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Acorn Squash, Roasted, 268, 269

afterburn effect, 108–10, 121

Almond Cookies, 290, 291

Almond Milk, 244, 245

Apple Crumble, Cast-Iron Skillet, 282, 283


Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus, 278, 279

Balsamic Vinaigrette, Classic, 242, 243

Banana Nut Bread, 208, 209

Beef, Simple Slow-Cooker, 246, 247

Berry Chia Pudding, Easy, 226, 227

Big Dreams: Worksheet, 65


Banana Nut Bread, 208, 209

Breakfast Nest, 220, 221

Breakfast Tacos, 222, 223

Butternut Squash Hash, 212, 213

Chia Pudding, 224, 225

Easy Berry Chia Pudding, 226, 227

Easy Breakfast Hash, 216, 217

Grain-Free Granola, 234, 235

Green Smoothie, 230, 231

Maca Pumpkin Pancakes, 204, 205

Potato Crust Egg Bake, 218, 219

Raw Super Bars, 232, 233

sample meals, 25

Simple Waffles, 206, 207

Super-Duper Green Smoothie Bowl, 228, 229

Sweet Potato Toast, 210, 211

Winter Sweet Potato Hash, 214, 215

Butternut Squash, Roasted, 270, 271

Butternut Squash Hash, 212, 213


Cabbage, Roasted Purple, 272, 273

calories burned

afterburn effect, 108–10

during low-intensity activities, 21, 80, 98

to sustain muscle versus fat, 114–15, 120–21

thermogenic effect of digestion, 192

with two-a-day workouts, 114

with weight-lifting, 118

calories in foods

empty calories in grains, 196

with Pretty Intense nutrition program, 23

restaurant food, 171

Cashew Cheese, 238, 239

Cashew Rosemary Cookies, 292, 293

Cauliflower, Five-Spice Roasted, 280, 281

Cheese, Cashew, 238, 239

Chia Pudding, 224, 225

Chia Pudding, Chocolate, 286, 287

Chia Pudding, Easy Berry, 226, 227

Chicken, Lemon, 260, 261

Chicken Legs, Grilled, 258, 259

Chicken Salad, Summer, 262, 263

Chimichurri, 236, 237

Chocolate Chia Pudding, 286, 287

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies, 294, 295

Chocolate Mug Cake, 284, 285

Coconut Flakes, Maple Syrup, 296, 297

Cookies, Almond, 290, 291

Cookies, Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter, 294, 295

Cookies, Rosemary Cashew, 292, 293

cooking. See nutrition program; recipes

cooking oils, 182–83, 199

CrossFit-style workouts, 98, 110

Curry Turkey Burgers with Caramelized Onions, 264, 265


dairy foods and substitutes

Almond Milk, 244, 245

Cashew Cheese, 238, 239

elimination of dairy from diet, 195

milk alternatives, 198


Almond Cookies, 290, 291

Cast-Iron Skillet Apple Crumble, 282, 283

Chocolate Chia Pudding, 286, 287

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies, 294, 295

Chocolate Mug Cake, 284, 285

Golden Milk, 298, 299

Maple Syrup Coconut Flakes, 296, 297

Raw Key Lime Tarts, 288, 289

Rosemary Cashew Cookies, 292, 293

sample options, 25

diet. See nutrition program

dinners. See lunches and dinners


eating plan. See nutrition program


Breakfast Nest, 220, 221

Breakfast Tacos, 222, 223

nutritional benefits, 162, 193–94

Potato Crust Egg Bake, 218, 219

emotional intensity. See mental-conditioning program

EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), 108–10

exercise. See fitness program; workouts


fitness program. See also workouts

consequences of inactivity, 104–5

discomfort and hard work, 78–85

equipment and terminology, 129–30

fat loss, 102–3

Fitness Goals: Worksheet, 85

HIIT (high-intensity interval training), 21, 96–100, 121

intensity, 20–21, 102

motivational mantras, 80–81, 83, 88–93

pain, 84, 123

Pretty Intense Fit Test, 29

within Pretty Intense whole-life plan, 11, 26–28

12-week program, 128–30

two-a-day workouts, 26, 108–15

varied workouts, 124–25

weights, 118–23

workout speed and efficiency, 83–84

Your Magic Mantra Maker: Worksheet, 92–93

Five-Spice Roasted Cauliflower, 280, 281

food plan. See nutrition program


Get to Know Your New Best Friend: Vision Board, 73

gluten, 164–66, 194–95

goal-setting, 60–65, 85

Golden Milk, 298, 299

Grain-Free Granola, 234, 235

Green Smoothie, 230, 231

Green Smoothie Bowl, Super-Duper, 228, 229


happiness, 34–40

Harvest Dinner, 248, 249

herbs and spices, 178–81

high-intensity fitness program. See fitness program; workouts

HIIT (high-intensity interval training), 21, 96–100, 121

home cooking. See nutrition program; recipes

Honey Mustard, 240, 241


inactivity, consequences of, 104–5

inflammatory foods, 160, 162–63, 164, 194–95

interval training, high-intensity (HIIT), 21, 96–100, 121

Is It Real Food? Worksheet, 167


Kale Salad, 274, 275

kitchen tools, 173–74


Lemon Chicken, 260, 261

lunches and dinners

Curry Turkey Burgers with Caramelized Onions, 264, 265

Grilled Chicken Legs, 258, 259

Harvest Dinner, 248, 249

Lemon Chicken, 260, 261

Perfect Grilled Steak, 252, 253

Pulled Pork, 254, 255

Salmon Skillet Dinner, 256, 257

sample meals, 25

Simple Slow-Cooker Beef, 246, 247

Spaghetti and Meatballs, 250, 251

Summer Chicken Salad, 262, 263


Maca Pumpkin Pancakes, 204, 205

mantras, motivational, 80–81, 83, 88–93

Maple Syrup Coconut Flakes, 296, 297

Meatballs and Spaghetti, 250, 251

meats and fish

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus, 278, 279

Breakfast Tacos, 222, 223

Butternut Squash Hash, 212, 213

Curry Turkey Burgers with Caramelized Onions, 264, 265

Easy Breakfast Hash, 216, 217

Grilled Chicken Legs, 258, 259

Harvest Dinner, 248, 249

Lemon Chicken, 260, 261

nutritional benefits, 192

Perfect Grilled Steak, 252, 253

Pulled Pork, 254, 255

Salmon Skillet Dinner, 256, 257

shopping list, 199

Simple Slow-Cooker Beef, 246, 247

Spaghetti and Meatballs, 250, 251

Summer Chicken Salad, 262, 263

to test for doneness, 188

Winter Sweet Potato Hash, 214, 215

mental-conditioning program

Big Dreams Worksheet, 65

dreaming big and setting goals, 60–65

Get to Know Your New Best Friend: Vision Board, 73

Mind River: Worksheet, 41

Natural Vibes Wish List, 57

personal quiet space, 44–45

Personal Space Quiz, 48–49

positivity and happiness, 34–40

within Pretty Intense whole-life plan, 11, 18–20

self-love, 68–73

solitude and gratitude, 45–46

stillness and focus on single activity, 47

time spent in nature, 52–57

metabolism boost

afterburn effect, 108–10, 121

foods for, 25, 192–94

with Pretty Intense Workout program, 21, 98–99

with two-a-day workouts, 26, 114

with weight-lifting, 118, 121

Milk, Almond, 244, 245

milk alternatives, 198

Mind River: Worksheet, 41

mind-set. See mental-conditioning program

motivational mantras, 80–81

Mug Cake, Chocolate, 284, 285


fat burned by, 113–15, 120–21, 131

pain, 84

wasting through inactivity, 104, 105

women’s muscles versus men’s, 120


Natural Vibes Wish List, 57

natural world, 52–57

nutrition program. See also recipes

cooking at home, 170–74

cooking rules and guidelines, 187–89

crunchy foods, 186–87

food groups to include, 192–94

foods to avoid or cut down on, 23, 194–97

herbs, spices, and fats, 178–83

inflammatory foods, 160, 162–63, 164, 194–95

Is It Real Food? Worksheet, 167

kitchen tools, 173–74

nutrition guidelines and principles, 23–24

Paleo principles, 163

within Pretty Intense whole-life plan, 12, 21–25

real foods, 160–61, 164, 174

restaurant food, 170–72

sample meals, 25

shopping list, 198–99

wheat products and gluten, 164–66, 194–95

nuts and seeds

Almond Cookies, 290, 291

Almond Milk, 244, 245

Banana Nut Bread, 208, 209

Cashew Cheese, 238, 239

Cast-Iron Skillet Apple Crumble, 282, 283

Chia Pudding, 224, 225

Chocolate Chia Pudding, 286, 287

Easy Berry Chia Pudding, 226, 227

Grain-Free Granola, 234, 235

Kale Salad, 274, 275

nutritional benefits, 193

Raw Super Bars, 232, 233

Rosemary Cashew Cookies, 292, 293

shopping list, 199

Super-Duper Green Smoothie Bowl, 228, 229

Winter Salad, 276, 277


oils for cooking, 182–83, 199


pain, 84, 123

Pancakes, Maca Pumpkin, 204, 205

personal space, 44–45, 48–49

physical fitness. See fitness program; workouts

Pork, Pulled, 254, 255

positivity and happiness, 34–40

Potato Crust Egg Bake, 218, 219

Potatoes, Skillet, 266, 267

Pretty Intense Fit Test, 29

Pretty Intense whole-life plan. See also fitness program; mental-conditioning program; nutrition program

fitness component, 26–28

intensity, 20–21

mental component, 18–20

nutrition component, 23–25

overview, 11–12

Pretty Intense Challenge success stories, 9, 10, 27, 39, 61, 63, 71, 90

Pretty Intense website, 8

proteins. See eggs; meats and fish

Pudding, Chia, 224, 225

Pudding, Chocolate Chia, 286, 287

Pudding, Easy Berry Chia, 226, 227

Pulled Pork, 254, 255

Pumpkin Maca Pancakes, 204, 205


quizzes. See worksheets and quizzes


Raw Key Lime Tarts, 288, 289

Raw Super Bars, 232, 233



Banana Nut Bread, 208, 209

Breakfast Nest, 220, 221

Breakfast Tacos, 222, 223

Butternut Squash Hash, 212, 213

Chia Pudding, 224, 225

Easy Berry Chia Pudding, 226, 227

Easy Breakfast Hash, 216, 217

Grain-Free Granola, 234, 235

Green Smoothie, 230, 231

Maca Pumpkin Pancakes, 204, 205

Potato Crust Egg Bake, 218, 219

Raw Super Bars, 232, 233

Simple Waffles, 206, 207

Super-Duper Green Smoothie Bowl, 228, 229

Sweet Potato Toast, 210, 211

Winter Sweet Potato Hash, 214, 215

dairy substitutes

Almond Milk, 244, 245

Cashew Cheese, 238, 239


Almond Cookies, 290, 291

Cast-Iron Skillet Apple Crumble, 282, 283

Chocolate Chia Pudding, 286, 287

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies, 294, 295

Chocolate Mug Cake, 284, 285

Golden Milk, 298, 299

Maple Syrup Coconut Flakes, 296, 297

Raw Key Lime Tarts, 288, 289

Rosemary Cashew Cookies, 292, 293

lunches and dinners

Curry Turkey Burgers with Caramelized Onions, 264, 265

Grilled Chicken Legs, 258, 259

Harvest Dinner, 248, 249

Lemon Chicken, 260, 261

Perfect Grilled Steak, 252, 253

Pulled Pork, 254, 255

Salmon Skillet Dinner, 256, 257

Simple Slow-Cooker Beef, 246, 247

Spaghetti and Meatballs, 250, 251

Summer Chicken Salad, 262, 263

sauces and dressings

Chimichurri, 236, 237

Classic Balsamic Vinaigrette, 242, 243

Honey Mustard, 240, 241

side dishes

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus, 278, 279

Five-Spice Roasted Cauliflower, 280, 281

Kale Salad, 274, 275

Roasted Acorn Squash, 268, 269

Roasted Butternut Squash, 270, 271

Roasted Purple Cabbage, 272, 273

Skillet Potatoes, 266, 267

Winter Salad, 276, 277

restaurant food, 170–72

Rosemary Cashew Cookies, 292, 293



Kale Salad, 274, 275

Summer Chicken Salad, 262, 263

Winter Salad, 276, 277

Salmon Skillet Dinner, 256, 257

sauces and dressings

Chimichurri, 236, 237

Classic Balsamic Vinaigrette, 242, 243

Honey Mustard, 240, 241

self-love, 68–73

shopping list, 198–99

side dishes

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus, 278, 279

Five-Spice Roasted Cauliflower, 280, 281

Kale Salad, 274, 275

Roasted Acorn Squash, 268, 269

Roasted Butternut Squash, 270, 271

Roasted Purple Cabbage, 272, 273

Skillet Potatoes, 266, 267

Winter Salad, 276, 277

Smoothie, Green, 230, 231

snack options, 25

solitude and gratitude, 45–46

soy foods, 195

Spaghetti and Meatballs, 250, 251

Squash, Roasted Acorn, 268, 269

Squash, Roasted Butternut, 270, 271

Steak, Perfect Grilled, 252, 253

strength and fitness. See fitness program; workouts

sugar, 195–96

Summer Chicken Salad, 262, 263

Super Bars, Raw, 232, 233

Super-Duper Green Smoothie Bowl, 228, 229

Sweet Potato Hash, Winter, 214, 215

Sweet Potato Toast, 210, 211


Tabata training, 130

Tarts, Raw Key Lime, 288, 289

thermogenic effect of digestion, 192

Turkey Burgers, Curry, with Caramelized Onions, 264, 265


vegetables. See also side dishes

options and nutritional benefits, 192

preparation and cooking guide, 189

shopping list, 198

Vinaigrette, Classic Balsamic, 242, 243


Waffles, Simple, 206, 207

Winter Salad, 276, 277

Winter Sweet Potato Hash, 214, 215

workouts. See also fitness program

12-week program, 128–30

website for video demonstrations, 128

workout plans

Week 1 workout, 132–33

Week 2 workout, 134–35

Week 3 workout, 136–37

Week 4 workout, 138–39

Week 5 workout, 140–41

Week 6 workout, 142–43

Week 7 workout, 144–45

Week 8 workout, 146–47

Week 9 workout, 148–49

Week 10 workout, 150–51

Week 11 workout, 152–53

Week 12 workout, 154–55

worksheets and quizzes

Big Dreams: Worksheet, 65

Fitness Goals: Worksheet, 85

Get to Know Your New Best Friend: Vision Board, 73

Is It Real Food?, 167

Mind River: Worksheet, 41

Natural Vibes Wish List, 57

Personal Space Quiz, 48–49

Pretty Intense Fit Test, 29

Your Magic Mantra Maker, 92–93