

AA. See Alzheimer’s Association

AADC. See L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase

AAV. See adeno-associated virus

ABC. See Adult Behavior Checklist

abstinence, craving and, 728730

cue-elicited, 728729

drug-elicited, 729730

spontaneous, 728

abuse classifications, of SUD, 772774

acceptance, as coping mechanism, 1149

acetylcholine (ACh)

AD and

in animal models, 810811

inhibitory mechanisms, 844

in treatment therapies, 844845

end-plate potentials, 12

for LBD, 882

for MCI, 845

memantine and, 845

memory and, 844845

neurotransmitters and, 12

sleep cycles and, 1130

acoustic emission signals, 153

acoustic parameter dependence, 153154

action potential

brain function and, 64

in neurons, 2829

activation likelihood estimation (ALE) methods, 257258

activator protein-1 (AP-1)

composition changes over time, 8384

dimers in, 8283

Fos proteins, 83, 84

genomic transcription control by, 8284

Jun proteins, 83

response elements in, 83

activity-based anorexia, 1183

AD. See Alzheimer’s disease

ADAM10 genes, 808

ADAPT. See Alzheimer’s disease anti-inflammatory prevention trial

addiction. See also drug addiction; reward, addiction and; substance use disorder; transcriptional mechanisms, of addiction

adolescence and

brain development during, 707

risk factors for, 709

animal models of, 679680

for individual traits, 711

neuroimaging for, 721

BDNF and, 688

brain development and, 707709

during adolescence, 707

dopaminergic changes, 707

neuroimaging for, 707708

PFC, 708

regional differences in, 707708

cellular physiology of, 689690

cognitive control loss, 689690

NAc in, 689

optogenetics in, 690

receptor availability in, 690

structural plasticity changes, 689

synaptic plasticity in, 689

clinical indications for, 683

compulsivity and

neurocircuitry of, 685

transition to, 736

craving and, 728730

cue-elicited, 728729

drug-elicited, 729730

spontaneous, 728

DAs and

activation in, 686

brain development and, 707, 707708

hyperdopaminergia, 685

mediated signaling by, 685686

neurocircuitry of, 683

vulnerability and, 716720

definition of, 675

diagnosis of, 703

in DSM-V, 697

family studies for, 697

for inheritance of, 699

genetic basis of. See also inheritance, genetic

alcohol-induced flushing and, 699700

with alcohol metabolizing genes, 700

alleles in, 696

in candidate gene studies, 700

clinical categories of, 697

COMT and, 700701

correlation in, 698

endophenotypes for, 699

environmental interaction in, 698699

evolutionary context for, 696

exposure factors for, 697

gene identification, 700701, 704

5HTTLPR polymorphism, 701

inheritance range in, 696

intermediate phenotypes in, 699700

mapping technologies for, 696

with monoamine transmitters, 700701

as multistage, 704

neuroimaging for, 700

predictive value of, 696697

in receptors, 699

resilience in, 696

serotonins and, 701

signaling pathways for, 696

genetic mapping technologies for, 696

glutamate homeostasis hypothesis and, 687688

BDNF and, 688

GPCR and, 688

Homer proteins in, 688

ionotropic receptors, 687688

mediated relapse by, 687

metabotropic receptors, 688

regulation in, 687

GWAS for, 696, 701702

variants in, 702703

hedonic hypothesis for, 706

individual traits for, 709711

impulse control, 709710

low self-control, 709

positive affect and, 710

prenatal exposure and, 710711

prior exposure in, 710711

stimulant medication and, 711

inheritance of, 697698

causation in, 697

complexity in, 697698

cross-transmission of, 698

epistatic model for, 698

in family studies, 697, 699

through family studies, 697

modes of, 697698

shared, 698

unshared, 698

MAOs and, 702703

morbidity rates for, 683

NAc and

cellular physiology of, 689

neurocircuitry of, 683684

negative reinforcement and, 738

neurocircuitry of, 683685, 706

amygdala in, 684685

compulsivity in, 685

CRF and, 685

DA functions and, 683

habenula, 685

HPA axis and, 685

insula in, 685

NAc in, 683684

PFC in, 684

regulated relapse in, 684685

for rewards, 683684

septum in, 685

neuroimaging for, 700, 738740. See also craving, addiction and

in animal models, 721, 723725

applications in studies of, 716

for AUDs, 725726

blood flow and, 727

brain development and, 707708

for cocaine, 723, 726

by drug type, 721723

environmental factors, 720

genetic basis of, 700

for glucose metabolism, 716, 722, 727728

for heroine, 726

for methamphetamine, 726

for nicotine, 723, 726

for opioids, 727

with PET, 716, 720721

pharmacokinetic profiles and, 722

radiotracers for, 717724

relapse model, 728730

for research, 740

risk identification through, 740

of serotonins, 727

severity measures, 738

with SPECT, 716

study findings for, 724725

for tobacco use, 722, 727

for treatment, 738740

for vulnerability, 716721

opponent-process models of, 737

PET for, 716, 722

prevalence rates for, 706

public health costs of, 683

receptor-mediated signaling in, 685688

in cellular physiology, 690

DAs, 685686

metabotropic receptors, 688

for regulated relapse, 686688

social use, 685686

VTA and, 685686

research on, 683

risk factors for, 709

during adolescence, 709

SPECT for, 716, 720721, 722

susceptibility in

animal models of, 680681

behavioral phenotypes in, 680

impulsivity and, 681

novelty-seeking traits in, 680681

reward sensitivity in, 681

sex factors in, 680

social factors in, 680

vulnerability towards, 716721

dopamine system, 716720

addictive behaviors. See also alcohol use disorders; drug abuse

DNA methylation and, 95

epigenetic mechanisms and, 9596

histone methylation and, 95

ncRNA and, 9596

transgenic rat models for, 111

viral-mediated gene transfer and, 118

adenine, 76

in TATA box, 80

adeno-associated virus (AAV), viral-mediated gene transfer, 117

ADH1B gene. See alcohol dehydrogenase 1B gene

ADHD. See attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

adiponectin, 11771178

ADNI. See Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative


addiction and

brain development during, 707

risk factors for, 709

drug abuse during, 708709

fear development during, 598603

in animal models, 599603

brain maturation and, 598599

of contextual fear and extinction, 600601

of cue fear extinction, 599600

hippocampal involvement, 600601

memory and, 601603

neural circuitry for, 601603

PFC and, 599600

psychopathology and, 598

schizophrenia during, 328

SUD during, 777, 784785

adoption studies, for ADHD, 1037

ADRDA. See Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association

adrenal glucocorticoids, depression and, 430431

Adult Behavior Checklist (ABC), 1061

adult bonding, 11191124

animal models of, 1119

dopamines in, 1121

oxytocin in, 1121

of pair bonding, 11201123

partner preference in, 11201121

selective aggression in, 1121–1123

separation distress in, 1123

chemical substrates for, 11201123

in humans, 11231124

neuroanatomy of, 11201123

pair bonding and, 11191120

animal models of, 11201123

neurobiology of, 1124

affective disorders. See also specific disorders

bipolar, 380

epigenetics of, 956957

psychoses compared to, 224

African Americans, AD in, 801802

after-hyperpolarization (AHP), 70

neurons and, 29

age. See also childhood; early childhood, fear development during

AD and, 844, 854

bipolar disorder and, 384

MDD and, 384

SUD by, 777778


alcohol use and, 1109

amygdala activity and, 11061107

in reactive aggression, 11091110

ASD and, treatment therapies for, 10291030

ASPD and, 1094

instrumental aggression and, 1095, 1104

reactive, 10941095

benzodiazepines and, 1109

in BPD

impulsive dimensions in, 10911092

reactive aggression in, 1104

COMT and, 1109

definition of, 1103

dopamines and, 1109, 1110

GABA and, 1109, 1110

5HTTLPR polymorphism and, 1109

in humans, 11031104

instrumental, 11041106

as adaptive, 1104

ASPD and, 1104

CD and, 1104

components of, 1103, 1104

cortical circuits in, 1109

flexibility of, 1104

reactive compared to, 11031104

stimulus-reinforcement learning and, 11041105

MAOA and, 1109

neurobiology of

amygdala in, 11061107

molecular mechanisms in, 11081109

OFC in, 1106

for reactive aggression, 1106, 11071108

predatory, 1103, 1104

PSAP and, 1107

reactive, 1103, 11061108

amygdala activity and, 11091110

ASPD and, 10941095

in BPD, 1104

components of, 1103

instrumental compared to, 11031104

neurobiology of, 1106, 11071108

risks for, 1103

serotonin and, 11081109, 1110

TAP and, 1107

taxonomies of, 1103. See also reactive aggression

predatory, 1103, 1104

Aghajanian, George K., 71


dementia compared to, 794797

neurodegenerative diseases and, 150

agomelatine, 516

agoraphobia, 532

AGTR genes. See angiotensin receptor genes

AHDS. See Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome

AHP. See after-hyperpolarization

AIS. See axon initial segment

alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) gene, 700

alcohol-induced flushing, 699700

alcohol use

aggression and, 1109

in animal models, 677

alcohol use disorders (AUDs)

intrinsic plasticity of brain and, 71

ketamine response and, 443

MRS studies for

brain metabolites, 750751

cognitive performance and, 751752

treatment therapies for, 752753

neuroimaging for, 725726

tobacco use and, 753

aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) gene, 700

ALE methods. See activation likelihood estimation methods

alexia without agraphia, 796

Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS), 1017

clinical indications for, 1017

gene expression for, 1017

prevalence rates for, 1017

Allen Brain Atlas, 190

alpha-thalassemia intellectual disability (ATRX) syndrome, 102, 10171018

clinical features of, 1017

discovery of, 1017

epigenetics for, 102

gene mutations in, 1018

genetic expression in, 10171018

alprazolam, 514, 640

ALS. See amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

altruism, resilience and, 11501151

Alzheimer, Alois, 791, 805

Alzheimer’s Association (AA), 792

VBI and, 906907

Alzheimer’s disease (AD). See also disease modification, for AD

in African Americans, 801802

age and, 844, 854

amino acid transmitters in, 805

amyloid imaging for, 827828

clinical use of, 827828

limitations of, 828

animal models of

acetylcholine system in, 810811

amyloid injection models, 811812

brain lesions in, 811

cholinergic hypothesis for, 810811

with dementia, 810811

tacrine in, 811

APP transgenic mouse models for, 812819

BACE1 genes, 815

behavioral changes in, 815818

BRI fusion proteins, 814

crossing with alternative lines, 815

fear conditioning in, 816817

gene targeting in, 815

Morris water maze for, 815816

mutations in, 814

object recognition in, 816

ownership of, 815

pathology sequencing in, 818

physiological changes in, 818

radial arm water maze for, 817818

Tau depositing mice, 818

working memory in, 817818

biomarkers for, 798799, 793794, 834840

abnormalities in, 792

amyloid imaging for, 798

APP proteins, 836

assay performance and, 841842

in clinical trials, 857858, 861862, 862864

cognitive decline and, 842

combination value of, 829830

CSF and, 835836

with dementia, 793794

diagnosis through, 798, 840, 842

in diagnostic criteria, 798, 840

in disease modification, 856857

functions of, 834835

future applications for, 840842

neuroimaging for, 821825, 828830

novel, 836837

for pathophysiology, 836

plasma, 837839

potential use of, 839840

research for, 839840

standardization of techniques for, 798, 841

in treatment therapies, 840

BOLD signaling in, 825

brain functions, 799

executive, 799

as chronic disease, 834

clinical indications for, 834

clinical trials for

for asymptomatic patients, 858

biomarkers for, 857858, 861862, 862864

cognitive outcomes for, 860

computerized outcomes in, 861

considered populations in, 857859

for dementia, onset of, 859

ethics of, 863864

functional outcomes for, 860

future outcomes in, 860861

globalization as influence on, 863

global outcomes for, 860

MCI onset and, 859

milestone delays in, 859860

NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for, 857

outcomes in, 859860

patient-reported outcomes in, 861

for patients at biological risk, 857

for patients at genetic risk, 857

placebos in, 859, 864865

recruitment challenges in, 862

representative samples in, 863

retention challenges in, 863

sampling challenges, 858859

secondary outcomes in, 861

slope change in, 860

successes of, 864865

continuum of, 792

DIAN and, 792

CSF and

amyloid mechanisms, 835

APP, 836

asymptomatic AD, 836

biomarkers in, 835836

core pathologies, 835836

with dementia, 835

NFTs in, 835

prodromal AD, 835836

Tau protein, 835

VILIP-1, 836837

with dementia, 793798

advanced, 797

alexia without agraphia, 796

animal models of, 810811

aphasia and, 796

biomarkers for, 793794

Capgras syndrome and, 798

cardiovascular risk factors and, 849851

CDR for, 794795

clinical course of, 796

clinical trials for, 859

CSF in, 835

depression and, 798

features of, 796797

Gerstmann’s syndrome, 796

history taking for, 794

lab evaluation of, 796

mental status tests for, 795

neuroimaging for, 796

neurological examinations for, 796

neuropsychiatric features, 797798

neuropsychological evaluations for, 795796

phenomenology of, 796798

phenotypes for, 797

prevalence rates for, 854

radiological evaluation of, 796

screening for, 794797

UDS and, 794795

diagnostic criteria for, 792796, 834

biomarkers for, 798, 840

development of, 792

early, 834

MCI in, 792793

postmortem identification in, 834

in primary care settings, 834

in secondary care settings, 834

discovery of, 791

DWI for, 823825

early-onset familial, genetics of, 805807

by ethnicity, 801802

fMRI for, 825

default networks in, 825

gene targeting approaches for,
in transgenic mouse
models, 815

genetics of

amino acid sequences in, 805

chromosomal markers in, 805806

development of, 805

early-onset familial AD, 805807

through family studies, 805

inheritance in, 805

for LOAD, 806808

mutations in, 806

onset of, 805

through post-mortem examinations, 805

risk factors, 805

through twin studies, 805

in Hispanic Americans, 801802

homocysteine levels and, 847

immunotherapies for, 867868

intrinsic plasticity and, 71

late life depression and, 478

LBD compared to, 874

LOAD, 792

ADAM10 genes, 808

genetics of, 806808

GWAS for, 807

risk factors for, 806

MCI and, 792793, 834

ACh for, 845

clinical trials for, 859

MRI for, 821823, 824

etiology of, 823

for hippocampal volume, 822823

National Alzheimer’s Project Act, 844

neuroimaging for

ADNI and, 828830

benefits of, 821

with biomarkers, 821825, 828830

with dementia, 796

function of, 821

neurodegeneration estimation with, 821825

purpose of, 821

neuropsychological features, 799802

ascertainment bias, 800

for attention, 799

brain regions and, 799

cognitive testing of, 800

in diverse populations, 801802

EM and, 799

executive functioning, 799

normative data for, 799801

in testing, 795796

pathophysiology of, 791792

biomarker abnormalities in, 792

brain hypometabolism in, 792

causes in, 792

diagnostic criteria in, 792

NFTs in, 791792

plaques in, 791

treatment therapies in, 792

PET for, 825827

FDG imaging, 825827

phenomenology of, 854

phenotypes for, 133

prevalence rates for, 791, 834

prodromal period of, 133

CSF and, 835836

by race, 801802

risk factors for, 798799

stem cell modeling for, 132133

symptoms of, 791

synaptic plasticity and, 67

transgenic mouse models for, 110, 812818

advantages of, 812819

aggressive, 813814

APP, 812819

BRI fusion proteins, 814

development of, 813

disadvantages of, 812819

features of, 813

gene targeting in, 815

introduction of, 812

mutations in, 814

overexpression in, 814

treatment therapies for

with ACh, 844845

ADAPT, 846

with anti-hypertensive drugs, 850

with anti-inflammatory drugs, 846

with antioxidants, 846847

biomarkers in, 840

B vitamins in, 847

cardiovascular risk factors and, 849851

with cholesterol lowering agents, 850

with COX enzymes, 846

with curcumin, 848

with diabetes medications, 850851

FDA approvals for, 844

future research on, 851

with gingko, 848

with gonadal hormones, 849

homocysteine levels and, 847

with medical foods, 848849

with memantine, 845

with NSAIDs, 846

with omega-3 fatty acids, 847848

pathophysiology and, 792

with Resveratrol, 848

VBI and, 906907, 908909

cognitive impact of, 907

pathogenesis of, 906907

VCI and, 900

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association
(ADRDA), 792

Alzheimer’s disease anti-inflammatory prevention trial (ADAPT), 846

Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), 828830

amantadine, 882

American Psychiatric Association (APA), 1067

amino acid transmitters, 1921. See also γ-aminobutyric acid; glutamate

in AD, 805

anatomy of, 20

diversity of, 2021

glutamic acid decarboxylase
and, 19

inactivation of, 20

monoamine transmitters compared to, 19

regulation of, 20

storage of, 1920

synthesis of, 1920

VGLuTs, 20

γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

aggression and, 1109, 1110

anxiety and

in amygdala, 573575

benzodiazepines and, 567568

catecholamines, 574575

clinical proof of concept for, 577578

conflict resolution and, 575576

cortical microcircuits, 575576

domain-specific systems, 568569

GABA deficits, 567

α-GABA receptors, 569573

novel drug development, 576577

pharmacology of subtypes with, 569

presynaptic modulation, 574575

receptor subtypes, 569, 570

states of, 567

synaptic receptor activation, 567568

in cognition, 302303

depression and, drug development for, 578

Down syndrome and, 1063

fear and, 575577

active coping, 575

in cortical microcircuits, 576

extinction mechanisms, 575

inhibition mechanisms, 575

passive coping, 575

α-GABA receptors

anxiety and, 569573

anxiolysis mediation, 571, 572573

dependence liability mediation by, 569571

hippocampal-dependent memory regulation, 573

synaptic plasticity and, 573

MDD and, 425, 426427

memory and, drug development for, 577578

MRS for, 742743

in network oscillations, 302303

neurodevelopmental disorders and, 990991

panic disorder and, 567

psychosis and, 348349

receptors, 302

anatomy of, 20

anxiolytics and, 36

benzodiazepines and, 36, 61, 571

diversity of, 2021

GAD and, 19

inactivation of, 20

monoamine transmitters compared to, 19

neuroimaging of, in psychiatric disorders, 264, 265

in neurons, 3031

regulation of, 20

storage of, 1920

subtypes, , 301

synthesis of, 1920

VGLuTs, 20

reward and, 734

schizophrenia and, 304310

alterations specific to, 307309

in alternate brain regions, 307

calretinin cells in, 307

CCK cell alterations, 306, 309

GAD1 genes, 308

network oscillations and, 309

neurotransmission of, 304

NMDA hypofunction in, 308

PV neurons, 304306, 309

reduced excitation consequences in, 309

SST neurons and, 307

synthesis alterations, 304

TrkB genes, 308

uptake alterations, 304

in vivo measurements, 307

WM and, 309

sleep cycles and, 1131

synthesis, 301302

AMPA receptors, neurodevelopmental disorders and, 991

AMPARS, LTP and, 6567

amphetamine, psychosis and, 349

amygdala activity

in aggression, 11061107

reactive, 11091110

anxiety and, 573574

lateral circuits in, 574

microcircuits in, 574575

BPD and, 1092

depression and, 428

emotions and, 474

in neurocircuitry-based models, 465466

emotional regulation and, 607609

fear and, 573574, 607609

during infancy, development of, 596

lateral circuits in, 574

microcircuits in, 574575

GAD and, 614

in neurocircuitry of addiction, 684685

panic disorder and, 615

PTSD and, 616617, 617618

reactive aggression and, 11091110

reward and, 734

amyloid imaging

for AD, 827828

clinical use of, 827828

limitations of, 828

with PET, 208, 827828

costs of, 208

florbetapir, 208

PIB, 208

amyloid injection models, 811812

amyloid precursor protein (APP)

as biomarker, 836

transgenic mouse models

for AD, 812819

BACE1 genes, 815

behavioral changes in, 815818

BRI fusion proteins, 814

crossing with alternative lines, 815

fear conditioning in, 816817

gene targeting in, 815

Morris water maze for, 815816

mutations in, 814

object recognition in, 816

ownership of, 815

pathology sequencing in, 818

physiological changes in, 818

radial arm water maze for, 817818

Tau depositing mice, 818

working memory in, 817818

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 150

riluzole therapy for, 445

AN. See anorexia nervosa

anandamide, 50

androgens, mood regulation and

in males, 493

antidepressants for, 493

testosterone levels and, 493

in women, 493494

Angelman syndrome (AS), 99101, 252, 1024

cause of, 100

angiotensin receptor (AGTR) genes, 477


anticipatory, 393

DAs and, 733

decisional, 393

animal models. See also associative conditioning animal models; knockout rat models; mouse models; rat models

of AD

acetylcholine system in, 810811

amyloid injection models, 811812

brain lesions in, 811

cholinergic hypothesis for, 810811

with dementia, 810811

tacrine in, 811

of addiction, 679680. See also susceptibility, in addiction

for individual traits, 711

neuroimaging for, 721, 723725

of ADHD, 975976

chemical, 976

environmental, 976

genetic, 975976

neurotransmitters in, 1035

in adult bonding, 1119

of adult bonding, 1119

dopamines in, 1121

oxytocin in, 1121

of pair bonding, 11201123

partner preference in, 11201121

selective aggression in, 11211123

separation distress in, 1123

alcohol use in, 677

for antidepressants, 37

for anxiety disorders, 543546, 552560

abnormal responses, 553

benzodiazepines in, 546

epigenetics for, 546547

gene identification in, 543545

gene-targeting approaches for, 545546

inbred strains, 543544

normal responses, 553

QTL in, 543544

selective breeding of, 544545

state anxiety, 553

trait anxiety, 553

translational neurogenetics, 546

translational studies for, 543

validity of, 552553

appetitive tasks in, 415

NSF in, 415

of ASD, 967972

arrays for, 969

candidate-gene based, 969970

challenges of, 967969

environmental, 972

for FXS, 971

pathologies in, 967969

15q11-13 duplication/deletion syndrome and, 971

for RTT, 971

shank proteins in, 969970

validity-based, 972

VPA intake in, 972

for WBS, 971972

of bipolar disorder, 358359

for memory, 358

memory and, 358

mood and, 358359

stress response and, 358

brain development in, 10

of childhood psychiatric disorders, 937

behavioral tests in, 968

criteria for, 967

epigenetics in, 957958

postnatal stress in, 958959

prenatal stress in, 958

purpose of, 967

of depression, 429430

glial loss, 430

gonadal steroids and, 486487

neurogenesis and, 430

neuronal atrophy, 429430

of Down syndrome, 972973

chromosomal trisomy and, 973

dosage-sensitive gene expression in, 973

with mice, 973

transgenic, 110

of drug addiction, 679

electrophysiology for, recording of, 3233

epigenetics in, of childhood psychiatric disorders, 957958

of fear, 553560. See also associative conditioning animal models; conditioned fear

adolescence and, 599603

antipredator, 554

for fear learning, 593

instrumental avoidance conditioning, 558560

neural circuitry in, 593595

unconditioned, 553554

functions, 123

of FXS, 971, 974975

Fmr1KO, 974

point mutation, 974

therapeutic implications for, 974975

transgenic, 974

gene targeting approaches in, for anxiety disorders, 545546

grooming behaviors in, 417

of ID, 972973. See also Down syndrome; Fragile X syndrome

environmental, 975

metabolism errors, 975

PKU in, 975

LTP in, 6465

of MDD, 37, 413, 417422

appetitive tasks in, 415

behavioral validity of, 414

CMS, 418

developmental stressors in, 419420

early life stressors in, 419420

learned helplessness in, 418419

olfactory bulbectomy, 418

pathological validity of, 414

repeated social defeat stress in, 420421

selective breeding, 421422

symptoms of, 412414

microbubbles in, 149

of mood disorders, 296

for CMS, 411

components of, 411413

computer-generated programs, 411

construct validity of, 411412

for drug screening, 411

neuroimaging abnormalities in, 462

pathological validity of, 413

predictive validity of, 413

purpose of, 411

symptom modeling, 413

mutant analysis for, 109

signal transduction pathways, 109

transcriptional hierarchies, 109

of normal anxiety, 553560. See also associative conditioning animal models

antipredator models, 554

instrumental avoidance conditioning, 558560

unconditioned models, 553554

of normal fear, 553560

antipredator, 554

instrumental avoidance conditioning, 558560

unconditioned, 553554

of OCD, 651653

for circuit abnormalities, 652653

future applications of, 653

for genetic abnormalities, 652

for symptoms, 651652

of pathological anxiety, 560564

avoidance in, 563564

coping processes in, 562564

developmental manipulations in, 561

for fear extinction, 562563

genetic manipulations in, 561562

incubation in, 563

individual differences in, 562

psychological manipulations in, 561

reconsolidation in, 563

stress-enhanced fear learning in, 561

treatment processes in, 562564

of pathological fear, 560564

avoidance in, 563564

coping processes in, 562564

developmental manipulations in, 561

for fear extinction, 562563

genetic manipulations in, 561562

incubation in, 563

individual differences in, 562

psychological manipulations in, 561

reconsolidation in, 563

stress-enhanced fear learning in, 561

treatment processes in, 562564

of PD, 810

MPTP model, 810

PFC and, 582583

for psychiatric disorders, 133134

challenges in, 134135

endogenous neurogenesis models, 133134

neural precursors, 133

stem cells and, 133

with in vivo transplantation, 133

of psychosis, 349350, 358359

of PTSD, 562, 664665

fear conditioning models, 664

repeated chronic stress models, 664665

single prolonged stress models, 665

purpose of, 810

for disease mechanisms, 810

for treatment therapies, 810

of resilience, 11461147

for schizophrenia, 3738

selective breeding, 421422

with depressed mice, 422

FSL rat model, 421

WKY rat model, 421422

in signal transduction pathways, 39, 109

through mutant analysis, 109

social avoidance behaviors in, 416417

stress in, 418

of SUD, 763764. See also susceptibility, in addiction; withdrawal model

AUD in, 677

conditioned place preference paradigms in, 677678

CPP models, 763

for drug addiction, 679

epidemiology of, 784

ICSS in, 678

incubation of craving model, 764

maladaptive patterns in, 675

operant paradigms in, 677

for reinforcement, 675678

for relapse, 678679, 763764

for reward, 675678

schedule requirements in, 677

self-administration methods, 677

structural plasticity in, 675

synaptic plasticity in, 6465

of tic disorders, 1050

gene expression in, 1050

transcription control in, 109

treatment therapies and, 810

for resilience, 1163

of TS, 976977, 1056

autoimmune models, 977

dopamine transporter genes in, 977

gene expression in, 1050

monkey focal striatal disinhibition in, 977

psychostimulant model, 977

ankyrin-G protein, 293294

anorexia nervosa (AN)

activity-based, 1183

development of, 11711172

genetic vulnerability for, 11721174

through candidate gene studies, 1174

through GWAS, 1174

incidence rates of, 11711172

maintenance of, 11711172

neurobiology of, 1171

neurocircuitry in, 11801181

predictors of, 1171

temperament and, 11821183

harm avoidance, 1182

impulse control, 11821183

perfectionism and, 1182

anterior neural ridge (ANR), 983985


in disease modification, for AD, 867868

schizophrenia and, 327328

anticipatory anhedonia, 393


animal models for, 37

biomarkers for, 518519

clinical trials for, 518519

electrophysiology of, 518

genetic, 518

neuroimaging for, 518

biperiden, 446

CAD and, 503

cancer and, 504505

catecholamines and, 61

development of, 509

diabetes mellitus and, 503504

epigenetic influence on development of, 9697

future developments for, 523524

HIV/AIDS and, 504

inflammatory cytokines and, 432

ketamines in, 433434

alcohol dependence and, 443

biomarkers in, 442444

molecular mechanisms in, 442

with ketamine-like targets, 434435

for males, 493

MAOIs, 503, 510513

endogenous, 512

reversible, 512

side effects of, 511

for mental illness, 3637

natural remedies, 521522

omega-3 fatty acids, 521522

SAM-e, 522

St. John’s Wort, 521522

NRIs, 516519

plasma membrane transport inhibition and, 61

scopolamine, 446449

molecular mechanisms of, 448

response biomarkers, 448449

serotonin and, 3637, 61

SNRIs, 515516

remission rates for, 516

side effects of, 516

somatic, 466

SSRIs, 3637, 512515

dosage regimen for, 512

drug interactions with, 512514

half-life of, 512

for medical illness, depression and, 502

side effects of, 512

TCAs compared to, 509

synaptogenesis with, 433435

TCAs, 502503

adverse effects of, 509511

dosages, 509

SSRIs compared to, 509

toxicity of, 511

for TRD, 516518

atypical antipsychotics for, 517

augmentation therapy for, 517518

combination therapy for, 517

hormonal strategies for, 517518

lithium in, 517

usage demographics for, 513

Antidepressant Treatment History Form (ATHF), 390

anti-hypertensive drugs, AD treatment and, 850

anti-inflammatory drugs, AD treatment and, 846


in AD treatment therapies, 846847

vitamin A, 846847

vitamin E, 846847

antipredator models, 554

antipsychotic drugs

depolarization block and, 37

drug development for, 256, 350

extrapyramidal symptoms of, 37

glutamatergic, 352

for LBD, 882883

for mental illness, 3738

muscarine agonists, 352

neuroleptics, 61

olanzapine, 351

quetiapine, 351

risperidone, 351

for schizophrenia, 329

second generation, 351

for tic disorders, 1058

for TRD, 517

for TS, 1058

antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), 10931097

aggression and, 1094

instrumental, 1095, 1104

reactive, 10941095

candidate gene studies for, 1097

childhood antecedents for, 1094

clinical indications for, 10931094

cognitive function and, 1096

comorbidities with, 1094

development of, 1094

in DSM-IV, 1094

epidemiology of, 1094

genetic vulnerability of, 1096

GWAS for, 10961097

instrumental aggression and, 1104

linkage analysis for, 10961097

neurobiology of, 1095

neuroimaging for, 10951096

prefrontal abnormalities for, 1095

prevalence rates for, 1094

psychopathy compared to, 1094

reactive aggression and, 10941095

SUD and, 732, 780

anxiety. See also fear; pathological anxiety; pathological fear

amygdala and, 573574

lateral circuits in, 574

microcircuits in, 574575

animal models of, 553560. See also associative conditioning animal models

antipredator, 554

instrumental avoidance conditioning, 558560

unconditioned, 553554

BI theory of, 564

definition of, 550

FBS and, 550

fear compared to, 550

GABA receptors

in amygdala, 573575

benzodiazepines and, 567568

catecholamines, 574575

clinical proof of concept for, 577578

conflict resolution and, 575576

cortical microcircuits, 575576

deficits in, 567

domain-specific systems, 568569

α-GABA, 569573

novel drug development, 576577

pharmacology of subtypes with, 569

presynaptic modulation, 574575

receptor subtypes, 569, 570

states of, 567

synaptic receptor activation, 567568

inhibition of, 560

conditioned, 560

latent, 560

negative feedback, 560

normal compared to pathological, 552

separation disorder and, 531532

in DSM-V, 1069

pediatric, 539

stress responses to, 552

anxiety disorders. See also fear; pathological anxiety; pathological fear; specific disorders

animal models for, 543546, 552560

abnormal responses, 553

benzodiazepines in, 546

epigenetics for, 546547

gene identification in, 543545

gene-targeting approaches for, 545546

inbred strains, 543544

normal responses, 553

QTL in, 543544

selective breeding of, 544545

translational neurogenetics, 546

translational studies for, 543

conceptual framework for, 549551

conditioned fear as model, 606607

core processes in, 606607

for emotional regulation, 606607

defensive responding in, 549550

exaggerated, 552

FBS and, 550

hyper-responsive, 552

inappropriate, 552

pathological anxiety and, 552

pathological fear and, 552

prolonged, 552

topography of, 550

diagnosis of

development history of, 529

nosologic model, 529, 534535

in DSM-V, 529530

emotional regulation and, 587589

neurobiology of, 588589

emotions and, 549550

family studies

genetic epidemiology in, 537539

for pediatric anxiety disorders, 539

genetic epidemiology of, 537540

developmental changes in, 539540

environmental risks, 539540

in family studies, 537539

in gene association studies, 540541

through GWAS, 541543

in linkage studies, 540541

susceptibilities in, 540

transporter genes, 541

in twin studies, 537539

genetics of, 540543

language framework for, 549551

optogenetic technology for, 142


age of onset for, 539

family studies, 539

separation anxiety disorder, 539

SOC, 539

twin studies, 539

prevalence rates for, 527

RDoC for, 10821084

comorbidity and, 10821083

dysregulation types in, 10831084

fear circuit dimensions for, 1083

heterogeneity of expression for, 1083

in twin studies, 1083

threat processing and, 549550

treatment therapies for. See also cognitive bias modification therapy; D-cycloserine therapy

access to, 622

with benzodiazepines, 622, 636637

CBT, 621

cognitive approaches to, 626630, 636638

cost effectiveness of, 631632

evidence-based, 621622

exposure therapies, 622

with glucocorticoids, 623, 633634

ICT, 631, 632, 633634

with MAOIs, 636

neural mechanisms in, 622623

pharmacological, 622626, 638

RCTs for, 621

with SNRIs, 636

with SSRIs, 621622, 636

with TCAs, 636

with yohimbine hydrochloride, 623624, 633634


GABA and, 36

mental illness and, 3536

AP-1. See activator protein-1

APA. See American Psychiatric Association

aphasia, 796

PPA, 891892

diagnostic criteria for, 889

logopenic variants for, 892

nfvPPA, 891

semantic variants for, 891892


in brain development, 89

in cells, 89

signal transduction pathways and, 55

APP. See amyloid precursor protein

appetitive tasks, 415

NSF in, 415

Aβ proteins, 866867

degradation of, 866867

arachidonic acid, 4951

Area 12o/47s, 458459

Aricept, 845

aripiprazole, 351, 10291030

Aristotle, 368, 483

L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), 1314

arterial spin labeling MRI (ASL MRI), 199200

AS. See Angelman syndrome

ascertainment bias, 800

ASD. See autism spectrum disorder

asenapine, 351

Ashe, Karen, 813, 815, 818

ASL MRI. See arterial spin labeling MRI

ASPD. See antisocial personality disorder

association analysis

candidate genes in, 161162

for genetic epidemiology, 161162, 163

limitations of, 161

associative conditioning animal models, 554558

PTC, 554558

behavioral aspects of, 554

molecular mechanisms of, 556

neurocircuitry in, 554556

procedure variations for, 556558

synaptic plasticity, 556

ATHF. See Antidepressant Treatment History Form

atorvastatin, 850

ATRX syndrome. See alpha-thalassemia intellectual disability syndrome

attachment. See social attachment


AD and, 799

ASD and, 10221023, 1023

treatment therapies for, 10301031

LBD and, 874875

attention bias modification (CBM-A) therapy, 627628

empirical evidence for, 628

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 322, 950

animal models of, 975976

chemical, 976

environmental, 976

genetic, 975976

neurotransmitters in, 1035

biological adversity and, 10391040

clinical features of, 1034

CNVs in, 939, 950, 950951, 1039

Cognitive-Energetic model, 1041

Conner’s Rating Scale for, 937

definition of, 934

dopamine transfer deficit model for, 1041

Dynamic Developmental Theory for, 1041

environmental risk factors for, 10391041

etiology of, 937

as extreme variant trait, 937

family dysfunction and, 10401041

family studies for, 10351036, 10361047

Feingold hypothesis for, 10391040

functional connectivity in, 1006

gene expression in, 10351039

adoption studies for, 1037

CNVs in, 1039

DNA variants in, 10371038

family studies for, 10351036

through GWAS, 1038

linkage studies for, 1038

molecular studies for, 10371038

rare variants in, 10381039

twin studies for, 10361037

heritability of, 936

iron levels and, 1040

neuroimaging for, 10421044

with DTI, 1044

with fMRI, 10431044

with MRS, 1043

with PET, 1043

with SPECT, 1043

structural, 10421043

neuropsychological studies for, 10411042

neurotransmitters and, 10341035

animal models of, 1035

catecholaminergic systems, 1035

dopamines, 10341035

pathogenesis model of, 10441045

etiologic heterogeneity in, 10441045

implications for, 1045

multifactorial causation in, 1045

pregnancy complications and, 1040

prevalence of, 934, 936, 1034, 1036

protective factors for, 10391041

psychosocial adversity and, 10401041

subtypes of, 934

SUD and, 680

symptoms of, 934, 1034

tobacco use and, 1040

trajectory into adulthood, 935

triple pathway model for, 1041

zinc levels and, 1040

atypical depression, 522

AUDs. See alcohol use disorders

augmentation therapy, 517518

autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 128, 948949

AS and, 99101, 252, 1024

cause of, 100

animal models of, 967972

arrays for, 969

candidate-gene based, 969970

challenges of, 967969

environmental, 972

for FXS, 971

pathologies in, 967969

15q11-13 duplication/deletion syndrome and, 971

for RTT, 971

shank proteins in, 969970

for TSC, 970971

validity-based, 972

VPA intake in, 972

for WBS, 971972

classification of, 1022

clinical features of, 948, 1022

clinical trials for, 1062

CNVs in, 939, 948, 1028

comorbidity with, 933934

definition of, 933934

diagnosis of, 1022

through twin studies, 1022

epilepsy and, 10231024

etiology of, 937, 1022

exome sequencing for, 949

as extreme variant trait, 937

functional connectivity in, 10051006

FXS and, 940, 1024

animal models of, 971

epigenetics for, 101

phenotypes for, 130

stem cell modeling for, 130

treatment therapies for, 10311032

gender ratio for, 936

gene expression in, 187, 949, 967, 10271028

CNVs in, 939, 948, 1028

common variations for, 1027

model systems in, 1028

rare variations for, 10271028

single-gene syndromes, 940

SNVs in, 949, 1028

systems genetics and, 1028

health care costs for, 934

heritability of, 935936

infant-parental attachment and, 11151116

LKS and, 10231024

maternal stress and, 956

mGluR5 receptors in, 10611062

neuroimaging for, 10241027

of brain enlargement, 10241025

with DTI, 1026

with fMRI, 10261027

structural, 10241026

phenomenology of, 10221024

cognitive deficits in, 1023

comorbidity and, 10231024

core features in, 10221023

hyperactivity in, 1023

impulsivity in, 1023

inattention in, 1023

joint attention behaviors in, 10221023

onset patterns in, 1023

repetitive behaviors in, 1023

social communication deficits in, 1022

PKU and, 1024

PMS and, 1024

treatment therapies for, 10311032

polygenic sources of, 1074

prevalence rates for, 934, 935936

reproductive disadvantage with, 939


animal models of, 971

characterizations of, 129

clinical features of, 98

epigenetics of, 9899

gene expression conditional controls, 116

IGF-1 and, 1062

MeCP2 protein and, 9899, 129, 971

22q13 deletion syndrome, 1062

stem cell modeling for, 129

treatment therapies for, 10311032

X chromosome in, 129

schizophrenia and, 252, 223

sensory symptoms of, 1023

SNVs in, 949, 1028

synaptic disease and, 322

trajectory into adulthood, 934935

treatment therapies for, 10281031

for aggressive behaviors, 10291030

for anxiety behaviors, 1031

for attention deficit, 10301031

behavioral interventions, 10281029

future applications of, 1031

for FXS, 10311032

for hyperactivity, 10301031

for impulsivity, 10301031

with PBS, 1029

with pharmacotherapy, 10291031

for PMS, 10311032

with RDI, 1029

for repetitive behaviors, 1031

TSC and, 940, 1024

animal models of, 970971

treatment therapies for, 10311032

twin studies for, 936

diagnosis through, 1022

types of, 936

WBS, 252

animal models of, 971972

autonomic dysfunction, with LBD, 877

treatment therapies for, 883


homeostatic plasticity of brain and, 74

of protein tyrosine kinase
, 44

autoreceptors, 1516

axons, intrinsic plasticity and, 69

Axona, 848849

axon initial segment (AIS), 6869

axon pathways

in brain development, 8

defasciculation in, 8

fasciculation in, 8

growth cones, 8


BACE1 genes, in APP mouse models, 815

bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), 110

as reporter genes, 110111

Bailarger, Jules, 368

Balint’s syndrome, 796

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), 10141015

comorbidities with, 1015

diagnosis of, 1014

discovery of, 1014

genetic expression of, 1014

prevalence of, 1014

treatment of, 1015

Bartus, Ray, 811

base pairing, in nucleic acids, 76

BBB. See blood-brain barrier

BBS. See Bardet-Biedl syndrome

BDNF. See brain-derived
neurotrophic factor

BED. See binge eating disorder

behavioral emotional regulation, 584587

behavioral variant of frontal lobe dementia (bvFTD), 888890

phenocopy of, 890891

psychiatric features of, 889890

testing of, 890

behavior inhibition (BI) theory, 564


aggression and, 1109

in animal models, for anxiety disorders, 546

for anxiety disorders, 622, 636637

diazepam, 567

GABA receptors and, 36, 61

for anxiety, 567568, 571

for GAD, 642643

for PTSD, 641

for SOC, 644

Berger, Hans, 1127

Bernard, Claude, 71

Bertram, Lars, 806

beta-catenin pathway, 294

binge eating disorder (BED), 1183

food addiction and, 1183

bioenergetics, 265266


for AD, 793794, 798799, 834840,

abnormalities in, 792

amyloid imaging for, 798

APP proteins, 836

assay performance and, 841842

in clinical trials, 857858, 861862

cognitive decline and, 842

combination value of, 829830

CSF and, 835836

with dementia, 793794

diagnosis through, 798, 840, 842

in diagnostic criteria, 798, 840

in disease modification, 856857

functions of, 834835

future applications for, 840842

neuroimaging for, 821825, 828830

novel, 836837

novel biomarkers, 836837

for pathophysiology, 836

plasma biomarkers, 837839

potential use of, 839840

research for, 839840

standardization of techniques for, 798, 841

in treatment therapies, 840

for antidepressants, 518519

clinical trials for, 518519

electrophysiology of, 518

genetic, 518

ketamine, 442444

neuroimaging for, 518

APP as, 836

depression pathogenesis and, 438

in DSM-V, categorization of, 1070

neuroimaging for

for AD, 821825, 828830

for antidepressants, 518

scopolamine and, 448449

biophysics, 145146

biophysiology, of disease

biomedical sciences and technology, 183184

bottoms-up modeling approaches, 196

causality in, 186189

correlations compared to, 187

for metabolic diseases, 195

in molecular settings, 186187

perturbations in, 187188

structural learning and, 187

testing of, 188189

complexity of, 183, 185186, 195

descriptive models for, 186

DNA influences, 183

future developments in, 196

GWAS for, 186

nucleotide changes, 183

predictive gene networks in, 189195

alternative omics data in, 192

Bayesian networks in, 191, 192, 193194

construction of, 190, 191

genetic data integration in, 191192

genomic approach to, 190191

inflammatomes in, 195

MCMC, 191

small molecule-protein interactions in, 192

TFBS data in, 192

predictive models for, 186

SNPs, 183

top-down approaches, 196197

biperiden, 446

bipolar affective disorders, 380

bipolar depression, 523

bipolar disorder

animal models of, 358359

memory and, 358

mood and, 358359

stress response and, 358

during childhood, 951

CNVs and, 235237, 253

diagnostic systems for, 380

in DSM-IV, 229

epidemiology for, 232234

environmental factors, 233234

family studies for, 233

genetic overlap with schizophrenia, 233

incidence rates for, 232

non-inherited factors, 233234

twin studies for, 233

epigenetics for, 357360

in human studies, 359360

genetic study methods for, 234235

with candidate genes, 235

future applications for, 245

with GWAS, 234

linkage analysis, 234235

GWAS for, 234, 239, 240242

overlap with schizophrenia, 242

phenotypes for, 242

in ICD-10, 227228, 229

large-scale sequencing studies for, 242245

in late life, 384

MDD and

by bipolar type, 398

differentiation between, 399

family studies for, 399

GenRED study, 398399

mouse models of, 293295

ankyrin-G protein, 293294

beta-catenin pathway, 294

CACNA1C gene, 293

circadian-rhythm-related genes, 294

DGK models, 294

future developments for, 295296

in Madison strain, 294

neurocan gene, 294

ODZ4 gene, 294

neurobiology of

circadian abnormalities in, 357

clinical predictors in, 356

cognitive predictors in, 356

genetics of, 355

GSK3 pathway, 360

high-risk studies in, 355356

mitochondrial dysfunction in, 360361

neurogenesis and, 360

neuroplasticity and, 360

onset of, 356357

prodrome, 356

risk factors for, 355

polygenic sources of, 1074

rapid cycling in, 384

RDoC for, 225

recurrence risks for, 234

BI theory. See behavior inhibition theory

Blessed, Gary, 791

Bleuler, Eugen, 368, 223

blood–brain barrier (BBB)

acoustic parameter dependence and, 153154

assessment methods for, 151153

with acoustic emission signals, 153

through FUS, 151152

through microbubbles, 151152

with MRI, 152153

in disease modification, for AD, 868

drug delivery systems through, 151

FUS and, 151

functions of, 148

FUS and, 148149

assessment methods with, 151152

in drug delivery systems, 151

HIFU, 148

microbubbles and, 148149

impermeability of, 148

inducing methods for, 151153, 150152

in large animals, 155

microbubbles and, 148150

in animal models, 149

assessment methods with, 151152

bioeffects of, 149150

in blood supply, 149

in contrast ultrasounds, 149150

in drug delivery systems, 151

FDA approval of, 149

FUS and, 148149

Optison, 148

molecular delivery through, 154

neurodegenerative diseases and, 150151

neurotherapeutics and, 148, 155157

BDNF and, 155157

physiology of, 148

properties, 155

GKM and, 155

reversibility of, 154

safety of, 154

blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signals, 200

in AD, 825

body image perception, 1182

Borchelt, David, 813, 815

borderline personality disorder (BPD), 10901093

affective dysregulation and, 10911092

genetics of, 1092

aggression and

impulsive dimensions in, genetics of, 1092

reactive, 1104

amygdala function and, 1092

clinical evidence for, 1090

comorbidities for, 10901091

depression and, 1091

diagnostic criteria for, 1090

epidemiology of, 10901091

FFM and, 1090

fMRI for, 1092

gender and, 1091

genetics of, 1092

illness burden with, 10901091

impulsive aggression dimensions in, 10911092

genetics of, 1092

neuroimaging for, 10911092, 1093

of emotion regulation, 1093

of interpersonal processes, 1093

neuropeptide model of, 10921093

opioids and, 1093

oxytocin for, in treatment therapies for, 10921093

pathophysiology of, 10911093

prevalence rates for, 1090

reactive aggression and, 1104

remission rates for, 1090

self-cutting behaviors and, 1093

serotonergic system and, 1092

trauma and, 1091

treatment therapy utilization for, 10901091

Trier Social Stress Test for, 1093

Bourdieu, Pierre, 367

Bowen, David, 810

BPD. See borderline personality disorder

brain. See also amygdala activity; cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen; neuroimaging methodologies; prefrontal cortex

AD and, 799

executive functioning, 799

during adolescence, fear development and, 598599

ASD and, 10241025

cortical-subcortical network dysfunction, 263264

cognitive dysmetria hypothesis, 264

depression neurobiology, 459

development. See also central nervous system; homeostatic plasticity, of brain; intrinsic plasticity, of brain; postnatal brain development; prenatal brain development; synapses; synaptic plasticity

in addiction, 707709

in animals, 10

apoptosis, 89

axon pathways in, 8

cell fate in, 7, 78

cell migration in, 7

cell proliferation in, 57

in childhood, 980

critical periods of, 10

differentiation of cells in, 7

emotional behavior mediation, 128

endogenous stem cells and, 128

epigenomes in, 10

excitation/inhibition balance in, 10

glial cells, 7

histogenesis of, 58

long-term depression in, 10

LTP in, 10

NAc, 67

in neonates, 10

neurodevelopmental disorders and, 10041005

neurons, 7

Notch signaling in, 7

postnatal processes, 910

sleep functions for, 11391140

synapse development, 8

VTA, 67

disease phenotypes, 322324. See also synaptic disease

HPO for, 322323

mapping of, 323324


chromatin architecture, 174175

coding sequence mutations, 177

developmental plasticity of, 175176

DNA methylation, 173174

DNA structural variants, 178179

drug development for, 178, 177178

eraser proteins, 177

euchromatin, 173

foundations of, 172

heterochromatin, 173

histones, 174

looping, 174175

monogenetic etiologies, 176177

nucleosomes, 173

principles of, 173175

for PTSD, 176

reader proteins, 177

writer proteins, 177

functions. See also homeostatic plasticity, of brain; intrinsic plasticity, of brain; synapses; synaptic plasticity

action potentials and, 64

AD and, 799

EPSP and, 64

information transmission, 64

IPSPs and, 64

neuronal network for, 64

neurotransmitters and, 64

reward and, 732733, 738

saving, 70

GABA and, schizophrenia and, 307

habenula, in neurocircuitry of addiction, 685


AD and, MRI for, 822823

depression and, 428

emotional regulation and, 610

fear development and, 597, 600601

α-GABA receptors, 573

schizophrenia and, 263, 273

hypometabolism, in AD, 792


circadian clock influenced by, 1131

emotional regulation and, 609

encephalitis lethargica and, 1131

sleep cycles and, 1131


emotional regulation and, 609

in neurocircuitry of addiction, 685

panic disorder and, 615616

PTSD and, 617

social anxiety disorder and, 612

lateral habenula, 735


in animal models, of AD, 811

in late life depression, 470471

MRI assessment, 200202

BOLD, 200

with fMRI, 200202, 201202

MRS for, 742744

for AUDs, 750751

Cho peak, 743

for GABA, 742743

GluR genes, 742

for metabolite abnormalities, 757

MI, 743

NAA, 742

PCr, 744

OFC, 474475

in personality disorders, 1089

in reward, 735

periaqueductal gray region, emotional regulation and, 609

postnatal development, 987990

chromatins in, 987

critical periods of, 987

environmental influences on, 987988

epigenetics in, 987988

LRRTMs in, 989

multiprotein complexes in, 988

neural plasticity and, 988

spine pathology in, 989990

stress and, 987

synaptogenic proteins and, 988989

prenatal development, 980985

ANR and, 983985

cellular migration in, 985

classification of, 986987

cortical migration and, 985987

defects in, 985986

dysraphias and, 981

in embryogenesis, 980981

mechanistic models for, 985

myelomeningocele and, 981982

neural tube regionalization in, 982983

neuroepithelium support, 983984

neurulation and, 980982

SHH and, 983

synaptogenesis and, 985987

transcriptional support in, 984985

psychiatric disorders and, neuroimaging of, 257258, 258

in schizophrenia neuro­developmental model, 328

sleep cycles and, 1129, 1131

functions of, 1139


evolution of, 1113

perspectives on, 11121113

social attachment and, neurobiology of, 11241125

stimulation methodologies. See also deep brain stimulation; transcranial direct current stimulation; transcranial magnetic stimulation

for cortex, 212213

future applications for, 218219

structure compared to function in, 212

targeting in, 213

targeted treatment therapies in, 1076

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 25

addiction and, 688

in depression treatment responses, 432433

late life depression and, 477

network-wide homeostatic plasticity and, 74

neurotherapeutics and, 155157

resilience and, 1157

brain lesions

in animal models, of AD, 811

in late life depression, 470471

BRI fusion proteins, 814

Brown-Sequard, Charles, 483

bulimia nervosa

development of, 1172

genetic vulnerability for, 11741175

neurobiology of, 1171

for appetite, 1181

for body image perception, 1182

for emotional processing, 11811182

neurocircuitry in, 11811182

prevalence rates for, 1172

bupropion, 515

Burton, Robert, 470

buspirone, 643, 642

bvFTD. See behavioral variant of frontal lobe dementia

B vitamins, in AD treatment, 847


C9 genes, 894895

CA2+. See calcium

CACNA1C gene, 293

CAD. See coronary artery disease

Cade, John, 390

calcium (CA2+)

calmodulin, 47

depolarization of neurons and, 4749

IP3 receptors, 47

in neurons, 28

ryanodine receptors and, 47

in signal transduction pathways, 4749, 5354

target proteins for, 53

TS and, 130

calmodulin, 47

promoter genes, 116

calretinin cells, 307

cAMP. See cyclic adenosine 3’-5’-monophosphate


depression and, 501

antidepressant therapy, 504505

cytokines and, 501

prevalence rates for, 501

sickness syndrome and, 501

targeted treatment therapies for, 1076

candidate gene studies

for AN, 1174

for addiction, 700

for ASD, 969970

for ASPD, 1097

critiques of, 406407

for MDD, 400, 405407

adverse events and, 405406

for PTSD, 541

for tic disorders, 1050

for TS, 1050

canine adenovirus (CAV), 117

cannabinoids. See endocannabinoids

Capgras syndrome, 798

Caraka Samhita, 368

carbamazepine, 514

cardiac disease. See coronary artery disease

cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS), 10111012

clinical indications for, 1011

Costello syndrome and, 1011

gene mutations and, 10111012

Noonan syndrome and, 1011

pregnancy and, 1011

prevalence rates for, 1011

caregivers, for LBD, 881882

Carter, Sue, 1120

caspases, 5557

catecholamines, 1318. See also dopamines

AADC, 1415

in ADHD, 1035

anatomy of, 1718

antidepressants and, 61

autoreceptors for, 1516

DATs, 17

DBH, 14, 15

definition of, 1314

enzymatic inactivation of, 16

GABA receptors, anxiety and, 574575

inactivation of, 16, 1617

MAOs and, 16

NETs, 17

phenylalanine, 14

PNMT, 14, 15

regulation of, 1516

reuptake of, 1617

storage of, 15

synthesis of, 1415

TH and, 14

trace amines, 15

tyrosine and, 13, 14

VMAT and, 15

catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 666

addiction and, 700701

aggression and, 1109

caudolateral prefrontal cortex (CLPFC), 457

causality, in biophysiology of disease, 186189

correlations compared to, 187

in molecular settings, 186187

perturbations in, 187188

structural learning and, 187

testing of, 188189

CAV. See canine adenovirus

CBM-A. See attention bias modification therapy

CBM-I therapy. See interpretive bias modification therapy

CBM therapy. See cognitive bias modification therapy

CBS. See corticobasal syndrome

CBT. See cognitive behavioral therapy

CCK. See cholecystokinin

CCK cells, 306, 309

CD. See conduct disorder, instrumental aggression and

CDR. See Clinical Dementia Rating

cells. See also apoptosis; glial cells; stem cells

apoptosis, 89

in CNS, migration of, 7

fate of, in brain development, 7, 78

migration of, in brain development, 7

proliferation of, in brain development, 57

cell-autonomous plasticity, 7273

central nervous system (CNS). See also induction, in CNS; neurochemical systems, in CNS

cell migration in, 7

embryonic patterning of, 34

organizers in, 3

in visual system, 9

cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2), 205207

deformation-based morphometry for, 208

fMRI and, 206207

function of, 205206

measure of, 206

MRI and, 206

VBM for, 207208

cerebral perfusion, MRI assessment, 199200

ASL, 199200

DSC, 199

SS contrast, 199

cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

AD and

amyloid mechanisms, 835

APP, 836

asymptomatic, 836

biomarkers in, 835836

core pathologies, 835836

with dementia, 835

NFTs in, 835

prodromal, 835836

Tau protein, 835

VILIP-1, 836837

childhood psychiatric disorders and, 957

FTD and, 893

with sCJD, 919921

CFCS. See cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome

CGH. See comparative genomic hybridization

channel rhodopsins (ChRs), 138

red-shifting, 140141

childhood, psychiatric disorders during. See also attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; autism spectrum disorder; intellectual disability; pediatric anxiety disorders; postnatal brain development; prenatal brain development; specific disorders

animal models of, 937

behavioral tests in, 968

criteria for, 967

epigenetics in, 957958, 957

postnatal stress in, 958959

prenatal stress in, 958

purpose of, 967

bipolar disorder, 951

CNVs and, 939940, 951

in ADHD, 939, 950951

in ASD, 939, 948

in COS, 949950

genetic expression of, 944945

in ID, 939, 946947

in TS, 950951

common DNA variants in, 938939

COS, 949950

CNVs in, 949950

epigenetics of, 955956

SNVs in, 950

developmental disorders during

pervasive, 933

prevalence rates of, 933

research history on, 933

in DSM-V, 1069

epidemiology of, 956

epigenetics of

11β-HSD2 in, 963

for affective disorders, 956957

animal models of, 957958

for ASD, 956

corticosterones in, 963

for COS, 955956

CRF concentration in, 957

CSF concentration in, 957

DNMTs and, 963

epidemiology of, 956

fetal antecedents in, 955, 955957

fetal sex and, 960962

germ cell programming in, 959

high fat diets in, 960

history of, 955

immune activation in, 959

IUGR phenotypes, 959960

low protein diets in, 959960

maternal diet in, 959960

for MDD, 956957

mechanisms of, 955

miRNA in, 963

obesity models for, 960

placental contributions in, 962963

postnatal stress and, 958959

PPI and, 959

prenatal infection in, 959

prenatal stress and, 958

for stress exposure, 958959

transgenerational, 965

transmission in, 964965

etiology of, 937938

genetic expression of, 938941

for ASD, 187, 940

with CGH, 944945

for CNVs, 944945

DNA in, 944

exome sequencing for, 947948, 949, 950

genetic susceptibility, 951

with GWAS, 938939, 940941, 944

of ID, 933

with MPS, 945

SNPs and, 945

for SNVs, 944945

technology for, 944945

genetics of, 938

GWAS for, 938939, 940941, 944

heritability of, 935936

IED, 951

maternal influences on, 955956

MDD during, from trauma, 399

normal trait variations in, 936938

phenotypic relationships between, 938

prevalence rates of, 933, 935936

RDoC and, 1078

reproductive disadvantage and, 938939

research history on, 933

schizophrenia during, 328

SNPs and, 945

SNVs in, 944945

in ASD, 949

in COS, 950

in genetic expression, 944945

in ID, 947948

trajectories in adulthood, 934935

twin studies for, 937, 938

childhood onset schizophrenia (COS), 949950

CNVs in, 949950

epigenetics of, 955956

exome sequencing for, 950

SNVs in, 950

childhood overanxious disorder (OAD), 540

chlorpromazine, 37, 347, 350

cholecystokinin (CCK), 11761177

cholesterol lowering agents, AD treatment and, 850

cholinergic hypothesis, for AD, 810811

cholinergic system, 445450

clinical trials with, 446450, 447

history of, 445446

muscarinic receptors, 446449

neuroimaging and, 449

nicotinic, 449450

mecamylamine, 450

varenicline, 450

physiology of, 446

WM and, 449

Cho peak, MRs for, 743

chromatins, 91

epigenetic mechanisms of addiction, 691


architecture, 174175

euchromatin, 173

heterochromatin, 173

looping in, 174175

PcG proteins and, 9293

in postnatal brain development, 987

remodeling of, 9293

trxG proteins and, 9293

chromosomes, 7879

in AD, 805806

BACs, 110111

CNVs and, 247

eukaryotic, 78, 79

IBD, 161

in RTT, 129

X, 129

YACs, 110

chronic diseases

AD as, 834

MDD, 383384

SUD as, 777

chronic mild stress (CMS), 411

epigenetic response to, 96

MDD and, 96

in animal models, 418

chronic unit recording, 32

ChRs. See channel rhodopsins

ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), 84

circadian clock, sleep cycles and, 1131

hypothalamic influences on, 1131

circadian-rhythm-related genes, 294

citalopram, 895, 1031

CJD. See Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

classical conditioning models, of drug addiction, 737

classical neurotransmitters, 13. See also catecholamines

definitional criteria for, 13

peptide compared to, 21

synthesis of, 13

Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), 794795

clinical trials, for AD

for asymptomatic patients, 858

biomarkers for, 857858, 861864

cognitive outcomes for, 860

computerized outcomes in, 861

considered populations in, 857859

for dementia, onset of, 859

ethics of, 863864

functional outcomes for, 860

future outcomes in, 860861

globalization as influence on, 863

global outcomes for, 860

MCI onset and, 859

milestone delays in, 859860

NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for, 857

outcomes in, 859860

patient-reported outcomes in, 861

for patients at biological risk, 857

for patients at genetic risk, 857

placebos in, 859, 864865

recruitment challenges in, 862

representative samples in, 863

retention challenges in, 863

sampling challenges, 858859

secondary outcomes in, 861

slope change in, 860

successes of, 864865

clomipramine, 509, 640, 1031

clonazepam, 640, 644

clonidine, 10291030

clozapine, 37, 350351

CLPFC. See caudolateral prefrontal cortex

CMRO2. See cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen

CMS. See chronic mild stress

CNS. See central nervous system

CNTF. See ciliary neurotrophic factor

CNTRICS. See Cognitive Neuroscience for Translational Research in Cognition in Schizophrenia

CNVs. See copy number variants

cocaine use. See also drug abuse

epigenetics and, 95

ΔFosB transcription factor, 115

MRS studies, 744, 745

neuroimaging for, 723, 726

withdrawal model for, 679

Cognex. See tacrine

cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 521

for anxiety disorders, 621

ICT and, 631

for OCD, 657658

ERP and, 658, 657

limitations of, 658

for PTSD, 669

cognitive bias modification (CBM) therapy, 627630

CBM-A, 627628

empirical evidence for, 628

CBM-I, 628

cost effectiveness of, 632

empirical evidence for, 628629

clinical potential of, 630

effectiveness of, 633634

empirical evidence for, 628629

future research directions for, 630

mechanisms of action for, 629630, 633

cognitive dysmetria hypothesis, 264

cognitive emotional regulation, 584587

Cognitive-Energetic model, 1041

Cognitive Neuroscience for Translational Research in Cognition in Schizophrenia (CNTRICS), 1078

cognitive therapy (CT), for OCD, 658

Cohen syndrome (CS), 10151016

clinical indications for, 10151016

phenotypes for, 1015

combinatorial optogenetics, 144

comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), 944945

compulsivity, addiction and

neurocircuitry of, 685

transition to, 736

COMT. See catechol-O-methyltransferase

conditional knockout mouse models, 116117

NT-3 factors, 116

RTT, 116

vesicle function, 116117

conditioned fear, 593594

as anxiety disorder model, 606607

extinction of, 594595

Little Albert case study, 607

PFC and, 595

resilience and, 1160

conditioned place preference paradigms, 677678

in SUD animal models, 763

conduct disorder (CD), instrumental aggression and, 1104

connectomes, 995, 997998, 1000

connectomics, 1073

Conner’s Rating Scale, 937

consciousness, during sleep, 1137

in NREM sleep, 1137

in REM sleep, 11371138

context processing, in schizophrenia, 269270

coping mechanisms

GABA, fear and, 575

pathological anxiety and, 562564

pathological fear and, 562564

resilience and, 1148, 11491150

acceptance, 1149

facing fears, 1149

humor as, 1149

physical exercise as, 11491150

social support and, 1150

coprolalia, 1048

copy number variants (CNVs)

in ADHD, 939, 950951, 1039

in ASD, 939, 948, 1028

bipolar disorder and, 235237, 253

in childhood psychiatric disorders, 939940, 951

chromosomal deletions in, 247

in COS, 949950

in ID, 939, 946947

for MDD, 404

schizophrenia and, 235237, 248

deletions, 248250, 251253

duplications, 250251, 251, 252253

loci review, 248253, 249

in mouse models, 289290

in tic disorders, 10501051

in TS, 950951, 10501051

coronary artery disease (CAD), depression and, 498499

antidepressant therapy, 503

autonomic nervous system and, 499

comorbidity mechanisms with, 498499

endothelial dysfunction and, 499

HPA axis and, 498

inflammation and, 498

statins for, 498

sympathoadrenal hyperactivity and, 498

cortical-subcortical network dysfunction, 263264

cognitive dysmetria hypothesis, 264

corticobasal syndrome (CBS), 892

corticosterone, 596597

SHRP, 596597

corticosterones, 963

cortico-striatal models, for schizophrenia, 264

cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical (CSTC) circuits, 648649

corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), 450451

childhood psychiatric disorders and, 957

in neurocircuitry of addiction, 685

corticotropin-releasing hormones (CRH)

CRHR1, 666

resilience and, 1145, 1151

cortisol, resilience and, 11511154

COS. See childhood onset schizophrenia

Costello syndrome, 1011

COX enzymes. See cyclooxygenase enzymes


addiction and, 728730

cue-elicited, 728729

drug-elicited, 729730

spontaneous, 728

SUD and, 774

CREB protein. See cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element binding proteins

Creutzfeldt, Hans, 915

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), 835

acquired, 924925

diagnostic testing for, 921

discovery of, 915

fCJD, 923

nomenclature in, 916917

sCJD, 918921

CSF testing with, 919921

diagnostic criteria for, 918

EEG for, 919

MRI for, 918919, 921

neuropsychiatric features of, 919

prevalence rates for, 920

vCJD, 924925

CRF. See corticotropin-releasing factor

CRH. See corticotropin-releasing hormones

cross mutual information, 1003

CS. See Cohen syndrome

CSF. See cerebrospinal fluid

CSTC circuits. See cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits

CT. See cognitive therapy

cue-elicited craving, 728729

cue fear extinction, 599600

curcumin, 848

cyclic adenosine 3-5- monophosphate (cAMP), 50

cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element binding (CREB) proteins

addiction and, 690691

characterization methods for, 82

composition of, 8182

protein family for, 82

regulation mechanisms for, 82

signaling pathways for, 2, 50, 82

as transcription factor, 8182

TS and, 129

viral-mediated gene transfer applications, 118119

cyclic nucleotides, 46

cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, 846

cyclosporine, 514

cyclothymia, 368

diagnostic systems for, 380

symptoms of, 380


childhood psychiatric disorders and, 963

CNTF, 84

depression and, 431432

antidepressant therapy and, 432

cancer and, 501

long-term consequences of, 431432

mechanisms of, 431

in medical illness, 496497

gene expression regulated by, 84

IL-6, 84

LIF, 84

cytosine, 76


DAs. See dopamines

DATs. See dopamine transporters

Davies, Peter, 810

DBH. See dopamine-β-hydroxylase

DBS. See deep brain stimulation

DCM. See dynamic causal modeling

D-cycloserine (DCS) therapy, 624626

clinical potential for, 626

cost effectiveness of, 632

dosage levels for, 625633

effectiveness of, 633634

empirical evidence for, 624625

exposure therapy and, 624625

future research directions for, 625626

mechanisms of action for, 633

for OCD, 625

for panic disorder, 625

decisional anhedonia, 393

deep brain stimulation (DBS), 217218, 520

computer models, 217218

description of, 217

effect imaging in, 218

interleaved scanning in, 218

for neurocircuitry-based models of depression, 466

for OCD, 659

placement targeting in, 218

for tic disorders, 1058

for Tourette’s syndrome, 1058

defasciculation, 8

default mode network (DMN), 272273

defensive responding, 549550

exaggerated, 552

FBS and, 550

hyper-responsive, 552

inappropriate, 552

pathological anxiety and, 552

pathological fear and, 552

prolonged, 552

topography of, 550

deformation-based morphometry, 208

dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 11541155

dementia. See also Alzheimer’s disease; Lewy body dementias; Parkinson’s disease

AD with, 793798

advanced, 797

alexia without agraphia, 796

animal models of, 810811

aphasia and, 796

biomarkers in, 793794

Capgras syndrome and, 798

cardiovascular risk factors and, 849851

CDR for, 794795

clinical course of, 796

clinical trials for, 859

CSF in, 835

depression and, 798

features of, 796797

Gerstmann’s syndrome, 796

history taking for, 794

lab evaluation of, 796

mental status tests for, 795

neuroimaging for, 796

neurological examinations for, 796

neuropsychiatric features, 797798

neuropsychological evaluations for, 795796

neuropsychological testing for, 795796

phenomenology of, 796798

phenotypes for, 797

prevalence rates for, 854

radiological evaluation of, 796

screening for, 794797

UDS and, 794795

aging compared to, 794797

dementia praecox, diagnosis of, 223

DLB, 872874

clinical features of, 874

delusions with, 876

depression with, 876

diagnostic criteria for, 873874

hallucinations with, 876

memory deficits with, 876

neuroleptic sensitivity in, 878

PDD compared to, 874

psychiatric symptoms with, 876

visuospatial deficits in, 875


bvFTD, 888891

causes of, 887

CBS and, 892

clinical syndromes with, 887, 888

CSF and, 893

diagnostic criteria for, 889

discovery of, 887

EEG for, 893

epidemiology of, 887888

FTD-MND, 890

FTLD, 887

by gender, 888

genetics of, 894895

histopathology of, 893894

mortality rates for, 888

MRI for, 892

PET for, 892893

PPA, 891892, 889

prevalence rates for, 887888

PSP and, 892

treatment therapies for, 895897

PSD, 901903

as public health crisis, 790

SVD, 903904

dementias with Lewy bodies (DLB), 872874

clinical features of, 874

delusions with, 876

depression with, 876

diagnostic criteria for, 873874

hallucinations with, 876

memory deficits with, 876

neuroleptic sensitivity in, 878

PDD compared to, 874

psychiatric symptoms with, 876

visuospatial deficits in, 875

dendrites, 68

DENT study, for MDD, 400

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 7677. See also gene expression; methylation, of DNA; transcription control, for genomes

ADHD and, 10371038

BACs, 110

base pairing in, 76

biophysiology influenced by, 183

in childhood psychiatric disorders, 944

chromatins and, 91

DNMTs, 88

in epigenetics of childhood psychiatric disorders, 963

information flow in, to proteins, 7778

NAHR and, 944

neuroepigenetics, 173174, 178179

nucleosomes in, 79

nucleotide bases in, 76

replication of, 7677

retrotransposons and, 7879

satellite, 78

structure of, 76

transcription into RNA, 77

in transgenic mouse models, 109110

YACs, 110

depolarization block, 37

deprenyl, 16

depression. See also antidepressants; glutamate system; major depressive disorder; medical illness, depression and

adrenal glucocorticoids and, 430431

AD with dementia and, 798

animal models of, 429430

antidepressant therapy for, 37

glial loss, 430

neurogenesis and, 430

neuronal atrophy, 429430

atypical, 522

bipolar, 523

BPD and, 1091

CAD and, 498499

antidepressant therapy, 503

autonomic nervous system and, 499

comorbidity mechanisms with, 498499

endothelial dysfunction and, 499

HPA axis and, 498

inflammation and, 498

statins for, 498

sympathoadrenal hyperactivity and, 498

cancer and, 501

antidepressant therapy, 504505

cytokines and, 501

prevalence rates for, 501

sickness syndrome and, 501

cholinergic system and

clinical trials with, 446450

history of, 445446

muscarinic receptors, 446449

neuroimaging and, 449

nicotinic, 450, 449450

physiology of, 446

WM and, 449

CRF and, 450451

cytokines and, 431432

antidepressant therapy and, 432

cancer and, 501

long-term consequences of, 431432

mechanisms of, 431

in medical illness, 496497

diabetes mellitus and, 499500

antidepressant therapy, 503504

cellular glucose transporters and, 500

comorbidity mechanisms, 499500

HPA axis and, 500

neuroimaging for, 500

psychosocial burden as factor in, 499500

with DLB, 876

DLB with, 876

experimental medicine therapy for, 451

GABA receptors, drug development and, 578

genetic definition of, 396

GLMT system, 439445

clinical trials with, 439445

history of, 439

memantine therapy, 444445

NMDA receptors, 439444

physiology of, 439

riluzole therapy, 445

VGLuTs in, 439

gonadal steroids and

in animal models, 486487

menstrual cycle effects, 486

pathophysiology of, 485487

HIV/AIDS and, 380381, 500501

antidepressant therapy, 504

comorbidity mechanisms, 500501

HPA axis and, 501

prevalence rates for, 500

HPA axis in, 430431

inflammation and, 497498

inflammatory cytokines and, 431432

antidepressant therapy and, 432

long-term consequences of, 431432

mechanisms of, 431

in late life

AD and, 478

AGTR genes, 477

basal ganglia circuits and, 475

BDNF and, 477

brain systems in, 471472

circuit changes in, 473475

degenerative diseases and, 478

dorsal circuit and, 473474

genetics of, 477

historical recognition of, 470

5HTTLPR polymorphism, 477

lesions and, location of, 470471, 472473

metabolomic studies for, 477478

MRI for, 470

PD and, 478

subcortical ischemic disease and, 476

in twin studies, 472473

vascular, 476477

ventral circuit and, 474475

LTD, 10

LTP compared to, 65

NMDA receptors, 66

melancholic, 522

midlife, 492493

neurobiology of

Area 12o/47s and, 458459

brainstem projections and, 459

CLPFC in, 457

connection regions in, 458

cortico-striatal-thalamic circuits, 459460

history of, 455

hypothalamus projections and, 459

intralaminar thalamic nuclei in, 460

in late life, 471472

medial prefrontal network in, 456457

mediodorsal nucleus, 459

orbital prefrontal network in, 456

PFC in, 455459

prefrontal projections in, 460

neurocircuitry-based models of, 465466

amygdala-mediation of, 465466

DBS for, 466

in default mode system, 466

neuroimaging of, 428

of amygdala, 428

for diabetes mellitus, 500

functional compared to structural, 462463

of hippocampus, 428

of NAc, 428

for PFC subregions, 428

neuroplasticity disruption in, 427428

neuroticism and, 396

neurotransmission alterations in, 425427

GABA, 425, 426427

GLMT, 426427

heterogeneity in, 426

for monoamines, 425426

neurotrophic factors, in treatment responses, 432433

BDNF expression, 432433

FGF2 and, 433

VEGF and, 433

opioid therapy for, 451

pathogenesis of

biological mechanisms of, 438

biomarker development in, 438

with PDD, 876

perimenopausal, 491492

hormones and, 491492

onset triggers for, 492

risk predictors for, 491

postmortem studies of, 428429

PPD, 490491, 522523

gonadal steroids and, 491

hormone studies for, 490

neuroimaging for, 490491

prevalence rates for, 490

psychotic, 522

stress-mediated pathways in, 430431

structural abnormalities in, 428430

treatment refractory, 466

viral-mediated gene transfer for, 118119

descriptive psychiatry, 10731075

diagnostic reliability and, 1073

diagnostic validity and, 1074

pharmacological advancements as influence on, 1073


escape avoidance and, 416

MDD and, 415416

desvenlafaxine, 515516

dextran, multi-size, 151

DGK mouse models. See diacylglycerol kinase mouse models

DGS. See DiGeorge syndrome

DHEA. See dehydroepiandrosterone

diabetes mellitus

AD treatment therapies and, 850851

depression and, 499500

antidepressant therapy, 503504

cellular glucose transporters and, 500

comorbidity mechanisms, 499500

HPA axis and, 500

neuroimaging for, 500

psychosocial burden as factor in, 499500

diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) mouse models, 294

diagnoses. See diagnostic systems; psychoses, diagnosis of

Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). See also diagnostic systems

from 369, 1840–1940

evolution of, 369370

expanded versions of, 369370

goals of, 1074

incorporation of psychiatric disorders into, 369

influence of, 1072

intellectual roots of, 1073

pharmacological revolution and, 370

purpose of, 1072

recategorization within, 370

as regulatory approval standard, 1077

during World War II, 369

Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V), 393394, 229230. See also diagnostic systems

addiction in, 697

anxiety disorders in, 529530

for separation, 1069

APA and, 1067

childhood psychiatric disorders in, 1069

classification criteria for, 1068

neurobiological, 1068

research strategies for, 1068

conceptual framework of, 10671068

developmental perspective in, 1069

diagnostic categorization in, 10681069

for biomarkers, 1070

integration of disorders and, 1069

validity in, 1068

ICD and, 1067, 1068

intellectual roots of, 1073

laboratory data in, 10691070

neurobiological data in, 10691070

organization of, 1070

pathophysiological data in, 10691070

psychiatric disorders in, construct of, 1068

psychosis in, construct of, 10671068

public health implications for, 1070

RDoC and, 1068

research agenda for, 1067

structure of, 1070

Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), 226. See also diagnostic systems

ASPD in, 1094

bipolar disorder in, 229

development of, 370

intellectual roots of, 1073

mood disorder diagnostic systems and, 371

psychotic disorders in, 226

schizoaffective disorder, 226228

schizophrenia, 226

SUD in, 772, 773778

Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III)

clinical phenomenology in, 1075

connectomics in, 1073

intellectual roots of, 1073

life science developments through, 10721073

molecular biology as influence on, 1073

as prototype, 1072

Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS), 230

diagnostic systems

behavioral constructs, 393

mood disorders

accuracy of, 389

anxiety factors, 390391

atypical features of, 383

for bipolar disorders, 380

catatonic features of, 383

comorbidity of, 384388

core criteria selection, 391

for cyclothymia, 380

differential diagnosis, 384388, 385387

in DSM-IV, 371

for dysthymic disorder, 380

etiologic approach to, 388

exclusive approaches in, 388

for full interepisode recovery, 384

for hypomanic episode, 379

in ICD-10, 371, 372385

inclusive approaches in, 388

increased threshold approach to, 388

in late life, 384

limitations of, 390392

for manic episodes, 371

for MDD, 371, 379380, 382384

medically-induced, 380381

melancholic features, 383

for mixed episodes, 371379

neurobiological mechanisms in, 392

postpartum onset, 383

psychotic features of, 382

with rapid cycling, 384

reliability of, 389

remission of, 382

seasonal patterning in, 384

severity of, 382

specifiers in, 381384

substance-induced, 380381

subsyndromal mixed states and, 391

symptom substitution approach to, 388

tests in, 390

thresholds for, 391

trauma history in, 391

treatment resistance and, 390

validity of, 388389

RDoC in, 393394

spectrum concepts, 392

DIAN. See Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network

diazepam, 567, 642643

diffusion-based MRI, 202204

principles of, 202

diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 203

for ADHD, 1044

for ASD, 1026

development of, 202

future alternatives to, 203204

purpose of, 1073

for schizophrenia, 341342

diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), 202

for AD, 823825

diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI), for neurodevelopmental disorders, 996

DiGeorge syndrome (DGS), 973974, 982

DIGS. See Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies


in AP-1 proteins, 8283

in genome transcription control, 80

DISC1 genes. See disrupted in schizophrenia 1 gene

diseases, neuropsychiatric. See also biophysiology, of disease; synaptic disease

gene expression conditional controls, 116117

mouse models

knockout, 112

large-clone transgenic, 110

transgenic, 110

optogenetic technology for, 141144

for anxiety disorders, 142

combinatorial, 144

excitation-inhibition imbalance in, 142, 144

fiberoptic neural interface, 142

IUE, 142

for memory deficits, 142

projection targeting in, 142

phenotypes, 322324

disease modification, for AD

biomarkers in, 856857

clinical trials for

for asymptomatic patients, 858

biomarkers for, 857858, 861864

cognitive outcomes for, 860

computerized outcomes in, 861

considered populations in, 857859

for dementia, onset of, 859

ethics of, 863864

functional outcomes for, 860

future outcomes in, 860861

globalization as influence on, 863

global outcomes for, 860

MCI onset and, 859

milestone delays in, 859860

NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for, 857

outcomes in, 859860

patient-reported outcomes in, 861

for patients at biological risk, 857

for patients at genetic risk, 857

placebos in, 859, 864865

recruitment challenges in, 862

representative samples in, 863

retention challenges in, 863

sampling challenges, 858859

secondary outcomes in, 861

slope change in, 860

successes of, 864865

definition of, 854855

delay of disability in, 856

design of, 855857

FDA and, 855

neuroimaging for, 855

placebos in, 857

in clinical trials, 859, 864865

populations for, 857859

symptomatic compounds compared to, 855

terminology of, 855

treatment therapies for, 865869, 865

administration modes for, 865866

anti-aggregation in, 867868

antibody development in, 867868

with Aβ proteins, 867, 866867

BBB involvement in, 868

cellular targets in, 866

development of, 855

immunotherapies, 867868

neuroprotection in, 869

with NSAIDs, 869

research applications for, 869

with Tau proteins, 868869

in vaccination studies, 867

disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) gene, 134, 335

C-fragment, 292293

Kalirin and, 335

in mouse models, 291292, 292293

mutant human, 293

in neuronal pathways, 334

over-expression of, 292

Wnt pathways, 332

DLB. See dementias with Lewy bodies

DMN. See default mode network

DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid

DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), 88

in epigenetics of childhood psychiatric disorders, 963

DNMTs. See DNA methyltransferases

Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN), 792

donepezil, 811, 845

L-DOPA. See L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase

dopamines (DAs)

AADC, 1314

addiction and

activation in, 686

brain development and, 707708

hyperdopaminergia, 685

mediated signaling by, 685686

neurocircuitry of, 683

vulnerability to, 716720

in adult bonding animal models, 1121

aggression and, 1109, 1110

anhedonia hypothesis, 733

DATs, 17

DBH, 14, 15

eating disorders and, 11791180

knockout mouse models and, 112, 114

PD and, 131

psychotic disorders and, discovery of, 256

resilience and, 11561157

in schizophrenia, 347

sleep cycles and, 11301131

in STPD, 1098

VMATs and, 112

dopamine hypotheses

hyperfunction hypothesis, 347

of reward, 733734

of schizophrenia, 347

dopamine transfer deficit model, 1041

dopamine transporters (DATs), 17

in TS animal models, 977

dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH), 14, 15

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), schizophrenia and, 278279

Down syndrome, 939

animal models of, 972973

chromosomal trisomy and, 973

dosage-sensitive gene expression in, 973

with mice, 973

transgenic, 110

GABA antagonists and, 1063

spine pathology in, 989990

doxorubicin, 151

Drachman, David, 810

drug abuse. See also substance use disorder

during adolescence, 708709

ΔFosB transcription factor and, 115

intrinsic plasticity of brain and, 71

molecular adaptations to, 723728

NAc and, 71

drug addiction. See also substance
use disorder

animal models of, 679

classical conditioning models of, 737

as dynamic illness, 737738

negative reinforcement and, 736737

classical conditioning models of, 737

methamphetamines and, 737

negative affect and, 736737

opponent-process models of, 737

self-medication models of, 737

tobacco use and, 737

neurobiology of, 737738

relapse and, 737

self-medication models, 737

drug delivery systems

BBB and, , 151

FUS and, 151

through lipidization, 150

microbubbles in, 151

for neurodegenerative diseases, 151

neurosurgically-based, 151

requirements of, 150151

drug development, neuroepigenetics, 177178

HDACs and, 178

drug-elicited craving, 729730

DSC MRI. See dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI

DSM. See Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

DSM-III. See Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition

DSM-IV. See Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition

DSM-V. See Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition

DTI. See diffusion tensor imaging

duloxetine, 515516, 642

for OCD, 655656

DWI. See diffusion-weighted imaging

DW-MRI. See diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

dynamic causal modeling (DCM), 10001001

Dynamic Developmental Theory, 1041

dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI (DSC MRI), 199

dysbindin genes, 290

dysraphias, 981

dysthymia, 368

diagnostic systems for, 380


EAATs. See excitatory amino acid transporters

early childhood, fear development
during, 597598

early-onset familial AD, genetics of, 805807

eating disorders. See also anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa

BED, 1183

food addiction and, 1183

gender influences on, 1182

hormonal dysregulation and, 11751178

for adiponectin, 11771178

for appetite-regulation, 11761178

for CCK, 11761177

of eCB system, 1178

for endorphins, 1178

ghrelin and, 1177

HPA axis and, 1178

for leptin, 1177

melanocortin, 1178

for NPY, 1177

obestatin and, 1177

ovarian hormones, 11751176

for PYY, 1177

of TRH, 1178

for weight-regulation, 11761178

neurotransmitter dysregulation and, 11781180

of dopamines, 11791180

of 5-HT receptors, 1179, 1180

prenatal risks for, 1175

starvation and, psychopathology of, 1182

eCBs. See endocannabinoids

ecstasy. See 3, 4–methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine

ECT. See electroconvulsive therapy

EEG. See electroencephalograms

effort computation, schizophrenia and, 276

eicosanoids, 50

Eldepryl. See selegiline

elderly. See late life

electric-inhibitory channels, 146

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 519520

for OCD, 659

electroencephalograms (EEG)

for FTD, 893

for functional connectivity, in neurodevelopmental disorders, 10021003

limitations of, 1004

for sCJD, 919

for sleep stages, 1127

electromyelogram (EMG), 1127

electrooculogram (EOG), 1127


alternative recording options, 34

of antidepressants, 3637

of antipsychotics, 3738

of anxiolytics, 3536

chronic unit recording, 32

definition of, 32

methods of, 27

microiontophoresis, 32

of psychomimetics, 36

of psychotropic drug action, 3538

for schizophrenia, 343

slice recording, 3334

in vivo recording, 3233

whole-cell patch recording, 33

EM. See episodic memory

EMA. See European Medicines Agency

embryonic stem (ES) cells, 124

hESCs, 124

modification of, in knockout mouse models, 111

EMG. See electromyelogram

emotions. See also specific emotions

amygdala role in, 474

for emotional regulation, 607609

anxiety disorders and, 549550

bulimia nervosa and, 11811182

mediation of, 128

PFC and, 581583

in animal models, 582583

controllability of, 586587

emotional regulation and, 610611

memory and, 581582

reappraisal and, 584586

vmPFC, 585587

positive, in resilience, 11471148

processing of, 463465, 472

limbic structure imaging, 464465

negative emotional bias, 465

regulation of, 580. See also anxiety; anxiety disorders; fear

amygdala and, 607609

anxiety disorders and, 587589,

behavioral, 584587

cognitive, 584587

core processes for, 606607

core structures in, 607611

developmental influences on, 590

failure of, 587590

function of, 580

genetic influences on, 590

hippocampal influence on, 610

hormonal influences on, 589, 589590

hypothalamus and, 609

insula and, 609

neurobiology of, 588589

periaqueductal gray region and, 609

personality factors for, 589

PFC and, 610611

reactivity and, 607

research history of, 580

stress factors in, 589

as top-down process, 580

encephalitis lethargica, 1131

Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, 164

endocannabinoids (eCBs)

anandamide, 50

eating disorders and, 1178

inactivation of, 23

as neurotransmitters, 2324

psychoactive effects of, 24

release of, 23

resilience and, 1158

signal transduction pathways and, 50

therapeutic potential of, 24

endogenous stem cells, 128

brain development and, 128

endorphins, eating disorders and, 1178

endothelial NOS (eNOS), 23

enhancer elements, 80

eNOS. See endothelial NOS

ENU model. See N-nitroso-N-ethylurea model

enzymes, as receptors, 4145

EOG. See electrooculogram


of anxiety disorders, 537540

developmental changes in, 539540

environmental risks, 539540

in family studies, 537539

susceptibilities in, 540

in twin studies, 537539

of ASPD, 1094

for bipolar disorder, 232234

environmental factors, 233234

family studies for, 233

genetic overlap with schizophrenia, 233

incidence rates for, 232

non-inherited factors, 233234

twin studies for, 233

of BPD, 10901091

of childhood psychiatric disorders, 956

of LBD, 874

mapping technologies for, 161162

through association analysis, 161162, 163

through family studies, 161

for genotypes, 160

through linkage analysis, 161

for phenotypes, 160

through segregation analysis, 161

for MDD, 396397

with GWAS, 397

heritability in, 397

relative risks in, 397

in twin studies, 398

of prion diseases, 917918

of PTSD, 662

of resilience, 1144

for schizophrenia, 232234

environmental factors, 233234

family studies in, 232233

genetic overlap with bipolar disorder, 233

incidence rates for, 232

non-inherited factors, 233234

twin studies in, 232233

of SUD

abuse classifications in, 772774

among adolescents, 777, 781, 784785

among adults, 776777, 778781

by age, 777778

through animal models, 784

as chronic disorder, 777

comorbidities for, across substances, 777

craving and, 774

definitions of, 772776

development of, 772, 782784

in DSM-IV, 772

by ethnicity, 779, 781

by gender, 779, 782

measurement criteria for, 772776

NAc and, 783

with NCSs, 774

with NESARC study, 774776

by race, 779, 781

VTA and, 783

withdrawal symptoms, 772

of tic disorders, 10481049

of TS, 10481049

epigenetics. See also methylation, of DNA

for AS, 100, 99101

addiction mechanisms, 691692

chromatin, 691

DNA methylation, 691692

HDACs, 691

histone methyltransferase, 691

addictive behaviors and, 9596

of affective disorders, 956957

antidepressant development and, 9697

for anxiety disorders, in animal models, 546547

for ATRX, 102

for bipolar disorder, 357360

in human studies, 359360


chromatin architecture, 174175

coding sequence mutations, 177

developmental plasticity of, 175176

DNA methylation, 173174

DNA structural variants, 178179

drug development for, 177178

eraser proteins, 177

euchromatin, 173

foundations of, 172

heterochromatin, 173

histones, 174

looping, 174175

monogenetic etiologies, 176177

nucleosomes, 173

principles of, 173175

for PTSD, 176

reader proteins, 177

writer proteins, 177

of childhood psychiatric disorders

11β-HSD2 in, 963

for affective disorders, 956957

animal models of, 957958

for ASD, 956

corticosterones in, 963

for COS, 955956

CRF concentration in, 957

CSF concentration in, 957

DNMTs and, 963

epidemiology of, 956

fetal antecedents, 955957

fetal sex and, 960962

germ cell programming in, 959

high fat diets in, 960

history of, 955

immune activation in, 959

IUGR phenotypes, 959960

low protein diets in, 959960

maternal diet in, 959960

for MDD, 956957

mechanisms of, 955

miRNA in, 963

obesity models for, 960

placental contributions in, 962963

postnatal stress and, 958959

PPI and, 959

prenatal infection in, 959

prenatal stress and, 958

for stress exposure, 958959

transgenerational, 965

transmission in, 964965


architecture, 174175

heterochromatin, 173

looping, 174175

remodeling and, 9293

cocaine use and, 95

of COS, 955956

definition of, 88

for FXS, 101

histone protein modifications in, 9192

imprinting, 9495

for Kabuki syndrome, 101

of MDD, 9697

in childhood, 956957

mechanisms of, 8895

methyl-CpG-binding proteins and, 8891

mutations in, linked psychiatric syndromes for, 98

nicotine abuse and, 95

in postnatal brain development, 987988

for PWS, 99101

RNAi mechanism in, 9394

for RSTS, 101102

for RTT, 9899

of RTT, 9899

schizophrenia and, 9798

epigenomes, 10

epilepsy, ASD and, 10231024

episodic memory (EM)

AD and, 799

in schizophrenia, 273275

cognitive deficits and, 274275

cognitive neuroscience models, 273

hippocampal activity, 273, 274

impairments, 273275

PFC and, 273


in genetic inheritance model, 698

in synaptic disease, 322

eplivanserin, 767

EPSP. See excitatory postsynaptic potential

eraser proteins, 177

ERP therapy. See exposure and response prevention therapy

escape avoidance, 416

ES cells. See embryonic stem cells

escitalopram, 1031

ESM. See European Staging Model

Esquirol, Jean Étienne Dominique, 368

Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Chest, 368

ethnicity. See also African Americans; Hispanic Americans

AD and, 801802

SUD and, 779, 781

euchromatin, 173

eukaryotic chromosomes, 78, 79

European Medicines Agency (EMA), 855

European Staging Model (ESM), 390

excitation-inhibition imbalance, 142, 144

excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs), 439

excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), 2829

brain function and, 64

executive functioning

AD and, 799

LBD and, 874875

with PDD, 874875

exome-arrays, 169170

exome sequencing

for ASD, 949

for COS, 950

for ID, 947948

whole, 169

experimental medicine therapy, for depression, 451

exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy

for OCD, 657, 658

for PTSD, 670

extinction training, in relapse model, 679

extracellular signals

gene expression regulated by, 81

receptors and, 4046

extrapyramidal symptoms, of antipsychotic drugs, 37

eyes. See visual system


Falret, Jean Pierre, 368

familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (fCJD), 923

familial dysautonomia (FD)

splicing defects, 130

stem cell modeling for, 130

family dysfunction, ADHD and, 10401041

family studies

for AD, 805

for addiction, 697

for inheritance of, 699

for ADHD, 10351047

for anxiety disorders, 537539

pediatric, 539

for bipolar disorder, 233

MDD and, 399

for GAD, 538

for genetic epidemiology, 161

for MDD, 399

for OCD, 538

for panic disorder, 537

phobias, 538

for PPD, 538539

for schizophrenia, 161, 232233

MDD and, 399

for tic disorders, 1049

for TS, 1049

fasciculation, 8

fast-spiking (FS) receptors, 301

fatal familial insomnia (FFI), 927

neuropathology of, 927

FBS. See functional behavior systems

fCJD. See familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

FD. See familial dysautonomia

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

FDG PET. See fluorodeoxyglucose PET

fear. See also pathological fear

during adolescence, development of, 598603

in animal models, 599603

brain maturation and, 598599

of contextual fear and extinction, 600601

of cue fear extinction, 599600

hippocampal involvement, 600601

memory and, 601603

neural circuitry for, 601603

PFC and, 599600

amygdala and, 573574, 607609

during infancy, development of, 596

lateral circuits in, 574

microcircuits in, 574575

animal models of, 553560.
See also associative conditioning animal

adolescence and, 599603

antipredator, 554

for conditioned fear, 593, 594595

for fear learning, 593

instrumental avoidance conditioning, 558560

neural circuitry in, 593595

unconditioned, 553554

anxiety compared to, 550

conditioned, 593594

as anxiety disorder model, 606607

APP mouse models, 816817

extinction of, 594595

corticosterone and, 596597

SHRP, 596597

during early childhood, development of, 597598

hippocampus and, 597

ecological significance of, 595

FBS and, 550

GABA receptors and, 575577

active coping, 575

in cortical microcircuits, 576

extinction mechanisms, 575

inhibition mechanisms, 575

passive coping, 575

during infancy, development of, 595596

amygdala role in, 596

ecological perspective on, 596

fear learning, 595596

infant odor-shock and, 597598, 598

maternal odor learning and, 597598

inhibition of, 560

conditioned, 560

GABA receptors and, 575

latent, 560

negative feedback, 560

normal compared to pathological, 552

PFC and, 581583

during adolescence, 599600

in animal models, 582583

conditioned fear and, 595

memory and, 581582

resilience and, 11601162

extinction of memory, 11601162

fear conditioning, 1160

reconsolidation of memory, 11601162

stress responses to, 552

fear conditioning, in APP mouse models, 816817

Feigner Criteria, 224

development of, 10731074

for MDD, 391, 396

for psychiatric disorders, 1074

Feingold hypothesis, 10391040

fenobam, 766

FFI. See fatal familial insomnia

FFM. See Five Factor Model, for personality

FGF2. See fibroblast growth factor 2

FGS. See Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome

fiberoptic neural interfaces, 142

fibroblasts, stem cell direct programming, 124

fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), 433

first rank symptoms (FRS), 223

Five Factor Model (FFM), for personality, 1089

FKBP5 protein, 665666

Flinder’s sensitive line (FSL) rat models, 421

florbetapir, 208, 798

floxed genes, 115116

fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET, 825827

clinical use of, 825826

limitations of, 827

metabolism assessment with, 826

neurodegeneration of, 826827

fluoxetine, 512

fluvoxamine, 512, 1031

Fmr1KO mouse models, 974

fMRI. See functional magnetic resonance imaging

focused ultrasound (FUS), BBB and, 148149

assessment methods with, 151152

in drug delivery systems, 151

HIFU, 148

microbubbles and, 148149

food addiction, 1183

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 149

AD treatment approvals, 844

disease modification under, for AD, 855

Fos proteins, 83

as IEG, 83

regulation of, 84

signal pathway activation for, 84

ΔFosB transcription factor, 115

addiction and, 690691

genomic strategies, 119

Fragile X syndrome (FXS), 940, 1024

animal models of, 971, 974975

Fmr1KO, 974

point mutation, 974

therapeutic implications for, 974975

transgenic, 974

clinical trials for, 1062

epigenetics for, 101

mGluR5 receptors in, 10611062

phenotypes for, 130

stem cell modeling for, 130

treatment therapies for, 10311032

frontal lobe dementia (FTD)

bvFTD, 888890

phenocopy of, 890891

psychiatric features of, 889890

testing of, 890

causes of, 887

CBS and, 892

clinical syndromes with, 887, 888

CSF and, 893

diagnostic criteria for, 889

discovery of, 887

EEG for, 893

epidemiology of, 887888

FTD-MND, 890

FTLD, 887

by gender, 888

genetics of, 894895

histopathology of, 893894

mortality rates for, 888

MRI for, 892

PET for, 892893

PPA, 891892

diagnostic criteria for, 889

logopenic variants for, 892

nfvPPA, 891

semantic variants for, 891892

prevalence rates for, 887888

PSP and, 892

treatment therapies for, 895897

case studies for, 895897

frontotemporal dementia with motor neuron disease (FTD-MND), 890

frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), 887

FRS. See first rank symptoms

FSL rat models. See Flinder’s sensitive line rat models

FS receptors. See fast-spiking receptors

FTD. See frontal lobe dementia

FTD-MND. See frontotemporal dementia with motor neuron disease

FTLD. See frontotemporal lobar degeneration

functional behavior systems
(FBS), 550

functional connectivity, neurodevelopmental disorders and, 990991

in ADHD, 1006

in ASD, 10051006

brain movies as system for, 995

connectomes and, 995, 997998, 1000

cross mutual information in, 1003

DCM for, 10001001

EEG for, 10021003

limitations of, 1004

generalized synchronization in, 10031004

global features of, 998

Granger causality mapping in, 1001

ICA for, 1000

limitations of, 10011002

measurement of, 995996

motivation for, 995

MSC for, 1003

neuroimaging for, 995, 996

in OCD, 1007

PDC and, 1003

PLV and, 1003

in schizophrenia, 1005

signaling in, 996

in TS, 1007

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

for AD, 825

default networks in, 825

for ADHD, 10431044

for ASD, 10261027

for BPD, 1092

brain function assessment, 200202

for resting state, 201202

CMRO2 and, 206207

for neurodevelopmental disorders, 999

purpose of, 1073

for schizophrenia, 342

for tic disorders, 1054

for TS, 1054

FUS. See focused ultrasound

FXS. See Fragile X syndrome


GABA. See γ-aminobutyric acid

α-GABA receptors

anxiety and, 569573

anxiolysis mediation, 571, 572573

dependence liability mediation by, 569571

hippocampal-dependent memory regulation, 573

synaptic plasticity and, 573

GAD. See generalized anxiety
disorder; glutamic acid decarboxylase

GAD1 genes, 308

galanin, resilience and, 1156

galantamine, 811, 845

gas neurotransmitters, 23

Gaupp, Robert, 470

GDNF. See glial derived neurotrophic factor


ASD and, 936

BPD by, 1091

eating disorders by, 1182

FTD and, 888

SUD and, 779, 782

genes, 7879. See also epidemiology; transcription control, for genomes; viral-mediated gene transfer

in association analysis, 161162

BACs, 110111

candidate, MDD and, 400

adverse events and, 405406

emotional regulation and, 590

floxed, 115116

GluR, 119

IEGs, 83

in mouse models

functional studies, 109

reverse genetic strategy, 109

transgenic, 110

Reeler, 112

reporter, 110111

schizophrenia and, 187

genetic variations for, 329330

viral-mediated gene transfer and, 120

gene-environment interaction, 160

gene expression, 79. See also transcription control, for genomes; viral-mediated gene transfer

for AN, 11721174

through candidate gene
, 1174

through GWAS, 1174

in AD

amino acid sequences in, 805

chromosomal markers in, 805806

development of, 805

early-onset familial, 805807

through family studies, 805

inheritance in, 805

LOAD, 806808

mutations in, 806

onset of, 805

through post-mortem examinations, 805

risk factors, 805

through twin studies, 805

in addiction. See also inheritance, genetic

alcohol-induced flushing and, 699700

with alcohol metabolizing genes, 700

alleles in, 696

in candidate gene studies, 700

clinical categories of, 697

COMT and, 700701

endophenotypes for, 699

environmental interaction in, 698699

evolutionary context for, 696

exposure factors for, 697

gene identification, 700701, 704

genetic correlation in, 698

5HTTLPR polymorphism, 701

inheritance range in, 696

intermediate phenotypes in, 699700

mapping technologies for, 696

with monoamine transmitters, 700701

as multistage, 704

neuroimaging for, 700

predictive value of, 696697

in receptors, 699

resilience in, 696

serotonins and, 701

signaling pathways for, 696

in ADHD, 10351039

adoption studies for, 1037

CNVs in, 1039

DNA variants in, 10371038

family studies for, 10351036

through GWAS, 1038

linkage studies for, 1038

molecular studies for, 10371038

rare variants in, 10381039

twin studies for, 10361037

for AHDS, 1017

in anxiety disorders, 540543

in gene association studies, 540541

through GWAS, 541543

in linkage studies, 540541

transporter genes, 541

in ASD, 187, 949, 967, 10271028

CNVs in, 939, 948, 1028

common variations for, 1027

model systems in, 1028

rare variations for, 10271028

single-gene syndromes, 940

SNVs in, 949, 1028

systems genetics and, 1028

in ASPD, 1096

in ATRX syndrome, 10171018

in autism, 187

in BBS, 1014

in BPD, 1092

in childhood psychiatric disorders, 938941. See also copy number variants

for ASD, 187, 940

with CGH, 944945

DNA in, 944

exome sequencing for, 947950

genetic susceptibility, 951

with GWAS, 938939, 940941, 944

of ID, 933

with MPS, 945

SNPs and, 945

for SNVs, 944945

technology for, 944945

conditional control, 114117

conditional knockout models, 116117

disease models, 116117

site-specific recombination systems, 115116

transcriptional transactivator systems, 114115

cytokine regulation of, 84

DNA methylation and, 89

emotional regulation and, 590

extracellular signal regulation of, 81

for FTD, 894895

through histone proteins, 92

for ID, 933

single-gene syndromes, 940

in LBD, 878879

MAP and, 57

in MDD genetic studies, 400

neurodevelopmental disorders and, 980

nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase regulation of, 84

in resilience, 11451146

CHR and, 1145

CRF and, 1145

GR and, 1145

HPA axis in, 1145

PACAP receptor, 1146

polymorphisms and, 11451146

variations in, 1145

in schizophrenia, 187

in signal transduction pathways, 40, 5759

STPD and, 10981099

transcription phases, 79

Wnt signaling cascades and, 85

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 533534

clinical indications for, 642

family studies for, 538

neurobiology of, 614615

amygdala activity, 614

prevalence rates for, 642

treatment therapies for, 642643

with benzodiazepines, 642643

first-line approaches, 642

second-line approaches, 642643

twin studies for, 538

general kinetic model (GKM), 155

geneset-enrichment analysis, 164165

gene targeting approaches

for AD, in transgenic mouse models, 815

for anxiety disorders, in animal models, 545546

genetics. See genes; gene expression

genetic association models

for psychosis, 349

for social attachment, 11121113

animal models for, 1112

genetic code, 77

genetic inheritance. See inheritance, genetic

genetic mapping technologies. See also copy number variants; genome-wide association studies

for addiction, 696, 701702

for allele identification, 160

alternative models, 170171

biological pathways in, 160

CGH, 944945

for childhood psychiatric disorders, 944945

disease alleles, frequency spectrum of, 168

multiple variants for, 168

for schizophrenia, 168

structural variants for, 168, 168169

for epidemiology, 161162

through association analysis, 161162, 163

through family studies, 161

for genotypes, 160

through linkage analysis, 161

for phenotypes, 160

through segregation analysis, 161

exome sequencing

for ASD, 949

for COS, 950

for ID, 947948

whole, 169

for genetic architecture, 160

goals of, 160

for human genomes, 162164

with ENCODE project, 164

haplotypes in, 163

HapMAP project, 162163

LD in, 162163

with 1000 Genomes Project, 164

phasing in, 163

recombination events in, 163

reference maps in, 162163

for inheritance modes, 160

with integrative analysis, 170

MPS, 945

for neuropsychiatric diseases, 168169

through NGS, 163164, 169170

with exome-arrays, 169170

with singletons, 169

whole-exome sequencing, 169

pleiotropy and, 160

purpose of, 1073

risk prediction in, 160

sample size requirements, 165164

for SNVs

in ASD, 949

in childhood psychiatric disorders, 944945

in COS, 950

in ID, 947948

genetic prion diseases (gPrDs), 921922. See also Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

diagnostic testing for, 924

FFI, 924

neuropathology of, 927

GSS, 923924

neuropathology of, 926

Genetics of Recurrent Early-onset Depression (GenRED) study, 398399, 400

genetic studies. See family studies; twin studies

genomes. See also transcription control, for genomes

in biophysiology of disease, 190191

genetic mapping technologies for, 162164

with ENCODE project, 164

with GWAS, 163

haplotypes in, 163

HapMAP project, 162163, 163

LD in, 163, 162163

with 1000 Genomes Project, 164

phasing in, 163

recombination events in, 163

reference maps in, 162163

for schizophrenia

evidence sources for, 247248

low-resolution approaches to, 247

mutation rates in, 253

selection coefficients in, 253, 254

VCFS, 247

genome-wide association studies (GWAS), 163, 164, 237242

for AN, 1174

for addiction, 696, 701702

variants in, 702703

for ADHD, 1038

for anxiety disorders, 541543

applications of, 164168

for ASPD, 10961097

for biophysiology of diseases, 186

for bipolar disorder, 234, 240242, 239, 241

overlap with schizophrenia, 242

phenotypes for, 242

for childhood psychiatric disorders, 938939, 940941, 944

geneset-enrichment analysis, 164165

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in, 167

for LOAD, 807

for MDD, 397, 400, 402405, 403

cross-disorder findings of, 404

neuroticism in, 404405

meta-analysis in, 165

for polygenic diseases, 165

population stratification in, 165

for schizophrenia, 234, 237240, 238239, 239

linkage disequilibrium variances, 237238

MHC and, 238240

mouse models of, 289

overlap with bipolar disorder, 242

risks in, 238

for tic disorders, 1050

for TS, 1050

type II errors in, 165

GenRED study. See Genetics of Recurrent Early-onset Depression study

germ cell programming, 959

Gerstmann’s syndrome, 796

Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker (GSS) mutations, 923924

neuropathology of, 926

GFP. See green fluorescent protein

ghrelin, 1177

gingko, in AD treatment, 848

GKM. See general kinetic model

Glenner, George, 812

glial cells

in brain development, 7

GDNF, 45

microglia, 7

postnatal processes, 10

glial derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), 45

GLMT system. See glutamate system

glucocorticoid receptor (GR), 47

in anxiety disorder treatment therapies, 623

effectiveness of, 633634

mechanisms of action in, 633

depression and, 430431

resilience and, 1145

glucose metabolism, addiction and, 716

GluR genes, 119

MRS for, 742

glutamatergic drugs, 352

glutamate (GLMT) system, 439445

addiction and

BDNF and, 688

GPCR and, 688

homeostasis hypothesis of, 687688

Homer proteins in, 688

ionotropic receptors, 687688

mediated relapse by, 687

metabotropic receptors, 688

regulation in, 687

anatomy of, 20

clinical trials with, 439445, 440447

with ketamine, 439444

depression and, 439445

clinical trials for, 439447

history of, 439

memantine therapy, 444445

NMDA receptors, 439444

physiology of, 439

riluzole therapy, 445

VGLuTs in, 439

diversity of, 2021

glutamatergic drugs, 352

glutamic acid decarboxylase and, 19

inactivation of, 20

MDD and, 426427

memantine and, 845

mGluR5, 765766

monoamine transmitters compared to, 19

NMDA receptors and, 3132

depression and, 439, 444

ketamine, 439444

OCD and, 647

psychosis and, 348

regulation of, 20

resilience and, 11571158

in reward, 734

storage of, 1920

SUD and, in pharmacotherapy, 765766

synthesis of, 1920

VGLuTs, 20

depression and, 439

wakefulness and, 1130

glutamic acid decarboxylase, 19

neurodevelopmental disorders and, 991

glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) pathway, 360

goal-directed action, schizophrenia and, 278279

goal representations, schizophrenia and, 275280

effort computation and, 276

outcome achievements and, 276

Golde, Todd, 814

gonadal hormones, for AD treatment, 849

gonadal steroids

activation of, 485

biological effects of, 483485

cell regulation by, 485

depression and

in animal models, 486487

menstrual cycle effects, 486

midlife, 492493

pathophysiology of, 485487

environmental interactions, 485

genomic effects of, 485

hormone receptors in, 485

midlife depression and, 492493

mood disorders and, history of, 483

neuroregulation of, 483485

NRAMs and, 485

PPD and, 491

production of, 483

proteins in, 483485

theelin and, 483

GPCR. See G-protein coupled receptor

gPrDs. See genetic prion diseases

G proteins, 48

functions of, 48

heterotrimeric, 48

hydrolysis in, 61

neurons and, 32

in signal transduction pathways, 41, 43, 46, 5961

G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), 141

addiction and, 688

GR. See glucocorticoid receptor

Granger causality, 1001

Gray, Jeffrey, 564

green fluorescent protein (GFP), 110

transgene tagging with, 119

grooming behaviors, 417

growth cones, 8

GSK3 pathway. See glycogen synthase kinase 3 pathway

GSS mutations. See Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker mutations

GTP-binding proteins, 48

guanine, 76

Gusella, James, 805

GWAS. See genome-wide association studies


habenula, in neurocircuitry of addiction, 685

Haines, Jonathan, 805


with DLB, 876

hypnagogic, 1137

with PDD, 876

hallucinogens. See psychomimetics

haloperidol, 350, 1058

halorhodopsins, 138

light-activated, 141

haplo-insufficiency, 112

HapMAP project, 162163

imputation leverages in, 163

LD in, 163

Hardy, John, 815

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, 167

Hare Psychopathy Checklist, 1094

Harkany, Tibor, 811

Harlow, Harry F., 70

harm avoidance, AN and, 1182

HD. See Huntington’s disease

HDACs. See histone deacetylases

Heavenly Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge, 1075

Hebbian LTP, 65

hedonic hypothesis, for addiction, 706

hedonics and liking, 275277

Herceptin, 151

heroine, neuroimaging for, 726

herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), viral-mediated gene transfer, 117

hESCs. See human embryonic stem cells

heterochromatin, 173

heterotrimeric G proteins, 48

HIFU. See high-intensity focused ultrasound

Higgins, Gerry, 813

high fat diets, in childhood psychiatric disorders, 960

high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), 148


AD and, MRI for, 822823

depression and, 428


α-GABA receptors and, 573

schizophrenia and, 263, 273

emotional regulation and, 610

fear development and

during adolescence, 600601

during early childhood, 597

Hippocrates, 368

Hispanic Americans, AD in, 801802

histamines, in sleep cycles, 1130


neuroepigenetics, 174


acetylation of, 92

deacetylation of, 92

gene expression through, 92

methylation of, 92, 95

modifications of, 9192

nicotine abuse and, 95

schizophrenia and, 9798

histone deacetylases (HDACs), 92

epigenetic addiction mechanisms, 691

neuroepigenetic drug development, 178

histone methyltransferase, addiction mechanisms and, 691

HIV. See human immunodeficiency virus

HIV/AIDS. See human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome

1H MRS, 204205

homeostasis, 71

GLMT system, in hypothesis of, 687688

sleep functions and, 1139

homeostatic plasticity, of brain, 7174

autophosphorylation and, 74

cell-autonomous, 7273

as concept, development of, 7172

definition of, 7172

diversity in, 7274

molecular substrates and, 74

network-wide, 74

synapse-specific, 7374

Homer proteins, 688

homocysteine levels, 847

homocysteine levels, AD and, 847

hormones. See also gonadal steroids; steroid hormones

childhood psychiatric disorders and, 963

corticosterone, 596597

SHRP, 596597

eating disorders and, dysregulation of, 11751178

for adiponectin, 11771178

for appetite-regulation, 11761178

for CCK, 11761177

of eCB system, 1178

for endorphins, 1178

ghrelin and, 1177

HPA axis and, 1178

for leptin, 1177

melanocortin, 1178

for NPY, 1177

obestatin and, 1177

ovarian hormones, 11751176

for PYY, 1177

of TRH, 1178

for weight-regulation, 11761178

emotional regulation and, 589

sex hormones and, 589590

gonadal, for AD treatment, 849

melatonin, 1132

OCD and, 648

perimenopausal depression and

in studies, 491492

in therapy treatments, 492

PMDD and, 487

PPD and, 490

sex, emotional regulation and, 589590

in TRD, 517518

horseradish peroxidase, 151

HPA axis. See hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

HPO. See human phenotype ontology

11β-HSD2. See 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-2

Hsiao, Karen. See Ashe, Karen

HSV-1. See herpes simplex virus

5-HT receptors. See 5-hydroxytryptophan receptors

HTR2B receptors, 703

5HTTLPR polymorphism, 477, 666

addiction and, 701

aggression and, 1109

human bonding, 11231124

human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), 124

human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), depression and, 380381, 500501

antidepressant therapy, 504

comorbidity mechanisms, 500501

HPA axis and, 501

MRS studies, psychostimulant use and, 746

prevalence rates for, 500

human phenotype ontology (HPO), 322323

humor, as coping mechanism, 1149

Huntington’s disease (HD)

iPSCs and, 131132

mouse models for, 287

mutation phenotypes in, 322

rat models for, 111

stem cell modeling for, 131132

Huperzine A, 845

Husserl, Edmund, 223

Hutton, Mike, 814

11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-2 (11β-HSD2), 963

5-hydroxytryptamine. See serotonin

5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT) receptors, 18

eating disorders and, 1179, 1180

MDD and, 425

psychomimetics and, 36

in SUD pharmacotherapy, 766767

Hyman, Steven, 1077

hyperactivity, treatment therapies for, 10301031

hyperdopaminergia, 685

hypnagogic hallucinations, 1137

hypocretin, 22, 1131

hypomanic episode, diagnostic system for, 379

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, 430431

CAD and, 498

diabetes mellitus and, 500

eating disorders and, 1178

HIV/AIDS and, 501

in neurocircuitry of addiction, 685

PMDD and, 487489

resilience and

development of, 1146

genetics of, 1145


circadian clock influenced by, 1131

emotional regulation and, 609

encephalitis lethargica and, 1131

sleep cycles and, 1131


IBD chromosomes. See identical-by-descent chromosomes

ICA. See independent component analysis

ICD. See International Classification of Disease

ICD-10. See International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision

ICSS. See intracranial self-stimulation

ICT. See Internet and computer-based psychotherapy

ID. See intellectual disability

identical-by-descent (IBD) chromosomes, 161

IED. See intermittent explosive disorder

IEGs. See immediate early genes

IGF-1. See insulin-like growth factor-1

IL-6. See interleukin-6

iloperidone, 351

imaging. See neuroimaging methodologies

imipramine, 508, 509, 640, 643

immediate early genes (IEGs), 83

activation of, 84

immune system

childhood psychiatric disorders and, 959

depression and, 497

tic disorders and, 10561057

TS and, 10561057

PANDAS and, 10561057

immunotherapies, for AD, 867868

imprinting, 9495

regulation mechanisms for, 9495

impulsivity, 681

AN and, 11821183

ASD and, 1023

treatment therapies for, 10301031

individual traits for, 709710

incentive salience, 733

incubation of craving models, 764

independent component analysis (ICA), 1000

induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), 8, 124

HD and, 131132

karyotyping of, 124

markers, 124

in patient-specific studies, 125126

properties of, 124

schizophrenia and, 132

stability of, 124

teratoma assays, 124

inducible transgenic strategy, 114115

induction, in CNS, 34

FGFs in, 3

lateral, 3

medial, 3

neural, , 3

regionalization process in, 4

infancy, development of fear, 595596

amygdala role in, 596

ecological perspective on, 596

fear learning, 595596

infant odor-shock and, 597598

maternal odor learning and, 597598

infant odor-shock, 597598

retention of, 598

infant-parental attachment, 11131116

autism and, 11151116

development of, 1113

motivation circuits in, 1115

neurobiology of, 11131116

chemical substrates in, 1115

neuroanatomy and, 1115

oxytocin in, 1115

social approaches to, 1115

infarction patterns, VCI and, 901


CAD and, 498

depression and, 497498

inflammatomes, 195

inheritance, genetic, of addiction, 697698

causation in, 697

complexity in, 697698

cross-transmission of, 698

epistatic model for, 698

in family studies, 697, 699

modes of, 697698

shared, 698

unshared, 698

inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), 31

brain function and, 64

iNOS. See macrophage-inducible NOS

inositol-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors, 47, 52

Institute of Medicine (IOM), 1076

instrumental aggression, 11041106

as adaptive, 1104

ASPD and, 1104

CD and, 1104

components of, 1103, 1104

cortical circuits in, 1109

flexibility of, 1104

reactive compared to, 11031104

stimulus-reinforcement learning and, 11041105

instrumental avoidance conditioning, 558560

active avoidance, 558559

inhibitory avoidance, 558


emotional regulation and, 609

in neurocircuitry of addiction, 685

panic disorder and, 615616

PTSD and, 617

social anxiety disorder and, 612

insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), 1062

intellectual disability (ID), 945948

AHDS and, 1017

clinical indications for, 1017

gene expression for, 1017

prevalence rates for, 1017

animal models of, 972973

environmental, 975

metabolism errors, 975

PKU in, 975

ATRX syndrome and, 102, 10171018

clinical features of, 1017

discovery of, 1017

epigenetics for, 102

gene mutations in, 1018

genetic expression in, 10171018

autosomal dominant, 10101014

autosomal recessive, 10141017

BBS and, 10141015

comorbidities with, 1015

diagnosis of, 1014

discovery of, 1014

genetic expression of, 1014

prevalence of, 1014

treatment of, 1015

causes of, 972973

CFCS and, 10111012

clinical indications for, 1011

Costello syndrome and, 1011

gene mutations and, 10111012

Noonan syndrome and, 1011

pregnancy and, 1011

prevalence rates for, 1011

CNVs in, 939, 946947

CS and, 10151016

clinical indications for, 10151016

phenotypes for, 1015

definition of, 933

deletion syndromes in, 946

DGS, 973974, 982

diagnosis of, 933, 946, 1010

Down syndrome, 939

animal models of, 972973

spine pathology with, 990

transgenic models, 110

duplication syndromes in, 946

etiological classification of, 1011

exome sequencing for, 947948

as extreme variant trait, 937

FGS and, 10181019

clinical features of, 1018

diagnosis of, 1018

gene mutations in, 1018

prevalence of, 1019

FXS, 940

animal models of, 971, 974975

clinical trials for, 1062

epigenetics for, 101

mGluR5 receptors in, 10611062

phenotypes for, 130

stem cell modeling for, 130

treatment therapies for, 10311032

genetic sources of, 933, 1010

single-gene syndromes, 940

heritability of, 935936

IQ and, 946

KS and, 101, 10121013

comorbidities with, 1013

diagnostic criteria for, 10121013

gene mutations with, 1013

prevalence rates for, 1012

prevalence rates for, 935936

rasopathies with, 10121015

reproductive disadvantage with, 939

SLOS and, 10161017

clinical indications for, 1016

comorbidities with, 1016

diagnosis of, 1016

prevalence rates for, 1016

treatment therapies for, 10161017

SNVs in, 947948

SoS and, 10131014

causes of, 1014

clinical indications for, 10131014

NSD1 gene and, 1014

trajectory into adulthood, 934

X linked, 975, 10171019

intellectual quotient (IQ), 946

interleaved scanning

DBS, 218

tDCS, 215

TMS, 216

interleukin-6 (IL-6), 84

intermittent explosive disorder (IED), 951

International Classification of Disease (ICD)

development of, 369370

DSM-V and, 1067, 1068

WHO adoption of, 370

International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision (ICD-10)

bipolar disorder in, 227228, 229

development of, 370

mood disorder diagnostic systems and, 371, 372385

schizoaffective disorder in, 227229

schizophrenia in, 226, 227228

synaptic disease in, 321322

Internet and computer-based psychotherapy (ICT), 631

CBT and, 631

cost effectiveness of, 632

effectiveness of, 633634

mechanisms of action for, 633

interpersonal therapy (IPT), 521

interpretive bias modification (CBM-I) therapy, 628

cost effectiveness of, 632

empirical evidence for, 628629

intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS), 678

intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) phenotypes, 959960

intrinsic plasticity, of brain, 6771. See also ion channels

AD and, 71

AHP and, 70

AIS and, 6869

AUD and, 71

axons and, 69

at axo-somatic level, 68

definition of, 6768

dendrites and, 68

drug abuse and, 71

experience-dependent, 7071

features of, 6768

in learning, 7071

in memory, 7071

molecular substrates and, 6970

morphine exposure and, 71

in neurological disorders, 71

postnatal brain development and, 988

rule learning and, 7071

in saving, 70

at subcellular level, 6869

SUD and, 675

after TBI, 71

voltage-gated ion channels and, 6768

in utero electroporation (IUE), 142

in vivo recording, 3233

in vivo transplantation, 133

IOM. See Institute of Medicine

ion channels. See also voltage-gated ion channels

ligand-gated, 31

mental illness and, 3435

molecular substrates and, 6970

neurons and, 27

neurotransmitter-gated, 4042

in signal transduction pathways, 4041

in synaptic disease, 313

ionotropic receptors, 32

addiction and, 687688

ion pumps, 27

Iowa Gambling task, 278

IP3 receptors. See inositol-trisphosphate receptors

iproniazid, 508

iPSCs. See induced pluripotent stem cells

IPSP. See inhibitory postsynaptic potential

IPT. See interpersonal therapy

IQ. See intellectual quotient

iron levels, ADHD and, 1040

ischemia, VCI and, 900901, 909

SBI, 903

WMH and, 903

treatment therapies for, 910911

isocarboxazid, 511

IUE. See in utero electroporation

IUGR phenotypes. See intrauterine growth restriction phenotypes

ivacaftor, 1076


Jackson, John Hughlings, 223

Jakob, Alfons, 915

Janet, Pierre, 369

Janus tyrosine kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) receptors, 46

Jaspers, Karl, 224

Joubert syndrome, 982

Jun proteins, 83

as IEG, 83


Kabuki syndrome (KS), 101, 10121013

comorbidities with, 1013

diagnostic criteria for, 10121013

gene mutations with, 1013

prevalence rates for, 1012

Kahlbaum, Karl, 368

Kalirin, 335

Kalydeco. See ivacaftor

Katzman, Robert, 791

ketamine, 36

in antidepressants, 433434

biomarkers in, 442444

molecular mechanisms in, 442

clinical trials with, 442

in glutamergic system, 439444

limitations of, 441442

for MDD, 425

side effects of, 442

knockout mouse models, 111113

conditional, 116117

NT-3 factors, 116

RTT, 116

vesicle function, 116117

disease models, 112

dopaminergic system and, 112, 114

ES cell line modifications, 111

haplo-insufficiency, 112

lethality issues, 113

limitations of, 112113

Reeler gene, 112

of schizophrenia, 292

TH, 113

transgenic compared to, 111

knockout rat models, 112

Kraepelin, Emil, 232, 223

mood disorder diagnosis under, 368

neuroimaging methodologies influenced by, 256

phenomenology of, 1073

KS. See Kabuki syndrome

Kuhn, Franz, 1075

Kuru, neuropathology of, 927


Landau Kleffner syndrome (LKS), 10231024

language deficits

with LBD, 876

with PDD, 876

large-clone transgenic mouse models

for disease states, 110

Down Syndrome, 110

GFP, 110

large-scale sequencing studies, 242245

late life, onset of disease in.
See also late onset Alzheimer’s disease

bipolar disorder, 384


AD and, 478

AGTR genes, 477

basal ganglia circuits and, 475

BDNF and, 477

brain systems in, 471472

circuit changes in, 473475

degenerative diseases and, 478

dorsal circuit and, 473474

genetics of, 477

historical recognition of, 470

5HTTLPR polymorphism, 477

lesions and, location of, 470473

metabolomic studies for, 477478

MRI for, 470

neurobiology of, 471472

PD and, 478

subcortical ischemic disease and, 476

in twin studies, 472473

vascular, 476477

ventral circuit and, 474475

MDD, 384

mood disorders, diagnostic systems for, 384

subcortical ischemic disease, 475476

depression and, 476

latent growth mixture modeling (LGMM), 1144

late onset Alzheimer’s disease
, 792

ADAM10 genes, 808

genetics of, 806808

functions of, 807

GWAS for, 807

risk factors for, 806

lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 9

lateral habenula, reward and, 735

lateral induction, in CNS, 3

LBD. See Lewy body dementias

LC-NE system. See locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system, resilience and

LD. See linkage disequilibrium

learned helplessness paradigm

in animal models, 418419

construct validity of, 419

development of, 418419

pathological validity of, 419

predictive validity of, 419


AHP in, 70

intrinsic plasticity in, 7071

permissive role in, 70

psychosis and, 349

of rules, 7071

stimulus-reinforcement, 11041105

leptin, 1177

leucine-rich repeat transmembrane neuronal proteins (LRRTMs), 989

leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), 84

levodopa, 882

Lewis, Jada, 818

Lewy Body Dementia Association, 881882

Lewy body dementias (LBD)

AD compared to, 874

attention deficits in, 874875

autonomic dysfunction with, 877

treatment therapies for, 883

behavioral features of, 876

caregiver issues with, 881882

cognitive fluctuations with, 872, 877

construction deficits with, 875

definition of, 872874

DLB, 872874

clinical features of, 874

delusions with, 876

depression with, 876

diagnostic criteria for, 873874

hallucinations with, 876

memory deficits with, 876

neuroleptic sensitivity in, 878

PDD compared to, 874

psychiatric symptoms with, 876

visuospatial deficits in, 875

epidemiology of, 874

executive function deficits with, 874875

language deficits with, 876

memory deficits with, 875876

MRI for, 879880

neuroimaging for, 880881

neuropathology of, 878879

genetics of, 878879

neuropsychiatric features of, 876

neuropsychological features of, 874876

PDD, 872

cognitive impairments in, 872

depression with, 876

diagnostic criteria for, 873

DLB compared to, 874

executive function deficits in, 874875

hallucinations with, 876

language deficits with, 876

memory deficits with, 876

neuropathology of, 878

personality changes with, 876877

PET for, 880881

prevalence rates of, 874

RBD, 872

sleep disorders with, 878

SPECT for, 880881

treatment therapies for, 882883

with ACh, 882

with antipsychotics, 882883

for autonomic dysfunction, 883

for behavioral symptoms, 882883

for cognitive symptoms, 882

with memantine, 882

for motor symptoms, 882

visuospatial deficits with, 875

LFMS. See low field magnetic

LGMM. See latent growth mixture modeling

LGN. See lateral geniculate nucleus

LIF. See leukemia inhibitory factor

ligand-gated ion channels, 31

light-activated halorhodopsins, 141

light-sensors, in optogenetic technology, 145146

linkage analysis

for ADHD, 1038

for ASPD, 10961097

for bipolar disorder, 234235

for genetic epidemiology, 161

for IBD chromosomes, 161

for MDD, 399403

for schizophrenia, 234235

linkage disequilibrium (LD), 162163

in HapMAP project, 163

structure of, 163

linkage disequilibrium analysis. See association analysis

lipidization, 150


signal transduction pathways and, 40, 61

for TRD, 517

Little Albert case study, 607

LKS. See Landau Kleffner syndrome

LOAD. See late onset
Alzheimer’s disease

locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system, resilience and, 1155

long-term depression (LTD), 10

LTP compared to, 65

NMDA receptors, 66

long-term potentiation (LTP)

AMPARS and, 6567

in animal models, 6465

in brain development, 10

cellular mechanisms for, 6567

discovery of, 64

features of, 65

Hebbian, 65

LTD compared to, 65

NMDA receptors and, 6566

phases of, 65

STP and, 65

lorcaserin, 767

low field magnetic stimulation
, 520

low protein diets, childhood psychiatric disorders and, 959960

low self-control, 709

LRRTMs. See leucine-rich repeat transmembrane neuronal proteins

LTD. See long-term depression

LTP. See long-term potentiation

Ludiomil. See maprotiline

lurasidone, 351


macrophage-inducible NOS (iNOS), 23

MADD. See mixed anxiety/depression disorder

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). See also functional magnetic resonance imaging

for AD, 821824

etiology of, 823

for hippocampal volume, 822823

for BBB assessment, 152153

brain function assessment, 200202

BOLD, 200

with fMRI, 200202

for cerebral perfusion assessment, 199200

ASL, 199200

DSC, 199

SS contrast, 199

CMRO2 and, 206

diffusion-based, 202204

DTI, 202204

DWI, 202

principles of, 202

DW-MRI, 996

for FTD, 892

for late life depression, 470

for LBD, 879880

purpose of, 1073

for schizophrenia, 340341

for sCJD, 918919, 921

magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), 204205

for ADHD, 1043

for AUDs

brain metabolites, 750751

for cognitive performance, 751752

treatment therapies for, 752753

of brain metabolites, 742744

abnormalities in, 757

for AUDs, 750751

Cho peak, 743

for GABA, 742743

GluR genes, 742

MI, 743

NAA, 742

PCr, 744

development of, 204

1H MRS, 204205

of inhalants, 747

for marijuana, 753757

neurotransmitters and, 205

for opiate use, 747751

PRESS, 204

for psychiatric disorders, 264, 266

for psychostimulants, 744747

cocaine, 744, 745

ecstasy, 746748

HIV and, 746

methamphetamines, 744747

spatial localization in, 204

spectral quantification in, 205

STEAM, 204

for SUD

function of, 742

future applications for, 756758

summary of findings for, 756

for tobacco use, 754757

magnetic seizure therapy (MST), 520

Magnevist, 151

magnitude squared coherence (MSC), 1003

MAGUK associated signaling complexes (MASC), 312321

component analysis, 320321

proteins in, 314

major depressive disorder (MDD). See also glutamate system

adverse life events and, 399

animal models of, 37, 413, 417422

appetitive tasks in, 415

behavioral validity of, 414

CMS, 418

developmental stressors in, 419420

early life stressors in, 419420

learned helplessness in, 418419

olfactory bulbectomy, 418

pathological validity of, 414

repeated social defeat stress in, 420421

selective breeding, 421422

symptoms of, 412414

antidepressants and, 3637

behavioral domains of, 415417

appetitive tasks, 415

despair as, 415416

ethologically-relevant, 416417

bipolar disorder and, 398399

differentiation between, 399

family studies for, 399

GenRED study, 398399

by type, 398

cell reprogramming technologies for, 408

childhood trauma and, 399

chronic, 383384

chronic stress and, 96

definition of, 396

DENT study for, 400

diagnostic systems for, 371, 379380

specifiers in, 382383

DNA methylation and, 96, 97

emotional processing in, 463465

limbic structure imaging, 464465

negative emotional bias, 465

endophenotypes of, 396

epigenetics of, 9697

in childhood, 956957

experimental medicine therapy for, 451

familial risk factors for, 397398

Feigner Criteria for, 391, 396

GABA and, 425

genetic epidemiology of, 396397

with GWAS, 397, 404

heritability in, 397

relative risks in, 397

in twin studies, 398

genetic studies for

with candidate genes, 400, 405407

CNVs for, 404

with gene expression, 400

through GWAS, 400, 402405, 403

with linkage analysis, 399403

5-HT receptors, 425

incidence rates for, 396, 425

ketamine treatment for, 425

in late life, 384

LTD, 10, 65

NE and, 425

neuroimaging of, 425

schizophrenia and, 398399

family studies for, 399

GenRED study, 398399

treatment therapies for. See also antidepressants

monoamine hypothesis for, 508509

pharmacological, 509519

viral-mediated gene transfer and, 118119

major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 238240


ASD in, 936

BPD in, 1091

eating disorders among, 1182

FTD and, 888

mood disorders in, androgens and, 493

mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), 61, 60


Feigner Criteria for, 225

melancholia and, 368

mouse models of, 288

manic episodes

diagnostic systems for, 371

as medically-induced, 381

MAOA. See monoamine oxidase A

MAOIs. See monoamine oxidase inhibitors

MAP. See mitogen-activated protein

maprotiline, 509

MAPT gene. See microtubule-associated protein tau gene

marijuana, 23. See also endocannabinoids

MRS studies for, 753757

psychoactive effects of, 24

Marplan. See isocarboxazid

MASC. See MAGUK associated signaling complexes

Massachusetts General Hospital Staging Model (MGH-s), 390

massive parallel sequencing (MPS), 945

maternal neglect, 1118

maternal odor learning, 597598

Maudsley Staging Model (MSM), 390

MCI. See mild cognitive impairment

MCMC. See Monte Carlo Markov Chain

MDD. See major depressive disorder

MDMA. See 3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine

mecamylamine, 450

MeCP2 protein, 9899, 129

RTT and, 971

media induction, in CNS, 3

medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), in reward, 735

medical foods

for AD, 848849

Axona, 848849

efficacy of, 849

Souvenaid, 849

medical illness, depression and

assessment of, 501502

CAD, 498499

antidepressant therapy, 503

autonomic nervous system and, 499

comorbidity mechanisms with, 498499

endothelial dysfunction and, 499

HPA axis and, 498

statins for, 498

sympathoadrenal hyperactivity and, 498

cancer, 501

antidepressant therapy, 504505

cytokines and, 501

prevalence rates for, 501

sickness syndrome and, 501

comorbidity mechanisms, 496502

cytokines in, 496497

diabetes mellitus, 498500

antidepressant therapy, 503504

cellular glucose transporters and, 500

comorbidity mechanisms, 499500

HPA axis and, 500

neuroimaging for, 500

psychosocial burden as factor in, 499500

HIV/AIDS, 380381, 500501

antidepressant therapy, 504

comorbidity mechanisms, 500501

HPA axis and, 501

prevalence rates for, 500

immune system dysregulation and, 497

inflammation and, 497498

prevalence rates for, 496

screening tools for, 502

treatment therapies, 502503. See also antidepressants

drug interactions in, 502503

neuromodulatory, 503

with psychostimulants, 503

with SSRIs, 502

medically-induced mood disorders

diagnostic systems for, 380381

general symptoms with, 381

with HIV/AIDS, 380381

manic symptoms with, 381

melancholia. See also depression

mania and, 368

in mood disorder diagnostic systems, 383

melancholic depression, 522

melanocortin, 1178

melatonin, 1132

memantine, 444445, 657

ACh and, 845

for AD, 845

affinity levels for, 845

approval process for, 845

GLMT system and, 845

for LBD, 882

memory. See also episodic memory; working memory

ACh and, 844845

bipolar disorder and, 358

consolidation of, resilience and, 11601162

deficits in, optogenetic technology for, 142

DLB and, 876

extinction of, resilience and, 11601162

fear development and, during adolescence, 601603

GABA receptors, drug development and, 577578

intrinsic plasticity in, 7071

LBD and, 875876

PDD and, 876

PFC and, 581582

psychosis and, 349

PTSD and, 617

sleep functions and, 11381139

Mendel, Emanuel, 368

Menninger, William, 369

menstrual cycle, gonadal steroids and, 486

mental illness. See also psychotropic drugs

antidepressants for, 3637

antipsychotics for, 3738

anxiolytics and, 3536

ion channels and, 3435

NMDA upregulation and, 35

psychomimetics and, 36

messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA)

coding information in, 77

information flow in, 77

TH and, 14

metabolic diseases, biophysiological causality in, 195

metabolomic studies, 477478

for late life depression, 477478

metabotropic receptors, 32

addiction and, 688


MRS studies for, 744747

negative reinforcement and, 737

neuroimaging for, 726

methylation, of DNA, 8891

active, 90

addictive behaviors and, 95

binding protein families in, 8990

DNMT mediation of, 88

epigenetic mechanisms of addiction and, 691692

gene expression and, 89

MDD and, 96, 97

mechanisms of, 91

neuroepigenetics, 173174

neuronal function and, 8889

schizophrenia and, 97

methyl-CpG-binding proteins

epigenetics and, 8891

location of, 88

3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) (ecstasy), 747, 748

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors

glutamate and, 3132, 439, 444

ketamine, 439444

LTD and, 66

LTP and, 6566

mental illness and, 35

psychomimetics and, 36

schizophrenia and, 308

site-specific recombination systems, 116

synaptic plasticity and, 6566

methylphenidate, 711, 10291030

Meyer, Adolph, 369

MGH-s. See Massachusetts General Hospital Staging Model

mGluR5 receptors, 765766

ABC and, 1061

in ASD, 10611062

in FXS, 10611062

in RCTs, 1061

MHC. See major histocompatibility complex

MI, as glial marker, 743

microbubbles, 148150

in animal models, 149

assessment methods with, 151152

bioeffects of, 149150

in blood supply, 149

in contrast ultrasounds, 149150, 149

in drug delivery systems, 151

FDA approval of, 149

FUS and, 148149

Optison, 148

microglia, in brain development, 7

microiontophoresis, 32

microRNA (miRNA), 77

in epigenetics of childhood psychiatric disorders, 963

schizophrenia and, 98, 335

microsleep episodes, 1127

microtubule-associated protein Tau (MAPT) gene, 894

midazolam, 514

midlife depression, 492493

mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 792793, 834, 859

ACh for, 845

milnacipran, 515516

Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), 795

minocycline, 657

miRNA. See microRNA

mirtazapine, 515

mitochondria, in bipolar disorder, 360361

mitogen-activated protein (MAP), 57

Ras/MAP-kinase pathway, 49

mixed anxiety/depression disorder (MADD), 531

mixed episodes, diagnostic system for, 371379

MMSE. See Mini Mental State Examination

MOAs. See monoamine oxidases

MOCA. See Montreal Cognitive Assessment

moclobemide, 511, 640

molecular biology. See also deoxyribonucleic acid; gene expression; ribonucleic acid; transcription control, for genomes

chromosomes, 7879

contemporary research in, 76

DSM-III influenced by, 1073

genes, 7879

nucleosomes, 79

ribosomes, 7778

monoamine oxidases (MAOs), 16

addiction and, 702703

monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), 1109

monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 503, 510513. See also specific drugs

for anxiety disorders, 636

endogenous, 512

reversible, 512

side effects of, 511

monoamine transmitters

in addiction, 700701

amino acid transmitters compared to, 19

depression and, 425426

monoclonal antibodies, for SUDs, 768

monogenic diseases, stem cell modeling for, 128

Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC), 191

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), 795

mood disorders. See also depression; major depressive disorder; reproductive endocrine-related mood disorders

androgens and

in men, 493

in women, 493494

animal models of, 296

for CMS, 411

components of, 411413

computer-generated programs, 411

construct validity of, 411412

for drug screening, 411

pathological validity of, 413

predictive validity of, 413

purpose of, 411

symptom modeling, 413

diagnosis of

Bleuler and, 368

challenges as result of, 367

development of, 367

false positives in, 367

during Middle Ages, 368

modern concepts of, 367

optimal research for, 367

purpose of, 367

diagnostic systems

accuracy of, 389

anxiety factors, 390391

atypical features of, 383

for bipolar disorders, 380

catatonic features of, 383

comorbidity of, 384388

core criteria selection, 391

for cyclothymia, 380

differential diagnosis, 384388

in DSM-IV, 371

for dysthymic disorder, 380

etiologic approach to, 388

exclusive approaches in, 388

for full interepisode recovery, 384

for hypomanic episode, 379

in ICD-10, 371, 372385

inclusive approaches in, 388

increased threshold approach to, 388

in late life, 384

limitations of, 390392

for manic episodes, 371

for MDD, 371, 379380, 382384

medically-induced, 380381

melancholic features, 383

for mixed episodes, 371379

neurobiological mechanisms in, 392

postpartum onset, 383

psychotic features of, 382

with rapid cycling, 384

remission of, 382

seasonal patterning in, 384

severity of, 382

specifiers in, 381384

substance-induced, 380381

subsyndromal mixed states and, 391

symptom substitution approach to, 388

tests in, 390

thresholds for, 391

trauma history in, 391

treatment resistance and, 390

validity of, 388389

in DSM. See also Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; Diagnosis of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition

from 369, 1840–1940

evolution of, 369370

expanded versions of, 369370

incorporation of psychiatric disorders into, 369

pharmacological revolution and, 370

recategorization within, 370

during World War II, 369

gonadal steroids and, history of, 483

in ICD. See also International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision

development of, 369370

WHO adoption of, 370


diagnostic systems for, 380381

general symptoms with, 381

with HIV/AIDS, 380381

manic symptoms with, 381

neuroimaging abnormalities in, 460463

in animal models, 462

brain structural abnormalities, 461462

neuropathological correlations in, 462463

of oligodendrocytes, 462

observations of, 460

OFC and, 474475

RDoC for, 10821084

comorbidity and, 10821083

dysregulation types in, 10831084

fear circuit dimensions for, 1083

heterogeneity of expression for, 1083

in twin studies, 1083

related conditions with, 391392


diagnostic systems for, 380381

general symptoms of, 381

mood states, 471. See also emotions

moral compass, resilience and, 1150

religion and spirituality as part of, 1150

morphine, intrinsic plasticity of brain and, 71

Morris water maze, 815816

mother-infant attachment, 11161118

chemical substrates of, 11161118

development of, 1116

maternal neglect and, 1118

neuroanatomy of, 11161118

neurobiology of, 11161118

oxytocin and, 11161118

mouse models

for addiction, 679680

of bipolar disorder, 293295

ankyrin-G protein, 293294

beta-catenin pathway, 294

CACNA1C gene, 293

circadian-rhythm-related genes, 294

DGK models, 294

future developments for, 295296

in Madison strain, 294

neurocan gene, 294

ODZ4 gene, 294

of Down syndrome, 973

Fmr1KO, 974

gene function studies in, 109

reverse genetic strategy, 109

for HD, 287

knockout, 111113. See also conditional knockout mouse models

disease models, 112

dopaminergic system and, 112, 114

ES cell line modifications, 111

haplo-insufficiency, 112

lethality issues, 113

limitations of, 112113

Reeler gene, 112

TH, 113

transgenic compared to, 111

of mania, 288

of schizophrenia

behavioral tests in, 295296

CNV and, 289290

DISC1 genes, 291292, 292293

dysbindin genes, 290

etiologic models, 287

future developments for, 295296

genetic, 288

through GWAS, 289

knockout models, 292

with linkage study genes, 290292

non-genetic models, 288

NRG1 genes, 290291

pathogenic models, 288

pathophysiological models, 287

PCP-induced hyperactivity in, 288

pharmacological models, 288

phenotypic models, 287

risk allele models, 292

symptom-oriented models, 288

transgenic, 109111. See also amyloid precursor protein

BACs, 110, 110111

creation of, 109110

disease models, 110

DNA in, 109110

family lines, 110

gene expression, 110

inducible strategy, 114115

knockout models compared to, 111

large-clone, , 110

YACs, 110

MPEP/MTEP compounds, 765766

mPFC. See medial prefrontal cortex

MPS. See massive parallel sequencing

MPTP animal model, of PD, 810

MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging

mRNA. See messenger ribonucleic acid

MRS. See magnetic resonance spectroscopy

MSC. See magnitude squared coherence

MSM. See Maudsley Staging Model

MST. See magnetic seizure therapy

mTOR. See mammalian target of rapamycin

Mullan, Michael, 815

multiple sclerosis, 150

muscarine agonists, 352

muscarinic receptors, 446449

mutant analysis, 109

myelin, schizophrenia and, 328329

myelomeningocele, 981982


NAA, MRS for, 742

NAc. See nucleus accumbens

N-acetylcysteine, 657

NAHR. See non-allelic homologous recombination

naltrexone, 10291030

Nardil. See phenelzine

National Alzheimer’s Project Act, 844

National Comorbidity Studies
(NCSs), 774

National Institute of Health (NIH), 1067

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 535, 10761077

drug development under, 1086

strategic aims of, 1077

National Institute on Aging (NIA), 792

National Institute on Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Association (NINCDS-ADRDA), 792, 857

ncRNA. See non-coding RNA

NCSs. See National Comorbidity Studies

NE. See norepinephrine

nefazodone, 514515

negative affect, 736737

negative reinforcement

addiction and, 738

drug addiction and, 736737

classical conditioning models of, 737

methamphetamines and, 737

negative affect and, 736737

opponent-process models of, 737

self-medication models of, 737

tobacco use and, 737

neglect. See maternal neglect

neonates, brain development in, 10

schizophrenia and, 327

nerve growth factor (NGF), 25

in signal transduction pathways, 43

synapses and, 8

NESARC study, of SUD, 774776

NETs. See norepinephrine transporters

network-wide homeostatic plasticity, 74

BDNF release and, 74

neurological disorders and, 74

neural induction, in CNS, 3

neuromeres, 3

prosomeres, 3

neuregulin-1 (NRG1) genes, 290291

neurobiology. See also neurodevelopmental disorders

of AN, 1171

neurocircuitry in, 11801181

of addiction, 683685, 706

amygdala in, 684685

compulsivity in, 685

CRF and, 685

DA functions and, 683

to drugs, 737738

habenula in, 685

HPA axis and, 685

insula in, 685

NAc in, 683684

PFC in, 684

regulated relapse in, 684685

for rewards, 683684

septum in, 685

of aggression

amygdala in, 11061107

molecular mechanisms in, 11081109

OFC in, 1106

reactive, 1106, 11071108

of ASPD, 1095

of bipolar disorder

circadian abnormalities in, 357

clinical predictors in, 356

cognitive predictors in, 356

genetics of, 355

GSK3 pathway, 360

high-risk studies in, 355356

mitochondrial dysfunction in, 360361

neurogenesis and, 360

neuroplasticity and, 360

onset of, 356357

prodrome, 356

risk factors for, 355

of bulimia nervosa, 1171

for appetite, 1181

for body image perception, 1182

for emotional processing, 11811182

neurocircuitry in, 11811182

of depression

Area 12o/47s and, 458459

brainstem projections and, 459

CLPFC in, 457

connection regions in, 458

cortico-striatal-thalamic circuits, 459460

history of, 455

hypothalamus projections and, 459

intralaminar thalamic nuclei in, 460

in late life, 471472

medial prefrontal network in, 456457

mediodorsal nucleus, 459

orbital prefrontal network in, 456

PFC in, 455459

prefrontal projections in, 460

of GAD, 614615

amygdala activity, 614

of late life depression, 471472

of NREM sleep, 11341135

of OCD, 648650, 1089

challenges of, 651

cognitive activation studies of, 649

CSTC circuits, 648649

neuroanatomy in, 649

neurochemistry in, 649650

neuroimaging of, 649

phenotype heterogeneity and, 651

of panic disorder, 615616

amygdala and, 615

insula and, 615616

PFC activity and, 616

of pathological anxiety, 606

of pathological fear, 606

of personality disorders

of ASPD, 1095

avoidant disorders, 1089

development of, 1089

in FFM, 1089, 1090

function of, 1089

OFC and, 1089

risk factors in, 1089

of STPD, 1089

of PTSD, 616618, 666669

amygdala activity, 616618, 667668

hippocampal activity, 666667

insula activity, 617, 668669

memory deficits and, 617

PFC activity, 617, 668

of reactive aggression, 1106, 11071108

of REM sleep, 1136

of resilience, 11511158, 1159

BDNF, 1157

cortisol, 11511154

CRH in, 1145, 1151

DHEA, 11541155

dopamines and, 11561157

eCBs, 1158

galanin and, 1156

GLMT system, 11571158

LC-NE system, 1155

NPY, 11551156

serotonin, 1156

of reward, 734735

amygdala, 734

lateral habenula, 735

mPFC, 735

OFC, 735

of schizophrenia, 338

challenges for, 343344

electrophysiology for, 343

neurobehavioral performance, 338339

neurocognition in, 338339

neuroimaging for, 339342

neurotransmitters in, 342343

olfactory identification in, 339

social cognition in, 339

of sleep, 11331138

for blood flow, 1136

for metabolism, 1136

molecular changes, 11331134

NREM, 11341135

REM, 1136

spontaneous activity, 1134

stimuli response, 1136

for wakefulness, 1134

social anxiety disorder, 611613

amygdala activation, 611612

insula dysfunction, 612

of social attachment, 11121113

for adult bonding, 1124

in animal models, 1112

future brain applications in, 11241125

genetic studies in, 11121113

for infant-parental attachment, 11131116

for mother-infant attachment, 11161118

parent-offspring bonding, 11131119, 1124

social brain hypothesis for, 1112

of SP, 613614

of SUD, 732

of wakefulness, 1134

neurocan gene, 294

neurochemical systems, in CNS. See also neurotransmitters

classic view of, 12

neurocircuitry-based models of depression, 465466

amygdala-mediation of, 465466

DBS for, 466

in default mode system, 466

neurodegenerative diseases. See also Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease

aging and, 150

BBB disruption and, 150151, 150152

drug delivery in, 151

neurodevelopmental disorders. See also autism spectrum disorder

AMPA receptors and, 991

applications in, 1004

classification for, 980

diagnostic categories for, 981

excitatory imbalances in, 990991

fMRI for, 999, 10011002

functional connectivity and, 990991

in ADHD, 1006

in ASD, 10051006

brain movies as system for, 995

connectomes and, 995, 1000

cross mutual information in, 1003

DCM for, 10001001

EEG for, 10021003, 1004

generalized synchronization in, 10031004

global features of, 998

Granger causality mapping for, 1001

ICA for, 1000

limitations of, 10011002

measurement of, 995996

motivation for, 995

MSC for, 1003

neuroimaging for, 995, 996

in OCD, 1007

PDC and, 1003

PLV in, 1003

in schizophrenia, 1005

signaling in, 996

in TS, 1007

GABA and, 990991

genetic risks and, 980

glutamic acid decarboxylase and, 991

inhibitory imbalances in, 990991

neuroimaging for

with fMRI, 999, 10011002

functional connectivity and, 995, 996

structural connectivity and, 996

normal brain development and, 10041005

postnatal brain development and, 987990

chromatins in, 987

critical periods of, 987

environmental influences on, 987988

epigenetics in, 987988

LRRTMs in, 989

multiprotein complexes in, 988

neural plasticity and, 988

spine pathology in, 989990

stress and, 987

synaptogenic proteins and, 988989

prenatal brain development and, 980985

ANR and, 983985

cellular migration in, 985

classification of, 986987

cortical migration and, 985987

defects in, 985986

dysraphias and, 981

in embryogenesis, 980981

mechanistic models for, 985

myelomeningocele and, 981982

neural tube regionalization in, 982983

neuroepithelium support, 983984

neurulation and, 980982

SHH and, 983

synaptogenesis and, 985987

transcriptional support in, 984985

structural connectivity and, 996999

connectomes in, 997998

DW-MRI, 996

fMRI-based, 999

limitations of, 998999

tract-based, 996

voxel-based, 998


chromatin architecture, 174175

coding sequence mutations, 177

developmental plasticity in, 175176


methylation, 173174

structural variants, 178179

drug development for, 177178

eraser proteins, 177

euchromatin, 173

foundations of, 172

heterochromatin, 173

histones, 174

looping, 174175

monogenetic etiologies, 176177

nucleosomes, 173

principles of, 173175

for PTSD, 176

reader proteins, 177

writer proteins, 177

neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), 791792

in CSF, 835

neurogenesis. See brain; neuroepigenetics; neurons

neuroimaging methodologies. See also amyloid imaging; functional magnetic resonance imaging; magnetic resonance imaging

for AD

ADNI and, 828830

benefits of, 821

with biomarkers, 821825, 828830

with dementia, 796

disease modification for, 855

function of, 821

neurodegeneration estimation with, 821825

purpose of, 821

for addiction, 700. See also craving, addiction and

in animal models, 721, 723725

applications in studies of, 716

for AUDs, 725726

blood flow and, 727

brain development and, 707708

for cocaine, 723, 726

by drug type, 721723

environmental factors, 720

genetic basis of, 700

for glucose metabolism, 716, 722, 727728

for heroine, 726

for methamphetamine, 726

for nicotine, 723

for opioids, 727

with PET, 716, 720721

pharmacokinetic profiles and, 722

radiotracers for, 717724

relapse model, 728730

for research, 740

risk identification through, 740

of serotonins, 727

severity measures, 738

with SPECT, 716

study findings for, 724725

for tobacco use, 722, 727

for treatment, 738740

vulnerability to, 716721

for ADHD, 10421044

with DTI, 1044

with fMRI, 10431044

with MRS, 1043

with PET, 1043

with SPECT, 1043

structural imaging, 10421043

for antidepressant biomarkers, 518

for ASD, 10241027

of brain enlargement, 10241025

with DTI, 1026

with fMRI, 10261027

structural, 10241026

for biomarkers

for AD, 821825, 828830

for antidepressants, 518

for BPD, 10911092, 1093

of emotion regulation, 1093

of interpersonal processes, 1093

brain stimulation. See also deep brain stimulation; transcranial direct current stimulation; transcranial magnetic stimulation

of cortex, 212213

future applications for, 218219

structure compared to function in, 212

targeting in, 213

cholinergic system and, 449

for CMRO2, 205207

deformation-based morphometry for, 208

fMRI and, 206207

function of, 205206

measure of, 206

MRI and, 206

VBM for, 207208

for depression, 428

for amygdala, 428

diabetes mellitus, 500

functional compared to structural, 462463

for hippocampus, 428

for NAc, 428

for PFC subregions, 428

for functional connectivity, in neurodevelopmental disorders, 995, 996

for LBD, 880881

for MDD, 425

methamphetamine use, 726

for mood disorders, 460463

in animal models, 462

brain structural abnormalities, 461462

neuropathological correlations in, 462463

of oligodendrocytes, 462

MRS, 204205

development of, 204

1H MRS, 204205

neurotransmitters and, 205

PRESS, 204

for psychiatric disorders, 264, 265266

spatial localization in, 204

spectral quantification in, 205

STEAM, 204

for nicotine, 723, 726, 725726

for OCD, 649

for PPD, 490491

for psychiatric disorders

ALE methods in, 257258

for bioenergetics, 265266

for brain function, 258

for brain structure, 257258

development of, 256

disease markers for, 257260

function of, 256

of GABA receptors, 264

for genetic mechanisms, 266

goals of, 256257

heterogeneity in, 258259

in high-risk studies, 260

for illness effects, 259

Kraepelin’s influence on, 256

in longitudinal studies, 259260

with MRS, 264, 265266

neural mechanisms in, 262266

for neurochemical systems, 264266

for neuronal health, 265266

with PET, 258

of PFC, 258

for phenotypes, 260262

ROIs and, 257

SDM methods for, 257258

statistical considerations for, 260

themes in, 256

for treatment therapies, 259

VBMs and, 257

for schizophrenia, 258259

with DTI, 341342

with fMRI, 342

with MRI, 340341

for tic disorders, 1054

with fMRI, 1054

gene expression in, 10531054

with PET, 1054

for TS, 1054

with fMRI, 1054

gene expression in, 10531054

with PET, 1054

for VCI, 904908

neuroleptics, 61

drug development for, 256

neurological disorders. See also biophysiology, of disease; specific disorders

intrinsic plasticity in, 71

network-wide homeostatic plasticity and, 74

stem cell modeling, 128133

for AD, 132133

for FD, 130

for FXS, 130

for HD, 131132

for monogenic diseases, 128

for PD, 130131

for polygenic diseases, 132

for RTT, 129

for schizophrenia, 132

for TS, 129130

synaptic plasticity in, 67

neurons. See also brain; catecholamines; electrophysiology; neurotransmitters

action potential in, 2829

AHP and, 29

in brain development, 7

calcium in, 28

chemical messengers in, 13

communication between, 2830

depolarization of calcium in, 4749

DNA methylation and, 8889

EPSP and, 2829

extracellular fluid in, 27

GABA in, 3031

G proteins and, 32

ion channels, 27

ionotropic receptors and, 32

ion pumps and, 27

IPSP and, 31

metabotropic receptors and, 32

neurotransmitters and, 13, 3032

operation of, 2732

potassium in, 27

receptors and, 27

refractory periods for, 30

resting potential in, 2728

stem cell direct programming and, 124128

Oct4 genes, 127

of somatic cells, 126128

Sox2 genes, 127128

thresholds in, 28

types, 7

neuronal NOS (nNOS), 23

neuronal pathways, for schizophrenia, 330334

DISC1 genes, 334

early developmental, 330

neuropeptide model, of BPD, 10921093

neuropeptide Y (NPY)

eating disorders and, 1177

resilience and, 11551156

neuroplasticity, in depression, 427428

neuroprotection, 869

neurosteroids, PMDD and, 487

neurotensin (NT)

inactivation of, 22

release of, 22

storage of, 2122

synthesis of, 2122

neurotherapeutics. See also psychopharmacologic agents

BBB and, 148, 155157


depression and, 396

in GWAS, 404405

neurotransmitters. See also amino acid transmitters; γ-aminobutyric acid; catecholamines; classical neurotransmitters; dopamines; glutamate system; peptide transmitters; serotonin

ACh and, 12

ADHD and, 10341035

animal models of, 1035

catecholaminergic systems, 1035

dopamines, 10341035

brain function and, 64

cholinergic system, 445450. See also antidepressants

clinical trials with, 446450, 447

history of, 445446

muscarinic receptors, 446449

nicotinic, 449450

physiology of, 446

definition of, 12

depletion rates for, 13

depression and, alterations in, 425427

GABA, 425, 426427

GLMT, 426427

heterogeneity in, 426

of monoamines, 425426

eating disorders and, dysregulation and, 11781180

of dopamines, 11791180

of 5-HT receptors, 1179, 1180

eCBs as, 2324

evolution of, 2526

functional aspects of, 1213

gas, 23

gated ion channels in, 4041, 42

GLMT system, 439445. See also depression

anatomy of, 20

clinical trials with, 439445

diversity of, 2021

drug development, 352

glutamic acid decarboxylase and, 19

history of, 439

inactivation of, 20

MDD and, 426427

memantine, 444445

monoamine transmitters compared to, 19

NMDA receptors and, 3132, 439444

physiology of, 439

psychosis and, 348

regulation of, 20

in reward, 734

riluzole, 445

storage of, 1920

synthesis of, 1920

VGLuTs, 20, 439

information coding by, 13

monoamines, 19

depression and, 425426

MRS and, 205

multiple, 1213

neurons and, 13, 3032

neurotrophic factors, 2425

NO, 23

peptide, 13

release sites for, 13

in reward, 733734

dopamine hypothesis of reward, 733734

GABA, 734

glutamates, 734

incentive salience and, 733

reward prediction error and, 733

serotonin, 734

schizophrenia and, 329

neurobiology of, 342343


addiction and, 701, 727

anatomy of, 19

antidepressants and, 3637, 61

inactivation of, 19

OCD and, 647

PMDD and, 487

psychosis and, 352

regulation of, 1819

reward and, 734

storage of, 1819

synthesis of, 18

tryptophan and, 18

substance identification for, 12

in synaptic disease, 313, 321

synaptic specialization and, 13

synthesis of, 12

temporal aspects of, 13

tic disorders and, 1053

TS and, 1053

unconventional, 2223

neurotransmitter-gated ion channels, 4041, 42

neurotrophic factors

BDNF, 25

CNTF, 84

conditional knockout mouse models, 116

in depression treatment responses, 432433

BDNF expression, 432433

FGF2 and, 433

VEGF and, 433

functions of, 25

GDNF, 45

as neurotransmitters, 2425

NGF, 25

NT-3, 116

pathways for, 25

regulation of, 25

regulatory functions of, 25

synthesis of, 25

types of, 24

neurotrophin 3 (NT-3), 116

next-generation sequencing (NGS), 163164

with exome-arrays, 169170

with singletons, 169

whole-exome sequencing, 169

NFTs. See neurofibrillary tangles

NF-κB. See nuclear factor κB

NGF. See nerve growth factor

NGS. See next-generation

NIA. See National Institute on Aging

nicotine, 449450

abuse of, 95

neuroimaging for, 723, 725726

nicotinic cholinergic agents, 449450

mecamylamine, 450

varenicline, 450

NIH. See National Institute of

NIMH. See National Institute of Mental Health

NINCDS-ADRDA. See National Institute on Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Association

nitric oxide (NO)

eNOS, 23

iNOS, 23

as neurotransmitter, 23

nNOS, 23

in signal transduction pathways, 5152, 54

N-nitroso-N-ethylurea (ENU)
model, 292

NMDA. See N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors

nNOS. See neuronal NOS

NO. See nitric oxide

non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR), 944

non-coding RNA (ncRNA), 77, 9596

non-fast-spiking (non-FS) receptors, 301

non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, 11271128

awakenings during, 1137

blood flow and, 1136

metabolism and, 1136

microsleep episodes, 1127

neurobiology of, 11341135

stage 1, 1127

stage 2, 11271128

stage 3/4, 1128

stimuli responsiveness in, 1136

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), in AD treatment, 846

in disease modification, 869

Noonan syndrome, 1011

norepinephrine (NE)

MDD and, 425

sleep cycles and, 1130

norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs), 516519

norepinephrine transporters (NETs), 17

nortriptyline, 511

Notch signaling, in brain development, 7

novelty-seeking traits, 680681

novelty suppressed feeding
(NSF), 415

NPY. See neuropeptide Y

NRAMs. See nuclear receptor alternate site modifiers

NREM sleep. See non-rapid eye movement sleep

NRG1 genes. See neuregulin-1 genes

NRIs. See norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

NSAIDs. See non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSD1 gene. See nuclear-receptor-binding SET-domain-containing protein 1 gene

NSF. See novelty suppressed feeding

NT. See neurotensin

NT-3. See neurotrophin 3

nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), 81

nuclear receptor alternate site modifiers (NRAMs), 485

nuclear-receptor-binding SET-domain- containing protein 1 (NSD1) gene, 1014

nucleic acids. See deoxyribonucleic acid; ribonucleic acid

nucleosomes, 79

neuroepigenetics, 173


in biophysiology, change frequency of, 183

cyclic, 46

nucleus accumbens (NAc), 67

addiction and

cellular physiology of, 689

neurocircuitry of, 683684

AUD and, 71

depression and, 428

drug abuse and, 71

in neurocircuitry of addiction, 683684

SUD and, 783


OAD. See childhood overanxious disorder

obestatin, 1177

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 530

animal models of, 651653

for circuit abnormalities, 652653

future applications of, 653

for genetic abnormalities, 652

for symptoms, 651652

clinical features of, 646

DCS therapy for, 625

etiology of, 646648

environmental factors for, 647648

genetic factors for, 646647

glutamate and, 647

hormonal agents in, 648

infectious agents in, 647648

psychological trauma in, 648

serotonin and, 647

family studies for, 538

functional connectivity in, 1007

neurobiology of, 648650, 1089

challenges of, 651

cognitive activation studies of, 649

CSTC circuits, 648649

neuroanatomy in, 649

neurochemistry in, 649650

neuroimaging of, 649

phenotype heterogeneity and, 651

pathophysiology of, working model for, 650651

prevalence rates for, 538, 646

treatment therapies for, 653659

with CBT, 657658

with CT, 658

with DBS, 659

with duloxetine, 655656

with ECT, 659

guidelines for, 653654

novel medications in, 657

pharmacological, 653657

psychotherapeutical, 657658

with SSRIs, 653655, 656, 656657

with surgery, 659

with TMS, 659

with venlafaxine, 655656

twin studies for, 538

OCD. See obsessive-compulsive disorder

Oct4 genes, 127

ocular dominance columns, 9

ODZ4 gene, 294

OFC. See orbital prefrontal cortex

olanzapine, 351, 895

olfactory bulbectomy, 418


neuroimaging of, with mood disorders, 462

schizophrenia and, 328329

omega-3 fatty acids, 521522

in AD treatment, 847848

Omniscan, 151

1000 Genomes Project, 164

opioids. See also heroine, neuroimaging for; morphine, intrinsic plasticity of brain and

BPD and, 1093

for depression, 451

MRS studies of, 747751

neuroimaging for, 727

self-cutting and, 1093

Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome (FGS), 10181019

clinical features of, 1018

diagnosis of, 1018

gene mutations in, 1018

prevalence of, 1019

opponent-process models, of addiction, 737

opsin genes, 138, 138140

optimization of, 139

rhodopsins and, 138

SFOs, 139140

SSFOs, 139140

Optison, 148

optogenetic technology, for disease research

action spectrum engineering for, 145

for addiction, 690

biochemical-signaling expansion in, 146

biophysics and, 145146

electric-inhibitory channels in, 146

experimental potential of, 141

functions of, 138

genomics in, 145146

halorhodopsins, 138

light-activated, 141

light-sensors in, 145146

mammalian biology issues and, 144

neuropsychiatric disease models, 141144

for anxiety disorders, 142

combinatorial optogenetics, 144

excitation-inhibition imbalance in, 142, 144

fiberoptic neural interface, 142

IUE, 142

for memory deficits, 142

projection targeting in, 142

neuroscience applications, 141144

non-genetically tractable cell types in, 145

opsin genes, 138, 138140

optimization of, 139

rhodopsins and, 138

SFOs, 139140

SSFOs, 139140

reverse engineering in, 145

3D light delivery in, 144145

tool functionality, 138141

tool mutations in, 146

versatile strategizing with, 144

wiring extraction patterns and, 145

orbital prefrontal cortex (OFC), 474475

aggression and, 1106

in personality disorders, 1089

in reward, 735

orexin, 22

organotherapy, 483

orofaciodigital syndrome, 982

overconsolidation theory, of PTSD, 561

Owen, Michael, 1084


in adult bonding animal models, 1121

in BPD treatment, 10921093

infant-parental attachment and, 1115

mother-infant attachment and, 11161118


PACAP. See pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide

pair bonding, 11191120

animal models of, 11201123

paliperidone, 351

PANDAS. See Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections

panic disorder, 532

DCS therapy for, 625

family studies for, 537

GABA and, 567

neurobiology of, 615616

amygdala and, 615

insula and, 615616

PFC activity and, 616

symptoms of, 637

treatment therapy for

with DCS, 625

first-line approaches to, 637640

second-line approaches to, 640641

twin studies for, 537

paradoxical sleep, 1128. See also rapid-eye movement sleep

parent-offspring bonding

father-infant attachment, 11181119

chemical substrates in, 1119

display behaviors in, 11181119

neuroanatomy of, 1119

infant-parental attachment, 11131116

autism and, 11151116

development of, 1113

motivation circuits in, 1115

neurobiology of, 1115

social approaches to, 1115

mother-infant attachment, 11161118

chemical substrates of, 11161118

development of, 1116

maternal neglect and, 1118

neuroanatomy of, 11161118

neurobiology of, 11161118

oxytocin and, 11161118

neurobiology of, 11131119, 1124

for infant-parental attachment, 1115, 11131116

for mother-infant attachment, 11161118

Parkinson, James, 872

Parkinson’s disease (PD)

animal models of, 810

MPTP model, 810

autonomic dysfunction with, 877

deprenyl and, 16

dopamines and, 131

gene editing in, 131

genetic mutations in, 130131

late life depression and, 478

neuropathology of, 878


cognitive impairments in, 872

depression with, 876

development of, 872

diagnostic criteria for, 873

DLB compared to, 874

executive function deficits in, 874875

hallucinations with, 876

language deficits with, 876

memory deficits with, 876

neuropathology of, 878

phenotypes in, 131

prevalence rates for, 872

stem cell modeling for, 130131

viral-mediated gene transfer and, 117118

ZFN and, 131

Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD)

cognitive impairments in, 872

depression with, 876

development of, 872

diagnostic criteria for, 873

DLB compared to, 874

executive function deficits in, 874875

hallucinations with, 876

language deficits with, 876

memory deficits with, 876

neuropathology of, 878

Parnate. See tranylcypromine

paroxetine, 641, 895, 1031

partial directed coherence (PDC), 1003

parvalbumin (PV) neurons, 304309

pathological anxiety, 552

animal models of, 560564

avoidance in, 563564

coping processes in, 562564

developmental manipulations in, 561

for fear extinction, 562563

genetic manipulations in, 561562

incubation in, 563

individual differences in, 562

psychological manipulations in, 561

reconsolidation in, 563

stress-enhanced fear learning in, 561

treatment processes in, 562564

defensive responding and, 552

neurobiology of, 606

stress responses to, 552

pathological fear, 552

animal models of, 560564

avoidance in, 563564

coping processes in, 562564

developmental manipulations in, 561

for fear extinction, 562563

genetic manipulations in, 561562

incubation in, 563

individual differences in, 562

psychological manipulations in, 561

reconsolidation in, 563

stress-enhanced fear learning in, 561

treatment processes in, 562564

defensive responding and, 552

neurobiology of, 606

stress responses to, 552

pathways. See axon pathways; signal transduction pathways

Pavlovian threat conditioning (PTC), 554558

behavioral aspects of, 554

molecular mechanisms of, 556

neurocircuitry in, 554556

procedure variations for, 556558

synaptic plasticity, 556

PBS. See positive behavioral support

PcG proteins. See Polycomb-Group proteins

PCP. See phenylcyclidine

PCr. See phosphocreatine

PD. See Parkinson’s disease

PDC. See partial directed coherence

PDD. See Parkinson’s disease dementia

pediatric anxiety disorders

age of onset for, 539

family studies for, 539

design of, 539

OAD, 540

separation anxiety disorder, 539

SOC, 539

twin studies for, 539

Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS), 10561057

Pepeu, Giancarlo, 811

peptide transmitters

classical compared to, 21

hypocretin, 22

inactivation of, 22

orexin, 22

release of, 22

storage of, 2122

synthesis of, 2122

types of, 1014

peptide YY (PYY), 1177

perfectionism, AN and, 1182

perimenopausal depression, 491492


in studies, 491492

in therapy treatments, 492

onset triggers for, 492

risk predictors for, 491



diagnostic criteria for, 1090

FFM and, 1090

emotional regulation and, 589

FFM for, 1089, 1090

Five Factor Model, 1089, 1090

LBD and, 876877

personality disorders. See also obsessive-compulsive disorder

ASPD, 10931097

aggression and, 10941095

candidate gene studies for, 1097

childhood antecedents for, 1094

clinical indications for, 10931094

cognitive function and, 1096

comorbidities with, 1094

development of, 1094

in DSM-IV, 1094

epidemiology of, 1094

genetic vulnerability of, 1096

GWAS for, 10961097

linkage analysis for, 10961097

neurobiology of, 1095

neuroimaging for, 10951096

prefrontal abnormalities for, 1095

prevalence rates for, 1094

psychopathy compared to, 1094

SUD and, 732, 780

avoidant, 1089

neurobiology of, 1089

BPD, 10901093

affective dysregulation and, 10911092

amygdala function and, 1092

clinical evidence for, 1090

comorbidities for, 10901091

depression and, 1091

epidemiology of, 10901091

fMRI for, 1092

gender and, 1091

genetics of, 1092

illness burden with, 10901091

impulsive aggression dimensions in, 10911092

neuroimaging for, 10911092, 1093

neuropeptide model of, 10921093

opioids and, 1093

oxytocin for, in treatment therapies for, 10921093

pathophysiology of, 10911093

prevalence rates for, 1090

remission rates for, 1090

self-cutting behaviors and, 1093

serotonergic system and, 1092

trauma and, 1091

treatment therapy utilization for, 10901091

Trier Social Stress Test for, 1093

categories of, 10891090

comorbidity rates and, 1090

dimensions of, 10891090

externalizing, 1090

internalizing, 1090

neurobiology of

of ASPD, 1095

avoidant disorders, 1089

development of, 1089

in FFM, 1089, 1090

function of, 1089

OFC and, 1089

risk factors in, 1089

of STPD, 1089

OCD, 1089

STPD, 1089, 10971099

cognitive impairments and deficits and, 1098

comorbidities of, 10971098

diagnostic criteria for, 1097

dopaminergic activity and, 1098

epidemiology of, 10971098

etiology of, 10981099

genetic vulnerability and, 10981099

information processing and, 1098

neurobiology of, 1089

pathophysiology of, 10981099

prevalence rates for, 1097

psychoticism dimension of, 1098

WM and, 1098

PET. See positron emission tomography

PFC. See prefrontal cortex

PGRN gene. See progranulin gene

phase locking value (PLV), 1003

Phelan-McDermid syndrome (PMS), 1024

treatment therapies for, 10311032

phenelzine, 511, 640, 644

phenomenology, 223224

phenylalanine, 14

phenylcyclidine (PCP), 36

psychosis and, 349

schizophrenia and, in mouse
models, 288

phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT), 14, 15

phenylketonuria (PKU)

animal models of, 975

ASD and, 1024


family studies for, 538

SOC, 533, 538

SP, 532533, 538

twin studies for, 538

phosphocreatine (PCr), 744

phospholipid metabolites, 4647, 51

phosphoprotein phosphatases, 5455, 57

classification of, 56

physical exercise, as coping mechanism, 11491150

PIB. See Pittsburgh Compound-B

Pick’s disease, 893

pimozide, 514

PIT. See Predatory Imminence Theory

Pitman, Roger, 561

Pittsburgh Compound-B (PIB), 208

pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), 666

resilience and, 1146

PKU. See phenylketonuria

placebos, in AD treatment

in clinical trials, 859, 864865

in disease modification, 857

plaques, in AD, 791

plasticity. See homeostatic plasticity, of brain; intrinsic plasticity, of brain; synaptic plasticity

pleiotropy, genetic mapping technologies and, 160

PLV. See phase locking value

PMDD. See premenstrual dysphoric disorder

PMS. See Phelan-McDermid syndrome

PNMT. See phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase

point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS), 204

Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP), 1107

Polycomb-Group (PcG) proteins, 9293

polygenic diseases

GWAS for, 165

stem cell modeling for, 132

positive affect, addiction and, 710

positive behavioral support (PBS), 1029

positive cognitive reappraisal, 11481149

positive emotions, 11471148

positron emission tomography (PET)

for AD, 825827

for addiction, 716, 720721, 722

for ADHD, 1043

amyloid imaging with, 208, 827828

costs of, 208

florbetapir, 208

PIB, 208

FDG imaging, 825827

clinical use of, 825826

limitations of, 827

metabolism assessment with, 826

neurodegeneration of, 826827

for FTD, 892893

for LBD, 880881

for psychiatric disorders, 258

purpose of, 1073

for tic disorders, 1054

for TS, 1054

postnatal brain development, 987990

chromatins in, 987

critical periods of, 987

environmental influences on, 987988

epigenetics in, 987988

LRRTMs in, 989

multiprotein complexes in, 988

neural plasticity and, 988

spine pathology in, 989990

stress and, 987

synaptogenic proteins and, 988989

postpartum depression (PPD), 490491

gonadal steroids and, 491

hormone studies for, 490

neuroimaging for, 490491

onset of, 383

prevalence rates for, 490

post-stroke dementia (PSD), 901903

post-synaptic density, 312

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 530531

animal models of, 562, 664665

fear conditioning models, 664

repeated chronic stress models, 664665

single prolonged stress models, 665

candidate gene studies in, 541

clinical indications for, 641, 662

diagnostic criteria for, 531

differential pathways to, 665666

through developmental trauma, 665

genetic vulnerability, 665666

epidemiology of, 662

family studies for, 538539

morbidity of, 662

neurobiology of, 616618, 666669

amygdala activity, 616618, 667668

hippocampal activity, 666667

insula activity, 617, 668669

memory deficits and, 617

PFC activity, 617, 668

neuroepigenetics for, 176

overconsolidation theory of, 561

prevalence rates for, 641

resilience and, 1144

risk factors for, 538

translational studies of, 662664

treatment therapies for, 641642, 669670

with benzodiazepines, 641

with CBT, 669

with ERP, 669670

first-line approaches to, 641

neurobiological targets in, 670

pharmacological approaches, 670

psychotherapeutic approaches, 669

second-line approaches to, 641642

twin studies for, 538539

potassium, in neurons, 27

PPA. See primary progressive aphasia

PPD. See postpartum depression

PPI. See pre-pulse inhibition

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), 99101, 252

pravastatin, 850

precision medicine, RDoC criteria for, 1086

predatory aggression, 1103, 1104

Predatory Imminence Theory (PIT), 550

preferred activity pattern in, 550

predictive gene networks, 189195

alternative omics data in, 192

Bayesian networks in, 191, 192, 193194

construction of, 190, 191

genetic data integration in, 191192

genomic approach to, 190191

inflammatomes in, 195

MCMC, 191

small molecule-protein interactions in, 192

TFBS data in, 192

preferred activity pattern, 550

prefrontal cortex (PFC)

addiction and, 708

depression and, 428

CLPFC in, 457

emotions and, 581583

in animal models, 582583

controllability of, 586587

memory and, 581582

reappraisal and, 584586

vmPFC, 585587

fear and, 581583

during adolescence, 599600

in animal models, 582583

conditioned, 595

memory and, 581582

memory and, 581582

mPFC, in reward, 735

in neurocircuitry of addiction, 684

OFC, 474475

in reward, 735

panic disorder and, 616

PTSD and, 617

reversal learning and, 583584

schizophrenia and, 258

alterations as influence on, 263

DLPFC and, 278279

EM and, 273

in proactive control mechanisms, 270

WM and, 272

pregabalin, 642, 643

pregnancy. See also postpartum depression

ADHD and, 1040

CFCS and, 1011

premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), 487490

hormone studies for, 487

HPA axis and, 487489

neurosteroids and, 487

serotonin and, 487

susceptibility to, 489

symptoms of, 487

treatment studies for, 489490

triggers for, 489

prenatal brain development, 980985

ANR and, 983985

cellular migration in, 985

classification of, 986987

cortical migration and, 985987

defects in, 985986

dysraphias and, 981

in embryogenesis, 980981

mechanistic models for, 985

myelomeningocele and, 981982

neural tube regionalization in, 982983

neuroepithelium support, 983984

neurulation and, 980982

SHH and, 983

synaptogenesis and, 985987

transcriptional support in, 984985

pre-pulse inhibition (PPI), 959

PRESS. See point resolved spectroscopy

Price, Don, 813

primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 891892

diagnostic criteria for, 889

logopenic variants for, 892

nfvPPA, 891

semantic variants for, 891892

prion diseases. See also Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

basic concepts of, 915916

classification of, 917920

clinical features of, 918

detection of, 927

epidemiology of, 917918

gPrDs, 921922

diagnostic testing for, 924

FFI, 924, 927

GSS, 923924, 926

history of, 915

Kuru, neuropathology of, 927

modes of acquisition for, 916917

neuropathology of, 925

protein-only hypothesis for, 915916

replication in, 927

strains of, 928

transmission of, 927

treatment therapies for, 928

proactive control, in schizophrenia, 270

in PFC, 270

prodromal AD, 133

CSF and, 835836

prodrome, of bipolar disorder, 356

progranulin (PGRN) gene, 894

progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 892

promoter elements, 80

calmodulin, 116

proteasomes, 57

proteins. See also neurotransmitters; neurotrophic factors; receptors; specific proteins

in gonadal steroids, 483485

in synapses, 311

synaptic disease, 321, 322

protein-only hypothesis, for prion diseases, 915916

protein phosphorylation, in signal transduction pathways, 5255, 55

protein types, 56

reversibility of, 61

protein tyrosine kinase receptors, 44

autophosphorylation of, 44

gene expression regulated by, 84

proteolysis, signal transduction pathways and, 5557, 58

proteomes, in synapses, 311

organization of, 311321

structure of, 311312, 324

Prusiner, Stanley, 915

PSAP. See Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm

PSD. See post-stroke dementia;
post-synaptic density

PSP. See progressive supranuclear palsy

psychiatric disorders. See also specific disorders

animal models for, 133134

challenges in, 134135

endogenous neurogenesis as, 133134

neural precursors and, 133

stem cells and, 133

with in vivo transplantation, 133

in DSM-V, 1068

Feigner Criteria for, 1074

genetic mapping technologies for, 168169

neuroimaging of

ALE methods in, 257258

for bioenergetics, 265266

for brain function, 258

for brain structure, 257258

development of, 256

disease markers for, 257260

function of, 256

of GABA receptors, 264

for genetic mechanisms, 266

goals of, 256257

heterogeneity in, 258259

in high-risk studies, 260

for illness effects, 259

Kraepelin’s influence on, 256

in longitudinal studies, 259260

with MRS, 264, 265266

neural mechanisms in, 262266

for neurochemical systems, 264266

for neuronal health, 265266

with PET, 258

of PFC, 258

for phenotypes, 260262

ROIs and, 257

SDM methods for, 257258

statistical considerations for, 260

themes in, 256

for treatment therapies, 259

VBMs and, 257

RDoC for, 1074

SUD comorbidities with, 779782

development of, 781782

synaptogenic proteins and, 988989

targeted treatment therapies for, 1076


5-HT receptors and, 36

ketamine, 36

mental illness and, 36

NMDA and, 36

PCP, 36

psychopathology, adolescence and, 598


ASPD compared to, 1094

cognitive function and, 1096

Hare Checklist, 1094

psychopharmacologic agents. See also antidepressants; antipsychotic drugs; anxiolytics; psychomimetics

signal transduction pathways and, 61

psychoses, diagnosis of. See also specific disorders

as concept, 223224

for dementia praecox, 223

dichotomous distinctions between, 223

in DSM-III, 1072

in DSM-IV, 226

bipolar disorder in, 229

schizoaffective disorder, 226228

schizophrenia, 226

in DSM-V, 10671068, 229230

Feigner Criteria for, 224

for mania, 225

for schizophrenia, 225

in ICD-10

bipolar disorder, 227228, 229

schizoaffective disorder, 227229

schizophrenia, 226, 227228

nosology for, 224

phenomenology and, 223224

primary compared to affective disorders, 224

rating scales for, 230

RDoC for, 224226

for bipolar disorder, 225

future applications for, 230231

for schizoaffective disorder, 226, 225

for schizophrenia, 225, 225227

universal language for, 224

psychosis. See also antipsychotic drugs; schizophrenia

amphetamines and, 349

animal models of, 349350, 358359

clinical manifestations of, 346

as clinical phenotype, 346347

cognitive dysfunction in, 352353

molecular targets in, 352353

disorientation and, 346

dopamine hyperfunction hypothesis, 347

GABA transmission in, 348349

genetic association models, 349

glutamate transmission and, 348

learning and, 349

memory plasticity dysfunction in, 349

molecular mechanisms of, 347350

models of, 348

PCP and, 349

serotonin and, 352

symptoms of, 346

treatment therapies for, 350352

experimental, 352353

psychostimulants, 503

psychotic depression, 522

psychotic disorders. See also schizophrenia; specific disorders

antipsychotic drug development and, 256

dopamines and, discovery of, 256

neuroleptic drug development and, 256

psychotropic drugs. See also antidepressants; antipsychotic drugs; anxiolytics; psychomimetics; specific drugs

electrophysiology of, 3538

PTC. See Pavlovian threat conditioning

PTSD. See post-traumatic stress disorder

purines, 76

purpose in life, 1149

PV neurons. See parvalbumin neurons

PWS. See Prader-Willi syndrome

PYY. See peptide YY


15q11-13 duplication/deletion syndrome, 971

22q13 deletion syndrome, 1062

quantitative trait loci (QTL), 543544

quetiapine, 351


race. See also African Americans

AD and, 801802

SUD and, 779, 781

radial arm water maze, 817818

Raf proteins, 49

Ramon y Cajal, Santiago, 12, 64

randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 1061

rapamycin, 61, 60

rapid cycling, in bipolar disorder, 384

rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, 1128

awakenings from, 11371138

blood flow and, 1136

metabolism and, 1136

neurobiology of, 1136

phasic features of, 1128

sleep generator, 1131

stimuli responsiveness in, 11361137

tonic features of, 1128

rapid-eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD), 872, 878

Ras/MAP-kinase pathway, 49

Raf proteins, 49

rat models

for Huntington’s disease, 111

knockout, 112

olfactory bulbectomy in, 418

selective breeding

FSL, 421

WKY model, 421422

transgenic, 111

for addictive behaviors, 111

ES cell modification in, 111

RBD. See rapid-eye movement sleep behavior disorder

RCTs. See randomized controlled trials

RDI. See Relationship Development Intervention

RDoC. See Research Diagnostic Criteria

reactive aggression, 1103, 11061108

amygdala activity and, 11091110

ASPD and, 10941095

in BPD, 1104

components of, 1103

instrumental compared to, 11031104

neurobiology of, 1106, 11071108

reactive control, in schizophrenia, 270

reader proteins, 177

receptors. See also γ-aminobutyric acid; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; serotonin; specific receptors

in addiction, mediated signaling by, 685688, 699

DAs, 685686

glutamates in, 687688

metabotropic receptors, 688

for regulated relapse, 686688

social use, 685686

VTA and, 685686

AGTR genes, 477

enzymes as, 4145

extracellular signals and, 4046

GDNF, 45

GPCR, 43, 41, 46, 5961

GR, 47

HTR2B, 703

ionotropic, 32

addiction and, 687688

IP3, 47, 52


metabotropic, 32

addiction and, 688

in neurons, 27

neurotransmitter-gated ion channels in, 4041

NGF, 43

PACAP, 666

resilience and, 1146

at plasma membrane level, 4045

protein tyrosine kinase, 44

ryanodine receptors, 47

in signal transduction pathways, 39, 4046

for steroid hormones, 47

TGFβ, 45

Reeler gene, 112

refractory periods, for neurons, 30

region-of-interest (ROI), 257

reinforcement models, of SUD, 675678

drug administration in, 675

learning requirements in, 676

relapse model

for addiction

neurocircuitry of, 684685

neuroimaging of, 728730

receptor-mediated signaling in, 686688

drug addiction and, 737

for SUD, 678679, 763764

extinction training in, 679

susceptibility in, 679

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), 1029

religion, resilience from, 1150

Remeron. See mirtazapine

REM sleep. See rapid-eye movement sleep

repeated social defeat stress, 420421

reporter genes, 110111

reproductive endocrine-related mood disorders

perimenopausal depression, 491492

hormones and, 491492

onset triggers for, 492

risk predictors for, 491

PMDD, 487490

hormone studies for, 487

HPA axis and, 487489

neurosteroids and, 487

serotonin and, 487

susceptibility to, 489

symptoms of, 487

treatment studies for, 489490

triggers for, 489

PPD, 490491, 522523

gonadal steroids and, 491

hormone studies for, 490

neuroimaging for, 490491

prevalence rates for, 490

repurposed compounds, for SUD, 761

Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDoC), 224226

for anxiety disorders, 10821084

comorbidity and, 10821083

dysregulation types in, 10831084

fear circuit dimensions for, 1083

heterogeneity of expression
for, 1083

in twin studies, 1083

for bipolar disorder, 225

childhood nosology and, 1078

CNTRICS and, 1078

conceptual structure of, 10801082

constructs in, 10801081

symptoms in, 10811082

constructs within, 10771078

in conceptual structure, 10801081

dimensions of, 1078, 1080

grain size for, 1081

status of, 1081

validity of, 10801081

development of, 10731074

in diagnostic systems, 393394

domains for, 1077

DSM-V and, 1068

environmental influences in, 1078

features of, 10791080

functional gene groups for, 1086

future applications for, 230231

goals of, 1079

integrative features of, 1080

for mood disorders, 10821084

comorbidity and, 10821083

dysregulation types in, 10831084

fear circuit dimensions for, 1083

heterogeneity of expression for, 1083

in twin studies, 1083

organization of, 10771079

origins of, 1077

process of, 10771079

for psychiatric disorders, 1074

psychopathological approach to, 1079

for psychotic spectrum disorders, 10841086

research variables for, 1079

for schizoaffective disorder, 226, 225

for schizophrenia, 10851086, 225, 225227

symptoms in

clinical relevance of, 1082

in conceptual structure, 10811082

language of, 10811082

measurement criteria for, 1082

specificity of, 1081

translational perspective of, 1079

for treatment therapies, 1086

policy development for, 1086

with precision medicine, 1086

updates of, 1080


active coping styles, 1148, 11491150

acceptance, 1149

facing fears, 1149

humor as, 1149

physical exercise as, 11491150

social support and, 1150

altruism and, 11501151

animal models of, 1163

definition of, 1144

development of, 11461147

in animal models, 11461147

HPA axis and, 1146

stress and, 1146

epidemiology of, 1144

epigenetics of, 1147

stress reactivity and, 1147

fear learning and, 11601162

extinction of memory, 11601162

fear conditioning, 1160

reconsolidation of memory, 11601162

genetics of, 11451146

CRF and, 1145

CRH and, 1145

GR and, 1145

HPA axis in, 1145

PACAP receptor, 1146

polymorphisms and, 11451146

variations in, 1145

HPA axis and, 1145, 1146

moral compass and, 1150

religion and spirituality as part of, 1150

neurobiology of, 11511158, 1159

BDNF, 1157

cortisol, 11511154

CRH in, 1145, 1151

DHEA, 11541155

dopamines and, 11561157

eCBs, 1158

galanin and, 1156

GLMT system, 11571158

LC-NE system, 1155

NPY, 11551156

serotonin, 1156

neurocircuitry for, 1162

prevalence of, 1144

LGMM for, 1144

prevention implications for, 11621163

psychobiological features of, 11471151

behaviors in, 11471149

positive cognitive reappraisal, 11481149

positive emotions, 11471148

purpose in life, 1149

traits in, 11471149

PTSD and, 1144

research history on, 1144

reward pathways and, 11581160

stress and, 1152

development of, 1146

in epigenetics, 1147

treatment therapies for, 11621163

in animal models, 1163

response elements, in AP-1 proteins, 83

resting potential, in neurons, 2728

Resveratrol, 848

retrotransposons, 7879

Rett syndrome (RTT)

animal models of, 971

characterizations of, 129

clinical features of, 98

clinical trials for, 1062

epigenetics of, 9899

gene expression conditional controls, 116

IGF-1 and, 1062

MeCP2 protein and, 9899, 129, 971

22q13 deletion syndrome, 1062

stem cell modeling for, 129

treatment therapies for, 10311032

X chromosome in, 129

reversal learning, PFC and, 583584

reverse engineering, for optogenetic technology, 145

reverse genetic strategy, 109

reversible MAOIs, 512

reward, addiction and, 735736

brain functions and, 732733

dysregulation of, 738

research on, 732733

compulsion phase, transitions to, 736

definition of, 732

individual differences in, 736

initiation phase, 736

neurobiology of, 734735

amygdala, 734

lateral habenula, 735

mPFC, 735

OFC, 735

neurocircuitry of, 683684

neurotransmitter systems in, 733734

dopamine hypothesis of reward, 733734

GABA, 734

glutamates, 734

incentive salience and, 733

reward prediction error and, 733

serotonin, 734

SUD and, 675678

drug administration in, 675

learning requirements in, 676

survival component and, 683

reward prediction

errors, 733

wanting and, 275, 277280

reward sensitivity, 681


ChRs, 138

red-shifting, 140141

opsin genes and, 138

optogenetic technology, 138

ribonucleic acid (RNA), 7677. See also gene expression; transcription control, for genomes

base pairing in, 76

DNA transcription into, 77

information flow in, to proteins, 7778

miRNAs, 77, 98

mRNA, 14, 77

ncRNA, 77, 9596

nucleosomes in, 79

ribosomes in, 7778

RNAi, 9394

transcription phases, 79

ribosomes, 7778

riluzole, 445, 657

risperidone, 351, 641642, 895, 10291030, 1031, 1058

The Rites of Zhou, 368

rivastigmine, 811, 844, 882

RNA. See ribonucleic acid

RNA interference (RNAi), 9394

ROI. See region-of-interest

Roth, Martin, 791

RTT. See Rett syndrome

Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RSTS), 101

rules, learning of, 7071

ryanodine receptors, 47


Sacks, Elyn, 346

SAD. See seasonal affective disorder

S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e), 522

SADS. See Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia

SAM-e. See S-adenosylmethionine

satellite DNA, 78

saving, 70

SBI. See silent brain ischemia

scanning. See interleaved scanning

Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS), 230

schizoaffective disorder

in DSM-IV, 226228

in ICD-10, 227229

RDoC for, 226, 225


academic development of, as psychosis, 223

affect and, 223

affective deficits and, 280281

ambivalence and, 223

animal models for, 3738

antipsychotic drugs for, 329

ASD and, 252, 223

associations and, 223

autism and, 223

Bleuler and, 223

CNVs and, 235237, 248

deletions, 248253

duplications, 250253

loci review, 248253, 249

in mouse models, 289290

cognitive deficits and, 280281

context processing in, 269270

COS, 328, 949950

CNVs in, 949950

epigenetics of, 955956

exome sequencing for, 950

SNVs in, 950

cost-benefit analysis and, 275276

DISC1 gene and, 134, 335

neuronal pathways for, 334

Wnt pathways and, 332

DNA methylation and, 97

dopamine hypothesis, 347

in DSM-IV, 226

effort computations in, 278

EM and, 273275

cognitive deficits and, 274275

cognitive neuroscience models, 273

hippocampal activity, 273, 274

impairments, 273275

PFC and, 273

epidemiology for, 232234

environmental factors, 233234

family studies in, 232233

genetic overlap with bipolar disorder, 233

incidence rates for, 232, 247

non-inherited factors, 233234

twin studies in, 232233

epigenetics and, 9798, 955956

factor analysis of, 223

family studies for, 161

Feigner Criteria for, 225

four A’s of, 223

functional connectivity in, 1005

GABA and, 304310

alterations specific to, 307309

in alternate brain regions, 307

calretinin cells in, 307

CCK cell alterations, 306, 309

GAD1 genes, 308

network oscillations and, 309

neurotransmission of, 304

NMDA hypofunction in, 308

PV neurons, 304309

reduced excitation consequences in, 309

SST neurons and, 307

synthesis alterations, 304

TrkB genes, 308

uptake alterations, 304

in vivo measurements, 307

WM and, 309

gene expression in, 187

variations in, 329330

genetic mapping technologies for, 168

genetic study methods for, 234235

with candidate genes, 235

future applications for, 245

linkage analysis, 234235

genomic syndromes in

evidence sources for, 247248

low-resolution approaches to, 247

mutation rates in, 253

selection coefficients in, 253, 254

VCFS, 247

goal-directed action and, 278279

goal representations in, 275280

effort computation and, 276

outcome achievements and, 276

groups, 223

GWAS for, 237240

as genetic study method, 234

linkage disequilibrium variances, 237238

MHC and, 238240

overlap with bipolar disorder, 242

risks in, 238

hedonics and liking and, 275, 276277

hippocampal dysfunction, 263

EM and, 273, 274

histone protein modifications and, 9798

in ICD-10, 226, 227228

iPSCs and, 132

Jackson and, 223

large-scale sequencing studies for, 242245

MDD and, 398399

family studies for, 399

GenRED study, 398399

microRNA and, 98


expression and, 98

pathways, 335

motivational deficits in, 275280

mouse models of

behavioral tests in, 295296

CNV and, 289290

DISC1 genes, 291292, 292293

dysbindin genes, 290

etiologic models, 287

future developments for, 295296

genetic, 288

through GWAS, 289

knockout, 292

with linkage study genes, 290292

non-genetic, 288

NRG1 genes, 290291

pathogenic, 288

pathophysiological, 287

PCP-induced hyperactivity in, 288

pharmacological, 288

phenotypic, 287

risk allele, 292

symptom-oriented, 288

neural mechanisms for

cortical-subcortical network dysfunction, 263264

in cortico-striatal models, 264

hippocampal dysfunction, 263

network models, 262263

PFC alterations in, 263

neurobiology of

challenges for, 343344

electrophysiology for, 343

neurobehavioral performance, 338339

neurocognition in, 338339

neuroimaging for, 339342

neurotransmitters in, 342343

olfactory identification in, 339

prodromal concept, 338

social cognition in, 339

neurodevelopmental model of, 327329

antibodies in, 327328

brain volume in, 328

channel pathways in, 335

environmental effects in, 327328

immigrant status and, 327

minority status as influence in, 327

myelin in, 328329

neonatal influences in, 327

neurotransmitters in, 329

oligodendrocytes in, 328329

stress factors in, 327

neuroimaging for, 258259. See also neurobiology, of schizophrenia

with DTI, 341342

with fMRI, 342

with MRI, 340341

neuronal pathways for, 330334

DISC1 genes, 334

early developmental, 330

neuropathology of, 328

onset of

during adolescence, 328

during childhood, 328

PFC and, 258

alterations as influence on, 263

DLPFC and, 278279

EM and, 273

in proactive control mechanisms, 270

WM and, 272

polygenic sources of, 1074

proactive control in, 270

RDoC for, 225227, 10851086

reactive control in, 270

recurrence risks for, 234

reward prediction/wanting and, 275, 277280

risk factors, 132

stem cell modeling for, 132

SUD and, 780


core, 269

FRS, 223

negative, 223

positive, 223

second rank, 223

synaptic disease and, 322

synaptic pathways, 334

synaptic transmission, 335

SZ, 132

WM in, 270273

altered default mode processing during, 272273

behavioral findings on, 271

cognitive neuroscience models, 270271

deficit expression, 271

encoding phases of, 271

maintenance phase of, 271

PFC recruitment in, 272

temporal aspects of, 271

Wnt pathways, 330334

canonical signaling, 331332

cell morphologies, 333334

DISC1 genes, 332

for neuronal development, 332

psychiatric disease genes, 332333

worldwide incidence rates for, 327

schizotypal personality disorder (STPD), 1089, 10971099

cognitive impairments and deficits and, 1098

comorbidities of, 10971098

diagnostic criteria for, 1097

dopaminergic activity and, 1098

epidemiology of, 10971098

etiology of, 10981099

genetic vulnerability and, 10981099

information processing and, 1098

pathophysiology of, 10981099

prevalence rates for, 1097

psychoticism dimension of, 1098

WM and, 1098

Schneider, Kurt, 223

SCID. See Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders

sCJD. See sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

scopolamine, 446449

molecular mechanisms of, 448

response biomarkers, 448449

SDM methods. See signed differential mapping methods

seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 523

segregation analysis, 161

for Mendelian disease, 161

selective breeding, in animal models, 421422

with depressed mice, 422

FSL rat model, 421

WKY rat model, 421422

selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), 515516

for anxiety disorders, 636

remission rates for, 516

side effects of, 516

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 3637, 512515. See also antidepressants; specific drugs

for anxiety disorders, 621622

dosage regimen for, 512

drug interactions with, 512514

half-lives of, 512

for medical illness, depression and, 502

for OCD, 653655

augmentation strategies, 656657

limitations of, 656

side effects of, 512

TCAs compared to, 509

selegiline, 511

self-cutting behaviors, 1093

self-medication models, of drug addiction, 737

semaphorins, 8

separation anxiety disorder, 531532

in DSM-V, 1069

pediatric, 539

separation distress, 1123

serine, 52, 55


addiction and, 701

neuroimaging for, 727

aggression and, 11081109, 1110

anatomy of, 19

antidepressants and, 3637, 61

BPD and, 1092

inactivation of, 19

OCD and, 647

PMDD and, 487

psychosis and, 352

regulation of, 1819

resilience and, 1156

reward and, 734

sleep cycles and, 1130

storage of, 1819

synthesis of, 18

tryptophan and, 18

sertraline, 641, 1031

sex hormones, emotional regulation and, 589590. See also androgens, mood regulation and; testosterone, mood disorders in males and

SFOs. See step-function opsins

SH2. See Src-homology domain 2

SH3. See Src-homology domain 3

Shaker gene, 70

SHH gene. See Sonic Hedgehog gene

short-term potentiation (STP), 65

SHRP. See stress hyporesponsive period

sickness syndrome, 501

signal transduction pathways

in addiction, 696

cellular physiology, 690

DAs, 685686

metabotropic receptors, 688

for regulated relapse, 686688

social use, 685686

VTA and, 685686

amplification in, 39

in animal models, 39

through mutant analysis, 109

apoptosis and, 55

arachidonic acid in, 4951

Ca2+ in, 4749, 5354

cAMP in, 50

caspases and, 5557

for CREB proteins, 2, 50, 82

cyclic nucleotides in, 46

diffusible molecules in, 4952

eCBs and, 50

eicosanoids and, 50

elucidation of, 40

enzymes in, as receptors, 4145

extracellular signals and, 4046

Fos protein activation by, 84

in functional connectivity, 996

GDNF, 45

gene expression in, 40, 5759

general properties of, 3940

G proteins in, 41, 43, 46, 5961

IP3 receptors in, 47, 52

JAK-STAT receptors, 46

lithium and, 40, 61

mTOR and, 61, 60

multiple signal integration in, 3940

networks of, 40

neurotransmitter-gated ion channels in, 4041, 42

NGF in, 43

NO in, 5152, 54

parameters of, 39

phospholipid metabolites in, 4647, 51

phosphoprotein phosphatases in, 5455, 56, 57

at plasma membrane level, 4045

pleiotropy of, 39

proteasomes in, 57

protein phosphorylation in, 5255, 61, 55, 56

protein types in, 41

proteolysis and, 5557, 58

psychopharmacologic agents and, 61

rapamycin and, 61, 60

Ras/MAP-kinase, 49

receptors in, 39, 4046

reversible reactions in, 59

second messengers in, 4649

serine in, 52, 55

specificity in, 39

termination of signals, 5961

TGFβ in, 45

threonine in, 52, 55

tyrosine in, 52, 55

ubiquitin in, 57

signed differential mapping (SDM) methods, 257258

sildenafil, 514

silent brain ischemia (SBI), 903

WMH and, 903

simple phobia. See specific phobia

simvastatin, 850

single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 183

during childhood psychiatric disorders, 945

single number variants (SNVs)

in ASD, 949, 1028

in childhood psychiatric disorders, 944945

in COS, 950

in ID, 947948

single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)

for addiction, 716, 720721, 722

for ADHD, 1043

for LBD, 880881

site-specific recombination systems, 115116

floxed genes, 115116

NMDA, 116


clinical research on, 1127

consciousness during, 1137

in NREM sleep, 1137

in REM sleep, 11371138

cycles, 11271128, 11291132

ACh and, 1130

brain centers and, 1129, 1131

circadian clock and, 1131

dopamines and, 11301131

GABA and, 1131

histamines in, 1130

humoral factors for, 11311132

hypocretin and, 1131

hypothalamic influences on, 1131

lengths of, 1129

NE and, 1130

regulation of, 1129

serotonin and, 1130

definition of, 1127

deprivation, 11321133

effects of, 1133

of REM sleep, 1133

disorders, with LBD, 878

functions of, 11381140

for brain development, 11391140

brain restitution and, 1139

memory, 11381139

synaptic homeostasis, 1139

during life span, 1128

melatonin and, 1132

neurobiology of, 11331138

for blood flow, 1136

for metabolism, 1136

molecular changes, 11331134

NREM sleep, 11341135

REM sleep, 1136

spontaneous activity, 1134

stimuli response, 1136

for wakefulness, 1134

NREM, 11271128

awakenings during, 1137

blood flow and, 1136

metabolism and, 1136

microsleep episodes, 1127

neurobiology of, 11341135

stage 1, 1127

stage 2, 11271128

stage 3/4, 1128

stimuli responsiveness in, 1136

SWS, 1128

onset of, 1137

regulation of, 11321133

wakefulness and, 1129

REM, 1128

awakenings from, 11371138

blood flow and, 1136

deprivation of, 1133

metabolism and, 1136

neurobiology of, 1136

phasic features of, 1128

RBD, 872, 878

sleep generator, 1131

stimuli responsiveness in, 11361137

tonic features of, 1128

stages of, 11271128

discovery of, 1127

EEG for, 1127

EMG for, 1127

EOG for, 1127

wakefulness and, 1127

GLMT system and, 1130

histamines and, 1130

maintenance of, 1129

neurobiology of, 1134

regulation of, 1129

slice recording, 3334

Slit proteins, 8

SLOS. See Smith-Lemli-Opitz-syndrome

slow wave sleep (SWS), 1128

Smith-Lemli-Opitz-syndrome (SLOS), 10161017

clinical indications for, 1016

comorbidities with, 1016

diagnosis of, 1016

prevalence rates for, 1016

treatment therapies for, 10161017

smoking. See tobacco use

SNARE complexes. See soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment receptor complexes

SNPs. See single nucleotide polymorphisms

SNRIs. See selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

SNVs. See single number variants

SOC. See social phobia

social anxiety disorder, 533

neurobiology of, 611613

amygdala activation, 611612

insula dysfunction, 612

social phobia and, 533

social attachment. See also adult bonding

adult bonding and, neurobiology of, 1124

animal models of

genetic studies in, 11121113

neurobiology in, 1112

behavioral components of, 1112

definition of, 1112

father-infant attachment, 11181119

chemical substrates in, 1119

display behaviors in, 11181119

neuroanatomy of, 1119

infant-parental attachment, 11131116

autism and, 11151116

development of, 1113

motivation circuits in, 1115

neurobiology of, 1115

social approaches to, 1115

mother-infant attachment, 11161118

chemical substrates of, 11161118

development of, 1116

maternal neglect and, 1118

neuroanatomy of, 11161118

neurobiology of, 11161118

oxytocin and, 11161118

neurobiology of, 11121113

for adult bonding, 1124

in animal models, 1112

future brain applications in, 11241125

genetic studies in, 11121113

for infant-parental attachment, 1115, 11131116

for mother-infant attachment, 11161118

parent-offspring bonding, 11131119, 1124

social brain hypothesis for, 1112

pair bonding and, 11191120

animal models of, 11201123

social brain and

evolution of, 1113

perspectives on, 11121113

social systems as influence on, 1112

social avoidance behaviors, 416417

social brain

evolution of, 1113

perspectives on, 11121113

social phobia (SOC), 533, 538

clinical indications for, 643

pediatric, 539

treatment therapies for, 643644

with benzodiazepines, 644

first-line approaches, 643644

second-line approaches, 644

social systems, social attachment influenced by, 1112

soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment receptor (SNARE) complexes, 439

somatic antidepressants, 466

somatic cells, 126128

somatic treatment therapies, for MDD, 519520, 519

DBS, 520

ECT, 519520

MST, 520

TMS, 520

LFMS, 520

VNS, 520

Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) gene, 983

Sotos syndrome (SoS), 10131014

causes of, 1014

clinical indications for, 10131014

NSD1 gene and, 1014

Souvenaid, 849

Sox2 genes, 127128

specific phobia (SP), 532533, 538

neurobiology of, 613614

SPECT. See single photon emission computed tomography

spirituality, resilience from, 1150

spontaneous craving, 728

sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), 918921

CSF testing with, 919921

diagnostic criteria for, 918

EEG for, 919

MRI for, 918919, 921

neuropsychiatric features of, 919

prevalence rates for, 920

sporadic schizophrenia (SZ), 132

Src-homology domain 2 (SH2), 45

Src-homology domain 3 (SH3), 45

SSFOs. See stabilized step-function opsins

SS MRI. See steady-state contrast MRI

SSRIs. See selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

SST neurons, 307

St. George-Hyslop, Peter, 805

St. John’s Wort, 521522

stabilized step-function opsins (SSFOs), 139140

starvation, psychopathology of, 1182

steady-state contrast MRI (SS MRI), 199

STEAM. See stimulated echo acquisition mode

stem cells

in animal models, for psychiatric disorders, 133

cellular reprogramming with, 123124

differentiation of, 123

direct programming of, 124128

fibroblasts and, 124

endogenous, 128

brain development and, 128

ES, 124

hESCs, 124

modification of, in knockout mouse models, 111

iPSCs, 8, 124

HD and, 131132

karyotyping of, 124

markers, 124

in patient-specific studies, 125126

properties of, 124

schizophrenia and, 132

stability of, 124

teratoma assays, 124

neurological disorder modeling with, 128133

for AD, 132133

for FD, 130

for FXS, 130

for HD, 131132

for monogenic diseases, 128

for PD, 130131

for polygenic diseases, 132

for RTT, 129

for schizophrenia, 132

for TS, 129130

neurons and, 124128

properties of, 123

self-renewal of, 123

somatic, 126128

step-function opsins (SFOs), 139140

steroid hormones, 47. See also gonadal steroids

GR protein, 47

nucleus translocation for, 86

superfamily for, 8586

transcription control by, 8586

stimulant medication, addiction and, 711

stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM), 204

stimulus-reinforcement learning, 11041105

STP. See short-term potentiation

STPD. See schizotypal personality disorder


adrenal glucocorticoids and, 430431

in animal models

CMS, 418

developmental stressors, 419420

early life, 419420

repeated social defeat stress, 420421

anxiety and, 552

in bipolar disorder, 358

childhood psychiatric disorders and, 958959

CMS, 411

in animal models, 418

epigenetic response to, 96

MDD and, 96

emotional regulation and, 589

epigenetic response to, 96

fear and, 552

SHRP, 596597

postnatal brain development and, 987

resilience from, 1146, 1147, 1152

SHRP, 596597

stress-enhanced fear learning, 561

stress hyporesponsive period (SHRP), 596597

Stroop test, 799

structural connectivity, in neurodevelopmental disorders, 996999

connectomes in, 997998

DW-MRI, 996

fMRI-based, 999

limitations of, 998999

tract-based, 996

voxel-based, 998

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID), 230

subcortical ischemic disease, 475476

late life depression and, 476

subcortical vascular dementia (SVD), 903904

substance-induced mood disorders

diagnostic systems for, 380381

epidemiology of

development of, 772

with NCSs, 774

general symptoms of, 381

withdrawal model for

affective states, 679

for cocaine, 679

substance use disorder (SUD). See also alcohol use disorders

ADHD and, 680

animal models of, 763764. See also susceptibility, in addiction; withdrawal model

alcohol use in, 677

conditioned place preference paradigms in, 677678

CPP models, 763

for drug addiction, 679

epidemiology of, 784

ICSS in, 678

incubation of craving models, 764

maladaptive patterns in, 675

operant paradigms in, 677

for reinforcement, 675678

for relapse, 678679, 763764

for reward, 675678

schedule requirements in, 677

self-administration methods, 677

structural plasticity in, 675

ASPD and, 732, 780

comorbidities with, 675, 732

development of, 781782

for psychiatric disorders, 779782

definition of, 675

epidemiology of

abuse classifications in, 772774

among adolescents, 777, 784785, 781

among adults, 776777, 778781

as chronic disorder, 777

comorbidities in, across substances, 777

craving and, 774

definitions in, 772776

development of, 772, 782784

in DSM-IV, 772, 773775, 775778

by ethnicity, 779, 781

by gender, 779, 782

measurement criteria for, 772776

NAc and, 783

with NESARC study, 774776

by race, 779, 781

stages of, 782784

VTA and, 783

withdrawal symptoms, 772

etiology of, 763

health care costs for, 732

individual traits for, 709711

impulse control, 709710

low self-control, 709

positive affect and, 710

prenatal exposure and, 710711

prior exposure in, 710711

stimulant medication and, 711

intrinsic plasticity of brain and, 675

MRS studies for

function of, 742

future applications for, 756758

summary of findings for, 756

neurobiology of, 732

pharmacotherapy for

abstinence as influence on, 763

in animal models, 763764

biological approaches to, 767768

clinical trials for, 761762, 768

development of, 761

economic considerations of, 761

with engineered enzymes, 768

glutamate receptors, 765766

with 5-HT receptors, 766767

with monoclonal antibodies, 768

with MPEP/MTEP compounds, 765766

regulatory hurdles for, 762763

with repurposed compounds, 761

targets in, 764767

with vaccines, 767768

prevalence rates for, 732

psychiatric disorders and, 779782

schizophrenia and, 780

withdrawal model for, 678679

craving in, 679

phenotypes, 678

physical symptoms in, 678679

subunits, in proteins, 78

SUD. See substance use disorder

surgical treatments, for OCD, 659

susceptibility, in addiction

animal models of, 680681

behavioral phenotypes in, 680

impulsivity and, 681

novelty-seeking traits in, 680681

reward sensitivity in, 681

sex factors in, 680

social factors in, 680

relapse model for, 679

SVD. See subcortical vascular dementia

Swan Rating Scale, 937

SWS. See slow wave sleep

sympathoadrenal hyperactivity, 498

synapses. See also synaptic disease; synaptic plasticity

antidepressants and, 433435

in brain development, 8

functions of, 311

homeostatic plasticity and, 7374

neurotransmitters and, 13

NGF and, 8

prenatal brain development and, 985987

proteins in, 311

proteomes in, 311

organization of, 311321

structure of, 311312, 324

PSD, 312

sleep functions and, 1139

specialization of, 13

synapse-specific homeostatic
plasticity, 7374

synaptic disease

ASD and, 322

causes of, 312313

from mutations, 321322

epistasis and, 322

historical perspective on, 311

pharmacological studies, 311

technological advances, 311

HPO for, 322323

in ICD-10, 321322

ion channels in, 313

MASC and, 312321

component analysis, 320321

proteins in, 314

neurotransmitters in, 313, 321

phenotypes of, 322324

mapping of, 323324

proteins and, 321

in MASC, 314

synaptic complexes, 322

schizophrenia and, 322

synaptic plasticity, 6467. See also
long-term potentiation

AD and, 67

addiction and, cellular physiology of, 689

AMPARS and, 6567

in animal models, 6465

cellular mechanisms for, 6567

as concept, development history of, 6465

experience-dependent, 67

α-GABA receptors, 573

in NAc, 67

in neurological disorders, 67

NMDA receptors and, 6566

PTC, 556

STP, 65

in VTA, 67

synaptogenic proteins, 988989

SZ. See sporadic schizophrenia


tacrine, 811, 844

TAP. See Taylor Aggression Paradigm

targeted treatment therapies, 1076

within brain, 1076

for cancers, 1076

diagnostic tests in, 1076

for psychiatric disorders, 1076

TATA box, 80

Tau depositing mouse models, 818

Tau proteins, 835

in disease modification, for AD, 868869

in MAPT, 894

Taylor Aggression Paradigm (TAP), 1107

TBI. See traumatic brain injury

TCAs. See tricyclic antidepressants

tDCS. See transcranial direct current stimulation

teratoma assays, 124

testosterone, mood disorders in males and, 493

tetracycline transactivator (tTA), 114115

TFBS. See transcription factor binding site

TGFβ. See transforming growth factor beta

TH. See tyrosine hydroxylase

Thase Rush Staging Model (TRSM), 390

theelin, 483

threat processing, 549550

3D light delivery, in optogenetic technology, 144145

threonine, 52, 55

thymine, 76

in TATA box, 80

thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 1178

tianeptine, 10291030

tic disorders, 933. See also Tourette’s syndrome

animal models of, 1056

gene expression in, 1050

characteristics of, 1048

classification of, 1048

clinical indications of, 1048

CNVs in, 10501051

comorbidity with, 10481049

coprolalia, 1048

epidemiology of, 10481049

gene expression in, 10491054

through animal models, 1050

through basal ganglia connections, 10511053

through candidate gene studies, 1050

CNVs in, 10501051

cytogenetic findings, 1050

through family studies, 1049

through GWAS, 1050

neuroimaging for, 10531054

neurotransmitters in, 1053

immune dysfunction in, 10561057

PANDAS and, 10561057

integrative models of, 1057

action selection in, 1057

natural history of, 10481049

neuroimaging for, 1054

with fMRI, 1054

gene expression in, 10531054

with PET, 1054

neuropathology of, 10541056

onset of, 1049

phenomenology of, 1048

treatment therapies for, 1058

with antipsychotics, 1058

with DBS, 1058

Timothy syndrome

calcium channels in, 130

CREB pathways in, 129

phenotypes in, 129130

stem cell modeling for, 129130

TMS. See transcranial magnetic stimulation

tobacco use. See also nicotine

ADHD and, 1040

AUDs and, 753

MRS studies for, 754757

negative reinforcement and, 737

neuroimaging for addiction, 722

Tomlinson, Bernard, 791

topiramate, 657

Tourette, Georges Gilles de la, 934

Tourette’s syndrome (TS), 322, 950951

animal models of, 976977, 1056

autoimmune models, 977

dopamine transporter genes in, 977

gene expression in, 1050

monkey focal striatal disinhibition in, 977

psychostimulant model, 977

clinical indications of, 934, 1048

CNVs in, 950951, 10501051

comorbidity with, 10481049

definition of, 934

discovery of, 934, 1048

epidemiology of, 10481049

functional connectivity in, 1007

gene expression in, 10491054

through animal models, 1050

through basal ganglia connections, 10511053

through candidate gene studies, 1050

CNVs in, 10501051

cytogenetic findings, 1050

through family studies, 1049

through GWAS, 1050

neuroimaging for, 10531054

neurotransmitters in, 1053

heritability for, 936

immune dysfunction in, 10561057

PANDAS and, 10561057

integrative models of, 1057

action selection in, 1057

natural history for, 10481049

neuroimaging for, 1054

with fMRI, 1054

gene expression in, 10531054

with PET, 1054

neuropathology of, 10541056

onset of, 1049

phenomenology of, 1048

prevalence rates for, 936

research on, 1048

trajectory into adulthood, 935

treatment therapies for, 1058

with antipsychotics, 1058

with DBS, 1058

Trail Making test, 799

transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), 213

computer models for, 215

description of, 213215

effect imaging, 215

interleaved scanning, 215

placement targeting, 215

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 215216, 520

computer models, 215

description of, 215216

effect imaging, 216

interleaved scanning, 216

LFMS, 520

for OCD, 659

placement targeting, 215216

transcriptional mechanisms, of addiction, 690692

CREB proteins and, 690691

epigenetic, 691692

chromatin, 691

DNA methylation, 691692

HDACs, 691

histone methyltransferase, 691

ΔFosB, 690691

transcriptional transactivator systems, 114115

disease models, 114115

inducible transgenics, 114115

tTA, 114115

transcription control, for genomes, 7986

animal models

conditional knockout mice, 116

through mutant analysis, 109

by AP-1 proteins, 8284

basal apparatus in, 8081

cis-regulatory elements in, 80

CREB proteins in, 8182

dimers in, 80

enhancer elements in, 80

ΔFosB factor, 115

genomic strategies, 119

in IEGs, 83, 84

NF-κB in, 81

in optogenetic technology, 145146

in prenatal brain development, 984985

promoter elements in, 80

regulatory sequences in, 80

sequence-specific, 8081

by steroid hormones, 8586

TATA box in, 80

TH in, 80

transcription factor binding site (TFBS), 192

transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ), 45

transgene tagging, 119

with GFP, 119

transgenic mouse models, 109111

for AD, 110, 812818

advantages of, 812819

aggressive models, 813814

APP, 812819

BRI fusion proteins, 814

development of, 813

disadvantages of, 812819

features of, 813

gene targeting in, 815

introduction of, 812

mutations in, 814

overexpression in, 814


for AD, 812819

BACE1 genes, 815

behavioral changes in, 815818

BRI fusion proteins, 814

crossing with alternative lines, 815

fear conditioning in, 816817

gene targeting in, 815

Morris water maze for, 815816

mutations in, 814

object recognition in, 816

ownership of, 815

pathology sequencing in, 818

physiological changes in, 818

radial arm water maze for, 817818

Tau depositing mice, 818

working memory in, 817818

BACs, 110, 110111

creation of, 109110

disease models, 110

DNA in, 109110

family lines, 110

of FXS, 974

gene expression, 110

inducible strategy, 114115

knockout models compared to, 111


for disease states, 110

Down Syndrome, 110

GFP, 110

YACs, 110

transgenic rat models, 111

for addictive behaviors, 111

ES cell modification in, 111

transporter genes, anxiety disorders and, 541

tranylcypromine, 511

trauma, BPD and, 1091

traumatic brain injury (TBI), 71

trazodone, 514515, 895

TRD. See treatment-resistant depression

treatment refractory depression, 466

treatment-resistant depression (TRD), 516518

atypical antipsychotics for, 517

augmentation therapy for, 517518

combination therapy for, 517

hormonal strategies for, 517518

lithium for, 517

treatment therapies. See also antidepressants

for AD. See also disease modification, for AD

with ACh, 844845

ADAPT, 846

administration modes for, 865866

with anti-hypertensive drugs, 850

with anti-inflammatory drugs, 846

with antioxidants, 846847

biomarkers for, 840

biomarkers in, 840

B vitamins in, 847

cardiovascular risk factors and, 849851

with cholesterol lowering agents, 850

with COX enzymes, 846

with curcumin, 848

with diabetes medications, 850851

FDA approvals for, 844

future research on, 851

with gingko, 848

with gonadal hormones, 849

homocysteine levels and, 847

with medical foods, 848849

with memantine, 845

with NSAIDs, 846

with omega-3 fatty acids, 847848

pathophysiology and, 792

placebos in, 857, 859, 864865

with Resveratrol, 848

for addiction, neuroimaging for, 738740

animal models and, 810

for resilience, 1163

for anxiety disorders. See also cognitive bias modification therapy; D-cycloserine therapy

access to, 622

with benzodiazepines, 622, 636637

CBT, 621

cognitive approaches to, 626630, 636638

cost effectiveness of, 631632

evidence-based, 621622

exposure therapies, 622

with glucocorticoids, 623, 633634

ICT, 631, 632, 633634

with MAOIs, 636

neural mechanisms in, 622623

pharmacological, 622626, 638

RCTs for, 621

with SNRIs, 636

with SSRIs, 621622, 636

with TCAs, 636

with yohimbine hydrochloride, 623624, 633634

for ASD, 10281031

for aggressive behaviors, 10291030

for anxiety behaviors, 1031

for attention deficit, 10301031

behavioral interventions, 10281029

future applications of, 1031

for hyperactivity, 10301031

for impulsivity, 10301031

with PBS, 1029

with pharmacotherapy, 10291031

with RDI, 1029

for repetitive behaviors, 1031

for RTT, 10311032

for AUDs, 752753

for BBS, 1015

for BPD, 10901091

depression and, 502503

drug interactions in, 502503

neuromodulatory, 503

neurotrophic factors and, 432433

with psychostimulants, 503

with SSRIs, 502

in disease modification, for AD, 865869

administration modes for, 865866

anti-aggregation in, 867868

antibody development in, 867868

with Aβ proteins, 866867

BBB involvement in, 868

cellular targets in, 866

development of, 855

immunotherapies, 867868

neuroprotection in, 869

with NSAIDs, 869

research applications for, 869

with Tau proteins, 868869

in vaccination studies, 867

for FTD, 895897

case studies for, 895897

for GAD, 642643

with benzodiazepines, 642643

first-line approaches, 642

second-line approaches, 642643

for LBD, 882883

with ACh, 882

with antipsychotics, 882883

for autonomic dysfunction, 883

for behavioral symptoms, 882883

for cognitive symptoms, 882

with memantine, 882

for motor symptoms, 882

neuroimaging methodologies for, 259

for OCD

with CBT, 657658

with CT, 658

with DBS, 659

with duloxetine, 655656

with ECT, 659

novel medications in, 657

pharmacological approaches, 653657

psychotherapeutical approaches, 657658

with SSRIs, 653655, 656657

with surgery, 659

with TMS, 659

with venlafaxine, 655656

for panic disorder

with DCS, 625

first-line approaches to, 637640

second-line approaches to, 640641

for perimenopausal depression, 492

for prion diseases, 928

for psychosis, 350352

psychotherapies, 520521

CBT, 521

IPT, 521

for PTSD, 641642, 669670

with benzodiazepines, 641

with CBT, 669

with ERP, 669670

first-line approaches to, 641

neurobiological targets in, 670

pharmacological approaches, 670

second-line approaches to, 641642

RDoC for, 1086

policy development for, 1086

with precision medicine, 1086

for resilience, 11621163

in animal models, 1163

for RTT, 10311032

for SOC, 643644

with benzodiazepines, 644

first-line approaches, 643644

second-line approaches, 644

somatic, for MDD, 519520

DBS, 520

ECT, 519520

MST, 520

TMS, 520

VNS, 520

for SUD

abstinence as influence on, 763

in animal models, 763764

biological approaches to, 767768

clinical trials for, 761762, 768

development of, 761

economic considerations of, 761

with engineered enzymes, 768

glutamate receptors, 765766

with 5-HT receptors, 766767

with monoclonal antibodies, 768

with MPEP/MTEP compounds, 765766

regulatory hurdles for, 762763

with repurposed compounds, 761

targets for, 764767

with vaccines, 767768

targeted, 1076

within brain, 1076

for cancers, 1076

diagnostic tests in, 1076

for psychiatric disorders, 1076

for tic disorders, 1058

with antipsychotics, 1058

with DBS, 1058

for TS, 1058

with antipsychotics, 1058

with DBS, 1058

for TSC, 10311032

for VCI, 907913

with ischemia, 910911

prevention trials in, 911

TRH. See thyrotropin-releasing hormone

tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 502503, 509511. See also specific drugs

adverse effects of, 509511

for anxiety disorders, 636

dosages, 509

SSRIs compared to, 509

toxicity of, 511

Trier Social Stress Test, 1093

triple pathway model, 1041

trithorax-Group (trx-G) proteins, 9293

TrkB genes, 308

TRSM. See Thase Rush Staging Model

trx-G proteins. See trithorax-Group proteins

Trypan Blue, 151


forms, 18

5-HTP, 18

serotonin and, 18

TS. See Tourette’s syndrome

TSC. See tuberous sclerosis; Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

tTA. See tetracycline transactivator

tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), 940, 1024

animal models of, 970971

treatment therapies for, 10311032

twin studies

for AD, 805

for ADHD, 10361037

for anxiety disorders, 537539

pediatric, 539

RDoC for, 1083

for ASD, in childhood, 936

diagnosis through, 1022

for bipolar disorder, 233

for childhood psychiatric disorders, 937, 938

for depression, in late life, 472473

for GAD, 538

for MDD, 398

for mood disorders, 1083

for OCD, 538

for panic disorder, 537

phobias, 538

for PPD, 538539

RDoC and, 1083

RDoC for, 1083

for schizophrenia, 232233


VET Registry, 537

tyrosine, 13, 14

in signal transduction pathways, 52, 55

tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), 14

in genome transcription control, 80

knockout mouse models, 113

mRNAs, 14


ubiquitin, 57

Uniform Data Set (UDS), 794795

Urbach-Weithe disease, 552



in disease modification, for AD, 867

for SUD, 767768

vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), 520

valproic acid (VPA), 972

varenicline, 450

variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), 924925

vascular brain injury (VBI), 900, 905906

AD and, 906907, 908909

cognitive impact of, 907

pathogenesis of, 906907

vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), 900

AD and, 900

diagnostic criteria for, 904905

infarction patterns and, 901

ischemia and, 900901, 909

treatment therapies for, 910911

neuroimaging for, 904908

neuropathological evaluation of, 905

pathogenesis of, 900901

phenotypes of, 901904

prevalent types for, 900

PSD and, 901903

SBI and, 903

WMH and, 903

SVD and, 903904

treatment therapy for, 907913

with ischemia, 910911

prevention trials in, 911

VBI and, 905906

vascular depression, in late life, 476477

vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), 433

VATSPSUD. See Virginia Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders

VBI. See vascular brain injury

VBM. See voxel-based morphometry

VCFS. See Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome

VCI. See vascular cognitive impairment

vCJD. See variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

VEGF. See vascular endothelial growth factor

Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome (VCFS), 247

vemurafenib, 1076

venlafaxine, 515516, 641, 642, 1031

for OCD, 655656

ventral tegmental area (VTA), 67, 685686

addiction and, 685686

SUD and, 783

ventromedial PFC (vmPFC), 585587

vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLuTs), 20, 439

vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) protein, 15

DAs, 112

VET Registry. See Vietnam Era Twin Registry

VGLuTs. See vesicular glutamate transporters

Vietnam Era Twin (VET) Registry, 537

vilazodone, 512

VILIP-1. See visinin-like protein 1

viral-mediated gene transfer, 117120

AAV, 117

applications for, 117119

for addictive behaviors, 118

CREB and, 118119

for depression, 118119

future, 120

for Parkinson’s disease, 117118

by vector type, 117

CAV, 117

expression duration in, 119

gene activation/deactivation in, 120

HSV-1, 117

limitations of, 120

neuronal specificity with, 119

transgene tagging in, 119

with GFP, 119

vector types, 117

amplicon, 117

application functions, 117

genomic, 117

Virginia Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders (VATSPSUD), 537

visinin-like protein 1 (VILIP-1), 836837

visual cortex, 9

visual system

CNS wiring for, 9

LGN in, 9

ocular dominance columns, 9

visual cortex, 9

visuospatial deficits, with LBD, 875

vitamin A, 846847

vitamin E, 846847

VMAT protein. See vesicular monoamine transporter protein

vmPFC. See ventromedial PFC

VNS. See vagus nerve stimulation

volinanserin, 766767

voltage-gated ion channels

dendrites and, 68

intrinsic plasticity and, 6768

voxel-based morphometry (VBM), 207208

for psychiatric disorders, 257

VPA. See valproic acid

VTA. See ventral tegmental area


Waardenburg syndrome, 982

Waddington, Conrad, 88

Wadsworth, Sam, 813

Wagner, Steve, 806

wakefulness, 1127

GLMT system and, 1130

histamines and, 1130

maintenance of, 1129

neurobiology of, 1134

regulation of, 1129

Watkins, Paul, 805

WBS. See Williams-Beuren

Wellbutrin. See bupropion

white matter hyperintensities (WMH), 903

WHO. See World Health

whole-cell patch recording, 33

whole-exome sequencing, 169. See also exome sequencing

Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS), 252

animal models of, 971972

wingless (Wnt) proteins, 85

pathways, in schizophrenia development, 330334

canonical signaling, 331332

cell morphologies, 333334

DISC1 genes, 332

for neuronal development, 332

psychiatric disease genes, 332333

wiring extraction patterns, 145

Wistar-Kyto (WKY) rat model, 421422

withdrawal model, for SUD, 678679

affective states, 679

for cocaine, 679

craving, 679

phenotypes, 678

physical symptoms, 678679

WKY rat model. See Wistar-Kyto rat model

WM. See working memory

WMH. See white matter hyperintensities

Wnt proteins. See wingless proteins

women. See also reproductive
endocrine-related mood

androgens and, mood regulation and, 493494

ASD in, 936

BPD in, 1091

eating disorders among, 1182

FTD and, 888

perimenopausal depression in, 491492

hormones and, 491492

onset triggers for, 492

risk predictors for, 491

PMDD in, 487490

hormone studies for, 487

HPA axis and, 487489

neurosteroids and, 487

serotonin and, 487

susceptibility to, 489

symptoms of, 487

treatment studies for, 489490

triggers for, 489

PPD in, 490491, 522523

gonadal steroids and, 491

hormone studies for, 490

neuroimaging for, 490491

onset of, 383

prevalence rates for, 490

Wordsworth, William, 931

working memory (WM)

in APP mouse models, 817818

cholinergic system and, 449

in schizophrenia, 270273

altered default mode processing during, 272273

behavioral findings on, 271

cognitive neuroscience models, 270271

deficit expression, 271

encoding phases of, 271

GABA and, 309

maintenance phase of, 271

PFC recruitment in, 272

temporal aspects of, 271

STPD and, 1098

World Health Organization (WHO), 370, 1067

writer proteins, 177


X chromosome, in Rett syndrome, 129

X linked lissencephaly, 975


yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), 110

yohimbine hydrochloride, 623624

mechanism of action for, 633


zaleplon, 514

Zelboraf. See vemurafenib

zinc-finger-nuclease (ZFN), 131

zinc levels, ADHD and, 1040

ziprasidone, 351

zolpidem, 514