↓A ↓B ↓C ↓D ↓E ↓F ↓G ↓H ↓I ↓J ↓K ↓L ↓M ↓N ↓O ↓P ↓Q ↓R ↓S ↓T ↓U ↓V ↓W
ABAP [→ Section 3.10 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
ABAP List Viewer → ALV
ABAP report generator [→ Section 8.5 ]
Access to data and functions [→ Section 14.1 ]
Accounting [→ Section 3.2 ]
Accounting data [→ Section 16.3 ]
Accounting document [→ Section 15.5 ] [→ Section 15.6 ]
Accounts Payable accounting [→ Section 17.4 ] [→ Section 17.4 ] [→ Section 17.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Accounts receivable accounting [→ Section 17.5 ] [→ Section 17.5 ] [→ Section 17.5 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Activity type [→ Section 18.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Actual cost [→ Section 18.1 ]
Adaptability [→ Section 2.1 ]
Adapt user interface [→ Section 7.6 ]
Adjust local layout [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 7.6 ]
ALV [→ Section 8.1 ] [→ Section 8.1 ]
ALV grid control [→ Section 8.1 ]
navigation option [→ Section 8.1 ]
Applicant data [→ Section 3.2 ]
Applicant master record [→ Section 19.3 ]
Applicant portal [→ Section 19.3 ]
Application basis [→ Section 3.10 ]
Application help [→ Section 13.2 ]
Application layer [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.6 ]
Application server [→ Section 3.10 ]
Area menu [→ Section 7.2 ]
Article [→ Section 15.3 ]
Assembly processing [→ Section 3.2 ]
Asset accounting [→ Section B.1 ]
Assets [→ Section 17.1 ]
Authentication [→ Section B.1 ]
Authorization [→ Section 14.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
concept [→ Section 14.1 ] [→ Section 19.2 ]
profile [→ Section 14.2 ]
Automation [→ Section 10.1 ]
Availability check [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.5 ]
Average price
moving [→ Section 18.4 ]
Back [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ]
Background job [→ Section 10.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
create [→ Section 10.1 ]
start [→ Section 10.1 ]
Background processing [→ Section 10.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
BAdI [→ Section B.1 ]
BAPI [→ Section B.1 ]
Basic List [→ Section 8.1 ]
Basis [→ Section 3.10 ]
Batch input [→ Section 10.2 ] [→ Section 10.2 ] [→ Section 11.1 ]
create [→ Section 10.2 ]
edit [→ Section 10.2 ] [→ Section 10.2 ]
process [→ Section 10.2 ]
processing mode [→ Section 10.2 ]
session overview [→ Section 10.2 ]
Batch processing → Batch input
Bill of material [→ Section 18.4 ]
Business Add-In → BAdI
Business Application Programming Interface → BAPI
Business area [→ Section 17.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Business Explorer [→ Section B.1 ]
Business Intelligence [→ Section 3.10 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
BusinessObjects [→ Section 1.2 ]
Business partner [→ Section B.1 ]
Business process [→ Section 2.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Business transaction [→ Section 17.3 ]
Business Workplace [→ Section 11.1 ] [→ Section 11.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Button [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section C.3 ]
general function [→ Section C.3 ]
report [→ Section C.3 ]
standard toolbar [→ Section C.3 ]
Cancel [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ]
Capital [→ Section 17.1 ]
Case study [→ Section 20.1 ]
enterprise structure [→ Section 20.2 ]
sample business [→ Section 20.1 ]
CATS [→ Section 19.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Change size [→ Section 5.4 ]
Change the default printer [→ Section 9.3 ]
Characteristic [→ Section 18.5 ]
Chart of accounts [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.2 ] [→ Section 17.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Checkbox [→ Section 6.4 ]
Clarification case [→ Section 3.2 ]
Client [→ Section 2.6 ] [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 5.1 ] [→ Section 5.2 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Client-server architecture [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Clipboard [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 7.4 ]
Close [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 5.5 ]
Closing operation [→ Section 17.5 ]
Cloud computing [→ Section 3.8 ]
CO [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.6 ] [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
CO-OM [→ Section 18.3 ]
CO-PC [→ Section 18.4 ]
CO-PA [→ Section 18.5 ]
Command field [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.3 ]
Company code [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section 17.2 ] [→ Section 18.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Complaint [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.6 ] [→ Section 16.6 ]
Compliance [→ Section B.1 ]
Component [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ]
Condition [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.3 ]
create [→ Section 20.13 ]
Condition master record [→ Section 16.3 ]
Condition type [→ Section 16.3 ]
Connection setting [→ Section 5.1 ]
Connection to the SAP system
check [→ Section 5.1 ]
change [→ Section 5.1 ]
Consolidation [→ Section B.1 ]
Consumable material [→ Section 15.4 ]
Contribution margin accounting → Variable costing
Controlling [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.6 ] [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
operational [→ Section 18.1 ]
strategical [→ Section 18.1 ]
Controlling area [→ Section 18.2 ] [→ Section 18.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Copy [→ Section 6.4 ]
Corporate governance [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 18.1 ]
Cost accounting [→ Section 3.2 ]
Cost assignment [→ Section 18.1 ]
Cost center [→ Section 18.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Cost Center Accounting [→ Section 18.3 ]
Cost center group [→ Section 18.3 ]
Cost element [→ Section 17.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
primary [→ Section 18.3 ]
secondary [→ Section 18.3 ]
Cost Element [→ Section 18.3 ]
Cost objects [→ Section 18.1 ]
Cost planning [→ Section 18.1 ]
Costs [→ Section 18.1 ]
Country version [→ Section 19.7 ]
Create a customer master [→ Section 20.11 ]
Create a purchasing info record [→ Section 20.5 ]
Create a screenshot [→ Section 9.4 ]
Create a vendor master record [→ Section 20.4 ]
Create delivery [→ Section 16.4 ]
Create favorites
drag and drop [→ Section 7.3 ]
via the menu bar [→ Section 7.3 ]
via the right mouse button [→ Section 7.3 ] [→ Section 7.3 ]
Create PDF [→ Section 9.2 ]
Create screenshot [→ Section 9.4 ]
Creating favorites [→ Section 7.3 ]
Creating support message [→ Section 13.2 ]
Credit [→ Section B.1 ]
Credit standing check [→ Section 3.2 ]
Cross-Application Time Sheet → CATS
Custom development [→ Section 2.3 ]
Customer [→ Section 16.3 ] [→ Section 17.5 ]
Customer account [→ Section 16.4 ]
Customer inquiry [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.4 ]
Customer master record [→ Section 16.3 ] [→ Section 17.5 ]
Customer Relationship Management → SAP CRM
Customer Service [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Customizing [→ Section 2.2 ] [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Cut [→ Section 6.4 ]
delete [→ Section 7.5 ]
hold [→ Section 7.5 ]
set [→ Section 7.5 ]
Database [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Database layer [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.6 ]
Data medium exchange [→ Section 19.7 ]
Data protection [→ Section 14.1 ] [→ Section 19.4 ]
Data warehouse [→ Section 3.10 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Date format [→ Section 7.2 ]
Debit [→ Section B.1 ]
Debits and credits [→ Section 17.1 ]
Debts [→ Section 17.1 ]
Decimal notation [→ Section 7.2 ]
Default value [→ Section 7.2 ] [→ Section 7.4 ]
Delete data [→ Section 7.5 ]
Delivery [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.4 ] [→ Section 16.4 ]
implement [→ Section 20.15 ]
Delivery → Outbound delivery
Delivery blocks [→ Section 17.5 ]
Delivery date [→ Section 16.5 ]
Demand determination [→ Section 15.1 ]
Desktop link [→ Section 5.1 ]
Development system [→ Section 5.1 ]
Dialog Window [→ Section 6.4 ]
Direct cost [→ Section 18.3 ]
Display field [→ Section 6.4 ]
Display open items [→ Section 20.9 ]
Display technical names [→ Section 6.1 ]
Distribution channel [→ Section 16.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Division [→ Section 16.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Document [→ Section 15.5 ] [→ Section 16.1 ]
Document number [→ Section 16.4 ]
Document principle [→ Section B.1 ]
Document type [→ Section 17.1 ]
Double-entry accounting [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Drilldown Reporting [→ Section 8.5 ]
Dunning [→ Section 17.5 ] [→ Section 17.5 ]
EC [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
EDI [→ Section 9.1 ] [→ Section 10.1 ] [→ Section 12.1 ] [→ Section 12.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
EHS [→ Section 3.2 ]
Electronic Data Interchange → EDI
Employee integration [→ Section 3.10 ]
Employee Self-Service → ESS
Enhancement package [→ Section 1.2 ]
Enter a sales order [→ Section 16.4 ]
Enter data [→ Section 6.4 ]
Enterprise Controlling [→ Section B.1 ]
Enterprise resource planning [→ Section 1.1 ]
Enterprise Resource Planning [→ Section B.1 ]
Enterprise-specific area menu [→ Section 7.2 ]
ERP Central Component [→ Section B.1 ]
ERP system [→ Section 1.1 ]
ESS [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Evaluation [→ Section 8.1 ] [→ Section 15.8 ] [→ Section 16.7 ] [→ Section 18.6 ] [→ Section 19.8 ]
Exit [→ Section 5.4 ]
Export list [→ Section 8.3 ]
Extensibility [→ Section 2.1 ]
External accounting → financial accounting
F00 help [→ Section C.2 ]
F01 help [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 13.1 ] [→ Section C.2 ]
F03 key [→ Section C.2 ]
F04 help [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 6.5 ] [→ Section 13.1 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
F05 key [→ Section C.2 ]
F06 key [→ Section C.2 ]
F12 key [→ Section C.2 ] [→ Section C.2 ]
F1 help [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
F3 key [→ Section C.2 ]
F4 help [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 6.5 ] [→ Section 13.1 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
F5 key [→ Section C.2 ]
F6 key [→ Section C.2 ]
display in the SAP Easy Access menu [→ Section 6.1 ]
display favorites only [→ Section 6.1 ]
display at end of list [→ Section 6.1 ]
delete [→ Section 7.3 ]
export [→ Section 7.3 ]
file [→ Section 7.3 ]
import [→ Section 7.3 ]
program [→ Section 7.3 ]
transaction [→ Section 7.3 ]
website [→ Section 7.3 ]
FI [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
FI-AP [→ Section 17.4 ]
Field [→ Section 6.4 ]
Field group → Screen area
Field help [→ Section 13.1 ]
Field value [→ Section 6.4 ]
FI-GL [→ Section 17.3 ]
Financial accounting [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.6 ]
Financial service provider [→ Section 3.7 ]
Financial statement [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Financial Supply Chain Management → FSCM
Fixed cost [→ Section 18.1 ]
close [→ Section 6.2 ]
open [→ Section 6.2 ]
Folder content list [→ Section 11.4 ]
Folders [→ Section 11.4 ]
Folder tree [→ Section 11.4 ]
FSCM [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Full cost [→ Section 18.1 ]
Function key [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section C.2 ]
G/L account [→ Section 17.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
General ledger [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.3 ]
General Ledger Accounting [→ Section 17.3 ]
Glossary [→ Section 13.2 ]
Goods issue [→ Section 15.5 ] [→ Section 16.1 ]
Goods movement [→ Section 15.5 ]
Goods receipt [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.5 ]
post [→ Section 15.5 ]
Go to menu [→ Section 6.4 ]
Governance, Risk, and Compliance → GRC
GR/IR account [→ Section 15.6 ]
Graphical user interface → SAP GUI
Graphical User Interface → SAP GUI
GRC [→ Section B.1 ]
Group box → Screen area
Handling of payments [→ Section 15.1 ]
Hard copy [→ Section 9.4 ]
Help [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
Help Menu [→ Section 13.2 ]
Help setting [→ Section 13.3 ]
Hire employee [→ Section 19.1 ]
Historical data [→ Section 19.4 ]
Hold data [→ Section 7.5 ]
HR area [→ Section B.1 ]
HR department [→ Section 19.1 ]
HR master data [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.4 ]
Human capital management [→ Section B.1 ]
Human resources [→ Section 3.2 ]
Human Resources [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ]
IBM DB2 [→ Section 1.1 ]
IDES [→ ] [→ Section B.1 ]
IDoc [→ Section 12.1 ]
IMG [→ Section 2.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Immediate output [→ Section 9.1 ]
Implementation Guide [→ Section 2.2 ]
Implementation Guide → IMG
Implementation project [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.2 ]
Incoming payments [→ Section 17.5 ]
Incorrect password [→ Section 5.3 ]
Indicator → Checkbox
Industry solution [→ Section 2.1 ] [→ Section 3.7 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Information field [→ Section 6.4 ]
Information integration [→ Section 3.10 ]
Information system [→ Section 17.6 ] [→ Section 19.8 ]
InfoSet Query [→ Section 8.5 ]
Infotype [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.2 ] [→ Section 19.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Initial logon [→ Section 5.2 ]
In-memory computing [→ Section 2.5 ]
Input field [→ Section 6.4 ]
Input help [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
Input help → Value help
Insert [→ Section 6.4 ]
Insert mode [→ Section 5.4 ]
Integration [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 1.2 ] [→ Section 2.1 ] [→ Section 3.10 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Intermediate Document → IDoc
Internal Accounting → Controlling
Internal order [→ Section 18.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Internet [→ Section 1.2 ]
Inventory [→ Section 15.5 ]
Inventory Management [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.5 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Investment [→ Section 3.2 ]
Investment Management [→ Section B.1 ]
Invoice [→ Section 16.4 ]
verify [→ Section 20.8 ]
Invoice document [→ Section 15.6 ]
Invoice verification [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
GR-based [→ Section 15.6 ]
PO-based [→ Section 15.6 ]
without purchase order reference [→ Section 15.6 ]
Invoicing [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.4 ]
Issue goods [→ Section 20.15 ]
Java [→ Section 3.10 ]
Job → Background job
Job class [→ Section 10.1 ]
Job name [→ Section 10.1 ]
Job Wizard [→ Section 10.1 ] [→ Section 10.1 ]
Kanban [→ Section 3.2 ]
Key (organizational unit) [→ Section 4.1 ]
Key combination [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section C.1 ]
activate selected element [→ Section C.1 ]
activate entry in list [→ Section C.1 ]
Cancel actions step by step [→ Section C.1 ]
cut [→ Section C.1 ]
copy [→ Section C.1 ]
cut line [→ Section C.1 ]
copy line [→ Section C.1 ]
change line [→ Section C.1 ]
delete [→ Section C.1 ]
duplicate line [→ Section C.1 ]
delete line [→ Section C.1 ]
go to menu [→ Section C.1 ]
insert [→ Section C.1 ]
move line upward [→ Section C.1 ]
move line downward [→ Section C.1 ]
navigate in the list of selectable entries [→ Section C.1 ]
navigate to next element [→ Section C.1 ]
navigate to previous element [→ Section C.1 ]
navigate to next group [→ Section C.1 ]
navigate to previous group [→ Section C.1 ]
replace [→ Section C.1 ]
repeat [→ Section C.1 ]
refresh SAP Easy Access menu [→ Section C.1 ]
select all [→ Section C.1 ]
search [→ Section C.1 ]
undo [→ Section C.1 ]
Key Performance Indicator [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Knowledge Management [→ Section 3.10 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
KPI → Key performance indicator
Language [→ Section 5.2 ]
Large computer system [→ Section 1.1 ]
Ledger [→ Section B.1 ]
LES [→ Section B.1 ]
Liabilities [→ Section 17.1 ]
create [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 7.1 ]
transaction [→ Section 7.1 ]
Liquidity [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ]
LIS [→ Section 8.5 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Local area network [→ Section 2.6 ]
Logistics [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.1 ]
Logistics Execution System [→ Section B.1 ]
Logistics Information System [→ Section B.1 ]
Logistics Information System → LIS
Log off [→ Section 5.5 ]
Log off from the SAP system [→ Section 5.5 ]
Logon [→ Section 5.1 ]
Logon language
change [→ Section 7.2 ]
define [→ Section 5.2 ]
Logon name [→ Section 5.1 ]
Log on to SAP system [→ Section 5.1 ]
initial logon [→ Section 5.2 ]
Log on to the SAP system
after initial logon [→ Section 5.3 ]
Maintain user data [→ Section 7.2 ] [→ Section 7.4 ]
Make-to-order production [→ Section 3.2 ]
Manage applicant data [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Manage appointment [→ Section 11.5 ]
Manager Self-Service [→ Section B.1 ]
Manufacturing industry [→ Section 3.7 ]
Marketing [→ Section 3.3 ]
Mass data transfer [→ Section 10.2 ]
Master data [→ Section 4.2 ] [→ Section 15.3 ] [→ Section 16.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Master data management [→ Section 3.10 ]
Material [→ Section 15.3 ] [→ Section 18.4 ]
Material calculation [→ Section 18.4 ]
Material document [→ Section 15.5 ]
Material master [→ Section 4.2 ] [→ Section 15.3 ]
Material master data [→ Section 3.2 ]
Material master quality [→ Section 4.2 ]
Material master record [→ Section 16.3 ]
add sales data [→ Section 20.12 ]
create [→ Section 20.3 ]
Material number [→ Section 15.3 ]
Material requirements planning [→ Section B.1 ]
Materials management [→ Section 15.1 ]
Materials Management [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 17.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Material type [→ Section 15.3 ]
Material valuation [→ Section 3.2 ]
Maximize [→ Section 5.4 ]
Measure for further training [→ Section 19.5 ]
Menu bar [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 5.4 ]
Menu item
Help [→ Section 5.4 ]
System [→ Section 5.4 ]
Message control [→ Section 16.1 ]
Microsoft Excel [→ Section 8.3 ]
Microsoft SQL Server [→ Section 1.1 ]
Microsoft Windows Explorer [→ Section 7.3 ]
Minimize [→ Section 5.4 ]
MM [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 16.5 ] [→ Section 17.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
IV [→ Section 15.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
MM-PUR [→ Section 3.2 ]
Mobile application [→ Section 3.3 ]
Mobile device [→ Section 3.3 ] [→ Section 3.10 ]
Module → Component
Move [→ Section 5.4 ]
Movement type [→ Section 15.5 ]
Moving average price [→ Section 15.3 ] [→ Section 18.4 ]
mySAP ERP [→ Section 1.2 ]
mySQL [→ Section 1.1 ]
Navigate in the list of selectable entries [→ Section 6.4 ]
Navigate to next element [→ Section 6.4 ]
Navigate to next screen area [→ Section 6.4 ]
Navigate to previous element [→ Section 6.4 ]
Navigate to previous screen area [→ Section 6.4 ]
Navigation [→ Section 5.4 ]
SAP Easy Access menu [→ Section 6.2 ]
transaction code [→ Section 6.3 ]
tab [→ Section 6.4 ]
New general ledger [→ Section 3.2 ]
Next [→ Section 5.4 ]
Office organization [→ Section 11.5 ]
On-demand solution [→ Section 3.8 ]
One-time account [→ Section 17.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Online processing [→ Section 10.1 ]
Operating concern [→ Section 18.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Operating profit [→ Section 18.5 ]
Optional field [→ Section 6.4 ]
Oracle [→ Section 1.1 ]
Order → Sales order
Order type [→ Section 16.1 ]
Organizational Management [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.2 ]
Organizational structure [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section 16.2 ] [→ Section 17.2 ] [→ Section 18.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Organizational unit [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section 16.2 ] [→ Section 18.2 ] [→ Section 19.2 ]
Organization chart [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 19.2 ]
Output control [→ Section 10.1 ]
Output device [→ Section 7.2 ]
Output request [→ Section 9.1 ]
Overhead cost [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section 18.3 ]
Overhead Cost Controlling [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section 18.3 ] [→ Section 18.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Overhead costs
direct [→ Section 18.3 ]
indirect [→ Section 18.3 ]
Overhead Management → Overhead cost controlling
Overwrite mode [→ Section 5.4 ]
Own user data
address [→ Section 7.2 ]
department [→ Section 7.2 ]
email address [→ Section 7.2 ]
name [→ Section 7.2 ]
title [→ Section 7.2 ]
telephone number [→ Section 7.2 ]
P&L [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Parameter [→ Section 6.3 ] [→ Section 7.2 ] [→ Section 7.4 ]
Parameter ID [→ Section 7.4 ] [→ Section 7.4 ]
Password [→ Section 5.1 ] [→ Section 5.2 ] [→ Section 7.2 ]
change [→ Section 5.2 ]
incorrect [→ Section 5.3 ]
rules [→ Section 5.2 ]
Payment [→ Section 16.1 ]
Payment targets [→ Section 17.5 ]
Payment transaction [→ Section 3.2 ]
Payroll [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.7 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Performance accounting [→ Section 3.2 ]
Performance Assistant [→ Section 13.3 ]
Person [→ Section 19.2 ]
Personnel action [→ Section 19.4 ]
Personnel administration [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.4 ]
Personnel Administration [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Personnel development [→ Section 19.1 ]
Personnel Development [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.5 ] [→ Section 19.5 ]
Personnel Planning and Development [→ Section B.1 ]
Personnel Time Management [→ Section B.1 ]
Personnel Time Planning → Time Management
Picking [→ Section 16.1 ]
Placeholder [→ Section 8.2 ]
Planned cost [→ Section 18.1 ]
Plant [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section 18.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Plant Maintenance [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Plan version [→ Section 19.2 ]
Plausibility check [→ Section 19.4 ]
PM [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Popup → Dialog window
Position [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.2 ]
Post an incoming payment [→ Section 20.17 ]
Post an outgoing payment [→ Section 20.10 ]
Posting [→ Section 17.1 ]
PP [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 16.5 ] [→ Section 18.4 ] [→ Section 18.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Prepopulate field [→ Section 7.4 ]
PReq [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Presales phase [→ Section 16.1 ]
Presentation layer [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.6 ]
Pricing [→ Section 16.1 ]
Print [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 7.2 ]
Printer setup [→ Section 9.3 ]
Print function → Printing
Printing [→ Section 9.1 ] [→ Section 9.1 ]
Print output device [→ Section 9.2 ]
Print preview of an invoice [→ Section 16.4 ]
Processing industry [→ Section 3.7 ]
Process integration [→ Section 3.10 ]
Procurement [→ Section 15.1 ]
Product calculation → Material calculation
Product Cost Controlling [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section 18.4 ] [→ Section 18.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Product costing → Product Cost Controlling
Product documentation [→ Section 3.5 ]
Production [→ Section 3.2 ]
development [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.5 ]
order [→ Section 3.2 ]
planning and control [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 18.4 ]
planning [→ Section 16.5 ]
system [→ Section 5.1 ]
Production Planning [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 18.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Production Planning and Control [→ Section B.1 ]
Product lifecycle → SAP PLM
Product portfolio management [→ Section 3.5 ]
Profit [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section 18.5 ]
Profitability Analysis [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section 18.5 ] [→ Section 18.5 ] [→ Section 18.5 ]
Profit and loss statement → P&L
Profit center accounting [→ Section B.1 ]
Program directory [→ Section 8.2 ]
Programming [→ Section 2.3 ]
Project management [→ Section 3.5 ]
PS [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Public administration [→ Section 3.7 ]
Purchase [→ Section B.1 ]
Purchase order [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.4 ]
create [→ Section 15.4 ] [→ Section 15.4 ] [→ Section 20.6 ]
change [→ Section 15.4 ]
display [→ Section 15.4 ]
handling [→ Section 15.1 ]
monitoring [→ Section 15.1 ]
Purchase requisition → PReq
Purchasing [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.4 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 17.4 ]
Purchasing group [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Purchasing information record [→ Section 15.3 ]
Purchasing organization [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
QM → Quality Management
Qualification [→ Section 19.5 ]
Quality inspection stock [→ Section 15.5 ]
Quality Management [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Quantity structure [→ Section 18.4 ]
QuickViewer [→ Section 8.5 ]
Quotation [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.4 ]
Radio button [→ Section 6.4 ]
RE [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Real Estate Management [→ Section B.1 ]
Real time [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.5 ] [→ Section 2.5 ] [→ Section 17.3 ]
Real-time processing [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.1 ]
Receivable [→ Section 17.5 ]
Receivables account [→ Section 17.1 ]
Receivables management [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 17.5 ]
Receive goods [→ Section 20.7 ]
Reconciliation account [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Recording overview [→ Section 10.2 ]
Recruitment [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Relational database [→ Section 1.1 ]
Release notes [→ Section 13.2 ]
Repetitive manufacturing [→ Section 3.2 ]
Report [→ Section 8.1 ] [→ Section 10.1 ] [→ Section 15.8 ] [→ Section 16.7 ] [→ Section 17.6 ] [→ Section 18.6 ]
create [→ Section 8.1 ] [→ Section 8.1 ]
export [→ Section 8.3 ]
program directory [→ Section 8.2 ]
search [→ Section 8.2 ]
SAP Easy Access menu [→ Section 8.2 ]
variant [→ Section 8.2 ] [→ Section 8.4 ]
Reporting → Create report
Report Painter [→ Section 8.5 ] [→ Section 8.5 ]
Report Writer → Report Painter
Required entry field [→ Section 6.4 ]
Resource management [→ Section 3.5 ]
Restore [→ Section 5.4 ]
Retroactive accounting [→ Section 19.7 ]
Return [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.6 ]
Return on Investment → ROI
Revenue [→ Section 18.1 ]
RFID [→ Section 3.6 ]
ROI [→ Section B.1 ]
Role [→ Section 14.2 ]
Routing [→ Section 18.4 ]
Sales and Distribution [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.3 ] [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 17.5 ] [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Sales area [→ Section 16.2 ] [→ Section 18.2 ]
Sales data [→ Section 16.3 ]
Sales order [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.4 ]
Sales order processing [→ Section 16.4 ]
Sales organization [→ Section 16.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
enterprise history [→ Section 1.1 ]
founders [→ Section 1.1 ]
SAP abbreviation [→ Section 3.2 ]
SAP acronym → SAP abbreviation
SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization → SAP APO
SAP APO [→ Section 3.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure [→ Section 3.6 ]
SAP BEx [→ Section 8.5 ]
SAP Business All-in-One [→ Section 3.8 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Business ByDesign [→ Section 3.8 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Business Explorer → SAP BEx
SAP BusinessObjects [→ Section 8.5 ]
SAP Business One [→ Section 3.8 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Business Suite [→ Section 3.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Business Warehouse → SAP BW
SAP Business Workflow [→ Section 11.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP BW [→ Section 3.10 ] [→ Section 8.5 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Community Network [→ Section 13.2 ] [→ Section 13.2 ]
SAP CRM [→ Section 3.1 ] [→ Section 3.3 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Customer Relationship Management → SAP CRM
SAP documentation → SAP Library
SAP Easy Access menu [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
adapt [→ Section 6.1 ]
close all folders [→ Section 6.2 ]
display transaction codes [→ Section 6.1 ]
navigation [→ Section 6.2 ]
report [→ Section 8.2 ]
SAP Enterprise Asset Management → Plant Maintenance
SAP Enterprise Portal [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP ERP [→ Section 1.2 ] [→ Section 3.1 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP ERP 6.0 [→ Section 1.2 ]
SAP ERP Corporate Services [→ Section 3.2 ]
SAP ERP Financials [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.7 ]
SAP ERP Financials (FI) [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP ERP HCM [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP ERP Human Capital Management → SAP ERP HCM
SAP ERP Operations [→ Section 3.2 ]
SAP Event Management [→ Section 3.6 ]
SAP Extended Warehouse Management [→ Section 3.6 ]
SAP Fiori [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP General Ledger Accounting [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP GUI [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP HANA [→ Section 2.5 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP help → SAP Help Portal
SAP Help Portal [→ Section 13.2 ] [→ Section 13.2 ] [→ Section 13.2 ]
SAP Human Resources [→ Section 19.1 ]
SAP LES [→ Section 3.2 ]
SAP Library [→ Section 13.2 ] [→ Section 13.2 ]
SAP List Viewer → ALV
SAP Logon [→ Section 5.1 ]
setup [→ Section 5.1 ]
SAP MaxDB [→ Section 1.1 ]
SAP NetWeaver [→ Section 1.2 ] [→ Section 3.10 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP NetWeaver Application Server [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP NetWeaver MDM [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP NetWeaver PI [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP NetWeaver Portal [→ Section 3.10 ]
SAP NetWeaver XI → SAP PI
SAP PI [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP PLM [→ Section 3.1 ] [→ Section 3.5 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Process Integration → SAP PI
SAP Product Lifecycle Management → SAP PLM
SAP Project System [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Query [→ Section 8.5 ]
SAP R/1 [→ Section 1.1 ]
SAP R/2 [→ Section 1.1 ]
SAP R/3 [→ Section 1.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP S/4HANA [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP SCM [→ Section 3.1 ] [→ Section 3.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP SEM [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Service Marketplace [→ Section 13.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Solution Manager [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP SRM [→ Section 3.1 ] [→ Section 3.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
SAP Strategic Enterprise Management → SAP SEM
SAP Supplier Relationship Management → SAP SRM
SAP Supply Chain Management → SAP SCM
SAP Supply Network Collaboration [→ Section 3.6 ]
SAP Support Portal [→ Section 13.2 ]
SAP Transportation Management [→ Section 3.6 ]
SAP Travel Management [→ Section 19.1 ]
Save [→ Section 5.4 ]
Scalability [→ Section B.1 ]
Screen area [→ Section 6.4 ]
SD [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 17.5 ]
Search [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
Search pattern [→ Section 6.5 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
Search recipient [→ Section 11.2 ]
Search report name [→ Section 10.1 ]
Search window [→ Section 13.1 ]
Select all [→ Section 6.4 ]
Select applicants [→ Section 19.3 ]
Selection criterion [→ Section 8.2 ] [→ Section 8.4 ]
Send message [→ Section 11.2 ]
Send short messages [→ Section 11.2 ]
Separation of duties [→ Section 14.1 ]
Server [→ Section 2.6 ]
Service [→ Section 3.3 ]
Service-Oriented Architecture → SOA
Services industry [→ Section 3.7 ]
Session [→ Section 6.6 ]
create [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.6 ]
close [→ Section 6.6 ]
overview [→ Section 10.2 ]
permitted number [→ Section 6.6 ]
system performance [→ Section 6.6 ]
toggle [→ Section 6.6 ]
Session → Batch input session
Set data [→ Section 7.5 ]
Set up auto reply [→ Section 11.5 ]
Shipping point [→ Section 16.2 ]
Short profile [→ Section 19.3 ]
Show or hide the SAP logo [→ Section 6.1 ]
Smartphone [→ Section 3.3 ]
SMB [→ Section 1.2 ] [→ Section 3.8 ]
SOA [→ Section B.1 ]
Social Security contribution [→ Section 19.7 ] [→ Section 19.7 ]
Solvency [→ Section 3.2 ]
Source determination [→ Section 15.1 ]
Spool file [→ Section 9.1 ]
Spool request [→ Section 10.1 ]
Spool system [→ Section 9.1 ]
Standardization [→ Section 2.1 ]
Standard order [→ Section 16.1 ] [→ Section 16.4 ] [→ Section 20.14 ]
Standard report → Report
Standard reports [→ Section 8.2 ]
Standard software [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 2.1 ]
Status bar [→ Section 5.4 ]
transaction code [→ Section 6.3 ]
blocked [→ Section 15.5 ]
quality inspection [→ Section 15.5 ]
unrestricted use [→ Section 15.5 ]
Stock material [→ Section 15.4 ]
Stock overview [→ Section 15.5 ]
Stock transfer [→ Section 15.5 ]
Stock type [→ Section 15.5 ]
Storage location [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 15.2 ] [→ Section 16.2 ] [→ Section 18.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Structural organization [→ Section 19.2 ]
Subledger [→ Section 17.1 ] [→ Section 17.4 ]
Supplier relationship [→ Section 3.4 ]
Supplier Relationship Management → SAP SRM
Supply chain [→ Section 3.2 ]
Supply Chain Management → SAP SCM
Sybase [→ Section 1.2 ]
System connection [→ Section 5.1 ]
System message [→ Section 5.4 ]
System status [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 10.1 ]
System toolbar [→ Section 5.4 ]
Tablet PC [→ Section 3.3 ]
Tabs [→ Section 6.4 ]
T account [→ Section 17.1 ]
Talent Management → Personnel development
Taxes [→ Section 19.7 ]
Terms of payment [→ Section 15.3 ]
Test system [→ Section 5.1 ]
Three-layer concept [→ Section 1.1 ]
Time cards [→ Section 19.6 ]
Time constraint [→ Section 19.4 ]
Time format [→ Section 7.2 ]
Time Management [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Time recording [→ Section 19.6 ]
negative recording [→ Section 19.6 ]
positive recording [→ Section 19.6 ]
Time recording system [→ Section 19.6 ]
Title bar [→ Section 5.4 ]
Toolbar → System toolbar
Tooltip [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section 6.4 ]
TR [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Tracking [→ Section 3.6 ]
Training and Event Management [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.5 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
cancel [→ Section 6.4 ]
CK11N [→ Section 18.4 ]
FK01 [→ Section 17.4 ]
KS01 [→ Section 18.3 ]
Ko01 [→ Section 18.3 ]
KE30 [→ Section 18.5 ]
ME51N [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.4 ]
MM01 [→ Section 15.3 ]
ME11 [→ Section 15.3 ]
ME21N [→ Section 15.4 ] [→ Section 15.4 ] [→ Section 16.3 ]
ME22N [→ Section 15.4 ]
ME23N [→ Section 15.4 ]
MIGO [→ Section 15.5 ] [→ Section 15.5 ] [→ Section 16.3 ]
MMBE [→ Section 15.5 ] [→ Section 16.4 ]
MIRO [→ Section 15.6 ]
ME2L [→ Section 15.8 ]
MMH1 [→ Section 16.3 ]
MCTA [→ Section 16.7 ]
MCTC [→ Section 16.7 ]
MCTE [→ Section 16.7 ]
PPOCE [→ Section 19.2 ]
PBAP [→ Section 19.3 ]
PB20 [→ Section 19.3 ]
PA40 [→ Section 19.4 ]
PA20 [→ Section 19.4 ]
PC00_M99_CALC_SIMU [→ Section 19.7 ]
SU3 [→ Section 7.2 ] [→ Section 7.4 ] [→ Section 13.1 ] [→ Section 13.1 ]
SM36 [→ Section 10.1 ]
SM35 [→ Section 10.2 ]
SBWP [→ Section 11.1 ]
SM59 [→ Section 12.1 ]
SU01 [→ Section 14.2 ] [→ Section 14.2 ]
S_ALR_87012186 [→ Section 17.6 ]
VD03 [→ Section 7.4 ]
VK11 [→ Section 16.3 ]
VA11 [→ Section 16.4 ]
VA21 [→ Section 16.4 ]
VA01 [→ Section 16.4 ] [→ Section 16.5 ] [→ Section 16.6 ]
VL01N [→ Section 16.4 ]
VL02N [→ Section 16.4 ]
VF01 [→ Section 16.4 ]
VF03 [→ Section 16.4 ]
VF31 [→ Section 16.4 ]
WE05 [→ Section 12.1 ] [→ Section 12.3 ]
WE19 [→ Section 12.1 ]
WE20 [→ Section 12.1 ]
WE21 [→ Section 12.1 ]
WE60 [→ Section 12.1 ]
XK01 [→ Section 15.3 ]
XD01 [→ Section 16.3 ]
Transaction code [→ Section 4.1 ] [→ Section 5.4 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
display in the SAP Easy Access menu [→ Section 6.1 ]
navigation [→ Section 6.3 ]
parameter [→ Section 6.3 ]
status bar [→ Section 6.3 ]
Transaction data [→ Section 4.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Transaction recorder [→ Section 10.2 ]
Transfer from subledgers [→ Section 17.3 ]
Transfer posting [→ Section 15.5 ]
Transparency [→ Section 17.1 ]
Transportation management [→ Section 3.6 ]
Transport damage [→ Section 16.6 ]
Transport order [→ Section 16.1 ]
Travel Management [→ Section 19.1 ] [→ Section 19.1 ]
Treasury [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Undo [→ Section 6.4 ]
User [→ Section 5.1 ] [→ Section 5.2 ] [→ Section 14.1 ]
User exit [→ Section B.1 ]
User interface [→ Section 1.1 ] [→ Section 5.4 ]
User PC [→ Section 1.1 ]
User profile [→ Section 7.4 ]
User setting [→ Section 7.2 ]
Value field [→ Section 18.5 ]
Variable cost [→ Section 18.1 ]
Variable costing [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section 18.1 ] [→ Section 18.5 ]
Variance analysis [→ Section 18.3 ]
create [→ Section 8.4 ] [→ Section 10.1 ]
load [→ Section 8.4 ]
Variant attribute [→ Section 10.1 ]
Variant catalog [→ Section 8.4 ]
Vendor [→ Section 3.4 ] [→ Section 15.1 ] [→ Section 15.3 ]
Vendor invoice [→ Section 15.6 ] [→ Section 15.6 ]
Vendor master [→ Section 15.3 ] [→ Section 17.4 ]
Vendor selection [→ Section 15.1 ]
Virtual private network [→ Section 3.8 ]
Warehouse Management [→ Section 3.6 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Web service [→ Section B.1 ]
Windows desktop [→ Section 7.1 ]
WM [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section B.1 ]
Work environment [→ Section 11.1 ] [→ Section 11.4 ]
Working time [→ Section 3.2 ] [→ Section 19.6 ]
Work item [→ Section 11.3 ]
Worklist [→ Section 11.3 ]
Work schedule [→ Section 19.6 ]