
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


absolute value, Matrix and Image Operators, Matrix and Image Operators, cvAbs, cvAbsDiff, and cvAbsDiffS, cvConvertScaleAbs
accumulation functions, Accumulating means, variances, and covariances, Accumulating means, variances, and covariances
accumulator plane, Hough Line Transform, Hough Line Transform
AdaBoost, Boosting, AdaBoost, Boosting Code, Using Random Trees, Supervised Learning and Boosting Theory, Boosting in the Haar cascade
affine transforms, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Dense affine transformations, cvWarpAffine performance, Computing the affine map matrix, Computing the affine map matrix, Sparse affine transformations, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, Affine and Perspective Transformations
allocation of memory, Memory Storage, Common Routines in the ML Library
alpha blending, cvAdd, cvAddS, cvAddWeighted, and alpha blending, cvAnd and cvAndS, cvAdd, cvAddS, cvAddWeighted, and alpha blending, cvAdd, cvAddS, cvAddWeighted, and alpha blending, cvAnd and cvAndS
anchor points, Dilation and Erosion, Convolution, Convolution
aperture problem, How Lucas-Kanade works
arrays, Accessing Data in Your Matrix, The hard way, Arrays of Points, Arrays of Points, cvCalcCovarMatrix, cvDet, cvNorm, cvSetIdentity, cvSVBkSb, cvXor and cvXorS
accessing members of, Accessing Data in Your Matrix, The hard way
norm, cvNorm
of points, Arrays of Points, Arrays of Points
row/column index, cvSVBkSb
setting elements of, cvSetIdentity, cvXor and cvXorS
square, cvDet
artistic community, Specific Items
averaging background method, Averaging Background Method, Advanced Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Accumulating means, variances, and covariances, Advanced Background Method, Advanced Background Method


back projection, Back Projection, Back Projection, Patch-based back projection, Patch-based back projection, Template Matching
back-propagation (MLP), Boosting Code, Multilayer Perceptron
background, Background Subtraction, Background Subtraction, Background Subtraction, Frame Differencing, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Advanced Background Method, Learning the background
defined, Background Subtraction
learning, Averaging Background Method, Learning the background
statistical model, Averaging Background Method
subtraction (differencing), Background Subtraction, Background Subtraction, Frame Differencing, Advanced Background Method
background-foreground segmentation, OpenCV Structure and Content
barrel (fish-eye) effect, Lens Distortions
Bayer pattern, cvCvtColor
Bayes classifier, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Training, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Naïve/Normal Bayes Code, Naïve/Normal Bayes Code
Bayesian network, Generative and Discriminative Models, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier
Bhattacharyya matching, Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Histogram Usage Examples
bias (underfitting), Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems
overview of, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems
bilateral filter, Smoothing, Dilation and Erosion, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing, Dilation and Erosion
bird's-eye view transform, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
bitwise AND operation, cvAnd and cvAndS
bitwise OR operation, cvOr and cvOrS
bitwise XOR operation, cvXor and cvXorS
Black Hat operation, More General Morphology, Top Hat and Black Hat, Top Hat and Black Hat, Flood Fill
block matching method, Block matching method, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence
Boolean images, More General Morphology, Morphological gradient, Canny
Boolean mask, Image Pyramids
boosted rejection cascade, Face Detection or Haar Classifier
boosting classifiers, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Boosting, Boosting, Boosting, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Using Random Trees, Boosting in the Haar cascade
bootstrapping, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices
Borgefors (Gunilla) method, Distance Transform
Bouguet, Calibration
Bouguet algorithm, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code
boundaries, Convolution, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Advanced Background Method
box, Advanced Background Method
convolution, Convolution
exterior, Contour Finding
interior, Contour Finding
Breiman binary decision trees, Binary Decision Trees
Breiman random forests theory, Random Trees
Breiman variable importance algorithm, Variable Importance, Decision Tree Results
Bresenham algorithm, Lines
brightness constancy, How Lucas-Kanade works, How Lucas-Kanade works, Horn-Schunck method
Brown method, Lens Distortions, What's under the hood?
buttons (simulating), No Buttons


calibration, OpenCV Structure and Content, Subpixel Corners, Camera Models and Calibration, Calibration, Putting Calibration All Together, Putting Calibration All Together, Putting Calibration All Together, Putting Calibration All Together
callback, Mouse Events, Mouse Events
cameras, Documentation Available in HTML, Getting Started, Second Program—AVI Video, Input from a Camera, Working with Video, Working with Video, Reading Video, ConvertImage, Smoothing, Histogram Equalization, Subpixel Corners, Camera Models and Calibration, Camera Model, Camera Model, Camera Model, Camera Model, Lens Distortions, Lens Distortions, Homography, Stereo Imaging, Structure from Motion
artifact reduction, Smoothing
CVCAM interface, Documentation Available in HTML
focal length, Camera Model, Camera Model
format reversed, ConvertImage
input from, Getting Started, Second Program—AVI Video, Input from a Camera, Working with Video, Working with Video
intrinsics matrix, Structure from Motion
manufacturing defects, Lens Distortions, Lens Distortions
path, Subpixel Corners
pinhole model, Camera Models and Calibration, Camera Model, Camera Model
projection matrix, Homography
properties, Reading Video
stereo imaging, Stereo Imaging
whiteouts, Histogram Equalization
camshift tracking, Mean-Shift and Camshift Tracking, Camshift
Canny, Canny
Canny edge detector, A Not-So-Simple Transformation, Canny, Canny, Canny, Hough Line Transform, Hough Line Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Histogram Equalization, Contour Finding
Cartesian to polar coordinates, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, LogPolar, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, LogPolar, LogPolar
center of projection, Camera Model, Affine and Perspective Transformations
chain code histogram (CCH), Pairwise Geometrical Histograms
channel, Arrays of Points
channel of interest (COI), IplImage Data Structure, More on ROI and widthStep
chessboards (calibration object), Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Chessboards, Subpixel corners, Subpixel corners, Drawing chessboard corners, How many chess corners for how many parameters?, Calibration function, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Correspondence
corners, Chessboards, Subpixel corners, Subpixel corners, Drawing chessboard corners, How many chess corners for how many parameters?, Calibration function
overview of, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Stereo Calibration
stereo rectification, Stereo Correspondence
chi-square method, Chi-square (method = CV_COMP_CHISQR)
Chinese wiki site, Documentation via the Wiki
circle transform (Hough), Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform
circles, Circles and Ellipses, Enclosing circles and ellipses
circum-circle property, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation
classification, Training and Test Set, Supervised and Unsupervised Data
classification and regression tree (CART) algorithms, Binary Decision Trees, Training the tree, Boosting
classifiers, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Regression Impurity, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Regression Impurity, Boosting, Boosting, AdaBoost, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory
Bayes, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Regression Impurity, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Regression Impurity
Haar, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory
strong, Boosting
Viola-Jones, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory
weak, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Boosting, AdaBoost, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code
clone functions, CvMat Matrix Structure
clustering algorithms, Training and Test Set, Training and Test Set, Supervised and Unsupervised Data, K-Means
codebook method, Background Subtraction, Advanced Background Method, Advanced Background Method, Advanced Background Method, Structures, Learning the background, Learning the background, Learning the background, Learning with moving foreground objects, Background differencing: Finding foreground objects, A few more thoughts on codebook models
codecs, Writing to an AVI File, Working with Video, Reading Video, Writing Video
COI (channel of interest), IplImage Data Structure, More on ROI and widthStep
color conversions, cvAbs, cvAbsDiff, and cvAbsDiffS, cvCvtColor, cvCvtColor, cvCvtColor, Writing Video
color histograms, Histogram Usage Examples, Some More Complicated Stuff
color similarity, Mean-Shift Segmentation
color space, cvCvtColor, cvCvtColor, Advanced Background Method
compilers, Portability
compression codecs, Working with Video, Reading Video, Writing Video
Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Getting the Latest OpenCV via CVS
condensation algorithm, Estimators, Estimators, The Condensation Algorithm, The Condensation Algorithm, The Condensation Algorithm, Exercises
conditional random field (CRF), Specific Items
configuration and log files, Data Persistence
confusion matrices, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Decision Tree Results, Boosting
connected components, Opening and closing, Image Pyramids, Connected Components for Foreground Cleanup, Connected Components for Foreground Cleanup, A quick test, A quick test, A quick test
closing and, Opening and closing
defined, Image Pyramids
foreground cleanup and, Connected Components for Foreground Cleanup, Connected Components for Foreground Cleanup, A quick test, A quick test, A quick test
constructor methods, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
containment, Contour Finding
contour, Canny, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Drawing Contours, Another Contour Example, More to Do with Contours, Summary Characteristics, Summary Characteristics, Length, Bounding boxes, Enclosing circles and ellipses, Matching Contours, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Hierarchical Matching, Hierarchical Matching, Hierarchical Matching, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
area, Length
bounding, Bounding boxes, Enclosing circles and ellipses
Canny and, Canny
convexity, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
drawing, Drawing Contours, More to Do with Contours
finding, Contour Finding, Another Contour Example
length, Summary Characteristics
matching, Matching Contours, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Matching with Hu Moments, Hierarchical Matching, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
moments, Summary Characteristics, Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, Hierarchical Matching
tree, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Hierarchical Matching
control motion, Systems with dynamics
convex hull, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
convexity defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
convolution theorem, Convolution and DFT, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Convolution and DFT, Convolution and DFT, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
convolutions, Convolution, Convolution Boundaries
correlation methods, Correlation (method = CV_COMP_CORREL), Correlation (method = CV_COMP_CORREL), Correlation matching methods (method = CV_TM_CCORR), Correlation coefficient matching methods (method = CV_TM_CCOEFF), Normalized methods, Normalized methods, Exercises
correspondence, Triangulation, Rectification map, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection
calibration and, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection
defined, Triangulation
stereo, Rectification map, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code
covariance matrix, cvCalcCovarMatrix
CRF (conditional random field), Specific Items
cross-validation, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices
cumulative distribution function, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Equalization
CV, Documentation via the Wiki
CVaux, OpenCV Structure and Content
Cvcore, Exercises
CVS (Concurrent Versions System), Getting the Latest OpenCV via CVS, Getting the Latest OpenCV via CVS
CvXX OpenCV classes, Common Routines in the ML Library, Controlling Training Iterations, Common Routines in the ML Library, Controlling Training Iterations, Decision Tree Usage, Decision Tree Results, Boosting Code, Random Trees, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Random Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors, Multilayer Perceptron, Support Vector Machine
CvANN_MLP, Multilayer Perceptron
CvBoost, Boosting Code, Random Trees, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Random Trees
CvDTree, Decision Tree Usage, Decision Tree Results, Boosting Code
CvKNearest, K-Nearest Neighbors
CvStatModel, Common Routines in the ML Library, Controlling Training Iterations, Common Routines in the ML Library, Controlling Training Iterations
CvSVM, Support Vector Machine
CvXX OpenCV data structures, A Simple Transformation, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Matrix and Image Types, Matrix and Image Types, CvMat Matrix Structure, The easy way, The hard way, The hard way, The right way, Lines, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Sliders, Trackbars, and Switches, Writing Video, Writing Video, Image Pyramids, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Creating a Sequence, Bounding boxes, Moments, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, OpenCV and the Kalman filter, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Controlling Training Iterations
CvArr, Matrix and Image Types
CvBox2D, Bounding boxes
CvConnectedComponent, Image Pyramids
CvConvexityDefect, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
CvFileStorage, Data Persistence
CvHistogram, Basic Histogram Data Structure
CvKalman, OpenCV and the Kalman filter
CvMat, Matrix and Image Types, CvMat Matrix Structure, The easy way, The hard way, The hard way, The right way, Data Persistence
CvMoments, Moments
CvPointXXX, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
CvRect, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
CvScalar, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Lines
CvSeq, Creating a Sequence
CvSize, A Simple Transformation, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
CvStereoBMState, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence
CvTermCriteria, Controlling Training Iterations
CvTrackbarCallback, Sliders, Trackbars, and Switches
CvVideoWriter, Writing Video, Writing Video
cvXX OpenCV functions, First Program—Display a Picture, First Program—Display a Picture, First Program—Display a Picture, First Program—Display a Picture, First Program—Display a Picture, First Program—Display a Picture, Second Program—AVI Video, Second Program—AVI Video, Second Program—AVI Video, Moving Around, Moving Around, Moving Around, A Simple Transformation, A Not-So-Simple Transformation, Input from a Camera, Writing to an AVI File, Writing to an AVI File, Writing to an AVI File, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, The hard way, The hard way, The hard way, The hard way, The hard way, The hard way, More on ROI and widthStep, More on ROI and widthStep, More on ROI and widthStep, cvAbs, cvAbsDiff, and cvAbsDiffS, cvAdd, cvAddS, cvAddWeighted, and alpha blending, cvAnd and cvAndS, cvAvg, cvAvg, cvAvgSdv, cvCalcCovarMatrix, cvCmp and cvCmpS, cvConvertScale, cvConvertScale, cvConvertScaleAbs, cvCopy, cvCvtColor, cvDet, cvDiv, cvDotProduct, cvEigenVV, cvGEMM, cvGEMM, cvGetCol and cvGetCols, cvGetDiag, cvGetDims and cvGetDimSize, cvGetRow and cvGetRows, cvGetSize, cvGetSubRect, cvInRange and cvInRangeS, cvInvert, cvMahalanobis, cvMax and cvMaxS, cvMerge, cvMin and cvMinS, cvMinMaxLoc, cvMinMaxLoc, cvMul, cvMul, cvNot, cvNorm, cvNorm, cvNormalize, cvOr and cvOrS, cvReduce, cvReduce, cvSet and cvSetZero, cvSetIdentity, cvSolve, cvSplit, cvSub, cvSubS, and cvSubRS, cvSub, cvSubS, and cvSubRS, cvSum, cvSVD, cvSVBkSb, cvTranspose and cvT, cvXor and cvXorS, Lines, Lines, Circles and Ellipses, Polygons, Polygons, Fonts and Text, Fonts and Text, Fonts and Text, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Verifying Installation, Creating a Window, Creating a Window, Creating a Window, Loading an Image, Loading an Image, Displaying Images, Displaying Images, Displaying Images, Displaying Images, Displaying Images, WaitKey, Mouse Events, Working with Video, Reading Video, Reading Video, Reading Video, Reading Video, Reading Video, Writing Video, Writing Video, Writing Video, ConvertImage, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Making Your Own Kernel, More General Morphology, Flood Fill, Resize, Resize, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Threshold, Threshold, Threshold, Threshold, Threshold, Threshold, Adaptive Threshold, Convolution, Convolution Boundaries, Scharr Filter, Laplace, Canny, Canny, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Remap, Remap, Dense affine transformations, cvWarpAffine performance, Computing the affine map matrix, Computing the affine map matrix, Sparse affine transformations, Dense perspective transform, Sparse perspective transformations, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, LogPolar, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, LogPolar, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Spectrum Multiplication, Convolution and DFT, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Integral Images, Distance Transform, Histogram Equalization, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Comparing Two Histograms, Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance, Back Projection, Patch-based back projection, Template Matching, Normalized methods, Contours, Memory Storage, Memory Storage, Creating a Sequence, Deleting a Sequence, Direct Access to Sequence Elements, Direct Access to Sequence Elements, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Inserting and Removing Elements, Inserting and Removing Elements, Sequence Block Size, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequences and Arrays, Sequences and Arrays, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Contours Are Sequences, Contours Are Sequences, Contours Are Sequences, Contours Are Sequences, Contours Are Sequences, Drawing Contours, Polygon Approximations, Polygon Approximations, Polygon Approximations, Length, Length, Bounding boxes, Bounding boxes, Enclosing circles and ellipses, Enclosing circles and ellipses, Geometry, Geometry, Geometry, Moments, More About Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, A Slice of Pixels, A Slice of Pixels, Frame Differencing, Frame Differencing, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Averaging Background Method, Accumulating means, variances, and covariances, Accumulating means, variances, and covariances, Image Repair by Inpainting, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation, Navigating Delaunay Subdivisions, Walking on edges, Method 1: Use an external point to locate an edge or vertex, Identifying the bounding triangle or edges on the convex hull and walking the hull, Usage Examples, Usage Examples, Corner Finding, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel Corners, How Lucas-Kanade works, How Lucas-Kanade works, Mean-Shift, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, OpenCV and the Kalman filter, OpenCV and the Kalman filter, The Condensation Algorithm, Camera Models and Calibration, Basic Projective Geometry, Basic Projective Geometry, Chessboards, Subpixel corners, Drawing chessboard corners, Homography, Calibration function, Undistortion, Undistortion, Undistortion, Undistortion, Undistortion, Rodrigues Transform, Projections, Projections, Projections, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation, How OpenCV handles all of this, How OpenCV handles all of this, Computing Epipolar Lines, Uncalibrated stereo rectification: Hartley's algorithm, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Rectification map, Rectification map, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Structure from Motion, Structure from Motion, Structure from Motion, Fitting Lines in Two and Three Dimensions, Fitting Lines in Two and Three Dimensions, Fitting Lines in Two and Three Dimensions, Mahalanobis Distance, Mahalanobis Distance, K-Means, K-Means Code, Training the tree, Training the tree, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Code for Detecting Faces, Code for Detecting Faces, Code for Detecting Faces, Code for Detecting Faces, Code for Detecting Faces
cv2DRotationMatrix(), Computing the affine map matrix, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvAbs(), cvAbs, cvAbsDiff, and cvAbsDiffS
cvAcc(), Threshold, Averaging Background Method
cvAdaptiveThreshold(), Adaptive Threshold, Contour Finding
cvAdd(), cvAdd, cvAddS, cvAddWeighted, and alpha blending
cvADD(), Threshold
cvAddWeighted(), Threshold
cvAnd(), cvAnd and cvAndS
cvApproxChains(), Contours Are Sequences
cvApproxPoly(), Polygon Approximations, Polygon Approximations
cvArcLength(), Length
cvAvg(), cvAvg
cvBoundingRect(), Bounding boxes
cvCalcBackProject(), Back Projection
cvCalcCovarMatrix(), cvCalcCovarMatrix, Mahalanobis Distance
cvCalcEMD2(), Earth Mover's Distance
cvCalcGlobalOrientation(), Motion Templates
cvCalcHist(), Basic Manipulations with Histograms
cvCalcMotionGradient(), Motion Templates
cvCalcOpticalFlowLK(), How Lucas-Kanade works
cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(), How Lucas-Kanade works, Structure from Motion
cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D(), Navigating Delaunay Subdivisions
cvCalibrateCamera2(), Camera Models and Calibration, Projections
cvCanny(), Canny
cvCaptureFromCamera(), Second Program—AVI Video
cvCartToPolar(), CartToPolar and PolarToCart, LogPolar, LogPolar
cvCircle(), Circles and Ellipses
cvClearSeq(), Deleting a Sequence
cvCloneImage(), Basic Manipulations with Histograms
cvCloneMat(), CvMat Matrix Structure
cvCloneSeq(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvCmp(), cvCmp and cvCmpS
cvCompareHist(), Comparing Two Histograms
cvComputeCorrespondEpilines(), Computing Epipolar Lines
cvConDensInitSampleSet(), The Condensation Algorithm
cvContourMoments(), Moments
cvContourPerimeter(), Length
cvConvert(), cvConvertScale
cvConvertImage(), ConvertImage
cvConvertPointsHomogenious(), Basic Projective Geometry
cvConvertScale(), cvConvertScale, Averaging Background Method
cvConvertScaleAbs(), cvConvertScaleAbs
cvConvexHull2(), Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
cvConvexityDefects(), Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
cvCopy(), cvCopy
cvCopyHist(), Basic Manipulations with Histograms
cvCopyMakeBorder(), Convolution Boundaries
cvCreateBMState(), Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code
cvCreateCameraCapture(), Input from a Camera
cvCreateData(), CvMat Matrix Structure
cvCreateFileCapture(), Second Program—AVI Video, Working with Video
cvCreateImage(), A Simple Transformation, Fonts and Text
cvCreateMat(), CvMat Matrix Structure
cvCreateMatHeader(), CvMat Matrix Structure
cvCreatePOSITObject(), POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation
cvCreateSeq(), Creating a Sequence
cvCreateStereoBMState(), Stereo Correspondence
cvCreateStructuringElementEx(), Making Your Own Kernel
cvCreateTrackbar(), Moving Around
cvCreateVideoWriter(), Writing to an AVI File, Writing Video
cvCvtColor(), cvCvtColor, Code for Detecting Faces
cvCvtScale(), Averaging Background Method
cvCvtSeqToArray(), Sequences and Arrays
cvDCT(), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
cvDestroyAllWindows(), Displaying Images
cvDestroyWindow(), First Program—Display a Picture, Creating a Window
cvDet(), cvDet
cvDFT(), CartToPolar and PolarToCart, Convolution and DFT
cvDilate(), Dilation and Erosion
cvDistTransform(), Distance Transform
cvDiv(), cvDiv
cvDotProduct(), cvDotProduct
cvDrawChessboardCorners(), Drawing chessboard corners
cvDrawContours(), Drawing Contours
cvDTreeParams(), Training the tree
cvEigenVV(), cvEigenVV
cvEndFindContour(), Contours Are Sequences
cvEndWriteSeq(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvEndWriteStruct(), Data Persistence
cvEqualizeHist(), Histogram Equalization, Code for Detecting Faces
cvErode(), Dilation and Erosion, Frame Differencing
cvFillPoly(), Polygons
cvFilter2D(), Convolution
cvFindChessboardCorners(), Chessboards
cvFindContours(), Canny, Contours
cvFindCornerSubPix(), Subpixel Corners, Subpixel corners
cvFindDominantPoints(), Polygon Approximations
cvFindExtrinsicCameraParameters2(), Rodrigues Transform
cvFindFundamentalMat(), How OpenCV handles all of this, How OpenCV handles all of this
cvFindHomography(), Homography
cvFindNearestPoint2D(), Usage Examples
cvFindNextContour(), Contours Are Sequences
cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM(), Stereo Correspondence, Structure from Motion
cvFitEllipse2(), Enclosing circles and ellipses
cvFitLine(), Fitting Lines in Two and Three Dimensions, Fitting Lines in Two and Three Dimensions, Fitting Lines in Two and Three Dimensions
cvFloodFill(), Flood Fill
cvFlushSeqWriter(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvGEMM(), cvGEMM
cvGet*D() family, The hard way, The hard way
cvGetAffineTransform(), Computing the affine map matrix, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvGetCaptureProperty(), Moving Around, Reading Video
cvGetCol(), cvGetCol and cvGetCols
cvGetDiag(), cvGetDiag
cvGetDims(), cvGetDims and cvGetDimSize
cvGetFileNodeByName(), Data Persistence
cvGetMinMaxHistValue(), Basic Manipulations with Histograms
cvGetModuleInfo(), Verifying Installation
cvGetPerspectiveTransform(), Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(), cvWarpAffine performance, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvGetRow(), cvGetRow and cvGetRows
cvGetSeqElem(), Image Pyramids, Direct Access to Sequence Elements
cvGetSeqReaderPos(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvGetSize(), cvGetSize
cvGetSubRect(), cvGetSubRect
cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(), Corner Finding
cvGrabFrame(), Reading Video
cvHaarDetectObjects(), Face Detection or Haar Classifier
cvHistogram, Basic Manipulations with Histograms
cvHoughCircles(), Hough Circle Transform
cvHoughLines2(), Hough Circle Transform
cvInitFont( ), Fonts and Text
cvInitLineIterator(), A Slice of Pixels
cvInitMatHeader(), CvMat Matrix Structure
cvInitUndistortMap(), Undistortion
cvInitUndistortRectifyMap(), Rectification map
cvInpaint(), Image Repair by Inpainting
cvInRange(), cvInRange and cvInRangeS, Averaging Background Method
cvIntegral(), Integral Images
cvInvert(), cvInvert, Mahalanobis Distance
cvKalmanCorrect(), OpenCV and the Kalman filter
cvKalmanPredict(), OpenCV and the Kalman filter
cvKMeans2(), K-Means Code
cvLaplace(), Laplace
cvLine(), Lines
cvLoad(), Data Persistence, Code for Detecting Faces
cvLoadImage(), First Program—Display a Picture, Loading an Image
cvLogPolar(), CartToPolar and PolarToCart
cvMahalanobis(), cvMahalanobis
cvMakeHistHeaderForArray(), Basic Histogram Data Structure
cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray(), Sequences and Arrays
cvMat(), CvMat Matrix Structure
cvMatchShapes(), Matching with Hu Moments, Matching with Hu Moments
cvMatchTemplate(), Template Matching
cvMatMul(), cvGEMM
cvMax(), cvMax and cvMaxS
cvMaxRect(), Geometry
cvMean(), cvAvg
cvMeanShift(), Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift, K-Means
cvMean_StdDev(), cvAvgSdv
cvMemStorageAlloc(), Memory Storage
cvMerge(), cvMerge, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
cvmGet(), The hard way
cvMin(), cvMin and cvMinS
cvMinAreaRect2(), Bounding boxes
cvMinEnclosingCircle(), Enclosing circles and ellipses
cvMinMaxLoc(), cvMinMaxLoc, Patch-based back projection
cvMoments(), More About Moments
cvMorphologyEx(), More General Morphology
cvMoveWindow(), Displaying Images
cvmSet(), The hard way, Earth Mover's Distance
cvMul(), cvMul
cvMulSpectrums(), Spectrum Multiplication
cvMultiplyAcc(), Accumulating means, variances, and covariances
cvNamedWindow(), First Program—Display a Picture, Creating a Window
cvNorm(), cvNorm, cvNorm
cvNormalize(), cvNormalize, Normalized methods
cvNot(), cvNot
cvOpenFileStorage(), Data Persistence, Training the tree
cvOr(), cvOr and cvOrS, Frame Differencing
cvPerspectiveTransform(), Sparse perspective transformations, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvPointPolygonTest(), Geometry
cvPointSeqFromMat(), Geometry
cvPolarToCart(), CartToPolar and PolarToCart
cvPolyLine(), Polygons
cvProjectPoints2(), Projections
cvPtr*D() family, The hard way, The hard way
cvPutText(), Fonts and Text
cvPyrDown(), A Not-So-Simple Transformation, Mean-Shift Segmentation
cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering(), Mean-Shift Segmentation, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation
cvPyrSegmentation(), Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Mean-Shift Segmentation
cvPyrUp(), Mean-Shift Segmentation
cvQueryFrame(), Second Program—AVI Video, Reading Video
cvRead(), Data Persistence
cvReadByName(), Data Persistence
cvReadInt(), Data Persistence
cvReadIntByName(), Data Persistence
cvRealScalar(), OpenCV Primitive Data Types
cvRect(), More on ROI and widthStep
cvRectangle(), Lines, Code for Detecting Faces
cvReduce(), cvReduce, cvReduce
cvReleaseCapture(), Reading Video
cvReleaseFileStorage(), Data Persistence
cvReleaseHist(), Basic Histogram Data Structure
cvReleaseImage(), First Program—Display a Picture
cvReleasePOSITObject(), POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation
cvReleaseVideoWriter(), Writing to an AVI File, Writing Video
cvRemap(), Remap, Undistortion, Rectification map
cvReprojectImageTo3D(), Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Structure from Motion
cvResetImageROI(), More on ROI and widthStep
cvReshape(), Basic Projective Geometry
cvResize(), Resize, Resize, Code for Detecting Faces
cvResizeWindow(), Creating a Window
cvRestoreMemStoragePos(), Memory Storage
cvRetrieveFrame(), Reading Video
cvRodrigues2(), Calibration function
cvRunningAverage(), Accumulating means, variances, and covariances
cvSampleLine(), A Slice of Pixels
cvSave(), Data Persistence
cvSaveImage(), Loading an Image
cvScalar(), OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Earth Mover's Distance
cvScalarAll(), OpenCV Primitive Data Types
cvScale(), cvMul
cvSegmentMotion(), Motion Templates
cvSeqElemIdx(), Direct Access to Sequence Elements
cvSeqInsert(), Inserting and Removing Elements
cvSeqInsertSlice(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvSeqInvert(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvSeqPartition(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvSeqPush(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvSeqRemove(), Inserting and Removing Elements
cvSeqRemoveSlice(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvSeqSearch(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvSeqSlice(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvSeqSort(), Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
cvSet(), cvSet and cvSetZero
cvSet2D(), Earth Mover's Distance
cvSetCaptureProperty(), Moving Around
cvSetCOI(), cvMinMaxLoc
cvSetHistBinRanges(), Basic Histogram Data Structure
cvSetHistRanges(), Basic Histogram Data Structure
cvSetIdentity(), cvSetIdentity
cvSetImageROI(), More on ROI and widthStep
cvSetMouseCallback(), Mouse Events
cvSetReal2D(), Earth Mover's Distance
cvSetSeqBlockSize(), Sequence Block Size
cvSetSeqReaderPos(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvShowImage(), First Program—Display a Picture, Displaying Images, Displaying Images
cvSobel(), Scharr Filter
cvSolve(), cvSolve
cvSplit(), cvSplit, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Averaging Background Method
cvStartAppendToSeq(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvStartFindContours(), Contours Are Sequences
cvStartReadSeq(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvStartWindowThread(), Displaying Images
cvStartWriteSeq(), Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
cvStartWriteStruct(), Data Persistence
cvStereoCalibrate(), Projections
cvStereoRectify(), Undistortion, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm
cvStereoRectifyUncalibrated(), Uncalibrated stereo rectification: Hartley's algorithm
cvSub(), cvSub, cvSubS, and cvSubRS
cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(), Walking on edges
cvSubdiv2DLocate(), Method 1: Use an external point to locate an edge or vertex, Usage Examples
cvSubdiv2DNextEdge(), Identifying the bounding triangle or edges on the convex hull and walking the hull
cvSubS(), cvSub, cvSubS, and cvSubRS
cvSubstituteContour(), Contours Are Sequences
cvSum(), cvSum
cvSVBkSb(), cvSVBkSb
cvSVD(), cvSVD
cvTermCriteria(), Hierarchical Matching, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Subpixel Corners
cvThreshold(), Threshold, Threshold, Threshold, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Contour Finding
cvTransform(), Sparse affine transformations, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvTranspose(), cvTranspose and cvT
cvUndistort2(), Undistortion
cvUndistortPoints(), Undistortion, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code
cvUpdateMotionHistory(), Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates
cvWaitKey(), First Program—Display a Picture, WaitKey
cvWarpAffine(), Remap, Dense affine transformations, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvWarpPerspective(), Dense perspective transform, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cvWrite(), Data Persistence
cvWriteFrame(), Writing to an AVI File, Writing Video
cvWriteInt(), Data Persistence
cvXor(), cvXor and cvXorS
cvZero(), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
CxCore, Documentation Available in HTML, OpenCV Structure and Content, Data Persistence, Data Persistence


DAISY (dense rapidly computed Gaussian scale variant gradients), Specific Items
DARPA Grand Challenge race, Who Uses OpenCV?, Exercises
data persistence, Data Persistence, Integrated Performance Primitives, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Data Persistence, Integrated Performance Primitives, Integrated Performance Primitives
data structures, A Simple Transformation, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Matrix and Image Types, Arrays of Points, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, The easy way, The hard way, The hard way, The right way, Arrays of Points, IplImage Data Structure, Accessing Image Data, IplImage Data Structure, IplImage Data Structure, Accessing Image Data, Data Persistence
handling of, A Simple Transformation
image, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, IplImage Data Structure, Accessing Image Data, IplImage Data Structure, IplImage Data Structure, Accessing Image Data
matrix, Matrix and Image Types, Arrays of Points, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, The easy way, The hard way, The hard way, The right way, Arrays of Points
primitive, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
serializing, Data Persistence
DCT (discrete cosine transform), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
de-allocation of memory, Memory Storage
debug builds, Windows, Getting Started
debugging, A Slice of Pixels, Drawing chessboard corners
decision stumps, AdaBoost, Boosting in the Haar cascade, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Learning New Objects
decision trees, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Binary Decision Trees, Boosting, Misclassification impurity, Training the tree, Decision Tree Usage, Training the tree, Training the tree, Training the tree, Training the tree, Training the tree, Training the tree, Decision Tree Results, Boosting, Boosting, Boosting, Random Trees, Random Trees, Random Tree Code, Random Tree Code, Random Tree Code, Using Random Trees
advanced analysis, Training the tree
binary, Binary Decision Trees, Boosting, Boosting
creating and training, Misclassification impurity, Training the tree, Decision Tree Usage, Training the tree, Training the tree, Training the tree, Training the tree
predicting, Training the tree
pruning, Decision Tree Results, Boosting, Boosting
random, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Random Trees, Random Trees, Random Tree Code, Random Tree Code, Random Tree Code, Using Random Trees
deep copy, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
degenerate configurations, Averaging Background Method, How OpenCV handles all of this
Delaunay triangulation, OpenCV Structure and Content, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, Identifying the bounding triangle or edges on the convex hull and walking the hull, Usage Examples, Usage Examples
dense rapidly computed Gaussian scale variant gradients (DAISY), Specific Items
depth maps, Stereo Imaging, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection
deque, Sequences
detect_and_draw() code, Code for Detecting Faces
dilation, Image Morphology, Morphological gradient, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Opening and closing, Morphological gradient
directories, Getting Started
discrete cosine transform (DCT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
discriminative models, Generative and Discriminative Models, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier
disparity effects, Projection and 3D Vision
disparity maps, Stereo Imaging
distance transforms, Distance Transform, Histogram Equalization
distortion, Basic Projective Geometry, Lens Distortions, Calibration function
coefficients, Calibration function
lens, Basic Projective Geometry, Lens Distortions
documentation, More OpenCV Documentation, Documentation via the Wiki, Common Routines in the ML Library, Specific Items
dominant point, Polygon Approximations
Douglas-Peucker approximation, Polygon Approximations, Polygon Approximations, Connected Components for Foreground Cleanup
download and installation, Downloading and Installing OpenCV, Linux, Linux, Getting the Latest OpenCV via CVS
dynamical motion, Systems with dynamics


earth mover's distance (EMD), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Earth Mover's Distance
edges, What Is Computer Vision?, Canny, Hough Line Transform, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, Usage Examples, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, Usage Examples, Navigating Delaunay Subdivisions, Walking on edges, Walking on edges, Walking on edges, Method 1: Use an external point to locate an edge or vertex, Method 2: Step through a sequence of points or edges, Identifying the bounding triangle or edges on the convex hull and walking the hull, Usage Examples, Usage Examples, Usage Examples, Usage Examples
Delaunay, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, Usage Examples, Navigating Delaunay Subdivisions, Walking on edges, Walking on edges, Method 2: Step through a sequence of points or edges, Identifying the bounding triangle or edges on the convex hull and walking the hull, Usage Examples, Usage Examples
detection, What Is Computer Vision?, Canny, Hough Line Transform
Voronoi, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, Usage Examples, Walking on edges, Method 1: Use an external point to locate an edge or vertex, Usage Examples, Usage Examples
edible mushrooms example, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Decision Tree Usage, Training the tree, Training the tree, Training the tree, Decision Tree Results, Decision Tree Results, Boosting, Boosting, Boosting Code, Using Random Trees
Eigen objects, OpenCV Structure and Content
ellipses, Circles and Ellipses, Enclosing circles and ellipses
EM (expectation maximization), Generative and Discriminative Models, OpenCV ML Algorithms, K-Means, Learning New Objects
EMD (earth mover's distance), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance
entropy impurity, Misclassification impurity
epipolar geometry, Epipolar Geometry, Epipolar Geometry, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices
epipolar lines, Computing Epipolar Lines, Computing Epipolar Lines
erosion, Image Morphology, Morphological gradient, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Opening and closing, Opening and closing, Morphological gradient
Eruhimov, The Origin of OpenCV
essential matrices, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices, Essential matrix math, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Structure from Motion
Euclidean distance, Earth Mover's Distance, OpenCV ML Algorithms
expectation maximization (EM), OpenCV ML Algorithms, OpenCV ML Algorithms, K-Means, Expectation Maximization


face recognition, cvCalcCovarMatrix, Template Matching, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Supervised Learning and Boosting Theory, Works well on …
Delaunay points, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision
detector classifier, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Works well on …
eigenfaces, cvCalcCovarMatrix
Haar classifier, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Supervised Learning and Boosting Theory
template matching, Template Matching
face recognition tasks, OpenCV Structure and Content, Training and Test Set, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier, Works well on …, Works well on …, Code for Detecting Faces, Learning New Objects, Learning New Objects, Learning New Objects, Learning New Objects
age, Training and Test Set, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems
eyes, Works well on …, Learning New Objects, Learning New Objects
features, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier
mouth, OpenCV Structure and Content, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Works well on …, Learning New Objects
samples, Learning New Objects
sizes, Code for Detecting Faces
fast PCA, cvCalcCovarMatrix, cvCalcCovarMatrix
file, Getting Started, First Program—Display a Picture, Second Program—AVI Video, Second Program—AVI Video, Second Program—AVI Video, Moving Around, Writing to an AVI File, Writing to an AVI File, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, CvMat Matrix Structure, Data Persistence, Loading an Image, Reading Video, Reading Video, Reading Video, Reading Video, Writing Video
configuration (logging), Data Persistence
disk, Writing Video
header, Getting Started, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
information about file, Second Program—AVI Video
moving within, Moving Around
playing video, Second Program—AVI Video, Writing to an AVI File, Reading Video
properties, Reading Video
querying, CvMat Matrix Structure
reading images from, First Program—Display a Picture, Second Program—AVI Video, Writing to an AVI File, Reading Video, Reading Video
signature, Loading an Image
Filip, Directions
filter pipeline, A Not-So-Simple Transformation
fish-eye (barrel) effect, Lens Distortions
fish-eye camera lenses, Stereo Calibration
flood fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill
fonts, Fonts and Text, Data Persistence, Fonts and Text, Data Persistence
foreground, Background Subtraction, Averaging Background Method, Background differencing: Finding foreground objects
finding objects, Background differencing: Finding foreground objects
overview of, Background Subtraction
segmentation into, Averaging Background Method
foreground versus background, Scene Modeling
forward projection, Remap
forward transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
FOURCC (four-character code), Writing to an AVI File, Reading Video
Fourier, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
Fourier transforms, Overview, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Convolution and DFT, Convolution and DFT, Convolution and DFT
frame differencing, Frame Differencing, A quick test, A quick test, A quick test
Freeman chains, Contours Are Sequences, Pairwise Geometrical Histograms
Freund, Boosting
frontal parallel configuration, Triangulation, Triangulation, Triangulation, Stereo Correspondence, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection
fundamental matrix, Projection and 3D Vision, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices, Fundamental matrix math, Fundamental matrix math, How OpenCV handles all of this, How OpenCV handles all of this, Structure from Motion


Haar classifier, Integral Images, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Common Routines in the ML Library, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Boosting in the Haar cascade, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Works well on …
haartraining, Documentation Available in HTML, Learning New Objects, Learning New Objects, Learning New Objects
Harris corners, Corner Finding, Corner Finding, Corner Finding, Subpixel Corners, How Lucas-Kanade works, Subpixel corners, Specific Items
Hartley's algorithm, Stereo Rectification, Uncalibrated stereo rectification: Hartley's algorithm, Uncalibrated stereo rectification: Hartley's algorithm, Stereo Correspondence
Hessian image, Corner Finding
HighGUI, Documentation Available in HTML, OpenCV Structure and Content, Getting Started, First Program—Display a Picture, Second Program—AVI Video, Moving Around, A Portable Graphics Toolkit
hill climbing algorithm, Mean-Shift
histogram of oriented gradients (HoG), Directions, Specific Items
histograms, Scharr Filter, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Equalization, Histograms and Matching, Histograms and Matching, Patch-based back projection, Histograms and Matching, Histograms and Matching, Histograms and Matching, Histograms and Matching, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Basic Histogram Data Structure, Accessing Histograms, Accessing Histograms, Accessing Histograms, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Comparing Two Histograms, Comparing Two Histograms, Intersection (method = CV_COMP_INTERSECT), Intersection (method = CV_COMP_INTERSECT), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Some More Complicated Stuff, Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance, Earth Mover's Distance, Patch-based back projection, Patch-based back projection
assembling, Scharr Filter
color, Histogram Usage Examples
comparing, Comparing Two Histograms, Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA)
converting to signatures, Earth Mover's Distance
data structure, Histograms and Matching, Basic Histogram Data Structure
defined, Histograms and Matching
dense, Accessing Histograms
equalization, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Equalization
grid size problems, Histograms and Matching
intersection, Intersection (method = CV_COMP_INTERSECT)
matching methods, Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA)
overview of, Histograms and Matching
homogeneous coordinates, Sparse perspective transformations, Basic Projective Geometry, Homography, Homography, Homography
homographies, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Perspective Transform, Perspective Transform, Dense perspective transform, Sparse perspective transformations, Drawing chessboard corners, Camera Calibration, Homography, Homography, Camera Calibration, Projections
dense, Perspective Transform
flexibility of, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Perspective Transform
map matrix, Dense perspective transform
overview of, Projections
planar, Drawing chessboard corners, Camera Calibration, Homography, Homography, Camera Calibration
sparse, Sparse perspective transformations
Horn-Schunk dense tracking method, The Basics of Tracking, Optical Flow
horopter, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence
Hough transforms, Hough Transforms, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Line Transform, Hough Line Transform, Hough Line Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform, Hough Circle Transform
Hu moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Motion Templates
hue saturation histogram, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples


illuminated grid histogram, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples
image (projective) planes, Camera Model, Projections
Image Processing Library (IPL), IplImage Data Structure
image pyramids, A Not-So-Simple Transformation, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids
images, First Program—Display a Picture, IplImage Data Structure, cvConvertScale, cvFlip, Loading an Image, Displaying Images, ConvertImage
data types, IplImage Data Structure, cvConvertScale
displaying, Displaying Images
formats, First Program—Display a Picture, cvFlip, ConvertImage
loading, Loading an Image
impurity metrics, Binary Decision Trees, Classification Impurity
inpainting, Image Repair by Inpainting
installation of OpenCV, Install, Windows, Linux, Getting Started, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Verifying Installation
integral images, Integral Images, Integral Images, Integral Images, Distance Transform, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory
Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP), What Is OpenCV?, Speeding Up OpenCV with IPP, Windows, Linux, Integrated Performance Primitives
Intel Compiler, Learning New Objects
Intel Corporation, Past and Future
Intel Research, The Origin of OpenCV
Intel website for IPP, Windows
intensity bumps/holes, Image Morphology
intentional bias, Decision Tree Results, Decision Tree Results, Boosting
interpolation, Resize, Remap, Remap, LogPolar
intersection method, Intersection (method = CV_COMP_INTERSECT)
intrinsic parameters, Camera Models and Calibration
intrinsics matrix, Basic Projective Geometry
inverse transforms, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
IPAN algorithm, Polygon Approximations, Polygon Approximations
IPL (Image Processing Library), IplImage Data Structure
IplImage data structure, The hard way, The hard way, IplImage Data Structure, IplImage Data Structure
element functions, The hard way, The hard way
overview of, IplImage Data Structure
variables, IplImage Data Structure
IPP (Integrated Performance Primitives), What Is OpenCV?, Speeding Up OpenCV with IPP, Windows, Linux, Integrated Performance Primitives, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)


K-means algorithm, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Common Routines in the ML Library, K-Means, Problems and Solutions, K-Means Code, K-Means Code
K-nearest neighbor (KNN), OpenCV ML Algorithms, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, K-Nearest Neighbors
Kalman filter, Estimators, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, Estimators, The Kalman Filter, Some Kalman math, Some Kalman math, Some Kalman math, Some Kalman math, Systems with dynamics, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, OpenCV and the Kalman filter, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, OpenCV and the Kalman filter, OpenCV and the Kalman filter, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter
blending factor (Kalman gain), Kalman equations
extended, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter
limitations of, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter
mathematics of, The Kalman Filter, Some Kalman math, Some Kalman math, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, Kalman equations, Kalman equations
OpenCV and, OpenCV and the Kalman filter, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, Kalman filter example code, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter, A Brief Note on the Extended Kalman Filter
overview of, Estimators
kernel density estimation, Mean-Shift
kernels, Dilation and Erosion, Making Your Own Kernel, More General Morphology, Making Your Own Kernel, Making Your Own Kernel, More General Morphology, More General Morphology, Convolution, Convolution
convolution, Convolution
custom, Making Your Own Kernel, More General Morphology, Making Your Own Kernel, Making Your Own Kernel, More General Morphology
defined, Dilation and Erosion
shape values, More General Morphology
support of, Convolution
Kerns, Boosting
key-frame, Moving Around
Konolige, Stereo Correspondence
Kuriakin, The Origin of OpenCV


machine learning, What Is Machine Learning, Training and Test Set, Supervised and Unsupervised Data, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems
Machine Learning Library (MLL), What Is OpenCV?, Documentation Available in HTML, OpenCV Structure and Content, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Training, Training, Training, Controlling Training Iterations
MacOS systems, MacOS X, Creating a Window, Displaying Images
Mahalanobis distance, cvMahalanobis
Mahalonobis distance, Matrix and Image Operators, OpenCV ML Algorithms, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Mahalanobis Distance, Mahalanobis Distance, Mahalanobis Distance
malloc() function, Memory Storage
Manhattan distance, Earth Mover's Distance
Manta open source ray-tracing, Specific Items
Markov random fields (MRFs), Specific Items
masks, More on ROI and widthStep, More General Morphology, Flood Fill
matching methods, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Histogram Usage Examples, Correlation (method = CV_COMP_CORREL), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Template Matching, Exercises, Correlation matching methods (method = CV_TM_CCORR), Correlation coefficient matching methods (method = CV_TM_CCOEFF), Normalized methods, Normalized methods, Exercises, Matching Contours, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Hierarchical Matching, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Block matching method, Estimators, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence
Bhattacharyya, Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA)
block, Block matching method, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence
contours, Matching Contours, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Moments, More About Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
hierarchical, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects, Hierarchical Matching, Contour Convexity and Convexity Defects
histogram, Basic Manipulations with Histograms, Histogram Usage Examples, Correlation (method = CV_COMP_CORREL), Bhattacharyya distance (method = CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA), Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples, Histogram Usage Examples
Hu moments, More About Moments, Matching with Hu Moments, Estimators
template, Template Matching, Exercises, Correlation matching methods (method = CV_TM_CCORR), Correlation coefficient matching methods (method = CV_TM_CCOEFF), Normalized methods, Normalized methods, Exercises
Matlab interface, What Is OpenCV?, Smoothing, Stereo Rectification
matrix, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Arrays of Points, Matrix and Image Types, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, The easy way, The easy way, The hard way, The hard way, The hard way, The right way, The right way, The right way, The right way, Arrays of Points, Arrays of Points, Arrays of Points, cvGEMM, cvMul, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices, Essential matrix math, Essential matrix math, Fundamental matrix math, How OpenCV handles all of this, How OpenCV handles all of this, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Structure from Motion
accessing data in, CvMat Matrix Structure, The easy way, The hard way, The hard way, The right way, The right way, Arrays of Points
array, The right way
creating, CvMat Matrix Structure
data types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Arrays of Points, Matrix and Image Types, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, CvMat Matrix Structure, The easy way, The hard way, The right way, Arrays of Points, Arrays of Points
elements of, CvMat Matrix Structure
essential, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices, Essential matrix math, Essential matrix math, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code
fundamental, The Essential and Fundamental Matrices, Fundamental matrix math, How OpenCV handles all of this, How OpenCV handles all of this, Structure from Motion
header, CvMat Matrix Structure
multiplication, cvGEMM, cvMul
maximally stable external region (MSER), Specific Items
Maydt, Face Detection or Haar Classifier
mean-shift segmentation/tracking, Advanced Background Method, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift Segmentation, Mean-Shift and Camshift Tracking, Mean-Shift, Mean-Shift, Mean-Shift, Mean-Shift, K-Means
mechanical turk, Using Machine Learning in Vision
median filter, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing
memory, Arrays of Points, Arrays of Points, Contours, Contour Finding, Memory Storage, Sequences, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Contour Finding
layout, Arrays of Points, Arrays of Points
storage, Contours, Contour Finding, Memory Storage, Sequences, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Contour Finding
misclassification, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Misclassification impurity
missing values, Training, Boosting Code
MIT Media Lab, The Origin of OpenCV, Motion Templates
MJPG (motion jpeg), Writing to an AVI File
MLL (Machine Learning Library), What Is OpenCV?
MLP (multilayer perceptron), OpenCV ML Algorithms, Boosting Code, Multilayer Perceptron
moments, Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, Hierarchical Matching
central, More About Moments
defined, Moments
Hu, More About Moments, More About Moments, More About Moments, Hierarchical Matching
normalized, More About Moments
morphological transformations, Image Morphology, Flood Fill, Dilation and Erosion, Morphological gradient, Dilation and Erosion, Morphological gradient, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Making Your Own Kernel, Making Your Own Kernel, Making Your Own Kernel, Making Your Own Kernel, More General Morphology, More General Morphology, More General Morphology, More General Morphology, Opening and closing, Opening and closing, Opening and closing, Opening and closing, Morphological gradient, Morphological gradient, Morphological gradient, Morphological gradient, Morphological gradient, Morphological gradient, Top Hat and Black Hat, Top Hat and Black Hat, Top Hat and Black Hat, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill, Flood Fill
closing operation, More General Morphology, Opening and closing, Top Hat and Black Hat
custom kernels, Making Your Own Kernel, More General Morphology
dilation, Dilation and Erosion, Morphological gradient, Dilation and Erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Making Your Own Kernel, Morphological gradient
erosion, Dilation and Erosion, Morphological gradient, Dilation and Erosion, Morphological gradient
gradient operation, Opening and closing, Morphological gradient, Morphological gradient, Morphological gradient, Flood Fill, Flood Fill
intensity images, Dilation and Erosion
opening operation, More General Morphology, Opening and closing
motion, Systems with dynamics, Systems with dynamics, Systems with dynamics
control, Systems with dynamics
dynamical, Systems with dynamics
random, Systems with dynamics
motion jpeg (MJPG), Writing to an AVI File
motion templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates
mouse events, Mouse Events, Mouse Events, Mouse Events, Mouse Events, Mouse Events, Mouse Events, Mouse Events
MRFs (Markov random fields), Specific Items
MSER (maximally stable external region), Directions, Specific Items
multilayer perception (MLP), OpenCV ML Algorithms, Boosting Code, Multilayer Perceptron
mushrooms example, Random Tree Code, Random Tree Code


Newton's method, How Lucas-Kanade works
Ng, Variable Importance
nonpyramidal Lucas-Kanade dense optical flow, Lucas-Kanade code
normalized template matching, Normalized methods
Numpy, Specific Items


object silhouettes, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates
offset image patches, Specific Items
onTrackbarSlide() function, Moving Around
OOB (out of bag) measure, Random Trees
OpenCV, What Is OpenCV?, What Is OpenCV?, Who Uses OpenCV?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, The Origin of OpenCV, Who Owns OpenCV?, More OpenCV Documentation, Documentation via the Wiki, OpenCV Structure and Content, OpenCV Structure and Content, Portability, Getting Started, Getting Started, Getting Started, Getting Started, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Integrated Performance Primitives, Verifying Installation, Past and Future, Directions
definition and purpose, What Is OpenCV?, What Is Computer Vision?
directories, Getting Started
documentation, More OpenCV Documentation, Documentation via the Wiki
download and installation, Getting Started, OpenCV Primitive Data Types, Verifying Installation
future developments, The Origin of OpenCV, OpenCV Structure and Content, Past and Future, Directions
header files, Getting Started
how to use, What Is Computer Vision?
libraries, Getting Started
license, Who Uses OpenCV?
optimization with IPP, Who Owns OpenCV?, Integrated Performance Primitives
portability, Portability
programming languages, What Is OpenCV?
structure and content, OpenCV Structure and Content
OpenMP, Learning New Objects
operator functions, Matrix and Image Operators, cvAbs, cvAbsDiff, and cvAbsDiffS
optical flow, Optical Flow, Optical Flow, Lucas-Kanade Method, How Lucas-Kanade works, How Lucas-Kanade works, How Lucas-Kanade works, How Lucas-Kanade works, Pyramid Lucas-Kanade code, Pyramid Lucas-Kanade code, Pyramid Lucas-Kanade code, Dense Tracking Techniques, Dense Tracking Techniques, Horn-Schunck method, Structure from Motion, Directions
order constraint, Stereo Correspondence
out of bag (OOB) measure, Random Trees
overfitting (variance), Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems


pairwise geometrical histogram (PGH), Pairwise Geometrical Histograms, Pairwise Geometrical Histograms
Pearson, Chi-square (method = CV_COMP_CHISQR)
Peleg, Earth Mover's Distance
PGH (pairwise geometrical histogram), Pairwise Geometrical Histograms, Pairwise Geometrical Histograms
PHOG, Directions
PHOW (pyramid histogram embedding of other features), Directions, Specific Items
pinhole camera model, Camera Models and Calibration, Camera Model, Camera Model, Camera Model, What's under the hood?
pipeline, A Not-So-Simple Transformation
Pisarevsky, The Origin of OpenCV
pixel types, IplImage Data Structure
pixels, Smoothing, Convolution
planar homography, Homography
plumb bob model, Lens Distortions
point, Polygon Approximations
pointer arithmetic, The hard way, The right way, The right way, Accessing Image Data
polar to Cartesian coordinates, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, LogPolar, CartToPolar and PolarToCart, LogPolar
polygons, Polygons, Polygons
portability guide, Exercises
pose, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Projection and 3D Vision, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation
POSIT (Pose from Orthography and Scaling with Iteration), POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation
PPHT (progressive probabilistic Hough transform), Hough Line Transform
prediction, Estimators
primitive data types, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
principal points, Camera Model, Triangulation
principal rays, Triangulation
probabilistic graphical models, Naïve/Normal Bayes Classifier
progressive probabilistic Hough transform (PPHT), Hough Line Transform
projections, Projection and 3D Vision
projective planes, Camera Model, Affine and Perspective Transformations
projective transforms, Sparse perspective transformations, Basic Projective Geometry, Affine and Perspective Transformations
pyramid histogram embedding of other features (PHOW), Specific Items
pyramidal Lucas-Kanade optical flow, Horn-Schunck method
pyramids, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids, Image Pyramids
Python, What Is OpenCV?, Linux, Directions, Specific Items


radial distortions, Lens Distortions, Lens Distortions, Lens Distortions, Calibration function, Stereo Calibration
random forests, Random Trees
random motion, Systems with dynamics
RANSAC algorithm, How OpenCV handles all of this
receiver operating characteristic (ROC), Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices
recognition, Supervised and Unsupervised Data
recognition by context, Specific Items
recognition tasks, cvCmp and cvCmpS, Opening and closing, LogPolar, Histograms and Matching, Some More Complicated Stuff, Back Projection, Back Projection, Patch-based back projection, Patch-based back projection, Patch-based back projection, Template Matching, Template Matching, Normalized methods, Pairwise Geometrical Histograms, Background Subtraction, A Slice of Pixels, Averaging Background Method, Estimators, Estimators, Kalman equations, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Decision Tree Results, Works well on …, Past and Future, Past and Future, Past and Future
blocky features, Works well on …
car in motion, Kalman equations
depth perception, Past and Future
edible mushrooms, Decision Tree Results
flesh color, Some More Complicated Stuff, Back Projection, Back Projection, Patch-based back projection, Patch-based back projection, Template Matching
flight simulator, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation
flowers, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices
gestures, Histograms and Matching
hand, Averaging Background Method
local navigation on Mars, Past and Future
microscope slides, Opening and closing, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices
novel information from video stream, cvCmp and cvCmpS
object, LogPolar, Patch-based back projection, Template Matching
person, Estimators, Estimators, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems
product inspection, Normalized methods, Past and Future
shape, Pairwise Geometrical Histograms
tree, Background Subtraction, A Slice of Pixels
rectangles, Circles and Ellipses, Exercises, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Bounding boxes
bounding, Bounding boxes
drawing, Circles and Ellipses, Exercises
parallelogram, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate
trapezoid, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate
rectification, Stereo Calibration, Rectification map, Stereo Rectification, Uncalibrated stereo rectification: Hartley's algorithm, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Rectification map, Rectification map, Rectification map
region of interest (ROI), IplImage Data Structure, More on ROI and widthStep, More on ROI and widthStep, cvAdd, cvAddS, cvAddWeighted, and alpha blending
regression, Supervised and Unsupervised Data
regularization constant, Horn-Schunck method
reinforcement (deferred) learning, Supervised and Unsupervised Data
remapping, Remap
reprojection, Stereo Calibration, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Calibrated stereo rectification: Bouguet's algorithm, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection
resizing, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate
RGB images, Accessing Image Data, A Slice of Pixels
robot tasks, What Is Computer Vision?, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example, Stereo Rectification, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Prediction, Past and Future, Past and Future
camera on arm, Stereo Rectification
car on road, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
cart, Bird's-Eye View Transform Example
objects, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection, Past and Future
office security, What Is Computer Vision?
planning, Past and Future
scanning a scene, Prediction
robotics, The Origin of OpenCV, Projection and 3D Vision, Structure from Motion, Past and Future, Specific Items, Afterword, Afterword
ROC (receiver operating characteristic), Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices
Rodrigues, Rodrigues Transform
Rodrigues transform, Rodrigues Transform, Rodrigues Transform, Projections
ROI (region of interest), IplImage Data Structure, IplImage Data Structure, More on ROI and widthStep, More on ROI and widthStep, cvAdd, cvAddS, cvAddWeighted, and alpha blending
Rom, Earth Mover's Distance
Rosenfeld-Johnson algorithm, Polygon Approximations
rotation matrix, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector
rotation vector, Calibration function
Ruby interface, What Is OpenCV?
running average, Accumulating means, variances, and covariances


SAD (sum of absolute difference), Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence
scalable recognition techniques, Specific Items
scalar tuples, OpenCV Primitive Data Types
scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), Invariant Features, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Specific Items
scene modeling, Scene Modeling
scene transitions, Histograms and Matching
Schapire, Boosting
Scharr filter, Scharr Filter, Motion Templates
SciPy, Specific Items
scrambled covariance matrix, cvCalcCovarMatrix, cvCalcCovarMatrix
seed point, Flood Fill
segmentation, Parts and Segments
self-cleaning procedure, A Not-So-Simple Transformation
sequences, Image Pyramids, Sequences, Contour Finding, Creating a Sequence, Creating a Sequence, Direct Access to Sequence Elements, Creating a Sequence, Deleting a Sequence, Direct Access to Sequence Elements, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Using a Sequence As a Stack, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Using a Sequence As a Stack, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Using a Sequence As a Stack, Using a Sequence As a Stack, Using a Sequence As a Stack, Inserting and Removing Elements, Sequence Block Size, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequences and Arrays, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequences and Arrays, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequences and Arrays, Sequences and Arrays, Sequences and Arrays, Sequences and Arrays, Contour Finding
accessing, Image Pyramids
block size, Sequence Block Size
converting to array, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers
copying, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Using a Sequence As a Stack, Using a Sequence As a Stack
creating, Creating a Sequence, Direct Access to Sequence Elements, Direct Access to Sequence Elements
deleting, Deleting a Sequence
inserting and removing elements from, Inserting and Removing Elements
moving, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data, Using a Sequence As a Stack, Using a Sequence As a Stack
partitioning, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
readers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequences and Arrays, Sequences and Arrays
sorting, Slices, Copying, and Moving Data
stack, Using a Sequence As a Stack
writers, Sequence Readers and Sequence Writers, Sequences and Arrays, Sequences and Arrays
setup, Getting Started
Shape Context, Directions, Specific Items
Shi and Tomasi corners, Corner Finding, Invariant Features
SHT (standard Hough transform), Hough Line Transform
SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform), Invariant Features, Using Machine Learning in Vision
silhouettes, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates, Motion Templates
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), Specific Items
singular value decomposition, cvDet, cvEigenVV, cvSVD, What's under the hood?
singularity threshold, cvSVBkSb
SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), Specific Items
slider trackbar, Moving Around, Moving Around, Moving Around, Sliders, Trackbars, and Switches, Sliders, Trackbars, and Switches, No Buttons, No Buttons, Reading Video, A Contour Example
smoothing, A Simple Transformation, A Simple Transformation, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing, Smoothing
Sobel derivatives, Convolution, Gradients and Sobel Derivatives, Gradients and Sobel Derivatives, Scharr Filter, Laplace, Hough Circle Transform, Corner Finding, Motion Templates
Software Performance Libraries group, The Origin of OpenCV
SourceForge site, Downloading and Installing OpenCV
spatial coherence, How Lucas-Kanade works
speckle noise, Dilation and Erosion, Stereo Correspondence
spectrum multiplication, Spectrum Multiplication
square differences matching method, Square difference matching method (method = CV_TM_SQDIFF)
stack, Using a Sequence As a Stack
standard Hough transform (SHT), Hough Line Transform
Stanford's "Stanley" robot, Who Uses OpenCV?
statistical machine learning, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems
stereo imaging, Stereo Imaging, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Uncalibrated stereo rectification: Hartley's algorithm, Rectification map, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection
calibration, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code
correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Correspondence, Stereo Calibration, Rectification, and Correspondence Code
overview of, Stereo Imaging
rectification, Stereo Calibration, Uncalibrated stereo rectification: Hartley's algorithm, Rectification map, Depth Maps from 3D Reprojection
strong classifiers, Boosting, Boosting Code
structured light, Directions
subpixel corners, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel corners, Directions
sum of absolute difference (SAD), Stereo Correspondence
summary characteristics, Summary Characteristics
supervised/unsupervised data, Training and Test Set
support vector machine (SVM), OpenCV ML Algorithms, Support Vector Machine
SURF gradient histogram grids, Directions, Specific Items
SVD (singular value decomposition), cvDet, cvEigenVV, cvSVD, What's under the hood?
SVM (support vector machine), Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Support Vector Machine
switches, No Buttons


tangential distortions, Lens Distortions, Lens Distortions, Lens Distortions
Taylor series, Lens Distortions
Teh-Chin algorithm, Polygon Approximations
temporal persistence, How Lucas-Kanade works
test sets, Training and Test Set, Using Machine Learning in Vision, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Using Machine Learning in Vision
text, Fonts and Text, Fonts and Text
texture descriptors, OpenCV Structure and Content
textured scene, Stereo Correspondence
thresholds, cvSVBkSb, Image Pyramids, Adaptive Threshold, Exercises, Adaptive Threshold, Adaptive Threshold, Adaptive Threshold, Exercises, Exercises, Canny
adaptive, Adaptive Threshold, Exercises, Adaptive Threshold, Adaptive Threshold, Adaptive Threshold, Exercises
binary, Exercises
hysteresis, Canny
singularity, cvSVBkSb
types, Image Pyramids
timer function (wait for keystroke), First Program—Display a Picture, Second Program—AVI Video
Top Hat operation, Top Hat and Black Hat, Top Hat and Black Hat, Flood Fill
trackbar slider, Moving Around, Moving Around, Moving Around, Sliders, Trackbars, and Switches, Sliders, Trackbars, and Switches, No Buttons, A Contour Example
tracking, The Basics of Tracking, The Basics of Tracking, Corner Finding, Subpixel Corners, Corner Finding, Corner Finding, Corner Finding, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel Corners
corner finding, Corner Finding, Subpixel Corners, Corner Finding, Corner Finding, Corner Finding, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel Corners, Subpixel Corners
identification, The Basics of Tracking
modeling, The Basics of Tracking
training sets, Training and Test Set, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Training and Test Set, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Using Machine Learning in Vision
transforms, Overview, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Distance Transform, Histogram Equalization, Distance Transform, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Equalization
distance, Distance Transform, Histogram Equalization, Distance Transform, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Equalization
forward, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
inverse, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
overview of, Overview
perspective, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate
translation vectors, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector, Calibration function
trees, Contour Finding, Contour Finding, Hierarchical Matching, Hierarchical Matching
triangulation, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation, Usage Examples, Stereo Imaging


validation sets, Training and Test Set
variable importance, Variable Importance, Training the tree, Decision Tree Results, Decision Tree Results, Boosting, Random Tree Code, Random Tree Code, Random Tree Code, Using Random Trees
variables, First Program—Display a Picture, Moving Around, IplImage Data Structure, More on ROI and widthStep
global, Moving Around
IplImage, First Program—Display a Picture, IplImage Data Structure, More on ROI and widthStep
variance, Accumulating means, variances, and covariances
variance (overfitting), Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Diagnosing Machine Learning Problems, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices, Decision Tree Results
Viola, Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Supervised Learning and Boosting Theory, Boosting in the Haar cascade, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Works well on …, Learning New Objects
Viola-Jones rejection cascade (detector), Face Detection or Haar Classifier, Boosting in the Haar cascade, Boosting in the Haar cascade, Viola-Jones Classifier Theory, Works well on …
virtual pixels, Smoothing, Convolution
vision, What Is OpenCV?, Who Uses OpenCV?, Who Uses OpenCV?, Who Uses OpenCV?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, OpenCV Structure and Content, Opening and closing, Background Subtraction, Weaknesses of Background Subtraction, Camera Models and Calibration, Camera Models and Calibration, Using Machine Learning in Vision, Support Vector Machine
applications of, What Is OpenCV?, Who Uses OpenCV?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, Opening and closing, Background Subtraction, Weaknesses of Background Subtraction
challenges of, Who Uses OpenCV?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, What Is Computer Vision?, Camera Models and Calibration, Using Machine Learning in Vision
Visual Studio, Getting Started
Voronoi iteration, K-Means
Voronoi tessellation, Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation, Creating a Delaunay or Voronoi Subdivision, Navigating Delaunay Subdivisions, Walking on edges, Method 2: Step through a sequence of points or edges, Identifying the bounding triangle or edges on the convex hull and walking the hull, Usage Examples, Usage Examples


walking on edges, Walking on edges
warping, Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate, Computing the affine map matrix, Dense affine transformations, Dense affine transformations, Computing the affine map matrix
watercolor effect, Smoothing
watershed algorithm, Watershed Algorithm, Image Repair by Inpainting, Watershed Algorithm, Watershed Algorithm, Image Repair by Inpainting
weak classifiers, OpenCV ML Algorithms, Boosting, AdaBoost, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting Code, Boosting in the Haar cascade, Learning New Objects
weak-perspective approximation, POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation
Werman, Earth Mover's Distance
whitening, Cross-validation, bootstrapping, ROC curves, and confusion matrices
widthStep image parameter, IplImage Data Structure, Matrix and Image Operators, Accessing Image Data, More on ROI and widthStep, Matrix and Image Operators
Wiki sites, Downloading and Installing OpenCV, Documentation via the Wiki, Common Routines in the ML Library
Willow Garage, The Origin of OpenCV, Past and Future
Win32 systems, cvFlip, Creating a Window, WaitKey
Windows, Who Owns OpenCV?, Documentation Available in HTML, Install, Linux, Getting the Latest OpenCV via CVS, Documentation Available in HTML
OpenCV installation, Who Owns OpenCV?, Documentation Available in HTML, Install, Linux, Getting the Latest OpenCV via CVS, Documentation Available in HTML
windows, First Program—Display a Picture, First Program—Display a Picture, A Simple Transformation, Creating a Window, Creating a Window, Displaying Images
clean up, First Program—Display a Picture, Displaying Images
creating, A Simple Transformation, Creating a Window
names versus handles, Creating a Window
properties of, First Program—Display a Picture
wrapper function, A Not-So-Simple Transformation


Yahoo groups forum, Who Uses OpenCV?


Zhang's method, What's under the hood?
Zisserman's approximate nearest neighbor suggestion, Specific Items