Note: Page numbers set in bold or italic indicate headings or figures, respectively.
acetaminophen 42
adjacent fractures 95
adjacent-level fracture risk 205
adult spinal deformity 196
anesthetic preparation 67
antibiotic prophylaxis preparation 67
antibiotics 62
anticonvulsants 43
appropriateness criteria 109
balloon kyphoplasty 88
basivertebral nerve 143
bilateral versus unilateral approach 48, 93, 102
bisphosphonates 43
bone access tools 89
bone adherence 63
bone cements 58
– properties of 58
bone cements 89
bone disease 10
bone formation 63
calcitonin 43
cement 199
cement injection 70
cement leakage 117
cementoplasty outside spine 216
cement properties 60
cervical augmentation 82
cervical fracture bracing 135
cervical spine, approaches to 55
cervical vertebrae 189
cervical vertebroplasty 71
C fibers role 143
chronic vertebral compression fractures 182
correcting fracture 204
dual-energy Xray absorptiometry (DXA) 225
extrapedicular approach 51
extrapedicular modified inferior end plate access 52
extraspinal percutaneous osteoplasty (POP) 191
facet-mediated pain 166
fill materials 69
fracture risk assessment algorithm (FRAX.) 226
fractures secondary to infection 132
FSU-related instability 204
garment orthoses 137
gene mutation and radiation effects on DNA 104
initiator-to-activator ratio 61
inverse square law 104
kypho-orthoses 137
kyphosis correction 94
laminoplasty 85
langerhans cell vertebral histiocytosis 11
lateral approach technique 78
lead aprons 104
liquid-to-powder ratio 60
long-axis technique 78
LSO 278
lumbosacral orthosis (LSO) 136
metastases 10
minimally invasive vertebral body stabilization 207
mixing method 62
mortality benefit 118
multiple myeloma 10
multiple vertebral compression fractures 158
muscle relaxants 43
needle insertion 68
needle placement 68
neoplastic osteolysis 209
neoplastic vertebral compression fractures 186
nonpharmacological treatment 228
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 41, 42
opioid analgesics 43
osseofix 9
osteoporotic lumbar fractures 139
osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures 25, 171
painful vertebral compression fractures 157
pain relief 63
pain relief, mechanisms of 1
pathologic fractures 131
pathologic vertebral fractures due to neoplasia 26
pathophysiology 168
pediculoplasty 85
– in osteoporotic disease 85
– in spondylolysis 85
– in vertebral tumors 85
pediculoplasty 85
pelvic cementoplasty 217
percutaneous radiofrequency ablation 2
PMMA-based bone cements 60
polymer chemistry 59
polymethyl methacrylate bead size 62
posterior arch augmentation 85
postural fatigue syndrome 168
predisposing factors to vertebral fractures 130
public health and economic impact 27
radiofrequency kyphoplasty 2
radiopacifiers 62
recurrent fracture 164
routine anti-osteoporosis care 170
sacral insufficiency fractures 74
sacroplasty 73
sacrum 187
sagittal balance restoration 94
sagittal imbalance 166
SAIF technique 210
sedation preparation 67
short-axis technique 77
skin preparation 67
spinal fractures, bracing for 135
spinejack 8
spinoplasty 85
stent-screw assisted internal fixation 207
subsequent fractures 118
thermoluminescent dosimeters 104
thoracic and lumbar vertebrae 187
thoracic fractures 139
thoracolumbar burst fractures 198
thoracolumbosacral orthosis 136
trabecular bone score (TBS) 226
transdermal lidocaine 43
translateral approach 83
transoral approach 83
transpedicular approach 50, 84
traumatic spine fractures 133
traumatic vertebral fractures 26
T spine versus L spine augmentation 143
vertebral augmentation 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 32, 99, 107, 113, 122, 126, 141, 147, 151, 156, 162, 170, 194, 223
– additional and adjacent level fractures after 126
– appropriateness criteria for 107
– bone disease 10
– cancer 10
– clinical presentation and the response to 147
– cost-effectiveness of 122
– in instrumented spinal fusions 194
– kiva 9
– langerhans cell vertebral histiocytosis 11
– literature analysis of 113
– mechanisms of pain relief in 141
– metastases 10
– morbidity and mortality 151
– multiple myeloma 10
– neoplastic vertebral fractures 156
– nonsurgical management 151
– number of levels appropriately treated with 156
– number of levels to treat with 156
– osseofix 9
– osteoporosis 7
– pain after 162
– pain relief, mechanisms of 1
– percutaneous radiofrequency ablation 2
– physical therapy after 170
– preprocedure assessment prior to 32
– radiofrequency kyphoplasty 2
– spinejack 8
– trauma 9
– treatment of osteoporosis after 223
– vertebral augmentation with implants 3
– vertebral body stenting system 9
– with implants 99
vertebral body, approaches to 46
vertebral body biopsy 56
vertebral body stenting system 9
vertebral compression fractures 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 37, 41, 156, 201
– biomechanical changes after 201
– cancer 18
– medical pain management in patients with 41
– multiple myeloma 18
– osteoporosis 15
– osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures 25
– pathologic vertebral fractures due to neoplasia 26
– physical examination findings in patients with 37
– public health and economic impact 27
– risk factors for 156
– trauma 19
– traumatic vertebral fractures 26
– vertebral fracture classification systems 20
vertebral fill materials, properties of 58
vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) 225
vertebral fracture classification systems 20
vertebral osteonecrosis 183