North Fork Feather River, 90
Northwest Forest Plan, 372
nuclear DNA markers, 105, 110, 199, 277
Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area, 227–28, 230
Odocoileus hemionus crooki, 63
Old-growth Wildlife Project, 169
orange-throated whiptail. See Aspidoscelis hyperythra
Oregon spotted frog. See Rana pretiosa
Owens River, 109
web-toed salamander (See Hydromantes platycephalus)
Pacific treefrog. See Pseudacris regilla
Panamint alligator lizard. See Elgaria panamintina
Peninsula Open Space Trust, 145
peninsular leaf-toed gecko. See Phyllodactylus nocticolus
Pepperwood Creek, 179
Phrynosoma blainvillii, 218–24, 218(f)
agriculture and development, impact of, 222
breeding season, 220
cattle grazing and, 224
climate change, impact of, 223
deaths due to predation, 221
diets of, 223
distribution of, 219(m), 221–22
diurnal activity, 220
effects of wildfire on, 223, 224
habitat requirements, 221
identification of, 218–19
life history of, 220–21
management of, 223
microhabitat preferences, 221
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 220
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 223–24
pitfall trapping, 221
population decline, 222
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 218
radio tracking of, 221
reproductive activity, 220
risk factors, 218(t)
road mortality, 221
sexual maturity, 220
surface activity, 221
survival rates, 221
taxonomy of, 220
thermoregulation, 221
threats faced by, 222–23
trends in abundance, 222
Phrynosoma mcallii, 225–33, 225(f)
breeding activity and egg laying, 227
breeding season, 227
clutch size, 227
daily activity patterns, 227
habitat loss and fragmentation, 230
habitat requirements, 228–29
hibernation, 227
identification of, 225–27
life history of, 227–28
management of, 231–32
mark-recapture studies of, 230, 232
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 232–33
mortality, causes of, 230
phylogeographic study of, 227
populations of, 229
predators of, 228
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 225, 231
radiotelemetry studies of, 227–28
renewable energy projects, impact of, 231
risk factors, 225(t)
scat counts, 232
sexual maturity, 228
shade-seeking behavior, 227
surface activity of, 227
survivorship of, 228
taxonomy of, 227
threats faced by, 230–31
trends in abundance, 229–30
Phyllodactylus nocticolus, 248
Phylogeography, 45, 166, 194, 241, 309
pitfall trapping, 165, 173, 199, 201, 221, 258, 265
Pituophis catenifer pumilis, 369
Plestiodon skiltonianus interparietalis, 369
Plethodon asupak, 370
habitat, 372
timber harvest, impact of, 372
Plethodon stormi, 370
Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, 170
Pseudacris regilla, 75
radiotelemetry, 67, 87, 92, 105, 228, 259, 262, 264, 277, 278, 288
artificial habitats, 80
breeding activity and egg-laying, 79, 81
breeding season, 79
in coastal streams, 80
embryonic development, 79
habitat requirements for, 79–80
identification of, 77–79
impact of
agricultural and residential development, 81
climate changes, 82
forest conversion, 81
habitat loss and degradation, 81, 83
pesticides and herbicides, 81
sea-level-rise, 83
life history of, 79
management of, 83
mesocosm experiment, 82
metamorphosis of, 79
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 83
population decline, 80–81
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 77, 82
recolonization of, 81
risk factors, 77(t)
saltwater tolerance, 83
taxonomy of, 79
terrestrial versus aquatic life stages, 82
threats faced by, 81–82
trends in abundance, 80–81
breeding activity and egg-laying, 86
breeding and oviposition, 87
cannibalistic behavior, 87
extirpations, 89
food resources, 87
habitat requirements for, 87–88
hydrological effects, 92
identification of, 84–86
larvae of, 87
life history of, 86–87
management of, 91–92
metamorphosis of, 87
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 92
movements to or from breeding sites, 87
onset and duration of breeding, 86
pesticides and herbicides, impact of, 90
population dynamics, 92
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 84
radiotelemetry studies, 87, 92
risk factors, 84(t)
skeletochronology of, 87
in snowmelt-fed streams, 91
survivorship of, 92
taxonomy of, 86
threats faced by, 89–91
trends in abundance, 89
breeding activity and egg-laying, 95
diet of, 95
embryo development, 95
habitat loss and modification, 97
habitat requirements, 95–96
identification of, 93–95
isolation-by-distance model of gene flow, 95
life history of, 95
management of, 98–99
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 99
mortality of, 97
pesticide use, impact of, 97
population dynamics of, 96, 98
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 93
recolonization of, 98
risk factors, 93(t)
taxonomy of, 95
threats faced by, 96–98
trends in abundance, 96
UV-B radiation, impact of, 97, 98
Rana draytonii, 100–105, 100(f)
breeding activity and egg-laying, 102
breeding season, 103
diet of, 102
distribution of, 101(m), 103–4
effect of introduced species on, 104
elevational range of, 104
foraging behavior, 102
habitat requirements, 102–3
impact of
cattle-grazing, 105
climate change, 104–5
pesticide use, 105
urbanization and agriculture, 104
larvae of, 102
life history of, 102
management of, 105
mitochondrial DNA variation, 102, 105
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 105
population trends of, 103–4
prey types, 102
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 100, 105
radiotelemetry studies, 105
risk factors, 100(t)
taxonomy of, 102
threats faced by, 104
trends in abundance, 104
USFWS recovery plan for, 105
Rana muscosa, 370
distribution of, 107(m), 108–9
habitat requirements, 108
identification of, 106–8
impact of
climate changes, 109
habitat modification, 109
livestock grazing, 109
pesticide use, 109–10
life history of, 108
management of, 110
mitochondrial DNA variation, 110
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 110–11
morphology and vocalizations, 108
mortality of, 110
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 106
risk factors, 106(t)
taxonomy of, 108
threats faced by, 109–10
trends in abundance, 109
breeding activity and egg laying, 114
distribution of, 113(m), 115–16
genetic differentiation and population structure, 117–18
habitat requirements, 114–15
hibernation, 114
identification of, 112–14, 117
life history of, 114
management of, 117
mitochondrial DNA variation, 114
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 117–18
prey of, 114
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 112, 117
risk factors, 112(t)
survivorship of, 114
taxonomy of, 114
threats faced by, 116–17
trends in abundance, 116
Rana sierrae, 370
ranavirus infections, 45, 140–41
Rana yavapaiensis, 119–24, 119(f)
coloration of, 121
diseases, 122
habitat requirements for, 121–22
hybridization of, 122–23
identification of, 119–21
larvae of, 123
life history of, 121
management of, 123
molecular markers, 123
molecular phylogenic analyses, 123
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 123–24
natural vulnerability, 123
population decline, 122–23
causes of, 124
predators of, 122–23
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 119
reproductive biology of, 121
risk factors, 119(t)
salt tolerance in, 122
taxonomy of, 121
threats faced by, 122–23
trends in abundance, 122
range maps for each species, development of, 17(m)
red-bellied newt. See Taricha rivularis
Red Creek, Tehama County, 88
red diamond rattlesnake. See Crotalus ruber
red-eared slider. See Trachemys scripta elegans
regal ring-necked snake. See Diadophis punctatus regalis
relictual slender salamander. See Batrachoseps relictus
relocation programs, genetic consequences of, 42
Rhyacotriton variegatus, 166–73, 166(f)
breeding activities and egg laying, 168
breeding season, 168
clutch size, 168
coastal populations, 171
diet of, 169
distribution of, 167(m), 169–70
geographic ranges and genetic distinctiveness, 168
habitat loss and degradation, 171
habitat requirements for, 169
identification of, 166–68
impacts of
climate change, 170
herbicides and pesticides, 171
marijuana cultivation, 170–72
roadbuilding, 170
timber harvesting, 170
landscape genetic studies of, 173
larvae of, 168
life history of, 168–69
management of, 172
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 168
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 172–73
pitfall trapping, 173
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 166
risk factors, 166(t)
sexual maturity, 168
in stream channel, 169
taxonomy of, 168
thermal tolerances of, 169
threats faced by, 170–71
trends in abundance, 170
river management, 91–92
road construction, impact of, 41–42, 55–56, 159–60, 164
Roundup®, 110
Sacramento Valley, 300
Salvadora hexalepis virgultea, 279–84, 279(f), 368
climate change, impact of, 283
diet of, 281
distinctiveness of, 281
genetic analysis of, 281
habitat requirements, 282
identification of, 279
life history of, 281–82
management of, 283
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 283–84
movement ecology of, 281
population decline, 282
prey of, 281
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 279, 283
risk factors, 279(t)
taxonomy of, 281
threats faced by, 281–82
San Bernardino Mountains, 183
San Diego banded gecko. See Coleonyx variegatus abbotti
San Diego Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, 31
sandstone night lizard. See Xantusia gracilis
San Felipe Creek drainage, 121–23
San Gabriel Mountains slender salamander. See Batrachoseps gabrieli
San Gabriel River, 301
San Joaquin coachwhip. See Masticophis flagellum ruddocki
San Luis Obispo County, 153
San Sebastian Marsh, 122
San Simeon State Park, 287–88
Santa Catalina Mountains, 306
Santa Cruz black salamander. See Aneides flavipunctatus niger
Santa Cruz Island, 369
Santa Cruz Island gopher snake. See Pituophis catenifer pumilis
Santa Cruz Mountains, 144–45, 163–64
Santa Lucia Mountains, 145, 164
Santa Ynez Mountains, 184
Saproglenia, 82
Scaphiopus couchii, 125–29, 125(f)
breeding activity and egg laying, 127
breeding season, 127
development rate of, 127
distribution of, 126(m), 127–28
emergence behavior, 127
foraging behavior, 127
habitat requirements, 127
identification of, 125
life history of, 127
management of, 128–29
metamorphosis of, 127
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 129
movement ecology of, 129
natural breeding sites, 129
physiological limits of, 128, 129
population dynamics of, 128
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 125
risk factors, 125(t)
taxonomy of, 127
terrestrial habitat, 129
threats faced by, 128
trends in abundance, 128
Scott Bar salamander. See Plethodon asupak
septicemia, 73
Sierra night lizard. See Xantusia vigilis sierrae
Siskiyou Mountains salamander. See Plethodon stormi
Six Rivers National Forest, 168, 170
Smith River, 168
snake trapping, 259
Sonora mud turtle. See Kinosternon sonoriense
Sonoran Desert toad. See Bufo alvarius
southern California mountain kingsnakes. See Lampropeltis multifasciata; Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra
southern long-toed salamander. See Ambystoma macrodactylum sigillatum
southern torrent salamander. See Rhyacotriton variegatus
southern western pond turtles. See Emys marmorata
Southwest Climate Science Center, 44
Spea hammondii, 130–35, 130(f)
breeding activity and egg laying, 132
breeding aggregations, 132
breeding season, 132
development of, 133
diet of, 133
growth rate of, 132
habitat requirements, 133
identification of, 130
intraspecific variation in, 132
larvae of, 132–33
life history of, 132–33
management of, 134–35
metamorphosis of, 133
migration patterns and distances, 135
mitochondrial DNA, 130
mitochondrial introgression, 132
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 135
movement and surface activity, 133
natural vernal pool phenology, 135
predators of, 133
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 130
risk factors, 130(t)
sexual characters, 132
survivorship of, 133
taxonomy of, 130–32
threats faced by, 134
trends in abundance, 133–34
Species of Special Concern
aquatic or terrestrial habitat of, 27(f)
committed to extinction, 45
comparison of, 37(t)–38(t)
conservation-related research, 44
criteria for listing, 5
distribution of, 34(m)
down-grade status, 36
ecological patterns in metric scores, 30
ecoregion of, 26(m)
endemic and near endemic species, 33(t)
geographic patterns in, 32–36
identification of, 4
list of amphibian and reptiles, 20(t)–21(t)
museum collections and other data sources, 16(t)
nominee list, development of, 8
number of taxa in each status category among, 22(f)
occurrence of, 36(m)
patterns in the metric scores for, 22–25
principal components analysis of, 22
public comment, 12–13, 25, 367
ranking and determination of, 13
ranking scores among, 29
reptile and amphibian taxa under, 30(f)
research, survey, and monitoring needs, 43–48
risk metrics of, 8–12
distribution trend, 9–10, 10(t)
ecological tolerance, 10–11, 11(t)
population concentration and migration, 10, 10(t)
vulnerability to climate change, 11, 11(t)
scoring of nominee taxa, 12
Spearman’s rank correlations, 23(t)
total score/total possible for taxa evaluated for, 21(f)
spiny softshell turtle. See Apalone spinifera
spring snowmelt, 11, 56, 90, 171
State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAP), 5
Sternotherus odoratus, 306
Stevens Creek watershed, 177
stinkpot turtle. See Sternotherus odoratus
stream-breeding amphibians, 164, 178
Susan River, 300
Tantilla planiceps, 372–73
ecological requirements, 373
habitat requirements, 372
natural history of, 372
population densities, 372
Taricha rivularis, 174–79, 174(f)
aquatic breeding habitats, 177
breeding activities and egg laying, 176
breeding season, 176
buffer protections, ecological effects of, 178
diet of, 177
distinctiveness of, 176
effects of climate change on, 177
habitat loss and fragmentation, 178
habitat requirements for, 177
identification of, 174–76
life history of, 176–77
management of, 178
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 176
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 179
mortality and habitat degradation, 178
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 174, 178
risk factors, 174(t)
sexual maturity, 176
taxonomy of, 176
temperature tolerances of, 177
threats faced by, 177–78
trends in abundance, 177
Taricha torosa, 180–85, 180(f)
aquatic breeding habitats, 182
breeding activities and egg laying, 182
habitat corridor, 185
habitat requirements for, 183
identification of, 180–82
larvae of, 182–83
life history of, 182–83
management of, 185
metapopulation dynamics, 185
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 185
predators of, 184
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 180, 185
risk factors, 180(t)
road mortality, 185
stream- and pond-breeding sites, 185
survivorship of, 184
taxonomy of, 182
threats faced by, 184–85
trends in abundance, 183–84
Thamnophis hammondii, 285–90, 285(f)
climate change, impact of, 289
distinctiveness of, 287
distribution of, 286(m), 288–89
foraging and basking activities, 287
habitat and movement ecology, 288
habitat requirements, 288
identification of, 285–87
life history of, 287–88
management of, 290
mating activities, 287
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 290
prey of, 288
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 285
radiotelemetry study of, 288
risk factors, 285(t)
surface activity, 289
taxonomy of, 287
threats faced by, 289
trends in abundance, 289
Thamnophis sirtalis, 291–95, 291(f)
captive breeding, 295
diet of, 294
extirpations and population declines, 294
habitat requirements, 294
identification of, 291–93
impact of
climate change, 295
floods, 294
nonnative species, 295
life history of, 293–94
management of, 295
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 295
as Priority 1 Species of Special Concern, 291
risk factors, 291(t)
sexual maturity of, 293
taxonomy of, 293
threats faced by, 294–95
trends in abundance, 294
Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve, 230
timber harvest, impact of, 35, 41, 55–57, 82–83, 159–60, 164, 169–70, 172, 178, 372
Torrey Pines State Reserve, Point Loma, 258
Trachemys scripta elegans, 298, 302, 307
translocation of animals, 42–43
Truckee River, 300
Tule River drainage, 158
turtle trapping surveys, 307
two-striped garter snake. See Thamnophis hammondii
climate change, impact of, 237
distinctiveness of, 236
habitat loss and fragmentation, 237
habitat requirements for, 237
identification of, 234–36
life history of, 236–37
management of, 237–38
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 236, 238
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 238
mortality, causes of, 237
as Priority 2 Species of Special Concern, 234
recolonization of, 238
risk factors, 234(t)
taxonomy of, 236
threats faced by, 237
trends in abundance, 237
breeding activity and egg laying, 242
breeding season, 241
burrowing and sand-swimming behavior, 242
clutch size, 242
diet of, 242
distinctiveness of, 241
distribution of, 240(m), 242–43
effects of climate change on, 243–44
efficiency at capturing prey, 243
extirpations of, 243
habitat loss and fragmentation, 243
habitat patches, for long-term persistence, 242
habitat requirements, 242
human-assisted translocation, 244, 245
identification of, 239–41
life history of, 241–42
management of, 244
mitochondrial DNA analysis, 245
monitoring, research and survey needs, 244–45
noise pollution effects, 244
phylogenetic analyses of, 241
population size and density, 242, 244–45
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 239, 244
push-up behavior, 241
quality of available food, 242
risk factors, 239(t)
taxonomy of, 241
threats faced by, 243–44
trends in abundance, 243
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
ecoregion subsections used in developing range maps, 18(m)
urban development, impact of, 302
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 45, 105
US Forest Service, 5
Old-growth Wildlife Project, 169
US Geological Survey (USGS), 258
venomous reptiles
Bufo alvarius, 59–64
Crotalus ruber, 260–65
Heloderma suspectum, 212–17
predator avoidance mechanism, 215
Warner Mountains, 115–17
watch list, of Species of Special Concern
Baja California rat snake, 368
California tiger salamander, 368
Coronado skink, 369
Del Norte salamander, 369–70
large-blotched ensatina, 369
mountain yellow-legged frogs, 370
Mount Lyell web-toed salamander, 369
orange-throated whiptail, 368
Owens Valley web-toed salamander, 369
Santa Cruz Island gopher snake, 369
southern California mountain kingsnakes, 369
yellow-blotched ensatina, 368–69
western black-headed snake. See Tantilla planiceps
western pond turtle. See Emys marmorata
western spadefoot. See Spea hammondii
wildfires, 164, 184, 195, 210, 223, 258, 283
Wildlife Action Plan (California), 5
wildlife corridors. See habitat corridors
Xantusia gracilis, 246–49, 246(f)
behavioral differences in captivity, 248
distinctiveness of, 248
habitat requirements, 248
identification of, 246–48
life history of, 248
management of, 249
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 249
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 246
risk factors, 246(t)
taxonomy of, 248
threats faced by, 249
trends in abundance, 248–49
Xantusia henshawi, 199
Xantusia vigilis sierrae, 250–54, 250(f)
daily activity cycles, 252
diet of, 252
elevational range, 253
habitat requirements for, 252–53
identification of, 250–52
life history of, 252
management of, 253
migration corridors, 254
mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence, 252
monitoring, research, and survey needs, 253–54
phylogeographic/species boundary, 253
as Priority 3 Species of Special Concern, 250
risk factors, 250(t)
sexual maturity of, 252
taxonomy of, 252
threats faced by, 253
trends in abundance, 253
Xantusia wigginsi, 373
yellow-blotched ensatina. See Ensatina eschscholtzii croceater
yellow-legged frogs. See Rana boylii
Yosemite National Park, 71, 74–76
Yosemite toad. See Bufo canorus
Yuma Desert, 232