A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Apologies, learning how to make, 120–23
Asking for more, 200–203
Assumptions, checking, 125
Author’s wishes for you, 220–21
Body (yours), appreciating, 86–89
Book (this), how to use, 9. See also Author’s wishes for you
Brilliant jerk, not being, 196–99
Budget, donating on, 146–49
Burnout, avoiding, 188–91
Busyness, stopping being “so busy,” 32–35
Career challenges, 178–219
about: challenge difficulty levels, 9; overview of, 178–79
asking for more, 200–203
avoiding burnout, 188–91
balancing career and personal life. See Health challenges; Lifestyle challenges
inviting feedback, 204–7
lead with integrity, 216–19
not being the brilliant jerk, 196–99
not taking shortcuts, 208–11
owning your talent, 180–83
rethinking approach to mentorship, 212–15
seeking creative challenges, 192–95
taking criticism seriously (not personally), 184–87
Cash-only approach to finances, 154–57
Challenges, categories of. See Career challenges; Financial challenges; Health challenges; Lifestyle challenges; Relationship challenges
Challenges, difficulty levels explained, 9
Charities, donating to, 146–49
“Completing” you, 135
Computers, being intentional with screen time, 40–43
Conflict, practicing curiosity in, 127
Creative challenges, seeking, 192–95
Criticism, taking seriously (not personally), 184–87
Curiosity, maintaining in relationship, 124–27
Cutting recurring expenses, 166–69
Debt, paying off, 138–41
Decisions, listening to your gut, 128–31
Delayed gratification experiment, 158–61
Difficulty levels of challenges, about, 9
Donating on a budget, 146–49
Drinking more water, 70–73
Easy challenges, about, 9
being intentional with screen time, 40–43
not checking phone for a day, 34
Emergency fund, building, 142–45
Enjoyment, having fun, 44–47
find time to work out (and workout suggestions), 62–65
walking, 63
yoga, 54–57
Expected expenses, planning for, 162–65
Fear, skipping Sunday scaries, 24–27
inviting, 204–7
listening to others, 104–7
taking criticism seriously (not personally), 184–87
Financial challenges, 136–77
about: challenge difficulty levels, 9; overview of, 136–37
building emergency fund, 142–45
cutting recurring expenses, 166–69
delayed gratification experiment, 158–61
donating on a budget, 146–49
living within your means, 174–77
looking at your paycheck, 150–53
paying off a debt, 138–41
planning for the expected, 162–65
taking cash-only approach, 154–57
understanding your money behaviors, 170–73
Food and drink
drinking more water, 70–73
eating less sugar, 66–69
packing your lunch, 78–81
Forgiving someone, 112–15
Fun, having, 44–47
Furiousness, curiosity instead of, 124–27
Getting shit done, 16–19
Gratification, delaying, 158–61
Grudges, forgiving, 112–15
Gut, listening to, 128–31
Happiness, having fun and, 44–47
Hard challenges, about, 9
Health challenges, 52–93
about: challenge difficulty levels, 9; overview of, 52–53
appreciating your body, 86–89
creating your definition of self-care, 90–93
drinking more water, 70–73
eating less sugar, 66–69
going to bed on time, 74–77
knowing your health history, 82–85
meditating, 58–61
packing your lunch, 78–81
practicing yoga, 54–57
working out, 62–65
Help, asking for/accepting, 108–11
Integrity, leading with, 216–19
Intuition (gut), listening to, 128–31
Inviting feedback, 204–7
Jerk, brilliant, not being, 196–99
Job. See Career challenges
Journal, starting, 20–23
Lifestyle challenges, 10–51. See also Health challenges
about: challenge difficulty levels, 9; overview of, 10–11
being intentional with screen time, 40–43
getting shit done, 16–19
having fun, 44–47
making peace with who you’re not, 48–51
reading more, 36–39
repairing instead of replacing, 28–31
skipping Sunday scaries, 24–27
starting a journal, 20–23
stopping being “so busy,” 32–35
wake up earlier, 12–15
to others, 104–7
to your gut, 128–31
Living within your means, 174–77
Looking at your paycheck, 150–53
Losing yourself, avoiding, 132–35
Means, living within, 174–77
Meditating, 62–65
Medium challenges, about, 9
Mentorship, rethinking approach to, 212–15
Money. See Financial challenges
More, asking for, 200–203
Owning your talent, 180–83
Paycheck, looking at, 150–53
Paying off a debt, 138–41
Phone, not checking for a day, 34. See also Screen time, being intentional with
Planning for the expected, 162–65
Reacting to others, curiosity and, 124–27
Reactions (yours), observing, 126
Reading more, 36–39
Recurring expenses, cutting, 166–69
Relationship challenges, 94–135
about: challenge difficulty levels, 9; overview of, 94–95
asking for and accepting help, 108–11
being better listener, 104–7
forgiving someone, 112–15
learning how to apologize, 120–23
listening to your gut, 128–31
not losing yourself, 132–35
staying curious, not furious, 124–27
stop keeping score (and trying to “win), 100–103
taking responsibility, 116–19
telling the truth, 96–99
Repairing things instead of replacing, 28–31
asking for more, 200–203
financial. See Financial challenges
taking, 116–19
Savings. See Financial challenges
Schedule. See also To-do items
“me time,” 35
stopping being “so busy,” 32–35
Score, stop keeping, 100–103
Screen time, being intentional with, 40–43
giving yourself space, 130
listening to your gut and, 128–31
making peace with who you’re not, 48–51
meditating and, 62–65
not losing yourself, 132–35
yoga and, 54–57
Self-care. See Health challenges
Shortcuts, not taking, 208–11
Sleep and bedtime
drinking water before and after, 73
going to bed on time, 74–77
waking up earlier, 12–15
Space, giving yourself, 130
Spending. See Financial challenges
Sugar, reducing intake of, 66–69
Sunday scaries, skipping, 24–27
Talent (yours), owning, 180–83
To-do items
getting shit done, 16–19
prioritizing list of, 33
Trusting your gut, 128–31
Truth, telling, 96–99
TV, being intentional with screen time, 40–43
Wake up earlier, 12–15
Walking, 63. See also Exercise
Wants, delaying gratification of, 158–61
Water, drinking more, 70–73
Work. See Career challenges
Working out. See Exercise
Writing, starting a journal, 20–23
Yoga, practicing, 54–57