(Imaginary formations are printed in italics.)

A’force 28, 29, 158n

and FOYNES operation 62

Abe, Admiral 240n

Abwehr 412, 186

Lisbon, and ARTIST’s arrest 10910


Hitler’s opinion on 2045

Admiralty, involvement in wireless deception 36, 37

AEAF see Allied Expeditionary Air Force (AEAF)

aerial reconnaissance, German 4

threat 85

danger in south-east England 117

Norwegian coast 1612

Scotland 167

inadequacy 186, 353

agents see controlled agents; double-cross agents; imaginary sub-agents; uncontrolled agents

Air Commands

wireless deception 38

2nd British Tactical Air Force 121, 171

IX United States Tactical Air Command 121, 171

XIX Tactical Air Force 222

Eighth Air Force 248

Air Force see Air Command

air plan, Joint Commanders’ Plan 3889(App IV)

air reconnaissance see aerial reconnaissance

aircraft, dummy see dummy aircraft

Allied Expeditionary Air Force (AEAF) 171, 315

allied forces, German over-estimate 16970, 179, 181, 184, 212, 227

Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Force (ANCXF) 315

ALMURA (code name) see GARBO Network sub-agents, Four, 4(1)

American troops see corps; divisions etc.

amphibious attack

preparation for 297, 334

German fear of 329

amphibious exercises, simulation 122

amphibious training, included in wireless deception 117

Amt VI(RSHA) 41

ANCXF see Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Force (ANCXF)

anonymity rule xv

ANVIL (Operation) 18f, 32n, 3634, 366(App I)

APPENDIX Y 816, 27, 801, 87


see also GARBO

Ardennes offensive 317

Armies (Allied)

First Allied Airborne Army formation 2913

in FUSAG 297, 2989, 300, 321

future employment 3058passim, 310

scaling down 3267, 3289

First Canadian 404 (App V)

in FUSAG 91, 97, 130n, 242, 260

in FUSAG Order of Battle 127, 128, 217

misinformation given to Germans 16970, 1723, 179, 180, 233, 266, 275, 277, 301, 308, 325, 329

wireless silence 218

Third British 91, 97, 169

First United States 130n, 185, 243, 277, 301, 308, 397(App V)

Second British 170, 2778, 301, 308, 309, 400(App V)

Third United States 406(App V), 425(App VII)

in FUSAG 91, 175

in FUSAG Order of Battle 1289

misinformation given to Germans 176, 180, 221, 242, 258, 259, 266, 276, 277, 300

Patton as commander 248

Fourth British 423(App VII), 4389(App X), 449(App XI), 454(App XII)

invention of 3

in FORTITUDE NORTH 64, 65, 150, 151, 152, 170

wireless programme 68

misinformation given to Germans 723, 74, 153, 242, 243, 2667, 268, 275

HQ 74, 149, 151, 296, 297

reorganisation 13940

in FORTITUDE SOUTH Order of Battle 14950, 1523, 244, 2456

moves South 243, 247

possible move to Normandy 289

under FUSAG 293, 300

regrouping 2957

employment post-FORTITUDE 3056, 307

landing operation 30910

North Sea threat 316

in amphibious force 321

scaling down 326

move to Yorkshire 328, 330, 331, 354

disbandment 334, 335

Sixth British 3, 169, 179

Eighth British 157

Fifth British 169, 173, 179

Seventh United States 286

Ninth United States

in Britain 172

in Southern Command 179n

in Order of Battle 242

in Bristol 247, 282n

possibly in Liverpool 251n

misinformation given to Germans 266, 268, 2901

placed directly under SHAEF 293, 299

in SHAEF strategic reserve 297, 321, 322

after FORTITUDE 298

supplementary troops 300

under SHAEF 329

Fourteenth United States 421 (App VII), 4314(App VIII)

lands in Britain 242

constituent formations 246

in East Anglia 247, 282n

establishment 250

in FUSAG 266

misinformation to Germans 266, 268, 2756

command 280

possible move to Normandy 289, 290

off air 2934

placed directly under SHAEF 293, 299

new locations, August 1944 2945, 296

in SHAEF strategic reserve 297, 321, 322

after FORTITUDE 298

supplementary troops 300

transfer to France 317

need for disbandment 323, 324

arrival, time of 355

Armies (German)

Fifteenth xvii, 101, 202, 203, 223, 236, 267, 283

Seventh 9n, 101, 235

First 102, 195, 196

Nineteenth 102, 195, 196

Army Groups (Allied)

First United States (FUSAG) 404(App V)

Deception Staff 34

controlled leakage 38n

creation 901

wireless network 923

HQ 97


BRUTUS employed by 12530

link with 2nd Corps 151

Southern group as 1701

constituent forces 180, 231

misinformation given to Germans 180, 233, 3045, 307

command 181

Order of Battle 220, 2423, 245, 2812

grouping of forces 222diag

command changes 2489, 266

airborne units 2989

reorganisation 300

JOSEPHINE and 304, 48790(App XIII)

ending of 3217

reconstitution as amphibious force 321

disbandment 326

new role 3289

see also Army Groups (Allied), Twelfth United States

Sixth United States 314, 316, 319

Twelfth United States

wireless deception unit under 37

in SE England 198n

formation 242, 243

command 248

German questions about 2778

on cover plan 301

SCI Unit 31314

Special Plans Section 318n

see also Army Groups (Allied), First United States (FUSAG)

21 xvi, xvii, 397(App V)

HARLEQUIN exercise 2

and Pas de Calais attack 24, 11213, 128

No.5 Wireless Group under 36, 68

planning 82

and physical deception programme 835

and FORTITUDE Directive 856

FORTITUDE SOUTH forces 90, 177, 180, 200


misinformation given to Germans 12930, 2578

reorganisation of troops 21718

in Normandy 2778

on Patton’s advance 299

cover plan 3001

SCI unit 313

TROLLEYCAR operation 320

request for reinforcements 322

future employment, problem of 3245

Army Groups (German)

‘B’ 101, 196, 197, 202

‘G’ 196, 197

Arnhem 30311, 3212

ARTIST (Abwehr agent) 54, 10615

arrest 10911

effect of arrest on FORTITUDE 11415

‘Aryan World Order Movement’ 501

Ashford Junction 2256

assault craft see landing craft

assault forces see CLH units

BIA see MI5, B1A

battalions (Allied)

4th Northants 302

10th Worcester 302

Bay of Biscay see Wadham Operation

Beddell-Smith, General see Smith

BEETLE (double-cross agent) xiii, 57, 64, 72, 154

BENEDICT Network 52

see also GARBO Network sub-agents, Three

Bevan, Colonel John xi, xvi

Bigbobs (dummy landing craft) 39n, 382(App III)

Biscay coasts, operation plans 102, 287

Blumentritt, General xix, 168, 203n, 204

BODYGUARD plan 1727, 44, 58, 36371 (App I), 373, 374(App II)

and timing of invasion 59

end 154n

reactions to 15567

see also FORTITUDE; FORTITUDE NORTH; London Controlling Officer; Postponement, policy of

Bohlen, Major Von 110

bombing see V1 attacks

bombing programme

deceptive 120, 188, 191, 248, 269, 351

see also QUICKSILVER Operations, IV

Bradley, Lieut.-General Omar 125, 180, 181, 242, 243, 248, 277, 278, 280

Brandes (uncontrolled German agent) 110, 111

Brereton, Lieut.-General Louis H. 292, 293

Brigades (Allied)

113th British Independent Infantry 64, 66, 151, 152, 154n

155th 69

156th 69

157th 69

4th Canadian Infantry 117

Norwegian 152, 154

35th British Armoured 245, 247

37th Armoured 296n

43rd Infantry 296n

24th British Armoured 302

Polish parachute 309, 310

4th British Armoured 401 (App V)

27th British Armoured 401 (App V)

6th (Guards) Tank 402(App V)

8th British Armoured 403 (App V)

34th British Armoured 403(App V)

Das Britische Kriegsheer 5

British Air Force see Air Command

British divisions, withdrawal from Italy for invasion 61

British troops see corps; divisions etc.

Brittany see Cotentin Peninsula

BRONX (double-cross agent) xiii, 56, 79, 1034, 330, 336, 338

Browning, Lieut.-General Frederick A.M. 292, 293

Brownjohn, Major-General N.C.D. 23

BRUTUS (double-cross agent) xiii, xviii, xix, 53, 4568(App XIII)

on troop training 59

on Africa Star medals 61

in FORTITUDE NORTH 71, 74, 75, 153, 1634

on attack on Norway 76, 78

visit to Wiltshire 99

on Pas de Calais exercise 121

in FUSAG 12530, 339

on Order of Battle 12930, 2812

on invasion 148

on troop movements 152n, 1756, 1778, 179, 180, 181, 199, 218, 221n, 222, 2334, 2512, 253, 258, 294, 296n, 323, 330

reputation 1867

importance in FORTITUDE SOUTH 188

report on security restrictions 215, 216

visit to Scotland 257, 266

and V1 attacks 265

on FORTITUDE SOUTH II 266, 269, 357

on second army group command 2778

on new airborne army 2923

Krummacher’s files and 303

on First Allied Airborne Army 3067, 310

report on east coast British ports 311

plan to be sent to France 31213n, 319

on Allied Airborne Army 327

on amphibious attack 329n, 330

information on airborne task force 333

concern over Poland 33940

Buerckner, Admiral, quoted 205n

Calais see Pas de Calais

camouflage policy 1314, 1516, 39, 806, 380(App III)

end 302

see also dummy landing craft

Canadian troops see corps; divisions etc.

Canaris, Admiral 41

Cap Gris Nez 8990

Carlos 274

Casablanca Conference 1

Case Officers, role xviii, 44


on diplomatic mail 213

military 213

CHAMILLUS Network 52

see also GARBO Network sub-agents, Four

Chaudoir, Elvira xiii

Cherbourg 199, 203, 2301

Chislehurst caves 49

CHOPIN (imaginary sub-agent of BRUTUS) 53, 126, 127, 339

Churchill, Winston S. (Prime Minister) 11617, 145, 278, 290, 358n

White Paper 3256

CLH Units 269

wireless deception 36, 37, 118

Force V 68, 69, 149

Force W 68, 149

Force‘G’ 117

Force ‘F’ 118, 220, 221, 224, 247, 302

Force‘J’ 122

Force ‘S’ 122

Force ‘M’ 247, 302

Force ‘N’ 247, 302

coastal defences, German 197

COBWEB (double-cross agent) xiii, 57, 64 72, 75, 164

COCKADE Operation xvi, xviii, 12, 160

controlled agents’ role 43

coded messages

BRONX 1034, 336

during invasion 2056

command and control provisions 3589

concealment and display policy 80, 845, 380(App III)

Continent, deception, control 31220

controlled agents

management 44, 57, 354

programme of release dates for operational formations 99100

mishandling 121n

share in compiling German intelligence reports 45686(App XIII)

see also BEETLE; COBWEB; double-cross agents

controlled leakage

wireless 38, 352

see also Special Means

Controlling Officer see London Controlling Officer

COPPERHEAD (plan)) 1223, 124, 189

Corps (Allied)

1st British 89, 401 (App V)

1st British Airborne 307, 310

2nd British 423(App VII)

‘Fourth Army’ wireless deception group from 37

in Northern Force 65

selection for FORTITUDE 66

simulated signals and exercises 69

arrival in Yorkshire 72

in Fourth Army 74, 75

insignia 74

in imaginary army 88

ordered to move south 140

move to Humber area 150, 151, 153, 21718

misinformation given to Germans 154, 163

transferred to FUSAG 154

in Kent 218, 219, 220, 258, 327

wireless link 222

return to Scotland 223

chosen for British assault 245

in Belgium 323

V United States 89, 398(App V)

2nd Canadian 97, 128, 14950, 217, 218, 223, 258, 265, 404(App V)

III United States 185n

7th British 424(App VII), 439(App X), 449(App XI), 454(App XII)

in Northern Force 65

HQ move 70

insignia 74

in Fourth Army 75, 152

link with Iceland 151

misinformation given to Germans 163, 297, 330n, 331, 332, 334

reorganisation 245, 296, 3267

XV 69, 72, 74, 150, 152, 164

VIII 97, 1278, 129n, 130n, 177, 402(App V)

XII United States 97, 127, 128, 217, 218, 221, 223, 257, 265n, 406(App V), 425(App VII)

XX 97, 128, 175, 178, 265n, 407(App V), 425(App VII)

XXXIII 119, 128, 252, 2945, 296, 323, 422(App VII), 433(App VIII)

VII United States 177, 217, 399, 405 (App V)

XIX United States 185, 399 (App V)

XXXVII 220, 221, 246, 265n, 2945, 296, 323, 434(App VIII)

XVIII United States Airborne 307, 310

XVII United States Airborne 327

19th British Airborne 327, 330, 333, 454(App XII)

12th British 402(App V)

30th British 403(App V)

Corps (German)

1st SS Panzer 202

81st 236

68th 254

COSSAC xv, 1

merged into SHAEF 18n

on ‘A’ Force 29

see also Morgan, Lieut.-General Sir F.E.

Cotentin Peninsula, Brittany 197, 199, 203, 223, 230

cover plan 3001, 4357(App IX)

DAGOBERT Network 52

see also GARBO Network sub-agents, Seven

Daily Mirror 280

Daily Telegraph 278

date see timing

De Gaulle, General 287

De Guingand, Major-General F. xvii, 24, 25

letter on 25th January, 1944 89

De Witt, Lieut.-General John 248, 2701


overseas, control 31220

lessons from FORTITUDE 35161

weapons, technical handling 3567

policy 4357(App IX)

Deception Staff (SHAEF)

responsibility 28, 301, 33n, 357

technical resources 356

on security restrictions 213

sent overseas 313

decoy lighting apparatus 39

Delmer, Sefton, The Counterfeit Spy xiixiii, xix


threat to see amphibious attack; FORTITUDE NORTH

possible invasion in FORTITUDE plan 79, 377(App II)

Deuxième Bureau 314

Dewitz, Lieut.-Colonel von 356n

DICK 52, 209, 212

see also GARBO Network sub-agents, Seven, 7 (4)

diplomatic deception 370(App I)

diplomatic mail ban 21315

Diplomatic Service, British, deception control 40

directive see FORTITUDE Directive

disbandment of forces 324, 325, 326, 334, 335, 4505(App XI)

Divisions (Allied)

3rd British Infantry 9, 10, 12, 64, 656, 66, 67, 122, 136, 179, 354, 36l, 401(App V)

3rd Canadian Infantry 910, 122, 1356, 137, 141, 401(App V)

9th British Armoured 37, 50n, 65, 184n, 228

52nd British Lowland 64, 65, 667, 69, 72, 1389, 150, 152, 245

55th British Infantry 64, 69, 72, 73, 140, 150, 151, 152, 154, 184n, 218n, 21920, 223, 245, 247, 295, 296, 297, 301, 326, 423(App VII)

55th United States Infantry 64, 65, 6970, 72, 75, 150, 154, 164, 245

58th British Infantry 679, 74, 140, 150, 151, 152, 154, 163, 201n, 21819, 223, 296, 297, 326, 330, 331, 334, 335, 423(App VII), 439(App X), 449(App XI), 454(App XII)

50th British Infantry 68, 159, 163, 179, 185n, 403(App V)

51st British Highland 68, 158, 159

2nd United States Infantry 73, 149, 398(App V)

5th United States Infantry 73, 150, 152

8th United States Infantry 73, 150, 152

49th British Infantry 889, 228, 404(App V)

2nd Canadian Infantry 117, 128, 184n, 257, 258, 265, 405(App V)

35th United States Infantry 127, 128, 184n, 220n, 265, 407(App V)

79th United States Infantry 1278, 129n, 176, 184n, 217, 405(App V)

4th Canadian Armoured 128, 184n, 405(App V)

4th United States Armoured 128, 178, 179, 184n, 265n, 407(App V), 426(App VII)

5th United States Armoured 128, 184n, 407(App V), 426(App VII)

28th United States Infantry 128, 149, 1767, 177, 179, 184n, 185n, 2201, 257, 258, 405(App V), 425(App VII)

83rd United States Infantry 128, 176, 179, 184n, 257, 258, 265n, 405(App V)

47th British Infantry 136, 179, 184n, 245, 246

61st British Infantry 136n, 184n, 245, 247, 295, 296, 297, 301, 3267

1st United States Infantry 158n, 398(App V)

7th British Armoured 158, 159n, 403(App V)

1st British Airborne 159n, 184, 307, 309, 310, 333, 404(App V)

2nd United States Armoured 159, 399(App V)

9th United States Infantry 159, 399(App V)

82nd United States Airborne 159, 308, 310, 317, 325, 400(App V)

52nd British Highland 163

German over-estimate 16970, 179, 181, 184, 212, 227

6th United States Armoured 175, 176, 177, 179, 184n, 407(App V), 426(App VII)

6th United States Infantry 177

11th British Armoured 179, 184n, 317, 402(App V)

15th British Infantry 179, 259, 402(App V)

Guards Armoured 179, 361n, 402(App V)

2nd British Airborne 184, 221, 246, 306n, 310, 327, 333, 408(App V), 425(App VII)

3rd British Airborne 184

5th British Airborne 184

6th Canadian Infantry 184n

7th British Airborne 184

7th Canadian Infantry 184n

7th United States Armoured 184, 221, 406(App V), 425(App VII)

11th United States Airborne 184, 310

14th British Armoured 184n

43rd British Infantry 184n, 257, 258, 259, 403(App V)

45th British Infantry 184n, 219, 245

53rd British Infantry 184n, 257, 259, 403(App V)

59th British Infantry 184n, 247, 257, 403(App V)

76th British Infantry 184n, 228, 245

80th United States Infantry 184n, 245, 406(App V), 425(App VII)

Essex County 184n

4th United States Infantry 185n, 399(App V)

6th British Airborne Division 185n, 327, 333, 404(App V)

10th United States Light 185n

30th United States Infantry 185n, 399(App V)

52nd British Infantry 201n

59th United States Infantry 220, 221, 246, 294, 295, 310, 323, 433(App VIII)

51st British Infantry 228, 401(App V)

5th British Armoured 245, 296, 326, 330, 331, 334, 424(App VII), 449(App XI), 454(App XII)

38th British Infantry 245, 246, 331

77th British Infantry 246

77th Holding 246

48th United States Infantry 251, 252, 294, 295, 324, 422(App VII), 434(App VIII), 449(App XI), 453(App XII)

11th United States Infantry 252, 294, 295, 296, 3234, 422(App VII), 434(App VIII)

25th United States Armoured 282, 294, 323, 422(App VII), 434(App VIII)

35th British Armoured 282

2nd French Armoured 2867

17th United States Infantry 294, 295, 3234, 423(App VII), 433(App VIII), 453(App XII)

80th British Infantry 295, 296, 297, 3267, 330, 331, 332, 334, 335, 424(App VII), 449(App XI), 454(App XII)

9th United States Airborne 306, 307, 310, 327, 408(App V)

17th United States Airborne 306n, 307, 310, 327

21st United States Airborne 306n, 307, 310, 327

101st United States Airborne 309, 310, 317, 325, 400(App V)

104th United States Infantry 325

13th United States Airborne 327

29th United States Infantry 398(App V)

90th Infantry 399(App V)

3rd United States Armoured 400(App V)

2nd Canadian Armoured 401 (App V)

4lst United States Infantry 453(App XII)

Divisions (German)

1st SS Panzer 101, 102, 197, 202, 203, 204, 235n, 236

2nd Panzer 101, 102, 197, 202, 223, 235

116th Panzer 101, 102, 197, 202, 204, 236, 283

2nd SS Panzer 102, 197, 235n, 237

9th Panzer 102, 197, 288

11th Panzer 102, 197, 288

12th SS Panzer 102, 197, 202, 235

17th SS Panzer Grenadiers 102, 197, 202, 235, 237

21st Panzer 102, 112n, 197, 202, 235

Panzer Lehr 102, 112n, 197, 202, 235

3rd Parachute 197

5th Parachute 197

19th Panzer 197, 236, 283

91st Infantry 197

243rd Infantry 197

16th GAF 203n, 235n, 236

19th GAF 203, 236

85th Infantry 203n, 224, 283

2nd Parachute 235n

9th SS Panzer 235n

10th SS Panzer 235n

245th Limited Employment 235n, 236

272nd Field 235n, 237

276th Field 235n, 237

277th Field 235n, 237

346th Limited Employment 235n, 236

709th Limited Employment 235n

716th Limited Employment 235n, 237, 288

6th Parachute 236n

70th Field 236n

89th Field 236n, 283

271st Field 236n, 237

363rd Field 236n

198th Field 237

84th Field 283

165th training 283

182nd training 283

326th Limited Employment Infantry 283

331st Infantry 283

344th Infantry 283

48th Field 286

189th Limited Employment 288

Doeternbach, Major 198

Domfront 314, 315

DONNY 52, 209, 212

see also GARBO Network sub-agents, Seven, 7 (2)

DORA plan 110

DORETTE (V-man) 330n

DORICK 52, 209, 212

see also GARBO Network, sub-agents Seven, 7 (7)

double-cross agents 4657, 186

supply of inaccurate information to Germans 42

and ARTIST’s arrest 114

importance to FORTITUDE 3523


DRAKE (code name) 52n

dress rehearsal for invasion see FABIUS exercise

dummy aircraft 13, 39, 382(App III)


dummy landing craft 119, 382(App III), 390(App IV)

establishment 1213

employment of 389

display sites 92

launch 11718

GARBO’s mention of 208

dismantling 302

influence on success of FORTITUDE 3512

see also landing craft

dummy wireless traffic 38, 70

Dutch parachute units 309

Eastern Command see Armies (Allied), Sixth; Army Groups (Allied), First United States

Eisenhower, General Dwight D. (Supreme Commander) xvi, xxi

request to Churchill on physical deception 11617

speeches after invasion 144, 203

formation of new US army group 242, 24850

apparent disagreement with Patton 266

command post in France 2789, 280


on Airborne Command 291

advance into Germany 2978

and disbandment of FUSAG 326

see also SHAEF

‘Enemy Propaganda Directive’ (PWE Directive) 212

English Channel, closed to fishing boats 143n

English troops see corps; divisions etc.

espionage, see also German Intelligence Service

ETOUSA (Special Plans Section) 345, 37, 70, 90, 91, 248, 318n

Europe, deception, control 31220

FABIUS Exercise 60, 67, 11617, 1356, 189, 358n, 394(App V)

false information

planting of 39

see also BRUTUS (double-cross agent); GARBO (double-cross agent)

FERDINAND Plan 192, 2867

fictitious formations, allotment of numbers 220n

fictitious sub-agents see imaginary sub-agents

Fidrmuc, Paul 206, 356n

see also OSTRO

Field Security Reports 45

Fire Office Committee, MULLET employed by 778

First American Army Groups see Army Groups (Allied), First United States (FUSAG)

First Canadian Army see Armies (Allied), First Canadian

fishing boats, English Channel prohibition 143n

Five (agent) see GARBO Network sub-agents, Five

5 Wireless Group 36, 38n, 68, 223, 301, 382(App III)

flying bombs see V1

Force F etc see CLH Units

Foreign Office

deception control 40

and diplomatic ban 21315

formations, fictitious, organisation 220n

FORTITUDE xxixxii, 19, 3728(App II)

objectives 19

replaces MESPOT Plan 19n

approval granted 27

wireless deception 36

operational plan 58

German reactions in June 22740

ending 289302

disbandment of formations 325

object lesson 35161

plans, lessons learned from 354

FORTITUDE Directive xvi, 58, 82, 856, 359, 37982(App III)


responsibility for 35, 58

wireless deception 36, 37

Northern Force 65

Southern assault 689

Northern assault 6970

GARBO sub-agent report 137

revival of interest in 1389

ending 14954

reactions to 15567

Abwehr on 1601

effect on Germany 160

German map 1645

German speculation over 16873

move of forces to South 179, 1923

well-being of agents 354

FORTITUDE SOUTH xvi, xvii, 23, 58, 359, 38390(App IV)

responsibility for 35

wireless deception unit 367, 117

task assigned to 102

German view, Spring 1944 16573

German speculation over 17490, 192

influence 17490

new story to continue into July 224

timing 267

Biscay coast proposal and 287

Order of Battle 45686(App XIII)

FORTITUDE SOUTH II 231n, 24152, 289n, 41117(App VI), 41830(App VII), 441(App XI)

grouping of forces 244

execution 26470

ending 290

lessons learned 3545

Four (agent) see GARBO Network sub-agents, Four

Fourteenth US Army see Armies (Allied), Fourteenth United States

Fourth Army Group, wireless deception unit 36

FOYNES Plan 18f, 612, 68n, 1578


French resistance groups xii

co-operation with French over controlled agents 314, 315

see also Maquis

French troops see corps; divisions etc.

German troop formations 1012, 112n, 113

FREAK (double-cross agent) 54, 97, 99, 111n, 11415, 126, 129, 159, 164, 166, 176, 187, 219, 45686(App XIII)

in FORTITUDE NORTH 71, 72, 73, 75

French see France

Friedendal, General (‘Friedenhall’) 105&n

FUSAG see Army Groups (Allied), First United States (FUSAG)

G (R), 21 Army Group xvii, 34

GARBO (double-cross agent) xi, xiii, xviii, xix, 467, 34050, 45686(App XIII)

acquires plans from MoI 589

need for agents’ resident’s qualifications 94

on troop movements 99, 158n, 159n, 291, 296, 311,, 322, 324, 330, 361n

on 21st Army Group HQ 129

and the invasion 13148, 208, 21012

failed agents 1323

at Ministry of Information 133, 142, 143

on attack on Norway 153

on occupation story 1556

on FUSAG command 181

reputation 1867

importance in FORTITUDE SOUTH 188

delayed message after Normandy landing 212

on security measures 21415

announces new divisions 221

on new American formation 2501, 253

need to be put out of communication 254

arrest 2557, 258, 2645, 271


forged letter to 2723

Iron Cross awarded to 274

questions on second army group command 277

on HQ move to France 279

on new Order of Battle 2812

questioned on new airborne army 292

on advance into Germany 298

zenith of influence on German Command 300

Krummacher’s files and 303

request to monitor Scotland 332

and German fear of amphibious attack 3356

betrays Spanish agent 340

goes into hiding 3401

Christmas letter 3424

grows a beard 344

return to Spain 34950

GARBO, Mrs 257, 341

GARBO Network 4753, 48, 1078

GARBO Network sub-agents

One 47

Two 47, 89

Widow of 134, 141, 147, 148, 257, 264

Three 47, 52, 712, 72, 74, 76, 134, 137, 139, 141, 153, 2567, 264, 271, 275, 294, 298, 334, 340, 345, 346, 347, 348

3 (2) 47, 49, 346

3 (3) 47, 72, 76, 139, 140, 145, 153, 154, 21819, 275, 345, 346, 347

3 (1) 346

Four 49, 1357, 138, 1401, 142, 146, 147, 208, 254, 275, 345, 347

4 (1) (‘ALMURA’) 49, 52, 141, 146, 1478, 264, 344, 347

4 (2) 49, 347

4 (3) 49, 125, 12930, 129n, 181, 251, 266, 271, 279, 291, 298, 322, 3445

Five 50, 141, 275, 3456

5 (1) 50, 345

Six 50

Seven 50, 52, 945, 141, 146, 250, 251, 271, 275, 345, 346, 347

7 (1) 50n;, 345

7 (2)(DONNY) 51, 52, 94, 95, 121, 130, 176, 177, 208, 21819, 257, 258, 275, 297, 345, 348

7 (3) 51, 131, 346

7 (4) (DICK) 51, 52, 94, 95, 130, 208, 220n, 275, 294, 296n, 297, 345, 348

7 (5) 51, 52n, 94, 131, 132, 275, 345, 347

7 (6) 51, 94n, 103, 105, 131, 132, 250, 275, 345, 346, 347

7 (7) (DORICK) 51, 52, 94, 95, 176, 208, 231, 275, 276, 294, 296, 297, 328, 334, 345, 348

J (1) 47, 51, 52, 344, 347

J (3) 512, 59, 1323, 144, 2645, 299, 344

J (5) 51, 52, 125, 137, 138, 209, 344

Garby-Czerniawski, Roman xiii

GELATINE (double-cross agent) 56, 612, 62n, 734, 338

German agents

‘turning’ of xi, 423, 314

B1A control of 42

France and Belgium ‘stay-behind’ 313

German Air Force, involvement in invasion 2

German Command, disposition of forces in France 1957, 283, 286, 288

German High Command see OKW

German Intelligence Service 4, 402

British opinion of 46, 10

ineffectiveness 353, 361

German troops see corps; divisions etc.

Germany, fear of attack 204, 2067, 217, 3293356

Gibraltar, deception plan 1224, 18990

gliders, in new airborne army 2912

glossary 49l-3(App IX)

GRAFFHAM plan 78, 1667

HAMLET (double-cross agent) 56

Hansen, Colonel 41

HARLEQUIN embarkation exercise 2n

‘Harrison’ (fictitious air marshal) 207

Hart see Liddell Hart, Captain B.H.

HECTOR (uncontrolled agent) 206n, 303, 356n

Hempel, Herr 57

Hesketh, Cuthbert (RH’s brother) xvii, xviii, xixxx, 204n

Hesketh, Roger xiixiii, xix

Heydrich, Herr 41

Hitler, Adolf 166n, 167, 168, 203

views on Allied intentions 1912, 1934

and Abwehr 2045

fear of second landing 204

and Pas de Calais threat 2678

reports compiled for 303

Hodges, Lieut.-General Courtney H. 243

Home Defence Executive 213

Home Forces, GHQ 88


controlled agents in 57

FORTITUDE NORTH troops in 64, 6970, 151, 154

imaginary sub-agents

GARBO’s 4752


insignia, fictitious 220n

intelligence, see also German Intelligence Service


delay in date of 59

advance report 138

full disclosure 155

first news to Von Rundstedt 198

Ireland, travel ban 213

IRONSIDE Operation 102, 1034, 192, 201, 237, 250n

IRONSIDE II Operation 2878

James, Lieutenant Clifton 1224, 190n


Jebson see ARTIST

Jodl, Field-Marshal Alfred Gustav xix, xxv, 166, 167, 204, 205, 208, 21011, 237, 240n, 267

Joint Commanders’ Plan 8793, 99, 107, 38390(App IV)

‘Jonny’ see DONNY

JOSEPHINE (uncontrolled agent) 190, 206, 207, 211, 3034, 3089, 329n, 330, 356n, 48790(App XIV)

Keitel, Field-Marshal Wilhelm xix, 166n, 204, 210, 211

KO see Kriegsorganizations (Abwehr)

Kraemer, Dr 206n, 207, 3035, 3078, 309n, 356n

Kriegsorganizations (Abwehr) 41, 110

Krummacher, Colonel xix, xx, xxv, 190, 205, 206, 208, 20910, 215, 233n, 303

Kuebart, Herr 10910

Kuehlenthal, Herr 46, 34950

landing craft

British, in Operation OVERLORD 1011, 12

post-assault phase 26

apparent shortage 59

transfer from Mediterranean 158

German estimates, FORTITUDE SOUTH 17980, 186

see also dummy landing craft

LCS see London Controlling Section

leave, service, suspension and restoration 213, 215, 216

Leitstelles (Abwehr) 41

letter-writing agents 56, 216, 338

letters, false information introduced into 39

Liddell Hart, Captain B.H. 212n


deceptive and decoy 381(App III)

night installations 390(App IV)


GARBO in 467

air-mail service discontinued 213

London Controlling Officer

role 67, 28, 31

on ‘A’ force 29

on Ops (B) 30

in liaison group 312

Special Means and 3940

and date of invasion 60

FOYNES operation 61

influence on Sweden 789

see abo BODYGUARD plan

London Controlling Section xi, xii, xvi, 312, 220n

Lothian, HMS 118, 224

Lucas, General 280

Luftwaffe Command 1c 2312

McNair, Lieut.-General Lesley James 2489, 250, 266, 26971

Madrid see Spain

Mallet, Sir Victor A.L. 79, 166

Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Leigh xvi

map of London (Pharos 1906) 2556

Maquis, and IRONSIDE II 2878

Marshall, General 2489, 26970, 355

‘Mary’ (TATE’s contact) 1045


coasts, operation plans 102, 103

transfer of troops from 1578

FERDINAND plan 287

see also FOYNES plan

MERCURY Plan 2245

MESPOT Plan 19n

METEOR (double-cross agent) 5960

Meyer-Detring, Colonel 190n, 198, 3367


B1A xvi, 31, 44, 141

action after ARTIST crisis 114

function 40, 425

‘turning’ of German agents xi

in liaison group 312

deception control 40


in liaison group 312

control of agents 57

military censorship see censorship, military

Ministry of Information, GARBO in 133, 142, 143

Ministry of War, imaginary agent in see GARBO Network sub-agents, J(5)

Montgomery, Field-Marshal Sir Bernard xvi, 59, 130n, 200, 228

actor disguised as 1224, 123, 18990

German view of command 171, 172

Normandy operations, German awareness 229

disposition of forces 261, 262

in charge in Normandy 2778, 279, 280

differences of opinion with other commanders 300

and amphibious attack 334

Morgan, General, identity 2801

Morgan, Lieut.-General Sir FE. 1, 380(App III)

see also COSSAC

MULBERRY units 8, 395(App V)

MULLET (double-cross agent) 567, 61n, 778, 187

Napier, Major-General C.S. 23

Narvik attack, FORTITUDE NORTH 65, 70

NEPTUNE Operation 19, 19n, 20, 23, 25, 27, 68n, 81, 11314, 118, 212, 250, 359, 3735, 3778(App II), 3956(App V)

No. 5 Wireless Group see 5 Wireless Group

Norfolk House headquarters 1


choice of 8

Rommel’s choice 196

Montgomery’s forces in 232, 266

North Africa landings, controlled agents’ role 43

Northern Command 328

see alsoAxmics (Allied), Third

Northern Ireland, FORTITUDE NORTH troops in 64, 66


SHAEF deception plan 18, 20, 27

information from MULLET 778

possible invasion 153, 161, 192, 3078, 330n

GARBO’s information 160

proposed amphibious operation 316

FORTITUDE Plan 374, 3767(App II)

see also Amphibious attack; FORTITUDE NORTH; TINDALL

Norwegian forces, in FORTITUDE NORTH 64, 65, 74

Notional Order of Battle, regrouping 4409(App XI)

‘occupation’ story 1556

OKW xi

One (agent) see GARBO Network sub-agents, One

Ops (B) xv, xvi, xix, 28, 2930, 32n, 44, 316

enlargement 334

and special security measures 213

fictitious insignia 220n

and disbandment of FORTITUDE formations 326

see also SHAEF

Order of Battle

false, Pas de Calais see Pas de Calais

Notional, regrouping 4409(App XI), 452(App XII)


Orkneys, FORTITUDE NORTH troops in 64, 66

OSTRO (uncontrolled agent) 206, 207, 2623, 3034, 329, 330n, 356n

over-estimate, German, of allied forces 16970, 179, 181, 184, 212, 227

OVERLORD Operation 3, 3n, 810, 19, 201, 27, 32n, 58, 801, 112, 116, 1423n, 359, 3634, 3657, 369(App I), 3934(App V)

original plan 9

Army Wireless Deception 89n

overseas, deception, control 31220

Paget, General 34n

PANDORA (agent) 57, 71, 72n, 219, 456(App XIII)

Panzer Divisions see Divisions (German)

Pariser Zeitung 267, 268n

Pas de Calais 328

diversion plan 89, 1112, 256, 89, 1068, 11112, 188, 260, 289, 359, 377, 378(App II)

Special Means and 11314, 248

bombing deception programme 118, 248, 269

air operation 121

German acceptance of 168, 2678

second attack plan 2067, 242, 298, 299


Patton, Major-General George S., Jr 128, 200, 228, 229, 259, 263, 2656, 267, 270, 304

German speculation on responsibilities 172, 180, 181, 268

loss of high command 2412, 24850, 266

disposition of forces 2612

differences of opinion with other commanders 300

physical deception xvi, 823, 358, 370(App I)

and the invasion 11630

efficacy in FORTITUDE 353

Physical Deception Staff see Deception Staff

POINTBLANK Operation 60n, 364, 367(App I)

Poland, BRUTUS’s fears for 33940

Poles, recruitment 126

Polish forces, in FORTITUDE NORTH 64, 66, 171

Polish parachute units 309, 310

political warfare 370(App I)

Political Warfare Executive (PWE) 40, 1334, 142, 143n, 3578

Special Directive 1435, 212

Posadowski, Lieutenant Count 356n

postponement, policy of 212, 267, 601, 81, 91, 156

PREMIUM Operation 77, 106, 188n

prisoners of war, false information in letters 39

Pujol, Juan xiii

PUPPET (double-cross agent) 56, 61n, 77, 96, 187

PWE see Political Warfare Executive (PWE)

Q (Ops) Committee 801

QUAKER Operation 122n

QUICKSILVER Operations 93, 3847(App IV)

III 39n, 93, 386(App IV)

I 93, 107, 385(App IV)

II 93, 385(App IV)

IV 93, 118, 386(App IV) 393, 386(App IV)

VI 386(App IV)

see also FORTITUDE SOUTH; Joint Commanders’ Plan

‘R’ force 34

Ramsey, Admiral xvi

RANKIN Operation 373(App II)

Read, Lieut.-Colonel John Jervis xv, xvi

Reichssichersheits-Haupt-Amt (RSHA) 41, 303

‘reoccupation operations’ 20

Riis, Ib xiii

Rommel, Field-Marshal Erwin 101, 1956, 198, 203

RSHA see Reichssichersheits-Haupt-Amt (RSHA)

Ruhr, campaign to capture 316, 321

Rundstedt, Field-Marshal Karl Gerd von xix, 1946, 197, 198, 202, 2034, 212, 361n

Russian co-operation in FORTITUDE NORTH 767

Russian offensive, and date of invasion 60

‘S’ Force 12, 66


German fear of attacks 32930

see also Denmark; Norway

Schellenberg, Herr 41

Schramm, Professor Percy 210, 48990(App XIV)

Schreiber, Herr 10910

‘SCI Unit France’ 31314

SCI units see Security Counter Intelligence (SCI) Units


Scottish Command see FORTITUDE NORTH; Fourth Army

second landing

fear of 204, 2067, 217

speculation over 237, 240, 2778

Security Counter Intelligence (SCI) Units 313

security measures, special 21315, 371 (App I)

security restrictions 21316


importance in invasion 200, 230, 232

crossing 290

Seine bridges, destruction 113

Seine-Somme sector 2334

Sertorius (German commentator) 2234

service leave see leave

Seven (agent) see GARBO Network sub-agents, Seven

SEXTANT Operation 364(App I)

SHAEF xi, xvi, xvii, 397(App V)

tasks in BODYGUARD plan 18, 58

control of agents in Iceland 57

and FOYNES operation 62

guidance letter on preparations to War Office 812

and 21 Army Group 856, 278

physical deception programme 85

Pas de Calais Order of Battle 89, 128

GARBO on 1334

D-day speeches 1423n

Biscay coast request 287

strategic reserve 297, 298, 321, 322

control of army groups 299

SCI unit 313

receipt of messages from controlled agents in France 315

role in overseas deception 319

and dispersal of FORTITUDE formations 326

control of Fourteenth US Army 329

controlled agents under 359

see also Deception Staff; Eisenhower; Ops (B)

SHEPHERD (double-agent) 148n

Simpson, Lieut.-General William H. 249, 26970

Six (agent) see GARBO Network sub-agents, Six

Smith, Brigadier-General Walter Bedell 190, 249, 269n, 318n, 380(App III), 4357(App IX)

SNIPER (double-cross agent) 56, 1067, 188n

SOE see Special Operations Executive (SOE)

South-Eastern Command see Armies (Allied), Fifth British; Army Groups (Allied), First United States

Southern Command 21

Southern Command see Armies (Allied), Second British; Army Groups (Allied)

‘Southern Railway Plan’ see MERCURY Plan


Madrid, Abwehr, GARBO in 46

GARBO contacts 1323, 1389, 1402, 1456

see also Gibraltar

Special Means xvxvi, xvixvii, 28, 29, 58, 370(App I), 381(App III), 391410(App V), 41830(App VII), 4314(App VIII), 4389(App X)

function xvii, 31, 39

responsibility for 33, 34


Joint Commanders’ Plan 92

use of agents 97

programme of release dates for operational formations 99100

IRONSIDE Operation 103


and Pas de Calais deception 113

and postponement story 156

fictitious insignia 220n, 31819

extension of FORTITUDE SOUTH 224

see also double-cross agents; London Controlling Officer; MI5

Special Means Officer (Ops (B)) 141

Special Operations Executive (SOE) 3940

Special Plans Section 318n

see also ETOUSA (Special Plans Section)

staff organisation, lessons of FORTITUDE 3601

STARKEY Operation xviii, 23, 11, 47

Stavanger attack, FORTITUDE NORTH 65

Strangeways, Colonel David xvii

Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) see Eisenhower, General Dwight D.; SHAEF


in SHAEF deception plan 18

and FORTITUDE 789, 166


TAC see Air Commands

Tactical Air Force/Command see Air Commands

TAF see Air Commands

Task Force ‘A’ 306

Task Force ‘B’ 3067

TATE (double-cross agent) xviii, xix, 545, 59, 79, 956, 1045, 121, 311, 336, 357, 47184(App XIII)

on invasion 148

reputation 187

and MERCURY Plan 2256

news of departing formations 257

and V1 attacks 265

on new Order of Battle 2812

on French Corps 287

on Fourteenth Army 294

on troop movements ?add others? 297

and Fourth Army to Yorkshire 330

operation ceased 3389

TEAPOT (triple-cross agent) 57, 76

Teheran Conference 7, 17

Thomsen, Peter xiii

Thorne, Lieut.-General Sir A.F.A.N. xvi, 72, 734

3103 Signals Service Battalion 367, 92n, 150, 152, 223, 247, 289, 293, 301, 382(App III)

Three see GARBO Network sub-agents, Three


of invasion

false information on 5960

German views 169, 1889, 192, 1945

of operations 1415, 18, 205

TINDALL Operation xviii, 2, 160, 201

TORRENT cover plan 11n

see also APPENDIX Y

Trafford, Air Vice-Marshal 3078

travel ban to Ireland 213

TREASURE (double-cross agent) 556, 96, 130n, 159n, 185n, 187

TRICYCLE (double-cross agent) xix, 53, 60, 78, 97, 10910, 111, 11415

reports on FORTITUDE SOUTH Order of Battle 1745

reputation 1867

importance in FORTITUDE SOUTH 188

questioned on new airborne army 292

triple-cross agent 57

see also TEAPOT

TROLLEYCAR Operation 320, 32832, 354

TROLLEYCAR Two Operation 38n

Turner, Sir John 39

TWEEZER Operation 21726

Twelfth Reserve Unit 37, 247, 289, 301, 335

21 Army Group see Army Groups (Allied), 21

TWIST Committee xvi, xviii, 2930, 31, 32, 40

212 Committee 314, 315, 318n

Two (agent) see GARBO Network sub-agents, Two

Ultra xii

uncontrolled agents 42, 186

see also Brandes; HECTOR; JOSEPHINE; OSTRO

United States, 3103 Signals Service Battalion see 3103 Signals Service Battalion

United States forces

infantry, in Operation OVERLORD 10

in post-assault phase 15, 26

officers in Ops (B) 334

in FORTITUDE NORTH 64, 65, 66 6970

United States troops see corps; divisions etc.

United States War Department, negotiations on wireless deception 36

V1 attacks 2545, 258, 25961, 265

V1 weapon 229, 254, 2645

VENDETTA Operation 102, 103, 201, 237

VERITAS Operation 70n

Vermehren, Herr 111

visitors’ ban 213, 215

visual misdirection 91, 318, 351, 358

Von Rundstedt see Rundstedt, Field-Marshal Karl Gerd von

WADHAM Operation xviii, 2

War Office

involvement in wireless deception 36, 37

Field Security Reports 45

and diplomatic ban 215

War Office, Special Weapons and Vehicles (SWV8) 389

Warlimont, General 166n, 205

Wetbobs 382(App III)

‘The Widow’ see GARBO Network sub-agents, Two, Widow of

Wild, Colonel Noel xiii, xvi, xviii

Wilson, Field-Marshal Sir H. Maitland- 287

wireless agents, importance 55

wireless deception

units, establishment 12, 382(App III)

FORTITUDE SOUTH 367, 117, 218

importance 36

general policy 38

in Joint Commander’ Plan 87

May 1944 122



dispersal of FORTITUDE units 301

naval units post-FORTITUDE 302

lessons from FORTITUDE 352

see also CLH Units; controlled leakage; dummy wireless traffic; 5 Wireless Group; 3103 Signals; Twelfth Reserve Unit; Wireless Silence Periods

wireless intercept, German 4, 172, 185, 353

wireless resources, for FORTITUDE NORTH 68

wireless silence periods 15, 159, 189, 218, 224, 3801 (App III)

XX Committee 434, 55

‘Y’ Service, German 45, 130

ZEPPELIN Operation 10