
The page references in this index correspond to the print edition from which this ebook was created, and clicking on them will take you to the the location in the ebook where the equivalent print page would begin. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

A . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

abandonment 28–9, 146


and shame 145, 146

see also sexual abuse

acceptance 127, 128, 130, 157

owning your body 166–7

owning your shit 158–63

accountability 296, 306–7, 309

Adele 10

adulting 263–6

Allen, David 85

Altucher, James 82

amplification 209

amygdala 186–7

Angelou, Maya 218

Anxiety Solution, The 40, 44, 52, 109, 260, 296

apologizing 102–5

asking 218–21

at work 222–31

for what you want 248–9

practising 252

authenticity 156–7, 276–7

Avarard, Michelle 180

B . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

badass women 219

Bandler, Richard 197

Barbour, Araminta 83

Barrymore, Drew 167

Bates, Laura 98

Bayard, Herbert 78

Beard, Mary 193

beauty 5–7, 168–9

beliefs see negative beliefs

belonging 31

Bennet, Jessica 176

Beyoncé 78, 131, 289

bitches 219

bitchiness 66

black and white thinking 36, 60

blaming 246–7

body image 5–7, 164–72

body language 209

Bohns, Vanessa 82

boundaries 68–75, 93, 225

see also saying no

Brady, Gemma 274–5


mirror neurons 196

plasticity 14

retraining 185–7, 190

sleep 297–8

Branson, Richard 44

bravery 10, 11, 12–3, 184

ladder 188–9, 190, 204

motivation to change 15–7

Brown, Brené 147, 156, 233, 276

Buddha 65, 66

Buffett, Warren 88

C . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cain, Susan 260–61

Caldwell, Caroline 164

calmness 260, 262

Canfield, Jack 113

Chanel, Coco 175

change 13–5, 17, 80

motivation 15–7

childhood experiences 22

and confidence 7–9

good girl behaviours 76–8, 81, 109–10

and negative beliefs 26–34

and people pleasing 79

and perfectionism 123

and shame 142, 144–7, 150, 151–2

classical conditioning 186

Clinton, Hillary 42

Clooney, Amal 197

Cloud, Henry 70

coaching 212

Comfort, Stretch, Panic 184–6

communication 244

in the bedroom 249–51

non-violent communication 211, 236, 245–9, 253


giving feedback 211–2

see also self-compassion

compliments 48–51

confidence 10–11, 13

asking for what you want 218–21

asking for what you want at work 222–31

and attractiveness 167

be the real you 276–7

body language 209

and childhood experiences 7–9

communicating your needs 244–53

conflict 232–40

the courage to be criticized 191–5

developing 12–3

focus on the present moment 182–3

and healthy risks 283–4, 285

how to find your voice 175–83

how to talk to anyone 267–9

motivation to change 15–7

and perfection 126, 127, 130

public speaking 201–6

put your adult in charge 263–6

retrain your brain 184–90

role models 196–200

social confidence 254–62

standing up for what’s right 241–3

thinking positively 136

women 4–5

confirmation bias 38

confrontation 232–3, 240

being clear 233–4

confronting yourself 237

getting set up 234–5

reframing 235–6

responding to rude people 237–40

strategies for handling 236–7

connection 155–6

sharing circles 273–5

social confidence 254–62

conversation starters 267–9

Covey, Stephen 85–6

Cox, Tracey 249–50

criticism 213, 214–6, 217

Cuddy, Amy 192–3

curiosity 135–6, 137, 258

D . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

dark side 158–63, 216, 235

David, Susan 286

Deloitte 224

Dewhurst, Charlotte 235–6

difficult conversations see confrontation

discrimination 241–3

dissociation 178

Do, Be, Have goals 305

Dove Global Beauty and Confidence Report 6, 7

Duffield-Thomas, Denise 305

Dunham, Lena 135, 197

Dweck, Carol 14, 15

E . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ego 178–80

Elman, Michelle 166, 168

email boundaries 69, 73

emotional boundaries 74


naming and taming 286–8

processing 154–5

see also feelings

excuse me 104, 105

F . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

failure 109–16, 182, 281–2

as an option 131–7

on purpose 129

fear 135–6, 137

embracing 187, 190

of failure 109–16, 129, 137

of public speaking 201

of success 117–21

feedback 207

giving 210–12

receiving 213–6, 217


expressing 246–7

feeling 154–5, 157

see also emotions

Feelings Wheel 287–8

Ferriss, Tim 89, 113

financial boundaries 74

Fine, Phanella 227, 228

flexible working 224–6

Ford, Debbie 141

Ford, Henry 293

Forleo, Marie 10–11, 303

Freud, Sigmund 154

friends 277–80

saying no to 96

G . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gaga, Lady 131

generalizations 36

Gilbert, Liz 135

Gilman, Sarri 93


setting and going for 293–302

stop thinking, start doing 303–9

good girl behaviours 76–8, 81, 109–10

Grinder, John 197

growth mindset 14–5

guilt 93–5, 143–4

H . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

happiness, and perfection 125, 127, 130

Hari, Johann 155–6

Hathaway, Anne 193

hell yeahs 84, 86, 101

Hendel, Hilary Jacobs 154–5

Hendriksen, Ellen 276

Hesse, Hermann 160

Hicks, Abraham 191

Hubbard, Elbert 90

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

imperfections 61, 122

being vulnerable is beautiful 134–5

embrace the mess 127–8

owning your shit 158–63

imposter syndrome 40–44, 47

reframing 44–6, 47

inner critic 52–5

judgement 64

see also self-talk

interrupting 207–8

being interrupted 208–10, 217

introverts 260–61

confidence strategies 261–2

J . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

judgement 61, 64–7, 245–6

jumping to conclusions 35–6

Jung, Carl 158, 160, 161

K . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kabir, Homaira 110

Kaling, Mindy 44

Katie, Byron 79, 214

kindness see compassion

L . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lahey, Jessica 131

Lawrence, Jennifer 135

learning 15, 17

Lewis, Helen 208–9, 234–5

lizard brain 186–7

loneliness 278, 280

M . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

manifesting 296

massages 170–71

Mathews, Andrea 68


the future you 257

handing over your unwanted baggage 24

lost time meditation 83–4

mindfulness 183

step into your role model’s shoes 199–200

micro-aggressions 241–2

micro-bravery 12, 13

fear of failure 134, 137

mind-reading 35–6

mindfulness 183

mirror neurons 196

mission statements 17

Moana 197

Mohr, Tara 115, 213

Monroe, Marilyn 131

Morgan, Kim 43–4

mutual admiration 45

N . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

negative beliefs 26–34

body 166

setting goals 301–2

shame 153, 157

negativity bias 37

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) modelling 197

no see rejection; saying no

non-violent communication (NVC) 245–9, 253

confrontation 236

feedback 211

O . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Obama, Michelle 207

Olins, Alice 227, 228

Oliver, Mary 169

owning your shit 158–63, 216, 235

P . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

parasympathetic nervous system 203

Paul, Caroline 12

Pavlov’s dogs 186

pay gap 223–4

pay raises 224, 227–9

people pleasing 4, 21–5, 78–81

compassion fatigue 94

and good girl behaviours 76–8

and saying no 93–5

setting boundaries 68–70

perfectionism 59–63, 122–4, 130

and acceptance 128

embrace the mess 127–9, 130

lowering your standards 124–5

perfection myth 125–7, 130

and progress 135–6

Perry, Katy 131

personalization 37

Peterson, Jordan 234

phone boundaries 73

physical boundaries 72, 73

please 104, 105

praise list 216

Pratfall Effect 134

presenteeism 225, 226

progress 135–6

projection 35

public speaking 16, 52–3, 201, 206, 207

being interrupted 208–10, 217

giving feedback 210–12

interrupting 207–8

receiving feedback 213–6

techniques 202–6

R . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

readiness 125

rejection 29–30, 110, 116

changing the story 112–6

reframes 110–12

reptilian brain see lizard brain

resilience 281–5

resilience-building experiment 291

rest-and-digest system 203

Rihanna 11

risks 283–4, 285

Rizzolatti, Giacomo 196

Robbins, Mel 10

Robbins, Tony 132

Rohnke, Karl 184

role models 196–200, 279

Roosevelt, Eleanor 64, 213

Rosenberg, Marshall 245

Rowling, J. K. 131

rudeness 237–40

Rushworth, Amy 279

S . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sandberg, Sheryl 40, 41, 176

saying no 4, 82–6, 101

buying time 91–2, 101

exercises 83–4, 86, 88, 100

five keys 89–90

lack of romantic interest 97

lost time meditation 83–4

over-explaining 90–91

overcoming guilt 93–5

own your choices 100

to family members 96

to friends and loved ones 92–3, 96

to people asking for free help 96–7

to sex 98–9

to unwanted advances 97–8

to your boss 95

worst case scenario 86–8

self-acceptance see acceptance

self-care 289–92


imposter syndrome 46

moving out of your comfort zone 189

receiving feedback 216

shame 152–3, 157

self-employment 229–31

self-esteem 5

and body image 6

and compliments 48–9

and people pleasing 79

setting boundaries 73

self-judgement 61

self-talk 298–9, 302

see also inner critic


getting your needs met 249–51

saying no 98–9

Sex and the City 116

sexual abuse 8, 97–8

sexual boundaries 73

Shaggy 158

shame 61, 141–3, 150

and guilt 143–4

healing 151–7

triggers 148–9

turn the light on 147–8, 150

where it comes from 144–7, 150

Shapira, Allison 210

Sharapova, Maria 113

sharing circles 273–5

shoulds and musts 37

shyness 261

and ego 178–80

Simmons, Rachel 77

Sivers, Derek 84

sleep 297–8

boundaries 73

Snyder, Kieran 208

social confidence 254–62

fake it till you become it 265–6

make the first move 264–5

social media 278

sorry 102–4, 105

sound therapy 179–81

speaking up 175–83

standing up for what’s right 241–3

Streep, Meryl 40

success 117–21, 182

define your own version 304–5

Swift, Taylor 193, 208

Sznycer, Daniel 143

T . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

tall poppy syndrome 193–5

Targaryen, Daenerys 197

Teigen, Chrissy 135

thank you 104, 105

thinking errors 35–9

Timeless 224, 225

Tipping, Colin 160

Tolle, Eckhart 171, 178–9

Transactional Analysis 264

trauma 8, 9, 151

and shame 145, 151–2

U . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

upspeak 209–10, 217

V . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Van Edwards, Vanessa 267

Van Gogh, Vincent 303

visualization 205–6

vocal fry 210

vulva 168

W . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ware, Bronnie 88

warmth 192–3

Watson, Emma 40, 197

West, Kanye 208

Whitmore, John 212

‘Wild Geese’ (Oliver) 169

Williams, Serena 197

Williams, Venus 254

Williamson, Marianne 117, 181

Winfrey, Oprah 109, 131, 197, 207

Winslet, Kate 40


being interrupted 208, 209

body image 5–7

confidence 4–5

fear of failure 109–10, 116

from bitch to badass 219

good girl behaviours 76–8, 109–10

imposter syndrome 40, 41, 42

judgement 65–6

likeability 42

pay gap 223–4

perfectionism 59

pressures and challenges 3–5, 9

self-esteem 5

speaking up 176

warmth and strength 192–3


asking for what you want 222–31

flexible working 224–6

pay gap 223–4

pay raises 227–9

saying no 95

working for free 229–31

writing 296–7, 302

Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yousafzai, Malala 197