Week 1
Day 1: More Than Food 13
Day 2: Make God Number One 14
Day 3: Time to Change 16
Day 4: Follow Me 17
Day 5: End of Your Rope 18
Week 2
Day 1: Good Loser 20
Day 2: Real Contentment 21
Day 3: Hungry for God? 23
Day 4: Tender Hearts 24
Day 5: A Right Heart 25
Week 3
Day 1: Making Peace 27
Day 2: Picked On for God 28
Day 3: Really Picked On 29
Day 4: Salty Souls 31
Day 5: Like a Spotlight 32
Week 4
Day 1: More Light 33
Day 2: The Missing Piece 35
Day 3: Law of Love 36
Day 4: Take It Seriously 37
Day 5: Keeping It Real 39
Week 5
Day 1: Watch Your Words 40
Day 2: Clean Slate 41
Day 3: Owning Up 43
Day 4: Sexual Sin 44
Day 5: Prevention 45
Week 6
Day 1: Divorce 47
Day 2: Empty Promises 48
Day 3: No More Getting Even 50
Day 4: Love Your Enemies 52
Day 5: Feel the Love 53
Week 7
Day 1: All Show, No Go 55
Day 2: Secret Service 56
Day 3: The Real Deal 58
Day 4: Sweet Simplicity 59
Day 5: To the Point 61
Week 8
Day 1: What Goes Around . . . 62
Day 2: Spiritual Show-offs 64
Day 3: Lasting Riches 65
Day 4: Let the Light In 66
Day 5: Choose God 68
Week 9
Day 1: No Worries 69
Day 2: Carefree and Cared For 71
Day 3: Just Relax 72
Day 4: Hang with God 73
Day 5: Here and Now 75
Week 10
Day 1: Don’t Judge 76
Day 2: Hypocritical “Help” 78
Day 3: Guard Your Heart 79
Day 4: Prayer Promises 80
Day 5: Our Provider 82
Week 11
Day 1: Getting Along 83
Day 2: One Way 85
Day 3: Beware 86
Day 4: Authentic Faith 88
Day 5: Rock Solid 89
Week 12
Day 1: Priorities 91
Day 2: No-Fear Faith 92
Day 3: Power to Forgive 94
Day 4: Needy Hearts 95
Day 5: Religious Acts 96
Week 13
Day 1: Transformed Thinking 98
Day 2: Desperate Faith 99
Day 3: Faith’s Reward 101
Day 4: Get Ready 102
Day 5: Start Here 104
Week 14
Day 1: Keep It Simple 105
Day 2: Reaching Out 107
Day 3: Watch Out! 108
Day 4: Persecution Problems 110
Day 5: Hang In There 111
Week 15
Day 1: Be Bold 113
Day 2: Don’t Fear 114
Day 3: Your Value 116
Day 4: Stay Strong 117
Day 5: Tough Stuff 118
Week 16
Day 1: Total Trust 120
Day 2: Welcome! 121
Day 3: Team Effort 123
Day 4: Acts of Kindness 124
Day 5: Miracles 125
Week 17
Day 1: Can You Hear Me Now? 127
Day 2: Spoiled Children 128
Day 3: God’s Ways 130
Day 4: Knowing God 131
Day 5: Real Rest 132
Week 18
Day 1: Religion versus Relationship 134
Day 2: Law versus Life 135
Day 3: Real Power 137
Day 4: Cling to the Holy Spirit 138
Day 5: The Power of Words 139
Week 19
Day 1: Birdseed Faith 141
Day 2: Tumbleweed Faith 143
Day 3: Weedy Faith 144
Day 4: Amazing Faith! 146
Day 5: Puzzle Pieces 147
Week 20
Day 1: Enemy Seeds 149
Day 2: In Due Time 150
Day 3: Small Beginnings 152
Day 4: Major Minors 153
Day 5: Secret Treasure 154
Week 21
Day 1: What Cost? 156
Day 2: Finders Keepers 157
Day 3: Equipped and Ready 159
Day 4: Miracle Meal 160
Day 5: Fearless Faith 162
Week 22
Day 1: Fake Faith 163
Day 2: Weight of Words 165
Day 3: Religious Traps 166
Day 4: Real Sign 167
Day 5: Who Is He? 169
Week 23
Day 1: Kingdom Keys 170
Day 2: Followers 172
Day 3: Lost and Found 173
Day 4: How Much? 175
Day 5: Real Hunger 176
Week 24
Day 1: Job Description 177
Day 2: Soul Food 179
Day 3: No Rejection 180
Day 4: Big Promise 181
Day 5: Living Bread 183
Week 25
Day 1: Life Blood 184
Day 2: Life Bread 186
Day 3: Wrong Expectations 187
Day 4: Recognize Truth 188
Day 5: Learn to Discern 190
Week 26
Day 1:6 The Connector 191
Day 2: Mountain Movers 193
Day 3: Three-Part Plan 194
Day 4: Taxes or Trust 195
Day 5: Small Examples 197
Week 27
Day 1: Defending the Defenseless 198
Day 2: Trip Ups 200
Day 3: Just Lose It 201
Day 4: Persistent Love 202
Day 5: Work It Out 204
Week 28
Day 1: Power Promise 205
Day 2: Forgive and Forgive 207
Day 3: Marriage Plan 208
Day 4: Hard Hearts 210
Day 5: Single Hearts 211
Week 29
Day 1: Not Enough 213
Day 2: Stumbling Block 214
Day 3: Impossible Possibilities 216
Day 4: Great Benefits 217
Day 5: First and Last 218
Week 30
Day 1: Headed to the Cross 220
Day 2: Who’s on Top? 222
Day 3: Sealed Fates 223
Day 4: Thirst Quencher 225
Day 5: Throwing Stones 226
Week 31
Day 1: Life Light 228
Day 2: Earthbound Minds 229
Day 3: Seeing Jesus 231
Day 4: Who’s a Pharisee? 232
Day 5: Authorized by God 233
Week 32
Day 1: Real Freedom 235
Day 2: A Slave to Sin 236
Day 3: God at Work 238
Day 4: Blinding Pride 239
Day 5: Attention! 240
Week 33
Day 1: Our Entrance 242
Day 2: Good Shepherd 244
Day 3: All for Us 245
Day 4: Safety Zone 246
Day 5: Relationship Reflection 248
Week 34
Day 1: Confidence 250
Day 2: Sneak Preview 251
Day 3: Total Trust 253
Day 4: Devoted Disciples 254
Day 5: Children of Light 256
Week 35
Day 1: God’s Light 257
Day 2: Words of Life 259
Day 3: Servant Heart 260
Day 4: Full Disclosure 262
Day 5: Love’s Brand 263
Week 36
Day 1: Second Chances 265
Day 2: Home Sweet Home 266
Day 3: Way, Truth, Life 268
Day 4: Promising Promise 269
Day 5: The Only Way 271
Week 37
Day 1: One and the Same 272
Day 2: Humble Entrances 274
Day 3: Earth-Shaking Faith 275
Day 4: Miracle Key 277
Day 5: On Second Thought 278
Week 38
Day 1: Our Helper 280
Day 2: Messes Welcome 281
Day 3: Never Alone 283
Day 4: Mismanagement 284
Day 5: Love Driven 286
Week 39
Day 1: The Cornerstone 287
Day 2: Teachable 289
Day 3: Priorities 290
Day 4: Gentle Reminders 291
Day 5: Priceless Peace 293
Week 40
Day 1: Simple Laws 294
Day 2: Love’s Example 296
Day 3: The Hypocrite Trap 297
Day 4: Good Hurts 299
Day 5: Spiritual Family 300
Week 41
Day 1: Fruit Connection 302
Day 2: False Religion’s Reward 303
Day 3: Hang Tight 305
Day 4: Wrong Expectations 306
Day 5: In Sync 307
Week 42
Day 1: Stay in Love 309
Day 2: What’s Next? 310
Day 3: Real Joy 312
Day 4: Grim Warnings 313
Day 5: Sacrificial Love 314
Week 43
Day 1: Everyone’s Chance 316
Day 2: True Friends 317
Day 3: Troubling Times 319
Day 4: Chosen 320
Day 5: Don’t Be Tricked 321
Week 44
Day 1: Citizens of Heaven 323
Day 2: Earth’s Final Day 324
Day 3: Our Example 326
Day 4: Be Aware 327
Day 5: No Excuses 328
Week 45
Day 1: Distractions 330
Day 2: Forever Friend 332
Day 3: Be Prepared 333
Day 4: Hold On! 334
Day 5: Always Ready 336
Week 46
Day 1: Change Is Good 337
Day 2: When No One’s Looking 339
Day 3: Perceptions 340
Day 4: Timing Is Everything 342
Day 5: Full Disclosure 343
Week 47
Day 1: Before the Dawn 345
Day 2: Pain to Joy 346
Day 3: Love in Action 347
Day 4: Just Ask 349
Day 5: Love Connection 350
Week 48
Day 1: Coming Back 352
Day 2: Like a River 353
Day 3: With Open Arms 355
Day 4: Attention! 356
Day 5: Jesus’s Gift 357
Week 49
Day 1: Incomprehensible 359
Day 2: All-Out Love 360
Day 3: Family Ties 362
Day 4: Prayer Power 363
Day 5: Lifetime Membership 365
Week 50
Day 1: Communion 366
Day 2: Betrayal 368
Day 3: Wake Up! 369
Day 4: Complete Joy 371
Day 5: Safekeeping 372
Week 51
Day 1: Rags to Riches 373
Day 2: The Mission 375
Day 3: Amazed by Grace 376
Day 4: Unity 377
Day 5: Reputation 379
Week 52
Day 1: Heavenly Hopes 380
Day 2: Love Letter 382
Day 3: No Secrets 383
Day 4: Forgiveness 384
Day 5: Always! 386