ANVIL for French clips, 146

Anvil, putting a horn on, 94

Anvil, to fasten to a block, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101

Anvil, to forge, 106

Anvil, to mend, 97

Anvils, how made, 83

Anvils, sharp or round edges, 91

Anvils, to dress, 88

Apparatus for making rings, 848

Armor, xi

Art of the blacksmith x

Auger, to repair, 342, 359

Axe, chopping, tempering a, 831

Axe, how to temper, 828

Axes, tempering, 832, 833, 834, 835

Axle boxes, to set, 761

Axle clips, making, 658

Axle gauge, a simple, 755

Axle plates, making, 658

Axle setting, principles underlying, 737

Axle tree, setting an, 751

Axle, giving gather to, 769

Axle, how to lay off, 762

Axle, wagon, making it run easy, 774

Axles, a straightedge for setting, 750

Axles, broken, 776

Axles, buckboard, how to set, 758

Axles, iron, gauge for setting, 753

Axles, iron, repairing, 782

Axles, setting, 743, 745, 747, 748

Axles, setting, a gauge for, 751

Axles, the gather of, 770, 773

Axles, thimble skein, to lay out, 759

Axles, to find the length of, 769

Axles, welding, 456

Axles, wood, setting, 766

BAR, shifting, 674

Bench (tool), improved, 58, 64, 68

Bench for smoothing, 60

Bench tools, 400

Bench, handy, 64

Blacksmith shop, plan of, 29, 55, 61

Blacksmith tongs, 404

Blacksmiths’ art, history of, x

Blacksmiths’ coal, 53

Blacksmiths’ shears, 375

Blacksmiths’ tools, 108, 136, 397

Blacksmiths’ tools, tempering, 525

Blower, home-made, 169

Bob sled, brake for, 810

Bob sled, tread of, 810

Bob sleds, centering, 813

Bob sleds, hanging, 809

Bob sleds, making, 803

Bolt clipper, to make, 349

Bolt clippers, 228, 231, 232, 235, 241, 242

Bolt cutter, 233

Bolt heads, sizes of, 846

Bolt holder, 351

Bolt set, 364

Bolt trimmer, to make, 346

Bolt, forging, 433

Bolt-blanks, headings, 577

Bolt-holder, making a, 637

Bolts, 838, 842

Bolts, carriage, tool for holding, 724

Bolts, heading, 576

Bolts, stand for, 356

Bolts, tire, tool for holding, 724, 727

Bolts, turning up, 846

Brake for bob sled, 812

Brake for sled, improved, 812

Brake, two-bar, how to make, 686

Brake, wagon, 679

Brake, wagon, improved, 685

Brass, brazing with, 487

Brazing, 436, 486

Brazing a broken crank, 487

Brazing a ferrule, 485

Brazing an iron tube, 486

Brazing cast iron, 484

Brazing ferrules, 485

Brazing with brass, 487

Brazing with copper, 487

Brine for tempering, 520

CALIPERS, double, 114

Calipers, single, 115

Calks, tools for sharpening, 95

Callipers, hint about, 363

Candle holder, to make, 345

Cant hook, 351

Cant-hook, making a, 539

Carriage shop, a modern village, 44

Carriage shop, plan of, 71

Case hardening, 863, 867

Castings, chilled, softening!, 525

Chain mail xi

Cheap shears for blacksmiths, 377

Chimney (smoky), to cure, 34

Chimney, blacksmith, 36, 38, 39, 40

Chisel and chisel-shaped tools, 244

Chisel, chipping, 262

Chisel, cow mouth, 257

Chisel, flat, 245

Chisel, the cold, 121

Chisel, the gouge, 122

Chisel, the hot, 121

Chisel, the square, 123

Chisels (cold), how to make, 265

Chisels (cold), to forge, 267

Chisels for brass, 248

Chisels, broad, 247

Chisels, cold, to temper, 823

Chisels, errors in grinding, 251

Chisels, improper shapes, 252

Chisels, to grind, 248

Clamp for countersinks, 361

Clamp for frame work, 362

Clamp, plow bolt, making a, 419

Clamps, tire, 723

Clevis, making a, 580

Clincher, to make, 350

Clips for fifth wheels, to forge, 92

Clips, tool for making, 159

Coal for blacksmiths, 53

Coil springs, making, 792

Collars, welding on round rods, 480

Cone, the anvil, 128

Construction of springs, 789

Copper, brazing with, 487

Coupling, thill, making a, 656

Crane, 357, 358

Crane for a dump cart, a, 675

Cuff, thill, making a, 657

Curve for an S-wrench, 428

DASH-FOOT, forging a, 559

Device for holding tire while welding, 695

Device for making rings, 853

Dies, attachment for, 327

Dies, old, recutting, 821

Dies, recutting, 822

Dies, tempering, 821, 822

Dividers, 115

Doubletree, spring, 662

Drifts and drifting, 287

Drill (small), to make, 275

Drill and counter sink, 279

Drill for bench, 271

Drill press, simple, 274

Drill press, to make, 269

Drill, Chinese, 277

Drill, handy, 279

Drill, home-made, 281

Drilling a chilled mold board, 275

Drilling glass, 276

Drilling in blacksmith shop, 270

Drilling, holding bars in, 275

Drills (stone), to make, 283

Drills, hints about, 284

Drills, remedy for squeaking, 276

Drills, tempering, 816, 817, 818

Drills, tempering for saw plates, 819

EMERY wheel, making an, 381, 383

Emery wheels, 380

Eye-bolt, making an, 535

Eyes for tool handles, 108

FELLOES, proportioning, 735

Ferrule, brazing a, 485

Ferrules, brazing, 485

Fifth wheel, forging a clip for, 561

Fifth wheels, method of making fronts for, 563

Fire, hollow vs. open, 48

Fire, points about, 52

Fire, to keep in small compass, 52

Fire-place, to cement, 52

Fitting sleigh shoes, 812

Fitting springs, 788

Flatter, 127

Flatter, round edge, 128

Flues, boiler, welding, 474

Fluids, soldering, 488

Fluxes for iron, 481

Forge (portable), home-made, 68

Forge, a simple, 33

Forge, African, 25

Forge, an Arkansas, 41

Forge, blacksmiths’, 52

Forge, improved, 31, 57

Forging a bolt, 433

Forging a clip fifth wheel, 561

Forging a dash-foot, 559

Forging a garden rake, 641

Forging a head-block plate, 558

Forging a locomotive valve yoke, 582, 584, 585, 587, 588, 589

Forging a nut, 433

Forging a turn-buckle, 536, 537

Forging a wrench, 433

Forging fifth wheel, 92

Forging offsets, 532

Forging small springs, 797

Forging stay ends, 532

Forging wrenches, 426

Forgings, hand, 527

Forgings, methods of making, 543

Fork for bending, 129

Forks, cast-steel, welding, 453

Forks, how forged, 540

French clips, 146

Fuller for offset work, 130

Fuller, the bottom, 127

Fuller, the top, 126

Fullering, principles of, 291

Furnaces, tire-heating, 696, 698, 701, 703

GAUGE for setting axles, a, 751

Gauge for setting iron axles, 753

Gauge, axle, a simple, 755

Grinding tools, something about, 384

Grinding wheels, how to make, 381

Grindstone, device for fastening, 386

Grindstone, hanging a, 386

Grindstone, mounting, 387

Grindstones, something about, 384


Hammer for straightening saws, 19

Hammer head of stone, 6

Hammer signals, 655

Hammer, ball pane, 113

Hammer, dog head, 21

Hammer, hand, tempering, 836

Hammer, machinist’s, 14

Hammer, tempering a, 836

Hammer, the, 12

Hammer, the cross-face, 18

Hammer, the set, 124

Hammer, the twist, 20

Hammer, uses of, 14

Hammers, 153, 162, 163, 165, 166

Hammers, ancient and modern, 5

Hammers, blacksmiths’, tempering, 837

Hammers, hand, tempering the face of, 835

Hammers, old, facing, 483

Hanging a grindstone, 386

Hardening in oil, 524

Hardening in water, 524

Hardening plows, 622

Hardening small tools, 523

Hardening steel, 511

Hardening thin articles, 518

Hardening, case, 863, 867

Hardening, secrets of, 828

Hardy, to make, 350

Harrow teeth tool, 148

Harrow tooth, to bend, 148

Harrows, notes on, 635

Heading bolt-blanks, 577

Heading bolts, 576

Hoe, grubbing, making a, 638, 640

Hook for pulling on tires, 730

Hook, tire, a handy, 731

How to make a slot circle, 561

How to temper an axe, 828

IRON, 187, 194

Iron work (wrought), 198

Iron work, artistic xviii

Iron, angle, welding, 477

Iron, case hardening, 512

Iron, cast, brazing, 484

Iron, cast, to harden, 525

Iron, cast, welding, 457, 458

Iron, crystallization of, 193

Iron, fluxes for, 481

Iron, forging, 527

Iron, malleable, welding, 457

Iron, strength of, 191

Iron, to cold hammer, 225

Iron, to test, 210

Iron, welding, 451

Iron, welding compound for, 481

Iron, wrought, welding, 458

Irons, wagon, making, 670

JACK, tire, 726

KING BOLT, how to prevent working of, 660

King-bolt stay, fastening, 661

King-bolt stay, how to make, 660

Knife blades, straightening, 824

Knife blades, tempering, 824

Knives, butchers’, tempering, 823

Knives, tempering, 801

LATHE used in Asia, 27

Lathe, home-made, 365

Lathe, primitive, 26

Laying a plow, 615, 618, 619

Laying plows, 622, 625

MACHINE for blacksmith, 361

Making a bolt-holder, 637

Making a cant-hook, 539

Making a cast-steel trap spring, 801

Making a clevis, 580

Making a double shovel plow, 642

Making a fifth wheel hook, 565

Making a fifth wheel pole stop, 565

Making a grubbing hoe, 638, 640

Making a log-chain swivel, 597, 599, 602, 604, 606, 607, 609

Making a plow bolt clamp, 419

Making a plow lay, 614

Making a plowshare, 627

Making a pole cap, 663

Making a ring for a neck yoke, 668

Making a shift rail, 567

Making a square corner, 551

Making a staple for a neck yoke, 668

Making a step-leg, 555

Making a thill coupling, 656

Making a thill cuff, 657

Making a thill iron, 552

Making a tongue iron, 663

Making a T-shaped iron, 529

Making a weld on a heavy shaft, 475

Making an emery wheel, 381, 383

Making an eye-bolt, 535

Making axle clips, 658

Making axle plates, 658

Making bob sleds, 803

Making coil springs, 792

Making dies, 815

Making offsets, 549

Making spring clips, 658

Making spring plates, 658

Making springs, 795

Making taps, 815

Making thimbles on thimbleskein axles, 767

Making trap springs, 799

Making wagon irons, 670

Mallet, the stone mason’s, 12

Mandrel for nuts, 132

Measurement of tire, 711

Measuring for tire, 712

Mending springs, 465

Mending springs, 787

Mill picks, tempering, 825, 826, 827

Mounting a grindstone, 387

NIPPERS, cut, 230

Nut, forging, 433

Nuts, 838, 842

OFFSETS, making, 549

PICKS, mill, tempering, 825, 826, 827

Plan of blacksmith’s shop, 29, 55

Plate, rocker, bending a, 672

Plates, broken, method of welding, 460

Plates, malleable cast-iron, welding, 458

Plow bolts, tool for holding, 417, 420

Plow lay, making a, 614

Plow lay, slip-shear, how to sharpen, 628

Plow lays, polishing, 617

Plow lays, tempering, 634

Plow lays, welding to landsides, 459

Plow point, cast-iron, welding steel to, 458

Plow points, tempering, 524

Plow points, tongs for holding, 417

Plow points, welding, 629

Plow work, hints on, 422

Plow work, points in, 610, 612

Plow, how to point, 421

Plow, laying a, 615, 618, 619

Plows, hardening, 622

Plows, laying, 622, 625

Plows, pointing, 632

Plows, points about, 613

Plows, tempering, 622

Plowshare, making a, 627, 637

Plowshares, tool for holding, 424

Pointing cultivator shovels, 646, 647, 648

Pointing plows, 632

Points in plow work, 610, 612

Points, steel, how to put on old plows, 630

Pole cap, making a, 663

Polishing machine, how to make, 388

Polishing wheels, how to make, 381

Prop irons, making, 569

Punch for anvils, to make, 103

Punch, eye, 123

Punch, round, 122

Punch, the bob, 124

Punch, the square, 123

Punch, to make, 103

Punches, 153

REAMER, a cheap, 322

Recutting dies, 822

Recutting old dies, 821

Resetting old springs, 784

Ring for a neck yoke, making a, 668

Ring, cast-steel cylinder, to make, 852

Rings without a weld, to make, 849

Rings, apparatus for making, 848

Rings, device for making, 853

Rivet clipper, 228, 236, 238, 242

Rivets, tool to make, 239, 240

Roof for blacksmith’s shop, 48

Runners, traverse, hanging, 813

SADDLE, for forked pieces, 133

Saw (hack), 180

Saws, to straighten, 15

Screw boxes, to make, 354

Screw stock dies, attachment for, 327

Setting an axle tree, 751

Setting axles, 743, 745, 747, 748

Setting axles, a straightedge for, 750

Setting skeins, 768

Setting thimbles on thimble skein axles, 767

Setting tire, 667, 718, 720

Shaft, cast-steel crank, 579

Shaft, heavy, welding a, 474

Shafts, crank, 581

Shafts, welding to exact length, 473

Sharpening listers, 634

Shear for cutting round and square rods, 375

Shears for the anvil, 379

Shears, blacksmiths’, 375

Shears, cheap, 376

Shoes, sleigh, fitting, 812

Shoes, sleigh, plating, 813

Shop, care of, 63

Shovels, cultivator, pointing, 646, 647, 648

Shovels, cultivator, polishing, 617

Shovels, cultivator, tempering, 634

Shovels, steel, to harden, 526

Skeins, setting, 768

Skeins, thimble, the dip of, 769

Skeins, thimble, the gather of, 769

Sledge, straight pane, 116

Sleigh shoes, fitting, 812

Sleigh shoes, plating, 813

Socket, solid king-bolt, 572

Soldering, 436

Soldering fluids, 488

Solders, 437

Spike-bar, to make, 347

Spring clips, making, 658

Spring clips, to make, 334

Spring for farm wagons, a, 789

Spring plates, making, 658

Spring, buggy, how to weld, 466

Spring, mending, 787

Spring, small, forging, 797

Spring, small, how to temper, 794

Spring, tempering steel for, 797

Spring, trap, how to make, 800

Spring, welded wagon, tempering, 796

Springs for a wheelbarrow, 791

Springs, buggy, tempering, 796

Springs, buggy, welding, 461

Springs, coil making, 792

Springs, coiled wire, tempering, 796

Springs, construction of, 789

Springs, fitting, 788

Springs, gun, tempering, 802

Springs, locomotive, tempering, 794

Springs, main, for guns, tempering, 802

Springs, making, 795

Springs, mending, 465

Springs, old, resetting, 784

Springs, revolver, tempering, 798, 799

Springs, small, tempering, 794, 797, 798

Springs, steel, tempering, 513

Springs, tempering, 465

Springs, tempering, 786, 795, 801

Springs, tempering wire for, 525

Springs, trap, making, 799

Springs, trap, tempering, 801

Springs, wagon, how to mend, 466

Springs, welding, 462, 465, 466

Springs, welding, 786

Square (tony), to make, 348

Square, T, 116

Square, to mend, 354

Staple for a neck yoke, making a, 668

Steel (burnt), to restore, 225

Steel, 187, 194

Steel and iron, to upset, 200

Steel and its uses, 489

Steel plate, to weld to iron plate, 459

Steel to temper on one edge, 520

Steel work, 854

Steel, car spring, working into implements, 793

Steel, car spring, working into tools, 793

Steel, case-hardening, 512

Steel, cast, composition for welding, 483

Steel, cast, to weld, 459

Steel, different kinds of, 224

Steel, fluxes for, 481

Steel, hardening, 489, 511

Steel, hardening, a bath for, 522

Steel, hints regarding the working of, 496

Steel, small pieces to temper, 518

Steel, strength of, 191

Steel, tempering, 489, 500, 502, 504, 510

Steel, tempering for a spring, 797

Steel, tempering with low heat, 510

Steel, testing, 489

Steel, to harden, 513

Steel, to heat, 207

Steel, to select, 224

Steel, to temper hard, 511

Steel, to test, 210

Steel, warping of during process of hardening, 497

Steel, welding, 451, 454

Steel, welding compound for, 481

Steel, work on, 218

Steel, working, 504

Steel-hardening, 219

Steels, treatment of, 215, 217

Step-leg, making a, 555

Step-legs, the breaking of, 552

Straightening knife blades, 824

Swage block, 298, 357

Swage block, stand for, 302

Swage, bottom or anvil, 126

Swage, nut, 130

Swage, the bottom, 125

Swage, the collar, 129

Swage, the side, 125

Swage, the top, 125

Swages, 150

Swages, 294

Swaging, rules for, 300

Swedge, self-acting, 102

Swivel, log-chain, making a, 597, 599, 602, 604, 606, 607, 609

Sword blades, 519

TAPS, tempering, 815, 819, 820

Taps, to temper, 823

Tempering a cast-steel trap spring, 801

Tempering a chopping axe, 831

Tempering a hammer, 836

Tempering a hand hammer, 836

Tempering a welded wagon spring, 796

Tempering axes, 832, 833, 834, 835

Tempering blacksmiths’ hammers, 837

Tempering blacksmiths’ tools, 525

Tempering buggy springs, 796

Tempering butchers’ knives, 823

Tempering coiled wire springs, 796

Tempering cultivator shovels, 634

Tempering dies, 815, 822

Tempering drills, 816, 817

Tempering drills for saw plates, 819

Tempering drills to drill saw plates, 818

Tempering gun springs, 802

Tempering knife blades, 824

Tempering knives, 801

Tempering locomotive springs, 794

Tempering mainsprings for guns, 802

Tempering mill picks, 825, 826, 827

Tempering old dies, 821

Tempering plow lays, 634

Tempering plow points, 524

Tempering plows, 622

Tempering revolver springs, 798, 799

Tempering small articles, 509

Tempering small springs, 794, 797, 798

Tempering small tools, 517

Tempering small tools, 820

Tempering springs, 465

Tempering springs, 786, 795, 801

Tempering steel for a spring, 797

Tempering steel springs, 513

Tempering steel, 489, 500, 502, 504, 507

Tempering taps, 815, 819, 820

Tempering the face of hand hammers, 835

Tempering trap springs, 801

Tempering, brine for, 520

Tempering, lead bath for, 522

Tempering, points in, 520

Thimble skeins, the dip of, 769

Thimble skeins, the gather of, 769

Thimble-skein stay, 767

Threads of bolts, 842

Tire bender, a cheap, 692

Tire bolts, device for holding, 725, 727

Tire bolts, tool for holding, 724, 727

Tire clamps, 723

Tire cooler, making a, 705

Tire hook, a handy, 731

Tire jack, 726

Tire making, 689

Tire setting, 717, 718

Tire shrinker, 714, 715

Tire shrinking, 711

Tire upsetter, a handy, 721

Tire, a tool for setting, 728

Tire, device for holding while welding, 695

Tire, enlarging on wheel, 728

Tire, measurement of, 711

Tire, measuring for, 712

Tire, putting a piece in, 729

Tire-heating furnaces, 696, 698, 701, 703

Tires, 718

Tires, allowance for contraction in bending, 716

Tires, caution about burning in welding, 455

Tires, heavy, tool for drawing on, 730

Tires, heavy, welding, 730

Tires, hook for pulling on, 730

Tires, keeping on wheels, 733

Tires, light vs. heavy, 733

Tires, light, method of upsetting, 722

Tires, light, resetting, 721

Tires, method of measuring, 690

Tires, proportioning, 735

Tires, putting on cart wheels, 731

Tires, steel, welding, 455

Tires, welding, 455

Tires, welding, 693

Tires, wheel, shrinkage of, 711

Tiring wheels, 688, 691, 719

To harden cast iron, 525

To harden steel, 513

To make a square corner, 550

To temper cold chisels, 823

To temper small pieces of steel, 518

To temper steel on one edge, 520

To temper taps, 823

Tongs (bent bit), for round iron, 119

Tongs, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157

Tongs and tools, 113

Tongs flat, 117

Tongs flat, 118

Tongs for bending iron on the edge, 120

Tongs for bolt work, 134

Tongs for bolts, 121

Tongs for different sizes, 119

Tongs for flatwise bending, 119

Tongs for holding plow points, 417

Tongs for hoofs, 135

Tongs for irregular work, 135

Tongs for round work, 134

Tongs for sharpening chisels, 120

Tongs improper shape, 133

Tongs with bent bit, 119

Tongs with box piece, 117

Tongs with crooked bits, 120

Tongs, adjustable, 181

Tongs, blacksmith, 404

Tongs, box, 117

Tongs, common, how to make a pair of, 405

Tongs, hollow bit, 118

Tongs, pick up, 117, 135

Tongs, pincer, 119

Tongs, proper bow of jaws, 134

Tongs, proper shape, 136

Tongs, proper shape of jaws, 133

Tongs, proper shape of, for special work, 133

Tongs, round bit, 118

Tongue iron, making a, 663

Tool (handy) for finishing seat rails, 343

Tool (handy) for marking joints, 336

Tool bench, improved, 58

Tool for bending flat pieces, 130

Tool for cupping, 124

Tool for drawing on heavy tires, 730

Tool for harrow teeth, 148

Tool for heading, 132

Tool for holding bolts, 363

Tool for holding plow bolts, 417, 420

Tool for holding plowshares, 424

Tool for holding ship-shear plows, 418

Tool for making bolts, 131

Tool for making clips, 159

Tool for making dash heels, 339

Tool for making single tree clips, 338

Tool for nut heads, 131

Tool for pulling on felloes, 349

Tool for pulling yokes on clips, 344

Tool for setting tire, a, 728

Tool for wagon clips, 331

Tool handles, eyes for, 108

Tool, handy, 332

Tool, labor-saving, 347

Tool, the foot, 127

Tools (edge), principles on which they operate, 304

Tools for blacksmiths, 108

Tools for farrier work, 406

Tools for holding bolts in a vise, 337

Tools for miners, 176

Tools, ancient, 23

Tools, bench, 400

Tools, blacksmiths’, 397

Tools, for lathe, shape of, 322

Tools, hints on care of, 305

Tools, names of, 307

Tools, screw threading, 329

Tools, small, tempering, 517

Trap spring, cast-steel, making, 801

Trap spring, cast-steel, tempering, 801

Trap spring, how make, 800

Trap springs, making, 799

Trap springs, tempering, 801

Turn-buckle, forging a, 536, 537

Turning up bolts, 846

Tuyere, 167

Tuyere, improved, 70

Tuyere, to set, 42

UPSETTER, tire, a handy, 721

VALVE YOKE, locomotive, forging a, 582, 584, 585, 587, 588, 589

Valve, engine, defect in, 595

Vise attachment, 364

Vise, to mend, 321

Vise-jaws, 333

WAGON AXLE, making it run easy, 774

Wagon brake, 679

Wagon brake, improved, 685

Wagon irons, making, 670

Wagons, farm, spring for, 789

Weapons and armor xiv

Welding, 436

Welding a heavy shaft, 474

Welding angle iron, 477

Welding axles, 456

Welding boiler flues, 474

Welding broken spring plates, method of, 460

Welding buggy springs, 461

Welding cast-iron, 457, 458

Welding cast-steel forks, 453

Welding collars on round rods, 480

Welding compound for iron, 481

Welding heat, getting a, 863

Welding heavy tires, 730

Welding iron, 451

Welding malleable cast-iron plates, 458

Welding malleable iron, 457

Welding plow lays to landsides, 459

Welding plow points, 629

Welding shafts to exact length, 473

Welding springs, 465, 466

Welding springs, 786

Welding steel, 451, 454

Welding steel tires, 455

Welding steel to a cast-iron plow point, 458

Welding tires, 455

Welding wrought iron, 458

Welding, points about, 452

Welding, sand in, 483

Welding, shall sand be used?, 481

Welding, the art of, 860

Welding, theory of, 438

Welds and welding, 442

Wheelbarrow, springs for, 791

Wheels, dishing of, 717

Wheels, emery, 380

Wheels, tiring, 688, 691, 719

Wire, to temper for springs, 525

Work and workmen, ancient and modern, 26

Workbench, convenient, 68

Working of king bolt, how to prevent, 660

Wrench (monkey), attachment for, 342

Wrench, adjustable, 431

Wrench, forging, 433

Wrench, S-, curve for, 428

Wrenches, 307

Wrenches, ancient method of making, 430

Wrenches, forging, 426

Wrenches, making, 427