abrasive pads
refinishing floors, 234
ABS pipes
cutting, 94–95
solvent gluing, 96–97
abuse-resistant drywall, 133
acoustic tiles, 62–63
aerators, 161
AFCI circuits, smoke detectors and, 419
CO, 419
heat, 419
smoke, 419–420
aluminum siding
patching, 392
replacing end caps, 392
American Wire Gauge sizes, 571
angle grinders, 563
anti-scald valves, 176
dishwashers, 76–79
in electric circuits, 138–139
food disposers, 192–195
high-efficiency, 12
high-voltage receptacles, 342
about, 243–244
connecting, 244–245
installation of new, 246–248
range hoods, 339–340
water heaters
gas vs. electric, 545
installation, 540–544
maintaining, 547
repairing electric, 546–547, 550–551
repairing gas, 546–549
asphalt shingles
about, 364
damaged, 352
installing, 365–371
obstructions and, 366–368
reattaching loose, 354
removing old, 346
replacing, 355
surface area and, 345
insulation, 13
leak evaluation and, 353
skylight shafts and, 415–418
vent fans and, 521
continuous soffit vents, 357
ridge vents, 357
roof vents, 359
augers, 407
aviation snips
aluminum fascia and, 147–148
drip edge and, 348
metal cornerbead and, 98
steel framing, 440
suspended ceilings, 451
back blockers, installation, 119
backsplashes, 474–476
balancing valves, 176
balusters, 438
baseboard heaters
end-cap thermostats, 240
installation, 239–240
multiple heaters, 240
planning, 238
egress windows
building codes, 561
installation, 562–566
exterior aprons, 14–15
concrete, 8–11
cracks in, 10
finishing, 8
leveling, 8–9
patching, 10–11
subfloor panels, 8
furnace ducts, 13
moisture and, 18–19
preventing, 21
rim joists
insulating, 16–17
sump pump installation, 448–449
cracks, 20
dry walls, 13
exterior, 14–15
framing, 202–203
insulating, 12–16
interior insulation, 16
See also suspended ceilings
basin wrenches
bathroom faucet installation and, 149–150
installation, 28–31
sliding doors for, 33
ball-type, 167
common problems, 160
compression, 162–163
disc-type, 168
indentifying type, 159–161
installing, 149–151
one-handle cartridge, 165–166
single-body, 152
washerless two-handle, 164
grab bars
backing/blocking, 217
installation, 218
medicine cabinets
recessed, 286
surface-mounted, 285
National Electrical Code and, 144
door installation, 384–385
enclosure installation, 386–390
clogs in, 406
drop-in installation, 27
integral installation, 267
pop-up drains, 404–405
clogs in, 502–505
replacing, 506–509
vanity cabinet installation, 24–25
wall tile installation, 499–501
whirlpool tubs, 552–556
adjusting temperature, 176
deep-set valve removal, 173
indentifying type, 169
replacing tub spouts, 173
scald control, 176
single-handle, 174–176
three-handle, 170–171
two-handle, 172–173
flexible shower adapters, 169
grab bars, 217–218
installation of, 28–31
removal of deep-set faucet valves, 173
sliding door installation, 31–35
tub spouts
replacing, 173
whirlpool tub installation, 552–556
batt insulation, fiberglass
about, 249
installation, 250
beadboard, 13
beating blocks, 476
bedrooms, codes for, 144
bell-hanger’s bit, 575
blanket insulation, 249
blueboard, 133
board and batten siding
painting, 301
replacing, 393
boilers, draining, 337
bracket-mounted fans, 60
brushes (paint)
loading/distributing paint, 299
polyurethane and, 578
selecting, 299
building codes
cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe, 313
egress windows, 561
stairways and, 430–435
See also electrical codes
base installation, 256–257
European hinge adjustment, 259
face-frame, 258
hanging installation, 253–255
island installation, 260
sink installation, 261
recessed, 286
surface-mounted, 285
undercabinet lights, 278–280
about, 571
connecting, 572
installing in walls, 574–575
National Electrical Code and, 143
pigtailing, 573
sizes, 571
carbide grit blades, 471
carbon monoxide detectors, 419
about installing, 36
carpet square installation, 52–55
corner installation, 39
cutting, 38–39
obstructions and, 43
regluing carpet seams, 49
restretching loose, 49
seaming, 39–43
securing/fastening, 44–47
stretching, 44–47
transition strips, 50
trimming excess, 47
carpet edge trimmer, use of, 47
carpet padding, 37
carpet squares, installing, 52–55
cartridge fuses
about, 66
replacing, 67
door, 284
masking, 302
mitered door/window, 287
mitered returns, 288
window, 568–570
backsplash installation, 476
bullnose base trim and, 493
egress window installation, 565
grab bar installation, 218
kitchen sink installation, 261
lap siding installation and, 269
paint preparation, 296
shower enclosures, 389
stucco repair and, 446
tile countertop installation, 485
vinyl siding installation, 400
wall tile installation, 501
window installation, 559
wood shingle/shake siding installation, 583
cedar shakes/shingles
installing, 56–59
obstructions and, 57–59
ceiling boxes, 60
ceiling fans
ball-and-socket fans, 60
bracket-mounted fans, 60
direct-mount fans, 60
downrod ceiling fans, 61
installation, 60–61
ceiling panels. See acoustic tiles; suspended ceilings
acoustic tile, 62–63
ceiling fans
installation, 60–61
crown molding and, 519
electrical safety, 146
floating joists for drywall, 113
insulation, 249–250
joists, furring strip installation, 202
leaks and, 353
recessed installation, 273–274
replacing, 270–272
track lighting, 275–277
painting, 304
popcorn, 107
notches/holes in, 293
skylight shafts, 417–418
about, 426
Sound Transmission Class ratings, 427
suspended installation, 450–453
textured drywall, 106–109
ceiling tile, acoustic, 62–63
cellulose insulation, 249
finishing, 472
hanging, 471–472
installation, 186–187
radiant heat and, 335
tile countertop installation, 479–481
tile floor installation, 487
cementboard joint tape, 472
cement floors. See concrete floors
ceramic tile
hole in, 467–468
irregular notches, 466
mosaic tile, 467
snap cutters, 463
square notches in, 464–465
tile nippers, 465–466
wets saws, 464
floor tile
installation, 486–492
regrouting, 469–470
regrouting, 469–470
wall tile, 499–501
See also tiling
ceramic tile bits, 468
chair rail, 510–511
check valves, 449
chimneys, 369–370
circuit breaker panels
about, 64–65
circuit breakers, 66–67
safety and, 146
subpanels, 65
circuit breakers
AFCI, 66
in electrical circuits, 138
GFCI, 66
resetting, 67
safety and, 146
types, 66
clear coat. See polyurethane
about, 406
traps, 406
toilet, 502–505
closet auger, 505
plunging, 504
closet augers, 505
CO detectors, 419
cold-water supply, 329
composition shingles. See asphalt shingles
compression fittings
attaching fixture shutoffs, 320–321
for conduit, 68
joining copper pipe with, 321
concrete floors
cracks in, 10
holes in, 10–11
leveling, 8–9
patching, 10–11
patching, 10–11
subfloor panels, 8
sump pumps, 448–449
concrete fortifier, 520
concrete patching compound, 179
concrete primer, 179
bending, 70
connecting nonmetallic, 71
fill capacity and, 69
grounding and, 68
radiant heat and, 335
undercabinet lights and, 279
wire/cable and, 68
convection, 336
cookie-cutter tools, for carpet repairs, 48
coping saws, 512–513
copper pipe
compression union fittings, 321
cutting, 316
flare fitting, 322–323
soldering, 317–318
cordless drills, setting clutch, 112
cords, lamp, 326–327
about, 98
archways, 100
corner caps, 101
curved walls, 104
drywall repairs and, 120
finishing drywall and, 124
archways, 100
pitched ceilings, 113
drywall finishing and, 126, 128
three-way corners, 99
three-way corners, 99
drywall finishing and, 128
vinyl bullnose corner bead, 101
outside corners, 116
counterbore plugs, 229
post-form installation, 72–75
tiled, 477–485
CPVC pipes
cutting, 94–95
solvent gluing, 96–97
crawlspaces, 18
cripple rafters, 412
cripple studs, 200–201
cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe
about, 310–311
advantages, 313
building codes, 313
connecting, 314
fittings, 311
installation, 312
selecting, 313
tools for, 311
crown molding
about installation, 514
backer blocks for, 516
gauge blocks, 515
installation, 517–519
installation order, 515
sagging ceilings and, 519
cup hinges, 259
cutting templates, 377
deadbolt locks
installing, 80
deep-set ratchet wrenches, 169, 170
detail scrapers, 295
device boxes. See electrical boxes
dimmer switches
anatomy of, 457
installation, 458
dining rooms, codes for, 144
discharge hoses
disconnecting, 76
lengthening, 78
reconnecting, 77
food disposers and, 195
installing, 76–79
diverter valves
kitchen sprayers, 157–158
repairing compression, 171
tub/shower faucets and, 169, 170–171
doorbell chime units
replacing, 84
testing, 83
installation, 81
replacing chime units, 84
replacing switches, 84
testing nonfunctional, 82–83
doorbell switches
replacing, 84
testing, 82
doorbell transformers, 82–83
bifold, 85
non-prehung installation, 88–90
prehung door installation, 86–87
preparation for painting, 296
floating flooring around, 182
headers, 199–201
housewrap and, 241–242
installing deadbolts, 80
interior, 251–252
lap siding and, 266
linoleum tiles around, 284
mitered casings for, 287
installation, 91–93
sliding bathtub, 31–35
soundproofing and, 428
steel framing and, 440
metal sash frames, 445
repairing, 443
tile floor installation, 491
vinyl siding installation, 396
wood shingle/shake siding installation, 582
double-hole pipe straps, 68
downdraft cooktop units, 340
downrod ceiling fans, 61
dry wells and, 22–23
gutter systems
vinyl, 219–220
regrading and, 22
drain cleaners, 503
drain kits, 409
bathtub, 29–31
sink installation and, 26–27
drain strainer, 30
drain-waste-overflow (DWO) pipes
bathtubs, 30–31
drain-waste-vent lines
about, 94
in home plumbing system, 329
plastic pipe
cutting, 94–95
solvent gluing, 96–97
drip cap, 560
drip edge, 348
drive pins, 330
drop-in sinks, 27
dropped ceilings. See suspended ceilings
drum sanders, 232–233
abuse-resistant, 133
cornerbead, 100
hanging, 105
back blockers, 119
bevel-cutting, 110
caulk and, 120–121
floating joists, 113
hanging, 111–112
recessed lighting, 274
about, 98
archways, 100
corner caps, 101
curved walls, 104
drywall finishing and, 128
three-way corners, 99
vinyl bullnose corner bead, 101, 116
crown molding installation and, 519
curved walls
flexible drywall, 102, 104–105
deadmen (T-braces), 110–112
decorative products, 133
dented, 120
fiberglass mesh tape, 120–122
finishing sequence for, 126
fire-resistant, 133
about, 110
inside corners, 115
L-bead, 101
moisture-resistant, 133
mold-resistant, 133
bathtubs and, 28
mudding, 127–129
outside corners, 116
plaster-base, 133
popped nails, 120
cracks in, 121
dents, 120
patching holes in, 122–123
popped nails, 120
sanding compound, 130–131
setting drill clutch and, 112
skylight shafts, 418
soffits, 422
sound-resistant, 133
about, 106
knock-down, 108
orange peel, 107
popcorn ceiling, 107
stipple, 108
swirl, 109
troweled, 109
three-way corners
cornerbead, 99
types of, 132–133
finished surface abutting, 117
gable walls, 117
inside corners, 115
metal stud walls, 118
outside corners, 116
wood-framed, 114
wet bending, 105
drywall repair clips, 120, 123
drywall repair patches, 120, 122–123
dry walls, defined, 13
drywall saws, 278
dry wells
about, 22
installing, 23
sealing furnace, 13
soffits and, 422
soundproofing and, 428
vent fans, 521–523
edge sanders, 232–233
edge tiles
bull nose, 482
cutting, 481
egress windows
about, 561
building codes and, 561
electrical boxes
about, 134
ceiling lights and, 271
electrical circuits and, 141
fill chart for, 134
National Electrical Code and, 141, 143
soundproofing and, 428
specifications for, 137
steel framing and, 439
surface-mounted, 333
types of, 135–136
undercabinet lights and, 278–279
electrical circuits
about, 138–139
AFCI, 419
hardwired smoke detectors and, 419
electrical codes
electrical boxes, 141
highlights of, 143–144
wall switches, 454
electrical metal tubing (EMT), 69, 70
electrical panels
about, 64–65
National Electrical Code and, 143
safety and, 145
electrician’s tape, 572
basics of, 140–141
glossary of terms, 142
safety and, 145–146
electric meters, 140
emery cloths, 317
EMT (electrical metal tubing), 69, 70
endcap laminates, 73–74
energy efficiency
appliances, 12
programmable thermostats, 459
windows, 558
European hinges, 259
expanding foam, 308
extension cords
GFCI, 361
safety and, 146
exterior aprons, insulation, 14–15
exterior doors
installation, 88–90
installation, 86–87
exterior walls
basement insulation, 12
installing, 241–242
vs. felt paper, 241
painting preparation, 294–295, 296
patio doors, 305–308
lap siding, 265–269
extruded polystyrene, 13
face-frame cabinets, 258
fall-arresting gear, 362
fan braces, 60
gutter attachment, 147, 219, 221–222
installation, 147–148
aluminum soffits and, 423–425
painting, 301
aluminum fascia and, 147
faucet grease, 161
ball-type, 167
installing, 149–151
single-body, 152
common problems, 160
compression, 162–163
disc-type, 168
identifying type, 159–160, 161
one-piece with sprayer, 156
pullout faucet installation, 154–155
removal, 153
sprayer repair, 157–158
one-handle cartridge, 165–166
repair kits for, 161
replacement cartridges, 168
deep-set valves, 173
identifying type, 169
scald control, 176
single-handle, 174–176
three-handle, 170–171
tub spout replacement, 173
two-handle, 172–173
washerless two-handle, 164
See also sinks
felt paper
asphalt shingles and, 365
cedar shake/shingle installation and, 56
as roofing underlayment, 347
vs. housewrap, 241
wood shingle/shake siding installation, 580
installation, 186–187
as underlayment, 184
fiber-cement board, 471
finishing sanders, 295
fire-resistant drywall, 133
fish tape, 575
fixture shutoff valves, 320–321
flanged plungers, 504
flare fittings, 322–323
about roofing, 349
asphalt shingles and, 367–371
bending, 350
calculating need, 345
cedar shake/shingle installation and, 56, 57
installing valley, 350
removing old, 346
repairing joints around, 354
rubber adhesive, 373
skylight installation, 413–414
vent fans, 521
window installation, 557–560
flashing tape
entry doors and, 86–87
patio doors, 308
window installation, 557–560
flexible drill bits, 575
flexible drywall, 133
archways, 105
flexible metal conduit, 68, 70. See also conduit
flexible shower adapters, 169
flexible track, 102
flight of stairs, defined, 430
floating floors
installing, 180–182
obstacles and, 183
resilient tile
about, 528
reference lines for, 528–529
replacing, 537
sheet vinyl
about, 374
cutting templates, 377
no-glue, 380–381
patching, 535–536
tips for, 376
vinyl plank, 525–527
flooring adhesive, 228
flooring nailers, 230–231
flooring rollers, 496
floor leveler, 8
applying, 179
bathtub installation and, 28
vinyl plank flooring and, 525–527
whirlpool tubs, 553
floor-patching compound, 185
floor rollers, 375
about installation, 36
carpet square installation, 52–55
cutting, 38–39
obstructions, 43
regluing carpet seams, 49
restretching loose, 49
securing/fastening, 44–47
stretching, 44–47
transition strips, 50–51
trimming excess, 47
ceramic tile
bullnose base trim, 493
installation, 486–492
regrouting, 469–470
repairing, 494
cracks in, 10
installing carpeting on, 36, 37
leveling, 8–9
patching, 10–11
cutting, 183
installation, 180–182
obstacles and, 183
floor leveler application, 179
hardwood flooring
acclimating, 227
counterbore plugs, 229
finishing, 231
installing, 228–231
preparing for installation, 227–228
refinishing, 232–234
repairs, 235–237
marking, 227
notches/holes in, 293
linoleum tiles
about, 281
installation, 283–284
seaming, 39–43
floating floors and, 180
types of, 184
floor scrapers, 536
floor vents, 47
floor-warming systems. See radiant heating systems
fluorescent light fixtures, 190–191
flush valves, 508
flux, 317
foam insulation, rigid
apron installation, 14–15
basement insulation, 13
interior basement walls, 16
foam spray insulation, 560
foam vinyl siding underlayment, 395
food disposers
installation, 192–195
kitchen traps and, 408
removing, 192
force cups, 503–504
foundation walls
cracks in
sealing, 20
egress windows, 562–564
furring strips, 202–203
concrete walls
adjacent partition walls, 203
furring strips, 202–203
curved walls, 102–103
egress windows, 564–565
grab bars, 217
housewrap and, 241
installing wires/cable in walls, 574–575
joists, 293
patio doors, 306–308
rafters, 293
shower enclosures, 386–387
skylights, 412–413
skylight shafts, 415–418
soffits, 421–422
specifications for, 293
staggered-stud partition walls, 429
steel stud, 441–442
about, 439
cementboard installation and, 471–472
doors, 440
joining, 442
tips for, 440
tools for, 440
walls, 441–442
studs for, 197
vent fans, 522
wall raising vs. nailing in place, 196
constructing, 197–199
holes/notches, 207
plumbing, 198
recessed medicine cabinets, 286
stud size/spacing, 204–205
top/bottom plate construction, 206
wood grades and, 204
whirlpool tubs, 552–554–5
friction washers, 156
frieze boards (siding), 266, 268–269
frost-proof silcocks, 401–403
fuel oil systems, 336
full-spread vinyl flooring, 375, 382
furnace ducts, 13
furring strips
acoustic tile and, 62–63
basement/concrete walls, 202–203
fuse boxes
replacing, 67
types, 66
safety and, 146
in electrical circuits, 138
safety and, 146
vinyl siding installation, 396, 400
wood shingle/shake siding installation, 583
garage doors
out-of-plumb tracks, 209
replacing weather stripping, 211
sensors and, 212
tune-ups, 208–212
garbage disposals. See food disposers
gate diverters, 169
gauge blocks, 515
GFCI circuits
radiant heat and, 334
vent fans, 521
whirlpool tubs, 552
GFCI extension cord, 361
GFCI receptacles
multiple-location protection, 215–216
single-location protection, 214
wiring of, 213
grab bars
backing/blocking for, 217
installation, 218
baseboard heaters, 239–240
electrical circuits and, 138, 140
electrical panels and, 64
high-voltage receptacles and, 342
metal conduit and, 68
National Electrical Code and, 144
replacing, 343–344
subpanels and, 65
switches and, 454
backsplash installation, 476
mixing, 491
regrouting tile, 469–470
tile countertop installation, 485
tile floor installation, 491–492
tile repairs, 494
wall tile installation, 501
grout sealer, 470, 485, 492, 501
gutter guards, 224
gutter sealant, 221–222
gutter systems
aluminum fascia and, 147, 219, 221–222
leaky joints in, 225
maintaining, 223
patching, 224
patching metal, 225
rehanging sagging, 224
replacing metal sections, 227
installing, 221–222
unclogging, 224
vinyl snap-together installation, 219–220
gypsum, 132
gypsum board. See drywall
hallways, codes for, 144
hand augers, 407
codes for, 434–435
construction, 438
hardboard, 280
hardwood flooring
acclimating, 227
finishing, 231
installing, 228–231
plugging counterbores, 229
preparing for installation, 227–228
refinishing, 232–234
repairs, 235–237
hardwood thresholds, 50
harnesses, 362
heat alarms, 419
heat guns, 375
painting preparation, 294
sheet vinyl patches, 535
end-cap thermostats, 240
installation, 239–240
multiple heaters, 240
planning, 238
hot water
about, 336
bleeding radiators, 338
draining and filling, 337
radiant heat, 334–335
about, 336
bleeding radiators, 338
draining and filling, 337
hex wrench
bathroom faucet installation, 150
hinge leaf mortises, 90
European hinges, 259
partial wrap overlay, 258
hose weights, 154
hot-glue seam tape, 41–43
hot water heating
about, 336
bleeding radiators, 338
draining and filling, 337
hot water supply, 329
installing, 241–242
vinyl siding and, 395
vs. felt paper, 241
hydraulic cement, 20
hydronic systems. See hot water heating; steam heating
ice and water shield, 56
ice dams, 351
ice guard, 348
about, 243–244
connecting, 244–245
installation of, 246–248
IMC (intermediate metal conduit), 69, 70
of basement wall, 12
of exterior basement aprons, 14–15
interior basement walls, 16
patio doors, 308
steel framing and, 439
types of, 249
water heaters and, 546
window installation, 560
integral sink/countertops
interior doors
installation, 91–93
extending jambs, 252
installation, 251–252
intermediate metal conduit (IMC), 69, 70
International Residential Code (IRC), 561
ionizing detectors, 419
jack studs, 199–200
joint compound
about, 124
drywall repairs and, 120–123
finishing sequence for drywall, 126
mixing, 126
sanding, 130–131
textured effects and, 106–109
joint tape, 120
about, 124
taping drywall and, 126–128
furring strip installation, 202
resilient steel channels and, 429
skylight shaft installation, 416
soffit framing and, 421
junction boxes. See electrical boxes
kerosene, 208
keyhole saws, 278
kickboard, 437
king joists, 416
kitchen islands, 260
base installation, 256–257
decorative valances, 255
European hinge adjustment, 259
face-frame, 258
hanging installation, 253–255
islands installation, 260
sink installation, 261
installing, 72–75
installing, 76–79
drain kits, 409
installation, 410–411
parts of, 408
ball-type, 167
common problems, 160
compression, 162–163
disc-type, 168
indentifying type, 159–160, 161
one-handle cartridge, 165–166
one-piece with sprayer, 156
pullout faucet installation, 154–155
removal, 153
two-handle, diverter valves, 158
washerless two-handle, 164
National Electrical Code and, 144
range hoods, 339–340
clogs in, 407
post-form countertops and, 75
repair, 157–158
replacing, 262
tile backsplash installation, 474–476
tile countertops, 477–485
kitchen sprayers
diverter valves on, 157–158
one-piece faucets, 156
in pullout faucets, 154–155
removal, 153
repairing, 157–158
replacing, 262
kitchen traps
drain kits, 409
installation, 410–411
parts of, 408
knee kickers
for carpet installation, 46
for carpet repair, 49
lacquer thinner, 536
roofing safety and, 360–361
laminate flooring
installing, 180–182
obstacles and, 183
replacing plugs/cords, 326–327
sockets, 263–264
landing, defined, 430
lap siding, 265–269
painting, 301
preparation for paint, 294
replacing, 394
latex adhesive
rubber roofing and, 372–373
laundry rooms
National Electrical Code and, 144
in roofing, 353
diverting, 353
emergency repairs, 354
lifelines (safety gear), 362
light fixtures
recessed installation, 273–274
replacing, 270–272
track lighting, 275–277
in electric circuits, 138–139, 140
troubleshooting, 190–191
replacing plugs/cords, 326–327
sockets, 263–264
National Electrical Code and, 143
safety and, 145
stairway codes and, 430–431
undercabinet, 278–280
light switches. See switches
linoleum knives, 375
linoleum tiles
about, 281
installation, 283–284
linseed oil, 231
living rooms, codes for, 144
load-bearing walls, 204–205
loose fill insulation, 249
loose-lay vinyl flooring, 380–381
main water shutoff valves, 328, 329
masking papers, 302
masking tape, 302
preparing for paint, 297
tuckpointing, 520
masonry bits, 471
masonry caulk, 446
masonry cement, 447
masonry cutting saws, 563
masonry paint, 21
measuring gauge (siding), 267
mechanical rope grabs, 362
medicine cabinets
recessed, 286
surface-mounted, 285
membrane roofing, 372–373
mesh tape, fiberglass, 120–122
about, 124
metal carpet bars, 50–51
metal flashing
bending, 113
floating ceiling joists, 113
mineral spirits
garage doors, 208
sheet vinyl patches, 536
wax toilet rings, 506
basements and, 18–19
preventing, 21
dry wells and, 22–23
regrading and, 22
roof problems and, 352
moisture-resistant drywall, 133, 472
bullnose tile base, 493
chair rail, 510–511
mitered inside corners, 289
mitered outside corners, 291
out-of-plumb corners, 290
out-of-square corners, 292
crown, 514–519
door, 284
quarter-round shoe, 231
removing, 232
masking, 302
mitered door/window, 287
mitered returns, 288
picture rail, 315
staining, 576–577
vinyl cove, 383
wood finishing, 576–577
mold-resistant drywall, 28, 133
molly bolts, 276
mortar jointing tool, 520
mortar raking tools, 520
mosaic tile
backsplash installation, 474–476
cutting, 467
floor tiling with, 488
mud. See joint compound
mullion posts, 557
muriatic acid, 297
nailers, powder actuated, 330–331
nail straps, 68
National Electrical Code
electrical boxes and, 141
highlights of, 143–144
wall switches, 454
natural gas, 336
neutral feeder wires
electrical panels and, 64
subpanels and, 65
neutral services wires, 138
newel posts, 438
NM cable, 68
no-glue vinyl flooring, 380–381
noise reduction. See soundproofing
nosing, defined, 430
orbital sanders, 233
outdoor areas
National Electrical Code and, 144
GFCI, 213
tuckpointing, 520
outlets. See receptacles
overflow coverplate, 31
loading/distributing paint, 299
polyurethane and, 578
selecting, 299
brush/roller use, 300
loading/distributing paint, 299
preparing metal/masonry, 297
preparing walls, 294–295
preparing windows/doors, 296
removing clear finish, 296
selecting brushes/rollers, 299
exterior paint/primer application, 298
ceilings, 304
preparation, 302
walls, 304
paint rollers
loading/distributing paint, 299
selecting, 299
paint scrapers
paint preparation, 295
refinishing floors, 233
panel adhesive
patio doors, 308
shower enclosures, 389
panel lifts, 110
partition walls
carpeting around, 43
framing concrete walls with, 203
staggered-stud, 429
patio doors
framing, 306–308
installation, 306–308
types of, 305
pedestal sinks, 309
perimeter-bond vinyl flooring, 375, 378–379
PEX pipe. See cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe
photoelectric detectors, 419
picture rail, 315
pilot light (water heater), 544
brass valves
soldering, 319
compression fittings, 320–321
cutting, 316
soldering, 317–318
flare fittings, 322–323
compression fittings, 320–321
flare fittings, 322–323
soldered joints
taking apart, 319
pipe joint compound, 172–173, 403
plastic grommets, 440
plastic roof cement
range hoods and, 340
plug fuses
about, 66
replacing, 67
flat-cord, 325
quick-connect, 324
replacing lamp, 326–327
round-cord, 325
types of, 324
plumb bobs
concrete wall framing, 203
curved walls and, 102
skylight shaft installation, 415
stairway construction, 436
plumber’s putty
bathroom faucets, 149
kitchen faucets, 156
kitchen sprayers, 262
kitchen traps and, 410
pop-up drains, 405
bathtub installation and, 29–31
cold-water supply, 329
installing, 76–79
drain-waste-vent lines, 329
food disposers and, 192, 194–195
home systems, 328–329
hot water supply lines, 329
icemaker connection, 244–245
icemaker installation, 246–248
kitchen sink installation, 261
kitchen sprayers, 262
pedestal sinks, 309
pop-up sink drains, 404
silcock installation, 401–403
sump pumps, 448–449
toilet clogs, 502–505
toilet replacement, 506–509
vent lines, 329
water hammer arrestors, 539
whirlpool tubs, 553–556
plumbing stacks, 57
plungers (toilet), 503
flanged, 504
types of, 503
plywood underlayment, 184
polarized plugs, 324
pole sanders, 130
polyethylene vapor barrier, 250
polyethylene pipe. See cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe
applying, 576–578
finished flooring and, 231
refinishing floors, 233
tips for using, 578
popcorn ceiling textures, 107
pop-up sink drains, 404–405
latex-modified, 497–498
polymer-modified, 497–498
premixed, 497–498
post-form countertops, 72–75
powder-actuated tools (PATs)
about, 330
using, 331
power stretchers, for carpet installation, 44–47
Pozidrive screwdrivers, 259
prehung doors
entry, 86–87
interior, 251–252
P-traps, 408–409
pullout hoses, 154
push-in wire connectors, 572
PVC cement
drain-waste-vent lines and, 94, 96–97
nonmetallic conduit and, 71
PVC conduit, 69
PVC pipes
cutting, 94–95
solvent gluing, 96–97
quick-connect plugs, 324
raceways. See surface-mounted wiring systems
radiant heating systems, 334–335
bleeding, 338
control valve replacement, 338
in hot water/steam heating systems, 336
holes/notches in, 293
soffits and, 423
range hood
installing, 339
venting, 340
ratcheting plastic-pipe cutters, 95
razor-edged scrapers, 536
receptacle boxes. See electrical boxes
in electric circuits, 138–139, 141
multiple-location protection, 215–216
single-location protection, 214
sump pumps and, 449
wiring for, 213
high-voltage, 342
National Electrical Code and, 143–144
replacing, 343–344
safety and, 145–146
split-circuit, 343–344
switch-controlled, 343
tamper-resistant, 343
two-slot, 343–344
types of, 341
undercabinet lights and, 278, 280
weather resistance (WR), 213
recessed lighting
finished ceilings, 274
soffits and, 422
unfinished ceilings, 273–274
reciprocating saws
patio doors, 306
aftermarket icemakers, 243, 246–248
about, 243–244
connecting, 244–245
installation of new, 246–248
regrading, 22
relief valves (water heaters), 541
resilient floors
repairs to, 534
resilient tile
about, 528
cutting, 532
reference lines, 528–529
replacing, 537
sheet vinyl flooring
about, 374
cutting templates, 377
no-glue, 380–381
patching, 535–536
tips for, 376
tools for, 375
resilient steel channels, 429
ridge anchors, 362
ridge cap shingles, 358
ridge vents, 357–358
rigid metal conduit, 69
rigid nonmetallic conduit (RNC), 70
rim joists
insulating, 16–17
sump pump discharge and, 449
riser, defined, 430
RNC (rigid nonmetallic conduit)
about, 70
connecting, 71
rollers (paint)
loading/distributing paint, 299
selecting, 299
roof flashing. See flashing
cedar shakes/shingles
installing, 56–59
common problems, 351–352
drip edge installation, 348
emergency repairs, 354
evaluating leaks, 352
ordering supplies for, 345
preparation for, 345–350
removing old, 346
ridge vents, 357–358
roof jacks, 363
roof vents, 359
rubber roofing, 372–373
safety equipment, 360–363
safety tips, 360–361
skylight installation, 413
spot repairs, 354
underlayment installation, 347
See also asphalt shingles; wood shingles/shakes (roof)
roofing cement, 354, 359, 367–368, 523
roof jacks, 363
aluminum fascia
installing, 147–148
calculating roofing area, 345
covering unshingled, 346
lap siding and, 268
roof vents, 340
skylight installation, 412–414
vent fans, 523–524
wood shingle/shake siding installation, 583
roof vents, 359
rosin paper, 227
rotary buffers, 233
rubber roofing, 372–373
electrical panels and, 65
electricity and, 145–146
GFCI receptacles, 213–216
roofing, 360–363
steel framing and, 439–440
sanding sponges, 131
drum sanders/edgers, 232, 232–233
joint compound and, 130–131
wood finishing and, 576–577
sash cords, 567
screw-in connectors, 68
seam glue
carpet installation and, 41
reseaming and, 49
seaming plans, for carpet, 39
seaming tape, rubber roofing, 373
seamless gutters, 220–221
self-adhesive flashing tape
entry doors and, 86–87
skylight installation, 413–414
self-furring metal lath, 447
self-leveling floor underlayment, 525
service masts, 140
safety and, 146
service panels. See electrical panels
setscrew connectors, 68–69
setting compound. See joint compound
sewer lines, 329
sheetrock. See drywall
sheet vinyl flooring
about, 374
cutting templates, 377
no-glue, 380–381
patching, 535–536
repairs, 534
tips for, 376
shield plates, 206
shower doors, 384–385
shower enclosures, 386–390
adjusting temperature, 176
door installation, 384–385
enclosure installation, 386–390
deep-set valve removal, 173
indentifying type, 169
replacing tub spouts, 173
scald control, 176
single-handle, 174–176
three-handle, 170–171
two-handle, 172–173
radiant heat and, 335
receptors, 388
removal of deep-set faucet vales, 173
cleaning, 177
replacing, 177
tub spouts
replacing, 173
patching, 392
replacing end caps, 392
asphalt shingle installation and, 368–369
board and batten
painting, 301
replacing, 393
lap siding
installation, 265–269
preparation for paint, 294
replacing, 394
J-channels, 391
painting, 301
repairing, 391
rubber roofing installation, 373
installation, 395–400
J-channels, 391
patching, 392
wood shingle/shake
installation, 579–583
replacing, 393
siding measuring gauge, 267
siding sanders, 294
silcocks, 401–403
single-hole pipe straps
conduit and, 68
clogs in, 406
drop-in installation, 27
integral sink/top installation, 26–27
clogs in, 406
augering trap arms, 407
traps, 406
drain kits, 409
installation of kitchen, 410–411
parts of kitchen, 408
clogs, 407
drains, 408–411
installation, 261
pedestal, 309
pop-up drains, 404–405
post-form countertops and, 75
See also faucets; food disposers
sink strainer bodies, 410
sister joists, 416
cedar shake/shingle installation and, 58
installing, 412–414
shafts for, 415–418
sliding bathroom doors
installation, 31–35
slimline circuit breakers, 64
slip joints, 409
slip nuts, 409
slip studs (steel), 442
smoke detectors, 419
connecting hardwired, 420
soffit panels
aluminum, 423–425
aluminum fascia and, 147–148
lap siding and, 266
painting, 301
aluminum, 423–425
framed, 421–422
vent fans and, 521
soldering flux, 317
soldering paste, 317
about, 426
ideas for, 428
resilient steel channels, 429
Sound Transmission Class rating, 427
suspended ceilings and, 450
tiling membranes, 495
soundproofing board, 426
sound-resistant drywall, 133
Sound Transmission Class ratings, 427
spackle, 302
crown molding, 518
spackling compound, 120
split-circuit receptacles, 343–344
split studs, 92
spout retrofit kits, 173
spray foam insulation, 249
spray shields
drywall texturing and, 106
staggered-stud partition walls, 429
stair stringers, 436–437
stair tools, 45
stairway, defined, 430
stairway guards
codes for, 434–435
defined, 434
components, 430
construction, 436–437
guards, 434
headroom height, 433
landings, 433
riser height, 432
tread depth, 432
tread nosing, 433
tread slope, 433
width, 431
winder treads, 433
steam heating
about, 336
bleeding radiators, 338
draining and filling, 337
steel framing
about, 439
cementboard installation and, 471–472
doors, 440
joining, 442
tips for, 440
tools for, 440
walls, 441–442
steel tracks
curved walls and, 102–103
cutting standard, 102
storm windows/doors
metal sash frames, 445
repairing, 443
replacing glass, 444
replacing screening, 443
stoves, 339–340
strainer bodies, 408
S-traps, 411
filling cracks, 446
large repairs, 447
mixing, 447
small patches, 446
stucco repair compound, 446
stud crimpers, 440
studs. See framing
aluminum fascia and, 147
aluminum soffits and, 423–425
bathtub installation and, 28
panels in basement, 8
about, 65
installing, 64–65
sump pumps, 448–449
surface mounted wiring systems
about, 332
high-voltage receptacles, 342
parts of, 333
receptacle boxes, 333
suspended ceilings
about, 450
anatomy of, 450
installation, 451–453
switch-controlled receptacles, 343
in electric circuits, 138–139, 141
lamp sockets, 263
National Electrical Code and, 143
safety and, 145
soundproofing and, 428
anatomy of, 454
dimmer, 457–458
end-of-circuit vs. middle-of-circuit, 455
four-way, 454
identifying, 454
single-pole, 454–455
tackless strips
carpet installation and, 36, 47
for carpet transitions, 50–51
tailpieces, 408
tamper-resistant receptacles, 343
acrylic double-face, 381
masking, 302
pre-gummed masking papers, 302
self-adhesive flashing, 557–560
self-adhesive plastic, 302
taping knives, 124, 127–129, 130
corner angle, 315
Teflon tape
bathroom faucet installation, 150
silcock installation, 403
water hammer arrestors, 539
texture compound, 106–109
thermocouple (water heater), 548–549
baseboard heaters, 240
electric heaters
line-voltage, 459
electric water heaters, 550
heating systems
line-voltage, 459
low-voltage, 459–460
mercury thermostats, 462
programmable, 459–460
programmable installation, 461–462
types of, 459
radiant heat and, 335
water heater, 547
conduit and, 68–69
thinset adhesive, 475, 493, 499
thinset mortar
cementboard installation and, 186–187
dry-set, 497
mixing, 498
radiant heat and, 335
shower enclosure installation, 388
tile countertop installation, 481, 483–484
tile floor installation, 487–490
tiling membranes and, 496
trowels for applying, 498
types of, 497
wall tile installation, 499–500
whirlpool tubs, 555
See also tiling
thin-wall conduit benders, 70
three-tab shingles. See asphalt shingles
tile adhesive (mastic), 475, 493, 499
tile nippers, 465–466
"buttering", 484
cutting holes in, 467–468
irregular notches in, 466
mosaic tile, 467
regrouting, 469–470
snap cutters, 463
square notches in, 464–465
tile nippers, 466
wet saws, 464
for edges, 481–482
backsplash installation, 474–476
cutting, 467
replacing, 494
sealing, 492
about, 528
cutting, 532
reference lines for, 528–529
repairs, 534
See also flooring; tiling
backer board
finishing, 472
hanging, 471–472
types of, 471
backsplash installation, 474–476
bullnose base trim, 493
cementboard underlayment and, 186
countertop installation, 477–485
floor tile
installing, 486–492
regrouting, 469–470
repairing, 494
radiant heat and, 335
sealing grout, 470, 485, 492, 501
walls, 499–501
See also thinset mortar; tiling membranes
tiling membranes
crack-isolation/anti-fracture, 495
installing isolation, 496
sound isolation, 495
types of, 495
uncoupling, 495
waterproofing, 495
See also tiling
timers, 335
toggle bolts
track lighting, 276
toilet flanges, 507
toilet plungers, 503
flanged, 504
types of, 503
clogs in, 502–505
closet augers, 505
plunging, 504
installation, 507–509
removing, 506
traps, 503
toilet tank bolts, 507
tongue-and-groove flooring. See hardwood flooring
cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe, 311
resilient flooring, 375
steel framing, 440
track lighting, 275–277
transition strips
for carpeting, 50–51
trap arms
augering, 407
drain kits, 408
trap assemblies. See kitchen traps
tread, defined, 430
tree limbs, overhanging, 352
bullnose tile base, 493
chair rail, 510–511
coping, 512–513
mitered inside, 289
mitered outside, 291
out-of-plumb, 290
out-of-square, 292
crown molding, 514–519
linoleum tiles around, 284
painting, 301
preparing for paint, 295–297
quarter-round shoe, 231
masking, 302
mitered door/window, 287
mitered returns, 288
picture rail, 315
staining, 576–577
vinyl cove molding, 383
wall tile, 500
window stool/apron, 568–570
wood finishing, 576–577
tub surround, 31
tuck-pointers, 520
tuckpointing, 520
tuckpointing mortar, 520
tung oil, 231
tungsten carbide blades, cutting tile with, 465, 468
two-slot receptacles, 343–344
type X drywall, 133
UF cable, 68
cementboard installation, 186–187
floating floors and, 180
panel installation, 188–189
plywood installation, 185
roofing, 347
self-leveling, 525
types of, 184
vinyl siding and, 395
underlayment panels, 184, 188–189
Underwriters Laboratories, 145
utility rooms, codes for, 144
valve grease, 161
anti-scald, 176
balancing, 176
bathroom faucet, 149–150
boiler, 337
faucet repair and, 160, 165, 167
fixture shutoff, 320–321
kitchen sprayers, 157
main water shutoff, 328
radiator control, 338
soldering brass, 319
sump pump check, 449
fill, 508
flush, 508
cabinet installation, 24–25
drop-in sink installation, 27
integral sink/countertop installation, 26–27
vapor barrier, skylight shafts and, 415, 418
vapor barrier tape, 250
vent fans
installation, 522–524
installation depiction, 521
mounting kits for, 521
ratings, 521
selecting, 521
polyurethane application and, 578
range hoods, 339–340
systems, 329
water heaters, 543
vent pipes, 368
vertical panel siding, painting, 301
vinyl adhesive
cornerbead and, 98–99, 100, 125
vinyl bullnose corner bead and, 101
vinyl cove molding, 383
vinyl gutter systems, 219–220
vinyl plank flooring
acclimating, 525
installation, 526–527
self-leveling underlayment, 525
vinyl siding
installation, 395–400
J-channels, 391
patching, 392
vinyl tile
about, 528
cutting, 532
reference lines for, 528–529
repairs, 534
replacing, 537
vinyl tile adhesive, 535–537
chair rail and, 510
installation, 538
wallboard. See drywall
wallboard tape, fiberglass-mesh, 187
drywalling, 105
furred out, 202–203
insulating, 12
moisture and, 18–19
sealing cracks in, 20
drywall and, 104–105
installation, 102–103
back blockers, 119
finished surface abutting, 117
gable walls, 117
inside corners, 115
metal stud walls, 118
outside corners, 116
wood-framed, 114
dry walls, 13
drywall texture, 106–109
electrical safety and, 146
exterior apron
insulation, 14–15
fiberglass batt insulation, 249–250
insulating, 12
framing, 196–199
headers, 199–201
holes/notches, 207
joining framed walls, 201
stud size/spacing, 204–205
top/bottom plate construction, 206
wood grades, 204
installing wires/cables in, 574–575
painting, 304
about, 426
ideas for, 428
resilient steel channels and, 429
Sound Transmission Class ratings, 427
staggered stud partition walls, 429
staggered stud, 429
steel framing, 441–442
tiles, 499–501
See also switches
water barriers, 471
water hammer arrestor, 539
water heaters
common problems, 547
cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe and, 312
draining, 540
attaching, 544
replacing heating elements, 551
replacing thermostats, 550
attaching, 542–544
cleaning burners, 548
repairing, 546–549
replacing thermocouple, 548–549
gas vs. electric, 545
installation, 540–544
maintaining, 547
waterproof paint
basement moisture and, 21
wax finishing, 231
wet saws, 464
whirlpool tubs
drain hookups for, 556
electrical requirements for, 552
winder tread, defined, 430
about, 561
building codes and, 561
installation, 562–566
energy efficiency and, 558
preparation for painting, 296
flashing and, 557
headers, 199–201
housewrap and, 241–242
installation, 558–560
mitered casings for, 287
sash cord replacement, 567
metal sash frames, 445
repairing, 443
replacing screening, 443
suspended ceilings and, 450
stools/aprons, 568–570
vinyl siding installation, 396, 399
window wells
building codes and, 561
installation, 562–566
wood shingle/shake siding installation, 582
window wells
basement moisture and, 21
covering, 21
installation, 562–566
wire connectors, 572
about, 571
colors, 571
connecting, 572
installing in walls, 574–575
pigtailing, 573
See also wiring
wire solder, 318
baseboard heaters, 239–240
ceiling fan installation, 60–61
ceiling light replacement, 270–272
circuit breaker panels, 64–65
connecting wires, 572
dishwasher installation and, 76–79
doorbells and, 81–83
food disposers and, 193
furring strip framing, 203
fuse boxes, 64–65
hardwired smoke detector connections, 420
lamp sockets, 263–264
National Electrical Code and, 143
patio doors and, 306
pigtailing wires, 573
flat-cord, 325
quick-connect, 324
round-cord, 325
types of, 324
range hoods, 339
end-of-run, 343
GFCI, 213–216
middle-of-run, 343
recessed lighting, 273–274
shield plates in framing, 206
surface-mounted, 332–333
track lighting, 275–277
undercabinet lights, 278–280
vent fans, 522–524
wall switches
copper wire and, 454
dimmer, 457–458
end-of-circuit vs. middle-of-circuit, 455
four-way, 454
single-pole, 454–455
wood filler, epoxy, 295
wood finish, 576–578
wood glue, 569
wood putty
crown molding, 518
flooring repairs, 237
wood shingles/shakes (roof), replacing, 356
wood shingles/shakes (siding)
corners, 579
double-course installation, 579
installation, 579–583
replacing, 393
staggered butt–course installation, 579
wood stain, 576–577
zinc strips, 352