How to Use This Book


War in the North

Sharpsburg/Monocacy: Jump Off to the North

Harpers Ferry/Winchester: Into the Valley

New Market/Staunton: The Central Valley

Harrisburg/Gettysburg: High Tide

First and Second Manassas: Blooded Plains

Baltimore: Powder Keg

Washington, D.C.: The Capital

Northeastern Virginia: Borderland

Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania: Before Richmond

The Peninsula: On to Richmond!

Richmond: Confederate Capital

Petersburg: Siege Warfare

Appomattox: The End

War in the South

North Carolina: Outer Banks to the Last Great Battle

South Carolina: First to Fight

Nashville and Franklin: Destruction of the Confederate Armies in Tennessee

Chattanooga: The Battle above the Clouds

Shiloh: The Bloodiest Days of 1862

Other Tennessee Battlefields

Chickamauga: The Rock and the Angel of Death

Dalton to Jonesboro: The Atlanta Campaign

Atlanta to Savannah: The March to the Sea

Andersonville: The Worst Place on Earth

Mobile Bay: Damn the Torpedoes

Other Alabama and Mississippi Battlefields

Vicksburg: Sealing the Confederacy’s Fate

New Orleans and Port Hudson: The River War

Florida: More Troops than Voters
