List of Boxes

 2.1: The Neuron Doctrine

 2.2: Cajal: Iconoclast to Icon

 2.3: Anatomical Relationships in the Vertebrate Body

 5.1: Nernst Equation

 5.2: Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation

 5.3: Voltage-Clamp Technique

 5.4: Ion Channels and Disease

 6.1: MAO and COMT Inhibitors in the Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders

 6.2: Going for Gases as Neurotransmitter

 10.1: Optogenetics

 11.1: Neuronal Cable Theory and Computational Modeling

 11.2: Dendritic Recording

 11.3: Imaging Dendritic Function

 12.1: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

 12.2: Hepatic Encephalopathy

 14.1: Neural Stem Cells

 15.1: Adult Neurogenesis

 17.1: Torpedo Electric Organ

 17.2: Synaptic Targets in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

 19.1: α–Bungarotoxin

 20.1: Rho GTPases Control the Structure of the Dendritic Cytoskeleton

 21.1: Sensitive Periods in Humans

 21.2: Filial Imprinting: Babies Learn to Recognize Their Parents

 23.1: Identifying a Genetic Locus Linked to Bitter Taste Perception

 23.2: Taste Cells in Fruit Flies

 23.3: Sensing Thousands of Chemicals with a Handful of Neurons

 25.1: Otoacoustic Emissions

 25.2: Cochlear Implants

 25.3: Giant Synaptic Terminals: Endbulbs and Calyces

 25.4: Bat Echolocation

 26.1: Kuffler’s Study of Center-Surround Retinal Ganglion Cells

 26.2: Quantitative Methods in the Study of Visual Neurons Classification of Retinal Ganglion Cells

 26.3: Inherited and Acquired Defects of Color Vision: Retinal and Cortical Mechanisms

 26.4: Vision in Mice

 27.1: Central Pattern Generator Networks

 28.1: Species Diversity in Neuromuscular Systems

 28.2: Myasthenia and Myasthenic Disorders

 28.3: Motor Neuron Diseases

 28.4: Nonlinear Properties of Motor Neurons and CPG Interneurons

 28.5: Neural Control of Human Walking

 29.1: Vestibular Plasticity

 29.2: Meniere Syndrome

 29.3: Pyramids in the Brain

 29.4: Motor Neuroprosthetics

 30.1: Parkinson’s Disease

 30.2: The MPTP Story

 30.3: Ventral System of the Basal Ganglia

 30.4: Huntington’s Disease

 30.5: Deep Brain Stimulation

 30.6: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

 30.7: Tourette Syndrome

 30.8: The Role of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Stopping

 31.1: Parasagittal Stripes: The Basis of Cerebellar Microcircuits?

 31.2: Differences Between the Vestibular and NonVestibular Portions of the Cerebellum

 31.3: Clinical Testing Can Reveal Cerebellar Damage

 31.4: Cognition, Emotion, and the Cerebellum

 32.1: Eye Movements and Reading

 32.2: Eye Movement Disorders

 34.1: Autonomic Postganglionic Neurons Can Change Their Transmitter Phenotypes

 34.2: Autonomic Reflexes: Activated by Visceral Afferents, Autonomic Afferents, or Just Afferents?

 34.3: Diseases and Aging Impair the Autonomic Wisdom of the Body

 34.4: Central ANS Circuits Integrate Autonomic Reflexes with Affective or Emotional Responses

 35.1: Experimental Analysis of Ventilation

 35.2: CNS Lesions Produce Abnormal Breathing Patterns

 35.3: Why Two Distinct Oscillators?

 35.4: Cardiovascular Disease

 35.5: Disorders of Breathing Are Widespread and Serious

 36.1: Validating Satiation Factors

 36.2: The Glucostatic Hypothesis

 36.3: Treatment of Obesity

 37.1: Water Channels

 37.2: Diabetes Insipidus

 37.3: Water Intoxication

 37.4: Salt Appetite After Adrenocortical Dysfunction

 37.5: Thirst and Salt Appetite During Hypovolemia in Rats

 38.1: Historical Perspective on Hypothalamic Hormones

 38.2: Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Their Effects on Neuroendocrine Systems

 39.1: Neuronal Control of Drosophila Circadian Behavior

 39.2: Molecular Mechanisms of Circadian Timekeeping in Drosophila

 39.3: Circadian-Based Sleep Disorders, Clock Genes and Neuropsychiatric Diseases

 39.4: Chronopharmacology

 39.5: Jet Lag and Shift Work

 39.6: Lost Without a Clock

 41.1: Logic of Methodology Used in Behavioral Neuroscience

 41.2: Separation of Sensory and Response Factors in the Dopaminergic Syndrome of Neglect

 41.3: Psychophysics of Hedonism as Measured by Brain Stimulation Reward

 41.4: Impulsivity and Compulsivity

 41.5: OPIOID Receptors

 41.6: Allostasis

 41.7: Craving

 41.8: Major Depressive Disorders

 42.1: How Do We Learn About Brain Evolution?

 42.2: Why Brain Size Is Important

 43.1: The Optical Fractionator Stereological Method

 43.2: Dyslexia

 43.3: Triplet Repeat Disorders

 44.1: Case Study of Associative Agnosia

 44.2: The Issue of Viewpoint Dependence in Object Recognition

 44.3: Linking Category-Selective Regions into Specialized Networks

 45.1: Area 7a Neurons Carry Object-Centered Signals in a Constructional Task

 47.1: Is Memory More than Changes in Synaptic Strength?

 48.1: Alzheimer’s Disease

 50.1: Functional Topography

 50.2: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder