- Absolute threshold, 162–163
- Abuse
- dissociative disorders and, 709–710
- false/repressed memories of, 355, 360–361, 745
- long-term effects of, 514–515
- modeling of aggression and, 804
- Acceptance, 592
- Accidents
- human factors psychology and, 845
- selective attention and, 159–160
- sleep deprivation and, 241, 243
- Accommodation
- Acetylcholine (ACh), 87
- Achievement
- distributed vs. massed practice and, 21, 334–335
- online time and, 427–428
- ten-year rule for, 629
- Achievement motivation, 428–430, 840–844
- Achievement tests, 633. See also Test(s)
- predictive validity of, 637
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- Acquisition, in classical conditioning, 275–276, 297
- Acronyms, 334
- Action potential, 83–84
- Activation-synthesis theory, 249
- Active listening, 726
- Acupuncture, 208, 209
- Adaptation. See also Evolution
- classical conditioning and, 272, 275, 301–302
- happiness and, 475–476
- intuition and, 377, 378
- natural selection and, 8, 14, 141–142
- nature–nurture issue and, 14
- perceptual, 195
- sensory, 165–166
- Adaptation-level phenomenon, 476
- Addiction, 106, 253, 254, 263. See also Alcohol use disorder; Psychoactive drugs
- Adolescence, definition of, 533
- Adolescents
- bipolar disorder in, 688
- brain development in, 534–535
- cognitive development in, 535–537
- emerging adulthood and, 542–543
- hearing loss in, 200–201
- identity formation in, 539–541
- impulsivity in, 534
- moral development in, 535–537
- parental influence on, 541–542
- peer relationships of, 541–542, 830, 831
- physical development in, 533–535
- pregnant, 548–549
- preventive mental health programs for, 760
- reasoning power in, 535
- sexual development in, 533–534, 543, 545–547
- social development in, 543
- Adoption studies, 134–135
- of intelligence, 648–649
- of schizophrenia, 703
- on substance use, 830
- Adrenal glands, 96
- Adrenaline, 95
- Adulthood. See also Aging
- cognitive development in, 561–564
- emerging, 542–543
- life satisfaction in, 472–478
- love in, 565–566
- midlife transition in, 564
- milestones in, 543
- physical development in, 558–561
- psychosocial development in, 540
- social development in, 564–567
- stages of, 558, 564–565
- work in, 567
- Aerobic exercise, 752. See also Exercise
- Affect, in schizophrenia, 700
- Affiliation needs, 423–428
- Afterimages, opponent-process theory and, 181–182
- Aggression, 801–806. See also Violence
- alcohol and, 802–803
- amygdala and, 104
- anger and, 460
- aversive events and, 803
- biochemical influences in, 802–803
- biology of, 801–803
- biopsychosocial approach to, 806
- cultural factors in, 804
- definition of, 801
- frustration and, 803
- gender differences in, 521
- genetic factors in, 801
- modeling of, 312–313, 316–318, 804–805
- neural influences in, 801–802
- psychological factors in, 803–806
- punishment and, 290
- reinforcement of, 804
- relational, 521 (See also Ostracism)
- social-cultural factors in, 803–806
- social isolation and, 426
- social scripts and, 804–805
- testosterone and, 802
- threatened egotism and, 615
- Aging. See also Adulthood
- Agonists, neurotransmitters and, 88
- Agoraphobia, 678
- Agreeableness, 599, 600
- Alcoholics Anonymous, 738
- Alcohol use, 255–257, 263
- aggression and, 802–803
- disinhibition and, 255, 256, 257
- expectancy effects and, 256–257
- fetal effects of, 490
- neural processing and, 256
- reward centers and, 106
- self-awareness and self-control and, 256
- sexual behavior and, 255, 548
- trends in, 829
- Alcohol use disorder, 256
- aversive therapy for, 731–732
- biological influences in, 829–830
- genetic factors in, 830
- suicide and, 695
- Algorithms, 370
- All-or-none response, 83
- Alpha waves, during sleep, 232–233
- Alternative therapies, 745–746
- eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, 745–746
- light exposure therapy, 746
- Altruism, 816–819
- bystander effect and, 816–818
- definition of, 816
- happiness and, 818
- reciprocity norm and, 818–819
- social exchange theory and, 818
- social responsibility norm and, 819
- Alzheimer’s disease, 326, 343, 563–564
- American Psychological Association (APA), ethical guidelines of, 61, 62
- Amnesia. See also Forgetting; Memory loss
- Amok, 668
- Amphetamines, 257, 261, 263
- Amygdala, 104
- age-related changes in, 568
- emotions and, 435
- in memory, 341–342
- Anal stage, 580–581
- Analytical intelligence, 628
- Ancient Greece, 6, 14
- Androgyny, 526
- Anger, 460–461
- gender differences in, 444
- health effects of, 459–461
- Animal(s)
- Anorexia nervosa, 712–714
- biopsychosocial approach on, 668
- Anosmia, 211
- Antagonists, neurotransmitters and, 89
- Anterior cingulate cortex
- in anxiety disorders, 683
- ostracism and, 425
- Anterograde amnesia, 351
- Antianxiety drugs, 754
- Antidepressants, 692, 753–754
- Antipsychotics, 753–754
- Antisocial personality disorder, 710–712
- Anvil (ear), 199, 200
- Anxiety
- adaptive function of, 684
- defense mechanisms and, 581–582, 586–587
- free-floating, 678
- online time and, 427–428
- psychoanalytic view of, 581–582, 586–587, 588
- psychodynamic view of, 583
- stranger, 509
- Anxiety disorders, 677–684
- aversive conditioning for, 731
- biological perspective on, 683–684
- brain activity in, 683
- classification of, 677
- cognitive-behavioral therapy for, 736–737
- drug therapy for, 754
- exposure therapy for, 730
- generalized anxiety disorder, 677–678
- genetic factors in, 684
- learning perspective on, 681–682
- natural selection and, 684
- panic disorder, 677
- phobias, 677, 679
- Aphasia, 387–388
- Aplysia, 342
- Apnea, sleep, 245–246, 248
- Appetite, hunger. See also Eating
- Applied research, 24
- Aptitude tests, 633, Test(s). See also Intelligence tests
- bias and, 656–658
- predictive validity of, 637, 657
- stability of scores in, 642–643
- stereotype threat and, 657
- Archetypes, 583
- Arcuate nucleus, hunger and, 410
- Arousal, 432–436
- Asch’s conformity study, 776–777
- Asexual, 418
- Asperger syndrome, 505, 669
- Assimilation, in cognitive development, 498
- Association, vs. correlation, 52
- Association areas, 114–116
- Association for Psychological Science, 9, 24
- Associative learning, 270–272, 302, 303. See also Classical conditioning
- Athletics
- mental practice in, 391–392
- operant conditioning in, 294–295
- sleep and, 238
- Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory formation, 329
- Attachment, 509–515
- basic trust and, 513
- body contact and, 509
- in companionate love, 813–814
- critical period for, 510
- day care and, 512, 516
- deprivation of, 513–515
- familiarity and, 510
- Harlow’s study of, 509–510, 511, 514
- imprinting and, 510
- insecure anxious, 424–425, 511, 513
- insecure avoidant, 425, 511, 513
- later relationships and, 513
- motivation and, 511
- secure, 511
- stranger anxiety and, 509
- temperament and, 511–512
- Attention, defocused, 368
- Attention, selective, 158–162, 224, 228
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 513, 670, 671
- Attitudes, 770–773
- Attraction, 808–814. See also Love
- gender differences in, 810
- online/speed dating and, 809–810
- physical attractiveness and, 810–811
- proximity and, 808–809
- reward theory of, 812
- similarity and, 811–812
- Attribution theory, 768–770
- Audition. See Hearing
- Auditory nerve, 200
- Auditory processing, 198–201. See also Hearing
- Authoritarian parents, 516, 517
- Authoritative parents, 516, 517
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 505–506
- behavior modification for, 732
- classification of, 669
- savant syndrome and, 627–628
- theory of mind and, 502
- Autobiographical memory, false, 357–358
- Automatic processing, 330–331. See also Information processing; Memory processing
- brain regions in, 341
- steps in, 344
- Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 92, 92093
- Autonomy, need for, 424
- Availability heuristic, 373–375, 798
- Aversive conditioning, 731–732
- Aversive events, aggression and, 803
- Avoidant personality disorder, 710
- Axons, 82
- Babbling stage, 384
- Back-to-sleep position, 495
- Balance, 213
- Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment, 312, 313
- Barbiturates, 257
- Bar graphs, 66, 67
- Basal ganglia, in memory, 341
- Basal metabolic rate, 410–411, 414
- Basic research, 24
- Basic trust, attachment and, 513
- Basilar membrane, 199, 200
- Beauty, 809, 810–811. See also Attraction
- Beck’s cognitive therapy, 734–736
- Bed-wetting, behavior therapy for, 729
- Behavior
- Behavioral approach to personality development, 606
- Behavioral assessment, situational, 607–608
- Behavioral medicine, 451, 456
- Behavioral psychology, 13, 17
- Behavior genetics, 14–15, 129–135. See also Genetics; Nature–nurture issue
- Behaviorism, 7, 10, 224, 272–273
- Behavior modeling. See Modeling
- Behavior modification, 732–733
- Behavior rating scales, in performance appraisal, 839
- Behavior therapy, 729–733, 739
- aversive conditioning in, 731–732
- classical conditioning in, 729–732
- counterconditioning in, 729
- exposure therapies in, 730–732
- operant conditioning in, 732–733
- rational-emotive, 733–734
- systematic desensitization in, 730
- Belief perseverance, 376
- Bell-shaped curve, 68, 69
- Belonging, need for, 423–424, 842–843
- Bergen, 383
- Better-than-average effect, 614–615
- Bias
- critical thinking and, 4–5
- gender, 523
- Bias confirmation, 371
- hindsight, 39–40, 359, 798
- ingroup, 796
- in intelligence testing, 656–658
- own-race, 797
- sampling, 47, 70
- self-serving, 614–615, 769
- Big Five factor theory, 599–601
- Bilingualism, 388, 389–390, 391
- Binge-eating disorder, 669, 713
- Binocular cues, 189–190
- Biofeedback, 296
- Biological psychology, 13, 17, 24
- advances in, 80
- definition of, 80
- historical perspective on, 80–81
- Biological rhythms, sleep and, 232–236
- Biomedical therapies, 722, 751–759
- deep-brain stimulation, 757–758
- definition of, 722
- in eclectic therapy, 723
- electroconvulsive therapy, 756
- pharmacologic, 753–756 (See also Drug therapy)
- psychosurgery, 758
- repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, 757
- Biopsychosocial approach, 16–19, 80–81
- to aggression, 806
- to aging, 568
- definition of, 16
- to development, 147
- to health, 462
- to hypnosis, 227
- to personality, 606–607
- to psychoactive drugs, 829–830
- to psychological disorders, 668
- reciprocal determinism and, 606–607
- to substance use, 830
- Biopsychosocial approach to pain, 206
- Bipolar cells, 178
- Bipolar disorder, 687–688
- biological perspective on, 690–692
- brain activity in, 691–692
- drug therapy for, 755–756
- genetic factors in, 691
- neurotransmitters in, 691–692
- suicide in, 756
- Birkenhead drill, 781
- Birth control, 548
- Bisexuality. See Sexual orientation
- Blaming the victim, 796, 798
- Blindness. See Vision loss
- Blindsight, 125, 184
- Blind spot, 179
- Blood sugar. See Glucose
- B lymphocytes, 456
- Bobo doll experiment, 312, 313
- Body dysmorphic disorder, 680
- Body language, 444–447. See also Emotional expression
- Body position sense, 213
- Body weight. See also Obesity
- Botox treatments, for depression, 448
- Bottom-up processing, 158
- Botulin, 89
- Brain. See also Cerebral cortex
- age-related changes in, 560–561
- anxiety disorders and, 683
- gay-straight differences in, 552–553, 553–554
- imaging studies of, 98–101
- lateralization in, 120–123
- handedness and, 123
- intact brains, 120
- language and, 120
- split-brain patients, 120–122
- vision and, 121–122
- learning-induced changes in, 529–530
- lesion studies of, 98
- motor functions of, 110–112
- neural networks in, 93
- older structures of, 101–103
- plasticity of, 116–118, 530
- sensory functions of, 113
- size of, intelligence and, 640
- structure of, 93, 98–103
- unconscious processes in, 103
- Brain-computer interfaces, 111–112
- Brain damage
- Brain development. See also Cognitive development
- in adolescents, 534–535
- in autism spectrum disorder, 505, 506
- critical period for, 553–554
- early experiences and, 529–530
- in infants and children, 494
- memory and, 495–496
- nature–nurture issue and, 529–531
- over lifetime, 530
- prenatal, 489–490, 553–554
- sexual orientation and, 553–554
- testosterone in, 545, 553–554
- Brain lesions, 98
- Brain-mind holistic system, 149
- Brain reorganization, 116–118
- Brain scans, 99–101
- Brainstem, 102
- Brain stimulation therapies
- deep-brain stimulation, 757–758
- electroconvulsive therapy, 756
- magnetic stimulation, 757
- Brain studies, 98–101
- Brain surgery, 758
- Brightness constancy, 192
- British Psychological Society, ethical guidelines of, 61, 62
- Broca’s aphasia, 388
- Broca’s area, 116, 388
- Bulimia nervosa, 712–714
- Bullying, 425–426. See also Ostracism
- autism and, 505
- of obese children, 415
- on social media, 427
- Bystander effect, 816–818
- Caffeine, 257, 263
- Cancer, stress and, 458
- Cannon-Bard theory, 433–434
- Capital punishment, 644
- Cardiac disease
- Careers in psychology, 24–31, D-1, D-4–D-6
- information sources for, D-7–D-8
- job satisfaction in, D-6
- maximizing opportunities in, D-4–D-5
- salaries in, D-6
- Case studies, 43, 44
- in personality assessment, 609
- Catastrophes
- posttraumatic stress disorder after, 681
- stress due to, 451–452
- Catastrophizing, 735
- Catatonia, 700
- Categories, 365–366
- Catharsis, 460
- Causation vs. correlation, 52
- Cell phones
- Central nervous system (CNS), 92, 93–94. See also Brain; Spinal cord
- Central route persuasion, 771
- Cerebellum, 103, 341
- Cerebral cortex, 109–118
- Cerebral hemispheres, 104. See also Lateralization
- functional specialization in, 120–123
- Cerebrum, 109
- Chain migration, 425
- Chameleon effect, 775, 776
- Change blindness, 161
- Change deafness, 162
- Charisma, 841–842
- Checklists in performance appraisal, 839
- Child abuse
- dissociative disorders and, 709–710
- epigenetics and, 138
- false/repressed memories of, 355, 360–361, 745
- long-term effects of, 514–515
- modeling of aggression and, 804
- Child development, 494–496
- brain, 494, 495–496
- cognitive, 494, 495–496, 498–506 (See also Cognitive development)
- day care and, 512, 516
- gender and, 520–527
- language and, 382–387
- memory and, 495–496
- moral, 487
- motor skills and, 494–495
- parental influences in, 530–531
- peer influences in, 531
- physical, 494–496
- psychosocial, 487, 539–541
- social, 509–518
- Child raising. See also Parenting
- Children
- attachment problems in, 424–425
- bipolar disorder in, 688
- in day care, 512, 516
- false/repressed memories of, 360
- memory in, 341, 495–496
- preventive mental health programs for, 760
- resilient, 474, 514, 680–681
- self-concept in, 515
- Chimpanzees
- Chromosomes, 130
- Chronic schizophrenia, 700
- Chunking, 333
- Cigarette smoking, 257, 258–259, 263
- Cilia of hair cells, 199–200
- Circadian rhythms, sleep and, 231–232, 235–236
- Clairvoyance, 172–174
- Classical conditioning, 270–280
- acquisition in, 275–276, 297
- adaptation and, 272, 275, 301–302
- in anxiety disorders, 681–682
- applications of, 278–280
- aversive, 731–732
- in behavior therapy, 729–732
- biological constraints on, 300–303, 306
- cognitive processes and, 303–304, 306
- definition of, 272
- discrimination in, 277, 297
- ecological relevance in, 301
- expectancy in, 303
- in exposure therapy, 729–732
- extinction in, 276, 297
- generalization in, 276–277, 297
- higher-order, 276
- memory and, 341, 342
- vs. operant conditioning, 283, 297
- Pavlov’s experiments in, 272, 273–278
- predictability in, 303
- respondent behavior in, 297
- second-order, 276
- spontaneous recovery in, 276, 297
- stimulus in, 271
- of taste aversions, 301
- Classification, 365–366
- Client-centered perspective, 592
- Client-centered therapy, 725–727, 739
- Clinical neuropsychology, 29
- Clinical psychologists, 25, 30, 748
- Clinical social workers, 748
- Cocaine, 259–260, 263
- Cochlea, 199–200
- Cochlear implants, 201, 386
- Cocktail party effect, 159
- Codeine, 257
- Cognition, 561–564. See also Thinking
- age-related changes in, 640–642
- in animals, 848–850
- classical conditioning and, 303–304
- concepts and, 365–366
- creativity and, 366–368
- decision-making and, 372–378
- definition of, 224, 365, 498
- in depression, 689
- embodied, 214
- emotion and, 432–436
- intuition and, 370–371, 372
- language and, 381–392
- memory and, 326–364 (See also Memory)
- in obesity, 415
- operant conditioning and, 304–306
- problem solving and, 370–372
- terminal decline in, 563
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), 736–737, 739
- Cognitive development
- in adolescents, 535–537
- in adults, 561–564
- dreams and, 250
- in infants and children, 494, 495–496, 498–506
- language in, 504
- memory and, 495–496
- in newborns, 491
- Piaget’s theory of, 487, 498–503 (See also Piaget’s cognitive development theory)
- self-concept and, 515
- theory of mind and, 315, 501–502
- Vygotsky’s theory of, 503–504
- Cognitive dissonance theory, 772–773
- Cognitive learning, 270, 272
- Cognitive maps, 304
- Cognitive neural prosthetics, 112
- Cognitive neuroscience, 13, 124
- Cognitive psychology, 13, 25, 26, 27
- Cognitive revolution, 13, 733
- Cognitive therapy, 733–737, 739
- Cohabitation vs. marriage, 565–566
- Cohorts, 640
- Collective unconscious, 583
- Collectivist cultures, 147, 616–618. See also Culture
- attribution in, 769
- child raising in, 518
- emotional expression in, 446–447
- memory and, 337
- self-concept in, 616–618
- Color constancy, 192
- Color names, 389, 390
- Color vision, 181–182
- rods and cones in, 178–179, 181
- Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory of, 181
- Communication
- animal, 849–850
- in conflict resolution, 822
- electronic, 426–428, 443, 603 (See also Social networking)
- gender differences in, 522, 524
- hearing loss and, 200–201
- neural, 81–89 (See also Neurotransmitters)
- nonverbal, 442–448 (See also Emotional expression)
- sexual activity and, 548–549
- Community psychology, 25–26, 30, 760
- Comorbidity, 744
- Companionate love, 812, 813–814. See also Love
- Compensation, gender bias in, 523
- Competence, need for, 424
- Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), 745–746
- eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, 745–746
- light exposure therapy, 746
- Compulsions, 679–680
- Computed tomography (CT) scans, 99
- Computer-brain interfaces, 111–112
- Conception, 488–489
- Concepts, 365–366
- Concrete operational stage, 502, 503
- Concussions, 106
- Conditioned reinforcers, 286
- Conditioned response, 274
- Conditioned stimulus, 274
- Conditioning, 10
- Condoms, 547–548
- Conduction hearing loss, 200
- Cones, 178, 180, 181
- Confirmation bias, 371
- Conflict, 819–823
- mirror-image perceptions and, 820
- self-fulfilling prophecies and, 820
- social traps and, 819–820
- Conflict resolution, 820–823
- communication in, 822
- conciliation in, 822–823
- contact in, 821
- cooperation in, 821–822
- GRIT strategy for, 822–823
- mediation in, 822
- superordinate goals and, 821
- Conformity, 775–778
- Confounding variables, 56
- Connection, 426–428. See also Communication; Social networking
- Connectionism, 329
- Conscientiousness, 599, 600
- Consciousness, 224
- biology of, 123–127
- definition of, 123, 224
- dual processing and, 125–126, 224 (See also Dual processing)
- hypnosis and, 224–228
- mind-brain holistic system and, 149
- sleep and, 122, 231 (See also Sleep)
- states of, 224
- Consent, informed, 62
- Conservation, in cognitive development, 501
- Consolidation, memory, 237, 249
- Content validity, 637
- Context-dependent memory, 345–346
- Context effects, 169–171
- Continuous reinforcement, 287
- Contraception, 548–549
- Control, 788–789
- happiness and, 478
- learned helplessness and, 307, 693
- learning and, 306–309
- locus of, 308–309
- optimism vs. pessimism and, 613
- self-control and, 309
- social vs. personal, 782
- Control group, 54, 742
- Conventional morality, 536
- Convergent thinking, 366
- Conversion disorder, 707
- Conversion therapy, 550
- Coping. See also Stress management
- definition of, 306
- emotion-focused, 306
- gender differences in, 455
- problem-focused, 306
- Copycat violence, 776
- Cornea, 177
- Coronary heart disease, stress and, 459–461
- Corpus callosum, 120
- Correlation, 50–53
- vs. causation, 52
- illusory, 53
- negative, 50
- positive, 50
- Correlational studies, 43, 50–53, 59
- Correlation coefficient, 50, 51
- Cortisol, in stress response, 453, 454
- Cost-benefit analysis, 818
- Counseling psychology, 25, 30–31, 748
- Counterconditioning, 729–731
- in aversive conditioning, 731–732
- in exposure therapy, 730
- Crack cocaine, 259
- Cramming, 334
- Creative intelligence, 628, 642
- Creativity, 366–368
- age-related changes in, 642
- bipolar disorder and, 688
- sleep and, 237
- Crifasi, 696
- Criminality. See also Aggression
- antisocial personality and, 710–711
- insanity defense and, 673
- Critical periods, 530
- for attachment, 510
- for brain development, 553–554
- definition of, 509
- for language learning, 385–386
- for sensory/perceptual development, 194, 201
- Critical thinking, 38
- Cross-cultural psychology, 15–16
- Cross-race effect, 797
- Cross-sectional studies, 563
- Crystallized intelligence, 640
- Csikszentmihalyi’s flow concept, 833–834
- CT scans, 99
- Cultural change, 790
- Cultural norms, 790. See also Norm(s)
- Cultural variation, 789–790
- Culture, 15–16
- aggression and, 804
- beauty and, 810–811
- child-raising practices and, 516, 518
- collectivist vs. individualist, 147, 616–618
- conformity and, 778
- death and dying and, 568–569
- definition of, 15, 789
- emotional expression and, 444–447
- gender and, 524–527
- grief and, 568–569
- group behavior and, 789–790
- hierarchy of needs and, 405–406
- individualist, 147, 616–618
- language and, 389–390
- leadership and, 843–844
- psychological disorders and, 667, 668
- psychotherapy and, 747–748
- self-concept and, 616–618
- sexual orientation and, 549
- substance use and, 31
- suicide and, 694–695
- transmission among animals, 848
- WEIRD, 15
- Culture-bound syndromes, 668
- Culture shock, 790
- Curare, 89
- Curiosity, scientific, 42
- Curse of knowledge, 501, 846
- Cyberbullying, 427
- Cyberostracism, 425
- Daily hassles, 452–454. See also Stress
- Dark adaptation, 180
- Dating. See also Attraction
- Day care, 512, 516
- Deafness. See Hearing loss
- Death and dying, 568–569
- fear of, 586, 588
- terror-management theory and, 588
- Death-deferral phenomenon, 559
- Death penalty, 644
- Debriefing, 62
- Decibels, 198–199, 201
- Decision making, 372–378. See also Intuition
- Declarative memory, 330, 331–337
- Deep-brain stimulation, 757–758
- Deep processing, 335–336
- Defense mechanisms, 581–582, 586–587
- Definitions, operational, 42–43, 56
- Deindividuation, 785–786
- Déjà vu, 358–359
- Delayed gratification, 287, 537
- Delayed reinforcers, 286–287
- Delta waves during sleep, 234
- Delusions, 699
- Dementia, 343, 563–564
- Dendrites, 82
- Denial, 582
- Dependent variables, 56
- Depletion effects, 309
- Depolarization, 83
- Depressants, 255–257. See also Alcohol use
- Depression, 686–696
- adaptive function of, 686
- among LGBTQ people, 795
- Beck’s cognitive therapy for, 734–736
- biological perspective on, 690–692
- Botox treatments for, 448
- brain areas related to, 691–692, 757
- catastrophizing in, 735
- cognitive-behavioral therapy for, 736–737
- cultural factors in, 694–695
- deep brain stimulation for, 757–758
- diagnosis of, 687
- drug therapy for, 692, 754–755
- electroconvulsive therapy for, 343, 756
- explanatory style and, 692–693
- gender differences in, 689–690, 692–693
- genetic factors in, 691
- health effects of, 460
- key features of, 689–690
- learned helplessness and, 307, 693
- memory and, 346–347
- neurotransmitters in, 691–692, 754–755
- online time and, 427–428
- overview of, 686, 689–690
- rates of, 689, 690
- repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for, 757
- resolution of, 690
- rumination in, 692–693
- seasonal, light exposure therapy for, 746
- sleep deprivation and, 242–243
- smoking in, 259, 678
- social-cognitive perspective on, 692–694
- social isolation and, 425–426
- stress and, 460, 690, 692–694
- suicide and, 694–696
- vicious cycle in, 694
- Depth perception, 189–190
- Descriptive statistics, 62–69
- Descriptive studies, 43, 44–47, 59
- Desensitization
- to sexual stimuli, 421
- systematic, 730
- violence-viewing effect and, 317
- Design, product, human factors psychology and, 844–845
- Determinism
- Development
- in adolescence, 533–543 (See also Adolescents)
- biopsychosocial approach to, 147
- brain
- cognitive (See also Cognitive development)
- continuity in, 486–487
- critical periods in, 194, 201, 385–386, 510, 530 (See also Critical periods)
- gender, 520–527
- in infancy and childhood, 494–496 (See also Child development)
- language, 382–387
- moral, 487, 494, 535–537
- motor, 494–495
- personality, 580–581
- prenatal, 489–491
- psychosexual, 580–581
- psychosocial, 487, 539–541
- sensitive periods in, 510
- sexual, 545–547, 553–554
- social (See also Attachment)
- stability vs. change in, 487–488
- stages of, 487 (See also Stage theories)
- Developmental psychology, 24, 26–27, 443
- Deviation from mean, 69
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), 669–670
- Diagnostic labeling, 670, 672
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), 737
- Diathesis-stress model, 668
- Difference threshold, 163–165
- Diffusion of responsibility, 817
- Diffusion spectrum imaging, 101
- Discrimination (social), 792. See also Prejudice
- Discrimination (stimulus)
- in classical conditioning, 277, 290, 297
- in operant conditioning, 290, 297
- in punishment, 290
- Discriminative stimulus, 285
- Disinhibition
- Displacement, 582
- Display rules, 446–447
- Dispositional attribution, 768
- Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, 688
- Dissociation, 227
- Dissociative disorders, 708–710
- Dissociative identity disorder (DID), 700, 708–710
- Distraction, for pain, 207, 208, 209
- Distributed practice, 21, 334–335
- Distribution
- Divergent thinking, 366
- Division of labor, 789
- Divorce, 565–566
- Dizygotic twins, 132. See also Twin studies
- DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 130
- Dopamine
- functions of, 87
- pathways for, 87
- reward centers and, 105–106
- in schizophrenia, 701
- substance use and, 830
- Dotan-Eliaz, 425
- Double-blind procedure, 55, 753
- Down syndrome, 644
- Dreams, 232, 234–235, 247–251. See also REM sleep
- cognitive development and, 250
- content of, 247–248
- definition of, 247
- dual processing and, 248
- erotic content of, 421
- Freudian view of, 248, 250
- functions of, 248–251
- information processing and, 248–249
- latent content of, 248, 581
- manifest content of, 248, 581
- neural activation and, 249, 250
- nightmares, 246, 247
- predictive power of, 173
- sexual arousal during, 421
- wish fulfillment and, 248, 250
- Drive-reduction theory, 402, 403, 406
- Driving
- Drug(s)
- Drug therapy, 753–756
- antianxiety drugs in, 754
- antidepressants in, 754–755
- antipsychotics in, 753–754
- mood stabilizers in, 755–756
- DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition), 669–670
- Dual processing, 125–126
- consciousness and, 224
- in dissociation, 227
- emotional, 434–435
- forgetting and, 351–352
- in hypnosis, 227–228
- in memory, 330–331, 344
- in selective attention, 158–162, 228
- during sleep, 248
- in vision, 125–126
- Duchenne smile, 442–443
- Dunning-Kruger effect, 613
- Dysthymia, 687
- Ear
- Eardrum, 199, 200
- Eating, Hunger. See also Appetite
- Eating disorders, 712–714
- Echoic memory, 332
- E-cigarettes, 258
- Eclectic approach, to therapy, 723
- Ecological relevance, in conditioning, 301
- Ecstasy (MDMA), 261, 263
- Education. See also Learning
- of gifted and talented, 645
- intelligence and, 650, 657
- operant conditioning in, 294–295
- school psychologists and, 27, 29–30
- Educational psychology, 25, 27
- EEG. See Electroencephalogram (EEG)
- Effortful processing, 330–331, 331–337. See also Information processing; Memory processing
- Effort justification, 742
- Ego, 580
- Egocentrism, 501
- Elderly. See Aging
- Electra complex, 580
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 343, 756
- Electroencephalogram (EEG), 99
- Electronic communication, 426–428
- limitations of, 443
- self-presentation in, 427, 603
- Ellis’ rational-emotive behavior therapy, 733–734
- E-mail. See also Social networking
- self-presentation in, 603
- social impact of, 426–428
- Embodied cognition, 214
- Embodied emotion, 437–439
- Embryo, 489
- Emerging adulthood, 542–543
- Emotional catharsis, 460
- Emotional expression, 442–448. See also Facial expressions
- Emotional intelligence, 629–630
- Emotional stability–instability, 597, 599–601
- Emotion-focused coping, 306
- Emotion(s), 432–462
- after spinal cord injury, 433
- amygdala and, 104, 435
- in autism, 505, 506
- autonomic nervous system and, 437–438
- bottom-up vs. top-down processing of, 434–435
- brain pathways for, 434–435
- Cannon-Bard theory of, 433–434
- cognition and, 432–436
- contagious, 314–315, 448, 776
- definition of, 433
- diminished/inappropriate, in schizophrenia, 700
- dual processing of, 434–435
- duration of, 460–461
- embodied, 437–439
- facial expressions and, 447–448
- frontal lobe in, 439
- gender differences in, 443–444
- health effects of, 456–462 (See also Stress, health effects of)
- insula in, 438
- interpretation of, 434, 435, 442–446
- James-Lange theory of, 433
- Lazarus’ theory of, 435, 436
- LeDoux’s theory of, 435, 436
- memory and, 341–342
- moral behavior and, 535–536
- physiology of, 438–439
- sensory adaptation and, 166
- social perception and, 171
- ten basic, 437
- transitory nature of, 460
- two-factor theory of, 434, 436, 812
- Zajonc’s theory of, 434–435, 436
- Empathy, 592
- Empirical approach, 42
- Empirically derived test, 598–599
- Empiricism, 7
- Employee engagement, 841
- Employee management. See Management
- Employee performance appraisal, 838–839
- Employee satisfaction, productivity and, 840–841
- Employment. See also Careers
- gender bias in, 423
- life satisfaction and, 567
- operant conditioning and, 295
- Employment in psychology. See also Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology
- industrial-organizational psychology and, 833–847
- life satisfaction and, 567
- operant conditioning and, 296
- Employment interviews, 837–838
- Empty nest syndrome, 566
- Encoding, 321–327, 329. See also Memory processing
- Encoding specificity principle, 345–346
- Endocrine system, 95–96. See also Hormones
- Endorphins, 87, 88, 206, 208, 257
- Energy therapy, 745
- Environmental factors. See also Nature–nurture issue
- in antisocial personality disorder, 712
- behavior and, 607
- environment-gene interaction and, 14–15, 137–138
- in group differences, 654–656
- heredity vs., 129–130
- in intelligence, 649–651
- in obesity, 414
- in schizophrenia, 704
- in sexual orientation, 51–552, 553–554
- shared-environment effect and, 134–135
- Environmental psychology, 29
- Epigenetic marks, 137–138
- in anxiety disorders, 683
- from fetal alcohol exposure, 490
- Epigenetics, 137–138, 650, 668. See also Nature–nurture issue
- Epinephrine, 95
- Equity, in companionate love, 813–814
- Erectile disorder, 421
- Erections, during sleep, 234
- Erikson’s psychosocial development stages, 487, 539–541
- Erogenous zones, 580
- Erotica, 420–421, 804–805
- ESP (extrasensory perception), 172–174
- Estradiol, 418
- Estrogens, 418
- Ethical issues, 59–63
- in animal research, 61–62
- human subjects and, 62, 779
- informed consent, 62
- research design and, 59–63
- values and, 62–63
- Ethnic groups, intelligence testing and, 654–658
- Ethnicity
- Ethnocentrism, 792
- Eugenics, intelligence testing and, 634
- European Parliament, research guidelines of, 61
- Evidence-based practice, 744
- Evolution, 141–150. See also Adaptation
- adaptation and, 141–142
- anxiety disorders and, 684
- of gender differences, 653–654
- gender differences and, 143–144
- motivation and, 402, 406
- natural selection and, 141–142
- religious beliefs and, 148–149
- second Darwinian revolution and, 143
- shared human genome and, 142–143
- taste preferences and, 210
- Evolutionary psychology, 14–15, 17, 141–150
- Excitement phase, 419
- Excoriation disorder, 680
- Exercise, 20
- aging and, 559, 561
- happiness and, 478
- in therapeutic lifestyle, 752
- weight and, 414
- Expectancy effects, 256–257, 260
- Experiences, shared, 478
- Experimental psychology
- careers in, 27
- definition of, 9
- history of, 7–10
- Experiment(s), 43, 54–57. See also Research
- control group in, 54, 742
- debriefing after, 62
- double-blind procedures in, 55
- experimental group in, 54
- in personality assessment, 609
- placebo effect in, 55
- practical application of, 43
- random assignment in, 54
- validity of, 56
- variables in, 55–56
- Expertise, 366, 367
- Explanatory style, in depression, 692–693
- Explicit memory, 330, 331–337, 344
- Explicit prejudice, 792–793
- Exposure therapy, 730
- External locus of control, 309
- Extinction
- in classical conditioning, 276, 297
- in operant conditioning, 287, 297
- Extrasensory perception (ESP), 172–174
- Extraversion, 597, 599, 607
- Extrinsic motivation, 306
- Eye, structure of, 177–178
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR), 745–746
- Eyewitness testimony, false memories and, 359, 360
- Facebook. See Social media
- Facial expressions. See also Emotional expression
- Facial feedback effect, 447–448
- Facial recognition, 116, 117, 184
- Facilitated communication, 745
- Factor analysis, 597, 626
- Faith factor. See Religious beliefs
- False consensus effect, 587–588
- False memories, 225–226, 356–361
- of abuse, 355, 360–361, 745
- autobiographical, 357–358
- in children, 360
- eyewitness testimony and, 359
- imagination effect and, 357–358
- misinformation effect and, 357–358
- source amnesia and, 358–359
- vs. true memories, 359
- Familiarity, memory and, 359
- Family therapy, 737–738, 739
- Fantasies, sexual, 421
- Father. See Child raising; Parenting
- Fear
- Feature detection, 183
- Feedback
- Feedback system, neuroendocrine, 96
- Feel-good, do-good phenomenon, 473
- Female(s). See also Gender
- Fermat’s last theorem, 366
- Fertile females theory, 553
- Fetal alcohol syndrome, 490
- Fetal development, 489–491
- Fight-or-flight response, 438, 454
- Figure-ground relationship, 187
- Financial status
- happiness and, 475–476
- psychological disorders and, 675, 760
- Fixation, 581
- Fixed-interval schedules, 288
- Fixed-ratio schedules, 287, 288
- Flashbulb memory, 342
- Flat affect, in schizophrenia, 700
- Flow, 833–834
- Flu, maternal, schizophrenia and, 702
- Fluid intelligence, 640–641
- Flynn effect, 636, 644
- fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 100
- Food. See Eating; Taste
- Foot-in-the-door phenomenon, 771–772, 781
- Forensic neuroscience, 439
- Forensic psychology, 28, 439
- Forgetting. See also Amnesia; Memory loss
- Formal operational stage, 502–503, 535
- Fovea, 179
- Framing, 376–377
- Fraternal birth-order effect, 553–554
- Fraternal twins, 132. See also Twin studies
- Free association, 579, 723
- Free-floating anxiety, 678
- Free radicals, 237
- Free will, 309
- Frequency of sound waves, 198
- Frequency theory, 202
- Freudian psychology, 10–11, 578–582. See also Psychoanalytic theory
- Freudian slips, 580, 581
- Friendships
- Frontal lobe, 109
- age-related changes in, 561
- aggression and, 802
- in antisocial personality disorder, 711–712
- in emotion, 439
- injuries to, 114–115
- maturation of, 534–535
- in memory processing, 340
- moral judgment and, 114–115
- Frowning, depression and, 448
- Frustration-aggression principle, 803
- Fugue states, 708
- Functionalism, 7, 8
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 100, 183
- Functional neurological symptom disorder, 707
- Fundamental attribution error, 768–770
- Fusiform face area, 183
- g (general intelligence), 627, 630
- GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), 87, 564
- Gambling disorder, 254
- Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 87
- Ganglion cells, 178
- Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, 627–628, 630
- Gate-control theory, 207
- Gender
- cultural aspects of, 524–527
- definition of, 520
- hypersexualization and, 548
- social learning of, 524–525
- stereotype threat and, 657–658
- Gender bias, 523
- Gender development, 520–527
- Gender differences, 15–16, 520–524
- in aggression, 521
- in attraction, 810
- in autism, 505
- in communication, 522, 524
- in depression, 689–690, 692–693
- in emotion, 443–444
- in empathy, 443–444
- in intelligence, 653–654
- in leadership style, 522, 524
- in life expectancy, 559
- in mating preferences, 145
- in sexual behavior, 144–146, 420–421
- in social networking, 522, 524
- in social power, 522
- in spatial abilities, 554, 555, 653–654
- in stress response, 455
- in suicide, 695
- Gender discrimination, 793, 794–795
- Gender dysphoria, 526
- Gender expression, 526–527
- Gender genocide, 795
- Gender identity, 525–526
- in psychoanalytic theory, 580–581
- vs. sexual orientation, 527
- Gender psychology, 15–16
- Gender roles, 525
- Gender schemas, 526
- Gender stereotypes, 170
- Gender typing, 525
- Gene, 130–131
- Gene-environment interaction, 137–138. See also Epigenetics; Nature–nurture issue
- Gene expression, 137–138
- General adaptation syndrome (GAS), 454–455
- General intelligence (g), 627, 630
- Generalization
- in anxiety disorders, 681–682
- in classical conditioning, 276–277, 297
- in operant conditioning, 297
- Generalized anxiety disorder, 677–678
- Genetic factors
- in aggression, 801
- in antisocial personality disorder, 711–712
- in anxiety disorders, 668, 683–684
- in autism, 505–506
- in bipolar disorder, 691
- in depression, 691
- in happiness, 477
- in intelligence, 647–649
- in schizophrenia, 703–704
- in sexual orientation, 553–554
- in sleep, 235
- in substance use disorders, 830
- in temperament, 511
- in weight, 414
- Genetic mutations, 142
- Genetics. See also Nature–nurture issue
- Genetic testing, 138
- Genital stage, 581
- Genocide, gender, 795
- Genome, 130
- Genuineness, 592
- Gestalt psychology, 7, 187–188
- Gestures, cultural aspects of, 444–445
- Ghrelin, 243, 410
- Gifted and talented education, 645
- Girls. See also Gender
- sexual abuse of, 804–805
- sexualization of, 548
- Glial cells, 82–83
- Glucocorticoids, in stress response, 454
- Glucose, 409
- Glutamate, 87
- in anxiety disorders, 683
- Goals, personal, 20, 429
- Goal setting, in organizations, 841
- Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension-Reduction (GRIT), 822–823
- Graduate Record Examination (GRE), 637
- Grammar, 382
- Graphic rating scales, in performance appraisal, 839
- Grasping reflex, 491
- Gratitude, 478
- Greek philosophy, 6, 14
- Grief, 568–569
- Grit, 429–430, 629
- GRIT strategy, 822–823
- Group behavior, 784–790
- cultural aspects of, 789–790
- group polarization and, 787–788
- groupthink and, 788–789
- minority influence and, 782
- social control vs. personal control and, 782
- social facilitation and, 784–785
- social loafing and, 785
- in virtual groups, 787–788
- Grouping, form perception and, 188
- Group polarization, 787–788
- Group therapy, 737, 739
- Groupthink, 788–789
- Growth hormone, sleep and, 238
- Growth mindset, 20, 650–651
- Gun laws, 699
- Habits, achievement and, 430
- Habituation, 271, 420, 491
- Hair cells, 199, 200
- Hallucinations
- auditory, 113
- definition of, 233
- in schizophrenia, 699
- Hallucinogens, 261–263
- Halo errors, 839
- Hammer (ear), 199, 200
- Handedness, 123
- Happiness, 472–478. See also Human flourishing
- across life span, 567–568
- adaptation and, 475–476
- causes of, 472–473
- feel-good, do-good phenomenon, 473
- financial status and, 475–476
- fluctuations in, 472–473
- genetic factors in, 477
- helpfulness and, 818
- nature–nurture issue and, 476–477
- in older adults, 567–568
- predictors of, 476–477
- promotion of, 477–478
- relativity of, 475–476
- societal, 477
- subjective well-being and, 473
- Happiness set point, 477
- Haptic feedback, 845
- Harlow’s attachment study, 509–510, 511, 514
- Hassles, 452–454. See also Stress
- Hate crimes, 795
- Health. See also Illness and disease
- age-related changes in, 560
- complementary and alternative therapies and, 745–746
- intelligence and, 643
- optimism and, 460, 477, 478
- personal control and, 307–308
- stress and, 451, 456–462 (See also Stress, health effects of)
- Health psychology, 29, 451, 456, 464
- Hearing, 198–204, 215. See also Sound age-related changes in, 560
- auditory cortex in, 113, 200
- auditory processing in, 198–201
- critical period for, 201
- ear in, 198–201
- in fetus, 489–490
- frequency theory and, 202
- loudness perception and, 200–201
- perceptual set and, 169–170
- pitch perception and, 202
- place theory and, 202
- in sensory interaction, 214–215
- sound location and, 202–203
- sound waves and, 198–199
- Hearing loss, 200–201
- in adolescents, 200–201
- brain reorganization in, 117
- cochlear implant for, 201
- conduction, 200
- language development and, 386–387
- phantom sounds in, 207
- sensorineural, 200–201
- social isolation and, 201
- tinnitus and, 207
- Heart disease
- Helpfulness. See Altruism
- Helping professions, 30–31
- Heredity vs. environment, 129–130. See also Nature–nurture issue
- Heritability, 135–136. See also Genetic factors
- definition of, 415
- of intelligence, 647–649
- obesity and, 415
- of personality traits, 600
- Heroin, 257, 263. See also Opiates
- Heterosexuality. See Sexual orientation
- Heuristics, 370, 372–374
- Hierarchies, as memory aids, 334
- Hierarchy of needs, 402, 405–406, 591–592
- Higher-order conditioning, 276
- Hindsight bias, 39–40, 359, 798
- Hippocampus, 104, 106
- in memory processing, 340
- Histogram, 66, 67
- HIV infection
- Hoarding disorder, 669, 680
- Holocaust, 781
- Holocaust survivors, 138
- Homeostasis
- definition of, 403
- drive-reduction theory and, 403
- Homosexuality. See LGBTQ people; Sexual orientation
- Hormones, 95–96
- Hotel Rwanda, 816
- Hue, 177
- Human Brain Project, 101
- Human Connectome Project, 101
- Human factors psychology, 25, 835, 836, 844–846
- Human flourishing, 16, 17, 477–478. See also Happiness
- Human Genome Project, 148
- Human immunodeficiency virus infection
- Humanistic psychology, 17, 591–594
- definition of, 11
- evaluation of, 593–594
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in, 405–406, 591–592
- personality assessment in, 593
- Rogers’ person-centered perspective in, 592
- therapy in, 725–727
- Human subjects, in experiments, 62
- Humility, in scientific attitude, 39–40
- Hunger, 408–415. See also Eating; Taste
- Hypersexuality, 548
- Hypervigilance, in anxiety disorders, 682
- Hypnagogic sensations, 233
- Hypnosis, 224–225
- Hypnotherapy, 226
- Hypochondriasis, 707–708
- Hypothalamus, 96, 104–105
- hunger and, 410
- sexual orientation and, 552–553
- Hypothesis, 42
- Iconic memory, 332
- Id, 580
- Ideal self, 592, 593
- Identical twins, 131–132, 580. See also Twin studies
- Identification, 581
- Identity
- I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon, 39–40
- Illness and disease. See also Health
- age-related changes in, 560
- epigenetics and, 137–138
- genetic testing for, 138
- immune system in, 456–458
- maternal, schizophrenia and, 702
- molecular genetics and, 137–138
- personal control and, 307–308
- personality type and, 459–460
- psychophysiological, 456
- sexually transmitted infections, 547–548
- stress-related, 452, 456–462 (See also Stress, health effects of)
- Illness anxiety disorder, 707–708
- Illusions
- Moon, 193
- shrinking/growing girls, 193
- Illusory correlation, 53
- Images, thinking in, 391–392
- Imagination effect, 357–358
- Imagination inflation, 358
- Imaging studies, of brain, 98–101
- Imitation, 313–315, Observational learning. See also Modeling
- Immediate reinforcers, 286–287
- Immigrant paradox, 674
- Immigration, 425
- Immune system
- age-related changes in, 560
- maternal, sexual orientation and, 554
- sleep and, 243
- stress effects on, 456–458 (See also Stress, health effects of)
- Implicit Attitude Test, 793
- Implicit memory, 331, 341, 344, 391
- Implicit prejudice, 587, 792–793
- Imprinting, 402, 510
- Impulsivity
- adolescent sexual activity and, 548
- aging and, 561
- Inattentional blindness, 160–161
- Incentives, motivation and, 403
- Incompetence, blindness to one’s own, 613–614
- Independent variables, 55–56
- Individualism, in humanistic psychology, 593–594
- Individualist cultures, 147, 616–618. See also Culture
- attribution in, 769
- child raising in, 516, 518
- emotional expression in, 446–447
- memory and, 337
- self-concept in, 616–618
- Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology, 25, 29, 833–847. See also Employee; Employment; Human factors psychology; Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology; Organizational psychology; Personnel psychology
- Infant. See also Child development
- back-to-sleep position for, 495
- development of, 494–496
- Infant attachment, 424–425, 509–515
- Infantile amnesia, 341, 360, 495
- Infant-parent attachment, 424–425, 509–515. See also Attachment
- Inferential statistics, 70–71
- Inferiority complex, 583
- Inflammation, stress and, 461
- Influence. See Social influence
- Influenza, maternal, schizophrenia and, 702
- Informational social influence, 777–778
- Information processing. See also Sensory processing
- connectionism and, 329
- deep, 335–336
- dreams and, 248–249, 250
- long-term potentiation in, 342–343
- meaningful material and, 336–337, 362, 562
- memory, 329–330 (See also Memory processing)
- parallel processing in, 330–331
- shallow, 335–336
- subliminal stimuli and, 163–164, 163–165
- visual, 180
- Information-processing models, 329
- connectionism, 329
- of memory formation, 330–335 (See also Encoding) Informed consent, 62
- Ingroup, 796
- Ingroup bias, 796
- Inkblot test, 584–585
- Inner ear
- Inner speech, in learning, 504
- Insanity defense, 673
- Insecure anxious attachment, 424–425, 511
- Insecure avoidant attachment, 425, 511
- Insight, 370–372
- Insomnia, 244
- Insomnia disorder, 669
- Instinct, 402
- Instinctive drift, 303
- Institutional Review Boards, 62
- Insula, 438
- Integrity, 569
- Intellectual disability, 644, 669
- Intellectually gifted, 644–645
- Intelligence, 625–663
- achievement and, 428–429
- adoption studies of, 648–649
- analytical, 628
- assessment of, 632–637 (See also Intelligence tests)
- brain anatomy and, 640
- components of, 626–627
- creative, 628
- crystallized, 640
- definition of, 626
- education and, 650–651, 657
- emotional, 629–630
- environmental factors in, 649–651
- evolution of, 653–654
- fluid, 640–641
- gender and, 653–654
- general, 626
- group differences in, 653
- heritability of, 647–649
- high, 644–645
- longevity and, 643
- low, 644
- multiple, 627–629, 630
- neural processing speed and, 640–641
- practical, 628
- primary mental abilities and, 626–627, 630
- race/ethnicity and, 654–656
- savant syndrome and, 627–628
- sexual activity and, 548–549
- social, 629
- stability of, 640–642
- triarchic theory of, 628, 630
- twin studies of, 647–649
- Intelligence quotient (IQ), 634
- Intelligence tests, 626, 632–637
- bias and, 656–658
- eugenics and, 634
- Flynn effect and, 636
- mental age and, 633
- normal curve for, 635–636
- origins of, 632–634
- standardization of, 635–636
- Stanford-Binet, 633–634
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 635
- Intensity, of light, 177
- Interests, career selection and, 834–835
- Interference
- proactive, 354
- retroactive, 354
- Intermittent reinforcement, 287–289
- Internal locus of control, 308–309
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 669
- International Union of Psychological Science, 13
- Internet, social impact of, 426–428, 787–788. See also Social media
- Internet gaming disorder, 254
- Interneurons, 92
- Interposition, 191
- Interpretation, in psychoanalysis, 723–724
- Intersex persons, 547
- Interviewer illusion, 837–838
- Interviews
- Intimacy, 565–566
- Intrinsic motivation, 305, 833–834
- Introspection, 8
- Introversion, 597–598, 607
- Intuition, 372
- adaptive aspects of, 377, 378
- availability heuristic and, 373–375
- belief perseverance and, 376
- decision making and, 372–378
- definition of, 372
- framing and, 376–377
- limitations of, 38
- misplaced fear and, 374–375
- moral, 536–537
- overconfidence and, 375
- perils and powers of, 377–378
- representativeness heuristic and, 372–373
- Ions, 83
- IQ, 634. See also Intelligence tests
- Iris, 177
- Isolation, social, 425–426
- social networking and, 427
- K2 (synthetic marijuana), 262
- Ketamine, 755
- Kinesthesia, 213, 214
- Kin selection, sexual orientation and, 553
- Knee-jerk reflex, 94
- Kohlberg’s moral development theory, 487, 535–536
- Labeling, 62
- Language, 381–392. See also Speech
- in animals, 849–850
- bilingualism and, 389–390, 391
- brain areas for, 115–116, 120, 387–388
- in cognitive development, 504
- cultural aspects of, 389–390
- definition of, 381
- lateralization and, 120
- productive, 384–385
- receptive, 383–384
- structural components of, 381–382
- thinking and, 389–392
- universal grammar and, 383
- Language development, 382–387
- babbling stage of, 384
- in hearing impaired, 386–387
- one-word stage of, 384
- of productive language, 384–385
- of receptive language, 383–384
- stages of, 383–385
- statistical learning in, 384
- two-word stage of, 384–385
- Language learning
- Language processing, subfunctions in, 389
- Late adulthood. See Aging
- Latency stage, 581
- Latent content, 248, 581
- Latent learning, 304
- Lateralization, 120–123
- handedness and, 123
- in intact brains, 120
- language and, 120
- in split-brain patients, 120–122
- vision and, 121–122
- Law of effect, 283–284
- Leadership, 841–844. See also Management
- gender bias in, 523
- servant, 843
- social, 842
- strengths-based, 844
- task, 842
- transformational, 842
- Leadership styles, 841–842
- gender differences in, 522, 524
- Learned helplessness, 307, 693
- Learning, 268–323. See also Memory; Observational learning
- age-related changes in, 561–562
- associative, 270–272, 302, 303
- brain changes in, 529–531
- classical conditioning and, 270–280
- cognitive, 270, 272
- definition of, 270
- information retrieval in, 329, 344–347, 354–356
- insight, 304–305
- language (See Language learning)
- latent, 304
- long-term potentiation in, 342–343
- observational, 272, 312–318
- operant conditioning and, 283–297
- overlearning and, 328, 346
- personal control and, 306–309
- positive transfer in, 354
- prenatal, 489–490
- recall and, 344–345
- recognition and, 327–328
- relearning and, 327–328
- scaffolding in, 503
- sleep and, 248
- Left handedness, 123
- Legal issues
- in forensic psychology, 28
- informed consent, 62
- insanity defense, 673
- Leniency errors, 839
- Lens, 177
- Leptin, 243, 410
- Lesion studies, 98
- Lessons from the Big Toe (Klein), 401
- Levels of analysis, in biopsychosocial approach, 16–19
- LGBTQ people
- biological influences on, 552–554
- cultural attitudes toward over time, 549–550
- environmental influences on, 551–552
- gay-straight trait differences and, 554–556
- prejudice against, 795
- reaction formation and, 587
- sexual orientation of, 549–556
- stereotypes of, 550
- Lie detectors, 439
- Life changes, stress due to, 452
- Life expectancy, 559
- Life satisfaction
- Life-span perspective, 533
- Life story approach, 593
- Light
- Lightness constancy, 192
- Limbic system, 104–106
- in dreaming, 249
- in memory, 341–342
- in posttraumatic stress disorder, 681
- Linear perspective, 191
- Linguistic determinism, 389
- Linguistic influence, 389
- Linkage analysis, 691
- Listening, active, 726
- Lithium, 755–756
- “Little Albert,” 279, 681–682
- Little Hans, 44
- Lobotomy, 758
- Localization of function, 80
- Loch Ness monster, 169, 170
- Locus of control, 308–309
- Longevity
- intelligence and, 643
- personal control and, 307–308
- Longitudinal studies, 563
- Long-term memory, 329
- Long-term potentiation (LTP), 342–343
- Loudness, 198–199, 200–201
- Love, 565–566, 812–814. See also Attraction
- LSD, 113, 261, 262
- Lumosity, 563
- Lying
- detection of from facial expression, 443
- with polygraphs, 439
- Lymphocytes, 456
- Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 113, 261, 262
- Machine learning, 112
- Macrophages, 456
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 99–100
- Magnetic stimulation, 757
- Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 100
- Major depressive disorder, 687. See also Depression
- Management, 840–844. See also Leadership
- goal setting in, 841
- harnessing strengths in, 840–841
- leadership style and, 841–842
- by objectives, 841
- participative, 843
- Mania, 687. See also Bipolar disorder
- Manifest content, 248, 581
- MAOA (monoamine oxidase A) gene, 801
- Marijuana, 262–263
- Marriage, 565. See also Attraction; Love
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 402, 405–406, 591–592, 593
- Massed practice, 21, 334–335
- Mass media
- Mating preferences, gender differences in, 145. See also Attraction
- Maturation, 494. See also Development
- Maturity principle, 600
- McGurk effect, 214
- MDMA (Ecstasy), 261, 263
- Mean (statistical), 67–68
- Measures of central tendency, 67–68
- Measures of variation, 68–69
- Median, 67–68
- Mediation, 822
- Media violence, 313, 316–318, 804–806
- Medical marijuana, 263
- Medical model, 667–668
- Medicine, behavioral, 451, 456
- Mediterranean diet, 692
- Medulla, 102
- MEG (magnetoencephalography), 100
- Melatonin, sleep and, 235–236
- Membrane depolarization, 83
- Membrane permeability, 83
- Memory, 326–364. See also False memories; Forgetting; Memory processing
- age-related changes in, 560, 561–562
- alcohol and, 256
- in children, 341, 495–496
- context-dependent, 345–346
- definition of, 326
- déjà vu and, 358–359
- depression and, 346–347
- drug effects on, 343
- echoic, 332
- emotion and, 341–342
- explicit (declarative), 330, 331–337, 340, 344
- false, 225–226, 356–361, 745
- familiarity and, 359
- feats of, 326–327
- flashbulb, 342
- forgetting and, 350–356
- hypnagogic sensations and, 233
- hypnosis and, 225–226
- iconic, 332
- implicit (nondeclarative), 331, 341, 344, 391, 587
- learning and, 341–342
- long-term, 329
- long-term potentiation and, 342–343
- measurement of, 327–328
- models of, 329–330, 344
- mood-congruent, 346–347
- obesity and, 415
- overview of, 326–327
- of pain, 208
- primacy effect and, 347
- priming and, 345
- procedural, 331
- recall and, 344–345
- recency effect and, 347
- recognition and, 327–328
- recovered, 355, 360–361, 745
- relearning and, 327–328
- repressed, 355, 360–361, 581, 582, 745
- research on, 326
- retention of, 327–328
- sensory, 329, 331–332
- serial position effect and, 347
- short-term, 329, 332–333
- sleep and, 233, 237, 249, 340, 354
- smells and, 212
- state-dependent, 346–347
- stress and, 360–361, 581
- of traumatic events, 355, 360–361, 581, 582
- working, 329–330
- Memory aids, 333–334, 343, 362–363
- Memory capacity, 332–333
- Memory loss. See also Amnesia; Forgetting
- in Alzheimer’s disease, 343
- in mild neurocognitive disorder, 343
- of recent memories, 343
- Memory processing. See also Retrieval
- amygdala in, 341–342
- Atkinson-Shiffrin three-step model of, 329
- automatic, 330–331, 341, 344
- basal ganglia in, 341
- brain regions in, 340–342
- cerebellum in, 341
- conditioning in, 341–342
- connectionism in, 329
- consolidation in, 237, 249, 340
- deep, 335–336
- distributed practice and, 334–335
- dual processing in, 330–331, 344
- effortful, 330–331, 331–337, 340, 344
- emotions in, 341–342
- encoding in, 329, 330–337
- of explicit memories, 330, 331–337, 340, 344
- failure of, 352–353
- frontal lobe in, 340
- hippocampus in, 340
- of implicit memories, 331, 341, 344
- interference in, 354–355
- levels of, 335–336
- of meaningful material, 336–337, 362, 562
- models of, 329–330
- reconsolidation in, 356
- rehearsal and, 330, 362
- retrieval in, 329, 344–347, 354–356
- self-reference effect and, 337
- semantic, 335
- shallow, 335–336
- sites of, 340
- during sleep, 233, 237, 249, 340
- spacing effect and, 334
- steps in, 344
- storage in, 329, 339–344
- stress hormones in, 341–342
- synaptic changes in, 342–344
- testing effect and, 335
- Menarche, 533–534, 546–547
- Menopause, 559
- Mental age, 633
- Mental illness. See Psychological disorders
- Mental practice, 391–392
- Mental processes, definition of, 13
- Mental retardation, 644
- Mental set, 371–372
- Mental telepathy, 172
- Mere exposure effect, 808
- Meta-analysis, 743
- Metabolic rate, weight and, 410–411, 414
- Methadone, 257
- Methamphetamine, 261, 263
- Microaggressions, 792
- Middle ear, 199
- Midlife transition, 564
- Mild neurocognitive disorder, 343
- Milgram’s obedience study, 778–780
- Mimicry, 775–776
- Mind-brain holistic system, 149
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 598–599
- Minority influence, 782
- Mirror-image perceptions, conflict and, 820
- Mirror neurons, 313–315
- Misinformation effect, 357–358
- Mnemonics, 333–334
- Mobile networks, 426–428
- Mode, 67–68
- Modeling, 312–313. See also Observational learning
- Molecular behavior genetics, 137
- Molecular genetics, 137–138
- Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene, 801
- Monocular cues, 190, 191
- Monozygotic twins, 31–132. See also Twin studies
- Mood-congruent memory, 346–347
- Mood contagion, 776
- Mood disorders, 686–696. See also Bipolar disorder; Depression
- Mood fluctuations, 472–473, 474
- Mood linkage, 314–315, 448, 776
- Mood stabilizers, 755–756
- Moon, 490
- Moon illusion, 193
- Moral action, 537
- Moral behavior
- Moral development, 487, 535–537
- Moral intuition, 536–537
- Moral reasoning, 535–536
- Moral treatment, 667
- Morphemes, 382
- Morphine, 257. See also Opiates
- Mother. See Child raising; Parenting
- Motion perception, 183–184, 190
- Motivated forgetting, 355–356
- Motivation, 401–421
- achievement, 840–844
- attachment style and, 511
- creativity and, 367
- definition of, 402
- drive-reduction theory of, 403, 406
- evolution and, 402, 406
- extrinsic, 306
- hierarchy of needs and, 405–406
- homeostasis and, 403
- hunger, 408–415 (See also Hunger)
- incentives and, 403
- instinct theory of, 402, 406
- intelligence and, 650–651
- intrinsic, 305
- optimal arousal theory of, 403–404, 406
- perception and, 171
- rewards and, 305
- sexual, 418–421 (See also Sexual behavior)
- social, 423–428
- Motor cortex, 110–112
- Motor development, 494–495
- Motor neurons, 82, 92
- Movement
- kinesthetic awareness of, 213
- stroboscopic, 190
- Movies, violence in, 317
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 99–100
- Multiple intelligences, 627–629, 630
- Multiple personality disorder, 708–709
- Multiple sclerosis, 82
- Mutations, 142
- Myelin, 534
- Myelin sheath, 82
- Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 596
- Myopia, 177
- Narcissism, 615
- Narcissistic personality disorder, 710
- Narcolepsy, 245
- Narcotics, 257. See also Opiates
- National Football League (NFL), 106
- Natural disasters, stress due to, 451–452
- Naturalistic observation, 45–46
- Natural killer cells, 456
- Natural selection, 14, 141–142. See also Adaptation; Evolution
- anxiety disorders and, 684
- Nature, spending time in, 428
- Nature–nurture issue, 14–15, 134–135, 147–149, 486. See also Environmental factors; Genetic factors
- Near-death experience, 262
- Necker cube, 187
- Need to belong, 423–425, 842–843
- Negative punishment, 289
- Negative reinforcement, 285–286
- Negative self-talk, 735
- Negative symptoms, in schizophrenia, 700
- Negative thinking, in depression, 692–693
- Negligent parenting, 516, 517
- Neo-Freudians, 583–584
- Neonatal development, 490–491. See also Child development
- Neophobia, 412
- Nerve cells. See Neurons
- Nerves, 92. See also Neural
- Nervous system, 91–94. See also Brain; Spinal cord
- in arousal, 437–438, 598
- autonomic, 92–93
- central, 92
- emotions and, 437–438
- parasympathetic, 93, 438
- peripheral, 92–93
- in personality, 596, 598
- somatic, 92
- sympathetic, 92–93
- Networks. See Neural networks; Social networking
- Neural activation, dreams and, 249, 250
- Neural communication, 81–89. See also Neurotransmitters
- Neural impulses, transmission of, 83–84
- Neural networks, 93
- Neural plasticity, 116–118
- Neural processing
- age-related changes in, 560–561
- speed of, intelligence and, 640–641
- Neural stem cells, 118
- Neuroadaptation, 254
- Neurocognitive disorder, 563–564
- Neuroendocrine feedback system, 96
- Neurogenesis, 117–118
- Neurons
- definition of, 81
- excitatory, 83
- formation of, 117–118
- inhibitory, 83
- interneurons, 92
- mirror, 313–315
- motor, 92
- in neural networks, 93
- number of, 93
- sensory, 92
- structure and function of, 82–83
- Neuropsychology, 29
- Neuroscience
- Neuroticism, 599, 600
- Neurotransmitters, 85–89
- agonists and, 87
- antagonists and, 89
- in bipolar disorder, 691–692
- definition of, 85
- in depression, 691–692
- drug effects on, 88–89
- functions of, 85–86
- hormones and, 95
- in memory, 342–343
- reuptake of, 86
- Neutral stimulus, 273
- Newborn, development of, 491–492. See also Child development
- Nicotine, 257, 258–259, 263
- Nightmares, 246, 247. See also Dreams Night terrors, 246
- Nociceptors, 206–207
- Nondeclarative (implicit) memory, 331, 341, 344, 391
- Nondirective therapy, 725
- Nonsuicidal self-injury, 696
- Nonverbal communication, 442–449, 444–447. See also Emotional expression
- Noradrenaline, 95
- Norepinephrine, 95
- in bipolar disorder, 691
- in depression, 691
- functions of, 87
- Normal curve, 69, 635–636
- Normative social influence, 777
- Norm(s)
- Note taking, 21
- NREM sleep, 233–234
- Nucleus accumbens, 105
- Nurmikko, 112
- Nutrition, 650
- depression and, 692
- in therapeutic lifestyle, 752
- Obedience, Milgram’s study of, 778–780
- Obesity
- definition of, 414
- environmental factors in, 414
- physiology of, 414–415
- sleep apnea and, 245
- sleep deprivation and, 243
- social and emotional impact of, 415
- weight-loss tips for, 414
- Object perception, 182–183
- Object permanence, 499–500
- Observation
- naturalistic, 45–46
- in personality assessment, 609
- Observational learning, 272, 312–318
- antisocial effects of, 316–318
- in anxiety disorders, 681–682
- applications of, 315–318
- Bobo doll experiment and, 312, 313
- definition of, 313
- mirror neurons in, 313–315
- modeling and, 312–313
- prosocial effects of, 315–316
- vicarious reinforcement in, 312
- violence-viewing effect and, 317
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 679–680
- cognitive-behavioral therapy for, 736–737
- learning perspective on, 681–682
- Occam’s razor, 148
- Occipital lobe, 110, 113
- Occupational Information Network (O*NET), 834
- Odors
- Oedipus complex, 580
- Older adults. See Aging
- Older-brother effect, 553–554
- Olfaction, 211–213
- One-word stage, 384
- Online dating, 809–810
- Openness, 599, 600
- Operant behavior, 271, 297
- Operant chamber, 284
- Operant conditioning, 271, 283–297
- in anxiety disorders, 681–682
- applications of, 294–297
- in behavior therapy, 732–733
- biofeedback in, 296
- biological constraints on, 302–303, 306
- in child rearing, 287, 289–290, 295
- vs. classical conditioning, 283, 297
- cognitive processes and, 304–306
- definition of, 283
- discrimination in, 290, 297
- discriminative stimulus in, 285
- in education, 294–295
- extinction in, 287, 297
- leadership and, 843
- negative reinforcement in, 285–286
- positive reinforcement in, 285–286
- reinforcement schedules in, 287–289
- for self-improvement, 305, 395–396
- shaping in, 284–285
- Skinner’s experiments in, 283–284
- in sports, 294–295
- successive approximations in, 284
- superstitious behaviors in, 294–295
- at work, 295
- Operational definitions, 42–43, 56
- Opiates
- Opponent-process theory, 181–182
- Optic nerve, 178
- Optimal arousal theory, 403–404, 406
- Optimism, 613
- Oral stage, 581
- Orexin, 410
- Organizational psychology, 835, 836, 840–844
- achievement motivation and, 840–844
- employee management and, 841–844
- employee satisfaction and engagement and, 840–844
- grit and, 429–430
- Orgasm, 420
- Orphanages, quality of care in, 513–514, 649
- Ostracism, 425–426
- in adolescence, 542
- social networking and, 427
- Other-race effect, 797
- Outcome simulation, 392
- Outcomes research, on psychotherapy, 742–743
- Outer ear, 199
- Outgroup homogeneity, 797–798
- Outgroup, 796
- Oval window, 199, 200
- Overconfidence, 39–40, 375
- Overlearning, 21–22
- Own-age bias, 797
- Own-race bias, 797
- Oxytocin, 96
- Pain, 206–209
- biological influences on, 206–207
- biopsychosocial approach to, 206
- endorphins and, 87, 206, 208
- gate-control theory of, 207
- insensitivity to, 206, 207
- memory of, 208
- in phantom limb sensation, 207
- psychological influences on, 207–208
- sensitivity to, 206
- social-cultural influences on, 208
- of social isolation, 425–426
- transmission of, 94
- Pain management, 208–209
- Pain reflex, 94
- Panic attacks, 677
- Panic disorder, 677, 678
- Paradoxical sleep, 232, 235
- Parallel processing, 329. See also Dual processing
- Paranoia, in schizophrenia, 699
- Paraprofessional, 747
- Parapsychology, 172–174
- Parasympathetic nervous system, 93, 438
- Parent-infant attachment, 424–425, 509–515
- Parenting
- of adolescents, 541–542
- authoritarian, 516, 517
- authoritative, 516, 517
- of children, 530–531
- empty nest syndrome and, 566
- impact on child development, 530–531
- marital satisfaction and, 566
- modeling of aggression and, 290, 804
- negligent, 516, 517
- permissive, 516, 517
- Parietal lobe, 109, 115
- Partial reinforcement, 287–289
- Participative management, 843
- Passionate love, 812–813. See also Love
- Pavlov’s conditioning experiments, 272, 273–278
- Peacemaking, 820–823. See also Conflict resolution
- Peak experience, 591
- Pedophilia, 550
- Peer relationships
- in adolescence, 541–542
- in childhood, 531
- eating disorders and, 714
- gender differences in, 522, 524
- need to belong and, 423–426
- Peg-word system, 333
- Perception
- comparisons in, 192
- context effects on, 169–170
- critical period for, 194, 201
- definition of, 158
- emotions and, 171
- experiential effects on, 194–195
- extrasensory, 172–174
- figure-ground relationship and, 187
- gestalt and, 187–188
- influences on, 169–175
- motivation and, 171
- vs. sensation, 158
- Perceptual adaptation, 195
- Perceptual constancy, 191–194
- Perceptual set, 169–171, 850
- Perceptual speed, intelligence and, 640–641
- Performance appraisal, 838–839
- Peripheral nervous system (PNS), 92–93
- Peripheral route persuasion, 771
- Permissive parents, 516, 517
- Persistent depressive disorder, 686
- Personal control. See Control Personality, 576–623
- autonomic nervous system and, 596, 598
- vs. behavior, 603
- behavioral approach to, 606
- Big Five factors in, 599–601
- biology of, 596, 598
- biopsychosocial approach to, 606–607
- definition of, 578
- fundamental attribution and, 768
- heritability of, 600
- presentation on social media, 427, 603
- psychoanalytic approach to, 580–581
- stability of, 487–488, 602–604
- Type A vs. Type B, 459–460
- Personality assessment
- case studies in, 609
- empirically derived test items in, 598–599
- experimental, 609
- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire in, 597
- factor analysis in, 597
- in humanistic psychology, 593
- Myer-Briggs Type Indicator in, 596
- observation in, 609
- personality inventories in, 598–599, 609
- projective tests in, 584–585, 609
- in psychodynamic psychology, 584–585
- situational, 608–609
- surveys in, 609
- Personality disorders, 710–712
- Personality inventories, 598–599, 609
- Personality psychology, 25
- Personality theories
- humanistic, 591–594, 608, 609
- person-situation controversy and, 602–604
- psychoanalytic, 578–582, 608, 609
- psychodynamic, 583–588, 608, 609
- social-cognitive, 606–609, 608, 609
- trait, 596–601, 608, 609
- Personality traits, definition of, 596
- Person-centered perspective, 592
- Personnel psychology, 835, 836–839
- components of, 838
- harnessing strengths and, 836–837
- interviews and, 837–838
- performance appraisal and, 838–839
- Person-situation controversy, 602–604
- Persuasion
- central route, 771
- foot-in-the-door phenomenon and, 771–772, 781
- peripheral route, 771
- subliminal, 163–164
- Pessimism, 478, 613
- depression and, 692–693
- heart disease and, 460
- PET (positron emission tomography), 99
- Phallic stage, 581
- Phantom limb sensation, 207
- Pheromones, 211
- Phi phenomenon, 190
- Phobias, 677, 679
- aversive conditioning for, 731
- exposure therapy for, 730
- Phonagnosia, 157
- Phonemes, 381–382
- Phrenology, 80, 81
- Physical activity. See Exercise
- Physical attractiveness, 809, 810–811. See also Attraction
- Physical development
- Piaget’s cognitive development theory, 487, 498–503
- accommodation in, 498–499
- assimilation in, 498
- concrete operational stage in, 502, 503
- formal operational stage in, 502–503, 535
- legacy of, 504
- preoperational stage in, 500–502, 503
- schemas in, 498
- sensorimotor stage in, 499–500, 503
- Pitch, 198
- Pituitary gland, 96, 104–105
- Placebo effect, 55
- in antidepressant therapy, 755
- in electroconvulsive therapy, 756
- in pain management, 208–209
- in psychotherapy, 741
- Placenta, 489
- Place theory, 202
- Planning fallacy, 375
- Plasticity
- Plateau phase, 420
- Pleasure principle, 580
- Polygraphs, 439
- Pons, 102
- Popout, 162
- Populations, sampling, 47
- Pornography, 420–421, 804–805
- Positive psychology, 16, 17, 473–474, 693
- Positive punishment, 289
- Positive reinforcement, 285–286, 842
- Positive symptoms, in schizophrenia, 700
- Positive transfer, in learning, 354
- Positron emission tomography (PET), 99
- Postconventional morality, 536
- Posthypnotic suggestion, 226
- Posttraumatic growth, 680–681, 760
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 680–681
- dissociative disorders and, 709–710
- eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy for, 745–746
- learning perspective on, 681–682
- Poverty
- happiness and, 475–476
- psychological disorders and, 675, 760
- Power, gender differences in, 522
- Practical intelligence, 628
- Practice
- Precognition, 172–174
- Preconscious, 579
- Preconventional morality, 536
- Predictive validity, 637, 657
- Prefrontal cortex, 114
- Pregnancy
- Prejudice, 792–798
- automatic, 793
- belief systems and, 795–796
- cognitive roots of, 797–798
- vs. discrimination, 792
- emotional roots of, 797
- explicit vs. implicit, 792–793
- gender-based, 793, 794–795
- implicit, 587
- ingroups and outgroups and, 796
- just-world phenomenon and, 796
- LGBTQ, 795
- memory of vivid cases and, 798
- other-race effect and, 797
- racial, 792–794, 793–794, 797–798
- scapegoat theory of, 797
- social roots of, 796
- stress from, 452, 454
- trends in, 792–798
- Prenatal development, 489–491
- Preoperational stage, 500–502, 503
- Preparedness, 300
- Preservation of innovation, 789
- Preventive mental health programs, 751, 760
- Primacy effect, 347
- Primary reinforcers, 286
- Primary sex characteristics, 547
- Priming, 164, 345, 587
- Principles of Psychology (James), 8, 205
- Proactive interference, 134, 354
- Problem-focused coping, 306
- Problem solving, 370–372
- Procedural memory, 331
- Process schizophrenia, 700
- Process simulation, 392
- Product design, human factors psychology and, 844–845
- Productive language, 384–385
- Progressive relaxation, in systematic desensitization, 730
- Project GLOBE, 843–844
- Project Head Start, 650
- Projection, 582, 587–588
- Projective tests, 584–585, 609
- Prosocial behavior, modeling of, 315–316
- Prosopagnosia, 157, 158
- Prototypes, 365–366
- Pruning, 494, 529–530
- Psychedelics, 261–263
- Psychiatric social workers, 748
- Psychiatrists, 25, 748
- Psychics, 172–174
- Psychoactive drugs, 253–265. See also Alcohol use; Substance use disorders
- addiction to, 254–256, 263
- biopsychosocial approach to, 829–830
- comparison of, 263
- definition of, 254
- depressants, 255–257, 263
- expectancy effects and, 256–257, 260
- hallucinogens, 261–263
- stimulants, 257–261, 263
- tolerance to, 245, 254, 263
- types of, 255–264
- withdrawal from, 254, 263
- Psychoanalysis, 578, 723–724
- Psychoanalytic theory, 578–582
- Psychodynamic approach, 18, 583–588
- Psychodynamic therapy, 724–725, 739
- Psychokinesis, 172–174
- Psychological contract, 835
- Psychological disorders, 664–719. See also Biomedical therapies; Psychotherapy; specific disorders
- age at presentation, 675
- biopsychosocial approach to, 668
- classification of, 668–672
- criminal responsibility and, 673
- cultural aspects of, 668
- definition of, 666
- depression, 686–687
- in DSM-5, 669–670
- labeling and, 670, 672
- medical model of, 667–668
- poverty and, 675
- prevention of, 751, 760
- protective factors for, 674
- rates of, 673–675
- risk factors for, 674–675
- social context for, 751
- stigma of, 670, 672
- treatment of, 720–765
- Psychology. See also Biopsychosocial approach; Nature–nurture issue; specific approaches and theories
- applications of, 24–26
- in becoming a strong person and better student, 19–22
- careers in, 24–31, 26–31
- current controversies in, 625
- definitions of, 10, 13, 18
- early theories of, 6–12
- experimental, history of, 7–10
- globalization of, 13–14
- historical perspective on, 2–12
- nature–nurture issue in, 14–15
- prescientific, 6–7
- as a science, 2–6, 13, 24–25
- scope of, 26
- subfields of, 26–31
- Psychology major. See also Careers in psychology
- career paths for, 24–31, 26–31, D-1–D-10
- doctorate degree in, D-2–D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6
- information sources for, D-8–D-9
- master’s degree in, D-2, D-4, D-5
- popularity of, D-2
- postgraduate study and, D-6–D-8
- preparing for, D-8
- reasons for choosing, D-3
- skills learned in, D-3–D-4
- suitability of, D-1
- Psychometrics, 24, 28
- Psychoneuroimmunology, 456–458. See also Immune system
- Psychopaths, 710–711
- Psychopharmacology, 753–756. See also Drug therapy
- Psychophysics, 162
- Psychophysiological illnesses, 456–462. See also Stress, health effects of
- Psychosexual stages, 580–581
- Psychosis, 699. See also Schizophrenia
- Psychosocial development, Erikson’s stages of, 487, 539–541
- Psychosurgery, 758
- Psychotherapy. See also specific therapies
- alternative therapies and, 745–746
- behavior modification and, 732–733
- clients’ perceptions of, 741–742
- clinicians’ perceptions of, 742
- common elements of, 746–747
- comparison of methods, 739
- consumer guide to, 748
- cost-effectiveness of, 743–744
- cultural factors in, 747–748
- definition of, 722
- in eclectic therapy, 723
- effectiveness of, 741–748
- evaluation of, 741–749
- therapeutic alliance in, 747
- therapist-client relationship and, 746–747
- evidence-based practice and, 744
- harmful methods in, 745
- ineffective methods in, 745
- outcomes research on, 742–743
- placebo effect in, 741
- religion and, 748
- Puberty, 533–534, 543, 545–547
- Punishment, 289–290. See also Observational learning
- isolation as, 425
- negative, 289
- vs. negative reinforcement, 286, 289
- positive, 289
- vicarious, 312
- Pupil, 177
- PYY, 410
- Quantitative psychology, 28
- Race
- development and, 486
- intelligence testing and, 654–658
- stereotype threat and, 657–658
- suicide and, 695
- Racial prejudice, 792–794, 793–794, 797–798. See also Prejudice Random assignment, 54
- Random events, perceiving order in, 40
- Randomized clinical trials, for psychotherapy, 743
- Random sample, 47, 70
- Range, 68–69
- Rape, 804–805
- Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 232, 234–235
- Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT), 733–734
- Rationalization, 582
- Reaction formation, 582, 587
- Reactive schizophrenia, 701
- Reality principle, 580
- Reasoning. See also Cognition; Thinking
- Rebirthing therapy, 745
- Recall, 327–328, 344–345
- Recency effect, 347
- Recency error, 839
- Receptive language, 383–384
- Receptors
- Reciprocal determinism, 606–607
- Reciprocal influences, 606–607
- Reciprocity norm, 818–819
- Recognition, memory and, 327–328
- Reconsolidation of memory, 356
- Recovered memories, 355, 360–361, 745
- Recreation in therapeutic lifestyle, 752
- Reflexes, 94
- Refractory period
- after neuron firing, 83
- in sexual response cycle, 420
- Regression toward the mean, 53
- Rehabilitation psychology, 29
- Rehearsal
- Reinforcement. See also Observational learning
- Reinforcement schedules, 287–289
- fixed-interval, 288
- fixed-ratio, 288
- variable-interval, 288
- variable-ratio, 288
- Reinforcers
- Rejection, social, 425–426
- Relational aggression, 521. See also Ostracism
- Relationships
- Relative deprivation, 476
- Relative height, 191
- Relative luminance, 192
- Relative motion, 191
- Relative size, 191
- Relaxation
- in systematic desensitization, 730
- in therapeutic lifestyle, 752
- Relearning, 327–328
- Reliability, test, 585, 637
- Religious beliefs
- altruism and, 819
- brain areas for, 116
- happiness and, 478
- prejudice and, 795–796
- scientific ideas and, 148–149
- sexual behavior and, 549
- substance use and, 831
- in therapeutic lifestyle, 752
- therapist-client relationship and, 748
- REM rebound, 251
- REM sleep, 232, 234–235. See also Dreams; Sleep; Sleep deprivation
- Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), 757
- Replication, 43
- Representativeness heuristic, 372–373
- Repression, 355, 579, 581, 582
- Research
- animal, 61–62
- applied, 24–25, 28–30, 59–63
- basic, 24, 26–28
- ethics in, 59–63, 779
- human subjects in, 62
- meta-analysis of, 743
- Research methods, 36–77. See also Experiment(s)
- case studies, 43, 44
- correlational, 50–53, 59
- descriptive, 43, 44–47, 59
- evidence-based trials, 743
- experimental, 54–57
- naturalistic observations, 45–46
- random clinical trials, 743
- surveys, 47
- Resilience, 474, 514, 680–681, 751, 760
- Resistance, in psychoanalysis, 723
- Resolution phase, 420
- Respondent behaviors, 297
- Resting potential, 83
- Reticular formation, 102–103
- Retina, 177–178
- Retinal disparity, 189
- Retrieval, 329, 344–347, 354–356
- Retroactive interference, 354
- Retrograde amnesia, 351
- Reuptake, 86
- Reward, motivation and, 305
- Reward centers, 105–106
- Reward deficiency syndrome, 106
- Reward theory of attraction, 812
- Right handedness, 123
- Risperidone, 754
- Rods, 178–179, 181
- Rogers’ person-centered perspective, 592
- client-centered therapy and, 725–727
- Roles
- Romantic relationships, 424, 565–566, 812–814. See also Attraction; Marriage
- Rooting reflex, 402, 491
- Rorschach inkblot test, 584–585
- Rumination, 692–693
- anger and, 460
- in therapeutic lifestyle, 752
- Sample, random, 47, 70
- Sampling bias, 47, 70
- Sandwich generation, 565
- Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 318
- SAT, 637
- Savant syndrome, 627–628
- Scaffolding, 503
- Scapegoat theory, 797
- Scatterplots, 50
- Schachter-Singer two-factor theory, 36, 434, 436, 812
- Schadenfreude, 797
- Schemas, 170, 498–499, 587
- Schizoid personality disorder, 708
- Schizophrenia, 699–704
- acute (reactive), 701
- auditory hallucinations in, 113
- brain abnormalities in, 701–702
- chronic (process), 700
- definition of, 699
- delusions in, 699
- disorganized thinking in, 699–700
- dopamine in, 702
- drug therapy for, 753–754
- early warning signs of, 704
- emotions in, 700
- environmental triggers for, 704
- genetic factors in, 703–704
- hallucinations in, 699
- maternal infections and, 702
- onset and development of, 700–701
- perceptual disturbances in, 699–700
- rates of, 700
- risk factors for, 702–703
- symptoms of, 699–700, 701
- warning signs of, 830
- School psychologists, 27, 29–30
- Science
- Scientific attitude, 3
- components of, 3
- critical thinking and, 4–7
- Scientific method, 42–43. See also Research methods
- Seasonal depression, light exposure
- Secondary reinforcers, 286
- Secondary sex characteristics, 546
- Second Darwinian revolution, 143
- Second language learning, critical periods for, 385–386
- Second-order conditioning, 276
- Selection effect, 531
- Selective attention, 158–162
- accidents and, 159–160
- forgetting and, 352
- hypnosis and, 224, 228
- online time and, 428
- in schizophrenia, 700
- Selective inattention, 160–162
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 754
- Self
- blindness to one’s incompetence and, 613–614
- definition of, 611
- exploration of, 611–618
- in individualist vs. collectivist cultures, 616–618
- spotlight effect and, 611–612
- Self-actualization, 405–406, 591–592
- Self-awareness, in children, 515
- Self-concept, 592
- in children, 515
- cultural aspects of, 616–618
- Self-confidence, age-related changes in, 567
- Self-control, 309
- Self-discipline, achievement and, 429, 651
- Self-disclosure
- in companionate love, 814
- via electronic communication, 427
- Self-efficacy, 612
- Self-esteem, 424, 515, 612–616
- benefits of, 612
- cultural aspects of, 616–618
- defensive, 616
- secure, 616
- threatened egotism and, 615
- Self-fulfilling prophecies, conflict and, 820
- Self-help groups, 738
- Self-improvement, operant conditioning in, 395–396
- Self-presentation, in social media, 427, 603
- Self-reference effect, 337
- Self-serving bias, 614–615, 769
- Self-testing, repeated, 335
- Self-transcendence, 405, 591
- Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (GAS), 454–455
- Semantic encoding, 335
- Semicircular canals, 213
- Sensation
- definition of, 158
- vs. perception, 158
- Sensitive periods, 510
- Sensorimotor stage, 499–500, 503
- Sensorineural hearing loss, 200–201
- Sensory adaptation, 165–166
- Sensory disturbances, in schizophrenia, 699
- Sensory interaction, 214–215
- Sensory memory, 329, 331–332
- Sensory neurons, 92
- Sensory processing. See also Information processing
- age-related changes in, 560
- critical period for, 194
- priming in, 164
- signal detection theory and, 162
- subliminal stimuli and, 163–164, 163–165
- thresholds in, 162–165
- transduction in, 162
- Sensory restriction, effects of, 194
- Sequential processing, 126–127
- Serial position effect, 347
- Serotonin
- in abused children, 514
- in anxiety disorders, 683
- appetite and, 411
- in depression, 691–692, 754–755
- functions of, 87
- in learning, 342
- pathways for, 87
- Set point, 411
- Settling point, 411
- Severity errors, 839
- Sex
- definition of, 520
- education about, 548
- Sex characteristics
- Sex chromosomes, 545
- Sex hormones, 96, 104–105, 418–419
- Sexual abuse
- dissociative disorders and, 709–710
- false/repressed memories of, 360–361
- homosexuality and, 550
- long-term effects of, 514–515
- Sexual arousal, 419–420, 438
- external stimuli in, 420–421
- imagined stimuli in, 421
- during sleep, 234
- Sexual attraction. See Attraction
- Sexual behavior
- of adolescents, 548–549
- in adulthood, 558–559
- age-related changes in, 418–419
- alcohol and, 255, 548
- biopsychosocial approach to, 420
- external stimuli and, 420–421
- gender differences in, 143–146, 420–421
- hormonal effects on, 418–419
- imagined stimuli and, 421
- physiology of, 418–420
- psychology of, 420–421
- Sexual development, 545–549
- Sexual fantasies, 421
- Sexualization of girls, 548
- Sexually transmitted infections, 547–548
- Sexual motivation, 418–421
- Sexual orientation, 549–556
- brain differences and, 552–553, 553–554
- definition of, 549
- environmental factors in, 551–552, 553–554
- erotic plasticity and, 551
- family studies of, 553
- fertile females theory and, 553
- fruit fly studies of, 553
- gay-straight trait differences and, 554, 555
- vs. gender identity, 527
- genetic factors in, 553–554
- homosexual, 549–556
- kin selection and, 553
- prenatal influences in, 553–554
- sexual fantasies and, 421
- suicide and, 695
- of transgender persons, 526–527
- twin studies of, 553
- Sexual overperception bias, 144
- Sexual response cycle, 419–420
- Sexual violence, 804–805
- Shallow processing, 335–336
- Shape constancy, 193
- Shaping, 284–285
- Shared-environment effect, 134–135
- Short-term memory, 329, 332–333
- Siblings, 134–135
- Sign language in animals, 849–850
- Situational attribution, 768
- Size constancy, 193
- Size-distance relationships, 193
- Skepticism, in scientific attitude, 40
- Skewed distributions, 67, 68
- Skin, touch sensations and, 205
- Skinner box, 284
- Skinner’s conditioning experiments, 283–284. See also Operant conditioning
- legacy of, 291
- operant chamber in, 284
- Sleep, 19, 232–252. See also Dreams; REM sleep
- age-related changes in, 250
- athletic performance and, 238
- biology of, 235–236
- circadian rhythms and, 231–232, 235–236
- cultural factors in, 235
- definition of, 231
- delta, 234
- depression and, 242–243
- dreams and, 232, 234, 247–251
- dual processing in, 248
- functions of, 237–238
- genetic factors in, 235
- happiness and, 478
- hypnagogic sensations during, 233
- memory and, 233, 237, 249, 340, 354
- nightmares in, 246
- night terrors in, 246
- NREM, 233–234
- obesity and, 414
- paradoxical, 232, 235
- REM, 232, 234–235, 249
- sexual arousal during, 234
- stages of, 232–236
- in therapeutic lifestyle, 752
- Sleep aids, 245
- Sleep apnea, 245–246, 248
- Sleep deprivation, 236, 241–246
- Sleep disorders, 244–246
- Sleep paralysis, 235
- Sleep patterns, 235–236
- Sleep spindles, 234
- Sleep studies, 232–233
- Sleeptalking, 246
- Sleepwalking, 246
- Slips of the tongue, 580
- Smell (olfaction), 211–213, 215
- Alzheimer’s and, 564
- in newborns, 491
- phantom smells and, 207
- in sensory interaction, 214–215
- taste and, 214–215
- Smiling. See also Facial expressions
- Smoking, 258–259, 263
- Social anxiety disorder, 677
- Social clock, 565
- Social-cognitive theories, 606–609
- Social connectedness. See also Relationships; Social isolation; Social networking
- gender differences in, 522, 524
- Social contagion, 775–776
- Social control, 782
- Social-culture psychology, 17
- Social development. See also Attachment
- Social exchange theory, 818
- Social facilitation, 784–785
- Social identity, formation of, 539–541
- Social influence
- Social intelligence, 629
- Social isolation, 425–426, 427, 542
- Social leadership, 842
- Social learning theory, 146, 524–525. See also Observational learning
- Social loafing, 785
- Social media, 426–428. See also Social networking
- group polarization and, 787–788
- message moods and time of day, 45
- ostracism and, 425
- self presentation and, 427, 603
- suicide and, 696
- Social motivation, 423–428
- Social networking, 426–428. See also Social media
- contagious emotion in, 448
- gender differences in, 522, 524
- managing, 427–428
- narcissism and, 427
- self-disclosure and, 427
- social effects of, 427
- social isolation and, 426
- Social norms, 776–777, 790
- Social power, gender differences in, 522
- Social psychology, 25, 28, 768–827
- aggression and, 801–806
- altruism and, 816–819
- attitudes and, 770–773
- attraction and, 808–814
- attribution and, 768–770
- conformity and, 775–778
- definition of, 768
- group behavior and, 784–790
- obedience and, 778–780
- prejudice and, 792–798
- Social-responsibility norm, 819
- Social scripts, 146, 804
- Social situations, stress from, 452–454
- Social traps, 819–820
- Social worker, clinical/psychiatric, 748
- Socioeconomic status
- gender bias and, 523
- happiness and, 475–476
- psychological disorders and, 675, 760
- Sociopath, 710–712
- Somatic nervous system, 92
- Somatic symptom disorders, 707–708
- Somatosensory cortex, 113
- Sound
- Sound waves, 198–199
- Source amnesia, 358–359
- Source misattribution, 358–359
- Spacing effect, 334
- Spanking, 289–290
- Spatial abilities, gender differences in, 554, 555, 653–658
- Spearman’s general intelligence theory, 626, 630
- Specific learning disorder, 16
- Specific phobias, 677, 679
- Speech. See also Language
- Speed dating, 809–810
- Spermarche, 546
- Spice (synthetic marijuana), 262
- Spillover effect, in arousal, 434
- Spinal cord, 94
- Spinal cord injury, emotional changes after, 433
- Spirituality. See also Religious beliefs
- Split-brain patient, 120–122
- Spontaneous recovery
- in classical conditioning, 276, 297
- in operant conditioning, 297
- Sports
- mental practice in, 391–392
- operant conditioning in, 294–295
- sleep and, 238
- Sports psychology, 30
- Spotlight effect, 611–612
- SQ3R study technique, 20–21, 362–363
- Stage theories, 487
- Standard deviation, 68–69
- Standardization, test, 635–636
- Stanford-Binet test, 633–634
- Stanford prison simulation, 772
- Startle reflex, 491
- State-dependent memory, 346–347
- Statistical learning, in language development, 384
- Statistical significance, 71
- Statistics, 66–71
- descriptive, 66–69
- inferential, 70–71
- need for, 66
- Stem cells, neural, 118
- Stereotype(s), 587, 792. See also Prejudice
- Stereotype threat, 657–658
- Sternberg’s triarchic theory, 628, 630
- Stimulants, 257–261
- caffeine, 257, 263
- cocaine, 259–260, 263
- Ecstasy (MDMA), 261, 263
- methamphetamine, 261, 263
- nicotine, 257, 258–259, 263
- Stimulus. See also Conditioning
- in classical conditioning, 271
- conditioned, 274
- definition of, 271
- discriminative, 285
- habituation to, 271, 420, 491
- neutral, 273
- subliminal, 163–165
- unconditioned, 274
- Stimulus generalization. See Generalization
- Stirrup (ear), 199, 200
- Storage, memory, 329, 339–344. See also Memory processing
- Stranger anxiety, 509
- Strange situation experiment, 510–511
- Strengths
- Stress
- age and, 452
- AIDS and, 457
- appraisal of, 450–451
- arousal and, 437–438
- catastrophes and, 451–452
- coping with (See Stress management) daily hassles and, 452–454
- definition of, 450
- depression and, 460, 690, 692–694
- duration of, 451, 455
- epigenetics and, 137–138
- health effects of, 451, 456–462
- learned helplessness and, 307
- life changes and, 452
- memory and, 360–361, 581
- personal control and, 307–308
- Stress hormones, 96, 341–342, 437–438, 454
- Stress inoculation training, 735
- Stress management. See also Coping
- biofeedback in, 296
- coping strategies and, 306
- gender differences in, 455, 524
- Stress response, 433, 438, 454–455
- Stress vulnerability model, 668
- Stroboscopic movement, 190
- Stroop effect, 227
- Structuralism, 7–8
- Structured interview, 838
- Study methods, 20–22
- Subjective well-being, 473. See also Happiness
- Sublimation, 582
- Subliminal stimulus, 163–165
- Substance use, trends in, 829
- Substance use disorders, 253–254. See also Alcohol use disorder; Psychoactive drugs
- abused substances in, 255–264
- addiction in, 106, 253, 254
- biological influences in, 830
- biopsychosocial approach to, 829–830
- cultural factors in, 831
- genetic factors in, 830
- psychological influences in, 830–832
- reward systems and, 106
- social-cultural influences in, 830–832
- symptoms of, 254
- tolerance in, 245, 254
- withdrawal in, 254
- Successive approximations, 284
- Sucking reflex, 491
- Sudden infant death syndrome, back-to-sleep position and, 495
- Suicide, 694–696, 756
- among LGBTQ people, 795
- copycat, 776
- Supercell clusters, 183, 184
- Superego, 580
- Superordinate goals, 821
- Superstitious behaviors, 294–295
- Supertasters, 210
- Support groups, 738
- Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), 235
- Surgery, brain, 758
- Surveys, 47
- in personality assessment, 609
- Survivor resiliency, 514, 680–681, 760
- Susto, 668
- Symbolic thinking, in children, 501
- Sympathetic nervous system, 92–93
- Synapses, 85–86, 93
- Synaptic gap (cleft), 85–86
- Synesthesia, 215
- Synthetic marijuana, 262
- Systematic desensitization, 730
- Tabula rasa, 7
- Tactile sense, 205 Taijin-kyofusho, 668
- Talents
- achievement and, 840
- identification of, 836–837
- Tardive dyskinesia, 753
- Task leadership, 842
- Taste, 209–210, 215
- Taste aversion, 301, 412
- Taste phantom, 207
- Taste preference
- biological factors in, 412
- cultural factors in, 411–412
- Teenagers. See Adolescents
- Telegraphic speech, 384
- Telepathy, 172–174
- Television, violence on, 316–318, 804–805
- Telomeres
- Temperament
- Temporal lobe, 110
- Tend-and-befriend response, 455, 524
- Ten-year rule, 629
- Teratogens, 490
- Terminal decline, 563
- Terrorism
- Terror-management theory, 588
- Testing effect, 20, 334
- Testosterone, 418–419
- aggression and, 802
- in brain development, 545, 553–554
- in sexual development, 545
- in sexual orientation, 553–554
- Test(s). See also Intelligence tests; specific tests
- achievement, 633
- aptitude, 633, 637, 642–643
- bias and, 656–658
- empirically derived, 598–599
- intelligence, 632–637
- personality (See Personality assessment)
- projective, 584–585
- reliability of, 585, 637
- standardization of, 635–636
- stereotype threat and, 657–658
- studying for, 20–22
- validity of, 585, 636–637, 657
- Texting
- Thalamus, 102
- THC, 262
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 584
- Theoretical principles, practical application of, 43
- Theories, 42–43
- Theory of mind, 315, 501–502, 505
- Therapeutic alliance, 747
- Therapeutic lifestyle change, 751–752, 759
- Therapy, 720–765. See also Biomedical therapies; Psychotherapy
- Thinking, 365–366. See also Cognition
- Thorndike’s law of effect, 283–284
- 360-degree feedback, 839 The Three Faces of Eve, 708
- Thresholds, 83, 162–165
- Thurstone’s primary mental abilities theory, 626–627, 630
- Time management, happiness and, 478
- Tinnitus, 207
- T lymphocytes, 456
- Tobacco use, 258–259, 263
- in depression, 678
- in panic disorder, 678
- Token economy, 732
- Tolerance, 245, 254, 263. See also Alcohol; Psychoactive drugs
- Top-down processing, 158
- Touch, 205, 215
- in sensory interaction, 214–215
- Trait theories, 596–601, 609
- Tranquilizers, 257
- Transcranial direct current stimulation, 757
- Transcranial electrical stimulation, 757
- Transduction, 162
- Transference, in psychoanalysis, 724
- Transformational leadership, 840, 842
- Transgender persons, 526–527
- Traumatic events
- Treatment, 720–765. See also Biomedical therapies; Psychotherapy
- Triarchic theory of intelligence, 628, 630
- Trichotillomania, 680
- Trust, attachment and, 513
- Twelve-step programs, 738
- Twin(s)
- dizygotic (fraternal), 132
- monozygotic (identical), 131–132
- Twin Sisters (film), 133
- Twin studies, 131–133
- of autism, 505–506
- of depression, 691
- of intelligence, 647–649
- of nature vs. nurture, 14
- of posttraumatic stress disorder, 681
- of schizophrenia, 703
- of separated twins, 132–133
- of sexual orientation, 553
- on substance use, 829–830
- Twitter, 45. See also Social media
- Two-factor theory, of emotion, 434, 436, 812
- Two-track mind. See Dual processing
- Two-word stage, 384–385
- Type A/Type B personality, heart disease and, 459–460
- Umami, 209
- Unconditional positive regard, 592, 726–727
- Unconditioned response, 274
- Unconditioned stimulus, 274
- Unconscious
- assessment of, 584–585
- collective, 583
- modern views of, 587–588
- in psychoanalytic theory, 579
- in psychodynamic theories, 583–585
- Universal grammar, 383
- Utilitarianism, 818
- Vaccines, autism spectrum disorder and, 505
- Validity
- Values, 62–63. See also Ethical issues
- Vaping, 258
- Variable-interval schedules, 288
- Variable-ratio schedules, 288
- Variable(s)
- confounding, 56
- dependent, 56
- independent, 55–56
- Variation
- Verbal abilities, gender differences in, 554, 555
- Vestibular sacs, 213
- Vestibular sense, 213, 215
- Vicarious reinforcement, 312. See also Observational learning
- Victim blaming, 796, 798
- Video games
- Violence. See also Aggression; Suicide
- antisocial personality disorder and, 710–711
- copycat, 776
- psychological disorders and, 672–673
- sexual, 804–805
- social isolation and, 426
- threatened egotism and, 615
- Violence-viewing effect, 312–313, 316–318, 804–806
- Viral infections, maternal, schizophrenia and, 702
- Virtual group behavior, 787–788
- Virtual reality
- exposure therapy, 730
- pain control, 209
- Vision, 176–186, 215
- age-related changes in, 560
- blindsight and, 125
- color, 178–179, 181–182
- critical period for, 194
- depth perception and, 189–190
- dual processing in, 125–126
- eye in, 177–178
- facial recognition and, 115, 117, 157, 158, 183, 184
- feature detection in, 182–183
- form perception and, 187–188
- information processing in, 180
- lateralization in, 121–122
- light in, 176–178
- motion perception and, 183–184, 190
- in newborns, 491
- object perception in, 182–183
- parallel processing in, 183–184
- perceptual adaptation and, 195
- perceptual constancy and, 191–194
- perceptual set and, 169–170
- restored, sensory restriction and, 194
- in sensory interaction, 214–215
- in split-brain patients, 120–122
- Vision loss
- brain reorganization in, 117
- emotional expression and, 445
- phantom sights in, 207
- Visual cliff, 189
- Visual cortex, 113
- Visual interpretation, 194–195
- Visualization, 391–392
- Visual organization, 187–194
- figure-ground relationship and, 187
- gestalt and, 187–188
- Visual processing, 178–180
- Visual receptors, 178–180, 181, 215
- Volley principle, 202
- Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, 503
- Washoe the chimpanzee, 849, 850
- Wavelength, of light, 176–177
- Wealth
- happiness and, 475–476
- psychological disorders and, 675, 760
- Weber’s law, 165
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), 635
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 635
- Weight. See Body weight
- WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) cultures, 15
- Well-being. See Happiness; Health; Human flourishing
- Wernicke’s aphasia, 388
- Wernicke’s area, 116, 388
- Willpower, 309
- Wish fulfillment theory, 248, 250
- Withdrawal, 254, 263
- Women. See also Gender
- Wording effects, in surveys, 47
- Word salad, 700
- Work. See also Employee; Employment, industrial-organizational (I/O)
- gender bias and, 523
- happiness and, 478
- life satisfaction and, 567
- operant conditioning and, 295
- psychology and, 25–26, 833–847
- Working memory, 329–330
- Y chromosome, 545
- Yerkes-Dodson law, 404
- Young-Helmholtz trichromatic (three color) theory, 181
- Zimbardo’s Stanford prison simulation, 772
- Zone of proximal development, 503
- Zygote, 489