ichthyosaurs, 179

Ichthyosporea, 138139

inbreeding, 336, 340341; effect of on genetic recombination, 343; effect of on genotype and allele frequencies, 343; identity by descent in an inbreeding pedigree, 341; inbreeding depression and heterosis, 344; long- and short-term consequences of, 343; measuring the degree of, 341342; measuring inbreeding coefficients and rates of self-fertilization, 342343, 343; models and evidence of inbreeding depression, 344345; purging and, 345346. See also inbreeding, consequences for molecular evolution and genome evolution; inbreeding depression

inbreeding, consequences for molecular evolution and genome evolution, 344; chromosome evolution, 344; Haldane’s sieve, 344; long-term consequence (hitchhiking), 344; sex allocation, 344

inbreeding depression, 306, 340, 356, 360

inclusive fitness, 663, 671, 677, 679; virulence and, 744745

individuals, 204

Industrial Melanism, 37

infanticide: offspring killing (filial infanticide), 712

influenza, 7; Haemophilus influenzae, 363; vaccines for, 735736

inheritance: blending of, 18; Lamarckian inheritance, 19; Mendelian inheritance, 306, 425; multiplicity of forms of, 46; non-Mendelian inheritance, 347; soft inheritance, 420, 426

insects, 167, 477, 508, 605, 667, 697; comparative evidence for kin selection in, 217; cooperation as a key to the success of, 672; evolution of Arthropoda, 94; of the Mesozoic era, 149; mutualism and, 672

Institute for Creation Research (ICR), 827

integrative conjugative elements (ICEs), 132

inteins, 127, 133

intelligent design (ID), 817, 819, 829830; legal decisions concerning, 829

International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 489

International Human Haplotype Map (HapMap) project, 462

intervention studies, 683

introgression, 460, 491, 495, 529, 555, 563

inversion types: Chiricahua inversion type (CH), 207; Standard inversion type (ST), 207208

islands, 28, 3536

isolation/isolating mechanisms, 492, 514; behavioral isolation, 515; ecological isolation, 544; extrinsic postzygotic isolation, 515, 543, 546; genetic isolation, 545, 803; genetics of postzygotic isolation, 545547; genetics of prezygotic isolation, 543544; habitat (resource) isolation, 493, 514515; intrinsic postzygotic isolation, 515516, 543, 546547; isolation by adaptation (IBA), 549, 555; isolation by distance, 801, 805; mechanical isolation, 493; natural selection and reproductive isolation, 513514, 516; pollinator isolation, 515; postmating isolation, 527528; postzygotic isolation, 497498, 531; prezygotic isolating mechanism, 243, 531; reproductive isolation (reproductive isolating barriers), 496, 498, 512, 514516, 518, 521, 523, 524, 529, 591, 594; sexual isolation, 544545; temporal isolation, 493, 515. See also reinforcement

iteroparity, 268, 272, 718

Jamaica, 509, 537

jellyfish, 160, 164; Aurelia, 164; box jellyfish, 164

Johnson, Phillip, 829830

Johnstone, Rufus, 679, 724

Jones, William, 789790

Jurassic era, 149, 179, 582; Early Jurassic era, 178; Late Jurassic era, 30

katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia), 279

Kenyanthropus platyops, 185

Kepler, Johannes, 11

key innovations, 486, 563, 592; in evolutionary biology, 592593; evolutionary diversity and, 593595; examples of, 594595, 597; key evolutionary innovation hypothesis, 592; origins of, 593; problems concerning, 596598; testing hypotheses of, 595596

Kickxellomycotina, 153, 154

Kimura, Motoo, 26, 68, 369, 453, 467

kin recognition, 215, 218; challenges to, 218219

kin selection, 193, 200, 672, 679, 697, 741; comparative evidence for in social insects, 217; eusociality and, 698699; experimental evidence of in microbes, 217218; fraternal cooperation and, 672673; inclusive fitness and, 196, 202203, 215, 216, 219, 656, 698

King, Jack Lester, 68, 369, 432

knapweed: spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), 296

Koarchaeota, 129

Koshima Island, 798

Kropotkin, Peter, 19

Kuhn, Thomas, 17

Lake Malawi, 562, 563

Lake Victoria, 509, 517, 545

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 14

Lamarckism/Neo-Lamarckism, 20, 425426; Lamarckian inheritance, 19

land, colonization of, 171

language. See linguistics, and the evolution of human

language Leakey, Richard, 581, 833

lecithin, 123

Leclerq, Georges Louis (Comte de Buffon), 14, 76

Lederberg, Joshua, 421

lepidosaurs, and their relatives, 178179

lichens, evolution of, 157

life: biochemistry of, 283; conditions required for life’s origin, 122; definition of life in evolutionary terms, 121122; growth of, 270; hierarchical organization of, 5; key features of life’s functional systems, 278279; maintenance of, 270; origin of, 120121; possible sites for the origin of life, 122; prebiotic polymerization reactions and, 123124; primary monomers of life, 122; relationships between three domains of life, 131; self-assembly of boundary membranes and, 123; synthetic artificial life, 122; terrestrial life, 121. See also life histories

life histories, 268, 325326, 685, 687; aspects of life history evolution, 272273; definition of, 269; demographic theory and, 271272; empirical research concerning, 273274; future research concerning, 274275; life history diversity, 269270; life history factors favoring the evolution of eusociality, 699; life history specializations of arthropods, 172173; life history traits, 193, 195; life span/senescence and, 272273; of organisms, 191; theory of, 269; theory of the evolution of, 270272; variation in species life histories, 666

likelihood, 100, 102, 105. See also maximum likelihood (ML) estimation procedures

Linanthus parryae, 269, 271

lineage, 567, 594595, 801; lineage diversification, 104105; lineage sorting, 82; lineage sorting and the coalescent, 8586

linguistics, and the evolution of human language, 786, 788793; cognates and, 786; definition of language, 786; distance methods and, 791792; future of language evolution, 793794; Germanic languages, 790; Indo-European language family tree, 791; language adaptation to speakers, 793; language density and, 789; likelihood methods and, 792; linguistic half-life and, 792793; number of spoken languages in the world, 788789; parsimony methods and, 791; rates of lexical replacement, 792; regular sound correspondences and, 786, 790791; relationships between language and species, 789; Sanskrit language, 789; when did language evolve, 786787; why did language evolve, 787788

linkage, 328; generation of linkage disequilibria, 332; linkage disequilibrium (LD), 40, 4445, 228, 307, 328, 331332, 458, 462, 549, 554; linkage equilibrium, 44

Linnaeus, Carolus, 12, 14, 107, 138, 152; classification of plants and animals by, 12; critique of his taxonomic system, 108

lipase, 774

lipid bilayer, 120, 123

liposomes, 123

liquid crystal, 120

lizards, 61, 179, 442; horns of flat-tailed lizards, 227; lizards of the Middle and Late Jurassic eras, 179; New World lizards, 509; number of digits in the hand of a lizard, 263; western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), 766. See also Anolis

lizards load. See genetic load

lock-and-key hypothesis, 493

Locke, John, 611

locus, 40; autosomal locus, 44; sex-linked locus, 40

logistic (density-dependent) growth, 117

Lophotrochozoa, 162

Lord Howe Island, 509

Lorenz, Konrad, 201, 609, 711

Lucretius, 1011

lungfish: Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus), 34, 36

Luria, S. E., 317, 318

lycophytes, 146

Lyell, Charles, 8, 13, 17, 116

Lynch, Michael, 318, 319, 407, 432, 571

lynx/hare cycles, 600, 601

Lysenko, Trofim D., 20, 425426

lysine, 493494

macaques, 414415, 798

MacArthur, Robert, 270, 271, 508, 509

macroevolution, 25, 89, 118119, 573, 579; autonomy of, 203; cospeciation and, 535; Court Jester model of, 579, 584585; drivers of and extinction, 584585; effect macroevolution, 588; hormones and, 621622; Red Queen model of, 579, 584585. See also evolution, key innovations of; macroevolutionary rates; macroevolutionary trends

macroevolutionary rates, 567; how “fast” is evolution, 567568; rates of speciation and extinction, 568570; rates of trait evolution, 570572; relationships between rates of trait evolution and diversification, 572

macroevolutionary trends, 486487, 573; directionality in evolution, 573574; examples of trend hypotheses, 576577; trends as accumulated microevolution, 575; trends from species selection, 575576; trends within groups of species, 574575; trends within species, 574

major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 679, 772

Malacostraca, 170

maladaptation, 193

malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, 735

Malaysia, agriculture in, 810811, 812

male-male competition, 641; adaptations to sperm competition and, 644; alternative mating strategies and, 643644; example of, 642; in large and small animals, 642; in plants, 644645; reasons for, 641642; sperm competition, 641, 644, 647; weapon evolution and, 642643, 643

Malthus, Thomas Robert, 1617, 19

mammals, 9, 36, 409, 506, 605; Cope’s rule and, 576; evolutionary rate of, 579; Morganucodon, 31; senescence and sex difference in, 720

Mandibulata, 170

manikins: wire-tailed manikins (Pipra filicauda), 711

mapping: between genotype and phenotype, 190; genetic mapping of model organisms, 329; QTL mapping, 345

Margulis, Lynn, 137

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), 770

Marjum Formation, 160

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, 71, 72

Markov models: of correlated evolution, 104; of discrete characters, 102

marmots: yellow-bellied marmots, 245

Martin, John, 15

mate choice, 647; appeal of to evolutionary biologists, 647648; benefits of male choice, 652653; breeding rates and, 650651; cryptic female choice, 644, 648649; cryptic male choice, 649; direct benefit and, 647; genetic benefit and, 647; male versus female cryptic choice, 649650; prudent choice, 650; rewards of, 651653; what constitutes mate choice, 648649

materialism, 11, 12, 828829

mating systems, 356; alternative male mating strategies, 629630; classes of (monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry), 357, 636, 641; continuous mating systems and the evolution of behavior, 637638; definition and importance of, 632633; dynamic nature of, 637; E and O model of, 633634; environmental potential for polygamy (EPP) and, 634; evolutionary history of, 361362; evolutionary potential and, 638639; indirect genetic effects (IGEs) and, 638; mate choice/preference, 521, 629; mating trait, 521; measurement of, 357358; 633634, 636; mixed mating, 358; outcrossing rates and, 359, 359; polygyny and “mating niche,” 644; postmating isolation, 527528; preference for mating, 813; and the problem of mixed mating, 361; relevance of the study of, 639640; and the reproductive assurance hypothesis, 361; regression of fitness on mating success, 636; sib-mating, 340; unconventional mating behavior, 644; variation in mating patterns, 358359

Matthew, Patrick, 17

maximum likelihood (ML) estimation procedures, 6364, 7071, 79

Maynard Smith, John, 201, 204, 470, 625, 672, 711, 783

Mayr, Ernst, 16, 90, 491, 497, 507, 543; on “beanbag thinking,” 550; on the biological species concept, 2425, 512, 520

Mc1r genes, 455, 456, 545

McDonald-Kreitman (MK) test, 468470; bias in, 469470

Medawar, Peter, 721, 724

Medicago truncatula, 321

medicine, 8; medical intervention studies, 687. See also evolutionary medicine

meiosis, 328, 351, 376

meiotic drive, 201, 203, 347; female meiotic drivers, 350351

meiotic nonreduction, 556

Melanesia, 807

melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r), 41, 45

memes/memetics, 796797

Mendel, Gregor, 7, 18, 21, 341, 363, 425

Mendelism, 21

menopause, 685, 718, 722723; the grandmother hypothesis and, 723, 724; menopause as modern artifact argument, 723; the mother hypothesis and, 723724; reproductive competition and, 724

mesocosm, 298

mesoderm, 164

mesosuchians, 180

Mesozoic era, 30, 116. 117, 146, 172, 179, 575; Mesozoic radiations, 177, 181; plants of, 150

Messel Oil Shale, 114

messenger RNA (mRNA), 26, 40, 41, 374, 378, 398, 409, 414, 421, 609, 774; process of translation and, 774; rates of mRNA production and degradation, 433

metamorphosis, 167; complete metamorphosis, 172

metapopulations, 321, 325, 346, 489, 536, 604

metazoa, 159, 164

meteorites: carbonaceous meteorites, 123; Murchison meteorites, 123, 123

mice, 6, 348; allelic killers and, 351; color variations in beach mice, 43; color variations in deer mice (Peromyscus polionotus), 4041, 44; house mice (Mus musculus and Mus domesticus), 532, 712; shortening of mice tails, 425; tailless mice, 96; “Tokyo” mice, 712

microbes, 38, 117, 148, 149, 230, 299, 319, 320, 371372, 383, 431, 464, 565, 756, 764; antibiotic resistance in, 247; eukaryotic microbes, 231; experimental evidence for kin selection in, 217218; fast-evolving microbes, 728; motile microbes, 138; parasitic microbes, 733; pathogenic microbes, 737; social microbes, 672; symbiotic microbes, 539; unicellular microbes, 136, 231, 318

microbial forensics, 754; the Ames strain and the 2001 anthrax letters, 757759; development of, 754755; DNA fingerprints and, 754, 755; genetic technology and the significance of a “match,” 756; the Kameido Aum Shinrikyo anthrax release and, 756757; molecular epidemiology and, 755, 759; uses of DNA in human and microbial forensics, 755756

microevolution, 25, 238, 483, 683; “autonomy” of, 203; hormones and, 620621; in natural populations, 241

Microsporidia, 155

Middle East, 761

migration, 305, 332, 514; gene flow and, 212; migration load, 321, 324, 337

Miller, Stanley, 122

millipedes, 94, 169170

Milton, John, 15

mimicry. See Müllerian mimicry

Mimulus: pink monkeyflowers (M. lewisii), 455, 516; red monkeyflowers (M. cardinalis), 455, 516; yellow monkeyflowers (M. guttatus), 353, 454, 555

mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), 621

Miocene era, 79, 582

Mississippian era, 146, 149

mites (Acari), 169

mitochondria, 131, 137, 674; ancient mitochondrial genomes, 478; mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 475, 478, 480; “mitochondrial Eve” data, 84; remnant mitochondria (hydrogenosomes and mitosomes), 137

mitochondrial genes, 85

mitosomes, 137, 155

Modern Synthesis, 507, 543, 545, 833. See also evolutionary synthesis (1930–1940)

modernism/modernity, 21; mismatches to modernity, 733, 738739

modifier genes, 253, 254, 254255

modularity, 90, 374, 428, 436

mold, 152; Trichoderma reesei, 156

molecular biology, 6; evolutionary theory and, 26

molecular clock, 6768, 307, 312, 367, 368, 369; Bayesian estimation of divergence times, 7172; dating of, 6869; fossil/node calibrations and, 72, 73, 73; maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of divergence times, 7071; perspectives on, 7374; relaxed clocks and the prior model of rate drift, 7273; statistical methods for divergence time estimation, 70; testing of, 6970

molecular evolution, 56, 367, 373; biological insights derived from the study of, 371372; definition of, 367368; evolution of novel traits and their underlying gene regulatory networks, 448450, 448; goals of studies in evolutionary development biology, 445; impact of natural selection on, 370371; mapping genotype to phenotype during development, 445446; mapping genotype to phenotype during evolution, 446448; origins of, 368370; rates of change and, 381. See also molecular networks, evolution of

molecular networks, evolution of, 428, 430; evolution of global network organization, 431433; evolution of local network organization, 434; future of, 435; local organization and the dynamics of biological networks, 433434; network representations of biological data and, 430; organization of global biological networks and, 430431

molecular toolkit, 159

monkeyflowers. See Mimulus

monkeys: macaques, 414415, 798

monoandry, 700

monomorphism, 206

monophyletic groups. See clades (evolutionary lineages)

monophyly, reciprocal, 82

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 23, 363, 612

morphospace, 276, 436437; evolution in, 438439

Morris, Desmond, 692

Morris, Henry M., 827

mortality, 271; adult mortality, 271

mosquitoes: Anopheles mosquitoes, 555, 556; dengue mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti), 287

moths: Biston betularia, 37; courtship pheromones in arctiine moths (Utetheisa ornatrix), 659660; interactions between yuccas and yucca moths, 538

motif enrichment, and identification, 384

Mucoromycotina, 153, 154

Muller, H. J., 23, 361, 362, 546

Müllerian mimicry, 407, 538; in Heliconius butterflies, 453

multicellularity, 673; origin of sponges and, 163; origins of, 142

multilameller matrix, 120

multilocus nested-clade phylogeographic analysis (ML-NCPA), 805, 806; inferences about human evolution from, 806

“multiple hits” problem, 64

multiple-locus variable analysis (MLVA), 754, 756, 757758

multiplex automated genome engineering (MAGE), 778, plate 7

mutation(s), 4, 211212, 248, 305, 315, 367, 368, 371, 426, 454, 466, 473, 600, 609, 809, 810; beneficial mutation, 230; causes of, 316; deleterious mutation rates, 336337, 339, 463, 468469, 470; in DNA, 444; error threshold and, 319; evolution and, 316317, 320; evolution of mutation rate, 257258; extinction and, 320; genome size and, 319320; genomic complexity and, 319320; heritable mutations, 316; indels and, 316; loss-of-function mutations, 233; in the Mc1r gene, 455, 456; meaning of, 315316; mutation accumulation (MA), 403, 718; mutation bias, 374; mutation load theory, 334337; mutation-selection balance, 317; mutational decay, 247; mutational variance, 419; natural variations versus mutations, 612613; nonadaptive mutations, 318; randomness of, 317318, 712713; recessive mutations, 344, 345; selective sweeps and, 471473, 471; transcription-induced mutation (TIM), 319; variation in mutation rate within the genome, 318319; variation in mutation rate among taxa, 318. See also causative mutations, phenotypic effects of

mutationism, 20, 21

mutual benefit, 216

mutualism(s), 19, 219, 671, 672, 760; agriculture as a mutualism, 763; forms of mutualism that favor population divergence, 538539; mutualistic networks and speciation, 538539; symbiotic mutualisms, 538

mycelium, 152

mycology, 152

mycorrhizae, 152; ectomycorrhizae (ECM), 157; evolution of, 157; mycorrhizae root associations, 48. See also fungus/fungi

myelin figures, 123. 123

Myriapoda, 169170

Myxoma virus, 741, 743

myxozoans, 165

Naked Ape, The (Morris), 692

Nash equilibrium condition, 627628, 629, 630

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 784; Evolvable Systems Group of, 784785

National Science Foundation (NSF), 781

natural history, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 24, 268, 291, 645, 767; field-based, 766; revolution in, 107, 832; rise of, 12

natural populations: measuring selection in, 238239; microevolution in, 241

natural selection, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 24, 91, 125, 189191, 238, 276, 318, 467, 574, 588, 606, 630, 694, 817; accidental selection, 222; agents of divergent selection, 241243; basic principles of, 213214; components of, 210; conflicting selection, 298; connection of to fitness in hierarchies, 197198; considerations when studying natural selection and speciation, 516517; as the core of evolutionary theory, 19; correlated response to, 221, 228; correlational selection, 227, 616, 619, 663, plate 3; cost of, 338; definition of, 194; density-dependent selection, 193; direct selection, 647; direct versus indirect selection, 256257; directional selection, 206, 208, 225, 239, 240, 512, 513514; disruptive selection, 206, 208209, 225, 239, 240, 244, 245, 506, 512, 513; divergent selection, 238, 241, 242, 535, 549; epistatic selection, 332; evolutionary change and, 4; example of, 207208, 209; fertility selection, 206, 210; field studies of, 8; Fisher’s fundamental theorem of, 22, 208; forms of selection in a geographic context, 514; frequency-dependent selection, 193, 211; gametic selection, 210; “gene’s-eye view” of, 796; genetic consequences of, 213214; genetic response to, 223225; genetic theory of, 191; genic selection, 200, 201; genome size and, 319; how selection works, 222223; impact on molecular variation, 370371; indirect selection, 221, 227, 647; individual selection, 193; levels of, 200; limits to, 245; lineage-level selection, 203; main tenets of, 363; maintenance of diversity and, 235; modes of, 206, 226, 240; multifarious selection, 551; multilevel selection, 200, 202; negative selection, 380; and the neutral theory, 26, 68; opportunity for, 688; origins of the theory of, 17; overdominance and, 206; patterns of, 208210, 209; phenotypic selection, 222223, 225, 238, 239; positive selection, 367, 380, 469, 473; power of, 198; as the primary driver of adaptive evolution, 221; process of, 512; psychology and, 691; purifying selection, 367, 380; r and K selection, 270271; recognition of, 198199; related processes and, 211213; selection experiment, 230; selection mosaic, 535, 536; as a statistical process, 223; strong selection, 249; studies of natural selection acting on variation within a population, 277; in sub-Saharan Africa, 811; trait combinations and, 281; truncation selection, 223, 225; types of natural selection contributing to reproductive isolation, 513514; types of social selection, 216217; uniform directional selection, 514; unit of selection, 200, 201; viability selection, 207, 210211, 240. See also group selection; heritability; kin selection; natural populations; selection gradient; sexual selection; species selection; stabilizing (optimizing) selection

Natural Theology (Paley), 15, 817, 818, 829

Neanderthals, and the origin of modern humans, 186187, 480

nematocysts, 162

Nematoda, 170

Neocallimastigomycota, 153

neofunctionalization, 397, 401, 406

Neoproterozoic era, 581, 584

Netherlands, the, 245

network organization, 430; evolution of global network organization, 431433; evolution of local network organization, 434; global network organization, 428, 430431; local network organization, 428; network motifs and, 428, 434. See also regulatory

networks neurotransmitters, 617

neutral theory, 68, 307, 308, 312313, 367, 370, 467468, 469, 502; predictions of the neutral theory for variation within and between species, 370

New Zealand, 80, 179, 766, 769

Newell, Norman D., 25

Newton, Isaac, 11

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), 134

nomenclature: future of phylogenetic nomenclature, 110; misunderstanding of phylogenetic nomenclature, 110; primary goal of biological nomenclature, 108

nonadaptive behavior, 9, 710, 712; apparently nonadaptive behavior, 710; cannibalism, 712713; definition of, 710711; insights from nonadaptive behavior, 716717; manipulation, 713714; same-sex behavior (SSB), 715716; sexual cannibalism, 714715

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 766, 768

nonparametric rate-smoothing (NPRS), 71

North America, 79, 80, 146, 241, 360, 506, 507, 510, 530; Appalachian Mountains of, 769; Gulf Coast of, 589; predator types in the lakes of, 604

North Atlantic Land Bridge, 79

Northern Range Mountains (Trinidad), 273274

nucleic acids, 775776, 777

nucleocytoplasm, 131

nucleoskeletal hypothesis, 374

oaks, 531, 533

Occam’s razor. See parsimony

oceanic islands. See islands

Oligocene era, 79

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (C. Darwin), 4, 18, 24, 29, 47, 107, 138, 183, 318, 483, 605; biogeography chapters of, 76; components of, 1718; evolutionary psychology and, 691692; genesis of, 1617; main thesis of, 512; parasites described in, 733; publication of, 17; religious reaction to, 19; scientific and public reception of, 1819

ontogeny, 19

Onychophora, 170

Oomycetes, 153

operational sex ratio (OSR), 634, 637, 647, 653

Opisthokonta, 138139

optimality models, 683, 684

orangutans, 92, 414

orchids: Dactylorhiza sambucina, 225

Ordovician era, 117; end-Ordovician, 581, 582; Late Ordovician era, 29; Middle Ordovician era, 145

organismal biology, 290291

organisms, 489, 671, 675676; complex design of, 820; detection of environmental variation and, 714; evolution and development of, 436; evolutionary constraints and patterns of allometry in, 437438, 440; form and function in organismal design, 276277, 437; future research concerning, 443; organismal complexity, 576577; patterns of parallel evolution and, 440442

orthogenesis, 20, 21

orthograde posture, 183

orthology, 90, 92

Orsten Formation, 114

Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 20

Osteichthyes, 2930

ostrich (Struthio camelus), 108

outcrossing, 587; outcrossing rates, 359, 359

outgroups, 57, 62

oviparity, 101

Owen, Richard, 12, 16, 31

Paleocene era, 79

paleontology, 5, 21, 22; biology and, 25

Paleoproterozoic era, 137

Paleozoic era, 117, 150, 175, 176

Paley, William, 15, 817, 820, 829; writings of, 818

palms: Howea palms, 509

pandas, “thumb” of, 34, 36

pangolins, 592

panmictic populations, 22

Paradise Lost (Milton), 15

paralogy, 90, 92

paramutation, 420

parapatric speciation, 504, 509

parapatry, 507, 559, 561

paraphyletic groups, 107

parasites, 139, 152, 153, 727, 733, 741; cell parasites, 348, 350; diversification and, 537538; genome parasites, 348, 350; infectious transmission and, 736; parasite manipulation, 710; reproductive parasites, 347, 348, 350353; somatic parasites, 347, 348, 350. See also parasite virulence

parasite virulence, 741; basic reproductive number Ro and, 741; definition of, 741742; examples of accidental infections, 742; horizontal transmission and, 741; host genetic variation and, 745; multiple infections, inclusive fitness, and virulence, 744745; phase model of (Phase 1): accidental infections, 742743; phase model of (Phase 2): evolution of virulence following successful invasion, 743; phase model of (Phase 3): evolution of optimal virulence, 743; reproductive parasites and, 741; success of optimality models in predicting virulence, 746; tradeoff model and, 743744; vertical transmission and, 741, 745

parental care: diversity in the forms of parental care, 664; evolution of, 663, 664666; evolutionary maintenance of parental care, 666668; genetics and epigenetics of, 668669; parental effect, 663; parental effort, 663; parental expenditure, 663; parental investment, 663; parent-offspring coadaptation, 663; parent-offspring conflict, 663, 667668; sex differences (sex roles) in the provision of parental care, 667; sociality and, 669670

Parkinson’s disease, 67

parsimony, 100, 101102, 105

parthenogenesis, 132, 202

Pasteur, Louis, 733

Patau syndrome, 398

pathogens, 152, 734736, 749; emerging pathogens, 735; evolution of animal pathogens, 157158; garden pathogen Escovopsis, 764; Neisseria, 130; Olpidium brassicae, 155; Phytophthora infestans, 152

Pauling, Linus, 67, 68

Pavlov, Ivan, 609

Pax genes, 164, 418

Paxton Lake, 546

payoff matrix, 624

Peacocke, Arthur, 822

pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene), 289

Pearson, Karl, 21

“Pedigree of Man” (Haeckel), 54

Pennsylvanian era, 30, 146, 149

peptides, 617, 774

performance, 276

peripatric speciation, 504, 507

Permian era, 146, 581, 584; end-Permian, 582; Late Permian era, 146; Permian-Triassic boundary, 150

permineralization, 114

pesticides, 37; evolution of pesticide resistance, 7, 247

petrification, 114

Pezizomycotina, 157

phage, 127, 133, 317, 777; phage display, 776; phage display experiment, plate 6; phage T4, 234

Phanerozoic eon, marine diversity in, 117119

pharyngognathy, 278

phenotypes, 56, 40, 193, 221, 363365, 815; definition of, 298; disparity and, 559; features of the genotype-phenotype map, 261; function of phenotypic traits, 191; mapping between genotypes and phenotypes, 190, 215; multidimensional phenotypes, 225, 227; in natural populations, 464; phenotypic clusters, 499500; phenotypic selection, 222223, 225, 238, 239; phenotypic variation, 4; reaction norm and, 191; relative viability and, 207; selection coefficient and, 207; sex-ratio phenotype, 348; strength and patterns of phenotypic selection, 239241; variation in (phenotypic effect size), 452. See also phenotypic engineering; phenotypic evolution, genetics of; phenotypic integration; phenotypic plasticity

phenotypic engineering, 616, 620

phenotypic evolution, genetics of, 452; architecture of, 452454; future research concerning, 456457; genetic basis of repeated phenotypic evolution, 455456; molecular basis of, 454; mutations responsible for phenotypic evolution, 459460; testing whether phenotypes are adaptive, 454455

phenotypic integration, 616; hormone pleiotropy and, 618619

phenotypic plasticity, 5, 6, 9, 45, 191, 245, 261, 298, 444, 450, 618, 710, 714; assimilation and, 426427; canalization and, 262263; costs of, 263264; evolutionary significance of, 266; is plasticity adaptive, 264; prediction of, 264; selection on plasticity, 263

pheromones, 543, 655; courtship pheromones in Lepidoptera, 659660; oviposition marker pheromones, 658659; role of in sexual isolation, 544

philopatry, 697; benefits of, 678

Philosophie zoologique (Zoological Philosophy [Lamarck]), 14

phlox: Linanthus parryae, 269, 271; Phlox cuspidate, 41, 518; Phlox drummondii, 41, 45, 518

photosynthesis, 134; distribution of in eukaryotes, 139141; photosynthetic bacteria, 29

phototaxis, 610, 613, 713

PhyloCode (ICPN: International Code of Phylogenetic Nomenclature), 106, 108110

phylogenetic diversity (PD), 769

phylogenetic inference, 57; Hennig’s rule and, 61; impact of Bayesian statistics on, 6566; logical and statistical inference, 6062; phylogenetic analysis and, 65, 84, 95, 164, 491, 655, 704; statistical support for clades and, 65

phylogenetic tree(s), 28, 47, 51, 53, 60, 92, 93, 590, 790; ancestral state reconstruction and, 51, 5758; branch length, 569; branch rotation, 54; computational aspects of tree estimation, 6465; distance-based approaches to tree estimation, 64; “good species” and, 570; internal nodes of, 101; internodes of, 101; introduction to, 52; lack of trunks in evolutionary trees, 52, 54; long branches of, 767; maximum likelihood (ML) tree estimation procedure, 6364, 7071; misreading trees as ladders of progress, 54, 56; misreading of trees with species-poor lineages, 54; monophyletic group of, 101; role of in the study of evolutionary key innovations, 595596; rooted trees, 128, 130131; single-gene phylogenetic trees, 131132; species trees, 5152; stepwise addition and tree estimation, 64; taxon sampling and, 57; terminal nodes of, 101; tree balance, 567, 569; tree topology and, 52, 64; use of the parsimony procedure for estimating trees, 6263. See also clades (evolutionary lineages); phylogenetic inference

phylogenetics, 5, 736, 766, 767; and the history of life, 4749; molecular phylogenetics, 595; phylogenetic diversity (PD), 766; phylogenetic regression, 103104; phylogenetic relationships, 5; phylogenetic shadowing, 380, 383384; phylogenetic signals, 103; species in a phylogenetic framework, 108110. See also phylogenetic tree(s)

phylogeny, 6, 19, 51, 54, 65, 68, 75, 100, 564, 590, 767, 786; comparative method and, 100101, 105; “molecular phylogenies,” 26; phylogenies and indications of “ancestral” or “older” in extant species, 5657. See also phylogenetic tree(s)

phylogeography, 48, 76, 8283; ancient population genetics and, 477479; comparative phylogeography, 85, 277278; definition of, 82; direct interpretation of single-locus gene genealogies and, 8385; lineage sorting and, 82, 8586; mismatch distribution and, 82, 84; mtDNA phylogeography, 8384, 86; multilocus gene genealogies and, 86; testing models of population history and, 8687

phyloinformatics, 110

phytochemicals, 298

Phytophthora infestans, 152

pines: lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), 293, 300301; Pinus sylvestris, 323, 324

placozoans, 165; Trichoplax, 165

Planctomycetes, 130

planktotrophs, 589

plants, 469; Cardamine hirsuta, 323; coevolution of land plants with animals, 149150; Crepis sancta, 323; evolution of, 143; examples of transgenerational epigenetic effects in plants, 424; innovation in land plant bodies, 148; innovation in land plant reproduction, 148149; interactions with pollinators, 591; male-male competition in, 644645; modern ferns, 144; origin and diversification of angiosperms, 147148; origin and diversification of early land plants, 145; origin and diversification of seed plants, 147; origin and diversification of vascular plants, 145147; phylogenetic framework of, 144, 144145; seed plant reproductive evolution, 149; Silene latifolia, 228

plasmids, 128, 500, 747, 749; plasmid persistence, 751

Plasmodium falciparum, 735

plasticity. See phenotypic plasticity

plastid genes, 140

plastids, 136, 140; kleptoplastids, 141

Plato, 11

Platonic philosophy, as “idealist,” 11

Platyhelminthes, 164

pleiotropy, 195, 247, 413, 442, 453, 610; antagonistic pleiotropy (AP), 268, 272273, 273, 718, 721; constraints on evolution and, 250251; genetic pleiotropy, 619; hormone pleiotropy, 616, 618619; pleiotropic effects of genes, 249

Pleistocene era, 115, 683, 686, 805, 806

plesiosaurs, 179

ploidy level, 253

pollen/pollination, 348, 506, 518, 538; abiotic pollination, 358; biotic pollination, 358; interaction of globeflower plants with pollinating flies, 538; passive pollination, 675; plant interaction with pollinators, 591; pollen discounting, 360; pollen limitation, 357; sperm and pollen competition, 493494. See also self-pollination

polyandry, 647

polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 475, 476, 479480, 774, 775

polymorphism, 419, 466, 468469, 470; amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), 552; DNA polymorphisms, 610; expected patterns of, 468; maintenance of, 210211; protein polymorphism, 368; single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 458, 459, 461, 462, 464, 466, 471472, 552; synonymous polymorphism, 468

polypeptides, 41

polyphyletic groups, 107

polyploidy, 21, 561, 603; allopolyploid speciation, 533, 556; allopolyploidy, 556, 561; autopolyploidy, 556

polyspermy, 556

polysporangiophytes, 145

population genetics, 4, 5, 10, 385, 729, 768; ancient population genetics, 477479; population genetic models/theories, 462463, 499

populations, 221222, 231, 371, 661; changes within, 3638; clonal populations, 754; crosses between, 326; demographic history of, 322; effective population size (Ne), 307, 310311, 466, 472473, 771772; evolution in spatially structured populations, 325326; exponential population growth, 813; intrinsic growth rates and, 288, 289; local adaptation and population divergence, 241245, 242; local populations, 801; monomorphic populations, 624; polymorphic populations, 624; population bottlenecks, 771772; population changes, 3638; population divergence in hormone-mediated suites, 621; population fitness and evolutionary stability, 628; population isolation, 771772; population trees, 803804; population viscosity, 679; reproductive isolation and, 443; of selfing species, 359360; studies of natural selection acting on variation within a population, 277; sympatric populations, 514; testing models of population history, 8586; total human population size, 812. See also natural populations

Porifera, 162

porins, 749

posttranscriptional regulation, 380

Precambrian era, 29

predation, 300301, 601, 602, 604; high-predation (HP) environments, 274; low-predation (LP) environments, 274; predators and diversification, 537538

Price, George, 223, 590, 606, 625, 711

Price equation, 223

primates. See bonobos; chimpanzees; gorillas; macaques; orangutans

Principles of Geology, The (Lyell), 13, 15, 116

progression, 28, 2930

progymnosperms, 146

prokaryotes, 48, 127, 496; definition of, 128129; deletion pressure in prokaryote genomes, 133; gene transfer in, 133; restriction endonucleases and, 133; role of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in the evolution of, 131132; symbioses and, 131

pronograde posture, 183

prosauropods, 181

proteins, 40, 41, 449450, 729, 776, 778; central dogma of cellular proteins, 609, 610; directed evolution of, 776777; DNA-binding proteins, 547; eosinophil cationic proteins (ECPs), 401; master regulatory proteins, 418; modification of DNA-associated proteins, 422; protease (protein capable of breaking peptide bonds), 774; protein essentiality, 429; protein polymorphism, 368; protein sequencing, 370; protein shuffling, 778; protein synthesis, 371; receptor proteins, 616; replacement and the protein-coding sequence, 466; synonymous and the protein-coding sequence, 466; transcription factor protein, 413. See also tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)

Proterospongia, 163

Protista/protists, 136, 138, 350; Plasmodium falciparum, 735

protocells, 120, 124

Protostomia, 162

pseudocongruence, 76

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 218

Pseudomonas fluorescens, 235, 565

Psisotales, 144

psychology, 609

pterosaurs, 180

Puerto Rico, 509, 537

pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), 755

“Punctuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic Gradualism” (Gould and Eldredge), 25

punctuated equilibrium, 25, 25, 91

python (Python regius), external hand limb of, 35

quantitative genetics, 21, 219, 458; quantitative genetic variation, 45

quantitative trait locus (QTL), 413, 458, 459, 459460, 610; QTL mapping, 444, 446, 452, 453, 460, 463, 464

race, 801; adaptive traits and the definition of human races, 807; biological meaning of, 801802; biological races in chimpanzees, 803804; biological races in humans, 804806; lineage definition and, 804805

rates. See macroevolutionary rates

Raup, D. M., 582, 583

Raven, Peter, 77

Ray, John, 817

reaction norms, 261, 262, 265

recombinant inbred lines (RILs), 460

recombination, 128, 132133, 195, 328, 375376, 458, 496, 549, 556, 809, 810; definition of, 328, 329; ectopic recombination, 315; evolution of, 258259; facilitation of selection and, 332333; meiotic recombination, 459; molecular recombination, 329, 330; rates of, 329, 331; recombination load, 337338; reinforcement and, 517518; selection-recombination antagonism, 549550, 551; sexual antagonism and, 389; V(D)J recombination mechanism, 353

Red Queen model, 579, 584585

reduction principle, 257

regulatory networks, 718; evolution of novel traits and their underlying gene regulatory networks, 448450, 448; modular gene regulatory network, 444; testing of the same gene regulatory network, 448

reinforcement, 485, 498, 512, 513; definition of, 517; geographic patterns of, 518; one-allele mechanism and, 517518; recombination and, 517518; two-allele mechanism and, 517

relatedness, 215

religion, and evolution, 817818, 823824; the Bible and evolution, 11, 820821; the Bridgewater treatises and, 818819; the Christian Research Society’s “Statement of Belief” concerning the Bible and evolution, 821; effect of Darwin’s revolution on religion, 819820; Jewish view of evolution, 821; Lutheran view of evolution, 821; Natural Theology and, 818; Pope John Paul II’s view of evolution, 821; Presbyterian view of evolution, 820821; the problem of evil and, 821822; the question of imperfect design (dysfunction) and, 822823. See also creationism; intelligent design (ID)

Religious Philosopher, The (Nieuwentijdt), 818

Remipedia, 170

replicators, 200, 201

reproduction, 270; asexual reproduction, 288; costs of, 685; differential reproduction, 222; reproductive assurance hypothesis, 357, 361; reproductive competition and menopause, 724; reproductive conflict, 681682; reproductive division of labor, 677; reproductive fitness, 710; reproductive isolation (reproductive isolating barriers), 496, 498, 512, 514516, 518, 521, 523, 524, 529, 591, 594; reproductive skew, 677, 681. See also iteroparity; semelparity

reproductive biology, 357

reptiles, 30; jaws and dentary of, 31

retrogenes, 406, 408409

Rhizaria, 138, 139, 141

rhynchocephalia, 179; Gephyrosaurus bridensis, 179. See also tuataras

Rhynie Chert, 114; Devonian Rhynie Chert, 158; plants of, 145146

Rhyniophytes, 145146

Rift Valley, 505

RNA, 40, 41, 83, 124, 125, 367368, 376, 377, 414, 729; alternative splicing and, 374, 380, 397; amino tRNA synthetases, 127; genomic regions and, 385; micro RNAs, 168; noncoding RNA, 372; retroposition and, 397; ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 130, 132, 138, 173, 400, 404; RNA interference (RNAi), 413, 418; RNA polymerase, 128, 382, 384, 415; RNA-seq method, 414, 415; RNA viruses, 319; RNA World Hypothesis, 120; transfer RNA (tRNA), 404, 749, 774, 777. See also messenger RNA (mRNA)

roaches: Nauphoeta cinerea, 645

robustness, 450, 700701

Rocky Mountains, 530, 538

Roman Catholic Church, 11

rotifers: bdelloid rotifers, 132, 500

Sacred Theory of the Earth (Burnet), 818

Sagan, Carl, 833

Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, recessive genetic disorders in the population of, 326

Saint-Hilaire, Étienne Geoffroy, 15

salamanders: Ambystoma mexicanum, 97, 98, 99; barred tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigerinum mavortium), 770; Hemidactylium scutatum, 97, 98, 99; Plethodon salamanders, 561; Proteus anguinus, 97, 98, 99; tiger salamanders (Ambystoma californiense), 768, 770

salmon, Atlantic and Pacific, 272

Salmonella enterica, 674

saltation, 21, 90, 91

saprotroph, 152

sarcopterygians, 174175

scala naturae (“ladder of nature”), 12

Schmalhausen, I. I., 256

scientific revolution, the, 11

sclerotization, 167

Scopes, John T., 21

Scyphozoa, 164

sea scorpions (Eurypterida), 169

sea slugs (Elysia), 141

sea spiders (Pycnogonida), 168169

sea urchins (Diadema antillarum), 84

seals, elephant, 308

Sedgwick, Adam, 15

seeds: dispersal of in the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), 530; as a form of heterospory, 143; seed discounting, 360

segregation: Mendelian segregation, 348; segregation load, 337338

Seilacher, Adolf, 160

selection. See natural selection

selection gradient, 238

selective sweeps, 471, 471; common statistics for the detection of sweeps, 471472; single- and multiple-origin soft sweeps, 472473

selector genes, 444

self-compatibility (SC), 362

self-fertilization, 340, 346, 357, 358, 590591; evolution of, 359360; measuring rates of, 342343

self-incompatibility (SI), 341, 362, 590

selfish gene, 203

Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 203, 833

selfish genetic element (SGE), 347; applied uses of, 354; definition of, 347348; diversity of, 348, 349, 350352; genome evolution and, 352353; population variation and, 353354; research concerning, 348; speciation and, 254

self-organization, 697

self-pollination, 357; geitonogamy self-pollination, 360, 361; models of, 356357

semelparity, 268, 272, 718

senescence, 718, 719; demographic senescence, 719; disposable soma theory and, 718, 721722; origin of, 721; physiological senescence, 719; programmed death theory and, 718, 721. See also aging

sensory bias, 655

Sepkoski, J. Jack, Jr., 117, 582

Sepkoski diversity curve, 117118

serpentine soils, 241242

severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 735

sex, 195, 328, 329; evolution of, 258259; heterogametic sex, 387; homogametic sex, 387; same-sex sexual behavior (SSB), 710, 715716; sex allocation and inbreeding, 344; sex-biased expression, 387; sex determination, 387; sexual antagonism, 710, 716. See also sex chromosomes, evolution of; sexual selection

sex chromosomes, evolution of, 387, 638639; association of sex-specific expression with the trafficking of new genes, 409410; gene content evolution of sex chromosomes, 392393, 393; gene dose deficiency in heterogametic sex and, 391392; gene trafficking and, 409410; models of Y chromosome degeneration, 391; origin of sex chromosomes, 388390, 389; origin of sex chromosomes from autosomes, 388389; sex determination of chromosomes (genetic sex determination [GSD] and environmental sex determination [ESD]), 395396

sexual propagation. See parthenogenesis

sexual selection, 210, 222, 225, 238, 387, 520, 521, 605, 606, 667, 695; definition of, 521; direct selection for genetic benefits, 651; diversity and, 521522; ecological context of, 645646; environmental sex determination (ESD), 387; Fisherian runaway sexual selection, 520, 523, 525526; genetic incompatibility and, 527528; “good genes” sexual selection, 520521, 524525; indirect selection for genetic benefits, 651652; intersexual selection, 641; intrasexual selection, 641; mechanisms of sexual selection that cause speciation, 523527; opportunity for, 634, 636; postmating isolation and, 527528; prevention of extinction and, 639; processes of, 642; sensory drive and, 521, 523524; sexual conflict and, 521, 526527; sexual selection against hybrids, 527; total sexual selection, 645. See also male-male competition; mate choice; mating systems

shifting balance theory, 23

short tandem repeats (STRs), 316

signals: cues and, 657; signal intensity, 655; signal-to-noise ratio, 655

Silene latifolia, 228

Silurian era, 145; Late Silurian era, 30

simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs), 735

Simpson, George Gaylord, 25, 77, 491, 560, 561, 567, 579

single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 458, 459, 461, 462, 464, 468, 471472, 552; microbial forensics and, 754, 756, 758

sink populations, evolutionary stasis in, 295296

Skinner, B. F., 609, 611

slime molds, 136, 153; Dictyostelium discoideum, 153, 218; Fonticula, 139; Physarum polycephalum, 153

snails, 165, 262, 325, 493, 509; Cepea nemoralis, 325; hermaphroditic snails, 360; zombie snails, 713714

snakes, 61, 179, 227; ball python (Python regius), 35; correlation selection in garter snakes, plate 3; external hand limb of Python regius, 35; Lampropeltine snakes, 564; Najash rionegrina, 179; northwestern garter snake, 227

social Darwinism, 19, 21, 686

social exchange, 690

social parasitism, 668

Sociobiology (E. O. Wilson), 684, 692, 833

Solomon Island flycatchers, 545

somatic doubling, 556

source-sink dynamics, 288

South America, 36, 79, 80, 241, 301, 507, 510, 539; mammals of, 36

sparrows: house sparrow (Passer domesticus), 37

Spartina: S. anglica, 38; S. alterniflora, 38; S. maritima, 38

specialist organism, 282

specialization, limiting factors of, 235236

speciation, 28, 38, 496, 521, 531, 561, 586, 599; chromosomal rearrangements and, 555556; cladogenetic speciation, 508; coevolved symbionts and, 539; considerations when studying natural selection and speciation, 516517; cospeciation, 535, 540541, 541; definition of, 550; diversification and, 565565; drivers of (antagonistic trophic interactions and competition), 537538; as the evolution of intrinsic barriers to gene exchange, 492, 512513; genome evolution and, 549558; genomic architecture and, 557; geography of speciation and extinction, 603604; macroevolution and, 483484; mechanisms of, 485486; modes of, 603; mutation-order speciation, 485; mutualistic networks and, 538539; parallel speciation, 512; rates of, 568570; reciprocal speciation, 538; selfish genetic elements (SGEs) and, 354; sex chromosomes and, 556557; species interaction, 599; species richness, 599; studies of, 494495; symbiont-induced speciation, 535; vicariant speciation, 504, 506507. See also coevolution, and speciation; speciation, genetics of; speciation, and geography; speciation patterns

speciation, genetics of, 543; ecological isolation and, 544; genetics of prezygotic isolation, 543544; sexual isolation and, 544545

speciation, and geography, 504, 506508, 514, 550551; challenges concerning, 510; geographic and geological triggers of speciation, 510; geographic patterns of species and speciation, 505506; islands and their implications, 508509; islands as “natural laboratories,” 508; speciation and area, 509510. See also allo-parapatric speciation; allopatric speciation; parapatric speciation; peripatric speciation; sympatric speciation

speciation patterns, 496497; in asexuals, 498500; global diversity patterns, 501502; linking of patterns with process, 502503; in sexual eukaryotes, 497498

species, 203, 321, 483; anagenetic species, 508; asexual species, 295; coexistence of, 602; in the context of gene flow, 533; diversity patterns of, 484; as the fundamental units of biodiversity, 489; morphospecies, 579; “primitive” or “older” distinctions for, 57; quasispecies, 774; sexual species, 295; sister species, 504, 505, 507; species-area relationships and, 509; species drift, 588; species richness, 504; testing the nature of, 496497; transmutation of, 1314, 17. See also species, concepts and definitions of; species selection

species, concepts and definitions of, 489490; biological species concept (BSC), 2425, 491, 492, 512, 520; character-based concepts, 490491; cohesion and recognition as the basis for species definition, 492; evolutionary species concept, 491; “good species,” 570; phylogenetic concepts, 491

species selection, 200, 203, 575576, 586; concepts of, 586587; consequences of, 587588; fossil-based tests and, 589590; history and controversies concerning, 588589; phylogeny-based tests and, 590591; species sorting, 588

Spencer, Herbert, 19

sperm competition, 641, 644, 647

spiders, 167, 172, 262, 560, 677; diversity of, 169; fangs of, 168; jumping spiders, 169, 522; redback spiders (Latrodectus hasselti), 714715, 715; social spiders, 302, 341; wolf spiders, 169

spiral cleavage, 162

sponges, 83, 114, 138, 159, 161, 164, 165, 576577; intertidal sponges, 644; multicellularity and, 163; origins of, 163; sponge-specific sterane biomarkers, 115

squamates, 33, 178, 179. See also lizards; snakes

squid: same-sex behavior in, 716; use of luminescent bacteria by, 131

stabilizing (optimizing) selection, 207, 209, 225, 239, 240

Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 7, 735

stasis, 5, 25, 225, 247, 293, 486, 567, 571572, 589, 812, 833; behavioral stasis, 704; the paradox of morphological stasis, 442443

Stebbins, G. Ledyard, 362

stratigraphy, 112; geologic timescale of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, plates 1 and 2

subfunctionalization, 397, 401

substrates, extension of, 235

Summa Theologiae (Aquinas), 817

Sumner, William Graham, 19

sunflowers, 531, 533

Swan Lake, 308, 310

symbiosis, 19, 131; extant symbioses, 141

sympatric speciation, 20, 21, 489, 496, 504, 507, 509, 510

sympatry, 238, 521, 559, 561

symplesiomorphy, 58, 153

synapomorphy, 51

synapsid, 174, 177178

synteny, 380, 382

syntrophy, 131

SYR genes, 389

Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 12

Systematic Theology (Strong), 820

systematics, 766, 767

Systematics and the Origin of Species (Mayr), 2425

systems biology, 610, 613

tagma, 167

taphonomy, 112, 576; fossilization and, 113115

Taphrinomycotina, 156

Tardigrada, 170

Tasmanian devils, 772

taxa/taxon, 106107, 497, 602603; definition of, 579; taxon sampling, 57

taxonomy, 21, 496; codes used for taxonomic naming bacteria, plants, and animals, 107; evolutionary taxonomy, 107108; in historical context, 106107; least inclusive taxonomic unit (LITU), 109; prokaryote taxonomy, 500. See also nomenclature

teleology: Aristotelian teleology, 20; teleological (goal-oriented, purposeful) thinking, 11, 19

teleosts, 597

tempeh (Rhisopus oryzae), 154

Tempo and Mode in Evolution (G. G. Simpson), 25, 567

termites, 141, 155, 172, 216, 539, 669, 697, 699; colony structure of, 698, 700; defenses of, 215; farming of fungus by, 760; towers of, 215

Testimony of the Rocks, The (H. Miller), 819

Tetrahymena, 421

tetrapods, 28, 30, 165; Acanthostega, 30, 32, 176; ancestry of, 174175; Elpistostege, 175176; Ichthyostega, 30, 32, 176; overview of tetrapod evolution, 175; Panderichthys, 32, 176; pattern of tetrapod limbs, 32; shared characteristics of with fishes, 3334; Tiktaalik, 32, 176; transition of lobe-finned fish to tetrapods, 3132, 32

thermoacidophiles, 128

thermophiles, 128

Thiry, Paul-Henri (Baron d’Holbach), 12

Thompson, William (Lord Kelvin), 1819

thrifty genotype hypothesis, 811

ticks, 169

Tiktaalik, 32, 176

Tinamou (Tinamus major), 108

Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 609

tits: blue tits, 799; great tits (Parus major), 323, 669

toads. See frogs

tolerance, 282; adaptive variation in, 284285; physiological tolerance, 283

tool usage, 186187, 694; in chimpanzees, 6, 708, 709; Oldowan tool industry, 183; tool manufacture, 183; use of stone tools, 186

tortoises, 309

total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), 739

tradeoffs, 193, 195, 240, 268, 270, 271, 616, 722, 733; elusiveness of, 274; genetic correlation and, 250; genetically-based tradeoffs as a limit and constraint to evolution, 249251; quality-quantity tradeoff in sexual selection, 651652; study of, 250; tradeoffs in human traits, 737738

trait(s), 100, 101, 195, 589; adaptive traits and the definition of human races, 807; aggregate species traits, 586, 587; analysis of multiple traits, 103104; analysis of single traits, 102103; chromosomal linkage and, 250; complex traits, 365, 458; effect of genes on, 248; emergent traits, 586, 587; fitness measure and, 195; genetic variation in complex traits, 458459; homologous traits, 444; individual traits, 203; interactions among, 442443; life history traits, 193, 195; optimality models and, 683, 684; performance traits, 280; phylogenetic signals and, 103; quantitative traits, 611; “racial” traits, 807; rates of trait evolution, 570572; robust traits, 262; serial homologous traits, 444; signals (traits modified by selection), 521; species-level traits, 586588; trait disparity, 571; trait evolution and lineage diversification, 104105

transcription, 774

transcription factors (TFs), 429, 444, 445446, 449, 774, 778; evolution of TFs, 418; evolution of TF factor binding, 418; feedforward loops and, 428, 434

transcription-coupled repair (TCR), 319

transformation, 10, 14

transgenic organisms, 444445, 447

transitions. See fossils/fossil record, transitions in

transmutation, of species, 1314, 17

transposable elements (TEs), 315, 316, 348, 350, 352, 353, 372, 375, 308, 406, 420; DNAX TEs, 407; as “domesticated,” 407; Pack-Mule TEs, 407

tree of life, the, 5, 6, 9, 138; fungi in, 152153. See also phylogenetic tree(s)

trends. See macroevolutionary trends

Triassic era, 36; Early Triassic era, 180; end-Triassic, 581; Late Triassic era, 180

trilobites, 160, 167, 168

Trivers, Robert, 674

tuataras, 178, 179, 769; Sphenodon guntheri, 767; Sphenodon punctatus, 766

tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), 774, 776

twin registers, 683, 687

ultraconserved elements, 380, 381, 385386

unconformity, 112, 117

unicoloniality, 219

uniformitarianism, 10, 13, 112, 116

Unikonta (“unikonts”), 153

unity of type, 28, 29, 30, 3233

Ussher, James, 13, 826

Ustilaginomycotina, 155

UV radiation, 316, 807

Van Valen, Leigh, 589590

variation, 222; adaptive variation in regulation, 285; adaptive variation in tolerance, 284285; among species, 1718; impact of natural selection on molecular variation, 370371; molecular basis for, 26; in natural populations, 23; natural variations and fitness in the wild, 620; natural variations versus mutations, 612613; physiological variation, 283; predictions of the neutral theory for variation within and between species, 370; spatial variation, 211; studies of natural selection acting on variation within a population, 277; temporal variation, 211. See also genetic variation

vascular tissue, composition of, 143

Vendian era, 160

Verrucomicrobia, 130

vertebrates, 34, 35; comparison of hand appendages in, 13; early vertebrates, 2930; Haikouichthys, 29; Myllokunmingia, 29. See also tetrapods

vesicles, 120; lipid vesicles, 124; phospholipid vesicles, 124

Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, The (Chambers), 14

viability, absolute, 206

vicariance/vicariance event, 76; vicariance biogeography, 77

virulence, 741. See also parasite virulence

virus: Myxoma virus, 741, 743

vitamin C, synthesis of, 34

vitamin D, 712, 807

Voltaire, 818

von Frisch, Karl, 609

von Humboldt, Alexander, 76

von Linné, Karl. See Linnaeus, Carolus

Waddington, Conrad H., 9394, 96, 267, 420, 421

Wade, Michael, 636, 639

Wahlund effect, 321, 325

walkingsticks (Timema cristinae), 324, 516, 601602; coloration in, 322

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 17, 7677, 222, 506, 725; as the “father of zoogeography,” 76; principal works of, 76

wasps: paper wasps (Polistes dominulus wasps), 674, 680

waterfalls, effect of on species diversity, 273274

Wedgwood, Josiah, 14, 15

Weismann, August, 19, 20, 201, 231, 333, 425; germ plasm theory of, 720

Wells, William Charles, 17

Whewell, William, 29

whooping cranes, 308

Williams, George C., 201202, 203, 272273, 587588, 589, 733734, 833; on antagonistic pleiotropy, 721

Wilson, Allan C., 414, 475

Wilson, Edward O., 270, 271, 508, 509, 684, 692, 833

Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of Creation, The (Ray), 817818

Wolbachia, 306, 352, 354, 407, 539, 675, 745

wolves: Mexican wolves, 309

Wonderful Life (Gould), 834

worms, 160, 165, 358; echiuran worm (Bonellia virdis), 395; fall army worm (Spodoptera frugiperda), 556557

Wright, Sewall, 2223, 255, 307, 561, 610; on genetic drift, 23, 26; measurement of gene flow and, 771; “shifting balance” theory of, 23, 201

Wynne-Edwards, V. C., 588

xenology, 90

X-inactivation, 420

yeast, 152, 230, 382383, 403; Caenorhabditis elegans, 351, 378, 403; prudent yeast strains, 325; Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 325, 382383, 403, 404, 407, 431; yeast duplicate genes, 402

yuccas/yucca moths, interactions between, 538

Zoonomia; or the Laws of Organic Life (E. Darwin), 12, 15

Zoopagomycotina, 153, 155

zooplankton, 601, 602

Zuckerkandl, Emile, 67, 68

Zygomycota/zygomycetes, 153154

zygote, 489; zygote formation, 493, 531