
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (exclamation mark)
!= (not equal to) operator in JavaScript, Comparison Operators
!= (not equal to) operator in PHP, Comparison operators, Operator Precedence
!== (not identical) operator in JavaScript, Comparison Operators
!== (not identical) operator in PHP, Operator Precedence
!important declaration in CSS rules, Some rules are more equal than others
inequality and not identical operators, Equality operators
logical NOT operator in JavaScript, Logical Operators, Logical operators
logical NOT operator in PHP, Logical operators, Operator Precedence, Logical operators, Breaking Out of a Loop
associativity, Associativity
" " (quotation marks, double)
enclosing JavaScript strings, String Variables
escaping in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
in PHP strings, String types
escaping characters in, Escaping characters
multiple lines between quotes, Multiple-Line Commands
# (hash mark or pound sign), prefacing element IDs in CSS, Using Classes
$ (dollar sign)
$( ) function in JavaScript, Another use for the $, Revisiting the getElementById Function
$this variable in PHP, Writing Methods
$_GET and $_POST arrays in PHP, extract
end-of-line matching in regular expressions, Some More Complicated Examples
end-of-string matching in CSS3, The $ operator
preceding PHP variable names, The $ symbol
$_POST and GET arrays (PHP)
$_POST array, The $_POST Array
% (percent sign)
%= (modulus and assignment) operator, Assignment operators, Operator Precedence, Assignment Operators
conversion specifier for printf( ) function, Using printf
modulus operator, Arithmetic operators, Operator Precedence, Arithmetic Operators
percent measurements in CSS, Measurements
& (ampersand)
&& (logical AND) operator in JavaScript, Logical Operators, Logical operators
&& (logical AND) operator in PHP, Logical operators, Operator Precedence
&= (bitwise and assignment) operator, Operator Precedence
bitwise (and reference) operator in PHP, Operator Precedence
passing a reference, Passing by Reference
XHTML rule about, What’s Different?
' ' (quotation marks, single)
enclosing JavaScript strings, String Variables
escaping in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
in PHP strings, String types
escaped characters in, Escaping characters
( ) (parentheses)
forcing operator precedence in PHP, Operator Precedence
grouping in regular expressions, Grouping Through Parentheses
in functions, PHP Functions
precedence in JavaScript, Operator Precedence
precedence in PHP, Operator Precedence
* (asterisk)
*= (multiplication and assignment) operator, Assignment operators, Operator Precedence, Assignment Operators
matching any substring in CSS3, The * operator
matching zero or more characters in regular expressions, Fuzzy Character Matching
multiplication operator, Arithmetic operators, Operator Precedence, Arithmetic Operators
universal selector in CSS, The Universal Selector
+ (plus sign)
++ (increment) operator in JavaScript, Arithmetic Operators, Variable Incrementing and Decrementing, Operator Precedence
++ (increment) operator in PHP, Arithmetic operators, Variable incrementing and decrementing, Operator Precedence, while Loops
+= (addition and assignment) operator, Assignment operators, Variable Assignment, Operator Precedence, Assignment Operators
+= (string concatenation) operator in JavaScript, String Concatenation
addition operator, Arithmetic operators, Operator Precedence, Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence
regular expression metacharacter, Matching Through Metacharacters, Fuzzy Character Matching
string concatenation operator in JavaScript, String Concatenation
- (hyphen), indicating ranges in regular expression character classes, Indicating a range
- (minus sign)
-- (decrement) operator in JavaScript, Arithmetic Operators, Variable Incrementing and Decrementing, Operator Precedence
-- (decrement) operator in PHP, Arithmetic operators, Variable incrementing and decrementing, Operator Precedence
-= (subtraction and assignment) operator, Assignment operators, Variable Assignment, Operator Precedence, Assignment Operators
subtraction operator, Arithmetic operators, Operator Precedence, Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence
-> (object) operator in PHP, Writing Methods
. (period)
.= (string concatenation and assignment) operator in PHP, Assignment operators, String concatenation, Operator Precedence
matching any character in regular expressions, Fuzzy Character Matching
member operator in JavaScript, Operator Precedence, Accessing Objects
prefacing class statements in CSS, Using Classes
separating objects, properties, and methods in JavaScript, The Document Object Model (DOM)
string concatenation operator in PHP, String concatenation, Operator Precedence
/ (slash)
/* */ indicating CSS comments, Using Comments
/* */, enclosing multi-line comments in PHP, Using Comments
/* and */ in multiline JavaScript comments, Using Comments
// denoting single-line comments in PHP, Using Comments
//, indicating JavaScript comments, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
/= (division and assignment) operator, Assignment operators, Operator Precedence, Assignment Operators
division operator, Arithmetic operators, Operator Precedence, Arithmetic Operators
enclosing regular expressions, Matching Through Metacharacters
: (colon)
:: (double colon) operator in PHP, Static properties and methods
replacing first curly brace in PHP switch statement, Alternative syntax
; (semicolon)
ending JavaScript statements, JavaScript and HTML Text, Semicolons
ending MySQL commands, The semicolon
ending statements in PHP, Semicolons
separating for loop parameters in PHP, for Loops
separating parameters in JavaScript for loops, for Loops
using in CSS rules, Using Semicolons
< > (angle brackets)
< (less than) operator, Comparison operators, Operator Precedence, Comparison operators, Comparison Operators, Comparison operators
< > (not equal to) operator, Operator Precedence
<!— and —> in HTML comments, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
<< (bitwise left shift) operator, Operator Precedence
<<< (heredoc) operator in PHP, Multiple-Line Commands
<<= (bitwise left shift and assignment) operator, Operator Precedence
<= (less than or equal to) operator, Comparison operators, Operator Precedence, Comparison operators, Comparison Operators, Comparison operators
> (greater than) operator, Comparison operators, Operator Precedence, Comparison operators, Comparison Operators, Comparison operators
>= (greater than or equal to) operator, Comparison operators, Operator Precedence, Comparison operators, Comparison Operators, Comparison operators
>> (bitwise right shift) operator, Operator Precedence
>>= (bitwise right shift and assignment) operator, Operator Precedence
<? ?> tags, calling PHP parser, Calling the PHP Parser
<?php ?> tags, Using PHP, Calling the PHP Parser
multiline echo statement between, Multiple-Line Commands
= (equals sign)
== (equal to) operator in JavaScript, Comparison Operators, Equality operators
== (equal to) operator in PHP, Comparison operators, Equality operators
precedence, Operator Precedence
using in if statement, Variable incrementing and decrementing
=== (identity) operator in JavaScript, Comparison Operators, Equality operators
=== (identity) operator in PHP, Operator Precedence, Equality operators
=> operator in PHP, Assignment Using the array Keyword
assignment operator, Assignment operators, Operator Precedence, Associativity, Equality operators, Assignment Operators
? (question mark)
? : (ternary) operators, Operators, Operator Precedence, The ? Operator, Operators, The ? Operator
placeholders in MySQL query string, Using placeholders
@ (at sign)
@import directive (CSS), Importing a Style Sheet
error control operator in PHP, Associativity
[ ] (square brackets)
accessing array elements in JavaScript, Arrays
accessing array elements in PHP, Multidimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
array operator, Checkboxes
enclosing character classes in regular expressions, Character Classes
member operator in JavaScript, Operator Precedence
\ (backslash)
escaping regular expression metacharacters, Fuzzy Character Matching
escaping special characters in PHP strings, Escaping characters
\\ (double backslash), escaping backslash in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
\\ (double backslash), escaping backslash in PHP strings, Escaping characters
^ (caret)
beginning-of-line matching in regular expressions, Some More Complicated Examples
beginning-of-string matching in CSS3, The ^ operator
bitwise xor operator in PHP, Operator Precedence
negating a character class in regular expressions, Negation
^= (bitwise xor and assignment) operator in PHP, Operator Precedence
_ (underscore)
in PHP array variable names, Variable naming rules
__ (double underscore) beginning PHP method names, Writing Methods
{ } (curly braces)
in do...while loops in PHP, do…while Loops
in for loops in PHP, for Loops
in if . . . else statements in PHP, The else Statement
in if . . . elseif . . . else statement in PHP, The elseif Statement
in if statements in PHP, The if Statement
in PHP switch statements
alternative syntax, Alternative syntax
in switch statements in PHP, The switch Statement
in while loops in PHP, while Loops
| (bar or pipe character)
bitwise OR operator in PHP, Operator Precedence
|| (logical OR) operator in JavaScript, Logical Operators, Logical operators
|| (logical OR) operator in PHP, Logical operators, Operator Precedence
~ (tilde)
bitwise NOT operator in PHP, Associativity


<a> (anchor) tags
inline styles in, Inline Styles
absolute positioning, Absolute Positioning
active pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
ActiveX, The Benefits of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS, What Is Ajax?
adjacent sibling selectors, The Adjacent Sibling Selector
Ajax, Using AjaxTest Your Knowledge
implementing via GET requests, Using GET Instead of POSTUsing GET Instead of POST
implementing via POST requests, Implementing Ajax via POST RequestsThe Server Half of the Ajax Process
readyState property, The readyState Property
server half of Ajax process, The Server Half of the Ajax Process
resource sites, Ajax Resource Sites
sending XML requests, Sending XML RequestsWhy Use XML?
use by Gmail to check username availability, Bringing It All Together
using frameworks for, Using Frameworks for Ajax
using XMLHttpRequest, Using XMLHttpRequest
alignment of text, Alignment
alpha, Colors and Opacity
HSLA colors, HSLA Colors
RGBA colors, RGBA Colors
ALTER command (MySQL), MySQL Commands, The AUTO_INCREMENT data type
ALTER TABLE ADD INDEX command, Creating an Index
ALTER TABLE CHANGE command, Renaming a column
ALTER TABLE DROP command, Removing a column
ALTER TABLE MODIFY command, Changing the data type of a column
ALTER TABLE RENAME command, Renaming a table
AND operator, Logical operators
(see also & (ampersand), under Symbols)
in PHP, Logical operators, Operator Precedence, Logical operators
using in MySQL, Using Logical Operators
animation, using interrupts, Using Interrupts for AnimationUsing Interrupts for Animation
anonymity and databases, Databases and Anonymity
answers to chapter questions, Chapter 1 AnswersChapter 20 Answers
Apache web servers, The Apache Web Server
installing for WAMP on Windows, Installing a WAMP on Windows
WAMP, MAMP, and LAMP setups for development server, What Is a WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP?
appendChild( ) function (JavaScript), Adding New Elements
arguments array, JavaScript functions, The arguments array
arithmetic operators
in JavaScript, Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence
in PHP, Arithmetic operators, Operators, Operator Precedence
Array keyword (JavaScript), assigning values to numeric array elements, Assignment using the Array keyword
JavaScript, Arrays, JavaScript Arrayssort
arguments array in functions, The arguments array
associative arrays, Associative Arrays
concat( ) method, concat
forEach( ) method, forEach (for non-IE browsers)
functions returning an array, Returning an Array
join( ) method, join
multidimensional arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
numeric arrays, Numeric Arrays
push( ) and pop( ) methods, push and pop
reverse( ) method, Using reverse
sort( ) method, sort
PHP, Arrays, PHP ArraysTest Your Knowledge
assignment using array keyword, Assignment Using the array Keyword
associative arrays, Associative Arrays
compact( ) function, compact
count( ) function, count
end( ) function, end
explode( ) function, explode
extract( ) function, extract
is_array( ) function, is_array
multidimensional arrays, Multidimensional ArraysMultidimensional Arrays
multiple checkbox choices, Checkboxes
numerically indexed, Numerically Indexed Arrays
reset( ) function, reset
shuffle( ) function, shuffle
sort( ) function, sort
two-dimensional, Two-dimensional arrays
using loop with, The Loop
PHP functions returning, Returning an Array
array_diff( ) function (PHP), friends.php
array_intersect( ) function (PHP), friends.php
AS keyword (MySQL), Using AS
as keyword (PHP), The Loop
array items in PHP, using array keyword, Assignment Using the array Keyword
element values in JavaScript numeric arrays, Assigning element values
multiline string assignment in PHP, Multiple-Line Commands
setting JavaScript variable type, Variable Typing
variables in PHP, Variable AssignmentEscaping characters
assignment operators
in JavaScript, Assignment Operators, Operator Precedence, Associativity
in PHP, Assignment operators, Variable Assignment, Operator Precedence
associative arrays
in JavaScript, Associative Arrays
in PHP, Associative Arrays
multidimensional, Multidimensional Arrays
using loop with, The Loop
walking through, using list and each functions, The Loop
associativity (operator), Associativity, Associativity
attribute selectors, The Attribute Selector, Attribute SelectorsThe box-sizing Property
matching parts of strings in CSS3, Matching Parts of Strings
authentication, HTTP, HTTP AuthenticationSalting
salting passwords, SaltingSalting
storing usernames and passwords, Storing Usernames and Passwords


\b (backspace) character in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
background-clip property (CSS3), The background-clip Property
background-color property (CSS), CSS Colors
background-origin property (CSS)3, The background-origin Property
background-size property (CSS3), The background-size Property
backgrounds, multiple, in CSS3, Multiple Backgrounds
BACKUP command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
backups and restores in MySQL, Backing Up and RestoringPlanning Your Backups
creating backup file, Creating a Backup File
backing up all tables, Backing up all tables
backing up single table, Backing up a single table
dumping data in CSV format, Dumping Data in CSV Format
planning backups, Planning Your Backups
restoring from backup file, Restoring from a Backup File
using mysqldump, Using mysqldump
BEGIN statement, using for transactions in MySQL, Using BEGIN
Berners-Lee, Tim, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
BIGINT type (MySQL), Numeric data types
Binary Large OBject (see BLOB data types)
binary operators, Operators, Operators
BINARY type (MySQL), The BINARY data type
bitwise operators
in JavaScript, Operator Precedence
in PHP, Operators, Operator Precedence
blinking text, Decoration
BLOB data types (MySQL), The BLOB data type
boldness of a font, font-weight
bookmarklets in JavaScript, Semicolons
Boolean expressions
in JavaScript, Expressions
in PHP, Expressions
Boolean values, Expressions
border-box value
background-clip property, CSS3 Backgrounds
background-origin property, The background-origin Property
applying using CSS box model, Applying Borders
in CSS3, CSS3 BordersThe border-radius Property
border-color property, The border-color Property
border-radius property, The border-radius PropertyThe border-radius Property
bottom property, Absolute Positioning
box model (CSS), The Box Model and LayoutObject Contents
borders, Applying Borders
margins, Setting Margins
object contents, Object Contents
padding, Adjusting Padding
box-shadow property (CSS3), Box Shadows
box-sizing property (CSS), The box-sizing Property
break commands
breaking out of loops in PHP, Breaking Out of a Loop
in JavaScript loops, Breaking Out of a Loop
in JavaScript switch statements, Breaking out
in PHP switch statements, Breaking out
brightness of colors, HSL Colors
background property names, different versions of, Using the auto value
forEach( ) method (JavaScript arrays), forEach (for non-IE browsers)
HTTP authentication, HTTP Authentication
JavaScript disabled in, JavaScript and HTML Text
prefixes for, required by CSS rules, Gradients
style sheets created by, Style Sheet Creators
transformations, 3D, support for, Transformations
user agent string, Preventing session hijacking
user-defined styles, applying to, User Styles


\c (cancel Input) command (MySQL), Canceling a command, MySQL Commands
C( ) function, The C Function, header.php
including, Including the Functions
using, Using the C function
callback functions, The readyState Property
capitalization of text, Transformation
carriage returns
\r character in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
\r character in PHP strings, Escaping characters
Cascading Style Sheets (see CSS)
case commands
in JavaScript switch statement, The switch statement
in PHP switch statement, The switch Statement
function names in PHP, Defining a Function
filenames and, File Handling
XHTML tags, What’s Different?
explicit casting in JavaScript, Explicit Casting
implicit and explicit casting in PHP, Implicit and Explicit Casting
centimeters, measurements in CSS, Measurements
CERN particle physics laboratory, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), The Benefits of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS
chapter questions, answers to, Chapter 1 AnswersChapter 20 Answers
CHAR type (MySQL), Data Types
character classes in regular expressions, Character Classes
charAt( ) method (JavaScript), Returning a Value
checkboxes, Checkboxes
checkdate( ) function (PHP), Using checkdate
checkuser.php (social networking site example), checkuser.php
child selectors, The Child Selector
JavaScript error messages, accessing, Debugging JavaScript Errors
class selectors, The Class Selector
accessing all elements on a page in a particular class, The C Function
declaring in JavaScript
using prototype keyword for a method, The prototype Keyword
declaring in PHP, Declaring a Class, Declaring a Class
defined, PHP Functions and Objects, Terminology
declaring properties within, Declaring Properties
defining constants within, Declaring Constants
static properties and methods, Static properties and methods
className property (JavaScript), The C Function
clearInterval( ) function (JavaScript), Canceling an interval
clearTimeout( ) function (JavaScript), Canceling a Timeout
client/server computing, request/response sequence, The Request/Response Procedure
clock, creating using interrupts, Using setInterval
cloning objects in PHP, Cloning objects
closing tags, XHTML, What’s Different?
code examples from this book, On the Website
color property (CSS), CSS Colors
applying using CSS, CSS Colors
gradients, Gradients
short color strings, Short Color Strings
border-color property in CSS3, The border-color Property
and opacity in CSS3, Colors and OpacityText Effects
HSL colors, HSL Colors
HSLA colors, HSLA Colors
opacity property, The opacity Property
RGB colors, RGB Colors
RGBA colors, RGBA Colors
setting in HTML using printf( ) function in PHP, Using printf
columns, MySQL Basics
adding to MySQL database table, Adding a new column
autoincrementing, adding to database table, The AUTO_INCREMENT data type
changing data type in MySQL database, Changing the data type of a column
multicolumn layout in CSS3, Multicolumn LayoutColors and Opacity
removing in MySQL, Removing a column
renaming in MySQL, Renaming a column
comma-separated values format (see CSV format)
command line
accessing MySQL via, Accessing MySQL via the Command LineMySQL on a remote server
using MySQL command-line interface, Using the Command-Line Interface
commands, MySQL, Canceling a commandData Types
canceling, Canceling a command
creating a database, Creating a database
creating a table, Creating a table
creating users, Creating users
selection of common commands, MySQL Commands
CSS, Using Comments
HTML, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
JavaScript, Older and Nonstandard Browsers, Using Comments
in PHP, Using Comments
COMMIT command (MySQL), Using COMMIT
compact( ) function (PHP), compact
comparison operators
in JavaScript, Comparison Operators, Operator Precedence, Comparison operators
in PHP, Comparison operators, Comparison operators
concat( ) method (JavaScript arrays), concat
concatenating strings
in JavaScript, String Concatenation
in PHP, String concatenation
in JavaScript, ConditionalsLooping
? : (ternary) operators, The ? Operator
if statement, The if Statement
switch statement, The switch statement
in PHP, Conditionals
else statement, The else Statement
if statement, The if Statement
switch statement, The switch StatementThe ? Operator
ternary operators (? :), The ? Operator
constants, PHP, Constants
declaring within classes, Declaring Constants
predefined, Predefined constants
in JavaScript, Declaring a Class, The prototype Keyword
in PHP, Constructors
subclass constructors, Subclass constructors
constructs, PHP Functions
content types, Internet media, Using $_FILES
content-box value
background-clip property, CSS3 Backgrounds
background-origin property, The background-origin Property
continue statements
in JavaScript loops, The continue Statement
in PHP, The continue Statement
$_COOKIE system array, Accessing a Cookie
cookies, Cookies, Sessions, and AuthenticationDestroying a Cookie
accessing in PHP, Accessing a Cookie
destroying using PHP, Destroying a Cookie
forcing cookie-only sessions, Forcing cookie-only sessions
setting in PHP, Setting a Cookie
copy( ) function (PHP), Copying Files
count( ) function (PHP), using with arrays, count
CREATE command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
CREATE ALTER command, The AUTO_INCREMENT data type
CREATE DATABASE command, Creating a database
CREATE TABLE command, Creating a table, Creating a Table
adding indexes, Adding indexes when creating tables, Primary keys
createElement( ) function (JavaScript), Adding New Elements
createTable( ) function (PHP), The Functions, setup.php
cross-site scripting, Preventing HTML Injection
crypt( ) function (PHP), Salting
CRYPT_BLOWFISH algorithm, Salting
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Using CSS, Introduction to CSSTest Your Knowledge
accessing from JavaScript, Accessing CSS from JavaScriptTest Your Knowledge
accessing CSS properties, Accessing CSS Properties from JavaScriptOther Properties
adding and removing elements, Adding New ElementsUsing Interrupts
getElementById( ) function, enhancing, Revisiting the getElementById FunctionAccessing CSS Properties from JavaScript
inline JavaScript, Inline JavaScriptAttaching to Other Events
using interrupts, Using InterruptsUsing Interrupts for Animation
advanced CSS with CSS3, Advanced CSS with CSS3Test Your Knowledge
attribute selectors, Attribute SelectorsThe box-sizing Property
backgrounds, CSS3 BackgroundsCSS3 Borders
borders, CSS3 BordersThe border-radius Property
box shadows, Box Shadows
box-sizing property, The box-sizing Property
colors and opacity, Colors and OpacityText Effects
element overflow, Element Overflow
multicolumn layout, Multicolumn LayoutColors and Opacity
text effects, Text EffectsWeb Fonts
transformations, Transformations
transitions, TransitionsShorthand Syntax
web fonts, Web Fonts
box model and layout, The Box Model and LayoutObject Contents
the cascade, The CSS Cascade
colors, CSS Colors
difference between div and span elements, The Difference Between <div> and <span>Measurements
embedded style settings, Embedded Style Settings
fieldname class, use in social networking site signup page, Checking for Username Availability
fonts and typography, styling, Fonts and TypographyManaging Text Styles
importing a style sheet, Importing a Style Sheet
managing text styles, Managing Text StylesCSS Colors
measurements, Measurements
positioning elements, Positioning ElementsComparing Positioning Types
pseudoclasses, PseudoclassesPseudoelements
pseudoelements, Pseudoelements
rules, CSS RulesStyle Types
selectors, CSS SelectorsThe CSS Cascade
shorthand rules, Shorthand Rules
social networking site (example), styles.css, styles.cssstyles.css
style types, Style Types
working with JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL to produce dynamic web content, Bringing It All Together
CSV (comma-separated values) format
dumping MySQL data in, Dumping Data in CSV Format
MySQL data generated by mysqldump, Using mysqldump
cubic-bezier( ) function (CSS), Transition Timing


\d (digit), matching in regular expressions, Indicating a range
data types
cast types in PHP, Implicit and Explicit Casting
JavaScript variables, Variable Typing
MySQL, Data TypesAdding data to a table
BINARY, The BINARY data type
BLOB data types, The BLOB data type
changing for a column, Changing the data type of a column
CHAR, The CHAR data type
DATE and TIME types, DATE and TIME
numeric types, Numeric data types
TEXT and VARCHAR, The TEXT and VARCHAR data types
TEXT types, The TEXT and VARCHAR data types
PHP strings, String types
variable typing in PHP, Variable Typing
database engines, Creating a table
creating in MySQL, Creating a database
defined, MySQL Basics
designing, Database Design
summary of database terms, Summary of Database Terms
date and time functions (PHP), Date and Time FunctionsFile Handling
checkdate( ) function, Using checkdate
date constants, Date Constants
DATE type (MySQL), DATE and TIME
date( ) function (PHP), Using PHP, Functions, Date and Time Functions
format specifiers, Date and Time Functions
dates and time
functions for, in MySQL, MySQL Functions
MySQL’s DATE and TIME data types, DATE and TIME
setting date object to current date and time, Using setInterval
classes in JavaScript, Declaring a Class
functions in PHP, Functions
in CSS rules, Multiple Assignments
properties in PHP class, Declaring Properties
decoration of text, Decoration
decrementing variables
in JavaScript, Operators
operator associativity, Associativity
operator precedence, Operator Precedence
in PHP, Variable incrementing and decrementing, Variable Incrementing and Decrementing
default statement for JavaScript switch statements, Default action
default statement for PHP switch statement, Default action
default styles (CSS), Default Styles
default values, setting for form input, Default Values
DELETE command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
deleting a record, Deleting a Record
deleting data using PHP, Deleting Data
WHERE and LIMIT qualifiers, DELETE
denormalization of data, When Not to Use Normalization
derived classes, Terminology
DESC keyword (MySQL commands), ORDER BY
descendant selectors, The Descendant Selector
DESCRIBE command (MySQL), MySQL Commands, Creating a table, Adding a new column
checking creation of index, Creating an Index
describing a table, Describing a Table
destroySession( ) function (PHP), The Functions
destroy_session_and_data( ) function (PHP), Ending a Session
destructors in PHP 5, PHP 5 destructors
development server, setting up, Setting Up a Development ServerQuestions
installing a LAMP on Linux, Installing a LAMP on Linux
installing a MAMP on Mac OS X, Installing a MAMP on Mac OS XInstalling a LAMP on Linux
configuring MySQL, Configuring MySQL
testing the installation, Testing the Installation
installing a WAMP on Windows, Installing a WAMP on WindowsInstalling a MAMP on Mac OS X
alternative WAMPs, Alternative WAMPs
testing the installation, Testing the InstallationAlternative WAMPs
using a program editor, Using a Program Editor
using an IDE, Using an IDEUsing an IDE
working remotely, Working RemotelyUsing FTP
logging in, Logging In, Logging In
using FTP, Using FTP
die( ) function (PHP), Connecting to MySQL, Building and executing a query
different_user( ) function (PHP), Preventing session hijacking
dir system command (Windows), System Calls
display property (CSS), Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements
<div> and <span> elements, differences in, The Difference Between <div> and <span>Measurements
division-by-zero error, trapping using continue statement in PHP, The continue Statement
DNS (Domain Name System), The Request/Response Procedure
do...while loops
in JavaScript, do…while Loops
in PHP, do…while Loops
DOCTYPE declarations
HTML 4.01 DTDs, HTML 4.01 Document Types
HTML5, The HTML5 Document Type, Introduction to CSS
XHTML, What’s Different?
XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.0 Document Types
document object, write( ) method, The Document Object Model (DOM)
DOM (Document Object Model)
adding new elements using JavaScript, Adding New Elements
CSS properties as alternatives to adding/removing elements, Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements
DOM tree of XML document, About XML
removing elements using JavaScript, Removing Elements
working with in JavaScript, The Document Object Model (DOM)Using the DOM
DOUBLE (or REAL) type (MySQL), Numeric data types
DROP command (MySQL), MySQL Commands, Removing a column
DROP TABLE command, Deleting a table, Using EXPLAIN, Dropping a Table
DTDs (see DOCTYPE declarations)
dynamic web content, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
client/server request/response sequence, The Request/Response Procedure
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS working together for, Bringing It All Together


each( ) function (PHP), The Loop
ease timing function, Transition Timing
ease-in timing function, Transition Timing
ease-in-out timing function, Transition Timing
ease-out timing function, Transition Timing
EasyPHP, Alternative WAMPs
echo command (PHP), print command versus, The Difference Between the echo and print Commands
echo statements in PHP, Associative Arrays
echo <<<_END…_END, Displaying the Form, Building Forms
multiline echo statement, Uploading Files
multiline string echo statement, Multiple-Line Commands
results from MySQL database query within, Fetching a result
Editra, Using a Program Editor
element overflow in CSS3, Element Overflow
inserting into the DOM with JavaScript, Adding New Elements
removing from DOM using JavaScript, Removing Elements
else statements
in JavaScript, The else statement
in PHP, The else Statement
closing if . . . else or if . . . elseif . . . else statement, The elseif Statement
using ternary operator (? :) instead of, The ? Operator
elseif statements in PHP, The elseif Statement
JavaScript equivalent, The else statement
ems (measurement in CSS), Measurements
encapsulation, Terminology
_END..._END; tags in heredoc construct in PHP, Multiple-Line Commands
end( ) function (PHP), end
endswitch command in PHP switch statement, Alternative syntax
entities, HTML
converting PHP suberglobals to, Superglobals and security
prefacing string with cross or check mark, checkuser.php
equality operators, Equality operators, Comparison Operators
in JavaScript, Equality operators
precedence, Operator Precedence
errorHandler( ) function (JavaScript), Using onerror
onerror event in JavaScript, Using onerror
trapping in JavaScript with try...catch construct, Using try...catch
escape characters, injection into strings submitted to MySQL, preventing in PHP, Sanitizing Input
escapeshellcmd( ) function (PHP), System Calls
escaping characters
in JavaScript strings, Escaping Characters
in PHP strings, Escaping characters
events in JavaScript, Using onerror
attaching events to objects in a script, Attaching Events to Objects in a Script
attaching to other events, Attaching to Other Events
examples from this book, On the Website
exclusive OR operator (XOR) in PHP, Logical operators
exec( ) function (PHP), System Calls
EXIT command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
EXPLAIN command (MySQL), Using EXPLAIN
explicit casting
in JavaScript, Explicit Casting
in PHP, Implicit and Explicit Casting
explode( ) function (PHP), explode
in JavaScript, ExpressionsOperators
literals and variables, Literals and Variables
in PHP, ExpressionsOperators
literals and variables, Literals and Variables
statements, Literals and Variables
exs (CSS measurement), Measurements
extending JavaScript objects, Extending JavaScript objects
extends operator (PHP), Inheritance
external style sheets, External Style Sheets
extract( ) function (PHP), extract


\f (form feed) character in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
FALSE and TRUE values, Expressions
false and true values (JavaScript), Expressions
fclose( ) function (PHP), Creating a File
fgets( ) function (PHP), Creating a File, Reading from Files
fieldname class (CSS), Checking for Username Availability
file handle, Creating a File
file pointer, Updating Files
file handling with PHP, File HandlingSystem Calls
checking if file exists, Checking Whether a File Exists
copying files, Copying Files
creating a file, Creating a File
deleting a file, Deleting a File
locking files for multiple access, Locking Files for Multiple Accesses
moving a file, Moving a File
reading an entire file, Reading an Entire File
reading from files, Reading from Files
updating files, Updating Files
uploading files, Uploading FilesSystem Calls
including and requiring in PHP, Including and Requiring Files
$_FILES array, Uploading Files
content of, Using $_FILES
FileZilla, Using FTP
file_exists( ) function (PHP), Checking Whether a File Exists
file_get_contents( ) function (PHP), Reading an Entire File, The Server Half of the Ajax Process
final methods (PHP), Final methods
Firebug plug-in for Firefox, Debugging JavaScript Errors
FireFTP, Using FTP
HTTP authentication login prompt, HTTP Authentication
JavaScript error messages, accessing, Debugging JavaScript Errors
First, Second, and Third Normal Form, Normalization
First Normal Form, First Normal Form
Second Normal Form, Second Normal Form
Third Normal Form, Third Normal Form
first-letter pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
fixed positioning, Fixed Positioning
FLOAT type (MySQL), Numeric data types
flock( ) function (PHP), Locking Files for Multiple Accesses
focus pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
font families, safest to use on web pages, font-family
font-face property (CSS), Web Fonts
font-family property (CSS), font-family
font-size property (CSS), CSS Rules, font-size
fontSize property in JavaScript, Accessing CSS Properties from JavaScript
font-style property (CSS), font-style
font-weight property (CSS), font-weight
fonts, web fonts in CSS3, Web Fonts
fopen( ) function (PHP), Creating a File, Updating Files
supported modes, Creating a File
for loops
in JavaScript, for Loops
breaking out of, Breaking Out of a Loop
continue statement, The continue Statement
in PHP, for Loops
breaking out of, Breaking Out of a Loop
while loops versus, for Loops
forEach( ) method (JavaScript arrays), forEach (for non-IE browsers)
cross-browser solution, forEach (a cross-browser solution) loop in PHP, The Loop
foreign key, First Normal Form
<form> and </form> tags, Building Forms
format( ) function (CSS), Web Fonts
forms, Form HandlingTest Your Knowledge
creating using PHP, Building Forms
displaying form to add data to MySQL database, Displaying the Form
PHP program integrating with (example), An Example ProgramAn Example Program
processing submitted data using PHP, Retrieving Submitted DataAn Example Program
default values, Default Values
input types, Input TypesSanitizing Input
register_globals function, register_globals: An Old Solution Hangs On
sanitizing input, Sanitizing Input
redisplaying after PHP validation, Redisplaying a Form After PHP ValidationRedisplaying a Form After PHP Validation
uploading file from, to web server, Uploading Files
validating user input with JavaScript, Validating User Input with JavaScriptRegular Expressions
validation of data using PHP, Validation
Frameset DTD
HTML 4.01, HTML 4.01 Document Types
XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.0 Document Types
fread( ) function (PHP), Creating a File, Reading from Files
friends (social networking site example)
adding and dropping friends, Adding and Dropping Friends
friends.php, friends.phpmessages.php
fseek( ) function (PHP), Updating Files
FTP, using for file transfer to and from web server, Using FTP
FULLTEXT indexes (MySQL)
creating for database table, Creating a FULLTEXT index
stopwords, MySQL’s FULLTEXT Stopwords
using MATCH...AGAINST construct on, MATCH...AGAINST
defined, PHP Functions and Objects
JavaScript, Functions, JavaScript FunctionsJavaScript Objects
defining, Defining a Function
prototype property, The prototype Keyword
returning a value, Returning a Value
returning an array, Returning an Array
MySQL, MySQL Functions, MySQL Functions
PHP, Functions, PHP FunctionsRecap of Variable Scope
defining, Defining a Function
passing by reference, Passing by Reference
returning a value, Returning a Value
returning an array, Returning an Array
function_exists( ) function (PHP), PHP Version Compatibility
fwrite( ) function (PHP), Breaking Out of a Loop, Creating a File


/g (global) matching in regular expressions, General Modifiers
$_GET and $_POST arrays, extract
$_GET and $_POST arrays (PHP)
variables obtained from, security problems with, Sanitizing Input
GET and POST requests (HTTP), The $_POST Array
implementing Ajax via GET requests, Using GET Instead of POSTUsing GET Instead of POST
implementing Ajax via POST requests, Implementing Ajax via POST RequestsThe Server Half of the Ajax Process
getElementById( ) function (JavaScript), Reusing IDs, Revisiting the getElementById FunctionAccessing CSS Properties from JavaScript
C( ) function, The C Function
including O( ), S( ), and C( ) functions, Including the Functions
O( ) function, The O Function
O( ), S( ), and C( ) functions, header.php
S( ) function, The S Function
getElementsByTagName( ) function (JavaScript), The C Function
getnext( ) function (JavaScript), Logical operators
get_post( ) function (PHP), Querying the Database
global variables, Recap of Variable Scope
in JavaScript, Global Variables
in PHP, Global variables
PHP functions returning values in global variables, Returning Global Variables
Glossword WAMP, Alternative WAMPs
use of Ajax to check username availability, Bringing It All Together
web fonts, Google Web Fonts
Google Maps, Ajax in action, Using Ajax
gradients, Gradients
GRANT command (MySQL), MySQL Commands, Creating users
example parameters for, Creating users
IDENTIFIED BY clause, Creating users
GROUP BY clause (MySQL commands), GROUP BY
group, selecting by (in CSS), Selecting by Group
grouping in regular expressions, Grouping Through Parentheses


<head> tags
CSS styling for web pages within, Introduction to CSS
JavaScript scripts within, Using Scripts Within a Document Head
header.php file (social networking site example), header.phpsetup.php
headings, setting font size for, font-size
HELP (\h \?) command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
heredoc operator (<<<) in PHP, Multiple-Line Commands
hexadecimal RGB colors, CSS Colors
hidden fields in forms, Hidden fields
history object (JavaScript), Using the DOM, Other Properties
hover pseudoclass (CSS), Pseudoclasses, Shorthand Syntax
HSL colors, HSL Colors
HSLA colors, HSLA Colors
HTML, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
changing dynamically using PHP, Using MySQL
DTDs supported in HTML 4.01, HTML 4.01 Document Types
including CSS style sheet within, Importing a Style Sheet from Within HTML
incorporating PHP in, Incorporating PHP Within HTMLThis Book’s Examples
JavaScript and, JavaScript and HTML Text
browsers not supporting scripting, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
debugging JavaScript errors, Debugging JavaScript Errors
including JavaScript files, Including JavaScript Files
using scripts within document head, Using Scripts Within a Document Head
removing from form input using PHP, Sanitizing Input
styling elements with CSS, Using CSS
XHTML versus, XHTML, What’s Different?
HTML injection, preventing in MySQL, Preventing HTML Injection
<html> tags, xmlns attribute (in XHTML), What’s Different?
HTML5 DOCTYPE declaration, The HTML5 Document Type
htmlentities( ) function (PHP), Superglobals and security, Preventing HTML Injection, Sanitizing Input
HTTP, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
defined, HTTP and HTML: Berners-Lee’s Basics
request/response procedure, The Request/Response Procedure
HTTP authentication, HTTP AuthenticationSalting
salting passwords, Salting
storing usernames and passwords, Storing Usernames and Passwords
HTTPS, Session Security
hue, HSL Colors
Hyper Text Markup Language (see HTML)
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (see HTTP)
hyperlinks, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content


/i (case-insensitive) matching in regular expressions, General Modifiers
ID selectors, The ID Selector
identity operator (===), Operator Precedence, Equality operators, Comparison Operators, Equality operators
IDEs (integrated development environments), Using an IDEUsing an IDE
IDs, assigning to HTML elements, Using IDs
if statements
in JavaScript, The if Statement
else statement, The else statement
in PHP, The if Statement
problems caused by OR operator, Logical operators
using operators, Variable incrementing and decrementing
using ternary operator (? :) instead of, The ? Operator
if...else if... statement, The switch statement
if...elseif...else structure (PHP), An Example Program
adding image to profile on social networking site, Adding a Profile Image
multiple images in background, Multiple Backgrounds
processing profile image for social networking site, Processing the Image
uploading using PHP, Uploading Files
<img> and </img> tags, inline JavaScript in, Inline JavaScript
implicit casting in PHP, Implicit and Explicit Casting
!important declaration, CSS rules, Some rules are more equal than others
importing a style sheet, Importing a Style Sheet
in keyword (JavaScript), Associative Arrays
inches (CSS measurement), Measurements
include statements in PHP, The include Statement
using include_once, Using include_once
incrementing variables
in JavaScript, Variable Incrementing and Decrementing
operator precedence, Operator Precedence
in PHP, Variable incrementing and decrementing, while Loops
indenting text, Indenting
index.php file (social networking site example), index.php
array, Basic Access, Associative Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, forEach (for non-IE browsers)
assigning values to, Assignment Using the array Keyword
MySQL database tables, IndexesCreating a FULLTEXT index, First Normal Form
creating an index, Creating an Index
using MATCH...AGAINST construct with FULLTEXT indexes, MATCH...AGAINST
inequality operator (!=), Equality operators
inheritance, Terminology
in PHP classes, InheritanceFinal methods
final methods, Final methods
parent operator, The parent operator
subclass constructors, Subclass constructors
ini_set( ) function (PHP), Setting a timeout, Forcing cookie-only sessions
inline JavaScript, Inline JavaScriptAttaching to Other Events
attaching actions to events, Attaching to Other Events
this keyword, The this Keyword
inline styles, Inline Styles
innerHTML property, Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements
using to display the time, Using setInterval
InnoDB storage engine, Transaction Storage Engines
<input> tags
submit type attribute (XHTML), What’s Different?
type attribute, Input TypesSanitizing Input
input, checking in PHP for HTTP authentication, HTTP Authentication
input, forms
sanitizing, Sanitizing Input
types of, Input TypesSanitizing Input
checkboxes, Checkboxes
hidden fields, Hidden fields
labels, Labels
radio buttons, Radio buttons
select, Select
submit button, The submit button
text areas, Text areas
text boxes, Text boxes
validating using JavaScript, Validating User Input with JavaScriptRegular Expressions
INSERT command (MySQL), Using MySQL, MySQL Commands, MySQL Commands
INSERT INTO command, Adding data to a table
inserting data into table using PHP, Adding Data
insertion IDs, Using AUTO_INCREMENT
closing, Using insert IDs
instance of a class, Terminology
creating in PHP, Declaring a Class
INT (or INTEGER) type (MySQL), Numeric data types
integrated development environments (IDEs), Using an IDEUsing an IDE
interfaces, Terminology
internal styles, Internal Styles
Internet Explorer
focus pseudoclass applied to universal selector, Pseudoclasses
fonts, Web Fonts
JavaScript error messages, accessing, Debugging JavaScript Errors
JavaScript-style CSS property names, Accessing CSS Properties from JavaScript
Microsoft implementation of JavaScript (JScript), But It’s Not That Simple
user-defined style, applying to, User Styles
XMLHttpRequest object, Using try...catch, Using XMLHttpRequest
Internet media content types, Using $_FILES
interrupts, Using InterruptsUsing Interrupts for Animation
canceling a timeout, Canceling a Timeout
using for animation, Using Interrupts for Animation
using setInterval( ) function, Using setIntervalCanceling an interval
canceling an interval, Canceling an interval
using setTimeout( ) function, Using setTimeout
passing a string, Passing a string
repeating timeouts, Repeating timeouts
intervals, setting and clearing for interrupts, Using setIntervalCanceling an interval
intval( ) function (PHP), An Example Program
is_array( ) function (PHP), is_array
italics, font-style


JavaScript, Exploring JavaScriptTest Your Knowledge
accessing CSS from, Accessing CSS from JavaScriptTest Your Knowledge
accessing CSS properties, Accessing CSS Properties from JavaScriptOther Properties
adding and removing elements, Adding New Elements
getElementById( ) function, enhancing, Revisiting the getElementById FunctionAccessing CSS Properties from JavaScript
inline JavaScript, Inline JavaScriptAttaching to Other Events
using interrupts, Using InterruptsUsing Interrupts for Animation
Ajax (see Ajax)
and HTML text
browsers not supporting JavaScript, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
debugging JavaScript errors, Debugging JavaScript Errors
including JavaScript files, Including JavaScript Files
using scripts within a document head, Using Scripts Within a Document Head
arrays, JavaScript Arrayssort
benefits of using, The Benefits of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS, Using JavaScript
comments, Using Comments
conditionals, ConditionalsLooping
DOM (Document Object Model) and, The Document Object Model (DOM)Using the DOM
explicit casting in, Explicit Casting
expressions, ExpressionsOperators
functions, Functions, JavaScript FunctionsJavaScript Objects
getElementById( ) function, enhancing
O( ), S( ), and C( ) functions, header.php
and HTML text, JavaScript and HTML Text
looping in, Looping
objects, JavaScript ObjectsExtending JavaScript objects
onBlur event, Checking for Username Availability
onerror event, Using onerror
operators, OperatorsVariable Typing, OperatorsThe with Statement
regular expressions, Regular ExpressionsRedisplaying a Form After PHP Validation
using, Using Regular Expressions in JavaScript
resource sites, JavaScript Resource Sites
try...catch construct, Using try...catch
validating user input with, Validating User Input with JavaScriptRegular Expressions
variables, VariablesOperators
global, Global Variables
typing, Variable Typing
with statement, The with Statement
working with PHP, MySQL, and CSS to produce dynamic web content, Bringing It All Together
join( ) method (JavaScript arrays), join
JOIN...ON construct (MySQL), JOIN...ON
joining tables in MySQL, Joining Tables Together
JOIN...ON construct, JOIN...ON
using AS keyword, Using AS
jQuery, Using Frameworks for Ajax
JScript, But It’s Not That Simple


labels on forms, Labels
LAMPs (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), What Is a WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP?
installing a LAMP on Linux, Installing a LAMP on Linux
using CSS box model, The Box Model and LayoutObject Contents
adjusting padding, Adjusting Padding
applying borders, Applying Borders
object contents, Object Contents
setting margins, Setting Margins
left property, Absolute Positioning
letter-spacing property (CSS), Spacing
LIKE qualifier (MySQL commands), WHERE
LIMIT qualifier (MySQL commands), LIMIT
line-height property (CSS), Spacing
line-through text, Decoration
linear gradients, Gradients
linear timing function, Transition Timing
link pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
and focus pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses
including style sheet within HTML using <link> tags, Importing a Style Sheet from Within HTML
URL within link in body of HTML document, referencing in JavaScript, The Document Object Model (DOM)
links object (JavaScript), Using the DOM
accessing MySQL via command line, Linux users
accessing MySQL via phpMyAdmin, Linux Users
starting MySQL and logging in, Creating users
system calls using PHP, System Calls
Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (see LAMPs)
list( ) function (PHP), The Loop
in JavaScript, Literals and Variables
in PHP, Literals and Variables, Literals and Variables
local variables, Recap of Variable Scope
in JavaScript, Local Variables
in PHP, Local variables
LOCK command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
locking database tables, Using locks
logical operators
in JavaScript, Logical Operators, Operator Precedence, Logical operators
all possible logical expressions, Logical operators
in PHP, Logical operators, Logical operators
all possible logical expressions, Logical operators
using in MySQL queries, Using Logical Operators
creating PHP login file for MySQL, Creating a Login File
login.php (social networking site example), login.phpprofile.php
MySQL, Creating users
logout.php (social networking site example), logout.php
LONGBLOB type (MySQL), The BLOB data type
longdate( ) function (PHP), Functions
LONGTEXT type (MySQL), The TEXT and VARCHAR data types
in JavaScript, LoopingExplicit Casting
breaking out of loops, Breaking Out of a Loop
continue statement, The continue Statement
do...while loops, do…while Loops
for loops, for Loops
while loops, while Loops
in PHP, LoopingThe continue Statement
breaking out of loops, Breaking Out of a Loop
continue statement, The continue Statement
do...while loops, do…while Loops
for loops, for Loops loop, The Loop
while loops, while Loops
lowercase text, Transformation
ls system command, System Calls
luminance, HSL Colors


/m (multiline) mode in regular expression matching, General Modifiers
Mac OS X
accessing MySQL via command line, OS X users
accessing MySQL via phpMyAdmin, OS X Users
starting MySQL and logging in, Creating users
system calls using PHP, System Calls
Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (see MAMPs)
magic quotes (PHP), Preventing SQL Injection
MAMPs (Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), What Is a WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP?
installing a MAMP on Mac OS X, Installing a MAMP on Mac OS XInstalling a LAMP on Linux
configuring MySQL, Configuring MySQL
testing the installation, Testing the Installation
many-to-many relationships in data, Many-to-Many
margin property (CSS), Setting Margins
margins, setting using CSS box model, Setting Margins
matrix( ) function (CSS), Transformations
md5( ) function (PHP), Storing Usernames and Passwords, Salting
measurements in CSS, Measurements
MEDIUMBLOB type (MySQL), The BLOB data type
MEDIUMINT type (MySQL), Numeric data types
MEDIUMTEXT type (MySQL), The TEXT and VARCHAR data types
members.php (social networking site example), members.phpfriends.php
adding and dropping friends, Adding and Dropping Friends
listing all members, Listing All Membersfriends.php
viewing user’s profile, Viewing a User’s Profile
messages.php (social networking site example), messages.phplogout.php
metacharacters in regular expressions, Matching Through Metacharacters
summary of, Summary of Metacharacters
method chaining, Returning a Value
methods, PHP Functions and Objects
defined, Terminology, Declaring a Class
final methods in PHP, Final methods
JavaScript, The Document Object Model (DOM)
defining for a class, Declaring a Class
naming convention, Declaring a Class
static methods, Static methods and properties
using prototype keyword for a method, The prototype Keyword
scope in PHP 5, Property and Method Scope in PHP 5
static methods in PHP, Static properties and methods
writing in PHP, Writing Methods
static methods in PHP 5, Static methods in PHP 5
Microsoft, Transformations
(see also Internet Explorer; Windows)
ActiveX, What Is Ajax?
browsers, browser prefix for, Gradients
browsers, prefix for, Transformations
VBScript, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
millimeters, measurements in CSS, Measurements
miscellaneous resource sites, Miscellaneous Resource Sites
Mizilla-based browsers, browser prefix, The opacity Property
mktime( ) function (PHP), Date and Time Functions
mobile devices, XHTML and, The Benefits of XHTML
MODIFY keyword (MySQL), Changing the data type of a column
mouse hover inline JavaScript example, Inline JavaScript
move_uploaded_file( ) function (PHP), Uploading Files
Mozilla-based browsers, browser prefix, Gradients, Box Shadows, Multicolumn Layout, Transformations
multidimensional arrays
in JavaScript, Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
in PHP, Multidimensional ArraysMultidimensional Arrays
multipart/form-data content type, Uploading Files
multiple-line commands in PHP, Multiple-Line Commands
MyISAM database tables, Creating a FULLTEXT index
MySQL, Introduction to MySQLTest Your Knowledge
accessing via command line, Accessing MySQL via the Command LineIndexes
data types, Data TypesAdding data to a table
joining tables together, Joining Tables Together
MySQL commands, MySQL CommandsData Types
querying a database, Querying a MySQL DatabaseJoining Tables Together
starting command-line interface, Starting the Command-Line InterfaceMySQL on a remote server
using command-line interface, Using the Command-Line Interface
using logical operators, Using Logical Operators
accessing via phpMyAdmin, Accessing MySQL via phpMyAdminUsing phpMyAdmin
backing up and restoring, Backing Up and RestoringPlanning Your Backups
benefits of, The Benefits of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS
configuring in MAMP installation, Configuring MySQL
ensuring MySQL starts on booting, Ensuring MySQL starts on booting
creating users table and adding accounts using PHP, Salting
database basics, MySQL Basics
database design, Database Design
database for social networking site logins (example), functions.php
database terms, Summary of Database Terms
friends table (social networking site example), Adding and Dropping Friends, friends.php
FULLTEXT indexes, stopwords, MySQL’s FULLTEXT Stopwords
functions, MySQL Functions, MySQL Functions
indexes, IndexesCreating a FULLTEXT index
inserting and deleting data using PHP, A Practical ExamplePractical MySQL
$_POST array, The $_POST Array
deleting a record, Deleting a Record
displaying form, Displaying the Form
querying the database, Querying the Database
messages table (social networking site example), messages.php
normalization, NormalizationWhen Not to Use Normalization
First Normal Form, First Normal Form
Second Normal Form, Second Normal Form
Third Normal Form, Third Normal Form
PHP authentication using, Salting
practical techniques in PHP for accessing, Practical MySQLPreventing HTML Injection
adding data, Adding Data
creating a table, Creating a Table
deleting data, Deleting Data
describing a table, Describing a Table
dropping a table, Dropping a Table
performing additional queries, Performing Additional Queries
preventing HTML injection, Preventing HTML Injection
preventing SQL injection, Preventing SQL InjectionUsing placeholders
retrieving data, Retrieving Data
updating data, Updating Data
querying a database with PHP, Querying a MySQL Database with PHPA Practical Example
building and executing a query, Building and executing a query
closing a connection, Closing a connection
connecting to MySQL, Connecting to MySQL
creating a login file, Creating a Login File
fetching a result, Fetching a result
fetching a row, Fetching a row
selecting a database, Selecting a database
relationships among the data, RelationshipsDatabases and Anonymity
resource sites, MySQL Resource Sites
tables for social networking site (example), setting up, setup.phpindex.php
transactions, TransactionsBacking Up and Restoring
using, Using MySQL
working with PHP, JavaScript, and CSS to produce dynamic web content, Bringing It All Together
mysql executable, Restoring from a Backup File
mysqldump command, Backing Up and Restoring
dumping data in CSV format, Dumping Data in CSV Format
mysql_close( ) function (PHP), Closing a connection
mysql_connect( ) function (PHP), Connecting to MySQL
mysql_error( ) function (PHP), Connecting to MySQL
mysql_fetch_row( ) function (PHP), Fetching a result
mysql_insert_id( ) function, Using AUTO_INCREMENT
mysql_query( ) function (PHP), Building and executing a query
mysql_real_escape_string( ) function (PHP), The $_POST Array, Preventing SQL Injection, Sanitizing Input
mysql_result function (PHP), Fetching a result
mysql_select_db( ) function (PHP), Selecting a database


NaN (Not a Number), Expressions
negation of character class in regular expressions, Negation
new keyword in PHP, creating an object, Creating an Object
new operator in PHP, Associativity
\n character in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
\n character in PHP strings, Escaping characters, String Padding
normalization, NormalizationWhen Not to Use Normalization
First Normal Form, First Normal Form
Second Normal Form, Second Normal Form
Third Normal Form, Third Normal Form
when not to use, When Not to Use Normalization
<noscript> and </noscript> tags, JavaScript and HTML Text
NOT operator
in PHP, Logical operators, Associativity, Logical operators
using in MySQL, Using Logical Operators
NULL values
in JavaScript, Expressions
in PHP, Expressions, Logical operators
conversion to and from strings in PHP, Variable Typing
numeric data types, MySQL, Numeric data types
numeric variables in JavaScript, Numeric Variables
numeric variables in PHP, Numeric variables
numeric arrays
in JavaScript, Numeric Arrays
multidimensional, Multidimensional Arrays
in PHP, Numerically Indexed Arrays
using loop with, The Loop


O( ) function, The O Function, Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements, header.php
including, Including the Functions
object-oriented programming (OOP), PHP Objects
defined, PHP Functions and Objects
JavaScript, The Document Object Model (DOM), JavaScript ObjectsExtending JavaScript objects
accessing, Accessing Objects
attaching events to, Attaching Events to Objects in a Script
creating, Creating an Object
declaring a class, Declaring a Class
prototype keyword, The prototype KeywordExtending JavaScript objects
O( ) function, enhancing getElementById( ) function, The O Function
PHP, PHP ObjectsFinal methods
accessing, Accessing Objects
constructors, Constructors
creating, Creating an Object
declaring a class, Declaring a Class
declaring properties, Declaring Properties
inheritance, InheritanceFinal methods
scope in PHP 5, Property and Method Scope in PHP 5
terminology associated with, Terminology
writing methods for, Writing Methods
offsetTop property (JavaScript), Adding New Elements
one-to-many relationships in data, One-to-Many
one-to-one relationships in data, One-to-One
one-way functions, Storing Usernames and Passwords
onerror event (JavaScript), Using onerror
onreadystatechange property, XMLHttpRequest object, The readyState Property
onSubmit attribute (HTML forms), How it works
OOP (see object-oriented programming)
HSLA colors, HSLA Colors
opacity property in CSS, Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements
opacity property in CSS3, The opacity Property
RGBA colors, RGBA Colors
open source software, About Open Source
open( ) method, XMLHttpRequest object, Implementing Ajax via POST Requests
OpenType fonts, Web Fonts
browser prefix, Gradients, Transformations
JavaScript error messages, accessing, Debugging JavaScript Errors
operating systems
system calls using PHP, System Calls
combining with expressions to create statements, Literals and Variables
in JavaScript, OperatorsVariable Typing
arithmetic operators, Arithmetic Operators
assignment operators, Assignment Operators
associativity, Associativity
comparison operators, Comparison Operators
incrementing and decrementing variables, Variable Incrementing and Decrementing
logical operators, Logical Operators
precedence of, Operator Precedence
relational operators, Relational OperatorsThe with Statement
string concatenation, String Concatenation
types of operators, OperatorsThe with Statement
in PHP, OperatorsLogical operators, OperatorsConditionals
arithmetic operators, Arithmetic operators
assignment operators, Assignment operators
associativity, Associativity
comparison operators, Comparison operators
logical operators, Logical operators
precedence of, Operator Precedence
relational operators, Relational OperatorsConditionals
OR operator
in PHP, Logical operators, Operator Precedence, Logical operators
using in MySQL, Using Logical Operators
ORDER BY clause (MySQL commands), ORDER BY
overflow properties in CSS
overflow property, Element Overflow
text-overflow, The text-overflow Property
overlining text, Decoration
O’Reilly resource sites, O’Reilly Resource Sites


p (paragraph) elements, changing default indentation using CSS style rules, Using CSS
packet sniffing, Session Security
adjusting using CSS box model, Adjusting Padding
printf( ) function output in PHP, Precision Setting
string padding, String Padding
padding-box value
background-clip property, CSS3 Backgrounds
background-origin property, The background-origin Property
paragraphs, setting default font size for, font-size
parent operator (PHP), The parent operator
checking validity of, HTTP Authentication
entering for HTTP authentication, HTTP Authentication
masking from view, login.php
storing, Storing Usernames and Passwords
validating using JavaScript, Validating the password
percent measurements in CSS, Measurements
Perl, The Benefits of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS
PHP, Introduction to PHPTest Your Knowledge
Ajax process, server half of, The Server Half of the Ajax Process
arrays, PHP ArraysTest Your Knowledge
basic syntax, Basic Syntax
benefits of, The Benefits of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS
casting, implicit and explicit, Implicit and Explicit Casting
checkuser.php (social networking site example), checkuser.php
comments, Using Comments
conditionals, ConditionalsThe ? Operator
constants, Constants
cookies, Using Cookies in PHPDestroying a Cookie
date and time functions, Date and Time FunctionsFile Handling
in dynamic web pages, The Request/Response Procedure
dynamic linking with, PHP Dynamic Linking
echo and print commands, difference between, The Difference Between the echo and print Commands
examples from this book, This Book’s Examples
expressions, ExpressionsOperators
literals and variables, Literals and Variables
file handling, File HandlingSystem Calls
form handling
building forms, Building Forms
example program, An Example ProgramAn Example Program
retrieving submitted data, Retrieving Submitted DataAn Example Program, Retrieving Submitted Data
friends.php (social networking site example), friends.phpmessages.php
functions, Functions, PHP Functions and ObjectsRecap of Variable Scope
functions for social networking site (example), functions.phpheader.php
header.php file for social networking site (example), header.phpsetup.php
HTTP authentication, HTTP AuthenticationSalting
IDEs (integrated development environments), Using an IDE
including and requiring files, Including and Requiring Files
incorporating within HTML, Incorporating PHP Within HTMLThis Book’s Examples
index.php file (social networking site example), index.php
inserting and deleting data in MySQL database, A Practical ExamplePractical MySQL
$_POST array, The $_POST Array
deleting a record, Deleting a Record
displaying the form, Displaying the Form
querying the database, Querying the Database
running the program, Running the Program
login.php (social networking site example), login.phpprofile.php
logout.php (social networking site example), logout.php
looping in, LoopingThe continue Statement
members.php (social networking site example), members.phpfriends.php
messages.php (social networking site example), messages.phplogout.php
multiple-line commands, Multiple-Line Commands
objects, PHP ObjectsFinal methods
operators, OperatorsLogical operators, OperatorsConditionals
arithmetic, Arithmetic operators
assignment, Assignment operators
associativity, Associativity
comparison, Comparison operators
logical, Logical operators
precedence of, Operator Precedence
relational, Relational OperatorsConditionals
practical MySQL, Practical MySQLPreventing HTML Injection
adding data, Adding Data
creating a table, Creating a Table
deleting data, Deleting Data
describing a table, Describing a Table
dropping a table, Dropping a Table
performing additional queries, Performing Additional Queries
preventing HTML injection, Preventing HTML Injection
preventing SQL injection, Preventing SQL InjectionUsing placeholders
retrieving data, Retrieving Data
updating data, Updating Data
printf( ) function, Using printfUsing sprintf
profile.php (social networking site example), profile.phpmembers.php
querying MySQL databases, Querying a MySQL Database with PHPClosing a connection
building and executing a query, Building and executing a query
closing a connection, Closing a connection
connecting to MySQL, Connecting to MySQL
creating login file, Creating a Login File
fetching a result, Fetching a result
fetching a row, Fetching a row
selecting a database, Selecting a database
regular expressions, using in, Using Regular Expressions in PHP
resource sites, PHP Resource Sites
sending XML requests, Sending XML Requests
sessions, Using SessionsUsing a shared server
setup.php file (social networking site example), setup.phpindex.php
signup.php file (social networking site (example), signup.phpChecking for Username Availability
sprintf( ) function, Using sprintf
system calls, System Calls
validation of form data, redisplaying form after, Redisplaying a Form After PHP ValidationRedisplaying a Form After PHP Validation
variable assignment, Variable Assignment
variable scope, Variable ScopeSuperglobals and security
global variables, Global variables
local variables, Local variables
static variables, Static variables
superglobal variables, Superglobal variables
variable typing, Variable Typing
variables, Understanding VariablesVariable naming rules
arrays, Arrays
naming, Variable naming rules
numeric, Numeric variables
string, String variables
version compatibility, PHP Version Compatibility
working with MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS to produce dynamic web content, Bringing It All Together
phpDesigner IDE, Using an IDE
phpinfo( ) function, PHP Functions
phpMyAdmin, accessing MySQL via, Accessing MySQL via phpMyAdminUsing phpMyAdmin
picas (CSS measurements), Measurements
pixels (CSS measurements), Measurements
placeholders, using to prevent SQL injection, Using placeholders
points (CSS measurements), Measurements
pop( ) method (JavaScript arrays), push and pop
position property (CSS), Positioning Elements, Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements
positioning elements with CSS, Positioning ElementsComparing Positioning Types
absolute positioning, Absolute Positioning
comparing positioning types, Comparing Positioning Types
fixed positioning, Fixed Positioning
relative positioning, Relative Positioning
$_POST and $_GET arrays (PHP)
assigned directly to PHP variables, register_globals: An Old Solution Hangs On
<pre> and </pre> tags, Multidimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
preg_match( ) function (PHP), Using Regular Expressions in PHP
preg_match_all( ) function (PHP), Using Regular Expressions in PHP
preg_replace( ) function (PHP), Validation
primary keys, Primary keys, Primary Keys: The Keys to Relational Databases, Primary Keys: The Keys to Relational Databases
print command (PHP), echo command versus, The Difference Between the echo and print Commands
print( ) function (PHP), PHP Functions
printf( ) function (PHP), Using printfUsing sprintf
conversion specifier components, Precision Setting
conversion specifiers, Using printf
precision setting for displayed result, Precision Setting
print_r( ) function (PHP), Declaring a Class, Numerically Indexed Arrays
private keyword (PHP 5), Property and Method Scope in PHP 5
profiles (social networking site example), profile.phpmembers.php
adding image to profile, Adding a Profile Image
adding “About Me” text, Adding the “About Me” Text
displaying current profile, Displaying the Current Profilemembers.php
viewing a user’s profile from members page, Viewing a User’s Profile
program editors, Using a Program Editor
prompts, MySQL command line, The semicolon
accessing CSS properties from JavaScript, Accessing CSS Properties from JavaScriptOther Properties
other properties, Other Properties
some common properties, Some Common Properties
converting CSS properties to JavaScript, Accessing CSS Properties from JavaScript
CSS, CSS Rules
alternatives to adding and removing DOM elements, Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements
declaring in PHP, Declaring Properties
defined, Terminology, Declaring a Class
defining for a class, Declaring a Class
in JavaScript, The Document Object Model (DOM)
adding to an object, Creating an Object
defining for a class, Declaring a Class
naming convention, Declaring a Class
static properties, Static methods and properties
using prototype keyword for, The prototype Keyword
scope in PHP 5, Property and Method Scope in PHP 5
static properties in PHP, Static properties and methods
protected keyword (PHP 5), Property and Method Scope in PHP 5
prototype keyword (JavaScript), The prototype KeywordExtending JavaScript objects
pseudoclasses (CSS), PseudoclassesPseudoelements, Attribute Selectors
website for further information, Pseudoclasses
pseudoelements (CSS), Pseudoelements, Attribute Selectors
pseudofunctions, PHP Functions
public keyword (PHP), Declaring a Class, Property and Method Scope in PHP 5
push( ) method (JavaScript arrays), Assigning element values, push and pop
PuTTY, Logging In


querying a MySQL database, Querying a MySQL DatabaseJoining Tables Together
GROUP BY, using to group data, GROUP BY
LIMIT qualifier, LIMIT
MATCH...AGAINST construct, using on FULLTEXT indexes, MATCH...AGAINST
ORDER BY, using to sort results, ORDER BY
using PHP, Querying a MySQL Database with PHPClosing a connection, Querying the Database
building and executing a query, Building and executing a query
closing MySQL server connection, Closing a connection
connecting to MySQL, Connecting to MySQL
fetching a result, Fetching a result
fetching a row, Fetching a row
selecting a database, Selecting a database
WHERE keyword, WHERE
queryMysql( ) function (PHP), The Functions, checkuser.php
QUIT (\q) command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
quotation marks
enclosing tag attributes in XHTML, What’s Different?
magic quotes feature in PHP, Preventing SQL Injection


\r (carriage return) character in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
radial gradients, Gradients
radio buttons, Checkboxes
using for form input, Radio buttons
ranges in regular expression character classes, Indicating a range
readyState property, XMLHttpRequest object, The readyState PropertyThe readyState Property
records, MySQL Basics
reference books for further information, Supporting Books
& operator in PHP, Operator Precedence
passing by reference in PHP, Passing by Reference
register_globals( ) function (PHP), register_globals: An Old Solution Hangs On
regular expressions, Regular ExpressionsRedisplaying a Form After PHP Validation
character classes, Character Classes
examples of, Summary of Metacharacters
fuzzy character matching, Fuzzy Character Matching
general modifiers, General Modifiers
grouping, using parentheses, Grouping Through Parentheses
matching through metacharacters, Matching Through Metacharacters
metacharacters, summary of, Summary of Metacharacters
more complicated examples of, Some More Complicated Examples
using in JavaScript, Extending JavaScript objects, Using Regular Expressions in JavaScript
using in PHP, Using Regular Expressions in PHP
relational database management systems, Relationships
relational databases, primary keys, Primary Keys: The Keys to Relational Databases
relational operators
in JavaScript, Relational OperatorsThe with Statement
comparison operators, Comparison operators
equality operators, Equality operators
logical operators, Logical operators
in PHP, Relational OperatorsConditionals
comparison operators, Comparison operators
equality operators, Equality operators
logical operators, Logical operators
relationships in database data, RelationshipsDatabases and Anonymity
databases and anonymity, Databases and Anonymity
many-to-many, Many-to-Many
one-to-many, One-to-Many
one-to-one, One-to-One
relative positioning, Relative Positioning
remote server
accessing MySQL on, MySQL on a remote server
using for development, Working RemotelyUsing FTP
removeChild( ) method (JavaScript), Removing Elements
RENAME command (MySQL), MySQL Commands, Renaming a table
rename( ) function (PHP), Moving a File
require and require_once statements in PHP, Using require and require_once
reset( ) function (PHP), reset
resource sites, PHP Resource Sites
responseText property (XMLHttpRequest), The readyState Property
responseXML property (XMLHttpRequest), Sending XML Requests
restoring MySQL data from backup file, Restoring from a Backup File
return statement, JavaScript functions, Returning a Value
reverse( ) method (JavaScript arrays), Using reverse
RGB colors, CSS Colors, RGB Colors
rgb( ) function (CSS), CSS Colors
right property, Absolute Positioning
ROLLBACK command, canceling transactions in MySQL, Using ROLLBACK
root user, MySQL, Windows users
rotate( ) function (CSS), Transformations
rounded borders, using border-radius property in CSS3, The border-radius PropertyThe border-radius Property
rows, MySQL Basics
fetching a row from MySQL database query in PHP, Fetching a row
rules (CSS), CSS RulesStyle Types
calculating specificity of, Calculating specificity
multiple assignments of, Multiple Assignments
precedence or importance of, Some rules are more equal than others
shorthand rules, Shorthand Rules
using comments, Using Comments
using semicolons in, Using Semicolons


S( ) function, The S Function, header.php
including, Including the Functions
JavaScript error messages, accessing, Debugging JavaScript Errors
salting passwords, SaltingSalting
SanitizeString( ) function, The Server Half of the Ajax Process
sanitizeString( ) function (PHP), The Functions, checkuser.php
sanitizing form input, Sanitizing Input
saturation, HSL Colors
scale( ) function (CSS), Transformations
screen object, read-only properties, Other Properties
<script> and </script> tags
and included JavaScript files, Including JavaScript Files
JavaScript code in, JavaScript and HTML Text
XHTML 1.0 documents, XHTML Validation
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Session Security
in modern browsers, HTTP Authentication
session, Session SecurityUsing a shared server
<select> and </select> tags, form input with, Select
SELECT command (MySQL)
SELECT * FROM command, Retrieving Data
using GROUP BY with, GROUP BY
using LIMIT qualifier with, LIMIT
using ORDER BY with, ORDER BY
using WHERE keyword with, WHERE
using WHERE keyword with LIKE qualifier, WHERE
selectors (CSS), CSS SelectorsThe CSS Cascade, Attribute Selectors
processing of style sheet selectors, Style Sheet SelectorsSome rules are more equal than others
self keyword (PHP), Declaring Constants
ensuring code calls method from current class, The parent operator
server-side scripting, The Benefits of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS
$_SESSION array (PHP), Starting a Session
sessions, Using SessionsUsing a shared server
ending, Ending a Session
retrieving session variables using PHP, Starting a Session
security, Session SecurityUsing a shared server
preventing session fixation, Preventing session fixation
preventing session hijacking, Preventing session hijacking
session_regenerate_id( ) function (PHP), Preventing session fixation
session_start( ) function (PHP), Starting a Session
setAttribute( ) function (JavaScript), Accessing CSS Properties from JavaScript
setcookie( ) function (PHP), Setting a Cookie
destroying a cookie, Destroying a Cookie
setInterval( ) function (JavaScript), Using setIntervalCanceling an interval
setTimeout( ) function (JavaScript), Using setTimeout, Canceling an interval
passing a string to, Passing a string
repeating timeouts, Repeating timeouts
setup.php file (social networking site example), setup.phpindex.php
sha1( ) function (PHP), Salting
box shadows in CSS3, Box Shadows
text shadow in CSS3, The text-shadow Property
SHOW command (MySQL), Windows users, MySQL Commands
showProfile( ) function (PHP), The Functions
shuffle( ) function (PHP), shuffle
signed numbers, Numeric data types
signup.php (social networking site example), signup.phpChecking for Username Availability
sizeof( ) function (PHP), friends.php
skew( ) function (CSS), Transformations
SMALLINT type (MySQL), Numeric data types
smartphones, XHTML and, The Benefits of XHTML
social networking site (example)
checkuser.php, checkuser.php
designing a site, Designing a Social Networking Site
friends.php, friends.phpmessages.php
functions.php, functions.phpheader.php
header.php, header.phpsetup.php
index.php, index.php
login.php, login.phpprofile.php
logout.php, logout.php
members.php, members.phpfriends.php
messages.php, messages.phplogout.php
profile.php, profile.phpmembers.php
setup.php, setup.phpindex.php
signup.php, signup.phpChecking for Username Availability
styles.css, styles.cssstyles.css
sort( ) function (PHP), sort
sort( ) method (JavaScript arrays), sort
SOURCE command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
spacing of text, Spacing
<span> and <div> elements, differences in, The Difference Between <div> and <span>Measurements
specificity of CSS rule, calculating, Calculating specificity
sprintf( ) function (PHP), Using sprintf
SQL (Structured Query Language), Using MySQL, MySQL Basics
SQL injection, preventing, Preventing SQL InjectionUsing placeholders
SSH, using for remote access to server, Logging In
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), Session Security
in JavaScript, Literals and Variables
with statement, The with Statement
in PHP, Literals and Variables
static properties and methods
JavaScript, Static methods and properties
PHP, Static properties and methods
static methods in PHP 5, Static methods in PHP 5
static variables, Recap of Variable Scope
in PHP, Static variables
allowed and disallowed declarations, Static variables
STATUS (\s) command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
status property, XMLHttpRequest object, The readyState Property
statusText property, XMLHttpRequest object, The readyState Property
stopwords, MATCH...AGAINST, MySQL’s FULLTEXT Stopwords
Strict DTD
HTML 4.01, HTML 4.01 Document Types
XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.0 Document Types
string variables (PHP), String variables
functions for, in MySQL, MySQL Functions
JavaScript, String Variables
concatenation, String Concatenation
matching parts of strings in CSS3, Matching Parts of Strings
concatenation, String concatenation
conversion to and from numbers, Variable Typing
exploding into an array, explode
functions for, PHP Functions
padding strings in printf( ) output, String Padding
types, String types
strip_tags( ) function (PHP), Sanitizing Input
strtolower( ) function (PHP), Validation
Structured Query Language (see MySQL; SQL)
<style> and </style> tags, Using CSS, Introduction to CSS
importing a style sheet, Importing a Style Sheet
internal styles in, Internal Styles
style sheets, Importing a Style Sheet
(see also CSS)
different creators of, Style Sheet Creators
methods of creating, Style Sheet Methods
resolving potential conflicts between, The CSS Cascade
modifying CSS styles from JavaScript, Some Common Properties
S( ) function, accessing style or CSS properties of an object, The S Function
styles.css (social networking site example), styles.cssstyles.css
subclasses, Terminology
PHP, calling parent constructors, Subclass constructors
submit buttons on forms, The submit button
substr( ) function (JavaScript), Returning a Value, Using setInterval
substr( ) function in PHP, Variable Typing
superclass, Terminology
superglobal variables (PHP), Superglobal variables
security and, Superglobals and security
switch statements
in JavaScript, The switch statement
default action, Default action
in PHP, The switch StatementThe ? Operator
system calls in PHP, System Calls


tables, MySQL Basics
creating in MySQL database, Creating a table
creating in MySQL using PHP, Creating a Table
deleting in MySQL, Deleting a table
describing MySQL table using PHP, Describing a Table
dropping MySQL table using PHP, Dropping a Table
joining in MySQL, Joining Tables Together
joining together in MySQL, Joining Tables Together
renaming database table, Renaming a table
\t character in JavaScript, Escaping Characters
\t character in PHP, Multidimensional Arrays
\t character in PHP strings, Escaping characters
Telnet, Logging In
Terminal program (Mac OS X), accessing MySQL from, OS X users
ternary operators (? :), Operators, Operators
in JavaScript, The ? Operator
using instead of if and else statements in PHP, The ? Operator
color, setting in CSS, CSS Colors
effects in CSS3, Text EffectsWeb Fonts
text-overflow property, The text-overflow Property
text-shadow property, The text-shadow Property
word-wrap property, The word-wrap Property
managing styles with CSS, Managing Text StylesCSS Colors
MySQL’s TEXT data types, The TEXT and VARCHAR data types
text areas, Text areas
text boxes, Text boxes
TEXT type (MySQL), The TEXT and VARCHAR data types
<textarea> and </textarea> tags, Text areas
textDecoration property (JavaScript), Using the C function
this keyword (JavaScript), Declaring a Class, How it works, The this Keyword
$this variable in PHP, Writing Methods
TIME type (MySQL), DATE and TIME
time( ) function (PHP), Functions, Date and Time Functions
timeouts, setting for sessions, Setting a timeout
timestamps, creating in PHP, Date and Time Functions
TINYBLOB type (MySQL), The BLOB data type
TINYINT type (MySQL), Numeric data types
TINYTEXT type (MySQL), The TEXT and VARCHAR data types web address shortening service, Testing the Installation
toLowerCase( ) method (JavaScript), Returning a Value
top, right, bottom, and left properties, Absolute Positioning
toTimeString( ) function (JavaScript), Using setInterval
toUpperCase( ) method (JavaScript), Returning a Value
transactions, TransactionsBacking Up and Restoring
canceling using ROLLBACK command, Using ROLLBACK
storage engines, Transaction Storage Engines
using BEGIN statement, Using BEGIN
using COMMIT command, Using COMMIT
using EXPLAIN command, Using EXPLAIN
transform property (CSS), Transformations
transformations, Transformations
using with transitions, Shorthand Syntax
transforming text, Transformation
transition-property (CSS), Properties to Transition
transition-timing-function property, Transition Timing
Transitional DTD
HTML 4.01, HTML 4.01 Document Types
XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.0 Document Types
transitions, TransitionsShorthand Syntax
delay, Transition Delay
duration, Transition Duration
properties to transition, Properties to Transition
shorthand syntax, transition property, Shorthand Syntax
timing, Transition Timing
using with transformations, Shorthand Syntax
translate( ) function (CSS), Transformations
triggers, When Not to Use Normalization
TRUE and FALSE values, Expressions
true and false values (JavaScript), Expressions
TrueType fonts, Web Fonts
TRUNCATE command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
try...catch construct (JavaScript), Using try...catch, Using XMLHttpRequest
type selectors, The Type Selector
typedef operator (JavaScript), Local Variables
typeof operator (JavaScript), Variable Typing
checking scope of variables, Local Variables


unary operators, Operators, Operators
undefined values (JavaScript), Expressions
units of measurement in CSS, Measurements
universal selector, The Universal Selector, Pseudoclasses
focus pseudoclass and, Pseudoclasses
system calls using PHP, System Calls
unlink( ) function (PHP), Deleting a File
UNLOCK command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
unsigned numbers, Numeric data types
UPDATE command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
updating data using PHP, Updating Data
uploading files using PHP, Uploading FilesSystem Calls
uppercase text, Transformation
url( ) function (CSS), Web Fonts
reading link URL with JavaScript, The Document Object Model (DOM)
USE command (MySQL), MySQL Commands
user agent string, Preventing session hijacking
user sessions (see sessions)
user styles (CSS), User Styles
checking availability of, checkuser.php
checking for availability, Checking for Username AvailabilityChecking for Username Availability
checking validity of, HTTP Authentication
entering for HTTP authentication, HTTP Authentication
storing, Storing Usernames and Passwords
validating using JavaScript, Validating the username
users, creating in MySQL, Creating users


validateUsername( ) function (JavaScript), breakdown of regular expression, Some More Complicated Examples
form data using JavaScript, Validating User Input with JavaScriptRegular Expressions
form data using PHP, Validation
redisplaying form after PHP validation, Redisplaying a Form After PHP ValidationRedisplaying a Form After PHP Validation
XHTML, XHTML Validation
values, Associative Arrays
VALUES keyword (MySQL), Adding data to a table
var keyword in JavaScript, Global Variables
VARBINARY type (MySQL), The BINARY data type
VARCHAR type (MySQL), Data Types
differences from TEXT type, The TEXT and VARCHAR data types
variable substitution, String types
in expressions, Literals and Variables
JavaScript, VariablesOperators
arrays, Arrays
assigning values to, Assignment Operators
expressions in, Literals and Variables
global variables, Global Variables
incrementing and decrementing, Variable Incrementing and Decrementing
local variables, Local Variables
numeric, Numeric Variables
strings, String Variables
typing, Variable Typing
PHP, Understanding VariablesVariable naming rules
$ (dollar sign) preceding names of, The $ symbol
arrays, Arrays
assignment, Variable Assignment
initializing for security reasons, register_globals: An Old Solution Hangs On
naming, rules for, Variable naming rules
numeric variables, Numeric variables
returning global variables from functions, Returning Global Variables
scope, Variable ScopeSuperglobals and security, Recap of Variable Scope
string variables, String variables
turning key/value pairs from array into variable, extract
typing, Variable Typing
VBScript, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
PHP version compatibility, PHP Version Compatibility
visibility property (CSS), Alternatives to Adding and Removing Elements
visited pseudoclass, Pseudoclasses


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
standard colors, CSS Colors
validation site for XHTML, XHTML Validation
WAMPs (Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), What Is a WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP?
alternative, Alternative WAMPs
installing a WAMP server on Windows, Installing a WAMP on WindowsInstalling a WAMP on Windows
testing WAMP server installation, Testing the InstallationAlternative WAMPs
WAMPServer, Alternative WAMPs
web browsers, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
browsing history, Using the DOM
JavaScript error messages, accessing, Debugging JavaScript Errors
older and nonstandard, not supporting JavaScript, Older and Nonstandard Browsers
web fonts, Web Fonts
Google web fonts, Google Web Fonts
web page and website for this book, How to Contact Us
web servers, Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
Apache, The Apache Web Server
uploading files to, Uploading Files
WebKit-based browsers, browser prefix, Box Shadows, Multicolumn Layout, The opacity Property, Transformations
Webkit-based browsers, prefix, Gradients
website for this book, code examples, On the Website
weight, or boldness, of a font, font-weight
using LIKE qualifier with, WHERE
using logical operators in WHERE clause, Using Logical Operators
while loops
in JavaScript, while Loops
in PHP, while Loops, The Loop
for loops versus, for Loops
wildcard or universal selector (*), The Universal Selector
window object (JavaScript)
innerHeight and innerWidth properties, Other Properties
properties, Other Properties
accessing MySQL via command-line, Windows users
accessing MySQL via phpMyAdmin, Windows Users
starting MySQL and logging in, Creating users
system class using PHP, System Calls
Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (see WAMPs)
with statement (JavaScript), The with Statement
word-spacing property (CSS), Spacing
word-wrap property (CSS3), The word-wrap Property
WordPress blogging platform, Dynamic Linking in Action
wrap types available in <textarea> input, Text areas


XAMPP, Alternative WAMPs
XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), XHTMLXHTML Validation
benefits of, The Benefits of XHTML
differences from HTML, What’s Different?
HTML 4.01 document types, HTML 4.01 Document Types
HTML5 document type, The HTML5 Document Type
validation, XHTML Validation
versions, XHTML Versions
XHTML 1.0 document types, XHTML 1.0 Document Types
example XML document, What’s Different?
general form of documents (example), About XML
reasons for using, Why Use XML?
XMLHttpRequest objects, What Is Ajax?Using XMLHttpRequest
creating, methods for, Using XMLHttpRequest
methods, Using XMLHttpRequest
properties, Using XMLHttpRequest
readyState property, The readyState PropertyThe readyState Property
responseXML property, Sending XML Requests
sending XML requests, Sending XML RequestsWhy Use XML?
XOR operator
in PHP, Operator Precedence, Logical operators
XOR operator in PHP, Logical operators
XSS (cross-site scripting), Preventing HTML Injection


YEAR type (MySQL), DATE and TIME


Zend Server
installing on Linux, Installing a LAMP on Linux
installing on Mac OS X, Installing a MAMP on Mac OS XInstalling a LAMP on Linux
configuring MySQL, Configuring MySQL
testing installation, Testing the Installation
installing on Windows, Installing a WAMP on WindowsAlternative WAMPs
testing installation, Testing the InstallationAlternative WAMPs
Zend Server CE
installed on Windows, accessing MySQL executable, Windows users
Zend Server Free Edition
administration screen, Installing a WAMP on Windows
installing, Installing a WAMP on Windows
end user license agreement, Installing a WAMP on Windows
selecting Development option, Installing a WAMP on Windows
setting password, Installing a WAMP on Windows