
f denotes figures


2D graphics, converting, 324–328

3D modeling, 304–309, 319–323, 324–328

3D models, cardboard, 177–180

3D printing

from 2D graphics, 324–328

of board games, 298–303

of busts of participants, 287–292, 293–297

by children and teens, 298–303, 310–313, 314–318, 329–332

on fabric, 304–309

of marionettes, 310–313

with programming and robotics, 215–218, 229–234

for stop-motion films, 314–318

for touch displays, 333–340

3D scanners, handheld, 293–297

123D Make, 169, 178–180


Abilene Christian University Library, 139–144, 153–158, 201–205

Adinkra stamps, 193–197

Adobe Illustrator, 160, 162, 169, 189, 192

Adobe Premiere, 256–258

aeronautics projects, 46–50, 159–163, 212

air compressors, 46, 48, 182–183

Alka-Seltzer tablets, 3–6

all-age programs, 41–45, 62–66, 78–82, 89–94, 164–167, 293–297, 310–313

Allen County Public Library, 41–45, 62–66, 89–94, 164–167, 310–313

animation techniques, 314–318

Appalachian State University, 109–114, 304–309

Arduino, 109–114, 230–234, 333, 338–340

artist-in-residence speakers, 281

Audacity, 135, 137


backstitch instructions, 69

badges, 139–144

Baker, Laura, 139–144, 153–158, 201–205

baking soda, 4–5

bar code scanners, 219–223

Bare Conductive, 41, 45, 334–335, 338

Barnum, Susan, 115–120, 121–124, 319–323, 324–328

batteries, projects with

9-volt batteries, 229–234

AA batteries, 201–205, 210–214

coin batteries, 41–45, 62–66, 109–114, 115–120, 121–133, 139–144, 247–250

multicell batteries, 185–192

Bettke, James, 229–234

Binghamton University Libraries, 333–340

biomimicry, 210–214

Black History Month projects, 260–264

Blair, Catherine, 29–34, 35–40

blanket stitch instructions, 69–70

Blender, 246, 320, 325

Bluetooth speakers, 185–192

board game design, 298–303

bookmarks, 109–114, 125–129, 236, 239

Boston Dynamics, 210–211

bottles, plastic, 3–6, 203–204

box cutters, 177–180, 193–195

boxes, wooden, 181–184

bracelets, 109–114, 115–120

brainstorming, 196f, 243–245

brooches, 130–133

Brubaker, Danika, 181

Buhler, Heather, 12–15

burr puzzles, 172–176

busts, 3D-printed, 287–292, 293–297

buttons and buttonholes, 89–94


CAD (computer-aided design), 215–218, 229–234, 310–313, 314–318, 329–332

CAM (computer-aided manufacturing), 147–152, 172–176

cameras, projects with, 219–223, 243–246, 247–250, 260–264, 270–274

cardboard projects, 7–11, 16–19, 159–163, 177–180, 201–205

card-making, 41–45, 168–171

cardstock projects, 35–40, 41–45, 46–50, 168–171

Carlson, Erik, 147–152, 159–163, 172–176

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 260–264, 265–269, 287–292

catapults, 153–158

chain mail creation, 12–15

chemical reactions, 3–6, 25–28

Cherry, Michael, 210–214, 215–218, 314–318

children’s programs

3D printing projects, 329–332

painting projects, 78–82

recycling and upcycling projects, 3–6, 7–11, 83–88

robotics projects, 201–205, 206–209, 210–214

toy making projects, 35–40, 62–66, 310–313

See also teen programs; tween programs

chocolate lollipops, 287–292

chroma key compositing, 271–272

Chromium, 236–237

circuitry projects

with 3D printing, 229–234, 333–340

with LEDs, 41–45, 62–66, 109–114, 115–120, 121–133, 139–144, 247–250

with robotics, 201–205

sound-related projects, 134–138, 185–192

citric acid, 4–5

Cittadino, Sienna, 260–264, 265–269, 287–292

clay, modeling, 330–332, 334, 336–337

Clearwater Public Library System, 329–332

Cleveland Heights High School, 95–100

CNC mill machines, projects with, 147–152, 159–163, 172–176

coding projects, 134–138, 224–228

Colom, Heidi, 51–54

Common Core Standards, 197

community art, 83–88

Community Library Network, 46–50, 243–246

computer numerical control (CNC) milling, 147–152, 159–163, 172–176

computer-aided design (CAD), 215–218, 229–234, 310–313, 314–318, 329–332

computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 147–152, 172–176

conductive paint, 41–45, 334, 338

conductive thread, 63–66, 109–114, 115–120f, 125–129

copyright and Creative Commons, 37–38, 178, 258, 320, 323, 325–327

cost estimates

$5 or less, 20, 35, 57, 72, 101, 130, 224, 247, 319, 324

$10 or less, 29, 181, 193

$25 or less, 89, 115, 121, 139, 206, 251

$50 or less, 3, 16, 25, 41, 51, 62, 78, 164, 177, 201, 229, 304, 310

$100 or less, 7, 46, 67, 95

$500 or less, 12, 109, 235, 243, 270

$1,000 or less, 134, 265, 333

$5,000 or less, 147, 153, 172, 255, 260, 275, 287, 298

over $5,000, 159, 168, 177, 210, 215, 293, 314, 329

Cubees, 37, 39f

cutting projects, 159–163, 164–167, 168–171, 177–180, 181–184, 185–192, 193–197


density, projects on, 3–6

Denzer, Juan, 333–340

design, computer-aided (CAD), 215–218, 229–234, 310–313, 314–318, 329–332

digital media projects, 243–246, 247–250, 251–254, 255–259, 260–269, 270–274, 275–284

displays, 3D-printed, 333–340

drafting projects, 172–176

drawing projects, 247–250, 275–284

droids, 201–205

duct tape projects, 29–34, 46–50, 95–100


eBay, 133n1

El Paso Public Library System, 115–120, 121–124, 319–323, 324–328

electrical projects. See circuitry projects

encryption, 238–239

engineering projects, 210–214, 215–218

e-textiles, 109–114, 304–309

Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library, 210–214, 215–218, 314–318


fabric projects. See sewing projects; textile projects

fashion shows, 7–11

felt projects, 67–71, 109–114, 115–120, 125–129, 130–133

Festo, 210, 212

fidget flannels, 57–61

filmmaking, 243–246, 251–254, 255–259, 260–264, 314–318

fizzy tablets, 3–6

flags, 95–100

flannel fabric, 57–61

flashlights, 247–250

flower pots, 20–24

foam board, 17–19, 299, 301, 335–336, 338–339

foam rockets, 46–50

food coloring, 3–5

#fortheonewhofindsme project, 181–182

France, Anna Kaziunas, 317


Gail Borden Public Library, 29–34, 35–40

game design, 298–303

Ghanaian culture, 193–197

ghost marionettes, 62–66

GIMP, 266, 268–269, 272

glider planes, 159–163

Grace, Ingrid, 275–284

Grand Prairie Public Library, 67–71

GRBL, 149, 151, 176

green screens, 243–244, 270–274

Greenwood, Cory, 134–138

greeting cards, 41–45, 168–171

group projects, 134–138, 206–209, 251–254, 260–264, 270–274, 279–280, 298–303

Grunewald, Scott J., 317

guest speakers, 281

Gutierrez, Silvia, 20–24, 72–77, 101–106

Gwinnett County Public Library, 3–6, 25–28, 78–82, 125–129, 206–209, 298–303


Halloween projects, 62–66

hand-sewn projects, 57–61, 62–66, 67–71, 95–100, 109–114, 304–309

Harryhausen, Ray, 317

Hart, Sondra, 287–292

Hartman, Kate, 133

Heide, Amelia Vander, 270–274

high school programs. See teen programs

His Girl Friday (film), 257

Hooks and Hammers Challenge, 215–218

Horbal, Andy, 251–254, 255–259, 293–297

Huichol art, 79–82

hydro-dipping, 20–24


Inkscape, 149–150, 160–162, 169, 325

Instructables, 133

interviews, for Black History Month, 260–264


JPEG images, manipulation of, 265–269


KeePass, 236, 238

Kramer, Amanda, 57–61, 181–184


LAIKA, 316–318

laser-cutting projects, 159–163, 168–171, 177–180, 181–184, 185–192

lava lamps, 3–6

Lavallee, Spring, 7–11, 83–88

Lawrence, Katherine, 95–100

LEDs (light-emitting diodes). See light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

Lego Mindstorms, 210–214, 215–218

Lego WeDo, 210–214

Legos, 209, 210–214, 215–218, 315

Leonardo da Vinci, 210, 212

light painting, 247–250

light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

in badges and brooches, 130–133, 139–144

in bookmarks and bracelets, 109–120, 125–129

in greeting cards, 42–45

in light painting, 247–250

in marionettes, 62–66

in tea lights, 121–124

LilyPad Arduino, 109–114

LINUX, 219–223

Little Leonardos, 78–82

Logan, Jessica, 3–6, 25–28, 78–82, 125–129, 206–209, 298–303

lollipops, 3D-printed, 287–292

Lomax, Kate, 224–228, 235–239


Madsen, Nick, 46–50, 243–246

magnetic slime, 25–28

MakerCAM, 149–151, 173–174

makerspace-required projects

with 3D printing, 333–340

with electronics, 185–192, 229–234

with laser cutting, 159–163, 168–171, 181–184, 185–192

with vinyl cutting, 193–197

with wood, 147–152, 153–158, 172–176, 181–184, 185–192

Makey-Makey, 134–138

Mann, Shane, 229–234

marionettes, 62–66, 310–313

Mars rovers, 216

mazes, 57–61, 147–152

McCoy, Casey, 130–133

mesh canvas, 84–86

metal, projects with, 12–15

Mexican art, 79–82

Microsoft Kinect, 315, 317, 335, 337

Microsoft Paint, 17–19, 194

middle school programs. See tween programs

milling projects, 147–152, 159–163, 172–176

Minnesota State University, 219–223

Mitchell, Jacqueline R., 168–171, 177–180

modeling clay, 330–332, 334, 336–337

motors, repurposing, 201–205

moviemaking, 243–246, 251–254, 255–259, 260–264, 314–318

music composition, 224–228

musical instruments, 134–138


nail polish, as paint, 20–24

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 216, 228

negative and positive space, 164–167, 175, 195

newspapers, upcycling of, 7–11

Next Generation Science Standards, 133, 250

Nolan, Lizzie, 193–197


online privacy awareness training, 235–239

online tracking, 237

origami, 121–124

OWI Robots, 206–208


painting projects, 20–24, 41–45, 78–82, 247–250

Palmer, Brian, 58, 181–184, 185–192

Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Library, 20–24, 72–77, 101–106

paper projects, 7–11, 16–19, 35–40, 41–45, 46–50, 168–171. See also cardboard projects

papercraft toys, 35–40

password management, 236, 238

patterns, projects with, 12–15, 57–61, 83–88, 89–94

Paul, Yitzhak, 293–297

Pearland Westside Branch Library, 16–19

pencil pouches, 89–94

penguin stuffed animals, 68–71

pet rocks, 51–54

photo frames, 101–106

photo-editing projects, 265–269, 270–274

photo-enlarging projects, 16–19, 279–280

Photoshop, 266, 269, 272

PicSVG, 325–326f

pillowcases, 101–106

Pinterest, 244, 246

pixilation, 315, 317

planes, 159–163

plastic bottles, 3–6, 203–204

Play-Doh, 330–332

Plexiglass, 148–152

Pope, Hannah, 109–114, 304–309

Posey, Leanne, 67–71

positive and negative space, 164–167, 175, 195

price estimates. See cost estimates

privacy awareness training, 235–239

Privacy Badger, 237f

programming (computer) projects, 215–218, 219–223, 224–228

Psycho (film), 256–257

puppets, 62–66, 310–313, 317

puzzles, wooden, 172–176

PVC pipe, 46–50

Python programming, 219–223


QR codes, 219–223

Queen, Lealin, 251–254, 255–259


Raspberry Pi, 219–223, 224, 235–239, 269

recycling and upcycling projects, 3–6, 7–11, 72–77, 83–88, 201–205

robotics projects, 201–205, 206–209, 210–214, 215–218

rock pets, 51–54

rockets and rocket launchers, 46–50

R’Orchestra, 134–138

roses, from duct tape, 29–34

rovers, 215–218

running stitch instructions, 69


Salnave, Melissa, 16–19

Salt Lake County Library, 7–11, 12–15, 83–88

San Jose Public Library, 130–133, 193–197, 247–250, 270–274

scanners, bar code, 219–223

science standards, 133, 250

Scratch, 135–138

scribble droids, 201–205

Sculpey, 334, 336–337

sculptures, cardboard, 177–180

security awareness training, 235–239

self-expression, 95–100

sewing projects

with hand stitching, 57–61, 62–66, 67–71, 95–100, 109–114, 304–309

with sewing machines, 57–61, 62–66, 72–77, 89–94, 101–106

See also textile projects

signs, custom, 164–167

Silhouette vinyl cutters, 164–167, 194

silicone molds, 287–288, 290–291

Skanect, 288–289, 315, 317, 335, 337

sketchbooks, digitized, 275–284

Sketchflash program, 275–284

Slicer for Fusion 360, 169, 178

slime, magnetic, 25–28

Smilla Enlarger, 17, 18f

social media projects, 181–184

software recommendations

for 3D printing, 230, 288, 311, 315, 320, 325, 330, 335

for computer-aided manufacturing, 149–150, 173–174

for laser cutting, 169, 178

for photo editing, 266, 268, 272

for programming and robotics, 211, 216, 219–220, 225, 236

for sound editing, 135, 137, 245–246

for vector graphics, 149, 160, 169

for video editing, 245–246, 256, 261

solar robots, 206–209

soldering projects, 139–144, 185–192, 201–205

Sonic Pi, 224–228

sound editing, 135, 137, 228, 245–246

speakers, guest, 281

speakers, stereo, 185–192

speed detectors, 229–234

sprinkler valves, 46–50

stabilizers, 49, 161–162

stamps, Adinkra, 193–197

standards, educational, 133, 197, 250

standup figures, 16–19

stencils, 164–167, 169–170f

Stewart, Annie, 229–234

Stewart, Joe, 229–234

still life drawings, 280

stop-motion films, 314–318

storyboarding, 251–254

storytelling projects, 193–197, 251–254

Stratford, Emily, 247–250

stuffed animals, 67–71

SubProto, 229–234

switches, 43–44f, 115–116, 118f, 205

symbols, designing, 193–197


Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library, 51–54

Tarantola, Andrew, 330

tea lights, 121–124

teen programs

chain mail creation, 12–15

craft projects, 20–24, 25–28, 29–34, 35–40

design projects, 125–129, 134–138, 298–303, 310–313, 314–318, 329–332

digital media projects, 247–250, 265–269, 270–274

recycling and upcycling projects, 3–6, 7–11

robotics projects, 206–209

sewing projects, 67–71, 72–77, 95–100, 101–106

toy making projects, 35–40, 62–66, 67–71, 310–313

terra-cotta pots, 20–24

text editing, 266–267

textile projects, 78–82, 83–88, 109–114, 304–309. See also sewing projects

Thingiverse, 299–303, 320, 328, 332

thread, conductive, 63–66, 109–114, 115–120f, 125–129

Tinkercad, projects with, 215–218, 298–303, 304–309, 310–318, 319–323, 324–328, 329–332

Tinkerplay, 310–313

Tobery, Preston, 293–297

Tonsor, Amalia, 287–292

tote bags, 72–77

touch displays, 333–340

toy making projects, 35–40, 62–66, 67–71, 310–313

Tran, Tom, 219–223

treasure boxes, 181–184

trees, woven, 83–88

Trinh, Samantha, 329–332

Troemel, Lyssa, 41–45, 62–66, 89–94, 164–167, 310–313

t-shirts, 72–77

tulle, 63, 65, 304–308

tween programs

chain mail creation, 12–15

design projects, 125–129, 153–158, 193–197, 298–303, 314–318, 329–332

digital media projects, 270–274

recycling and upcycling projects, 3–6, 7–11, 201–205

robotics projects, 201–205, 206–209, 210–214, 215–218

sewing projects, 67–71

slime projects, 25–28

toy making projects, 35–40, 62–66, 67–71, 310–313


ultrasonic speed detectors, 229–234

University of Maryland Libraries, 251–254, 255–259, 293–297

University of Nebraska at Omaha Criss Library, 168–171, 177–180

upcycling projects, 7–11, 72–77


Valentine’s Day projects, 287–292

vector graphics software, 149, 160–162, 168–171

vegetable oil, 3–5

video editing projects, 243–246, 255–259, 260–264

vinyl cutters, 164–167, 193–197


wallets, from duct tape, 29–34

Washington College, 57–61, 181–184, 185–192

water bottles, 3–6, 203–204

Waverley Public Library, 275–284

wearables, 109–114, 115–120, 130–133, 139–144, 304–309

weaving projects, 83–88

White Plains Public Library, 147–152, 159–163, 172–176

Wikimedia Commons, 325–326f

Williams, Terrel, 260–264

wiring projects. See circuitry projects

wood, projects with, 147–152, 153–158, 164–167, 172–176, 181–184, 185–192, 333–340

word association brainstorming, 196f


X-ACTO knives, 17, 37, 90, 177–180, 288, 315

Xbox Kinect, 288, 335, 337


yarn painting, 78–82

Yarra Plenty Regional Library, 134–138

young adult programs. See teen programs

YouTube videos, 68–69, 211–212, 214, 216–218, 243, 316–317


Zepeda, Randy, 46

zippered pencil pouches, 89–94