↓A ↓B ↓C ↓D ↓E ↓F ↓G ↓H ↓I ↓J ↓K ↓L ↓M ↓N ↓O ↓P ↓Q ↓R ↓S ↓T ↓U ↓V ↓W ↓X ↓Y ↓Z
1-Wire-Thermometer [→1]
389-Directory-Server [→1]
3D-Desktop [→1]
3D-Grafik [→1]
4-kByte-Sektoren [→1]
4k-Monitor [→1]
64-Bit-Bibliotheken [→1]
64-Bit-Distributionen [→1]
64 Studio [→1]
7zr [→1]
802.11x-Standards [→1]
$ (Variablen in der bash) [→1]
$() (Kommandosubstitution) [→1]
& (Hintergrundprozesse) [→1]
> (Eingabeumleitung) [→1]
< (Ausgabeumleitung) [→1]
[] (arithmetische Ausdrücke) [→1]
~ (Heimatverzeichnis) [→1] [→2]
** (Jokerzeichen) [→1]
# (Kommandointerpreter) [→1]
"" (Zeichenketten) [→1]
' (Zeichenketten) [→1]
` (Kommandosubstitution) [→1]
A-Eintrag (DNS) [→1]
a2disconf [→1]
a2dismod [→1]
a2enconf [→1]
a2enmod [→1]
a2ensite [→1]
a2ps [→1]
aa-status [→1]
AAAA-Eintrag (DNS) [→1]
Abkürzungen [→1]
AC-3 [→1]
Access Control Lists [→1]
Access-Point [→1]
Account (E-Mail) [→1]
ACL [→1]
ACPI [→1]
Kernel-Boot-Optionen [→1]
Acrobat Reader [→1]
Active Directories [→1]
Ad-hoc-Modus (WLAN) [→1]
addgroup [→1]
adduser [→1]
Administration [→1]
Administrator-Account [→1]
Adobe [→1]
Flash [→1]
Reader [→1]
Interna [→1]
NetworkManager [→1]
PPPoE-Konfiguration [→1]
AFP [→1]
afp.conf [→1]
aiccu [→1]
AirPlay (Kodi) [→1]
AirPrint [→1]
airprint-generate [→1]
Aktion (Syslog) [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
alias [→1]
alias (für E-Mail-Server) [→1]
alias (in modprobe.conf) [→1]
alias (httpd.conf) [→1]
alias_database [→1]
alias_maps [→1]
alien [→1]
Allow (Apache) [→1]
AllowMouseOpenFail [→1]
AllowOverride [→1]
alsactl [→1]
alternatives [→1]
Amarok [→1]
Amazon Web Services (AWS) [→1]
AMD-Grafiktreiber [→1]
Debian [→1]
Fedora [→1]
SUSE [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
amdgpu-Projekt [→1]
amixer [→1]
anacron [→1]
ANT [→1]
Anti-Aliasing [→1]
Authentifizierung [→1]
HTTPS [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
Passwort [→1]
SELinux [→1]
Sicherheit [→1]
Unicode [→1]
Verzeichnis absichern [→1]
virtuelle Hosts [→1]
Zugriff sperren [→1]
APIC [→1]
aplay [→1]
APN [→1]
apparmor-utils [→1]
apper [→1]
AirPrint [→1]
AirPrint [→1]
Filing Protocol (AFP) [→1]
HFS-Dateisystem [→1]
Samba [→1]
Tastatur unter Linux verwenden [→1]
Gnome [→1]
Java [→1]
KDE [→1]
applydeltarpm [→1]
approx [→1]
Apps [→1]
APT [→1]
automatische Updates [→1]
Proxy-Einstellung [→1]
apt-cache [→1]
apt-cacher [→1]
apt-cacher-ng [→1]
apt-key [→1]
apt-proxy [→1]
apt-setup [→1]
apturl [→1]
arandr [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
LXDE [→1]
Xfce [→1]
Archivieren von Dateien [→1]
Gnome [→1]
Ardour [→1]
arecord [→1]
arithmetische Ausdrücke (bash) [→1]
Artifex Ghostscript [→1]
ASCII [→1]
aswcli [→1]
asymmetrische Verschlüsselung [→1]
async (NFS) [→1]
ATAPI [→1]
ATI-Treiber [→1]
aticonfig [→1]
ATM [→1]
Atomic [→1]
ATSC A/52 [→1]
Audacious [→1]
Audacity [→1]
ALSA [→1]
Konverter [→1]
Player [→1]
abspielen [→1]
Ripper/Grabber [→1]
Audio-Player [→1]
aufs-Dateisystem [→1]
Ausgabeumleitung (bash) [→1]
Auslagerungsdatei [→1]
authconfig-Kommando [→1]
AuthConfig-Schlüsselwort (Apache) [→1]
Apache [→1]
SMTP [→1]
AuthName [→1]
AuthType [→1]
AuthUserFile [→1]
auto-Dateisystem [→1]
Auto-Login [→1]
KDE [→1]
SUSE [→1]
autofs [→1]
autojump [→1]
automatic.conf [→1]
Automatische Ausführung von Jobs [→1] [→2]
automount [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
Unity/Ubuntu [→1]
Avahi [→1]
avahi-browse [→1]
avahi-daemon [→1]
avahi-discover [→1]
avahi-dnsconfd [→1]
AVI [→1]
Avidemux [→1]
aws [→1]
Awstats [→1]
Background-Prozesse [→1]
backintime [→1]
Backports (Debian) [→1]
Backup Domain Controller [→1]
Backup-Datei (Emacs) [→1]
Backups [→1]
inkrementelle [→1]
KVM [→1]
LVM-Snapshots [→1]
MySQL [→1]
Scripts [→1]
bad-interpreter-Fehlermeldung [→1]
baobab [→1]
bash [→1]
completion [→1]
Programmierung [→1]
Tastenkürzel [→1]
Variablen [→1]
bashrc [→1]
Batterie (Notebooks) [→1]
BCM2835/-26 [→1]
BDC [→1]
bdflush [→1]
Beamer (X-Konfiguration) [→1] [→2]
Bedingungen (bash) [→1]
Benutzer [→1]
einrichten [→1]
Gruppen [→1]
verwalten [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
neue Dateien [→1]
von Dateien [→1]
Betriebssystem [→1]
bg [→1]
Bibliotheken [→1]
32/64 Bit [→1]
glibc [→1]
libc [→1]
Prelinking [→1]
Bilder verwalten [→1]
Bilder-Verzeichnis [→1]
/bin [→1]
~/bin [→1]
Binärpaket [→1]
bind [→1]
bind interfaces only [→1]
bind-address (MySQL) [→1]
BIOS [→1]
GRUB-Partition [→1]
GRUB-Reparatur [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
blacklist (modprobe.conf) [→1]
Blacklist (E-Mail) [→1]
blueman [→1]
Bluetooth [→1]
OpenELEC [→1]
Raspberry Pi [→1]
bluetooth-applet [→1]
bluetooth-wizard [→1]
bluetoothd [→1]
bluez-simple-agent [→1]
bluez-test-device [→1]
BMP-PS-Konverter [→1]
bmp2eps [→1]
bmp2tiff [→1]
Bombono [→1]
Bonjour [→1]
Bookmarks (Firefox Sync) [→1]
/grub [→1]
/grub/devices.map [→1]
/grub/grub.conf [→1]
/grub/menu.lst [→1]
/initrd [→1]
/initrd selbst erzeugen [→1]
Boot-Optionen [→1]
GRUB-Menüdatei [→1]
Boot-Probleme [→1]
Bootloader [→1]
System-V-Init [→1]
Upstart [→1]
boot.local [→1]
Bootloader [→1]
bootlogd [→1]
Boxes [→1]
Bridge [→1]
bridge-utils [→1]
Bridged Networking [→1]
browseable [→1]
Browsing (Samba) [→1]
BSD-Lizenz [→1]
RAID [→1]
Snapper/openSUSE [→1]
Swap-Dateien [→1]
btrfsck [→1]
Buckets (S3) [→1]
BuildService (SUSE) [→1]
bunzip2 [→1]
burncdda [→1]
C und C++ (Programmiersprachen) [→1]
.cache-Verzeichnis [→1]
Cache (WWW) [→1]
Canonical (Ubuntu) [→1]
canonical_maps [→1]
Capabilities [→1]
Carriage Return [→1]
case [→1]
cat [→1]
Catalyst Control Center [→1]
Catfish [→1]
CCSM [→1]
Audio-CDs abspielen [→1]
auswerfen [→1]
brennen [→1]
brennen in Gnome [→1]
brennen in KDE [→1]
CD-Player [→1]
Devices [→1]
Inhalt kontrollieren [→1]
ins Dateisystem einbinden [→1]
umount-Problem [→1]
wechseln [→1]
Zeichensatzprobleme [→1]
CDDB [→1]
cdrecord [→1]
Init-Prozess [→1]
statische Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
sudo [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
Certification Authority (CA) [→1]
cgroup-Dateisystem [→1]
Cgroups [→1]
chage [→1]
Channel (WLAN) [→1]
CHAP [→1]
character set [→1]
Chat-Programme [→1]
chattr [→1]
chcon [→1]
ChipId [→1]
Choqok [→1]
Chrome [→1]
HiDPI [→1]
Chrome OS [→1]
Chromium [→1]
Chrony [→1]
chsh [→1]
cifs-utils [→1]
Cinelerra CV [→1]
Cinnamon Desktop [→1]
ClamAV [→1]
clamav-milter [→1]
classes.conf [→1]
Claws Mail [→1]
cloneconfig [→1]
Cluster SSH [→1]
Codec [→1]
Compiler [→1]
Compiz [→1]
compiz-decorator [→1]
compizconfig-settings-manager [→1]
Unity [→1]
complete [→1]
Compose-Taste [→1]
.config-Verzeichnis [→1]
config.txt (Device Trees) [→1]
configure [→1]
conky [→1]
console-setup [→1]
Container-Format [→1]
Contrib-Pakete [→1]
Control Groups [→1]
control-alt-delete.conf [→1]
Converseen [→1]
convert [→1]
convmv [→1]
Copy on Write (COW) [→1]
deaktivieren in btrfs [→1]
Namen beim Kopieren ändern [→1]
cPanel [→1]
Frequenz limitieren [→1]
Temperatur [→1]
cpu-checker [→1]
cpufreq [→1]
cpufreq-set [→1]
cpufrequtils [→1]
cracklib [→1]
cramfs-Dateisystem [→1]
create mask [→1]
cron [→1]
durch Systemd ersetzen [→1]
crontab [→1]
crossmnt (NFS) [→1]
cryptsetup [→1]
Crypto-Dateisystem [→1]
csh [→1]
CSS [→1]
CSSH [→1]
ctrl-alt-del.target [→1]
ctrlaltdel (in inittab) [→1]
CUPS [→1]
Browsing-Funktion [→1]
Firewall [→1]
Interna [→1]
Netzwerkdrucker nutzen [→1]
SUSE-Besonderheiten [→1]
cupsd [→1]
cupsenable [→1]
Cut&Paste [→1]
Dämonen [→1]
DansGuardian [→1]
data (Journaling-Modus) [→1]
drucken [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
Jokerzeichen [→1]
kopieren mit sed [→1]
komprimieren [→1]
Nautilus [→1]
suchen [→1]
Dateinamen [→1]
ext-Dateisystem [→1]
Fragmentierung [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
Loopback-Device [→1]
maximale Dateigröße [→1]
reparieren [→1]
Schnelleinstieg [→1]
Typen [→1]
überprüfen [→1]
vergrößern (ext3) [→1]
vergrößern (xfs) [→1]
verschlüsseln [→1]
verwalten [→1]
virtuelles [→1]
im ls-Kommando [→1]
Magic-Datei [→1]
MIME [→1]
Datenbank-Server [→1]
Datenpartition [→1]
Datenträger formatieren [→1]
dbus-daemon [→1]
dconf [→1]
dconf-editor [→1]
dctrl-Format [→1]
dctrl-tools [→1]
dd [→1]
ISO-Datei erzeugen [→1]
Dead Keys [→1]
Debian [→1]
DKMS [→1]
Firefox [→1]
Firmware [→1]
initrd-Datei [→1]
Paketverwaltung [→1]
Runlevel [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
VirtualBox [→1]
declare [→1]
decode_MPG2 [→1]
decode_WVC1 [→1]
Decoder [→1]
Raspberry Pi (MPEG-2, VC-1) [→1]
DefaultServerLayout [→1]
Defragmentierung [→1]
Deja Dup [→1]
Delayed Allocation (ext4-Dateisystem) [→1]
delgroup [→1]
Delta-Updates (deltarpm) [→1]
deluser [→1]
Deny (Apache) [→1]
DenyHosts [→1]
Desklets [→1]
.desktop-Dateien [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
LXDE [→1]
Xfce [→1]
deutsche Sonderzeichen
Emacs, US-Tastatur [→1]
bash [→1]
/dev [→1]
/disk [→1]
Interna [→1]
Liste [→1]
/mapper [→1]
/md [→1]
/pts [→1]
/sd [→1]
/vd [→1]
DeVeDe [→1]
Device-Abschnitt (X) [→1]
device is busy (Fehlermeldung) [→1]
DeviceKit [→1]
CD/DVD-Laufwerke [→1]
Interna [→1]
Kernelmodule [→1]
udev-Dateisystem [→1]
devices.map (GRUB) [→1]
Devil Linux [→1]
devtmpfs-Dateisystem [→1]
df [→1]
dhclient.conf [→1]
Client-Konfiguration [→1] [→2]
Hostname [→1]
Server [→1]
Server-Konfiguration (Dnsmasq) [→1]
dhcpd [→1]
diff (CD/DVD kontrollieren) [→1]
digiKam [→1]
Digitalkameras [→1]
Dillo [→1]
directory mask [→1]
Directory Server [→1]
DirectoryIndex [→1]
Disk-Quotas [→1]
Display-Abschnitt (X) [→1]
Display Manager [→1]
Überblick [→1]
Updates [→1]
DivX [→1]
dkms [→1]
DLLs [→1]
DLNA [→1]
dm_crypt [→1]
dmesg [→1]
dnf [→1]
downgrade [→1]
dnf-automatic [→1]
Systemd-Timer-Interna [→1]
dnf.conf [→1]
Client-Konfiguration [→1] [→2]
Client-Konfiguration Ubuntu [→1]
Mail-Server [→1]
PPP [→1]
Reverse DNS [→1]
Server-Konfiguration (Dnsmasq) [→1]
dns proxy [→1]
dns-nameservers [→1]
Dnsmasq [→1]
NetworkManager [→1]
do-release-update [→1]
Dock [→1]
Docker [→1]
DocumentRoot (Apache) [→1]
Dokument-Konverter [→1]
Dokumente-Verzeichnis [→1]
Dolphin [→1]
Verzeichnis freigeben [→1]
Domain-Level-Sicherheit [→1]
Domainname [→1]
Domain-Nameserver siehe DNS [→1]
DontZap [→1]
Doppellizenzen [→1]
DOS-Dateien konvertieren [→1]
DOS-Dateisystem [→1]
dos2unix [→1]
dotglob [→1]
dovecot.conf [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
POP/IMAP-Authentifizierung [→1]
SMTP-Authentifizierung [→1]
Downloads-Verzeichnis [→1]
DPI-Einstellung (4k-Monitor) [→1]
dpkg [→1]
Beispiele [→1]
Multiarch [→1]
Statuscode [→1]
DPMS (Raspberry Pi) [→1]
dracut [→1]
Dragon Player [→1]
drahtlose Netze (WLAN) [→1]
Dreischritt (Kompilieren) [→1]
DRI [→1]
DRM [→1]
Dropbox [→1]
Drucken [→1]
automatische Datenkonversion [→1]
Dämon (CUPS) [→1]
Drucker-Server [→1]
Druckjobs verwalten [→1]
Filter [→1]
GDI-Drucker (Windows) [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
MIME (CUPS) [→1]
per Kommando [→1]
PostScript [→1]
Server-Konfiguration [→1]
Spooling-System [→1]
Warteschlange [→1]
DS1820 [→1]
DSC (PostScript) [→1]
DTB-Dateien [→1]
dtoverlay-Schlüsselwort [→1]
dtparam-Schlüsselwort [→1]
Dual-Head-Konfiguration [→1]
Dual-Stack (IPv6) [→1]
Duplicity [→1]
DVBcut [→1]
auswerfen [→1]
brennen [→1]
Dateisystem [→1]
Devices [→1]
Inhalt kontrollieren [→1]
ins Dateisystem einbinden [→1]
umount-Problem [→1]
wechseln [→1]
dvdauthor [→1]
dvdrw-format [→1]
dvdrw-mediainfo [→1]
dvdrw-tools [→1]
DVDStyler [→1]
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [→1]
Dynamisch gelinkte Programme [→1]
Account [→1]
Alias [→1]
Blacklist [→1]
DNS [→1]
Evolution [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
Kontact [→1]
lokal zustellen [→1]
mutt [→1]
Relaying [→1]
Server [→1]
signieren [→1]
Thunderbird [→1]
verschlüsseln [→1]
Viren [→1]
e2label [→1]
e4defrag [→1]
eBox [→1]
Eclipse [→1]
Editoren [→1]
Emacs [→1]
Joe [→1]
Nano [→1]
Vim [→1]
Edubuntu [→1]
EFI [→1]
Bootloader per GRUB starten [→1]
GPT [→1]
GRUB 0.97 [→1]
GRUB 2 [→1]
GRUB-Reparatur [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
efibootmgr [→1]
Eingabefokus (X) [→1]
Eingabeumleitung (bash) [→1]
eject [→1]
Ekiga [→1]
elementary-tweaks [→1]
Geary [→1]
Elvis [→1]
Emacs [→1]
automatische Sicherheitskopie [→1]
Cursorbewegung [→1]
dynamische Abkürzungen [→1]
Editierkommandos [→1]
Ein- und Ausrückungen [→1]
Einrückungen im Fließtext [→1]
Erweiterungen [→1]
farbiger Text [→1]
Fenster [→1]
Fließtext [→1]
font-lock-mode [→1]
fremdsprachige Zeichen [→1]
Hintergrundfarbe einstellen [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
MELPA [→1]
Online-Hilfe [→1]
Puffer [→1]
reguläre Ausdrücke [→1]
Schnelleinstieg [→1]
Schriftart einstellen [→1]
suchen [→1]
suchen und ersetzen [→1]
Syntaxhervorhebung [→1]
Tabulatoren [→1]
Textmodus [→1]
Unicode [→1]
emergency (Kerneloption) [→1]
Emergency-Target (Systemd) [→1]
Empathy [→1]
Emulate3Buttons [→1]
Encoder [→1]
Encryption (Dateisystem) [→1]
Energiesparfunktionen [→1]
Enigmail [→1]
enscript [→1]
env [→1]
EnvironmentFile (Systemd) [→1]
eog [→1]
EPS-Konverter [→1]
epsffit [→1]
epstopdf [→1]
erweiterte Partition [→1]
ESP Ghostscript [→1]
Firefox [→1]
Thunderbird [→1]
/adduser.conf [→1]
/adjtime [→1]
/alternatives [→1]
/apt/apt.conf [→1]
/apt/sources.list [→1]
/ati [→1]
/auto.master [→1]
/boot/grub.cfg [→1]
/chrony.conf [→1]
/cron.daily [→1]
/cron.hourly [→1]
/cron.monthly [→1]
/cron.weekly [→1]
/crontab [→1]
/crypttab [→1]
/cups [→1]
/dansguardian [→1]
/dansguardianf1.conf [→1]
/default/language [→1]
/default/rcS [→1]
/default/grub [→1]
/default/prelink [→1]
/deluser.conf [→1]
/denyhosts.conf [→1]
/dhcp3/dhclient.conf [→1]
/dnf/dnf.conf [→1]
/dnsmasq.conf [→1]
/dovecot [→1]
/dracut.conf [→1]
/event.d [→1]
/file [→1]
/firewall.d [→1]
/fonts/fonts.conf [→1]
/fstab [→1]
/fstab (CIFS) [→1]
/fstab (LABEL) [→1]
/fstab (NFS) [→1]
/fstab (SSD-TRIM) [→1]
/ftpusers [→1]
/group [→1]
/gshadow [→1]
/host.conf [→1]
/hostapd.conf [→1]
/hostname [→1]
/hosts (neuen Server testen) [→1]
/hosts.allow (NFS 3) [→1]
/hosts.deny (NFS 3) [→1]
/idmapd.conf [→1]
/inetd.conf [→1]
/init [→1]
/init.d [→1]
/init.d/boot.local [→1]
/init/control-alt-delete.conf [→1]
/inittab [→1]
/inputrc [→1]
/jobs.d [→1]
/ld.so.cache [→1]
/libvirt [→1]
/lightdm [→1]
/locale.conf [→1]
/localtime [→1]
/logrotate.conf [→1]
/mailcap [→1]
/manpath.config [→1]
/mdadm/mdadm.conf [→1]
/mime.types [→1]
/modprobe.d [→1]
/modules [→1]
/modules-load.d [→1]
/mono [→1]
/mtab [→1]
/my.cnf [→1]
/netatalk/afp.conf [→1]
/network/interfaces [→1]
/nscd.conf [→1]
/nsswitch.conf [→1]
/owncloud [→1]
/PackageKit/* [→1]
/pam.conf [→1]
/pam.d/* [→1]
/passwd [→1]
/php.ini [→1]
/polkit-1 [→1]
/postfix [→1]
/ppp [→1]
/ppp/chap-secrets [→1]
/ppp/ip-up [→1]
/ppp/ip-up.local [→1]
/ppp/pap-secrets [→1]
/printcap (CUPS) [→1]
/prelink.conf [→1]
/rc.d/* [→1]
/rc.d/rc.local [→1]
/rc.local [→1]
/rc.d/init.d/ [→1]
/resolv.conf [→1]
/resolv.conf (Ubuntu) [→1]
/rsyslog.conf [→1]
/samba/smb.conf [→1]
/selinux [→1]
/services [→1]
/shadow [→1]
/shells [→1]
/skel [→1]
/smartd.conf [→1]
/squid/squid.conf [→1]
/ssh [→1]
/ssl/certs [→1]
/sudoers [→1]
/sysconfig [→1]
/sysconfig/authconfig [→1]
/sysconfig/init [→1]
/sysconfig/language [→1]
/sysconfig/clock [→1]
/sysconfig/console [→1]
/sysconfig/iptables [→1]
/sysconfig/keyboard [→1]
/sysconfig/locate [→1]
/sysconfig/network-scripts [→1]
/sysconfig/prelink [→1]
/systemd/network [→1]
/systemd/journal.conf [→1]
/timezone [→1]
/udev [→1]
/updatedb.conf [→1]
/vconsole.conf [→1]
/vsftpd.conf [→1]
/vsftpd/ftpusers [→1]
/vsftpd/user_list [→1]
/webalizer [→1]
/wpa_supplicant.conf [→1]
/wpa_supplicant [→1]
/X11/fonts [→1]
/X11/xorg.conf [→1]
/X11/Xsession [→1]
/xdg/user-dirs.conf [→1]
/xinetd.d/* [→1]
/yum.conf [→1]
IP-Adresse [→1]
konfigurieren [→1]
MAC-Adresse [→1]
ethtool [→1]
evdev [→1]
evim [→1]
Evolution [→1]
Ex Falso [→1]
EXA [→1]
except-interfaces [→1]
Exchange-Server [→1]
.exe-Datei [→1]
Exec Shield [→1]
ExecCGI [→1]
ExecStart-Schlüsselwort (Systemd) [→1]
exFAT-Dateisystem [→1]
exfat-utils [→1]
EXIF-Informationen [→1]
exit (bash) [→1]
Expansion von Dateinamen [→1]
Experimental-Pakete [→1]
export [→1]
Verschlüsselung [→1]
Windows-Zugriff [→1]
Extended Attributes [→1]
Extension Pack (VirtualBox) [→1]
externe Laufwerke [→1]
extractres [→1]
faac [→1]
faad [→1]
.face.icon-Datei [→1]
Facebook [→1]
FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) [→1]
Fail2Ban [→1]
faillock [→1]
faillog [→1]
Fake-RAID [→1]
Fan Control [→1]
Fastest Mirror (Yum) [→1]
FAT-Dateisystem [→1]
fbdev-Treiber (X) [→1]
fc-cache [→1]
fc-list [→1]
automount [→1]
Distributions-Update [→1]
DKMS [→1]
dracut [→1]
Firewall [→1]
Gateway-Konfigurationsdatei [→1]
initrd-Datei [→1]
LABEL in/etc/fstab [→1]
Masquerading [→1]
statische Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
sudo [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
VirtualBox [→1]
FedUp [→1]
Fensterbuttons (Gnome) [→1]
Fernbedienung [→1]
Fernsehen [→1]
Fernwartung (VNC) [→1]
feste Links [→1]
4-kByte-Sektoren [→1]
formatieren [→1]
partitionieren, Linux [→1]
überwachen (SMART) [→1]
fetchmsttfonts [→1]
ffmpeg [→1]
ffserver [→1]
fg [→1]
fglrx-Treiber (X) [→1]
FHS [→1]
FIFO [→1]
file [→1]
FileInfo [→1]
Files-Abschnitt (X) [→1]
Fonts [→1]
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard [→1]
FileZilla [→1]
CUPS [→1]
IP-Paketfilter [→1]
find [→1]
Firefox [→1]
HiDPI [→1]
MIME [→1]
Plugins [→1]
Proxy-Konfiguration [→1]
Sync [→1]
Firewall [→1]
AFP-Server (Netatalk) [→1]
Beispiel [→1]
CUPS [→1]
FTP [→1]
Grundzustand herstellen [→1]
Mail-Server [→1]
NFS 4 [→1]
openSUSE [→1]
Paketfilter [→1]
Samba [→1]
Squid (Proxy-Cache) [→1]
Web-Server [→1]
NFS [→1]
Squid (Proxy-Cache) [→1]
FirewallD [→1]
Firewire [→1]
Firmware [→1]
Debian [→1]
fish (Konqueror) [→1]
fixfmps [→1]
fixmacps [→1]
fixscribeps [→1]
fixtpps [→1]
fixwfwps [→1]
fixwpps [→1]
fixwwps [→1]
FLAC [→1]
Flash [→1]
flashplugin-installer [→1]
Fluendo [→1]
Fokus (X) [→1]
FollowSymLinks [→1]
font-lock-mode [→1]
fontconfig-System [→1]
FontPath [→1]
Fonts [→1]
installieren [→1]
X [→1]
fonts.conf [→1]
for (bash) [→1]
force group (Samba) [→1]
forcefsck [→1]
Fork-Typ (Systemd) [→1]
FORMAT (Windows) [→1]
btrfs-Dateisystem [→1]
ext-Dateisystem [→1]
xfs-Dateisystem [→1]
Fotodrucker [→1]
Fotos verwalten [→1]
Fragmentierung [→1]
Framebuffer (X) [→1]
free-Kommando [→1]
Free Software Foundation [→1]
freedb [→1]
fremdsprachige Zeichen (Emacs) [→1]
freshclam [→1]
fsck [→1]
fsck.xfs [→1]
FSF [→1]
fsid (NFS) [→1]
fstab [→1]
CIFS [→1]
NFS [→1]
fstrim [→1]
FTP [→1]
ftp-Kommando [→1]
Masquerading [→1]
passiver Modus [→1]
Secure FTP Server [→1]
Server [→1]
Server (sftp) [→1]
ftpusers [→1]
function (bash) [→1]
fuser [→1]
Gateway [→1]
Client-Konfiguration [→1]
Client-Konfiguration (route) [→1]
Server-Konfiguration [→1]
gconf [→1]
gconf-editor [→1]
gconftool-2 [→1]
GDI-Drucker [→1]
Geary [→1]
genisoimage [→1]
getafm [→1]
getcap [→1]
getfacl [→1]
getfattr [→1]
getsebool [→1]
getty [→1]
GFS [→1]
gfs-Dateisystem [→1]
gftp [→1]
Ghostscript [→1]
GID [→1]
gif2tiff [→1]
GIMP [→1]
gimp-dcraw [→1]
GIMP-Print [→1]
Screenshots [→1]
gksu [→1]
gksudo [→1]
GL (Open GL) [→1]
glibc [→1]
Zeitzone [→1]
Global Filesystem [→1]
Global Unicast (IPv6) [→1]
globstar-Option [→1]
GLX [→1]
glxinfo [→1]
GMA (Intel-Grafikkerne) [→1]
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) [→1]
Gnome [→1]
Anti-Aliasing [→1]
Bildschirmeinstellungen [→1]
Extensions [→1]
gdm [→1]
Panelposition (Dual-Head) [→1]
Proxy-Konfiguration [→1]
scannen [→1]
Screenshots [→1]
Shell Extensions [→1]
Startprobleme [→1]
Tweak Tool [→1]
Verzeichnis freigeben [→1]
gnome-disk-utils [→1]
gnome-disks [→1]
gnome-keyring-daemon [→1]
gnome-language-selector [→1]
gnome-media[-apps] [→1]
gnome-nettool [→1]
gnome-packagekit [→1]
gnome-screenshot [→1]
gnome-shell [→1]
gnome-sound-recorder [→1]
gnome-system-monitor [→1]
gnome-terminal [→1]
gnome-vfs.keys [→1]
gnome-vfs.mime [→1]
GNU [→1]
Emacs [→1]
General Public License [→1]
Ghostscript [→1]
GRUB [→1]
PG [→1]
.gnupg-Verzeichnis [→1]
Google Analytics [→1]
Google Authenticator [→1]
Google Chrome [→1]
HiDPI [→1]
GOsa [→1]
gparted [→1]
gpasswd [→1]
gphoto2 [→1]
gpk-application [→1]
gpk-update-viewer [→1]
GPL [→1]
gpm [→1]
EFI [→1]
GRUB 2 [→1]
Partitionsnummern [→1]
Grabber (Audio-CDs) [→1]
Grafik-Konverter [→1]
grep [→1]
Beispiele [→1]
grep-dctrl [→1]
grepall (bash-Beispiel) [→1]
groupadd [→1]
growisofs [→1]
Grsync [→1]
GRUB [→1]
Bedienung [→1]
EFI [→1]
Kernel-Updates [→1]
LVM [→1]
Neuinstallation in Live-System [→1]
Notfall [→1]
Secure Boot [→1]
Version 2 [→1]
Version 0.97 [→1]
GRUB 0.97
Farben [→1]
Linux starten [→1]
Menüdatei [→1]
Windows starten [→1]
GPT [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
Reparatur (BIOS) [→1]
Reparatur (EFI) [→1]
grub-editenv [→1]
grub-install [→1]
grub.cfg [→1]
grub.conf [→1]
grubby [→1]
Gruppen [→1]
neue Dateien [→1]
von Dateien [→1]
gs [→1]
gscan2pdf [→1]
gsetting [→1]
gsettings [→1]
GSM-Modem [→1]
gsox [→1]
GStreamer [→1]
Gthumb [→1]
GTUBE-Testnachricht [→1]
gucharmap [→1]
guest account [→1]
guest ok [→1]
guest only [→1]
Gufw [→1]
gvim [→1]
Gwenview [→1]
H264 und H265 [→1]
Hacker-Kernel [→1]
HAL [→1]
Devices [→1]
Devices (udev-Dateisystem) [→1]
Referenz [→1]
Hardware-RAID [→1]
hawkey [→1]
hcitool [→1]
HDR-Bilder [→1]
Heimatverzeichnis [→1] [→2] [→3] [→4]
Helix-Player [→1]
Hello World [→1]
help [→1]
HFS-Dateisystem (Apple) [→1]
Hibernate-Kerneloptionen [→1]
HiDPI-Monitor [→1]
Hintergrundprozesse [→1]
Hinting [→1]
hold-Status (dpkg-Kommando) [→1]
Home-Partition [→1]
Home-Server [→1]
host.conf [→1]
hostapd [→1]
hostname [→1]
DHCP-Client-Konfiguration [→1]
DHCP-Server (Dnsmasq) [→1]
einstellen [→1]
SUSE [→1]
HOSTNAME-Variable [→1]
hostnamectl [→1]
hosts [→1]
Hot-Spot einrichten (WLAN) [→1]
Hotplug-System [→1]
HP-Druckertreiber [→1]
HPLIP [→1]
hplip-gui [→1]
hplip-toolbox [→1]
.htaccess-Datei (Apache) [→1]
html2ps [→1]
html2text [→1]
htop [→1]
htpasswd [→1]
Webserver [→1]
Proxy [→1]
httpd [→1]
httpd.conf [→1]
Proxy [→1]
Hugin [→1]
hwclock [→1]
Hyper-Threading [→1]
i18n [→1]
Icecast [→1]
icedax [→1]
Icedove [→1]
IcedTea [→1]
Iceweasel [→1]
iconv [→1]
ID3-Tags [→1]
IDE-Festplatten [→1]
IdentityFile [→1]
IEEE 1394 [→1]
if (bash) [→1]
ifcfg-enpxxx [→1]
ifconfig [→1]
ifdown [→1]
Image Magick [→1]
IMAP [→1]
Authentifizierung [→1]
Server [→1]
Immunix [→1]
includeres [→1]
Includes [→1]
indicator-multiload [→1]
Indikator-Menüs (Ubuntu) [→1]
Indikator-Programme (Ubuntu) [→1]
inet6 [→1]
inet_interfaces (Postfix) [→1]
inetd.conf [→1]
info [→1]
Infrastructure-Modus (WLAN) [→1]
init [→1]
init (Kerneloption) [→1]
Init-System [→1]
CentOS [→1]
Debian [→1]
Fedora [→1]
Raspbian [→1]
RHEL [→1]
SUSE [→1]
Upstart [→1]
X starten [→1]
Kernelparameter [→1]
Optimierung [→1]
Protokoll [→1]
restart/reload [→1]
X starten [→1]
Init-V-Scripts [→1]
Firewall-Beispiel [→1]
init.d [→1]
initctl [→1]
initdefault (in der inittab-Datei) [→1]
initramfs-Datei [→1]
initrd (GRUB) [→1]
initrd (Kerneloption) [→1]
initrd-Datei [→1]
selbst erzeugen [→1]
inittab [→1]
inkrementelle Backups [→1]
InnoTek [→1]
InputClass (X-Konfiguration) [→1]
InputDevice (Maus, Tastatur) [→1]
inputrc [→1]
insecure (NFS) [→1]
insmod [→1]
insserv [→1]
install (in modprobe.conf) [→1]
Installation [→1]
Anleitungen [→1]
Benutzerverwaltung [→1]
externe Festplatten [→1]
Grundkonfiguration [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
Linux deinstallieren [→1]
Netzwerkinstallation [→1]
Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
Probleme [→1]
root-Passwort [→1]
SUSE [→1]
Tastaturprobleme [→1]
Updates [→1]
Varianten [→1]
Instant Messaging [→1]
inted [→1]
intel-Treiber (X) [→1]
Interface [→1]
interfaces (Samba-Konfiguration) [→1]
interfaces-Datei [→1]
Internationalisierung [→1]
Gateway (Client-Konfiguration) [→1]
Gateway (Server-Konfiguration) [→1]
Internet Service Daemon [→1]
Masquerading [→1]
Netzwerkgrundlagen [→1]
Printing Protocol (IPP) [→1]
Router [→1]
Sicherheit [→1]
iotop [→1]
ip-Kommando [→1]
IP-Filter [→1]
IP-Ports [→1]
Liste [→1]
ip-up (PPP) [→1]
ip-up.local (PPP) [→1]
ip6tables [→1]
IPng [→1]
IPP [→1]
iptables [→1]
Beispiel [→1]
Masquerading [→1]
transparenter Proxy-Cache [→1]
Apache [→1]
Dansguardian [→1]
deaktivieren [→1]
Debian, Ubuntu [→1]
DenyHosts [→1]
Dovecot [→1]
Fedora, Red Hat [→1]
Freenet6 [→1]
gogo6 [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
Mail-Server [→1]
manuelle Konfiguration [→1]
MySQL und MariaDB [→1]
Nameserver [→1]
Postfix [→1]
Raspbian [→1]
Samba [→1]
SixXs [→1]
Squid [→1]
SSH-Server [→1]
TCP-Wrapper [→1]
IR-Empfänger [→1]
IR-Fernbedienung [→1]
irrecord [→1]
irw [→1]
ISO-10646-Zeichensatz [→1]
ISO-8859-Zeichensätze [→1]
ISO-Image [→1]
erzeugen [→1]
testen [→1]
iso9660-Dateisystem [→1] [→2] [→3]
iw [→1]
j [→1]
J8-Header [→1]
Plugin [→1]
javac [→1]
Jessie [→1]
JetDirect (HP-Netzwerkdrucker) [→1]
Jitsi [→1]
Jobs regelmäßig ausführen [→1] [→2]
Komplikationen [→1]
Joliet-Extension [→1] [→2] [→3]
journal (Journaling-Modus) [→1]
Journal (Systemd) [→1]
journal.conf [→1]
Journaling-Dateisysteme [→1]
btrfs [→1]
ext3/ext4 [→1]
xfs [→1]
jpico [→1]
jumpstats [→1]
K3b [→1]
kacpid [→1]
Evolution [→1]
Lightning (Thunderbird) [→1]
ownCloud [→1]
Kamera (Raspberry Pi) [→1]
Kanal (WLAN) [→1]
Kantenglättung (Anti-Aliasing) [→1]
KAudioCreator [→1]
Kazam [→1]
kbd [→1]
kblockd [→1]
kbluetooth [→1]
kbluetooth-devicemanager [→1]
kcmshell4 [→1]
KDE [→1]
Anti-Aliasing [→1]
Bildschirmeinstellungen [→1]
Fonts installieren [→1]
kdm [→1]
Proxy-Konfiguration [→1]
scannen [→1]
Screenshots [→1]
Startprobleme [→1]
su [→1]
Verzeichnis freigeben [→1]
Wallet [→1]
kdenetwork4-filesharing [→1]
Kdenlive [→1]
kdesu [→1]
kdesudo [→1]
kdevtmpfs [→1]
kdm [→1]
kernel-Schlüsselwort (GRUB) [→1]
Boot-Optionen [→1]
Boot-Optionen (GRUB) [→1]
Dokumentation [→1]
Einstellungen ändern [→1]
Hotplug-Funktion [→1]
installieren [→1]
IP-Filter [→1]
Konfiguration feststellen [→1]
konfigurieren [→1]
Logging [→1]
Module [→1]
neueste Version [→1]
Optionen [→1]
Parameter [→1]
Patches [→1]
Prozesse [→1]
Update (GRUB) [→1]
Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) [→1]
kernel.img-Datei [→1]
keys-Dateien (Gnome MIME) [→1]
kGraft [→1]
khelperd [→1]
Kid3 [→1]
kill [→1]
killall [→1]
KIPI [→1]
Klammererweiterung [→1]
kMediaFactory [→1]
KMS [→1]
video (Kerneloption) [→1]
knfsd [→1]
Kodi [→1]
Kommandos [→1]
ausführen [→1]
bedingt ausführen [→1]
Eingabe [→1]
im Hintergrund ausführen [→1]
Kommandointerpreter [→1]
regelmäßig ausführen [→1] [→2]
starten [→1]
starten (bash) [→1]
Substitution (bash) [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
bash [→1]
Benutzer einrichten [→1]
Dateisystem [→1]
LAN [→1]
Maus unter X [→1]
Netzwerk [→1]
Passwort [→1]
Prompt [→1]
Schriftart [→1]
Tastatur (Textkonsole) [→1]
Tastatur unter X [→1]
Textkonsole [→1]
X [→1]
Zeitzone [→1]
Konqueror [→1]
MIME [→1]
Verzeichnis freigeben [→1]
Konsole-Programm (KDE) [→1]
mehr als sechs [→1]
Schriftart [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
wechseln [→1]
Kontact-Programm (KDE) [→1]
Evolution [→1]
ownCloud [→1]
Thunderbird [→1]
Konversation [→1]
Konverter [→1]
Audio [→1]
kpartx [→1]
kPatch [→1]
KPhotoAlbum [→1]
krandrrc [→1]
krdc [→1]
KRename [→1]
krfb [→1]
ksh [→1]
ksnapshot [→1]
ksoftirqd [→1]
Ksplice [→1]
kswapd [→1]
ksysguard [→1]
kthread [→1]
KTorrent [→1]
kvm [→1]
Backup [→1]
kvm-ok [→1]
kworker [→1]
l10n (Localisation)) [→1]
/etc/fstab [→1]
root-Kerneloption [→1]
LAN [→1]
NetworkManager [→1]
Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
Sicherheit [→1]
Landscape (Ubuntu) [→1]
lapic (Kerneloption) [→1]
LaTeX [→1]
Latin-Zeichensätze [→1]
Laufwerke (gnome-disks) [→1]
Laufwerksbuchstaben (C:, D:) [→1]
Lautstärke [→1]
LC_ALL [→1]
LC_TIME [→1]
LC_TYPE [→1]
LDAP [→1]
ldconfig [→1]
ld.so [→1]
Leap (openSUSE) [→1]
Legacy-Treiber (NVIDIA) [→1]
Lenses (Unity) [→1]
Lesezeichen (Firefox Sync) [→1]
less [→1]
/proc-Dateien [→1]
let [→1]
LFS [→1]
lftp [→1]
LGPL [→1]
/firmware [→1]
/modules/*/modules.dep [→1]
libav-tools [→1]
libc [→1]
libcap [→1]
libdbus [→1]
libgphoto2 [→1]
libgudev [→1]
libmad [→1]
libogg [→1]
libpam-google-authenticator [→1]
libpam-smbpass [→1]
Libraries [→1]
librsvg2 [→1]
libsolv [→1]
libtiff [→1]
libudisk2 [→1]
libvirt [→1]
SSH [→1]
libvirtd [→1]
libvorbis [→1]
libwrap [→1]
libzypp [→1]
Limit [→1]
Line Feed [→1]
LinEAK [→1]
Link-Local-Adressen (IPv6) [→1]
Links [→1]
Linus Torvalds [→1]
Linux [→1]
deinstallieren [→1]
Distribution [→1]
Entstehung [→1]
Kernel kompilieren [→1]
Kernelmodule [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
Linux Standard Base [→1]
Shutdown [→1]
Startprobleme [→1]
Systemveränderungen [→1]
Updates [→1]
Voraussetzungen [→1]
Paketverwaltung [→1]
LIRC [→1]
lirc [→1]
Listen [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
LiVES [→1]
Livna-Paketquelle [→1]
Lizenzen [→1]
LLTD [→1]
lm-sensors [→1]
ln [→1]
.local-Verzeichnis [→1]
locale [→1]
localectl [→1] [→2] [→3] [→4] [→5] [→6]
Locales/Internationalisierung [→1]
localmodconfig [→1]
local_recipient_maps [→1]
locate [→1]
lockd [→1]
log file [→1]
Logrotate [→1]
logger [→1]
Apache [→1]
Logrotate [→1]
Logwatch [→1]
MySQL [→1]
Postfix [→1]
Samba [→1]
X [→1]
Logical Volume [→1]
Logical Volume Manager [→1] [→2]
Login [→1]
Name [→1]
Login-Icon (KDE) [→1]
login.defs [→1]
logische Partition [→1]
LOGNAME-Variable [→1]
logrotate [→1]
Apache [→1]
Awstats [→1]
Samba [→1]
Webalizer [→1]
logwatch [→1]
lokale Netze [→1]
Sicherheit [→1]
lokale Variablen [→1]
Lokalisierung [→1]
Loopback-Device [→1]
ISO-Image testen [→1]
Loopback-Interface [→1]
lp [→1]
lpc [→1]
lpd [→1]
lpinfo [→1]
lpq [→1]
lprm [→1]
LSB [→1]
lsmod [→1]
lsof [→1]
LTE-Modem [→1]
LTS-Version (Ubuntu) [→1]
Lubuntu [→1]
Lüftersteuerung [→1]
LUKS [→1]
luksFormat [→1]
Luminance HDR [→1]
lvextend [→1]
LVM [→1]
Backup mit Snapshots [→1]
GRUB [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
RAID [→1]
TRIM [→1]
lvremove [→1]
LXDE [→1]
Raspbian [→1]
m-a [→1]
feststellen [→1]
mac80211-Framework [→1]
Machine Owner Keys (Secure Boot) [→1]
MacOS-Dateisystem [→1]
Macromedia Flash [→1]
MacVTap-Device [→1]
Magic-Dateien [→1]
Mail → E-Mail
MAIL (Variable) [→1]
Mail-Server [→1]
Fehlersuche [→1]
IPv4 [→1]
Dovecot [→1]
mailcap [→1]
maildir-Format [→1]
Dovecot [→1]
Mutt [→1]
Postfix [→1]
mailq [→1]
Main-Pakete [→1]
main.cf [→1]
Major Device Number [→1]
make [→1]
make-ssl-cert [→1]
makerpm-ati [→1]
makethumbs [→1]
man [→1]
Mandatory Access Control [→1]
ManDVD [→1]
Mangle-Tabelle (iptables) [→1]
manuelle Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
map to guest = bad user [→1]
mapfile [→1]
MariaDB [→1]
markdown [→1]
Markdown [→1]
Emacs-Erweiterung [→1]
Masquerading [→1]
Fedora [→1]
MSS-Clamping [→1]
Probleme [→1]
Master Boot Record [→1]
wiederherstellen [→1]
MatchDevicePath [→1]
MatchIsKeyboard [→1]
MatchIsPointer [→1]
MatchVendor [→1]
MATE [→1]
Matroska [→1]
blockiert [→1]
KDE [→1]
per Tastatur steuern [→1]
Textmodus [→1]
Mausrad [→1]
max log size [→1]
maxcpus (Kerneloption) [→1]
mb [→1]
Mbox-Format [→1]
Mbox-Postfach [→1]
Partitonsnummern [→1]
wiederherstellen [→1]
mcs [→1]
md [→1]
MDA [→1]
mdadm.conf [→1]
mdm [→1]
md_mod (LVM) [→1]
md_mod (RAID) [→1]
mdnsd [→1]
/media-Verzeichnis [→1]
Medien-Center [→1]
Medien-Server [→1]
Meld [→1]
MELPA (Emacs-Erweiterungen) [→1]
Memtest86 [→1]
mencoder [→1]
menu.lst (GRUB) [→1]
Mesa [→1]
mhddfs [→1]
Exchange Server [→1]
Joliet-Extension [→1]
KVM-Installation [→1]
Mail [→1]
SMB-Protokoll [→1]
TrueType-Fonts [→1]
Windows-Partitionen [→1]
Windows starten [→1]
Midori [→1]
migration [→1]
Milter-Schnittstelle [→1]
CUPS (drucken) [→1]
Firefox [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
mime.convs [→1]
mingetty [→1]
Minitunes [→1]
Minor Device Number [→1]
mintbackup [→1]
mintdrivers [→1]
mintnanny [→1]
mintstick [→1]
Paketverwaltung [→1]
Mirroring [→1]
MIT-Lizenz [→1]
mkconf [→1]
mke2fs [→1]
mkfs.btrfs [→1]
mkfs.ntfs [→1]
mkfs.xfs [→1]
mkinitramfs [→1]
mkisofs [→1]
mklabel [→1]
MKV [→1]
mlocate [→1]
/mnt-Verzeichnis [→1]
Mobilfunkmodem [→1]
mode2 [→1]
ModeLine [→1]
modinfo [→1]
modprobe [→1]
Module-Abschnitt (X) [→1]
Module [→1]
Abhängigkeiten [→1]
automatisch laden [→1]
Device Trees [→1]
Device-Dateien [→1]
Optionen [→1]
Parameter [→1]
Versioning [→1]
verwenden [→1]
module-assistant [→1]
ModulePath [→1]
modules.dep [→1]
mogrify [→1]
MOKs (Secure Boot) [→1]
Monitor (X-Konfiguration) [→1]
monitors.xml [→1]
Mono [→1]
Monolithischer Kernel [→1]
more [→1]
Mosh [→1]
Beispiele [→1]
Optionen [→1]
remount für Systempartition [→1]
MOV [→1]
MP3 [→1]
Decoder [→1]
Player [→1]
mp32ogg [→1]
MP4 [→1]
mpage [→1]
MPEG-2-Decodierer [→1]
MPEG-4 [→1]
MPlayer [→1]
mru (PPP) [→1]
msdos-Dateisystem [→1]
MSS-Clamping (rp-pppoe) [→1]
msttcorefonts [→1]
MTA [→1]
mtu (PPP) [→1]
MUA [→1]
Muffin (Window Manager) [→1]
Mule (Emacs) [→1]
Multiarch-Verzeichnisse [→1]
Multicast-Adressen (IPv6) [→1]
Multimedia-Player [→1]
MultiViews [→1]
Munin [→1]
Musik-Programm (Gnome) [→1]
Musik-Verzeichnis [→1]
Musique [→1]
mutt [→1]
Mutter (Window Manager) [→1] [→2]
mv [→1]
Dateien umbenennen [→1]
Sicherheitsabfragen [→1]
MX-Eintrag (DNS) [→1]
mydestination [→1]
mydestination [→1]
myhostname [→1]
mylvmbackup [→1]
mynetworks [→1]
myorigin [→1]
MySQL [→1]
Administration [→1]
Backups [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
mysql-Kommando [→1]
Workbench [→1]
mysqladmin [→1]
mysqldump [→1]
Mythbuntu [→1]
MythTV [→1]
Nagios [→1]
Client-Konfiguration [→1] [→2]
Server-Konfiguration (Dnsmasq) [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
nano [→1]
NAT [→1]
NAT-Tabelle (iptables) [→1]
transparenter Proxy [→1]
MIME [→1]
nautilus-compare [→1]
nautilus-image-converter [→1]
nautilus-image-manipulator [→1]
nautilus-open-terminal [→1]
nautilus-pastebin [→1]
nautilus-share [→1]
nautilus-share* [→1]
Verzeichnis freigeben [→1]
ncp-Dateisystem [→1]
Nemo (Datei Manager) [→1]
.NET Framework [→1]
NetBIOS [→1]
Netfilter [→1]
Netpbm [→1]
netstat [→1]
Netware Core Protocol [→1]
Network File System [→1]
Network-Maske [→1]
NetworkManager [→1]
Netzwerk [→1]
Aktivität überwachen [→1]
Ethernet-Controller konfigurieren [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
manuelle Konfiguration [→1]
Netzwerk-Controller [→1]
Schnittstelle [→1]
Server-Konfiguration [→1]
statische Konfiguration [→1]
Sicherheit [→1]
Netzwerkbrücke [→1]
Neustart des Hostsystems [→1]
NFS-Dateisystem [→1]
/etc/fstab [→1]
Geschwindigkeit (Server) [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
NFS 3 [→1]
NFS 4 [→1]
root [→1]
Server [→1]
nfs-common [→1]
nfs-utils [→1]
nfsd [→1]
nftables [→1]
NIC [→1]
nice [→1]
NIS [→1]
nl80211-Schnittstelle [→1]
nmap [→1]
nmbd [→1]
nmcli [→1]
noapic (Kerneloption) [→1]
noauto [→1]
nodev [→1]
nodev-Dateisysteme [→1]
noexec [→1]
nohide (NFS) [→1]
noht (Kerneloption) [→1]
nolapic (Kerneloption) [→1]
nomodeset (Kerneloption) [→1]
Non-Free-Pakete [→1]
none-Dateisystem [→1]
noresume (Kerneloption) [→1]
no_subtree_check (NFS) [→1]
nosmp (Kerneloption) [→1]
no_root_squash (NFS) [→1]
nosuid [→1]
Akku [→1]
Lüftersteuerung [→1]
Dateisystem reparieren [→1]
Init-V-Prozess umgehen [→1]
Linux-Startprobleme [→1]
Windows-Startprobleme [→1]
X/KDE/Gnome startet nicht [→1]
Novell-Dateisystem [→1]
Nozomi [→1]
NSS [→1]
Streams [→1]
ntfsclone [→1]
ntfsinfo [→1]
ntfslabel [→1]
ntfsresize [→1]
ntfsundelete [→1]
NTP [→1]
ntpd [→1]
ntpdate [→1]
ntpq [→1]
nvidia-Treiber (X) [→1]
Debian [→1]
DRI [→1]
Fedora [→1]
openSUSE [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
nvidia-settings [→1]
nvidia-xconfig [→1]
NWID (WLAN) [→1]
Ogg Vorbis [→1]
Ogg-Audio-Dateien [→1]
ogg123 [→1]
oggdec [→1]
oggenc [→1]
OggMedia [→1]
OGM [→1]
One-Click-Install (openSUSE) [→1]
Oneshot-Typ (Systemd) [→1]
Online-Dokumentation [→1]
Open GL [→1]
Open Movie Editor [→1]
Open Source [→1]
openbsd-inetd [→1]
OpenELEC [→1]
OpenJDK [→1]
OpenPGP [→1]
OpenShot [→1]
openssh [→1]
openSUSE [→1]
BuildService [→1]
Snapper [→1]
Samba [→1]
OpenWrt [→1]
/opt-Verzeichnis [→1]
Optimus-Hybrid-Grafik [→1]
Kernel [→1]
Module [→1]
Apache [→1]
modprobe.conf [→1]
Opus [→1]
Cluster Filesystem [→1]
MySQL [→1]
VirtualBox [→1]
Oracle Cluster Filesystem [→1]
Order (Apache) [→1]
ordered (Journaling-Modus) [→1]
AFP [→1]
Samba [→1]
Time Machine [→1]
os-prober [→1]
OSMX [→1]
OSTree [→1]
Overclocking (Raspberry Pi) [→1]
Overlays (Device Trees) [→1]
ownCloud [→1]
Dateien synchronisieren [→1]
Interna [→1]
Kalender [→1]
Kontact [→1]
Kontakte [→1]
owner-Option (fstab-Datei) [→1]
P1-Header [→1]
p7zip [→1]
PackageKit [→1]
PAE [→1]
Pakete [→1]
Abhängigkeiten [→1]
Format ändern [→1]
Multiarch-Pakete [→1]
Paketmanager [→1]
Proxy (apt-cacher) [→1]
Red Hat [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
Verwaltung [→1]
Paketfilter (Firewall) [→1]
Google Authenticator [→1]
pam-auth-update [→1]
pam_cracklib [→1]
pam_faillock [→1]
pam_pwquality [→1]
pam_unix [→1]
pandoc [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
Unity [→1]
Panoramabilder [→1]
Pantheon [→1]
PAP [→1]
Papierkorb (Samba) [→1]
Parallel SSH [→1]
Parametersubstitution [→1]
Paravirtualisierung [→1]
Parity Striping [→1]
parted [→1]
EFI-Partition [→1]
Parted Magic [→1]
ändern, Linux [→1]
Bezeichnung unter Linux [→1]
Dateisystem [→1]
EFI [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
ideale Partitionierung [→1]
im Verzeichnisbaum [→1]
Partitionsname [→1]
remount [→1]
Typen [→1]
Passwort [→1]
ändern [→1]
Ablaufdatum (chage) [→1]
aging [→1]
für Gruppen [→1]
Qualität [→1]
root [→1]
vergessen [→1]
Apache [→1]
PAM [→1]
Samba [→1]
Patches (Kernel) [→1]
Patente [→1]
path-Schlüsselwort (Samba) [→1]
PATH-Umgebungsvariable [→1] [→2]
Einstellung ändern [→1]
Pattern (ZYpp) [→1]
PCI-Bus [→1]
pci.ids [→1]
PCM-Lautstärke [→1]
PCManFM [→1]
pdbedit [→1]
PDC [→1]
Adobe Reader [→1]
pdf2ps [→1]
pdf90 [→1]
pdfedit [→1]
pdfimages [→1]
pdfinfo [→1]
pdfjam [→1]
pdfjoin [→1]
pdfnup [→1]
pdftops [→1]
pdftotext [→1]
PostScript-Konverter [→1]
Tools [→1]
pdksh [→1]
Pepper (Adobe Flash) [→1]
Periodische Ausführung von Jobs [→1] [→2]
PGP [→1]
Phonon [→1]
PhotoFilmStrip [→1]
PHP [→1]
Emacs-Erweiterung [→1]
Unicode [→1]
phpMyAdmin [→1]
Physical Device [→1]
Physical Extent [→1]
Physical Volume [→1]
pico [→1]
PID [→1]
PID-Datei [→1]
pidof [→1]
Pidgin [→1]
PIN/PUK-Probleme [→1]
pinfo [→1]
ping [→1]
pip [→1]
Pipes [→1]
PiTiVi [→1]
Piwik [→1]
pkcon [→1]
pkexec [→1]
pkmon [→1]
Plasma [→1]
Plasmoids [→1]
Plesk Panel [→1]
Plex [→1]
Pluggable Authentication Modules [→1]
Adobe Reader [→1]
Firefox [→1]
Flash [→1]
Java [→1]
Yum [→1]
Plymouth [→1]
pnuke [→1]
policycoreutils-gui [→1]
PolicyKit [→1]
POP [→1]
Authentifizierung [→1]
Poppler [→1]
Port-Scan [→1]
Port-Umleitung (Firewall) [→1]
Portable Bitmap Utilities [→1]
Portland-Projekt [→1]
portmap [→1]
Ports (TCP/IP) [→1]
FTP (20, 21) [→1]
HTTP (80) [→1]
Liste [→1]
Referenz [→1]
Squid (3128) [→1]
Mbox-Format [→1]
virtuell [→1]
Postfix [→1]
Alias [→1]
als lokaler E-Mail-Server [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
Logging [→1]
virtuelle Domänen [→1]
postqueue [→1]
PostScript [→1]
DSC [→1]
HTML-Konverter [→1]
PDF-Konverter [→1]
Printer Definition (PPD) [→1]
Text-Konverter [→1]
Unicode-Konverter [→1]
Utilities [→1]
Poulsbo [→1]
powertop [→1]
PPAs (Ubuntu) [→1]
PPD-Dateien [→1]
ppds.dat [→1]
Blockgröße (ADSL) [→1]
DNS automatisch einstellen [→1]
pppd [→1]
ADSL (PPPoE) [→1]
Konfigurationsdateien [→1]
PPPoA [→1]
MTU-Problem [→1]
pppoeconf [→1]
PPTP (ADSL) [→1]
Präfix-Notation (Netzwerkadressen) [→1]
Pre Shared Key (WPA) [→1]
prelink [→1]
Presto (Yum) [→1]
pri (Swap-Priorität) [→1]
primäre Partition [→1]
Primary Domain Controller [→1]
printcap (CUPS) [→1]
printenv [→1]
printers.conf [→1]
/asound [→1]
/config.gz [→1]
/crypto [→1]
/mounts [→1]
/pci [→1]
/sys [→1]
Procmail [→1]
profile-Dateien [→1] [→2] [→3]
Programm [→1]
kompilieren [→1]
siehe auch Prozesse [→1]
starten [→1]
starten (bash) [→1]
Prompt (bash) [→1]
PROMPT_COMMAND (Variable) [→1] [→2]
Protocol (X-Maus) [→1]
Protokoll-Dateien (Logging) [→1]
Proxy [→1]
apt-cacher [→1]
Client (Firefox) [→1]
Client-Konfiguration [→1]
Server [→1]
Prozesse [→1]
gewaltsam beenden [→1]
Größe begrenzen [→1]
Hierarchie [→1]
Hintergrundprozesse [→1]
Priorität [→1]
Rechenzeit [→1]
regelmäßig ausführen [→1] [→2]
unter anderer Identität ausführen [→1]
unterbrechen [→1]
verwalten [→1]
Vordergrundprozesse [→1]
ps [→1]
psbook [→1]
psnup [→1]
psresize [→1]
psselect [→1]
pssh [→1]
pstops [→1]
pstree [→1]
psutils [→1]
PTP-Digitalkameras [→1]
pullin-Pakete (SUSE) [→1]
pullin-flash-player [→1]
PulseAudio [→1]
Puppy Linux [→1]
QCOW2-Format [→1]
QDVDAuthor [→1]
QED-Format [→1]
QEMU [→1]
qemu-img [→1]
qemu-kvm [→1]
Quassel [→1]
Quellpaket [→1]
queue (Druckerwarteschlange) [→1]
QuickTime [→1]
quiet (Kerneloption) [→1]
Quotas [→1]
Radeon-Treiber (X) [→1]
RAID [→1]
LVM [→1]
RAID-0 [→1]
RAID-1 [→1]
raidtools [→1]
Scrubbing [→1]
TRIM [→1]
Überwachung [→1]
RANDOM-Variable [→1]
RANDOM_DELAY-Variable [→1]
Raspberry Pi [→1]
Device Trees [→1]
Kodi [→1]
Kamera [→1]
Raspbian [→1]
IPv6 aktivieren [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
WLAN-Konfiguration [→1]
Raspbmc [→1]
raspi-config [→1]
raspistill [→1]
raspivid [→1]
Rasplex [→1]
RAW-Bilddateien [→1]
rb [→1]
rc-Dateien [→1]
rc.local [→1]
rdiff-backup [→1]
read [→1]
readline [→1]
RealPlayer [→1]
Reboot des Hostsystems [→1]
Rechnername siehe Hostname [→1]
Rechnerstart [→1]
Probleme [→1]
recode [→1]
recordMyDesktop [→1]
recover-file (Emacs) [→1]
recycle [→1]
automount [→1]
Firewall [→1]
Gateway-Konfigurationsdatei [→1]
initrd-Datei [→1]
LABEL in/etc/fstab [→1]
statische Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
sudo [→1]
Regelmäßige Ausführung von Jobs [→1] [→2]
reguläre Ausdrücke (Emacs) [→1]
reject [→1]
Rekonq [→1]
relayhost [→1]
reload (Init-V-Prozess) [→1] [→2]
RemainAfterExit-Schlüsselwort (Systemd) [→1]
Remmina [→1]
remount (Systempartition) [→1]
remove (in modprobe.conf) [→1]
Rendezvous [→1]
renice [→1]
Require (Apache) [→1]
reserve (Kerneloption) [→1]
reset [→1]
resize2fs [→1]
resolv.conf [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
resolvconf-Schlüsselwort [→1] [→2]
respawn (in inittab) [→1]
restart (Init-V-Prozess) [→1] [→2]
Retina-Monitor [→1]
Reverse DNS [→1]
RFB [→1]
RFCs [→1]
RgbPath [→1]
RHEL [→1]
Init-Prozess [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
RHN [→1]
RHSM [→1]
Richard Stallman [→1]
Ripper (Audio-CDs) [→1]
rlogin [→1]
rm-Kommando [→1]
rmmod [→1]
ro (Kerneloption) [→1]
Rockridge-Extension [→1] [→2] [→3]
Rolling Release [→1]
Kerneloption [→1]
MySQL [→1]
NFS [→1]
Partition [→1]
Passwort vergessen [→1]
Server [→1]
Verzeichnis [→1]
root_squash (NFS) [→1]
Rosegarden [→1]
Router (Masquerading) [→1]
Routing-Tabelle [→1]
rpc.idmapd [→1]
rpc.mountd [→1]
rpcinfo [→1]
rpciod [→1]
rpi-update [→1]
rpm [→1]
Beispiele [→1]
Quellcodepakete installieren [→1]
cannot open packages database [→1]
RPM Fusion [→1]
rpm-ostree [→1]
rpmbuild [→1]
RPMS [→1]
rsnapshot [→1]
rsvg [→1]
rsvg-convert [→1]
rsync [→1]
rsyslog.conf [→1]
rsyslogd [→1]
Ruhezustand [→1]
/log/journal [→1]
run-crons [→1]
run-parts [→1]
Runlevel [→1]
runtime linker [→1]
S/MIME [→1]
S3-Cloud-Dienst [→1]
/etc/fstab [→1]
Fedora [→1]
Firewall [→1]
Gäste [→1]
Inbetriebnahme [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
Nautilus [→1]
Netzwerkverzeichnisse einrichten [→1]
Papierkorb [→1]
Passwörter [→1]
RHEL [→1]
SELinux [→1]
Sicherheitsmechanismen [→1]
SUSE [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
SANE [→1]
sane-find-scanner [→1]
/sbin [→1]
/init.d [→1]
Scanner [→1]
Schlüssel [→1]
HTTPS (Apache) [→1]
POP/SMTP (Dovecot) [→1]
SSH [→1]
Schlafmodus [→1]
Schleifen (bash) [→1]
Schnittstelle [→1]
Schriftart [→1]
Emacs [→1]
siehe Fonts [→1]
Textkonsolen [→1]
scp [→1]
Screen-Abschnitt (X) [→1]
Screencast [→1]
Screenshots [→1]
ScriptAlias [→1]
Scrollverhalten wie unter OS X [→1]
Scrubbing (RAID) [→1]
SCSI [→1]
scsi_eh [→1]
SD-Karte formatieren [→1]
sddm [→1]
sdpd [→1]
seahorse [→1]
seahorse-nautilus [→1]
search (GRUB) [→1]
Secure Shell [→1]
Secure Sockets Layer [→1]
security-Schlüsselwort (Samba) [→1]
securityfs [→1]
Beispiel [→1]
Selektor (Syslog) [→1]
AirPrint [→1]
httpd.conf [→1]
Samba [→1]
SSH [→1]
transparenter Proxy [→1]
selinux-policy-mls [→1]
Sender Policy Framework [→1]
sensors [→1]
sensors-detect [→1]
crond [→1]
Datenbank (MySQL) [→1]
DHCP [→1]
FTP (vsftpd) [→1]
Nameserver (DNS) [→1]
Netzwerk [→1]
NFS [→1]
Samba [→1]
SSH [→1]
Webserver (Apache) [→1]
X [→1]
Server Message Block [→1]
server string [→1]
ServerAdmin [→1]
ServerAlias [→1]
ServerFlags-Abschnitt (X) [→1]
ServerName [→1]
ServerName (Apache) [→1]
ServerSignatur [→1]
service-Kommando [→1] [→2] [→3] [→4]
services-Datei [→1]
Services (Dienste) [→1]
sestatus [→1]
setcap [→1]
setenforce [→1]
setfacl [→1]
setfattr [→1]
setfont [→1]
Setgid-Bit [→1]
setsebool [→1]
Setuid-Bit [→1]
setup.exe [→1]
sfconvert [→1]
sftp [→1]
Server [→1]
SGI-Dateisystem [→1]
shadow [→1]
/share-Verzeichnis [→1]
Share-Level-Sicherheit [→1]
Shared Folder (VirtualBox) [→1]
Shares [→1]
Shell [→1]
Standard-Shell ändern [→1]
Programmierung [→1]
Shotwell [→1]
SHOUTcast [→1]
showmount [→1]
shutdown [→1]
des KVM-Hostsystems [→1]
Shutter [→1]
Shuttleworth Mark (Ubuntu) [→1]
Sicherheit [→1]
Apache [→1]
WLAN [→1]
Sicherheitskontext [→1]
Sid [→1]
Signierung (E-Mails) [→1]
Simple Scan [→1]
Simple Storage Service (S3) [→1]
simple-agent [→1]
single (Kerneloption) [→1]
Single-User-Modus [→1]
Passwort (RHEL) [→1]
Systemd [→1]
Site-Local-Adressen (IPv6) [→1]
SixXs (IPv6-Tunnel) [→1]
Skanlite [→1]
Skin (Kodi) [→1]
skip-networking (MySQL) [→1]
Slypheed [→1]
Smack [→1]
SMART [→1]
smartd [→1]
SMB-Versionen [→1]
smb.conf [→1]
smbclient [→1]
smbd [→1]
smbpasswd [→1]
smbstatus [→1]
smbtree [→1]
SMTP [→1]
Authentifizierung [→1]
Fehlersuche [→1]
Snakeoil-Zertifikat und -Schlüssel
Apache [→1]
Postfix [→1]
Snapper (openSUSE) [→1]
Snappy [→1]
btrfs [→1]
socat [→1]
Social Networking [→1]
Socket-API (Netzwerkdrucker) [→1]
Socket-Dateien [→1]
Software-Installation [→1]
Software-Patente [→1]
Software-RAID [→1]
Sondertasten nutzen [→1]
Sonderzeichen (bash) [→1]
Sound Juicer [→1]
Sound-System (ALSA) [→1]
source [→1]
sources.list [→1]
Spam-Schutz [→1]
spamass-milter [→1]
SpamAssassin [→1]
speaker-test [→1]
special bits (Zugriffsrechte) [→1]
SPF-Eintrag (Mail-Server) [→1]
Spice [→1]
Spin (Fedora) [→1]
splash [→1]
Spooling-System (drucken) [→1]
Spotify [→1]
Kodi [→1]
Spracheinstellung [→1]
squashfs-Dateisystem [→1]
Squeeze [→1]
Squid [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
squid-deb-proxy [→1]
SRPM-Pakete [→1]
SRPMS [→1]
/srv [→1]
/ftp [→1]
/www [→1]
TRIM [→1]
Verschlüsselung [→1]
absichern [→1]
Dateisystem [→1]
Google Authenticator [→1]
IPv6 [→1]
Konqueror [→1]
libvirt [→1]
Login vermeiden [→1]
Portumleitung [→1]
SELinux [→1]
ssh-agent [→1]
sshd [→1]
Server [→1]
Tunnel [→1]
SSL [→1]
Apache [→1]
ssl-cert-snakeoil.key [→1]
SSLCACertificateFile [→1]
SSLCertificateChainFile [→1]
SSLEngine [→1]
SSLxxxFile (Apache) [→1]
Stable-Pakete [→1]
Stallman, Richard [→1]
Standardausgabe [→1]
Standardeingabe [→1]
star-Kommando [→1]
start [→1]
start.elf-Datei [→1]
Startprobleme [→1]
StartSSL [→1]
Dovecot [→1]
Postfix [→1]
stat [→1]
Statisch gelinkte Programme [→1]
Statische Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
status [→1]
Steamripper [→1]
stop [→1]
Streaming [→1]
Streams (NTFS-Dateisystem) [→1]
Stretch [→1]
stripcomments (bash-Beispiel) [→1]
Striping [→1]
Stromsparfunktionen [→1]
su [→1]
Subdomain [→1]
Substitutionsmechanismen (bash) [→1]
subtree_check (NFS) [→1]
Subvolumes (btrfs) [→1]
Dateien [→1]
Emacs [→1]
find und grep [→1]
sudo [→1]
Fedora [→1]
Raspbian [→1]
suid [→1]
ZFS-Dateisystem [→1]
AppArmor [→1]
CIFS [→1]
Firewall [→1]
Gateway-Konfigurationsdatei [→1]
Init-Prozess [→1]
Kernelkonfiguration [→1]
Paketverwaltung [→1]
Samba [→1]
Snapper [→1]
Updates [→1]
VirtualBox [→1]
Suspend to Disk [→1]
Kerneloptionen [→1]
SVG-Konverter [→1]
Swap-Datei [→1]
Swap-Partition [→1]
einbinden [→1]
einrichten [→1]
swappiness-Parameter [→1]
symbolische Links [→1]
Synaptic [→1]
synaptics (X) [→1]
sync (NFS) [→1]
sync (S3) [→1]
Syntaxhervorhebung [→1]
/kernel/security [→1]
sysfs-Dateisystem [→1]
sysinit (in inittab) [→1]
syslog [→1]
System Security Services Daemon [→1]
system-config-authentication [→1]
system-config-firewall [→1]
system-config-language [→1]
system-config-lvm [→1]
system-config-printer [→1] [→2]
system-config-samba [→1]
system-config-selinux [→1]
system-config-services [→1]
system-config-users [→1]
System-V-Init-Prozess [→1]
Systemadministration [→1]
Systemd [→1]
als Cron-Ersatz [→1]
CentOS [→1]
eigene Service-Datei [→1]
Fedora [→1]
Netzwerk-Device-Namen [→1]
Netzwerkkonfiguration [→1]
Netzwerkschnittstellen [→1]
Prozesse periodisch ausführen [→1]
RHEL [→1]
Timers [→1]
systemd-journald [→1]
systemd-networkd [→1]
systemd-udev [→1]
Gnome [→1]
KDE [→1]
Systempartition [→1]
remount [→1]
systemsettings [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
GRUB [→1]
Init-V [→1]
Upstart [→1]
Tabulatoren (Emacs) [→1]
tail [→1]
Taktfrequenz [→1]
targeted [→1]
Tartarus [→1]
tasksel [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
bash [→1]
blockiert [→1]
KDE [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
Sondertasten [→1]
Tastenkürzel [→1]
US-Tastaturtabelle [→1]
X [→1]
TCP-Wrapper-Bibliothek [→1]
tcsh [→1]
TDB [→1]
tee [→1]
telinit [→1]
SMTP-Fehlersuche [→1]
Temperatur (CPU) [→1]
Temperaturmessung (Raspberry Pi) [→1]
Terminal [→1]
Evolution [→1]
Lightning (Thunderbird) [→1]
ownCloud [→1]
test-Kommando (bash) [→1]
Tethering [→1]
durchsuchen [→1]
Konverter [→1]
PostScript-Konverter [→1]
Textkonsole [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
mehr als sechs [→1]
Schriftart [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
Themen (KDE) [→1]
Theora [→1]
Thumbnails [→1]
erzeugen [→1]
Thunar [→1]
Thunderbird [→1]
CardDAV [→1]
HiDPI [→1]
ownCloud [→1]
tiff2pdf [→1]
tiff2ps [→1]
tigervnc [→1]
Timers (Systemd) [→1]
TinyCore [→1]
TLS [→1]
Dovecot [→1]
Postfix [→1]
/tmp-Verzeichnis [→1]
tmpfs-Dateisystem [→1]
top [→1]
Torrent [→1]
Torvalds, Linus [→1]
Totem [→1]
Touchpad (X-Konfiguration) [→1]
traceroute [→1]
traGtor [→1]
Transcode [→1]
Transmission [→1]
transparenter Proxy-Cache [→1]
Transport Layer Security [→1]
Trigger-Paket (SUSE) [→1]
TRIM (SSDs) [→1]
Troll Tech [→1]
TSOP4838 [→1]
SSH [→1]
TurboPrint [→1]
TV [→1]
tvservice [→1]
Twitter [→1]
type name [→1]
Type-Schlüsselwort (Systemd) [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
AirPrint [→1]
bash [→1]
Bildschirmeinstellungen [→1]
DKMS [→1]
Dnsmasq [→1]
Init-Prozess [→1]
initrd-Datei [→1]
Runlevel [→1]
Systemstart [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
Ubuntu Core [→1]
Ubuntu Server [→1]
ubuntu-drivers [→1]
ubuntu-restricted-extras [→1]
Unity [→1]
Upstart [→1]
Netzwerk-Device-Namen [→1]
udisks2 [→1]
UEFI [→1]
Partition [→1]
ufw [→1]
Uhrzeit [→1]
UID [→1]
ulimit [→1]
umask [→1]
Umgebungsvariablen [→1]
umount [→1]
Problem bei CDs/DVDs [→1]
UMTS-Modem [→1]
Interna [→1]
unattended-upgrades [→1]
Unicode [→1]
Apache [→1]
Dateisystem [→1]
drucken [→1]
Emacs [→1]
genisoimage [→1]
Konsole [→1]
PHP [→1]
PostScript [→1]
Unicode Transfer Format [→1]
Zeichensatz [→1]
unionfs-Dateisystem [→1]
Univention Corporate Server [→1]
Universal Disk Format [→1]
Unix [→1]
Unix Pseudo TTYs [→1]
unix2dos [→1]
unset [→1]
unxz [→1]
unzip [→1]
update [→1]
update-alternatives [→1]
update-initramfs [→1]
update-manager [→1]
update-ms-fonts [→1]
Update-Patch [→1]
update-rc.d [→1]
updatedb [→1]
Updates [→1]
OpenELEC [→1]
UPnP [→1]
upower [→1]
Upstart [→1]
Ubuntu [→1]
upstart-job [→1]
upstart-monitor [→1]
US-Tastaturtabelle [→1]
USB [→1]
Laufwerke [→1]
Memorystick [→1]
usb-creator-gtk [→1]
USB-Stick formatieren [→1]
usb_modeswitch [→1]
User einrichten [→1]
User Shares (Samba) [→1]
User-Level-Sicherheit [→1]
useradd [→1]
username map [→1]
usershare allow guests [→1]
user_xattr [→1]
/usr-Verzeichnis [→1]
UTC (Universal Time, Coordinated) [→1]
UTF-16 [→1]
UTF-8 [→1]
einstellen (ext3) [→1]
einstellen (xfs) [→1]
ermitteln [→1]
in /dev/disk [→1]
in /etc/fstab [→1]
valid users [→1]
/ftp [→1]
/lib/dpkg/alternatives [→1]
/lib/rpm/alternatives [→1]
/log/Xorg.0.log [→1]
/log/journal [→1]
/run [→1]
/spool/cron/tabs [→1]
/www [→1]
Variablen (bash) [→1] [→2] [→3]
varlock-Dateisystem [→1]
varrun-Dateisystem [→1]
vboxadd [→1]
vboxdrv [→1]
vboxmanage [→1]
vboxnetadp [→1]
vboxnetflt [→1]
vboxpci [→1]
vboxvideo [→1]
VC1-Decodierer [→1]
vconsole-setup [→1]
VDR [→1]
Vergleiche (bash) [→1]
Verschlüsselung [→1]
Dateien [→1]
E-Mails [→1]
Mail-Server [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
Multiarch [→1]
Partitionen [→1]
Verzeichnisbaum [→1]
Verzweigungen (bash) [→1]
VESA-Modi [→1]
VESA-Treiber (X) [→1]
vga-Treiber (X) [→1]
vgcreate [→1]
vgscan [→1]
video (Kerneloption) [→1]
Video-Codecs [→1]
Video-Player [→1]
Videos (DVDs) abspielen [→1]
Video-Player [→1]
Videos-Verzeichnis [→1]
Cursorbewegung [→1]
Easy-Modus [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
Makros [→1]
Maus [→1]
Optionen [→1]
suchen und ersetzen [→1]
Swap-Datei [→1]
Tabulatoren [→1]
Unicode [→1]
Zeichensatz [→1]
vimrc-Datei [→1]
Vinagre [→1]
vino-server [→1]
Virenschutz [→1]
virt-cat [→1]
virt-clone [→1]
virt-df [→1]
virt-edit [→1]
virt-filesystems [→1]
virt-inspector [→1]
virt-make-fs [→1]
virt-tar [→1]
virt-top [→1]
Windows [→1]
virtual_alias_domains [→1]
VirtualBox [→1]
VirtualHost [→1]
virtual_mailbox_domains [→1]
virtuelle Dateisysteme [→1]
virtuelle Domänen (Postfix) [→1]
virtuelle Hosts [→1]
virtuelle Postfächer [→1]
visudo [→1]
VLC [→1]
vmlinuz [→1]
vmlinuz-Datei [→1]
VNC [→1]
vncviewer [→1]
vol_id [→1]
Volume Group [→1]
Vorbis [→1]
vorbiscomment [→1]
Vordergrundprozesse [→1]
Vorlagen-Verzeichnis [→1]
VP8, VP9, VP10 [→1]
vsftpd [→1]
Warteschlange [→1]
watchdog [→1]
WAV [→1]
Web [→1]
Web-Apps (Ubuntu) [→1]
Webalizer [→1]
Webanalyse-Software [→1]
Proxy-Konfiguration [→1]
Textmodus [→1]
WebDAV [→1]
Webfilter [→1]
Webmin [→1]
Webserver [→1]
website [→1]
Webverzeichnis absichern [→1]
WEP [→1]
wget [→1]
Wheezy [→1]
which [→1]
while (bash) [→1]
WiFi (WLAN) [→1]
Window Manager [→1]
3D-Desktop [→1]
CUPS-Netzwerkdrucker drucken [→1]
Drucker [→1]
Hibernate [→1]
KVM-Installation [→1]
MBR wiederherstellen [→1]
Netzwerkverzeichnisse [→1] [→2]
Samba-Freigaben nutzen [→1]
starten (GRUB) [→1]
Startprobleme [→1]
winff [→1]
WINS [→1]
WiringPi [→1]
WLAN [→1]
Adapter [→1]
Authenticator (hostapd) [→1]
NetworkManager [→1]
OpenELEC [→1]
Raspberry Pi [→1]
Router [→1]
Sicherheit [→1]
WMA [→1]
wmf2eps [→1]
wmf2gd [→1]
wmf2svg [→1]
WMV [→1]
wodim [→1]
Workgroup-Sicherheit [→1] [→2]
wpa_passphrase [→1]
wpa_supplicant [→1]
wpasupplicant [→1]
in /etc/network/interfaces [→1]
writeable [→1]
writeback (Journaling-Modus) [→1]
X Window System [→1]
3D-Grafik [→1]
als fremder Nutzer arbeiten [→1]
Anti-Aliasing [→1]
Auflösung [→1]
Beamer [→1]
beenden [→1]
Benutzerwechsel [→1]
cannot connect to X server [→1]
connection refused by server [→1]
DPI-Wert einstellen [→1]
Farbanzahl [→1]
Fonts [→1]
Fonts installieren [→1]
Grafikkarte [→1]
Konfiguration [→1]
Logging [→1]
Module [→1]
Monitor-Konfiguration [→1]
Protokoll [→1]
Schriftarten [→1]
Server [→1]
Server-Flags [→1]
SSH [→1]
Startprobleme [→1]
su [→1]
Tastatur [→1]
Version feststellen [→1]
Verzeichnisse [→1]
Window Manager [→1]
zwei Monitore [→1]
x11vnc [→1]
XAA [→1]
xargs [→1]
XBian [→1]
XBMC [→1]
xconsole [→1]
XDG [→1]
xdg-desktop-icon [→1]
xdg-desktop-menu [→1]
xdg-email [→1]
xdg-icon-resource [→1]
xdg-mime [→1]
xdg-open [→1]
xdg-screensaver [→1]
xdg-user-dirs [→1]
xdg-user-dirs-gtk [→1]
xdm [→1]
Xfce [→1]
xfconf-Datenbank [→1]
xfconf-query [→1]
xfontsel [→1]
xfs_admin [→1]
xfs_check [→1]
xfs_growfs [→1]
xfs_repair [→1]
Xft-Bibliothek [→1]
xine [→1]
xinetd [→1]
xkbd [→1]
XkbLayout [→1]
XkbModel [→1]
XkbOptions [→1]
XkbRules [→1]
XkbVariant [→1]
xkill [→1]
xlsfonts [→1]
XMir (Ubuntu) [→1]
XMMS [→1]
xmodmap [→1]
Xorg.0.log [→1]
xorg.conf [→1]
xpdf-utils [→1]
XPI [→1]
xrandr [→1]
XRender [→1]
XSane [→1]
xsensors [→1]
Xsession [→1]
xterm [→1]
XviD [→1]
XWayland [→1]
YaST [→1]
Paketverwaltung [→1]
Yorba [→1]
YOU (YaST Online Update) [→1] [→2]
automatische Updates [→1]
yum-cron [→1]
yum-utils [→1]
yumdownloader [→1]
yumex [→1]
Zahlenvergleiche (bash) [→1]
ZAxisMapping [→1]
bash [→1]
Parametersubstitution (bash) [→1]
ändern [→1]
Apache [→1]
PHP [→1]
Zeitgesteuerte Ausführung von Jobs [→1] [→2]
Zeitzone [→1]
glibc [→1]
Zero Install [→1]
Zeroconf [→1]
HTTPS (Apache) [→1]
POP/SMTP (Dovecot) [→1]
selbst erstellen und signieren [→1]
Snakeoil-Zertifikat [→1]
Postfix [→1]
ZFS-Dateisystem [→1]
zip und zipinfo [→1]
zsh [→1]
Zugriffsbits [→1]
bei neuen Dateien [→1]
setuid, setgid [→1]
sticky [→1]
Grundlagen [→1]
Zugriffssteuerung [→1]
Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung [→1]
Zwischenablage [→1]
VirtualBox [→1]
ZYpper [→1]