
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate figures, tables and text boxes.


AADC, see L-Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
AAT, see Aspartate amino transferase
Abnormal breathing patterns, CNS lesions produce, 753–754, 763
AC, see Adenylate cyclase
Accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), pheromone detection, 527
Accommodation, vergence eye movements and, 699
Accumbens (nucleus accumbens), 873, 877, 879, 883, 884, 885–886, 888, 891–892, 893, see also Basal ganglia
Acetylcholine (ACh), 117, 655
biosynthesis, 126–127
consciousness role, 1095
Acetylcholine receptor (AChR), 385, see also Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
α-bungarotoxin inhibition, 448
clustering, 388, 389–390, 392
expression, 388, 391–392, 394
and neural-dependent patterning, 391–392
patterning of, 386–387
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), 127, 658
ACh, see Acetylcholine
AChE, see Acetylcholinesterase
AChR, see Acetylcholine receptor
ACTH, see Adrenocorticotropin
axonal growth, 374
cycle, 374
cytoskeleton role in cell movement and transport, 78–80
genes, 78
Action potentials
bursts and calcium low-threshold currents, 114
calcium-binding proteins and action potential coupling to exocytosis, 153
generation, 102–105
initiation, 105
propagation speed and myelination, 106
refractory periods, 105–106
Action tremor, 688
Activator protein 1 (AP-1), transcription, 206–207
Active zones, 386–387, 387, 389
Activity-dependent neuromodulation, 1014
brain imaging studies, 891–896
chronic drug administration compromise of reward systems, 887
cycle, 881–883
diagnostic criteria, 881
drug reward neurobiological substrates
alcohol, 886
basal forebrain, 883
mesolimbic dopamine system cocaine, 883–884
neural substrates of sensitization, 884–885
nicotine, 886
opiates, 885–886
Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 886
economic impact, 879
epidemiology of drug abuse, 879–881
negative affect state, 886–888
negative reinforcement, 887
neuroadaptation, abstinence and relapse, 889–891
neurochemical adaptation
corticotropin-releasing factor, 888–889
dopamine, 888, 896
norepinephrine, 889
serotonin, 888
signal transduction mechanisms, 892–896
withdrawal from chronic administration of drugs, 887
withdrawal neurobiological substrates aversion, 886–888
Adenylate cyclase (AC)
addiction role, 892
coincidence detection, 193
fine-tuning of cAMP, 192
inhibition, 192
isoforms of, 192
olfactory signaling, 523
receptor coupling, 192–193
regulation of, 192–193
ADHD, see Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs), 68
Adrenal medulla, 733
Adrenergic receptors, 183–184
Adrenocortical dysfunction, 794
Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), 803
Adult neurogenesis, 352
Advanced sleep phase syndrome (ASPS), 829
AE, see Anterior endoderm
life expectancy trends, 927
memory effects
animal models, 928–929
neurobiology of decline
hippocampus, 929
neuron loss, 929–930
prefrontal cortex, 931–933
subcortical systems, 933
pathology, 940–943
variability, 927–929
associative agnosia, 948–950, 948–950
case study, 949
inferior temporal cortex, 948, 950
types, 948–949
Agouti-related protein (AgRP), food intake regulation, 778
Agrin, 385
signal for postsynaptic differentiation, 389–390
Agrin-mediated signaling, and synapse formation
for Lrp4, 390–391
for MuSK, 390–391
AgRP, see Agouti-related protein
AIP, see Anterior intraparietal area
Alanine amino transferase (ALAT), 274
Alcohol, addiction mechanisms, 886
Aldosterone, salt appetite regulation, 793–795
Allostasis, 889, 891
Alpha cells, 584
ALS, see Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 1032–1033
clinical features, 941
epidemiology, 941
genetics, 942–943
neuropathology, 941–942
treatment prospects, 943
Amacrine cell, 232, 582–583
AME, see Axial mesendoderm
γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), 655–656
biosynthesis, 128
inactivation, 128
receptors, see GABAA receptor; GABAB receptor
sleep control, 855–856, 858
storage and release, 128
transmitter versus metabolic pools, 128
Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazolproprionic acid (AMPA) receptor, 171, 239, 252
dendrite development role, 470, 470–472
Amino-terminal domain (ATD), 173, 397, 399
anterograde amnesia animal models, 1033–1035, 1039
patient H.M. and, 1031–1033
retrograde amnesia and consolidation, 1039–1040
AMPA receptor, see Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazolproprionic acid receptor
Amygdala memory system
central nucleus, 1044
emotional disposition acquisition, 1046
fear conditioning, 1044, 1045
modulation, 1046–1047
motivation role, 879
Amyloid β-protein (Aβ), 941
Amyloid precursor protein (APP), 291, 432, 942, 1032
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 385, 622
Androgen-response elements (AREs), 811
Animal communication, 1053–1057, see also Communication
ANP, see Atrial natriuretic peptide
ANS, see Autonomic nervous system
Anterior endoderm (AE), 293
Anterior intraparietal area (AIP), 642
Anterior neural plate (ANB), 294
Anterior neural ridge (ANR), 300
Anterior nidopallium (LMAN), birdsong learning neural pathway, 483
Anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), 294
Anterograde amnesia, animal models, 1033–1035, 1039
Anterograde organizers, 396
Anterograde signals, 397, 399
postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptors, 399
Anteroposterior (AP) axis, 288
homeobox gene expression, 298–299
local organizers of, 300–301
molecular basis, 293–294
spinal nerves, 301–302
Anteroposterior patterning, see Neural patterning
Anthropoids, brains of, 913–914
Anticonvulsant medications, 1031
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), 813
AOB, see Accessory olfactory bulb
AP, see Area postrema
AP-1, see Activator protein 1
AP axis, see Anteroposterior axis
Aplysia ubiquitin hydrolase (ApUch), 1013
Apneustic breathing, 753
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), alleles, 942
Apoptosis, 412, see also Programmed cell death
mechanisms, 412–416
APP, see Amyloid precursor protein
Appetite, see Food intake
Aquaporins, 785, 786
Arachnoid, 35–36
Arcuate nucleus (ARC), 777–779, 778
Area postrema (AP), 721, 722, 725–726
ARFs, see ADP-ribosylation factors
Arginine vasopressin (AVP), 813–814
circadian control, 831
osmotic homeostasis regulation, 785
secretion signals, 790–792
L-Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), catecholamine biosynthesis, 122
Arousal of consciousness, 1093–1095
Arterial chemoreceptor, 761
Aspartate amino transferase (AAT), 274
Aspartate, excitatory neurotransmission, 128–129
ASPS, see Advanced sleep phase syndrome
Associative learning, 1009–1010, 1014–1016
Astrocyte, 51–52
astrocyte-neuron metabolic unit, 283–284
glutamate metabolism, 274–276
glycogen metabolism, 282
hepatic encephalopathy role, 275–276
lactate release, 281–282
positron emission tomography studies of metabolism, 279–281
Asynergia, definition, 688
Ataxia, definition, 688
Ataxic breathing, 754
ATD, see Amino-terminal domain
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), volume homeostasis regulation, 789, 793, 795
Attention, 989–990
competition bias by nonspatial feedback, 1005–1006
filtering of unwanted information, 1004–1005
flexibility, 990
fronto-parietal attention control system, 994–998
lateral geniculate nucleus neural response modulation, 1000–1001
neglect syndrome, 990–992
neuronal receptive fields, 1002–1004
neuronal responses, 998–1000, 999
search tasks, 1001–1002
stimulus, 1003
visual cortex neural activation with/without stimulation, 992–993, 992–994
visual system, processing information about objects, 998–1000
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 673, 1080–1081
and auditory cortex, 572
complex signal coding, 573–574
and sound localization, 573
and auditory nerve
descending systems to hair cells and nerve fibers, 564–565
frequency response, 562–563
masking, 564
neuron types, 562
phase locking of responses, 563
sound level and spontaneous activity response, 563
central nervous system
contralateral versus ipsilateral ear response, 568–569
interaural level difference, 484
interaural time difference, 484–486
poststimulus time histogram, 565, 566–567
response map, 567, 569
tonotopic organization of pathways, 566
endolymph, 559
hair cells, 554–555
implants, 561
outer hair cell mechanical properties and amplification, 557–559
receptor potentials from inner hair cells, 556–557, 558
sensorineural hearing loss, 559
stereocilia channels and transducer gating, 555–556
structure, 554, 555
ear, 553
echolocation in bats, 573–574
endbulbs and calyces, 568
inferior colliculus, 570–572
interaural level difference, 569, 569–570
interaural time difference, 569, 569–570
loss, sensorineural, 559
medial geniculate, 572
otoacoustic emissions, 560
Auditory cortex, see Audition
Auditory nerve fibers
descending systems to hair cells and nerve fibers, 564–565
frequency response, 562–563
masking, 564
neuron types, 562
phase locking of responses, 563
sound level and spontaneous activity response, 563
Augmentation, 158–160, 159
Autism, 398, 934
genetics, 936–938
neuropathology, 934–936
Autonomic, 849, see also Sleep
Autonomic afferents, 740–743
Autonomic function, circadian regulation, 840–841
Autonomic motor pattern, 730
Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 750, see also Enteric nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system Sympathetic nervous system
central integration in hypothalamus, 724
divisions, 33
enteric division of, 736–738
functional overview, 729–730
future of, 746–747
hierarchically organized circuits in CNS, 743
affective responses, 745
lesion and stimulation studies, 744
mapping, 745–746
homeostasis and visceral afferents, 740–743
pharmacology, 738–740
Autoreceptors, 119, 160
AVE, see Anterior visceral endoderm
Aversion, opponent motivational processes, 887–888
Avian embryo, 340
AVP, see Arginine vasopressin
Axial mesendoderm (AME), 293
Axial resistance, 101
Axoaxonic synapses, 4
Axodendritic synapse, 4
Axon, 65
action potential initiation, 105
Hillock, 42, 62
pathfinding, see Growth cone guidance
structure, 62, 64
topographic map, see Topographic map
Axon reflexes, 742
Axonal transport, 86–89
neurofilament proteins, 87
regulation, 89–91
Axon-target interaction, initiation of, 395–396
Axosomatic synapse, 4


BAC spikes, 247, 250
simultaneous somatic current injection, 250
Balance, see Posture control
Balint’s syndrome, 970
BAR proteins, 154
Bariatric surgery, 775
Baroreceptor reflex regulation, 761–762
Basal forebrain (BF) nuclei, 851
Basal ganglia
anatomy of, 653–661, 654
connection, 654, 655
globus pallidus
damage effects, 665
external segment connectivity, 660
internal segment output, 659–660
movement response and spontaneous activity, 662–663
motor control, 606–607, 668–669
nonmotor functions, 669–675
prefrontal cortex
connectivity, 1070
function comparison, 1087
saccade regulation, 711
signaling in, 661–664
cortical input, 655
damage effects, 664
neurons, 655
spontaneous activity, 661–662
striatum memory system, see Striatum
substantia nigra
damage effects, 665–667
dopaminergic neurons, 48–49
output for eye movements, 659
pars compacta dopamine input to striatum, 660
spontaneous activity, 662–663
subthalamic nucleus
damage effects, 664–665
inputs from frontal lobe, 658
spontaneous activity, 662
ventral system of, 670
Basal metabolism, hypothalamic control of, 804–806
Basal pontine nuclei, 706
Basal sympathetic tone, 759–760
Basilar artery, 36
Basket cell, 681, 683–684
Basolateral membrane shape receptor potentials, 556–557
Bat echolocation, 573–574
BCIs, see Brain–computer interfaces
Bcl-2, apoptosis role, 413
BDNF, see Brain–derived neurotrophic factor
Behavioral neuroscience, 874
Beta cells, 584
Bicuculline, GABAA binding, 170
Bidirectional organizers, 396
Bidirectional synapse organizers, transsynaptic adhesion complexes in, 397–399
Binocular rivalry, 1097
Binocular vision, 487–489
Bipolar cell, 581
Birdsong learning, 481–483
hormonal regulation, 483
neural pathway, 483
sensitive period for memorization, 482
vocal learning, 482–483
Blood pressure, 783–784
Blood volume, 783–784
Blood-brain barrier, function, 7, 54, 56
Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD), 266
signal, 859
BMIs, see Brain-machine interfaces
BMPs, see Bone morphogenetic proteins
Body mass index (BMI), 774
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)
growth cone guidance, 372
neural induction, 288–290, 310, 319
signaling pathway, 290
Bottom-up mechanisms, context of stimuli, 1004
specific components
blood−brain barrier, 7
computer analogy, 15
cranial nerves, 34, 34
damage response, 7
cerebral metabolic rate changes, 922
cognitive development declarative memory, 924–925
face processing, 925–926
language, 926–927
pathology, 934–940
cortical thickening, 919–920
dendritic spine number, 920–921
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, 922–923
maturation, 919
prefrontal cortex and visual search, 926
synapse abundance, 921
visual system
dorsal visual stream and spatial attention, 924
functional development, 923–924
ventral visual stream and object representation, 924
white matter changes, 922
evolution, mammals, 901–906, 903
neocortex origins, 901–904, 904, 906
early anthropoids, 913–914
early primates, 907, 909–913
evolution, 906–909
hominin brain, 914–916
prosimian, 906, 907
size of, 910
tools for study, 902
glia support of neurons, 7
imaging studies, 891–896
molecules transport in, 56–57
neuronal circuitry, 6–7
principles of organization and function, 6
reinforcement systems, 878
reward systems, 887
sexual differentiation of, 815
steroid hormone receptors, 815
stimulation reward, 878
stress systems, 888–889
structures, related to language, 1060–1061
vascular, 36–37
vasculature, 55–57
in disease states, 57
Brain energy metabolism
astrocyte-neuron metabolic unit, 283–284
glutamate metabolism, 274–276
glycogen metabolism, 282
positron emission tomography, 279
neuronal activity to blood flow, 264–268
positron emission tomography studies, 266
endothelial cell, 276–277
glia, 276–277
glucose transporters, 277–278
glucose utilization, 261–262
glycolysis, 269
ketone body utilization, 262–263
lactate utilization, 263
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 263
neuronal energy-consuming processes, 271–273
pentose phosphate pathway, 269–270
pyruvate utilization, 263
reactive oxygen species generation and glutathione protection, 270–271
tricarboxylic acid cycle, 269
Brain stem
arousal systems of, 851
eye movement regulation, 705–707
food intake regulation, 780–781
medial postural system, 635
sleep regulatory system, 855–858
spinal cord connections in motor system, 606, 628, 639
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), 648
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
dendrite growth and branching regulation, 461
discovery, 418
Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), 648
Breathing, 749–750
CNS lesions producing abnormal patterns, 753–754, 763
controlling, 761–762
disorders of, 763–764
distinct oscillators, 755
experimental analysis of, 751
history of study, 750, 750–751
mechanoreceptors in lung afferents, 756
Breuer-Hering reflex, 756
C fibers, 757
rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors, 757
slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors, 756–757
motor output modulation and plasticity, 762–765
pattern-generating neurons, 751–752, 752
preBötzinger complex for, 750, 753, 753–754
respiratory neurons discharge pattern, 752
rhythm-generating neurons, 753–756
Breuer−Hering reflex, 756
Broca’s area, 1060
Bronchopulmonary C fibers, 757
Bulbosacral division, 735
α–Bungarotoxin, acetylcholine receptor inhibition, 448


C fibers, 757
CA1 pyramidal neurons, 240, 240, 252
inhibitory interneurons, 250
Kv4 channels, 244
CA3–CA1 synapse, 1016–1018, 1017
Cadherins, 400
dendrite growth and branching regulation, 464–466
Cajal, Santiago Ramôn y, biography, 20
Cajal-retzius cells, 356–357
Calcineurin, structure and regulation, 202–203
facilitation, augmentation, and potentiation regulation by residual calcium, 160
G protein-coupled receptor signaling, 195
long-term potentiation induction, 1018–1019
neurotrophin receptor signaling, 423
Calcium current
high-threshold current subtypes in neurons, 114
low-threshold currents and action potential bursts, 114
second messenger systems, 113
Calcium microdomain, vesicle release, 143
Calcium-binding proteins, action potential coupling to exocytosis, 153
Calcium/calmodulin protein kinase II (CaMKII)
cognition role, 201–202
dendrite development role, 471–472
short-term sensitization in Aplysia, 1011
Calcium-induced calcium release (CICR), 471
Calmodulin, mediation of calcium effects, 195–196
Caloric homeostasis, 767–768
food intake regulation, see Food intake
insulin role, 768–769
Calyce, central auditory processing, 568
cAMP, see Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
CAMs, see Cell adhesion molecules
Carbon dioxide, chemoreceptor, 761–762
Cardiovascular sympathetic preganglionic neurons, 759
Cardiovascular system, 750
baroreceptor reflex regulation, 761–762
basal neural tone to, 759
disease, 760
exercise-induced changes, 764–765
organization and functions of innervation, 757, 757–759
CART, see Cocaine-amphetamine-related transcript
Catecholamine, see also Dopamine Epinephrine Norepinephrine
biosynthesis of, 120–122
Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 940
function, 124
inhibitors, 125
β–Catenin, dendrite growth and branching regulation, 464–466
Caudal ventral respiratory group (cVRG), 751
Caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM), 761
Caudate neurons, 662
Caveolae, 57
CBF, see Cerebral blood flow
CBF neurons, see Cholinergic basal forebrain neurons
CCK, see Cholecystokinin
Cdk5, dendrite orientation role, 461
CE, see Convergent-extension
Celiac ganglion, 732
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), 340, 373
Cell assembly, 3, 1029, 1038
Cell fate, 289
regulation, 314–316
Cell motility molecular mechanisms
extracellular matrix, 351
GTPases, 351
Rac and Cdc42 signaling, 352
Cell-autonomous circadian oscillator, 821–824, 822
Cell–cell contact, 395, 396
Cellular determination
asymmetric cell division and cell fate, 314–316
cerebral cortex cells, 309, 311, 332–335
motor neurons, 330–332, 331, 333
neural stem cells, 318–319
neurogenesis, 310–312
neurons and glia, 316–319
peripheral nervous system sensory neurons, 320–323
proneural and neurogenic genes, 312–314, 314
retina, see Retina
spinal cord, see Spinal cord
transcriptional hierarchies and networks, 314
Cellular organization of sensory cortex, 509
Central autonomic control systems, 849
Central nervous system (CNS), 97, 287, 437
contralateral versus ipsilateral ear response, 568–569
poststimulus time histogram, 565, 566–567
response map, 567–568, 569
tonotopic organization of pathways, 566
hierarchically organized ANS circuits in, 743–746
lesions producing abnormal breathing patterns, 753–754
molecular signals for synaptic development, 396–400
regionalization of, 296–306
synapse formation in, 394–401
Central pattern generator (CPG), 604
locomotion cycle, 614–615
models for study, 622–624
nonlinear properties of interneurons, 626
rhythmic movements, 605
Central sleep apnea, 763, 862
Central synapses, assembly hypothetical model for, 396
Cephalic phase, 768, 769
Cerebellar Purkinje
cell, 252
neurons, 240, 247
Cerebellar system, 158–161
anatomy, 677–684
basic circuit, 679–683
cognition, emotion and, 690–691
complete circuit, 683–684
computation, 691
coordination, timing, and learning, 693–694
development, 684
eye movement regulation, 705–707
and eyelid conditioning, 691–693
function theories, 690–691
gross anatomy, 678–679
memory system
anatomy, 1043
eyeblink classical conditioning, 1043–1044
motor control, 609–610
neural circuits
dentate, 689–690
fastigius, 689
interpositus, 689
vestibular nucleus, 689
neurons properties, 684–685
climbing fiber synapse, 685
high firing rates, 685
mossy fiber glomerulus, 685
damage effects, 688
input, 686
purkinje cell, 685–686
phylogenetic development, 677–678
synapse elimination, 452–453
synaptic and intrinsic forms, 687
vestibular versus nonvestibular, 682
Cerebral blood flow (CBF), 261
Cerebral cortex, see also Sensory cortex
cellular determination, 309, 311, 332–335
development, 348
developmental thickening, 919–920
histogenesis, 348–350
inhibitory interneurons, 45–47
lobes, 34
memory system
anatomy, 1047
motor learning, 1047–1048
perceptual learning, 1047–1048
repetition priming, 1048
motor control, 607–608
regionalization maps, 34
Cerebral metabolic rate (CMR), 261
developmental changes, 922
Cervicocervico reflex, 635
CGN, see cis-Golgi network
Chandelier cell, 46
Characteristic frequency (CF), auditory nerve, 562, 567
Chemoreceptors, 761–762
Cheyne–Stokes respiration, 753, 762
Chick embryo, neuronal types in, 340
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 213
Cholecystokinin (CCK), 742
food intake regulation, 779
satiety signal, 770–772
Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), 445
Cholinergic basal forebrain (CBF) neurons, 1032, 1095
Chomsky’s model, 1059
Chordamesoderm (CM), 293
Chordin gene, 289
Chorea, 664
Choroid plexus, function, 26, 28, 36
Chromaffin cells, 343
Chronopharmacology, 838
CICR, see Calcium-induced calcium release
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), activities, 426
Cinematographic vision, 1098
Circadian misalignment disorders, 864–865
Circadian photoreception in mammals, 832–836
Circadian rhythm, 819
chronopharmacology, 838
clock genes, 824–832
Drosophila studies, 823, 826–828
flight orientation in butterflies, 842
jet lag and shift work, 840
knockout mouse studies of redundancies, 825–831
neurohormone release, 802–803
peripheral oscillators, 824
sleep disorders, 829–830
suprachiasmatic nucleus control
entrainment, 832, 835–836
humoral outputs, 837
neuroanatomy, 819
oscillator and pacemaker function, 821
amplification and divergence, 837–838
autonomic function regulation, 840–841
humoral outputs, 837
neuroendocrine function regulation, 839–840
pineal function regulation, 837
sleep-wake cycle regulation, 838–839
input to nucleus, 835
photoreceptive system, 832–835
rhythmic firing of neurons, 836–837
single-cell oscillators, 821–824
transcriptional feedback loop, 824–832
Circle of Willis, 36
Circulatory system, see Cardiovascular system
Circumventricular organs, 721–722
cis-Golgi network (CGN), 68
Classical conditioning, 1010, 1010, 1015
Clathrin-coated vesicles, 154
Climbing fiber, 452
synapse, 685
Clock, circadian control, 825, 828, 831
CM, see Chordamesoderm
CMR, see Cerebral metabolic rate
CNS, see Central nervous system
CNTF, see Ciliary neurotrophic factor
Coat proteins (COPs), protein trafficking, 68
Coated vesicles (CV), 252
Cocaine, addiction mechanisms, 883–884
Cocaine-amphetamine-related transcript (CART), food intake regulation, 777
central nucleus unit classification
contralateral versus ipsilateral ear response, 568–569
poststimulus time histogram, 566–567
response map, 567–568
endolymph, 559
hair cells, 554–555
implants, 561
outer hair cell mechanical properties and amplification, 557–559
receptor potentials from inner hair cells, 556–557, 558
sensorineural hearing loss, 559
stereocilia channels and transducer gating, 555–556
structure, 554, 555
Cognitive control, 1069, 1088
Cognitive development
declarative memory, 924–925
face processing, 925
pathology, 934–940
Collateralization, nerve net, 17
Comatose, 1094
Commissureless, 379
Communication, see also Language
animal lessons for human language, 1056–1057
innate and learned aspects of animal, 1054–1055
neural structures, 1056
primates, 1055–1056
strategies and mechanisms in animals, 1053–1054
survival importance, 1053
Computational modeling, 232–233
COMT, see Catechol-O-methyltransferase
Conditional specification, 407
Conditioned response (CR), 1010
Conditioned stimulus (CS), 1009, 1010
Conditioning, 871–873
eyeblink classical, 1043–1044
fear, 1045
axon, see Growth cone guidance
eye, 581, 585–586
Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS), 764
Congenital myasthenia, 385
Consciousness, 1091
animal features, 1093
arousal, 1093–1095
content, 1093
forward versus feedback projections, 1099–1100
free will neurobiology, 1092
information theory, 1100–1101
neuronal correlates of consciousness, 1096–1097
perceptual illusion, 1097–1098
phenomena, 1091–1092
states, 1093–1095
Consolidation, retrograde amnesia and, 1039–1040
Constructional apraxia, 959, 970–972, 972, 978–979
Convergent-extension (CE), neural induction, 295
COPs, see Coat proteins
Cortex, patterning, 305–306
Cortical motor areas, 641–642
Corticospinal neurons, 607
Cortico-striato-pallido-thalamic (CSPT), 673–674
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), 839
food intake regulation, 780
neurochemical adaptation in addiction, 888–889
release patterns, 803–804
CPEB protein, see Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein
CPG, see Central pattern generator
Cranial nerves, 34, 34
Craniosacral division, see Parasympathetic nervous system
Craving, types, 891
CREB, see cAMP responsive element binding protein
CRH, see Corticotropin-releasing hormone
Cryptochrome, circadian control, 827, 831
Cuneate fasciculus, 543
Cut, dendrite development role in Drosophila, 459
CV, see Coated vesicles
CVLM, see Caudal ventrolateral medulla
Cycle, circadian control, 827
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), 1011
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate responsive element binding (CREB) protein
dendrite development role, 471
long-term sensitization in Aplysia, 1012
Cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, G protein-coupled receptor signaling, 196
Cystic fibrosis, ion channel mutation, 107
Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding (CPEB) protein, 472
Cytoplasmic proteins, 74–75
actin cytoskeleton, cell movement and transport, 78–80
growth cone dynamics, 374–378
and guidance receptors, 376–377
interactions of systems, 82
intermediate filaments, 80–82
microtubule structure and function, 75–82
microtubule-associated proteins, 76, 77
Rho and dendritic cytoskeleton structure control, 464–465


DA, see Dopamine
DAG, see Diacylglycerol
DBH, see Dopamine-β-hydroxylase
DBL, see Dorsal blastopore lip cells
Declarative memory, 924–925, 986, 1029, 1031, 1033, 1035–1039, 1046–1048
Declarative spatial memory formation, medial temporal lobe, 984
Dedepression, synaptic strength, 1023
Deep brain stimulation (DBS), 667, 671–672
Deep sequencing methods, 10
Dehydration anorexia, 772
Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS), 829
Delta, neuronal specification role, 313, 313, 322, 324, 325–326
Dementia, 940–943
Dendrite, 4, 41
active, synaptic integration
dendritic spikes, 244–249
inhibition and dendritic excitability, 249–250
voltage-gated channels, 242–244
weakly excitable dendrites, 240–242
Boolean operations and dendritic arithmetic
CA3 pyramidal neurons, 255, 256
dendritic spikes, 255, 256
distal apical dendrites, 255
neuromodulatory systems, 256
NMDA, 255, 256
pyramidal cells, 255
synaptic integration, 254
activity-dependent, 469
branches and synapse elimination, 471
circuit formation in mammalian retina, 466
convergence and divergence, 472–473
extracellular regulation
growth and branching regulation, 461–466
orientation of dendrites, 460–461
inner plexiform layer, 466–469
protein synthesis dependent, 472
transcriptional control in Drosophila, 458–460
functional overview, 65
and neuronal response properties
EPSPs, 257
NMDA receptors, 257
pyramidal neurons, 257
passive, synaptic integration
filtering, functional implications of, 239
interactions between synapses, 237–239
kinetics effects, 237
potentials at soma, 234–237
structure, 64, 231, 232
Dendritic calcium signaling, 243
Dendritic excitability, 248, 248
coincidence detection, 247
intracellular recordings, 239
pyramidal neurons, 240
synaptic plasticity, 254
voltage-gated channels, 242
Dendritic filtering
EPSP and EPSC, 237, 238
functional implications of, 239
membrane capacitance, 237
voltage-clamp electrode, 237
Dendritic inhibition, 250
CA1 pyramidal neuron, 250, 250
and excitability, 249–250
on-path, 238
Dendritic recordings, 235, 239, 240
Dendritic spikes, 459
Ca2+, 244, 246
coincidence detection, 247
Hebbian synaptic plasticity, 248
multiple dendritic domains, 247
synaptic integration, 247
in vivo and in vitro, 247
Na+, 244–245, 245
NMDA, 244, 246, 247
propagation, 244
types, 244, 245
Dendritic spines, 43–45
chemical and electrical compartmentalization, 251
AMPA receptors, 251
CA1 pyramidal neuron, 253
EPSP, 253
high-resistance spine, 254
NMDA receptors, 251, 254
voltage-gated channels, 254
structure and function, 250–254
Dendro–dendritic interactions, 467–469
Dentate, cerebellar nucleus, 689–690
Dentate granule cells (DG), 400, 401
Dependence receptors, 405
Depolarization, movements of ions, 95–97, 112
Depotentiation, synaptic strength, 1023
Depression, synaptic, 156, 158–160, 159–160
D-hair receptor, 536
Diabetes insipidus (DI), 788, 794
Diacylglycerol (DAG)
G protein-coupled receptor signaling, 189, 193
schematic pathway of, 194
Dishabituation, nonassociative learning, 1010
Disinhibition, 1072–1073
Diuresis, 790
Diurnal patterns, neurohormone release, 802–803
Dok-7 adapter protein, 385, 391, 392
Dopamine (DA), see also Basal ganglia
biosynthesis, 120, 121, 122
hypothalamic, 813
mesolimbic dopamine system and addiction
cocaine, 883
neural substrates of sensitization, 884–885
nicotine, 886
neurochemical adaptation in addiction, 888–889
orbitofrontal cortex, 656, 669, 673–674
receptors, 184
autoreceptor regulation, 123–124
enzymatic inactivation, 124
neuronal transporters, 124–125
schizophrenia defects, 938
sleep control, 858
SNpc input to striatum, 660
vesicular monoamine transporters, 122–123
vesicular storage, 122
supplementary motor area, 656, 675
transporter, 124–125
Dopamine-β-hydroxylase, catecholamines biosynthesis, 122
Dopaminergic neurons, 48–49, 607, 609, 876, 885
Dopaminergic syndrome of neglect, 876
dOR, see Drosophila odorant receptors
Dorsal blastopore lip (DBL) cells, 287
Dorsal cortex of reptiles, 905
Dorsal migrating cells, 344
Dorsal organizers, DV axis, 303–304
Dorsal processing streams, 959, 960
Dorsal respiratory group (DRG), 751
Dorsal root ganglion (DRG), 343
neuron features, 64
Dorsoventral (DV) axis, 287
dorsal organizers, 303–304
homeobox genes, 304
local organizers of, 302
telencephalon, 305
ventral organizers, 302–303
Double bouquet cell, 46
Doubletime, circadian control, 828
Dreaming, 859–861, 860
functions of, 866–867
DRG, see Dorsal respiratory group; Dorsal root ganglion
Drosophila, 391
Drosophila melanogaster, 368, 396
Drosophila odorant receptors (dOR), 525
Dscam, dendrite development role in Drosophila, 469
DSPS, see Delayed sleep phase syndrome
Dura, 35
Dynein, 83
Dynorphin-κ opioid systems, 888–889
Dysdiadochokinesia, definition, 688
Dysexecutive syndrome, 1071–1072
Dyslexia, 935
Dysmetria, definition, 688
Dystrophin, functions, 79


Ear, see Audition
Early gastrula organizer (EGO), 292
Early-long-term potentiation (E-LTP), maintenance of, 1020–1021
EBN, see Excitatory burst neuron
ECF, see Extracellular fluid
Echolocation, and bats, 573–574
ECM, see Extracellular matrix
Ectodermal cells, 287, 288, 295
EEG, see Electroencephalography
EGF, see Epidermal growth factor
Electroencephalography (EEG), 847, 849, 859
Electromyography (EMG), 627, 644
Electro-olfactogram (EOG), 522
Electroplaque, 386
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, 289
Emotional motor system, 745
Empty spiracles genes, 298
End plate potential (EPP), 211, 618
Endbulb, central auditory processing, 568
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), 816
Endolymph, cochlea, 559
Endothelial cells, 56
Energy metabolism, see Brain energy metabolism
Enteric nervous system (ENS), 736–738
EOG, see Electro-olfactogram
E.P., 984, 1031, 1039
memory impairment and brain damage, 1033
Eph receptors, 346
EphrinBs, 399
Ephrins, growth cone guidance, 372
Epidermal growth factor (EGF), 389
biosynthesis, 120
autoreceptor regulation, 123–124
enzymatic inactivation, 124
neuronal transporters, 124–125
vesicular monoamine transporters, 122–123
vesicular storage, 122
transporter, 124–125
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal conversion, 340
EPP, see End plate potential
EPSC, see Excitatory postsynaptic current
EPSP, see Excitatory postsynaptic potential
ES cells, see Embryonic stem cells
Estrogen-response elements (EREs), 811
Ethics, research, 11
Ets domain transcription factors, 394
Event-related potentials (ERPs), 993
apes and hominins, 908
hominin brains, 914–916
primates, 906–909, 907
Excitation-secretion coupling, 142
calcium binding and exocytosis trigger, 143–145
calcium microdomains and vesicle release, 143
Excitatory burst neuron (EBN), 705–706, 706
Excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC), 222, 222
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), 139, 212, 214, 1013
Extinction, attention deficit, 991
Extracellular fluid (ECF), 783–784
Extracellular matrix (ECM), 340, 351, 375
Extracellular positive feedback loop, 1013
Extrastriosomal matrix, 658
Eye, 579
movement, 605
central control, 701–703
damage to SNpr causes involuntary, 665
disorders, 708
fixation and fixational eye movements, 699
gaze redirecting, 698–699, 705–707
gaze stabilization, 697–698, 703–705
muscle pairs, 700–701
saccades and pursuit, 711
shifts of visual attention, 711–712
SNpr, 709, 711
substantia nigra output, 659
visual perception and cognition contribution, 712–713
optics, 579–580
Eyeblink classical conditioning, 1043–1044
Eyelid conditioning and cerebellum, 691–692


FA, see Friedrich’s ataxia
Face processing, development, 925–926
Face recognition, prosopagnosia, 960–961
Facilitation, synaptic, 158, 159, 160
F-actin, 374, 376
Fasciculation selective, 468–469
organization of dendritic field, 468–469
Fastigial, 678, 682, 688, 691, 693
Fastigius, cerebellar nucleus, 689
Fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs), 662, 664
Fear conditioning, 1045
Feature integration theory (FIT), 1001
Feedback, 680, 683–685, 689, 693, 694
Feedforward, 683, 690, 690, 693–694, 694
Feed forward control, 602
FEF, see Frontal eye field
FFA, see Fusiform face area
Fibrillar actin, see F-actin
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF), 373, 396
neural induction, 290–292
Filial imprinting, 492
Filopodia, 363
Firing rate rhythms, 836–837
Flash suppression, 1097
Flat bipolars, 581
Flexor reflex afferent (FRA), 628
Fluid intake
osmotic homeostasis regulation
arginine vasopressin, 785, 789
diuresis, 790
natriuresis, 789–790
osmoreceptor cells, 787–789
thirst, 785
physiology of body fluids, 783–784
rapid inhibitory feedback control, 786–787
volume homeostasis regulation
aldosterone secretion, 793–795
arginine vasopressin secretion signals, 790–792
hypovolemia signals, 792
oxytocin, 795
salt appetite, 792–795
Flutter, lower-frequency vibration, 534
fMRI, see Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Folium, cerebellum, 678
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 808
release pattern, 811
Food intake
body weight influences, 772–774
brain stem regulation, 780–781
glucostatic hypothesis, 773
hypothalamus regulation, 726, 776–779
peptide regulation, 779–780
satiety signals, 769–770
cholecystokinin, 770–772
experimental approaches, 771
gastric distension, 770–772
postgastric effects of meals, 772
Forebrain, 293
addiction role, 893
gene activation, 207
FosB, addiction role, 893, 894
Fossil, of brain, 902
Fovea, 502
FRA, see Flexor reflex afferent
Fragile X syndrome, 936
Free will neurobiology, consciousness, 1092
Friedrich’s ataxia (FA), 937
Frontal cortex, 34, 978–979
fronto-parietal attention control system, 994–998
value representation and motivational modulation, 982–984
Frontal eye field (FEF), 709, 1088
attention control system, 994–998
electrical stimulation, 1000
gaze shift control, 710
Frontal lobe, subthalamic nucleus receives inputs, 658
FSH, see Follicle-stimulating hormone
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 266, 959, 961–962, 964, 1035
attention studies, 993, 993, 1000, 1004
consciousness, 1092, 1094, 1098, 1100
hippocampus memory system, 1035
language studies, 1060
prefrontal cortex, 1074–1075, 1081
Functional polarity theory, 17, 20
Fusiform face area (FFA), 961, 962, 964
Fusion mechanism, 146
Fyn, dendrite orientation role, 461


G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), 163, 164, 177
specific receptors
desensitization, 180–181
loss of surface receptors, 182
phosphorylation, 181–182
determinant for, 179
glutamate receptor, 185–186
homo and hetero oligomers, 180
neurotransmitter-binding site, 177–179
posttranslational modifications, 182
receptor and activation of, 179
adenylate cyclase
coincidence detection, 193
fine-tuning of cAMP, 192
inhibition, 192
isoforms of, 192
receptor coupling, 192–193
regulation of, 192–193
calcium, 195
conversion of, 189–191
cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, 196
G protein cycle, 190
G protein subunits, 190–191
guanylate cyclase, 195–196
ion channel modulation by G proteins, 196
nitric oxide, 195–196
response specificity, 192
specificity and potency of, 180
structure, 177
GABA, see γ-Aminobutyric acid
GABAA receptor, 128
binds drugs, 170
glycine receptor, 170–171
cluster at synapses, 171
inhibitory function, 169–170
GABAB receptor, 128, 186
Galago garnetti, 912
Gambling task, 1073
Gamma-band oscillations, 1038
Gamma-band spike-field coherence, in monkey hippocampus, 1038
Gamma-band synchronization, 1038, 1038
Ganglia, 344, 451, 452
Ganglion mother cell (GMC), 310, 317
neurogenesis, 312
Notch pathway activity, 315
Gastrointestinal phase, 768, 769
Gaze, see Eye
GDNF, see Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor
Gene expression, electrical activity regulates, 394
Generator potential, 532
Genetic diseases affecting breathing, 764
Genomics, 9–10
Gephyrin, 398
GF, see Glial fiber
GFAP, see Glial fibrillary acidic protein
GFR, see Glomerular filtration rate
GH, see Growth hormone
GHRH, see Growth hormone-releasing hormone
Glia, 276–277
cells, 136
neuron support in brain, 7
neurons and, 4–6
Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), 373
activities, 426
Glial fiber (GF), 353
cellular organization of neurons, 353
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), astrocyte function, 51
Glial-guided neuronal migration, 353
Gliotransmission, 136–138
Globus pallidus, see Basal ganglia
Globus pallidus external segment (GPe), 660, 663
Globus pallidus internal segment (GPi), 659–660, 659, 662–663
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), blood pressure response, 784
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), 771
Glucocorticoid receptors (GR), 802, 804
temperament shaping in rat, 489–491
Gluconeogenesis, 768
Glucose, 767, 768, 772
transporters, brain energy metabolism, 277–278
Glucose metabolism, see Brain energy metabolism
Glucostatic hypothesis, 773
GLUT-1, blood-brain barrier function, 57
astrocyte metabolism, 274–276
excitatory neurotransmission, 128–129
metabolism, 274–276
Glutamate receptors, 171, 173
specific receptors
cluster at synapses, 175–176
GPCRs, 185–186
non-NMDA receptors, 171–173
RNA splicing and editing, 173
Glutamine synthetase, astrocyte function, 51
Glutathione, reactive oxygen species protection, 270–271
Glycine receptor, structure, 170–171
Glycogen, 768
astrocyte metabolism, 282
synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), 291
Glycogenolysis, 768
Glycolysis, brain energy metabolism, 269
GMC, see Ganglion mother cell
Goldman−Hodgkin−Katz equation, 98
Golgi apparatus, 66–67, 353
protein trafficking, 68
trans-Golgi network
endocytosis and membrane cycling, 71–72
protein exit, 70–71
Golgi cell, 681–682, 682–685, 693
Golgi staining, 31
Golgi tendon organ, proprioception, 536, 620
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), 724, 808, 809
receptor, 812
release patterns, 811
GPCRs, see G protein-coupled receptors
GR, see Glucocorticoid receptor
Gracile fasciculus, 543
Gray matter, spinal cord, 33
Green fluorescent protein (GFP), 341
Grey rami communicans, 731
Grid cells, 985, 985, 1036, 1037
Growth cone guidance, 363–365
axon trajectory segments, 366–374
ephrin, 372
morphogens and growth factors, 372–373
netrin, 368–370
semaphorin, 370–372
slit, 372
cytoskeletal dynamics, 374–378
midline of developing nervous systems initial attraction, 378–379
premature repulsion prevention, 379–380
switching, 379
study approaches, 366
Growth hormone (GH), 806, 807
receptor, 808
Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), 806
GSK3, see Glycogen synthase kinase 3
Guanylate cyclase, G protein-coupled receptor signaling, 195–196


Habenula, 876, 887
Habits, memory for, 1042–1043
Habituation, 1010
Hair cells
damaging, 559
descending systems to, 564–565
increasing sensitivity of hearing, 559
mechanical energy translation into electrical energy, 554–555
Hair follicle afferent (HFA), 536
HapMap project, 10
HD, see Huntington’s disease
Head-direction cells, 720, 985
Hearing, see Audition
mechanism, 1018
synaptic plasticity, 248, 248
Hebb’s postulate, synapse elimination, 447
Hedgehog (Hh), growth cone guidance, 372
Hemiballismus, 664
Hemispatial neglect, 972–973, 990–992
Hemisphere, and language processing, 1061–1062
Hepatic encephalopathy, astrocyte dysfunction, 275–276
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), growth cone guidance, 373
Heteroceptor, 119
Heterosynaptic facilitation, 229, 1011, 1011, 1016
HFA, see Hair follicle afferent
HGPPS, see Horizontal Gaze Palsy with Progressive Scoliosis
Hh, see Hedgehog
motor system, 27–29
nervous system operations, 5–6
High-frequency stimulation (HFS), 1016
Hindbrain segmentation, 296–297
Hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron, 252
Hippocampus, 231
grid cells, 985
head-direction cells, 985
and memory system
amnesia, 1031–1033
anatomy, 1030–1031, 1031
anterograde amnesia animal models, 1033–1034, 1039
declarative memory, 1035–1039
long-term potentiation and CA3-CA1 synapse, 1016–1018
neuroimaging, 1035
recognition memory signals, 1037
retrograde amnesia and consolidation, 1039–1040
transgenic animals and dissection, 1039
place cells, 985
postnatal refinement of synaptic contacts, 921
spatial cognition role
declarative spatial memory, 984
memory formation, 984
neuron place fields, 984–985
parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortex, 984
Histamine, and sleep control, 858
H.M., 984
and amnesia, 1031–1033
Hominins, 908
Homo florensensis, 908
Homo habilis, 908
Homo sapiens, 908, 914
Horizontal cell, 582–583
Horizontal Gaze Palsy with Progressive Scoliosis (HGPPS), 379
Hormonal regulation, 483, 815–816, 865
Horse-radish peroxidase (HRP), 146
Hox genes, cellular determination, 311, 328, 330, 331
H-reflex, 627
Human brain, basal ganglia in, 654
Human lifespan, changes in sleep over, 861–862
Humans, pheromone detection in, 528
Huntington’s disease (HD), pathophysiology of, 664, 671
Hydra, see Nerve net
6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), 665
Hyperphagia, 773
Hyperpolarization, 95–97, 114–116
Hyperpolarization-activated cation (HCN) channels, 242
Hypothalamic hunger, 776–777
Hypothalamic-lactational axis, 812, 812–813
disruptions in, 813
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, 803, 803–804
disruptions in, 804
Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, 808–811, 809
disruptions in, 812
receptors, 811–812
Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HTP) axis, 804–806
disruptions in, 806
receptors, 806
Hypothalamus, 717–718
appetite regulation, 726, 776–777
autonomic function central integration, 724
behavioral state control, 722–723
consummatory behavior role, 873
cytoarchitecture, 718–719
fluid homeostasis and thirst, 725–726
functional organization
circumventricular organs, 721–722
integration of physiology and behavior, 720–721
limbic projections, 719
olfaction, 719
visceral sensation, 720
visual projections, 720
historical perspective on, 800
immune function, 724–725
lateral hypothalamic syndrome, 874
motivation role, 873
motor control, 606
neuroendocrine system, 799–800
hormone release cycles, 802–803
lactational axis, 812, 812–813
pituitary-adrenal axis, 803–804
pituitary-gonadal axis, 808–811, 809
disruptions, 812
gonadotropin-releasing hormone, 808
receptors, 811–812
pituitary targets, 800
pituitary-thyroid axis, 804–806
disruptions, 806
posterior pituitary hormones, 813–815
regulation by neural, glial, and hormonal inputs, 802
somatotropic axis, 806–807
disruptions, 808
growth hormone-releasing hormone, 807–808
pituitary gland neuroendocrine regulation, 723–724
reproductive function, 724
thermoregulation, 724–725
ventrolateral preoptic area of sleep-wake cycles, 852
Hypothesis, creation, 11
Hypothyroidism, 806
Hypotonia, definition, 688
aldosterone secretion, 793–795
neural and endocrine signals
AVP secretion, 790–793
thirst, 792–793
salt appetite, 793–795


Ia afferents, 536
Ib afferents, 620
IBN, see Inhibitory burst neuron
ICF, see Intracellular fluid
IEGs, see Immediate early genes
IFG, see Inferior frontal gyrus
IGF-I, see Insulin-like growth factor-I
ILD, see Interaural level difference
ILN, see Intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus
Imaging dendritic function
conventional electrophysiological techniques, 242
microelectrodes, 242
optical techniques, 243
two-photon excitation, 243
two-photon microscopy, 242
IMM, see Intermediate and medial mesopallium
Immediate early genes (IEGs), transcription regulation, 207
Impulsivity, 883
In vivo imaging, 243
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), 318
Induction, LTP, 1018–1022
Inferior colliculus, central auditory processing, 570–572
Inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), 1062
Inferior mesenteric ganglion, 733
Inferior temporal cortex, agnosia
early studies, 948
object recognition, 950
Inferior temporal (IT) neurons, 1005
Information theory, consciousness modeling, 1100–1101
Infundibulum, 23–24, 24
Inhibitory burst neuron (IBN), 705–706, 706
Inhibitory interneuron
cerebral cortex, 45–47
compilation of, 250
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), 139, 214, 218, 220–222
Inner ears, 553, 554
Inner plexiform layer (IPL), 466–469
organization of dendritic fields, 467–469
Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)
G protein-coupled receptor signaling, 189
schematic pathway of, 194
termination of, 194–195
Instrumental conditioning, 1009, 1077
adiposity signaling, 774
caloric homeostasis, 768–769
Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), receptor, 808
Interaural level difference (ILD), 484, 569, 569–570
Interaural time difference (ITD), 484–486, 569, 569–570
Intergeniculate leaflet (IGL), 833
Intermediate and medial mesopallium (IMM), filial imprinting, 492
Intermediate filaments, 80, 80–82
Intermediate-phase memory, for sensitization, 1014
Intermediate-term memory, 1014
Intermediolateral nucleus, 731
Internal carotid artery, 36
Internal jugular vein, 37
Internal medullary lamina, 659
Interneurons (IN), 211, 1011
cortical interneuron migration, 356
flatworms, 19–20
motor control, see Spinal intereurons
α-Internexin, 81
Internode, 49
Interpositus, cerebellar nucleus, 689
Intracellular fluid (ICF), 783–784
Intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), 1032
Intracellular positive feedback loop, 1013
Intrafusal fibers, 620
Intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus (ILN), consciousness, 1095, 1095
Invaginating bipolars, 581
Ion channels, 107–108
specific channels
diseases, 107–108
G protein modulation, 196
Ionotropic receptors, 163, 164
specific receptors
stretch reflex studies of ionotropic postsynaptic potentials, 211–214
IP3, see Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
IPL, see Inner plexiform layer
iPSCs, see Induced pluripotent stem cells
IPSP, see Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
ITD, see Interaural time difference


c-Jun, regulation, 207
Junctions, definition, 4
Just noticeable difference (JND), 500


Kainate receptor, 173
Katz model, 157–158
Kennedy’s disease, 622
Ketogenesis, 768
Kinesin, 83
Koniocellular layer, lateral geniculate nucleus, 584
Kugelberg-Welander disease, 622


Labeled line principle
sensory systems, 503–504, 504
taste system, 519
Labyrinth, vestibular apparatus, 632–633
astrocyte release, 281–282
brain utilization, 263
Lactation, hypothalamic control of, 812–813
Lamellipodia, 363
acquisition and sensitive periods, 480
animal communication lessons, 1056–1057
brain structures related to, 1060–1061
development, 926–927
evolution, 1059–1060
lateralization, 1061–1062
lexical access and word meaning, 1062–1064
localizationist theories, 1059–1060
perisylvian cortex organization for processing, 1062
processing, 1057–1059
syntactic operations, 1064–1066
Large aspiny neuron, striatum, 655
Larval salamander, amacrine cell, 232
Late gastrula organizer (LGO), 292
Late-long-term potentiation (L-LTP), 1020–1021
maintenance of, 1022
Lateral cervical nucleus, 544
Lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE), 305
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 909
attention and neural response modulation, 1000–1001
color-selective response in P pathway, 585–586
experience effects on functional organization of visual cortex, 487
critical period, 487–489
plasticity mechanisms, 488–489
input, 587
layers and retinal ganglion cell projections in primates, 584
M cells and contrast sensitivity, 586
response properties of P an M pathways, 584–585
retinogeniculocortical pathway
extrastriate visual areas, 592–593
lateral geniculate nucleus structure, 586–587
parietal cortex, 593–594
primary visual cortex
cat, 587–589
macaque, 589
visual cortex
columnar structure, 589–590
cytochrome oxidase staining, 592
optical imaging studies, 590–592
role of vision, 577, 583, 586–587
Lateral hypothalamic syndrome cell body lesions, 874
Lateral inhibition, 578
Lateral intraparietal area (LIP), 709, 710, 1083, 1088
attention control system, 994
neurons, 995
parietal cortex, 975–976
reward probability, 997
spatial cognition, 975–976
spatial salience representation, 995–996
Lateral occipital complex (LOC)
object recognition, 959
shape processing, 961
Lateralization, 1061–1062
LC, see Locus coeruleus
LDP, see Locomotor-drive-potentials
Learning and memory, 1029–1048, see also Long-term depression Long-term potentiation
aging effects on memory
animal models, 928–929
neurobiology of decline
hippocampus, 929
neuron loss, 929–930
prefrontal cortex, 931–933
subcortical systems, 933
variability, 927–929
Alzheimer’s disease and, 1032–1033
amygdala memory system
central nucleus, 1044
emotional disposition acquisition, 1046
fear conditioning, 1044, 1045
memory modulation, 1046–1047
Aplysia studies, 1010
associative learning of withdrawal reflexes, 1014–1016
long-term sensitization, 1012–1014
short-term sensitization, 1011–1012
temporal domains for memory of sensitization, 1014
associative learning, 1009–1010
behavioral support by multiple memory systems, 1048–1049
cerebellum memory system
anatomy, 1043
eyeblink classical conditioning, 1043–1044
cerebral cortex memory system
anatomy, 1047
motor learning, 1047–1048
perceptual learning, 1047–1048
repetition priming, 1048
conditioning, 871–873
declarative memory development, 924–925
developmental learning sensitive periods, 491
closing, 493
filial imprinting, 492
pathway maturation, 492–493
prolongation via deprivation, 493
reopening, 493–494
hippocampus memory system, 1040
amnesia, 1031–1033
anatomy, 1030–1031, 1031
anterograde amnesia animal models, 1033–1035
declarative memory, 1035–1039
retrograde amnesia and consolidation, 1039–1040
transgenic animals and dissection, 1039
motor learning, 611
nonassociative learning, 1010
patient H.M., and amnesia, 1031–1033
place versus response, 1042
striatum memory system, 1043
actions, outcomes and habits, 1042–1043
anatomy, 1041
memory identification, 1041–1042
synaptic strength and complex memory storage, 1023–1025
Leptin, adiposity signaling, 774
Leucine-rich repeat protein 2 (LRRTM2), 397
Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) activities, 426
LGE, see Lateral ganglionic eminence
LGN, see Lateral geniculate nucleus
LGO, see Late gastrula organizer
LH, see Luteinizing hormone
Limbic system
hypothalamic projections, 719
prefrontal cortex connectivity, 1070
Linguistic universals, 1059
LIP, see Lateral intraparietal area
Lipogenesis, 768
Lipolysis, 768
Lissauer’s tract, 545
LMAN, see Anterior nidopallium
LOC, see Lateral occipital complex
Local circuit neurons, 6
Local interneuron, function, 32
Locomotion, see Motor system
Locomotor activity circadian rhythms, 837
Locomotor-drive-potentials (LDP), 625
Locus coeruleus (LC), 6, 547, 851, 853, 857, 875, 884, 1032, 1047
Locust, mesothoracic ganglion of, 232
Long hierarchical neurons, 6
Long QT syndrome, ion channel mutation, 108
Long-term depression (LTD), 158, 929, 1023
purkinje cell, synapse, 686–687
Long-term facilitation (LTF), 759, 762, 1012–1013, 1020
Long-term potentiation (LTP), 158, 422, 929
expression, 1021
hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapse, 1016–1018, 1017
calcium, 1018–1019
late potentiation, 1020–1021
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, 1019–1020
learning linkage, 1022–1023
and LTD, 1023
maintenance, 1022
Long-term sensitization, 1012–1014
Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (Lrp4), 385, 388, 391
Lower-frequency vibration, 534
Lrp4, see Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4
LRRTM2, see Leucine-rich repeat protein 2
LTD, see Long-term depression
LTP, see Long-term potentiation
Lugaro cell, 683
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 808
receptors, 813
release pattern of, 811
Lysosome, affect nervous system, 72


mAChR, see Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor
Macrocircuitry, nervous system, 31
Maculae, 632
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 268, 895, 1040
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), brain metabolism studies, 263
Magnification factor, 508
Magnocellular layer, lateral geniculate nucleus, 584, 586
Major depressive disorder (MDD), 894–895
Mammalian nervous system, synapse elimination in, 439
Mammalian outer hair cell, mechanical properties of, 557–559, 558
MANF, see Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor
Mantle layer, formation, 26, 26–27
MAO, see Monoamine oxidase
MAPK, see Mitogen-activated protein kinase
MAPs, see Microtubule-associated proteins
Masking in auditory nerve response, 564
Maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY), ion channel mutation, 107
MBP, see Myelin basic protein
MCH, see Melanin-concentrating hormone
MCTs, see Monocaroxylate transporters
MDD, see Major depressive disorder
Medial ganglionic eminence (MGE), 305
Medial geniculate, central auditory processing, 572
Medial longitudinal fasciculus, 701
Medial superior olive (MSO), central auditory processing, 570
Medial superior temporal area (MST), pursuit eye movement role, 711
Medial temporal lobe
declarative spatial memory, 984
neuron place fields, 984–985
Median eminence (ME), 718, 721, 721–722, 723, 725